sitillkieW.,,:,,onqUestletied, practical; airitiliftiobliii,right , of tie,' South, we would .bilittivillifshicritY,"tind fall - ender it if nices 44ii,„%litill`Wf sticiuy jbt,be Wiked to sacri fi ce 114.1Y,ritiheli-JjeiniteracyAti'defence 'or tin' ab ,,seitie,thingii• abstrUcitort pure that the e et:Coogressional protec tibt:th,iliiteritannot the .Territory . nt,liiiet,J4Y.Wiiiiiil p tia, applied. objection to Southern Politicians Ite ;that , it; the duty' of 014gresi ? `Rt,ft.Sloo:'Cotle, tri ease' legis- AsiliVel'a,nd,:jitilicial - give to. Sout h. Territories the protection ~.- -: guirtiritieufbf the, catistitlition . of 'the, United .SOiee." .Thist bave aright:to.rnaintaid .this egiiiirtietiitiof ;the 'eonistitot ion. They' . have tirefslght - tiliii to hold. that slaverythe ,best the negro;--that jt conducoa to his lrepiingeiqiiiinitinizAtion:. and', eloVetien.—that e'ittiLansfornes him 'from a barbarian into one sof ' society t. but they ,:befektiel'rjgh:t ,to compel every; man at the reiidy lo;fight for the:maintenance :of„, , ,Seathere'riglits :tinder, the Constitution, to upon, these. points, vili4it.iir4,le'ne way essential ,to . a proper re °Pit'leo,e'rerenet-r fer, the compromises:of the "Crihilfthtltttl.; There rent man such 4b be out in'a Plat ' (OK I break do n wit h thotrifigat'ii/Congreisional - proteet ion to sta- Tirritoriga..lcls a mere ides, im pi4ocolo, inkinttingible,' as• any: - one: - or the theerleVeol43 . 4 - inethe proper position ,and ca •,pabtliiii,'..efi.Aege.::4r ; - .-slational,',,party that • agregiaqiiirt. tbebroad, general principles of. the' COnetikttierribeulit',:init by leaded.. down with necessitierof the it`.4?eriongli.tb engage'our a ten- • thiti;,Withinittleitting into buried past; or . ' see ng • p:pt, e., 0r.,,w a ~t nay never. appe n rhe tale . fu t u re. The' laws; - ..lhe' equality of the StiteoV!,,Ceibgreislanal iron-intervention with siiiiii4i - hf,thil'erritories. and respect 'for jutli ,'•ciiii'.iitt4lafeinijii'Platform enough', and • the only. Demegratie party, with oit tire4dlirig-:Witti - 'refineMenta and abstrac trona upett; . '.Whicblnetrilifrer,,and always will difler, :;:Tiitittch4iia 'tee OPinioji: held :many Scidtheri l inen:ohe to eitgraillithejr;dongressional protection thee- , riiiipon the Platforni, We. herr abundant eil 'denfe.-. thetnenth of:June, 18S9,,Jhe mond Exanatier, the,afgan.of thikiniPbatic'laeguage.: 'riThere is, we imaging, 'not -.We slightest : probabiliti'ef inj ' Democrat's seeking to"dis-. UAW the : ,harmony of the National Dontiocracy by.'lbinsibiertore arielrhazerdens iiruda open the The, Cineinnati' Plat torqr 1104 all the reqeirerrierits.sot the perti; and fa it tit: entirety:ace - 00/e, ro !he Desircfacv*'lt is a', fall, bottii - manly; :honeet 11401011'3, which fequires ' neither 5406? - ittien't, rtiodificutieti nor rePutied' "Tithi t .',Wai„lbe'irievelakert, 'by _the. ",friends of jn -- .*lrginie One year ago, exprelsed *filin4itinbjetiity,,or equivocation. ,was g6o 7 ,ofielijigi theni'me:do: 'know . - why it is . n t'jgood _ trine:no*, satisfactory 'to the • September het . ; ae ... PtiiitliCarelini w hig hha slieWeltAbat Clitnite,anti necessity o thi'sfieela re , itifitrbOesia;44iFe%'he'coticluiion:if ijrhich' - these wo rds_; - OA - tine:ea, -OM `:r s'thetizedt itopeider.ihie, question';', of its very the - thObit'of . ; the ie44l;;lovgtiVerntieritia'a'Preetietti :titfitV: ,theard.ents d iis4lenr lhiti'Oestio : n; I think if -in is' Wisiin'nalci'diiPbse 4 Oflt , fer the -present; ' by : reiivra",rhe C'oyietivition: the ``Dtidd%~3polt'Jei7droii'plaee: it: ._ We'ttre' wilding ; these' gentlemen at - Weit/:':i-'Whtii,toyfcenitaain that we Will • ne. 1 ,14 1 ~lO*,:theiti,;ntri:t ` mazes; entangling . ma - of theirlhit#actiepl,'We'PoietAlietrr to.their Own . shim the folly of such ir;"erinii4ti , , - Weitigree substantially upon the tona tint- Pion. TsWengreeitioPpiisitigitlie'eeetiinial mad . 'nese 442:thilIePublican party:: We agree:,that , -"te•lt'ort, tneiti`tirree,filfeio. ,OterPorauit.of prae ...lifele.t*Oekett!teiee',afienifhturtbe”eompelled to disagree aiitekSpeeulative issues which .ha " drat: th - no mbrelmme g:soncellt.Yri. the ,practical :;adtiilnttitratton°of: the 'than .the'. Of faintfrif4tily,eotrir,itWernalpoligy ' too.. „ LRIAMth :Tle.taxepy.s , ••:-3 . 11 !licittiard ,:t..i:!.V;ir::': ,. .;'^: r, 'oY4iti ';'-!..-' • ';. ,7 .". ' i'r.. ::' litZfigati4outttti tntoct4t .7.--1,..,.,:;;,,:y:,:‘*.i•-:‘-:.'..1::,..-..,,,.•...,--....-••• ~or " 24 # 480°. ,: Sr: PETTi ( ILL & 'CO'S 119 . :,NriOiti:•.i,ireit,,,i'en , 'fork, and 10 Sidts,Se.•:E,oitsa INGI It tir . .dcv.,:are Abe ,:Aguitte for the MIKE'Ai Dinsoentol.,srul, , tlio mast: influential rind largest elreitlit,o4( Nowepapers in the United fltaten . gbd. the Pith a‘las: • Titer:are authorised to contract for us at .our •-• Pell:LOOratiO:NOMili,141011. •. • , raR GovEnrioa, IiENRY-D,TOSTEIt iVESTMORELA.ND CO PRESIDENTIALrELL'CTORS: ~ .• . -..-•; , ' • 1 Frederick Server. "1,4 Reckhiivc. • • 2 Wm. C , . Patterson:: .Geo. .jacksori. 3 3os. Crocketi, .16 J.H. Ahl - : • .4 3; - G. •Breriner. , • . 17. B:Denner. 3 J..W. Jacoby, 10•34 . 11...Cret\viord: . 0 : Charles Kelley.., 19 • • 7 0. P:.Jimes 20 : J. B. Howell . . . DaVid Scholl.: • 21 N. P. .rettertriari. 03: L: ight net. ' • '.22. Samuel Iklarsjiall. 10..6. S. Barbee. •23 Willinm 130 - olf.' • 11 :T. 'Walker'', .24 13.1). 12 S..S.,Winche.sier....2s Gaylord Church, .• 13 Joseph .Leyb • • •..;, . "*. • achi The official canvass of the ..late election' . for Chief Justiet'of the Supreme Ceurt 'of Wis. Conairi; was comple_teiJoi Madison • op, the titli inst.; and the certificate' awarded to Luther Dixon.. The clinvoesers•were the • Secietary ‘ of State Treasurer •arid Attorney •Generiii.• JUdge Dixon received.c4' the votes' canvassed, 58,598, and Judge Sloan 58.:113,. electirg the jormer b . ) majority' of 395.• • is. atatad that Judge Dixon's !polarity; had rt.ll . the. votes east for hirn..heen , prap.rly. returned to the eenvasiers, would lieve been in .ihe.neighborhnod of two SrittNas..--17hil Sciiutifia Aittnrint+i say's rhe mi,springs in •thia yicinity are probably the res'u'lt of' the deCompOsrtion 'of vegetable sub.; stances by the. internal heat of the, earth.. It is not•likelYlban any of thin] •are übaolulely inexhatistable, • ancitheir rxtent will no 'doubt vary likelhat of coitlbeda and other, geologi cal The.. Democracy every Wherein the, State, are *linguine of euecess •the'coming. ean 'paign: • The late' Remocratiu triumph in Phila ,delphia,having.gained fotir thousand votes the Past'yeai, reducing .the le.nOw Nothing and fte- Publiesn majority to eight; hundred, that O age•wae eight. thou'sand, has . !nude .the Demnciacy . jubilant, whilst it has•the feC,t of diipelling 'the last hope' the Opposition' may have had of succeeding in Pennsylvania: John.Brown'stock is below parin this State. . NEWSPAPER' CitANGE.The. father able.etli.: toy. of :.t he Nen auto Spectator, R.. Coc has tetired-from.thei paper, having leased the establiahrneni.toA. eocARAN: Mr; •Whittaker, : .the,founder and fdriner editol. of !leSpactaior,-is a line writer, an able politician, and under bis.supeplision, will continue lO . .be . an ellicienyand sound Dem ocra9c paper:: :.Success tO'..the new'Grin,, . 111oNsiin . CALF.-4 cow betorigintlo•lYlr. Ar.estAsD'Ay; otTavirrers 'ValleY - cgave . a calf, recently, //roared and thiity-six.pou74‘. The calf, is a ernes between Durhain, and Devonshire, any .rif mere have as good a•c4f, .Mr, Day would. be ••. . . pleased to learn .the'particulars,• ....1-Irrin:liouari.L•The 'card *Of S. J..parioon, PrOprietor of "the cildy"de . ..House," at Ridgway; bo', found in . .it - 11a : ` .week's lovnocrat. This is a now, cominodiouoi .Hatel,..prnply fur •niabed in . mcidern style and lacks ha essential of a firat..otagi Hotel Osgood, hair the •rOp 7 of being' . an . attentiie and obliging landlord and decide)) popular. ' Travellirs will, .consult theminterestin Ipatroniziag Ono liuuae, "'when visiting Ridgway. • .. •• • I.IC. CostsTooa, of.olean,.: informs his old Pennsylvania iriende,l through this Week's peniperat, that he still leads, qroc eriee aad.Prc‘wisiontf: who : have once bought of burl; could not be induced to go , else- Wbere, and those who.' have not, are advised to. take the first opportunity of Visiting the c(old Keystone store. ' ' The 'ElOctoridi'cite. At this time, when 'a Cantpaign is just open mg and 'every one, is cyphering,and, prophesy ing on the probable results , of.the election,. it may be interesting to . ;our..readers . to have table kefore thenri.ahnwing thenumbey of elee .• .• • • • . . , .. • • twill votes to which each,. State . .is The following list will afford thitt . tleitired infoi-: rnatioir tia • nuynki of Electoral' Voies. ,• each: Spite will east in tlae:.P(oeirlential -0113'Cii011, 01 . 1860 ; " AlliOn a • . • 9' Ai* 4itsas, , • Pela are; —3 Florida,..' 3 • ' •ICentue*Yi,•. •'• •. 12 • 6 1 41 41 1 1 41 4 , , ,• 8 1441154!99. 1 1. ).- • 7 9 1 NoriE6Carolinat.: • v ';4 • • • la fast •rof tree tTl^ ±46) 12 NeCessery for an ele ct . • . . .'.The'.ReplibliCan Convention. ; whieh ' , Mt ,at Chicago nominated, of itlinoia, for president.,•:andliaihilak flir•Vice'Pre 4 iident:' This • .• •• • . , . • ' , result was entirely unexpected , hy•thecotintryt recent 'eVents seemed', to foreshadow thaCtbd Conyenticin: would hot dare norninatetin intense, Brown RepUblican, „htit'it ryas, expe'eted that, statesman of know reputation'Aveuld bd .selected, pi:the CoPvention says:. It appeared to an unbiassed - obierveri . rather after the, manner of &meeting of noisy, forret les . ...than the deliberate council:6(a . party . whleh•hoped to•assnmo :the •govertirrient of the donntrg. Theta Was one: continual shout, front morning niellt, •diltirig the 'three •mernera hie days.thaf the:ConVe:Mind remained. n sion; One iif.oitr'eOrrespOndenis deicribes the 'seene,ln brief, as follows "The Outsiders took '.part freely in the pro ceetEngs,•and appinuited'or'hissed exactlYus if it were an abolittonsmeeting,-which it resem-. no'.small degree. There were the same gtiant philosopliers . lVlMsuggestilran breadUnd free love,the Same attentive , and progressive, but alas terribly plitia spiestersoind the Same . , old ladiesoiodding behind the inevitable spec'' ladles, Or:Penelope-like; working ,ftway at' the' eternal knitting., These.entertaining periwig occupied the high places in f : he ,synagogue.- 7 They yelled withldelight.when a delegate from Virginia or' Kentucky ,answered to hia-name; they shouted over preeljr 'and' Giddings; 'they; Went to sleep over the dull speeches; :they hi's- - sed 'South Carolina, and generally 'made' the fact of theirpreierice.disagreeahly• apparent." • The . Seward men were 'leil • by Weed, who • had the.slitte all 'fixed helve the Convention 'met. bad all the advitace pledgds ...bernicept, ilfr..ewrirtl would nominated;' but his slangliter had'betiri resolv,;d 'upon by .Gree ler, Burlingame and others. "With the aid , of 'the. Pennsjdimnilig, and thro6gh' certain influ encea rought-to bear. upon' the New 'England delegations; the Work . was 'most scientillely. dOne.' The'Sevrard , clique wept 'to Chicago with the: joy,. 'pride• and ; self confidence of a 6ridegroom marching 'to 'his 'wedding felist';' they' returned like Rachel:. weeping .and rail_ sing to be comfo r ted. • . ..Tbey were not even cc cOrded•the .piior privilege Of naming the candi ;late; but TA.ricOln was thrown' in' their Inees •witfinnt stymurh as saying' by, your, !gave:" The candidate for President is an-uneducated tneri 7 -a village politician,:,without any experience, worth- mentioning, in the practicel ditties of: staternanship, -and .only noted . .for someitery.-unpopirlai . votes- which :ho gave while'eMeMber of - : Congress.• . In politics he .ia : as rabid an abolitionist as John Broan liim self, , but Withpuf the tild.'man'a.courage. Mr. .Idarnlin, who was put on the: ticket by -New York; is a l!herrof respectable a bill ties,,. hitt : he does not give the nominations a . particle of strength,were they need:it' most, in' the 'Cen tral States, in which the heat of the battle is to be fought.'. Lincoln •and'llamdia! it is hardly: , possiide: to-jaw-gine. a- weaker norni path:in froth' a Party. Whic- certainly does not lack' cleric; men and :good leaderti. As to the reception of- the 'norninatiens,., nothiedcpuld'be more diserirtiging.. 1" The cheers which .went up froth the- shorei of Lake ''Michigan find . hp 4nivvering respense the Atlentic cOest, nor in the interiol . , al,the great Central States. ' Of-the Platforrri we shall speak 'hereafter •-AsstrariT 'Vat.' WlLtivis) Esq., of Port Allegany, has received the4p pointment of Marshal for taking the Census of M'Kean chanty'. • •Tlre . ••alipointmCnt. gities entire satisfaCtion, so far as we havejeatined. Mr.".W: is well pallfied.for the ; discharge of The liine Within which the -census:muet . be completed is lin - life:a tcr-fiv&iriontli"s - ComMen cing,the.first of June, and endirigi , the first of August, Which will necessarily. rerjuirelthe tit-. most activity, 'on thelpart .. of.the officer, to•ac coMplish• the task. With.a•view to accelera-; tin; the'. business without unnecessary either . of.citizens . or the Marshal; W epuldish . a list of tbe.moie,importa . ntgbestions that will he asked that anss`vers'itiaihe:prepared, before': hand, and left at the house, in case the head of the fainily 'should-INi from :honte. ...Many Of the Pnawere:wili . .iequire . considerable •care• and forethought: especially in regard to the am9urit of the'. various'. crops, manufactured produc .tione, Sze: • is nonecl each person Will:. take the first..optaitunity to prepare' correct an swera to the questions published, entl not wait until the Marshal. : uppearsoyhert , in . the haste it will , be .plmest i impossible! to give pfecisQ ntateme!tts, . • • .Value of real estate owned. .• , • . Place of . birth, naming the •state,. territory Married within the year. • Attended schgol within.the year. • • •. - Persons over twenty years of age• that can not read or write. - . . California, 4 Conni3cticut, 6 11 Indiana, • ' ' 13. Maine, . . Massaehttletts, Mictinan, 6 Minnesota,' NPw:Harilltsitire, Nos! Jerae,y, • 7. , Te' , Yl, l ' o )rki; • 35 23 Or . Ooop; 3 PentleY,kilPhit kOctfle,:iil!!N(l, 4 !;, ••, 5 Wisconsin,• -; • • • 5 • • Wbether deaf or dtimb, blind, insane' or. idi otic; pauper or convict:. • Name of own'er, 'a/gent or manager• of tbe Number of impitoietl: and number. of tinini• proved aeres., Cash value of farm'. Value Of farming: implements .and • machin,ery. '-Live stock:on hands Jone-15t,.1860, viz•: number of horses; mules, itrubasses, workiriat'oxen, milch land other cattle, swine and sheep. Vol - tie of live stock. Whop(' animals slaughtered during the year: Produce dOring.the.year en'd log June'lst, 1860; ntimber-'bushele of Wheat,-Rye,-. lndian- ;' Corn, Oats,: .Beans `and Peas, Bald:cortical., Irisbi -Potatoes, Sweet. Potatoes , poundal' of Wool .and pounds . of Tobacco. 4. Value -of OrO•latid . products' in dollars,. - Gallons, of , wine, value.. of Prculuce of ,NarkitiGarderi,';OotanFis -ef -Butter, pounds of Cliaelie;'tOnic oU'Hay, bushels .of Clover-seed; bu'ishelef;of Grass 7 seeds, voundi Of HoUS; 'poundaht flaxihtishels of Flax 7 secd, pounds' Of Maple sugar,..gallonsOf MOlasses r pounds of. . :.: '.. ~ ...:.".; ~ 483 ..".'.:'.::.:;', , '„'::' . .'"...., , i0b. , ~ . . , ~ 7637 biro( yresident, 132, CHICAGO CONVENTION. • In the first: . place it is necessary .to Write doWn the: naMe of every persOn whoso usual Place of abode the Ist day of Tyne, 1800 3 was in the family :--. • • • • The age of each,.. sex . and color; whether White, black or mulatto..• Profession, occupation or trade of each male persoti over fifteen years of age: : • •,. lioney.and BessWOr., value of.hoine inridemin; Ofatiters....; Narrie of Corporation,' Company or Individual Producing artielea'to the annual val . tie 0f.5000... Name of 'husineSa, , mannfacture or:producee ., ,Capital Wrested:llll.oli estate and personal 'estate in'the 'ROY : Material used, inclitdkng 'fuel; viz : quantities, kinds2.val, 'nes, kind of :Motive. power,.. machinery, st rue titre qt .resonice: Average. number of hands' employed, •:'Mule, Fetnale,•nyerage month ly cost of Male labor; average monthly cost of Fernale hibor.' 'Annual product, •yiz ; quanti ties, kinds, values.' Naiiaelevery person who died dpring ; the year., ending June 1,.1860, w.hOse.tiSital place.of abode was in • the family,. the age, . --and Wheth'de while; black oc rhylatto; married' or widoWed,place of birth, naming.theState,;:Territork or'.Cmintry, the which '.the person or profession,. occupation or trade disease or cense of death. AoarbourontsiT—This most' excellent , ,jour- . nal •rs all that it claiins-tole;.arid, it claims to. • - -'practical journal,, devoted.ti, the'idifYersent - departinents of soil' is: truly - on 4gArneriCin,.., farmer's. paper ; containing. matter adopted to all and . matter that will , interest the young' as' as.the old,•having a . , ..departmerrt deircited especially to. sthe . ..-anoustment and, in struetionvr the boys anirgirls. If any larrn el will taketheAmai:icari'Agrittliitii.4. during the ierir, and let it loose uodera fathili of boYs and girls; he will never-after do vilthoutit.— . A geed feature of this journal, is that it is puh :li:shed in . the German langnage..alsoi so that arty one ordering .it, may have it in the . 1611 7 guageof the farlerland. ' Single copy $l,OO I. six copies, $5 ; ten or. More at SO. coats each-Lmonthly.• dress. Orange Judd; NO-180 Water-it., N. Y. The Late . . . . the history:Of Pennsylvania hos a session fbeen.inriirkect by ti 'more corrupt, intrigning than- the' : present.. Every good citi;zen . feelS the. bhishof-honest . indignation tinging 'his eh,eelis::Wheri 'he. thinks of their prO ceeditigs: . NO . measur‘e,howeVer . eoulditand the slightest chance of passihg, un- . less'.by profuse'. expenditure of money. , Al-, Most everyman, With some noble • exceptions, had his price, and if common ruthor be true, it eras an ellOrttrUg price; If it could not be, paid. in the hard . cash, secure prospective profits were Pist as' . . • • , „ We cut the 'foregoing from the Philadelphia liquirer,:o . Tteimblleari paper.. Excepting that the Charge. is, -too 'sweeping, it,ls ~true... No man laid 'stich.iinputationi as the:foregoing' to the body of tlie. P,emecratie members—they resisted all the schemes of corruption , and . ex .. avagunce, and the corrUpt. "rings" that bartered legislation for, Money., REFL.:W.16.6 . . LOVE i;on : . Black Re,publicans, jest now • profess great res.., Peet ior, the •Irish" felloWeitizens. In the infa.: mous Yelper book, art elec'tioneering document, • .. which 'these unprincipled .men are , now cirenlating broadcast - throughout. Pennsylvania . , and which all Ihe leading Repu b l i cans in . • Con gress endOrsed,.and which. Writ H;Seward.gave a :spec ial .reComtrierulat ion, the following spee limen oChigotryUnd .intolerance is to be.found: intelligent proteitantelement of the. Fatherland (Germany) ort?Oursidei an well.afferd to dispense with 'the ignerant.Cath olic.element ot• the: Emerald Isle,- In the in= fluences ..which they exert on soeietrthere so little • difference between . Slavery, and Negro-driving liemocr.tey, that we are riot at all Suprised - toSee them going hand in - their diabolical work of .inhomanity and desolation." Impending cr4i.,,,pifge: 83. •, ‘• .Defzileotion of roil Master, Fon•irr: . 71e - New.YOrk E vening stateS that the deficiency. in the 'aceount - of Post .'Siaster row.; lerOf. that city amounts to at.least . $10,000: The-criminality:consists in failing to de= posit at the Sub -Treasury the full amoun t of . PoStal revenue collected for the -goyermneht.' that..ther . e... is now due in suchamount above stai:ed.. any, be found, as'the' investigation procee ds' - that'• • deficit to a,mtich surn.• • His liondsmen,,'G. A. .Conover, - and. Georg e, Law, are bound in the sum of seventy-five thousand, .will not .pOyer one-half Of the .ambezzelment, There were *rnmore a .short time since that there was .o. deficiency in a quarter's report. of Mr. Fowler,'lint.they were- immediately rest by his depeeitiiig- the fifteen: thousand, dal - - lars claimed by .the Sub-Treasury, • .The Cashier"s department, from which 'ad vances.have always been . mhde to the Post ;master, now hold full'and aiitisfactorY-vouChers for all sums paid. to Alin), So that Whatever crirninality attaches.must be placed• loihe ac count of.Mr.,Fowler . alon.e. He had the•abso .lute.fight to withdraw•fhnds by:giving his' re ceibts Tor thevarious amounts. •:. • • - Mr. Fowler, - it will be recolleeled,, was ap pointed by Franklin Pierce, and. Was.centiOned in office.undei-thc present administration.. He has therefore heel] in•his present position s even years., The investigation is 'still going • for ward, and Mr:Fowler is at ilia' hotel ani.aiting the result... , • . • The PestiOffice has been placedin the hands of'other:agents of the government. : -The-Post-in and editorial comment Opon•the defaleation,rernarks:' : . , • The numerodafriends Of yr. Fowler - will be pained 'to hear of this dis.race.' for he is n man of -many generous'and riopular qualities, who ias*Vvoti his %waY into the kind regards of.those , with whom .he. : had occasion to - do business.— But these-very qualities; unfitted him for the discharge of , the responSible duties With; which he . waii,entrusted.. • • • • • • , Ir.:FoWler is still missine, but it is be)ieved lie will return when affairs ate settled byhis Fti.rther ineestigation into the matter shows that up to October, 1858, Fewtees.settlenients Were full and satisfactory. . There was then a . hala.nee in, his favo'i.of $l,OOO. ; Thedefalea . tion, or a the..greater. part orit has ocouried .. within year., • -..Caldwell;Assiatant.Postinasteri has re.sigried.. wAsivNGTom; may:lo,--Tho precise charac ter of the: mission of the Japanese was tint*, :certaided till Nit night,:when•they produced . a letter, dated .Yeddo,, handsomely written in English, in whieh it is itated.that the •Pripees came hither as . EnlioY's Extraordinary, with the requeitt thut . they be : presented to. the Prei ident through the State Department to•moirOw; consetfuentlytheir:reeeption b 3 ;. the President terl,f not take place until Thursday; • cO*I7OATEp. Olt'tlle De cub . ': Of . 111 . rei; 11:1"aiy. kin • . They have laid lief, kiihaSeatity the? qulet'alidiaP:yao sod nut hel;:apirit bath its dwelling MIL 118 1 •012.11 1 . 10; • CiS1 • : . . Weep nOtTettter, that tky'dengltter Rests ntieraiorrot fe unknown Trite I'4lo , Boft o tittils'seenes mskeler'llom'elhinO Strire,to live , ttnit whert death eq.lle Yka eau go. tti.lter . you love, ... .• There to tuoot %idtli friends long parted,' So that - Itspriphoute, above: . . Mother,,it Nitis'lnii'd to lose bet'. Yet pot consolatinn , s given, ~ . .Tbut fin leer spirit s been wafted- •'' • • ~ . 0. the blissful realms of Heaven Brothurs, you Lave lost your Sister; :You svilllrour her voice no nniro,i ..::• .conl4 Slie now bui,Siicaibliokl'inurm,ur, . . . . Wed mg oil Son . shore." 'Still,. there's onowltoiiell - hoi loyod hors To I,iy 1i nrt she yan.mostdear i. . But iomembe'r, God With. told'us, : Meet hnina no idols hero. . I[ vas hard thus to be parted 7. . Soon toenver, And (43 linen:the:twins whireo mush: diadened hothe, are hushed toiever YOs*,.he?ltrhirl he . r.all' will ridns lier. Li your hoine a vaiantOdat, Will reinind You • Ot: the ono, , Whoin.oo earth no more you'lttneet You Vrlll ltstnorfor the' footsteps, . Nor the eprul ...• Late s&-full df . difo and gloating, • • :A0414 in;thd grave so cold. , Lonely in its standing, tho.pLtno ulose . sweet , Wakened by, the, touch llngers . ' Ne . 'er t p.res the keys And.tini.little child too. left you, Bearing partlitsMotherts name, In thy hours of &hip* anguish, • • Like no angel..i . oiee it came; her childish boautp, Of, the charge now to : then giveti,.., tliat bud of brightest' promise, •. : As that mother, now in heaven, Would have done, hart God but spared her;', lint in her young, life's early day,' ; She is left for yon'to.eherish,.'" . •. .• And to gnard . thyough hies dark way. '',llptgh yOu 'weep; tho Wei much' to cheer you, She halo nly gAne before; To the realms of endlecii glory; ; • Where all earthly griefs nre o'er. • • There again you all may meet her, " . ' • . . • 1.0 that region fair and bright, Where ourjOys n . e2Ufbc clouded By tho gloonUef 80i:roil's night. ~ .• Terrtble, •ecideut on a Apilfoad. The Community was' shocked. and. startled . Yesterday Morning by the 'announcement. that several persons had bretrkilled by thebreaking down Of •a tritssle Work on the . Little Saw Mill Run Railroad "and-a - Oumbei of 'others - fatally .w o unded.: Inquiry proyedthrit the 'staterrient was 4ornc'tvh4t'exaggevatetl, but, Still the;. acci lefearful Orie;,ass three persons' were. killed nt"'n a s d a five or six otherS more -,:or ' . • . lt,seems that about nine on Monday. `morning, ,a :train, of seventeen laden coal cars; with' alocomotiv.e and tender attached; left the' work;of the CoMpanY for the terminus of the road on the Ohio river.,.- A number of persons, inchiding . three wet - nen-two Men:andtWo-boys,, rode'on.thettender with the engineer, .fireman 'and two,brakesmen, paSsengers.:being allowed AO come to the:tiver When they, desired, in this. .manner. Six-of the, cars ivet e • at witched: off a Rose . .Sr. Co.'s works and the remainder Proceed ed; the . tender':being forward of the locomotive. On reaching:the . high truaSle.w.ork at the Meath of S'aw Mill.Rue,:alleut half. a Mile', 'be low Jones' ferry lending, either, from the 'decay of the timbers or from the'lloosening,of the. rubber.block . ,.the.terider broke through and.iell into the •rayine:' 'The locomotive' and two .of the cars folloWed, the third ear hu ng down. by The coupllng•Chain, and the forivard wheels of 'the fourth hungoyerthe, precipice.' Those witnessed the accident describe the scene as fearful., the screams of the victims', especially the temales . , - . being , heart rending; in the extreme.' Charles Hogg ; the I:rigineer,•Alr: Burrows Eldridge,and . , Rebecca, Lis wile;.Mrs, -Bunton, wife of .a.n:iner in the ,erripley.:Of . the; company, ank,Mrs. Sarah Myers, wife 'of a coal digger at the.woiks, were . buried' in • the ruins. Hogg was: taken -out, with a - terrible gash in his forehead end much bruised, and died. soon .afterwards: .Mr; and.Mrs..F...ldridge Were both, 'dead when removed; having evidently been crushed to death, immediately.; Mr, .Btin ion-and Mr. Myers were, both' eictricated with little_di'fficalty; one being buried from the Waist upward, and the other from the • waist down ward,.the upper p,artof . .herbody projecting.- MTS. Bunton had, a severe cut in .the .balk of her head•and her eyes' were particularly •Mrs.. Myers was,' badly: bruised; particularly about the lower Nail* The fireman,. George. Bell, 'jamper.l off, breaking the small bone of his right arm and bruising" himaelf. hi the. fall. 'G. - W. .Mansfield, a boy'.who carries the True . 'Press,, also, jumped off, escaped . with a bruised hip. .A led aboirt rou . rteen, named • Butt .who ' also jumped from the tender,- had one foot .badly , .cut.' It ii.thought. none of : the. survivors . are .dangerouslY• • hart, 'Drs.. Sthith, Ballentine, Beltzhooven and M'Cookattended.'io their-in juries, -and, it is thought that Mrs.-Bunton 'and Mrs.. Myers, those most. injured will recover; as will also:the firenian, who was , able, to, be 'removed to his residence, three miles 'up the run: The wom . en'remain at the "Stone .tay. ern," in Temperanceville, where they receive .every attention which their 'condition demands. —Pittsbrith• P 631, May ,Bth. . . , : • bOdy of the Indian Who Was.muidered Seat bolo* town about a month zip:love's found lodged on the Tidionte dam, last Friday, ,by.a man living.nrthat ;Toting Pearce and the young Indian: named Bone, who revealed the Manner of his father's death, were -here searching for the body, when the news came 'up. They- went down' with Corioner Morrison•rind readily identified it ,as•tlie body' of Mr. Pearce,,of Bone run, on the Allegheny. The-skull was fractureffandsthere were sees .ralcutsandbruiies on the head, face and breast. ,• Bone says he was present when Johnson • at-. tacked Pearce. lie ilid hot interfere, because 'John:ton is.a strong, violent fellow; and threat ened tobeat hitn• if she--did. 'tie con sented to help . put Pealee over. the fence if he Would let-him alone. •When.that Was done he left.... This is about all he had to: 'de in the mat 7 ter,:and . thiii.wei from compulsion . .11e is a . young; inoffensive looking felloW ; .which gives plausibility •to the affair. : It . moreover - corresponds with factsbefore known, which; with the tnarics oh the 'ground, the ',bat inkattending circumstances, makes: it a:clogr case against Johnson, whe is now ilk Cattartin . .. gas Jail. The fight, grew ,out of ,en ohl when they were-all morn or losi.intokiented.t- Who sold them'Alialiquor::?-1/ r eirrcull/aq., • Two.Wo ark:7 Ki r.r:F4 n A. Tonu Ano.-7-Satur day evenin the 28th.ult.:, one rivet ter- rible :storms . . ever' witnessed paitlieA through . .yelliet• in'Tennessee 7 :p stones were nf ) on.inconsiderable andstf,:' ter the stoirh ' , had inesed' . ,every , indicatien of Settled weather :appeared.- 'About this time. there' was a. terrible yearing,. when a ‘black cloud -.Was poticeil',l,whia, though Smell, proaclied rapidly, blowing down and tearing everything •in its path.:,.Joseph saw`, from ,the aireptioil , that the cloud •Isis coming, that' it.woOld • strike house; and .with his fernily,..lie attempted- to . escape :its fury; butin doing so, they. were eangnt•• in the wind, and hone knew the fate of the others un til the storm, had someWhaftibated,.ivhen. Mr. Ackin found two of hiddaughters mangled' sod torn, and several - others,of .relatives.badly _wounded— The'daughters of Mr..Ackin were_ the only persons killed, . , . • DEATIA To eveiiv.firm an 4: FlTiOof!go . i" VERMIN. '"Costars" "Costar's" : . Costar's" Bed-bug Exterminator. "Costar's" - • "Costar's" Electric Powder for liiseds. 'DESTROYS • INSTANTLY . . . . Rats--Roachee . llice—lfolee-Grouod Mice-- Bed tiis-:•:-Ants-- . 11:foths--,Nosquetoesfeas -- Insects"on plants, 'lnsects' 'on animals, &c., &c.—in Short, every'form.and species of' • ~ . . • . , -.. .V V, fi: Ail IN . •.. . : ' •• .. 10 Yeara established in New l i ork by the City Post . office—the city Prisons . and Station Houses 7 -the city Steamers, Ships,'&e. The city Hotels' 'f(Astot,"'aSt Nicholas," &c. and more.than'2o,ooo private familiss '_Druggists and Retaileri'eYerywhere sell „ In'lllholesale Agents' in' all the, large'Cities. [1:7” Regulai- site's 250. 40c and $1 Boies— potties—Flasks.' ••.. • ! !.! BEw)inE-! ! !. of sputiOus initations.-- ,Eirarnine each Box; not tle .and Flask, and. take nothing hnt'‘‘CosTs.a's;" $l.-Boxei sent by Mail. . . CCF7 $3.&.53 Boxe4 for Plantations; Hotels, &c -Address orders— or•for “Cir'etilare to real- Frs" t 0".... • • . HENRY R. COSTAR.. . . . PRINCIPAL bErcre; 4.1.0 BIIOApWAY; N. :1r Sold. by S-I,IRowNELL,III Siiiethpori • OIIDI?ANCI3• NO. XXY T is hereby' Ordained and. Enacted 'by the 1 .Burgess gine. Town Council of the ,Barough of Smethriort; in Council met: That all Side Walks in said. BorOugh shall be nut in iood.or der and' repair on or before the first' day of June . . B. D. HAMLINL Burliss •. B. F. IVittcmt, Seery. Smethport, May 11,:i860 NOTICE icrO'VCE is . hereby given that G. 11.1 Backus,. 1. 1 4 Guardian an of the •Minor Heiri of H.' T. . Knapp; - deceased,. 'has filed, in my office, his 'last and final aecount as said Ginrclian and will Present the same for. confirmation at the next stated Orphan's .Court, to'be Beld at Smethport, June 25th, next following, 1866.• C. K. BARTWELL, Rep;ster: Smathpart, May 24, 1860.. ' • RYDE HOUSE,: . . . , '5:3 . 'OAo o o D Piaprietor: . Ridway", Ps., This lintel' ili, . neir aryl faraished in.nindern style . , lute ample Recant . Modations, nod Jo, in all respects, a'Fi rst Clitwilotel. Ithiziirty, Elk Co. Pa. May 24., er10,..-. • . • -.. .... . . . . • • . . 1. - '.. . ELDRED: HO - ,• . .. ' . •*. ' JOE!: WHIN Proprietor ,This' house le' situated half ' way between Smetbport. and Olean.: A•, convenient no sornmedieue how, attentite" and' obliging: attend ' .ant Ir and low pricea. . . . . . . . . .Eldred, Mayl7,lBoo. • • : •'. - - •' *- .• APPLICANTS -VOA LIOgNSES, ' • • June Term, 1830." MIDI' follow( peiions have filed' in-my office their reepeVtive pet:fione lei Tavern Licepede, ageordieg .to law. N: L, Diae... .. ..'Shippen township, Tavern JOHN WHIR . • Blared • 'G. • ,Tavern Et.mER J. BAILaER..- J Ceres " -Tavern D..R. Binetlipert Dorn', Tavern - Wit: ' • ‘' • -• • Tavern Li testimeoy• whereof I have. heretinto.'set /1,. S toy liatol- and the seal Of said pourt this 2lth day of May, 1860: . • , 8/131.171,11:0.11YDE, . ._.. , . . ' TRIAL • LIST FOIL lUNE, TERRI, 1860. , i . . , Augitsius Crary' . • ' ' :vs .11iltlam Bledti.. ' . Gideon.frors - ' ~- vs Jam Randall , , .. . 1 3.1.'Houn & ,Elk Latu . l, & Im• '.- '• . - . . ' ','" ~ . provemont Co • vs Choker 31 1 .Fali et al • Same" , ye Lyman Starke et al • Wi - Buttock ••••vs Luther - Pails E Shun •• •vs Augustus Voltdre Turner &•Thoroton • • vs M.Keitn Countillank Martin & Bea Daniel.Bellews et al ;- .Clt Burdick • • ye WilliaM Rumeey,.' .13 John Fobee vs George R•Moore Ales Swift • • ve . J.lE...Morrison • ' Te Jonathan Campbell vs'Joseph'C Holmes vs William Blue • vs D Lenox. et al vs D A Etisterbrooke Same • vs Stephen Stiles vs A C Bullet al vs Jnlin Wilkins . Same' John L.lleckwith William (lager • Dyintan Heirs Martin Kelley , Same ••• ,Wllllani Erancis:BLEural: Solomon Sartivell G D . Ilan and his •IvifeDe . . limb. • ' . • Amino Leach Otis Irons • • • . vs John 0: Backus & Co. LehMan. vs I Al Judd Lorenzo D.Fldch • vs Robinson Thayer • .' .. SAMUEL O. HYDE,.Proth'y ,Smothport, May:2l, ipca: .• • . List of Ju rors Drawn fin: June • Tenn,lB6o.. • . - • . ~ . . -- 13oro—W. S. Brownell, George. Darling. - - BradfordEdWin .Colgrove, James Dartt, E -L-D Norton', E B Pratt, L R Vaughan. Ceres— Horatio Bell, Pugh Bradky, Jas.. C Evans.— Eldred—Neamiah Moody, Anson Ric€;. - Ham ilton—M N.: -Powell. 'Keating—A S Swift, : Timothy R.. Tubbs, C C Wright, Foster •Dow ney. LiliertylT H Arnold, Geo. R Moore.-- Lafayette—Jarnes Hoop.. Otto--,1 A .Bunker. Shippen—Kellogg _Hubbard, Rufus Lucoie, Benj.'Morrison.• - . • . • • : TRAVERSE JURORS , Bradford-,Philo Ackley, Dyer Cranmer, C. C. Melvin, A. T. Newell,• Silas Sutton, H .D •Ttrner,'Phillip L. Webster . ... Cerea:--Daniel Buckley; Rowland Barber; Eugene 'Cooney, R Hinds ) Isaac Perkins,'CH Smith. ...Eldred-4V Brown, R. D. Miller, John Parrish, A.B Stull, Joseph Stull, Jr.., Keating,—William BelloWs, Daniel Brown, Jeremiah Chadwick, D •L For syth, Alexander Gifford, W ..S Mooie, .1 B Stull, , G B :Webster, 'Arthur Young,*. Stephen Yonng. Liberty—R E RellOvvs, 'E *:Fitch, T Smkth„ D R••Vanderhule, C I, Bellows. La fayette—Wm: `Hoop,. 'G W 'Hagedorn, 0 W Watrous. Norwich—Cß Burdick, 'C. W •Bur; dick, .J q toyer, J M Campbell, •W ' P:-Denni lo'n, Nathaniel.,Robbinse • Otto—Wm: rovejoy, M'Cord, • Arthur Prentiss. • Shippen—M C . ucore: fs; P. Minard. •.. .The above named. Jurors will meetat the Court House? in Smethport, on Tuesday the 26th day of . June next ; et 10 o'clock . ,- A. M. . . • . ~ . , JOSEPH. MORSE, Sheila'. Sheriff's Office, Smethport, 1 ;.- . '.• .% - . , April 26th, IMO.' - c • .'• •'‘ • OLEAN ROUSE, A. P. Henn, PropOotor, Minn,' N. Y.,. OnnAus,eunm to and from the New Pork - and Erie. Rail Road..:Stigess, for .t:niel.hrerf. and Caren, . ,