• • :. '. . : ... . PLOWS.; -., ... -. . , . . „ SIDE - HILL ' AND SHOyEL PLOWS, A SUI peiior itriiclp,•manurnettired at.thr: •., , ~... , .. . SMETIIPOAT ,FURNACE. • • ____ • NOTIGE. . .The Stochtiolders.of the .c.tMeKean Railroad Ana. Navigation are' requested to meet, 'flt •Atlf3 'offiee • Of .o6 .ComPany, the. Borough •of.Smc.thpOri, op Saturday, the day of Ap.ril;alext r at 3 o'clock' P.' M.'„ , of, Said day, for the.. purppia",of 'electin,g, a Prealdent and twelve Diricrors,. for the ro4urn.l., year:. • : SAM tTEL . g.' HYDE, 'Secretary. Smettport, Mafch.22, 1860 . : • :'• 3,,y• NOTICE. . • • . . . . . Notice is hereby Eiven•that . on th; Ilirrdilay of March, 180Q,the firm of J: C . Backus & Co. was dissolved by: mutual consen t s and. all debts due the firm,, are to be' paid 'to" -J. :C.. Backus, and said paikus is to . pay all....demand against . .. . . . . ...,. . . . . .. .. . :::. .. • .• • .• q.:' W: SMI.TWEi,t. Smathport; Maich'lstli, 1660,. •.• -:.. • • AST OR HOUSE. METEPORT, - M'NEAN . COUNTY, PENNA:. Wm:.HASK LL, -• Prop : viol:6r IiEGS leave to , announce to. the tie:went. Ellcomiouriityrind . the.public generally that he baa.purehasecl -the above named hotel, fOrmerly occupind . !)y ..Tnm?n Miller, and relittpd it .in a .stylo sLiiced . to theliines and wants of the pub lic. HIS TABLE . . . . Willalways.be. supplied'. with. ihe best the mar ket and the surrounding country can.alloid. . BAR , iupplieffwitEt the choicest ' wines ...and HIS:ST_ pLES Will be.in the care of attentive hostlers, re sponsible for their conduct `to•••their employer whO will give the entire 'establishment his per sonal Aupe!visjon:' • • . • In short every department of his' establish supplitid•with all •the •. • COMFORTS AND • 'CONVENIENCES.' the'weary ttayeler can desire. In :the hope thathe will be able to make his GUESTS COMFORTABLE, • during.their visit at:his.hpuce,.hc - ..rOpectfully share of public_, patronage . Smethpott;.:Jan. 1; 186.0, HE TONGS . AND VICE. THE. SUBStRIKKR would inform . the citi tens o(Port Allegany, and the surround ing country; that h.e is.prepared:to.doatl.kinds BLACIiSMI,TIIING, jr all it different branches in t workmanlike manner; witb pro'mp!ness and dispatch'werran ted to give satisfaction. WAGON' WOR K . * . ei,MIII..IRONS, attended 'to in good aiy - le, and at reasonable rates. Particular attention'paid to-• .• Horse, Shbeino• From expertenc.e. in the business, entire satis faction is rr,tiarantee'd., .1. D. OTTO.. Po'rt,Alle4any, March 1, 1860. N. Allperions•owing , me, or haying un- Bel l ied accounts, .are earnestly requeated to tall, and. Settle the same'withnut ; ..there 7 by saving aost..ari trouble: • J„ D. OT.TO. KENDAL-CREEK HOUSE.. KENDAL-CREEK; TiCKEAN CO.p THE. .. . Buhscribet,having pnichasod, this.well known stand, SM-re-furnished .and ie:tkt , ted the House, is prepared.td.'entettain Board ers and . the Traveling pjblic. . ISIS BAR. AND.TA.IBLI...','; . • ' ' Will be welbsbpptieil, anif eueiything' done 'to merit a liberal,. share of tritro,nage . ...: 'Raft .. .men will alv. , ays.iinli the .i , latch-si rine. oat.. • .Keridal. Creek.lanuary 2,,1860. '3B-Iy. .. . • STOVES.!' . ST :IVES !' • . • . t AM . NC . 11 , Y,. RT.CEJVING THE LARGEST; 1. beat: selOtad, and 'cheapest for of Stov , .., 'ovec. brought. into. this section,,' ...F...5:. MASON ' FEW casist, f Boots arid Shoest6"piro sway at 1 • '' A • ' —• B. P. UNLIT'S, 50 BUSTIELS , oF Drlo•Apples in store and rnr Asia by • B. F. WItIOTIT, • PHYSICIAN .AND. SURGEON , llaving'permanently.located.himself at PORT. ALLEGANY, • . • would respectfully inform the' public thaille iffp - repard to attend to huoiness)nall branches 'of ,the Medicat.Profnsaion...-Partienlar atferi., tiOn -paid Seciei Diseases ,, both male': and temle,they will'he treated in accordance the latest authorities and prnetiee'of bOth Eu rope and 'America.. All. secrets 'intrusted to him,. in his practise,: be shindy kept .by him,in : spite of *money,:l&ov, .friends, enemies, ,relatives or neighbori. • . • .'..Port Allegany; March 20lb; 1860. THE,OLDEST, WIDEST CIRCULA TED;and inpst'COMPLETE . ; CORRECT ;inii RELIAALE Bank Note Rt;porter in:Ociitence. THONIPS{ >N'S BANK NOTE AND . CO3IIIIERCIAL IIEPORTEII Circulation;' 100,000,. tDITED . I3Y - jOilN-THOM . P.SPN Quotat king. c0rr.4.0.0 Tlioigpsos 2ROTHEIIS Street rublish s ed by ClIA3l' SLONDELI, 17.P . Wr:rn St . , ' TER:IIB'OF SUbiCIIIPTION . IN ADVANCE;. 2 • 2 , . .. • to . mail Subscribers - -.., ~ .. . Weeily;.. .$2 I Semi:moiithly;:: : ...sl I goo tb1y......7,1e. .. 'To Postinastori or otbors,'who farm Clubs on I 'Tor, want us tbainOnokln'oAvincti. ve ..wil i' send tho „nip or, ice Coin Chart Maack And, Desiriptius List, as fol- "5 copies f the Weekly , .ono' Year ' 5 copies of the Semi-monthly.:.... 10 eoptcs• of the 1t10nth1y.,........ Ve wilt forivard.gratuitoUsly to ,any. 'person seritling:a club. of:s2o the olive. rates, at anyone times •our :Gold • Coils 'Tat Sale. Address, ' •, THcoMPSQN BROVIERS,I3unkers, . ' Wall St. N:, . l.,'Proprietors. GRAPE GROWERSICAN C.ARRY ON tifeir business most•saccessfully at Harrimonton, free fiorn froete. Some forty Vineyards-set out the seasea: See advertisement of HamMon ton Limhbanother '• • ' PERSONS. WANTING CHANGE OF C.Llf. mate for health. ~ S ee. 'advertisement of. Hari]. -monton Lamle, another column.' CIRCULATE THE DOCUMENTS A CAMPAIGNTAPER. THE "KEYSTONE." The proprietors and publishers of the'Phila delphia Epent7by Argos; .publsSh a NyeOcly . per: of eight pages, .the 'tlt.nysToNE, cootaing forty-eight cOlutons of reading ..matter: Mavosfe-to make the TZEYSTONE a Ca'nlimign per the first nUmher: . of which, as such,. *ill 'be issued on: 16th clay •of May next, ,Ond . the last on..ttie 14th ..day of Noveinher ; thee .cloSing nurribe't containing:the full. returns. ,of tire Presidential. Election, thus..farnisfiin4 sub sc•ribers vvith6',coPies of Ihe.paper containing, each 48 columns, 'or.n. grand, total . for.rhe party'. pain of •.1218:columns of. ending' matter.: . . • We propose to . .fornish the. war' tar thci six months (it rite of Onn : pollar to sir le . sub lacrilters; fOr abs' of 10 .to .40 at 'lO cents each ; forcrub clubs' of 20 . ...t0 50 at, ..00' aents each, .ati: for: cliths of 5.0 and upward. at 50'..cants each.--the papara for allclubs to.lia sent to one . This plan. is an egeellent:„one ; by it ctub will receive ten copies fof;s7 ; twenty - copies for $l2, arid..flity..:Coniei;Air.s2:l.l • •: , . . . - respectfully invite the ".f riends „of Democracy throtte,houtthe.countiy, to co4;pe- - rste.ttmh us in gi•ving thi ,g she i ett; wide. eircd iution ;,.in pirirnotiriittheipread - of Dem-. ocralic principles'; inAilUiring, to strengthen . the bondS,o . f . the. Union, and thereby .reuring the triumph of - the National Democracy tn-the: To this work- we purpose to - ilevoie oitr en lire and untiring energies, andwel.helieve.. that in . :no cater way,. by .the„ 'investment of the same amount can -any accOmplisli .. more 'goad for the:Democratic' cause than by the 'ilistribit tinn.pc suah.a paper as . we. intend ours shall 1 fis now 'eviterit that the great hat thi:if will be fnught . betWeeh aiti.Sectional!Sm•of the Blasi; Repiallicanparly, 'and the' Natiobalism of the bOmociatic party. In this :eontesrthe field will be, the Middle States ,of: the. Union; and VentisFlVaniU,. the “Old' • KeYslOfie s 'of the political. as well. as the .national arch,: Wilt be . ihe principal theatre, of . the war: She. will arcain he called uponsto interpose' : . powor to, drivO:back the • cohOttS 'Of lariat Veal seetional .atufagain, with herconservative sustain' the. Dr Mir and the Constitution t: as Such. is.antl hill be her that it.. is nectiliarlyriPpropriatu,:under •all _"the. citctiitt-. stances, that in-her. grOai •Comn ,, rl;ial and Maaufactujing rndropolis, should restle such a papur:ror the Campaign as. the . F:Forsrost, a . paper which.wild!rutditnkly and fearles-4y• re, fleet the:. Sound .Nntional; T.Tnion,ioving and Constitution-supporting principles of. the .Dem ocratic . party. . From this : aity,.•esneci4lly, shotild:emanate.such a paper, acid it . ' should be the among the peottle'•biriad:cast,• from the DakeS Of the North tu.the Gulf of Mexico, from the Atlantic to the PaCific.' . , Warinticipate'VictorY:, but that victory must be Anatched from under the' very batiners.orthe. enemy and from the, cannon's mouth.. Enter taining this YieW, our enemy may expect:l that' we shalbpou'r in,the hot shot upon all Occasions, and that every salient point- will be 'attacked fearlessly; boldly, and vigorously. : We helievel that, in this crisis of , our country,'when its in• stitutions are' endangered, its law's' resicted,-its Crinstltution threatened, and the perpetuity of our ;0611016 Union attemptedto:ha destroyed,, that it is our duty, as ghost citizens, to !nuke use of- all'honorable means put into.'onr. hands , by n'atiire'rind, nutoreli•God....tO drivaback thg black colforts of:fanatiralAbolitiotiOvhich would ruen,the fairest political heritage ever bequeathed a.-pcOplol - , the'riifore entreat...our friends, , and 'the friends petnoctutic prineiple's .everywhere —.—Nortlit South, East and *est—to assist' .us in this Bond work: -Lot therrfhold up'oniliandS pouring in iMOn;tis:tlie shbacriptions, a rid we say to ' the Democroc,y of the, - whole country, "DO -iwnr: dilly, lind tee will rlw.oh,s:" ' • 17,- - All -orders Must • ha- accompanied 'with • JO, sto,rEAN§ . si co: . , Ptiblishers,- No. 13Q South THlRD'Street,'Phjlada.. PERSONS' WISHING CHAINIGF,..iheir .business to a rapidly inereasine;Colititry, Settlement .where.' liiindreds 'ate eliroa . ti is 'er] •• ' SO - 'ailvortisement of the•flatnmpliton another ' • .. . • .• . . Sfile.: ii k tOTICE ' herehy.given that . the - ,under-• signed, Administrators• lhe :-.lgstate of. 0,11: • Bennett, deceased, late - of • Stiethport Borongh, in•po rse Mee .of •an.oriler from the Or.: phan's Court nf,:l\l'Keari county, to them-direc ted, will expose to or public . vendite; . at the CourrHonse,in Smethport,lNPlCeatt county,' Pa : , on Tnesday; the twenty-eighth- dny.:sof PidditAry,next., at one o'elocli; P: M., of said day; the following reel estate, to Witt.', • All, that •pie,ce•or•parcel of land situate in the,' .Bottiugh of. Stnelliport; APlCenty county .and State of • Pentlaylvaniai -hounded and described_ as. follow's, to wit: That .riart ,•of Square ,num .bered seventy-nine . (79) in the•general plan of said itown, vvithin. • the followinh• . rizt.-begintiing et the north-,W , ?St corner of said .smiare.; . -thence en-it . one.himdted and ninety 7.. rwri , (.l"9:l) feet' to the building now :Occupied by Levi (now• occupied-by, I. C. Ruckus & Co.',)-Imin; . 'seventy-1 ' feet :limn the north-east earner of said'square; thence south sixteen (10) yerches, .to the south of. Said sqlinre; thence; west one -hundred. and . ninety-two (192) feet to. the sonth-West.Corner of' aitisetare;- • thencemerth sixteen (16).-per cites 'to the place beginning. Containing one acre.anil twenly::six perches', more .or less;.on said premises there. is. one .frame known, as the* . “Bennett HOuse,'; two B . arns, one Ice House, and other ont.honses. Tungsi—Onelhousand . .dollars;cash, at the time of...sale; one thou:sand dollars; nt the Ast of. Juno, next; and ,the balance' in .$l,OOO pay ments,annually thereaftei: • • • • . . '• • DAVID , R. SENtirrr; •'• ' .• WM. 8.. WARNER,' . ~ • . . • Smetbport, Pa., January.2,l;lB6o. . . . . . The ahove salecadjourned the' fourth Moundny olJurte next; it beinst . thi3 • 25th. day, et 'the same hour . anct•pinee nbove mentioned. DAVID .11..•131.;111.\TETT, W.M.. 13. WARNERi . . . •Smethport; Veb. 20, -1866 PANS, all new and'ehirlitr—oli can In ace an Wariest 'rnan'a'in'ed iii themiicioon 'aa yffli pCy:ovet the dap, nt -; DIAS'ON'S: TO ALL WANTING FARMS.. vertisamarit of liatntnOntoril..nads:".. •V•VETE aid•not .in habit of Ninny... "Fish 'Bl.oriei . ,tint'We.have got ~MACKEREL, COD and•WHUßFlSH, , befiides hosfs.nt TEA at -19 cents...• •; , B, F. WRIGHT. , . INSCEANCE AGENCY.' aens.inikloa` insakauao Company , . •iPhillada Iphld filth • $160;011. Parma':la •Thril'on'lnsuriia . ce Aiheasf Pm. • • ' Cash . ... V:00,000, Crept W4tern Pasai,ance Phlindolphia,• Pa. .•. . .. $1,090;000 tiFest •01.#tital,r LOk Ilaven Pa: . • effected in the Athove ren, poneihje Stock, COmpanies b3r.lthe: , a . ubseriber.. A ny: - . cormntinication ailciresaq ta'• him , at Smethport, Pa., 'll meet with attention., • , F. DAVIS, Agent: . Smethrort, Dec:: $58 . :• ' (n4otr.j.. Poll4<_ & .FII:4O:tTR , FISH AND SHAD :- .. TALLOW ts• ;ST:EAR/NE ;.. . 'CANDLES, ‘. • WARRANTED .TO SI'AND 1N 110 T WEATDER, Tuk. SALO, AT , • BrtoWNEI...L'S. JEFFREY'S .DQUBLE--ACTING SUCTION &: FORCE PUMP India Rubber. Ball Valves. . . . . /ME SUBSCRIBER, ,hasiing'imrchased the I .right:to. make' and : Seli • ;his •New Pump, feel.i a Confidence that Ws - . efforts .to bring' . it into g.e.neral use:in . thiicounty; will be• Secon. (10(1.14 alt Nvlpa see its - construction and opel:a-... ong the ninny advantage ' s secured hy . the use . of .this Pump,, the lapwing . may enu- actionoq which'twice' the Iva ter can beTaisedat the same time. • ' . . . . • 2. - Great ease•in working,.thus .aciapting the Poriv 'Principle .to corriminrwells. Pump into..an' ancient riroz liNGINII, th . 051 r!;111 detipit, the loci of.dwellings . hy tire,totally neeesEary,, • .1 .• • . '4,,Capability, of 'waterin g Lawng, or sprinkling. walks , waShinai,ilndoWs, With the utmostt: ease and thorciughne:;.s.: Pow , erAciiaise water with slight labOr to 'any. reasonable height, as:in sutiplyiiig cham , . . G. l'he„ebrivenience.or having the •Putnp,iti . b. .k,itehen,'or other teems of your. dweltin~, with 'out regaid to:the . locution'of the Well 'jar cis- . . . . The 7.e e . asy . protection of the ,instrument against Fr05t . ....•• ... .• . .. . .. - ..S. The ease with,whieh.it may he mounted •on wheeler; or in' other ways he made portable. ' 9. A sitirpticity Which ensures 'great • (lora 'bility, protecti it from being , thrown out of or der,.and.inakes any „repairs. easy and of little Gr . eat • ClfrapnrAr: for the .first -. time .brineing'tbe cost of . ,the Force. : PurOp• iutri the neio,hborhocul- of ,tlie,• coomOn Suction Chain Pumps,. while it is immeasurably ..supe . - tiorto both.. • '•. • , . . 'Nlanufactured atld• for sale by'tho subscriber, only ilt . his 2 shop in MechOmicsburg. -• • MechaniCsbtirg, March 18, 1858..:' •.• • !MERCHANT. :,.T.C4pss, l - ate prepared to supply-heir- Humorous cuotomors and these who fAvor th.m with thnii patrinni#,with.ans thine-in their line.• ,Theic..stock consists of. , , •,.. Cloths, Cassimereti, Yestihgs, Eats, Caps, Shirtii • : 2 Collars. 'Cravats; - Nock Ties, &a. dco. . • They have elan ninrne nOnrtmrint-of • • • , • • CLOTHIN(F,. • • Of the, latest stvla. Give them a call Worn, purchatiing: - elsewhere:; Orders from a 'distance ptompqy atten !fad to.,Calling-done an short, notice. • • .. Jas t ".ppN.Loy. • . . .olean Jan.'l2. 1860. . . . . . . All persons knowing tbeinselves indebted to the,undersignecl by, Book aceount, save costby, ettling..the same by payment, or '.Note immediately., December 1, .1809 . . .. Oriti BARRELS of greenApplCii In stnrci,.and fnes‘le 1 " "j ‘ " bY B F,WRI"GIiT. , - ' ' - • To Those Interested and. - • .. mineral Lands: • . . . he . esamina zilloAfillCtiEt:r?itrllil: riiVe s i f n or ari t fl 'Elk • case clue his aplaion as to-. 1.10 VALUE (1 , 1? kr. • ,ThoCo eniaglng . .his services Bill' receive all nares=arr sad reliable Infoimatioh. Llariker .:%11nrs. . ~•i;argennt, M'Kean co:, Jtme 36, IR.b9. . rILD DOMINION' COFFEE , POTS Al' ‘_/ . MASON'S • J, .1:L .:BARKER'S .STRAWLCUTTER . rr-HL ,Sr.BSCRIBER pow offers to the pith, •1 lic..this Improved Straw-eutter, in. full confidence that all who take.tho trotilleto *ll - its operations be convinced of its so perioOty over anyother now in use: . A stipply - kept' cbestantry!on hand and man ufactured to .no Oilier Person 'has the., right 'to inake.or,uses this Cutter withineM'Ke.anOoun ty,'all vi•ho 4re . uOng . it in•violatiqn of the pat . = ent'.will be prosecuted. „ • • . • •:• • • .. • . . RS 's . . Mecharlicburir., - .Auglist 97,. ' 1 . 8 1 .5 ‘7 6 6L.T. F: . JT . K.IIAPFtY offersliis f:rvic6 to parties J . oWni.ig. or. wishinfr to porch:llse mioer'al Lands in. ArKeon,.Elk,•blezirfield or Jefferson '• Exathinatione made and faithfully re' ported. Bradford, July 21,- •. • ' . JOB PRIls OF EVERY PESCUIPTION, * NEATLY, CPE.APEY AND EXPEDITIODSLY LIKEOUTED AT THE • DENrOCIT,t.NT OFFICE. • .1 1 rpe,t Judge—Hon:` R. G. • White ; IVellsboro dgcs. Srtiethriorti Hon. S. Hnineß;_phadrord, Sl Morse,.Smethpert.,' ' ProthoiaoiatliSamtjdi C. Hyde; Stpetimgrt. fle 'aid Recorder—C: K. Sartwell, Smeth Adninistiatara Trefaitfi:er, - (Jiro•tepr...;)--LEriosi , arsiiKs; Bradford. Ke yen, Illdincl;, W. T. ColeirOve, -Norwich; Nelson Peal?odyk e?ninzi.sioil'er,O.Claik.:--: T.% Chad Wick, Smeth-' , Corwin, .'gtnetlipoit,'N.- .1) District Attormw.--Warren Covi'les,Smetiirialt Coroner.-=Jamey Bona, I.arayette., ' SCO'l"i' cf,,,C()NLON, NOTIC;E. ,141 S 0 A CART") Comity Directory, NOW READY, ..... . , . .• .. • . The Prince '.of • the House 111 1461! - .: ............ • ..'• The . .. Prin t -a . it. the lehse of' Ifaiid! - -.. . '‘ • . , • • ... • .:1 The . Prince . of ' the; house .of ' Ihtte4! . .; -• . . . • . ... By. the' ev. T. LI,. INGRAILUT,'.I4,;.IL,' • A new and revised edliioni,wilh th'e autlion'a latest ,cerrectinn,' . One 'volume;, i2nio. clods; 472. pages.. Price si.;2;l: Published by 4• ' '...• : ..10EORGE,O. ETANSi-, ...7 - ... No, 4 . 39 Cliestriut;st., ~Philudelph.i. , . nine. IZl!xSattst atts TDautb's ij A, literal'translation in'German or. the ..PRINCE-OF THE FIOUSE.oF DAVlllj .orie . valuti; cloth,, 470 pages. Price $.1.,,2.i; Published by • ; - „ • .GEORGE . , 430 Chesinut..4u, • THE' .. O F: F. . .. . PILLAR • IRE! ._ .• __ • ' • ..• • ..„, or, ISRAEL IN 'BONDAGE; 13. V the Rev, 4 . .. FL INGRAHAM, LL. D. ••• Ope, volume, 12mo..eloth, 606 paces.., Pride $1;25.: Pub. - bk; . GEORGE ,G..EVANS, ' . • Li39 , Chestnui-st.,. Philadelphia., . • ~. . RECORDS OF THE'REVOLUTIONARY WA• - ' • . .••• • Containing THE & PINANpIAL CORIIMONDENOE " OT pIB7 I .INOMILED tfli'Plel3l26:• • „ . GEN iltA :01tiiir.ILS OP W;ISIIING TON, • LEI{, AND mos of the .Oftleers arid Pririates,• with the dates of their' Commissions •and, with a list o f ,distinvished . :Prisoners of Wir;. the time of their Capttire, Exeharige„ etc.; which is.added•thilialf-pai.Acte of the Conti tir coirgreisi the ilrvolutionary, Perish:in nental Amy, who aerluiri;rihirriiht:iii - ITICT.: Pay,,Commissiorr, Land Wrir'reets,.etc. •• : • By VI. T. IL EAFFELLi • • . - 'Counsellor mnil'A'gent for Revolutionary Cdeinap• One volume, 12m0, - cloth, 6;54, pagop. • :Pride. S. ARTHUR'S POPULAR BOOK% •Trne Rialtos.. • l'Angol and tho 'Demon. Home Scones.. Dino Eras in Woman's Go.den Grains. Lifa Tem Nights -Ic(.•tt Dar- Room: fugal of the Household. The Rand and•not'the . Heart • •Historie sand Lifs Pictures. Tho Trials of a House keeper. Loaves • from the ,Beek of Homan Life:.' . , rrlu the., union of .thrilling, dramatic incidents, .with unira I lessons of the.' filglipt impertncek .oese . warkF• O o f S. A rtluir stand forth pre eminent artinngst modern authors,. • "They have been introduced: into :the .bie tric‘t, Sabbath School, and varibUti..othei. ries t !nous tout t he. country.. .• • • *. Each of the atirrie'books-contairi nearly 50p pages, and are illustrated With executedfinely Mezzotint engravings, iimr handsomely -bound in 12[60. Nolumg: Pdee $1; 'each, - . • • • ••• • , The hlart}rr . - Sparicg to Spored. Tales of Real We. The'ol(l - 16aa's-13rilo. 'The Way - to Prosper. Tha Withorodlioart. TalOs of Married Tao, Steps towards Unveil What can Woman . dol, Tales of Domestic Tao Good lime Comiag. BOOKS ItEcErwr PITBLISHED TRANSLATED FROM THE. FRENCH. M.0MPP,.5..0 . 1? :• ROBERT7NOLTPIN PRESTIDWITEUR,: . ..t Author, : : Magician ? , • • Artist,. Soicerer,; • ; Wizard; Kecromanegi. ? •..• .Cnninrer, Enchanter, • Arnbassiidnr,' Escamoteur. Professor of Sleight of iland etc. •Written.by.himself, Edited by - . I?RrR. SIIELTO MAGgENZrE. With a "co'llions index" carefully a rrangld." . • Bound in "One vol. 12rpo. clod - I'4la pages.: bl' NATIONAL LIBNAItY MEEKS HEROES . , HUNTERS, ,AND ra.T.Riots : 14rFe s.;67yEr.; To Ey OF LEWIWETZOL.. 'tire OF 'dOLd'NEL DANIEI:I:IVr.S . QI? soorncuy liE ROES . AND PATRIOTS LiVES .OP . DkNERAI4 - LECTURLICAND . . . toch or the.nbove . hoolo.Ote'iliustratod'ivilb fine. t‘ogniyingq,.. end . hound in;•onO' volume; 1.2m0 clotk. $1,00: , • •• • • LIVES OF ; ILLUSTJUOUS WODIEN.• •.• AMY: NATIONS, Including; the Emiires's. Josephine, - Lady Jane Grey,.l3 . entrieicenci„lnAn of Anne.'BO leyn,*Chaiintte .Coi-(14; Semiramis,.Zennbin,. .Boadicw;etc. etc. :Edited' , • • MARY E..IiEWITT.- .• . 'F:rnhellis.hed *it h fineljr . ette.raveil.,Portraßs nti Steel: , 0ne .. .v01: 12oio, cloth, pages.-- Price. ,$1,0 . . • • . • •-;• . . . ••• LECTURES VOll, TII.E.PPOPLE. • By thell... 11li01,17:N, of 'thii 'Myrtle: S!r'eett .Baptist . Church?. Eutzfarl: Eitit • , With Biographical liTtrothiction by. Dr.. 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