1- T0..7 1 ..TQ.E..:i : ' • . UrIiF..:REAS • Letters Testamentary to' the . vv :.Estate of 'Dnyto, ..grecny, Senior,,, late of BliKetineotinty., .ileceased; have, been'S'gianted to the. sith.sn'yilief.' • All' ,persons indebted to said, estate' are :recreated to make, iminediate payment;and,those haying.claims against thS' said decedent wilt iniikb.,known• the same with out delay,to• ' • • • DAVtbl CAM, clOr. • Or to his:Atioiney I3Y,RON 'D. HAMLIN Smettaport, April NOTICE. School beraclors ol: pursuance.of:the.43d Sec. 'of the.Aet of. May tith, 1854, yoU 'Ura hereby notified tc; prieet.in convention,' ,the' .the Court `House, in Smethport, the 'first Monday in May, A : „ D.; 1860,:being , ...the . .7th . 'day of the month;,nt 1, o'clock in.the afterncion; and seleCt, viva *majority of , the:_whule 'num ber'.:Of Directors present; • one person;. of literaryand scientific acquirements, and sicill; aiul experience the art of teaching, as County Superintendent; for .the three succeeding. Years; deterrriine the•amoUnt of compensation forthe 'same.; -and certify the result to ,the State Su-• perintendent,.af Harrisburg . ; as required by the .39th and.4oth'Section'of said Act:: _ . . . • ' • •• Coinity.grept: of Itrlitan . -Sinefliport, ^April 211,.1860. 52-3 w • AND SfiUYELMOS.VS; A SU peOpr . 'ariicle, nianufnetured : at:the . . • • SMETP . PURT , ' , FURNACE. • NOTICE . .. . .. . . . . • Notice .is hereby'given that on the third. day of 'Nerch, ig6o, the flim•of J.:C.. Backus & Co. .*ls•diss.olved'hy. .mutual 'consent, and hll,:debta (hie the firm, ere to he - .paid to. J. 'C. Backus; and-aaid.Brickus.ia to - pay allj-deinand 'againit . . Smetiiportl, March . . ASTOR HOUSE. slit:alum:a; • WICEAN COUNTY, ,PESNA. FIASKELL - - Proprietor, BEGS levie t o announce to the. traveling corrimunity:and the public generally tha't he li,as purcliased the above nathed•heitel, formerly occupied by•JarriesWiller, and refitted it in • a style suited to the times and wants of.the puh:. • •• .1.-116 • TABLE • Will always be,.supplied *with the best the Mar' kct and the' surrounding country caritiflord. • HIS • BAR.. • Will be supplied' with pie' choicest wines and liquors.' • , - . • •FT IS. STABLES_ • . • • • ...- Will be in .the care of attentive hostlers, re sponsible for their.conduet to 'their employer who wilrgive the entire establishment his per sonal ,supervision. ' • . In•short every department: of his. establish ment will be supplied. with:all, the . • • . COMFORTS AND :CONVENIENCES.' the weary. traireler can desire. rn the hope that he will be able'to make GUESTS COMFORTABLE, during their visit at his house, he respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. • SmethportiJan. 1, 1860. • •- n3B.6rri FEW C:y.tiSb 8004 and Bfiocs to gPro iwny At . ':* ' • RIONLVS. . • .1-b..I3IBIIELS of Dried Apples it; 44 r 1i and' for Milo 63: . B. F. ITIIIGHT., Inventoff; Manufacturers, Fanners and Millwrights eClit t Orientifteainerican TO BE ENLARGED! A • .NEVir, : SERIES .To Cominence on Ynly 1899.," • Insicad of,ll6 . pages, the Yearly. Helaine, Enlarged Se. rles..w4contam EIGHT itIINDRED AND THIRTY ..TWO PAGES of.Vainable . goading:Hitter, useful end instructive tont! classes. .• • • • ' • • 'THE ispnbilshed areehli inqUar, •io form, suitable for binding. and the numbers for a si n• gle 'Year contain Information in regard to' NEW INVEN. TIONS. all branches of MANUFAOTGRING•PROG ESSES AGRIOULTURAL • IMPLEMENTS. 'ENGINEERING, MILLWRIOUTING, IRON BIANUYAGTIIRE, 011EMIS TRY;' in 'fact; almost every, industrial pursuit receiver' more or less attention in Its columns... , • ••• •• .. . . ... . .All Pitentelainw, officially published eiery • week, as repOrted frorn'the Patent Office; and for .. , '• .. . - INVENTORS AND PATENTEES it contains information not to be obtained elsewhere; and whinieno. mechanic. 'inventor, or : patentee can' well do :As a Pan fly Journal It has no . imperior for real praatic;- .al utility, since' in itacolumni will be found useful prac tical 0411fel attention will - be given from time, to reports .of flieliietal,l4lmber, and ether markets , . - Every number will contaili Sixteen pages and forty-eight •Olunms of m Ater, with several illustrations of patented machines - and other -engravings, comprising in a single .year about . ' , . . SIC lIUIXDRED. ORIGINAL' EP,IGRAVINGS. . . . . .. With the Enlarged &this is presented'an opportunity to subscribe notlikely to (Maur again for many years.. It 'will be like commencing anew Work—Vol - I,'No: I, New, . Terms a. Year,One:Dollar for Six"Montho. Southern. IVestern;.and Canadian money or Post Office • stamps takeh at par for subscriptions. Canadian subscril 'hers will - please to remit twenty-six cents extra on each year's subscription'to pro-pay, postage..: . A liberal discount to clubs: A. prospectus givlne full' particulars of the inducements' for clubs; .with specimen copies of the paper, and a pamphlet' containing informa tion concerning the procuring Of Patents may lie had ,gratis by addressing •,141UP114 - k, CO:, • - . , • . Publishers of the Scientific American, ' - 37 Park Hew,. few York. • Cabinet Shop -in . Meehani . esburg. AWOLTEits • respectfully linnounces to p üblic'4hat, :notwithstanding' these the fiaid times; he is, manufacturing and keeps con ft t. en hand all kinds of furniture, such'. as • • • 8: o FI S • • • DIVANS, .• OTTOMANS, - CARD, CENTER, : : DINING AND . • . • • TIRRAKFAST ; TABLES, CHAIRS of all :kinds . . and . styles, Cane. and CoMmon, Rattly-Made* of .the very I?est material and manufacture." • • - • • Sinethport, Feb.2s', 1556 •• • Irtf. • FARM LANDS FOR SALE 25 MILES from Philadelphia by Railroad le• the State.-of New Jsrsey. • Soil arnong.thes•best for Agricultural purposes, being a good loath soil, 'with a 'clay bottoni. Theland is altirge tract, divided in to small farmS; and hundieds.froM all 1 31 1r 6 of the,teuntry ave.now settling and building.: The clops Piodueed are very large.and can be seen . growing. The climate is•clelightfuloysecuris frotnjiosts. Terms (ion . , $l5 . to $2O per acre, 'payable within four 'years by instalments..To visit the .prace—Leave 'Vine' Street • Wharf at Philadelphia at 71 t A.m. by Railroad for Ham monton, cir address w. J. Byrnes, by letter, Harninontot Post. Office, Atlantic county-, New Jersey. Sea full advertisement,in'•another column. . • CIRCULATE i . ,(;;1kM,..1,',.:,4)Ajt.f.!.ii.1,P,,f,(ti THE 44rNSILIO-g." The proprietors' and Publis ors. 0f 'the'.Phila. .deephia Evening'Areti,..putiliali 'a weekly pa ! . per ;of eigl i it, ; page's., the.:•C 0.0 tairig, ni . fortyreight cOlun's . .of reading "rmitter., They propose to make 'thp ICairsToat a Campaign pe; per, the. first •number of _which, as •auch, will be issued on•the 16th day of May,.next, and the lest on ihe 14th day . Of November the. cloisinglumher containing the full returns Of the PreatdentiatElection; thus. fidnishing..aub scrlbers. With 26 copies _ of . thepaper coritCinicg 'each 48 columns, or:a gra • nd, total for she. Ca mpaign oT 1248 columns of reading. matter. . propose to furnish the pappr for the six months at tne.rate.'of,tha,pollar:fb single,sub scribers ;'.Tor clubs of '10: to 20 at '7O . cents . each ; for clubs Of .20 to' 50 at :60 Cerite•eoch, and. 'far. clubsof 50 and upward ,50 cents. Cachthe papers-for all'clubs to be sent to-One. ' 52,-Gw, This plan .is an excellent One ; bLit clubs will receive ten' copies' for. .twenty- copies for-sl2, • and fifty copies for'Sati. • We respectfUlly ,invite the friends of the - Deinoc.racy.throughoitt the country to cO•ope isle With us in 'giving this a wide. circu lation ; in'prornoting'the spread.of liberal.Dem= ociatic principles ; laboring. to:strengthen the bonds of - the Union, and thereby : 'securing the, triumph of , the National Dcmocraey,in the contest of 1860: ' • ' • . . . .. .To this woric . We purpose to devote . our en.: the and untiring energies,.and . we believe that M ,no r Way,othe by, the . investment '9l:, the same.aimotint can. any • accomplish More'good for the Democratic cause than by the . •distribu 7 thin of Well & paper:as' we . iritend ours shall . . . •. is . powevident that the great battleol.lB6o a ill be' fough(betiveen the Secticipalisin of the Black Republican party, and the. Nafionalisth of thelDemecratic. party. In 'this "contest ,the field will be*.the Middle States' of the Union, and Pennsylyania,..the 4, old Keystone"• of-the political.ris • Well'as.the national .arch,. .he 'the principal,theatre of the war. She will again be called.upon to interpose.her, power to drive back the Coharte.of fanatical—sectierial lath, and .again;With her"conservatiVe masses, austalti , the Union and the Constitution; ag such is and .will be her position ; we feel thatit peculiarly appropriate., tinder all the citcum-. stances; 'that, in' her great CoraMeicial• - and Manufacturing metropolis, We should issue 'such , a paper for the Campaign as' the Ka.isToitn, a paper which will truthfully a nd fearlessly," re= fleet the. Sound -Nafional, Union -loving. and Constitution-supporting principles of the .Dem ocratic party.' •Prorn „this..citY;;" especially, 'should emanate such a paper, andlyshoUld be scatteredat among the . people broad-cast, ' from the pekes of theiVorth to the Gulf - Of Mexieb; from the Atlantic to the Pacific. • • • We'eniicipate.viCtory, but that Victory-must be snatched from.under the . verybanners of the enemy, and from the ,cannon'a Mouth.. Enter taining this view,'oyr.enemy'may exp ect that we Shall pour in.the hot shot upon all occasions, and that every 'salient point will be attacked fearlessly; ‘,.igorouily.. We believe that, in thiS,crisis.of our country, when'its ;in; stitutioris are,,endangered,its laws resisted, its Doastitution threatened . , and the perpetuity. of 'our glorious DniOn attempted to be: destroyed, that it is, our dittY, -good.cititens,,to make use of all honorable Means put : into, .our hands by nature and by .. nature's God, to drive bacit the black cohorts of fanatical Abolition, which' would ruin the fairest politiCal heritage , ever bequeathed to a people'. We therefore entreat our friends,' and the 'friend's of:Democratic. principles ,everywhere -North, South, East and .West—to FiSSiSt .us in ; tbis.good work; , Letthem hold of) our hands. by pouring in upon us the subscriptions, arid.'we say to the Demoerac3i ,tii:,the whole Cimintry, "Do yUzir. duly, and we will 4o ours." • . - '.All orders must be. accompanied with the 'Cash. Address • . • . • JO..SkVERNS 1 4 :. CO, •• ' Publishers,. • . . No. 130 South:Matt! Street, Philana it / ILK PANS, all new a'nd.allinY-you, can na. see -an.honest man's faCo them as soon as you pay oVet thedoe;at MASON'S, PHYSICIAN. AND SURGEON • Having permanently located. himself •. .PORT -ALLEGANY, .would 'respectfully inform the. phblic that he is piepared to'attend to birsiness.M all.branches of the Medical ..Profession. ..Particular atten• tier paid th , SeeretPiseases,both male and female; they will , be treated in aceordance with ;he latest authorities' and practice of both ,Eu rope and America, . All secreta intrusted to him, in his.practice,. will-'be -strictly kept 'by him, in spite of money, law, friends; enemies, relatives or neighbors. •-2.1 • • Pert. Allegany,, March 20th, Ig6o. KENDAL-CHEEK HOUSE, KENDAL-CREEK, M'KEAN CO., PA., . . THE Subscriber having pnrehaie:d this well . known stand, and re-furnished and re,-fit ted the House, prepared to entertain goer& era and the Traveling public: • ' 1 " • • , HIS DAR AND. TABLE, • well'supplied,' and, everything done to merit a. liberal sbare of patronage. Raft men will always find the - gclatch-String" but. • Kendal Creek, January 2, 1860. • 'STOVES . ST WEST. .•••• T AM NOW RECEIVING THE LAFtGEST, best . selected; and . cheapest lot'of Stoves 'ever hroukht into thie.section: ''. E. S. MASON THE TONGS AND VICE. . THE SUBSCRIBER would . inform - the citi ions of Port Allegany, 'and: the surround ing countiy, thitt he is prepared to do all kinds of . In all its different branches in .a. workmanlike manner, with promptness and dispatch warran ted to giye satisfaction. i WAGON .WORK & MILL- IRONS, attended to in good 'style, and at reasonable rates. Partictilar attention paid to: • Hore From experience in the business entire. satis faction is,gunranteed. J. D. OTTO; Port Allegany, March 1, 3866. N. B. 'All persons owing ne,'or having un. settled accounts, are earnestly requested to call and settle the same without delay , ; there by saving ,cost and tlotible. = J. El:OTTO. • TO ALL WANTING. FARMS. EE v.ertisement of lidaioromitcin . tond4.• • - AGENCY:-r4SUßAtier' • Gash, Cap Fu , " -• • 'Cat& • , Great lieesteitainittrance. PC? 049 itat'§!• 0 0"..;•" . :. .. .... .. s P* (o 9 ° .. Bittilich;:ol4(tual) Lo c k'iraveif Insproq.csq sari be .efreted tbe'•above..res : porisible tAm‘panies' A'ny` communication ' adifiesied Smethporta Pa:, K ill meet with promp attention. . • '., • • '' -methport bit. 9; isro; [n4Otf.i PORK Si, FIB' • WHITE FISH . AND SHAW. TALLOW . 4.• STEARINE wiiißkirrEp -7•9 STAND IN HOT WEATHER, FUR SALE AT •• - , • BIZOWNE.I,I,'S AuguEt 12, 1859. ' JEFFREYJ:S DOUBLE-ACTINcI - gucTION . & goßcz PUMP India Rubber Ball Valves. HE ' .SUBSCRIBER 8a rhig purchased'. the: ,right make and selFthis' Weir . Poinp, *la a•cOrtdence thit,*,his efforts. to bring' it into general use, in this county, :will be . secon'• ded by all who sue its construction and opera . , Among the many.adyanteges secniel hy the use of this ..£olp, ,the tcolloyqng,:may be elm. merated . , . 1:. A double actioq, by which twice'the ,wa ter can be raieed the•same time; • 2. Great ease in' werkingithus m adapting the, Force Principle, to . ( . :Inix6orl 'wells.- •13. The.transforrnation,in a inoutent, :sof the. Pump into an efficient FIR . E. ANGINA, thus..ren defing the loss of dtvetlings by fire, totally un necessary. , . . '-• Capability of watering gatite'ns, I.atens, 'or sprinkling walks, washing Windows, &c., with the .'utmost ease and thoroughness. • s..PoWer le raise, water-With slight labor to 'any ,reaSonable height,' as in supplying cham bers 6. The :convenience of having the Pump in a kitchen, or other rooms of ymir dwell ingovitl. out:regard to the location, of the Well or . Cis .7. The easy •protection •of the instrument against Frost: . •• • ••'6. The ease with which' it maybe mounted on wheels, or in other ways be mails portable. 9. A,similicity which ensures great dura.. bility, protects it.frorn being thrown out of or der, and makes any repairs • easy and of , little ID. Great Chraptiess: for. the . first time bringing the•sost of the Force . Ournp into the neighborhoodOf the common . .tictiOn • and Chain Pumps, 'while it is immeasurably mine- Manuf,ictured arid for sale by the subscriber, onlyi . at his shop in.MechanicSburg:' • .'•- • - WOLTERS. . Mechanicsburg, March IS, 1858.* • • •-• SCOTT .• coNLo.N . MERCHANT... TAILOR'S,' • T_TAiql•jusi recalled thelr7inter Stock .of geode, , and ..I.IL are prepared to Supply their -, ,numerous customers and those who fivar them with their patronage, with any , thing in their line.- Their stock consists of ;• "•• • Cloths, Cassimeies, - Vestings,llats, Caps,.Shirts - !Collars,.Cravats, Week Tien, dui';,fice •Thdy have also a large assortinenit of • • '• • 'READY-MADE CLOTHING, ', "• Of the latest Arlo. Give them a ' call before. purchasing up— Orders . frorn a distance,proMptly . atten ded to. ''.gutting thine on short notice: • • . • ion. CONLIA.. Olean; 1866.. NOTICE . . . • . . .• All persons knowing themselVes indehtdd to the andetsigned by took' adcoant,': will Save cost by settling , the same by prtyrnent or Note immediately.' •• ' • E. , S. MASON. December 1,1859. 200 BAR 4LS of aret.nApPies in • store • Arid rim ttrile • . To '; Those ' liiterestod"., in Mining . and • - Mineral Lands:..•: .. • . W,ll. liiIINES offers his seryice4 for the eianina , e..tion of Mineral Lands . in liflCean and Elk coun ties. and' will give • his opinion :as tia the ..VALUE OF MINES, &C. • Those engaging hiniutiviceairill receive all necessary and roliable.intormation. Reel inane at the Dunker fill Mines. ... ..'• ~ ; . . '1 - ' liergeant, WlCean C0.,0a. •TunO 50, 3859. . ' • . ' ' OLD DO;VIINION'COF.tERPOTS AT IVIASON'S . J. J. J.' BARKER'S. STRAW-CUTTER. HE SUBSCRIBER now: offers to the pub licc this 'lmproved Straw-cutter, in full confidence that all who' take the trouble to Wit ness its operation's will be convinced'of its su periority. over Any other now in use. • • „ A supply kept constantly on' hand and man factut•ed to order. • . . . . 117" As no other person has the right to make or uses thii Cutter Within Ill'Kean conn ty, all who areuSing it: in .v . iolation of the pat ent will be •prOsecuteil,. . :. ... '•-. , ''.' •• .• : : A. WOLTERS Mechanicsblirg,,August - 27,-1859; . • A. CARD • JlAFFE,koffers his services to parties J own i or wishing - to pUrchase mineral hinds in. IWKeon, Itik, Clearfield or Jefferson C" Examinations made'ttnii faithfull}r. ported. Bradford, J.u1y . 27, 1859. • . . JOl3. : . 1 3 .111,N".TITO-,•• . • OF EVERY : Di.:99ROTION,'• . CPEAPIX . ;AMD EXPEDITIOVEItY • EXECUTED AT. VIE , • • 1 . • • DEM . O.ORiT OFFICE. County Directory, Pres't *bite, Wellsboro Tioga Co. Pa. •' • , ."- • Assod,Otti .7;irdps 7 -Hon, J. Darling, Smethpoll, . . . .. Hop, 5. : ' Holmes, Bradford.. .. • Shoriff—joseph Morse, Smetbport. : .... . • Prothonotary--Satiniej C. Hyde, Smethport. 'Register ?yid. Recorder—CAL SartwelliSmeth- - . • . . . . , Triasurir; (pro eetn.)—..,. o -1) d;Rradford. CaMotimioners-Daniel'S. Knies, Rldred;l 4 .7. . J. 'Colegrdve,' N'or'wich; Nelson - feaboily, Comm'i,sionirer' Clerk—J, R. Chadwick;Smoth- Autlitor,s —B.. Sfrietbporf, V. P Carter, Ceiert.. 'District Attorney.—Mairen . e . owles,Smethpott Coromer.=- James Epnili Lafayette. , OW'ltßavY , • -4, The Prime Hose 0t11,,101 , ,The Fri* of: ihe House' or 4 The twee e.. pose' of D,akeid 'Of By the'Rev'...T.DONGRADAK.LL: D. A new anS revised :edit-ion, with The author's Vjmo.: 972 pages,. ' Pride -by • GEORGEG.'EVANS; 'No. 439 64stirilvet;;-PhiladeliAiitc. 1/Irirciuot-',40 , 31 1 303;b :P'l44l!se, A I Reral tr a telatibn in Ciiiffiil . ll of the'. - PRINCE OF THE HOUSE OF'D.AVID. Orjo vr;hirno 1 12mh'., clOth, 475, pages. price 61:iiii:j!4b til:)12GE AI4S.. ` , 439 . . THE PILLAR OF PIBEI • ISRAEL IN ,BONDAGE . .11,$ , the Rev; J. H. INGRAHAM; . LL.-D... .One voluriie ilotti,So9 inirteb2. ,, Price $1,25: Pub. GEORGE' G. EVANS, ..' ' • 439 theitnut4t.;'Phila4erphia. • RECOADS OF...rizt.ravoTirrloNAßT THE. MILITARY , & 'BINANCIA,LI CORRRSPONDENCR OF O/STI/VOULSHEO OFFICERS: GENERAL' ORDERS .OF . ' WiilliptGiOg . . ; ;' Lie -Gakasz • ; Names ofthe Officers and , Privates,: with . the dateri . of their. Commissions and Enlistments; a With list of tlistinguished ,prisimers of War;, the time of their Capture, Eirchangs, etc.; ..to. whichig added:the Holf•rway Aets oldie Cnitti 7 nOniia! doniress; . the' Ei volutiorieryr Pension Laws; and a liar of the Officers' of the: Ccinti:- nental Army,.whii aeqiiired the right to Half; pay; Commission, Land Warrants, etc. etc, Counsellor and Agent' for ReithlutioTnary one . volume;.l2do, 654, Pric4 $1,75. ••• • • -.. • T. S. ARTHUR'S PQPVLAII., BOOBS .Truoltiahes. • • ping.' and the Demon: ,' Home Scenes. • Throe Eras in Woman's Golden Grains. Life. . • • • The.Nartyr Ten Nights, lu.,a Sparing. to Spend. • Room, • Tales of Real Life. • , sugol of tho Household. l'he Old NSA'S : Bride. The Rand' and not the' The Way to Prosper. , - Heart. , The Withered Heart. Heart .'llistorie sand Taleti' of Htirried Life: • Life , rieturee. Steps towards Heaven. The Trials of 'a. Eloise.: What can Wonian del keeper. • • ' Tales'of Domestic Life. Leaves from the gook Good Time Coming: ' • of Hunituf.,Life. • "In the union Of thrilling draMaticsindblents, with Moral lemons of the 'highesi iMportance, these works. of T. 'S. Arthur staud• forth•pre eminent amongst modern atitborse 2 ,.... , • -.!6 , They heye: been 'introduced into the Dis t ' trict,'Sabbath School, andr'variouS 'other librm ries thronehout the :country.. . . . . Each of the abovebooki contain nearly . 500 pages;and•are illustrated With 'finely 'executed Mezzotint engravings, and handsomely bOund i 0 one limo. volume. 'Price $l, each. : • • BOOMS REOZNILY TRANSLNTED FROM. THE FRENCH. • MPMOIRS OF ROBERT-HOUDIN. ' I'RESTIDIGITEYJR, ", Author,. • .Maginian; ..*. • , • Artist,•. .• Sorcerer,, - - • Wizard,. • Neeronaneer, • • . Canjarer, 1 .. A rnbassador, Eseamotenr, PrOfesscif of Sleight of Hand etc: . etc ‘, Written by hioiself, : Edited by . • • • . DR. R, SHELTON gACKENZIE.'. With a copiOds index corefullyethinged.:,.... ..Eotind in one vol: 12,tnci..cloth 416 pages.' $1 NATIONAL LIBRARY. H.'..l()ES,' BUNTERS AND PATRIOTS LIFE OF COL, CROCKkT. LITE OF •GEN't;,ll.oll,lkil; ~„ LIFE, OF L„EW,Iq,wiTzEL. noUsToN. LISE.OF COLONEL, DANIEL LIVES OF SOTITIfE DN :11E . • 80C 1.2. M1.• • • ROES AND PATRIOTS ; tIVES' OF GENERAL LEF 1 1 ; 1111D1C AND 'PRIVATE AND 01381PTE13... • •OF DANIEL, WEBSTER Each of the above becks me illustrateli with: fine eagravings;. and `'bound one volume, 12mo cloth.. ,Price . $1;00.. . , „LIVES OF ILLUSTRIOUS WODIEIR OF ALL AGES ANTENATIONp, , , . Including the E , ripreas Josephine,. Lady Jane Grey, Beatrice; Cenci Join Of Arei Anne - Bo leyn, Charlotte Corday; Semiramia, .4enobia, Boadinre, etc. etc..Editeit by,... MARY : E: , HF WITTr Embellishefi with finely. engrave 4 Portraits on Stael.. .1;Ina• - •vol...12rno, cloth, 336 LECTURES POR,THE PEOPLE: BY,the Rey. HUGH; STOWELL BROWN,- MStrtle 'Church, • Liierpoo!, geglaro.. ', • . • Witti Introduction . by, Dr. R. SHFIT,CiN MXtiKF.NZIE.. ••• " Publishad under: U' special: arrangempnt . with IhesstiltVOr. One 'v01..121h0. cloth: 414 pages Upon remittance' of the price of thetßook and, :21 cents additionallor paStagri*, eopietf.of either :of the above books accompanied with a:hand:- seine present, mirth from 50 cents o'l'oo dol.- tars will be Mailed to any person in the• United SEND ktIVA 01ASSIFIEO CATALOGUE - OF .1100K8. Containing 'the most 'doiriplete list !or books. in ;every department of-Literature.evar• published, anti which-.will be tent •gratis to any person,. gentling their address:: 1 • . ''• To ioaure . proniptness and honorable etu't all youi.. orders for'books-to ' • • .''GEORGE G. fiVANS,Rususnair., • •• •And originator of the Gift Book buiisias. • • , 436 Chestnut-84i Philadelphia.- 'And: you will be .'satisfied 'that it is the best place in the eaunyy tO purchase Books. • • • - 137 - SPECIAL NOTICE"TO AGENTS • G. G. EVANS,having purchased the stereo typrplates, ,copyiights, etc: Of. the. isPiinee •tif, the House.of Dayjd,", cePillar Of. Vire," Would calf the•attention °regents to these truly yaltrahle works, . • . • . • . • .The "PRINCE: Tire Haus! or DAvtii," is one of the most popular aOd . best • selling tiooks ever published. 'Over lBo,ooo "copies have , been' sold;and it, bids fair to outrival the grim's Progress," or any'other similar work.'' The !'.l;'lkt.Art OF FIRE," by the same author is,now meeting with a rapid sale, over , 90,000 . b,4itt,apld .9nen . .;,pa , publieatias and antt - nntrikatt#Enrjeo..itiltPitijOscifihrlaiii riadtietit ntr y cht4ii - atopy;'.' '4 4 ;4 i eIFiI . iE . REVOLIITIONAIIi WAR' is ft record oftreat r 'intareit gitea Cvle sffinitnt ofiiitformatiort4ertiftiTin6 l l4inrlidldtet of Revolution; and nit rzn invaluable titiok of refireneit all who'llieitiiiriatiii.ln'Penlsion•Clattrts,'.War4 rants, etc:, ere. , ' '....Thertnoet LIBERAL: indacetnente,are altered to Adepti, and, upon 2 .addreaalge the publisher every informatfon wtlVbe SEND;EOB CACCLO GVE . 1 ? Addreas. (I.EORGEI3. EVAXS! .. • • 439 Chestnnt-st,'Philadelphia. , - FOI3:ES' ,701111 • - -1% • • WHOLESALE AND 'RETAIL DEALER. • • • • ~ oyetero, Mame, Fresh ' ; ' Flab ; 'Foreign Inv Do . • liostio:Frojto -14 1 11111BA&MOFFAISALE ItCpt constantly on hand and for sale 14 barrel. • Clystera-:1-Stewed, liottsted,;:Fried,:or„Raik; served. at all,bours. O Ordnrs:promptly attended to. • dan..11,;1860,. .• ti 394 •••• -SMETHPORT • • WAGON . AND SLEIGH. SHOP.. ON NgCHANIC , -13TREET NO. 1. VIBE respe c tfull y . •••-I, r 'nounee to the citizens.ol IVPKean County, that he is now prepared to do all kinds of Wood ,work in my Ude of business, at:shOrtii'otiee, idea workmanlike manner, at reasonable priees t I:feel satisfied that my; Work Wilt. el!lly meet the" requirements droll who Will favor me with their patronage.` ' '.•••• • 'Repairing promptlY attended to on abort notice.' kinds ol grain takery ,exchange for-work;' also , bu►ter; Pork, beef, pine-lumber and 3ft. wood. • GASH vvill not be refused. • Sioethifioit,Pti.,ldn.'lo,4soo. • • . • . ..„ COURT PROCLAMATION, HEREAS the- Ron. Robert G. Wltite IVY ptitsident JOdge, and the Hone: ling and 5. Dolmea, Associate Judgeii• of the Courts of Oyer & Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, .Qc•- •phons',Coutt find COurt of Common Iletta for the County of Ikl'KetM have issued their irecept; bearing date Saturday, the Ist day of December in the year• of our Lord one thoosanCeight hundred and Sity-ninei and' to me 'directed, Tot holding a Court . of Oyer and Terminer and Gen eral' Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of • the. Peace, Orphans' Court,'and•Courtrof Common Picas, in the Borough of Smethriort, on • Mon ;lay, the twenty r seventkday.of Febrtiary next, and to continue one;vveek., . • Notice_is therelore heeeby'given to the Coro ners, JusticeS of the Peace arid Constables' viithin.the county, that they be then and . there in their proper porscinsi - at 10 'o'clock; A.:4,,0f said day, with theli rolls, reeords; inquisitious, eibminationi, and other remembrance - s r to' do tboie things which their ,olaces appertain tcybe donee:And.tbmie who are berind"by their rec-. ognizinces proseetitelhe prisoners that are or Shrill be irithe jail' of said tounty of . M'Kean, are 1.0 be:then 'and there to. prosecute against ,them as will be just. . • bated at Smethport; January tenth' 180, and the B.lth year of Abe- Independence of the gnitod States of America.. • • • : . • JOSEPH MORSE; Sheriff.. G.0 . 0.1):::,,,N..E.W,S JUST RECEIVED AT Par:4,l 4 •' :1.111111.1i 1110011 W . . oe4 be seen open 1111.1 2111 eallbl attb.ebuileang forinek l y by Ocenviedby ~ccp'Coulttl fillettfritirf top to bottom with .the nearacsortln • ent of COOKING; PARLOR :& BOX STOVES EVRR OFFERED FOR , SALE rN.. NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA, *bleb usuil; &get' censtiiittlY2'oo hand - iiOUSEKEETERS WARDAV•AR'..E:', •liETTLES; FRYING -PANS. FI;A:1 7 I (*S, CANDLESTICKS; . , . Which will be sold at the- VF.OY, LowEst.pnlcLes.. Thankful' for past 'f.speoti:olfy aoli; 'cit'a continuance'' • • Sept. 22; ••,,; BLACKSMITHINC: HARIN G rented, t i hepabop„ attaehed o,ltiet SonetbliciiiilMNACE, the auhserilieriere no* mepered to; do ail kinds of blankenlittilig. Particular,atlention pe id to herseshneint, • • ' CC itAVE Tb 4sl 4 o:l4NO,lifirprey' kay.e•recei' 9 !d SPRINg& SUMNER GO1)S. • And'are new prepare tn,W,C COllle then Chin anitntietomere end offert4ent n'‘'nevr:end ;dile 'sten k- : 00itiltrr'Nerehalidite •IN. Att; l7S VAR ET . , ~ : , ... „ -.. , ....... ... . ~. .54 -.• .;:, ,7 , " ,..., . .1,°, 4 ',.4iri, i i, -; ! ~ , :c ..: , • , _,_. , ...._ y. ~.... -.. . 1% R -- Go. ~... • - . ..• -:,,,,, ....• ..,, .., _ 4 —', , r4ki . .. :. . .... -..,-. . , . .. . „ . .-..,::. , . ~,,,„•,... ~.... • i... , 4,.i.*, , ';',., i> .,, ,Pr . ..,','•' , 4 , , ,. 4,!.. .... A . ; ... ~ • , . .., „ . .:. .• , • .. 4. .::,:- t.. tf.,! . .. ip,r,t... , :! ,:;;:;: v43-,1,,,,,,,,,,, s BOOT••ANts' , SOOkSe"'''"' : . 1 • : ..• ~....-.......:.:!......,:,....::,..;•.•,,,,:,-,„:,4„A:zz: MEM GLASS:' • •, . • And a ehoiciiiktock.4 • Wq, • will not - saieary '.yogr . Vatic* r.iiiing;"but our stock,.is,very,Full and; we , doubt, not you please you both as • Wittily .Adveitiiermehts Ayilp.Olkor) sod*, ;•; but the Truth WOO ` Be pply ask an examination and . .arli•conitdori;,%ie can do you geod. • • • • COME AND SEE. ".., .. WILCOX .11i EATON. Olean; April' 18, 1850:-. . r;;;! • .• T::: . A SPLENDID ',LOT OF TEAS, at .'!' ".:, WILCOX St EATON'S, Olean, 2!1. Y. • 'KEROSENE .• ArAPF. from'COAL',. with LAMpS toltuit 111 the same, at 911,C0r1 EitTOrts;: i . AP , E 4 : 1 c 4 . 1 0,1ft . ..i:::::.',.:. : ,,-,, : , .. 'lA2.cil°lCFi -8-§"°W.T11;70,=6,r;.4,*..9*:5). -.. b . i4.;i4.':,.' - ...i7 : :,.•:.. _..- ..._ ...-....... . .... PERSONS 'WISHING Meeticnato i kies in nOyy 14100 itteee , vi kips. 'is theHartireonieti,Settle'iment:,.. s 11 A GATED • B. F. Witlerlifr 'ANNOUNCES TO T0174178L1C THAI' HE S` on' N d WITH 11I'S . . GROCERHIE E. .• ; V? N. • ••-- T „ :... ~:' ~. : . '.- .. iyhoi..' .h-.6.t1.-!..5.,..'iif.::4'..10'10i,ii1.ixii:.4((,i,#!,, SUGARS OP ALL ',DESWILPTIONS -GREEN BtAtfsii, - IMPERIAL TEAS ' ....... . • PIPVERENt OASTIIJ, CROUID ,.;JAVA :A~l IO::.ClthIt `': . 7 1;94 ,1 00;,. • .tioAp istAiza 4 7,sicE,.• „, .„ RAISINS) pAixitG ' warm rign , • .• 4 E-• '44 ..Cobrpilit:liND;lfat#lolLl ' • •\-- - Pork /Mei „ Buttei, ....., ~ . . • _, ~:xsird ...*:.l6ire','"'-'''''''''''' ~ : , ,-.-VviZOri ANIX-WILLOW.•tVA.Rk. •!--:' .: 1 330(:) , TS'adid t i , sH 4 D-ERi f'. . v ,i,.,• ~...„',..,. ,-4_ ' .,,..J0. , ; , - *'.- .„T"1,,„ . ~ i fgpooi#ittitijkrg. 4 46Prtrent. ° (°l l,4 4 o .l' -' :14.06641:10$yiipeocery S t O!,!.' 1 ! 1 -P4 1 !; . . • . . bireii iiaell (41 geiiiy . piy ittherApt mart: kit:gric.; . j :-., r... 1. . : : ,..• .-• * „. - :,, , ;;; : i0:2„,; : z.., ,-`.'. , 7 , :•:. :. ~- --', . 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"" , ;( 7 . • , • .dJCH FANCY IND •STAPii... .Witlircq HAS' REMOVED` , TO THE-, AT L OW , 1 , .;,; . ; ',i ; .4 , 4. :Y;,4i , t,T , f :!. iirstr; ...oq,,v;