447Z7W#W0*E0 16 . . , :ti'"(1*Il.:1:::i 11CAulil!!.ii.e,'qf:'' ''.*ri . t,kiOf'.., '!J !.v, r ,4. F° . - 1a8 :!g.,t ht ,', 4 ,; t o liiii : iil Thati 4 tll ' further - - porde m: 10,iiti* ..'46`(in:fuiz.-1:111•114t that ~;4;,6iiiiiii litro:'ti.,";l4aidnittit/ Ceder liiin4 - ioV ioing northwest I .nntl lOW heilst; in•thrieilfßefettrctitrents,- crossihrf;the ;the: . . track sr! .tire Chie - Sitt;lo*i : end Nebraska' N, R. 'soy; n ii i iilkOsr,.*:,4o.bilinn the. depot 'and ell the warehouses in h e. village were coonpietely de tnolittlend:—'4olln'nf ten cars ',IT'S lifted from the tisiliiiirnhlt ',iind . :stnashed :to pieces. Be.,. ., forkthe ,torinto irchnd,Lisbetf it bod killed sixtien , pe;r6ons., •• 'rom there• "one current of the storm Passed north through. Michaninsville, - . demolishiog. every thing. in its course and kill ng Stxlkeifpetsc ''. ng .. n?re.', • • 44' I. •iarrep ~100 ln )s. cou r -- se Onion anainy,,killingiti,lhaf vicinity ,seieriteen per, sont10:-1t 1 therrpassed South of the •Railroad near•DeiVitilAirigo : persons, sixteen of whom' belonged to; the (imply ' - of Thomai Hatfield.— Then.the current . passed . South of Row Mersa and iloW.Moor,destroying the' horise" . of David Miliii'd killing' him and a pcirtion of his family it then'etruCk the. town ` of s earnanche on 'the MissiS - SipPi. - •• ' ....,: -- • , , . . . . .. . . . . The.loss of life .Was . Very. great; 55 'pelsons* *s ftWits can belearaed, and. a hundred and tweiity-fitra wounded, 'tame, fatally: . * A* large lunilitii'relf in , the opposite. Camdnehe; was,aorapletety. scattered and 119 f the 21" men on tward were lost, , a s well as two women Who went on liatird . - * 'lsatiirittdo hi• IcriciWn to haVe traversed it diskttnee c ir 90. m i1e., 0 levee, and 70 -miles .tn Illindhoi . l4inxineeleuhttile damage to Prciperty The Ibis' Oftlifi:tartnat.be leis than 150 'S:Cr higP . 11, .(MO ,) ;443,30 T k he , lionytßipress t ritio on .Mondiy, the 28th, ;arrive/1.145t. at - 8. p.• but brought no . Calghtnia ' which' is supposed:• to have been ititetoetifed,bi Indians. The only mat ter brought bi.it is from salt Lake at which plachittirrived find left on the 24t1;.inst: • 1 All thelinformation wa can learn regard to .the-follawing omt he . Salt Lake way-bill,: Made by- the agent : just in IndisiOalive,chaaed all:the men froth the sta. lioaa. bateremiDiamond Spileg . end . Cirrson ley the Machine in . which the express matter . , ./41e,Indians are roported:to have •killed two riders on the last trip, and supposed they carried of or destroyed mail matter -belong,ing to the; expressat Salt. :Ake City. 'On {bs,hlthi two men, named Myron Brener and It; H. tt. Kitt Johnson, were' shot. 13y 'un known hands. ' •.' . • • it vote was 'taken in the 'Methodist :Confer ence this morning on . the first resolution in the . majority ,report or the Shivery committee, which recommends a thange in the . rule in the diacipline,on shivery, The vote'stood, 138 for the4spolution Mil 74' ap,ainst ten .votes of the tequited two-thirds' to adopt. • The lifesserial d' Amiens says thnt General Lamoriciere has only. laccepted ,the command 'of the Pontifical army.tipOn the express - condi tion that he.is never , to be called. upon to serve against France. , . Rayinond . fs'after Greeley,.and Greeley is af ter Wee:l,:Weed. is after all . the `"traitors," AV one seems.to' be . calm except . the ven erable 'eol. , Weht;,' of the :Courier, who was going to bolt . If . ',Sewisrd Was not nominated, but:didn't.. We advise all.phrticato take pat tern:of Col. Wehb's' resignation',.under pot:Arne:Rt.! lie is a . model..phlitician.—N. Y. ""' . • • (010,w, without the fear of ;trails" be fors..his,eyea, ha; been overhauling. the .Con gr4gsioll4.l. record, •of -cghonest .Abe," and saykhe has found among , the Stationary hills 'which'Unele Sam had to' foot for that worthy, thii•ttornferhiee pair of tioots,.s24."'" :The Alhanyt.:4rgus, commenting on this story says :. Whether the story is true or not,; we are 'dis posed to believe that do far as Presidential rim-. niag.is concerned, when the race is over, Mr:, ! , boots" will actually•be • found to 14ie.beens,%tatienary.".. • 'Tie St : . 'Louis Democrat publishes an extract froar.arrirtyatelettee. wr itten ; in Nauvoo, noita l b . ,Which- says young Joe Smith and suite “are itis4rt.Oxt: summer. to Coirteil when.dioseeMotthoria'ai Salt Lalce who wish to leave' Young•ean do so, and join Joe in .the..l3l.ults.-.E . .zehayge.: •.• • . . . . EiRSIII4IThicE IN Thoo.—The inhabitants of • the 'counties of atiernser, 'Belmont and ,Hsrr 7 . son, in 'Eastern' Ottio; - i,vete exceetßngly, excl tedholitertified on the 15th.inst., ,by the se-, ' yere'shock of 'an earthquake' Which tasted tbir_ ty minutes:.;? At• Calithridee, Barhsville and , otber , toivnis, the'citinteis Reeked together in the - streets and fervently- imPlored 'Aivine pro .. tection,;: The shock. was accompanied by ,a shower ofsuppotied meteoric Stones,, four of which . .weighing from:tarty. 'to si x ty pounds esicis•fell'oh the trick of the Cintral Ohio' rail, . roldi.lutar .".concord, • imbedding themselvAs about' sib feet in the earth. . . ~ • . , ~ , 4V• YeantrusAPP#AY AT BIIADY'S BEND.— .01* dey isst, week, a .. stabbing- affray °centred- at it Brady's liend,,:tkat,-it was thought, would prove ,fitel, ',n,Sphinithitt,.a year or two ago, 'Miss Mary , daumiter of , Levi F etter, was 'se. d iced by;'lo4. l ,gotleo; . yirho escaped 'arrest ,for .1a Ome;.bUfe„Weil'hr%etited same time since in ,Lu t geirne 'otlotty f ,..'7'be father' ..f. Mary went to IS house Of ,e,., brOigit of: ,John's ~ (whose first mini!) We Vld'noil olitain) to , euhixona his wife ali.'it,' .pr'ltneicin'th*gadaeticinaise. When . re.. twins), e b pe, t st,allged that he '. . frOnl di iiu --. i .. • .4iiiiittaikod attacked , in ._a' very rough ', mariner, and usotf the.ltnife upon - the bonbon o e woman, . - .lolol,k4ritindoti from the effecte.cif Whinh it : .w . tor lbotight floe .*oioald',n'ot::knoti- L er: •Up '-to . . B a l tpfdal; roar imi'itjti in, the," JOHof A rin- . ' .15 . 0"01iun!Y, bit We'learrioi -frcim ditPt. gel-: •,1 ‘Pf .- tbli: , Lgelairit that no.(tiara were now en td„lititTlkor.lleibert's reOptiery.. •' •- • • ' ,„,.__.,, .... .•• 'urata'AinYPitt . ExerSW.D.--Thio ?Prlnceton',. • . - #ll4 l- Ztooirf4tatiinibliiheid'in the Thrid dietiiit . • co ll itkilaPtiajo l e - f - iiirftelhartt.tbiri t pi' of 04'40- ', ,rioslottatit4, Hoi.:9Wei Loveloy,. who, it' sp.. •. , peairai pattly ,, bt; : ble,oWn admiselon: went to Csi,olll.4o.tesSisietwAelth of his brother. .!_llO/40004144,11.- that-durietk hi ii,botatirous • . . 0114 0.00 11 *** 0 4: 4 4° . -OthPrAtrt ifew.ae very :#oo4ool:**lo,ij o n t f film hes had.: defrauded ' A • ‘ l looNl***.iothaWto,khie.'brotner out of,a 0: - . • - tiltsll4l4.4y,lotor; o hu a ban d, - leavini : her, 4. ' r i '' ,_ ~.)1 0 04#1441 14 16494:'0f - the world. b v 4 azittio ':•;Craiiitlo664(trthitittgfolitUttilactaidiaviis also: on ,f;10101•*444;14.4:0urity ! ,..00wa) ; , pauper -444411107k0;loie'',Iti.nbi'''.o: ,',, oitoop-:':- tiibiite *to tfrA.AluTic!erAnd nf Ilen rj,Y . FAAini, the Dabciatie . candiditie' for. Gnv ern'oi . S.tafe,;ras niAde•byi)leATin. Wl] course of a Apclv E 4 .1 re cent DAinocintic IgnisMeetiniin Philnilelphia .AMI nom: , pe paY . limid is in., you will expect to hear something of Gen.- . roster. Very . Litile" need , he said: of his., public career, for that aS is li•knonm. _ to,you' as to Me. Ucihas.lrenAs mefnber of the State I.pi islAtil're' and .of tho , Legislature, and . I) . e has.measiireif his. strength with . the great me,n'at the country. . At . all limes he has pre-: Served his l eseittcheou• from spot; anti in • these tines, let me tell yOu; •:tliat•li something. 'l , nevi!r heard annei.ireputed.to Ge'neral, roster mnwiirthy of a.,hig:h....toned':gentleman: • 'Ai .a• member of tbe Pafty.-his'eotulact .has' been es. , . "pecially. prmlent.: Where lie:has differed: - frOM . . other :pap -h y,leaders, e e has: refrained from strk-- tag, the pelt y itself :for etrors committed thern,and - awaited the time when : the good sense of the people shoald work the correction: BLit I am best able to speak ... of. him as a law yer.,. There is one thingtrue of every, lawyer, and that is that tiis veputation.is alWeys.-gentt. - Itte...The poor ass .. Who . should venture into - a : court of.juStice With any otherskin on him than his own, would be very likely tdeorpe out out . tiny.akin at ail. -1/There a man like Gryie : : ralPaster has, •for . More than twenty years Maintained a supremacy nt thikar Over a large distriet of country tin t' - soath of Allegheny river, antvvc;en the nor-' ders'ef :Virginia and:the Ailegheny 'mountains, and where 'hos, has 'keen ;employed: ih all 'the - Meat important Fontroversies-whiCh havd,aris enthe ii'respeeting.the private tights . - of . . Men, I think you niek-take %it: for granted, 'without Mitch - doabt;theit'he.is just. what he. SeenriS :he... Indeed, it I - bave..-read him - aright, the , combinationof his mental qualities. a Tare . one, thatof . the very cOolost-judgritent..and.the. • very greatest quickness,- :itlo net know ;any man 'out of the city:: of Philadelphia A . vho . can more. rapidly Concentrate all the energies.of hiS mind:On any. oho point. .These are . amang the, highest attributes : of mind; end air present': candidate pOssesies thom in, an eminentde,vec.• In hia.social'.relations, his .chareeter is -full. of interest. •'I do.not believe there amen here . Who could talkwith Gen.foster half an' .boar without feeling:for him sentiment .of frierie. Therd is no . ciildnes4, no assumPtion, no • fawning, ni) double . dpnling: ;there.is - ndselfisii nos's, no grasping, no cupidity. In other words;. my fellow-citizens, I kidieve, we. htive gotten hold of ti genu ine.rnan -for Our candidate, and if he wore notso, 'yoa:never' Would have' heard that vest shout waked its ectioei in - the .valley of the Schuylkill, whlhis name 'was Stiggested to 'the late ; Convention; thus SWeeping away - ail partyprecedents arid upturning. all formei 86 , r,.L0,.Mt1y 29 , How Thai Wier Mion.-Tlie'county was somewhat, astonished that delegate's were re ported present at - the Republican- ebayentipn from several southern statesTexis. - among the number. :An exchange giYea the; following -history or this -pretentled Texan delegation It wastiget up'?.;at:Grand•Haven, - M ich i gan The.nannes of .the delegates, as - the y appeared :in the published - hst,'were Dunbar Henderson; Jamey ScOtt, J Strauss, Q - Fitch - ; delegates at forget. E. Y.:Garr-iron, Williarin • Seagrist; T. E;Chandler, - A-: J: Yoakum,; district - . dela gatesnot .efie of whom - wis"ever' within:. a thousand miles ofTexas..'-Dtthliar Henderson is none other tben,Dorii. C.Henderson, eili tnrof a itentildidan paper at Allegan, , James Scott, is James P. Scott, 'Ole Republican County - Clerk of Ottawa: ounty': J. Strauss is 'the keeper of a'sneell beer saloon in the lagebt 'Grand Revert . ; -11. T, P. Chandler 41 a r•sithint of Crinatia East, anti:: is not now and nevei.'real 9" rittsen'of the United ; States ; 'but at the time the Movementwaaaterted he -was: on a visit to-some - friends in Grand Haven.— The othera,We bedieee, did - not attend.the can. vention, but all of thentaro:residents . rif Grand; Haven ; and its immediate vicinity:_ ilendixson was one of the seeretarier of the eons.iinti,on, and oltandler, the British sybject; was one of the vjee 'presidents. ,This is all, yery.appropriate-,the Constitution.whieh John. Brown attempted to es:abdisltat Harper's VerrYi was a _Canadian. produeti also I • •. . Tau rau rit EssIBL Courmov.=-The test imo py of the %Albany Evenins •Weed's Paper). in regard to the peculiar stripe of •Abram I,ineoles politics is presumed to be disinterested, and therefore is of .some. value: Says that * paper.: • • • . . “Conservetism; in its Modern'and . .odlotis no•representOtiver.iin Mr. colm— His war against injuitice,-irdiumanity and sla-I very is of the “irrepressible" sort,. and he has no sympathy with, those who would whisper epithets ag,ainst . oppression in any form.. If he be tt.rough diamond he .is a sound , hOl'dstime-servers end . , cowards in -contempt, and ikould. - as scion "cotton" to a piCkpoeket as to's adbughface." 'This id his' attitude if he bees wisens he' is thbrottzh; he Will per- Mit . no timid friend tOSwerve (rosin his. pc silica and' will - "take' no step 'backward": to conciliate those "whose touclf-is death.". ; - IIONEST FOR ONCE !—We find •the in' the. publiihad proc:e . edings . of the Chicago Convention. After the report on Platform,' in the diseussion which took plaoe, Judge' Jessup 'of Pa.i.arose and said'; • • desire lo amend a verbal' mistake in• the name of , the party. It is printed 'in the reso tution,,e.gislational Republican Party." wish to etrike'ciut the _word "Naiionat," as that is not the naive by which' the party 'is properly. .knoWn:''. The correction.was-matle. 'True for, you, Judge ,fessup. ~N ational" •is not a term•that properly . belonli•tO the Repub. Rican party, m any sense., :We are , glad to see you havo Oa straightforwardness to' perceive and acknowledge-its illpiqaal character. , PoriTtosl.--4t appears that Mr. Lincoln, Ihe Aepubliean nominee s is. notonly noted for split ting feriCa',raila and 'mauling Democrats, but Iry voting'against the Mexican vvar, and against granting Ithlacres of land to tho' volunteers who participated in that brilliant campaign. • (en. Ucinl.D..,Euslth. .#l ; tic . tit ; iriiiillpltk . i!to . i4at . .. Julie 7, 1860. ~ S. M. PETTENGILL V; CC'S • AGENCY, ..;' .• : 119'1) . gs:sou Street t New York, and 10 State St: .I.;tort 'PETTElitill.b.k -GO., are the Agent:v.o,r the Af'firnot lhonnfiar nod the most influential and [argent circulating Newerdperfi in the united Stateß and the Can-: intim, They aro authorized to contract for nit at . oar, +....~~..~... ~+`+ ~ e - - - ~. Democratic Nominhtion Ton GovrnNon, • IiENRY 1). FOSTER, on WESTMORELAND CO. PRESIDENTIAL EL'ECTOR'S.; 6or g e 111 E Vaux liredpiiek Server. 14•') . . ReckheiV . . Wre. C. 13attarson.. 15 . Geo.'Jnckson. Crockett,. 104. }L 4.J..(;: Brenner . ; •17 J. 13.Panner... . 5 J. W..Jacol)Y.. J.ll. Crawford: Charles Kelley.: .19 - j-L.N.•Lee: . • :7 0. P. 20 J. D. lloVvell. - 8 David 21 N. P.; :Fetterma L'..Lightner. • , Samnel.Marshall. 10 '5. - 23 William)jdok.' • 11 Walker,' - S. s.•Wincbester.' 25 Gdylord:Church. 13 ,Toseph.Lanhach. - • :TRINTER:IYANTD.-A ,jour. Printer wint.ll at this office,. iminicliately,.W;.wiiichgoacl wa.;. . . THE: Fotturn.-:—Ard,we to celebrate the 4th at Smetl,pott?... That's the queStion:: LaSt . Independenee was celebrated by chw.,cifizen in . a.l - natiner'creditable 'alike',te.the 'day arid *p4r dicipants. ..We,are decidedly. in favorof. a liuh lic celebration. , Who says tfaYe.” .... • .:.. • kr:B,z, L.. neat card con taining theforegoing.waspieented•.us by the happy individual Whiise narnethbre:Stands.. at the "head of the. faniily.", Aireadfpur friend .has settled down into a gliiei, sober; dotheatic personage ; and we hav:e.the . best hopes . in Bard to the future. • • '• Nuw MASO.N 110.S . beell; the present Week, fitting tip, the *room under .111a-' son's Store fora:S'erpon: He has his arrange rnen4 nearly completed; and will meptirt the first of the:we e k. ;In additron to Ale and Witte, he will :keep' gene.rel assortment of • The i , Territorial lrieSolutions,"'reported . have passed the Senate of" the Uni ted States by an overage vote of.37M.their vnt. ThIT are essentially the same in prin. ciple with.the majoiity . resolutions ieported 'be ?ore 'the Charleston CdnventiOn. The Tesotu tions were concurred in, almost : . nnanynously , by the Democratic members of .the. Senate.. THE ALT.EQATILANi is the title or a new . •pa• per just , stiirted at Wellsi.ille,.AlleganY county, N. Y., published by Burdick proprie, tors and editors, It is a neatly.•priiitedop'.ey little sheet, Dernoeratic in polities, and o worthy of liberal support. We wishit success: We learn that 14.. of the firm of &:Co.;olean; has gone• to 'the city to purchase another hea'yy.stock of Sprimi, and-Summer go‘ods. ' This establishment must bodying an - unprecedented basiness to have 'sold off their exteneiVe . stocli short .a • Senator flamlin, of Maine, the Republican nominee for Vice President is a. free tfacle ma 0, and votcil for the tariff of ISl6,..ancr in factor Of .the repeal of the tariff of 1812, %I/Hell:gave iligh.protection to the' iron interests of Pennsyl- Vania: How will ihe Pennsylvania Republicans like tins? . . . . . ' . . The Legislacu ie. of. Tennessee ,has' g assed' a very Stringrnt. , la w.ugainst.-the adalferation of U.Sing poisonous rigretikents.is'ffeelar- `AccipiNT:=4lr: GEO. gTICKLES, • Iving. in Keating, was seriously injured by the discharge of a gun,; on Sunday laSt., The hreech'pin.was hlownfrotn.:the gun .hitting him over the left eye, and producing. an ugly" wound; . his • fade Was also'conaiderattly burned, by,the'pa-vder„ The RePidilican Meeting ail.Port-AllegailY, %ve:learn, .was a Complete fizzle; but fifteen, persons attended, wfio were 'addressed i)sr and'. one .or two brieflesi lawyers.. lice sincereiy' pity our friend hams who, for an equivalent received; is obli , gedto _stand. as figure-head for the , ratten , sinking craff:' . . , - The recent highWinda have done immense daMage throughout the country:, 7Our.exchan : ges come filled u%ith'the paiticulara •in regard to loss of lives and distruction :of property.;-- In Jefferson county, the tornado was particularly severe;, we learn twenty-seven. bulling! Were blown doWrr, in one smali village . : The people of 11 , 1'Keen county.mak be truly, thankful that they have thus far, escaped the.severe'eflictions that have:visited their neighbors. • Mr. HAsicar.r., the Astor House,' has been giving his building a_. thorOugh repairing. A large roorn,has been finished. in the loft, light ed with skolights, and ,intenddd, s've under stand, for a• picture , gallery. • " • A Goon,Mcivn.--4e saw a.pctition in circu lation, preparatory to changing the road just below the, Borough. "Jt•hasbsen a matter of .'wonder thafour citizens . ' have' been so long Content to, travel over, a,liad hill, when •by a slight. change, without increasing the distance, a level grade. , might be obtained. • I,Ve Artist . therewill be no'objection to ',the proposed change, • ,-- • • • • • We are tinder obligation to, Hon CHAPEN Idnia s for ackago of public eloenaient... '• finiNfonclal night, last our ..cotemporary . ,. L, Rogitas...,ANulArtt;ii; were: the 'subject of a sere = node, gottetitip :by o ld friends.- We were ahAentfrtim town.' at the!. Hine, hilt .the:informaiiOtt we •hayd.shiCe.reCelVed Wdulti tO the hat ,-about tett o'clock iri the evening, after;the.fatnily had ...retired tteompa.- . ilk of, a hoat'thirty. men, and,. boys, hivingeverk . conceivable. ia:struirtent : .fo r malti . ng*night. hid rePaired to :the residence of:. the new' .BridegrOom and opened: the PerYo . rmance by. firing the.Smethnort cannOn;:thertfotiowed the unearthly din thatever split.human ears_.' l'his:preltide.hrought everkinmate of the house." to theirfeet, as spon•aa . their.astonishtnent and .• - • fright Weald,aliow.• - •:'t he . bead of the .ftimily. sonn , protruded' •iiiinself..from'a' window, .when the noise •Vrtrileditely, ceased. After some characteristic remarks, hot "necessary to . re pe'at,the victim, reqUested. the". crowd. to go Ito the tavern and upattake,". tti the extent of . a tIV," at his 'e.4e•nse.. :TliiS.reque'st Was about to. be complied`.witG; '}vlien, ,those who'had charge Of the. “great gan,'? not being posted, in regard to the- arrangement, .placedit:direetly: under the window, double Charged, and again ilischargedit; thistime..breaking • the•glass in the windows.: The scne.was then chan' g eit:to the ' 4 Wor House bar rooM, - tintlof what fol 7 to red there We are not • - Otir friend gave ':evidende of • great fore-, thought, emergencyjn:spgricsting the only rerriedy . .thet:could poksiby have' relieved for,which.he,is. enfitled to credit: There has boon quite . in our town • •. the. Present .week; probably called hither, .a portion ot:them; to attend the,land kulee, which commence next Monday. • . Lincoln's Congressional career wasp inglo rious 'one 'throughout and consigned him to. politienl oblivion for . years.. -• He is a man trnown. more by his defeats than :his. successis . ; and his'career in this respect is to be completed by a crowning defeat in ,1860. • •• , •, gaintS , icAtts Naw.ENi s iruiNin.l"--4ha tnr:of,.the Poughkeepsie:Eagle—good Itepubl- . .can:alhiherity—denounces the' .Republicans - of Penhsylvtinia and Indiana - ,tiS(‘Poltroans,' , and men'of the sane 'peisuasion in New 'EnigL land fie denorninateac , t4e snea,o of..iVetaEng laiyl!" We tfuote from the Eagle of:May - 2 . 6 i "The very last bus .tv.hoin.the P.o/ti'Oons 'of Perins'ilvania, and rniliaita, and Ike- speaks of Neu; Engtdmf could.have rendered Mr. Sewaitl's noniinatinn certain , had they been true,—.would„have fallen'back .upon; was Mr. Lincoln." " " • -.; :Had .a detnociatic , paper hurled these 'bpi theli Open Republicans in Indiana; pennsylva, or. New England; the Republican papers wouid.liaire•turn'd pale with . rage.' . .,Wei. how ever; give. the :editor or‘the Poughkeepsie Eagle Credit for /sl.l evidence' of- the personal charac ter'of members of his own party t :We .t.hipk, he int:ended to tell the whole truth, and as at present advised, we are more than half inclined to . belleiie.he'c!nade out?' to execnte his intea: tien The icpoltroOnS" of Indiana and Penn:. sylvania, and . “ the sneaks .'of New: England !"' all Republicans., though, Mr. Eagle! U dit 0! elittAdverti.ter :• • , • • • , ITAmr.in A - CA:Ns . r:SEivAttn.=One: of the' • inci-.. dents of'the Chicago Convention, not known, abut which will not be.disputed,)WaS of .a sig nificant character.: After - the New York : del egation, indignant rit.l)l6 course . . of the:repre; - sentatives from Pennsylvania and ,ltiasacheL setts; had - fdtcheil epon - Harrtlirt,for . Vice Pres ident; ("fbr reienge,") they learned :that the .MaineS..enato'r had .written to his delegntion. urging their strongly to go against"§elward!..... What should - I.hey.do Punish . llan?lin . ?. Yes him.j and Linceln,.,toorgive to . the ticket in the Vice .Presideht an additional . .element' •weakness, and to use a proverb, Piet the head. go with the tail." Si;): they :re r solved:to'atick io . t . .irn.Who • will •deny that they were. wise in their win th-I—A/bany.Arpis.. T Utica say* that Mr. ',Seward paSsed . tftrough that'city on 'Monday en, Tonle to Wash ington. • Someone : Asked h im.whe t. he would aay in ,Washington .as . to the probable result of the election • in this 'State:ll' •cgl put Lincoln'a tnajetlty at .-70',000;" 7 .gaid..he. °That's prettf.high," . .saltrsorne:ene in • the erovt:ll, c