M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, March 29, 1860, Image 2

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the:Quaker' 'city', 'and
the t io il4
Ofintrisfsivitealth - si-tlielightnin.g'reestes the
Was. there : so touch
WatMOny in; the . l)emocrit . ranks
" 4 .'kenittievevYllai there tt. lairer prospect-of t it:ri:itt
'that. Party. in `the Stete .;of
• • ....• •".
s4r ina{ Ig:
ised,,dies4ling he'd( ect unoU Oa :
Ale l :'Miadi'ioneluded to Make desperate eddrt
tieEtieeltit Apr this ; pp: rpcis o h . a 1 I 1 ° ,1: 4
.:;,"-:' ' .': : ;liigiiraiiiati4il , :inefiligfr.in -I) biladel ' phia on 1
Invitations were seat
. teted:btoidieest 'ever the the
attendance a nkassistan ce: 'Chu ai t fut in the
; .'sisisb,:4tkeebisuy-cidored,poition of trmanity.
- o tlieaPitols the, State and' Nation were ran..
:sieltssOnd'every f -sobu, of Protninence wham
the ria'redir,tiatibefere'.the' 'intelligent. masses
'Of . itbesipXYaiitia,,was.lsegged to com a;Wnti . as
. .orsit4sr.the demonstration.' But this number
,The Si g
'.s' acfioapologiee' turJons vv
:':Briox 3 S treason and
mourn over . his deatte-;.were not
.bause;Abolitionism has no abiding place in - the
kosiest kbaits of . our People- , TlSefree.trader
advocates of New England, New York; and the .
North W est ..kept "out of sight , for' fear'
,they.might ',,desttoY':the :false thunder of the'
•`. s Mallef''Paro" of, Pennsylvania ,jn favcir of
.wptoteitioM"..Thoise..egnik west- Invited who
. cinuld be'all think* to 'all. men, and - who could
fight:fot the oroflici regardless of prin..
; The 4epublican scasididate for Govern
s, -ori Col t Cuarx, was;'.per courtesy, 'the first
Sittailter;.an'd the impression. he toads was not
bY'any eniaiss such is his friend's:. desired.—
.. Massy oS('ther.mbst.'irdent advocates of . Black
•. Republicani s m openly . .expressed the opinion
tint hii ; speech was a failure,' and left.• the
discouraged': and disheartened:
, - stAletwiag tribute to the integrity and shit
kia competitor for .Gybernatorial,
''.oeC . .Fisersisi and' avowed his leterminationto
conduct the'camPaign on terme of courtesynad
, kindoete: this feeling will be reciprocated by
the leader of: the fientocraey, and ; by the rank
and-fil e. of the' Pa rty:. . '
.. Mori: Itzitab CAIIIPHICLt., of Schuylkill county,.
: wan the next speaker, and his effort was truly
'of the spread-„eagle, Order. He 'seared from
earth to heaven ) and piunged:ftord the etherial
regions bask to the mundane sphere..: die shook
'it/slicks like'l3inquo'sitiostomd- cracked the
ears of , those aearhirrihy. the wails and cries of
;,;his terrible
s agon.P., He ' plunged . from Wash
' ingtotilo and floundeied•through a sea of
. .
lsaticoiliba'and.botpbait:" DiSiovering that the
name`'of ilanty Clay wee always
.rec'elited With
~S'eplausehe enstecl eypq seateace with it, and
stililti(i*ghilitly, smile at the cheera which
' b 11 , 'had
• - e t e ' t r, i t - IVEr. Court' • • • .only taken •
to g"
of - Sylvatios Cobb
;`world never . liava been the
star Bo . 's
Teri Cowirt...folloviretl Campbell'in
**, : aliaeOeck,tie:Point' or pooreri . , His .remarks
!,ilier4kiltrithittY4ifectitd to the pia tine
4;;1 his attempt, at , iYit onl y excited a amile'.Of.
man':. whose day. of politer: In
• Althodgh he spoke of .th 4 Teiritories in
• consectiou with' slavery, he did hot refer to the
glorirtus,wi!r 111extco which acquired most
thine, And whieh at the time . te denounCed.
:o ? Although he quoted Henry' Clay,-
'1•*r:111d not tell'hishearirsi that that:great man
..:hieiiiiif.h`4; felt "like.askini for . some. nook or
cornea in Abe nrily:wherej he mightsome
. •
`goad•forilie *country," while he (Cortyin,).had
urged the Mexicans to welcome bur brave troops
14 usith,,1814tlyllitds to hospitat , le graves." Theie
. reniniscances...were norreyiyad,by the speaker,
bat ttni people_yeri4intier thcM; and they . Will
hardly lore the: Black ;Republican party. the.
msitire:necanse each men are•'brouilit
„to' Penn;
;Sylvania ,taadrocite its catiae. ' '
One or two other speakers followed, and 'Dien
!!'irPiziktutt , of Schuylkill, took the:rostrum
aEfia Pidired his eloquence on deafears, and
'onlY,eirect he produced was to clear the hall.
.The: 41etang : Part of his ineech, in' whiCh, he
•rivntotmed the'andience:thn t he' had but recently
the' DeMeer,atic . furty;" did net take Very
the'Philatielpbia papers failed .to re
ortenting thernieves by
t'f,shying-that .4e urged the , slavery, question at
;i)::tihmbeii,''and 'enthusiasm
- ;trita &.hiiCurei 'and init igumint it was sterile ,
and fruitless:, : The imp r e ssion has been sought
- , ,
be:eyeiontt tbaOt'ivas a , gteet
.affair,. but it
was gteiii'onlkiniaper:'', Blicle : Republieanism
>is tottering One bk one its
- - fl,!PPCßrkallinteWay.,einfl;seon J it will, stand
. . .
disguetlogekeleten of 'Abolition.
- •
„,, lia .'s,”. r . So T i; e ' - .. :: • '
° 1 .4 '
.iO the effeqi :the t'Xrs:.
~ • -.'„ii.
jiiiiii . ;'l4clietinviir th e . ,recent outrage, c.
.; .2 4iiiiiiiIii:!ilrii.-11 . tge;:;-.4ao- ded; is tpiti:u!.--:
)I.,"*.i.lfiir,elti.iiiii'ein'illyila* YAci:Tel'!ioa 4 'i'
N'iti . ''r,' itiiiiiiee' rent 40 ditlast wielk, that
: -.., ; . ;0041,14p0%;44,1!, 4. m .•
A r T
iA gi ,
:4 1 f: ,1 1 V.ft •-,-7--,7.77, 1-7- 7,7-'n.:, ~• ~, ~..- ~, , ,
.. , .
ht'„,,.,- .-- , , q k , - i , ,,junti n if engiet 'that:
...:ii,l,raiiillifklAfilermr.,p,nr -4, ,_i' , :- i .lieint
- 'V;;.O •,.•;',l=lii",44,Yt, I)ir,...finApay 4tr
k 4444 ,
Yl , ! - : , ,.,'-':'.i , i -, : ~,!...,..
. 1 -. ,,t, , F 1 . 6 ,:•:"ik , .. : 6i4t1f , , , :4:',..:,:ge.;. ; '; , , .
404'14.*411,4i/Phid- ,
i ‘ P/1 1 . 1 4 11 q, h t ca
t6ii - oftei - foriliti con
-I,'Pfrn°citte,Y,` or
Vaa .ffiletiPli to' trialor'e
ter, 'and iO ra tify
„ , •
,Our treaty Wltk ,now of
ffeially,ioi/g.poisiit •by,the poettitnation . 'of the
prositlent; coacettesjo iisthe : free navig ation Of
4lti,i'aistittay!i•ic;rita, .ol
the .jili4i4:arid of the 'right „eider, of
ho. Parnna :riven tlirptighout all: its' :course
Within the lorioiiiioct:'ot the Itepublic . :of t'a're-;
whole' territory Paragesi---
whiah'is the
. sotliest :Of the t A rneiiciiii
republies; . embitiaingsan'tiren of,not leis • than
0;00Q square • miles 7 -lias between
. tliose two
The piodn e (ions or : the c'tionfr.3; . are. 'various.
Grains, indidn Corni . veketables;.- fruits; sugar-
cane,' ride,'tohaceo,scotton, and, all the produets
of the tropical and•temperate'zimes, are culti
vated:cxtenidvely'.": .The - tall forests ationnil in
altrios . t.:eiery, : tiariety: of, •tifnber,' and are a'
greSt.soutcn . of wealifi.. Dye:wtiodS, gums,
bugs, perfumes,,, veietable...oils,.oranges and
'figs;'sitid the fdirteus Patagutiy ten, (yerba . Mnte;)
areamongthe t atnral..prciductionS.' ImMense
beids'of cattle roaM.Oyer the plains, supplying
hides, talloi &c:,-(or
'.Hitherte,,the commerce of Paraguay has been
conducted chiefly. through the. Ports of the . Ar ,
gentine COnfeddilition, the terms :cif:the
present tycati,we may l'iOvv'enter the pOrts of
the republic : With our.ves.sels and cargoes,
_charging in whole or in part at the ports of Pi
.kr, where cornmerce . with othet nations sill• be
permitted, or - prcMeeding the whole or
. to AssUMPtion; .as s we 'May elect And
our citizen's 'will be privileged to.romain in , any .
of., the Republic, and trade-in all kinds of Pro- -
duce, nricnufactures Ark.lMeraliandise of lawftil
commerce, 4:enjoy : full prOlectiOn of perion's
and .proPertY.. - exporta • (16th :ParaguaY
consists of the : yerba , mate,,( ; which grows
'spontaneously,. the hills , of the - country, being
literally co;iered With it,) tabacco,' cigars,
woods; hides,: . .l3iir, leather s 'starch,: peanuts,
beans, Sweetmeats, orange's, St.c. The 'exports
of the yetba have reaehed.s3oo;ooo a year
end 30,Q00.buihela .of oranges .per month are'
said.to.have - been 'exported., The expo - 11.0mm
the, : lihited.tates which would- most readily
„find aMarket in paragus,y, - ore,,c . otton. domes
tics, calicoes; plain cloths; clocks,' bocits' 'and,
'hods, gimpowder : and shotysiillery and agri
ctiltdral implements,,—Bertan Courier. .
• of 'Ttrelltertht's FgttRY
AZYD 1 - Iwv6.-Chitrles ton
Va., Ma . rCh 16.—The town was thronged with
Yisitors to-day, and,sevpral companies. ofmili
tary were inattendance. -*Stephens and Hai
lett were hung at .noon: They apPeared re
,signed to their tate. •Steihens died very hard,
while Hazlett died without a •straggle.
exhibited great firmheis. • . • •
'There were.'no-religious eiercisee at the. gal
lows", as. the prisoner's peisisfetl, in refusing' all
thelandly'effices of the,Ministry their'. last
moments. They : were both *Spititualisis, and
hait.a'peeuliaT religion of theiricits.n, which en
abled . them to' meet their fate with cheetfulne'si
and resignation.. Both 'bodies have been:for..
warded to Niareui Spritig, Bouth Aniboy, New
Jersey. They .will xeach .Baltimore in the
early morning train. •
..• • . -
TTallcrs. D: S. DlCatusoi;.—The Chitrlestou
prospect* of this distinguished gentleman. have
brightened amaXingly here • within :the past
week . or two; owing to. the fact Abet the
cotes of. his ncithination.have succeeded in' ere
sting. the imprOssion.dhatiif noMidated, he will
surely carry. New York by
,Soine forty thou's.
'and.: It is know : that ne • other" statesman it
strongei . throughout the whole South; and 'that
California . and Oregon . .thay le relied on as be
ing:sure-to vote for any pethoeratio nominee: ,
Who is sciuod on the : slavery question. • His
friend* here ; :though not nurner'ous, are very ac
idveandiefficient gentletrier, and 'effecting lei.
more than the more numerous end nbisY „advo
cates. of.the nomination of•111r. Pouglaa in in
fluenaing the result of the action of the Charles',
ton Convention.,--IVlishington Star.. .
TI1F: SeenterV 8i Elite Surnamayr. : +The acv
tion of, the Legislature on this bill.has.thuS far
beedlavorable, yet, the mijority in the votes
recorded; is so•smali thet: it is ohvioni there is
to Seviraged against it.an unyieldink
'WV the tact should wear this crimplex-
we confesi,• Ourself at a loss' to account.
Two years - ago.there were gronnds to stand
opon._,in opposing the bill 'for the' sale ",'of
the - ,"!-Stitte • Camila; but now, since they
hraVi•been Sold,•and will neirer again belong to
the commonwealth, it Only remains
.for the.
Legislature of 1 scoto take practiCal business .
view Or the matter'and so provide,' by ,a
ftcation ' of:the original enactment, that. the
work upon the 'Sunbury & •Erie•'Railroad
which has Made§ uch rapid progress towards'
'completion—shall not be suspended nor even
slackened, until. the road, is put into operation
in'its'wholtirlength. • •
The• State is not asked to' ineur any liability
oar smake any waiver not contemplated by the
Act of 1858; but.only to render available for
negotiation, bonds-secured by. a mortgage upon.
the Work paid.for out of the prOceeils of the re.
sal,e of the,tate Canals, the'State, in the pro.
cess, to become a creditor of the second class
in lied of the first 'class as .originally provided.
:As, however, the Company - cannot negotiate
theirlionds according to the. im
posed in .1.85 S the State will not witness' the
completion of the road as expected..in 1858.,:-,
}fence both sideq have an in interest in modify
.ingthe Fiat •ot 1858, the Crmpany in having
her Mortgage' bondk rendered available-in • the
money mtirkekand the. State in" , having the
•load 'opehedlbrough 'a 'wilderness territory ;
which ` cannot be. peopled without•the riid. is ,
pulinto operation.
' We would not have voted 'for the. bill for the
tale Of the Sitite',Carials as.paesed in 1818;- but
:we Playa vote for - the supplemental bill of .1860
bejieving its.passage to •be necessary to rep
der the act of, 185S': efficient in providing for.
the - Construction of 'the Sunbury and Eric Rail:
rOad, - ,•which,tiqueationably, 'should be the par.
atzwidia object' of tlai Ivesetne Legislature.--lytit
4.olAia.kailrara .' •
A bad oaf, taken' to, an` evening . party-;- Ire
queittiy lames out de• next day as good as now;
tate TlLited .staveil Tina niyakiai-.
4 1 1 1 ..ti.iiiilconithililttIttaL
.!:-, Thuis . da; . .. igtii . ch',29;:::4Boo.. :..,,.:;
• :5...1E - TETTENGXLIi-&•051'
AbA^Htt;IISINCI •A(.3g74t.:17, ' • .. L '
.110 Ai? state Street, IYett , .Yorki ite4lllo Streit qt.lt ns. (ort
:'111:. f.IRT,TIWOILY,' dr: :06 Arn . . - the •Azehhi..for the,
lir,tßnAar idaminnAT and the . ninst hillueettel.andiergest
eireuletint•prewspuppre In the litiited Btatvir and the Clan;
ndas. They 'are etuthorizod fir contract for' Ita
Ddmooratie Nondiation
e: -. 001, - . .k . n ;On,
1 - iLiSiltY....' , )?... :OsriT4iP,..,-
• , , •AT '
Ceir. George Itel*,:iton, L itiOlunl, Vnitx:
1 Frederick 14 J. Reelchri.ri , ..
2 Wm; C. I'atteralin. I's 'Geo. Jackson. •
3 Jos'. CroCkett, jr: , 16 . ;
4 .L'Gr; Brenner. -...17J.?11, 9 0atiner.•
5 J. W. Jacoby: .
.. : 18 J. 8.,-Cra'wlard.' . .l, 4 ,
Chaides Kelley, 111 fi .N, •. •
7 P.R. 2 James... , — 2.O:J. HoweJL •,•
8 David Scholl. 21::N: P. I Fetterman:
L. Lightner: .
10 S: Barher.
.23 William Book.' •.
it T.:H. W.iilker: .••
: D.
12 S. Winchester.',. 25 Gaylord Church..
13 Joseph Lailtiach'. • • • •.
CLus.MnirrfNo.We re q ue sted .to,gfve
• • ue•
notice titatthere will be a meeting of (he. Dtyp...
oci'ati. Club 4 at h'e.Cotrt House, Ori-Tharsday.
eyentng, the sth of•Afwil..• A. genera) 'ati;?nt.l 7
ancii is invited. • .
New Caavry,--The New ... t'oenty Bill has,
passed the House ttnit:heen fayorably . reficitted
by .thi Cammittea n t he Senate... .No . diiubt'is
entertalaeil or ItS.passage;.in . the Senate. :.'.
usc,t r. CON ccr.—Oti r citizens )vere cuter
trained Frith , vocal and instruniedtal music. b~
the Striethpart class, nnder the (lirection.ci
Yrr. Wnf•ri:. ' did 'not attend,:but. under
tent' it pisscdoff aireeably. • . •
Another Concert is to be.helifil.iseveuinii,
the: receipti *ono 'which' tifS . 'fo. tie ;applied to
hericvolent purposes. •
• :~uo•rnsn ..DANcu , L—Thei boys advertise . a
.dance to come off, - at the 13nNNi-it 1-I.oust,;, 'on
Friday evening next, . • .
.ANOtiv Cnarvi.,.the OpliOSitipticandidate for
Governor, it is'seitl; opposes'any option of the
Legislature affording . relief'to . tha.s. & .E.
Railroad, In doing this ho.nets against ;the
best interests of. the State .at large; : atid Would.
'bring loss and ruin to many along: the line of
the road, who have their means invested in the
road. The voters of, the, . Northern Ver will
show thoir disapprobation at this: polidq,, in
We call atteutiObbt Pemocrats to:the Pros
pectus of the 1;./Ceysiode,"' . 4 campaigil paper,
published' by Jo.
Pa.; nod 'recotrmenti
• it as.a reli,ahte political
paper. • •
T.hr•. Legislature ha . .ye .passed 'an acf . ekt en
ing:thatirno tyeo years• in
,ishich the' M'keiin
Railroad. & Nav,igactlim are. required Co
commence the con s truction of : 0'16r...w0rk . ; also
removing the obligation.of the ?resident of . the
Company to reside wsthin the S tate. .
Masquerade 'flail,. pit
SartWeys last:l l htirsclai: oven ing„ Was . a
;Owl. ihilfg,riodafforilecl: lots of . sbort.,', Some
of t he characters were .w4l*.sustaiiied,.
ally that of "old laqy.'i :ft !Oec.eoed beyond
expectatioh:. • • ,
court of this State has' decided c!fn tte.
higlywai the of;passige belongs-to the
iniblic; 'the title. to the soil, st'ones,. weed .
and grasi.contintele the owpe- 'of the
A,perpiinbaS"nornore.iight to' .pasture his. cat
tie' on • the . highwayi . than he 'ha's to :pastit'te.
then! in • the fields of. farmers; and k . • equally
liable in ., an action ofdaina , ,;es.' Let farmers
who suffer:. film. Ibis' unlawful .preetiee; take
teed and iioteCt.themselves . .' • •
Sytiliury awl Eric licillVpad.
.• TheneWs that have . beetireceiVed from Ilar•
risberg; for the last few•daYs; have been. any
thing but flattering flir'the: speedy ,completion
of This important lzutyve Still entertain
strong, hopes that the LegislatNrc:may yet pass,
a Bill that 'will relleve.the Company's present
embarrassment ; : be. able'to start
'the work early in theseason. • Our own county,
and those, adjoining us, have. been so long shut
out from any infect advantage ;from the State.
'improvements that: W e:had. hoPed for a little
consideration from our ISeuthern :Brethren in
carrying out a great work. calculated to benefit
and enrich the Commonwealth by. letting' light
in npona 'region so rich in coal and iron, and a
soil second to nano in the State in .its- agricul
tural' capabilities: ' . ' • .
We publish the statement ol:several citizens
Of Liberty. Township, in which it wonld. seem,
that Mr, Smith has been guilty.ofmost.sharne
' ful iieglCet and. atinse, in 'regard to,.his aged
*Mother. 'The faits there set,foitkerealmost,
too horrible for belief—that any man could al
,low--a human hcing --nquelkless hismon mother.
=to lay .in a•distant part-Of his house one mis
erable bed of straw UnCared for, and .so. desti
,tute.iif clothing ae.tciacitially freeze her feet,
denied sufficient food•to satisfy:her wants, with
a foot rotten from Mortificatiorti 'actually dying
from hunger and Cold, praying God to cat short
her painful, miserable_ existence; • these facts
be-trite, Sensation writers need not' ; . go ,abroad
for Material to enlist the ,sympathies of thdr
readtire.. , -
I E D r , ron (3r, 'inn An . 3to,carix , .. :, . , • _ . .
'..- ‘ 63 o
) ;:•—aeing:,.iiritided to the , Cilizen, 9(
Nieich 3d ) in •Whii:ii.Aarori Smith attempts to
itietity filmed!' arid fernilrih. it.ard, to7the
treatment and protectionVl , ; , .-his mother . ? •sinca
'cleCeilethi, we, Filizens or 'Libesty . townalkip,
feel bowl`! in 'dutk to ourselVea and the public
tolniifie e.plain arater,nent., of the facts in re-,
.eard'...to the matter; Snot; All d t4iose r 'duly 'es can.
be'proVen,'lpaving. the world to approve or con-
This man and bis farnily,'sir,...prdifess to bd
cat iii er) anti 'Ohristinh;and. to associate in that
0f.,...a ''catornunity; .but,: it,' is: '4,%enerally
knewn;;and,publicry . expi,c4sed 'hyStliP inhabit
.ant'sOf 'Llbetty„tokynship,....tt l at Aaron. Smith's
. r
dear old mother,! es he' calls her in' tee.'Oiti,-
,zeit,..has . heel): bru tally lihd 'sharneftilly . .abuseci,
.b6:ll . J)y fortlid 'mkt ten
years.' This is net. the. tfirs time th'atthe'peo
,ple do& town buthoritieS hav e
, been called upon
to protect this:old lady' from negleet and cruel .
treatment, ;as.weltes AL:Lion:kit her proper
liraitnent arid food; such complaintslinvin.been
repeatedly' made ..and ..not 4'.hey • were
hi by herself sti,lpng aS.she.'wes.permitted
to' gotru.rri home ; or associate • with the heighs.
boring:inhabidants . ..•'Poblic .. .httention.Was first
turnedthat' way .frorri thiS:ca use,- and . as
passed oh observation .ancrpersorial knoWledge
proved the truOlfulri.esa.and stern reality of the
old . I oily's . . complaints of grievous . 4 .abirsei. and
the Matter has An'eimpromited and "dropped,
ripen the. pledge ef : Sinitii,•thet mother
shopld be better . nsed and cared ftirq: 'These
faCts,are. ohtorieit's Save . ..a Jew..•Wito.
would cloak and shield this man, and his , flimily
.fropi.blanie and
,panislithent,' condemna
:don' and disgreee, WhiCh . .,l .they,, sO..richly, Merit;
and to•rlo.. this they . place, their:im
nass tot the
. hatpin. of the hrtiele..pnblishet in the. Cil?..crii
For the pirrpostr: of.coirecting thdtaisenesd.of
that article,, this statement befOre'the
public. Id exa ;Meat ion of: the, idames' there
attached,. we find ..t he' very. ; ores Who, .first
spread the rilarni:and gave public notice.of the
Lin'clitionot.Mrs. Smith, - at ... thetime we- are
.noW.alioutteslicalc of., For the, past year.'or
more; this old laity lies been kept.' in close Con :
knemetit-'-not ; allowed.bhdly. to ts,oont 'of the
hottsds—en no . eonditiim to . visit''a. Twig hba''s
house; arid whentlyerrlsfidattempteti•to do this
was forcibly carried.bark by .Sdnith or histarri
41.iis forcible •conlioement- hail its -origin
fdom • the repeated cbihplaints. made .liy. his
"deer mother" to the ..piblic in regard to her
treatment and, living' while tinder the protection.
of he son: ' In January lost a
circblatinn that ibis old lady ''yva..s.in a starer
ing condition, confined to a small. rooni;.entirely
helpless; laying from day to' clay- in' her. own.
excrement., Upon a sinall couch-'of straw, with
otietoot frozen and. thurtified,... and both limbs
so badly flexed (doubtless 'from long continued
confinement in this. situation) that it was'
posSible for' her to' 'Straighten: them . ; . while
'there was nO one to adrainister to'her Suffering
wants;' ..Ir.',.Stnlth,Pot being,, at' holm? but .:1.1
small portion•' Cl the time,. and 'froth, of ' his
daughters'absent 'roar home . , and taking it for
'ranted that Mrs, Smith .spoke the truth in
saying she had.' not been in the. room for 'six
'Weeks, who did wash and 'administer to thid
- old lady? hy'Stnith's boys? It
must have been done•by them; if.dcine ... at all,
for there was rld.rme . eli?. to do it, :But 'from
the Condition which she was found, on dim
Sib of February, by. Mr. J. J. Abbeyanil.wife
and Miss E: Seaman, theie is Ito, reasonl()
lieve that she had been.: taken. care Of.in•a hu
man Manner for a' much longer period of time
than Mrs. Smith adrilit fed had paused since she
bad bee:tin:her. room. To show this fact, we
Will.give their own language for it: .
..."We went to. Mr. Aaron" Sri:it:Vs.hotrse, Co.
'the Febrnary - to.visit,hil matligr,erid'
when. we .entered the house We found him::
ily 'around . the fire in the. room: we entered:—,
IVa told .Mr.'Smith' we bad:came tosee'his'.mo
lilt after a short timeWe' inquired whirls
dciorded to her room..•'So;th then oriened g door.,
which' led into large . roa m , : unoccupied at
that time by any persthr,:passed through this
to another r where. laythe 'emaciated ferm - of.
'MS Poor, Mother, separatcd . .from "him and. hi s .
family by large roon.and two closedtloors.
She lay ori'a small bed as helpless as en infant.
Soon pftereeMing into the ream, we made,' our-.
selVes known to her, when she ..enquired.if 'we
hatEdorrie on parkse•to:see her. Wn told her
that we bail. +‘+l:helieve the Lord Will reward
yosi . for I am n dreadfuldiss,
tressed 'creature.. • Oh,: I.. Wis h -you could see
myloot.. ..1-have
bait foot."—
\\ told-her. "ye•could'see..it.". SMith
"it hail better not be undone 'or disturbed."—
And afterconyersing longershe spoke
to As again .ahnut her foot,. it pained. her.so
very.hadli:....She-SpokesaVeral: . times -shout it,
nail desired us to see.ii. : We then. told Smith
we . wished . A.o . see . it, or as • much of ittil we
could without inking'-off the cloth; . We, then'
'raised the hed 'Clothed, and Oh, what a horrible .
sight met oirr eyes. BO: foottippe.ardd to. have
been•frcizen; 'and a portion. of it was as black'
as a stove.' Her room,,.bed a.nd, persdin sent
:forth horrible' fetid stench:, ' There was 'no
. ..cloth on the tries, at . that time, byt,..one 'sheet
on-the bed, while : till) whole coVecing a 5.: so
short wo dld
,lint•think it-would cover 'her feet,,
if shit hail been able 'to, straighten her -Hibbs,
and there - .WaSmot more than half .ehough .to
keeP a well person warp - rat that season of , the
year. She. appeared ..verylitingry and asked
for 'food and noutishMent. ,So'on after shespoke
about food she'was taken.. with a Shaking fit.
She shook so much thPt.thebed trembled like'
a Smith's . only reply to the Cal" of.' his
dying' mother for. food, was profound*silende.
The 61.1 . ..1ady. prayed anitny times while 'we:
were there, that "the: Lord might sever the
brittle threarlof fife and
.release her from her .
dreadful. sufferings."... She weptaloutl-several
times for. fear slte would, he leftalone, when
we, were gime, use she had . been before, with' no.
one to comfort her in her-pitiable .and dying .
condition: •Smith said - ciit had been about two
'Weeks since first found' her.foot was in the
' preSent condition; and how .long.it had.been so
prior. fat his,. he could: not judge, arid had' no
knowledge; but supOnsed 'that it hail been fee
zeit, anti when . sensation ' returned: she cam=
plained of ; it'se bittetly, he, examined it .to'
certain, if possible, the cause of 'her com . plains
Mg so much, and; found it," he said, •"iit.the
condition we saw it.' We . then cklced
Srnitltif he had Called,a physician.. AI& said
"he had not." '`We desired -him to snm . mons,
one immediately; .a,nd'as we•dre -about to.take
Mir departure the' snene, was rendcd...doubly
.heart-rendirtg,•by her continualry. calling 'and'
entreatlng.her.'son , (Mr. A. , Sinith)
with her and not leave her:plppe• again, to
gether with a .con.stapt prayer to. God,"that ev
ery monicrit might be her last, and she pass ta
her finathoine, relieved from suffering
and 1•• ,
On the 9th of:Tehruary:eomPlaint wad. made
ThefOre Wm. Wilkins,',
Esq.,..bY L. - Lillibridge. consegnence
this complaint-E. B.' Dolley.,' Overseer of the
Poor, accoseipanie d by Dr. 13. S.. N.
Litlibritige and E. , Austin.; Made
,a visit to
tho'hotise of Mr. Smith rib that tiniei and the
statement In the citizerr.tiiitt these then qwere
enemies Nt.i': ' Sruith!,'.'ia 'and
. . ,
deilitete . of - any and...in 'support
of ',this fact' our , names are . .ottatched' to ti/is
.'statement:' •When. ,:entered . ' house Of
he ,did object teeichand MI of . ,us;ecent
Lind rpfased Mir ..admittance to'his
.mother's rooms ' buit.afterlinuCh . 'oxpOstulation
and frieildly.adVice as to . the reprOach 'that such.
refund) ;would bririg it persisted .iri;;
he-did tinally.giire consentthat:Mr:.)Lillibridge
and . the Doctor might see hismotherinit ho did
-not cousent. .Anstin should 'see her,
nor did he enter the•rporn; 'Henee' be
seen •that, it, wits 'prirsua nee of a. lawful-defy,.
that those men visited , Mr. - 'Stiiith's house;ahil
'not from curiosity; . 'inafriendl'y
tives towards Sr Smith °ride family. ., this
time; according to Smith's , own'relling,sithad
been abOrit'skr:eff , li:4as:since: he beerttne
acquainted • with, the Condition Of ;his .rnothei
and no .thedical hid - had' been calleil , .wbile it
teas supposed:6y many :that he-never intended
•tri Call a physician, or al lo.W.one see-his mother
and ascertain her true condition. :'Sue stilloc=
espied the tke'riierii'on) and - bod:- . heretofore'spO
ken of.. with
,all . the itefich. of a.• toot,
combined with that peculiar smell of a 'person
lying bed with their o linctories,lti
4asciriatir.g: hfHuvia . of their *own excrernent.
.At this time Siniih's wire st - Med that-she ( , had
riot been, to the old lady's "room fOr six Sects,•
!mil if folks
. wriuld Iteep away - and let' them
alone she iroul4 . die hi eleiv :days, 'and that
would he.i he end of her'?,--and many. think the
lens-t} fished for event. • '
. We, the-undersigned, licreby cortity,the tort 7
going facts to.be true
B. Doi:r.Ey
A. N. liir:r.tnitiriE 1: A I.*STI:"i
. .
t ult Dn EAsiwoori
1..07;0\1116f: til.l.llllllliGE ANNA
. •
;16 . 16 IVII ON: L. Vs it
,Port. A llegilny,Manzh
The proprietors nod. publishers' of the Phila
delphia Esennig.4r7:esi publish a' weekly
Ter..of..eiglit 'pages, the KEI:stoNE, containg,
forty-eight, columns of reading matter, They
.propene • to mUke . the.licysTrsis ii.Carnpaig'it pa.
per, the first rfuMbor "I' tt 'del l 'u s , s u e h will.
issi•ted on the .16th day' of May u'ext-, and.
the last on the -I.lth day Of.'N'ni'eml).er ;,,.the•
closing number containing:lllo' full , returns , of
the Presidential Election, - thus furnishing sill);
scriberS with 20 copies of the paper iintdinini .
eaebll3 r.nitirrio.nr a. grand tots' for the Cam;
.paigti of, T 21,8 colitmni of r , adirig 'matter.' .•
'We propose to fitrnishtke paper for the sine
months at. the rate of .One Dollat to single , :Sub
scribers ;. for % clubs 0t.1.9 .th .20. at 7Q. cents
each, fcir, clubs of 20 to 50 at 00 cents eech,.
an-I for eldbs . of .:30 and upward` at .00 coots
'eacii—th , i , PaPer's clubs to be sentlo one
'address.. ,
Thi s plan is an Pxce,llent.•one Lh'y it 'clubs
•will receive ten copies for, $7 . ; t Wenty copies
for .ST'?, and 'flfty . .coples for $2.i.. •''•• •
• We renieetfully•-ioVite the. friends • of . the
Democracy . thromehout the entin'try.to co-ope-:
rate With is in giving this sheet a wide ;circu
lation ; iriproMoticaThe spread of liberal Dem
ocratic principles.; in 'laboring to .strerigt hen,
the bond,' or the •Union, and thereby .securing.
the triumph, of the National pemcicracy in the
contest of• 18ti0. . '
this work we'porpcise to . devote our ,en;
lire and untiring energie§,',and We believe:lll'st
in no other way , , .by: the, invesfmcnt 'of the
same.'amMint cud' any • accomplish- more ennrl
for . the.Democ'ratic eausejhan by the distribu
,such a' paper as , we intend ours 02a.11
I Cis now evident that they,reat battle of 1.860
Will he'l'ofight between the
. Sretionalistyi of- the
-Black'RePriblican party„ and 'the 'Nationalism
of the Demcieratic party.. • In this 'Contest the
hell will he the Middle Slates .pr the UmiOn . ,-
and Permsyl,i,ania„-t•he Keys!ane" -of ihe
political as-Well aS•the national arch, will be
the princdpal theatre of-'the.. war:. She, 1..6 . 11
again .be callectupon to interpOse . }mt . - power' th
drive back' coharts of faCaticel sectional'-
ism, and again, with her coriservative . , masses,
sustain this Union end the Constitution; as such
is and . will be her position, we feel, trt is,
peculiarlTapPropriate,-under all, 'the . : circum
stances, ;that in . ..her .great Commercial -.and
Manafacturing . metropolisliye shOulddistresuch.
paper for the Campaign as :the f(E'vs-TONE,-a.
paper. N . 1 : )11Ch will tirtlifully and, fearlesoy,re
fleck 'the sound -..Union-Toying. 'arid
'Constitution-'supporting principles of 'the Detn
oeratic party.' city, . espercially,
should 'emanate Such-a paper; and it • should be
scattered among' the people broad-cast, -froth
the DakeS of'dha'North to the Gulf of 111 . 0cico,',
from, the Atlantic to. the, Pacific. ,
We anticipate victory, but that victory Moat
'be 'snatched froMunder the very bSifners Of the
enemy and from the. cannon's mouth.. Enter
laininn• [hi§ view nor enemy may expect' that.
•we.shall pour. intim 'hot shot uporrall occasions,
atrol.that every salient . .point will be 'attacked.
Tearleksly,•boldly, andvigorously.'. WS helieve
that in, this crisis of our country, ..when its in,
'ititutions.are endangered, its laws, resisted, its
:ConStittition threatened; and the- perpetuity of
our glorious 'Union attempted be destroyed, '
that it Is. our duty, ns good citizens, to make,
use 'of ail honorable means put into our . hands
by'riatyre and by nature's G . od'. to drive back
the black- cohorts of fanatical Abolition, which
would ruin 'the. fairest political heritage. ever
becioptithed te-a. people. :
.• •
-We therefore entreat our friends' and 'the
fifeeds. of Democrati4: principles. everywhere
—North; South, Eastland West,:to - assist us
in this good work. Letthem hold op. Our hands
by pouring in upon us the Snbscriptions, end we
say. to theDeinecraey of the .. tyhole .cooptry,'
"D 6 rmr dirty, and we will do . . •..
CG? All ordrrs rriest be accompanied with
he cash. Address .. ' •
•, .• JO. SEV.MINS 8; C 0.,:
' . Publishers,'
No. J39.South THIRD Street, Philadni
• . S, .oro -
ILtving peilnimently hicated at'
• .
would respectfully inform the ~nublicthat he
'is prepared to attend te. business in tilt branches
of the Medical •Profession.. - Particular" atten-.
tion paid to Seeret Diseases," bpttf male and
female, they'will be treated in aatirdOnce With
the latest authorities , and practice of hoth Du
rope and America: . All secrets intrusted to
him, in his practice, will. be .strictly kept by.
him, in spite of;money, law, friends, enemies,
relatives or neighbors, ' •
• . Poit Allegany; March 2001,•1806.
'"Costai'e Electric powdei for ansects; .
.I)SsTrtOys'INSTA.:VrLIC • • '
tia t s— flo a CheS: 7- XiCe . :-:Moles---Gro t i n d
Bed . flg.s.---Ants--Moths-71Vfosqnetocis-Fleas
-,lnsects on plants, ' Insects on'animuls r Occ.;
evrry form- anil speCies of.
. .
. .
10 Te'ari..estnblishcl irrNew. yorkl
•by.the7olficc.—the city. Prisons and
Stlitign.Houiest r ge . .city Sti!amOrs;' §hips, &c.
The:city liotel..s, Nicholas;v&e:'
Druggis'ts'Ami . Retuiler's'.ei,prysy.hefe.,kel.l:
Whe.le..ale: Agents. in all the large Cities.
o.7..Regular. sizes . 10C end $L 136xes--
Bottles—Flasks. • .
• - • ~
!:13r:wn . 11E:i
.!:!.of m)pricwq..
. 130 x, Bottle and lqiksk; tthdlake
n9thinz, . •
Tr . ' Si U( . &ris sent 1)Y.:11fail.
kss Bbxes &e.
- Addles orders '-or, for icCiletilars -to
'1 0 .BROADyiy, N. Y..
Sold by W. s...nrtowNELL, nt Smethiort,
L • A tinci•
E. C.6 . 1.1N
B: S. Citi
In Shipperi to . v041)4); '.l\larCh pth,..:of linger
ing c!onFtimption, AIrs.T;T. I%fooig, , wife' of
L. ;1'...111,;0re, and 'dangbter of Wrp. and
I . 3etsl: aged :3l . jreari 1 mon.th4ncl
• 'Nl'hile:inhoalth, and with the prospect Of a
long lifo.heforO har,t he de't-ea sed . weleomed Jens
Christ as her - Lord and Saviour,
.and became a.
Inemharof the Coniirregationalise Chuich of
Stnetlfpoit; Shey.tas'.aheciful, yet thoughtful;
a ndyarhost,
.and.aonsistent... These amiable.
qualittes . secured i-e4pect andadmiratiOn of
all who knew het.. With .dOvoii.Cgratituda.shel,
ever ihotghtof the day ~ .vhen•site was brought
to penitent; trnst- .
ing, Her aithlin : Christ . entihted,
tier to riatik' . .of death Withasnile. Hfir.jasi
Words wore,the expression' of ,a correetChrii
tian.dr=nosition. She whictiarpd;.“o:Lord, be
merciful," and
,without a sign of - riain.o,r. feat- .
her spirit: geintly passed: into the inesenae of
I Li, ANN) suoirEt, ph0W,5,4 su
periof.ariicle; rtidnalaPtareti at the :
The Stockhbirlerl:::of The rellle.lCenn Railroad
.and Navigation COmpany;?' are requested 19•
meet“.at •the oifiee'of the. Company, in' the
13orotieli of , Smethpnrt, on. Saturday, the , '7th"
day of iiext,at.3 o'clock P.*M.; of.. said
clay, fur thr purpose. of . .eleeting a Piesident
an.itwelve Direciors jor the ensuine Year'.
• . sAmunl . C': HYDE- Secretor
. Smethporf, Mereh 22, 1860. , 3w
• -Notic,eAs hereby given that.on the. third day.
of. March, ISGO, the firm OfJ.C, ffaCkus.&•Cp.
was disaolved by mutual consent, and all 'debts
dile,t he fircr,are:to be paid to J. G.' Backua,
and said Backus is- to
. pay demarid'aiainat
' • •S. C. BACKUS:
• • • G. W. "SART.WELL
,rnetl.p9rt,•ll•iffeli'l,st.h, 1860. • ... •
\ n. ILASK I:LL,
DEGS le:givc to aufrounce :to the traveling
and*t.he public generally that he
has PuTehgsed the abuye nained hotel, forrneily
occupied by Jetties Miller, Lind refitted it in a
style suited to the times .i.rid4ants of the pub
.Will always be supplied 'tri . th, the lie the mar
lier.aiid any sarrouadirig; country. can afford. •
ETES "..13A111
Will be supplied, with the .choicest wines and
•Will the care of atteetive re
sponsible for their eonduct to. their employer
who will- give the entire establishment his per:
sena' supervision. • •
In short every department of his. establish
ment will beaupplied with all the .
. .
the weary travel er can' deaire.
In the hope that he will be able io make hie
during- their visit at his - bousa, he respectfully
solicits- a share of public patronagei
• Smetbport„ Jan. I,`lBoo
HR SUBSCRIBER would inform the citi
zens cd Port AllPgany, and tiii.:suriotind
-411'; country, that he is prepared to ,do.all'kinds
- . -
'ln . all its different branches in a 'Workmenlilre
manner, with produnness' and:dispatch warran7
ted, to gibe satisldetion. : - "
attended to in- : good style, am! • fit rensonalke
rates.' Partidularnttention paid to .
1101 S Shoeing; •
• -
Prom experlence•in the bus i nes s, entire satis
faction is guaranteed. •.' • •K'D. OTTO.
Port Allegany, March 1, 1560...,, •
B. All persons awing me, or having un.
settled' necotints, nre. earnestly requested to
call and settle the same without :delay ;• - there .
by raving c-o,t,and trouhle. J. D. OTTO.
• • . .
: STOVES.!::'.'OST3VESI :-
. ,
l'beit gelectdd, and clieapestiot of Stoves ever
brought into this section." 'E.s..-,m-Ascorq
A FEW levoiesof Dooti and Shoes to gi away at
- ' .11. F.
,11 molars:
r 1it79 . 11E1,f3 of Drled.Apples store and for
- .
:,.Sl.3tur..i; M. • .
jrr,. son of Maj:S. ..M.
ii)t Potter; edanty; been.seledteti: as
Et Cadet at • •
I'n ©very:foi•iu. and preiet4 of
` , Cortar Costar `'Costar's'.'.. Itat, Roatit,.&e: kxterminator
"C9star's",Bea-bug .txtprminator. •
"costar's" • .
SMET I-1 RT !•Fg.f(N.4.cr,
- - N.. T ICE .
Olirie to r