M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, May 03, 1860, Image 2

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    ~nd , do.
,but :two' or More
• ;:- who,, t Witn9aa.
. 9,•11!e•
lint!! PAttnall cease '9P
il • ' - t4nd - A!ln t, refal. 9 9 MG.:AV:94n was 119 1,
vi greMnii'l,bui.,,yril,eittint' nu: the: knan 0 f: his
for;,hinn) w9qcnd
UPitle** ,, With his ,',second
salk--.lNriiniv'jthilfight, • ***
no44lfAllerfili,eoe , thie , figbf, , Lsey, i frepettte i it
Was noiePly, and the
s peVe*iiik.ritit4hretYn4ip.lieenan4ben drew.
dt'SaYereinitne 'Secs With the
film down, "
4iiiiiravule4iSiettenger-'stitjes , that: when the
English` rushedAnNte, nrolti 9 •fig
Americans to „see -.fair
• ovski*wkik HO latter rushed and clear-,
a moment.
Tumors , afloat, among
sae wh, lied, heavy bet 9 on
- , " 4/the lost ,Matiyto break through the
r 11; ,•
also e friend , of,Fityers, in hie
ofeiOsiit Ari , thet:fight. sayet- , ,lleenan outfought .
paintb and . every unbiased Juan.
9thaiiiitilb*Aghtwill'saY,,Without hesitation,
Tnat9h , them Again would
prepostiroui • proposition by
a rty4ttilidtof °- , clai that
Jiihit Mile** righlly ',entitled considered,
of. :view, the , champipn of
the •' ,
- Titx Assitturs ,, Ur n _Tun Peg to NT.—The
CO'W,g4itirigtitreirStsidaY eontirina the-Hun'. Maui
Tiylii'lo4incility're - Port•upon ''the recent pro
tege,Of,fthe President. It is. an 'able" and con
eltiAlVii,faceunitiiit.. 'tie shows flint . Were,- there
. gi&litiltiiiiini fOr:leelieving• that the . President
litta'64ei''ittilly:Of. , Agiriti money, paronag,e, of,
Otheitiiittritier inednelo influence the•action; of
Cin - reitif;it;viliti : thiiiiity of , thafbody to have
iiii v k i iiiittl,elliiigiefiirthally; - arid - instituted': the ,
iii.' ittillflitt fii . his'. removal :from .pffiee... On
:liiii'Xiiiiiiiiky,4litit sought to ilamaie his.,„ char.
saelt by,e.ipcitti,..itiveitigetions, •in Which he .
.. ital;iiikliptifitilliitY; to defend .himself.;. This
Ogjeffilffit , ":iiltriititittistin course is' properly,
illititiMilithidreXpiiiied; 'lnd the' disappointed •
.affiXst`iiiiligiii'iittailitical'!,istrilters".. will per
geßg fiiffifflOnithreeilirieeeifit . of. the itnlignit,
tiigne-irelYerflioneitiitien. . .. • -
, ''''''ThiA.Agintlifettigitibtr.,l3l3Chanatt was dicta
' ite6i,.ltikiihlit'iinsi,itinbliiUS: . party ftactice.--
rifithiiit ;IlititiiiiitgOSl•detnierate 'necessities of
pitifirggititifirffidee'lani - tone .who ..values' the
:li.liyeittetitAttlete4 , l6 degrade' the office . 61 Presi-
Alittil ( . 7 11>itii':Chlil Megietrate of' this great
goifeditieirleVerl:Vehitties 4 Unfaithful: t0....401
' lIIVi iflice4if he'''' ever. ; disgraces the' chair of
WiliillgthitZArld.Jelfersort, with ttribery'and ecir
iiiiitigtiAligti,,ltiti....,,he de g raded from hie y 'high '
.And con
,- iilvtiiittlieeutiti.:Atrieriejiit- people, without
. .eilligot*ltitty ,t hut igt.no secret, .'starjahain
''. lilif foOsthiAtlr.-,,Tlet nictstielling committee"
it moulder politic 'Anti, hounded , on bY mereena
*r.404"*"6.14:1119YU4 td.try-t 0 • affiX by, lin
' itiin4tiAt-iliey, mannot: do directly, and'
Atiftki*digrgili!in the
_minds of the Amhrican
.0 1 4 1 1 ilthU,llighese and Jitost :exelted Gaoler in
. . Abe4.ioilitell'AlTr/Oi -- .N. K. " 1) 4 B 6ol '- .
..: '''''' :• . ';''iit . ' ,*:.' ',,, •,:' :' ~,:'. , :- :,
.. . ' • , .
SttowlitOmits ; 'oF,,lll,yrrnits' In. ,fotiva;--The
ie (10.) Voritei'priotS the lorlpw in g:
, t sviT , eVsnt , of;tilettOr• 'from' rii.• geMleonati of
high stinditig residing in It gives "a
the condition of affairs in
1141 9 8fi1it?, " , Timoirritet'Mity ., ,inclined to look.
too dark side t: ' •
s‘Dn not„traAle:fer . apifihing in the way,:pi
. *:aiitatiswithinAhc 4 . the State Oslo
tike,yiets! of selling it , at any rprice
. 4 411110114:iiiic vailie , land
"iii•ig;tn'tiiiiVYo'iiineY`cnnnt it at 0 5 or $lO •
Pciti i oogl l : s- f°POl -40P&s,s.h7
60"0.3r,:f0i: iM1857','.g004
inleade:' con 7
4144 in . 'n4l re'vii s thin the limits oi thiS
dear $t 25 per. dire, e)4
„„„hs ;tea this have
• •..:,thing.like;a , correCt hien:cif - Ake' utter 'hopeless.
Vl-91,,aatate !d r loya. ''SPecutit 7 .
of the State:`r.The river
• ' V,,1.. al!.e
... nen never get•tP
0 4 .
00 ttilltfieiais an' entire: change ' of poit
,l*oo,!lolFa ' contained 'a 'Population in
ii 0at z.144,490,4 18,99, nod '
aaliat as they , cin:get Mon.
•trti~~,~ r The 'place is in debt one
she, as
. i4oll' WI DU
.4aitoogiv4oo44,6e,rieq, ara'nove, talking X,
r i tirs < i 1 80 . d o not own ; Lands in
make that much
he Attorney
rie4teiv Iroik 8/,),,n 1 *tole; that.b
4i'l of ili s t ii . * befiii (Otis he(l with '
" Arno secure ttie
4 • 41 , 411 9-* ° '' .
'lvijOiptin**Alt APIPOOII?e'4o f i i State, Sons-
Y ,„„ c a.
• , PittikoemitiliglitqnStOttng . 4 1 , f 4. 01 e 0 w0.0""
gf , `
°? s ikOrii t This
' TO, e , 6i t he j s i - e
Is eftrthu r* w i th 9 /e l e rY! )
''' , " Ql4 4mikturs i but4t,.ArifN shamefu
A • -• := , ,:lihlii"., 4:' r ~
l!'. A:Viinnagetter Op 't"h''Cal:that...nfYieiliti
.ilk'iti, f h eiliinCiiii'triklit.Ortkied i6lls, gjOie to
the ,Cahlitetlde St: factiell',";• and •44 e . latter
-does -* ti 44141' 1 iiiil `t "ntl'fi''' ' ei . h .'d no„ . it-, .o.to
.. w. J . t, I ere!! 1 0 t e•-nti ., '
11.7altda-4:iiio:4llielie .wis- mach thlie lat,Yiennjp'•
bt'llti*Pprottdbitti'Viiitbf,:the Ernperor,of Auer
tria:P•tbe Queen 'l4:Enkland.,•• .;•„,;••„ '';',.;:-... • • :,
;tbe,gisrizceitrot.s. of,fictlin , also Cafe : . • tgin
,Weltiblittined e ctieles it is believed that a union
•Will he eifectigl 'between Prussia, gngland 'Apo
Austria,' incihference to the threatened, inter
4iiiiiol, Sviiiieiltirid•Thbt it is•expreasly. stated
'that no hopes* areentertatned that Russia will
lointhis aJliancg." ' •. . - • ..
The-answer,eaf Austria, to , the eircOlar•: - note•
OM ,Thouven=l, of ,13th Mareh,lon the 'annex!.
,atiOOSavoy and Nice to. yrince; had, been
sent, o paris. , Thecinewer is very 'similar to
the dispatch bi* Russia pn the same • putbjeeki---
The",Aus•triati•• Cabinet,-Aike that of 'Russia, -
fineatipt . , raipe, any objection? to : the 'fact:pc an
,ne3cation as long. as this; annexation '' is refire
being the feault 'of *a'.'ecision freely
consented In by iltedniont., and notbithe effect
of •urriversal suffrage...As repo-del he neutrali;
tY of- switzerland, and the, neutralized districts:
Of Chabliiii'and'l'aucignY 'Coeirt. Rochbure• 'eic
'. a .d stre that' the French government
in'aeCoydanee With the 'promises - given : , by: M.
ThouVehel in his dispatches, should': maintain
the guarantees stipulated Al the treaties. .
:::Coent.Stephen Siechenyt, one . of ,the most
distinguished members of the trungarian gov
ernment in 1848, vonemitted suicide ;in the la
mitic asylum at Dablingi en the 7th inst.
. . . . ,
Skim° tri i Trout - Box.'- 7 0n Saturday, the
agent. 6C - the 'Adams . xpress Company, at
Nast:Ville,' iee'eitied a box Marked "Hannah M.
. ,
ThOMpsorr,' cafe of, , Letti 'Coffin,' Cincinnati,
'Oh'io. Weighe26s peunds." • The agent, un
puspiciorte, gave the proper receipt for the
freight, end distratched.the•bOx in the fast line:
All Went well 'until the train' reached Seyinonr,
when the box burst - twee; and 'out dropped
o n
two' hundred' pound••:chattle more...dead. than
itlivd. ;;'Darkly and bort were handed over to
the agent at '• Seymouri, and returned '"from
whence ..they . came," :the, ' way-bill 'checked
. 4.Niggerebort,:". Yesterday morning,•Mr.C6f
fiti-called•for hie box, and the 'c tic. questioned
him ; closely . as to its .:contents; ut he "d idn't
. .
know A thipg ;..couldn't guess'hat tvas in it."
, .
Cu. Cont.., , - . • • • • ,
_ •
a 1
!I t
r, Vats'
kr, hie
CANADA 11TASNES AN Omen.-=ln .consequence
of an alleged . aelation. which' the ;Canadiens
:affect , to believe exiettet Vaihington, for the'
pUrpoSe'of'inducing..Queen: Victoria either, to
sell 'or quietly relinquish ;her claim to Canada in
favor, of the United States; . 7145. Simpson hue
given' dotico'ol the' following'motion in the Ca:.
riadien Parliament: • .• .' •
, 4tAddresis .
to.lier Majesty
,the,Queen; Pray -_
jug that Ithe event.of ',receiving any proposition _
torrilhe Congress of the United States for'ther
,acquisition of British North :Ainerica, or any;
portiori.thereof; hnr majesty' will be..graciously
Pleased. to , reply; that,considerntions, connected
with..the happipess of the human sage in ,gen-,
eral, end : with the • well being; rind liberties,. of .
North America in:partieular forbid the idea'of
accedine_thereto; but that, in order to 'show
herMajesty , B ajwreciation of. the., trading prn
cliaitien'of .Congeess, and the ,vyillibgneas.. th
indulge it ao far 'us is consistent with the feef=
ing and.interest of hcr subjictain . North Amer
Ica, the Queen - is . prepared to 'receive a prop
siticin for `'the ''acritilsitin of Canada of the
Statil . of 'Maine , and Michigan, ..or either of
. .
SA.vei•ArtriSwirzartt. , volt . is efated from
tifere,wei rt continued exchange of
not6o on the pretenaions 'raised by Switzerland,
:and..t.hat•all that..hati b,een stated of ,any OHO-
outmode of solutionwas . premature':
The Swiss.reilerni Council,on the 12th.inst.•
: idispatc . hil a ndte to the Powers, Which
'that.Sivitierland had 'not been consulted. on fhe.
occasion; of the Vote . oflitavoy. 'She protests
against any violation of her,rights' may
result front.stich.s vete.
Fifteen out of .the ,seVenteen.nevidy elected
members Tor• Savoy 'returned to .vote at:Turin,
met at'Chambiry atntresolved.not fo cross the
Swiss Fedoral, Council is said to ,have
rirdored all the,trooris cofriSked..for exercise' on
thelGthi'le return to* . their homei. ' •
• •
has no.taste far pugilism is . shown in the follow-
A Shori•timosinea a' eoeple of 1 3 hiladelphia
pngiliSts went over to COoper's• creek to indulge
in a prize. fight.. The icmill'? came off with ill
its • "brutal ,acedmpanimenti: The vigilists.
made' their e.scipe•tel this side of.the pelaware.
The-Jersey authorisies followed them to •the
'Seventeenth Waid, and caused their. afrest.--
TheY-ha'ye'lince•heen-ttied,.tonVicted'and sera
fenced yeais''intiiii.sonmelir in the "penis
tentiary, • Th . e.ceftaipty,.cof two • • years' So
jenrci.in Strong training quarters at 'Trentpw,
with ryn tommy !Ind b.eanOotip diet,: and 'with
niuseulai demenstratiOns,upoira Weateetilooni
or, a'• lan.itone; will. 'deter futUre pugilisti • from
' professional to'She Sandy - state:: -• • •
As the ,Serspy,...Executivgdoes•not pOssess
the pardoriingnovirer, the lacf:cOmplicates Mat.
ters fof•conVicted•pugilists.: • • • ••
It; is stated that the Cabinet of the. Tullerids
is.aboutlto."address a theinoranclum the Pow
ere- Who,signad the ffnal ant of Vienna,.
.The aid) of this:manuirundittn. is said-.to be:
tio . eptablish, by . strategical-considerations, 2 the
tinirqetichable proof that. if Trance.. ever had
an intention of. menancing ;the •Oeutrality
'Switzerland, 'she could 'do so, notwithstanding
all'the.gaaranteea stipulated in the treaties of
1915, since the . rollitorf.:ioad . leading from"
France to Germany, tlitough - Switzerland, now
no longer exists, eithei.in the -territory of Tati
tigny or in that of Chablais, but at another
point not included in thenentralized districte.
The Cabinet of the.Tullleiies hopesby " this:to
show that the anneaution...Of Savoy to
does not virtually dePrive, Switierlancl' of her,
.'airategiatil position, neither does .it involve any
of the' dingeri 'put forward beforehand by the
-Fedeint:COuneil'of Berne. - • •
moil's have the , virtue of industry, if nothing
,l'hey are, :turning attention to the cul
pre of cotton, and in' Washington County,'3oo
miles' south of; Salt Lake City, about five tons
were raiesd thafpast Year. . One person raised
two hundred •fiotiads of ,ginned , cotton on one
foUrth'iof an acre, and ifie,•stated - ,•that enter
prising 'citizens are the States.for
Cotton . gins,, to Avor h ic . up,the:
. cotton so as, to,
Ilirin4 it inio.marketp.
. •
te Onet,f, aidcr
t e
sLthellai'f° of
It : is stated that the'inbabitints of Savoy and
Nice would *cite in a- few dhyi; by universal
stiffiage, on the .qiteiticin of , annexation to
iVie sT r;:q.. ' i"Sekt i 7r' ° .
JUstlees • etthe-Peace •poWer,- With . A,Ory
:eisi'iolear,,Shd determine charges - ,'lnVcrnrine
'of thtis:aotii*ohweal,th, and. to lessen...the. ei
,penieis irrerfininal•proceedings..... ••••- ' •
"••He glvesicis his. reasons, the fact that the
iiiin'its .chnra . cter, •and.ati 'innqvation
upon the: welliettled practice of the State.
• He his also vetoed the ; o.lloWing acts : •
die 9 en'aci to incorporate the VenangnOil'nnd
Mining . :•. • • ,
:A•rf..act • .fo...inccirporite. , the 'Aobertilrori
CP1 1 1 4 i3r."... ••. • '
1 c An act tn'incorpqrate the:Mineral
portation COmpany." • .
• tg act•to incorporate the Union Store corn ,
Theiebills•iiiveheen veteed' on theground•
st forth in.t i he vete of the 'aet to incorporate
t e'liackei Iron', Company;. .which • were; _that
'.the gerieral.lawe relating to the •,man'ultieturing,
Minind-•companies; au& similar, .incorpora
tions, made all.thg.provisions which are feces
sqry stich case's; and that special. leg'slatiOn
was not 'required:: • • -•
.WAsuitsaxost; April 21st
. .
The Conititutihn'of this morning.aays:
anypernbers of ihe',Cabinet,, noughts or
. .takco steps, to, changee the,,line - o(action of the
president r in an itriportantniatter of State poli
cy; without the advice, knowledge , or . "consent
'of •tbe.President,•he has been guilty, of. an, act.
of in6delity,.andlaid faith, which ,should in-.
yoke his severest censure.' Indeed; such con...
duet, would be dishonorable, !tad 'justly inetir
forfeiture of hisicopfidenee. : . •• .•
.In . thas View, We think:we havethe.,right to
demaad of Mr. Walker the namingof : •the inili
vidual implicated. In. the absence of- a reply,
weshall maintain.that , he is wholly , unable. to
Substantiate the gronads . Bl . his belief." •
This artiel'eeiciiesinuch . carnment * Jrotin
seini- . official character and.:.ris it involves' the
question of the . anity of, the.. cabinet;
, . .
MORGANS Winow.--The widow of Morgan,
notority; died recently; iri the
- v.icinity, of Memphis, Tenn.' The
. Appeal says
that aftenthe•clisappeararce of Morgan she was
`Married-to .R . Lentleulan named Harris 'and resi
ded with'har husband somewhere in'lndianna.
Stibiequently tO the death bt,her, second
'band, she. carne: . to• bleinphisy bestowed her
timein kind officei; • exercised toward the'poor
and afflicted; and had been connected latterly
`with the Leath Orphan Asylum, in the suburbs
of, that city..
' • • ',The,English Prize Fight,
The' London Ti . naos c:orrespon dent say's . ,
visited Heenan last • evening, April 28th, and
found him most • comfortably . and-in excellent
spirits.,. He is' anxious'to fight Sayers 'as -noon
as *Possible; if is not satisfied , with• tbe
present result: ..The. indignation of . the Ameri
nianS here .and in fact, a large portion of the
British. public, is loudly and- vehemently • ex,
preesed. 'The:ring was broken by a pack
orthieVes, who 'used the. excuse • to rob every
One. It-wee.. Well known that. Heenan would
notbe . permitted to early the cha'mpion's, belt
out of the, country, and. the Fnglishmen who
had bet. their all- on Sayers, as."-soon
„as they
found that theiichamPiori losing,' resorted
to the most unfair'. means—pulling and' keep
ing - Heenan dowp—a neatlng . of Americans.
Will take . place in London, to-night and 'you
may expect to see some twenty eentroversises
in the papers. ' '
Mr. Georgd . Wilkes will: demand the belt -for
Heenan, and , will fuinish testimony to prove
that' he . ,is entitled to it.. Of one thing our.
,readersniay:be certain, %Heenan's' rights. :will
be attended to; and.bis `position • will be main
tained to the last,' '• • ' ' • ,
Ttle Tribune • says'a 'gentleman -now at the
'St. Nicholas; who witnessed' the fight, says
that When -Heenan had-got Sayers into such a
Position,that he,Porst inevitable hate won the
hattle,John Morrissey cut•-tbd - ropes and let'
Heenan fall.to the.giound, '
, . To BE REM6Steartan.,--The Fremont party in
1856. were in a minotity 'over a million and'
a qUarter,ind controlled ,less than, one...third of
the votescast at thatTliey ,Were in
a minority,' in the Free States—in New York,
Ohio,' and all the Northwestern: States that
'threw their electoral votes against Mr. Bu;
CIIANAN: Of every 4,000,000 votes then .cast,
- the Democrats cast nearly. 2,000,000 (iticludMg
South Carolina,) the Republitans.l,3so,o oo , the
Americus 875,000. '
. .
SbiCIDII of A BUCIIIER..—A dispatch to the
Chicago Prossi•from .Dayenport, /dm, announ
des. the suicide. of ft. •E. Campbell; a well
known broker of that city, who, it is suppOsed,
hadinaome - depressed by,. financial difficulties.
On Saturday last; between one and two : o'cloCk,
he•prciceeded'to his : , room, and discharaed: the
contenta of a 08VA : into his head. When his
friends reached him:fife was 'extinct.
The Paris . papers contain the•Tollowing ac
count of the commeneemen,t of the voting.upon
the •question or. , 'annexation'to Prance,. which
took place . at Nice.to.day: . ' •
;MI6 v'citing.by hallet has.comnienced.. The,
eleetois in crovids are depositing , their votes.
Immense'enthusiasm is manifested, and it ap. l
'pears certain that there will be a largemnjor
ity for annexation . tO.France. .:The country
people bre arriving, headed bY•their cures, and
preceded by drums and colors: - Voting tickets
in - favor of 'annexation' to France and bearing .
the inscriptionres,' are attached to their hats.
Perfect order prevails.": , •
'At Nice, of the total number of 7000 voters
- .5000 had already 'registered their.votes. The
news from the'neighboring communities is ex
cellent. The voting 'in favor of annexation to ,
France was unanimous." . •••
. .
Advices from Havana state . that a fire occur
red on . the.'l9tli in the valley of Trindad, ex
tending.along the valley a distance of
iniles, and. sweeping ..dovvn- all the standing
cane on' the sugar estates, . . .
The•loss Was' estimated eta million and 'a
half of. dollars:.. , '
Thil; caramity,it.was estimated, will reduce
the prodtretion of sugar - on the Island dy. over
• . . . , .
Itie reported that the steamer Greif Easterri.
would be reatly to sail orr her:American tripat
the same time with the squadron whin ,ii „to
accompany the'Prinee or Wiles to:COnada •in
An Irishmon-who had just jumped into the
waves' to save a man from drowning, on re
ceiving -A.; sixpence for his serv . ibes, looked at
the sixpence, and then at hinr, and at last ex
claimed; "Well Pm overpaid for the. job.'!'
1it,7ti0p..,4011,041) . .100 , crit.
. ,
•',. t ~. : EI:3I.:PETTENOILL A 'COI, • .',--::,.
k: , ...., : ~, ' ' .7 ADVikriSINGI AGEpiCY.. '•.:, i .. . • -'. •
, .
110 ArasSarrStreit;'NereYork, a ndi.o State St: Bpstotz
' Et Iit : ;,PETTENGILL k . 0.; are the Agents for tiIe
.3I,KBAN - Desibonna (- nid• :Atie.m • otit- influeritiat arid largest
circulating ;loWeric4pers in the. United States and the flan- .
adult. They. are autlicrized , to contract for us at our
:104. GOVERNOR,..
. H.:lcOnti Hon, :Richaid Vaux.
Et ECTOttB.• •
1 Frederick Server. • 14 J: - Beckhoiv. •...:
• 2 Wm. C'. Patterson..ls. Geo. Jackson.
3; Jos. Crocke4, jr. • •161.1 L . • •
J, a. ; Brenner,. 11 - J.. B.
5 J.' W. Jacoby.
.6 .Charles'Kelley: •-•
P.• James. . 20' .
8 •Pwild Scholl. • • 21 IT: P. ;Fetterman.
9.J. L. . .22 Samuel
10 S. S. Barber. :23% :.
11' '24 B. ,
12'S. S. Wmehester.: .25 ;paylord Church.:
13 , Joseph LiMbach. •
The Republican. State Convention met at
Syracuse, histAreelf . , and.appointed delegates
to the Chicago COnveritiob, and instructed fot
C. G. .V . iTtr.LiAms, editor of ''the
Wellsboio, has . received • the aripoiatme'ut of
Assistant 'Marshal,. - foi• ,taking• the census :o
. . .
Tiogo county..• •
'LAWRENCE JOI-INSON; Escp,.the.well known
type founder.and steryotyper ;died of•parillysis,
Saturdaf morning', at' his residence,' at Eighth
'and .Vine streets,: Fhiladelphie. ae
quired a large fortune in Itsines.'.."
. . .
The. Pittsburg Joarnal. eays . uripreeedented.
qutintitieS of.lumber
. has passed down the Al..
legtiany SOme 60,000,060'.mi11i0n . feet
will oto Cincinnati'' this season, or points
lower down... . • •
THE WARREN MontiEn.—The Warren Ledger
!eys,.“The'Hat•end Coat button picked up by'
the Coroner, near Clarki Eddy,'the spi:tt where
it is suilpOS'ed the :mtirtler was committed,
Which weg;iitie an account .two weeks since,
Otis been. identified by a young Indian . as be
longinglo..his father, Joseph Pirce, who resi..
dcd:on the Allegheny river between this place
and Cold 'Spring'. ' The young man. will com
•tnence'a search for the body in a, few 'days: •
NEW WORK ON TUEGrte re .= The publishers
of 'the Farmer and Gardener, Philadelphia, Pa,!
are issuing a %youx on the, Grape, :with qlstruc-'
l ions in regard to its culture, classification of
the different varieties'&c; . It will, be printed
in the finest, etyle, and will be.neatiedfree, to .
any address, on. receipt et' retail price. Bound'
thirty-five cents,'Paper cover, twenty-five c'ts..
It will be ready for 'delivery on the h
`Address - Spangler, N0..19 North:Stxth
'Street, Philadelphia Pa. •. • .•
. .
TherApril Iturilbe, of 'the. Printer. contains.
itsusnal• variety of interesting' and instinctive
matter for allthose interested the Ail, and,
also contains many finespecimen of new type.
Published by.fienry &. GreasoilyNo• 1 ; Spiu..
st, Nevi • York, at . sl. per year in , advance. • -
We. publish , a; sketch of the
griat International prize fight. between Hee
nan and Sayers: It is conceded 'by all that the
American champion whipped' the F.riglish, af
tera hard fought battle. We .have no . des ire
to inflict'en our:readers the disgusting; details
. . •
'of this brutal affair. . • '• •
Hon. IV. C. faAWRENCE, late Speaker of
House' of Representatives, diedat his rPsidenee
in Harrisburg; on the - 21st cult'•. Mr; LaWrerice
was ,a man oft fine talents, and was much, be
loved. by aAarge circle of friends. . '
& Co's 'advertisement appears
this week.. It Will'be •seen that This firm •re:
tain the old firm name -a guarantee of. success
7 -although occupying a new :store •on • Main
street. ,We predict a continuance of the. liber
-01 custom, hitherto'extended to that hOOse, from
this'county. ' . , • •
Judge White and C r 11. Seymonr . ha've been
elected delegates to Chicago . frOm Tioga county
'and 'unanimously instructed to suppOrt General
Cameron for the Preiblential nomination.
. .
The present week has afforded an excellent
chance for our farmers to get in their early
spring crops, as well as to prepare ground for
later ones. it is gratifying to see the energy
evinced among our farmers to increase the ag.
. products of. the 'county:. Until we
can supply tbe demand, for home consumption*;
it is.idle to think of -.Prospering. The money
obtained from the gale oflumbei• is.all sent
abroadas soon off received. •
New YORK, Apkil 30
decided step in advance of all previous num-.
'Ft lled.with , ably Written and sea'sonabl'e
articles, and abounding in, handsome and valu-,
able. illustrations,. it is well worth dc4le the
eut'oticription 'price. The present .number, coif'
•taine the first part of .fremitior Essay on the
"Pilltni:e of the Native' and Exotic Giape," by
William Saundirs,the well known,Horticulturel
writer. ,State pride should prompt the yarmers
of Pennsyltiariia to: give the 'icFarmer "and
Gardener" a, hearty support, independent of the
fact that it, is one2of the largest, cheapest and s.
handsomest publications inthe United States-The publisher Offers to furnish sample copies
gratis. Terms, only One Dollar a year. Ad-
Alress,• A. M. Sr it,tt; 61;En, Philadelphia..
Thu day ; : May:44B6oc
Demootatic I;7oiiihlatf9n
. • • • ~
''Faaa Wiiicavr, has received a large-supply
• •
of Hairs and Shoulders, which , hp offers at re=
(leed, pies
CuARL'EsToWii eoNitN7i.l9N
ThiiNational Convent i on;
. noW in session at.
CharlsSinWn. are . having ..ittorrny time.:; ' : lt
appears that the . . delegates from;_
States, tearful Of ',the growing antirslaVery feel
in the Northern States, , asked that an lick.:
nOwledgerl.: guarantee.' of their 'constitutional;
righin.fie en'gr : aftedjntiab platfOrm of theprty..
The•Tionglas, or;,:squatter...,soVereg,nty. portio n-
of:the party; hOld:tbe...h . alance of power, and
succeticeiii ..idiipt - ing?tin obnoxious plitformi
,whereifp§n.tht 'delegation? froenAlitbarini :Jour
Situth Carnlina;Misnissippi, Texa, Art'
kariXas . ..andFlertda,ernb ' odyinv .37lvot e s,
tired.frorn the . ConVention, qfterAling with the
Clerkprotests Which.had been; PrePared.,-Wit'a
g teat •care. the Deiewrire; GetirgiS',. and
ginin delegates . withdreW to. consul it. is
thought the balance of Soritbern delegates, with
a portion of-those-frornCalifornia; will jointhe
seceders 7 . Mr. -llOnglas as known'Ao; be e3r.
trernel y obnoxious to the .South, and eannot re
"ceiVe.tlie vote of 0 single Southern: State;
lea's bound by a ,platforincii• Which there ean be
'(10 misconCeptiori..:• , • • • • . .
. We •heve not,AboUgh it , good policy,.on the
part of,Mr. Douglas' friends •to• urge his 110111-...
.iflatioll, at this time. k is, too. mortifying, and .
•humbling•to the regular. portion or .the • Demo
cratic part); to ask its ' . sUppOrt; of a man for
.iat high' off i ce who has done -so much to di
vide antl:diatract.the party; mid, cause - its•de•.
feat: 'The•Stnart of tbe . wounii is too, fresh to ,
enable, the 'sufferer to. kiss the - hand thatgave
the-blow.' have been tat I:iettely . to
.have taken up some': otheil of the . many able
men against.Whichno'objection . couldbeurgelf..
We.aio . not Withal) t hopethat wise counsels
will ptevail and.tbe convention unite inlay:me.-
• - TheCe!if.-eni in a lengthY article, undertakes.
to deny - the charge that Mr. Curtin, the Repub
lican nominee. for .qovernor, interfered to de-•
feat the Sunbury. Sr. Erie Relief Bill in the Leg
islature. The•first argument is ingenious and
eharacteristim that Democrats basely treated
the Republican Commissiono%, and claimedthe
the loss of County„ funds et their hands; there
fore any reports agiinst 741 r. Curtin • mast not
be harkened to:. The• record mill show that
• .
we claimed extravagapce and misapplication of
• .
public funds, recoMmending a change 'in the
political complex.ion of the bOard. The Citizen
after eleetion, insinuated that funds were.sto
lem making a' . cowardly• assault. on a private
citizen, at that time entirely unconnected mith
•It laboi3, , at great length, in. the attempt to
induce its readers to believe that Mr.'. Ctirtin's
interest is. identified in the S. Si. E. •Railroad.
All gainmon. Mr. Curtin is deeply. interested
In securing votes,for himself. When tpe editor
Of the Citizeit stated--AgThat an intense•bostil-
ity exists towards the Sunbury ite Erie Railroad
ConciPany% in every . section.of the State,- except
iii that thiough .which the road Passes,'! he
'gave. the exact rnotiVe for : - Cnitin's opposition
to the bill. •The editor oughttOlcnow (for he
was'at • Hafrisburg.at the time) that near the:
close of the .session; when • the friendsOf the
hill confidently .expected its paSSage, a' tele
graphic despatch' Was received in the House,
purporting to be .IrOrn•My..Turtin, advising his
friends to defeiat it! alledging that if allowedlo
pass it would lose .him'theelection Gpvef-
.Tho New' York Trdiune says the'
in regard to the'Repulil ic a a•L'egi slatare: of that
riThe . •Legislature- 7 -let us . '-be: reverently
thankful for all mercies—has adjourned at last!
This is the.oil., of consolation'which softens all.
earthly•afilictiops:'—they come to an end. And
- we.do.n.ot believe it possible that another body'
so:reckless not merely of right.but 'decency—
ne. 'merely ethrinit but shatheless—:will asiern
bliid 'within the halls of legiSfation vvithin,thri
next ten. years. •. •. • “Tcyall intelligent
men it is plain that inoney--:-Cash paid : by- per-.
sons 'interested in the. centralintothe' fingers
or pocket's of .llonorable lielitislators or those of
our infhiential frieridShas.'been'the procuring
cause of thifailure. .• • • terhe.State has
been gold out: by .dportion - . of its Chosen legis
lators, anilthey - ha.ve elnfched.the gold;• •.*
it'possible thatthose who thus 'stultified
thethselVes iti,order.tO rob. their .constituents.
can hive the hardihOod.'to face the.people , as .
ca'ndlifateSfor re:eleCtion? i • • .• short
leolt arevery conspicuou.s act andleature affec.,
ting pecuhiary interosts'of thiSattrociou's .con'r
fetleracy;of republican robbers, and,firmly re
solve that.. New York 'shell never fook upon. its
like inin." • ;.. .. • .
Our Bradford friends.seem to, be labOring un
• .
dere severe attack of the Oil Fever. We copy
the following'from the Miner, of that place:
"The mineral wealth of M'Kean county is
well known to all. The immense coal fields of
this region are probably un.=urpasSed in rich
ness or extent by those of any other. section.in
'the 'State; •and at no far distant day.must be
•the chief source-from which the markets of.the
State of New York and Canada will be sup
plied with 'bituminous -coal. This is evident
from the fact tnat, their geographical position
renders them more accessible to the markets.
than-other fields,' and. of course coal can fur
nished from them at lower - rates. BUt.lll".Keau
county not . rich•in beds'of coal alone. .There
is' an abundance of rich iron ores found here, of
an excellent quality, together, with dimeatone,
fire days, &c.,,as well as irrimense. quantities
of- superior:timber.: TO all theca we hive now
La add the discovery of what is supposed to, be
petroleum, or reek • • .
, Within a distanee of two'miles of this vll
loge strong indicetiOns.,of this oil - are, found. -
At leastthere'are several springs upon the sur ,
face of Which : a coating of oleaginous matter, is
found: •, the' rot-novel' of this-coating
ahother-iii soon loaned.' • • •• '
cl•V'e have. made no personal inspection of
these "springs," but are informed by Persons
who have seen the' surface exhibitions in the
fitinetis`oil regione' or Crawford, V.enafigo, end
other, counties in this State, that the
tion of oil•here are the same, in every respect;
aithose, and that there' is scarcely a doubt but
we have extensive deposits in this county,,—•
Thie aptittar* the more ,realptitieble . when we
take,hitti atinaideihtioti our
Waive 'fieldi 3 Of- r ,riekinfoil,-,'ant 'the
face-that geologicalli We • are .justlielo,w.theSe
fields,•the poiitiOns in, , O,hich oil haii:OnifO4olp
been bind, is still Snore conclusive • eildenee..
Then, again, the Bathe kind: of oil is fohrid
'uding.fitirri the earth, in pieces contiguous to 'us -
--at Cuba,,illagany councy,N.X.,:on the one . • '
hhod, and itiChautatilitia on The &het'
aein di ff erent countiee m 'this•State.
"In sorneinstances, for a distanceof tieverat
feet from where and,v'eaterlAue's - from
the earth and ••tfs run' down the -Stones and
whateier else it comes Inoontaat with are coy
bred with the coating mentioned;:
seen adhering in drops of ehrown or yellowish'
dgconsideralAe excitemenCe?rists imatig. our
ditiXeng in relation !co : the matter,, and several
are so. Confident that . we are in the. immediate
vic'icity a ol :extensive adepoSits,'! - Antl.pf:tilti-
Mate ;success" in ',the, undertaking; '-that they ,
have organized tliernselves.intoA company,.and
'leased . .lends for the purpose...of boring and
sinking shafts. Theyiniend.,to : ; make a.thor
ough investigation; but':.whether, their fond'
dreams 'will' Vd...reOzed,T.end they.. toe:so:sue- .
'cessful as to st,tike.ii channel leading - to the im
mense reserno'iief :oil. 'supplied-from , the great
iatioratory of . ,Nattire, and by this means puMp
up untold wealth froth the' caverns of earth, or .
it Will proVe a ccdry" speculation, has ''yet 'to
be demonstrated and will he duly chronicled
••At Waverly; N. Y.,'On Saturday the 21at ult.,
Mawit•Yoii.x, wife of .Hiram Payne, Esq., in:the
54th year of her age. : • • •
!-i DEATH 'I: '1
To every - form faid species of
'Costar's' ° •
"Costar's" Rat, Roach, &c. Exterminator
"Cortar's" • • • •
"Costar's" Bed-bug Exterminator.
"Costar's" Electric Powder for Insects.
lints,--koaches-Mice.-.-:Moles.-L•Grount) Mice--
Bel BugS-- . -Ants--Moths-Mosquetoes: -- FleAs'
-,lniects'on .. p)ants; Insect's on sniknals,.&c.,
&c.—in 'Short, every form anti',species of '•
. . .
'lO Years•'•establishd in Newlork 'city—used
by the dity Poat "office—thufc,ity.Prisons 'and
station Housestlie city s[o : triers,
The city Hotelsf aAstor," c. , St &c.•
• and more than-20,000 'Private, familiss
1 - 1 . Druggists
,and Retailers everywhere sell'
1:1"' 1
07" . ARE, ! . of spurious initations.—
k;xamine'each Box, Bottle andTlask;and . taket
'nothing hitt ~C OSTAR'S." ' • • •
a 7" $1 BhZes sent by Mail..,
I:G P's..5& $5 Boxei for'Plantations,•Hotels, &c
by Express.; ; • • • • .
l.G'" Address orders—Of for (cCirculars to Dettl
etss' to ...HENRY R. COSTAR,:
PRIficIPAL DepoT, 410 BROADW'AIt, N. Y.
Sold by W. BROWNELL, at Smethaort
Tdke need!.
r , sactlE, Dentist,frOm Buffalo, would
inform the citizens of smethport'lhat he has
engaged rooms . at -the Bennett House, for a
short . time ' and'is.prepared lo perform dental'
surgery. Cleaning and, extracting. done: care
fully and skillfully. Teeth filled 25 l ie? , cent.
. than by•any other dentist, and war—
ranted not to decay again where filled. • .
1 4gents in all the fame Cities.
400 and. $1 .13oxes-
•NOTICE. • •„•
HEREAS Letters Testamentary to the W•Estate ot.DAvin Caow, Senior, late .of
M'lieanrounty, - deceased, have been granted:
to the subscriber.... All persons indebted to
said,estate are requested to make immediate
payment, acid those"hay.ing claims against the
said d..cedent will make known the same
out delay, to '
. • D.AVID CROW, Executor . ..
• Or: to . his Attorney
Smethport, April 11,4860
-. .or : rleVi.
. - -
To the School Directors of Ill'Kean Cowity,
Gentlemen :—ln pursuance of the .13d Sec.
of the Act of May Bth; 1853, you are hereby'
notified to meet ill • convention,-. at .the Court
Ilonse;in Smethport, -On' .the first -Monday in
May, *A, D., 1860, being the th .day , 'of the
month, at .1 o'clock in the afternoon, and select,
viva yore, by a 'majority of the whole num
her •of : Directura • present, 'one. 'person of
literary and-scientific .acqnirements,and skill;
and experiertce the'art of.teaching, as, County
Superintentleni, for:the three succeeding years;
determine'the amount of aempensation for the
same and certify the resultto. the ,State Su
perintendent, at kfarrisburg, as requirid.by the
39th-and 30th Section of, said Act.
• •
: County Supt, of 111',Ifean Cotoily.
• Sreiethport,April . 2d; 1860. ' 52-3 w
• ' PLOWS.
A• SU- .
.perior ariicle manalnetnied.at the ' •
• '
11ASKEILL, •• Proprietor
Eqs leave to announce to 41ie traveling '
Bcomm'unity and the public getierallftheit he.
has purchased the above named hOtel,formerly
ocCUpiCd by James Miller, and refitted it in, a
`style suited to the Aimee and wants.of the Pub--
• . • . •
• .11'18 TA.BIE , E .•
Will always be.supplied Witl-1 the best the mar
and the surromaling country can•aflbrd:
Will be supplied With the.; choicest wines and'
.• HIS . STAPLES • •
Willbe in the 'Carr of attentive.hoitlers, re
•sponsible fOr their eondir et to , 'their,ernployer
-Who will give 'the entire establishment his per
Bonet Supervision. ', • . -•
In short-every department; of his establish-.
merit will be: supplied With all the, • •
the •weary travelerlcan :
In the hope that he will be able*. make hie .
duringtheir'visit at his bouse,•
,be respectfully
soliCits 'a share.of 'public patronage . : • '• .
• Smethport, .• n31,3'6m
vertigirrient.of lipuiloptoh . z