M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, April 26, 1860, Image 4
_ •'• tvsk, ^ k,i47 ,„ ; . 4139: Collii , tths 140 ? •!*** 047. 110,470,8 :?706 - ,..:012211. ;2 Dote!.. 650 , • --..:. , #14 2 32 21 . 4,5 i 2/3 ` , Nor = " I ' 4 tkorlu'lgie ,9 9• 3 6@6 32 , , , -7 - 7 0 *r • 66 • • s. k oa us; BrAlitintr. A i r 22 - 071 rm 20 661 60 4,6.55 61 ' 6,538 89 . Shan b7lo6ttee.urer -WWltrae, .. 01001 111 , . ... •••.• • • ! • • atifisieleiiCtitlitriLyal4•lii,... ','... • •': . ... ~. . , , . airasllBlPallParaPlf.fingzAtt courcry..l6s9. „ 4 , ''' '0 0814410258....1-,...,.....•••_.• • ...AI. 223 9 11 ltirVt! ' 4,.„r., ' ,•• • • •• -...•••-• •4-..• . 119 OS MUM . ' 11010 ,:::',:. • ......1........* , . ... . . ~.. ; . 106 ag Optinitlianiat.ehtineel no , :...- ... : :.... •.. . 7 ' tri on ' atostoolgtek th 600641. ........ ;.. • . ; ..... !. . 100 88 .061•010815 thilkoits ..1. 4 .. ,••• ;.• •'• ..• • • •,-• •••i•• ? .. ' : 54324 ,rri tt • Pro ~, ' teltimita..,,..44 ~......:;........,, i,.. 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Rookitoi.Prottioantety aii4.llecorder , ' ' ' " •'. 23 00 Tan ;Winded . ~, ....... ... ... :.. ~.., • ...... . ~• •/4 20. AterentlaiPg Ueda ..,...:.:....•.....:..,. . ; . .. . -:• .... .. - ..: ~,' 27 et roves . ., ', 4,...• • • •1'..,.,,, :.:, ••••••• 4 , • • • • .:4,44.4 . 4• , :4'16 74 WOIT114;:t: , 4414;4V...4'44:4 , 4%4 ,- . ....,:44. , ,', ,4. •• ' 95 00 tinaiftleationt ... ;.. ...., .. ... :........- . 19 49 Patereeten, ordere '..' ~ . .....-, ... '.. :, ... : 460 01 ltiolti2tationery, and Lights -', :36 07. 1154,,...t..4 .....4:: ... ..... --....... .... '. . . r 55 03 Itepairitet atitninitekiner's office .. :-. .. .: ...., . ,:. 76 Itheriff is foia"... .....- ~...".:1., . .i.':..... :. ' 490 00 OvennlisloberPraboSy .„....' , 4= ,:...........• ~.. . ..f.5 00 Oneenilielonei Keyes ...'..,C4, - ......: - ., '' 'liO 00 Conioniaeioner Clolegroie. - `4.... ...' .'... : ..''. .'..' .. ' ! .2174 Oansintielinterts clerk. Prti . 4ein. ..... ' '• ' Coninitedenees 01erit.i....4...4..............;...,...'„ . .727 27 . Orlin , ........'... • ...«:.................. ' • '•.40 50 Tip Stevi e ... - .......,,..-,.......... ........,....-'..:.• .4, : 9160: Plank* ..... .....:.:-. :.....:. ~..,.......,.............-'. • 1920 1.81 8 18. P0 011- 4 .... `•;=.' ' '' ' '. `. ' - • 242 25 We.'4lta etithireigned,Ceinntlealoneta of 141 , 1teap corm; Ily. go ciliary' that the foregoing statement of the Funds, Reoetptaan.l.llxpendituree of said atiptity fey the year is iorreet.to.the best of our knoirlodgc.; ~ . • albeeltoitphanfa at Entithport, Jantiarj 20th , 11360; . W. J :'4IOLIGROTIS; • 'Coniinishipme!.. ehrk . Wit" . ludichuirs, Fanners . . ..,abe,,..ssanittitt.2tmeructu A rlngsu'vouninr.- , :azw.:OßlEs To Ootinininniti eil i tiligil;,lB69. • or ebloaetlll3# j Nokias, Enlarged So. tbliviall IRV INDIUM AND THIRTY TWO rAo Ira - 1110 1 11 1 *.etteo, useful old buttMitliVe • TliddintimelgtO 4111611 Walt Illiliblisitedwaelay flair. • dM beteliOltable for bidding. and the nowhere for a ein. FYear centidnAnformation In reword to NSW ERVEN ONSisabnatelkia ofIifitNIIIMOTI3IIINO'VROONNINB 01110111411NAlq- ImpIaAINTS;• - ENOWE'SNING, lIILSWEGIIIRNer,ISONMANMPAOTLI N K , IllnfillepOilinost"Avert Judigitmia Rtikstit receives =iv TI!;,:, n 4 t. touima . •. • . WOO OWION gatiliN7-1011ilibed emir, week, . a ll l Por te. kft om th. ,P 1460 00,41%.ga1d for ./4•o4l'ervfXoitS AWIX4 P ETBSTIEWO' • 71' rzialWlntil Oosi net to be obtaided elsewhere 'ODIA" COM •'Wk; P nao AlaMOll4onrniiiit eriperier for real emetic latitlez 1,9)3014(111 lie 'found wield pm.. • 7[1011111104‘.411E.be given from.tiMe, to,reporte itNiMilltikelAMMber, Aid ether markets. • • Ink dembilicerill contain AMON, pat./ and fortf-okilit belderine of;Metter, illeetnitioni of patented msebbiali•rodottrk-eigeaTiogr, Niompriaing In a single itlfglgUitOßE4o4,virpa. :ENGRAVINGS. • v-.:Trouif,tiatdowveseriiiel: pimiento* tel eutOnicibessot Neelyhi clone again for buoy years. it) will beilleatisiMpeneing s, new work—Vot,l No:I New Teresay6 s fear—Ode Dollar for Six Menthe. Nontbere, Western,. and Canadian money. or_ °Mee 0 64 0 tellottit Petloo Oai*ileneabscrl gargwiWpiease to' moat Ivrentraix cents, eatia on Mill postago. • -A Weestept e10b5. , ,,A prep./Aria giving roc parade if the inducements for alulm; with specimen , amigo iptiMe.Mithik of a pamphlet containing informa litod ihedeindeCtht ptlitro*lng klionts :tog be be* retie bke*4ooll4. WUNIS , &.. CO., . . : • tbe Solentlail - AMeriesa, ?: 7 ...117 Sot-Belo; New York.. ' .', . 1114111*E l I RCIERS * CAII h m,CARRY ON their _Otani moat - !O lin:naafi, free from finet#, Some fOrty,Vineyards bet;out the visit sealant. • See 'advertileineri of Hanmon , ton Plods , 0"T coluAn. 77 41inivsil aid Depart* of Atailß. le:CP;= ,51111 0 6 1" -Pat :° l7 P''''. • etoo-":;;eavir morning at 8 aialaalc twee,eveiy exening,. •'. • . t4iol.lol7—LeeAres. -Tuesday . and Saturday ' eaprateirof,`arrivinklgendly and Friday'eves.: • 44,0 1 pak r -,LeaVal Vuesday,:T4ursday, and Sat.' ,:•!..100.11rsniNlOknita arriver,MandaYsWedries and.frittly . evenings, • , • iiirtse'rk4t. Wednesday and 1410010erni,p4k; arrives Tuesday, Thurs. . `• • • • litarraiH;eoral,Taiada*rnoinings and e rrives 71"1"44**0•011.14.- • " 1- :, , 5 . ,4 11 1 . .i11'EL L .' P. M. ' ' bug% . 1 71h- ''-iitleektilica e s t 9 • Cr :.''' ,i4nift - ' 54,;oliectflink..:4nnunc 1)!! ,-.A.4-7iit, i .,,, ,otytiplatanding thee. on A t t4 : 11,i44 '-' bll 4 1 40:AtiOng and kee l: e t i s har4thnliftil!iit liiidi?:Pf 199itil!" JANO' foil f.,V,', , ' ' -4. -7. •'''' - ' ' .l ~ ~ ,' prirANC ~ ~ I, ',l. -..., •,pIIOM4 I / 1 1 % . logk i i, , r''. 'r ~ - DINING Ago ~' AREAKF,A.t • TABLE S ; IR;DWRE ..':.,, ..,;,40 ; .V.!' ~,,,,:: ,:, , ,-:. - I-. -.. • - ....: _..... 41P.:;.X,iiiiiiffeildire.i.10 .:,.oiliesl, APING ENLARGED : MY FACILITIES :1 7 1 . .,ar the, Ciki,Stindi • • . . No 2 3 EXCELSIOR BLOCK . . . •.• , . yor.keeping constantly on hand e much larger 'tiapplysind• assOrtment of. the heayy. arti • clew' of I-lard - situ* getierallY - kept by the Jobbing }louses, and' hiving • . • -. • secured the AG E NCY of • - • slimy Manufacturers '. • . • • .including • ,the $11,751.20 FALL RIVER :N AILS; WHEELER, MADDEN ~& BAILEIVELL'S S W S:, . ligiesior WELCH :•gc GRIFFITHS and , other makers!, • 1111ANk'S UDDER and LEATHER-BELTING, MARTS 'ooe:welled) !OM COOKING STOVES, GLASS,. or a Sizes, Sorts and Descriptions, I PROPOSE TO SELL ALL THE ABOVE ARTICLES,AT Mariufaoturers' prices Also I proOsis to sell , at .a small Commission from my LARGE, and. WELL SELECTED •SRELF... - ••;11 - 4,RTIWARE In the.aelection ,of which 'I have taken 'much }Mini, baying given my personal attention ,thereto. . ' • . IjOIJ .TRIMMINGS,• Y V . 7 1 21' 2.9 COOKING. and PARLOR; of e'very . desirable CARPENTERS', MILLWRIGHTS BIACTESIIITHW AND *ASONIr TOOIJS, Of the most apprOved Manufactere, PECK '4XES6 SPADES, PITCRIFORKS, LEAD PIPES; LAMPS for OIL,'CAIIIPHE:IVE, FLUID, end My - motto is The Largest Sales of the very BEST GOODS at the . LOWEST Bo minimally, Prices Insures the Largest Profits to •the Seller, ftunishes the Buyer with, the Cheapest and Best Articles, and gives the beat satisfaction:' LIBERAL : DISCOUNTS WILL BE . MADE If people will pay higher priers for no better articles, at other= places, it shalt be their own &nit 4 1 141 16 V One' In c.onnection y/ith the abeve, I am; able to ar[oplj . . %on ahort.nettce. SHEET-IRON +COPPER WORK 10. 41 90Pii tftY Competint and experi 'e.nce4 workmen, wboiy work bad: never: failed 'to - •. • : . 13ARSE • - , pßoz , ,azeroß,. ,3 gxcelsior Block. otiani*ai' 26o ° 69. • OLEAN; PAINTS SHOVELS, MATTOPKS, RAKES, PAILS, BUCKETS, WHEELBARROWS PUMPS, TUBING KEROSENE. TO DEALERS. ALL KINDS OF Aariiin , istrator. 's Sale wrortcherebk given that the • *under -111: signed; Administrators of the. Estate of 0. •R. Hamlett; deceased,' : late . Sinethport Jlorongli, 'purquanie o( attorder Iran, the or phan's..Court.of IVP,Kean . county, to them direc-, ted, WilDexpose to sale oi .. publie 'vendue,',at the Court House, in Smetbpart,ll o l.?Kean county, Pa., onluesday, the ,twenty-eighth day of Febtuary'next,at one o'clock,. P. M., of said. day, the following real eatate„to -• •Alithat piece or parcel of land situate' in the Borough Of Smethport, 'M'K.ean county and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described . as follows, to . wit: That part • •of Square . num -ber'ed seventy-nine (19) in the general' plan _ of Said town,• within , the following . boundaries, viz: beginning at the north-West.corner of _said :s9ntiter thence.east one hundred and, 'ninety two' (19) feet tol he building new. occupied by ; Levi Wells, :(now,: occupied by J. C. Backus Co.,) -two feet from. the 'north-east corner' of said square; thence south. sixteen . (16) 'perches, to .the . south line of said, squarer -thence west onehundred and rinety4Wo (102) feet to the south-west corner of said square; thence north'sixteen (16) per ches to theplace of beginning. Containing one acre and twenty-six perches, more Or' less; on premises there is one frame, building known as the ..“13ennett House," two Barns, One Ice House, :and other out,houses. • ' • Teams:—One thousand' doll'ars, - cash, at the time of sale; one thousand dollars at the Ist of June, next, and ttie balance in $l,OOO pay ments, annually thereafter. . DAVID 'R. BENNETT,: Administrator's. 'Srnethport, Pa.,. January 21,'1800.. • . The above sale is adjourned until the, fourth Mounday, of Jtine next, it being the • •?Sili • day, At the same hour' and plaee above mentioned. • . . • .• DAV ID R. SENNETT, , , . S. WARNER,' • • .Administrators. • Smethport, Feb. 29 1860.. • PERSONS WISHING TO CHANGE their busineps to arraphllyinereasing Countriri a New Settlernent where tiundredi are , • going.— Where. the' elimatejs 'mild arid delightful:i See. 'advorfiaernent of the Hammonton Settlement°, THE OLDEST, WIDEST cmpuL±i- TED, and most COMPLETE, CORRECT and RELIABLE Bank - Note Reporter inexistence. THOMPSON'S DANK -NOTE AND .COiIIiEROIAL.REPORTER. ckfewittiptir •1.00,000. EDITED 11Y: JOHN TFICIAIP§ON: Quptationa orrected.by Tiroatrsos 13nor4Ians • 2 Wall Street. . . - • ' Publisbeo by Cans. BLONDELV, 117 Frakl'n S TERMS OF SCCSCRIFTION IN ADVANCE; ' .‘ • , To mail Subscribers • • • Weeklyi...s2 I Seml.rponthly,....sl I Monthly:— 76e. To Postmasters or pthera, Who • form 01Ubs MA , for ward us the money in advance, we will send the.Repor. sir cops Chart Manuel, and Deseriptime Li3t j as fol. G. copies of the.AireeklY, one 'Tear . . .. 5 eopies of the 8emi.m0nth1y.............. , 4 00 ' • •' 10 copies lit of the 0nth1y..... 600 forward'gratuitously to any person sending a . club of $2O. at the above ..rates, at .any one time,'• our American Gold Coin Test Scale.. Address, ' BRQTHERS,•Bankers,. . • . No. 2, Wall St: N. Y.,•ProPrietors... WiLSIESCYO 'ILLV - 1 4 225 1 2. Patented Sept. 9, 1856. ' ll' 111 LE SaIITII rf - IHE WASHBOARD-.'AND BEATER are 1.• the two first •and'most natural' iinplements ever used ip Washing Clothes. NOtwithstand mg it has been the study of inventors tp: do them away, and for that purpose several -huh,. died patents have been issued, yet it has been of no effect. They have failed in tlieir at ,tempt. Their:machines' have been condemned and throvin away, and, the Wash Board . and Beater again used in their stead. •• , This machine combines them. : together, at; tached to a progressive lever in such a manner as - ghMs great •poWer to the Beater, while either may be used as the operator may desire. The motion of.the Beater hi quick and easy, the pressure gentle atid powerful, which gives ' it the 'advantage over all 'other•rnachines, and is so decided by competent jtidges. • • Manufactured and sold at Mechanicsburg, by A. WOLTERS. Mechanicsburg,,March 18, 1858. • . • FIFTY 'DOLLARS FORFEIT.. ; 1 HUNTER*WILL FORFEIT $5O L./failing to Cure any case of secret disease that may come under his care; no matter •• bow long standing or afilictin. ' • Either sex are in vith to his Private Rooms, 44 North SEX . - ENTII St.; Pliilad'a, without fear of :interrup tionfrom other patiepts. Strangers and'others who have been , unfortunate in the seledtion of a Physician are invited to cell. IMPOTENCY.-Through unrestrained in - . dulgence of the passions, by' excess or, self abuse, the evils are numerous. Premature im potency, involuntary seminal discharges, west ing of the organs, less of memory,. a distaste .for female society, general debility, or consti tutional derangement, are .sure to follow. If necessary, consult the Doctor with confidnce; he offers a perfect cure. , . READ AND REFLECT.—The afflicted would do well.to reflect before trusting their health and happiness, and'in.rnany cases their lives, in the hands of physicians ignorant . of •this cities of maladies. It is.certainly impossi ble for one man to understand all the ills the human family are subject to. Every respecta. ble physician has his peculiar branch, in which he is more successful than his brother profess ore, and •to" that be devotes most of his time and study: • • • • • YEARS'OF PRACTICE, piclueivelY devo ted to the study and.treatment of 'diseases of the' sexual organs, together. with ulcers upon the. body, throat; nose, or legs; pains in • the head, or bones, mercurial rhetnnaOsrii,:strict tires, gravel, irregularities, diseases arising from, youthful excesses, - or impurities of the blood, 'whereby the constitution has become enfeebled,.. enables- the Doctor to offer speedy relief to all who may place, themselves 'under his care: . . . ' • , • ''. 07:Medicine forwarded to any part of the LTnited States,—Price Ten Doliars-per Package. For sale, DR. DICKINSON'S CRLEBRA 1 4 ED .14ANETO-ELECTRIC MACHINE," No acid or other ingredient required ; its poWer being obtained from .a permaneut magnet. No fatally should:be Without one." Ptice only $lO PERSONS'.WANTING CHANGE OF CLI mate for Ilealth.. Soo advertih.einint of liam mOnton Lands, another , column. • . HANGINGS DEPOT. 'No. 16. coiirtiana St. New , Directly opposite the Wettertt Hata.. ' , OiXOTON lIIMIYAOTTRING COMPArir ,(Organized.in.ls46;,under .the Oeniral Menu ; facturingXew of the State of, New. York.) . Offers at wholesale, in quantities to suit Par 'chasers, at Manufacturer's, lowest prices, for CaSh• or approVeil credit:-.. • : . Paper Hangings, Of every . variely of style and :Borders to match; Fir&Boarct Prints. ," ' , Trans : went Window Sliades. • . • Oil Painted. Window ,Shades.., • • - Wide•Window Curtain Papers, and Window Shade - Fixtures. • ' • ' . • . , Stdre Shades . made to order and -Lettered, Of the-latest' styles aml suPerior finish, all of their. Own mindfacture and , importation., As their stock is large and' entirely new; they. in •vite . Merchants, .Booksellere, and': Dealers in these articlei;to call and exainine their styles and prices, whenever they visirthe City. PATENT POCKET .COIN..:DETECTIAI. FORTESTING. ARE' VARIOUS RINDS OF GOLD AND SILVER . COINS. It•ia admitted by all to bathe moat perfect thing - • of the kind ever , offered to the public.' IT IS SO SMALL THAT IT CAN BE CAR RIED IN . THE POCKET WITHOUT . . ANY INCONVENIENCE. Every Merchant shotild htivelt! . Every Storekeeper should have it! Every Mechanic dlibuld have it! : • • Every Man in Businesi should have it! • It detects at -the. same moment; both size, thickness and, weight, from' a half dime to a Dollar in'silver, and from .$1 in gold up to H2O beside's foreign Gold and silver, and Bells as. quickly as seer:, without the aisistande of a word. It is:simple, eminently, useful, durable; economical. and perfect. • C. A Warrantee goes with "every one Sold! PRICE .ONE poILAR. - • Post-pai.l to any peirt of the United States SEE WHAT THE NEWSPAPERS SAY: . .. ...The possession of it ,is a. perfect guarantee againsOieing - -'impospil upon.with spurious coin.. =News.. . , Detection is sure, ceriain, inevitableHEve; A blind man with one in his possession.wray bid defiance to the Most skilltul counterfeiter of the gay.-- 7 .Ev . ening ' pronounce.it .without Wesitation to be the most perfect thing of the kind ever offered, to the pehlic:—Pirin. Enquirer.. •' We like it, and cordially recommend it 'tip the public.—Nationd Argus'. • .• . ' It is' worth its pride ten times toliV—City AGENTS WrANTP.,I). An agent wanted in every County , in the •U. States, to whom. a heavy. dianount. will be :made.. Samples sent, with tents 'of agency, on the receipt of,one . .Addyess,all orders to . . _ IMLAY & BICKNELTA'S . • Bank Noteßeiarter, Ph.ila. • Pa," 7 The lieperter has been for Thirty years the constant and necessary companion of the, Cash ier, 'Merchant, Clerk, !Trader; Mechanic and . the,People,:being the 'oldest on the Continent, and the ablest in the.world, and•lantring more subscribers than all others 'combined; is pub:. lished,on the' Ist' and 15th of each. month, at the following rates: • • . -Monthly, one.copy one year,' -$l,OO • Se - rni-Morithly, 1 copy oneyear, inchiding without extra . charge a' copy the Coins of the World,,containing a larger number' of magnificently' illustrated T'ac-Simile impres sions tliaty'ean be found in any other work', and which can be Obtainedfrotri . no other:sOurce by apy possibility of means. Address, IMLAY fc 13ICKNELL ; S , • -• nk Nate . Beinrtei.,'Phila:,Po. FIESII , pt!rriin, FluiS at ilte . A . ST - OUSE. STOR.E.' . ;.:.. OPPOSiTE.E .TCL' L 570.12.. BLOCK, OLBAN THEsubscriber . o a fre ta r t e t h: n c d i ti i z r e e n i o l Oleanl selected stock ofliardware 7 at . prices, that cannoirfail to . sait the purchaser. • , • •• . • IRON : American,. English, Sweden,. .Norwegian,, Nail and Spike Wrought, Clinch:and tivet. A.•FOLLijiSORTMENT OF . • . , CARPENTER and MILLWItIoHTTOOLS, Besides lIARDWARvE ' • IN 'ENDLESS VARIETY. Saih, Glass, Paints', Oils, Varnishes, , CdIRRLIGAt GOODS, ENAMELED CLOTIT, BROADCLOTH, DAMASKS, ,- BOWS, ' spoiKES,• FELLCES, SPRINGS,. AXLES,., C • AND A LAnar, QUANTITY OF Table Ancl:Pocket.Cutle,ry, . . • , AGENTS FOR TUE • . BOSTON. BELTING Co., LEATHER AND • wino"( WE OFFER AT MANTJPACTUR:ERS PRICES: AND CROSS COT SAWS Froth the Celebrated Factory of 'Wheeler:, Madden • • , 'dt Go:, . • PITCH itibAktrmi BLAOKSMiTIf TOOLS -DRILLS, Vicgs,, SCREW" PLATES and ANViLS. • FARMING UTFIOILS,• •, ' •:ItAtES, • BOYTIIEB,• Ac 'MANUFAOTOREAS OF • , TlN,'' SHEET .IRON. 'AND • COPPER; ,• • 'i•OVF:S• OF ALL FATTERNS;•,. • • , 'COOK 'AND PAiILOR:• . • .We respeettally eollcit a: share of, piiir patronage.— up a call before purchasing eliewheie , • , '.• • . W.. ADAMS . 8r: CO.: • .oleati, 'May 10859; •' . • • • rrIN CHURNS and. Jalianned Ware, Stove :J_ Pipe and tin, Pat Hodes at lOSON'S.. • NEW CARRIAGE AND WAGON SHOP. AMP 14eDONAD would inform the pub- J lie that he has fitted up a shop.,at the lower end of town, on • the premises recently occ u pied' by N..Meql;tary,. as a.carding factory, and is prepared to build all kinds of • , CARRIAGES 'AND WAGONS At short notice, in , a workman-like manner, and at reasonable prices. • Having -had a' large experience in the business,' he feels satisfied that his work will fully meet the requirements of all who will'favorlairos with .their patronage -Repairing promptly attended to Smethiourt, April, 10, -1850. GOODS A-RE CHEAT) TAYI,OO:-REGVI4TOR A. now i;& - Stoii .the Larg es!:,Stoc ! E _of .NEW.: '1) - 111TVIER: 1 .. GOODS Fer:bioitirht into this Connty,'Rresenting UNiqUiI.LED AiTII.ACT lONS IN EXTENT; VARIETY,. ELEGANCE, and BEAUTY of"ges@••,,in4- IJ3IIOIII ARE. HERE: New is the Time To •'Select', from . the Laq , 'est.SiOck and Goods while PRICES ARE' DOWN!. . „ . Thc . Goodi are Going Off like .HOTCAKES.:O!I'..FRISTTMORNINp And ihass tcho.wishto ,make CHOICE SELECTIONS SHOULD CALL EARLY FIRST COAIE, FIRST SERVED Ilia liittnoxsd S'toc/, cogsilt of DRY GOODS, Le Endless Varirty PARASOLS AND UMKtELLAS,. READY-MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS . _, & VESTINGS, MILLINERY GOODSI LA:DIES' DRESS PRINTS; LAWNS, LADIES' cifALLI'& LAWN ROBES, Floanced, at $l.: In fact a' . Complito ilsiorintort o f tillES l . G0001; 0 8. 0,000 yds. BROWN, SHEETINGS, 5000 BLEACHED. SHEETINGS. FLOUR, PORK, &c., &c 'BANS at 121 eq. TEAS at 31 to 62i de BOOTS .. -&.:.$J-T.OES, Largest stock ever. offered in this - pection of country: Men's Kip Boots, o.p - rime article. Women's. 'Calf Boots; ,Men's Brogan Shoes, Gaiters, tippe,. Women's enameled Boottes. • . In /addition to the abotie he has a large quan-; STOVES. . . . . . . . , . lIARDIVARE, • CROCKERY,' DRUGS .4. ( MEDICINES,:YANKEE .NOTIONS,.• • HAqs AND CAPS; IRON of all • . .., . .. kind,;—Nall Rod and ~ . - •• . : •• . • . . . .11o4: Dom . ,: . • ' ' . '•'' •' . German and'Ca;vl &eel, Wash' Tubs and Grain. lduasures, • Patent Paßs, Wash Boards, Vinegar, Fluid,. Camphene, Turpentine, •-• • ' • AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS And a thousand other things too numerous to mention, which will be sold WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. 0:7 - Country merchants supplied at as low prices as, they cnn buy in New York or any of the eastern cities, fur cash or approved credit. Srnethport, June, 1859. : , , • ; • THE SECRET INFIRMITIES OF YOUTH AND. MATURITY • • dust Published, ifiratfit, 26th Thoustaid AFEW 'WORDS ON TFIE RATIONAL TREATMENT, without Afedicine, of Silo: matorrhea, or Loeal Weakness, Nbeturnal Emis sions, Genital and .Nervous Debility; Premature Decak of the system ) Impotency, find ;rnpedi ments to Marriage generally. ; BY B. DE.LANEY, D. is • The important fact that the many aTarnaing, complaints, originating in 'the Trriprudenhe :and solitude . of, youth; may be easily removed OUT MEDICINE, is in this' small tract clearly de monstrated ; and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the Author, fully eitplained, by means o which , exery • one is enabled to' cure truissEr.v perfectly and at the least possible coat, thereby avaiding all the ad-. vertised nostrums of the day, Sent to any . address, iratis and pork free in a sealed envelope-by remitting (post paid) two postage stamps to. De.'l3. DE' LANEY, SS East 31st Street, New York City. • • • .: . : - .A 1 .901fth#10:...: , :t 1 4'.'. IN, :sitv.4.tiapc.jg.T.s: -.. ..',L:II:.TAYIpIi'g : 9IAVFOI44OE....- 1N.r.:..v.u.1.:4T.,.,r_..8L:A5Tit PHE • , • UNDE RSIONED • WOULD . . -HES ••• PEETFUT.EY...A.miooNc. TO :THE - . • . Forthe purpose. of -Manufacturing. PLOWS, SCRAPERS, • . And. in fact . every thing usually ' : made' at a . - .COUNTRY. FURNACE. ..• . Thorough experience in the business, warrants us in :saying that we can ftirnish-ae • " - GOOD WORK and at aa REASONABLE' PRIOES As.can be found elsewhere. Particular eaten. tion wilt it all times be paid io The cefebiat b ed . . FRANKLINVILLE — and DUCHESS COUNTY. IMPROVED •PLOVVR' constantly on hand. Farmers and others,give• us.a call. • E. TAN DYKE* S. A. `WING. August • NEW. AGRICULTURAL.SETTLEMENT: ' . • ..TO ALL ; WANTING, FARMS,.. . • A RARE OPPORTUNITY IN A DELIGHT- - ' •' FUL AND HEALTHY CLIMATE 25 • MILES SOUTHEAST OF PHILA. • • .. DELFHIA., ON Trig CAMDEN . . AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD . . •••• ' NEW JERSEY. An old estate consisting' :of.seveial - thousands .: of acres , of- priulnetive S oil has been - divided into . Fauns of various sizes to suit, therpurchaiers. • A population . of. some . Fifteen .hundred,. -from various parts•of the middle States and , New England have-settled there the past year, kn.' proved their places, and raised excellent °pi. The price of the land is at the low luniof f rom $l5 to s2o' per acre,• the soil ,Is of the best 'quality for the production of Tyheat, Cfever, Corn, Peaches, Grapes rind. .V.goables. IT IS CONSIDERED THE BEST'. FRUIT•SOIL IN • THE UNION: The place is perfectly. secure from frosts—the destructive enemy of the far mer.. 'Crops of - grain, graSs and , fruit•are.now. - growing and can he seen. By ";examining tbs place itself, . a correctjudgment can be formed of. the.productiveness,,of the land.. The terms ' dm - made easy to secure the rapid improvement . of •thelard,'whieli• is. Only sold for' actual ilfl- . prOvelieNt. ':The result has beep Abet • within the past. year, some three hundred houses have .been erected, two mills,'one steam, four storee,.. some' forty vineyards -and . Peach. ' orchards 'planted, and a large number of other improve- • ments, making it a'desirable and active place - of husiness... ~i--.'' • --. • ' . THE MARKET, • ' •'. • as the reader may perceive fro m its. location, is " • '•' THE BEST IN THEUNION. : • , .. . Produce bringing dobble the price.thari - in locations away from' the' city, and- l'irti, than . double the price . at ihe West. It ishnown that the earliest and best , fruits and vegetables in 'this latitude come from New .lersey,-. and aro annually exported to the-extent of Millione.; .• In locating here, the settler has many advan- tages. :He is in a few , hours' ride'etthe great cities of New-England- and 'Middle States, be is near his old friends and aisociations, he-is in, a settled - etnintrk where every improvewent o mini - ore and civilization is ,at, hand. - Heca4 buy every article. hi.wante at the•• cheapest' price, and sell his Produce for the. liigbeit,.On' • the Weit this is 'reversed;). he has saw* for his children, an . divies service,' and will enjoy open winter, and delightful climate, where fe 'vers'are utterly. - unknown. "The result 'of tne . change upon those from the North, has genes- .' ally been to restore them to- an excelient itato • of health.. ' .• ' • . ' . In the way of„building and improving, hum-: bey' can be obtained' atthe mills atthe fate of .. $lO to $l5 per thousand. Bricks from .the. brick yard opened in 'the place, every'. article Can be procured in the place, good carpenters.. are di band, and there is no place in the Mien where buildings -and .improvemente can 'be made cheaper. . . , . , . The' reader will at.onceliestruck with Abe ' •adventages liete presented, and ask. himaelf why the property has riot been taken.up before. The: reason is, it "was never'. thrown in the; market; and unless these statements were cor- • rest,. no one Would be invited to examine the land before. purchasing.' . This all are expected. to do. They will see land under _cultivatioo,• - , such is the extentof the' , settlement that they will - no doubt,*meet persons *from their own , neighborhood; they. will witness the ' improve ments and-can judge the character of•the pop ulation. If they.come • with a view to settle they . shouid'corne "prepared : - to stay a day . Or two;andhe ready to-purchase" is locations can, , not be held on 'refusal. • .. ' • , There•are two daily, trains to Philadelphia, and to all settlers wlio iMprove, pm nAmesary COMTANY . GIVEK A TREE 'TICKET FOR. SIX moivine, AND A lIALF-PRICE TICKET roli• THREE TEARS, THE TOWN OF.HAMIVI . ONTON.. : GINGUAMS ) pEBAIZES, at 1,0 . cts COTTON YARN • M.K.ean, Qolllilty . That, they hive loeated thenaselvea at • SIKE,THPORT' JOBBING. •In connection :with the agricultural. settle . . Tent, a new and thriving town has • naturally arisen, which,- presents' stuincements fortilny kind 'of busincssi particularly _stores and manufacto ries. The Shoe bitsinesi could be carried . ori in this place and market to good advantage, also cotton business; and manufactories of ogricultuis sal implements orrounderies for eastinentail ar titles; The . finprOvement has been solrapid'as to insure a-constant and perthanent increase Of business. Town'lots of a -,, 00d size,-we do not sell, small ones as it wo ulleffectthe improve , . merit of the place;cari be had at from $lOO arid' upwards. • The Hammonton Farmer, a monthly literary and agriculturarsheet, containing full informa tion of Hammonton, can be obtained at 25 tonts pannum. . • er Title' indisputable--warrantee deeds' given, Clear of all'incutribtance. when Money is. paid'.• Route to the lamh TeavciiVine . street wharf, Philadelphia,. for Hammonton by-Railroad, at 74 A: M., or 4-1 P. M.., •Fare9ocentri, When there inquire for Mr.'Byrnes.. Boarding con vgniencer'Ori‘ hand: Parties had. better stop with Mr. byrnes,'a principal, until thiaihave . decided as to purchasing, ea he will AM - them over the land in his carriage, free of cltriense- Letters and applications can - .be addressed to Landis Air, Byrnes, liainmonton :P. 0., Atlentio Co. New• Jersey, or S. 'B. Coughlin, , 202 Smith Fifth Street, Rhiladelphia.. Maps and informa tion Cheerfully furnished. ' • • • • TE . are not in the habit of telling fiFish V V 'stories, but we have got .MACKEREL, COD. and WHITEFISH, besides hosts of TEA. at ,10 cents. • B. F. YiTRIGHX,