t, #ity'3 ii..11,....,,,-- ~..... : -:...?-kt ,ii ~:vi *i....,a, ' tsc in •••• ,, Za'i -4, , ; , r. , -.-'`' ,-,: .c •'• t • 11 ?Y''''''''t . :!: --.li l o ::.' is Co' ,„„„ ..,,itlia . ontrnitte rt a ea itir"oot !titigiF .O forrec an ,b ,- ;titiLit it,; , .xisilrtit fakttbis *e' , Wtos, ,Vif Itt;:rti , tt ; :in'tlit''V4:aplifil:.l - or. et It iffibli naofatst,y;-afti!e public , Axpebse. - .-I'lle,.lTato'n. rsena,Bl44l!4t'sv,nry tit-bit , of.gossip has benn engstlk,ntntlitiynti 'against . the Presi4ent, and, , nvi.trilitaititiittat)' iilfree-fteeltei.'. - antl balite(' 04 . '0474 rallea A n considering,"the priquilices of tlie cominittee and, the. ; molleofextadi ' igal ion,it'Would 'be •sn r- Prksing, iti!iteit. • 1 0 , .. slAcc*C4o i"•P'. Ol FjPg•- resmathiltVwearinvii ;sitspiciousf - look. The IaVIC ha taber 't ribun al a rte 4 -, Whie h theC D M, toit4.4es modelled, , . ar;iyi contrived 't0'.61).; asmi the Oast, sat iifric tory evidence flga t - , as.l4r. , Covoilejs ,pledged • only l,i'Weirzciiie•ilide; , he.tcantiot , help‘makiUg • out smile soi!t•ii. , ease. , "Hitt with all ;the -vatilagesoa theside 0f,i!.119, , a , i.1.!iers yi:e'dd not seelhat a pirticle itt;iltite.tjtestionny,has given•which tends to : implicate •the President: tnieraresaird'insihatitior l is'are :abundant; t bu every eacontegetnent iv,giVen,,, for , the, product tioa'of . ditoetletitiitony. , absence of. such irnitiinai); . ,.iiiiiiyie; . tlitit• it 'does; not ' enciteAreb(loir;aci':'teStimer . ii: ,blll4 weight wb;ntl i fit Pal.tX ifPPliCatei:llPdh;as/ the rPrOrtu iiitrol repelling Ahenv„ , a,iul fails,; but' in; this ?de Oppfirteti ity:hal been o ff ered ! . - • thttleipnd?tit,enCh4ft resolution i nal i tieglhe ; covoileßni,innittee l pri?viled for an in quiry ia.-ta,erhether.money. wee -.employed to . earrt.itactions irt Pennsjdvania, .and in any 011ie 'Si& tliestrieunt• so need ' what • die (Oil's; bre o .'l l r r is roving, coinniiisien'vhas ipeetyniede the, excuse for ,in- ittiryintrPthe'indieldnal - snd private affairs to kinyhir'CrAtf;,ifiimtr*ii Of the betiinCretie i349,KMPl!!k ile Y , VP c s l l 6 ..o,oo7 iii i,f ih AY` rhori they got theigictony,,',.. 'TAO impeytinent,unif nn : .warranted 'inquiry has been directed particular ly 'against' Getieril Plater, 'the Demiwni tic can d idierilOrSfoOvei l niii of n iylvn ni a; On doubt at the, instance of. Mr„Cotede, wpo comes from . the Same ilitdritt end bears-the grudge of;a un r to* mintttovolirdchiss I;igkquinded anil noble wil'ef;ianined in'a.- certaini.f . Yon"eeti, nry,..F,6 4! ‘ cr . . $250-4,; issiscin teeeting,hie.fxpenses when ho can - . vassedr the , WestmOrtind diitriet in 1850 against' Covede,-aid trumpeted to, the worlil i ss*stirtlitur-;Cylence,;of ,rotroP tion—a plot or General prirter'f to purchase the ,Wetirniailand:dittrkt with the sum ht $2 . 50. .IrestMlr:Wittiithir bionght 'horotarit to testify thatilkiltellitiritbppliett tie' hint for-a loot' , of sllllo'in(heyeiii4llsff, itullhat he (Witte) pro miffed to Coninly t tilit iftetwards' bitched -out. NoWilte.:llTitti - ii•fiee private eit igen . .and Mr, Fioiter•Witi aiiiivite'eititeliCand4uy tratistie • hit Ween Ahein "were of a' private nature, whidi Should have been'resPected conlidetp: Coililide'COmMittee had' OO linsiness to 'inquire sheet them,. and : Mr. Witti should not iiitetvered quest'ion ' s' 'relat ing to this mitten{': Msny sk , ,Witin, in the ramie „position wookliiii've sealed his lips , and tried the 'newer of thitiCiimiiittee tociititpeehirn diecloiie his eolilidentateorrrespon Yemen coneerriin private allireiti the Very lest eititqriity, befere`Yield• iikto 'Ouch unwarranted assumPtion of au thority: :Nit:the information thus 'exhorted Or irelonteerell,itcparided to the "werldal'a wok deficit disetostire, whin an reatitV it amounts to nothing'More startling than :Mr. Witte did not lend Poster money to persist' him in the canvass itglinit Covride. • But now we ' come to the Curious part of this Ciijmde Investigating' Coinmittee, ' It was all very amusing'to the Republicans as•long :as the inquiry was 'confined, to 'tine side,' but. Mr. .. • • • Winslow, the Democratic member, determined l • i r tip it, whether it ow:Mid troll 'both 'ways . ; so OPeitieW tolithkmon Witneisiis from Luzerne M 7, having been informed that' large sums tit Witobrir bad bgen *het!' to secure the election of M. thliiitoit to 'the .House. Thie Irelpiest • was refdied by 'the committee. '. -Then .he" ppo.'. posed' hi summon witnesses who, he understood; coaltiwuriciwruptien in:Westmorland county. • Ccirritte,cof courseibbjeefed to this i , itwds rim:. ill bite bear:bums tn•be . cbmiortable; .arid. the yoqueit wit; rejected,. 'The .. reasons. givenlior, , tbietefusal bit Covode • were characteristic.,- fte•did"bot Solitilit to aubject the . . Government' to thi•e*Peissr of..summening -them. .This wile ' • rosiliifter.ineursing. heavy expenses in: sum. widiiiiigirritnesses to te‘tify on the other side. The ehlt.iihri*,ion . was, that the witnesses had un:c;rectioft‘,iiit the Gevernment. Cminde. tuit • rstefurtifit i Aili; work, was to hunt flov4i the d.cirtiritiiiipliptit 6ii`t'aii l i testimony whiCh was • itor_agaiiiet , the tiernment was inadmisaible. titi i ijk lit i,ar:. ,, iikiegh tii . w.tinelfe crest , . the es. ursuce Or tis`stopMit.pesukh an, answer.— 'li -."' ' 4 brou g htthe recordo f th . .1 . ' - ir. Bririshwri , .e corn ' rilitiee.'t:ila iii4ighin of `,the Iroise,: which i!" l !74irecte4 that the , v . v e i , 1 ,P,.1 5 . a#P i : je , o a f6i. . °! k *lk e ilr i l9P.,, 1 4. • ' '.:, -:, :r Itis'pyribiibit that if the course Of- iiitiestigti. l ~ ~ ~, F VF:I ~,,,: ,‘ ;., V,t , i-Cf l . !!! 4 lrf a rrnve . , , P i r n r,r,, r,"frs .T! sfr - i.,..!*!7 f..F.m , .!,,peeri!!4 Coyote #1'1)y" h el ,1, 0,;1 1' POPP% . 411. same . Prir'etl;',4', . or . : examination tci•i'4oA, ii,iovpiih otliete l'aVe? ‘ 4 lPP,',NAtt..tllie, r.!!_ttlf,i ,, it t yt . :,isei r -tair;...levyj t l Ml, ll o l l!,rl!?,?f.Ttittitt. , !..,( if' the 'COM-1 mit titty.fro,lpiprmiti: to itkteml , the ::ar'ea '. el( i i"-' ; Yr!Piti l ltij t t nteli'il. ! I , 4l S",ilEOh to c a ll die "X l Vlkftt° l ik!lMl,l l , ll. 4'!ittii . piTiveih'i;it; ,thjejlgifqtrricate,Mr,.e:o4l.,:coibi3ve'ri;l ‘,Pfill I VAl`lr:e44P'ioitPiiihili:iiik!i4 . .., ,l t Avitfpr 4 ,? , .efivoil,!.atid!,Y:iiie c ßs to :ii.eute l .: vei ''''" hiiqailt;'_":', , iiiiir 6iiiiiiiiir`ii t. eiiiiti;e4 iii g i! i t i . Aft t , lit i ii l .43o:ll7iiiiiriiii:t 9 iti`ii4 . ."..h.jai4iiotiigiiiip''..4". fiiiifigiiiiiit'; ' 1 76'0 ' ' might &11 ilittibliista ` t withellgscope of autherity ' 4,1f1z e. , ..q. , ~,,, a ••.12,. ~ ; 14.1W., iio , , - ' 77 .7,37.1', , :. ' •::- ~ •:? .:k.,,,,,,r 1 1:1 1 1P Mb „le I,ll,rftle!r7 it is wise to ''S.Stiii,'" ''' '',- '` - '....."`.. • . ~ ~ , . .. . . ~....,,.43...,, iFritry, !!F 4 stPftl l . • ql-',' ' ..{.•' '. _ .1?' !:itniy . 'oe , ,nns4oin. 4iiii 4'o in 't t rio'ii*:4 1. , b.1 4 0 o .. ,ii:i;‘ ,' •• 1 0 ,5 4,0 km') . eh)! ''.4htiffo\ tc,4 ' fii...": iiroe4ioitlil . li4 A . ' c 4: ndti ... "%44 Iti4oorig and 'or4/4 A , „.. "N, _ aq , ~4 fi” t 1 .' - adv qtreat - stijneon 01,71 fie ItaSSclign 0! t h e tariff iii 11. iio.W .fore: t,Se liitfi..,..liiki , e.tinile4i:il him to'ihOhfiirks .. of tlieiym:kiiig irie;n . of Peon .. .4ylynohi.. The ree , ord.of Afr.. - Eo'st . er : on .A he . iririff wies . tioh is clear 'arid :abhniihnt:' 11p . .k ;how, and always has ',sea, a strong supporter of h infif!;• forDect.mber:Of 1 . 814, the.halls 01. Cohl.rres nta with his.elapienci. in defence of Petinsklaniit - inteiests.:, in: thei•ourse of n Ipeqel)` : Ilelivi.4hcl Depmber 18, of that,, yeai',. 'Mr.',l;:o4tcr said ; . . . IHe.. . wetild.,atat it ; as a reproneh . . American chereeterj own: State; foreign railroad .iion•had beelt.inid-~oivri within six inches 'of bed§'Of,:.. iron . '. in :life Such iron abounded' in PenOsylvanta Missatiti,'-terinessee.cand.NewJersoyi'and yet foreign railroad Irnfilhad hitherto Leon iniport e4and • laidfdoWn:on all ourrailreads..ll; , wanted to' see..the . tiMe..orrive •when; . bv. the perfee.tiort-of . machinery, by the inerea§ed Skill and, by ;the increased capital- of Pennsylvania, they:, would .'be able to successfully compete 'with foreigner§ swithout•any . protection:.lit nil He knew that.' the time WoOld.l..itip;, but he would tell.gcntlemen' fronithe. South that 'it never would arrive linkus:,rtflimtulia.proleclion w as 'given te our-great interests in' the -begin-. The' Same spirit that prompted tne it't i76itce of these • remarks still.exists in 'the hrenst :of our candidate fur. the gubernatorial chair.. hasheen for. some time, past at, Washingteri usinghia influence to,seettre ikepassifgeof;the• Merril tariff . kne•Ws that ;bill:Fs:one that: will promote the• iotereets:of the State, :of Petinsylvitnia;.,cspec:ally of • the, ivorking and therefore'it is that he is reed,./01.c; MO severe interviews with Mr:Alen:ter, the' chairman of the Senate .'finance.."eiimmittee, and has-urged him repeatedly te.rep , rt the bill to the'Sennte, as • posig*il•by•theflotise,'and use his 'influence for„ its, pasinie there:: • What is the Black Condida'to .for.the. sonic lionOr• Mitrlt'Abe :contrast.:.• While General' roster •is:• at, It'ashington advocating ill'e:passnAe • of the, tariff bill nail ilia interests ol'the '71.11/4 peple, of, Pennsyi ; Curtin •is stumping in Tenrisylvania . in beliall'of nigger . - ism•tindthe and 'advocating doe trmea.that.must-hring. the different sections of the , counteY irrnotagontsm 'to each other, and leadto secession, find .disunion, • ..This. is. The' contrast between the doings of the• Democrat.: , and Republican candidates .for . the . ..highest :Offtii•iitihe gift of lienrisylviinic Read :and r reflect! But not only'is the" election of Mr. Fos ter• required on. the ground .0 hir tarit policy, RieqdilificationS and, ability' to discharge the . dutieseptinettell . 4vith thes.adMinistration . •of, our State •attairs are 'nndbubted, 'rind are such as to commend thO support of all who wish:to see:PennSylvnninPs •governmentstigcessfols as it' has been 'tinder its presCiitrul. With such it noble, champion . of Democracy as our State it4dard bearer, PennriyloaitiaNVill redeim her-, self.,neit October liorn the grasp obtained by the-opposition,' Black ReptibliCan horde, and again . _.present herself in the lead' of 'the Democratic . r,anics . . :- -Pot ' t;v lll .6 . Recoril• • TERRIFIC . . The Clarion Democrat ha s the, ((Mowing ac count of a terrific heil, 7 atorru, and Hurricane which has laid in ruin the Twhole vailley cif Roil. bank in Clarion' Co. • Netier'ir: our history, as an editor, have we been called Ppcn 16 record sn fearful a celaMify ,a,s that which 'visited us upon Wednesday 'last, (30th.).. Aloar, out southern on that morn FO4 •Wit, saw traveling rapidly , from. West to East a,stiipenclotis.'storm cloud, accompanied. with heets of vivid lightning, and a deep" roar- • ing sound;' The rich and beautiful valley of the Red panic is literally wreck- , ,liouses fell, crushing ',around their inmate before they. could escape; burying . the dead and inantileil and living in one common ruin ~ :..To `add to the boirors'of, the „Scene, many of• the, ruins took' fire and' htirned to ashes;. • . , • 'The village of - .Maysville is entirelY dernol infied, not.one building remains standing,twen ty.five buildings, including the. grist and snit.- mills of John Hess,':dwelling.and store ; of, Col:, M'Farland•und Mr.•Hnw's Hotel composed the v.iyage. • The •bridge across Red Bank at .that place-was bloWn down. We 'knew of about twenty persons injuredten of whom "t'ome of the wounded are Mrs' Col. "M'Far land seriously, herielf and one of her ehildren •iinve.,Since Mi. Hess and :family' badly . injured,.... H. Baughman 131iiihtly.' M. CaThe. iinif t lfinwes, badly injured, her 'babe . killed.—: • , ;,,larryarris and, two caldierr:serinusly slightiv, and 'Mathias '..d.ght . ly:_injured. Mrs. Shingedecker slightly .bruised. John Shirk slightly wounded. 'Wm. Sidi:linker both "lega. broken: ' Messrs. Maui ger and.fifts Slightl•y bruised. • B(lattieWSteiiart's wife and child instantly killed, it i 'families of,Messis. Dougherty, HenrY7Striiih, McMiller, and Ste Wart• injured, Wife and daughterof "JOs.-Akn.nn,. fatally .in_ jured. Wife Of Sam'l M'CartneY.batlly hurt. Adam Burt had') injured. We have not space to giie:the full particulars of the 'damage 'done. The'storro was most undOubtedly . one Ofrthe, meat terrific ever - experienced 'in the Slate.— Halt stones measuring fireati'i.to 9 inches in sir •curpferSnce wcrepieked . cp after the,storm had 'Oestmitown HsitsTonss:—A correspondent of the Chicago. Press (P Tribune, writing from Campaign . cotinty; III.; tells the folloWing tough :stbry o...4•Theeprine.hati , been .fruitful 'in hail. steFine. ,. The fell from the storms 1.11e,.:61111,of c.atrie., down almost per:. pendletilaili f , and yet the Itirge'bifong,h'.toitill the 'common Mallard . duck, and the wildgeese in thealoughs, in n umbers, • and left -their. marks on 'newly 'plo*ed grOmitl, like'the4eet 'tn . ( 11:toni.eat On a retentlY,prepas'ed •• ''A io:teeVili*Veiitlfilii l ed,4ddiion • Coonti; 1 1 14detad' May 2*-stiffee'N , ; 4 o Severe' biaek frost is updn the ground this, merhinfoc I think must be ruined; for the ice is an eighth Of •an Ineh thick^ 1:, Wheneyer you are in doubt w. F two things, todo r let,your declaims he (or ;Mkt which' is ight. Don't hesitate, but . square.hp ,to the mark, and do the right:thing. • . . • t*Call •COlniti) nettniCrlit • -- . - 14; 1860. . • S, :PETTEND ILL • I.3CCO'S •.• . Dv Ki:Tisi -•" • ' I; rorh ,/tiod 111 .S I . 17 a.l nl7. . . .I.wrerNi;ll:l.l tic ne. , •,11111. A t zmity, l'ur tit 31'147 tx ‘l. Ijllll . thVtlfoSt .11111ifOlItillP1111,11:9 , gi• iliryit . lntitig,N4:s,hvipors in l; llti•ei.t9l.l, the CPI '1 . 11.1,:a.r1.' yri/.1.10 1.0 i. 9 \itr:itt for . .us . . (.1 Imi•e4f. rates.. • •.. Deihgcratio.Nomination . FOR GO% 13:N01 . HENRY 1 1 081. 1 Elt, OF WESTMORELAND cq. (:en. :George 'M. lyiiti ril 'Vaiaix 14..E.,13.eek1inty.. - • C. Patter.o . n.. I:s' Gen: Jackiion.. 11;: }LAM. G.-13renner. • - 171. 13. Psi:incr. : . ' 18 1 Citrirles Krll y. , 19 'K.' L r 7 • ' ? f.l. • ,s David S . cheip. 21 1 cumin. L. Lichliier. ..2.2 *Siuniiel'i\ 4(1'001.. 10.:S. S: ILtrfier,. , It; T. 11. 12'S. S.' Winchester. : 2;3 GitylorirChiirch.' 13 'Joseph Lanbacli: . . 11ofiAlonATto .Siiymou4. posjtively being 'a eittniittnte at the - : lieltimore Convention. Hon. 11.;i.T4icu' ivriften•itlktr;i : aec.i.ptittg,the iu;niinatippof, VietisPriileiit by N4tional'Onrty.' .: • • • " The Sennte: has conenrrett in the Hduse reset lotion to tnijourn.on the 18th junn; The reply of. the c'hinese:.' to the, ultirenteni of the , . Eeglish, h is.Lee.o fiebillhed ; it .tejtett all the 'proposition., Th9l\lasinchu'9etts.f.pgi. , ..bittire.llos eptiorsed Siprier'sltite peech iir tht!Scutitp, 'by a vote . . . ./1-irleetiilgof - ....he' citizen's will 11n held nt.the, on , Tuesday eve, nine (er the lieepose:.prinaking . rope!: arrangmentsforeclebrating.the"fourtli We expect ta'iae a full , house, . • ,Gsain4r.ni is in Palmero,.haring • taken that eity,.after •a desperate struggle.' The' Royal palace was .burned .hy the poPulace, after, the city. was taken.: It is thought the present re.. • •. . hellion will .ultimately lead toe general Euro pean war. ' . New altered. notel, fives; on the'.Bank or Northiiiidieriand,•Penpsylvonin,nre in circular tiOn:::4'nneiedis the description: s!s, vie: a fain rPiitneelini,. , and binding „iherives, n ,fernale carying arsheafi.men reapini., and : house in . the dklatine; dogs,head on left end, • • , .• The pay Assistant,•Maithals are ' , to.receive for 'takir4 the ciiises, is . two cents per: head, I'M. the populatiop:enunierated; the: same for each death; fifteen cents for, leach industrial es tablishment, and:ten: Cents'fcir each farm of which'ihey report: the statistics. • They also receive travelling Tee , neCassary ;to the die chafge of te:eir duties. • • • • Our exchanges:are already .mentioning the appearance of : locusts., — FiFsetrie places • the trees are. completely covered hy 'the masses ihtit ding to them. The destructithi of 'thou sands, seems to not diminish the number. We:haVa been favored by the:publisher, ti•ith an ,elegant colored diagram oflbegreat eclipse of the sin}, which•will take plaCe on the'.lBth proximo. It .shows the exact appearance" the sun wilA have, at the time 'of . its:greatest Ob , scuraticn . ; noting the variatiOn in time, in the different. ihtitucles., , It alsd 'contains'n good chapter in , Astruncimy, in which is n history.of this eclipse,' &T.' Send 13' cents to ABA'. H, Smcrir, Post Office Station E, .9th Avenue N..Y: Mr. WILKIN is no W engitged • taking the. cep ; sus of this county. The. statistics- gathered, by-the Marshal is of importance, and an swers should-be prepared with : care and gi'vert without hesitation. :A refusal' to answer the rpiestions in the schedule, Subjacta the p.rson so refusing•to t3o„Which can be sued and collected;for . the S..- •• • ' AuvlinTienatenrs.— . 7 We often hear people say they. dott'f• read thaadveitisements in a news pap•r., If they •tell the truth,' all we have to say is, they lose half the value.of the paper IhUreby. • Tlipre is-nothing in any• papor--not even the best condueteelocal column—that so . truthfully'reflects ihe•buainess r character and population of a city.or courdYgts the advertise merits in the 'newsriaper• Show : us a.. paper 'well filled with business advertisements, and we will , show you a town . prospering in all its relattons, surrotlndedhka,•community intelli gent,-enierprising and prosperous: Is it not strange; *aye the Erie Observer, that . a politician :who,•while• his own countrymen were evvClteying:on the bloody fields of .a for eign country, refused to vote-them needed sup. pliesothOuld be the author of doctrine..involt: wing an "irrepressible, eonflictin the heart of his own hind.: Thisis — the "Record" of Mr. Abrahatn ! Re- voted along , with Cor win>to withhold Suppliell from our sufferlngeol diers in Mexico, and he announced the "irre pressible conflict" six months befdre Mr: Sew ard repeatd it at Eochester: • • • . • • WasuirloToN l'autiny advertises to receive 'subscriptions for . rosteel engrayieg of -WasOlucyrori's .Toatu, ,end ,Portraits of the Presrdents. the purchoser.of this .engraving, nOt. Only gets the worth of his money, but has:the gratification of -having con friboted forVaitrthe - eornplettron of •the'Nfo i ui. meta. 1'014,,e,i1.1111cK.. VAL IL Hop iii4,o'll his 4411istn i e..r(!ry,f,..'?ri e l: .by . Ipar 016 3 4 ria . thriigt y• IF! 1 , 7.: l' 9 \ 70 1 ) !I y pfimnipilh • rtl.4rin't,irithij; 41;th - tha use kils'thirrie in col:mei..l %sit 10t,,tal t at Ilia .. . • . !N0..: pal, , of the,;; tlistritit4ll:nnitn in:prti 7, atouncino;•l‘fr,:. Ktirs rts,• in• 'exery ,iefpcFl,..!,vot-: illy tly'! , support uf,the.,e,io , .?.ens olf:j.llis:ljstr••kut .. ... 'A Illii)rigli iyei hope's the,....elaimn, of. our.-lAyo rria,k and•she he, alloWed the candidate; pi:event the ackne4letliment . 'lll4t has waited longtnid,natiently,for the -•.. . • . titre When :one of • her . 011' eitizenS, should be selected as • Jlepresentative.;:ln Congress.., chpy.lhe'retnitais 'a:the phirien Democrate • "The Thennerlicy Otitithy,.the'',l:tanner county of this ell their rirO'efenee . for the man .whern , they de siie shall represent'them in the nest Congress: Till!) , hive taken this step finder comiictien";'ef ri , ht arid Wit h:a• view . to!seetnethe :SeiVices'2or One with 'will be laithful tehis constituency amt. .in the enenfry. It is doe to this -county :that . licit claims he•respected. has • never heen benOied: with a tePtesentative!dn.:lhe tuitional (Mimesis... She • has., faithfully respected the.,elairns and 'candidates of,other Collllt • Iler.tlemooracy is n's rellahle.and irr reproachable aas city in the - They work tmmther'fi,r the- districts,- the .‘itate 'encl.:llle New. that one most true and faithful citizens has' consented to - the' me of . his .name as a cnndidate—used.ns it is at the•nreent" re quest of .a la'fielnuttiber of '!the inest.inflnential and respected eitizeas,ind upon the assurance that he . Will• he the .unanimous ' .choke of the Dernocratic.conventicinof ihis.COutlf:voi 4 .! look forivard to his triumphant nomination, in whicli event Clarion trill ;ratify .her' pledges to the party by .e..iving:him fifteen hundred of a .Ina joritY. The..Persdnal....popularfty of, the 'man will win hundreds to'hiS support in this county, that few men ean.carry. „Give - Mallon the can-. lidate—let the .man be P. Kratn, Esq., affil vie. ory will perch` tipont,ho banneithatiiowdr:ags is ample foldsin dust . of defeat—leaving he party. wit.hoift an cosign to direct them. At he the req nest of evetal fiiends . whO have , been'annnyed . in having,'their • ••fericeoli•stroyed and the rails end- botirdi used for ..floats end by fishing ; ' Parties, we publish' the . , • penalty the , law'prOvides•lor . suCh'iawless . neSs.• This action does not prevent the snfferer from recovering. the dem,an•es sustained..., Section "third of the Vencel l aw, provides that, .. • any person•or•person,..front and after - the Passaze• of this Act, shall . maliciously or vol. note rily down . any Post and rail or other fence, .put uPfor..the.:enelosure.of lands,. and hreek, carryffiwaY er•destroy'any,PoSt, rail, or other material-OF which 'such fence was built, withirr•:this•Coromanivealth, every person - or persons so Offending, and ,being:legally thereof 'convicted before any Justice •of the Peace-Or. Alderman within this-Commonwealth, Shall 'tor every stieh Offence, forfeit and pay the snip Of ten dollars, One half :thereof to be paid.to . •the informer, and . the to the. support of 'the poor,of such. County, Township;'Bortingh Or ward where .the offence haeheen committed, together With cost of prosecution;' and in de r . fault of payment, .suih person 'or persons' shall be imprisoned in the'Connty•Jail, :not •exceed ing 'thirty days for . the' first, offence, , end:,i3ixty days for the second." ..• In .mentioning the, impiovements Mr; .PAS= Kist r, was making at the- cgAstor HousC;" we omited oneimportant - tem 2 ---that he has man, ufaetured an : apparatus forgenerating gas from coal, with :which . .to light his house. life in , forms us that twenty pounds of. coal will Oro; duce sufficient gai to supply, four burpers during three The. Richmond Convention met On the .11th instr, and resolved, first;thatthey'reassemble' at Baltimore, on the I.Sth: tecond, that. the'..delegates, will claim seats' ;in, the National .Convention to' be' held there, and thirdly, •that •it.ie legitimate to be 'Llelegates at both, and . that the NatioOalCoe'ventiOn haVeno authority t'O'know officially what has' ,been their ...action during the'ses.sloll;or Nhat•is:propcised.tO 'do at their. reassembling. 1. ' . . • Bur•FAl.o,. BiADFORD &• PITTSPIntr; :R.— We . leapi:trOm Bradford ./11:iwr ; fhat the contractors on tlijs:roOd,c(itineoced laying the ,suptiistrt!ct4re • WOOL CAILDDIG.--Mr:. PEET, of Port -Allega ny,.notifies the.pablte that he is prepared' to card their wo'cd:on . short notice, arid in the best rnannor. MAS . ON'S.4(llvertisem6nt irithis pakr. havemei George, is /4477/ . 6 and caii testify thatlie performs all. that lie'adverifs:es. ArPong the luxuries ser'vetl at- the Will be found Ice Creatrf and 'fresh Strawber- By referring to "N. S.' ParmEn & it will seen that this fitmadvertise the second arrival of 'iinvircdpils' at their Store. r. P. : l3r4in, of MiasOuri,• has been admitted o th.e r se!Lt in Congress, _occupied lq:lllr...l3'ea•-• They Won't' Go. AbOlicionlam The New York Express , the, organ of the Americaris and Ohl Line litqgaiiri that State For.evory, Fillmore man , going, or gone over to Lincoln, speeches aa • Suinnor'S knock, two hack out of the old Fremont ranks. Lincoln will'dose himilreds of votes Fremont got.sleeping with grizzly boars , ori; 4ocky Mountains. , the rharicinorgrina ° that go - over . to Abolition ism now, will ha'vp.At as mUcli.effe'ctaa . in 1859;'n0 more. , . , The solid 100,000 ()fit Line Whigs and. Americuniyiritiiis New York State, are.neVer to.be taken •oectr by any newspaper editors, into, the,hosom;Of , the Abolition party. . . . . . . . . . We • have : heen: ,nhligetl . ..to Aim - wahine the Drnmensr.to several subs cribers who have not paid.... Afte . r Court week, we slnill eni . otl . all from our list wholiavo not pant, or to l' sat .isfdetury ;Wrangornent, at that time. .. ore jut ree4ying : spottier h i . . 5.61 last ts;eek -,l;y 41r.in:t rp - fi iM , .At orei?oth their'coslOtnell Ille•fatilttliirs for .howle . goods, .at,.elyap. , : ,tittes, any. other ent.tlishinerit. ilyFAfiis given. • Go hi:nod 's9ll :for' yoo'rselveso/eqn . . . . . . • . , • • • . .• ...• „ , the, Deritist.—, Srl‘ll.. . propoaea toyemain in Scriethport."o-short. time, -He wilk.spbn •prepared to:do. .plate •• . •. , • , F. CTS TO Rn . raitmitsiit.-In' .Pentipylvarnia the 4eptiblicani"iii:Olend to be tne especial friends: of a protective. tariff' and; they ; tihhoit'the.net' of 1e.17:: - IlattibadilamliN'yoted.for“1 he tariff. Of 18t fi; and freeLtrader The Udited'States government 'oivini:l,ooo,: 000,0001.ers of frind;'Entficicnt•td give a . .honne- : ste4 to every; inhabitaut.in.the country, man,' Woinai)..atitfchild...- To kive:homes to the:hotrie;. re..s and keep these landsfrOm. being the prey rif.ope'cdrators, CongresF:, at` the, present • ses uien; riasied . the ;Homestead Hdnibal Ham lin votedagainst the bill lirentfni 16.0 .acres of, land to our vOlunteers in the Mexican , War.— Thesoldier and the . re= Member Alr. Lincoln. 10 . C.tcychind . thd. Aepublicap , fezitler. carry out the- . vrinciples they They allow ncigro:children tosit,side hr . . side. vith whit.e children in their:schoole. Upcon -objection be: . iris made to .this conditlan of ; things; one of die rompers of. the Minh! of Educution'tniii-:,'... "1 would father . my li;tl'Air:l's.bouldit SIDE A. COLQIIED:CHILD ? hanby.a DARE HEELED ,That is, wlial..,kve-call showiirg theii faith, I.q" . their..works—but,when.:election . ..i6of di•pAVs nikh,lhese , same fiepublicanleider pro fess '.the only true fri6nt . is• of the c frizzly I:eadealrish and .bare.lieelo putc4.'! STTPERTNTENDENT or;" COMMON Scanors . . l —The dittles'of:Hon. Hen 6 C. Hickok,. ni • Superin tendent of COmmon SchoOls, terminate to 7 ilay: We feel it tohe O.dtity.to bear ourdnanhle tes timony.to,the ability and fidelity. with: Which he, and those prominentlrasiociated With Hal, - have perforated their official labor; Sine!! the org.arlization.;.of the School Department, the Commonwealth never hag had an abler -.Stiper intenitent'than Mr. Hickok, .nor one Who took a deeper interest in' the cause. of,populiti.. edu cation: To'his efficient management and wise -.administration of the affairs of th e , department, we are nOW'indebted 'for the 'Most perfect .sys.. 'tern of Coinmory.Sche'ol Education tir be 'found in'any•State of this . .Union:'‘,/farri.tbeerg Te - . . . E.ra j, Enthushistie voiing'Lincolnitesif there are . . . ;my ?- 7 who intends to take the.stump will tk,e notice that their-favorite possrisSes the .'follow inv.; qualifications for. President, which: they will do Well Id keep prominently, •belore their audiences when ' , 4hey• let fly the dogs" (pence. 'We•ctill them frorn : theehicage Pres 4 and Ti-Nene Firsti t he.,eari 'icsplit. rails and maul Democrats." • "He 'is ccsix feet four inch es, haS'a large mouth, and is a groat eater'-'t- Heis "clean And not..sloyeely.". He.. has' "no elaherite politeness, and -consequently • po liteness is never offensiveY.' He is "not-hand. some, but his grey eyea are•shinetimea lighted tip'with very remarkable , He lishakes hands: very warmly :with,• his frierida.' •icHis hair is. bfack and wiry, and .his . general a ppeav ance Such as warner:love." e , He never drialts,' end,' amilde•and..good man that he is,.itlie . nev; er sWere' but once,• and .then he•aaid,. - p&—d d—ni 'em ' they ; shan't dolt:" , -Ttut, t th ai never indulgedi n anything of the kind . beyond exprdssion.." We nowfsep hoW it came that Yr.' LTNEOLN was potninated • instead of' bir: St wennC~ Ens Obi'erver ! ' • . 7CI cm •-• •-••-•• 7 , •; - •,!,0 .; ry m- =,..„ • •G' m ,tl. aq tio , 24 -• „ p m , - • ° 2, m • a ' ;.;" I-1 ' 0 -4, ttB cs . VI 7 , " tij t l •",„ F, 4 7 t-4 4.. A" 0 m• ce gr, mo a n e 73 . C 2 or . . •-• rql = Fs - trq 4 g" • 5 0 2, -6 • „ t-i ,9, • =•• • 0 c , ••=- • M • g rt• • —2' •-• -• c.ffn • ; 0 0 •••••;' „, 0 r 9 :4 m . j D • WASHINGTON NATIONAL MONUMENT THE'SUBSCRIBER,IS NOW OFFERING • lr osale; a magnificent steel , plate ',engra selfig'of the Declaiation of Independence, sur rounded by life-like portraits of all the Presi. dents, and bearing upon its, face the tomb of Washington, at Mt. Vernon; and facsimiles of the signatures affixed' to the Declaration. • • . EN 0 TIAV'IN G, , • • being 183'02 inches,in`siae,' is unsurpassed by any,ever publishad, and is offered at the . very low, price of fifty,cants: , . •. „ , • Address orders; with price enclosed and two cents to prepay postage,lo • , •• , Smethport, M'Kean Co., Pa. .• • ' APPLICANTS - FOE .LICENSES; Miff; following peisorm have filed' in' my oflico`llitlr: JL respective petitions for Tavern Licenses, naeerdloie N.•L: ** .. . . • Shlppen teernibip; Tavern. • .Tena',Wneß. ..... • ' '", ' -T • .• avern LARABgn ,4 a • Tavern. . : }Noon DeLeon', Liberty ELmut BARBER Ceres Tavern... Tavern. eir.nion W.. , lllminien; Dolt: BeNNHTT * Sum thport Dore • t; . 4 ' 'Govern., •Irr-test'rnoey whereof i hare hurennt,, ant ,410rwiliand •riivl the seal of 'said:. Omit., this .2.111. oay 4 .Nay. 1500., , •• • • • .. I, a. • Poe 'y . . • . .;; • - NOTICE . 1' , • ivo:rtp is hPreby gq,co•that.q:.iß.. ;Kkes, f; nof the Akinbr 1100 • 'of th,::" T. R ""i i i ), . - OW,Oeaspd„has:',lffed, in ir . ),Y olTiceil his list and:44l apeliatiii Gyardian; and will 1. prtirent.•the'.`jairkifo' r confirmation •at tlie next*ilte!.l.o.4ohan,V6Thri,'"tii,.bp SiefthlioWJune 2 4Sth,--74xt follniOng,•'`A. D., AGO: C. IC...S'AtTlVELL,'lleii.!ter, • Salethport, May:24, 1800:-... • •`PHYSICIAN.::AND...:SURGEON • • Itiying . perrintnentl) 'ideated. himself. at I : !: • . would ,respectfully inform , thelnthlie..that he is prepared to atteod'to.hosiness in all brooches of ,the Medical :PiTiiresaion; l'artiettlar • atten tion. 'paid to Seeret ipisease's, bptli , Male and female, they 'Will hdfleated in aecot•datiee,witti the 'latest antholitq:s,,and practice of Tope'and America. , :A it seeiets intryst.4 . to his pra6lite . ,, be. , lstiietly:kept: by him; in, spite of : money, lu friend, - einitnies„ .rehttiiles'orifeighboi•s . . - :POrt..A . llegany,..llldieh 20th, ISGO; • :TRIAL 'LIST FOR JUNE: TERM, 1i..160:• Augnatus Crary • •. 'vs Wols. Irons • deli can • , ••• • prilvemilit Cu • -• ra , (Mester • et' al ; • . • • • , • vs.-I.yinaii'StaYka et at William Ilullnrk ' v"s•Lutlier.DaVi3 • E , va A 0 gustu s - {Toll - ors • •• Tuener.& Thornton vs County itank • Martin itc•lleit• -•.. • va , Danielltellawa et al I. It William Swaney • • '• tleargyll Mourn • •'• Alden ' • • .vs .11C hlorrisnri ' • Same •. ' ' • 'vs ,liiiiathan.Campliell. John 1, Beckwith "vs JUsepli C llolines- Witliani (iager ' • ' vs William Dine ' • Dvintiin Heirs • • ' - A-a 1) henoz•et al. Martin • ' , vs 1) A Ilaaterlunoks Same • %.v's Same , • -William White- • .vs Stephen Stiles Franck 31 Dural , .re A C 1101 et al 'Solomon' ra.Julin C' Yinrt and Lis suite De . . • 0t4,, I"rona. • • F Lehman • : Lorenzo D Finelr .I . m Are' bre Leuclr.. ri; Jo lnc.°. Eacltirl& ljr. I 31 Judd - • • 178.11nbinecth ThaYee SAMUEL O. HIDE, kroth'tt = List uf•Jurors Drawn for .Brae Term 1.!;60 George ;Darling.— .11i'adford , —Edvrin .Colirove; James Dertf,-k, 1) Norton, E- 11 Pratt., R 'Taughan.- - CereS- , - .Iforitlo Bell, liugh.Bragey; Jas: ''C Ryon's.— Cldre(l—NeaMiah goody, Anson Mee. Ham- Powell.....Keating—A .S Tin - U . 411y R. Tobbg', p , W r i g ht,.ro'ster ney : . Libeity•F H Arnold, Pe0.81.11100re.,- .Laray'ette—Jainee Hoop:. Otto‘-.-J A Bunker. Sl?lpoen , -•--Kellogg,s , lltibbard, Rufus ' Lucore, 136j.,MorrisOn.. •• ~ : , • •• . TRAVERSE JURORS Bradford—:Philo Ackley; Dyer Cranmer, C. :C. Mel Vin, A. T. Newell, • Silas. Sutton,• H Turner, Phillip L, Webster. -Ceres—Daniel T3nekleY, Rowland Barber,• Eugene ,CooneY,.R Hind'i; Isaac. Perkins, C',ll Smith. Eh] W Brown;' R. D. A . . 13 Stitll, Joieph . Stull; Jr. Itritinz- 7 William'Bellows, Daniel Brown, 'Jeremiah Cbadwiek:D;: L .syth, Alexander • Gifford,. ly,.s ;Vioore i. Stull, G B Webster, 'Arthur Young, Stephdn' Young. Liberty,-R E. l3ellciws:.E . F. Senith;• D.R Yanderhule, C I;Bellows;- La layette.— WM. - Hoop, G W • Hag,adOrn,. G. W - Walrons.. Norvieb.C-R,Bordick, G W . Bu . r- BoYer; J iNt Campbell; W • P.:Dennil, son, Nathaniel Robbins. Otto Wm. Lovejoy, M'COrd, Arthur. Prentiis. Shippen—li, L, luco're; , Minard. • ..Thenbove,:named jUrois meet at the Court. Houeei . in Smethport, on Tuesday the 26th day of June next, at. 1 . 0 . .0'c10ek,,. A. M.' ':• . lOSEPIt:MORSE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Sm,ethport,.• •. .•:, - . • 2Gth, 1860: . • . . DEA:1111 o . e.Very of VERA/I - IN. "Costar's" _ ' "Costar's" Rat, Roach,_&c. Exterminator I, Cortar's" ' ' "Costar's" Bed-bug Exterminator. . "Costar's" "Costar's" Electric Powder for. Insects. ntsTaoys CiSTANTLY, , Rats4-Roaches--Mice-Moles-LGronad Bed Rugs—Ants—MothsMosquetqes—Fleris -- , lnsects OW plants, Insects on animals, &c., short, evory, form and species of ' MMM2I 10 Years' establishedii ew Yotk. city—need by the City Post °the the city Prisons:and Station Houses,--:the ci Steamers, Ships, &c. The city irotelsc.“kst" r,"'iiSt.Nrcht4as,!' &c. . and more than 20,000 prlvata fanikliss 0:77 Druggists and-Retailers:everywhere sell 07" Wholesale. Agent s. in all th'e' large . Cities. LG- - Regular sizes 25c. 406 and•• $t- floxes-.-- Bottles—Flaiks. . . • , . • ' 07' ! ! ! I.4nAtte.! ! !Alf spurious initations.— ,Examina each Box, Bottle. and. Flask; and, take nothing but "(Os.rnit'.k." , . ' . • -'' .- 1r,4" - ' SlRoxes "sent by Mail. • .', :,. . Lc,- $3 &' $5 toxes for Plantationsiliotels, Bze 117" Addre,;,s Orders.--orfOri4Circulars to Deal ers".to ' • HENRY ' R. COSTAR.' • . , - I'RINCIPAI. DEPOT, 410 BIiOAIPWAY, fkr. Y.' soli' by W.;S. BROWNELL, fit Swelliport • • DISSOLUTION copartnership .heretofore .existing . be T - tveen the sobscribers, under' the firm of Nelson S. Thitler, on the first (lay of April last; by jimitation. ' The books'of are. with•Charies% H. Thing, at the stOre formerly occupidd .by us, who is . duly authorized to settle the same: . . .. N. S. BumEa, d. H. Tiimo. 4.3 w Olean, May oth'lB6o • • • I' NOTICE.. • THERFAS .Letters Testamentary to V V ..Estate•or.DAvro Cnow, Senior, late. 'of M'Kean deCeased, haye lkeen granted , to the subscriber .personi , indeitted •to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and tbose,having elaims ogainsi the saW. deeedent ;Will, make known the Same with out delay, to • , • , ••• • • • .• • DAVID CROW, Execietor, ' Or: to.his. A ttorney : . • BYRON D. HAMLIN 'Smethport, .Aprii•ll, 1810 KENDAL CREEK : HOUSE. XENDAL-CREEK, M'IOEAN CO., pA., THE scriber having purchased. this well kpoW . o.stand,and.re-furnished and re-fit tedthe Hease, is prepared to entertain Boaril ers and the 7'rdveling-publie.! 1-I.lk ANI) TABLE, - _ be. well supplied; and, everything 40.1 1 1 4 to merit a liberal Wire or patronage:.. .1 .laff •itieir vittitlways find the. ,, tateh- - string'!, G i rt. • • P. NI: FULL ER , . . (.7 . 1u1:1;. v i