M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, March 22, 1860, Image 2

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    . ,
.iniiiiti this' Union ot
foul hand :bat would
....h-to:enwrap 'Arnett
,:,llllo,,,;..o:444o,iiiiiatt.Uriion,' end ,plade it
,3 e lll4 111441111iYIRk:;1010ti:getrolo9egt,
1 . , 1 4 e',...„, , i • ..ti ,b 304 Jllpt, ; vveuldoinply r _Ahd toren'
.. ,k tVity1611111101VIle; iirPdi t o4.!. " y, , Par: I'o'6 l
. .: - 1011400iVai*.iliffil'liTY'ffiiiii . '.iitayera, : iiliir id.
'''t,l,iiiilik.),tiiiii*inittililreti ; leris3lll.perfllft t OA 'lttilrve . :i
;41,114# , *tkiiitoijioto *um!, 041..Rinit Lott pug:,
0,.1tt00"p....„.0.101..,c4 a:ceitireity
• . , ..i ; :zs,il.t e ji.etetptoed refirOsentitives'ef
' 4 liWlllit ifie,tirriite , 'litririptise of Ilebfe:
'.', ° iOilititeiliOleirfriiin'OtheY'States'iinsWiti
. 44fit*,itti1P0111fittiWin,, nee, Sttei , sidici.
..;- t rp*moilligyAhnitie4titetlo n . :of . t he :If niod? 7
' r,crit l 7 l4: 4 fif.,.}.no.]:. l f,lhere,is one:
,to be
: ft:iontiny ' , ll4,ere„ hi. f k: giiii4nd, ,of:. acid pions
llvai,tirt,4lll; hitivi4. 4 ''[Ct'e'eil '',.:lfaihis: name
, (4411rtditkit'O'hiiir:iiifitnt.:, add' the eurseS of
. intsititityilitslinitted - npolithis , lieadl': Cr tern ell •
.. 146 1 4rAh 4 4,, ,illa•141:5111$11 . •• I give it Alp! You;
fi aqtyy,,i,ctiarykTOriepe..f! g ive it up? , [Crios of
ild 4 l
1 o tip -, di1 . .!..A tell; y';i:;e:Stand on ;-middle giOond
'it't If 2. lViatt`thii a ri l r B:vi, , 'ea`r by
. t b e :pod .that
0 4 ., 4 Mli .- Withe : 4 4 iOd'df 'out, father; 't hitt yon
' , *oftlfili,ct,ilitittioti Will ;Mt giiie it. im. :[cheers;]
~., J ,lllAtini.,slip:we. . have been''lOoking at one en
... xithOr thioeih niagditying Ceases ~ too much.
Sonldntite . north Ihioy.'becfliise we rove nig-,
':ltoitt:W, minalie Christmas pies. of them. [Lai h' ;
• '1: er.l -, ,lti.Ot":;thO §outli often fin v o ;a:l'illieer , no.
• ''`ithienitaite:Oui• northern'
.bieihr'en. ..What
taifit'llet.?;',l:: : ;Yl' Vliir, throw 'qc; i'll -. our war. ,
.. lefAi' f fitfil inhaVOO ; iiipigvis. .[•Laiighter:.] Let
:• I,llcin,whove.. wronglimt ieeollect .ti m e ~e xam..
ex a m
lti.ett.lin 'Fat% et 'ef his'; pi t o ri try;When il Id
. eigi'arr:ii i ntiiiid!, ii'did.' earn' e his: lins.inwri ids
iiiiitinlifonlifibligi'eat On iiml If is t rue we
''.l44:oo4X4ol.l;,oitlidt jvres, but the lessons he
: iiiiiihitifitrii :Still' "'cirf . .ied"Ortl ter ; our dro II t,. a iid
1-... ... .
vu# . l:l4 , Aisi!;t,hqrp.. Let, us not fight about
'a nether, n ndly
I y Of •Iceling.
1(tio-itrielirWie 14 lion"e'Intl.11O 'sh of our liftsh;
Fir o corn rnon country,
'frighiiiteyhe4n — cOOrioN.aid a common liberty
§t of .5h io; itTherd is 'the'
!iffi4kti4.l 7 4vitift 7 tia'l46 ;" LCiie e
_Kentite icy is
2'6411 jariieuif-riiiihtitlil' iretcirri see her at 'any
iii#ol 4 4slti: iiine (0' 'Meet Oh inns thd gallant
1'8010! 'ltChheri.l ‘ititit to stand a;
toleilii'd toctherri,as.an' rrieric
to'ejt;ln council together :
4iiiistrilfil•lPorifia,iil faith; bowing - around a
common a ltar ', '"lctfirti,"ti :Unfree!' prayer ,go . up
to the Oottot;our'_ftftberri'to pretect this glori
"li:thitirraVindlittlitl , here who lielievei this
linion„orihrbe diesolYeill . [cries of never,
:IVherili will you
be biiveithif territories 'that are
States,'the great ilierr,
• ttilitbotellsiiiiigletlieletirtainani? Whet would
"I would' not like to part
vitt %Mitititiiittilbt: ,. .! . 4 It Ae the: old'. Keystone.
bill of Viir-ltidepentlerice;
tit) I boin;' the re
thitiAltnetiekiiitiflii ti rirte t fin o ire tr'orn r its
highest flight,'arid
sensitive& :. its "of Otel tat ion. I
hiriN'ttfpftgfe~ty ; iW'lnderehdQnee"Ball 1, [Cheers]
`even such
dtivillsOhlithlialltiWn..i[tolitl 'cheer's.] I have
anolrle:estate':*lsere ihitt was wilted Me •by
George Wefb k; 1 and - A Jams.
Is teskivoiir.t toSiwie r Bunke r • 'Hill t.• [Prolonged
• sOlkieserjeifetioil.edarains. the 'blood that Was
si lgt';Aia l uiban imartyrs that died fo rI the
Caitielskiensbitcahifreecloimi , 'Won't surrender
11*tilitial:011tilikeir.:11411.i [Cheers] '.l.tow can
4biaseatii4tithe Nortii;:surrender in
StitSiberntabil?";:fibi.t,ty , tha , lastiresting place of
the *gisit6l± , Ashlaride . .s t by t he.spot ' rve here
liCthe.*ssiiiifi r:tlititikreates meric a n orit4 .
Writklandiltidri Slay that . liiit:Can giveoup. your
inherliaaessirs.tbatAgrave.--10ries. of never;
•„64, to the restin g place
*lik:i44olaA the Mai'
par,oclOjilektindf'vvroteiri letters of fire , noise the.
11V0*,0 1 m4picknists,*PT.he Union toilet and
.4'.,,itilillta*ltrelt• - 1P,,.. 1 ,Cart.-• you give up :the
, "[Great' cheerihg.]
TAO Aftetinfvitcr,est , iji.:the of.,.your, Coon -
illifOOltiy**ll:lstAssOrleati , defence o"f
` e f-PlO t Y' 4 5 .1 t )00 Pa.`,l),r.the :same old
• '449t-i , ljw . ho 'interest hat?
• fi t if . f . ipfe my :upon
otif..blort*igh.tbe . iivaters of ,Neptune could
101•Cr,W1i1t1i11,:9.41..t04 rf :pa rire,deterniil4d owit v
.•bllifylliffrsisittiletlfiktitt. - IsCi us send4delegates to
iiroeisialipootssimble:the•,Legislaturea of the
diftlfellA,‘Atlllta's,..4lllreiivirith ,, ;us"laboter iwith
picaxec and.'spade, ands', batter••,aniti level .the
• ',Capital' ".rio Abet" like the-beautiful : temple', of
''Jargslalaoiy; *tbere,shall , not , be one stone left
ellysa t ooplbar..i,lfull:..down • , build-
-,.isketitildtritaiire;_been - erected for .th s Mies , or
tkflgpyrronejlt;ii,.Rip:ooi)et „theta mementoes,'
the wolrhiessness . cif I
(C,,heelitig,..] •-A nd, when
•OA 0 1 44,1, 41646 that:tiro ud ha ft .tha t
joiiiipito . thoprts4Mery , ,Of him who was "first
,1114,aineal,ifcligisiltseaci,'Anti . first in the hearts of,
Idtbll q;
' ['ghee rs]'• throngh "the pat ri ,
otic i .,olteibbtions•brievery State, anti leave no •
allsalielfiA,'-ilitwaricitiotirt fanny; TProlonged
slisphssie -done this let tor assem
blatOroa rOkecravia.of•lthe old: veterans, and
11 4 11 41014flcillir.' , leitbC4tlest acknowledge we are
lhfititillSstortbrecreaceddrititts.,atid , acknowledge
liwtAilirtAeir4overainetit. • :1(i-the IJn
bi4ili;•Ritettaet Plificit,vipbp!!--for once. in
"LOYO4i t:.
ELatighter .. tied aPplaiise.7l..:, • ;
:r7 hn .American :: heart'
sw" ts3 :t"'"ir
hTlß9ll'Mftsfillullilill4P,ApPei?r Ins teirted.
q1!4.1,1!..44110441.J440=•"-PiPrtlifig 'fog,
(iti,perP - 'ailitP.ct,' , but
'h would
tiSePil of
1411 •4 1 4 i,
the tem' ,
:Isis* veil
tors . , from
4 1 00 44
Wirrigoi7: - : . , • .
:::nr. 4) ,. :i64 ~v f .
iky 1 , * ri - 1,4 Re0,,i14
,t e; 'und ;tlt 444ei
- fiti: 14i4.4.i,
'e.6, 1 ,,,„ ein ka ,NI
to. , tt t
iqt innepi i iv`-
tli, ap 7 aili t i t :Alpo' a ftd
, .
the op en pa da ys,
i hsvie4.‘Olie',etteh an' in
fii iqu~ ; or gani abet: getiiiatitili:2`is the line:w.
nothintt'party.';',Wei;Who took -sol n• the. to'
proserike foreign-hero:citizens and , Catholics; '
•are:now..:tirottlie .laudition of them,
led diligent, iri- their efforts ;to toresila . the irm. -
..4.2 "
prietsine thatthe..Deniciertitrr were- never.'. their
friends !' ,This was joredicted it Otte yet it.
•eoritiderabrperedulity helieve.that
it Would be•it ttmpted.,ere' the bl'otit,ly.;foOtsteps
of knowliothingism hid been eireced..
andS'Cif , gonditrien, : whe onde..iieloped ..to that
eo reMidiete it,..
a nil, ore
,‘l'aithfat anti 'protr . kinent . tnerohere Of the Demo
srattpl,party,":l3ut , :there'ore , witty Others' .whd
esteneihlyhave nerceinrieetinalivith know 'noth 7
ingism, are Ythe . ,chnsen chSemiOns of its
"leaderd,ink therefore dare not :condemn its
, Among these;isA.- . ,G. OrIRTIN, the'
t ion 'nominee for (Ovelnor. The- son .of
aCathhlic, yethe was among
~• • •
the first td-join" thq:•lnOw;nothings,
Chairman, of sthe,*liiir, ,State,.Committee,
• f,he I tatisferred't hat intry 'orgarrization to
the erohr4tes'or the monitfproierip lion, Mid
received for his 'reward•tifieffpe Of Secretary
of State under.Gpv.. Pollock t For he is
justly.eieecrateil - by. every true Old Line-'
in l the Strite. Now this Same Cnwri, is before
eople for the highest: office in their gift;
and his frieodi See the importance,, in cm lain
localities, of •Iteeping. - his • tor
'itnew.tiothingiiin:otit. pr. , v!ew
':by stick
blt!rney:iii . tlle froM
the Erie at - intio ldst• week :.; •
Our Irish fellow citizens will doubtless read
with interest the following necoiint of :the :an:,
cestry of Ilon.' A..G. 'Comps; "the opposition
nominee rot Governor. .We'glenit it. froin. the
Philndelphia'City •
. l iThe•O'Cartins, Pibernice M'Crhthln, are,
th.scentied from Corneae ens; King•of Munster:
They were lords of districts in-carions parte•of
Tlso~raontl,,in the' iciurteenth century ;, nod at
the•present dri.t,:sevetal respectable families of
.the Cortina nre . to'be met' , within the. counties
of,Olore:•nari , LiMerick. fn' the last .century;
Andrew 'M'Curtin; •poet or, the county: of
Chirei fifiding himielfmegleeted hy those who
had forme'ely, been klutlic„Lhitn; wrisiir-trm
dress. to'Dchin; (tTie Fairy. Kihg,)' asking >his
This beati Gen. Scott's etßich Irishlliogue"
'and 'stveet ,German Accent” speech, and like
that immortal produ'ctipti 'excite' the ridi2
cute of "!our Irish fellow-eitizeni.” They will
iwenttoknOW:frorn Mr. , Curtin - iv/tit, he.. proved
recreant ; to his encestry,...and
self with tut Organization whose mernbers Were.
required to.take a'selemn - oath never to assist
in'eleVatinga foreign born citizen or
to any office of protkor trust. And if he new
thinks differently, they Will expect . him as an•
honest man to repudiate.and • denounce such
heresies wherever'he .appears before the: Peo-'
""Our Irish follow.eitizens,!' :as:Well. as'
onr,Geiman fellowLcitivans" are: noi, , fools ,
enough to - helbstnboozled . by such tiveddle as
the.abovit;.ancl we'predict the.y . Will hear troth.'
big else.on the subject. ',Curtin• 'will .not dare
denounce The, AmericanS or 'knew ,
nothings' would drop bim,, which faet he knows
;-;ApperdecF beloy, our readers;. “Derno'erats?'
and “ReinitdicanS," ektract
from • the .fsrew Post, most coy.'
tainly. the !Olds jciorOa I in this
country,'especial ..friend of Senator.
Se'vcard• for tile Presidency. • . • •
'lt appears in the' issue ~ ofthet paper for
TlCursday evening last,
.on receipt, of the
news ihe Reading Convention and the nom
ination of Gen. Foi,ter. . • .
. But . , for . a•sewat(l'orgafi:l6 a slap
ltLthe:.inco'of 'our •:old Deinoaraticfriend Simon
'and hiaßePtibliean.allies 7 tnat • is,..if / the ,, Old
Keystone is of.nny imPortanect:in a Presiden
tial canvass toleiable ) and not . to
'en'dined •:
• • •
. . . . .
. crhe . s:pte of: Pennsylvania will le given to
the party,: which', next November,.shall. sten,
10",t4 strongest and best united and consolida
• .
kis.iio use 'to.: ask . the.. peliticians .of Penn
sylvaaia to. nominatolor us. Therh.ave neith
er, the integrity. nor. sagacity..to it. •. Their
State Convention has just'. given- out , the name
of.. Simon Carneren as .-their . ..thoice—the .man
who . drew $50,00 oui..of ;the: United States
TreaSury; and held'it'thrati years as a. - .fund to
pay Rlair, and Rives for selling out
. the Globe to
old Mr. Ritchie, as was esrplained. a few days
ago in the .'l, , elting Post. .So long na Col. Ben:-
ton's:scathing . . chanter,on, that • affair ;remains
history, such candidate cannot •carry a Singld
State, even his,onfor the Republican ticket,
. .
• .Turi'Dthsrocitaby.--;Neverbefore in the, his
tory of.the party has 'sue) 'a warm' and : enthu
siestia approVal of the' proceedipgs'of•eny
verition; been manifesed as the,. action of the
'Rending Convention has'received,'all -jtie
§tate: The nomination of Henry D. Foster is
.every Where hailed with cordial arid enthtisies
tic•approVel: The:burialof pastdiferences and
the restoration of unity arid' 'harmony. among'
tlie - Deinocracy of Penniylvania has disheirt:
ened the opposition, while in ouvOwn ranks we
.have . the rnosi'',gra tifyitoe evidences •0:1 . energy
aroused end' Seal renevi , cj,, for the' success' of
the'perry. , The Presvand`thepenple.itie alike
enthigiastlic; and - froth'the Demoerecy,of other,
•States, that. of Pennsyyspla is receiving. the
Most cheerfulerurratiilations anti approval.—:-
These' signs of the time , are of the highest
• •
port , ttecimeneofsuccess. The
,Democrary of
Pennsylvania' red' sin the - victUVy;
and, they, will .POess
FAIMING.-Dr, Frankb i n said':.igThere
'Seems .to be but..three ac
'gut re weal th.;•The•firsCis byeltiari ad: the Rii
inane did; in - plundering their neiilibors: this is
'robbery. The decond -by commerce- which .is
frequently.cheating. ,Thethird-by,agricaltere,
the,only heneativayiwhereima man receives a;
real. increase of the ; owed, thrown into the,
ground iii ti kind of continued mirdele.wrotaght
by, t tie
.hp)a of qod in his fayar;.,atia reward
for his indecent life and 'hisvirtuqui industry
this seen
he be left
A finraNOt for Simlion'
11.11ieun ioutitt) tocrat.
thursday March 1•,0
-tc • 11: , BE,' , •PETTENGILL
Nuf.tel'u girreti Nein I.'et/ii-and ,Nt* '1../3estna
• •
ft: St;'.PH I ET,ENGI,I4: 4 ..C(7);.:are • the - , iteyth t left...4be
.111.!lisAm 'DNISOORAT nod the ,temit 'lnihtent, ergeet
elietilatinx.Nrwipepers in the United '&4EOI 10d - the can ,
ri:dee: They here authorized to. coptinet fur Ili at , cur
.„ .
Democratic Nomination
•-• F op Go:„}:its..„, :,,
.::or.. V 1 . 7: . C . ST MOREtANtt'CO:
Ken, 119 n.. I . lloard. Yaox
1 FrerlerickServer., 14 J. Rerkhow: -
2•Vm:C:Pitter.son'. 15 Geo. herison. •
- 3 .Tos'. Crockett,jr.• - 'lO J. Ahl,
4.. J. G. Brenner.': :AI- J. 13.•Denner, ' •
S"J. W. Jaep,by.':. It;i
Charleselley.. 19 131. Y-Lee.
O. P. Yames. • .20-:3:l3:liciwell.'
; : ; B:Privid'Schnlf. 21' . 1sr: Fetlerinnr.
'22 'Srt entiel•Marshall.
10 Briibee; •23 Willirn'deoli. •
Walker. '24 B. p:
12.5. §..:l ) Vineliesfer. • 251Gayleril ChOrch: •
13 Jciseph,Lilubaeh. • • •
. . .
The Railread: Tell Aill.pn. sed the N. :V: Ag=
aealhlty,' nn . the 9th',. by a' vote of 8 i
T3pats corrirpenbeit...mtildng .regular' trips oil
,H4dso . ii.on:the , ith hist,'
7 Attentifiriis.called . .to the card of .Dr. 8 . . S
Goma), of Part •Alreflnny..
''The 'eleet ion in New.liampsbire . has •rrsoi ted
•in a. 13.epiiblielti tritimph; by a • majority
. of
, 1,600, • Tbe vote (loci toot vary'iniich from hist.
SArrim Krnr, wh.o suffered 'beastly out
'rage' at Jamestoven, not long: since, it is. , said
die,d, recently ,at ,the residence • 'of • her. 'fa
ther, in Franklin, Pa.• •
. MAIL .C1):11it.10TORM. Those 'who wish to
.propoeo.bids fdrllllaii;,.sery ice eannotatelay
es tlinir plpers are'requiieci. to be in. Witab.
ington the !net of .neict.week:
The Citizcg editor last Week; publishes. an
ariick frOtri .the Warte r ti. Leedger, which was
intended as a telleet ion on thiS patier... Stand
out and,notenehkbehind a co!etn..
7rasAmman's Ar.f.s.,-,The advertisement 'of
the. eale'of Unseited Lends for arrearage
taxes aptieys the . .Cttiztin and . , pm,tlrord
ner. •We hope td be able to supply the , readers
nt the DEMOCRAT tvith ' the Kit next
Notvi!ithstanding . .aie disagreeableria”„nf• the,
*anther, thare..*!',
riurinberattelled- the lecture, at ;the
Court flow. Mr. H:vairturrri . 9 delivered an
able.cindeatertaining diseouyse on the , .subjeo
.14r.,Mir. !HEN was not prepared
land . did.nat attempt a speech.- Both of . these
gentfethen:will be ,c.heard et," if we mistake
Liwis,'refurna thanks to the•.friends
who'recently iriiiitbd.the Pars Osage, not i.emp
t,k-handed," in this I,y.eek's
I) l ; l 'e.understand 'there
, were: a number. of
friends who were, not apprised of the' intended
who would 'have attended hod they re
ceived notice. - .To such we would say it is,
ttnever, too late to do good,'' and they .cnil diS
charge' their duty itfib:lt respect, at a rixc
....rfie young ladles and gentlemen' of one: vif
lage,ate very busy in , preparing ;for, the Mas
querade 'Ball, whiely is to iomeoff at Sart*ll's
1in11,.0111 this (Thursday) evening: This will
be:quite a'novelty, ati it Is the. first thing of .
the kinil that: has .ever been ie. op' . in • this
• pu . r .enterprising friends Vni byttc & WING
have Minufactured . ,a large lOt ploughs,of ex
cellent'paiferns, worhnianship;. also full
tivators, of improved style. This agricultural
implenierit has but recently been intrOtinCed
Omani oui.farrners, and' not entered into
use. Theii'manutacture at, this Once will
bring them, within the reach:df. eVe . ry far Mer;
and; we expect to ee large numbers, in use the .
.present season. 'The cost of purchase can he
saved, in labor, in one season-by those using
DaowNED.—On l'hatsdn'y the Bth inst:, a
little son.of Er.yGrinnabls, aged about'l3 years,
accidentally fell into the river near his Sath- •
•er's residence, in this town, and before aid
,could be extended to hirn-,'he . was drowned,—
Stricf seardi has . been made fdr. the lbody al
most. every day since; but , up to this . Writing it
has . not been . recoverid.—Olean Advogiser. •
Sunday night.lestthe.pight Ex.
press• East, on the Erie Road, when about two
miles below Hinsdale, Tin over. Jois, HOrisx',
aking both'liialegs off abot4 the knee.] The
!rata backed up, and when'the unfortunate man
Was found, lifeswas extinct; • He was a
ing man, and leayes a wife, rind six aliildren:to
the charity of.the Advertiser.
Luke Elie Open.' . • o
Dl'll/;iii.iti4:lci r "; . 1
. .
Navigation. is open - .between, this 'and •
western ports of: Lake Erie.' The' New-York
rand' Erie Railfoad steamers. Ow ego, from Cleve
tan4;.and New 7 York, fromToledp, tirrived yes..
teriday . afternoon, with ca rgoes of . oerq, Pork
arid • Flotir.• , •T,he 'steamer , Olean left at 'the
same time foe Toledo.. •
' • ,No seeds wiltbit distributed from'
.Hie Patent
Office this year':' The motley appropriated has
been expended uf Tea euiture. , •
Theifising.;slln 0141)4' cenopaign is just
' sd nytgorating rare over hole - defier;
and breadth,of - kr:eat.ao . prosperous, nation.
•The . PoliticadcOntest; no w'itbont'cOrrirrienCik,
Is one of unpreeederitedimportatice.inYOlving
L'riot.OnlYlley,pres.tryatinn,'perpetuation.anil Ira
' rernity OMNI& antiNderatien, in •a great moss=
ore;' bat' the'qu'estion as to Wheal t her the 11M-
Atinent'al. iaW pf the.dartll4-ihe'Const:itution'. of
the:, United Staley—with'nil`its ;surfed, oblige{
.tiops and guerante'es,shiiil..be handed' down'' to
'posterity • perfect and u4shore,'as
. our .tatherS
gaYedt ton's; or wbether blind fanatici s m shall
be permitted'. pieYisjoni 'rust ,
exactly,' isuit'its ,own 'fancy, - even 'thotigh.! . it
bed.O : the - ietalcxclnsionot every rationality,
anidevery coitruction of its propounders:' , Al-
thenill the dilstory.of the . Past two }'cars floes'
i'pot , Pres?iit so . bright a.pageinE : our. career: as
- we might with Peruse, yet_
. each -ray Ordigh - t
brine,siwith it . neW, - . promises'Of a glerieui . fn . ;
Ore In store for us, ! ., livery day. , brings glad
ddings" drom.e,yery pa rt.r.'f country..:
ttemoerack of,PennsylVania has Chosen tor • its.
18tandai.d Beprer, ,in
.thdipersdn of Henry ,D.
roster,a Man every worth,; anddn every
respect riutilified for;the -position to which. his
supporters'.are leternined to elevate
Ey ery'l.Ciaiich 'and div isied , iire . ..uniting . : under
. he' common -banner.of the Country and _party,
'aridlfhenorable 'exertion
will suffice, the opposition (to of just -
will be taught
lesSon . on the seconed Tuesila'ylof next Qc.te- •
her, not.soort:tObe . :feridtteh, and willihereby;
Elie again placed in ir . Positicin . ...inWhieh-.it - ;.W.i1l
undoubtedly, deem it expedient tO •er2ain
change it's nanie; The: best 'damp to guide no.
in the fetiih?, is 'the lamp 'of - experience, and
trifidng to the paSt history., of the 'pariy—ever . :
marchirg, Onward, governed. by 117:mil and lit
.mutable principles;cliOgii* to the : , tlghti' and
defending the -cour trY, 'as adversity
-as 'in prosperit-y::,can no lindaughtbut to, ad-'
mi're, end to cheer us on to future action Fn.
the; same noble cause. ThinOellowiaboters,'
in the cause of Conslitufional,,tibertY, let us
once more join.haands..end the
„spirit of our
ancestors 0070, 'narries, our tor
tunes and.sacred honors.,?',in behalf of the party
which' has forits principles, those' enunciated
,by the Immotal„Jeffersen,..! reiterated, by; the
Fearless Jackson and, embodied in eVerysne
,platform, npon.which..the tiemocracy,.
of he Hnioni has stood • '
. • n errand Ilprmons. • •
The Democratic: party of Pennsylvania is
itself After the loss.of two conse'cii,
tive elections. therlelOgates of the.people who
assembled at Fndle:T. On 'Wednesday lost, and
the immense multitude of outsiders from every
quarter of the Commenwealth;were,deter;mined
that . old, Sores and grie:vances:'..hbuld all be
healed:up; and Ant - third.. defeat, iroireediii tely
follnering.nri.the heels of the other , evo,'should
not he*Within the range Of nrobabilities;•.if it
could liy any means., lie prevented..:Tp • this
they happilY . .sueeeeded. Jiy.gones are now
-The 'watch fires of the party.
have been re.kindled - tiy the' happy •action' of
the Convention... A spirit of coneiliation hnd
compromise was:inentented by everybody, and
the reitalt is.a united, honefiil and jubilantiO:
ty from one end 'of the - .Commonwealth tothe
other.. This 'state-6f things will cnqirre. - .the•
,eleetion of ours excellenCGitherna
torial eand,idate. Gen...flo , R!y D. :Fos . TEß,:n . bll,
followed with cini , craally brilliant tesultat the
Prpsidemtial election: •
The first orMarch - 1 fit); 'will long; 'be•re.
mr:mbPre(l iii the orients- or P.ennsylvania as a
day frautrht:witb the haripiestcoris.riaences not
onlY.to this state ; but also to the pertee,•safety:
andperpettfity orlhe
Stirring Nevl3 from
NE'N'v•Yoriic, ;11nrcic 21
The news.. froin Alekicii,:via. New Orleans,
'shwa that .:the • intervention rif.: the - . United
States.in 'the civil wars, in,Mexico, is no longer
a , POssibility• but . ;.a fixed. fact The .drift, of
things, hai been poiverfullY:in thk direction' for
. .
along While past, and the act, row, it is pre-,
surged, will '.create' but little, surprise , in. the
mind of.' the .• intelligent observer of passing .
events, Theanthenticeted facts,irethat Gen
eral Alirernon, commenced aetiVenperations on
the: city of Yen) Crez, on : the tithl . that on the
evening Of. the, 7th, atta.cic was'.nnade, in
force ;. that'this
,ritlack waS .i;ptitsed 'by the,
Liberals ; .that:the steamers GeYeral Illirament
and fit thn servf;:n of. the.olittiek Par
(ziovere captured by the .United States naval
nes, ond ha've arrived nt :117en , Orleans; as .4nteri,-,
tan prizes, in.iharga of Lieat...llrinot:
These are all; the particulars at' band, .but
meagre, as : theyareOhey'exhibitthe fact, that .
we have now some new brininess on . hand, whic h
will be-likely to - -giee a.neei :direetion ,to the
thoughti and actions of , ,
• rolldwirtg im
tiortant bill has` recently passed the. Senate
An.Ac . tflo l'irOveUt iocovery for:lllo3'de
. of•
• . aria lerateil liquors.
. „
SEC. 1,. Be it enacted &c:; That. from and
after the .passage of this act, actions (Or
,the sale of spiritions, - vinous: or malt liquors,
or uny•adin m ixtures thereof, •it shall-he 'coinpe.
tent for the : defe,ndant. in every such .case to
prove that such liquors or riflrpixtureS • thereof
were imphre,ititiafed or adulterated:'and proof
thereof being made shall amnunt to neood and
legal defence to..the whole of the phiintiff's de
More Official Peculation!
Alirw.ivisFr•., lll,areti
E. L. 11.G.ardner,, City 'Controller, and..Roh•
ert-Lyneli,•CitrClerlc,werc arrested.yeeterday
and: committed to jail,' on a charge of, forging
'city.orders and ()the!' nialfeasance in office,—
P,oth arifftepablicans.. ". • . • .
Wehave taken tiptoe pains to ascertain the
.npinions of Dencocrits• concerning the proceed;
,ings Of the Reading Convention,. and' especialli
nominee fdr Goeernori and we , linve:,yepAo
find the first one ‘yno does not exp ress
unbounded satisfaction: --tycomio (gazette.
. .
The Republicansconfoun . ded ;at the r'e.
suit of thelelaing . Catventi'on.' They conli:
detitlyraotlettaited. t hat ihe . Can.ve lien, 'could
notharnianize the eleMenta of the Democratic
Party, and that the !lame causes , whieh.coritri
.bated to.the successarthe Republican ticket
in the..elections'of..lBs6,and
,18459 . vratild again .
assist . them to a viatoity in , 1860. They be
lieved. the.pehnoetacy to heltepeleSSly'divl44 ,
'and distracted beyond the possibility of recon:
Theore sanguine expecterren ex
plosion. ritß i n eading,,while cooler heads .at the
Very least e:9eCteilstich' a nomination or Such
a plaaform as Would itievitahly produce disaf
fection or coWtiess among a large diiision of
the ,Democratic party. , The sectie.s which
tran;piied at Reading.were . farthest 'froth their
thoughts. Thly, had so Fong; regarded ihe'divi
ilon of the,Dernocratic ,Party as 'past healing,.
that :tlie
. news of the unanimous, heariy, and
enthitsiastie" nomination of'Henry'•Th• Taster
.for Governer; 'and, the equally hearty...and
unanimous adoption of a platformaeil upon the
RepublicanS'lilte.a cold shower bath. Republi,
can 'stock, irinedintely.declined fifty per cent.
The Cheerful smile Was displaced by an express,
Sinn of most. profound melancholk.. The lea
deri heard the news of the; nomination, .of , the
cordial nnion..of the .11 . emoeret ic party, of the
wild enthusiasm with which the campaign was
Opened hy.thousanils of..Remocrats from ; every
section of the State , assembled at Reading,,
the death-knell' all'their Sanguine, anticipaz
. .
- ,The•confilsion :Carried • into the' Republican
ranks by'the.proceedirigs- at Reading ,i s observ
ahle in their • orgons; They are •at•i/ los s to .
ageortni for :the Union• and .entltuSiasm• of the.
Democracy.' Siime saY that •the 'flat ional Ad- -
ministration controll,.(l the Conventionr•others
that it was the •anti-Leeomptonites.- One hai
disciWeiejf that the •ininiinatien,, of. Prisier . :.Was
brought adout - by a deep laid Plet,' . and that ;the
aPparently,sporitanidus nature,of . that act was'
in aceordence, with. an :arrangement. ..made,
week's before in. the* inner. re'cess: of •somd se
eret.conneil.,• This ,is affirmed with
‘ as• . .rnitcli
particularity as , if• had.been com m u nicated
in..confidence; Another deelares that White
was treated most shamefully by. the Anminis
t•ration,• and that Jacoby Pry .was .most eruelly
,qi?,ne,hterecl by, his professed.friends...No, two
utherit ies agree' precisOY, but all unite' in re
garding the action Of the ConVentron as shame
ful and. in , the highest dedree.iinprojer not to
say disgusting: • • '• • ,' •
'We can . .. relieve the..perplexity' of the on
foundedßepublidans . : The, Represeh taliyeg .
the Democratic party went to Reading , deter- . .
.Mined to bury past dissentions, andto . .whip the
Republican party next fell : • They , felt the
neecessity Of, union, and of patriotic; unielffsh
action. • They 'Were' determined to select :the
'best candidate, forgetting 'individual .Preferen
ces':in their de'sire for
. the gene't'al
The nomination of H enry . D.' Foster was fiffec
•ted by ho'clique, arrangeinent, bargaining or
midnight miens, but it Was. an act of' 9pOnta-.
neous entliusia'qn amOuntingialrrtOst to inspira
tion: The .same feeling which governed the
Convention stirred the , hearta . of the people
when the nornination.of. Foster waaannounced. ,
Everywhere, Democrats congratulated each
otheroind.:•fatified. the choice,cf. - .the'' Conven,
'flow.: In a moment old differences ' Were for.-
gotten. Democrat' pledged Democrat • that'
henceforwardthey'would unitedly tabor for'th'e
success of the party by ;the elevation- Of• its
noble candidate ,to :the Chief flagistraCY of
Pena4Ylvania.' . ' , And this 'p'le'dge Will he 're-.
deemed: The Republicans may as' ;veil make
tip 'their mind's to witness many mbre'a . stnund'-.
ing and.enthuaiastie.Democratic- reqinion.
fore October . arrives, fully: as' inexeieable
the,prnceedingatßeading, whfeh.haveso'con;
founded and...perAtted aufti
The Curtin has Futten
The Curtin stock has gone dowkat least five
hundred per cent since the nomination': of Gen.
Henry a .F . oster. There is•not a . Democrat—
not:everrone, who occasionally votes thellern
ocratic tichet, that we'know of. who is (moos;
ed . toGen..""Posferi Not a'preWs in :the State
tht% reflects' liemocratie sentiments in' any
shade that is not for.*Foster:--not an • Old line
Whig, who feels the weight of the !;irrepressi
hie cOnflict.'!'psrty, led nut by old John Brown,
who Supporting the General. All wings
of the.' Democratic party Were made one' at
Reading=-the Party was then and there organ
ized=rhe lines . .formed, encircling the.. State,
isithoiit one,hroken link. ' • .
Andrew Gregg Curtin, .Who led 'off in his.
party in 1 . 851 in stipport of the Know Nothings
- - --prothulgated. abolitirin :doefrines throughout
the State by' lettera end speeches and' feathered
his nest in the Gubernatorial. term of Pollock
from thri sale . of the public' wOrks . to the Sun-
Imp . y.,and Erie. Railroad, has a Weight to carry'
that Will land him in•the d.epths of political dis
grace long before this campaign is ended:, He
bus no reeeprning nuelitiy.to recommend him to
any, party.. Having 'been trained in the. school
of politics of Andreiv dreg.—,Gen. Irvin arid
all that race of politiCians, _Gregg
is doomed 'to as
certain %and 'overWhelming defeat as some of
them met wtth . forty years ago and at a• far la-
Proild.of. our popular allarry..of the West,"
we can go forward boasting of the man and the
'principles he .supports as a sure. ground of a
most glcirious and triumphant, victory.. Clari
on, Democratic as she is all over,. will be re- .
garded as the Key-stone of the- west,' as her
majority will be larger' in proportion .to. her
votelthan.ony 'other, one. If she counts'. into
the teens ilCin't be astonished,rfor she has rest
ed to be ready.toWork . in a'ca mpaigelike this,
led by so valliant and pure a statesman . ..as
Henry D. -Foster Democro..
Republican Papers Dying Oat!
,It is announced that , the National- 734rthat.
staunch anti -slavery organ at the federal . capi
. to . l;:whese founueiwas , the real father of-Re=
.publicaniim in this conntryile. about . to
Two numbers morecomplefes its , orbit. It was
really a very' respectable and excellent literary
journal. The Widow of Dr. BailerisleftWith=
out any means in the, weeld, and with large
familyof small ehildren to'simpbrt.The print_
,inz will, it seems, not have enough. in 106
make any kind of a dividend,: and so 'the Era
must die. Surely the Itepu.hticani'are gre!te.llll'
. The. Washington ic, which was truerpt"
edto.the world. some months ..sinee,,.ee. the
great 'central organ of s.wartlism;:is also dead.!
It died from sheer,Went.. The party would'nt
Support it, and its pnbliihorandeditor announ
,Cesthat, with the loss
,of t 25,000 money,
and all his patience, pluck and patriotism, he
retires a wiser ir not n.,better• man. • Republi-,
canism we:four Will . not•stand •many.such uh
• .; - .
' I: 0 . V e : .'sp 0.
"Costar's" •
"Costar's" Rat, Roach; &o. Exterminator`!Oortar's" , •
"Costar's" Bedbug Exterminator.
"Costar's" Electric Powder' for Insects.
RAts---RonOes—Micelylok,q—Gro.und ;Mice._
Bed ß! i gs — Ants — Moths—Moicioetoas4—Fle as
—lnsects on (pants,' irisects `on etiiniats, scc.,
&c.--in short, every , forni and species of
10•Y,ears. established in New.yole ciry--used
by the Cify Prisons and
.S , tetion..flonses-, t -the 64Sbimers, Ships, &c.
The-city notels‘. c<St Nidholas,'! gr.e.'
. .
.odmorQ:than:2o,ooo.prieate faruiliSs. •
Ltr'briiggists.and -Retailers everywhere sell
fhPm.CP t .n lide'cale.•Agehts . in' all the farge Cities.
0." Xtegtilar 'Sizes 2.5(‘.. 40c•and $1 Boxes•
Bottles—Flasks... • • •• . •
..3?.l ! Hew/int:l! I or. spurious •initations.,—.
Exarnine each Box, - Bottle and. Flask, and'take
.nothing but •
0:7" $1 BOZes sent • • :" •
$3 & . $3 Boxes'far Plantation's, Hotels,..&c
-13• A ddress
~ o rders.—. o r.. fol. "Circulars to Deal
er° ~ .„'. I I'ETTRY'R. COSTAR. .
PRINCIPAL' tiro.r." 410 BnoanwAY,.N. N.Y.
sold by W. S. BROWNELL, at SanethOoki
A Cann.With 'feelings : of profound 'grad
tnde, on the : part of myself .and family, thanks
are returned to the people , of Sinethport and yl
•cinitY, for thaii most liberal, and 'timely dona=
•tions, both a:1 . 0;6 15th and 21st instants, yehich
will be Jong, and gratefully remembered. by the
recipients .. .nl their genarons cOntrjhutions.. ••• •
. •
• • • • L. D. LEWIS.' D
. . •
Pa rsona •Smethiort, 'Ara reh •211 'lBOO.
. The Stock holder.s 'OE
and•lynii . gation Company," are. requested .to
me-et,. at office of the Company, in the
13nrough.of tnetliptirt,' oh. Saturtlay,•the' 7th
day of -April, next, at 3 o'clock P. M. of said
dey, for the : purpose of electing h'. President.
and . ti,liehre Diroctors, for the ensiiin% year..
• SAMIJEL,C. MIME, Secretary.: •
SmethpOrfi 111nrch 22; 1800. 3w
Having pertnanent,ly located him • self
. .:. • 'POIf.T ALLgQANY,• • ;
would respe'ctfully: inform 'the' pithlic that .he
is prepared to attend to business in all branches
of theiMed,ical: Profession.," Particular wen.:
tion paid to Secret Diseases, both male and
female;:they will be treated in accordance. with
the•latest authorities and:practice of Hu-;
ro . pe.anil America. All secrete intru s ted to
him, his'pra'ctice, 'will be strictly , kept. by
him, in spite of,' Money;llW, friends,'enemieg,
relatives or neihtior's. . ' •: •
• Port Allegyiy, March . .
. .
. Notice is hereby cireri that. on the third day.
of. March, .1860, the
,firth of J. C. Backus'S; Co.
t.i:asdissolvedby mutual consent; and all debts
. due the Uri), are to poid . to: Sa'ckug,
and said Backui is to pay
. 51). demand against
... • .. .
. . •St9ITWELL
meth'port, ! 18c;0::. .•
AST®!, - ..HOUSE. •
, .P . ro . Drieior
BEGS (cave'announce .to• the traveling
coinmunity-and the public generally that he
has purChased the bnve.named.hotel, formerly .
occuPied'hy Jaines Miller, and refitted it . n
style Suited to-the.times'and wants of the pub
Will alwaysiie supplied with the best the . rnar; ,
ket and the surrounding country can afford:.
••• : EITS . . . •
Will beippplied with the- choicest Wines and
. - *HIS 'STAB.I,,ES •
Will - be'in the care of 'attentive hostl'ers, re
sponsible for their'conduet to their employer
'who Will give the entire estdblishment his per.
sonal 'supervision: • ,
In short every , department, of his establish- , .
ment will beeupplied..with all the .
the weary traveler can deSire.-
•In the hope that he nble.to mekelhls
during their visitai.his house, he.r . esPectfylly%
solicits a:share of public patronage... .. •
Smethport, Jan. • . n3B:6trt.
THE Subscriber. having puichaSed,this•Well
known stand, and, re - -furnished and re-fit
ted the House, is prepared to entertaio Board
ers and.theTtaveling•Publie.
Will be well supplied, and everything done
to merit a. liberal. share o'f•patronage. Raft
"lien, will always find tlie: , clatch-strinte?..out.:'
. Kendal Creek , January 2, . 1860... .38-ly
50 B U,SlEf,of Dried Apples 3n afoLo rt v rg , 3 l .lll by.
FEW:caseaof I.lOota arat'Slpes to givo away at, •
' , • 'L. F. %I ItIGILVS
• . . .
mHF SUBSCRIBER i;vould inform, the cfti
-1,, zens . of Port Allegany,. and the surround
ing Country, that h,e is prepared to do ell. kinds
In units dillere*nt.branctles in a workmanlike
manner;'with promptness anddispatch warran
led to gtlie" satisfaction.. • , . • . , '
attended .to fn go9d style," and ,-, at reaso nable
rates. - Tartietdat attention paid to . •
Horse ' Shooilig,
From experience- in tholSusiness, entire snip
faction is guarnnteeil. - J. D. OTTO.
_ .
'Port Allegany, March 1, 1860. •':, l
• N. 8., All persons owing me, or having nn.
settled accounts, are: earnestly 're'quested . ...,tq
and•ECttle the - same. without' &lay ; tbftl4.'
'by ,Faving cost-and trouble.:.: OTTOr.