,„.„.„,. ~..... ~.., , ...-:. •'• -...., ' ' • . . , ... . . . ~ . , . . . . , , '.''':', !•:.-....... ::)ii .•••,,,,, ~e .5: 7 4; ''',. VO::, IR i• • . . M.• , • . . . . . . . . ._ - .• - . . • • .. ... ' . . •• • 111H.J....A*--......... • .C. _• ... _ ~., ......,.. H. ...._ _ _ . • . ~.'. ..."...._ ~...„:.„..„4„..„,......•••..,...•.,„ ~..,.;.:,...,,...........:.,....:..,...,...,..... :::.,..,....,.,..„....„.,.....,...:....,,,..„.„....,...„.....,,..,..,...„.....,-,......„.„,,.....„..,..-..,„......•.,,..,,..:„•::.,.,...,...„.....„......„..,...:.1_,.„..,.......„,„.„., 1 ,::: : :,..,,.,..7,,.„,,;..,„.„, ; „,,„:"„„,.. _... __. ... ~..,....,.,,,.... ...... . • • ..•.,..•..._ ........,...... •• ..:t .„,.•...,...•.,,,...,....,.....,...,•:._....... „ ...„...„.„,„..•••,, ....,..r„.„ ~ ~. '',,:!'....• ... ~. ;,', 3 . .*. 4`3; _ . . • . . _ V OL. Qciliotrat. PUDLiSUPD EVERY TFIURSDA NG, : • ' ny J. B, .OVIATT; • SIIIETIIPORT • : APKEAN COUNTY, • PA. QFncE, •5. PT,TI3.IC SQUAItII TERMS: L'. -, $l5O in Adyanco • . • • • .• . •• • Rates.....of Advettising. .3 Column one ' ..... j. 4 , • six months • ." • ' it t it 'One ,square of 1211 nes or' less, 3 insertions, Each' subsequent .... .. llustheklis Oardil,.wi paper...... .. .... ..t.. 500 Rule or ngure work will he nouble 'the ahoy° rates: Twelve linos Brev.iei.f.yo, or eight lines nonpareil, is These Ternis will IM strictly. antlered to. rti /305111e55 . ....10.itat0rv.. . • . . .. . . , • . "• . A: D . : 'HAMIAN,•. •-, ".' . • , SU ryeyor, ' Drallsnv.n Critiveyancvr. - .11,1 ' Real • Estate , .` Agent. ' Sloetttport; ll'Ke an county, _Pa, •-.: • • . • B. F, WRIGHT, Whologale an.l.ltotair DealCr'in Fornify rocoriec, PlcOr, Salt, Feed, : llorits and P.hoec, hc.y &c. ;Store • the Actor house Plock 'Emethport Pa; A. N. TAYLOR, • . . . . . Daaler.itilir'3 , Cilialg, Groorieg, Pork, Flour. 51ilt; : rish Ready..litide Clothing, Booty and ithoea: . limetlipart,. . • ,•• • • ' ' • , • • WILLIAM WILKIN,• • Practical Mechanic, :Millwright,. Port Allegheny, Mlicau county, Pa. :•• . 1: J. L. BROWN,. • • • . . I.IRVEYOII.,.DRAFTSMAIsi. ebNy,EYANCEit and Real .tiAtiLio Agellt; Glide, Williamsvillo, - Ellt Co., Peun'a " • . . • /1011. t tllolll:l,B:StrllthUr9,, W. S. Brownnll, lfort. A. 'l. • „ " ' CAHVER HOUSE,' • • . • JUIT H. HULL PropriOtor. corner of Water inlllickory r:tre - obi, IVorren, tleneral Stage Oflio. S. C. BACK JS. & CO . . general Dealer; in Pry 'tiornl4,Nlronerlos. Crinikery, Iteots and Shoes, Hats avid Zie,; ominsite the Conrt Iluuae, Sine • • FOI3ES HOUSE, . . .. Y. ktroting the Pnblin* Sqqare. Olean. N. Y. .TAMF:.4'3I.. • Ititt.t.nit. Proprietor. The Elnbeslionipis entirely new ntnt built Of brick. and: in ferni4lo , kll modern style,. • 'Cho proprietor flatters ltin,telf thrrlin liceetnutinin-, ,'. t th i n Ara riot snrpnsne•l by ntly hotel .ill Western ': , ;.w ' York. CarAngen run.to awl trout the', New York 'nod _Erie Itaij Road: • : BYRON D. HAMLIN, . . . . . ATTORXRY' AT LAW; Stnethport, M'Enaii Cnirity. PA:, iiniut for 111.eAsrs. Iceitin; &, CO'. Lands .. Alteivls *especially' to tip Collection of Claims; Examinatioii of - Land Titles: ' . Vayaintit..6l Taxes,:iind all liusimnis vela :- iing til lien! llitnte. ()Plan in Itainlin Block. :. - . • GREEN'S HOTEL • . . th . . D...V. Wiiiitiiii, Proprier,--::iiiliiiintt, 'Warre county ;.. Pa. Ilis Table will' be: A u pplied 'with .the ,liplit the 'enitiltry" nitinits, ittiil he spiry ito pains hi acetiui../ , ttliig hie gufstsi i, . . , ... . ... . . , . . . E. BOUGH'TON ELDRED, • .. . . . . . Attorney and. Counsellor at Law, Smethport. AllNean • County, Pa, Business 'entrusted to his care for.the ..: counties of 111 , Kean. Pottor and Elk will, be promptly Attended to 011ie° in the Court Muse; seeend Boer. L..R. WISRE.R, . , . . . thvaician Ana Surgeon, slnethport, P 4, will attend to • .till profts.iional calla with indtrlptneas. -0111ce in Sart .. avoll Block, aecdrot floor, . . S. ttrltEß ez 00,, . . WhopNiale. arialteittl Denleis. in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods' Carpeting;, nearly . Made. Clothing. and - General ' Furnishing Gdotln.pciotc .in.lSho'es, - .Wali ' tonViVindow Paper, Looking Chances Ate. At Oldan, N. Y. • . • ' - • --- BENNETT HOUSE, . . . . , Smetlipart; Wliertil 00.,Pa. D.. 11. IlEisi:.l7;.Proprie tor-9pppsite the' Court Hausa,. A new., large, coin . raodieug amlwell.fureislietlltoose, . . . . • , JOitli:C.. BACKUS, .••.. . .• • Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Smethport, M' Kean Co Pa . . `Wiltattend to al,lbusinesain lila lirofeasion in the • comities of ''Kean, Potter and Elk': Witte over (r, K. " • Sartwell & 'pi:others' Stern.- , ..-• " • ' ' . HACKNY:TIOUSE; . , Corner or Second mild Liberty streets, Warren, Pa.'. R. •A. 'Deanna, Proprietor. Travelers ,will flint good ac-, commodatiOns and reasonable obarge:i.• • E. S. MASON, . . 'Dealer in Stole's; Tin Ware, J4ippaned Ware, & - c„ test able 'or the, Public SquAre, 'Smetliport,' Pa: OustoM work thine to' order.onAlte. shortest notice, and in. the most substantial. manner. W.. S. BROWNELL, . .. . , . Dealer. in Dry .oeods, Groaeries, Crockery—flaraware,' . • Boots, Shoes, lints; Cans. Glass, Nails', Oils,'Sie.., &C. ;'East "silo of .the Public 'Squere,.S.lnothnort, Pa. ' . .. A. J. 'OTTO,. Dealer in Provisions and.FamilyGroceriesizoitarally; at Farmers Valley, V. , Kean'..00,,..Pa... Grain , ' Lumber, ' , SVintrles t 'Scc.; telcbtl in. exchangefor 'Good ' s." Patent Medicines for ti' ati43%xcti..., ----------- ~ • LARABEE'S . HOTEL, , • , it. -14111ZE. ProprintorAllegherly ; Bridge, id , Kean " Co.; Pa.' This hone° in altuated about nice milon from ' .smothport on the road to Olean, and *CI be found a ..•cOnvenientntoOping-place " . . • • . - EMPORIUM HOUSE, Siiippen, Wlteitir Clo., Pa, 'N. L;I3YKE, Proprietor •' A•commhdious and 'well=furnislied lwuso. Strange•? and taavelarc will fitid good accommodations. , FARMMS' VALLEY HOTEL, . . . . . . . lly , T. GOODWIN. TWO lIOTIRO iersituateil absent' live tell e, fromßinethport on the road to'bleap... 'P l ensure parlitt' . ' and °theta een be aouomtnotlate,i op the shortest untiee• ELDRED HALF-WAY' HOUSE, . . . . itATIIAN MINIM, Proprietor. This house is sltnated hal: :way betiveen Bmbthport and. Olean. If you slant a good anner.this Is the place ,to atop:.., ' • , • . GHORDIS CORIAIN, . Pio010(31 , 0 tho Grist:Mill. it 'Alochanickiburg,Dfc . • KeatiVototy Pa.• Mon 1;. and Foed;conattintl hand unit for:sale,in largo and smigl, quantities. RAILROAD ROUSE, , . . 0; 'OSTRANDER, .Proprietor, .21CICean Pa Good' accommodations can bo bad .there' at,al PORT'A'LLEGANY ROUSE, kinort Preprletor,. nt.Terl: Allegany,, Me - Kean Ciehnty, , !thin Intol ikeitnated 'at the pile, Lion of the Stnelliport and Allegany River loada, nine nillea (met ot , Sinethpert. , ".. • • • AS . TOR HOUSE . .;:..,.. 111PKEA . N po., - •Pa. • WM. .HASKELL •:' : Proprietor The t;roliriotor • having reeei4tly purchased and `thor oughly refitted tlie:Astor Ito • use, flatters himself: that ho den tarnish as good aceonitaodatiens as any 'iota In West eta Penneylvanla: , • ' WAN TEP • ••' JoOLD ON.ST MON , eichange for work,"at rt JU the ~. -" ; • FURNACE; • Tlikbost 503 Teahi tuvinI s ip63i t , tsE i; ' 01 tus .01ilfdloily through the mast That roll their Army waves betiveen, The gorgeous sunset land alibears T , . Arrayed ju'hues of fadeless green. And from that far. or sonny clime,: ' Old half,furgottlu senge arise, •:' And'atehling o , er the . laves °Clime • Thusweetly:lingming Music - - Xs some bright island of the sea, .Forever bipoining--:over fair; Though add, dark billows:round it be, 7tcrnalsunshine hOver.%there... .Thus.tder'the'sllent :soy of "yOnrs,' Our eager longing looksiro, croft, Whe . ro robed in fadeless The . sunlit Eden of tbollast: . •• . $35 00 t2O 00 • 12 00 . 20 00 . i 00 150 . . Th . ere memory Weaves her garlaud x green Beside the lone, hope-haunted shdre And indshig !mid the A realiau scene; - ..TadnehlloWeri that bloom fur holm more .0h! hollowed (Aimed bleit land of .Sweet . rairadise of eaidy.dreams !..• • Still through thy vela my'fauey rove,- Still bask beneath thy evening buanas:, . . And t141.e they dwellH.bone:ellerished With snow white brownand w . itivini hair nee - thein now-I hear tunas ' .9f 'sWeetfiese sigh along the dif.. Trarini how their silvery In citdenenwillt the wind's .low nigh.; • N . it Sweeter is the wind-b'urp's string" That Waken.adene tta melody, • I • • see, they bare As li4tlio.inintgs "Tl:nt clime in . all its beauty stands '. Against:lb o.ferehead of the sky: . ivientlicil brows—nith Itiugli and song,'• teuder loofa—Laude claspint . They morn slung, that lore-linked thinner 'Within the haunted suuset.land. . .- .• Ridgway, ... IV.tcren;. Sinetlinort, Pn Hui4m. VIA:a. l'a a jail' Co: see a young. Intin ‘vho hail once heed a.sa.bhath school • Thelceeper 'took djrgi.bunch of 'toy's. and: led its throtih the . ing one door anolhet, ,untit at length ho opened the door ..the . rodm, where sat. the 'youngman ws had . c . ornet6iee: The walISAf the room WorcOl emirse.s!ono; 4 thilLioi of thick. plank, and before: the windows wc;re.sdrong list) Without, all Was beautiful c.the,gte.eil the sweet (lowers; and : singing birds .. were as' lovely as ever butthisypiftig mats could ..en joy noise of could he, go 'Out, for he Was condemned to death! Fes, he' had and.noiv he liiinsclf must die. 'Think .it, Only twenty .years old; And •Yet,a Sat'lliwii beside him. and ••taliced said he; as the 'teat's rolled down his cheeks, "I did. not :mean 'in 'do it, butt was drunk ;' then I gat anery, 'anii before . .l .. .kneir what I . Wasihout-rkilled .him I .." 91 1 ;•ifi - had minded what sabbath seliciot teacher snid, if had • minded' thy mother . , • I never. should,haYe.eo . the should never hai.e been here !"• , • • lt would have Made your.heart • sore as' it did Mine; to See:aad tall: with him •Oace'he Was' . a happy,'pla)ful child like you; new he is a poor. condemned young.mau. die did . not mind. his motherolid not govern'his ternpar; he grew olde'r •he went . with 'bad..boys, who taught him bad habits ;,and. he.beearn'e vbrse and Woise; until, as . he- 'said;" ;when drimk; he killed a man ; and now; after a . femi:v&eekChe must suller the . dreadful lienalty..:Asl left hird.he •• • : • "Will you porpriy . for me ?". mid lie added, «Oh! tell boys:: M.Feryw,here to. mind their mOthers, and keepaway.from bad companions." . , . • GauArisr.una.lf you "find a min' disposed to coin pldin. c!roe'coldtf9se of, the world, •be sure tiehas•never hrought anything into, the to warm it, but is 'a personal lump of ice set in the midst of it...lf Pm:tied '4. mad who: corn: plains that the world .is, all : base'and hollow, I tap hitn' and,be probably sound :base: and holloty. And s,o, in the other Way; n kindman will probably find kintiness all "about him,, The Mercifal man; aa•ri ger i e . T al will obtain mercy. Ilewho has alWays • had a kind ,s3C-• 'cusp•forotherp,, who has.looked at the lest side 'of the case ; ho who, has, rendered hie pirtion and' his' help whenever. liecoulth who has never brought his fellow=man. into • any Strait by' reason of not helping him—will :And. that the mercy which he .. has bestowed •flowS' back upon him in a full and spontaneous spring; He will make a rnerciful. world oy the, mercy he himself shoWs. . . . . . The Chicago .7!int . es.y a: that q• largo whole sale house iri,Chicago lately eentan .agent :let° Missouri te.look into the circumstance' of one of their debtors in that State. The agent Went, and shortly reported that the.debter had noth ing of value expept,a:conple of: negrO children.. His employers .Were Republicansevery min in, their house was Republican= yet they wrote back tOleiy . on the,negro...children, and hold ,them forlbedebt. This.vtiai•donei but with out effect, for.the distressed 'debtor could 'no t raise the..fun& :-This Republican' firm, ;then wrote to have the'children sold to pay . a debt h It , was*dete; and these worse . sPeci inensof litimanitir - than all ' the Legrees: that could be coined by the vivid imagination ..;of the Abolition MrS, Stevie, received their , dues,' There.ie high,a e thorify ,for odd thatches "'in , this the Goddess' of teauty, was inartied to alunle bleekseetth, • • SMETHPORT, APKEAN COUNTY, Pit, THURSDAY; MARCH 29,;1860. THE STINSEI' LAND "If I had Minded my Itlother." WINTER. SCENES.. The following fro* tlyt Chicago , Toaruo.e is ivoithy ofbch4; placed' beside the winter sketches of•Jaeoli .Abhoti• and 'Nathaniel P. .That 916 red .b . ox • that never was full, far'd ' own'in'the straWijwitiPped in robes,, or on one or.tile 'other of .the four ' seats it eontained, there,Was . cralwayi raom for one more:' _'.' Whitt.a;grouPing of bright . yohng, faces there used to be in it t 'Feces', in hoodi;, anyi , in blankets—hearts that hay's loved since-heeits that have :broken' ; .hearts that fiave mouldered. "A•nd'away we wentl;orer :the hill' and•through the:vele • under. the. and; under • thecloud. 7 ‘then., the'. stars wete looleingdownwhen the still kindled'the-ivorl tl l into_ a, griest whitejewel....... But those days have gone.foreVer:away,.end thd s'weet old noel Of bells, - big; in the 'middle'. Of • the • string, and g:rowitr,i, small by degrees, power Over the. pekes.... ' . •.•• , In the ol . dsleiglt hrideshaVe gone: away be for,. now.-those were, married to. manhood those that . were: married unto death., Ships . ha:Ve: gone' over the '.waters. with less cif hok.andhalipines,s, than• that rude craft has. horhe Oiier the hilloWS of .winter-L-SWdn-like shapesnow glance alcing:the narrow give us.for • its .Swebtrriernories,..of yesterday„ the old red.slelgh.: ' Then, the days, we' wereioasters, and down the, big hill; by the .maple. wood, 'through the little . ..-ilitebeS farinto the 'valley 'we came 'ivrthmetry shun t,:each:the solitary Palititirus of his HoW' n'flocli. of swullott•a"we 'ditshing : down the' lesteiritY.,- , a'rnong'a grOup of 'sleds, Side by side with a rival 'sh?Otin hylike.an rio ty, steering in gal- . lastly:ahead. like a jock6.,.and on our• way: up with a sled iii to;y, ere the other .partk.had reached..themile} • • . And then 'it was Whenn-the • wind ; had. swept' .awar - the;Snow fr4inpond and stream,. and the ice was gharki, that we - pot. on the;irockers". 'and-dartcd hither and . thither, and"eut sixes ;and- eights. and .cerves. without timilher, and drew the 'girls that we loved, and whirletUtheM like leaves over the highwaY of •dlrystal. ....• • And the.schoolS • wheie'Wd..sPeltf.eaels other doWn,•and the schools . .whe re • we sang . . Wind. , ham ~dnd*. l ear,lan! l the schools ,vllere eve cy phered antiwrote,'and all 'goner, te,ieher aod 'taught; like the .melting snow under the rainbOws.4 April. , And when, sometirnes after the, great snow, the winds carne out bf the no . rth . tor a ,(tulle;' what Wreathings 'and carvings of.thecold, - .ala 'l:taster, there were. What ceiinthlati adornings suimeunted.the'ftnipe.. posts ; 'what mouldings werefashione:r;by the • Way; ; what fairylike Cave's in' the .drifts.; what Sowers of rare, finish and pendants of pearlsbn-the•trees.• . . I-I.n4e you quite forgotten the loot-p nuts w'e nsed'ie find'in the.damP.snoW S'onie •. • • of t herd as.it lose letter; the mysterious paths down, to the brook, or by the old halfoiv,, t'ee that we useilftri wonder over and set ."figure lours" by, if perchance we. might Catch the.: Makers thereor?. , H,ave; 'forgotten holy, sorry were 'for: the •sno,w l 'bir,ds that litittered.ardong - the flakesi..and seemed .tessed and host in the 'storm? =And ~ • , ; And theresin 'the of, that • 'winter 'Christmas was'set, that made the thanksgiving last all through the night:Of the'year, and What „wonder. the . stars and the fires; burned. more . brightly therefOr ~Christmas With -.its gifti and its .. ebeer; , carol'and phtr ar:; it' s ever-, green branch and its bright yarning drearna.-- : Christmas when.theie. were Printslopen'thp chimney tons if: we were only' there. to see them, where Santa •ClauS set• footras clock"Struck.twely . e. • by when ..iteck ings. were suspended by heartli.and by pillow all over the land . ; stoeltings, silken'and white'; stockings; homely •and bled, and even the little red.soek : with a hole ple'sed for, ever be b - ethlehein's 'star. ' : Pnpeitha" Omer, Rur.es:—The follosving,have been almost unanimcusly• ritlopted . by . th . ~c raft," and : are .expecied to be obsetrved • 1. Enter'softly-, ' • 2. Sit AfeAyn quietly. 3.. Subscribe fel.the paper,' 1. Don't itehch . the'pokei:' . 5, Say nothing interesting.•• Engage inmo controversy.., '• 7. Don't smOke.- - S. Keep six feet from tahle 0. iton't talk to the printer's. 10. Hands oW the papers, • 11.EYei oil . the manuscript., 12. Keep eyes of the matter. Gentlemen 'observing ' these rules-'when en. . . feting a printing office, will greatly oblige the, i printers', and need' not fearthe .levil: - -. -- ' . ' :T. belittles', who:soinetinie ' blesi , ns-*With their:presetle . elor . a.few.-inin ace, - are not - ex.. pectid te keep the ritles- - :Ver strictly,. and . hi.' deed,•it %ill be agreeable to us to have. them break the fifth and ninth' rules as. Often as con venient: -''-,....'..' , :-'.....',..';':;.--. ...., ... .... -..•, . 2.. Boys ; unless •neconspanied hy , .teir. . fathers, arUpartlcutarty yequeitell to- keep their hands in their pockets. -. :-- ... • .Young men' live • tempeiately—gn . to chtir . ch - . .-nttOnti to your.alltirs-Llave '4l - the pretty girls—marry ono of.thcin--live like a akin, diki•ilio . it Christian. - . NORTH AND SOUTH, "The following is an e*Atractfrorn a diseOurse Preached by the 'Rev.,. Yon Dyke, of . Brooklyn, INT: r..on the last Thanksgiving , ..“The.relation:,hetWeen . inqster.and servant . invOlitei'es'-'yon,':wcil.,'know, the:most: difficult, and delicate 7 questiOas pertaining tollie fare of human . society.. In 'oueown country the!Opiejliitts,htive not 'Only been disceiSed in. the 'abitraef;'hut-so.interwevon with party -in tereati'• and". - passions that itis rare , to gee a 'man; Who can' s it. down: calmly and Withbut prejudice 'to consider them. It his* not been my custom and it cortai4knot n0w . 11 , 13 , 1M% . pie,:te bring these questiOns in their politich asPets, into the sacred desk. The..time•hhe come, When in my jedgment, it behoVes. all good men,*AndespeciallY ministers enhe pel,•rot to he identified With the hitter; tentions of no . ) , party,. but' to stanirreadY‘ with oil to pour upon the waves, instead of . angry breath to laSh them: into fur y . Arid in the presence of this Christian assembly, it seetris to me that the very' boat oil 'for this'parpose the ealirtanirtiuthorafive utterance of the word Of. God. IThe fifth comMandrnent *as - it is'. ex- PoiMded, net only in the I.evitieril the•Mtaniple;aud.rocordell * testimony'of.Chrisf and his ApOstles, has a direct bearing upon the relation:: of niaster. and -iierVent.. Following the apoStalic r exemple, if I' were called upon. to reiulatethat*relatidn, would have•nothindtn •say . about abstractions, rMapPetil toile Dedar ation of liiitePendence, the Constitution ' of the . e United Statit; the enactments of • Congress, 'or 'the.deliiiitrences..of .eclesiaetical• aSsemblies.7'-' These. are . not text-hooks. 'On a- 'Southern; plantation, I Wwild*tadhere, inst . asl Strive to do amid the*wlnde of doctrine in this 'great city I.O•the law and leitimopy.of.'tpr inspired com-. Would 1 .- cattail(' expriutud , the* Bible;, saying'first te 'Masters; ciGiVe into yoUr servants 'that*Which is; just and equal, know ing haven Master Your Iledvenly, master will' hold .ypu•to.strici account: If . yOu claim. for the . relatien you *sustain to* your servants the protection of the divine laiv, youmustriccept also the conditions and restrictions Which • that .law. iinposes if your authority °yrr them is patria sd also are yew . .. obligations towards. them. You are answerable not only for their bodily comfort, but fort s heii..piritual welfare and .• • sal 'vation', even - as a f ather is, answerable Air .his childrdn. -• lt* is a soleinn respeiisibilitY . which rests' open so* and if you do not the utmost of your power,' seek tol•prerinite*. the purity, knowledge •and eternal life of thOie tiS•Wherri you stand in this-parental : relation, fearful heinitr guilt. . We: de not require you. Tease being Masters: The hible doei.hot. : . And tie hcMestly . believe ;that. in 'most cases the best interests of th . oSe. - Pader . yotir control l' ' 'pultl not be proinoted•byl•h freedom whose: perils 'and* whose privileges:they *hre:nOt an yet. 'prepared to sustain. "But we do beseech : you, in Christ's name, :not only"to , be 'reconciled to hirn.your selvesbut to giVe those •for whorn -you are re-: sponsible a knovledge and aliving:lllitstration, of truth asit is in,Sesus. •• •• . • ”This,;brethrsii,• is . dOetrhie which .in' days past Wai•prs:ached,by such, men as fleyies . ,• •and Baxtei; and Rice, and Alexander, and is now taught-by hundr . ediOf Godly Ministers all :over'ourouthern • States-i,the . doctrine. whiCh has yielderl;'and is Iyielding, preeious fruits : in the .Salvation ; ofmuktitudei of both masters and serants j ,aud raising' up . KAfrica agreat. cloud witnesses;Ai'ho shall lift up their 'voice, not only amid' the. ivbite-rObed thiMid in 'belly:. en,.. but :amid the thick : dark:doss. •of. idolatrous tikes '.uPon their inailie:shores-4the doctrine Which but (or. 'the' •prejudices.and passions that htive been, ronsedlntO fury by leachiii - g, 01 . difreient.sorti.Would:..even now be 'winning its OUietand'hkssed way.,intO.: the iiearts of many by whom, .according to the ApOstle'S•prophicy,' (I.• Tip. vi.• I.), the name and doctrines of .God, are blasphemed., . . . is instruction Which the Biblegives to . 'servants. less ahundent and .I do not find in either - Testament any hitter curses and. accusations against : masters', any trumpet :calls to rebellion, and'. arson, and murder, -any justification of fraud or Violence, as a. means of" escape froin'servitncl;- but I. do find such plain and sober Words as — these—and while thoy -stand here ... in their obvious and unperverahle •meaning,'l never can yield'to the pciptilar or that contradicts or ignores than, inless at the same' time I am prepared to becoirie . en in lidel to the gospel—l do.: find such seber. welds . -as .oese:—"Servants, he'Oliedient to them..thar ere-your 'masters according to- th! , . flesh; .with fear and t'rembling,in siugleaess of your hiiarts us unto Christ,•' Ot with . eye-serVice as .meti -1-416a-sers; but as, the ..serVent . of - Christ, doing. the will the heart; knowing-that whhtsoever good thing any Mati doeth; ;the 'same shall he resolved of. the tord,'Whe;aier he ; be bond:or.free'.. .• •. • ‘ , Believe rne, the gavel plan is.beit. 3f he stead of 'arraYing'claSs against 'claSS, 'and sec,. thin nal* instead .of Speculating about,the abitract •iightsand . political . desti nies, the ministe,rs of Christ only .adhered to their - commissioli and taught _ the relitiive.d4;. tics Of . ..master and servant as they, are laid down in the , Testament—if the intellec tual and imeltiniary triasurei.that have; . been noise thiin ‘iastcd.in agitation. amt. s.t.rjfu.l.fad . . been • conSeersted:to : the iptentl:4 the gospel: AuSt..ai pool preached it to bothhond arid freed, . . • • . • . Abe- word of cod applied byr:hie Spirit, would have .. ,wroughtkit the -practi.cal : solution. of tn e. 4 : Servitiidenot , inlheffiere contention'that'rio . W convnlies -.the la)id,:nor in •the divistaa and fraternal strife' thittidower : so potStitionslyin :: the . future, but kn the unity of phriSt; . Where ther e ' is` neither bond nor I,li:tier& the master treats . : the servant as nson,- and-the serv4tit .. honorS the nneSterai . a father. Tin unbeliever 'Vrlio doeti.. net i recninlie -the' gospel es the Power . of: Ginl; and thetieree.par tizen•Who,'earinet endure thuslow:: - methods of infinite wisilkeysneer and iail.bifterlyat- .this: siriiPle.plen 'and • denounce* those Who-ktre, Gotl'i strength, edhere : • I. : , . •• rahe ,'Apostle seems to:: bat/U-antichided their bitter: opposition, when' be wrote tohiii son Timothy these ,memorable words "Let as many:servants as• ; .are• ender. the yoke count their own masters Worthy. of all honor;thatthe . 'name of God and his tioetritie he. not...blas 'phetriedi end , they that haVe .believing-piasters, let-there not•despiso• because-they: bratiren,•ii'ut .'rerher-do-them Servfect: because they ere faithful and beloved pa rtakers These things. teach and 'eghort. any : marteach .olherwiSe,andY•consent nOt' . the•wheltiserne .: Words of ,the Lord .!anus :and the doctrine which is according godlineirs—‘: • from sucti.withdraw thySelf..(l. Tim, vi: l.:-5.) .Ifow,tife-like isthe portrait which the:spostle pieceedi.te iffaw of those *who do reach.. other-; • Any . one cenrecognizelt. And !How. 1 emphatic the instruction he gives to the Chrii, tinri• minister! . *; Let -Timothy take .beekto it: :Frorri:Such withdraw thyielf.t , •.• .. • N . THE TREA.tiOil 51A1011. the'dune Meeting of.the New York Histoiicai .SOciety,:llfr, Geo. 11. Moore radii. an May on the "Treason of .Ciii les Lee; Maim. General, second in commend in Hid American Army' of the Hevolution,''.and eseak has been pub lished by Mr. Charles Scrilinek. The- Courier' and Enquirdr anys..: presents for iho, first time to the world s the'positioe proofs pf.L'ee's treason; a facsimile of .llm erigiikat 'document in Lee's own handwriting, communicating to Lord:HOwo the plan - olthe:treason, foe-. simile of Led's letter to Gen. Gatee,iii whiCh 'he denounce; with .bitterness and :ptofanity that great and pcidd :leabi•Whumt during 'the whple we'r he, chose to consider his rival—Gan 'oral Washingion.....Apart ficim•it4 value as an authentic and . original . acConni of an •itioportint episode in the American Revolution', E)hovys in strong and instrupfivecoOast . tites pictures of the infamous traitor amiifte; true 'patriotL the' fiery .spirit of an• evil Ond •calrn . one of kigh'and holy .perpose—Charlei Lee,. who ,would . have - betrayed :the country wbick would not miniSfM:to - hia.unh'ol'y tion, and George Washington, whowoUld have died for , that country ritlier than it sbould,not have heen saved. .for ,freedom :alone. • These• pictures are good ones 'to study at the :present . • EA ttLY limprmaN . cy:s.--There can be no-e're'at er blessing than toboliorn . inthe light 'end nir, of .a...ch eerful . ,.; loving hotim. • . It . ' not - only en- . f i l rei; 'happy ::ellildhocid-if there be health and . a'goed constitution-na. it almoit makes sure. tt . • virtuous and happy 'manhood, . Lind. a fresh . young heart-in old age: Fthink it every parent?s duty to try. to maim' their'claddion's childhood full_ of love and of childbood!s.proner joYousnesS ; inditiv . er see children • destitute of thern.through• the poverty, faulty. tempers, .or wrong nations. cit their parents,..'without.:a . heartache. Not that all 'the' -appliances which, wealth Can buy ore neegssary'to. itte...free and .happy unfolding drchililhood in body, mind.or heartquite otherwise,'.God .be thankedi• but .dbildren 'nest at,•least have loye.inside the house; and fresh air and; good pfay':and. some .gued-companionshin outside—otheivvise. young life runs thegreateSt daeger:tn the World .01" tvithering 'Or ' growing .fahted,, - or' sour and wrong, orat.bost perma .s turely old % and . turned idward itself. . • • • •- • • A riT:EqIAN AT RFiAtilNll.-711in 'artesian well at. Reading,, Pa., AV,ltieli has' been , some. tinie . in progress,: for the largo.brewery; reached the depth pi 1,70,0 feet, being tire-third' in depth-in the'Llnired States:, • —• ' One at Colutnhati,phio, is 2,340 felt, and One at St, ,Lonis '2;2B2feet; This one 'at Reading is all-its•depth' through solid rock thn..bOre.i4 four inehes,and thArill is driven by -a- steam. engine, and requires bhi•thiecr,neen'at a .tirne; who.alternate-with three others, • sq as t 0 keep the work in constan . t eperationiand then some, times not making more than four inches:a : day.% *The shaft of ttie 'auger is made of -vveadeti. rods, Screwed .togetber,.and hoisted, lowered err tented by..the:sfeain pover.' . .The- 'present es- pens& is stated at ahotit...sl . s a day: . •.• The.Commissioqqrs of Indian atTaits: Slat PS in aleitor that: alrritist every Indian rese inlCansas has ciihet beei),s,qt kid or trespasited upon.by the whites, in utter disregard .4( •whi'cli•is. imperative; and must. -be. enforcee.:— . While he.would:Ck,ceedingly . Jeg,ret between - citizens and the •UnitedStites troops; and hope s that siich a calamity .will, tie 'avoid., ed..; but as at present'ativioetl, unless, they obey the• notice, the strong arni.pf the „Gbvertimont will be employetrtO enforce . it, however forini-. dable*,tbey may be in number/. . • • All ,f1.101r11;111 'y46 had iumpatl.i9to the - water ,to save a man from drowning.,on recPi‘iing 4 .sixpenCe.frorn thd person. as a roward hi s aerOicos,looked:at tho aixpetv.le, and then, at . him, and at'last,..e;:claitned, Weil, I'm Oiir pabi for the job." •..• • , . .„. . ~ . ....4VO know 401110. 01!.'0 . , .Wl/0; when . tVI 03'0 . lii;rpreXANl I 0 argument . ; get. out •iiiA us: pooi• debtor. ~ et out of jail—they IslA;oar out. - .... THE EARN 6ATl4llooißth,",„,t-,;1;. In 'accordance 'with " the "tinifittil', eustiOlik soma engineers of ..t he •eptiniciPa(itt;'retiiintl)r.;,, visited the catacombs, siderable distance beneath Parle,Oelhe bank of the river.. The Object ?jilt" Vrate- ", to :ascertuid. that the arches WhiCh support thd reef fierfeegfeo4,-' The . engineers werr!accompanied'bi:sirmer ilemen end ladies; and it is ;Indy on •the,tideX4" • Sion et . .thee?, annuarinspectiona combs can be,.Visllati at alt, .The•-;entritheelk . in the. courtyard, of whit Wii ';tOilnerl y cotroi-office, orthe.Barriern, d'Enfer. - , It id ,closed by a thick door, and' the tatacombeitrd • reached. by 1014 murrivi itairatise,.;desCendini about 70 , feet.. A rne,i at.the dbor,•Counte the persons who ; enter, and ‘giVeti•eaCh — a ligheed • .". enndle, wbich It is required &instantly" to Carry:" At the bottom of the •statr.ease frioa 104 'har.:•• row gallery, the sidest that ofwhich , ire supported by . masOnik, This gallery (n..wfiielf only.two persons canwalk abreusti:kide: spations yeah beneath theßlaine de: otitlkoh; ris, and in which:Vault ereerdlected ihi bones . : formerly removed from [the, old alitieterlet , : Paris., Sear the entrance to .the ya,ul(ii;•lll# friscription - ,.../Vidasuircz pas jiraimii deti Sc,' About.tWenty minutes areseccepied. •.: re : ltching this'epori and it la geneiilltlemarl" keil that the visitors, influenCed ihe strange. 4, ness of the sit uatinn and-bithe ,peculiar inlet • which preVails ' :soon become serious - Ana : .• In the vault , thebodes are piled tip like wdod lli a timberifird-entl, galleries pre'„formed,• in. thew for visitors to pass along. 'The bone* . are arranged, in a .th . gOlar order to ,the height of six fent, the larger banes" being otitaide,,,iihd , the skulls' being plac'edph the ;tip,' HOreandthere- • are inscriptions indicating from:wlidt cemeter ies the bones Werebrought, and scraps of , verse from•different poets. Thrti is, one enor- • mous heap of bones has•tifif yet , been .classified.; , 'lt is calculated that no fewer tbatt 3,096,000 persons must have ben interred. in • th th e . cemeteries fro. which thebones, were . fe 2 . moved, tn•the VaUlt are some, oubterianean • springs, which hove . been collected in a , basin, called the Feentaine, de la Simaritan . q.•• In this fountain sonit,gold fish were placedin 181.1.1 • " they lived for a long 'fime but-rfid not " breed: In the other parts Of the catacombs the galler2 ins are ,very numerous, and one of them 14 nearly ewe miles long. • .b• s PRACTICAL. AMALGAMA ON, , • The Hartford. Tares, of•Tuestlay evening' • tells of an interesting ceuple. which. left that city on Monday, - for New York. It says•,the parties - lived in Bridgport,.-where . Mrs.---: • some thiee years became a wido'w , had.: two. or three children,:note nearly grovili 01.= • Some property it is epid, reverted to • her on•thi death of her hitsband, and,she had a lso the ben • slit of $5,000 attired on het lintiagd's wk. -4 Some months ago she Was•fritnid,46. iiititnatd .with, a certain' H o ot tiegrO . ot ridiePort it was soon known that this negro .was getting passeSsion of her Money : arid ProPitrtYi • Final ly the, n,egro, found it . - prudent to lea ye, vwent to New York; Wherd.helipeeed'a feitati- • 'rant. F,re 'inany weeks, lkfii..-L---= 2 zrianifeifed what was believed to -be an intention to, follow bim • and one day last - Week, being all prepared . the ttarted to the reilread depot, Jai was pre-: vented by her friends.' Ai' this Mrs told: • them she was alrOdy married to Fraileill, the negro---adding.thtit the ceremony. 'Was - legally 11,ii perforeied in New York last call l (Jponlearg-, • ingthis, the , lady'a friends; knowing that`•ata clatm`ed to have received, a ipirit .crithodirdea7 lion -from' her husband . ikthe sPitit tinning the vile arrangement, at once resolved to prevent itbresiablithing,the faci.thet she. ".• Was ‘,4nsane ;":and...she was btought . ' city leSt'Week„ . to he placed under Dr.'Bittliios careitt the - Retrett.. NO: suffiCient . being shown'the Doctor for her detention, they. had to take her -- back, Last`eveningiholeveri • she was•hreught baCk here,. with. - the ,•certifi- , cotes of three 13ridgepert - physidians that • she • was insane., This morning the neg,ro, iter hut, . band, appeared, at the: Retreat to. her, and Dr. Butler dedided that he could not,detaid her atThe.Ratreat.for want of 'authorifi, ilnd the tiegro sailed.eff with' her in :1404h. • insanity appears to be extrerrfeli, She is quite handeome, if not b.eautiful,. berhusband is. of blacknesi..• A ResoLirrios aurt:TED.--A. Chicago •eoriaosv'. pondon t or tlia - creigy - tnin,•ra.: lutes the . following' fact I—.. ._,; Belem cicie,. let' me' : taste a s tf"incitielit . which occnrred (Wring' thei4ssioW :pf the , Into . .syrio4 in . Chicm.m.' • ..A.n conven sirti-slavery tion of the . Dr. Oheeverstripe will . iitting •at Chictigo'at the 'same time: A, gentlemtin of - thq - city; with whom one of od'r OroftissOisvias slightly IMMtatntedotetestekhim:ohe morning, i , Doetor: were' yntrin the. convention last': evening?"':4 o ..\lo sir, tdo not , ' helcingto that stripe.,; fliers great titirmiSe: Was. mattifestr;d . the gontlirnan ,:i•but had I been . there 486011 have offered.t;ne additional. resolution," ' '. «A indeed, what ?" resumed the Doctor, g‘thra . when we get to the kingdoin of heaven, w.e . wili not sit down with, Abraham, Isaac and Ja'coti,. rot - they, were-all, slaveboldera!" This , war estang . h.--'the geottez, man passed eu.•eonchidiug, dontAless;✓ that lie' had 'mistaken his tiiari. • . Resolutions have been intratltyaed. - P er i n sylv.nin Legislature - 1;; ; , '- pitrchape of runt,portion of ~ylrginitt......tia.mktt.'aa the itPan.lla le.". it empowers, 01 . 4 cCIY . IrqCor . : to appnitit..theee ea t uuntssint ! ers, - tbnneet,:a . • liar number to be annoinited.:on, beltalr of tri neanciatttstteh sassiolt. • Tlie . vania corniolssioners c tatnati ` . 2 and e,ontlition's,;, if any are agreed .:-1 , c1ii,k0 1 4 . ! next' syssioils of:tha 'States. -.-13; „ . A' Vyashiogfoiri eoitespntttlent • •• • :hlips.rtf, •• a SOcakr. 114:Tti iafther';l,l4,lolool4t, He is t,ittorly ietidiatie • 9ft ttiliOinillitV4,6lt,,.=:,,;, aiul ddefi *no f agreeabl ; ahalk•o'rt4r_a.,%:l;llii . • tie . e , at ~,, Yi • The ' 014'frie;hoi: 04. flqq I.Y9.+lng:quiolg is'Av hut tine, clotllingofejltlitCkWthit. mail who evmes '':. i4;-;'; , .,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers