M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, March 15, 1860, Image 1

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VOL 2.
lit titan doiuntp . 3oollotrat
OFFIOE,.' 8. E:O9OlElit . O . F PIJBLIO 'f3QIJ'ARE_
' TE RMS : 7 . 7 . 7' $1 50 in Advance
Rates • of Advertising.
. . . . .
1 ColUmn one. yeer. 00
1 . . six 20 00
720 0
'tine square'of 12 lines oeless, 3 iinertiong, 16U
Retch subsequent 2.1
Rule Or figure work will be double the abore'rites.
Twelve lines Brinier type, - . or-eight llnes, nonpereil, le
.'rated 11l square: •. • *. . .
frr.ThesW.Tdrms'iviß bo strictly adheX.ed.to....l
. •
. ..
• • .-• • . '... A. lb HAMLIN; -. • • • •
. . .
.. .
~ .
. .
Surveyor,. Draftsmen' Conveyincer, • and Deal . Estate.
, - Agent. Smethport, I.'Bean county,.Pa.. - . .., .• •:.
• • • - •
. . . . . . ..
Wholesale and Retail'Dialer in Fancily Groceries, Pork,
Flotir, . Salt,' Feed; Boots And Shoes,. iiic.,..dce.. Store
In.the Astor noose Block, Smethport Pa: " • -
. . .. .
- A...11; TAYLOR,
.. .. .
Desler iri Dry Goods, Groceries, Porlc, Florir..Salt,'Fish
' Ready 7 bLide Clothing, Sootsandi Shoes. Sioetbport,
Ps. . ~ . .
. .
. .
. • 'WILLIAM WILKIN, • • •
, • . . •
Practical 'Alechanic, Millwright, 'Bridge builder,
Port Allegheny; ill?Kpan county, pa. . :
. .
. Estate:A:Out; ' Office, Elk 00., Penn'a
. ,
Chapin &Boyle,. Erreir., ..... . Ridgaray, Pa
Bon Thnroae Struthers, Warren, Pa,
W. 8. Brownell. Eaq.4 .—. ni
.Betlinort, Pa
Ron. - A.' I. Wilcox. • • • •-'•-••-, • • Ifilena• Vista. 'Pa
. ' • . CARVER HOUSE, • '
JOHN U. Hata: Proprietar. corner of Water and pickoiy.
streets, Warren Pa. General Stage Office: •
••.. . . .
General- Delilora In. Dry Gonda,. Greeerien.. Crockery,
Peady-yad. Olnthi taxi 13ooteand . Sheca, Hateand,Capei
&c., mneite the Court Goma, Smeibpoyt Pa." •
. . ,
Prtinting - the Public Sqiiare:... Olean. N. Y. 'Limas M.
MILLER. Proprietor.; The Pohes House is entirely new
and built of brick;,
,and is' furnished in: modern Style.
The prontlitor flutera himself 'that his .acciirrunnda
flops are'not surpassed by any hotel in Western
York. Carriages run to and fronilhe'Neiv York and
Brie Ball Read.: • 39-tr.
'..- . . . . . . .
, . .
ATTORNEY et Low; Kmetliport, MiKenn County. PA.,
• Agent for 'Meagre. Keating • k Cele-Linde Attewla
eapecially to the Collection of Claims; Examination br
Land Titles;•.Paygnent of 'Taxes: and all bunineini relit:
- ..tlecto Real Estate. °dice in Kandla Block. .
• • .
. .. . .
D, A'.' Watnitr, Proprietni,--nt Kinzua. Warren county
• ' Pe." llli Table Will be anni)lied .with .the bert . ..the
country affords, and bnapare no paina in accomodetia g*
. .
. . .
Attorney end Cou nsellor at.l.aw, Emetliport. 111 , Eean
County, PR.. Bus'ness entrusted to his care foiThe
,• e nnotiecof Mrgran, Potter and Elk will. be' promptly
attended to' .01floe'ld the Coon House,.•second 'floor.
'--' " • '
B. •.- -',. .. DR . t... B. 'WISNER, - • • . - - • .
Phveiclan 'and Snrireon, 'Smotliportj'a, will attend. to
•'..e11 profenlinnal callawith prpioptuelc, Office in Sart
, w4l Block, eecond.J ~ • ~ . :.. ' : • 1 .
N. 13. BUTLER &a,
and ROW '.l3ealera in Staple and, Fame:3. Dry
.Gobdii-Carpeting,Ready Mada .. olnthinv. and .General
Furnlonlng.Ganda. Banta 4nd Shoes, Wall and•Windoiv
. Raper, Looking Olacies At Olean. N. Y. •
- -•
. - .' : ''. • 'BENNETT .1101 SE, - '• :, -
. .
:s!rnettiport, !['Kenn no., Pa. iO. 11. IlEattErr t Prpprie
.• tor—opponite the' Court:Hoene. A new, large, corn
modloos and weltlurninhid }loose'.
.. .
. . . .
. .
Attdrney and-Onunaellor at Lew; Sm etliport, lil , Kean Co
Pa.;. ' Will attend to all bu'aineme in blaprotesMon in the'
. counties' of l'il , Kean; Potter and Elk. Oflice over O.K.
•!. Siirtwell & Brothers' :Store... •. •' .•.. . ." : •
Corner of Saaosl-and • Libertk 'straits, ;Warren Pa, R. ,
A.. BAnnon;. Prpprii3tor. . Traveler will fad good to.-
covamadaooaa and reasonable charges. ' • ;
~., • , . • . • . .
. .
Dealer in Stoves, TinviCore; ,Takinned,Werei , ece., * west
.tilde Of. .the • Public , . 'qn..,rei' . 13methport,IPA: custom
rwqric done to ordei on the ehortest,netioe,find iti the
molt eqbatenthd - rnonner. - •• • • : •, •
. .
. , • W. S. - BROWNELt . ..
, .. .
Dialer , 10 - Dry .anolin ' Grocories, - Grockeri , ;. flardviir , l , ;
.1313.'0te, Shoem, Fiats , Iltp:q, Glass, Nails, 0118, &c., ' Ace.
- ;East . side-01 the . Public Square, Bmothport,. Pa. . •
. . .
..... . . . , .
Dealer : in.Ploylaiona and Family flreeerlea generally; et
Farmers Valley, 141 , Keen 00.,' Pa. Ornin, Lumber,,
- Shlnglen,lco. - , taken-In eichinge . for .Goods: • Patebt.
Afedicinee for sale; • • . • • • -. .
.. . '
. .
8. LAILADIC Proptiotor,—Allegheny 'Tleidke, Id'Kean
Co,, Pa. Tide honeels Pituntqd about nine Udine from
amelbp9rt on the road to Mean; and will be found a
convenient atopning,plabe . • ,
, .
Shippen,rs ,. . N. 7.; DYKE, .Proprietor
•.A.cominodtons and well-furntalied home. Strange -8
' and tiavelers will lind.good accommOdatiOns: •
• .
By t.,(hoDwIN. , This house is situated about ilve rail e
„ from Smethpart on thiroad to Mean. - Pleasure parties
and °the:Bean be accoirlmodatail,on the shortist notice.
tintintel,Proprietor; This houite is 'situated hal.
way between Smothport and Olean, It you want a good
dinner this is the place to ntoli. • . • • • '
, . .
Proprietor of. the Grist 11111 . 1, 'at 'Mechanicsburg. Ma-
Kean °aunty Pa.. Flenr, 'Meal, and Feed, constantl
on hand and'rof sale: hi large ,anksinall qn ntitiOn.
. . •
O. Oernianta, Proprietor, Norwich,
'Pa Good - accommodations can be - tad there at al
. .
_... . ..
..lrioap B. , Dot;uvr,' 'Proprietor. at Port Allegany, tic
+. Kean county. , Pa:' . l This lintel liaituated at the jump-,
.trono the 3,-"4111Port . and Allegany River loads, nine
,miles easter BinetlipOrt„ ,• .
.•..• • 111.1[EAN Co., Psi •
WM,. BASKgrira • : ..Rioprietor
'The PrObrietor having recently liarehiteed and Thor
- eughly'relltted the Anton Mouse, tfatteteltmaelt that he
! eati Nentah gecniacconintodatiena eittny hotel In Went.
' ere Ventetileania. ' • - .
WANTED, - • •
.iAITONS'OI. I I) OAST nix; In Itching° tot , work, at F
rxt!ix tie at . 5116 Tea town at Vie' • ' • - .` t '
r ' •—• • • ••• AsTo# nopez STORE
. . .
.An English . Publieation says: It. is'noW eigh- •
teerrcenturies•and:a-half 'sir* rt new religion
was preached to mankind—a. religion full of
,peace and gentlenessand mercy. " On. the day
when the founderbi that reli i n wait born,lthe '
peace of Europe was maintaineirby Shout three
hundred. thousand' soldiers' .There' ere - now .
about two .inillions and a,half on the peace ea
•tublishment,,, .Picture to yOurself what these.
two millicin five hundred-thousand . 'cost us, the
peaceable. inhabitants ot Europe, in daily. pay
in 'rations, in 'clothing, - and in housing, ' Go
through'. these' - calculations. carefully. •.. Your
time can hardly be better spent than in making
up such. aceounts. ' Remember too,' the 4 un.
productive soldiers.might have been tlaborets
and artisans, So that:you belie to add' the,. loss
of their labor to the•cost of their keeping.--
Try to.imagine. these' millions of armed . men
defiling,. without intermission, in long array
,before you, the . bright, alert; and ready,hantled.
'Frenchmen; the'itotit,hardy Pkussian, the well . '
,Austrian, • the stalwartiDane, the'. gay
'Piedmentese, the Sturdy Dutchaian,' the much-,
enduring, long-coated Russian, AO free-limbed.
haughty ; defiant Bpaniard; and:Ahe cool, reso
lute, solid looking Englishirien...\ ..Bright'sum
mer days would ..wane ,away as•this.,vast arma
,ment, with ratite baggage .and aiTiery moved
on before your wearied eyes; and'ill.night long
the unwearied tramp Of .menand t rses would
still be.heard: resounding . • &me\
ing like 'a
conception of the numberrney..befortned ,by
considering 1 that ,if every man, itimari . i, and
child to' be found in' London end its, suburbs,
were: transformed:into' a soldier, .thi number
.. about, represent ' the 'effective t 'laree of
rnen.at-arme• in Europe. Consider tow the
most I experienced ' Londoner
• irises lis way,
sometimes in that city; and , discovers d i stricts
rnf Which be knew nothing before, • Lit . him
I imagine these new regions, as well as 'thole
. 'parts of the'town with which he is farellar, to
be suddenly peopled with soldierd only. ',Let
him not -onlytiaverse the, high Ways, buy, pc
into the houses, and see the sick, and• agedzi
infantine, whOrldom cpme Into . the -str I,
and ler him persevere in imagining these awn
to be soldiers; and . London one huge camp... re
'Will then have some idea. of the extent of Ei\
ropean armies, and , may reflect :upon what
. i.
Would. cost .to feed these unproductive millions
'for a single day. . . • • ... ' • . ,
. .
• We have just been made acquainted.with the
following facts, in teference toe difficulty which
came Very peer being settled, agreeably ..to the
laws of the' "rude dr!elloi". the preventing cause
being inserted in'its proper place.: •It appears,
that two of.our citizens had a little Aifficulty
about s sawing wood. Sharp words .were ex-.
cheng,ed:and hard blows Would have'. 'been the
result, had it not struck one of the, parties that
.a dnel vreuld be amore honorable and satisfac
tory mode of settling the account. According
ly a Chalenge vras aent and accepted. Seconds
Were chosen, horse;.pistols selected as Weapons,
distance ten paces, and the,tirrie
.betweeri.9 and
12 o'clock .A. M., 'on Monday:Feb.l3ol.
One of the parties appeared noxious far the:
time . to order that he might • wipe
out the insult that-:had.been .given,him.. or he
himself wiped .out of existence. 'Like - a
thoughtftd man,.he settled tip his business;
that he . might be prepared for tbe latter contin
gency: At just 30 minutes:past 11 o'cliick, on
the appointed day , the parties • met.' The . 'sec
ond; loaded the pistols and _ stepped. offAhe'dii.
tance, efterwhich they placed the 'principals
in their . pbsitiOns rind handed them the pistols..
The. crisis had now been reached: . The sec
onds stepped back from their pnen and 'prepared
to give the word of command,—when lo! the
pistol drops freim the hand of one of the belli
terents.and the last seen of •hin3 Was. his coat
tail turning the' corner at.2..10 speed. Thui
ended what might otherwise.have been alerri
ble tragedy. The pistols, we believe s contained.
nothing but a little powder .--Ilunling
letter writer thus discribes'Louis Napoleon on
one the spacious•aVenues of that imperial city:
—ciDriving a pair'of splendid bays.attached
a box wagon,:with the reins in hi'S own heed's,
and handling them as 'though he was aceustom
ed•to it; without :any outriders," equerries or
guardi,-the Enriperot Napoleon came along the
avenue. He. was .dressed with a' black over
coat, and' aliat which . was a fashion of his own.
The,points of his moustache look particularly
sharp :and hia ccimperial" as thoueh it had just
ce'rtiele.Mn the barber's.' It required a "steady
and a'quiclr'eye to guide the dashing horses
through the immetise'throng of vehicles of every
descriptiOn which filled the.avenue, particularly:
as the driver, while keeping'one eye upon the
'steeds, was obliged with, the other to acknowl
edge the salutations which he received on eve
ry side, and he kept up a continued bowing.. I
consider Myself a tolerably good Democrat, but,
I took my bat entirely from my head as he.
passed, A great man is he-Lhe.bes. been suc
cessful, and cant as pseudo-phitosophers may .
about it; success. is the. true. measure Of -great
mien, after all... The Emperor giveis as yet no
signs of age,(he will be p. on the 20th of April
next,) but looks : fresh and young, I think, as
when :I saw him five years ago, before *he 'had
the whole weight of Europe' on hie shoulders,
and the . POpe:down on him." • • .
A FACT:—Some newspapers in speaking of
the light literature of ,the preient day, says :
i , You maY read many ,of the:Eastern' , weeklies
fora year, and; scarcely find a.:fact which will
make you wiser•orbetter—all fiction, romance,
Hee, velvet and , feathers,, , liftle fi ends equipped
smiles and .trinoline, :, ,bi% scoundrels in' epau
letts, with a loVe . of a inotitache,l turning the
brains and stealing the heat:t.s.• of simpeting .
.the: everyday -history pf ye inge
niously belied and,genetally outraged—and yet
it always :ends beautifully." Hundreds of
people who:think:that they can't alferd aborne
pa'per, , in the courseof , year spend • three or
four times Me' amount in . :this •abemniable
` STANDARD WEIGnt FOR Cr.ovaaazzo..—.an•
act has pa ssed the Rouse 'of Iteptesentativen
timing the weight of eloveieeed . it sixty pi:hinds
instead of 'aixtly4oui which makes theweight
eoiieipond with' lia etaadiriffixad "adjoining
Stales:, '' ' , : ' .
j',, ; , .' *,
. : ~, ..
. . -- ' r ' '. .1::
w r •
fhp emocraci et thi die e,Linlted and
y •
• 4abilani • •
• • The Delegates cerniiiising. thee,Democratic
State Convention . . assembled. :at Reading On
Wednesday last for the.purpose of electing tick
egatee to the: National conVention at.Charlee.
ton;•chosing.an.Electorai Ticket; and nomina
ting a candidate for: dovernor..• The COn.ven 7
ventionwas one of the largest ever
. conyened
in thii..Comonwealth, and its proceedings
were charadterized by the utmoit hartnerii end
enthusiasm throughout.. • Thousands of the
sturdy • and }tepee' sons of . 'the 'Ohl .-Keyitone
were :assembled on the occasion, and e • feeling'
animated all which geveunmistagable evidence
or a glorious Democratic triumph at the•.corp.•
ing elections . in-October and Novemher: •
• The r Conveatioh organized at eleven
o'clock on WednesdeV'by.the:election.' of Hon: .
GEORGE NatsoN SMITH, of Cainbria ;county, a'S
tempor:ry chairman. Mr. Smith, on ; taking
the'cliair,:deliVered a.soand. and eloquent: ad.
dress.which . .v:asreceived with much iipplause; .
After the appointment of committees .on
retinenterganizattoh; on contested seats, and
the, transaction of some • other boein'ess, the
Convention adjourned 'to !inet . akth rep o'clock
in the afternoon.. •• •'' • • • . . '
Upon ie.:assembling at the hour kboyenamed;
avotewas for. permanent President of
the Convention; vvhieli reitiltd in the choieeof
Hon. WILLIAM H. WET-$lll of York county,-by .
a vote . of :14 against 44'cast for:Judge Cunning
ham, of Beivier county.' . Mr. Welsh, on taking
his seat, delplead a most,ielogttent and beauti
ful speech yvhich called forth loud bursts of.ap
plause. ' .Th 4 following Vice-Presidents' and
Secretaries were' then reported :and'eleeted
. .
-- .
VlcE•PazstnenTs.Districts.—l.-- Philadel.
phia—l..W..V. McGrath ; 2. Jas . . • McLangh-.
lin ; . 3'. , G. W.•. Baker ; 4. John K. Gamble.—
It. A. 1.. Scholl. 111. Joseph P.: .Yeager. IV.
Franklin Vanzant. V: Benjamin Engle: 'VI.
_,ll Filbert. 'VII: C.- M. Straub.• VIII. A. G...
, B rodhead, Jr. IX. C'.. L, Ward: X. ,S. G.
.urzer. ' XI. Charles '.Lyman XII. John T.
4iver. XIII. D: IL. Montgomery. %XIV.. 3.
'. - Butler. XV: John - Frantz. XVI.• Jacob,
Paers. XVII. John Ahl.. XVIII. J. B. •Dan..
nei. .XI X. Jacob CressWell.:.XX. J. It. Craw,
fori,: 'XXI. J. K. Calhoun: . XXII. John- M.
Neat . XXIII.James Lindsey. XXlV..Dairid
Lyn. XXV...John.T. Baird..x)c..vi. w. H..
Rey lds. XXVII: 'Witt. Shanno . n..„ XVIII.
; t,l.
.r.t.iitzs.—T: 11 ;: Searight, Nalion . Wel..
ser, W. A. Galbraith, 3. IC Roaeh, plWard
Catnpbill,%lsaac Leech,. Stanley Wood Ward;
:L. F. limes, S. C. Hyde, Wm. Patton, S. W..
Woodcock; James Rex. . • ' ' . '
• A: triotlpn• was made that .a committee of one
from , eactlCongressiOnal district be appoMtecr
ooose*leglite's to -the Charleston Conven . -
ti o n and PAsidential 'electors, &Om each of the
. ..
This' gay.erise to a lengthy, and - animated
disCission, art was finally lost -by a. decisive
vote—an ameidment being adopted to 'proceed .
to the - electio of four delegates at large . .to,
represent the' §ute in. the National Conventicin:
Hon. VilliaM 141er, Hon. John ,•;1 1 , Dawion,
Hon ! William IVI 4- tgomcry; and Mr. Joseph.B.
Baker were elee't.. • ' ~:
The Convention e-asSembled at fine o?Clock
on Thursday morniig,:and-firoceeded tcrelect
two electors at !argil The -first ballot result;
ed in the 'Choice of fan. George M . . IC..eini,'of
Berks county, and liei. Richard Vitux, of 'Phil
sdelphia, the fMmet' iiceivingio2 votes and
the letter 89: . . • • ',. . : : .
. . .
A.rootion Ayas•therx m e to nominate .
• • .
dates to be balloted for tie nomination for Gmr- ,
ernor, and the following. k tle men were 'nom
Hon: William H. Witte, on. George Sander
son.; Hon. John -L. Pawson,..,Hon.: Jacob Pry,
Jr., HoM. Jer - emiah Shine; Hon: Nimrod
Strickland, Hon. William' Hen-
Brick B.. Wright, Hon. A. S. V,ilsoridion . . John
.tressviell, and Hon—HenryD.foster..
The name of the latter . gentArritin was with
(11-is-n, he living, declined to a candidate
Mr: Dawson's:benne was also WihdraWn. •••
The . Convention Alien proceet3l.l to ballot,
with the following result • , -. •
Igumher of votes 'cast-- •-• •-•'t ' 1 '4 33
' Necessary' to a choice . ' . •" '..,....5T
Sanderson • ‘,. 11'
Strickland • ' • ..k,. 6
Wright :.....,..",.- , 4\l3
Creswell , -•••••-- •••••-•. .. •. •• ••:• 4 '
When' the name of Mr...Straub, of' Schu kill,.
was called; he arose and said that be Avis' t o
give the reasons which actuated himln - de 'lig
his vote ay he did. -It has, been-the :clusi.' of
the peincicracy of Schuykill to send their e -
gates to the Convention uninstructed. Atllie.
last election for delegates, 'a meeting assemned
and instructed , himielf and his colleagues ‘o
vote for Mr.. Fry, of Montgomery: He. , 1 1 1 ,3
'every . pbssible respect - Rit Mr. Fry, but. he d
not recognize the right of this interim', Meetinz
to pass
.such . instructions. I.t . they had been'
passed by the Convention he would have Cheer l
fully'•obeyed. ' 110 did riot: consider!.hirnsel
bound to vote for. Mr. 'rj*,• apd ; accordingly,
he.WoUld vote.(cir William H. Witte, of.Fhila
delphia. '[Applause and hisses.] . ..;. ' t
Mr.'Bchell; of Bedford, Said he Would Protest
against the outrage . upon the , iierty and the
State, manifeated.-hy the hinsing:' He .thought
it a . most, infamo u s , thing that the Seliheration
'a the dotriention should be, marred by theee
. proceedinge. .-.: ''." .- , •. . - , -
A voice:- 'The - hiseing odmos from the out
The President said be had no words — to ex
. .
presii•sufficiently• his dilapprobition of these
disgraceful proceedings. - empowered
by the rules of the .House ' ot•RepresentatiVes,
which had been adopted, 'to remove any one ,
who:was found hissing He would, therefore;
direct 'the otlicers'ef 'the building 'to do this
wheneirer the :hi#ng `again occurred. This
order .he would execute without fear or favor.
, The Convention then proceeded to a second
ballot; with, the follmineresult t . •
WhOle tinthir or votes east —... • 139
Necessary to a choic
~ When'the‘nanie of Mr. Hendle'r, of Schott- .
caljed; he'said, that his reasons for . vo ,
ting for'r, FrY were not:those referred to .by
his colleague', Mr; Straub. He "entettained•no
Unkind feelivig . s toward Mr. Witte, but would
generously :support' him if nominated by the
Convention hitt he , voted Fry because
be believed . hit* to be the 'choice of the.peopld
of hisdistrict.for the high officei'of Governor ;
[applatuiej and because he preferrpd him as an
abler...and more popular man. • He:would,rote
for'no one whom he. regarded as irmere
' .politi
clan, and accordingly ,Itskect that his iote : be
registered kir Jacob Fry, of Montgomery.— .
When. the name of Mr.. Wetherill, of gchuyl . ..
kill, was there..seenied to be a
misunderstanding in relation. to the afairs,of,
Schuylkill county. ,The delegates bad been in
strueted to vole for Jacob Fry. 'Ho wi;ulitvote,
however,'' for William H. Witte; believing that
he. was the mbst suitable person• for' Governor
of , this Commonwealth; taPplause apd hisses,]
and he thought that'at leait three ; of the dele. :
gatitin from Schuilkill conaidered that by such
aclion they not only do what 'was best
for the Hemocratie party. of Pennsylvania, but
that they,would.expresi the, sentiment of the
masses of that county k - • .
* 7 Johnson, of Cambria county, askedlhat
thenorninations be opened for the . purpose of
again' placing . ' the name ofGen.Foster before
the COnVention, and delivered a , , stirringatieech
in favor of.tbat..gentlieman'it. nomination Which .
lotioty r applati4ed... . ' . •
. The convention then.preeeedetlitn a :third
with. the folloiving result::
Mr. Sansoin, of Tulton.: I . came:here, Mr
Chair:man, as asmembefof.the.Democraticjar
iy, and , sivith no.prefeience.dnthe' enbject.'o
Governor I have, heretofore, voted for Mi..
Witte,-hdi.novvshange my vote to Ifetiry. D.
Foster, of Westinoreliind. [Applause.)
. Mr. Essex, of perks, . Mr. chairtnan,, the
Convention of)3erks county iastructed :their
delegates to vote Nil. Mr.' Foster. ' That gen
.nowin and
,I feel it
'duty tti the tonventidn of . Berke 'comity
to vote for !dui.. I Change ,my. vote to Henry
D. Fosters [Loud' cheering.] *. .
Baer, of Someriet.c.l have a desire Mi.
Chairniam that the candidate for . Goverrur
shciuld be 'able to take the field and meet tbe
leader of the Opposition.. This Ivli...Foster is
'eminently qualified. t0d0... [Great appliitee.]
I intend to changemy . yote,. and in. doing ad!
wish to,show rfo disrespect' to Mr t Witte and
his friends ;, but when I See the - name of Henri , '
D. Fostor presented to this' Con'yention [re
newed applause] I feel it to be'-my duty. to do
ell in my:power to'bring about his nomination.
[Cheers:] ,The 'principal thing to, be, done 'here
is to put Amon upon' a prepet : •platformta man .
who-will able-to . ailed the Oppesitton-can4i• .
date on. every stamp in the .State. [Cheers.]
I therefore change my vote : to HadryD. Fos
ter,-a man whorri the people are' now seeking
for the office. Our success with him' will be
certain. , [Cheers for € , Foster," and applause.]
Lafayette Baker now: changed• his _vote to
Henry D., Foster,. and •was followed: by .Mr.
Searight.. The' - .changes Were greeted with
,loud applause, and led to an intense excitement.
A number of delegates arose, 'vociferously
screaming "Mr. President,' with the intention
'of changing their .votes to Mr. ,Foster.' 'the
.president; after vainly endeavoring to 'restore
order, gave ths floor to Mr., Dietrichi , of • Ly-.
• - Mr;Dietriph.non ., move you, Mr.. PlTO
thatlienryD.Faster, Weatmoreland,
be:nominated os the - candidate for Goirernorby
Mr: Calhoun,' of Luierne.. second the Ina.;
. (The Beene that followed baffles till ' attempts
at deicription.' 'Nearly every 'delegafe in the
ottm, ris'well as the spectators beyond thither,
pile and mingled in the Beene of , geneial ex
c‘einent. In vain Mr, Cessitis elaiiiined, edlgr..
. . . ..
' cos 't lent." 4Vlnindred others, Were doing the
me thing. 'The President gave Up ell at
ptaat perrierving order; and took his' Seat.
' "coifusion'lasted some eight.minutes, when
M Palma, who Was the leader of the “Witte"
for . s, Managed to be recogniaed.) ,, ' • ,'
' 0 0,36,4.. I ask, Mr. Chairman, that the
vol,n'the, lest bellat be , - announced: .tYnfil
-. .
.. •
, -
, • • F ., ,;.- • ', • %,
, ;;,. • :
;,- • ;
this Is (toile the Olefi? of- Mr. : DiOttich is ont ,
Wheit the Ivetelt isaonooneeft; I will
offer 'fa emenOtrient. to, the motion Of, t thl.p'tt . 7=
tliri4n-t ; rcini Lire:ming, Mr. Dietrichi...-_
Cries cif 4iquestion," !'reineition'itquestion,"
amid the greatest lensible lept4usiiiii end en
thusiasm, • The.Preiident used his givei:inest
energetically, and endiavored.in vain to bring
. Convention to ordei.-
Ai. last the preeitlent eeitti . Gentiemen—The
motion of: the geritletiten.ftorntycotning is (pif
fled mul I . deviate:Henry:l)4 Foster, of Wes.t 7
motelentl cOunty,:the:noMinen, 6f tile
. 'Dere followed a scene of . enfhtiolasti exelte
ment such an..was never perfume 'Witnessed in
anreonventign.. ,The. Delegates and the Mass'
'es in attendance seemed.' i n () forgebia . e.moment,
thitt:anOther Man healbeen name d ` (of the
dut;ernatorial• nomination and; the. ,
Foster almeat made .the •ball whick Ow:
Convention:assernbied -band - of Mu;
sic entered, end' struck up '‘,:The 'Star±Sjian
kledPncriqr;" while •ti
treet-booint;:l forth • in:honor . of: the. event. -r.:'
After thisebthusiasm lind • eonfinued for. mate
than fifteen minutes the roll yiaa, son. motinni
called and eveiy member . of Conveniinri
recorded his vote in favor of Mr. :Poster, :The
President in announcing the result , said
‘Gentlemen of ConVention,. the rlerliri
agree in, their . telly. OnrhUmlred and • thirty 7.
three votes'hav - e been cast. for.MG Poster, and
now, declare Henry D. Fostel:, of : Westmore,.
land • •--•Dod:bless . ..himp-ta be. the, unanimous;
choice of this ConVention'of the uhita - De.:
. inecrahy, as .their Candidote.for'the Gubernato..
rial chair . of Penbsylvanic". • • ; •
This announcement was followed . .,by .o,re
• • •.. • - .• ,
newed outhuret:of applause, which • Continued
fOr some minutes, in the midst.4.which emu:,
lion 'was Made:that all tb'ecandidates : foratv r '
ernor; pietient be invited . to, address,' the' Con :
Vention. 'ln obedience to. the . ca11 .. .W1:16h -fal•
lowed this. motion, Messrs.., Dawson,: Flit,'
Witte, end other gentlemen appeared. •and:
dressed the Convention'amid much enthuslisin.:
At the afteinoon "seSsion the fallowing', yell
resentative delegate's and electOriviTra named
and unanimouily • •
• 1.• T. C. Calisiilay
2. ,Josieh 'll.otdall, C. ,
..3. 1111411 Clark. - Soho,. Robbins;
' 5; 0. Tonedotiii-Rabayi.: ' ,
6. E. C..Eiane, Geoi•ee I‘llPlinrY.,
7: I'. H. Wilsopi•l' . ..Vansarit.
Hiesier Cleymyr; E.Leper.
9:'H. B. SyrOpe, H. M,. North..
10. C. D. Gloninger,
11. C: H.Motteriatein; F:W. thigh".
• 1'.2..H.11. Wright,. EL., J. Woodward: •
13. Diet ard:Broadhead:Asa Itek . er•
14:'C'•• L; Goarnsey. •
_l3. H. H. Dent, John Miss.* :" • •
16. A: j.Glaishrettner„ .. ,fohn ReiranYcler.•
17. John ceesna,:James
Is. A• H Cailroth, Gl i ciree N.'SmithC .
W; Wier,. Israel Painter
.: '•
29. John .t..Shutterly, James, Lindsay: . •
21. Roily Patteriion,John . C..thinn:'
22. - lames A. Gibson, L. Z. Mitchellk •
23. ThomSs Cohninal4m, P. 4ohnson.f
.24.. A.llurner, /Blood. •
26. W. A'. Galbraith, Stisep
Frederick - Server: . 14 J. Reekhow.,':,
2 Wm. C.:Patter.lon. 15 Geo.. Jackson:
3 Jos;crnekelt,ji; 16 3,.1:1..Ahl
4 .I..G.:•l3renr;er
Jacoby. IE3 .J..lt..Cra wfor3l.
6. Charles Kell9y. 19 IL N. Lee. •
7. 0, P. James. . 20 .1,13.
8 'David Scholl:
21 N. P. Fetterman.
9 .T.l,;Lightr,ter. ~
22 Samuel Marshall
10.8, S. )3arber. . . 23 William Bank..
11 T. H.-Walket. 24.18..04,11a.m1in.
.12 §. S, Winch,stet.' 2S Gaylord Church
.13 - Jcise.ph.Laub . ach
Mr. Ceissna, of Bedford, Chairnian of , the
Conirnittie on retiolutiens, then rrported
hie!' were adopted by acclamation :
Reaoketi, That a rhe Represehintives•of the
Democratic party.in Pennsylvania . , in Ciinven 7
th;n'auserobled, we do herebireiterate•and re.
affirm otir adherence to, and epmadenee. hi the
fundamental principles' of • the 'paity
elaimed'and deelareil,l)V . the .13ittrimoye,Demci
erotic Convention of 1852, and thafiif 18517.':itt
Res°hied, hat we deprecate _the continued
agitation of the slavery question in Cottgree . o2
and 'arnorg, the people at. the ditTerent'seCtyinS
of the Unioh, belteveing . as . Werio;that teritli
to weaken the bonda of our common; te
Oteite animosities - .lnd 'eteate,`heirt 7 trurnings
bet Ween the member, of .a
thetittie:Oreat farni
ly,'and can accomplish .
• Resolved. That we continue firm in.the Nun.,
ion that : Cl:ingress bps •no ,right t . f .oi,,nowei to
lenietate upon the nutijpet of
. slovery., in• the
States, nor has it the'right nor the power,. nor
wouldt if be eFpetlietit;lor congrese
,to, • estab-
Halt slavery in any Territory
,nor to:'exeluitelt
• 13esolv0,"That the question of the rights: of
the citizen to hold his slaves in , .tbe..yerriteries
triiitO'Stetes is a ;judicial, Anil
,not . .a
legislative question; arid its goeisiott.iseonitiikt
tqa exclusively to the ;Courts, •
. .R.esolved, That whilst : it'holooito to CoOgrrso•
to legislate and . to: l enact • lawe upon all, such
subjeits'as are pinned within its jiirisdictinnl/.
the Constituiinu; ind,to • the President to eie.
:Ceti: till the laws aii'deCrees...of_the , different.
departinents'etthe PovernMent, •it.belongs,' to
the'NdlifirY . toiriternret• 44 4 l : auch',leweVand
id determine all•Ciotiogenaies in 10 .*Akn4 ,4 4 1 th .
ty; arising' wider the r , unOnwst•
and'upon all.'syeb!.queetiorie Ibeir4deelsion:alii4
be 'final. andtionChiaivfe:.- ' .:1466"ndrer''4n14,.
each decisions should recefirie'e - cheirfitl'and
g4lieiit;74n) . !'*.thnetttnro - ';4Eo Ai in, ll : 4 *. 4lll
• 61 . '11* br thee
is tb4,Lpt!ictii',Ol,.. - Onk
• .•
gook: di' T t he: doctrine
per.ty, is, 4 fraugh •
the host.:,lotereste;4pd
'`Re;reteeet,'/Thit: thequtiOit 'Of? these ')Metes
ihnye - iit:heyond:ell , tprieritied'AbetAtilt..ol :
'MO of every trite listriot' , .ta.tifrtisett•indlittiot!; • '
ly *TOO .t he., first. ilevrnini.:
alienate ; one' portion. the
tett "t i .tid
.the. rotitrol , Of thieteyereeeet;!:TorMeir Yie%!it
• •
'• try. • . • •
eitOtt . L.ieitt!-Ltjth'..jhK•oooo4o!),hP l : !AlPft •
er inti,eoteittt - ttie'dover9ttistif;:lll"6o.o.!),• . oo . if
,ippreeentativesiiiid'ttin!' l oleliiilolo4.i 7 tifiont 2'.
%vhich...tLe kokeyn'infint.rOshoiqhir:'Oitio s til'irshieh.'
:stone they
r,thdatettitfenf . ,Neittita • •
cOlieeres,': - "Otf(t bound tOrether 4ii•oirte;• - peoliti -tit.. n
General Government !"Y a ,'r •
,rel`cogatitittion,;the; state,;'iidopititti thie`isYiie •
'Oenii , Pq•Ldefeletittrktc;libtt-ititt,i . ritAfielti lt OS c ire
to lot exercised by',the`fadet~o i~,ttitNlftf 'G Y
rie re Se ed'..ifi'.ooijr,,,cit . lol,:ty.l.oi
termaddlinß by...,ehrtini:of*,
a fort, ot
meetiiinstituticti_oflhe ;otheilvi:,,Orl*.t)t.r.t.fi , •
text,het h . /1 , 315.1i t i #10111.;1'1.fl,
it h e•:i? i(i . l heir :d istei'PßO:OteNtilteltittf!),‘ •
is in eiolatiOn'or.the,;cOris,titethtifi:i,itiseliitig„„,to •
. §totoir:2'iin .Iritor(erre4 '11 . 001;4 o . 4ll lofletliAg•
ilq.irdiemosticr. , peoce, hod eArsimOititiohjeetit
• fort.iithieh t he"- eimetitotipti ;',siiit,JoirMeti.;!sp4;
bii . noenioniy cennetteetieeskjereee:;,tO
tihekdeettOY the - tfoion . ;', , • ,
Relyilved i Thal the provision
t for • the tend iliaivAr,:fpgkijy. from., ger-
,viee or hiteir,,ciyOthOpt:,the ,w hich •
,thO.(lnjon:cnolif not
the laws or;.1701:141.116.q.; chi e'e►e enact
edto secure ~ •
torts - of; .which, . •
ofnearly s.e.oty 44.4
. cl,lin..to the 4inOc) - iind,•Obipiii.ii(cti';'ol . :;i4ro,l).o
enjoy the.:benefts; f::pue;.clompact.. of
fict.k..thet.rkrikOt'pr. , nPlii(Y4!!.itf,tllttfP?l'!ft' , '• •
that proviSioti.eielittela*.iitmoitellt jttalialt,t'e
4fjp;;Afiq040,4:(11#:41,0*06,44 AtitlAvgr,R(
':o , ,:•.L . cioiittior'.o).o. l i.,4o..o l ot l :!ij : .oift . t.o7litt,;;,;! , , .
. • ~.i. t otvid-;'Ll'iist
foreign,policy of bite**
Ri1 , #.0'...1001i; .ojeM the,stieeesiWtileVhstiji„ipepo •
ed h
f.., 1 40i
• -16$0110; ;7'40 1 4;41 .,fAertit,4itt:tt • il,e(tiiii-.lted
and interest, exprease!l;,byGovernor.Psc er•
,` tr in.,
'approve•, of:;his g'*o,to l o.;iot;theti..: „ Velci - Jpoty"er
against .. ;.ttopteittlitt!* l o!#4,titii4:4s4 l ‘ , Pt:*P t .
nod itettt9tic;aFtl9l!•,:in
;hOirtiee V irgin iaihe,..fogi t ieeif(pidkOttie.
who'Oeticipeticilteth , HtirtierfiViietr
guts of; tusorrec 'tion,'treeton "tirld'murder.. „t';:r,.
Roo , o!:convic.
ckm• Itt Dettlol ,
t tty 1 : -Pen.nql;/,4711 . 4
" 64 , t'r,,ift. andthe ` other ' creel,
qi'' . roP!, • wool''
steileti „ Mir ecioritry;hesert , „uirett`:itiei'iteYetiii!. •
ties, reOpeeblereveoe ; ;stiteiii, - - 161
Oonei . 4itGocernmentr tapfitovrtte` of ' the
vi or. President But liehtie,itton';tilk . :. subject:. • ,
of. spe.tige-ilotlee,,Ave .
,reientativeli,ip . Corigo.iiiii' to, preetire'lieh • .
';firetiOes,of Oii'.ochilipg..l4wi,,,•kii.:ttf!'-:ili! . !ifda • •
10 . 001 . 11)n . Of . .ihe."lt s erollo . o: ••• •
render, abiolotelyt:eieesttry . tit •
of ; the - great -industrial interests cif theStete of
Pennsylvania. 1- 4. 1 .
.Thre the . nomination of ,HentYPO:
Foster; . •
his pet rt;. enii iii • vik4 other-01mi-
~" •
,ees Mid cheerio: efiettmitioees;Mttleri which
woe made es .well nut Of, his tiiirtE,:unpolfied.ther . - •
otter, 'eminen't
m elf evin . for hi m erik.hes ity,' p? :
17 J. D. Danner.
Itort'of overy'tibe'DemotirstOn, Penna . )!tvoitio;
arid tilp ivti lapin yiiiiit'cOlielively , pledge.,Ole ,
belt efforts - 6f every:ital*giitts-tof ibis C'9o,en
lion' in' liebidt,„af , the' nontinatioltrr-we, ;have
inailri.;. and 'die . cif;,-,9e.,riminee.,:of. the Damn
erotic National Contioti soon, - 10' '.4 . 01!J et
Chnrieston..'• .1 "; .•
OLDSaws ,•13.tt•SET. or,the.. benefit of those
'.who wish to be yiry -fisfidiotts tiOrf
. .•
who do; not ‘tish ta[iiiiteattnni4lan'eleira ie
their . convefatilipti we•kive Ole to aytling_mod
ern- reading nt.•old saws::
t "Don't count your.ehielm'as before they are'.
hatehed??,:•;x.P,atinitorate :not
pullerii, as,o3+ cease:to hi nitirtitrit:
. t";;,•,,, , • •
. • "Settee`fr the goose situnefat:lt.lte;iitin
der." The call:wry': attarn#ltinta,:4,4o4lllci ,
for the female of the r ace
, tit'atter'ilnOtt'lie
'relished alio,...b.r.the, , ,lnas,c,tilink*ltilf of lite. ,
same. • • '";‘• -•
ilLet Iheatth • •
soffiefeacy to remota ralsolstir . r ,t1 4 „ 1 , 7, ~ T.
i s , Put a 'heastaion:li9rlehiVkittti?e,Wlitihie
to the deill,” r , ".gritelslish,lai,:tnentitcalk.qpntt
the ' ll PPertnetstf saetion,arrXiltayfcii . aad tre
will traneport tdeniielGfcs'Aticitypn: , -„:;,% l'irc- ; ,?.: '
talus - ast '.itiraantialt .itnettd,eot",.'4he
tnirnininin nr , k - SensariC o , 'TePliteil 4, Witityt he
greatest prothatilndp., d , 1 4 , , :;,,s‘,s ;CiY l , - g,' , ,), , v ', ,;
" trip en ill*WindLOsiffrllskby/140004440.
That , gatedirtmlOilittairrX*tket*4ol,-Pe,n
-eraetions.poneistitir,l7o,tv, 44:tklizl,,' - 'lO i' 4 '.k_ ~
' • gLopking , t* ,, ,•,,,zrobi!s. f0ra1,00440 . 0 17 • , 4 "
iliiinKaliopOsitesfirrikilOt/ 01 4)1 1 $0., 411 ,H
, stibbilth i , t4 ; o4t - , gf,i,,,,.;,..;}/? - . : 14 ,t0Uyi , ..k0:•:47 ,.. '-
/,, A,.. Iji,jl, + ^l , ;‘ ' 1,<:;4 ' ,.:( 0rt4 itie +,' ,' * 4 '•` ; k „ r,., f.;' ' :' ,. .'''
4‘46sl4l*llted; 1.601 jili#*
lolieerlirilifk itlllailaa" ' ' 140,4 1 1 11 tiffitt d, ' , ,
ed that itierlt'ciial ncyittliitia !i !OP 6 - *PO, '. '
hime r ef -mitt bismirifrtri7 iMiroo zt t.
~,,,„.,,,,r „ ,„,.., ~ • i F . ,4, .. +...,,, .. -
414 f7 1 /Y : ( 11144q4 0 1 4r 11"1 24i&galitt‘
tiluWPW"‘4l V P :sll l .un itfrlgrir-- ~-;
141 ' 1 ' .P , '' 44lm ;', '" t * -- $ •'Yi' , 1 ;:i :, ... Y
...' , .:!Pat0:41W,41.,:i.4 . 4,411.--Pe '''.. l '?'X'' , q.:' , 4 'l','hiitasiii
~.Y . ' ?.:-P0't.., . ....N,tr' ,
4.A3i.. 9 , •,.
.4 1,41,,t , i t ioiA, I,z,
,14 , 1 tO
•r!' 41..1 ' .'ii , ifi' t. , , :1 -, ..61 .vt
:14:3W '' : Ai +:144:;4 , ' , '
. 4..•ii:.01 A,4Y , 1,.
. .: '
AA* " ' Aft ,
1 4'? I, llY*l 1 ..01-'r ifiA• .44
".. ,- ;1-,:t , ~,, ,f & A
" . 1" , ••• t 4 r, :747