M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, June 07, 1860, Image 1

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    VOL., 3.
•-• 411,3iedii-.oloiti;it.neniatto.
By I. B OVIATT,' • •
OFFICE, B. 11 ' CORNER oi..ruiiiao.sciunitr,
TERMi: , 50 ig Adviince)
Rates of Advertising
ColninrCone y0ur.........::.• • • A33'0 0
... , . ' : ' 2000
six in ... ....... _OOO
11 00
Ono square of.l' lines or:less; 3 ipaertions.
Each su bseqUent . .'insertiori,t...- .
Business Cardsoritli-paper, • • 500
Rulo or figure work will he double the shove -rates.
Twelve lines Brevier type, or eight, lines ,nonpareil;. fir
These Terms will ho strictly , adhered to..J
. .
. . .
13 . •'• •
"ENTrSt, wOuld'respectfully . .inforin the inhabitant'
of Olean and Surrounding country • that he has
cated himself permanently in'.olcan, fur the -practice Of
his profession, where ho will be prepared to, wait' n all
who choose to give - hints call. . Oflice,over p 11. Things
.D.rf Goods Store,' , ' • • . • ' • : ".
• Olean,' May 12, 1360. . • • . . 3-4'
.- • •
• . • • GLEAN 'HOUSE •
A. V.:B.ino; Proprietor. Olean, N, Y.,. Omnibus runs
•to and froin•the.New York and Erie Raft Itoad.' Stages
• Cur amethvirt and:Ceres.' • : . ' •
. .
. . •
'S.: J 080001) Proprietor. • Ridgway, Pa.' This 'Hotel' Se
.. • now andldrolslued In modern style, has ample seem).
•modations, and isi in all respects, e Fleet Class,llotel. :
Ridgway, Elk Co.. Pa: May :24, ' 1600. " • • •••., , •
. . .
. •
tiginiOtOr . , 'This house , sittiated half
way'between_Sinethport and Olean. . 'A' convenient
• an commodious attentive and obliging. attend,
ante, and low priCea.:. . • . :
Eldred . ; May-17,1860.
• . . ..
. .
. .
'Surveyor, - braftsrliau ,ConvUyancer, 'and .ileal ' Estate
• 'Agent. EutetUport, WKeau county, Pa. - ' :', •..
De:Garin:Dry Goods, Groceriefi, Pnrk...tlour. Salt, Fifdi
11! , :idy,31:tdo Clothing, Boots'ani Shoes.. Banetliporl,
. ..•
• -. ... . WILLIAM' '
'P radical' Mechanic, ' 'l.lllwrigliti,'.llridie:builler, :'&c
• PortiAllogheny, M , Kean 'county, :Ca.: .. ,
3; L, BROWN,
.... • ... .
Estate Agent. Office, Co.,
Cltapin & Boyle,
llou .: Thomas' St rlittlexa,
W. S. Brownell,' Esq.,
. Hoe: 'A. 1... Wilcox,
Smathoort, Pa
Plena Vista. pa
. .
" • •'• ". 'CARVER HOUSE, • '..."
JUGS Mad. Proprietbe. corner of Wafei and Ilickery
• Streets, :Warren, Pa. Clencral Stage 01;n:Sce:•
Frontine; .the
‘ Public squitre, Olean, NI Y, JA)tra N.
lifsttna. Preprictoi. The P obes House ie entirely new
' and built of brick, • and is'lttrnished in' modern style,
The 'proprietor flatters himself- that Itikacconinu;da ,
tions are not surpassed hy. any hotel In Western..lS'ew
• • York. Carriages run to and leonine New York and
• _Erie Rail Itoad, •• ; • • . .• . .
.. . .
ATTORNEY AT L a w; Snlethport, M'KElln' County. Pa.
Amint for , INlMuma. Keatin; . & Oo's"Lantla . Atte!, le
- mine.cially to the
,Oollection of • Clainl.s; Examination of
Land Titles; Payment of Taxes, entl-all hosinerm rola
: ling:to Real Estate.', Office in Ilanilin 1110 ck , ,, , .
. . .
I): A. WRlGllT,•PTGrietnr,—ttt .Ithuum.. Warren eonnty.
P. Ilk - Table nitt •be supnliel Willi, the 'best - the
country afford;, and hOspAre no pains in acconiotkAing
Attorney and Counsellor at havr,', - Fuietlaport, M' Henn
0011 Illy, Po: Bus.ueSs . .entruste'd.tri his cure for the
. .counties of 51 , Kosit, Totter out I•Hk wi It be 'promptly
attounlott to. (Moo in tho Court House, secoud flour..
Physicinn• an I•Sitfgonn atliont to
alliiroresnional culls witli,Komptuess. Wino in tlart
wet I Block, second floor,. • • . , ••.
. .. . , . .
Wholesale, and Rotal• Deaters in - Slaph!, and Fancy Dry
Coodtt, Carlieting,'lleady:Made Clothin,?. - tuld • fleneral
Forniahing Onotbr; hoot,' and Shooi; Wall and Window'
' Parer, :Looking lllasHos &c. •At (Heat!: N. Y.
• .
Smethport.,lll.'Kead Co., Pa. D. A. DiDtNlDr,yroprie•-:
• ter—onnecite the Court ltmisa. , A nett - , lar4e, com
, mellitus and well•ftirnighed hence.
. . . . ,
Attorney awl Couusoll , 4 ni Lim, Smetlipprt,lll'liteitn Co
Pa: Will talon& to nil bushiest:hi 1119 priaession in the
..• counties of 31 , Kenn,Piitteraiiil Eth. Otlic'e oyer . ll. - 1i...
Sartwell St . Brothers' Store.
... .
Corner of Second. and Liberty streets; Warren;
l'a. It.
"Travelers will llndgoed Oc
, conntiodations - and reasonable charges...
lloarre in Stoies; Tin Ware, Jeep:med are, &c.,.west
. shle or the Put!lio age.ro, Snietlinort,•Pa:,l'enstoni
w•irk done tieoinler on the shortest notice, and in, the
, 'nest substantial manner.
W. s..'BitowNtLL;
Donley in Di 7 (Fonda, (1 rotaries,. Crockery, II artlwaro,
Boots, Shoes, tints, Caps, Glass. Nails, Oils, Are..,
"- East side of the POLS(' Square,'SinetlipOet, Pat,'
A. J. ono,
Dealer in Provisions and Family Groceries at'
Feriae rs, Velley,:sl'Kean •On., Pa. Grain, 'Lumber.
Shingles, &c., taken•iu exchainge for Goods. Patent
Modicinos for POO.. '
R. LARMME, Proprietcr,—Alloglieny, • Bridge, ht`l(ean
- Co , Pa. This hone°, is situated about nine fallen from
'Smethport on the road to Olean, and will be found a
,convenient stopping-place .
, -. .lll.'Nean Co., P.. N. L. DYKE, Proprie!oi.
..A ommoodions 'and well-furnished -house. Strange -n
and tlavoloys wlll find :good accommodations: '
. ,
. .
. .
By T..oenewm This house is flituatqa about limo mil e
from Sao thport on the road to Olean: Pleasure parties.
and ethos ean be sceemmoilated on the Shortest notice'
•ENocn R. DOLLE . Y, Proprietor., • at:Porl • Allegany,•
;Komi Cloonty:Pa.' 'This Rotel laaltuated at the June;
tiPn orthe STnethport and Allegany River ioznis,:elne
miles east of Srnethport.. • - • . , • •
M'KEAN Co.y •Pti.
•WM. IiA4ICELL • : Pioprietok.
'no Neill:later hatring. recently purehaSed
rellttml•lho.Astor Itnner, natters himself that lie
cm furnish as'ttond iteecuintodationsas any betel In
ern Pennsylvania.
Artemns Ward Meets the Octoroon.
• the 17, .1800 & GO.
.iyith no'.cirdcniry : feelings of Shagrin
arid tridignapinin that l rjfe yeti these here lines.
Some :.of the, blest and.•mgst, littrestfeelins
I,Aich aetohate the;:littrriin hart has been traMpt.
onto::• The Ameryean flag lias bin ontrajetl.-- . •
nussin, a Adder in my BoOzatif. :The
fax in the kase is this here : A. few. viieex. ago
Baldinsvfll.to go, to N.' for to git out
tnYflatnin.yaller haphills fur the summer . kaFr);
,pane; and.asl was peroosin.a npospaper on the
karsomiddle'ajed Man in.. sneektellsuls kum
arid •sat downonto.rne: .14 was (hest in black
close, apdmias.apperently as 'fine' it manes ever
da, Sur," he.did sa !into' -me Strafe
way, "Afideiin," sez I,not wishing tokommit,
myself, the he . peered to be as,flue , a. manes
there),vas in •the wurld—:"its a ..middl.in fine
day, Siinire," I obsery(;.d. •Sez he' "How farea .
the Ship' of piate•iiiyonrieg;ne of,kedentery?"
Sez I "We don't have no shiris•in our • State—.
the kanewl is , ou'r best h.01t.." Ile pawsed .a
minit and then sell "Air you aware. Sur;. that
the Icrisip.is with.us?" . ..."No," eel I, gitin up
and lookin under the seer, "where
.hear eveywhares," he lied. - •.:.
Sez .1 . : "W h y bow yu tawk !" and . . I. got 'up
I aginagin antllookr all round. must Si, my
fren,"-.I continered,.asi leF.nomed' my' seer,
•‘gthat I kant see nothing of 'no krisis, myself/
Ifelt.sdmWat alarnieti i and arose and:la a sten
towrian voice observed 'that cony lady or
gentleman in iha l Oar° kai.bad' a.krisis co'n
cealeil about their . perquis, they'd ..bettei• Pro
juce it, at nnrt or iuffer konsekwences.
rat itidi'viduals , snickered rite, ont - , putty.:
little darns'ellrite behind Me. in a pine, gown
made the obsaryashuri, ‘4le, he." 'Sit doWns
my fren," said the man •lin black "you
miskomprebend me: that . the'perliter 7
cal eliermenti are cirekast with • black Mond's;
tbOdin a frireful storm." -."Wall,".replide
~fi n.regard to perlitecal elleifunts, I doot know
as how but- what they is as,good as enny other,
kind,.of ellerfunie. • liut ' f maik bald to say they . 1
-is all a ornery set andy:dpleasant to hair
They air poWerful heavy eaters, and lake mi . a
rite smart chaos of roOni,andbesides hay
'as ugly. and reyengetelus a OuSsraroarus - Nun.
with thurteen inches 'of - corn whiskey -in • his
ptummick." "
diith;;wai, Pa
AFrIrTI:n, Pa
: - The, man in WO elose seemed to beaa fine
a man as eyea was in the'wurld: and
sed.praps I was site, tho it was ellPrmunts
Stidol:ellerfuntS that heallooded to, and axed
me, what was my prinserPuls 7 ..cti haint dot
oly," said I. "not a prinaerpul: lme in Ih'e
show.hisneta:" The man, in block close ; I will
hearobsarve,: Seemed to-..be . as, fine amen as
ever was in the trot Id. “Bot,"aez- he ,
hey feelings into you ? • Yit ciropathiSe with'
the - Misfortunit, the lowly, 'Mid the hart sick,
i'on't yen ?"' He bust Into - ters. and axed me
'eftsaw4hat - YAind lady in Hie Beet mit y:ender,
phitin to as.slick.ri gal 'fla ever seed: Sed...l,
he,tire • I : seedier—is Phi much sick 1" The
men in black dose was apPe . erently • as 'fine a
manas ever Wris in the - wnrld ennyWhaies...
.eloseryto me," sell the man in b6ck :
clos . e. • mowtly-fuinei(st yore
eai. • Hus'isi—SllESF !". !". sea..
I,.gitting in'an I.xcitpd manner—"yu don't
'say; so! HO w long has, she Been . lhtrt • WaYl".
"Finn her airliest: infronsY,". said • be.
what upon aittli does she do it tOr'??' I
''Sh e can't. help : it," sod, the man'in black elos i e
the brand •of Kane.." .=ll , Vall,. stiedo .
better stop drinkin Kane'S htandY,"i
"I:Sed the brand at . Kane, was upon her L—not
brandy, my - frem ' . .You air obtoose." • '
was considet but riled at' this, 'Sez 1, , ;:,idy
gentle Sur, line a..nonresistanter.as d eineral
thing' and (hnt want to git
hadtlY, bat I kin nevertlndesS have in coo ) , .
man's bed that' kalls itobtoose," with which
reinarks.lliofnmeneed fur to' pull: orf 'my extry.
garinints. ''Kern on," sez.l l :-"Time.! -here's
a Beniki BoY fat' ye I"'ardl danst round like
apoppit.... I-Ic' riz up his sect and axed ,my'
.Was all a Mistake---that Itims a,
good Man, ise.t tory, fic sow dth, nal. fixt it
all up pleasant.. I a:est . :Se the' man in 'black
close seamd to he as.fitte [imam:as ever lived'
in the wurld. Scd Octoroon was the Sth
of a'negroW. •.11elikewise stated that tie :fe
male 'he tvas travelin With .was formerly a slave
iaMississippy ; that she purchist Ber freedom.
and now wanted lo purcliiss the freedoin of her
inuther,..whoOhe Man in black Closdobserved,
•was between S7 - yeers of age,' and had to do
all, the cookin and washln for 25 hired .men,
vvhitch,Wai rapidly breakiti down her kcinstitu
shun. : He sed lie node the minit he gased onto
my. klassae end beneverlunt .fase 'the t do
nate librulfy,and axed me to go .over 'and see
her; whitch Laceordingly
I sot down beside her 'and. sed, t..Ytire sar
vant,marm I
.I . lnw.do you - git 'alongl" 'She
htisttn2.:teets and sed, ‘ , 9 Sur Irneso retched
a' poor . unfortunit 0ctOroom" 4, 50 I
tarn. ' Y.ure, rather tnoar 'Boon:than Onto, I
titke sed I, fur J'aever seed ti pUttier gel
in the.huh endoorialima of my She had
on a ?Vlore. Antil . Bask: 'and a Poplin Nobler
with Berageltrimmins'onto.B,whlle he Iriand
kurle'were enuff to make a . man' jump. into a
mill pend withoutbiddin his relashuns good by.
I pitied the:Octoroon from'the loftiest reeusses
of my hal Land:bawled 0nt,50 dollars ker slap
and told her to buy her aid thuttier as socm . as
. •
SAIETIIPORZ . .111.7NEAN..cOUNTY;.: i ) .A.,..:THI.ritSPAYi... - JUNE,.7I-.1860.
she sac:much; thanks.! . !
She then.lade her bed over onto
.my shodelder
and sed r wits ;told rata."' I was 'Astonished,
'thisObstirvat , ion, whkh 1. node Wes never
used hiraned society 401 perlitely bui'em
fatiereallY shoi , ed,lier bed away. •; • .
Sez I ; t; llarmyamo trocily Sea'
Give Os'anatlier 59
seleck asserttnent of . .the most tremenjiOus
thunderbolts deseeiied;dOwn . ontomo.l coodnt •
bed heeit More taken aback. 1. jumpt up,. but
she ceased My kotn.tales' and in :voice
Icride - ttEO;heneverldesait • yeti4-let• us 'fit to
gether....to afurrin shoar i" Sea I "Not' much
we .Wont,". and 3 made it 'powe?inl effort . to
.g,et •
awa front her. plade
wherettpon'slre.jerkt trie,back into the seat.--
tny' ituteyu scandalus'ferrale; , I roar
ed, when she set . upthe most uneinthly
.. yell in
anti Imperil) ~ y u ever PassiMeri
'and the.geritlemunlY konducter ruslit .to t h e .
spot and.l dent.think I ever • eiperiensed• such
a rumpus' in the..hull coarsen( my Mist., ,The
"martin black:close rritht up to me and Aedi , lldw.'
daii.you to insult my. peace,. yo r liorrhetled vile ;
ehcinet ' Yu haieexhibbiter of:low; wax Tigget s
,--ytiwOolf Sheep7s,":&.sow 4th.. • • :I '
I was I was a lonnatic
time heinand offered $.7. dollars reward to'enny
ientlemun Of good Moraicarracter who, wood
tell me xvhaf my name Was and: what town .1 .
- lived. . The konduCtor cum to me . and,seil
the insultid parties, wood settle for $5O, whitch
LernmejitlY hawld out and again implored stun.-
buddy to state Wherb I 'Was prineipully,.:ifl
shood he there a grate .while.
went on'e's thoyd bin goin fur sum time back:'
then axed if there wits•ennymore Octostions .
Present, .!beraw,'.',s,ez I, 'ccef there is,.let
kunt along furltbe in
then ;tiro my:specterlitils.Mit or the winder,.
smash! my hat.down over'm ' ylab, larfed high
sterically and tell index : the 'sect.. I.la there
s m time 'antifelipsleep: I dremil Mrs.. Ward'
and twinz had been carried, art by Ryenoiitir,
bosses and that .11aldinst;i111.01 . ).,teeti •captured
by a army Of. Octoroons... When Ptiwakt the
liamps wits a bOrnin dimly. Sum of the .pas
.shijera was a . snorin like pawpussei and the
Ittlp.tirtinsell the . Was a sinain .
;Oft in the Silk ":17he.onprinsipuld .
toroon end . the miserb s ul man in block close W.I.
gon, and all a sudden; it flash! ore my Inane'
that He biriswindld.• Its
.bo . te no moat. : ol
bein smart. Sorrefully 3itires, •
.i‘Old Peter Cartwright," is one of the staunch
est, as weir as most venerable preachers of. dm
Methodist denotnination in Illinois. lie is now
attendine, the General, Conference of that
'Chiral' at E..ulTalo,.and a week 'or'so age was
invited to preach or lecture at, Tiochester. '.Qii
his way hack to,' Buffalo,' of 'course politics
were tirscuised, 'and "old the
fact ',that he Was. a coned unComp.roinising te4l;-:
aria I .A . .lllepi: wh o • was 'presCht.",
.1e11:4 • the
story iti his oan Way..- . .f . • .
' , What .do von think' said an Cll.
thusiastie Frail splitter •
Mr. Lint!olp..ii'd good. neighbor - : .Ltells
a good story--and rs . what the world Calls .a.
clever' fellow," . 4.aid Cart ' .••
. .
.! , 113iit What thilik.of his
saiii•he'ilif the •... .
c!‘‘'liy, Sir, he's a second. "rate !ail . •ye'r,Yund
notliin inciie,-'s was the reply
What: de you 'think br . Senakir
saiil fl ilettiocrat, 1%110 was iisteniligto the
think," said Cartwright,. straig;litening.
liirnseif, tip; is a ye: y• large man) think
-1 kuoti; ke is ;ut.einitit ut man anit Statesinan:
He is a Itead'apii shaulilers abeve.half
'l'ke.r‘rriilsplit ter" . now put.io••his
and rather broadl}•.intimsred that .told.. Peter"
was abusing .Lis 'randidate.,. ivithont.: knowing
personally the distinguished 'rail inritifer.".-7
Cartwrightthrned upon his - insolent 'assailant.
the full glare of his lnstroprieyes and • address- .
big him indignantly Said-LtiSir, I have I:newn
Abe Liiicola for years, arid Isern.ti: to Misrep
resent him 6r .. .any other man. Nor will I per-
Mit you to . rjuestion statemeMs. I'lell you
I know . Linenin well. I inane'. Gea:ten hiin twice
fora seat in the Illinois Legislature; and can
do It the Air 4 (isle, if he or his friends desire'
Ndw don't you dispute; me again or ques- .
tioMmy assertions, or you and I, will=-"
. Here the shouts that. greeted -the,' retront tug
,splitter" drowood
• ••11 - ie • balanee of aold .
Yet.er's" invective, and he was troubled no Air
the'r by imperthico . inquitics.ior
,his opinion .61
'"Abe •' . •
.r.TnAT's.so.L.A'n old bachelor' geologist -was
'boasting that every. rock was' as familial to
him as the 410141)(4. A lady who was present,
declared she knew of a rock of. which • he - Was
wholly ignorant: "Name it-, Madatro7. cried .
Ccelehs;iii a rage. "li is ale roch - ol he oadlo
sir,?' replied the lady. cliclehi evaporated; . •
is'the man that inakes.the most noise thit .
seciires•the attention of the • world. • A' silent
elephant may rernain•unobserveti nmid the fo-,
liageof, the wood,*but a croaking Intll frogviill
be „sure to attract &unction in the.darkest•night,
Tile test AO friciitiship,-11!ers. is - nothinlife g'
a priori paverriew. to test our
,1.14 (bends
Rev. Peter Cartwright.
'AN T.Trisihitsn time:ago a, hey
Was'bronght to.the lodging house by a police-;
rnato : he had (Onto! him ..sleepine.on a wagon s '
and on heir inghislittle . story': he, felt• a' deep
interest . in the lad,lwhicli ;increased as he be•
carne.tietter . acquainted,. With - him . , He t
'him over night at the citation hotise, and \ teek.
morning to . . his own;reihjeneetot
him his breaufaSt,:gfto.whieli. they:SeLoutfor
the. lodging The officer:thought -1t
would be a very' g . oodthing. to remevethispapi
boy :trorp - th'e,.danger of the city, and ieplace
[lfni in - a . geod western, hOine,. They Walked
atengqigget,llM-till they earrie . te'a,..ceitain cros
sing, Mid there'the boy droPpetistoldettlYback . ...•
His friend did not 'Miss higntill'hilitfproceed-.
oil a feW paces,Whenon tuini . ng'round, he saw
_with . some.surto ise, ptitting sotriethiug
into the hatid. o lll littlebarefooted girl, Whose
face was .more:thnn.ustially anitiated . byan
Pressler) of blooded t ude•a ad joy,
.for a gat . .
though trifling, was 'unespsetedfrom,,sucka:
Source. The raver us much pleaSedby
CharacrCrisi id. iM•idetit, t h Lis Peelings.
i‘lleiiry,"saidlM,when the In,odest: - . ,bOy had
ejoined hirr);. , eyou Want motley - yoniselt- T kowr .
carne it that , you.gave any away?"''
tve . o . cetits',....Sir;''.'sakl Henry,
i.and Trecks4l can get' along rbet'fer than the
lithe girl . Without: it:, 'I could not keep it when
I str'w - her trembling with ttur•ciibli.andshe . ii
barefooted, t00...A :gm su . re she has neither
thug.oar Mather; 'the poor thing:was crying
with t he, Col rt:" • • • • . •
But you are an nrphan, too,: Ilenry,"6aid
the officer: ' . . •
.'• Cut I .nrn n•ho'y, FIT; and 1 dmet: feel the
ha . lo;iiip:so . niueh'. reckep I aiq •betteiused.
This trait . cit chicractiq;',when related by • the
officer,. nunle me lee! a warminterestin Henry.
At..the lodging. hough '1 had Mt opportunity of
judging •whether his good .cpia I i ties . were permn
iientlor found thein
tlnct Was irreproachable, andlie . wasjoyed by
the boys,. who can npDreciate merit, fra a corn:
,pani.on without feeling envious. took him to
the We'st . ;.iiia Jorge' comp . any frorn'the office,
and "placed him.with a f wily. :tyllich he is'
no well, it loving hdo cad member.
Tuts Leat!srs : ..—ryeotemporitry says if this
month shall be' a warm .Mie,as•:seems
the seventeenth Year . lactiSts
,may be •expeqed
the last. week of the,' rrieht keold snap may
make. thein a 'feyv days later. : The last:thue at.
their j appearaneeiliere, in 181.5 , ,..a few-were seen.
about. the 29t1i , 0f :May
,; .btir a Cold.' snap' hap
-peering just then; the first adventurers perished,
Mal the:Main boky•il 'nut:appear 'aboveground
until th4.3d of June. • §dine pleasant :'evening
the liver colored grubs will:be seen asending
in countless- Numbers Root the
, • Subtertaneari
abode's' of seventeen years'.. Crawling uppn
some tree , fence, or dnish,•they
,will fix 'the-old
shell thereto by its claws', : eseapd.'duiine.the'
den's ofnight ihrotsgha„slit 'the..dark; .anib
unfold their %rings_ before ,This le"an
iMportant point, (s:these whese• wings fail. to
tui Odd before tile situ comes to dty ;them,- will
remain as hopelessly erirtpltid, aS the “Firid.:A
eel," . id (genre's poem.. • 'Thence fur
ward there will, be a grand reticent of instru;
mental mas h ', of, pe'rforniers all
ovVc. t eMintry; n't no other •enst-dhan a "se-
. . .
ver:ci'‘‘.l;ylesalrt politlaa . i 4 tlia.traea.• Those,
it any; wironre iar;rcilulous - ; %1•41 ace, hear and
beliae:.• • - .
'Ourfileini, Celli 'a ''good, one,''
which lie: sdys:oeeurred•qinting over the
Igen Southern - road thii . nther day .. The- s train
hail stopped at a ‘'voildsta lion to wiiod and wa
ter, ninf . Waa'so . triewlitit'ionger than ustitirOac . ::
eaniplishing An .inipa Na . w . Yorker,
who was avidently . reforning
,frornhis.firtit trip
.west, aid wag somewhat hungry .withal, and
mai' be drY : froin his. -long. ride , became' :vary
itriPtitieht itt. the Jong. delaY.:,. racing up' arid
dowa die ear lie iadidged in iii Vera Piofane4.,
presstotta, interspersed : With wanders.and pea
ses:a at reason of t h e . .minutes '
'p ussrd his impatierice. - -lieratiie triers futiopi,:and'
his . curses lotolOr and .deeper., : A long speei- .
of ..the i gentis .Yankee very deliberately.
uaised t one: of .the windows, 'thrust his 'head,
throOgh,'and:taking a careful'-survey of the
Iliad - adjacent, drew it. strati
-ger, 1 sort ol gii . ess I know what's the
and then. dodged it .out again. • Impatient New
Yo'rker-Waited.until he drew. it in again, antl
tedWell, what in It I isif 1" 16 -Wlay . i
said Yankee, poking his head .aut once more,
and taking a-deliberate survey,- "it's becalisa
there's a nigger in the wood pile." Impatient
'NoW Porker had horttediate.ly • another • relapse
of .wearing, while the, pasiengers *indulged in .
nshont that was. only.. drowned 'by.
whistle. ot: the loeothotiv6 and ..the welcome
cry of the eanditator, 4. , 411 00400
Mersa, a little
gill about twelve years of age, and . a :grand-'
child of. Mr. Joseph Morse,.of ttiiti place, N•as
so sey'crelylmrned on Thursday last, that' she .
dieil troin . its effeCteen ' Sat u rday. It .appears
that the child:was building- a fire in a itoye,
and tiit some shavings lying upon the, hearth,
took fire, and in some mainier.her , dress came
in contact with the same; and in an instant, she
was envelOPed.in llamas.
.body ;and arms
Were 'shockingly burned, and-the poor 'creature .
trust have . endlired,tlte . most intense, tiff - death:
kindly relieved Wu/ len Ledger. :
A. Drop of Ink.
- .Think of a Queen'tifirst signature of kdeith
werrant, where tears tried • to .blank Ih ‘ e.•fatal
blaCknesinf .the of.t ra itor's"
adhesion to .a deed of - rebellion', written in gaill
of a foiger's..trembting imitation .of another's
writing, where .each letter took .. the. shaPe' of
the gallows ;iof a lover's', passionate. proposal .
written in 'fire ;of proud girl'S'reftratil.:writ
'ten in lee ; of 4 mother'ii . . dying expostulation
with' her wayvvard . 'sen; written in. - the: heart's
blood.; of .an indigntint father's , disinhcriting.
etirse upon his first born; blitek.•With the •:,lost
. color of the gray hairs which Outage `do wn in'
seirroW.to the grave—think of those, and Or all
the.Other impassionate writings to„which every
hour givei birth,. and what a strangely potent;
Protean thing, a drop of infitro)ys to bet All
.over the world - it. at the: behest. 'of.
men:: Here a despairing , ,prisoner. 4,yritlng,
with a rusty nail his dying , eonfea'sion of.faith.
on his dorripAtingeon wall.'• •There• an anxious.
lover is deceiving all but hie bride, With an ink.
which'she only knows to render - visible... BE!,-
leagtiered soldiers in Indian forts
,are confiding
to the perilotiS secre.sy of, •rice Water or intici•
cent milk their oWnlives . and. the .'fortunes - of.
the•country. Skip-wrecked . sailors, about.tO
be : engulfed in' mid ocean . ,are consigning to:
faint , pecil• memoratidiutn. ; of
.meinorandetn.'of .the spot, Where they seen .
go swiftly down in the
Everywhere; hapny, pairs, dear husbands. and
.wives,.alleetionate : brat:hers arid sisters,.and.nll
the busk ,wtrld are Writing to eacii.other• On
endless topics, with whatever paper comes ..to
hind, whetever ink; The varied streamthus,
forever floWing is the. intellectual arid emetional,
bided of.the word, and no onaneed visit. Egypt,
or aiirnmon.nn Egyptian magician.to show him
all the arts, all:theloys and woes. of inen re . .-
.fleeted from . the Mirror of,o*.drop
gdz;ine. • *:
The Strawberry,
. ,
Piirtle"e; of New.York., - in a lectdre'
at Yale. College, op the :Strawberry, says:—:
The:lollowing to , Onitivatri. that fruit,' is. the
best Method Select a' warm, Moist,' but, ex
poSed situation'; 'for early .beriles'' let it slope
to the east or tionth ; for late ones to the , nolth.
The - sho u l d be a' firie' gravelled loain..-L
high, barren soils, end'those that are
wet..' fo prepare the soil; make it clean i j un-;
deidraid,leaving•the drain open at'.. both ends,
to alloWthe 'circulation' orair.' . Pulverized at
teast two feet in depth, making. ten per _cent of
the soil as fine it. 9 superfine flour. For manure,
-apply thirty!' bushels of Unieached • ashes,' and
twelve . hushels . of. - lirne slacked ivith water,
holding. three buitrels . of saltin . solution to the
acre. Trarisplanting . should li e dope With great
care, .andthe rootlets. at
. ..the plant- injured...as
little as - possible. ' The besttidie to transplant:
is in the spring, though, with care, it ',may be
done' any•tiMe during.the immtiner... The :lee
tUrer'.'stiid he wourd,:in starting a' new' bed,
place. the Jilants three . feet apart.- .Water May
be adde d witblreatliilvantage, in laro"v quap
titiee,.exeept during. the' flowering and ripening
periods, provided 'always, it does not .stand . and.
become stagnant on the soit:. The hoe • s hould
never ,be used about the plants, ae it injures the
roots.. The productiveneee..of the straWberry .
about Isteir *York dots not average ; more than
fortylhushele to Ilie..acre. There..is.noilifticul
ty in raising One: hundreitand
der the cultivation reComrnended. - In the win 7
ter tho.plants should . bo lightly coVered:,.:
Itfioll'iNfi TOO . 11Incie..-r-We find in one, of the.
Memphis papers the following
,anecdotes of. a
'ffian• who knew, luo much: , : • •
Miring the-ndrniniat orlon of. Preaident lack :
'son, there was a singilar yoning gentleman' inn:
ployed in rho public service at - Washington:H.
His name. was H., ha was (rain Tennessee, •:the.
son• of a•• Widow s a npieghbor 'or the. President,
.011 Which' account the old hero had a kind
lag for him,.ancr always, got-. hint, out of his dif
ficulties with . some-of the higher officials;
whom his singtilar Interferences. Were distaste
ful.. . •
Among other 'things . it is' said of him that
while he was employe d in the General Post of
lice, on . one.oecasion he had to .copy a letter of
Major . 11., a high offieer'in answer to an'. arinli
*cation -made' by an' old genllf,moii le' 'Virginia
1 .
or PeintS .lVania (or the establishment of a new
- postollic , • The 'writer of the letter- often
used .clas deal . Fang - linger in hisletter : lie . said
the application , could not be .granted, in conga.:
gushes of the applicant's ! , proxitnity" to':an;••
other ollIce:'.. When tlio letter eatnejlito G'S'
hands:to copy, being a great stickler.for plain
ness;•he altered . "proximity"dd.tinearnessto.'?
Major 11, observed/it, and naked G..why he al
.tered his .letter!.. / Why, replied.G.',. because 1
det?t think' 'the man :Woidil understand what
you: nieati . bY, proximity. ' Well, said. Major' R.;
put. in the ttproximity'',aguiti;:
~• -: '"-. ' , ~
in 'n few days a letter., was received from.,the,
applicant,, in which. be very indignantly - Said:
''That his father' had fought . for fiber!), in the
first, and he himself inllie 'second: war orin
dependenee, and he would:. like to :neva' the.
name of the 'scoundrel who brought the charge
of Proximity, oranything else against hirn?" 7 -.
"There," said G. "Did.' not say . se?". G. car=
fled' his impraVernents:sofar, that - Mr. Barry,
theTostmaster General, said to him; "1 do not
Want - pie here any; longer, you, know too
mucli.'.' • Poor.G. went out, but his old : friend;
the General, again got'• him:another', plaeo',- 7
This time G,'s ideas:underwent 'a change . ; He
was oneday.Verphitay writing, when, aistran,
ger calling in, asked'hint. where the , patent of-.
flee was'? • % - ' , ... . - .
. . .
4&1 tion't know;"-said G. .c . (Ciin-you tell me
.where the Treasury:Department is?" said the
stranger. ~4N0," said G. ...PlVor the ' , reel;
dent's - house?" "No." The stranger finally
asked him it- he knewAVltere the Capitol - was.
~ No," replied-G. .. "Do you live.in Washing
ton, sir?'' said the stranger. "Yes sir," said
G. “Good Lord, tintidOn't - know where, the
Patent Office, TreaSury, President's house and
Capitol 'are? . ' PSirangeri" said' G., "I, was
turned out of the Post oce for knowing.' too
much. I don't mean' offend in that way
again:. lain paid forltei ing Oil book: .1 be
liere Ude know that thnch; . but if you find me
knowing anything.more, you, may • take ' my
head." . p.GOod morning," saki the . e . tranger: •
The woman who . un d ertookr aeour. the
woods, has : abandoned the.job,' owing to' the
high price of•soap.: The last that was • heard
Of her slia4as skimtning the seas.' : ,••':
.NEw Yonx, lioven;lo4
Tp osp • . • '
to, say that the him of
Solizrd; Wed & Greeley is.this. day diesol,i%et
by the w4hdrewq of:the junior niembei of the
When I edited the ,Tefericodan . eit•Albany,
you and your. •friencls acknowledged
of my labors in yOUr cause, in ileiOtini
the'office of GOvitinOr , arid,Jlnited States Beni."
torn .
Vol' labors sustainin g you! only.
•received'teii dellai:s a week to aiMpart,..my
self and child. • ,
When you. were Gov ernor of thse Strife with .
great patronage in yonr , hanchr; no .oflei olany
position to assist me was mode. When Gener
al Harriiini was elected President; you had full
control'over the federal io this State,
and . I received no coneiderStion at your: hands.
When General. Taylor mos - elected President
you also . had' the prineipal.distrlbution of-the
federal patrentige, - .and in connectiot., with , Mr..
Weed yoU made Hugh Alakwell collector of thin
port; a man. who was. never entitled to the con-..
lidence . of the whig party.• Instead of reward=
.ing men who had steadily edheied to Henry
Clay ind to.you; such men. as ;Zebedee.Rlng,
an outcast' from Neva' Scat* - wail appointed'
surveyor of the port; Dovid .A. Bokee .Was'
mnde.naval officer; Williath N. Brady, 'post !
masterl: Wpi. IL Leroy; miry' agen4 ',Hiram
'naval; store
. keeperi John' Young. lib
treasurer; 'and a pnan' w,as selected foe United
Slates :.Marshal, whom
.you - know; cannot '
And 3 et, while 'you - knew I hedlost every_
dollar possessed, starting the Galway liner of
steam packets Co benefit Ireland and yourself,
no offer was made of-assistance or place.• '.•
Subsequently it..was understood my
friends that I should be the next candidate for
Governor, and your consent was given; but
stead of supporting me, you and your , friends
nominated that trimmer ,and little villain,.Ray.
mond - for Lieutenant Governor, vrho was•OfOo
advantage to our ,party, and a Man Whom to'
know. Is to detect. • • •
• In all the positions I have labored:to place
you, the emolument! And the, honors have been
divitlpd between yourielf and Weed: '• "
I have to saY, that any 'support you may
hereafter receive 'from me will be because,it it
necessary for the party, but not from personal.
,consuleration. : . ' • •
Yours; ike., • • •
• • .I.IOR ACL7 GliE,El4u
For Poitir Journal
Our Farmers.
I . read..the above' named article la thrtionsnei
of May . .3d, with great pleasure.; although as a
friend of 'PrOgress I' thought that a half way
article'ought to be finished the 'next time, for
the'benefit of
. a class of our community,witich
are called in gerieraldiFarmers. l . '," •
The stores,:ao well filled, shoW.Ptat.there,:ts•
wealtkenough (?$ to . sustain them. I feel sir.
te . say, that . in our vicinity are farmers With
25. acres and upward, who have need:. of antis
tance.l ;And why. may we all kel.eorry shout
:ft.?' • Maybe the Juni-nal' not need to feel
stilted "over if, ;because the announcement
SberiTs salei pay.arovell I But the -industri- .
ous farmer mass' wealth; andfor this class of
farmers, which are'always at work with ha nds
end mind, soul and body, we may rejoice;wben
they •vill . try to prOsper 'themselves ; although,
every rrien-ought to think,' that as Soon es ell
'our neighbors' nre . dolng Well; we qrecnil going
to be prosperous. 'The cheerfuincr which pire ,
veilsnanong onr• farmers is certainly •a geed'
sign, and it may be sitid to our.pioneers 'not to
standstill before.the trees and admire these
splendid' works' of nature.. Nay . , to cut them
down and clearofrnice fermi, and make good.:
homes, where they' may• bring up hantlaume
girls, ead'useful boyet , . •
pet not afraid, parents,' to sead' . your - .good.'
looking daughters tomlik;n. cow, to weed. the
'garden, R111(1 - ..even your Weed over-whelmed
001 u-fields, tolakcreare of the house.and gar
-den, it will' be all the better for them, for they
.tvill.enjey real health . and.l6 better looking for
an industrious farmer; their so may nide faces,.
. you hear so frequently. complain of ach... •
ing all over. Anrl one word for' the boys.--:
The farrrier . boyaltre ,generelly 'hard-working,
.but remfpriber,* . that.Aromid your barns • lies
your riches; poverty and ease.:. Think that . .
therP is a 'place where yOu fintl.gold Curer than
'at Pike's Peak. •Set . oll' . . from the idea of that.
well piaisesj barnyard. manure,
,which is only,
one-111 . 4 . 04111u can be saved in a manure tank..
besides ell the , liquids gritis....filOre soon.
Yours &c., , ' .I. Sens . '.
,2il4rtsitnr. Nev's Dc . a.rn SVENE.—Tho. wen,
gennce of the allied povrete demanded'dome
victims; and the intrePid•Ney,• .who had well
nigh again.put thd crown 'on Bonaparte'e heed
at Waterloo, was one
. 01 them.
to be shot, he'wes led. to the garde n of ..4UXOM•
burg, on the.morning of the . 7th . , of December,
and placed in - fronfuf a. Me of soldiers, Mown
up tot:al:incr.' One of, the oMeera stepped up
to banduge his eyes; but he rebuked him, Say
ing, ciAre. you ignorant
.thav, for tvventy.five
years I have been accustomed to face both hall •
and bullet Ile then lifted hi,s hat above: Ids.
head, and with the'same, calm voice, that had'
steadied his colt so frequently in the 'roar
and tumult 'cif:battle said:'‘4: . dechire; before.
god:and - man; that I never betrayed my cptin.
try—may my death render her happy l
la ;Prance!"' .11o.tlie's turned to the soldiers,.
and striking his hand on lii& hreeit,.. gave ~the'
order, riSoldiers; fire I" A. slrnultanioua.'dia
chaege followed, and the bravest' of the'braVe..
Rankle rise no 'more. . rodie who. had 'fought
jive hantireelAattlei for V ronce,• not one' 00ainsi
her, was•shoras a traitor I looked On:
tho spot where he' fell, I could.,not but' sigh!
over his' fate. True he broke his eath', Of
gience—so did others carried aWay hY•thelrlat••
tatehmetitte Napoleon and theptthusissen,tiwit!•
hailed hie approach to Pails-',-etill;be,:woo..'no
Gaiter ItlEN.ititykt Swarj....:.—Greai Wien Oever"
swell. It is only three cent , individuals; viho'
are salaried the,rateof IWO hundred. dellerW''
a year, and dine on potatoes and.drieirherriniii .-,
who put'on airs ivaistcoatr,
blow and endeavor to . gititi cense:—
quental'appearance., No discriminating person
can aver mistake.spuriocis for the. genuine _ 'or; '.,
tide. The difference betwearthe, two be
great as that bet WeeD•ll . bottle , of vinelat,iod,
a bottle of pure juice of the.gripe." : '
. ~;! ..:
NO. 7.