E=M . . "t)Y VIIITUE! of ,stindry writs of Irqdrtione baTo:in,v and . • . ;alias Levari,'Fdri,as, issned,out•qr the Cciort.o Common Plezie of the, county bf M'E",ean, ..and State .of.Pennsylmania,.and, to me .directed, I, shall expose, liipublie•sale or outcry;'. at ~ the COOrt...Llonse,:in'Smethport, at 10.o'eloek in,t he •forenban of 'Monday, the 25th clay ofJune next,. the folloWing described property to wit: : tjtle,fitterest and. Claim .of de, fondant to ',the following deseribed real- estate, . • . . situate M. Ceres- .111'Kenn county , ,T , l)enusylv.anio, as fol -lows, to wit, en - the north and, east by land - of ,ToSepliHedges; : •ari thisouth 'and west by lands . of.Paniel Buckley, :cenialeing nine anil•three- - fourths- - .IW - res;'inchttling: the mill •race, . • proyetl,-on which is One Grist propelledd by either steam or water or. both;. one isteam paw. tnill, one blacksmith Shop;%one ~frame house,..two s Canty houses, end one frame halm • in course:of lereetion; it being the,l'ot rot merly purchased by for: hydraulic • 'Ai.so;—one other lot bounded on .the north by Keating lands; on the.eost by . lands .of • . sepb Hodges; on: . tlie' south - by,lands of .Daniel Buckley;. and on'the'west by. Ittnils .Of. Theron Cooper mid ivl. J. Hadley, containing tweiii . y= three acres; more'or less,'it being lot No. 153, • :Keating ,survey, unimproved..,: . • • • ..Ar..so;'—one other Int '.borinded :on the north and' east.by : Keating lands, .. on the *.South 'Evans and Howard and. S. `A. Cooprir; tied 'on_ the.weit by Ev.anS and 11oWard and Jamea.C. Evans, 178.1reating surv . eY.,.cpb: twining thirty-three acres and five-tenths, more ''-or less; tiniMproved, : • . .. • ..Arso;—ime . -00er lot. bounded , • by .Keiting, landa.and lands of J. Knapp;. . Keating landa; and:west by lands of Niles Kin . .ney, being : lot , Nn. 176 • Keatinesurvey, con taining nineteen and nine-tenths acrei,.more or • less.unimproved..; ..• ...Seized,antrtaken-in Execution 'Will. be ' sold al . .the property of 'Joseph .. Wileox,,JanTes Wilcox, and. Roswell Miller, at. , the suitof:Ad- . TALSO= , . • • The following described real , estate situate in Ncrwichtownship;'.Argeap connty; Penniyl- Vartia; bounded and described as folliiws to wit: Coritmencing at ay beech 'cortierf . 'thenee . 'easi .one hundred. rodS to a post cornet; thence north one . , hundred and sixty rode a'pOst corner; therice4est one hundred . rods . .in a. post corner; thence south one hundred and sixty roils to the place of beginning; containing one. hundred Scree more'cir less being part . .of warrant'No: 2380, about 8 or b. acres improved, and one old . . defendants: interest in the fpl lowing described lands, :1; , 17.;* One lot. of . land .bOtinded north, east,.south and west: by•unseat ed lands 'of Bennett, Winans, Saineson & •Smith containing , fifty' (50) acres, more , or less, it being 10t .. .N0. 79 of. the., alotnnent:Of Bingh am lands in 'Keating Iqw,nship,.and part of ivariant, Nos. 2270 and ,3902, . . . ,ALso;—another lot•botinded on • the north . by Bingham lands and lot No. 202; on,the east by *arrant 2007'atid . Bingham lands; on . the 'south .by.Bitigham lands; - and , 'West' by lot - N0."202 am,, Bingham lands, containing fifty-two and ' three,teriths aarei, it being lot. No. SO of the .alotment of Bingham lands in.K.eating towns Lip and part of warrant N0.'.3909.',.. , Alesoi—another, lot bounded on the north. by • lands,of 1.. J. Ridgway; ori:the east by, Ridgway and others; on the- south 'by. 'Easterbronks and others; west 1. - ,y J..*Ridg way and G: A. .Rradbrook, - containing twelve ,hundred acres - more 'orless, being parts ofswar rahts Nos. 2.111 and '2412 in Norwich" and•Ser; - geant townships..• , . AtSo;—anotherlot bounded oh the 'north by J.'Ridgway's lands;, east by warrant line N. .t?,13 . 5; south,snd west by 3... T: Ridgway's lands eontaining.four hundred and fifty. acres more or •Yeis, being the part Of warrantNb..2l7-1. ALsol-f-another lot-of:land .bciunded on the north by lands of J. J. Ridgway; cast by CoO' per lands; sopa' and west by Ridgway lands > containing two thousand and eiglity:.nine (2059) .acres, rnOre orleis; it being warrantsNO..2ll3 .2SG2 and . the' east, part of ;warra . nts . Nos.. 27 . 04 and 2,765. in Norwich township. ' . Seized'and takenin• Execution .. .and w ill be sold•ai the property - pt . .. J... 1. - I:.Jaipeson, .j.- it: Smith, Z.W. Smith,•l'...E. Winans and ll: R. Bennett ScWin..J3—Wa . rner, Administrators of the' state of O. '.lt: Bennett,',deceaied, at the. snit of Reuben S. •Taylor. , ' .• !, .. . : .:. ' 7L,A 1..5.0 - .The follovying described. real:estate," situate. in Shippen townShitkMe,Kean County, PennSyl vania,bounded and• described is follows, viz;. on the east, by Potter county ; . on.. Oe..simith `west and' north bylhe Driftwood branch 'of - the Sinnemahoning creek, it . being•al I that mtrt. of an island known ai. Boyero on• is land, t hat lies in 111'Kean 'county, Containing ahotir.three acres more or less, all improved; one large. 'double sit mill, three' frame d.yrelling.•houees, one frame store, house,,andone frame hdrn.• Seized'and taken iii. Execution and ivill fie sold.as the property.. of A. H. Boyenton 'and S.G. Hatbawanarthe suit of Whitlock, gel-. logg & Carter. • :• . • ' • --ALso— . . The following described real estate, to wilt 11 . ce fain Avirq story wOod:store' hOuse, a. hu situate on Main street betiveen• State and FM ton streets, - - being on. squire No. '69, in the Berongh . of Smethporc M'Kean county", new - in progreis of completion, 'canto faint on said Main itreet . twenty-.sixfeet, and indepili feet, and'. the lot. •or . piece•of . ground and cortiledge appurtenant to said . Seized and taken • in. Execution and .will - •be sold as the property of fienry.•l?: the suit of J. A. ,Bright - now for the use of Ghordis Convict. , . . • ALSO= The following described Real estate situate in Sergeant township, At'Ke . att county, Penn- SYlvania; boupded.and described as follows, to 'wit; beginning at.e . sugar tree corner being the :south west corner of the lot and the tierth west Corner of the lot originally Conveyed and owned . by Benjamin B. Cooper; 'thence eaSt one hun dred rods to a post corner; thence .north one hundred kind sixty' rods to a post corner; ..thence west . otte htindred rods to post; thence south one • hundred:and sixty rods to the: place of be ginning, containing one hundred' acres of land, more or lees, being Part of lot No. 94, Cole .grove'survey..Of said township;' about 20 acres partly improVed, and two old log houses there-. • • . , , . . . . . . , • Sei4ed and taken in Execution and will be sold as the property of ..Tolui• 'Glover lit the 'suit of• James M. Miller. use of Johnson & Shepard. son. • . , •. • ' -ALSO • • . . . - - . . .. . .All the'right, title; interest and. claim of de fendant t... 0 the•follosyinr, described real estate .situate in Keating' 'township, IVl'Knan: county. Pennsylvania, .botinded:and doseribei! 49..161, lows ; to wit; on the north'. bY Koa till' lauds; 'On the east by Potatoe creek; on the south' by the State road leading front. Coodpr,..poi:t to. Sinethporti on the ‘yest. by '..A"..i1 . 103 I.3ISVIT, all! ~~I`~Yt4~SaiA . ~K~FI~4.. ~'J•e~py..y.~`M.(~-.. rMt+.. . , t,he Chadwick lot, coniainingab6ut twenty=fiva acres inure or ,less, .about , twenty ;acres iin provod, one. new. frame' house,' frame barn and abOut.a lozen fruit trees; • • ! Seized and' inken. . Execution. and Will he 'sold as the rroverty'of A'. p.•:namlin,ai silit.of.S. Eaton ••• • • "---ALSOL- . . All .that piece.OF parcel of land Si.tuatein the towils . hip 'or. Eldred, county of I . g',Kean; anti state oiTentisylvania.,:boundell.On the nerth.:by larid:of R s . Lo l opi• cast by . payid'Popper;- South by Keating lands; and west. by Keating larids;,. said land being part of *arrant No. .41086,• sub diviion 42, containing:twenty-Jive .(25) acres - of.land more or lose,, abont fen acres imProved one log house;.ono log' barn 'and shingle shanty. Seized and taken in . ; Execution and ‘vill die icy ae .the property of Jarnes - Drake;at the Suit of E. John Fobes and.'aeorge N. robes, Ad= ininistrator's of John lolies,deceaied. • •-• --ALSO .. • Tbe described - •real .estatd . situnt: in Lafayette ; .M'Kean. CeuntY,'. Pennsylvania bounded and described tta':follovi , s te-•wit•• be . ginning . at pi* cornerof the lot on 'thi.foad leading'to Olean and on 'the 'south line Of lot No. 29 2 'at . Lafayette; ithence West 'by leta•Nos. 21, 29• and 19 two hundred and . thirty4bree perches . .hence . 'to a post; , t south by-10t.N0., 13; one, hurl dred sixty-nine and..six•tenthe .perches to n corner oflot No. 23; , ,thence, east one hundred and sixty.perehes (160) to the ar'ordrnenticined, road; 'thence by Said road•nOrth-twenty-tyvo degrees east, one hundred and eighty perches. to the place of beginning, containing one' hundred and ninety-six acres and one lialf•ticre; be the same afore or.leis,lelaimed - :by . .deed Irtom seph Briish and Sarah liis'wife, dated the . I,oth day of 111 arch ..18.16; about pight3i 'acres im- Proved,.one - fraine house, 1 am frame barns, and about 'sixty apple trees and. two wells of Water.. Seized..and taken , in Executi , in . and will be sold as the property of Alpha Morse at the suit of Tienothy Tainter. . : • • ~ . --ALSO- . . . All the fight;' title interest and clairm'Of 'the defendaht to the following -ileseribed •tate, bounded and, described as follows, viztc— .Begianing at a posfat the:N..lY. corner of lot: No. 181'of,the.alotment of the Bingham lands in Keating Township. copveyed, to 'Ezekiel T. Hoag; thence north I'l-2, east one hundred aad sixteen'perche'it- thence south 89•cait one. huh-. Bred and fifty-siz . ,perceekslid four-tenths 'of a. perch.to a Beech; thence.-south 1 1-2 west. one htindred and nineteen perelies and 'foot-tenths ora. perch to a Beech; thence. north . 88 - 1-2 Weft - one hundred and fifty;sik a perches ndtwa, 'tenths of a, perchto. the-place "of heginning; Containing,. one diundred.. and ;nine acres. four-tenths of allowance', acre, he the' satne , more.: or less, with- -ah allowance of:six 'per rent . ..for .roails, Sec., and .being lot No. 57 of :the alot metit of 'the Bineham• lands In Keating toWn-, ship, and part-of Wa . rrant No. 2106, situate. Keatinc , "township. 111'KeAn . county Pennaylve nia; about- forty, acres improved, - one old frarrie bouse and one old log: houSe anda: few -small fruit trees. ' . •- Seized and taken in.execution and will hesold 'as the property of Enoch.',Eiriggs; at the suit.o 'Joseph Reed Ingersoll and John Craeg Trustees of three equal undivided. fifths,: and Charles :Willing,..Trustee of the:lothei two eqiialtlndivided•tilths of the Estateformerly.of Williain Bingharn;decea'sed/ . • " All:the.right, title, interest and'claim of. the defendant to the fpllo,w.ing . 'deseribed .Ketir.Es tate, BOunded 'and deset•ibed follews:Be ginning at the sonth-east cornerpf lot No. 17S of the alotment of thoßingliarn..lands iii Keat ing township, conveyed to Hirarn Gary; thence north 1, east one hundred 'And sixty-fiVe per 7 014 te a corner "..on' the .bank of Coal . creek; th,nce i 'easterly along' the several courses of said creek to the lair line 'of Warrant. P. 000; . thence sontll.l 1-I',.weat one hundred arm forty six perches;' thence. north 88 'l-2,.west one hundred- and...fiftY-one (151) petches . ttl the place of beginning; containing •155 9-10'acres, -with an allowance' of .six per' cent-for roads,' Sze., be the -same, more or less; it tot and 280 of the alottnent of thediingham lands 'in Keating township and part of.WaTrant; No.2o9o,'situate 'in - Keating doWnship, Arc 'Kean county,- Pennsylvania; about: forty acres., improved', one frame houSe on frame barn . and - shed, One.spring house, rindabout:orie 'hundied .bearing fruit- tree.s. . • Seized and.taden.in - execution,-and will be, .sold as.. the property • of .Thorhton .Barreft,',jr.i at the . snit Joseph. Reed. Inkr,ei soli and: Johh Craeg INtillari . Trustees'of the equal undivided three-fifths;- and Charles Willing-, .-Trustee the other two .ential.undivided fifths of the . es- Nits fortnerlY of WM, Bingham, , . JOSE - PH-MORSE, : • Sinethport, Jana 7th 1859, S::, - 111.1 1 1;.0 • F •AN D SHAD. TA LOW' .SPEA tz • C VAgRANTED:-TO .110 T WEATHER: FOR, SA LE: . 'At 111ZOWNELI:S August 12 ) . 1559 _ • . • - .• . . County Directory. Presq •11.. \Vhite, NVylishoro Act•i?riqin .Tit,/r'—Hon, Hon, S.• Holtnea, 1. • . * Sheriffr.Tosejiti Dtorsr, Smethpoil.' •• • Proaconetary—Sanittel C . : Hyde, Smethport. ' lle:Tistor SartWelli Smetill• • Treri.civei., (pro km.:)—Enos Parsons, Bradford Coinwiisioire , .,L—paniel Keyeq, • Eldred E W J. Colegrove, Norwich; Nelson• Peabody Ceres. • • • C6)11111i.S1 ' 0 . 710 . 1 : CI Crk;• - - IST'• R. Chadwick, Smeth . . itit/ii'tors-B.' • C.' Corwin, Smethporf, P Carter, Ceres: ' Dist. ktfriniey.--Warten Cowles, Smethpo4. Coroner.—James .Booil, La fayet t THE TONGS AND VIDE; . • /TIRE. SUBSCRIBER would inform the, citi zens of Port Allitany, • and the surround country, that ho 'is prepared to do all kinds • - '; • itTI,ACTiSIVETFITING, Itt'all its dill,e,rent brancligs iii vt'orknriaiiiiltii prtirriptness.Od dispatch vi•arian te,d tblgiye;:salisractioti. WAGON -WORK - '4k. MICL. IRONS, atteniled to in. ;gond styfo, ain't 'at 'reasonable' Pariicidar attention pai&to . • . . . .. . ... • • Flors 6 . St - 10(:;11,1g , , , ionieliperieliee iii the liusifiess, etttile . ...salk ltiuti-i; iziptrati,teo,l. - ..f. D. 011'0. Afore N. IL 'A Illiersons . umiing tie, or [Jai/lint un. sel tied ;iceonnitt, are . earnestly requested . to settle tlio sainu• . 11,1,11(:; therr by saving'eosf,an,l trOolate. ( U LO . , . • IN OLEAN, orE GO OBS. SPRING SALES. (Si 311 ISfilfsllll tD3 Alt 2 nowyreparect . to. exhibit ()lie. of the g k ar gestand best selected' stock .of . FORE!( O . IO3IE . STIC 11111 GODS ever offered in Olean. The particularittenijon of customers. is vited t 6 the rolloVving:departinents of NECESSARY \ ant i SEASQNAIiLE GOODS SUGARS, DEL AINES; sALEvATus,; s[3:a ~r [.s; ' • SOAP, CLOTHS, .M - . BLEACH RD' • MITSLIN; CANDLES, STRIPED, tfIIRTING;SNDFF, GINGEIA MEGS.ANDTDREF. •SHILLING. GAITERS TOBAB . CCO AND FANCY SILKS; PEP- . • PER,. LINEN • TABLE. CLOTHS:, • • • :SPICE - LADIES: CLOTHS, TIC - ITS, BLACK . ' • • SILKON.DIGO,G,RG. • • DR MINI? • ••• CLOVES, DENIMS, GINGER, '. CHECK SHIRTING CriF;A:q TARTAR, BLACK, Wprtl:l A 1 4D ?BLUE FRINGE, . . . . • . . . .. • • PAPER AND BORDERING TO MATCH,, - - . WOODEN WARE,. ' TOTA"I'QESMA•STIERS AND WILLOW WAGGONS, ' All of which we arc prepared to'tiffer at pri; cos that will defy - all competition'. Call and see hoW much lower gi.iods can be sold.thatare paid' for when bought.. . • . ,I1001" . -SKIRTS, EMB. SILK, GL ASS WARD DI ES CRASH AN!) . TICKfNG A full assortment of REARIADE . CLOTIONG; Will• always be kept. on Wild of the.laleSt All who want T T can:niid.it for 50 cents, d the best hi the State . ;,, . • . . . . , . . • . . - Me Word more :.- 1 --Ire-• cordially; invite all who visit Olean to eall .and see us before. pur , 'ehasiUg',as'ii will, no donbf, be to Yotir:loter.. est. ' Our fneili,ties for buying, lire 'une!inalled by [llOO of any other dealersin .file Conntry, as.exiierienee. rnakes' trerfera.• N. S. I.ltrrr.au liaa'sOnt rbuch.of bis time in Ilie,eastern mar kets, for the•past.ten years . ; lie flatters, him svlf',if keing thoroughly, posted - on.'llai.eush valmi ,of - good's, - in the eaaterrieitieS, • iii . Ul.. has. seleeted•this'sdoekv . ith great. ca . te.. • . . This • la coirartmqoil,4 otiml St:, No. , 1 Mxo.lt , ii.r Block. vlyre. will. 'always knit Cis ready' to give, he 40st. bargainsin tpWro• • • • • N. F.. BUTLIR & .N. ) • L. W. Gll7OlO, S - PRIN rS, COFFEE VALENCIAS, NEATLY,. CPEAPLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY CROCKERY. EItIVD..HDKF§ . . . , . . . , lAVlNG:.r6itted: the' 'sholi- a ttached. to the timethrieit FURNACE, the ettbscOheis'are Ow prenard, to do a I killik of blacksmithifig. - .eeldr atteetiee pail 1,0 herseshoein'v. , ... •• VAN. DYKE &,WING; • :Nov.: 3, .1 r „D . Nny.'swp - r• SIbORE? • ' J , ': - ._!, - ..:cOMsritscit. . . . RESPECTF.ULLY . ANNgUNcES TOHIS .o!it . friends in McKean County, tlkat, on:hand I,liis'Spi . ing . ns usual, with the • LfII:,(a:ST . AND ~nrsT Selected'slock. of Goods die Olean Marke ..... Di . ..1164%4 . Cash Piii'e's I lotild . Sa ofte . ryait better.inqucements than 'on cawx,Ct .%yestoC.Ne% It makes tii . ) difference *bat yon want; any thing in the line of GROCLRIES,S• PROVISIONS, Call nt the OLD- :. KEYSTONE' And you will find Jl!e nriicde frefiftniid:C.ilea It's no•use to kiiie ttm KEYSTONE, STORE always has and alivayji will take the lead, and reininte the market in GrOCCriCS and Provisions, OLD ITIENDS'.ArsiD" NEW ONES; )cn't set; tni!. , ivhen .3;ott vis. Olen,; hurt you, btit'iihall certainly ry ko do. yoit gpod 1. K. COMSTOCK Olean, May 2311, 1860 JOl3 PRIN TING, OF - EVERY_ DESCRIPTION, EXECUTED AT TUE EDEMOCRAT 1-3 e O O 0.11 k - -; AC?) Z X cipl v .., &J, (I) F N . i-L co 0 MACKSIVII.T.KINC: srit.l.Nqi : 74:4llV::: . • NEW . ,.:80.0.0.g., AT 'l7o.',ON.K . P.ioct REGULATIM THE OLD PLACE, THE CHEAP S'tORE, GREAT . BARGAINS CAN BE HAD A ONE PRICE EGULATOR I Wo *nro. Detii”rrililed to tinitOrße 11: MARK. THAT ! .OLD FRIENDS, KNOW ALL - ABOUT it New 0pc . . g03 . . i, C6nte:Aillt4uttge:F.,o,i.Themeli? . . . . Poe purchase .will . ilatisfy the most skeptical that there is only one plebe , to buy liret 'Class gpods, at very low pricespan d .that place is, the ONE PRICE REGULATOR. The one pricesystern gives the. bent eatisfee SUPERIOR GOODS, o• ,FASiTIONS, LOOP. PRICES, g VERY, TAING YQU .WANT AT. ENE PRICE REdULATOB, 'The real head 7 quarters of tradu;.itt Olean and,the grand'Emporiunri of evety.thing new neat tindatyß•sh..',l( you "have the. CASH an( ,want to buy. the BEST DRYGOODS, GENTS„FURNiSHING GOODS, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS, AND, SHOES; GO TO THE ONE'pRfC,E REGULATOR, THERE YOU. will fiml goods . remarkable for theii • beapty;'durability; superior . • • • mataifactoie and'.• • iti'.w, PRICES ....• They, Weil he - ottered. ••• tei you at the loWest P . ossible . • figure,. thu :first time, and from that price, there e an' be: . ./Y. D,iS, 17:1" A2'lb. N. 4ttimmbet , -oge Price—Low. Prices—Now Styles—Stqctliftegiity---Caeh.:. ~• THING & MILLER ; Formerly, Cheat!, 1pri1,23 DON'T' .MISS .IT DON'T FORGET I 1 ELEGANT STYLES, OLD FAVORITES, LOW PttICES,. pEck SPADES, OItIIFORKS, LEAD. Plrits, LAMPS.fOr 41L, CAMPHEIST., FLTJID, and My motto is: The Largest . Saks of the very BEST• GOODS at, the:T.,OWEST Re munerative Prices Inauree r the Largest Profits to the Seller, fainishettitejlayer with the Cheapest andilestiArtioles, and gives the best satisfaction.— LIBERAL DISCOUNTS VILL BE. MADE .FANCY ,GOODS, jr.people. tirlces.for no better articles at other place's., 'lt their . own fanit and not •mitie 7 ' In connection: whit th4.ltovp, i. urn able to srpply on . sited 'notice .• (;ROCKERY) EVERY. THING; 4 . COPPER WORIc.;. Having in, my employ Competent emtv l enced•Wprimen, wbopo work• tiqi payer ki)e4 to givo,satistactjah , r„,;: JUST 4 RECtIWED: 50 DOZ,Elsr HOP, 4Vi 30~::« SV'YHES; '• • 500 KE08"0P NAILS •• • ; EVVY 6 , " 4DD?w,G;;T-q4WQ4r4 , RIVE I, ka H6E§,,,, tb?.,7 : ppr. c 10?.., WARRANTER SVTLIEB, ' $8 50 4, SOLID 01/AAI! Togethet. 'Ur fictarers pricea,.!"- Th4sl..'artiCles are .2VE T T C i A;SH, nv the, trade. to'ny,stoii... • • • PRO:PaIk:TOR No. '.2 and 3 EAcelsior:illoCk. Olea'a,,May 15,:1840,:` , , c, THING N. S. BUTLER (-; ' Tsf EXCELSIOR '.BLOCK , ' pAiVf 4 011., ' • 1-7 , --. 4 y.'ir.y.fin FOr keeping,constantly hind;s:mualtillin4etli:l fluffily and' assor,tment of the hen*y - cics , of liatlfttrore , generillY. kept., by • ihn..Johbinfr Hotntesi end having ; • • = • secUtedJIMAGENC't many. Manufacturers' • including 'l l 1,1 o : • • FALL RIVE?, NAAS, mODEA . . rW S h, k- Also those of WELCICA other makers, • AIREIANK'S MALES, kIIBBEB ant LEATaiI STEWART'S (unexcelled) POPULAR I , COOIiING 81 1 1 7 .E 1 GLASS of all Size Sorts Intellescriptiens. littoriosiil TO SELL ALL, THE ABOVE ARTICLEAT ManufbicArbi's' . . . Also I propOso to sell' ht imalleorornissioq from. my LARGE and 'WELL SELECTED SWARP 8111ELP and ir HAP . , , oihe, • In the'selection of which bride taken much • glveu'.'my' ` pereonal`' iftentiou thereto. • •' •• • c. HOIISt. TRIMMINOS' ,• COOKING atid PARLOR of , ettitry cf”irable BLACKSMITHS' "AllO, MASONS' TOOL.. S, Of the most epproveil,Manufacturo, AfATTOCIC, RAKESy • II BUqETS, AYHEEL-13A4ItOWS, PUMPS, and KEROSENE: TO .DEA.I4S; ALL' I:IND§ 'or SHEET-MON H OAS N:::*.A,ltt,'Si; Mati ,i b~ ~!f KINTS, SHOVELS, .110ESi PAILS, TUBING, MEE