M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, April 05, 1860, Image 2

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lmpoltant :nampluts `Minn
11Z-440 itd , Wittri s te ring; men, of It;rge ex;
,'•:''''P'eliOnc'et-140014Piri:li,detir.'-fhti,'• value e f rive
etrprtt;:„lt hp Committee Wake
early, dny,;end like Com
every '.'•citlity in' the
' , • .
:siViIAtRMAN; '•
1f.::Wt1. 4 411,;(by ResOlution" of the
,• • •
• ••• , Conventior.'o' . - .
rit''. •
"'itiqtyti?444;)tinient Bietlfortl, "J, Henry
'•'l,6lol44#eattnitilt, BreWstar, William :Mor.
~...'grrillirVt,itftleimlOr;Ch,itle, W. -Carrigan,
` t '`:'' Robe Hugh ' Racy,
lthie ‘ , JA,I-I,ii' s ticlihflt -- illeFatltlan, A. C, Cet
• Andersan;'C. M.
F. P. 'Meier, JOIm:
- E. C..' Mitchel, Daniel
• • • '
~' ; •
'1,16 et., J.: H. ••littb'ba rd:
; 1 4 . _Roberts';' john
tAtiO , 0401.:06:11; Meyer;i Nalson,Wei
-. ••'' .
Mahlenhiii, J. Lew
:. • :tifiteirOttil)r,,R'. - ...k.'Greittenter',Rulien F.
0 ., I' ' 4 '4; 2 ,9 ,2 •
.D: t ittrirt.=.-13artiard Reily k ; ' Si rnuel.ll:
r. "
• i'-' . .t*ltit t s R. j ,alfiraham, Jackson
• •
• ,
, • ti1tivi.P45!„4,,,41,/,÷..,freezaw rrriFritatitiilf.
A. Guernsey, S.' C.
' ''• , .
• . Orifth pittirier.4llenry L. Dieffenbach, W.
'Ent; j. 'Woo'ds
!*ollllV,YohriCitinMinis,,,•Risuben Keller.
• , '4looliiitildt,'Diatria4,-./ohn H. - -Bretton, Joseph
•' . :
L. Reumfort, Thomas
C. William H. Miller, Philip Dough
' • Mitt: Icreifer; Williain•p. Bois, GeO.
Wit-llo*nta,tr, Joseph•Gleim, Wm: H., Eeklae;
r34l444legicrA • ' •
oixtioka4h:pistriet—,, Frederick S. Pyfer, Dr.
James - .',satnlie~ Parkes ,
W. Clark, Dr. A. S.
• • • ~ •
- SertiveirritiV.• - Diarrier—Peter i,Mclntyre;' A.
•- ' •
44414),ItA.Dirrrirr-rHenry Stable, -8..'
-'ll/41 - trierieh Df:'rer's'et— . B. 1: . Meieri, R.' Binie
Pitlrlken ,' • t, • . . ,
'aTirtlittlieskAirgriol.—Robert.L. Johnston, Is.
. ; .-„, ; • •
Triiiney-ftrat. /Napier:— J:. Alexander Fulton,
,rj"dietls M4*orittnion • ' •
C. Clark,
• • • ••
.:`,..rtßti!'4,-.l?i;otriet---Get!..W..;‘Nlert; A.
. • Burke;
11, m e ,
Gilvldtruis.Ht.sk; , ClaireEdward'Caippball,Jr.,
,' , F . .t.,144150,045.4, ram,. P.. Barr. • •
• , Tssaysty-Attis Diftrici--L•Thernaa Cunningham,
lovireiahion` ,
....:*lifieskilgiiiit4,''';l2isirtier—ThomPson Diehard,
.laertitil,Wl4L-er•ip ;
• - .....ViarellOsattstirADOrrict—WilsooLaird , Jatnes
, • ;
' • Tonarreight Diatricr-- I ,Williarri• T. Alexart
dei., 'Joe. 8; : Hyde:' , , .
aderof Coniarition, •
.-' • "•• "ti•t
••-'llrlLLlA:htlt "'WELSH President.
• ,
,‘• 1/ 0 te,u,,,,tev ii tlt.nttivie,, Ilesuar. Cis.y . in-
Republlcant r • Did' they ever read the
'elineektdelienFed 'in
' t ,hl,44m:t4e,op. ; ', the .of February, 183 9,
wiltl-propbetio,foresight, described
• : .
„Taking it
• , 14 . 1iittud•they never have they are , invited to
ft,The,Al,bolitionists,.let me puppose, succeed
s the inhabitants
Art Juit4ll4tSrates,.as ooe,,meti, against the in
: , ititllifipilt,pf • thi•• SliVe , Slates: Union on
-., on. 'the
• , onottidis•irill , 'betett,Olot on the other. And
.conSolidation will he
einlerit 'prejudices., em
• • .tilt,terediassions••,(Mplacable.animosities which
!Fa e urme ,uman ;nature:
'vlyttfistAtiidiolution %' d ,
,trititni ,have
ttielTorme - of- its;exiiitenee- re
''tilinty_i,Tkie..'Mpoit;,ialMthle,eiemeiti• of - union
-4,l9l,ikitMt!-,the f. O QMPOI if-eYn'Fe th YJ th e
iiel:qch, now ,happil y unite us.
menaeini and bostilp array
- A ageitistithe4 other;' of- opinion :
' bir the clash of arms-, ',
-, • !:•:*-•,1-iljk-,flut,,,-.,ttelf,t - pt to deseribe: scenes ikh!oll
itowb*llxll,:conceiled'froui our view
LIURARY.—A story
ril(Pitelkeill/y44: o ?..,Pegewell,. iihrerhin•ef the,
• ,while engaged, one even
neff!k:Etvircw.; Yreelte, ,itiee;. in preps rfng, the
be had occasion to
;voilktkto•OAV,sesteuM alcove, and there• he dish
el a mail dresied
:e#riiikirV, - riftiiiyliurVeying some books
,y4'o7yfritOcraft were
'j heldea ' The
n recog
• • va),CtlfirMetifre,.4 : , Itist of physician Who
resided in the neigh
.gluistshiil, but ,
vinono f ir incontinently
• ~•
4,9;,4 ,7 7-14 .;.i
art 31
. . .
he:,Phila'delphia'. Press; of • leit .Tuesday,
is: .
.th e of Hon.
.• t
. kin,.Cheirrftn of ah.lnve
ktiM al-•
Dorris Porn ittee.
I clUeumenti *carefully;:anil•
ikertOrnect; .theyshow' Wrong : act
iifi mitted - or'eounternsineid fy; On the"
;Astrary,,' it is,cleailrdenionstrateAl that, with
immense : resources a; his Control,'find,with ev-•
ei•Yinduceritent held out to
• Catuse blrri•to apply
these resources for purposes calculated ,to ben
fit thelearinor,ants whicit*surround•this and all
cither'Administrationei,.he:has Preserved . a Air,
.and honerable ) record--One that hip . frier,ds•need
to.give; tp.tbe public,.• . •••
*.': There 'are rne,n, in Washington, and in ofri ,
CialjoaitionS,:too, *who have not Washington; , and.
resi'dt the . ,:ernprationS 'afforded'theM'to're.vrard
t fieas , !cna i 11:i r ; ;These*
,both:deelgriirily. and. ignorant • -•
eudea veredto impiteiite 14 4 . ,fr3IICiIANA N in
*their itheiries; .. and'an'unscrupurous *i,c o lpposiL
tien"lne.COngieas . has. beeri... axions to ••assiat
theM . in.bringing•hirri into disgrsco. before the
, They' , have.
_failed; notlmeause of, a
want of *ctirl . ,,* bat..th rough it complete lack of
testimony... Beane of the'. inen*.who have. be-
Como Volunttiry•WitnesOeibefOri.. thelnveitica;
• ting cominittees, tacit embittered against the
President because.they could' not use him to
putrifoney in. their • purses; for months they.
'have made theinsal yes* consPicuous . by talking
loudly on the , streets... trndl in
o bafroos . about
•the deVeloptnenis they !`vre,re*. ready to make,
• which would drag the Adrriinistratioa down. to
the *deepest depths of disgrace... But 'when PM
upon iiath,thefr atOries strangely marvel •
lauslr: dwindled down; 'leaving, 'only the ,evi
dance ofs their own carrupfion and ' duplicity to
io,betore the •
;•••. cannot berdenied that ;ilmost all . these
' charges igainet. tharasidept Whidb have been
• 'so industriously .circideted:(Or*. many months,
are the result.of Persinua malice.:• - • Men 'have
tido Igrifnifge - ;or Visit own'.agireinditcrnict.,.
and btciiube
, -.e:ll,o)fg, the.veryincorruPtibility , of.the P.resi-
Aerit*--I-ilieyhatie turned upon bins with the 'yin . -
• 4ictiver,ieserof . bfood.-hounds.. It , is hard for any
Man to.preseriie his efiaracter. against `such at..
tteks, and it is doubly - ab for whigh • political
officer, .who is debarred by his Very . position
from making any perscial'defence. •••
ie now old man. .For fifty
years he . has been in 'pufilie service trusted.
and icapore.d by ' . his country.' In private life le
is known to be the soul of •honor,',abdliis repu
tation is,without a stain. That be ,has.wil
lingly and' wilfully lent, himself to any corrusp
tion; is a inostloul rtnd.villainous
. slander; and
we envy not that'mari; no.matter . 'who he may
. be, that can permit himself to become , till tia
darer And •systematic defamer. ' it Woulil ,
far,nobler - for.those who .have .
cause, to coni
plain to 'ireeP their , grieianaes to - Ihemielv'el,
and leave posterity to'paes 'aa unbiaSsed judg•
The ,State legislature haye • much trouble.
with - the printer fof i heir ;,...Leg-istatitieß,!eprfl,
for 'which they Contract io ,, pay ieUen &if /ars per
'tinge; but„whiCh ,is ,so; menaged' ae to .cost
greatermueh sum. . The Committee appointed .
to inimstige the matter reported to the; Senate .
on Monday; that the' contractor, yr. 9E.OIiGE
SE itprlE of the I-habil:log TelOr'aplt, en
'.trely disregarded hie contract, filling the tiltec
°id" with dead ,ruid`,unaUth o rized% matter, fo r
which he. Lad, by the fitatei four, six,
eight; and even °nine tirnes, at the rate of seven ,
dollera,per 'page. ,They say
dericittl, the beginning of the.present session to
the 1411 ef klatch, inclusive,.five hundred ,and
,tiliFtys-six..pages . Nyere published, while up .to
the same date id, the ) ear 1859;bnly three bun
drettand ninety-six pages werelseued,. making
an excess in, the - Present year : of one hundred
and forty pages. A large number .of public
and private bills; on the filei of both . Houses
haye been , puldialtecl, }without the - authority o f
either branch., of the .Legisliture. The exuct
number of paves of unauthorized metter it,is
inipossible for your.Corrirßittee. to..deterrgirie ;
but, 110 matter`bublished. by the. con
tractors•been ordered, by the Legislature, there•
would still be an excess . . of about fifty pages
rnade . by thg tepublicatiO of .various.' - .sod
resolutions in - different portions of the riecard-
Over sixty Ave bills haye been duplicated, and
in some instances they•.betre . been ~published
.•. . •
three, four 'and five times. The act relative. to
, .
proceedings , on mortgages and reicognizances is
jnserted,sizthnea ; the supplement to'an act
to enable joint, tenants,. tenants in common 1
'and adjoining owners - olmineral lands to man
. .
tige and •devehipe. the sci;n - tinies; and
the act to . aut,htirit,e tha lease (ir the Ilempfield
railrOadotiosiirries.:•. ' • •
".Your.Committee also find that:the 'contract=.
ors-,have published much Mattel- that was'ape
.oallraideind in another. farm-from the public.
Printer. : Included in this are the report of the
Coinmissioneri appoipted to. :ievisethe
and, tlia hills aerOornpanying . .said report,
making more , than thirty-eight . pages'; Wash
iivton's Farewell Address, making three pa
ges ; and the report of tile' Superittendent ; of
Com Mon Schools, making 4eepages. The con
tractors. htive,also inserted, in many , instances,
inias the body of the proceedings; Om bills .pend
ing before the . Legislature, and, in .some aases;
030 have detailed them, aection,by sections as
they vvere•approvett or rejected."
' A Ttre.Sanate, / ,by a pninimcous vote, adopted a
resoldtion directing the accounting officerdto
withhold pay (or all 'matter 'published in the
,Rii.ord not regularly authoriled..
41.centire& froin
in regelyd to t}'P
:i ;The papers
The 'jury in the breach of promise case
ease; brought by' EffikCaratang against Mr
Shaw, brought, in . on Saturday night a verdic
;for the defendant : 4 *lion. for a nor'a , trig
Was'aiiade, - and if this is refused, the case • wil
go;t_o•the Suprerne Court. -
April 2.
4imittne to-night
/sitmen , ,-to con.
in)itteei of, twee
.9 4 0 1 t;'with , the
14ki..rdiT 9th, to.
ving c . no
' , '
* :The Morse telegrraph patent expires ip I‘B6l,
and Will then be, free' 'to ' the-. public. ;.'lt will
cause considerable oftelegraph
!itkit‘y4ll give rise to a coed deal of competi.
The . pegiAftlitTe .14coid.
Sr: Lou is, 'AprU.2
'Thusday, April 6, 1860.
..:S. 41: PETTEWLL •SeCQ'S
. I?iosrs ' i.igi . reer, *ew,York, a . ndlo:Sre,itit St. 'B ostoo
M. YETTgI , YGMA. .00„ arks ilia', Agents Tor , the
111 , KNAN. Damooßki and. the,innat'lnfluintial and largeit
circulating Naivspapera in 'the', Unitad:Statekanil the Can
••• The, aro authorized- to contract_ for no . r,
Democratic Nomination
--Flit Gov' Non, ' ;,.• • --:
...• OF WE . STMOREt.AiID . cO . ... •
": 9cu. !George MA KeiM, itiou.jtichareva • mr.
Fredeiiidi erver.• 14 .L'ReckliMy., •••• •
2 Win. G. Ptteriotj..ls,: Geo. Jackson..
3 Jos. Crocliett,.jr; 16 Ahi. - ,
• - 4 J. G. Brenner. • • .1'71.'13. - DaitheS.• •
• • 18 J. B.: Crawford , .
-6 Chtirles • Kelley. IL'N•:-Lee.'• •
,7 P: 'James. .20
8. Dayid Scholl. •• Fetterman.
9 'J. L. Liihtner. 22 . S.ambelri‘lorsliall,
10 S. S. Barber. ••• - 23 Willian - Book.
11 T. H. %Volker.
.24-13; •11.
'l2'S. S. Wihchestek; ••2 Gaylord Church...
13 .Toi!ph Limbach.. -• •,.
~. . . .
thia - Nreek clieulate .'with the DRstocenT
an extra containing the .Treasurer's edvertise
ment of Unseated , - Labd • Sales.... This is at
ou'r.own espense ••,
and solely for the benefit of
our subscribers: . , . • . •
It will be seen by: a crirrjrnudicatiop from
Mr: Smith: that 11 . 4,,h.a.eAirsrelrairl t.6a aieette ,
.oir l e! i hitijariairinee7 ?refl. y
eu • J
nett - and lias'calisluiledto .retort to the courts .
for 1.:(1:eis. ,I:Vethough.t R : ill advised for
5: to pttbhs _ h; his . first itateinent.". Had he not
.done Spi • we are 'assured . the. statement which
we week would; not have , FOme
before .itia public.
Stinbtiryk Erie Bill, ieported..l.fy the
Conference, '.'Co'mmittee, and. which finally
passed. . both ilouses, providesthat no - .process
can issue; (Cr the foreclosure and sale of the
road,. , either by the 'Commonwealth or 'any,
other creditors, till May'l.st 1861: All:such
efforts areposifivelystaye stayed till that time.,7
The creditor's for work, labor arid materials are
preferred ..t ? the arnourrt . of $606,000. 'The
cither, features of the bill aie genorally akin.
TitE,Sounco.--T - he tondon -.correspondent of
the. Nevi/ York Herald writes that the ,govern
'pent of'dreft Britain has ' upprepriated near
one dollat . s. to keep...up t.he .elavery
iigitatiori in the : '
NEW COUNTY or C4 . genox..:-.-The bill' crea
tlng a new County, to be called Cameron, out
of parts Pottnr,-,M'Kean and Elk,
jias been aitmed by the Gloverndri and' thereicire
•. . •
become a law.'
CONNE4TIPIIT ELECTIOI4:-:-VOlll the ••partial
Canino • received of the . Connecticut 'eleetion
it is:evident that , the ,Rericlieins'have carried
tlie . State, though . lira. decreased-'.fl ajoyityL-
. .
There .• ha's,ben • a large vote . :cast.and the
st.rength . ot 'the•parties gully tested.'
. .
The diPance " at.the Bennett HOuse
day . evening laat, was .all that the Committee'
iadve rtised." There was' not iclarg•,e crowd
in attendance, but a‘till:as:manY as could 'make
themselyee useful, and ther.seerned . to realize,
the.laigeat enjoymeht.: The musi c was ex;
celent, the !supper ditto, and' the whole parlor
mince:passed Orin 'spiriteri'ctnd•happy man-
Mexico Anirs in our, Ulster republic are
daily growing . More and more. complicated,— .
Late. advices state that. the American forces had
Crossed the Rio Grande, and had captured
Mexican encampment with. , thirty'prisonerst
the Americans 'remaining in Mexico. A re.-'
port prevailed that . a shout tyrothntisand: of*Mi
ramon's Menwere,advancing toward the Texan
harder, trini aS.our forces are strong there,. we.
may anticipate some startling naiks befrire long.
. . .
The last . Ravenna .(o.)'. Democrat • thui speaks
of this road : 44he work' is going 'On vigdr--
ously; and the present prospeets,tle not intlieate
any other result than that this : road will be in
running order frtim. the. New. York and Brie
tunetion to Akron, within twelve months from
the :first of Jantiary,6o,•as contempfated by
Mr: Kennard,, Chief Engineer."
The Washington correspondent of the New
York says that. .Cameron' does not, e.x
pect.the Chicago nomination that he is siroply .
the Pennsylvania Chief enginder of SeWard ,
and with the nomination anikelection of Sew - -
arc% General Cameron will feel himself Ithun
dandy rewarded with the position of Se c r etary
. ,
Of the Treasury. . .
- Psits . ort Bnowrir.ow says, in a recent letter':
We canhot - countenance Seward, because he
is a s c oundrel; '.and avows it. • We cannot coun
Douglas, because be is tistoundrel and
The 'Alabama Legislature has passed a law
imposing a fine of $BOO
who give public sittings; , •• • •
• The tide of emigration•into and through Ar
kansas- is 'said' to be very. real . .. At. Little
.Roc,k; the steam ferry boat; t hough: . constantly
running ; cannot cross the wagons as they come,
.so that fifty or sixty may he seen on . the . oppo-
Site bank of the river. The 1) emocrat 'sap all
the leading' roads of .the State alit. lined; ;with
Movers. The greater part of this emigration
id &Mined for Texas. • ' •
The .gioat and . all-absorhi'ng 'topic among; all
classes of community is “Whttt4 . thisiProspect .
of the.§untury and Erie Railreallt.*ill,the.
Legislature grint'theyelief,AO:coMPany
for, , therebi enyfibting it to COmPleie the.ibedi .
on Which so vitally 'cepend - s: the itottiOsii of a
large por,tioa of the State.:: When We 'consider
hevi long and patiently we. have borne our port
tiorrof.the huithe'ni that 'OpPressed, the. “9ld
Keysione;i?ovithept.epy..dir . ect.advantage 'from
the §tate Wciike,.vre.have,
,a .right a t this* day,
(whenitailroids.and Cabals . are no longer an
experiment) to ask such assistance for ;his greet .
workes will complete and equip the, road:
And tl4.assistance . 'asked for is-simply to give
to the parties ‘iho are mew reaily to furnigh.
three millions and a-half of' money for
the -
completion Of the road,_ thereby making the
State .i the seeontl . c re I or,- -ThL . ompany..are
not asking, the-State to give one cent lrom the
treaiury,litit merely to separate thes-gonds'so.
that Money. Can be : raised.omthe hist mortgage.
And . here we might ergae with propriety that
. .
the State . would:be benefited, ev.eit'if .the
held by.her : On theS.lE E.shotild be au entire
loss; hut such . is not the.' case. ...iThe 'Sunbury
and Erie'llairrOad'passes through*. more ex
•tensive mincial region thin any Other in Thu
State with outbid ..amounts• oh lumber 'and, a
natnralsOil 'equal . to•any: through. which the
Central Pennsylvania Railroad passes; This
road will give to thoNerthern'tiir of Counties
of the State'an .outlet for .iheir• - Minerals and.
LuMber, which without . .the road-must remain
is velueles's . es heretofore.,
..We are_ayvere Of. the political 'element' that
has entere d into thedeliberations -Legisla7
tors to.dereat the.bill as firgt,:ypp94t.6 . 4:.by . thP.
idusß Coinmittec and we vice notice 'to that .
party brits.leatlefthat firmly bound.tO
'respect.the party that have.been'rnagnanirnous
enough to.se9 justice an our deinand,.and th'e.
.wire'vrorking that rbifne. behind the
Curtin to tlefent 'theeompletion of the
& Erie RailrOadshell...hear - oUr',opinion
more fully znd eloquently eixpresed in ()etc-
, .
We'ha've'some'individuals amerigat'us who
are taxing their brain tri. its: utmost capacity
for argtimenis•to justify and hiS
friends, for the course they toOk•to defeaf.the.
hill for the relief of the 5..,&.E.
They affect to see an especial , interposition of
Piville Provldence, in shape of: Mr. CUrtin who
has saved the .Stat irom being . m'ortgaged to a
Foreigner, or a ForignGoverninerit, they don't
know w.hicht It. is indeed lamentable. to see
men so Wend in .party. harness that they will .
sustain men who have been mainly instrumen
tal:in striking a death blow to the very enter
prize theilhave groWn.graY .in expectation of
seeing perfected; end now, when , the S. &. E.
Railroad is within six or eight months of cOni
pletion, it is suddenly brought to a stand still
for no'better reason than to advance .the pros.,
pacts of • the'can'ain of the Republican' host,
:and'some of •his friends. And. yet we haVe
men, among us' who . imitate that little, animal _
that licks•the.hand•that'smites it;:and also. that
other critter that, snaps the lt . nd t at feeds.
• The:Citizen Concerf:4'
.Last Thursday evening at tfia Court licnise
there .was .a most • felicitouS gathering. The
Hon. S. SartWell was—culled to the. chair, and
13/..COWles, Esq., stated' the objectef . the
meeting,. which was to r'ais.e some'lundi to be
h:pplied to a benevolent purrioSe, well knoWn to
our citizens ' . The:adinissien lee was :only ten
cents, but as the. Court House was.filled to its
utmost capacity;, the proceeds amounted to a
:handsome little . sothe.. Several amateurs yrduri f
teered . their.services and the' vocal and i astrus
'mental' niusic was most excellent."' The per
formances of the ladiei, namely.: 'Wises : Mary
Barclay, Mary Datling,,.Emerette, Curtis, Em
•ma Richmond and Flora Bennett -wai..particu-
received :by this large and .niirecia
Miss -BarelaY sesides in . Coudersport. This
young lady. possesses. musical talents •of the
'first order . She eccemplished pir t nist and
'a•beautiful singer, and; although. a stranger to
most of our inhabitants r she must have felt as
if.she , was ,among her friends and admirers
. when irerperfmmencei were so enthusiastically
• received, and roundly apple udcd •
• Miss Mary Darling, with: her voice and guit . -
ar accompaniament, contributed- to this soiree
one. of : its . best attractions.-. She sang smile
.beautitul songs and Wis most heartily. cheered,
Many thanks are due 'to Miss Emerette Cur
tis. • She.is blessed with one. , of the sweetest
which bath charms te,s'eothe '6/en
the savage mina: •"'. .. • .
Misses Richmond. and .B.ennett.'s assistance
was .another..embellishroant talhis conceit...
Messrs. Salsbury, .IsTichels and some Other'
gentlemen tOok.,a'part in the performances. '-
The mere tinentinuof the name of Mr. Salsbury
is enough:to those Who know him ;as sing,er .
of Songs and Irish ballads he cannot be surpass
ed, even'bythose who•make Singing, 'a . profes
sion,. He was encored and greeted with storms
of applause. • . •• •• . •
• On motion of Mr. Eldted a unanimOffs, vote
of thanks was tendered .to the ladies and . ...en;
tlemen who volunteered their services, and
meeting or rather ' , citizen concert," adjourned,
sine die.-Citz: . zen. •
Wi cordially..endrirse the above from the
citizen, arid will add What the knOwnmodesty
of theweriter would not alloW him. to sny, that
the performance of Mr:. NicholOo the.ccincert
Was a'. valuable . aeqUisition, and contributed
vastly to tile 'per formance. • .
Trade increases the °wealth
,and glory of
country but its real strength and stamina, are
to lAo.looked for'among the cultivators of the .
land. .In;theirditnplieity . .Orlife id found•fhe
simpletiess of virtue—the integrity and courage
of :freedorri.:, 'These true geubine seals .of the .
earthttre awl they
,surround' and
hem in . the rperCantile ;:eiren if theie
bodies; 'which supriorltion I totally diseleini;
could be siipposed disaffected to the cause of
liberty.—L.Por . d . Ckurrarrs: . •
:To get ingry at nothing, and 'to be 'surprised
itnettiing, are said to constitute two steps to.
wards perfection. • •
Fuller Fartleulcis of t4e, late' Trtluziactions *.at
. •
Vein Crui.
... ,
. ' The tria . steamers captured by the United'
States.sloop. 7 of-war SaratagO, en the
caiSt i :andbrought.hither as prizes, sailed from
Havana on the 270 uli: The . Martinis -de..la.
Habana is reported , by, the Diar'ip elef la Marina
to have cleared a Spanish vessel, the General .
Mariammi'ai a Mexican:"They both cleared as
Inerchantmem - nor does it appear that at the
time, of the clearance than they. had ;materials
of war on board. ! andt liisis. 'stated. to
. us 'an
good-'authority; !ran') Havana to have . been 'the
fact. - Th'e gunS, amnitmition;.stares &c,, were
taken on board afterward's, Of the former, each:
steamer haraix, twelve and twenty four mood.
eri,.or twelve in all; stored belbw. As to...the
amount of storea and arnunition, we - have. only
the general statement that:bo4h vessels.".were
dee'pl'y laden:
.' Beal the: Va'rquis.de . la ilabana -and General
, .
'Nliramon were old_ Span isle, mail 61 tainets, plying
on the Cuban coast:.'The latter. was, formerly .
known as. Correno . .No. 2.. 'Th'ey Were „both
built, 'we believe,.semeWhere at , the North,,and
ane' of them is.saidlo have piled on. the. Sound,
belcire,her purchase by the Spanish Gdvernmenr,
hilt under what name is'not Stated:
.: ~
•• Of the actual nationality•of the steamers -we
have diverse reports.. That most generally, re
ceiVed' is that; before fitting ontior this last ex 7
perlition, they.had 'been transferred to soine
. the. Ikliramon GoVernment:. Thu, pur
chase Taney, $55,400 is.srild e.Ven.to iiiive been
transmitted through the Frendh Consulate - at
It is somewhat. singular; hoWever, if the ,
thransfer was actually Made, as reported, that,
one of them tit least,should be reported. cleared
' 'as a Spaniard.. - The Havana cu.tom.houie . re
porti are very'forreal and ptoverbially accurate.
It is also soMewhat singtlar, iltrue, as reported;
that bath vessels 'carried the Spanish 'flag as
they sailed frorrythe . port of Havana. ', . : ...
• . After they had 'gotten out, to sea-all accounts
:,y,rft. Lital. ' , L. moxrcan flag was.nds,ea, ~,,,i sue'
glms•mourited. ' This is 'reported by the steam
, ship Mexico, whieb left them. at Sisal on ' the
'tid„, G l om:Thomas , 'Slarin Was, then .in :'corn-'
mend of the expedition, boarded the Mexico in
that capacity, and sent back dispatches - to Ila
lly her. .Both vesrels were: then, armed aa war
n the . Meantime.. the GqnktitntiOnal Gciitern
merit' at Vera Cruz hall islitiod proctainntion,
tleclaringilkrin a pirate , , •and authorizing.who.;
ever *should eficotinte,t'llim, or. his vessels, in the
,ters.o . f Meicicp - , to ca pture them,•as sailing per
. . . .
atwally., in violation to fhe law of nations'.
Whattlay:the steamers:left Sis . al W9.arembt
informeil,.hut - theprrialle.their itlipharance off
Vera Cruz.ahout hoon.of.the 616.
.1' hey were
imrpritliajely•sign'llized (ro . ni the-tastle as Sus
pielous yessels, and the news . eireulate - tlrailidly
through the town, where kt.prOdueeci great ex-
•• • In the meantime the' steamers continued, un- .
der full ateam,.rapidly to advance. They pas
sed behind the castles of• San Jnarr . de •ITlna; .in
the . direction of the Saciificioes, and 'finally ran:
into Anton Lizardo, where a 'flag, previously
raised by 'Allitamon, indicated the place of len
dezvoes: "Mirarnon was at that titne .before
Vera Cruz-
The'steemers' borrow: big whalf;aer when
they passed the castle, not' did they hoist them.
either then o 1 at S.ctificios though • they' were .
Ordered so todo, first.by a :liot from the, for
tress, and afterWards'hy the U: S..slogriSavan 7
nah. : On: the contrary, they steamed 'hOldly,
, forward, casting alookr of defiance upon': those
• whO presUmed to nnea.ion then). . '
...'the French, §pa,hisii and English ve s se ls .at
. , .
Sacrificios did ncit_noti , ..e the'in'sicions steam-.
ers,.Or.at-least diJilof,ortle*therrrto'Show their
Captain.Jaivis. of t.h , sloop of-war Sayanriab,,
is the senior United S 4 tes officer ut. V.;ra Cruz.
tie s'aw' With
,hislown '6res thig'.fOriteiriptuous
.vielatimi of the law, ofnatiens--twe..vessels' of
'war armed* to the . ; teith; • passing coolly .try
eiv.ing a Signal 'her colors.
When 'ordered so to' do—qnd - teolc his course.ile-
He immediately Ordired the, , sloOp-of-I,var .
Saratoga, Captain.Turnet, to go. in ; pursuit 'of
the . steamers:, • The. Saritoga,. only 'carrying
sail, was towed clown by' t he' steame,rS .
ola, 61.41115.pm0:1
tnd .the plying' on the
Meglenn.coast. : . .• A
The Marin steamers hadin.ecast anchor at
Anton when the Saratoga came up'
with them. They -still hadvteam up, howeit . er ;
and seerned•to'haye - taken Et positino,.. tf. to
'put at once to sea in case -ring everhaul ed.
The Saratoga, hOwever; serlns to ,have • talcen
them unawares, though the' Minn' ‘xas 'shining
rightly, and' at nriceleolc a ..ti(isiticni,to cutoff
all retreat. - . Marin then prepaled . 'as\if..tolive
In the meantime, Captain 'Turner de 'itched
a small' boat to the stenmers;with. flu to de- _
mand their.iiritiOnality, Marin fireil.upt it.--
Tbe boat, however,' cOntinued its course -
rin firkl upon it the S'ecOnd time.: The S ra
a then .inanceed a'broadside.'opon the et
conimanded,..irc:perSpri by Marin.' This' vvl
the Geneal Mir . amOn; and seemed. best a.rt e
}vas ai piloted by.a.man named Flores., . (
knoWn - at Vera Cruz. • ...' . ' ... ..
The oftiet'steathe'r 2 was - comrnanded'b e Y a
CaPt-Sanahei.;:foimerly, of the Mexican •W
steamer -Democrats, which he betrayed:
. • One account says.Maririfouliht like a. lion?
hotothers.saythat, on the opening of the fir.
both steamers .tried to run away: ' They were
hoWever, inteicepted by the Indianola.and • the
Wave. - '.. .. . , .
. .
It waq, however,,two 'or three'o'cloci in the
morning before. Mnrin i.orrendered was
'taken on board the Siratoga: 'Nearly . nil
_ . . .
officers and crews of both steamers,. were also
captured,.either by the Indianola or Wave, and
talien . up to .Vera Cruz,
,were -they.
tributed between-the Savannah; Saratoga 'and
The timber. of the . wounded- on 'board the
two steamers' was . about thirty, ;'They' were
taken on board the Saratoga; 'and their wounds.
promptly dressed. Among the wounded;Was
cap!. Flore,s, Who has since hid his'arm
tete(' at Vera 'Hier.: .
.'• The number of Americans wounded was
threeene mortally: We have not learned his
nerne'.• He belonged to the Preble: • • •
A few of Merin's men made good their escape
tiy the chore; but a number of Miraindh's men,
who had already gone .on board steamers, ;
were.captured. / •• . .•_ •
• Among these last
.captures was . Mirdmoti'c
principal agent,- who' is said to have..hi(l him-'.
self in an obscure corner when the firing began i ,
but, had. the, Kniefertune. after all Io . badly
The Gen. Miremon was'. very -badly injured
by. the Sariiioga's.breadaide, and • omy . gotten
afloat with diThetilty..-• The Indianola • also • re.
ceivedeiveralshptsi but .they her no
..,So soon as the' action commenced, the two
steamers hoisted the Stundsh - ,
After their arrival in Vera- Cruz,- several' af
the prisoners Made a publii atZteMent; in whiell
they detailed the hilitOry of the whole expedi
,tion. It does not differ frotwtike They .
all , testitYthas thn dig Was not raloe4
until.after both steamer's left tip pita id Ha-
ATTACKOiI: - Vill7l CRbt •
. .
. While .the - II Ong- wai.goineoii-Ot 'Anton Liz.;
ardo, the enemy' encamped . before' Vera-Cruz
imp to.hava;catight the . spirit.and' sallied out
in'§everal small parties io.t he drez
ition of..the
• They••bad.; during the Wholeday and evening,
been, riding,about".on the sand
. 14114 coollranr
veringi.he city. • • •
'•About midniiht tberrade, a cieseint. upon
the•tirst.and seeonl lines, between flie;raileoad
and tioac.a, where they were received with a, -
good cannonading, and . after, about
*tiles retired. . •• . - •
They seem to have 'had only, a: few .sniall
pieces with them; nor .was tile number of ,men
'great. It appears to have been only aiiniorrof
se'yeral:spiall scouting parties; Whn caught the'
spirit ot 'the cannonading in-the .distance;. and
'thought they would see whaCthey could*.ilo be,
fore the town.. • ' , ...• •
At lest accounts Miramon was still encamped
before the eity,ond s'e'rved upon tho foreign re 7.
preseidatives the usual notices of his intention.
to boinbard. it.. , Whether, however, he hasnow
:the Means, since the capture.. of the steamers,
seems a matter of .• . • '
. .
' All 'clued, however, that Op to the latest id- .
.vices , he - still threatened the one,
however,, seeres to believe, he. will take
Mirarncin has.with..hirn a large number of Very
fine cavalry, which,is constantly . .parading. on
• The last of. October and the first. : ,of NoVern—
ber in Gi.6t Britian are 'said - to have been'the
coldest and stormiest of,any season . within the
tnemory Of the oldest iithatiltalit.: Thera ' '. wie
skating in ' Scotland; a thing tinheaid of in •Oc
to:ber for twenty-five years, and colder vreather .
in London than at .thipatile'season fof forty-
Tcrininia Munsse..—The ship, Noris4y, . of .
NeWYorlc,When: five days,ont, on the paasage
from MacaO for. Havana, ..With 1,000 Coolies,'
was:the scene of a terrible : mutiny, in ' which
thirty Coolies were killed, and ninety:wounded.
The fight lasted (rim six o'clock. in:the, eve
'ning MOH daylight the next moraine, Nihee the
dooliee yielded. C'aptain Major had his 'wife
and twndaughtess,algo alady • passenger and
child aboard. The lady . .passenger died from
fright, and her child expired soon afterwards._
, . • CuArcusermt,..ttpril 1.
'The brig Sehossee, on. a legitimati, trading
voyage froM•thi's part to the Cel.3t of Africa,
was overhanled and ..taken 'forcible 'possession
Of by, a British vessel-of-war' on suspicion Of
being 'engaged in a slaving expedition. The,
officers.and crew are said to have •been treated
with. gross indignity. • , . ..,••
• .the sloop.or:war yineenties, from the west
coast of Africa'; has. arrived at this 'port with
Cliptoin • Morgan .and his mates, Phanaberlin
androwning, of the sin ve.bartine Orion, which'
was•captured on the coast of Africa. . • •
4 . l..,:Mareh 21.-The funeral
of the. Hon. W. Bissefl;.late 'Governor ' of Illi
nqs;.tookplaceto-dar. The attendance 'from
the adjoinirrg towni:and Chicago was very:
large The military display was. the, finest
ever made in the State. The reniains.siere,in- .
terr:ek.with the servicesof the Rennin Catholic
Church. the cereMonies . throughout were,:of
the most imposing character. Lietil.• Govern
or Woodt!iai farinally' inaugurated .Governeir,
at five.o'clock' this afternoon. - • . •
Apiil 5, 1860
..Pe.nr, Sir, Having commenced legal pro
ceedings in relating to those statements in
your.last issue,- I hereby:clos.e, on my. • part
newspaper altercation, and shall not'answer iti
as those.statementiand , reitorts will.be•iives•
tigafed in the Courts in due..time:
' • ' , Yours,.4espeC.sfully, •
Tp evory forth and. Iltipeoies of
"Costar's" • Exterminator
a .
Rat, Reach, 454. Exterminator
a . 'Tatar's"
a . "Costar's" Bed-bug Exterminator.
r , "Costar's" • _ •
aa "Costar's" Electric Powder . for Insects.
i, Rats--Rnaches--M--
iceMoles--Groond Mica--
Bed tugs—Ants--11Toths—Mosque --
toa.4Fleal :
—lnsects'bn , plants,' Insects, ; on aninials, &c.,
&c.—in shiiit; every. form and'species.or '
. ,
10 Years established in New York city—: , used
hy the City Post "offrce—the - city Prison& and.
Station Hou - sestEe• city steatnerS, Ships, &c:
The cityNotels , 44A.stor,",c , St Mcholas," &c.
• and triore than 20,000 private fatniliss; •
Druggists and Retailers 'everywhere sell.
WholeFale Aiebts in all the laige , Cities.
11 — :Reettlar sizes 25c., 40c and $l. - 80xe5...-
13 ttles—Flasks. • •
!,! ! BEWARE'. ! of spurious' initatiOns.
E.• mine each Box, Beide and Fiask;and.lake
no ing but
. “Cosinit's."• ". .•
$1 Boxes sent by Mail. • .
1 $3 & ssRoxes for Plantations,Hotels, Ste.
07" ddress orders' —or for cedireulars - to Deal
' IttriCUPAL n DP.PnT.:4 10 BROADWAY,. N. Y.
Sold b W.S. ATROWSIELL, at Siletbport
g in: the Post (dike nt.Stitethport at the
the' Quarter. ending March 3 1st 1860.
• • ..
Curtis Parh
Furgeson P
Howard E;
Hildreth Fran
• Liaison H.
net Murphy 'WM.
OMster Martin Allen H.
H. • • Nestler. B..•
M. A. Starkweattler Miss L
•' • Studor Anthony •
BtantOit Mrs. Martha
Tome Mrs. Jennie •:,
Witliamson Willock •
Walteis T. B.
b ring for, letters in the above,
ertised. •
_Persons enq
list' will .gay t!.
13os, March 31
S. SART . W,•P M.