M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, April 19, 1860, Image 1
M'KEA\ VOL.. 3. /Vtictitt tt.,,oitj.tg::.,P.ipicitrat., PIIIILISIVED iIVEJNY TIIURSDAY MORNING, By J. B. OVIATT, SMETIVORT„ WREAIif COUNTY, PA. oth:ixonvo..o rumac spoß. . . , TERMS: . - $l5O in Pavane() . . . . . .. . • . • •Rate . s . of Advertising: ••. . • . .: . 1 Col umn one. year:•......,..:...-: -., --- ‘,. ',....... 4soo 00 • Y.4' • ''' • - u . .` ..... - 47 -4 •;-. • • 4-...H,-- •••,;:-..-- 20 00 3, 1 4 ••.44 «. , «. - .... 4. ..... ~....:..........:.4 - '.12 00 • . . -'. • .20 00 I . ~. six moutha•... i..- 12 . 00. lino Foluaro of 12 linesor letia, 3 insertions,........ 1.50 gaelt anbabquent Ina° rtion, ...r....- t ~,-... • • .- 5,00 -•-• •....** •25 Ilusinems.Carcia, :with paper, .... . .... ..•.........t..... .1.1010 or . figure work will be .. denhle abov.e.7rit l' ea. Twelve lilies Moiler type,: or eight : , hues nonpareila • rate.l a Aryuftre. .• . ;. . .. . Those Termsit : litho strietry'adhered to. (,L" . , Buoincss Elircctorp. . Turveyor,•. thittinian .Conveyeacer, and 'Thiel Estate • Agent.. Emethpoet, - Wits an cou nt y, Pi. • : . . • B. F..WBIGfIZ Wholesale and natal' Dealer io Family. 0 &merle's; Pork, Flour ; Salt; Peed, Zoete and Shoes, dce:' ; &e. Stare ;In the Aatbr Muse .Bleek ; Smetliport Ptt. • _ . A.N.TAILOR, . • .' . : ;. .. . Doalor in Dry G oode ,.(ii.ocoriee,: Pork, Flour, . Salt, 'Fish Rendy-Mule end Ohoeo.. ,Sinothrort; , . .. ~ . . . . . .. WILILIN;' " , • Pfictical Mechanic, Dridge , builder, , Sc., Pork ..4,lli3gbany; t • trlipai culnty,•ra. • '.'• •• • 'SURVEYOR; -DRAFTSMAN, CONVEYANCERankRani • ..Estato Agent; Wilco, Williamsville, Elk Oci., ,Pennla Chapin, Lic: Boy' • . ... Mob: Thomas Struthers, ..• . W, S. Ilrowne11; . I, Wilcox,.. . . - . . . .. . AVER H01:10, • • • • .1.,1tm II: Ilutt. Proprietor. corner of *ate: And Ilieliar,r Strdets; Wirieo ~ Po. cioneral Stage,Oilicb. " : . ----- . . . . • . . . ,J. O:BACKUS & CO. • . . . . . (I. , noral . D.lftlera in Diy Goods, ,fir.acciies, .rnelcory7 ' ..e.wly-M,.10 pinthingOlnoti ftnil Stifles, Hato:mid Daps, . - &e., 0 pposi ta the. Court Muse, Sinotbpnit l'a. . • • FOBS 'Dun, .• •. tho Pul lir ,§oriaro, Olean, N.. Y. . JANirs M. •.. 1 . ltrnitrietor. The Fobrfa lionaola entirety new and built of brick;' 'IA, furniabod in modern attylo. • 'Vile • proitrietOr • ilaoerii hiinaelf. that :hie. ocicoonnotto -Lions ore ant aurpossOl by . nny lintel in , Weatern N4IV York, Carriages,' run to, and from the Now York and EriO . . H_____• • ' 'BYRON'D. HAMLIN;. ~ - '. . ArroitIZNY•AT TAW; Smethport, M , Kenil County.. Pa.,. .., Agent Air Messrs: Boutin; - fy. Cris Lands . Attends Aspecially to the Collection of C 031115; EN:min:WO] of Land Titles; Payment:of Taxes. and all kusinesdrcla .. tiger to . eal Rotate. ' 0 fil co' in Hamlin Block:: • • • ,HOTEL. • • IL A. Nyman., riotirieitni,-Lat Kinaun, )V,irren county I'rt: Ilia Tableßill ' atipplieil with ,the beet the country Interne, ond ho Ppare puiimin accOnien,uthig . bin guceils. . . • • E. .BOUOHT01 1 1: ELDRED, • Attoi:iiiernnil Counsellor tit •Lniv, • Sihethport, 31'1U= 'Pa; . entrusteillo his' care for the c.itottiesef f. PKeunt:Pottcr.nnd' tit' will he promptly " attended to Office in the Ontirt House, second *floor. Vii: • • DR. 'L. If...WISITEAI• • •••• • • Physician and fiordeOn, Plnetbport, Pa, will attend to ••• titivrotemional calls with promptnees`. 01lice in Part ' „well mock, second flobr. , " • • • S. BUTLER •&. CO. • • " ' Wholesale and,Rotal - Deniers In Staple 'and Fancy Drys floods, Oarpetiak,..Ready Made Clothine.,and' General Fainishing thintls,•Buotm n11.1'8114)(4, and Window Glasses kn..• At * Olean. N. Y. .• . . . ' BENNETT •HOUSE,. . .• -• • • - . Sniethport,'lNl,genn Co., Pa. .D. It. IlElsii*,:Prop . rli tor-i-oppoite . the cop rt Triiuse. • A ninv, large, com moilions fuld:iyelf;fartilslted house. ' . ". • - .TORN C. BACKUS, • • • ...ratoruey and Counsellor nt Lan.; Sinotlinort,3l,lltean En Pa. Will attend to all business in hia proinaMon in the • eminties orn'ltean; Potter and Elk. Office Over 0, • Sartwoll &Trailers' Store., • • ". HACKNEY MUSE; . . Vornor Scoot:Rand 'l;tbertg streets, 'Warren Pa. R. 11 ::BARPOIS., Proprietor. .-Trarelera find good ac • commodations and - reasonable charges.. • • • .. . . -. . E. S. 346014 . . . . . ,••. . . Dealer in Stove,,Tin Ware, Jappaned Ware, Ace., weal: • aide of the - Pablio &p.m); Bmetitpeet, 'Pa. Custom weili done. to order-on the !Alerted .notices, and in, tho . Mostsabstantial manner. . ..: . . .. .. . .. .. -.-. :• . . :IV. B. , I3IIOWNE' Lt, . .- : • . .. . Doiloe in Dry ooadq, Oroatiiies,Dr`Oloiry , Hardwire; ...Donts,llthem; Ibis, Cana, jaldsa, Nails, Qiia,f3r.c.,'. &a. .}.llist, sidolgjlmPliblia Scinare,.Sinethimrt, Pa. . .• A . . Goiter In Provisions and Famlly.GrOceries.e.nerally, at Farmers' Valley, fil , lCoan 00.,• Pa. Orem Lumber; • Shingles; &o:, taken in eschanzo . for Goods. ' Patent , Medicines for Sale.' ' • • • . • . •.. • . LLEABEE'S HOTEL, . . .. . ... R. LAncir.u.' ProUriotor,'—Alleghony Bridge, W.Rean • Co ~ Pa. Thin hottee is situated about nine miles from Sinetliffort on tho road. to ()tenni and will lie found a . conieniont stopping-place ' .. .' - 1 : EMPORIUM HOUSE, BLlppoai Kean : Co.; Ta, L. DYKE,- Pioprietioi 'A cunimodioun and well-furnialiod houeo. Strange and Liavalora will fin& pod aaconnnodations. • FARMERS'. VALLEY'HOTEL, , By T. GOODWIN. Thinfieusite situated aisont fire mil e tram Ehnethport (lathe road to Olean. Pleasure parties Ind °theta can be accommodated on the shortest notice' ELDPAD SALT-WAY ROUSE, • • NAwniw Darns, Proprietor• • Tide house le situated bal. =way between aukethport and Olean.. Hyena want a good dinner Me le the place to atop. • —• °HORD'S C613,W1N, • • Proprietor of the Grist Mill, et' Mechanicsburg, Me • Kean County Pa. Flour. Meal, and Feedi couetantl un tiepd and for sale, in large and mall quantities. • RAILROAD HOUSE, . • • •• • 0. • itleTnAmonn, , Proprietor, . Norwich, st , Keah 00.. Pa Good acconiniodatlons can .bo bad there at,-all • , timen. . . . • PORT ALLEGANY ROUGE, . . . . Eakin B. DoLucy', PropriOtor," at Pori 'Al legany, Me , Roan Oountx, Pa. Thiallotel isaituatoil at the 41ina , ' Von of the Stnatliport and Allegaiipltiver ; loads, ohio mile* east of. Smetliport. -.' • . ' : .. - • .. HOUSE' .• • SaIgrIiPoiLTETIVIIEAN'IIió, • ' : WM. • HASFCELL :• :• : oPpitriets#. . 4 The Prolirleter , ha /init. ro . eently 'nu rehased and thor oughly refitted the Astor Ileum, flatters Limaelr that he can furnish as good aecommedatious as any ,hnto I In West.; urn Pannsylvanta..: , • • • •.. • AVANJ I I -O A D, -t . . . • ] , r riVON.S OLD 13.13 T IRON Li- cr.iitlilpign t•ir Arbrk .3 u L'ell PORT NURNAOD •' .. . . .. . frij.Eugst.sll.,:re,f ip thou :,t tho • . .• • .... . : As roi notir nom , .0 . . . • • Ari old Missishippiah•furnishes the following to the Woodville (Alisi.) - Republi'ion • The famous duel in which. forty . or more een-:, tlemen i were engaged, in 18 2 8, is still-•remem beredp. Islatchei. • Col; Jim- fa mous' fighter field inventor of -the -knife , which bears his.ninne, used to spend a great - ,deal of his time in:lgatchez.. . He was chillengdd by a gentleman of Alexandria,.LC, Whose friends; to the number. of twenty orthore, accoinpanied him to see fair-play,.knowing. Bowie was a desperate mail; and had his own 'friends ahout him. ' All parties wenn° the field. Thecom hatants took their places in the center, separil- ted from their friends in the tear,' far.enough pet to endanger:them with their halls. Behold the battle array thus . : Tivehty armed anians lifty.feet behind their champion :and his seconds and-surgeon; and •opposite theo.', as far. behind Bowie' and. his seconds arid surgeon, twenty' armed Mississippihni. Behold the heights of. Natchez thionged with spectators, and a steam boat in the' ; river rounded to, its deck black with passengers, witching with a deep interest the scene. • ' • • The plan of fight . was ..to exchang e shots, 'twice with . pietcd, and to close with knives, Bowie being firmed'yvith : his oWn terrible weap- on At tile first fire bOth parties escaped. •A! , the second the Louisianian was too'.quiek and took adVahtage of Bowie, who waited word.— At this. Bciwie's'second eriett-.stfoul play I" and sshot the Louisianian dead. . The seconds of the litter instantly killed the slayer of his princi pal. Bowie drove 'his knife into this , man The surgeons now crossed • blades, -while With loud battle Cries, cathe on the two . _parties of friends, the light of battle in their eyes. In moment the whole number.were engaged hilt fearless , pistoli and knives ,were used with fatal effect,' until -one' party drove the other from the field. ...I do not kno'w how many were killed and WoOrided-in all, but awes a dreadful slaughter. betViefohght like a lion, but -fell .covered With . wounds. For months he lingered at the Masons house be fore he finally recorcred. . Ridgway, Pa Warren, Pa. Srnei.heart, Pa . Buena Viata. Pa . • Vole Me OUT OF TUE 'Pearry.--.on - the .•th the, RepubliCan party of , Armstrong County cOnyeneCto elect a - eptinty . Eexecutive Committee. that meeting *Dr. Burleigh and 6. w.,oOlwell, Esq.,.themberi of the Ex. ccutive Committee of the past .year, attempted to defend theraselves from the. chargé of cor... rupt•or unfair' dealing.in selecting. delegates in sthe:State Convention. t h,fr defence unheeded, and the meeting becoining . .disorder-', ly, Colwell cried out, at the ..top of liiS voice••! , vote pr. Ihrleigh ohd me out of the 'party.". ,This motion was , iminediatelY,s4on led4 when the. President of the meeting 'arose. and said , that "if they wished to leave limper ty, he did nql.see anithing tohinder them . from doing so.", 'This iS a,.speciriten;ol actions . of the hartnenion.e Opposition: • • • .• nEA'rn OF SENECA' T4E' INDIAN. C 1116.1110 1161MOS'POUrItV,201116, - Eirtiter, pablisheS•a stn gular.scrap .histery,"from which' .is ~corid ensed the followingt: „Holmes county, was the hunting ground of Indians of: whom : 4 tSeneca": - tlid.'ehief ,and• 'tribe of that name, was.one.* • Mr. T. , Arminond, now li'ving in -CoS• hoetOn count}; then living 'about a milt' from 'Where 'Millershurg now is; awl near the. .mild Pond. • Seneca became inimical tci Ammend but .pretended friendship, yet-Mr: Ammond's. knoWledge of .the Indian character enabled him . to detect. this hostility, Seneca told Ammond that there was . a hear • near,- Mile Pond,' and Wanted him to., go.'to help • .kill • it., Mr.. .Ainmond.conSulted his wife she begged him not .to go; - but Mr: thinking he an .less risk by:going, with the Indian than to take the chances of being killed tvhert - not . on guard; ac companied Seneca, 'each taking •a' gun: The pond being narrow, Seneca took ono' side and Ammond the other.. Amrinond. kept. 'his; ,eyelon 'Seneca and saw him g et behind, a tree, and Ammond also got a treebe#Ween him and the Indian, leaving his clothes - exposed... .en• pea' aimed, but his gin snaped;and while fixing to Drinie exposed his , head, at:.Which'Arriniond took deadly.aina and put-his 'b'ullet through it: Then crossing over, Mr.A. , strippetlaorfie elm .bark, with.it tied a heavy" Slone to - .the Indian's body, and sunk it in the Pond.' The disappear ance of Seneed ivas 'an unravelled mystery for forty . years,.when Mr. Am.mOnd lately diva; ged the bloody secret to the Auditor of Itolines A CgLORED GENTLEMAN WANTS A HOTISE.- NOw.Y:Ork:morning paper publishes the:fol.. lowing advertiseririent : . - • • • • • ; " ,„ • • • tOirantsr rc r. to ent.--ny the H. Garnet; paator 'of:.the• Shiloh' Presbyterian Church, a colored gentleman, a small; genteel house, at a rent of not ore than $5OO. This' gentleman has called at fifteen houses having bills on them, and has been invariably . ..assured "not for niggers.or colOred peciple.'! The sub.: scriber desires to know if there - is sufficient re-. ligion,'humanity:autl'courtesirin.New . .york to answer favorably,at No. 52 Latirens.street.": The fact thus stated. affords illustrations of the - hypoceisy of the politicians who are:con tinually preaching about negro equality. They are willing.that negroes should vote, but they refuse to rent them houses ;, they are .anxious• to clasp them as brothers - at the polls, out de cline to afford them a 'roof for shelter, even for sqsoo a year.- - -.27itfalo Couiier. . The following extract' from the records of the" Lancaster county (Pd.) court.shows how stieet'beggars and vagrante s .were treated : by our fore-fathers: Barliarons as it may appear, there ; is no doubt but that, if similar .punish ments were , still inflicted upon.'this class of offenders, ctvagabond beggars 7 would.he cgfew and far between," and the:criminal and pauper expenses of the , county lie materially lessened : (August, 1739. Dr. Williarn.Smith, - a Vag abond beggar, sentenced to receive . 19 lashes in a public• plaice in taneaiter, and conducted from censtable to constable;` end 'get 'ten lashes in, the. most public place in each, township, till he shall reach bounds of the county, at °doter°, po,l'then SMETIJP,ORT,. : M'KEAN . ..COUNTV;.:':P4,;.:T.p.TItSpx,r, .:.,..A.Pipt..:l?,!.-1,801:) The Greatest Duel on Record . „ - y • C . , ,„ . C. . . . A .FEW PLAIN CIIIESTIONS. A 'correspondent'. of the; ehristian 0 . 6.teri47 asks of the _Evangelist, and othet • anti.slavaiy editors ° who :are in ..the habit . of . ..denouriCing, slaveholding as a sio; . a catigoticat answer to the following:inquires, ~ ' , • :• lst. In the: covenant which God made with Ahrahain,Ond...hlif sPfrittial children,. which understood to be the Gospel covenant: •was: it wrong to, provide tor: the purchase of bondman :or slaves? 'Genesis, chap.-1102 and 13. 2d. Was it wrong for the 'Angel, when meeting Hagar in the wilderness,' fleeing (rom her mistress ' who' ad treated , bee badly,' to. send, her. back into the state of servitude from which she' had so happily escaped? Gen. 9. ~Was it wrimg . forMoseo, acting under a direct commission fronrGod,. to authorize the Israelites to parches° bondmen,.or 'slaves, from the heathen, and leave them as an inheritance to their children forever?. Levit.'23; -4405,46, 4th. 'Was, it wrong for the'Savionr, wheri•he healed-the. Centurion's : servant, to .cornmend the. faith.of the Master.tvithout.reproving him for the sin' of slaveholding •• • . sth..'Was it wrong for _ the-Apostle Paul to send it runaway slave back to his master, Phil. .emon,•. Without' a single word, of admonition. about the sin of-slaveholding Wron for. the Apostle to .sneak 'of masters who had .servants under the yoke (of servitude) as faithful aid beloved and• to state that as a reaton taky their slaves (under the yoke) should ren d er t hema cheerful obedi . e . nce I Tim.. :1, 2 ; '-• .: 7th. Was it wrong (Or 'the., Apostle' in im mediate connection with such teaching to, con demn those who 'Wads 'oelserwiii, i ;. noranl andproud, doting about2.quest ions and: strife of words, whireof, cornefh envy,-,atrife, railings, evil .surraisinesi and perveise :dispu.tings ? 1 Tim. 6:4,5, 6. • . • Bth. Ts 'there anything in the ',relation Of master to' his servant to make that to be a sin now, which'wes not a sin-in the 'days of, Paul 'and Moses'? • • , ; , • .• • ~• . . . . . 9th. If slaveholding be have not Tau!, ind.JestiS, 'and Moses, and the prea eGod him Self speak. it reverently,).giVen explicit per- Mission for the existence of this sin, without a single word of rebuke,4i • . • •' • • 10th: is, not the . .c , royal law"—then shalt, love illy neigh or mrthyself 7 as truly and readi ly obeyed by thO master to his slave, ns by the employer to those in serviceand 'is :*there not as much injustice and - oppresSion exercised over. those in Servitude at the North is . there is over the colored population of the South • Census of 1860—Questions to ho Answered. On:the lst:.of June', the work .of takii2g the census connmeneei.••.lt is dosirable'that it :be taken with great liceifraer, ' , and to. enable the Aisistantiq s arshals who will ho engagedinthe performances of. this duty 'to . have their work welk.done, it has been suggested that the pub lication of the questions necessary for all : heeds Of lamilieS' to aniwer',.wouldhe of great bene fit. With this view, We . publish the following list which we believe to be , fotrect.... : • :An'the.litst fo':write down the name of every, person , whese 'usual 'placeOf : abide on..the'lit day of June, ,1SGO; 'was inthe family • ; • •' . . -The age of each, sex and color, ''vliether white, 1 bladk or mulatto, . .Profession, occupation or, trade of each male . person'over fifteen years of hgd.• • •.. Value of real estate owned... • • . Place of birth, naming the State, Territory or • .Couritry. Marrieil'Within .the year. . • . .Attended sc.hool within the year. .''• Pecsons over twenty years of age that cannot read or wiite.. 'Whether deaf or.dumb, Llind, insane or idiotic, paupefor.c'envict. . • ' Name of owner, agent or'mOulger of the"farin. , Number of improved acres.' .. • . Number of unimproved . acres . • Cash. value of 'farm. .• Value of farming implements and machinery. • Live stack on. hand June . let, 1860, viz : num . - • • , ber of .horses,.inules,- and asses , working oxen, milch cows,' and othei rattle, swine Vitfue. ot Jive • stock. •: • Value of animals slaughtered during:the year. Proilnce.during.the year ending June Ist ! 1860, • 'viz : nuMber buSheis of lyneat, • Rye, In dian Corn' Oats,, 'Beans and. Peas, 'Buck • wheat, 13asley, Irish' PotatOes, SWdet ittitoes ;' pounds, of ' Wool ,and pounds of Tobacco. ' Value of Ore4and products in dollars.. Galloasof 'Wind; value ' of.• Produce of.hlar.ket Garden, „pounds of Butter, pounds of Cheese, tons of • Hay, 'of •Clovei . .. seed, and, bushels of Orass:seed, pounds of .• Hops . , pounds of rlai-Seed, pounds of Ma ple Sugar; gallons of Molasses; pounds of Honey and Beeswax', value. of 'home-made manufaetures. . • • Name of . Corporation, Company or individual producing articles. to the. annual value of $5OO. . Name of business, manufacture or product; Capital invested in real estate and peisonal es tate in thehusini.ss, Raw material use*, including fuel, viz kiltds.; values, kind of motive power, machinery structure or resource. Average „number of hands, employed; viz : Male, Fpmale„ average. 'monthly cost of • Male tailor, averege monthly cost of Fe- male • •:•.. •. . , Minnal product, viz,: quantities, Vinds, valees, Name of: every , person who' died daring the . ; • year -ending •Jurie J, .1800, 'whose. usual place of abodth vas . in .the family, , the 'age, 'se."' and . color, whether white;,, black or mulatto; ' • ulatto; married . or, widouMd, place of naming the •-atate, . Territory.: or Conutyi 'the month. in 'which the' person died; prifession, n4Upatiort or trade, dJs ease or cause of death. • : Iri ad4ition'fo tifese, there. are a. number 'o f other questions; the answers io. ‘ which can he olitained noW'ereii`.. with • little trOuble.: It is . hoped eVery,person whii,sees this request', will, hOfere . the firit day Of. out•the. •in3wer;. of ab puce, leOve if. with the family, ready fiir the officer when he makes his aPpearance. • ' . 13y the act, 'of Congress etprotiiding for the taking of the seventh '.and -Subeequent Census Of the United Stites; and to fit the number of the meintieri of 'the Ranee of tlepretientatives," eti., approved May 23d, 1859; proiides; 80- lion 17, igthaf the Marshals and their assistants. are hereby authorized to transmit through the polit.cdfice any papers orditettments relating to the census, by writing 'thereon,: ctofficial bust 'ness—census," and subscribing the same, with the addition to Ms, name of Marshal, or ASSit3. tent; as the case may be. • • • • btq no unnecepsary delay may. happin .. to conimunicatioils tiddreaSed to the UnitedStutei Marshals in reference to taking the, census, the press. will do it service by the . publication of theie (acts, for,tbe information of post masters throughout the State. • . '‘l-Did as the Rest Did." This tame yielded spirit—this doing cram the rest did"—haS ruined thousanda. : _ A young,rnan is invited - by vicious compan' ions to , visit the , theatre, or gambling room, or other 'haunts 'or licentinuenespi He becemes dureipaiod,'spends his time, foses his credit, squanders hie property, and at last sinks into an untimely., grave. What ruined him 1. Sim . ply "doing what - the, rest did." -• , • Afather has a family of sons., Ile is WealthY. Other children in the seine situation in life 46 . , so and.so ;.are indulged in this thing end thet,• He indulges his own in the same 'way. They grotc up idlers; triflers.. and fops, The father wonders why, his children do not srfcceed bet.: ter. HO has spent so 'much money, on their education—his given ~them advantages ; but alas t, they are rinly• - a. source of vexation and rrouhle. Poor man, he is . just paying thepen alty of “doing as the rest did." • . This poor Mother' strives hard' to bring up he'r• daughters • genteelly. They learn what others do, to paint, to sing, to' play,- to dance, and several useful mattere. In time they mar rY, their husbands are bnable to. support their extravagance, a nd they are soon seduced to poverty and wretchedness. •The good woman ie astoniihed. "Truly',"- says she "r did as the rest did." ' • the. sinnerdhllowed the example, of others ' , puts off repentence, and neglects to prepare fo! death. He passes along thro' life, till, *one irMres; death strikes tho fetid blow'. He (Ms no time left now to prepare and he .goeS . •down 'to ifestruct . ion, because he was so fooliah . as to ctdo its 'the rest did." ' • *.. WASIIINGTON IRVING'S FIRST L0VE....--Whrn . . young he became intimately acquainted with a young danghter of one of the .Knickerbockers of the time, -sturdy in tardily wealth. With the young ladi be pressed his suit successfully; , and in-time the fathet might have sureambee, ciespite.the fact that he regarded the resources with which ; Irfing proposed to supporta wife too slender to Maintain that style of luxury to which his daughter has been accustomed. In au evil hour, as 4 seemed, a Dr. Creighton; a minister Of the Presbyterian Church, 'despite his Scottish parentage, fell in 'with the gentle man whom he Was desirous of Making his fa ther-in-law. ' The clergyman's eyes were daz zled by the beauty of the same young lady who had won the heart of the aspiring author, aml.the eyes of the. father were blinded.taall other consideratiens by the wealth which Dr. Creighton offered, together with his heart.-- Time and persistencypushed . Irving from the set.•ne,'and the girl, obedient to her father's ur gent entreaties, gave his preference the prece dence of her own. 'But the saddest part of the story remains to be told. When the' queition of the marriage pertion was:under con.hiera. than, the father stated that. the "family. had been tainted: with , insanity; 'and to guard,'against the evils, of harshtreatment, should the dough. ter. be afflicted with the same malady, insisted' that &certain sum should be set aside, which, in the event a calamity, should be devoted to het maintenance on her ,estate on the - banks 'of the Ifudson, and that in no event should she be removed from the mansion there.' The terms the ardent suitor, hoping - for . the best, complied' with. It might hav&the result. of hereditary disease, or of the effort to crush . out and kill her: Young hoPee,.but,bot. many years elapsed before the 'Young wife was a ra ving maniac.' She became so violent that con finement.was rendered necessary, and the tarn ily mansion was converted into an asyluni, Dr: Creighton building aßother house on a distant part of the estate. The unfortunate woman is still living, and on quiet nights her Shrieks may be - heard shrilly along the banks of the river— almost• audible, ' too, at, th& secluded retreat which Irving occupied.' ',No heart but his own kndws how 'much the sad event may have tinged ' his own life, or to. whet exertions , it mayhave . urged him in atteMpting to,droivn all remembrance' of: his disappointment. , DT. Creighton has for years officiated at the humble chapel. where Irving' worshiped=--and, singular enough, read thelburial ieririCe for his former rival. To those who were aware of these mournful cireunastances,- the strange coinci denc.e must have been exceedingly. Painful.-- There tire but law portraits or busts of' . „Mr. Irving in : existence, as he has, especially of . late years, fteraistently refused to place him self ut the disposal of _any artist, -however cel ebrated : . . , , ' • ,-' `' ,_ '„ , , ' ' -', ,- '1; ~ D, •- . ~, ~,,,, ~,k , ....., :, . , :... _ 1 ~.,:, , . • ~i„i 's_ „,, , '• - _,, ~,_ `.. ,r' '' ~,..1',.••'5•.,.,,..;-.g..`: '''.; • 411* ~..,.4 ., . " ~.P; t ...,„41,,, ' , iic,. ~. • JAVIECE MILLENIMIE AT:HAND, .:The Rev. Etr.Curnming,' the - noted -'LodOri , preacher, 'helievei that we are upon thaeve of the Millenium. In discourses recently dent- . ered in Leeds, he . gave intimpetratione of, Pas-. sages in the Book of Daniel and the Apocalipie;' , which' aro novel if - not eonvineing • • Vire quote from, a brief report in an English paper: . He said. the year 11567. seemed •to end 6,000 years of the world's history,' and frem .the earliest - periods 'onward, it had beep the almost universal belief that the six.days of creation . were 'typical of thoire o,oo° years and • that the seventh ,&!y af . ereation, or the ': Sabbath was . 'typical of the mellinneril rest of ..1,000 years. But ,be, would say, ,that''suppesing tide Were so, they Were at this moment .140 years short of the 6,000 years. , It was a remarka ble fact, hoviever, that the . ablest .ehronolo gists, irrespective of all prophetic theories, had shown that a mistake of upwards of 100 years had been 'Made in 'calculating the erotica; ogy of. the world, and ' that the Year,lB6o the Christian era begin not from theyear 4004 of the world's history,. hut in , . the year 4138,. and that the ' year;. ol Christ's birth .was Ave Years before that or in .413 ,2 ti his premise's were just,' then . they were at , that—moment within ittten years of the exhaustion of .the 11,000 years, so that if 1807 was to be the ter. mination of -this economy, they 'hid arrived at the Saturday'evening ol:the - world"s Icing and dreary week. , I .t this were so, it. woe * meg .nifiicent thought that there were some ih' that assembly whio would.uavUr dip: . They were just Plunging Into days such as - they hadneter before seen; an European star was looming, more dreadful than that through which they had recently . Passed,. end when these..thinga hapPened it:would seem that the , sentiments he had uttered were not the dreamsaf fanaticism, but the words of , soberness and truth. , He was. convinced that England wouldemerge from The noidst of these tilde of wreth,'she Wait separ-' ate( from the great apoptacy at the era Of. the Ilefornintion, and .had never again joined, her ; and he believed there was' now 'Morn vital; evangelical Christianity in this country, than there had hen for 500 years before. Ifis study of. prophecy did not make him:a gloomy, a desponding, or a sad man; but whilst God's preeepts taught hlin his*dulies; His providence lighted up his heart with thesunshine of Heav en, and gave him a hope that brightened more and more to the perfect day. ."- • •• A 'Western Politician. . "IcAbout a doien,years ago; Governor Y—! and 'Judge W--=--were candidates for Con gross, 'Olds district. They were both far 'sighted, shrewd politicians-L•the Judge , the bet ter lawyer and .debater ; the Govarnor by far •the More winning in his Manners, es the sequel will fully establish. ' One . het daY in Tidy; while they•vvere traveling together on the can vass, they came upon .a party of twenty men or 'mere assembled on the road side for the pur pose of haying a shootimi-Match. • Thinking it a good time. and place for' presenting their re. .spective claims, tlie, Gevernor , proposed.. stop ping: . They halted, and the . Governor soon Made hiinself at home: He bought a number , of chances ,In the match, .and, being a gootl Marksman, succeeded well, winning ' quite a quantity of beef, which constituted Hie prize. The Judge had conscientious scruples, as to al:tooting-Matches, and did not participate, hut stood by:conversing with the more sober .Of the crowd; while his friend the. Governor was in high glee with•his companions over the beef. When the beef was given out to the sticceisful shooter's, our Governorordered his to he, divie fled: men some poor widows, who,' he ascer tained', lived in that vicinity, and then: asked the b'hoys If they were not *"dry 7" Of course they Were, and the. Glivernor: generously or dered ia , Op:4lM supply of the 44.0 h, he joyful l't "Her:S*4in the Judge bad scruples, and did not participate ; but had it been otherwise, •it would have availed. nothing. • The• Governor was decidedly the men at the shooting•match, while the Judge felt himself emphatically in the.vo'cative. Leaving their friends, they pro. corded on their %fay some twelve or fifteen miles, and belted at a camp ground, where the annual cainp•meeting was , being held. They separated in. the , erowd, each electioneering with all his might, with old end young, friends and strangera—making hay while the , sun shone —for. there was. indeed a. fine . oprning., To: 'Wards night tbe Judge began to look round for his distinguished opponent, but could -find.hirn 4111 e waited patiently :till evening services began, and.concluded he 'Woad go out : -to the large sh‘ed where the people .bad issemhled for meeting; thinking perhaps • ho ; iiiig,ht meet, his friend. On going ont; - what was his astoplah rnent to find the gallant Gavel:nor, the 'hero of, the 'shooting-match. and of the altar, stir- I rounded •11y ministers and ciass-leaders,,with . a , hymnbook In his hand, liCad thrown • back, singing;os load as his hinge would permit, "flow nrina Nanning°, ye mists or the Laird, ! 7 ' "From that m ? ment,! , said the Judge,',;r 4 l gave up all hopes. I tell you-r 4 tett yen, air —a man that's good for a 'camp.meeting, and shooting-match can't be beat for Congress l— it can't be done sir I. And so it , prOved.nt''," slaVory %.:iooe of Koniucki44boot "wetityfivc thoui4utl Ahictitti babieif r;ei:yoar. PUUtnMI Did you ever atittly the, eir4pariaket,ermsk pleasure T Dd'yon know how little takei•lep• make a 'multitude' happy 1 . r barb tribes is penny; I Words Or a all'iil a ida ll , 4 lioe., *, h a a are two. or firer ,boye' pesitng them a cent and howkaPPY alaY laUttUr • will not be tuna for some: liute t 4 . peter old.' owlives in a neighborhood,Wheiktbe soother of, half a dozen children ; Need tbetWi *Jolt a peck of sweet apple' and they *psi 01 hap- .„ py. A third bar lest bite arrowthre 'wood for him—and he memos sadly i'belYi bit*O*ol' 11;', or make him another, how qu1144/..1110:,114,:., sunshine play upon his sober . face. , *iv , as much as he'can do to pile upa 10440 wood i assist him'a few 'momenta,•kr - apes/1k lieuallt word to him, and he forgeti his tektit(Werke., away without minding it:;.Your Pmat-lailiaa woken a mug, or cut the vest 100,1u44. or - slightly blared' a•pietee of work 0-40 Y ' , urea scoundrel," and he feels ;nisi/141o; fel am sorry," he will try in You employ a mart—liejf , blue and . 'Peak a pleasant word: told*, tulit 14 leaves your house with it contented heart, I. light ape his owu hearth with smile, oeighHheic ," yoa pass along thketreet, yob Meet' 11 .. face- , -407,64G00d mOrning,lb•is though roe bilk. and Et ;_ wlit WiWit admirably . 1* the heart - , of Your neighbor. Plekture is eliesp—who will aid„:, : beiteur, it liberally 1.;-If there are smiles, 10 0Millhmand flowers ahOul tie. lot Os not g r a s p thetrt.Witk a tist;amr lock them . Up in' egg heath+:- Not let us rather take them and *otter them , about us, in the cot of the window, the prong groups of children in the crowded Mart,'where .men of business cnigregate,' in: families and everywhere. We eon make , the Wretched hap py ; the discontente . d cheerful ; smietel tesigred at art exceediegly cheap rite. 'Who will,Tefese to do it. ' • The Abolitionistaeie beconiing- very ranch diasatisfied With each oihir a:0,01:41101i Ga. sate pit Ches into Bates His , intoiTill. or sustaining - the fugitiyo !lase .law - will-never; The Gagietts oikyti : “Thera ii` 'a amid/ Republican clique al : Washinzton Who 'are ice tivelY exerting themselves 1 , 44 ',hoot union of all Opposition claim:Mo upon .Batres 'and Cameron, and that ,frsll4. Of wilhittir Seviard'or:Lincoinlita,',iekin'teio their secret. councils." . Thitrata . is , publican party is fait approiching a dilsoliation: Greeley already tells them titat.thirititAlWO ed tii'defeat: Eireir since the; 'Atijrii.:POiy flepublicanetecle hai.tinten on the de cline, and thousand".or Itoreit men who were seduced intothe ranks -of this trattbertable- or ganization by appeals to their 'Passlinii: and prejudices;, are enrolling therniel4`;With the , NatidnabDet Bnitanian: • The Steamer Commanded by Cop.. .• exploded several ;years 1 1 0 terrible effect; andbitineitto the Watinei Capt. S.. wasbloWn into the'aii. alighting near- ,. a' floating bale of cotton, upon which he float. ettuninjured, but Mach blackened and Muddied. Arrived id a i4llage' several nitlett: beloio,lo' • which the. net s of the • disutei .hid,Vrecenleil •• . • him, lie wee accosted hy.the,tiditor,of the Inge paper; with:whom he was well acquainted,- and eager for an .item: • "1 say, boy! is" the S. it Was Captain S. killed 1" 5.N0.,.1 am Captain," serho thunder you arch hchw high was Yalt “Ifigh enough toibiplcorevery. Meek thkikg. lever ening The . editor starte d on writ” fnehfs:rifleejthe paper'about going to' preea and Mit ; *tut g!ilt to omit the item of 'lntelligenee for' tbentrat,isine, two weeks ofT,Wuote as..followe t t , "The Steamer S, hats tier ,boiler, , we leap from Captain.; Vito Saya . hiwas tip long' enough to , 'think of :think he ever did in his life beiore aippose he was tap about three Months. - !'. The next . issue apoligited for the above; thus': 44 Vie' Inentit to:say,tite boa s t viae three eaoHithe Ohl not the ceptatn . ; .syho.if .of courde, virorse . for wherive itehl in our lest paper.l! • Kansas. is is liberal . ionomnoity: Twenty doe's residenie there entitles a man or woman to apply for a divoree,.and,twenty,minntes flee, as the'iong has it, ?'to the. ,priotrir:l free". In nearly less, than on•thne :the wicked , ? ,' husband 'Ceases from'troublint,' cud tibelitseni ; wife is 5treet. ....................- We got badly taken in tO tbe, "nip, the oiler day: Walking in Mit we sew a splendid looking fellqui eetnini to— wards us, but on draWinentalini,'• liand ear.' selves before an iiiimetapa ;Want, ; 1 7 ,, • A mats opt wifoA " lb:twine; 'Or :Pitt foWrtk !ented wt , i t i,„ ooo d „et ber, has applied for n` 4 lll o orie b', •j, - • having an inn' -544‘riee • • Brothel .""• nit ,ft, ling from 4,"WorldlY-rBll itek*Ogir turned the o, e i ebeelii,; . t e o nd p late was apPlie'V ' I,4 , s „ ripto re• c clion, 1 , . mow Proce" t° 44 . 11 :! "7 h e did. Bm e coriecriop; ' ~T.Y*,;,:4 • _ e 'o j., brolicd up t"