'Wf E ILF O lk-4TON • „,.., ',.,..: BEG,LEOE TO ;AN 0 NCE that. they ••hay• feeefved Owls. litif cock . of. .• : '•- •': J. 2.1.0 - IS ,-- 4:'. ,' Sruiliti arigumMER.COODs . , . -And ere new preiniredto welcorrie , their .Irientls endcelltesHire and plret themanew andMeoir -1141..!.001tAii , . - COtiittey',Merchandize 114'::Aiti" , fiTg' , VA,REET.Y.; SUCH AS I -P I T Y 4 VW STOP • ~ • pity, GOODS . • BOOTS AND' SHOES, ," HATS Sr CAPS, CROCKERY, GLALS • WARE I: • ; f .. :.4L114 Ikclibiiii.itcpck 'of ~::-; ...: Groceries •. , . We i le,ilt ~Ret 4 ,0010 jou r patience bre nu sae; rating; bet inir t ahrele is 'very tell and, L'omplete and iim.deebt let you:will find something to please, you both al to quality and price. ' liktihrillatballettt, dln„ for , sitMe,' bat' lieVain"will West 'Reiter,' and we oily sik.e. examination are co nfident we can do YOu good. • • COME AND SEE. WILCOX & 2ATON, Man, April 18,1859. Inuit ifirYbodY Wants. T FAMILY DOCTOR; il.lialoralmoixAsrLy onTAINgD, > , :7loHiLTHlletiEtelf. DISEASE :iN" • • - • ALL FORMS,. • • 7 , „_ ; • 1 7 , 11 : 2111 RX - II ! TAYLOR, SOL ; PillitTle 'intend upon the 'sick, .• ' ' salmi* is Conk for theM; 'bons . ' " to : prepare Drinks, Potiltices; and how to guard against • infection from contagious • IVIIIIUCTOU Of the Unions diseases at chi!- ' drat, and . gises the beat end, simplest Mode of treatment dd ring . Teething, "Convulsions, 'Vaccination, Whoopirig,Cor,gh Measles; in-, ;. • It TOM. YOtt The symptoms of Croup, :Choi:, era Colic, Diarrhea, • Worms, i3called . Head, Ring ' •, ,,, ..Worini.VlskkeirPolOke,, and . • • gives you .the best remedies for - • • • • theirinne. • It T at 'YOti',The. Spiriting's') of . }ever and Ague, and Billions, Yellow, • • ) ,TYMSI L Scarlet and 'other, Fe 'rent; arid ilia: the best and simplest remedies, for; their It. Tolle You Thit-4initogni of . Influenza, Consureption Byspepsis,Astbi ma, preppy, Gout, Rheumstistn st • : Lumbuge, Erysipelas, aIM, astl gives you the. best reined iet fror • ~theWcure. ;'• • It Tali ,you Tb. symptionn of Cholera Mot ' : • bus,,Malfp.ast Cholera,,Small „, . , „,. pox; :Dysentery; • Cramp, . Die; eaies of the Bladder; Kidneys; der r an enre d the: nen reme- . : • ' th oir It Tills You Thio,,iirroptolol Pleurisy, • Minn% ApOplexy, • Paralysis, the various• diseases :'o l (ol,,TbroSti s freettl,‘ ' 8 ” a li d best rtmedlNl for ' • ' It eTollolfou Tla,;, . symptoms I,of . Epilepsy, ? , 4.,._irl.dicsi.,Pilft .. .RuPiPte.s , esSes.Of ;Se gearl;,HePlorrhage . . • Venereal ,Diseases;-and Hydre . .' ,', ~pbeleea nd gives the best rem . ; • sidies.fo i r their cure, • , hint 'Land' giggliest treat ' main Int Wotuds, Broken Bones and Dislocations, ,' Sprains, "'• .Fever Sores; White si, Ulcers, Whitlows, Scurvy; Burns and Scrof-• =UM It Tells Yon .Of the rariOne diseases peculiar tc ) , „.„Wfilyten,:and, gives the best , ems simplest Cernediea for their cure, ogether with many valii t hists for. the . p !!! ee ryation Tiial:oillt . In plum language,'free ferny 'eat I ad as to, easily understood, whili its dispisi 'Hirer:lOW; may 1109 n-. save you Madg frysiies3liceisat. Ot the hoolLiAlt in printed in a clear nod'. Upro tyPst is Illittstrated , with appropriate eingravinus,.and will be forwarded to your address neatly bound and postage paid sb 'on i * ol ,o;,sli;` r 7 , :. ' •'T ' . ".',1 ;' ';'''- -.' ' ' ' . 00 .0 :. 'As:' VEARe'Z': - ' bienierprising merl ev erywhere, in. gej • ling the above' worlr,ir our inducement to all' such are ueg .liberal:' .. - ... . . , Pt !till i i 3 Opleil of the Book; or for !arms to spato; ' , ol.kei infOiiisitiOri, apply to or - ad ;,,,,s ~ . ,". .;10MIt Z. POTTER . Publisier. 'RN 617 Ilatioon, Atreet, Philadelphia Pft • . ~,, ,?- , , , • ' F A l 4 o4n l 4o , ,li ms*W lC.4 4R iolvoi ; i Pl e h t od to i t ,tha und*igloYsf viipuk AF.aim,:*ill , 4 , i , * R it;..4*, •l 4 . oiit i pt opene,i.iy payment or Note 'lmg i t i tt ).4 ;_ , i ,, , , ,':, , ,, : .E. S..MAsotti • ,111•4009 : -...• ';':-, - ' • • . •: •-• 0 7 )11, 44341.1±i slitifOr4 OLD .C . 1 ,43T • CROX.. In exehinze far work 'IP OURTIIOORICIUnNAoi 44 : 1-• • THF AIIIK4I1 1 1A4VA ESI 7'6 B THA T • Hi, ~, , .20,31 q(ir (, I T ;4 1, 1 "•:'? ":S , N tiM.ROIPY*.t) TO' THE • , AsStoß '... .llargt "7 sloo :. 1.115'. LARGE STOCK` OF „ - "tf iirti-,•- - . ' ''''i ifbikiiiii ie'..-.01.::111it= i'.1... rertiO'itte'*t'' f. .:. • . -,, li' limpt ,C . '.. s rattA..:: ...•-• ',.-:.;.-.: '' :..ir,il.):. D.l4Beff 7.i.P, i: RSX:42rt - .1......:',; . ~ ...' .. ~. .. .1 .. v ... 1 - 1- 7 71 - i• -: . I .... , pkterS,. • - ' 'ATALOvr , .. . GRS,,Ek:Bitick:..k.imrEwsTE.A.s : OF DIFOE4ENT .OFLADE§, !MASTED:. GROPiP, • ;AyiV., AND.. RlO. co 8 FRILIIPB imoLassEs, RICE, BOAP, STAMUT, CANDLES RAISINS, ' FRUITS, NUTS, ,FRUNES, petard POWDERS, ,CD117111.11 AND .xecurFREL, pour, Pork, Ilam, Butter . ••••• •",i • - •Lard. Eggs •• • • '; • WOOS AND Nipiovv, YARE, . • BOOTS - and }TOES, Together. With alorgek assortment . rif. all kinds of Goods kept. in a Grocery Store; • which he niters to jell for. geruly,Pny . et„the lowest mar. ket.price, 8.. F. 'WRIGHT Smettiport, lune let, 1859. .; • .L - G".0.101),-:N.EWS JUST RECEPTRD AT VOll9 S.Ttlttlo 1110 '—.lo • osxt be seen in OW PK11.16 0 1 .by sOns OW e:ttheb eilpkg formerly oemapiedbl ; Illitsilt, 0 co Which is fined frcitn top to•bottom with the ozaraosorttnent of COOKIE, PARLOR .& BOX STOVES! '.EVER OFFENEI . I FOE SALE TN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA, Which will be sold at prices that cannot fail to nit,, I will also.as ustrel,keep constantly on hand a . good'aisscirtmeht of HOUSE.KEEPERS HARDWARE, such as KETTLES, PKYINO,43A.NS,- 'FLAT Hiciio, •. • CANDLESTICKS, . • Which will. be sold at the ',VERY LOWEST F'RICES. ThanklM for past faitors, l'respectfulfy soli eit a,coitinualiceot the same, ••• Smethport. S!pt.:22, 1859; UrAYING - rented the 'shop attached, to the laStrietbport. runiyAcr., the subscrit;ere are now. prepared to 'do ail' kinds of gacksmithing, Particular attention paid to horseshoeinc. ' '• • • ' 'VAN DYXF. & • Nov. 3, 18 . 59. • . • ". • • SCOTT & CONLON,. • . . . .•MERCHANT: TAILORS, • • OLEAN, • ti .vn JIM renal ed their:Winter Stock of goods; and .41 are prepared to shpply their numerous easterners Ind those who favor them with their patronage, with any thing in their line.' Their stock consists of " • Cloths; Cassitaeres, Vesting', Hats, Caps, Shirts. 1- • • Colbire, Orivits;'Neok Ties, 'oto. &a. They have also a large asiortmont of I • - MDT-MADE CLOTHING, • Of the latest Style: Give them a call before purchasing elsewhere. It? • Orders from • distance promptly atten .ded to... Cutting done on short notice: ' • . sower, Jig. CONLON: •S • " ,Olasn, Jaii. 12.1880. • . --- ', . TRIAL LIST FOR JUNE TERN,' .It3Bo, as , . &undue tisry • . ii VigUinta Vledel • - : ' ' Oldetin iroos , . . .7a Jikrasiltandall .. Al'Keiul& Elk liiuld & Im ! .• .. :, . -. . . proventent,oa Chester at al • l• • ' &me . ' vs Lyman Starks et al . William Bullock ve•Luther Davie 11.8bunberg .vs Augustus Wolters Turner & Thornton virMlKeen County Bank wah t &H es -• vs Daniel Rollins et el, 0•8 fluid Mir., • • n , William Runway M gebn /obis' • - ; we .01•erofe It Mier, Alden kiwift - ..• • ; • . as JK Morrison " Ws. Jonathan Campbell ;oho L Bewkwlib • : • vfloelPh C 1119Puu, William Gager. " DM° ilyinton Haire -" • . an D Lana* et at hlartin Kelley • 'me D A Bastorbrooke Banie • • .' •. • use Bamer ; ' • William White • *. we Ste ben Btllee /rands M Dural • " 7 ..va A 0-Hull at al Solomon Sariwell • John Wilklui:" fi 0 Hart and him wife De Dish *. • ,Otie P Lehinan •• • • ' Lorenzo D Fibch . • ds J A p m h ti;To 0 1: n eit it i k i us ' ve 4 vn bi Judd .• • vs Robinson thaier SAMUEL, 0, .114 TE, Prath'y Snlethpori : Blltiy 21, IBCO,' ivoii : :E.,si:R.Kss i',.;'.;.-4-:..':1,4.1.0:..i,p;41 I John = Propietor., OLEAN, N. 75r. WIII/pESALE , AND . RETAIL DEALPIR IN • oysters;.'ClarnS, Fresh' Fish, - Foreign 'nuns Da • -• mastic F.L.MI;RA* iIIiOFFAT'S ALE. kept constantly: on. band and (dr sale by .barrel or draught: • , Oyatere—Stawed,lioasted, Fried, 'or Raw, served at ali bows. . . ;Orders prcomptlinttendecl,to. Jan. 1860— - • . • . .-.-:...W:AOO.N,'' . AND...:i..sLEIGgi,S.Hor. ON"IttEOHANIC OTItM NO. 1. HE undersigned • Would respectfully , an nounee eto the citizens of .11t'Kean . county ; that he , is now prepared to de all kinds of _wood work - My tine of. business, at short notice, in a Workmanlike. manner, at reasbnable prices. I feel satisfied that my work will fully meet the:requirements of ell who will favor me-with their patronage. - Repairing promptly . attended to on: - short notice. All.kinda of grain taken . in exchange for .work : also; butter, pork, beef, pine lumber end Xt. woad: CASH will not be refused. WHITE FISH • • •*.D. V; SHEPARD Smethport,•Pa., Jan. 10,1860, • • SMETHPORT . LIV.ERYSTABLE. - THE . S.DBSCRIt3KR,has oPened a nerk ery Stabieln : Smetfirxirt, at the residence of Dr. 'Wisner:on King Street, ..three dims east of the Dunn House;, where can be 'found the hest of '-Horses and Carriages at low prices. ,He intends to 'make . Smethport a' permanent .residence, rind ails a share of patronage. : methpart, August 24, 1152. - n23tf. THK'tilaoeto bilv your Sugar'is at the Aetor liouse . Store,' Geed iduseovado furl) ate. White coffee Iht garle eta:, ()ruched and Puiverizedll eta. : .* • • • • • Stone COal THE SUBSCRIBER keeps on hind for Side Stone' Cosh, of the best quality, - ,nt the Grist Mill, in •Mechaniasburg. Grain.of ' all kinds taken in exchange. . . ' . • . GrHORDIS 6:IRWIN. • ,COVIIT • PROCLAMATION. • HEREAS the Hon. Robert G. •White, I! V President Jtidgc[and the Hons. J. Dar• ling and S. Holmes, Associate Judges of the Courts 'of Oyer .& Terminer ,and General Jail Deliveiy; Quarter Sessions of . dig . Peace, Or phans' Court and Court of Common . Pleas' for the County of M,'Hean have issued, their precept, bearing date Saturday, - the 3111 day of March,. in the year of , our Loid, 'one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine;' and to me directedyfof holding a Court of Oyer and Terrniner and Gen eral Jail ,Delivery, .Quarter Sessions of the Peace s ,'OrPhanis' Court, ind Court at Common Pleep,in the Burough of Smethpcort, on Mon day, the twenty-fifth. day of June next, and to' continue one week. , m 0 X ' Notice ii therefore hereby given to the Corn hers, Justices of the 'Peace and Constables within the county, that they be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. of 'said day, with their rolls, records,inquiffitions, examinations, 'and other remembrances, to do those 'things which their offices appertain to be done. And'those who are_bound by their rCc- Ognizances to the Pr.isimers that are or Shall be in the jail of - said , county of M'Kean, are to..be-then. and there to prosecute against them as will be just. bated at Smethpott , April, twenty-siir 18i30, and the 84th. year of the Independence of the (Jolted' Stites of A merica: . . 1.'.1, 1. BARKER'S STRAW-CUTTER.. THE.:SIMISCRI•BER now offers to the PO., lie 'this ; Improved Straw-cutter, in full confidence that all who: take the trouble to wit ness its operations will be convinced of its su periority over any other now in . use. euppfy kept constantly on 'bond and man, ufactured to.oider. ''• ' . 1:12" .no other person has the right: to. make or uses this Cutter within M'Keen cowl= iy, all who are using it , in violation of the pat entwiltbc,proiecoted. • • • . rDEIis, 4AMPS,,&•c. A. WOLTERS. Mechanicebtirg,.August 27, 1859. . • rv.,D DOMINION POTS'AT MASON'S. INSURANCE: AGENCY... 'Ke.aslngion lisarance,Compaar, . . . 1160,00 Farmer , . Untold Isisurance Cti., Aiheite, Pa. Cant' Om)Ital.: , • $.100,9e0 fireatW a Insurance Co, Philadelphia, Pa. '' $11,000,000 West Braioch, (Matual) Lock 'lave' Pa... "'.. E. S. MASON. Lpsukances can be effected in the •aboye res ponsible Stock Companies by the oubscriber.• Any ' communication addressed to him, •at Smeth port, Pa., will meet 'with , momp attention. ' ' • • B. F. DAVIS, Agent. Smcthpprt, Dec. 9, 1858. • • in4Otf.] TT. T . . A SPLENDID LOT OF TEAS, at WILCOX& EATON'S, Olean, Y,. XEROSENE - OIL, trADE from COAL, with LAMPS to burn .I.V.,l , tbe'same, at WILCOX & EATON'S, PAPER HANGINGS. CHOICE ASSORTMENT et AWILCOX & EATON'S, Olean, N. Y. Arrival and Depaxture of Mai* . . EMETIMORT POST OFFICE. • Dlean-- 7 ,Leavu every morning at tif o'clock; ar : rives every evening. • • , ,Coutierspgre—Leaves Tuesday and Saturda y mornings;. arrives Monday and Friday eves. Shippetileaves Tuesday; Thursday and Sat urday mornings , arrives Monday, Wednes : day and Friday evenings. ' Ridgway—Leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings ; arrives Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday evenings. • Worysts—Leaveti Tuesday mornings and e rriv es Thursday evenings.. • • • , • S. SARTWELL, P. M. . T ILE beetSoe Tea In torn at the', • ~' . - , ASTOR 11.0121SR' wrong A 1,E19 caaaaotllopts and f3ioes to Kiva away at B. 'V'. IVIIIRIUT,S SMETHPORT JOSEPH, MORSE, Sherif. ''Stirnethi s iig : iA 7 re*.' : :: IN ;/ . 01 1 0T ) . 4 0;,T;1 .''' J:.nt T. 'Y - Le:i4 7 ,s PLI:i;fURI4C ' E I • :... IN . :::.-FUIL':_,IILAST! iTIHE'. UNDERSIGNED . NOULD: RES., pEC'TFULLY ANNOUNCE- yo THE: IVlKean County, 'Mat they 444 teemed .themeelvee . at . . 'Tor the . riurpose . of Manufacturing PLOWS,:SCRAPERS, SLEIGH -SHOES, And. in f ac t every thing usually made. at a • COUNTRY' . FURNACE: Thereugh experience in the business,_wirrants us in saying that we canlurnish as ~ • , . . . . 00D WORE . and at isEMSONABLE' PRIM Accan belotind elsewhere; Particular atter' Lion will at all times be paid to, •.• -.". .'„1013 • - • The celebrated - FRANKLINVILLE and DUCHESS COUNTY. IMPROVED PLOWS, constantly pn•band.. 'Farmers and others, give E. VAN DYKE &:S. A. WING. August 9, 1859. Cabinei Shop.in Mechanicsburg... ••• A: • WOLTERS respectfully .announces :to public thet,• notwithstanding •these hard times, he is manufacturing and.keeps con 'atantlion hand ell kinds, of furniture,Auch OTTOMANS,.. , . CARD, CENTER, . • • .• • DINING. AND • . • . • BREAKFAST TABLES, CHAIRS of till kinds end -etYles, Cane and commotli'Ready-Made 09111n5,. of the ' very best'matirial end manufacture. ' Sinethpart, Feb: : 2 - 5,18ti8 . 4,EFFILEY' 'DOVBLE-ACTING SUCTION FORCE PUMP' India Rubber :Ball Vaivea THE SUBSCRIBER having ruirchaSed the right to make and sell this New Punip, feels a . curifidence that• his efforts to bring it into.general use, in this county, will-be secon ded by all who see its -construction and opera tion.. Among the Many; adviantages secured by the use of this Pump, the following may be enu. merated:• ' . • ~ • 1. double action; by which twice , the:Nye- - ter can be raised at the same time. , 2. Great ease in working , thus adapting, the Force Princip/s to common wells. • 3. The traniformation,,in a moment, of the Pump into an efficient ma , ENGINE, thus ren dering the loss of dwellings by fire, totally un necessary. • • • , 4: Capability, of watering gardens,. Lawns, or sprinkling welks; Avestan windows, &c., with the utmost ease and' thoroughness; • fi. Power to raise water with slight latior to any reasonable fbeight; as In supplying cham bers 6. The convenience of having the,Pumpin a kitchen, or other rooms of your dwelling, with out regard to the location of the Well „cit Cis- 7. The easy protection of the instrument against. Frost. • • • .- • 1.- '• • 8.. The ease With 'which : it . rnay itiOunted Cori. wheels, or in other ways be !node - portable. 9. 1 A simplicity which ensures great dura.: bility, protects it frinri• being throrin out of or der, and *makes any • repair's egsy•ond -of little 10. Ore'at Cheapness: for the • first into bringing the cost of the force Pomp into the neighborhood of • the common Suction and Chain PainPs, while it is immeasurably supe rior to both. '.• Manufactured and .for sale by the subscriber, only, at, his shop in.Mechaniciburit. - - ••• • • • ...• • Ap•WOLTERS. • Mechenicsburi, March 18,'1858. Orrin fi# l ll.El6B of Green 'Apple! in s etriye m t , lugg r eele P .• . • To Those Interested in.ldining and • Mineral Lauda: U. BARNES °Foie hie, efirvicoa for the - exandna.' Y . • Lion of Mineral Lande . in lil'Hean and Rik emp ties', and will give his opinion tia to the VALUE OF MINYA &c. Those engaging hie services will receive all nebeemary and reliable Information. lioaidenee at the Mines. 13ergeantild'Reen 00., Jane 30, 1859.. • • ASTOR . HOUSE fiNETHPORT, Intemir cowry'," PENNA. Wri - ui HASKELL, - • Proprietor BEGS, leave , to announce. to the traveling comMunity and the pOblic generally that he, has purchased the above named hotel, formerly' occupied•by James Miller, and refitted it in a style suited' to the times and'wents of the pub lic.'HlS TABLE . Will alwaysbe supplied 'with the best the mar ket and the surrounding country can:ailord. • HIS BAR . Will be supplied with the choicest wines and ' • - • HIS STABLES ' Will be in the, care_ of, attentive loaders, re spoasible for their conduet ,to their employer who will give the entire establishment his per sonal supervision. • •In short every department of his establish ment will be Supplied with all the COMFORTS AND CONVENIENCES the 'weary traveler can desire. In the . . hope that he will 'be able to Make his, GUESTS . COMFORTABLE, during their visit at his house, he respectfully solicits a share of 'public patronage. • Smethport, Jan. 1,•1860. n3B-6m • • . . PLOWS. IDE-HILL Si-10VEL PLOWS, A su periorr ariicle, manufaetured at the . SMETHFORT FURNACE. • STOVES t -ST OYES E !_ T AM NOW RECEIVING TH LARGEST, J. best selected, and cheapest lot of Stoves ever broughtinto this section.. • E. S. MASON I'VE are not in the habit of telling " in V.V. stories; but we have got MACKEREL, COD. and WHITEFISH, besides hosts of TEA at,lo cents. . B. F. WRIGHT.. • • :Store OPPOSITE EXCELSIOR BLOCK, CLEAN T HE subs c ribers offer to the citizens of Oleah and vicinity,. a large and' well delectbd Stoiliallar . dware, at prices, that cannon fail to salt the purchaser.. ' , • IRON: titan, 1 . osh,Bwks. . ':••• ROOS' . Norivegiaa, Nail and Spike. NAILS: Cut Wrought , Clinch and givai .• . • • ',AVULI, 4§SORTMENr . OF, CARPENTER aad MILLWRIGHT !TOOLS, .. • • •• : Besides <• 1 A • It:13:W 'A.lt , IE IN REDLINE VARIETT. Sash,..,. „I)lass, 'Paints. , Oils, ...Varnishes, C4 lll ilaan firOODS ENAMELED. CLOTH, BROAD CLOTH, DAMASKS, ,BOWS, ' SPOKES, FELLS, SPRINGS, AXLES, - tAND A LARGE QUAN'I'ITY OF Table and Pocket Cutlery, AGENTS FOR THE BOSTON BELTING elk LEATHER AND BELTING. ' • • WHICH' WE OFFER Al' • . .• - 'MILL, CIRCLE, AND CROSS OUT /Frith the celebrateitTactotypf Wbeeler,illadden PITCH AND OAKUM,. .• • ' BLACKSMITH TOOLS DRILLS, VICES, SCREW PLATES aid ANVILS.. • •.• • PARMING • UTENSILS, • . • • • • • • , • FORKS, • RAKES; • SCYTHES, ' • . • MANppecTtaties . oit •.. • U TIN; SET . : IRON ...AND COPPER: . gTOV,ES OF ALL FATTERNO,.; •• • WITH COOK AND PARLOR.: • ••• We reipeetfulliselidlt a shire of your:patronage.. Give us a call before purehasing elsewhere. • .. . • .• . •' , T.:•W.. ADAMS & CO.. Olean, May 5,1859.. • • -• , :• • IN CHURNS. and Japanned Wire, Stove T Pipe and Tin : Cat Holeaat .;MASON'S.. Administrator's,: XTOTICE is hereby given that the under, -1-11 signed, Administrators of the Estate . of O. 11. Bennett, deeeased, late of Smethport BoronghOn•pursuance of an order from the Or phan's Court-of M'Kean county, to them direc, ted, ' will expose to sale or public vendue, at the Court House, in Smethport, M'Rean county, Pa.,. on Tuesday,. the twenty-eighth day of February next, at one o'clock, P. M., of said day„the following real estate, to wit:', All thatpiece or parcel of land situate in, the Borough of Smethport, • M'Kean . county and State of,Pennsyliania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: That.part of Square num bered seventy-pine (79) in the general plan of said town, within the following boundaries, viz: beginning at the north-West corner 'of said square; thence east one hundred and ninety two (192) feet to the building,now occupied by Levi Wells, (now occupied by J. C. Backus & Co4)—being aeventy-two feet (torn the north-east corner of said square; thence south sixteen (16) perches; to the • tenth line of said square; thence west one hundred. -and ninety-two (192) feet to the aotith-west corner of said square; thence north sixteen (16) I*r d:testy': the place of beginning. Containing one acre and twenty-six perches, more or less; 'on said ' premises there is one frame building known as the “Beonett House," two' Barns, one Ice Howie, and other out-houses. '• . • Tsaxs:--Two tboueand dollars, cash; at' the time of sale; one thOusand dollars at the Ist of June, next, and the balance-in $1;000 pay ments, annually thereafter.:., HAVID R. BF.NNETT, WM. B. WARNER, • ' . Administrators. Smethport; Pb., January 24,'1860. , • The above ease' is ,adjourned Unlit the fourth Mounday of,June next, it being the 26th day, at the sarne hour and'place Aiwa mentioned. . • DAVID R. BENNETT, WM. B. WARNER, 'Administrators. • Smethport, Feb. 29, 1860: , • 37 - THE OLDEST, WIDEST CIRCULA TED, and most COMPLETE, CORRECT and . RELIABLE Bank Note Reporter in existenne. THOMPSON'S BANK NOTE AND COMMERCIAL REPORTER. Circulation, .100;000. EDITED BY . JOHN THOMPSON. Quotations corrected by T110:41,8^.,N. 2 Wall Street Pubßelied by CIIA . S. St.otper,4, 117 Frakl'n St TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION IN' ADVANCE; To mail S01:/criberii ' Weekly,... $2 I • Seml-monthly,:. Ell Monthly. ... 25c. To Yostmaitein - or others, who form Clubs and for ward us the money, in advance; we will send the , Repor.; ter Coin Chart Manuel, and Descriptive List, as -fol . 5 copien °title Weekly, one Year.... 00 • 5 copleauf the - Semi-monthly— 00 AO copies of the .Monthly....- .. ... ;6.00 We will forward.gratuitOusly_ to any person sending it club of $2O at - tlie. above. rates, at 'any one time, out American Gold Coin Test Scale. Address, • • THOMPSON BROTHERS, Bankers; N0..2, Wall St. N. Y., Proprietors. WAZEMZ. aIikiCEELSM. Patented Sept 9, 1856. Br RILEY' SMITH HE WASHBOARD AND BEATER -are I the two first and most natural implements Overused in Washing Clothes. Notwithstand ing it has been the study of inventors to do them away, and for that purpose several hun dred 'patents have been issued, yet it has been of no effect. They have , failed in their at tempt. Their machines leave been condemned and thrown away - v end the Wash Board and Beater again used in. their stead. This. machine combines them togethei, at tiched to - a progressive lever in such a manner as gives great power- to the Beater, while either may be usedas the operator may desire: The motion of .the Beater it quick and easy, the 'Pressure gentle and powerful, which,. gives end it the advantage over all othet.machiness, is no decided by competent judges. • • - Manufactured and sold at Mechanicsburg, by • - ' - . A,. WOLTERS. Mechanicsbarg, March 18, 1858. • . NUB PANS, 41 new and. shiny—lna can IVI see an honest man's face.in them as soon yon, pay nyei the do', at ..• • 14ASQN'S.: G 0 OD 41w..'.:: . 00.A1?- TAYLOR'S, REGULATOR. Taylor I,4ess • now in :Store. the Larger: S'tich NEW SUMMER. GOODS . . . Ever irostgAt into . this Countyi Presenting UNEQUALLED, ATTIIMITIONS . . EXTENT, VAR..TE'Tr; ELEGANCE, and BEAUTY. of design . a ut.'cAnlreg. In OHS Of ARE HERE, No* is the Time To Select, froth the. Lo!'grist etoei iron" Puiekost Goods whik PRICES. ARE DOWN! The Goode are Going Of like. HOT,CAKES a FROSTY MORNING, And those who wish 'Ail mud, CHOICE SELECTIONS SHOULD: CALL EARLY. o[nsTcO'ME ; . FIIi.ST 114 .41Oi . 00:oe Stock consirtO of ait.T . : -. : . 0.0:.0p - s:, .Fndless Variay PARASOLS. AND • UMBRELLAS, MiDY4f4DE:CLEITIUNG, CLOTHS . & VESTINGS, MILLINERY ROODE, LADIES'. DRESS' PRINTS, LADIES , CHALLI & LAWN LAWNS, ROBES, Flounied p .at $l. DEBAIZES, at 10 ate. •b fact Cone At e. Aosortouoit of DRESS. Gl-000DR: . 10',000 yds. BROWN SHE 5000 BLEACHED SHEETINGS. GROCERtE'S, SUGARS, • PORK, Ike.. &c. liA:IVB at 7f as.. 'TEAS. at 31 to 621 . aci. BOOTS SHOES,• Largest stock ever offered. in this section of country: Men's Kip Boots, a prime *slide,— Women's Calf Boots, Men's Brogni Shoes, Women's Gaiters, tippet', Women's 'enameled In addition to the above be boa a large Tian- STOVES. HARDWARE, CROCKERY, DRUG'S et MEDICINES, YANKEE • NOTIONS, !MIS . AND 'CAPS, IROTir:ofalt Rod and . . Hoop• Don Gerinan 'and .Cast Steer, - • Wash Tails and Grain Measures, • Patent Pails, Wash Boarde, Vinegar, Fluid, Catnphene, Turpentine, ' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, And a thousand other things too numerous to mention, which will be sold • • • 'HOLESALE OR RETAIL. I:l7"•Country' merchants supplied at as low prices as they cnn buy in New York or any of the eastern eitiee, for cash of approved credit. Smethport, June, 1859. NEW CARRIAGE AND..WAGON SHOP. TAMES McDONALD would inform the' pub- J Jlie that he has fitted - up a shop at the lower end of town dit the' premises recently ocCupied by N. Medbury, - as' a,cirding factory ) , and is prepared to build all kinds of CARRIAGES AND. WAGONS At short i notice, id a workman-like manner, and at reasonable priees. flaying had. a large experience in the business; be feels. satisfied that his work will fully meet, the requirements of a ll w ho will favor him with their patronage. Nepalrinfi promptly attended to. Eirnetlqx)rt „April, 10,.1850' CARD K.IIAFFEY offers his seriiees to parties J • ,owning or .wishing ,tO purchase mineral lands in 111 1 )tean, Elk, .clearfield Jefferises G 7 ExaMinationEi made and, faithfully re • Bradford, July-27, 1,95. • ' • qIJOHAIIp, COTTON SALT; • • FISH;