.• . .. .. . ...1,1-',.'''-s::',l.i.',:,'-'1.1',4i.,;;.,':-;.;,''',,,!,.:!"....,,,--.:-....,„:4.„,,,,1,.....;,..,--,,,,,,,...„,:„..,:,,,,,,,,-, _ • • itintinaft' fOrlriCg:FrPippe:. keir4 l 77 - 66 . 'sAft Pei • , leefireety , titeetr4. ,1 11 - teltitereie 1,403 , 70 • j •'•••• •• ; - ..;::: - .!';'1,1113 17 .;.01111511beg."•0111117,1.'.*::.•• • 800 :4051 ''; .- :• : •1 1 1iirift, flank' •• • 425 :Troia*, p ' • • 1.91 4 4 .9e kteounty; • *eve!, • , 44- Collrotoriti `e't.fret' Collector* of letti, Die teof . I* +so; ,f i;1111.10051roi notaii ' ••";'siketetCatuttortotter i i e y ee ' •.::-..«. it:,: 11E0EIPTe. •.. . . • • ~. V§.00(0 4 . 44- 104- ener More, 4,1508 MA* , 4 !'---,*ilissiiriillllssos44rse. I 1850, • .. $ .2085 22 • ... .... ..13,518 08 ' . tate Treumier ' `lrroirar garporui, -40041101' ;. 4; , -*ls74lriit Orders Ir orrillicEAN coint4Tv!.l.B , • 4 ' • 54.0400. ••-•••• • •••• •••• • • 92 39 .1 4 1 4 4 .• • •••• 1 ••••t• •-• • •• • . ;118 05 ' iminsei len . t . 00 nit o(* oi' 100 86' - Cosu • UPl's eos4s • _ 75 00 ~,r/rOOS huis . ; ........ • 201 31) Of';,Tri'Ven Juror's foes ....... . . 1,070 46 " , ! , • ,; ; 1 2 , 10 11 .!Ititise 4 • • " •14 18 Posrdlie toy on murder tr ial .... • 23'50 'AI ee ee ls Stomach- 12.07 ' ' • 5000 'ANA , . . . . stenos •• • '57 tiO 1 111401 apials ...... .... .... , 581 01 A.. 211 00 • •••• 31611P11.64401- sl.•••• ••• .. . 10760 : Ifridgeo . • • 80128" ' 1391191,1 . 4290 AuditutsllWlL • • ...44 . •;:.;', t , . 500 #4,llsstrtitholoo, trps anlXteopeilutie .. • ' 30) milm47o,ll~o4try.assll4oooullir • 29 00 ?alp 1•140414 • 74'26. I 27 04 • •... .. .• .. .. ..... . 10 7. .... . . .00 DO 4 '4. ;..., ... . ...... . 49 Yer 400 01 ti ; •• •g i l l " . TY • linti Llghte ... .. . . • 3607 4tptdra • • 75 *Mrs Imo • • 430 00 . 4701111010410001. 1 1 70004 , • - C 5 00 • aSIOII6 I AIM Kew • ".• 'llO 00 Counuisdouir CologrOSO . - ..' . . ... 0174 • • V 0111160441601 1 49 elerk..Pro !Tem: • • *0 : 1 ..4/0191016 , 11 • . '57 27 ' • ..:.:431109 .... 40 BO etvpoi..'...'• • 91 50 02 . " ' 'l9 26 249 '25 . . • inelieralgant, Corniaissioners of.kr!Keio 111“10 atilt" that the foregoing. statement or the Funds, Weefpts Zarpenalteres of said Odusity fey the year la .Okorylkllk*" g4a imikor our knowledge. 1 •• • • • ITh Nee um' at Emetbpork, Jamary Atli 1860. D. J. DRYER . • . W.:,1 COLD:MOVE: • Artist J. II; CSAIIWIOII Cifirk liveit to kre — r!,, Fulcra and ldillrvrighd IClie 'Ocittittfic ltitentatt To ENLARGED! ' ' £ .- . llAlv , *oLuit - E.:-NEw . SERIES.; -- , ...r..m t lffielissinee on ittlY 4 4 ,.1269. ' • AWNS. or 41101,t1se, Teerriv: Ilolume, kolerfied Se. doe:Ida•ZIORT' aI:INDEED AND THIRTY., '17 11 4 0, 4dal 7 . o . l — Taluable Reading Matter,, Useful end . • • Tie SOntietro /111maidai Is pitnabed weekly louder', 10 1 4 i•dise•for bindle*: and the numbers for ft Nin on la regard to . NEW INVEN , beasebee of 111ANITSACTUSING PROCESSES alimaTUSAd 1 TISPIANSNTS. • SNGINENRING,, SISMEWISOII MANINFACTURS, 01111111113, 1 4 1 :rs ottiotio 'sdaitt " l ei n s isa ry ea lnd hi e tn et n itisi c :pursuit receives published; every week, ea Paint 0004 lad for . • ;.. ITIVNIPOISISII'AND PATENTEES It effibialim lot to be obtained elsewhere, elk wfildedlildlindlialeKteirentor,pr patentee can well do 4 111 4 4: 6110 1 114 4 11 1 ow superior for real prorate 'is Odd la Ito voltam wlll be found ueelul yrac 'sill be Oren from time, to reports ••fie disi 3wholtor, ood 'other marketir. •• , • . . '• :‘, 11,00/11 taeeNetrVo ,eldisielateen pagemmil forty•eight SlOSlffildelf ressrellilustratlons of patented onstisings, . comprising iu,sa single 0116311111Ai'l.NallAVINGS. •tllMw the 'edified Sefton le presented an opportunity " ' • NI& illtogfileal SSW, to miser again for many years. It SOisaisofNifiglineff Work--104, -I, No. I, New Eallar for • ...WORM' tiostoto, and Canadian money or Post O ffi ce. • ' Otelepatakint at pay for eibscrictione. Canadian subeeri, jiNiOe to. remit twenty-slit cents extra on each , • pourossawriptioi to prepay Abpge,..: •• •• • •. • ~Allimisst ddiested to iliac' rompectue girins full =ismer tbslieduesoiente for,clubs, 'with specimen Um piper; sad • pamphlet containing informa: Sloenaidaredill. the ,procuring of . Natalie. may be , had . • , Sultin s lict ,s*Sitil* • • • NUNN & 00., , . ~•;•• fildlshere of the Scientific American, • ''" .17 Park Row, New ' osidat, Shop' in - Xeohiniciburg. " • 1 1, 01•TERS: tespectfulty „,annoupces to notecithitanding theise lUird flies. be Is minufaeturing and keeps cone spotty ft' kusil all kiiids turnitUre, such as *OF IS . OTTOMANi," • , CARD, CENTER, • ' • 111N1NO AND , • •,BREAKEAST TABLES, 41611A11113 of all kinds and styles ' Cane - and Ptettitems RentAjNiade Coffins, sm., of the ,sit Wit matprtal and rnanufacturee .. ,11 1mothriorti•Feb,25,1858 1-tf VIOINERS CAN. CARRY ON their 1011161iiiii‘01010Hiceesefu.1 1 y at . 1 H ammonton, free frOup#o44l4' 4 .; for ty Vine yards set out the See - adirettiiement of Hammon tolkbind*rall.ettier.OlUrnali • .L . * FAISidUPS' FOR SALE 25 MILES from '' Thitadriiijitiiiiii'Attillrand'in the State . of New Itirsitii-s`fiiiii'Amingthe beat for Agricultural prpoliss 'Wig ii:• loam soil,with a clay • lett* , :. i the land is a hale tract, divided in- Ft sill'fains4-isid , ,liuridreds from all parts 'of : 4 1ItaailiitsY ere now settling and building. The 4 ' ' .elrerl **teed ire' very large and can be seen „ • - .•,'ltritwing,';crie i climate s delightful, and secure ~ ' , lBllBl, ~,feltilhtii'::, , rerms from 815 to $2O per 'acre, ~,' ..OMNI.. _i*lttlier Ibis *elm by Pistatninnte, ' Td .' .rk., ,, ilikierlave . Vine, ,Street ; Wharf at ',' , ',:',....llhgfopliia - pit ; 71A: Dl,:hy Aaiiroad -for Ham, -, - : ., ' 1190 4 4 44:.!4!krr 4 a.i'1t: - ' 3 .- By'rnpi, ,by letter, -;l...llp#,l*ltton i past:fltilee, Atlantic County, New z ,4 4 •;c::,!• ,, t i ,,:',-fiai-,liill,litivertisement ii another ,-.' jr4, , i, : . ; '•'''.,4, ,, ..,•::' '',:„.„A,,flr4. HARDWARE: 4t' 'Olisiaufacturers 9 Priem inrAVINO ENLARGED . MY FACILITIES 11 - 1. ii,th'e Old Stand, • • , . • , • • . . . . $ll 831 31 Cr.'. $ 439 68 • 1,283 68 9,444 74 708 44 569 N° 2 & 3 EXCELSIQR,:..BLOC.K, SU,&2I et $ 313 32 2.412 22 33'.26 22 24 31) 56 FOr keeping constantly on hand a rnuCh larger '• Supply and •aesorttnent of the heavy era. cies of. Hardware generally kept by • the Jobbing Houses, and having• • -- • . • • • secured the AGENCY of.. tnanY Manufacturers . •includins . the: ' %SIB 98 $11 1 764 20 $11,754 20 FALL RIVER NAILS, WHEELER, iKADDEN & BAKEWELL'S Also those Of WELCH & GRIFFITIIS • other makeri§,, FAIRBASK'S ScAttS, COOKING STOVES; GLASS; of all Sizes, Sias sad Descriptions. I PROPOSE TO SELL ALL 86,518 - 66 THE A•BQVE ARTICLE AT Manufacturers' Prices. Also I Propose to• sell at a small Commisiion from my LARGE and WELL SELECTED STOCK of " SlwLr ; ;4, other uARD:w4ttE; In•the selection .of which I have Aitken. Much pains, having . given .my petard - attention HOU,SE' TRIMMINGS, " ' .... ••• .:........... „,,,::.,....,.......: .-...:„0N, COOKING! and PARLOR of every deidrable CARPENTERS',. :::::..MILL-WRIGIITS% Of the most approved Manufacture, PECK AXES, SPADES, HOES PITCH YORKS, TUBS ' WHEELBARROWS, LEAD PIPES, LAMPS for OIL, CAMPHENE, FLUID, and My motto, is: The Largest Sales of the very BEST . GOODS at the LOWEST Re munerative Prices Insures -the Largest Profits to the Seller, frunishes the Buyer with the Cheapest and Best Articles, and gives the best satisfaction. LIBERAL DISCOUNTS, WILL BE MADE If people will pa'y higher' prices for no better irtieletfat other places, it shall be their own fault and not mine: ' . In . Vonnooion . • with the above', I am able to svpply on sort notice • .'Of liiiii; etorynci;-. SHEET , IRON • • • •4. COL'PER WORK, iving in ,my employ :Competent end experi enced workmen, whose Work has never failed to give satisfaction., MEM anii` Saturdarl aid - Pi - May evesi lur*llllY"nnd • s '" , ( . and ,Thuri; V. .33. 33ARSE ; ' prtopßzinviz; No. 2 and 3 Excelsior Block. • Oleati, Noy 2S, 1839. .* 6~s anti e rrivei =Mg eLEAN, S A W- EUBBEII and LCATIIER BELTIND, ISTEWARTS:(4o4cI6I) . ISIII4A Patterp BIiAtIEBNITHW AND =NNW TOOLS, RAKES, PUMPS, KEROSENE. TO DEALERS ALL. KINDS OF :Aclininistrator".,' •otlcE is hereby given the the, tinder :Signed,, -Administrators of t -Estate of R.•• Bennett', deceased; 'late: Sonethport Borongli, in pursuance ot.an order frotiitheOr- : phari'e Court of M'Keiri, countyit. :them direc ted, '.will expose to sale or publi vendue,. at the'Coort House,in SmethpOrt, M (eaneontity, on Tuesday,• the. twenty-eithtli : ,,,day 'of, •February next, at One o'clock,--P. M., of said day;,the• following-real estitte,.to • All-that Oiecit or parcel of land Situateln•the Borough . .of Smethport•,lll.'Keen ,county and Staten( Pennsylvania, bounded and described as followa r to witis'That pert - .of Square • num `bered seventy-nitie (79) in the general plan.of said' town, within •.the'...foliowing boandafiei, vizt beginning at the.north=wost'egrnci . of. said I square; thence east one hondtcd' and .ninety two (.199) , feet to the building,now.ocCupied by Levi (now occupied. by' J. Ci Backus seventy-two feet' - horn . the oetli-east corner of said square;• thence. south' sixteen -(10) : perches, to • the south line of Snid . square; thence West one, hundred and ninety-two (02).feet to the south-west corner of laid square; • ;thence nortlieixteen. (16) -Per ches to the place of beginning. :Containing one acre and twenty-six perches, more ar. Jess; on said.' premises 'there 'is one • frame .building • known as the tißennett House," .tVvo -Barns, one Ice 'Hopse,*and other- aut-houses, : .Tp:ams:—One:thousand dollars, Cash,. at the_ dine of sale; ,one thousand 'dollars at the .Ist. of dune; next; arid the balance-in . ... 51,000 pay maids, annually thereafter. • • • r . iietliport, Pa:, January • The above sale is'adjourned until the fourth Motinday :of June next, it being the' 25th day, at'the same hour and-place above mentioned, ' . '• DAVID It: BENNETI,, • • 1. :. •• •WM.1.3, WARNER, - • , . Adtitiiistratori: Sm . ethport, Feb. 20,. 1850,' • , MILK new can. see an heti-est. man's-tacaib . them ns soon as.you pay iayer the.dop, nt :MASON'S, AU:WANTING :,•411;: AD-. .vertiserna . nt . of Haramontop,LandS.., • ItTE are not •I•Lii•e habit •of "telliatt "Fish atoriei3, hut we.have got MACKEREL, COD and WHITE #lSH,•besithai hosfs of TEA nt 40 Oats: < li.. E. WRICiHT;• .• :THEMLDEST, .C:01C111,4.- TED, and most'comnttE, CORRECT and REPABLEI3ani; Note Stporter in existence.. ' r.PHOMPSON'S BANK NOTE AND COMMERCIAL REPORTER. Uri:*'anon, 100;000. EDITED BY JOHN TIIDAIPBON„ Quotations corrected by TUOMPSOiI'BROTIIERS, 2 Wall Street:: ' . Published ittoNDgm.i 117 Frtikl'n St . TERMS :Or SUBSCRIPTION lii . ADVANCE; . . -To mail Subscribers ,• - • • . Weekly;...s2 Selnl-in0nth1Y,.......51 Monthly., •TO Postmasters or others, who, form Clubs and for-. ward us the looney in advance, we' will send the Kopor ter Coin Chart Manua, and Descriptive- List, as fol . 5 copies of the• Weekly,. One Year.:...:.•52.00 , S copies of the Semi-monthly 400 10 copies-of tho. Monthly.. 000 " - We will "fort gratuitously : to - any person . sending a club • of. $2O it the abOve rates,.at anyone trme, our, 41assrf.can Gold Cola Tat Scale.'- Address, . • • . • . • . 'THOMPSON BROTHERS, Bankers, • No . . 2, Wall' Y., Proprietors. PAINTS, WILMETrig , aLfZErig2 Patented Sept 9, Br RILEY' SMITH THE WASHBOARD AND 'BEATER.' are • the..tWo first and mOst.natural implements 'ever used in. Washing clothes. Notwithstand ing it has been the study of inventors . to . do thorn away, and, for that purpose several .hun dred patentshuve been .:issued, yet it has leen. of .no • effect. They have failed their. at tempt. •Theirinurchines'have been condemned and thrown away, and the Wash, Board and ileater again used in their stead. . • This machine, combines 'them together, 'at tached . loprogreasive level' in such a manner as• gives'great .power to the Beater; while either may be used as . the nj)eriitor may desire. The motion of the Beater . is quick and' easy, -the pressure gentle and powerful, which gives it the hdvantage 'over all other machines, -and is so decidedly competent judges. •! • • Mantifactured and sold al Mechanicsburg, by • • . • . A. WOLTERS. Mechanicaburg, Marcb 18, 1858.. • ' • SHOVELS, PAILS, FIFTY DOLLARS FORFEIT, DR.. HUNTER 'WILL FORFEIT, $5O IF 1./failing. to 'cure any case of, secr et disease that, may come'under his care, no matter how long.standing. or afilictimr . Either sex are in- Vitedto . his . Private Rooms, 44 North SEV ENTH St., Philad'a, with Out fear of interrup tion frOrn other patients.-,' Strangers and others who have been unfortunate in the selection .:of a Physician are 'invited to call. .•• • IMPOTENCY.—Through unrestrained in dulgence of the passions', .by excess , or self abuse, theevils are numerous.'.' .Premature inf potency, involUntitry seminal ditc.harges, vast, ing of the organs, loss of memory, a distaste for- : . female society, ' debility; or eonsti tutional detangement,"aro sure to, fellow. If TUBING, imcbisary, coneult•the Doctor with confidnce; he•offers a perfect Cure. •• -• .. • • READ AND .REFLECT,The aitlicted Would do well to 'before .trusting their health and•liappinesi, and in ninny cases •their lives, in the hallos' of physicians', ignorant .of this class of maladies. It is certainly imposii ble for • one-man to understand all .the-ills the hurnan.family are subjecrto. :Every respecta ble physician-has his peCuliarbranch, in whiCh -he is•more successful than his .brother- profess ore, and to that he devote's most Of.hii•iime and Brady. . • . •• . • • • • YEARS OE-PRACTICE, exclusively' devo.' ted..to the study and, treatment Of disenserf the Sexual • organs, together with ulcers upon the body, throat, nose, or-- legt, • pains s ia the head, •or 'holies, mercurial rheumatism, strict, liras,. gravel, irregularities, diseases arising from youthful excesses, or impurities of the blood, WherebY.the . constitution has beceMe enfeebled, enables the Doctor to offer speedy relief to rill - who may place thetriselves under his care. •• • ' 11:71ifeilicine forwarded to any part of the United States,—Nce Ten Dollars pe'r Package Tor sale, DP.. DICKINSODPS CF.LEBRA TED - MAGNETO-ELECTRIC. No acid or othdr ingredient tiquiretl; ,its power being obtained from a permanent inagnet. . No family should huWithout one. Pike iwly $lO DAVID It:BENNETT, WAI. B. WARNER; '. Adminiurctiorf PAPER HANGINGS DEPOT No. 1.:0 •Oo . iir Now 'York Directly opp6site the Wgster#: Ro4l. ROTON MANIWAMEING c9IIIIIeNY, (Organized in. 1846, :Under:the General .Mann facttiri LaW ` .of the State of New York.).. • Offers at wholesale, In . quontities tri suit pur chnavis; Manufacturnes prices, for Cash or•approVed . • • , Tape Hantioi r , ,s; of 'every varte'ty.of style and • • • • • . • . . • ..• ...Borders to mitt ell; Fire-Board Prints.: Transparenti . WindoW Shade's.:. • . • :'Oil Painted Window? Shades. ' • • ' . •'' Wide. Wlndow. Curtain Papers, • oryl'Window Shade- Fixtures. • .• • • . • • . . . tore Shades . .made to order 'and:Lettered; Of.the latest styles and 'supirior..finishoill of their own ' ,manufacture, 'an& iinpo'rtation... As their stock'is large and entirely new, they in;.. vita 'Merchants; Booksellers, and. De alers; :hese articles, to call and examine their: styles and pricei, whenever they visit:the city. . PATENT,' : POOEET COIN DETECTOR. FOIL TESTINCY. MIIE VARIOUS =vs op„ onD AND SILVER -COINS. it is - admitted hy all toi . be the most peribet thing. . Of the kind over offerod to • the public. • • IT I§ SO SIVIALL TIIAT •IT CAN BE CAR RIED IN THE POCKET WITHOUT • . ' ANY INCONVENIENCE. . • Emir Merchant should lUive it!. . Every Storekeeper should have it! , Every Xichanie should have it! . • • , Every Man In Business should have it!' It. detects at the, same moment, both . siz.e,. thickness and. weight, from AO a Dollar in silver, and from $1 in Gold pp to *2O bdaides . fereign Gold and silver, 'and sells as quickly as seen,' 'without the '.assistance •of word: ,lt is simple*, eininenfly 'useful, durable, economical and perfect. ' AlVarrantee goei'v t 'ith every one sold! .PRICE .bNE DOLLAR. Post-paid fo'any part of, the United States •• . SEE WHAT. ThE' NEwsrAkiis „SAY: • The possession or it is a ,perfect gluirMftee aghiust.being imposed upon with spurious coip. Detection is sure,'certain, Journal. — • . • A' blind man with one in his possession they' .bid defiance to' the most skillful 'counterfeiter of the dai , .-Ev.ening • We'iironounce it. Without hesitation to be . the Most ilerfect thing of the kied • ever. offered to the publie.-=-Pcnn.-,Eniptirr: - ' • • We. litte it, and cor4ially, recommend it to the pliblic..Alatiorol Argus. •• . It is worth its price .ten times „. . . • AGENTS WA NTE, D.. An agent %vented in every County•in the T.J. States; ..to whom a ,•healiy discount will : be m Samples gent, 'with teems of agency, one receipt of one d011ar.... ' . . • Address all'orclers to . I.MLAY BICKNP.L'S. B.ank Note Reporter, Phila. Pa.'' . ' The ReporferhaS been.for.ThirtY years the constant'and . necessarY companion of the Cash ier,' Merchant, Clerk, Trader, Mecbanic and the People,.being the oldest on the Continent, and the ablest in ihe.world; and having' more Subscribers than all others combined, is pub lished on the Ist and 15th. of each Month, at the following rates:: • . ~ Monthly, one,cap'Sr.one Year; • sl,oo' Semi-Monthly,.l.copy one . .year, • 2,00 • including without •e?ctra charge • a copy the Coins of the World, containing a larger, number. of magnificently illustrated Fao-Simile.irnprea siona than can . bc! found.in any other Work, and whiah can be,Obtained from no other source by any possibilityof means. Addres.4, • • l• • •• • IMLAY BICKNELL'S: • . •• • Bank Igatitßiipottet:, Pki/a., Poe . : • - V REM Burning Fluia at tiro • 1 ASTOR. HOUSE STORE Hardware Store, OPPOSITE EXCELSIOR BLOCK, OLEAN FIE subscribers .offer to the citizens of Olean 1 and . vicinity, ,n 'large • and well. selected stock of Hnrdware,at, prices that .cannon fail fo salt the purchaser.. .• • • • 'Row American,. - • .." RODS : . Nahregian, Nail and Sidke NAILS: Cli(lirroiigh.( Clinch and Rivet. A . Fuld: ::Ei.SORTMENT OF CARPENTER and lIARDWA.BE IN. ENDLESS VARIETY. , sash; Glass, 'Paints, Oils, Varnishes, GOODS, . • ENAMELED CLOTH, BROAD pLoTti, DAMASKS, BOWS, SPOKES, EELLCES, SPRINGS, AXLES, AND 'A LARGE QUANTITY OE Tp.ble and N TS Pocket FOR. Cutlery, AGE BOST4 BELTING Co, LEATHER AND BEHR •' •' OFFER AT MANUFACTURERS ;PRICES: KILL, CIRCLE, HAND AND CROSS-CIIT SAWS From the celebrated . Factory of Wheeler, Dladdlen • PITCH AND OAKUM, BLACKSMITH TOOLS MULLS, VICES, SCREW PLATES and ANVILS. FARMING UTENSILS, • •„. • • RAKES, ::..SOYTHES, ' . . MANUFACTURERS OF• TIN, - SHEET IRON . AND ...COPPER. STOVES OF ALL; PATTERNS, • WITH - COOK , ,,AND PARLOR. 2 • We, reiipretfully aolieit a Wham-of your patroonge,— GIvV . usa call before puraha.sing.elsewhere. . • • • - • '"• ADAMS Mena' May S. 786 n. . • •.. • IN CHURNS and 'Japanned Ware, Stove T Plpe and Tin Cat Holes at, MASODPS, . . - • NEW CARRIAGE ;A ND -WAGOSHOP. TAMES . AIeDONALE would lnforirt the pule ell , lie. thathe hailitted,up'u shop at the lower end. of town, on the pretnisesreeently.occuliied. lby . , N, Medbilry, ,as a: carding faetory, and is prepared to build allkindi of .• .. . • CAIMAG ES AND WAGONS • • At short'notice; in a• workman-like 'Milinne . r, and at reasonable.prices:::Httving . had a large experience in the Intsiness, he feels • satisfied that his work will folly. meet, the requirements, of all W.lin will faxbrhim with. their patrOnage llepu6ing promptly attended to, stradhpert, , spril, 10, 1859 GOODS. ARE: CHEAP T kYLOR'S - REGULATOR. A. IV. .4'o,ll6rlial - t . tpw' in a tore the Largest Std of NEW.SIIIIOI,t, .GOADS oi , r thi,r UNEQUALL*D:ATTRACTIONS IN . . EXTENT, VARIE47,., ELEGANCE; and BEAUTY af . design. and icoloring:' 111$31100 ARE HERE. Now is • the Time .Selert front die Lesq;;?si Stoika"nrl. PzirMasc. Goof PRICES . ARE. DOWN! The dooda:aFe 01 like HOT CAKES on a FROSTY MORNING And Mos° .tt ; ti). nub& CHOICE SELECTIONS SHOULD CALL..g,hRLY FIItSTCOME;I lI2sTSEIWEp Ilia Inimalisc Sock: 'consists of P . R..Y . :. • G-U:4O D.:5..; . Endless Variety: PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS, BEADY-MADE CLOTRING, CLOTHS & VESTINGS, MILLINERY GOODS, LADIES' DRESS PRINTS; LAWNS, LADIES'• CHALLI & LAWN ItOBES, Flounced, at $1 DEBAIZES, at,lo'cts. In fact .a Complete . 45,1Ortinent . of DRESS Gooops.. 10,000 yds:. BROWN SHEETINGB,:: ~ • • 5000 (LEACHED SHEETINCS GROCERIES SUGARS; • FLOUR, . • TORK, lIAIYS, atl . 2l.:cts. .TEAS'ar 3 . 1 . to 62'0: dc. BOOTS:. &, SHOES; .• Largest stack ever, offered in this . seetion of eetintiy. Men's Kip Boots, a prime article. Women's Calf Boots, ~Men.' Brogan . Shoes, Women's Gaiters,' tipped, Women'a ,enameled Bootees. • . ' 7 ' in - addition to the above he has a large Oen • S.T VE S •-• . CROCEERY,.IDR.UGS• MEDICINES,: YANKE.R, wan - Om; • ..ARP CAPS, IRON of all , . • Rod 'and (loop 1r0n,... • Garman and Cast Slid . . Wash Tubs and Grain Measures, Patent Pails, Wash Boards, Vinegar, Fluid, Camphene, 'Turpentine, - AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, And a thousand other,things.-Mo numerous to nierllion, which will be.sOld - . WHOLESALE.OR RETAIL.' . . • 0:7" Country. merchants supplied at as low prices as. they con buy in New:ydrk.or any of the eastern cities, for cash or 'approved credit.. Striethport; June, 1650..- • ; THE SECRET INFIRMITIES OF YOUTH AND MATURITY ' Just Published, Grills, 25th "Thousand: • . .• FEW WORDS ON - THE RATIONAL A TREATMENT, without Mediaine,Sper . 4. .rnatorrbea, or. Local IVenkness,•Notturnal Ennis alone; Genital. and Nervnus Debility, Premature Decay of thk.system, Impotency, and. lmpOdi ments. to Marriage generally. • • . BY B. DE TANEY) . The important fact , that the many alarming complaints, originating in'tha iMprudence and solitude of youth; may be easily removed wan- OtilV . fantoma,.iti in this small tract' clearly de monstrated; and the entirely. new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the Author, fully exPlained,'by 'means of which. every 'one is enabled to cure lIIiIISELY perfectly and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the ad vertised nostrums of the day, • Bent. to any address, gratis and post•free in a sealed envelope by remitting° (posi paid) two postage stamps to Drs.. B:.DE LANEY, 88 East 31st StreOt, New York City'. •.' Solitething Mew IN SUVTI - IPORrII B. TAYLOR'S OLD FURNACE IN FULL BLAST! THE UNDERSIGNED. WOULD••ItES• PECTFIALY ANNOUNCE TO,THE CITIZENS. OF: . • . , 'MK..6a I II: COLlnty; . That they. have located themselves at For thQ purpose of Manufacturing PLOWS,. SCRAPERS, SLEIGH-SHOES, And In' fact every thing usually: made at a COUNTRY' - FURNACE. ThOiough experienee in the business, warrants us in saying.that we can furnish as . . • GOOD WORK- anti at REASONABLE...PRICES . :AS eari . be found elsewhere. Particeler at ten., tionWill 'at all times be paid to The • celebrated FRANKLINVILLE and, DUCHESS COUNTY IMPROVED PLOWS constantly on .hand. Farmers and Others, give us a call E. VAN & S. A. WING: August 9, 1559:, NEW AGRiCULT . U.RO,gTTLEMENT • TO' ALL'..WANTIpIG . . A RARE OPPORTUNITY . IN"A DELIMIT= • . FM, AND. HEALTHY•CEIMATE 25 `MILES SOUTHEAST 'OE PHILA- • •. • DELPHIA, ON.THE • AND ATLANTICRAILAOAD. • • . : • NEW JERSEY. . • An old estate consisting of several thousands of acres-of prodi , c•tiorr.sall lins been d • ivided into Farms of various" sizes . ,to stilt the purchasers... population. of some Fifteen -hundred, from Various part! of the Toiddie States 'and New England have:settled 'there the:Past year; im proved. their pliiees, al4"rafsed excelleizt .e•ropi. The. price' of the lipid_ is at the lowsnm, of from $l5 to $2O --per acre, is of .-the..beit• •quality•for the production of -Wheat, Clover, Coen,. Peaches, Grapes . and -V,stables.k IT IS' CONSIDERED THE BEST FRUIT SOIL IN THE UNION. The place . i! perfectly • the -- .from froststhe , destructive ,enemy.of are far- . mer. Crope . of -grain, grass and fruit are now growing and can be, .seen. By examining • the I.place •itsOlf, a correct judgment . Can be formed of the 'productiveness• of-the land. The . terms are made easy to secure the rapid iripioyerpent of the l'anN which 'qs only sold-, for actual im- . p6vetllenl. The result has been -that within the past , year, some thi•el hundre4 housee.tazie been erected, two mills, one steam, four some .forty vineyards Peach • orchard! planted, and.a large- a:timber : of other improVi meets, making it a ileSirable and active, place of business.. • . . as, the reader may perceive from its )ocation, is GINGHAMS; . . bringing ilouble"tlfeprice than. in locations away from the city, and' more -than double the price at the West: is known that the earliest -and best fruits .and vegetables 'in thislatitude come from New .Jersey; 'and' are annually'exported to-the extent`of In loCating here,.the settler has many advan tages: He is.in a few hours' ride of the great cities orNewEngland • and Middle ',States, he is. near his old. friends and associations;rbe is in a settled . .Ountryttahfra.'avery improvewent •ti • .comfort arta tipiliz:atioa is. at hand. He can -buy every • article, he-wants at' the cheapest price,-arid sell his produce for Off highest, (in the West this is reversed,)lie . has schools - for his children, tlivinc,cent:zec, and Will . - enjoy•asi 'open winter, and' dclightful climate, wbere ie yera are utterly.unknown. The result. Of 'tile change, Upon those from, the Worth; his:gener ally.been to restore them to an excellent state :of health. • . ..• • • COTTON YARN, . . In the way of building and improving, lum ber can be ohtained'at the mills, at the rite of $lO to $l5 per thousand.' • Bricks irony the, brick yard opened, in the place, every article can be procured in the place, good' carpenters are at hand, arid there is no. place in the Union; wherebuildingh and • improvements can be made eleaper. • . .• • The reader will at once be:struck with the' advantages here presented; and ask himself Why. the property has ,not been•talten up before. The' reason is, it was, never thrown:. in the marketf andunless these statements were cor rect, no one would'.. he invited to examine the land before purchasing. This 'all are expected to 'do. They will see , land under cultivation, mich is the extent of the. settlement that they will no doubt, meet' 'persons% from their "own neighborhood; - they.will witness the improve menth and•cait judge the' character of the pop ulation.- If .they come • with a view to settle they should come prepared to stay - a day 'or two and' be ready 6' purchase, as locations can not be held On refuSal. •' • There are-two daily trains to Philadelphia, and to all settlers'who,irriprove, 'THE RA ILKAOD COMPANY GIVES A vrtr.m. TICKET FOR SIX MONTHS, AND A. HALF-PRICE TICKET FOR TIIREE YEARS. SALT r.: ln,connectlen with the agricultural settle . - • ment, a sew and •thriving. town has ;naturally' arisen; which. .pracents znduconents for any kind of business, partiogask slorrs and manufacto ries. The Shoe business Could be:carried. on thispince and 'market to goad:advantage, also,. cotton business, andimanufactories of agrienlur ra4Onpletnoqsor Founderif,s for -casting small The improvement has been so rapid as to insure a 'Constant and peruiarient increase...of. business. Town lots pla good size; we do'nor sell; small iines as ir would effect. the impr flint of the place; can be liad : at from and'' upwards., • ~ ".. • • The llammononsTariner, iimontllly• literary and agricultural sheet, containing' full.informa tion of HOmMontenycan be obtained at 25 cents , per annum. • Title indiaPutable-,-wiircantee deeds given,. clear of all incumbrance, when Money, is paid,. Route, to the land: leave - Vino. street wharfi. Philadelphia, for, Hammonton by -Railroad; at 74 A...M.,er A PC- M. 90 cents. When there inquire ~ Boarding con veniences on : hand. - Parties :had better • stop. with Mr. Byrnes, a -principal, until thei hive decided as in purchasing, WIC will , show, them .over the. laud in his carriage,, free Of expense. Letters and applications can' be addressed to Landis &'Byrnes, liammonton..P. 0., Atlantic . Co.NewJersey, or S. B. Coughlin, 202 ' - outh, Fifth Striet, Philadelphia.' Maps, and inkirma tion cheerftilly furnished. ~- ' - ' ' PERSONS WANTING. CHANGE OF . mate for health; See-. advortisotiont. of Hi* mouton I.untlt.,onotlter colutrio.. ' : • . . PM] .TH . P OR T JOBBING, THE'MARKET, THE HEST IN THE: :UNION THE TOWN OF HAMMONTON.