„sipNq'TgApg NOW . OPENED :::'' 014 Z14,a0. 'NEW - GOODS AT , i..-Fra-.ONEL.PAtivi REGIILIITEIII I FHE OLD PLACE, *l-lE'CHEAP STORE, GREAT. BARGAINS CAN. BE .HAD AT. THE ONE PRICE REGULATOR ! We are Dete”lniriedo Undersel MARK THAT !! OLD FRIENDS KNOW ALL /iBOITT IT New Ones Itfra Come And Judge For Themselves One purchase . will satisfy the most skep4cal that.thereie only one place to'bu 4 k_..Erst class goods,. at very low piices,-apd that plane lithe ONE PRICE REGULATOR. .Theone price system gives the best satisfac SUPERIOR GOODS, ELEGANT STYLES, NEW FASHIONS, LOW. , PRICES, EVERY THING. YOU WANT. AT THE ONE PRICE REGULATOR, The real head , quartera of trade, in (Mean . *andtha•grand Emporiuniof evely thing neat and stylish.: If you have the CASH.and want to buy the'BEST •- • DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS; GENTS 'FURNISHING GOODS, HOUSE FTIRNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, /MOTS AND SHOES, EVERY THING, citlt TO THE ONE PRECE REGULATORY_THERE YOU . . . ' will . find goods remarkable for their beauty, durability,, superior manufecttire and r,ow PRTCES. They Will he , offered '• to yon at the lowest pos'sibl'e ' ..Imre, the first time, and' frOm that pricetvere can be NODE 'V I A,T 10 N. Remember—One . ..Price—Low mires=-Nett; Stylee—Rtrict THING & MILLER,: •: • Formerly, Oie'an, April 23 DON'T MISS IT DON'T FORGET IT tire and untiring energies, and we believe that in'. . other way, by the investment of the same amount can . any. accomplish Mime good for the Dernocratid cause than by.the-distribu .tion of such a paperas we intend ours shall • It is now evident that: the great battle of 1866 will be fought between the Sectionalism of the Black Republican party, - and , the Nationalism of the Democratic , party.:•ln this contest the field will he the Middle ,States of the Union, and Pennsylvania.; the ft. Old Keyitone" of the political' as well as the national arch, will'. be the .principal theatre 'of the War. ' She will again be•called upon to interpase her'.power to drive back the coharts Of fanatical sectional iiMi'and again, with her conservative . ' masses; Sustain the Union and the Uonstitution;'as such is and . will be her position, we feel that it is peculiarly appropriate, under all, the circum stances, that in her . great Commercial %and Manufacturing Metropolis, we shoulCissue such a paper for the Campaign.. ae the. Kf . i'STONE, a paper which will truthfully and fearlessly re flect the - sountl . .National, , Union-loving and Conetitation-Supporting principles of the' Dem ocratic' party. From this ..city; especially, should emanate SuEha paper, and it 'should be scattered among the' people hroed-cast, .from the Dakes of the. North to the Gulf of Mexico' from the Atlanticto the Pacific. • • . . We anticipate victory, but that victory must be snatched frotn under the very banners of the enemy and frorri the cannon's. mouth. Enter tamping this view; our enemy may expect that we Snail pour.in the hotshotupon all occasions, and that every salient. point' *ill be attacked fearlessly, boldly, and vigorously. We believe that in this crisis of our country; when its in stitutions are endangered, its laws resisted, its Constitution threatened; and the perpetuity of our glorious Union attempted to be destroyed, that it is Our duty, as good citizens,' to make use of all honorable means put into our hands 'by nature and, by nature's God. • to..drivetack the black. cohorts of fanatical .AbolitiOn,•which would ruin the fairest political 'heritage Over, bequeathed to a people.. • We therefore -entreat , our - friendi,, and the friends of Eternocratic -.principles everywhere =North, South, East'and. West-to assist us in tliis good Work: Let them hold up,out.hands by pouring in upon "us.the subscriptions, and we sir to the Democracy of the whole. country, "Do your duty, and we will do ours." . -'O All 'orders..must be accompanied with the cash Address • • . • • • • OLD ..F4VORiI'ES; LOW :PRICE; MftK..PANS, all new and shiny-you can see an honest nian's face in them as soon as you pay over the 4oe, at . MASON'S. . B. S. G-01.11•Aj, PHYSICIAN . AND SURGEON.' • Having permanently loCated himself at PORT . ALLEGANY; • : would reepectfay inform the .public that he is prepared, to attend fe business in all branches of the Medical PrOfession.. Particular • atten tion' paid to Secret. Diieases, both male find female; they will be treated in accordance with the lateet authorities and practice of both Eli rope and AtheriCa. All secrets - intrusted to him, in his practice,. will . ' strictly . kept y by him; in spite of mopey, law, friends, eneniies, relatives or neighbors. • . • . , Port Allegany, March 20th ; 1860. ' KENDARREEK HOUSE,. __ KENDAL-CREEK,,DVIKEAN CO., FA., rpHE Subscriber having purchased this well known stand, and re-furnished and re-fit ted the House, is'prepared to entertain Boned ers and the Traveling . public. • , HIS I3AR F A,'&D -TABLE, . Will be well supplied, and everything: done to merit a liberal share Of patronage.:.. Raft men will always : find the ":latch-string" out. • CROCKERY, r, FULLER: Ken6alCreek, January 2; 1860. ' 38-IY STOVES'! • STOVES !. . AM NOW RECEIVING THE. LARGEST, I beet selected, and cheapest lot. of Stoves ever brought.info this section. E. S. MASON • . . . . . T" SUBSCRIBER. would' inform ..tho:citi zens of. Port Allegany,'"and . the surround ing cmin!ry, that fie is pi•eintred to do all kinds . . • BLACKSMI'I'HING'-, • . In all its clifferent'branches 'in a workmanlike mariner, wish prompSness and dispatch warran ted to givesatisfaction, , , . -WAGON' WORK, & MILL IRONS, attended to, in good style, and 'at reasonable rates. Particular attention , paid to . , . . Horse Shoeing, From experience in the business entire antis faction is guaranteed . J: D. CiTTC?. Port Allegany, March 1, 1800. • • . 1%/' All perenns owing me, or having un. settled. accounts,, are earnestly reqbested, to call and settle the seine withont delay 'there by e D aving'cost and'trouble: J. . OTTO. C. H: BUTLER TO'ALt FARMS. F.:BE.•)11)- • , rer4ternent of liummonton Land 4. CIRCULATE. THE DOCUMENTS A" . t AM -tikli6:.N.:.-P:1-1-;: THE "KEYSTONE." . The proprietors and,publishers. of the Phile delphi publish. 'Weekly . pi s - Per eight fines, the lixisfrnex, centeing forty-eightsolurnns_of reading !metier: They propose to make the Kg'ii.rone:a Campaign, pai. per,the first numbei of which,'.ae ,such,' will be isstied.on . the :16th ,day May next, 'and. the lest on the 14th ' day of Novembeil the closing eumbo containing the full .rettune. of the Presidential Election, thus furnishing sub ecribere. with 26 Copies of the panel-containing' eitchAB columns, or'a grand total for the Cam paign . .of 1,248 columns of reading matter • We . propese:to,furnieh ,the paper ,fOr *the six months at the rate 'of One Dollar to single sub scribers for 'clubs of .10" to 20 at'lo. cents . .each for clubi . of 20 . to 50. at `.60 cents'eeeh, and tor..64;bs. of 50 and - •upvvard at . 50 Cents' each—the, papers for all clubs to . be'sent to one. This plan in an . excellent. one.; 'clnbs will recei9e 'ten . Copiers for . $7 ; twenty copies • for $l2, and fifty copies for . $25. - . • • ,We respectfully invite - tbit friends of the Democracy throughout 'the country to co-one ;rate with . us in giving . this sheet a wide circu lotion ; in"-immoting the spread of liberal Dem ocra;ic princinles ;. in. laboring to strengthen the bonds of the Union, and: thereby securing ' the triumph. of the National Demdcrecy in the contest 'of 1860.. . • .• ' ,To this workwe . purp . o'soo. devote' our JO. SEVF..p.NS lc CO., .. ••• • • • Publishers, NO. 130 Sout . ii THlRD•Street,•Phitada THE. TONGS AND VICE. I . 3BtIE6IIVE AGRACY. Knnsingtoi Insurance. Comp.'s*, Philadelphia' • • Usk, FarnierPs..Unlon Insurance Co., Athens,Pis. • Oink Great. Western Inswriance Co.', Philadelphia, - Pa. ; . Capital Stock' • • - • ••••• $1,0017,000 . . West'Branch, tnintnaly I t ock hHaven 'Pa; . • • . • , ' . Insurances can • he effected*the' above reel , . poneible Stock . Companies by :the: suttectiber. Any. communication addrilteed. M._ him,. it, Smetbport, meet with prOmp attention: • • - •B. F. DAVIS', Agent. Smethport, Dec. 9, 'lB5B, • .In4Ott.i . - PCO . R,& . ..t. I .LOVI t t WHITE . FISH, AND_ SHAD: : .. 'ITALIOW:* ...STL:4RIIIT.E ' •.• ~ • Q.A.N . -D'liE,4:s;' ::::: .:, WARRANTED TO.STAND IN HOT WEATHER, FuR SALE AT BROWNELL'S Augult:l2, .1856 JEFFREY'S DOUBLE-ACTING SUCTION ;& FORCE India Rubber Bell 'Valves. . . . . 111 HE SUBSCRIBER .. having purchased the . J.: right to make .and sell Ithis,•New. Pump; feels • a confidence that his etkirts to bring it into.geheral use, in:this county; vi,ill be secon. ded by all *to see its-construction and opera tion. . : • , . . . . . Among: the 'many advantages secured by the use of this Purnp,, the following may be enu. L. A double action, by which. twine ttiewra ei- Can be raised at 2. Great ease in Woiking,thus.aduptiitg the Force. Principle' to common wells. • 3. The traniformation',.in a moment, of the Pump into an. effiCient Pins thus' ren. dering the lose of dwellings by, fire, totally:un-. 4, Capabilitt of watering gardens,. Lawns, or sprinkling. Walks, washing. windows, with the utmost ease and thoroughness',' - 5; Power to raise water, with ;slight labor to any reasonable height s ...is : in supplying "chant- The convenience of having the Pump. in a kitchee, : or other.rooms of your dwelling, with out regard to the location of the Well, or Cis- . 7. The easy protection of the inatriirnen agaihist Frost. • • . . - . . :8. The . easp. with which it, may be mounted On wheels, or in, other l ways ,bi,made 'portable: .. 9... A simplicity which.'ensures great 'dura bility; protects it from being thrown out's& Or der, and makes apy • repairs easy and of little 10. Great Cheopiiess: for the first. time bringing the coat bf the Force Pump into the neighborhood of . the common • Suction . and Chain Pumps, whilelt is immeasurably'supe rior to both. . • • •.- . Manufactured-and - for sale by the subscriber; only, at 'his shop in Mechanicsburg. . • . • . A. WOLTERS Mechaniesburg, March IS; 1858. • • SCOTT LS 'CONLON; MERCHANT ".TAILORS• HAVE „just reteliedtheir"Witter.iltock OT goods, and are prepared to 'supply their numerous ; customers •and those wholnvor them with theirpationage, witliany thing M their line. Their stoat:consists of •'• : • Cloths, Capsitieres; Vestings,'Hate, Mills, Shiite ~ •Collars,. Cravtits, 'Neck Tiee, &o. &se ' 'They have'lliaa itarge.assortmont Of • READY-MADE CLOTHINGi- . Of the latest style,.. Give thern'a call before purchasing' elsewhere: . 117" Orders from a distanceliromptly atten-, 'dad to. Cutting done on short notice. ' JAL. SCOTT, , • / "JAS . ..CONLON. • • • . , .01ean,..Yan..12.1860. • • • , All persons; knowing themselves' indebted. to the undersigned by Book • account;-'ivill.. save cost by 'settling the lame ty.payment or Note immediately. • .• .E. S. MASON. December 1., .185 q. ' • . . • • 20() pAIi . .RELS of Green Apples in More and.for sale' y, F..IVRIGIII% b To Those Irtterested in Mining and Mineral Lands:: . . W • If, BARNES . offers hie services for Hid .examlna ' V.V. • rion of bfinerliJLandli . in •nd Elk coon lien. and *ill give his. opinion as to the VALVE OF MINES, he, Those engaging hia services silt receive all.neceseary and reliable:information,' Residence at the Bunker Rill Mines. . , • . Sorg . ennt4.llVlCeip Co. 30;1959 LD DOMINION COFFEE POTS AT O MASON'S BARKER'S . 'STRAW-CUTTER. . . TH SUBSCRIBERnovv:ofIers to the pub. lic this Improved Straw-cutter; in full eonfiance that all who take the trouble to wit nesS its operations will be convinced of its su periority over any other now in Use.' , A supply kept. constantly on. hand and man ufactured to order. . • ° , Mr As •nd other person has the right. to make. or uses.this Cutter within M'Kean Conn tjr, all who are tieing it in vfolittion of 'the pat. ent will be prosecuted; A WOLTERS Mechanicsburg;August 27, 1859: " • A CARD di. K. HAFFEY offers his services to parties ..owni.ig or wishing to "purchase • mineral lands 'in M'Kean; Elk,'Clearlield or `Jefferson counties. .117Exaniination.s made and faithfully re Bradford, Ju1y.2.7, 1859: • JOB PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, • • • . NEATLY,; orEAPLY• AIQD ,EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED, AT THE DEMOCRAT .OFF IC County , DireOtory Pres't •Judge-Hon. R. G. White, Wellsboia Tioga ' , •• • Associate Judges —Hon. J. Darling, Smethport, Hon. S. Holmes,. DradfOrd. . • , • Sitsriff 7 - . Joseph Morse, Smethport. • Prothonotary—Samubl C. Hyde, Smethport. -Register and Recorder--C:t. Sartwell, Stneth . . tr'easgrer f (pro iset.)—Enos Poisons; Bradford. Comm6sioner.s--.rianiel I:teyea, Eldred; W. • J. 'Colegrove,* Nor veldt; Nelson Peabody; Cores. doinmidsionirs' Cbadwick, Smeth- Auditors.—B. Corwin, Sthetbporf, V. P .Carter, Ceres. • . . Pi,tirirt Attorney.—WArren Cowles,,Smettipott: CeronSr.—:-James . Bond, Lafayette. NOW READY. The Inoue of the House of Dividl • - ..• The Prince 'of the: Douse of 'David! • Tho -- .Prieu of the Hone ef Paved!, • • By the Rev. J. H. INGRARAIt.I,II,..% Anew and related .edition, with the *tabor's latest .correctiOnr.' •'. One volume 12:mo; cloth, 412 pegee.. 'Price .11*.:25. Published by • • ~ , • GEORGE G. ,RVANSi 1 . No. 43,0, Chestnut-et., P h lade Elerfcitist am adult( .0 *just , . . A litirattranslation in German . of theN ••• PRINCE OF THE'HOUSE OF:DAVID. One, •• volume, 12=4 clo111; 475 • pages. " Price $1,25.. Pubished by • • ' ' , . - GEORGE G. EVANS;', • 409 Chestnutat., THE.PILLAR 'OD FIRE • . or," ISRAEL IN BONDAGE: Ry the Eev".-Ji . H. INGRAHAM', LL: One volume, 12mo. cloth, Price 51;25. Pub. by GEORGE G. EVANS,. ."• 439 Chestnut-et.,.. Philadelphia: ^ RECORDS OF THE REVOLUTIONARY W •A; It . • Containing ..,. TILE MILITARY 4, FINANCIALS CORRESPONDENCE Or pr64771V0U17.311ED GENERAL ;ORDEKS OR. WASHINGTON, LSE AND MIMI Names of the 01ficere indlbiivates, with the dates of their Commissions and Enlistinents; with a list 9f...distinguished Prisnneirs at War; the time of their Capture. Exchange, etc.f. to *filch .is added the Half pay ACtS.orthe.COnti nentlal COngresst. the 'Revolutionary Pinsron Laws; and aßet. of,the Officers•of . the 'Conti, nental-Army, who acquieed-the 'Tight. to Hal& pay, Commission, Land Warrants, etc.; etc., . .ByW.T. R. RAFFELL, Counsellor rind 'Agent for Revolutionary Claims . "One volume, 12Mo; a10th,.654, pages.:: Price T. S. ARTHUR'S*POPULAR BOOKS- True Riches. .1 Angel and the DemOn:' Home Scenes. • ' ' Three Eras in Woinan's Golden Grains. Life. • • The' Martyr Wife. Ten Rights g Bar hparing to Spend: "R00m..• , • Tales .of Real Life.' - Engel of the Household. The Old Miin's Bride: The Rand and 'not the The Way to Prosper.., , ' • Heart, . : The Withered Heart. Heart . Historie send Tales of Married Life: - Life Pictures. Steps towards Heaven. The Trials of a House. What can Wonian dot ,keeper.' Tales of Domestic Life. Leaves froni the Book Good Time Coining. • • of Human; Life. c4ln the union of , thrilling dramatic incidents, with moral lessons of the. highest imiportance, thesa 'Works of T% S. Arthur stand forth pre 7 'eminent amongst modern authors. • - • “They have been introduced into the Dis trict, Sabbath School, and various other libri; rie's throughout the couritry. . ' Each of the abcive'boolcs contain nearly:soo pages, and are illostrated.with finely 'executed Illeiptint engravings, and, handsomely , bound in one 12mo. volume. Price $l, each. • BOOKS RECUTLY PUBLISH:I6. TRANSLATED FROM THE. FRENCH. MEMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. ' PRESTIDIGITEUR, Author,- Magician,• •:, • ! Artist, `':l Sorcerer, • • . Wizard, .‘ Aecromaneer, •_• • •• •. .Conjui•er; - • • • Enchanter; •• Ambassador; Escamotenr. 'Professor of Sleight:of Hand etc. etc Written by himielfi Edited by .• ' DR. R. SHELTON MACKENZIE. : With a copious index cordial}, arranged.. Bound .in one'vol. 12mo. Cloth 4-1 d pips. $ NATIONLL LtBRABY IMMO HEROES, HUHTERS AND PATRIOTS. 'LIFE OF COL. CliOClli'T.irrE OP .GEN'L. SAMUEL ,LIFE.OF LEWIS WETZEL. • HOUSTON.. I LIFE OF COLONEL : DANIEL LIVES. OF. SOUTHEBN. lIE- ROES AND, PATRIOTS LIVES, 'OF GENERAL LEEipIIIII;IC , AND PRIVATE LIFE each of the above books are illustrated. with fine engravings, and bound in , one volume, 12mo cloth. Piiee $1,00... • • ' LIVES OF ILLUSTRIOUS WOMEN: OF ALL AGES AND NATIONS, , . Including.the Empress Josphine, Lady Jane Grey, Beatrice Cenci, Joan of Arc,• Anne,l3o - Charlotte .Corday, Seinirarnis,'Eenobia, Boadicm, etc. etc. Edited by MARY E. HEWITT. • Ernbellished with finely engraved Portraits, On Steel. One vol. 12roci. cloth,. 336 LECTURESFOR THE P EOPLE. . . . • , .13y the Rev. HUGH STOWELL BROWN, of, the-Myrtle Street . Baptist Church, fAveipool, Eng;land. Eine Series. With a.Biographical Ititrodtictiir by Dr. R SHELTQN.MACKEtiZIE. Pubiishad under ft • 9pecial, arringement:with the author. One vol. 12mo. cloth, - 94 pages Upon remittance n 1 the pricO . of the'Book and 21 cents additional for.postage, copies' Of either of the above hooka accompanied With:a. hand 'some piesent,worth from 50 . cents to 100 ,dol lois will bemailed. to any'personiti the Unkted States. REND FOR A CLASSIFIED OAT'ALOOtfE. OF noon. Containing the Most conriplete list of books* in every department of Literature ever published, and which will be sent gratis to any, person, sending'their address, . : • To inouro promptneis and lianpralla draling, send all yoUrardors.forbonks to• • . 2 : ' ' . :1 OtOßQE . b..E.Y.ANsp.runitimett, .• .Anel originator. of the Gift Book bysinesi. • .‘.• . 939 , 4'histnnt . .st., And' yoti be • siitiolfed . that •it is the hest 'place in• tho country to purshase Books: ~: .• . • :.. • o SPEOTAL NOTICE. TO:AGENTS. . , G. G. EVANS, having purchasedthe stereo type, plates, copyrights;,etc.of the , “lirince of the House 0f,,, David;' .cdPillar of Fife;'. etc. 4 wouldcall.the attention.of agents to t h ese truly valuahle works. , • • '. . • The c‘Panicii'ClP RousE, or 'Dein) " is one Of , tlie most popular and best selling,l:ooks. ever ,published. Oirer 180;000 . copies have been sold; Add it bOs farr to outrieal the. fdP,il 7 grimes Progrele,?! or. lin) , Mhor similar work. The "PILLAR Cq: F.TEE," by the same author is now Meeting with a rapid sale, over 90,090 copies.have. been :bold , sinee, its pu and ri - Cortienion tok the (Pri't*e of the ; Heusi, - 44,1)&04, 0 ,f evert: reader'.of,',,t b ei c purchase V: copy •" •,; .; • •.,;•. • • 1 ' is TgE' . - RICORDi or Dirs-Rtiorairioia4tilitaito' iiiikeeerif,ef.great , :::,intereet . ,,l.SoVaibi&:" a "Veit amount of information relative 'the ',Soldier& 1 • 4 - "'al 'at)tebooli at Of .thißpvolut on, "In Akan: • referenceifor the` ffeeendinte'Of lierroei.:lls stl:who are interested in.i"eiliimi'VliiitOs;V4- ;. rants ..ete4' . ete. • . : .:" The . moat.LlSEttAL.indueerrient&ari,ofele4 . to Agent&i.ind'otifin Iddreeeing; every. ingirreation . .iWill • sEND-Itit A cetAteattr; - !:- • - Address .GEORGE O...EVANS. . 42-6 r -.* 430 thestmit-IC . .Philadelphia. . . RIBES MOTT E :0 lart.1 art . } C4):: -0 Q . o e • OLEAN-, WHOLESALE NETAIL DEALE it' .II4 • Orden, Clain'', ' ' Frani, Fla, .roteArn anis Dco: - • ttestio Ftstits: . 11111111 A &MOFFAT'S ALE Kept, constantly on, hand and for sale by barrel or draught. pysters-Stetoed, Roasted, Friej, or ItriNv, served at all tunnel dam" Orders, promptl:y attended to. Jan. 11, 1860. n 3941 THE undersigned WOUld tespeetfullY pounce to the citizens of WlCein, county, 'that, he is:new prepared to,dci :kinds' io.f.46ofi work in my line of business, at short tiotice, in a Worktriatilike manner, at reasonableprices., I feel satisfied that my . work Will fully meet the'regeiremeots who 'will me with their pattonage. , , • Repairing ptompily, attended, to on. short notice.. Alt:kinds of grain taken, in. exchange for, work; also butter, pork; beef, pine !umbel' and 3ft. wood. , CASH will not be :refused.' . • • D. y. SIIEPARD.'- -Striethpoit, Pa.,Saii.• 10, 11380.` : • • .COURT PROCLAMATION. , ' tx.yISEKKAS, the, Hon.ltobett,',GrAThite, VPresidirif Sidge, and the, Bons. • .I . l"Tiar.: lipeand S. Holmes, Associate Jtidges of the Courts ofOyer Sr „Terminer and. Gencral l ,Teil Delivery; Quarter .S . erisions of. llar. PeaCe;: Or ,pbanie Court and Couri of Coinmon for the County of M'Kean have leaned their precept, bearing date. Saturday, the.aid day...of-March, in the year of our Lord one thddiand eight , hundred and 'fifty-nine;• and to me dirocted; for holding a Court 'of Oyer and Terminer and ,Gen eral;:Jsil Delivery,: Quitter 'SiiisiOne. • • of.' the Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court of Common Pleas, in the Borough cif Smethport,.,onl Mon— day, the twenty fifth day 'June ne xt, and to continue. one , . Notice is therefOre hereby'given to'the Ceti ners,.!Jtistices of the Peace and Censtables Within the'coprity, that they. be then and there in their`proPer peril:Ma, at :10 o"clock A Lht:Of said day, with . their.rolls, Tecotds;irfquisitions; exothinations, and other remembranCer, fordo those.thinit which their . cifilees appertain to be done. And those' who , are . bennit by theirliec ognizances to prosecute the prisoners thatari'or, shall ; be in the jail 'of Said county. of N'Kepti, are to be then. and tliere.io, prossetite themoe will, be just. • • Dated at Smethpqrt ' April rientf.sis . loB,o., and the 84th ye ar of. the Independence ' of the, United. States of America, ' JOSEPH 'MORSE, Sheriff'. .0 : 0,;9.:D: . .N.EN5 . ' OF DANIEL NirEBSTER, which it filled from tory;to.bCottorn with COOKING, PARLOR & BOX.STOVES:! NORTHERN PENNSY;PANIA, which will be oohing prices thittendot fail, t 6 I *ill 'also as.usual, keep 'sonata:o4? On hand a good,assOrttnenp,of' •I(E I ' ~ LIDS, FLAT; IRONS, CANDLESTICKS, Which will be r igia.cit thi VERY LOWEST . . Thankful for paat,. favors, I respectfuify • . • eit wcontiinuince'of the "same.- •:• , • Smethliott.: Sept. 22;,1859 HAVING.' rented . eto the' shop . attotte the' Smethpott•FUßN,ACE, the,sobetrit!oyeare 'now preimred do Ail. kinds ,:ot:_biltekttratti,olg.; Portieularintietition hiiireeehoemo. • • . VAN-DYKE ih WING. Nov. 3, 18( . 19. • SiVIETHAORT WAGON AND SLEIGH SHOP. ON -- MECHANIC SIBS& NO. L „run': I.t.zgamDAT. Mitts% atiesteite Cat mean Ftletontd Ottlea,s, • oven , pen be seen in, by ciaing lathe building fottaerly eeenpiedbithe mato toyall ' s~-- EVER OFFERED FOR - 61x FY SPIDERS, "LAMPS, Ste E. S , P4ASON; ,‘ • WILCOX &EATON A to VI LEAVE TO. 'A,NNOUNPE reeetteo,4o,4iicitoik ',% s . StRING4 ~ 813114511400Da ;11 A 44 are .0 1 , sti,uo intoiners - and oter..tiow;i4ilia l` 4.0111 - itack of ' ' • COUntry-Seriihandiete-..- •0r:44 . . ,:. !# . 1"410.t.'1*, ,, : . ." , ::;:,;:-.,i :...-.,',. ~, . ~: , ,:;', . T . : , .: L .' , . ` "MICH 'At`: -'''':•::,'...l,-!-!:-.",!':''',:!‘;' . . • FANCY . -L' ` D VAIME Ry Gocv ."; • ,•,;.•,?•••• •••:,.f• . . . R• • EIAT.. cialpa* • .• GLASS': j• • • . And"4,o6ioree,stodi'of.':,.!'.; • • • , , ' - • • , Family . .Grocerie Iridt'. o +o l 4l Ylne.tailueilaao;bYlenliaol - but our otooltis vitainFrill ond:Compluto and •we doubt not . ia you' `Wind y r-Adveitisemeatirwiwdo,r4r:•iciinit, ,but the ' oilir'nek.aa.exarnivat,len aUd4rit-confidisit,4. `Clil do' you good'd',— cai AND . ; SEE . o l A . l CO 41ATON ean, NI IS 1839` ' :'..i....-;:-::',..,.. , ,,.......:,„;..:, .-:....:•• .....,:::.... y , -. , . A, , SPLENDID. LOT or ,TEAS, , :,..-:•::;.,.:, ..., ;:. i , .:':„.;:, , ,.. - :..wiLtozik,..t.AT.ON.s;ti. ~ . theini:N.i',lt.: r:A. , :•::....: '-. ' ,l ,Y',,•vi ;.P-V!--;',. ..„ ~t2:.'..i...0.'t4: lE:XDE..ribia'COltl4'iSittiVEMPO*birii lyil,:. the •irrirki;'.iii 'VILC,Ot. ' , EATONIN:, )".—• - "''" :.71.',."4--:,.... K i r A.. cHoles . ~,i,v4cokti,v,./eotrik, ' . '''''''' ', .• 1,, ` ' ' -,' .7 - i!,'”,,, N. 'T. ,PERsoNs wiso minicnceolu. 4,;410 1 y atO :taih f le;ol4i, *be re ' f lys `ail4tilieMpliikef thellaminiintonlaittle "taint Wig Nitigsl4llol • - , 0'•• • • •"- • 8,.fi,,,..:NR1GH.r;:;),-, A NNOUNCgS•TP tflt AriltO7VniliN ? ' itAS-itEMoVgp4cOpit . ,:, A tteliti btrSo l : - S/04-- "': 1116 ' 1 44 0161 k" GROVERIPSO 'dircsl Whgre he Oren; 110641111teifineilii SUGARS 61 02 14 ' to*4litis . GREEN' : BIAGI4,II4OERIALIIIB • • OF DiFypttn,v IMSTED, GROUND" - AO 110 OffEE evg , s yoygivsf.goi scio, .oileti ' , dtio, • BAis , . zna,. Nvitt, • BiutufGAOWDM • NIkluTE • ' •• = Flour • I , Pork ,Afaiin; Bwor Lard EgOr ArOGD' ND wit,Low' Togethertviih alsi t imnsitini t ten(o`iilL,,ltstOr of 0 . 60(1111 kept in a' OrneerY, 81n4i seltieti °gess to sell intlissoly,,,Peiy.at the. loiltetit 'Mar ket rice. , - . • 4!r, it Ram Smethport, Jane,lst, SMETHPORTAnERIVATABLEV' HE 5U8561)}14470#1t)f.407,,,, i erY S t a ble v ili'Sfielkigiro l ooW6 l ,l4koce of lIN Wilmot - 0 0 K1WAit 4 44 01440 ", r i c tqtat";?f ttfe' coniVgsiiiitiOeits W.. *i . .! - ' 1 the b e i tßA/10i0V 1 01 ' I' M . - He i l i t' ellit , l9-'; 6 1 4 1F04k. -Ik,A 1,..„ , e.' , , iitidpici;so& l o 4 B l 4ftv It 14,: l . ',P!thyo're ,, 4kaskisV A lVO f l',4 ,, :imp. 1„1 ft:,,, utria4 . t. bOViltire , io • ~..,.. , iflito Store, Go•dw :* ..m.-' 1!):,(,), ,; vtIiAtILAV , .040;,.-- . , ~..,, . ~,.- 7 ;P; ~ .1.1 ~'l'.. i 0 ' 4 ; '.', ' ' '', ~, ' .Alt 07. ' :' P.: C `, i .:` , ' k:4414 & 's• > ,/ r., - T. ill 'f,... ~' —o ,t- 044; 1 ' " I': 4 " . , i. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers