M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, April 19, 1860, Image 2

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    „ .
I t.i; t• '
, P r it.
I t
.a L ied
1 1 g ti e'
1141, h° 3
In flow ' Rio'
ibbotain. - Y - 04.,
Axing Pet/ 4 e.
-11. IV4* have
°°l3 P-ftitctM , Vt i i i 4:2r( l ic i t -al l o y 1)4
tilt iilintifl,Boti . srimin Pitidii in' and
tintl,Otti iliiiiil ; . aihilSiip par
.atraPty' r ''itiaity•lit noier.theltiwagress. But as
.tbeli ' 160,4 0 . 4 theitslijOti( inernstos, ..if
mot iii*aotni l id in di v .,, exi tet and , at
. le4i*W*ti 4*a ,
Tlt ~, • ~i ~ ~ ,:‘.,.. , . ,c.
--' ' Vc.X, ilk tulthips tieCi under the ilia; lir
aca • 'ilt4ilrlieeiiiiii Of i'of the 4.igi , it
- or %I ,inifilltil difintiliketliAr AtOnOit'dOW b'e 4 •
' /PlCS , 4o•l44 4 t'll*%it4OftikPto-of , likaAl th'e-i
'inanii-1044ttre98,1,MakroNvh°4 be eq j!'
-- ;. , .1.. ,, 4.1.„6,,, ‘,l e,, , i, -, , „.. F
liveinade soifterlittle"'exatrnation' of
such inllfior t it as we - could , readily ''.reach '
whidel , fricate Peeth or4ubject, i ntl'tihd that this
oitiesitacludtkitinAtheNniPnaintlatabie min:.
.. _
• . „ ,
er .a.b i lkkl,g , ' ,' !..! i e , .""'lrP ed—Bi c a t"N"T
These.stißs Ickto,o4!
,eifin'eoniiitete r y Iron.] a
flniirttili scaler", ,IrciiikA:ii'"ltte' fi lit'Cli . l'Llie list
- ortlittliffiiiiiistalielfs,liiitt ieileieribeit As , 44e>
.. -- hrbittqAffitrliifilititiOti!telorl 'emit oil ~ 'Which,,-,is
...,(1504vi0, ..0.4111f) 1 1 , 4 ,? , ' '0 1 4 1 4.0, 8 1 , 8'. in
Peitty.? . a '' .13 iPl4ol,l7,infiPlinft!)ie• In.
Pir„,fk",',l Wl' et.liPililti*l. tt, Which (lavishes'
tunnt6llls 4 llllllllllttor. thi4iitypf ' , vgent4i for
whihk*tilottaillirtised:t It swims.ttkikwaters, ,
..' it 40 . 10,0 10 ,4 1 t, boing f(Ort1;0•1414,10.(48 4 !•"— ,
411P"11.514$111,83-'9"4"!LAIOTPge,!' I."is.
Alit, :11!t t li.,-_, l o ,4 ,olPtk°!"°xYg l 9,7 .
: ' nhecon,d On'toe',ltstts Porrideuin toe yen
_ ' eeVot -ditriii44lV 4 elignierhir: , ; - Refrolkini
ir;titweik , AttelWei thaiii Na44l,le4 , •and , ..trishmbiesr
— egliirnibAivY} 4 41 "vdilatrife0.1V^Pdgr , end„
n .
reajiihfiriiktFeolot.....:ln.short.it a ith Werf,..!ile
description VI! ilte:oil iloWitelii iaen Tioni - t he
‘4oli.lt4tvo,.6W4eitkplyliti';s'uch' lento' qiirinti'=
• tiittii ' , Alit .tblih'Biltitiat W.initithi le the'-hilliteon.
tOnitlll.44o•44'l, l 4(tifYA.'hick.,flYo , ch(lo4.toii., anti ,
' twenty-44th have been sunk for,,the.entleetion,
. :oljhetcolenptcthearearly,,produee:of thehill be , '
' . ingis*ltit4OVolloiiiiiiiiiralti;ltie'Vied- nitlartip
431044141144 n. initted'AtittiOeirth Vi',: , akheiri 'eh
fthelf.l4 A.014 0 ,1b,tt,q 1 10 1 ,5 01 . 11, ofe,ll a 49. the
. : 6 0.:A,14alit 4 W4IRT4q!9..PaA'*'0'#.1,bor 4 8 ,;t..
years Iterciin , Chtisk,'"4t.serthes these' welle.
MaiViiliailleti state ihd^Yently iii&lu"ce .4
Pkti4tteiiilroik . l.oiiiiit tit; beisbotit'shi e . %dad ied
bstilitSerialt!Oettirtl-onntitlVAltt d Jiro in ,g;in,'ol)-.
r*.n; t)!lit f.1n,r,f).04! country,; , is
.veljr,aktellAjka•K IV qt the ; wells"
no sei?neir , emp::
,aiatiltiortieViaaiiir4lSonie'af.theni hafitAbeen
found to yield froth 1,000 to,. I,poo„baYtelq a
tillf,,brktf;:lYAN'ki B , Pr. 46" about • Pe
troleum,, tk,woiita,leetn ,t,pe4 it h ad been a long
thief& aioottinie OITA' 01 ' it's
g i tf.eol 114 4 .'4041e in 'the qate ird of Za te ,
it: would4toietn i lhave„!.,been worked s: for .2,500
YfifilFllw;eo.ltr , ,t ig Persia and ;the Birman
emmientere „Immo to,he,no'reeorcl; .If theP
, data, are to tieOf v alue in determining
and elseWhe're .
ki've, , ,ilifv,-;ift Of continpance. We sup.
posir4hat, no speculator an, oil,aites would: care
• Atinititi i yini T ttie jot'. tofiger 'perindthan'
-Wittaliitiinted-that . 4l,la inflatiable - qualities
ofAletkPAteloletip.tkrel , olll-,yery superior. value
7 i.iss,idoltja,„Aliodged to, ke, of , :great value in,
WiL-4tit we ' not
medical remedy, no mat
. ,tiniseharCitii vattieittniny. be, 'fora: wilt be , en=
tienlik,tihilefkeap: 'i'iMeidicinesgob all sorts are,
brAcio*smti99t t ogrfte.4 4t, be , expensive
1 43P y k e t.09 1 5, 1, ,gq.,119Pg :', 1111 4 is:e - Wklija that de
pittment"cep 'heed ''" ' .
• ',WifetifiVilits 1111-of a rik-use' tor, iubricii
ting mtrimielve:havehnoineens.:of
'BsktAt hf' , liir/V?Onderieipg-allaninners. , of testa,
nteitgpys . lle,kintevthej, naockinery„for its, 'proper
di tr i klilrocm is preperod,we l yill „doubt„ be
Aids o `airiiaerni.ell that dei; lie Put .
, was
htialtrOstinttillfeed'ilAset *Telt that the lion!
• itro,eoC,,P o tuatdiP . g,:dieti at Hyde Park, Y.,
• 011'iVedialirlik •Tfte
celiiire'd'Weiiiiiiiiienf rititctieei courity, N. Y.,
,'seirhithattlaiififirinyrr9: •
I)oring the wir,or *the ,revolution, : Mr.
from Westchester.
county, and to that souny they returned,after
the war.. le biti'eirly . , manhood, Mr. Paiibling
came to 'Ne,Yort -.100; ~Wherte jfe'.; resided
mod of Abe' iiiiotitv;lEl/44; av;
ifto7,l*:s . rvilisivrks„,s:onnected, with
Weshintannlt'ving in ihe pnblmation of ~,Salr
naglindi." In 1813 , Mr. Paulding published `
e?Direii~ tro > H story Yolin'ltur and Bre'.
ther lonia olt4llo thcmist; freer lie:publish
ed,,tetyallittnll.4o9Pkitr. A r4 1 ,8 . 1 - s frl v !Ritil a4s e d
# OO , I T,Ir 4 ,n anal;
Cither:,,books" Of' his ,Were
tlie “John
Bull in ismeridai" =the; "Three Wise Men of
.601, , ,,0.ti1ie‘,1 Nese. -Pileilmls Progress,"
'iirdltket-Atg , eowern.elW ) . --Pm 2835 he Peo -
Hallett ; 01 ,1411:Att Yealiiniten;?' And, mare , re
m the Voile& States."
ThliMilfelife'Mr:Pitildiiig him had cOnsid
.erable experien4,^ 1814)hle svai • Secretary
ete*,,Misv,ls Pommiesianers WasilingfaO,
ePiktar/44 11 e5Pirq PS'iiso l evY, agent in New
Y:tatk .L , 1837 o 1841 he was Secretary
of ; Latterly Mr.
Paulding hat , l *Alfittsm from 'the,public eye,
and has bderrlivincquietlyiet • his home on the
1440140110 Mitseratsage aim best known t in this
etAlOPlK*lolittg!ft" 4 TlO4iernPriee 25 eel
-2,1111,t t#10 1 09.,,1 1, 4 4 r i, !, 11 , 1 P4 1 7 t ! 1d Pr°b. "
ma eat many re: ' •
iteldslin '44 eitate given to
ttnifilteilyllsyslllitipostilinsent recognition of
i titt i t4Pluttig"tP al ,' ld !Ps , P f " v "
moth:miry fame, who;assisted fn the capture p 1
• 74 41 Mkt!, . 4,044, leCfpiry . el:eCte
tnblenfe, cone of i the
' , 0'44 sad i ,themiasaffi
‘.,- ; ,;'; ' ,'' ~,:",' ,!, it • • - ' 7 7 — '' ••.: :.••,. •: ,
;e‘'" ,, i ' ' ''••• ; ' ` el','?"'",1 1 4"? - :' ' , ..'''4 ''• (4' . " ''' ...
'soil Itearlt k hailet'eari,imf:.Confifctiatti',
jr,.,a : ' '' - a or ~ elf, lcielt thligt,oloo;i4iii,,c4 Of; the
°ties , t -. - aignit , :aVei,-Itlidynfili that -State;;.,
A Inuit,
-VigtaiSekik,htipie England;;
Land t, lidicallipilitkie thidope . The !vote
7of (to , c di:olll4'oi,, tke%atra-'cle s cl nk of Illili;
hubliellistntikitsitroaghold: - !-',i: Allthe; , ,Plegliii,
d4Oft!ifelek;9 of ' 1850; , - , 'Franiont , barried 4 the ,
'Oink- ht -11- majarity„Fif r 7,7os over .Buchanalt,
and 5,000 over. Buchanan 'and Filiiiiore COM
bined, • I..ait, year - the Republican' ,I 1 9. 0 ",IY. ill‘
State'the. Was ,. over 1,800; and this rear,' alter
1411-iiii6if a`ti:entibui;eiiertioakiand this
vote,Polleil'idi - otts , 4 large itjernapei-1 he Repels
1144 Ilan pely,suereded,in saving the. State:
bi.,Sarrii 359 , votes:'. If 'the reaction goes On af
iliisqiiiktannaelietittja,.'sate te• Coat s :het 'vote
far the 'neiriiiit ea' bf., t he - Charleston C olive dire n •
..,thotoNeli Entilalkfl - *tates have heretofore been
- let ; down as,mive foithe Republican candidate
fo)::i'aetililent. -. . Bilf"Ahlkeerinecticut election_
'miteilallir alteiiiiiii Calcciiition.`: TtiMßepub-•
Beans eatinbt - felt' - sectirelk Allied - all the ; -Rost" ,
eiti , Stafes - and will 'not be free to direct theif'
energies lo Pennsylvania and - Isla* Je is ey.—
They.vall have to. 'flight the battle tit.home, in
the heart ef 'Newttighintf;''' -- Ifithliview neth
. •
ine has - viccurred. - ainvis 1856.5 e damaging
hisj-Very Connecticut klieetioft.
'At Presents pliiilhei,plo.blein' • not in the least
encouraging to the Republitan party,' If - it re-
quires so much ex's licin Wild. tiudh a layidli :ex
peadiiiite of money. to c.arry Conneeticat bps°
sm,all-a majority—k Btale which went for- the
'lllepubliaans In 1.8511. by more, than. 6,000: ma.
jarity oVer'ull opposing -parties-.lsliat,passible
ellance haire the APPublicankal , carrying- the
gleat-miniervatiiej,Btite. of Pennsylvania? ,: ." .
!file. same 'reiationary 'movement which has
.cut,,ilo,Wit their majority in. Connecticut, °per ;
'ktei; With,ten-fold power in Pennsylvania, aid
will svViip the Republican' party from the field
at theneit electien,lifte straw befoiat-whirl
winde.'.', Well may;the,N. Y. Tatung exclaim
in-,_ • ._
PAlPi?ildqnt tanes, , 4! - Comiectimit.shows that
„Presidential content is to be
'the severest eiref krlii`Wti." - It ' ' , promiies' lo be
pailiatilaflyaivere to, the`llepublican:•paity
imuch, Mote thaw-the-contest of
I3eloiy..vie.tgiyo., the. : Inaik- kevisions -of, the.
Free-•Bankingdlill as I‘intisq the Legislatoi,e:
It is,.;proliably- not as pr r ofitabla- for. bankers as
:the Tresent, systeyb jni much safer for
POOPIP • • ... • . -•
A ertihcate,stating the particulars as to the
bank to be estahlishett must be drawn up, ap
proved•bythe,,Atforney General, published • in
'the:rievitspapers, recorded 'ln•ihe courts ' - and a
deposited and , recorded' ir the Auditor
idenetisPs office: • , •
iAuditor'generallias. the notes engraved
and printed. Every note must lie signed : by' ,
him.or his clerk, nunnliered,and registered, end
have stamped on :it "secured by the deposit of
public Sleek." '': "' • '• • •
The itocki deptaiited rquet lie •,either of this
•State or: the United States, and the amount of
notes issued to the hank by the Auditor .Gene-•
rat to be equal ; to the market value of the stock,'
lens live per cent, provided that •thts is never :
to exceed ninetY-five per cent :of the stock.
Twenty per cent in specie must .Ire',paid in
betore.the•bank.can•begin business, and it must
always : keep in its vaults, in, specie, twenty per
dent of the amount of notes, issued,' as.a Securi
ty additional to the:Bina, in the hands 'of the
Auditor General, • • • , • •
The capital .stock. van_not be'less thah fin)
thousand nor more thttn..nne million. of dollars.
No'note less than fore dollars to he issued. •
Att.soon,in a bank tifopi the payment of .ape-_
cie the : Auditor General appoints three citizens
to Make intjuirr, - add if they report that 'the
bibliii•pusperttied; tippoint a. receiver;
who is to turn:all the insets into money and to.
1. The noteholdets..', ,„ . •
The'deponitors. • -
3. The other 'debts.
4. Dintribitte.the remainder timing the-aback
boldern pee •• • •
~. The condition of each„ban . k must be pub
lished Miattily in the neWspiper, and on each
dividend'dir a ntaternent Js to be
made On - the oath of the`EreaidentandCatthier.
Which is to..beis'ent,to,h,o,=.6o.4 to. the 90ittir
'General and puhliahed r vettin g, forth minutely
condition of. thec'bittik%` Existing - . batiks
may "came under this bill.•' • •
Defilcitiodis to ,ininisheeby imOrison:
'meta in the periitentiarr for frorn one-to ten,
A tax is tahe paid.on•dividends fo" the State
of from eight.to thirty, per cent'.
Theleare'thi'maiiiprovisions and safe-guards
`of the bill..,•'' • '
,4•: -The, more:the system of. free .banking - is ex
',tinkled, the more generally,, we think, it will
be approved.. There"ire some 'arguments for
it that seem quite
[ dyne thC'greiCargumeht. of-experience.—
WheieVer the.exrteriinh'nt hats:been tried, :with
safe.guarde ' preporly,,,enforced,: it has
fwe believe, withotitanexcetttion, worked.well.
In • lsfetiv . Vork:if has beep' long tried' and with !deta adVaOtage.=—Sat,i{id.. • - •
Accident: ,••
;j Aiitarday. 'gum+ the . landlord' of .the
Tanner House; aid formerlY of the,Carver
Itottee,'•was:kilied near 'the Depot: of the. Sun
,bury Sc last Saturday Morning..
•11:tippeiire - tlititalr.Eddy w ent
‘ down to the
Depot for somkfreightiand seeinka small hand
ear on tlie threlc, ,- propoaed•to:Mr... Cleveland
erie ofthe' , emplOyee's of the road "that-'they '
should'fakriti abort ride. Mr. , Cleveland; ea
vented- and both stepped 'on the car; and , before
they had gone fifteen - rode Aft: Eddir' . ::felt from
the forwardend of the - car, and , was se seri-
Mialy injd red that: heedied in about three •hours:
' As Mri Eddy was unconscious from the iime'of
fall, it cannot certainly be told , how the
•,eidnrif 'concurred - 7 but the - prielimPtion is, • that
!An baker* diizY', - • and iti attempting to, get. a
;Sher 7 Prmiition; - init his:bis ballance, !and in con
;eiginiriteloat•his life.-41Varren Eerdier.:'
kottpyii:Lik.'7, A
fp I,:o.e,kacted
wiiVitidtiiiked 'that .
..04ff' Pr* l 4i'
":7T.:4M 001
snlng Three men ‘telei:e'tieard io . a quarrel on.' the
;cild!:rinidjiiiiribdie'Diiiii'd 'Mead's, a:couple of
next 'morning a hat;
isatiirtitelf:iiiiii'likkid,4ati'fotirid;neate th 'spot,
•i•vbedYiada . PPiirentlyikt.o, drlggek:oVer the
fence bur
fuii'was olio I; , llfi'aatit;ti 1;4 Cie . ' hair, tarn.
lag 1iq0i#..,' , .." 4e; are; o;seellicin of
'Coroner; MOM son:, l , iistipixiiedihidthe men
!er.e..raltmen, and one or two of them Indians.
The . body had not bend found. NShen we vent to
press.—Warren Apar. . - • •
. . .
~AnionportanAlleanit...:she Wl:cepa* Eletlrue %
4L . :TtglikhiAteen'a very iinpertiot;elejtion: ; itt
IWisiOnsin - Itiiely—no less than the :schirrio,,:tiy.
obe: of the Judgee OfthkSapretite
c c if jl t o f . to - s , sate: : .; And strange!..ari it truly
wi:htive.seeri scarcely allarsion twit
:ittany'RePublicat p a per .The reasCsae.forthis.
end a r e these:
Soate years singe 0 1 1853, We believe,) Sher:
Booth, editor o l,a.n. : Abolition piper in .
Mil watikeis,:Wati:fileifb'elore the U nited tat n e
lation of the Fugitive Slaie aiding'.: to
rescue ifegitive sla - ve:froof.the• cuStetly.of the
United, Stetes:Marehal, of:okb Off oll .sc he was
convicted, •fieed. ohe thousand
tenced term . of' imPritrooment.': He - was
.itiiinediately' brought: before tba!SuPti'llteColii't
of W.iseonsir:upiin keibeizi coriius, aptl ePeedily
liberated: . '',-That:Cotirt'deCided ,that the Fugi.
ttykSlave !gyp-was . , numi tmcl that
fcir a:yielefron of, its pioVisious nOcitiaeu:ofthe
State shin:lld: be deprived of his libert.Y.;.or . made
to Shiley - punishment. ;: ' By direction the air.
tticiritiettrit Washington, the case - was•darried
td.•the . ,Supreme :Count' of the United Statps,
i4hicti.Court linnouneed its decislon,:revri•sbrir
the deeision 'of theluprente.Ccitirt-of
sin.. le 'the
. inkitti tirke,. the death' of Chief Jus
tice Whiten: created a •vireihey on that beliefs;
ktiti . Gov: : )!ANDALL,... (Republjgen,) appointed
:Rwrftna . S. ; D IXON,. tc, :fill the: vacancy: . The'
case 7Witshroughtlrefor,e hint: January rail,
and'the point:raised - that the Sup reme Court . of.
the :United States )rail not dppellats • jurisdiction
from the:State , Couris in
.cartes: arising under
the lawe:of the Jrnited States.: .Judge Dixon
'gave an opinion at once, that, the Uaited . States
Supreme Court ligsauchjuri - edietion under ' , the
Judiciary-Actor 170,7, in 'some cases if :not in
till:—from' which however; Justice. Cole
4isseeted, ead.po, formal or:valid decision :was
Made.,' The ahnouncement• Of Judge Dixon's.'
Ohinloir threw the :Whale AbOlitlon camp"into
uproar', and Ccinsternatiom. .The c• - doig.'s
. were letlooskePort thkdetermination
. a
, eswed.-tif drive him from the.bench: Be had:
repudieted.ondef the main articles of.the Ile
publican. creed;krid . iMashed -the 'Nullification
_plank in the Abolition plattpfm; and Was marked'
as a certain and speedy victim ' '' en
seance. A Repuldican State "Convention as-.
Sernbled In :February, and: at. the, dictation' of
Carl Schura and other Nullification leaders and
eXpenriders; 1 - 1011::A. ScOrr SLona, an -avowed
Nullifier"; was nominated for-. Chief : Jtistie . e. .—‘:
:Judge Dixonas brought out :as . an: indepen ,
dent eandklate,.and , by,the,,votes Dernearats
and..the-,conservative:portiOn of: the Republican
party, (embracing the lerger port* of old' lire
AVltigs,) likhas`beeti triumphantly elected:. and
;the la ws:cif:. the: lliden'end the.riuthority'of . the
opremeTederal,Cotiti'mose, sig nally,
ted. A higher importance attached tkthe con
test, and 'a :wider,interest was felt in the re
becatise of the . ' re-arrest, of :Booth by. the
S. Marshal a feiv weeks "since, when,. nod,:
application to the Supreme Court: for the writ
haleat eprjne I Judge Dixon' reptied *Taut it .
..-r-regarding him, as the prisoner. of 'the United
States, duly convicted and serving:out .his Ben.'
tende; and not to. be reached oeres - cuei by^the
State.COurts...And this is the reason why the
*Republican press is so silent , over , the:. Wiscon
sin, election—it has
. proved that Wisconsin,
Oven, cannot be relied upon whin. the . issue is
.made direct...betWeeti.. AbcolitiontSrn:::tihtl the
• 1 - 1011.EIBLE CASE civ DESTITIritION.-7-A distresi
ing.case of.sickness, suffering' and 'destitution
diseovered•in the_clty et' New .Yory.ori
filenday, at the corner of Avenue Band, 14th
street . A farnilybamed Nle.Farlari,•conaisting
orhuaband, wife and (Our children, were found.
in a miserably furnished rem, .the . husband. a
Wretched set r the motherlying on the: floor,
without bed or blinket, in a 'dying condition,
without, a particle Of Clothingon her, or i 6 the
police returns describe it, as naked as sfie•Came
into the-world:`.' Shh hid a babe .a month .old,
alsci'neked, ling close 'by her aide; with three
other children; firm three to
.nine . , years old
Were clool3r.crawling around her.: 7l'hese lat
ter WerelsO nearly starved encl.:emaciated that
they . could with, ilithCiilty . stand 'up: The. police
learned [remit he mother that they had been die,
possessed.and had.crawled into the unoecupied
plece,'where they remained two .or three.days
without fire, food;or clo thing. Some feed was
immediately procdred bY. - the ctficers;
. rind the
i%:oan.'ancl. 4 childreti were sent to . the' Alms
' , TIrE
: NEGRO RACE. or TIME U NITED Srsrca:---
The r'relition: of the races in moo , will be :'
'Whites t 27i000,000 r colored, .('slaves 4,000,-
000, free,' 500,000) 4,500,000. 'The. colored
race will make 144'per 'cent. of the intire.pop
illation. The proportions of.the: tiro races to.
each oilier, : since...the establishment of the
Government, would be as'.follows i'• 1790, the
colered race were of, the.whele, 19 per. cent: ;
1800 . ,'19 do. ; in' 1810, 19. ; 1820; 18
Ab;'; in 1830;17 do. ; in:1840; 17'do, ; 1859,
16 do. ;In 1860, 144 do.: In, seventy- years,.
then,.the propOrtion.of -the:' black race, to the
white. has decreased five ; per cent., and is at, the .
present - time deereitaimr at- '
a' more rapid rate.
If none 'of the forei g n birth 'should migrate' t'o '
this country;atill the white race will :increase .
four per Cent. faster than Ihe black race,.
. ,
New' TAXIvv, iiim . ..-; 7 10 the Hoese of Repro sentative, Ori Monday a new tariff bill
was . reported fromthe Committee on Waya and
:I;feans, and the vote, a few days previous, on a.
,motion to suspend.the rules to allow it -to be
reported at.that time, showing a . decided ma
jority in its favor,. indicates that this bill, or
something substantially like it, will pass the
410u5e... It provides for specific duties On iron,
:to wit : Qn barNion, $l5 per ton,,,plate; $2O,
,rail,sl2, scrap $6, and pig: $6,-against the
:present duty, of 21,,per cent. advalorern. The
freelist on wool,.extende „to all .:wool costing
under; 20 ;cents at tbe point of export.; all oth
er being El cents per•poend, against 24 per cent
`advalorern. ' Woolengoods are, alo put under
specific duties, thus ; CJoths ; and, carpets, 30
pat' cent, and ladie's drestr,geods;; &c.',.at:frOm
26,t0 30 per.cent ; goods, however, worth over
,two dollars: per yard double duty. The effect
of this scale will be Ito increase the duty on
7.voolen.goods zenerally .ibout. 9 per cent.—
Cotton . goods Will : average about 25 ,per cent.,
the present rate oeing'l9 per tent,, and a few
'appeihc manufactures 24 per 'cent.
woolen and:cotton goods will pay about' 30, per
cent., instead Of 19; asunder . the present law.
'The Shah of ,persia is dead.• He was, for,ari
oriental, a good-ruler,and more progressitie and
tolerant. then :any , cf.hisi predecessors.: His
royal "robes, and equipments.were the most
nilicent in : the eorld. He was worth his
weight in gull, iulewc hc had 'ctothco ou.
41 7 ticcut Mentocrat:
' Tiurloq6,4 l o l / 2, /86,A
• S. ht,"'VETTENOILL .41;
11,.Nassau'Sireet York,.and lo 'Seats Sf. Boi:aa
, .
PIiTTICI46ILT:4 CO,;'aie'qie' Agents" fo . r.tlie
WItekt,DRiOCRAT and the inset influential and lenient
ctioulating Netrepapprs in the United. tateiliind the Oan-.
edam. ..They l .aro atitheriaed,..to.,tontra4, fbr us at our
„ .
Demodatio Nomination
4.4:N . tty:-.:1): : .F(isTEII,
Gen. deoege:M. Kcim Into* diehard
1- Fre4terirk:Sereer...l-1 „T. Reekhow. •
2 'yip. C:Patteison,. 15 Gen.. JeckSon. •
Jos;Ciockett, jr. 16 J..H. Alt), '.•
. 4.1.1: G. Brenner. - .. 'l7 J. B. Danner. - '
Si.. W.. Jacoby: 18 J..R: prawford.
,‘p . bhrtes iceney. ,
79: P.'JaMes.. • 20
8- David' Scholl: • 21. N, Fetterman
J. Lightner, - 24 Sathhel Marshall.
10 S. S. Barber: 23 William Book.
.Walker: . 21 . B. D. Hamlin:
.12' S. S. Winchester. 25.iGSYlorgl Church.
13.1eiefat Lanbach; • •
N. P.:Wir.cciat &CO., of Olean, aro arrow
extenafv•stOck of new Goods,
and 'are offering; ibeinl inducdmente to their pa--
• ID N ; IIST . Ri.-41y his card 141 anothe ' r . column,
.the .public will learn that Mr . :, SpR.4.dl;E
offers his servic'es•tO. eisona who wish ore
;rations in Dental ;Surgery. 110. §pragtie is an
experienced practitioner and WcllrecoMMended.
'All'wishing, their teeth:. cleaned,- Tilled - or ex
tracted, .will do well to . irive him a call. Rooms
at the Pennett . '. • .1'
MAsoN, is 'making extensive trrange
ments.to supply, the'people in thisoneinitY',witly
stoves,•,tinT and sheel-,i!on ware:, He his. a
strong force of .workmen, .busily' engaged , in
manufacturinn'seasonable wares'in his line : —
Zook out fur, paiticulars next week. 2 •
BrsoW Err. is: going to 'tile city,, next week,
'and would like that little you oive for
spendirig'rrioney.• took out for choice bargainq
'when he ' . • . • .
' hone the Local of , will not
take exceptions to anything that . 4Was said •at
the last Pemocratic.Club Meethig. .We were
not 'presf•nt:, .but•anderstand the
were, in the highest 'tlag4:f, conservative, and
that nothing was said 'that could offend the'
Most tastidiotis.. •
Gov.: Packer had not; at the last accounts,
signe;l,. the Sunbury &'-trie Till ;",and it is sug
gested that ne Would' interpose-his veto, :and.
convene the :Legislature, with the view of hav
ing a bill passed that would afford some'. relief
to.the Company. .
N..St Boxr.e.n, & .of. Butler, &
hairing expired by limitation. N:
Bntleroissociated - with A. Blake' and '.L.
Gifford, iite'opening Mammouth tstablish
ment, 'lit No. 4EXcelsior :Block,. Olean., One
of the firm is now.inthe city, Buying . a.choice
lot'of good s, and * withirlthe . comingweek,they
will be ready tosupplY the crowd of cdstomers
that will presa. to the well known,and familiar
sign of ccN. S. Butler &
The Philadelphia Gazette, the organ of the
Republican wing. of the so 'called' iiPeople'S
party," states 'that.secrpt societies have re-•
Cently•been' formed in that c . ity,,composed 'of
Men belonging' to the opposition , party
It says, "these clubs are Kitivistic in. their .
character, - oath.bound,' exclusive"-precisely
like the KnoW. Nothing ; concern which the peo:
ple settled'so effectually. The'Se societiea.pro 7
'scribe 'eveiy-licidy except their own .rpembeitti
.and seen) to Italie beep organized for thn.pur
poseof enabling a . select favi , to control the
nominations.. .of that .party. This is.. neithe r
More unr o less than the revival of Know Noth..
ingisin,- with this difference,' that instead of
aiming to, cheat ihe , Demociats they are now
striving' to cheat each other. ':As itis.a family
,quariel, we have nothing.to do butte .stand
hack,-andlet them - fight ito'ut in their own
.11:jr.'LovERiy in his recent speech Con
gress used the following langungei
"He would not curse John • brown. He
would: pour no execration .upon him. He con
whet he (Brown) did. He -disappro=
ved of his aet. - He believed, however; that
his purpose was a•good ons, and his.motives
honest and truthful.. John Brown stood head
and shoulders above any man here until he was
strangled: Any law to enslave man , was an
arrangeinent among. pirates to distribute the
spoils. By what right do you of the South get
together and enact laws that lor my child
shall be your eliive? :'.Everywslave 'has alight
to run awajrin spite of your laws, and to fight
hiniself away. Were he (Lovejoy) a slave,
and were It necessary to achieVe his freedom,
he would not hesitate to: : fill tip the chasm and
bridge it,over with.the carcasses of the slain."
• The•correspondence•arriking out of the late
difficulty lietween Messrs Pryor and
ter, in the House ,of Representatives, develops
no facts not previously stated'hy the friendS of
the respectkie pai ties, except:the circunistan. :
ies that action of. Mr:
second, in
peremptorily declining, the terms offered by
Mr. Potter, no sooner came to. the
Of •Mr. Pryor, than thatt rn
antlean•addressed a
note direetly to his antagonist, accepting the
conditions. That note Mr.. Chisman, the sec
ond in question, after conference 'with 'several ,
friends of Mr. Pryor at-Washington,
and, by his note declining further correspond
ence, avoided the duel. • • •
In commencing a-new Velume : it'would seem .
,proper:that we sbould , stipa, few words to - our'
patTOfie., ) ::The past.volume thei . b6toOe i vr
has-nOt . eptirely satisfied oui,;Wishes;.we ; have. ,
been obliged do the:work too cheaply,,: and
ipcotitiegiiCnce . of .being 'constantly employetk
in the mechanical department " have,: neeessa- .
be'ri obliged tO'neglecp the editorial dti-:
ties. We hope to• make •the present volume
more acceptable to thc public: '
It is known to most of the. readers or this
paper that it dePepds entirely on the public
for.support, being
. dented ; by the powers' that
be, ;tealings froth' The public At.
though the supPOrt has, teen more than We
hoped for; still we have reasPn to complain - Of
remissness in privitens: Those Who haie , sub-'
••,•• • .• • ,
-Scritied forthci .paper ; and - have delayed Pay-.
ment fearing; perhapi, the paper might
moat realize that to'be the very . course to cause
its failure. The-puhliiher'.of a paper, is, ,. Oorn-'
-Pelted to expend nearly ptirchase'or
paper &c.,..feieachsubscriber, aside from • the
general 'expense of. the.^offiee; •consequently,
each non-paying.. subscriber, costs an outlay•••of
that amount;, without any present . Profit. .
..The third-v Plume of' the Democrat will Con
sist: of fifty 'numbers. The Weeks•in which.
theTeurth of July and First of January occur,
there...will be.no paper.published. .
• . The' edifor :of. the Citi'ze;r, in • his . : editor ial
correspondence, denies that Mr . ..:Ctirtin's'in
fluence defeated theSunhury..andr Erie. relief
Bill; and urges some
.very• indefinite reasons
why he Should not oppose . .it: : :••The:'friends.::of
'Mr: Curtin are lafgely.fnthe majorify,..inboth
•branchee . of: the Legislature, and it is in unde
niable fact,, that if it, had ncit-beerfor.his oPpoL
sition treould pasied.. . ln some in
ealitleS his frienlisiiveilld.not.dare denithefaci:,
as, it would lose hirn . votes; •
6ENiElt<tL NEWS.
"NEw.OaLE,6ls, 4q)ril 9
The mail-Sloop Savannah, has arrived •at this
port fromyera The smallpox Wa's :ra
ging, among Mirainon's troops at Medellin.. It
is doubtful wheiller Mirarruan will much longer
persist in.effensiye opd . rationS. . •
The bark captured by the ./ori4rno/awas.the .
Mariiz of Conception, and..wasl.:'a part, of . the
Marin expedition: from Havana... 'A.• Mexican
ach6oner has alsO been taken. . • ••
A decree banishing AmeriCan, ciiizens•and
confiscating the.inopert has. been ',poblisliid
at the City of.Nexico. . •
• The'steam-ship Arizona is, below friim Bra
zos Santiago, with..tl,ooo,ooo in specie, and
fifty United States tiooris on
~ board. , .•
TheDernoeratie Btate'Conilention . ; of Texas
met at Galvesidn on the 2d of 'The at :
teilanee-' wee large. The platform, iddrited
takes' strong .SoU(hern ground. R.eSolutions
were passed requfring the deputation elected•to
the:CharleSton.Con . yention to. withoaW: from
ihatbody - if the iwo Oirils rule was
IV;isikiNgTarg, April 7
Mr. Trumbull, of Illinois,, presented, in'the
'senate, the. petition'of •cithe.ens of Illinois, set
ting forth that as a spirit of
.alienation • exists
among the peonle Of .the union; caused by .the
agitation of the subject of slavery in Congress,
they pray that body 'to recommend to all the
State' Legislatuies a change: of the. Constittf;
tint), so as 'to abolish' a geographicalline through.
the States and .Territaries, North of which
sleverY shall be prohibited and South . of .which
it shall not:be interfered With by Congress or
Mr. Trumbuli moved its" 'reference. 'to the
,Committee on '
Mr. Green; of . Missouri, thought 'a's it affect
edibe Territories it had better go'.to the.Com
mittee.on that sub'ect • •
Mr. Trumbull supposed that as 'the petition
asked for a•ch'ati"ge in the COnstitation;:the
,Committee'vrould be More appropriate.
It Vas:so-referred:
The Royal , MaiL.Steamshiri Niagara,. from
!.iverpoOl'on Saturday; Mara' Wth arrived 'at
Ihis.port . this ifie6oon. Her advices are three
days later 'than ucere previously received; and
are'interestitig. ' • •.
The king•of Sardinia had formally acccptgd
the annexation of Tuscany; „and signed a de".
cree to tbia e'ffect. • • •
, .
The French' army wris.: daily - withdraWing
'from LornbardY . anti would occupy Savoy..: The
Paris. Colotihq . ion . al an editorial noticing
these movements .'of the army, says.fhiels not
'regarded as shewing, coldness towarde Sardinia,
but it is because the , independence • of Italy is
irrevocablyaisnied. , : _ . •
The Sardinia troops had . commenced the evac
uation of Savoy. • •
The'despatch'of the French government ex
plaining the necessity for the annexation of
Savoy had been.puhlished.. It contains no new
pointi futther.than those set forth in Napoleon's
speech at the opening of the Legislature, ex
cept the statement that France .disavows the
theory of natural frontiet.
The proceedings in the•Britisli• Parliament
Were unimportant. No further progres . s bad
been'made with the . budget, and the income
tax was agreed to. The debatC on.the , reform
bill had been resumed; *::
§/ivANNait, :April 12,,:
• •
. .
from Vera Cruz of , Atiril `confirm
"the raising Of.
.the singe by Miran)On; Ovid‘pgta'
the want of provisions, and munitiohtil'Of
He had ti,ooomeri; "'The loss
,to the', city was buetrifliro"...::'. ' •
Advices from the city. "state that,
there is a strongfeeling in,the city in favor of
a War With the United States..., „ •
-The American •Minisfer; McLane; arrived at
Vera Cruz the 28th" tilt. , .
DegoMaori had gone to . Tampico to enter•upon
Valdez,,With 2,500 men had been defeated )
withal lose of 1,500: ' ,
_' . . - WAsfrfuotos, April 6.
'. : lll!..gewsrd's friends here speak epeply, ,of
Mani; Vy : wh,ich Connecticel ii.tO,be assured to
NoVember, through ',the
the tegislattire"or additional restriction's upou
nattiralizefr citizens: ',They have nu.: apprehen-,
sions,conceroing Ithodelatind.
DonATiort. : :--Atnong tbe, many
acts-of generosity toss the - State of Mehl
gan which haVa distinguished . , Gan Oral
long career: , of usefulnes s in that *atei th . ereis
none - for
. 4ich - his fellow- - citiians ought to feel
more grattful than that by recently
conveyed to the Board of •Edtipation of tbenity
of Detroit a lot g r•lind, valued at. $1 . 5,0 - 06., for
a.unipri schnol house. . .•
. , , . . .
murderet_of the crew . of. Spray,. in New York
harbiii:; was fully committed for trial on' the
by the United States Commissioner,
_charge' of robber} on the high .seas—,a. Crine .
equivalent' to .piracy,and punishable.withfleath.'
He, was'fUlly identified as the mate of the sloop;
mid the chain of circumstantial 'evidence 'Wis .
rendered complete by the a s ppeardpre of the
broker.Wbp.changa. his specie :intolthe bank
notes which were founil.npOn him. .
• Owln- Stantley, 'the recognized' King of a
large band of roving Gypsies In Ohio, died' re
cently at Madison, -Indiana, and rearming
were taken' - to:Dayton; 'where they are. be
interred next week with' great cereirronies.-L
Harriet Owen, a Gypsey Queen, was -itdried'at ,
Dayton,'some two Yearaagd; rind the King „
now *to be ;deposited- by; her ROving
bands of this* singular peOple are gatliertng at
Dayton from. all directions- „ to 'participate- in
the funeral.eerernbnies, which' are :expected to
14 of a. curious and imposing charactar,-. be=
coming the,interment of royaity; ' .
Ac,co3lMol/ATIOI::$ AT Ce•Aar.asyos . .----Affe have
the pleasure. of informing- the delegates' 'from .
thiS State to the - Charleston Convention, that
arrangements' have been made witlf•the
prlelor of . .the 'Charleston Hotel- for their Re
comnriodation during- the..sesgion of the con
vention: . -Theterms are as- fair AS could have
been expected under the eireuristances..Th:ose
delegates Who are dispaied.to avail, themselves .
of this arrangement, (and we trust they will
therefore, when they arrive, at
Charleston, proceed at once to' tlieC4rleston
Hotel, where- they will find. their-rooms in
readiness•for therri. A parlor for ;consultation
has alio been 'secured- in •the-same Hotel.—.
Ral. Standard. • • • • ••
In different municipal contests in Brooklyni.
Elmira and Buffalo in the . State c=.:f. New.
th'Democrats have succeeded in,electing their
candidates, shoWing:. a gain upon . the vote •of
last year. ..Schenectad3r,,' : N..Y., went for the
.The 'Derrincrats have carried
Citicinnati, , Ohio; by 790,-al t;) Mil vvauliie;.Wis
consin. • The'Reptiblicans have carried Toledo,
.Ohio, and Dubuque, lawn: • •
-NO return.has yet been made to'the Harper's
Ferry. Committee, on the Preceptissued against
Mr. Sanborn, but it is 'exPected. :to-Morrow;
therefore the Committee. does not leially know
of his'refusal te'o'bey the summons. 'The next
step, will he to send the 'Sergeant 7 aViirms in
perion, and if resistknce:is made, tokubMit the
question toCongress•fOr legislatiOn, as there is
no law newmithorizing this officer to call a
posse costqtatus, like. a Maishel., in executing
judicial, processes. . .
BitATTON of the Volunteer, rejoices over the
result in csrlisle,.in - this vvise : . • ,
, . .
—For the Nat rime in seven years. the Demo=
crate of Carlisle have triumphed. They march
ed up,to.th.e.w.arlr ' nobly. on Friday list, and
. their Borough''ticket
• handsome
majority, .and sled.- elected five hf the nine
Councilmen. .•Carlisle is: herself rmain=--re-.'
deemed, regenerated, rind dieenthralled. • •,
The Erie !lazette sa y s thatthe Bank of corn=
vie'ree, of thate4y;will organize under the.Gen:-
era' Banking law as.tiorio as practicable. - , .
HAthp.Ax; April. 7.
~We may tempt God as. well neglecting
means; as by trusting' in me . ans... It is best . to.
use •them, and, in' the use of them, to live above
"Costar's" Rat, Itoach, &c. Exterminator
"Cortar's" ., :
"Costar's" Bed-bug Externiinator
"Costar's" Electric Powder for-Insects.
Rats—RoachesMice—Moles—Ground Mice--
Bed Buis—Ants--MotheMosqu . A etoes—Fleas .
—lnsects on plants, Insects on animals, c:,
Ric.—in short, every form
.and'epecies of
10. Years established in Nevir4York city—usecr
by the City Posttofecethe city ?Herrn' ends
Station Housea--, 7 the city.Steaniersk
. 044;
The city Hotels' "Astor," g‘St.Nicholas,' &'c..
and more than 20,000 private Earnings
1177 Druggists and Retailers everywhere sell"
them. • • .
13:7*.Whole.sale•Agents in all the large Cities,:
Regular sizes '2.5c. 40c and st: Boxes:=-
Rettles,--Flasks... : • '.
117" ! t B - r.N - varcal I ! of.spurious„initations;=-
Examinia each 'Box, Bottle and Flask, and take•
nothing but giCosrla's." -• . ,
13 - sl.Boxes sentby. Mail. . •
07" $3 & $5 . . - Boxe.s.for Plantations, Hotels, &c.
by Expres, . . . • •• -
try-• Address orders-or for aCirculare to Nal•-•
rItit:MIrAL DEPOT, 410 131rnADVVAIr; DT: _ •
Sold ti-. S.'ItItOWNELL; at Smethport
head adid . Take , Heedi
, .
•SPRA en, Dentist, frorri Birffalo, would
inform. the citizens of rr.reibPort. that he bias
engaged. :rcicims at .:the. Bennett, House, tar a
short time, and iinrepard to perfOrrn 'dental'.
surgery., Cleaning anil extraCtinfi. donare-,
fully and pkillfully. Teeth *tilled 2 e care.
par :Cerat i .
cheaper than ty any other dentist,- and war:,
ranted not to decay again where filled:- •
To everk - form and species oC