M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, March 01, 1860, Image 1

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VOL • 2. - .'-..---:- • :' • i '.
~ • - :. . :... .
......, ..: .: . -,. ;••• .... -...:: SIVIETHPORT,.:M Y REAN.. COUN. 4 . ,1 1 *.i. THURSDAY,:..MARCH
Artieanludo Mine ant.
By "ovietr
boliNEß,civ ptrinia fiQuiRE.
TI iliti , :' ...r ..: ; - - • 2 - . fisp bo..in Advance
Rates of. Advertising:
.... , • •
Oolumi $35 00
s ": "•••• • 00 00
.4 . • cc ir :1200
1 to ' ,six; ; 2,000
'Onei sqintre 'of 12 line's or Iris, 3 insertions, 16i1
'Nadi antsiectlient ' 25
- EasitmesOcrdsi wtth ;... 5 00
• Rulo or IguroirOrk. ;rat, double the 'above' rateu.
Twitriltoes ilrOrlin typ.ui . or eight' lines. nonparOil,• to
rated ioguaro: ... • .
••: • Irr,l'Eu3soTenns viMI ot.rlot!" adharod
i3iteintes Mrtctorm.
. ._.
.:. • •:. • .A. D. HAMLIN : ' • . - ~
. ...
Su rvoyar, Draftsinati ' Cooveyance'f;:and `teal ' Estp.te
Agent. Bmet4por . t, SFICo an county, Pa:.
. . .
Wholesale and Retail Dealer to Family Groceries, Pork,
Floury Salt, Feed, Boots and Shoes.; &c., '&c. Store
• '
In the Astor IXOUtie Block, Smethport Pa. • '
'Dealer la Dry.Goiide, Grot.eriee, Pork, Flo:lir, Salt, FieL.
2 Ready-Made Clothlag,,Boota arpl • Bhaes. Smetliport,
• -.••• : WILLIAM. WlLffiN, . • • •
Practiaili 'lllFablituila. Bridge-builder,
,Port Allegheny, pPlCeaacounty, Pa. .„ • •
. .
lintirsiroit; •DRAFTBIIIO,•CONVEYANOkit and Real
Estate Agent; °dice, Williamsville, Elk Co.,' Penn'll
• ' .. • -11EFIMENCE5-
, .
Chili , Ati kfloylu; Duea.,, ..
Ron: Thoinas.Struther3, ..
W. 8. Browilell„ k 184.,
Hod, A. r: Wilcox,
Buena Vista,.Pa
. . . . . ,
. , . .. • . .
.. • . ...•
.. . . CARVEII :HOUSE . • Th .'': • ' •
. . .
401i9 IL.llact. Proprietor, corner of .Water and Hickory
. Streete Warren. Pa.' General Stage Office, ' '- •
J. C. Beams & co
.lioneial ' Dealers in -Dry' Goods, 'Grocerlas t , Cr4ick‘ry, -
•''Deady-blade Clothing;Boota and Shoo], Hata and Cana,
. &c., oliposito the Court House, Synatlip,ortTa. • ,
. .
. .
Ititiittin i . the .Pilhlio,•Bcitiare, Olean, N.' Y. ". Javan IP'
Mititsa. Proprietor. The Pobes Nouse is - entirely dew
' and , billt of brick, .and",iii furnished in' modern' style. 1
The proprietor fluters himself that, his accommoda-
• : tiona are not surpassed by any hotel in Western Naw
.' York. Oarrian:ea ,ran to and !rem the New York and I
Nrie•Rail Road. •• :' • • *- , • . ~ . a-tf.,
Arrafasity Ai LANV; Smettipori, 2411 7 11ean,County.' Pa.,
Agent for. Messrs.' Keating. ,Cq , e'Landi Attends
especially to the Collection of Claims; Examination of
,' Land Titles., Papient of Taxes, and all - business rela.;
tiag to Real - Estate. °lnce in Efamlin Block.
• • •
D. ‘A.. Propiletor,=-It,Warretrity
btipplied. with the tltee. ,
cotatej Korde, nndhe spare* inane in accOul thig
Attorney Coupiellor at I ? aw, Sinithport, M , lrean
'County, Pa: Buslnees entrusted to hie care for, the
Mantles of M'Ketni Potter and" Elli will be promptly.
,attnnded . to. OWce in the Coed:Rouse, second floor.
• W ISTIER;: -
Plizsielan and Burgeon, Smethport, Pa, will attend to'
I Professional calls with promptness:. Mee in dart
• well Block, second Boor.
'W. 8.; BUTLER- & CO.;
Wholiniate and natal Dealera In StaplOind Fancy Dry
.GOode,Verpeting, Ready !trade. Clothing, and 'General
Furnishing Goods, Boota and Shoea,Nall and Windo*
,Paper, Looking Olaaaes . At Olean. N; Y. •
• .
• . .... . . . . , .
SrnethnOrt,3l , 4ean Co:, Pa. , D. 11-14:taarr;Proprie
tor—opposite .the Court House.: A. new,' large, corn
.-. modlcine and well: furnished house. * --, - , :
• . , ... ,
Attorney and Cionnaelloi at Law, Bnethrort,'l4l , ltean Co
Pa; Will 'attend to all busineea in hit'prnteasion in the
counties of M'Kean,•Potter and Nilt... Office over O.R.
Hartwell & Wethere' Store.. ' • : ' '• - •
. .
.48 °Trier or Sec a nd awl liberty - streets, Warre? .
'Pa.. :It
A. BARBeR; Proprietor. .Travelore will 'find good ac=
' ebnitnodationi and reasenablechargee. ', • •
.., ..
. . .. ~ -
".Dealer in Stove', Tin. Ware, Seopaned Ware, Ac., vest
aide, of. the' Public Srure,•.Binethporti Pa. Custom
~w.irlc done . te order on the • shortest .notiee; and in tlte
.niost substantial manner., .• '.. '• , -
Delalei in •Di) Goods, Groceries; rookery, Hardware,
• Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Glass, Nails, Oils, &n., &c.
• 'East,' side•ot thit Pal,)lia.'SquaTa,t3hiatbpart, Pa.
„ .
.. . . . . .
. .. ,
Dealer In Provisions and Family Grneeri es generally. at
Farmers Valley, 111 , 11ean 0o.,: Pa.' 'Grain, *Lumber..
,takon in exchange fo' Goods.. Patent
Medicine's for sale ' • ' ' • ' ' - •
. .• . .. , .
. .
R. Li - Autumn. Proprietor,—Allegheny Bridge', .
Co , This lmuee is situated about nitre milee f nub
Amothpord 'On the reed to Olean, and will be found'a
convenient stopping-place . -
• , " ' , •
13hIpPen, M'Kenn Co„ L,. DYKE, Propria' or
A. comiuodloux• and - arell•fernlshod . house. Strange
ond - Lutielare will Dnd good accommodations, ' • •
, .
T. Goonwisr;.:Tllla house is situated :Mont live mil a
from Smethpart on the rood to Olean. - h lamu re portlea
rtnd coilim,e can be accommodated on the almrtestootiolt
-... •
NrirtiN DEN S, Piiiprletnr• This house is situated 4;11:
-way botwoori Stnethpart and:Olean. Ityou want a pcid
dinner this is : tlin Often tentop. •• ' •• •
Proprictor of. the Grist' Itllll. • st Moch4nicsharg..llfc-
Kbun County Pa. - Flour.: Mani, and Peed, constantl -
•• on Ilandn.nd for snlo.in,iargo nnti Ammi quantitiOn.
• . ItAI,LTICIAD 110116 E; •
• • .
0. Otp:Wmin,. .Proprittor, • Nonviell; • MAZedn
• •
P. Good accommodations. tau he bad:there at•al
Preen B. Dotaatir.. Vroneletoy, at PnYl Allegany; Me-
Kean' County :pa. This lintel- Is situated at the June;
Con of the Smethpn rt and •Allegany llictie toads, nine
miles Otlat of Rtnethport. . • • '
. • . a.• . •.• .
WK.'. ; HASKELL : Prciprietor:
The Prtilirletor . .having recently' no rohasod and
oughif refitted the 'Astor noose, ilatfera himself .thath 0
•iian furnish RE good acconimodatiocui ail any hotel in Wost
.ern PeQneylvuda. - ' . • • -. .•
: • WANTED, •
thmolis OLD • CAST 'OWN to tixaltankefofwnric,"it
51J„ the . • • SIp:TIIPORT FURNACE..
iglu Wheat 50a ,Toa is town at, the ,
'D: . I3TATE6, ffiA7 8;
. • .
- • : '•••• Waslmforeri, Dec.' 10 , 1859:'
pROPOSALS 'be received. at the Con,
• .
•••traet Oftiee:of this Departnient until pan:
of Sitturtlay,•Mareh' 31,4860; for conveying the
mails of the 'flitted States fOrfour years, Cori)-
meneirtg • Jaly • 1;'1860,% ; and :ending:Juno:3o,
1E034, •in- thii• State of•PENNSYDITANIA on
•itie. routes and by, :the schedule of depittores
,and arrivals h erein specified, ••-•-• •••
. .
•DeciSiens nnnotinced by.Apiil 1800.•
2708 Front Ifidgway,"brWilllamsville and ClerntOntrille,
" to Smitlyrrt, 39 miles awl back, twice a week:* • .••
• Leave Ridgeway Tuesday and Saturday ate a. in, •
• Arrive at Smitlipert by 7 p. • : • .
Leave smithporphinday and Friday at 6 a. in;
' Arti ve.at Itidgeway. by 7p. tn.
, .
'• Proposals- for three times a Week service are invited.
2709 Front.Sfnitimort, hyLufalette, Eden, and 'Militia,
' .to Warren, 43 tulles artbaelc,rinne streak": ,• ,
Leave Smttliport'Tueaday at 6 a to; ;• • •
..: Arrive*. eat day by 19 m;;
• tetleY at 2 tint;, '
it , ext day,at pm. • • •
2116.Frons,Siititimort,*Farmer's tialley,•Bartwell, Al
' findiany Bridge,nnd Forty ille, N.Y., to Olean, , 26
miles Cod back."slx times a week.
• LeaveSinithport daily, except Sunday, at 9 era;
....Andre at Olean by 6 p ' .• •
:Lear() Ojean'dally, ardent Sunday, at 6 a m;'
• 'Arrive at Smithport by 3 p in. .' .• • •..
2711 From Ritmo; by Corydon, Onoville, Friends Per
- • Ty, .and Ten 11111 e Spring, to East Randolph,' 29.
• 'miles andtack, once a Week: „ • !.
•Leave Kiruna Friday at 8 a in; • .. •
• Arrive at East Randolph by 9 p tri;.. • "• •
Leave,East Randolph Saturday at 8a m; ••"" .
- • Arrive at Kinsua by 6 p • '• •
2712 -From Eden to Bradford, 10 miles and lila ; once a
leave,Eden Tuesday at 8 am;.. . ' •
Arrive at Bradford by 11 a ut,• ' . ,
Leave,Bradford Tnesday.at 13 to;
'Arrive at Eden by pp m. . • :
2713 Flom BF tvitnnl, by Kendall Creek and Liniestone,to
•.. - Tnnti,.l3 miles and back; three times a week . .
' • Leave Bradford ldonday, Wednesday and Friday" at 8
Arrlye at Turns by 12 re; • . • . • . '
Learn Tuna Monday, Wednesday and Friday, on
rival of railroad mails, say at" 2 p . m; ".
Arrive at Bradford by 5 p tn.•
. • Proposals are invited for six..times-a:.week '
2711 From Cowdersport, by Etilalla;Roulett6„lliirtville,
Port Allegany, and Liberty Hill, to SrUithport, 28
miles and back,lwiee a week, • • •
:Leave CowderSportlilonday and Friday at 6 a m; •
•' "Arrive at Soilthport by 3p m; • •
Leave Sinn hport Tuesdarand Saturday at 6 atm
"Arrive at.Cowdersnert by 3pm. - . • • •
2715 From Cowdersport by ColesburiiElliSburg. Genes se
Fork, and Eleyenlilile, to Wellsville, N. V , 39.
..miles and back.. six. Omen a week, three 'of: the
.weekly trips to be run via (Islay°.
. Leave Cotidersport ,except Sunday, at 8 a in;
• 'Arrlie at Wellsville.by o.p in; " • .
, • Leads Well wills daily, - except Sunday, at 8 a nu'
Arrive at.Cowdersport by 6p m. . • . 1
2717 From Cowdersport, by, East Minter, - Ayer's unit
Homer: North Wharton. Wharton, and First Fork;
to Sinnatradionitig. 36 miles and back,.once a week.
• ,Leave Cowdersport Monday at 7. a in; , •
.". Arriye at Sinnatnaltoning next day by. 7 p rt• . •
•, Leave Sinnatnaluminx Wednesday at
,7 a is; ,
• , Arrive at Cowdersport next day by 7 p
2718 -Front Cowdersport by Oolesburg .and • Rtyroond , a to
• • Ulyssest, 18 miles and back, once a week.
Leave Cowdersport Saturday nt.7. am; • ,
Arrive at Glybses by 12 in; . • " • ,
• Leave "Ulysses Saturday at lit In; • 1 .." •
Arrlyeat Cowdereport:by 6.p m. , • - •
2719 From Clowiersport, by Nelsonport,• Carter's Camp,
Kettle•Creek', and Ilaynerille;to Jersey'Shore, 73
• ',miles and backi.tw9ce a week to Kettle Creek; and
„einjpp week';residue• ." • '
CaWderepott Tuesday.and Friday at 6l 'a us;
Kettle Criek.b3i 7 p m; . " '."
Leave, Kettle Creek Wednesday and Saturday 'at.6 X •
• Arrive at ,Cowdersport by 7 p en; • . • . ,
Leave Jersey Shore Tuesday at 6 a tn; . ,
Arrive.at Kettle Creak by 7 pin; .
'Leave Kettle Preek - Wednesdaylat 6 a tri '
Arrive : at Jersey Shore by 7 p • , • •
2723' From Sloirtmahtming, by Second Fork, Pine Street.
Cameron; SlAispep, and Norwieh to Stoithport, .51
miles and hal, twice a 'week. ' • • •
• Leare Ellimamaheltdrig Monday and Thursday atl.l a
Warren, 'Pa
• ' •.- • ' ' - ' . . ....
.. ,
Aryive at Smithport next day by 12 m; —. ' '
Leave Smithpor IVedriesdey and Saturdarat, 7 a. ni;.
- Arrive' at Siiinamabbning next day by 4 p m: .'
Cintiainin# 'conditions to be incorpo . ralr4 the
. ::rtitrtracts
..to the extent the department inan deem
1... Seven Minutes are allowed to each inter.
niediate. office,'. when not Otherwise specified.
forassorting the • mails; but on . railroad aod
Steamboat routes there is, to be no more delay
than is sufficient : for an exchange . of 'the mail
2.' On railroad and steamboat lines, and other
routes Where' the Mode of conveyance admits
'of •it, the special. agents of ,the• Post Office De
partment, also post office blanks, mail : bags;
locks, and )(eye, are to be • conveyed Without.
extra charge
.3. On-railroad and ateambeatlines are route
agents of the department are tO , be conveyed
without charge, and tor their:.exclusive "use,
while traveling with the.mails, a Commodious
car,:or-ttpartineot in the.centre.of a.car, proper",
Iq lighted,. warmed, arnEfurnished, and adapted
to the convenidnt Separation miil . due-security
of the is to be, provided. by'ihe contract.
or, underthe direction of the department.
Railroad . stearinboaf 'cernirnies. are ; re
quired to take the .mail . from and deliver it - into
the post offiees at the commencement:and,ends
of their routes, and toand . from ,ttil offices not
inore'than eighty rods from a .station' or land
ing.- Proposals nittY be subinitted. for, the Per
-- -•
formance.of all Other side serVicethat ; ii, for
offices over eighty : rods, from a station or. land
. • . . ,
Receipts will be required for'mail: bags con
"veyed in charge
.ofpersons employed . hy railroad
companies.'.. T here will.also be 4, way bills' . '
prepared, by postmasters, Or other agents of the
departments, to accompany the mails 'specify
ing. the number and_ destination of the several
bags. On the principal.stage routes, likew.iso,
receipts will be required and way bills forward
ed; the fatter, to be, .examined hy . the several
postmasters, to insure regularity in, the delive
ry of mail bags. - • - ' • -
4. 'No pay will be made for, tripi not per,-
fortned; .. and breech Ruch omission TiOt. SatiS
factorilyexplain9il three times thepay of the trip
may by deducted. For arrivals 'se far behind
time as -to brealc. connection with', depending
rnalls,,,andnot.Stifficiently" excused, one-fourth
'of the •coripensatien for' the,trip is subject to
lorfeiture.', Deduction' . will also lie. ordered for
ii grade of perlermance inferior'tothat sPecified
in the. eontract,,:. Fer repeated deltnqnencies'of
the herein spsciffed, er,larged 'penalties,
proportione.! to.the nature thereof and the' in.:
portance of the mail, may be'rpad . e.
5. 'Foy leaving behind: or throwing., otr the
mails, or any. Portion, thene,,,for t he' adrnis:
sion .of Passengers or for being coneerned.jn
' settling, up or miming an express conveying
intelligence in advenee of the mail,* qnarter's
pay may beileducted. • . , ,
, 6... Fines will be imposed', unless, -the
quencncy he prompily, and satisfactorily „ex-'
plained by certificates of postmasters Or the
affidavit of, other credible peisims . ,-,for
to arrive., in contract •time; far.neg,leeting,to,
take the'mail from or, deliver it . into a pat 'of.
. .
„lice; for suffering it to be wet, injured, des
ea, , robbed,. 'or lost; • and tor !'reftisitig, .1
'demand, 'to convey the mail as frequent
the contractor runs,. or is ''.concerned in
ning a coach; car, or.steamlioat on tt, roui
,7. The" postmaster. General,oay annul the,
contract, for repeated: failures . to - run' agree.. ly
. . .
. ,.
to contract; . for - vtolato ., g.the Post Office la vs,
or disobeying . tae instructions of ; the departr
monti for refusing fo,..discharge a carrier when
reqnired. by. the . depaitment to do so; for run
ning an express as afOresald;. or for transporting
persons dt Packages conveying !bailable mattor
Postmaster General inayorder an in
crease of service on a-voute by allowing there 7
'for a pro ratri increase' :on the contract pay.,--
He may change .schedules of departures'mni:
arrivals in : all cases, and particularly:to make
them conform to connexion -with railroads,
withotit'inereaSe of . Provided the running
time beriot abridied.
.11e may alllko'erderan
increase of speed . , allcving, within the metric.
tions of the law„aico rato.inerease of pastor
.the additonalitnek or carriers, if any, The
Contraptor 'may, however; in the c c ase' of in
.crease„ of speed relinquish ,the • contract; by
giving prompt notice , to thodepariMent tbat;lie
prefers doing-s - o to-Carrying the order into effect.
The -Postmaster peneral may also curtail or
discontinue tho service, inwhole or in part, at
pro rata decrease of pay; allowing one month's
extra compensation on the amount
n dispensed .
with; i.vhenever, in
. opinion,' the publit in
terests require the change, or'in case hedasires"
tO•stspersetle it. by a different grade of transpor
• Paymente will be made' .by collectiOns
.from' or drafts on postmasters - , or
s otherwisi,
atter .the;eipirition of each. quarter—tiay.in
February, May, August, and Nei/ember.
10. The' distances are' given'according to
the best informatibin bat no increased pay will
be allowed should . they be greater than. adver
tised; if the points.to be supplied be correctly
stated. /yddei.t. must inform themselves on. this
'poiOt,'and also in' reference to the weight of the
mail,' the condition of roads,.hille, streams; &pi
and all foll.bridges, feiries, or obstructions
. of
any. kind by 'which expense may be incurred.
No 'claim for, :additional pay, based on such
ground, ran be considered; nor' for alledged
mistakes or MisapPrehinsion as to the degree of
service; nor for bridges destroyed, ferries dis,
continued, or other obstructions. . increasing
distances, 'occurring during the•centract term.
Offices established after thisi advertiseinent is
issued, and..eleo.dering the contract'. term, are
to. be visited. without extra pay,if the distance
be not increased. '• •
11..'A bid .after, the last day and
hbur named, or without. the guaranty required .
bylaw nnd a certificate.as to the sufficiency. of
such guaranty, cannot be . considerid in. compe- .
Lion .with'_a 'regtilar. plopos,al reasonable in
12•. Bidders 'should fi rst propos for, service'
strictly •itecording -•to- . the advert' ement, end
then, if they deiire, .sepezrairly fer Ilrerent 'sec-
Vice; and if the regular bid be the lowest'ofFor
ed for the Advertised aervice, the other proposi
flan's may•;be considered. -•-. .•t .• •,• •
13: There•shOuld'he hilt one rout bid for in
a'Proposali Consolidate . d.or Combi/ atiori bids;
("proposing on sumtor two or wio routes;" )+
ni i
are forbidder' by law, and.eannot b considered..
14. The'rente, the service, the 'early Pay,
the name ancl,residente:of the bidd rs,- (that 'is,
his usual- post o ffi ce address) and- t ose bt each m
members of a fir. where a c5l • any offdrs,•
should he distinctly stated.
.. -. • •
.15.' Bfilders'are requested:to us r i . : . , as. far-as
practicable, the printed forrp-oi- oposals fur--
hished, by the department,:to write out . in full
tie, sum of their . bids, • and to' rciiin copies •
..: , Altered bids should hot • thi .
bids cinee'submiited. be. WithdFis
drawal'•of a bidder'Or gtfarantor
unless dated and received • befol
for receiOng.proposals. , ,,
Each musi..be• guarantied
Bible persons
Gciledal kuartihties c'ennot.
The hid 10 gparßiity' should
with the, foll.n . urne bf each per
. .
The depaFtmentreserves th
any bid which' May' be deem
and also to:Aisregard , the bidi
'tractors and bidders
10.•The ... Vid shOuld Ibe se.
!lqail.Proposal,'Stateol 4 .
eeond 'Aisistant Poetmast
tract °Mee," and sent by . s.na
agent;:.and postinasters,will
salsAor letters of any kind) i
returns.. • :, .
• ' he contracts ore 'to
returned' to the department b
day of August, 1869; but 'th
commenced on the' Ist of .1
on the Moil day next after t
the contracts:be executed ari
tioee to transfer . will be , co
contracts are-executed and ri
' partment; , and then no trans
unleisgood - arid soflicient re
given, to be'defertnined by-.
In all cases the retiring-con
(mired to become one of the
contract.. :• '
18: Postmasters at °file(
roads, .but more than eight
tion, will, , imrnediately alte
next, report their, exact die
est station, and, Inivv• they
plied with .the mail: to •epa
General to direct:a mail-re
the tat' of July
19. geetion'eighteen of
approved March 3 18ta,
tracts for the transportati.
be .let "in every case to tf
.dering.sllicient guaranties
en ce; witnont • other refe
provide, for '.the dee . .cel
security oY such• transpo.
hids that,..prepose .t
with tecelerity,Tertaihty,
been decided to he the o
strived as proviningfar th
laige,'and whatever may
preferencev certainty, ° Yec :70.evneede: .necessary' teoyr
2O' A.modification'of
sential terins,islantarnm
cannot' be received; so as
reghlar competition; rifle
receiying, bids., Maki
lowest bidder ten
!, faithful perform . -
nee to 'the made of
ey be,, neaesiary..to
ity, certal . piy, and
ation.'"*. Under th i s
transport the Mail
nd,iecurity," hating
I .lelar 410, are eon :
entire mail, howeyer
)e the 'mode , .of tcoti
ninre- its
~ c u!erity,
' and *lll l -haire the ,
guaranty; and , certificate, is' the only -way ,tti
modify - • .
' Postmasters are to be careful to cer
tify the 'epfficencyof gnerntors or Stlecltell with
out: knewing.that,they, are persons of sufficient
responsibility; • ~antl' all guarantors,
and "sureties, are • distinctly.: notified - that . on - tt
fuilereie,enterAnto' or . .perfokin the contracts
for the service proposed for • 41 - 'the 'aceepted
bids, legal liabilities will be enforced
.against them. •
, 22. Present 'contractors, and .person's known
lat.the department, must,'equally, with , others ,
procure guaranters- and. certiticatea .of their
'sufficiency substantially in .the forms'. above
prescribed.. The cettificates• of' sufficiency'
muitrhe signed biti - pestmaster ority :a judge.
.of, a conrtof.reactici. No other certificate
be admitted. • ." J.
n•101t3tv•• .•
.. • • Porrifnaster•Genetal.
. .
•• 7-77 lr ''-
..:WocOp'y the frill fk , ing: troll theie.cs org,
paper of thP"Spilth
and . though ichut 4 dreamP:comiiiencil its perti-:
sat toAeotio'nalists licith . North arid-South:,
• i'diior:Of the W/ ig;—Allow. me to hand you
•the aceompanying: paper transeiihe'd•-from
ipamphlet which only' eamainto my .poiseesion
this evening. It is a . verbatim copy-tat the
original"[ oammt vemeh
• although t a k e ,
frorknan onnottymons .pamphlet,. it will . 'not .he
nnintereiting to' sorpe of your readers, while to
others dt may serve,, at least, as a matter of ea-
mnst•singular dream, Perhaps, on, Tee
ortl; is.that of John ,C.l . Calhoun, at a time when
the fanatics of the North . , 'under the.iuitlance
of Seward, of New York, and New•
•ffampshire; : and;the . .hotspurs of the South, nn
der the leail'of Calhoun, of South.Carolintii (for
he had no compeer for disunion) were marshal':
ling,their foreea, dissotve - our . glerions Union:?
Jr is remarkable that ori6.. alb& 'greatest Intel'-
leets that ever .adorned the Ainerican Senate
.should' be made to tremble' at o &rani. What
but the Almighty,ther :conducted Washington
through'the peeilsoll'the'rtevolution,. and , gave
independence to out-Proud and lappy, 'cotintry,
could, at.• Snell a time; to:such a. man; tinder
such -circumstances, licive dictated . such. • a
, .
' Mr. Calhoun, it Seems, was drawing up a
plan for the dissolutiori of thu; Union,. ..when;
late at night, being. very much exhausted he
fell asleep and had: the following' dream, as re- -
lated by . • ' . '
"At a late hour last:nioht was sitting
in my room
.writing,..J .was.itirprise.d at the
very unceremonious entrance'of of, who
came in and took isearoPposite . me.. ••. .
was more annoyed, as I had given.a(riet
orders to the . servant that I sLoulti . on,no i nc:
count be disttirbed. • '
. ,
, iThe manner in which be'entered 7 , -perfeCfli
solf.posscisell—,talcing alestVpositimerwith-.'
out a -*word, - .no salutation-yno .apologr,--as
though my room and all within it. belonged to
him, ezeited:in me as: much surprise as indign&-
tion. As I raised . my heed, to look at:himov . er'
tbe . top i)f - my slinded lamp, I. iliscoviired.,that,
he - .wosewrapt ina:thin..ciciak, which complete
ly }lid his leatures. from
,my view; and,,,iaa I
_raised My head, he spoke: : ,.. •
•• .geWhhrare.yoliwritingoSehafor from SOOth
I did not think...of ' his impertinence at .firiti
:but,answeied•liim involtintarily--;‘ , l am' draw- I
frig up a plan for. the dissolution of. the 4rneri ,
Can. Union!" To thia.the . intruder' replied
the col d est -Manner
. 1 4Senator. from Soet.h: Carolina, will you al 7
ow me to looic:St your right hand?" '
gale . arose': and as he did the cloak fell.;
.4.A.S . tbouelithad no.'pl-..wer to resist,filei
. my right hand. h felt a strange chill
pervade , toe at his toneh-L-he .grasped it and
lieldirriear the light,. thus. affording, me full:
time' to exathine it
every feature of- his face,.an
.particularinif his person, :It .was the, face of
Washington and •he Was dressed in' theuniforan
01 .the Rooolution. • After holding My
. hand for,
a moment, looking steadily at me; he said inn
quit!! Wily: • ' • - • ,
bititted;.: nor
No • With
ill be allowed
o the, last day
)r two respon7
Iright to, reject
of laijihg con-
'cAnd with this right hand, Se'nat'or from .
South garolloa,,Yon Woubi sign your name to a'
riapeitleelaring:tho.UMOn qissolvedr" • '
,t - y es ,” : sajd 1„ ccif
.4 :certain, 'contingency
arise 1,-.will.'? '• Just-at' this moment a. black
blotCh .appeured.'on the: Ihaek. of, my. hand; I
seem to .see it. even , now?' 'What
. 1s" that!'
cried I in alarm;.: twhY.is that black spotonmy
boon." -
. ,
supersr . ribetl
• " achlreisetl
r . General,
: Con
',.not..by or to an
it :enclose mono.-
their -.quarterly
executed and,
or before theist
service must be
ly, prebeeding or
at (Life, Whether
.ldered until the
calved at the dy
.l will be allowed
soOs.therefor - ere
he department.. 7
actor will be re- .
titetiesOn the new,
. .
That," said , he , dropping my hand; i‘ls the
mark ,t) . ..v.whidr Benedict ''Arnold is'lmoWn
the next; World!" • . •
Ileaaid no More, but dreiv'frOM beneath ..his
cloak atiphject,which 'he placed upon the table,
on the r.ery paper on.iyh,i . ch been
object,-gentlemen,Was a skeletoni
g , There," said ..he With emphasis, i‘there are
. bonee of-Isaac . liayri'e, who . *es hung in
Charleston, ~ .//d.frae's. /48 life io
'7l iiuu2 .ivhen you ,sign your name Ste a
deaatition or dies,idetion, yeti may as well hate
the hones of Isaac [Jayne before yea . ; but uo
blotch:laze on hl3 OPP." * ' . • •
"With theie words he left room. I.star
red from 'the; contact With the dead man's
hones and awoke! . Overworn. by:labor I had
'fallen asleep riod . been.dreamina%?' • •,.
Mattrother .instances'miga be recited to
show that sorne of the . most important events
to man'. that 'have' occurred 'since . order was
hrMightforth from and the .Almighty
rolled tbe.planetitrom Ills palm and set the
spheres in:moth:on, have. been more or less corc
nected..With..dreamS;.. May 'not -611.dream.of
Calhoun'ihave a happy influence on .. .the per
petuation of.our. glerioui, happy Union?
on-: or , near rait-'
recta:from a sf -
the 3lst:of March.
nce from the near
re other'ise'sup
le the .Postmaster
.ti' act of'Congre”
proyidefi.linit 'eop
.or the mait•,:ehiol
is not oectional;--nof it.
bit of it;. and yet Mr.. speeker • is
compelled,.in order to carry out out.the desigus'of
the party; to tekethe:chairmao of .every
mittee in' the' House; hut. ive from the North.
'And of the* beggarly five committees; the heads
of which,-1146 SPeal:;er,Periniogton . hes
ed to his “snbject Provinces," of the South,
none are anything More thin apprentices' work:,
• excepting thatorlEisetioris,.which he has giV
pn to Mr'. Pilmer, • th'e know:lsfothirig 'Of North
with we' presume, or - Making
secure the.seat.of the IllUg-UglY . :member from;
'Bnltimore,Al.-Wintar Davis; who vote) for.
him.• 'Pi no;. 'the ,Repablican party is'oot sec
yid in any of its rs
t.to.n.new. K1;40
ho'last hoar„ . se4:N3T,
a. new: bidiks
.9. 'CA Lll . O tN'S I
Washington, ut.his.fetiring from the presidency
issued a -fayeeti address, yviiieh'wes : priopitial! ,
IY:deyoted. to the - ilanger 'of . .dis'union' E and: the
preeeention• of latmony and . good Meting he
tyvocti.the difGrent sectioneof the centitry.--:
. •
. . . ..
. sillatilho.Vrarning voice of Washingttin been
forgetten?,;:or. ~have ' *design's - salreatr.. been.
formed to Sever the - Vniorr - Let it.not be.euti
posedlhat 'impute to all ell of those whiihave
takervan Active put in these unwise and am.
profitable diecussions'oCwant of ' patriotism:cif
of public virtue. - :The honorableleelings of,
.State pride and local attachments. find a ',lace.
in the bosom of the most - enlightened and .pure.,
But While such men' are - cottacicius tif.t,teir own
tntegrity. and honesty; of.'Parpese,:,'A ';ou ch_ '
never te foriet that the 4i.tizene,of.
. ~
pi•e'ti,eir political - brethren; ' en ~
~ . • `!"!k4 .
mistaken . they, May be-in'tbefirl ' ', ''
... lO U
body of them are equally l'i . ' ah a '
-with themselves. - . ..- • , ',-., ••
iblatital , sespicions. and - rep es apiri .
tithe create mutuel,hoi,l4l3li - aptVart design:
lug men will be always firund . .who are ready to
foment these, fetal deelsions, andto. inflame the
natural jealousies of dilLirent •
,sections of the
'country!. TheVetory of the 'wrirld is full of
such examples, 'and especially; tf,e.iiistorY Of
"'What have you to gain by
. divicloh and
sentiord Delude not. yourselves. with the be
lief that a breach 'once - made,.rhay; be after.'
ward repaired..' if the 11nion is once :severed,'
the line of separation' Will grew 'vaitlp.,atid Wl.'.
der, and't he controversies' which ar&noWdebk,
ted and settled in the hells of. legishition will
then be tried in fieldcd batble, end be detiar.i
mined• by the swerd. • Neither ' should . "'you'
deeeiva yourselves with-the hope that the:first
'time of separation would be the'Permarient ene,
'and - that .nothing hut. harmony. and: concord
'would be found in the,new associations !firmed
upon tbe.diseetutinn of this Union- - Loeal iita
terests would lie foun=d there,.etat'Unchastuh'ed
ambition. Aridil the recollection of - common
dangers in which the• . people
.of, the
: United
States stood . against the common !pet. the !nem-.
ories of •victories' Won ,by their uriited.VolOrl'
the - prceiperity and kappineci' they here enjoyed,
.ender the present 'cOnctittitioni the preud• home
they . bear as citizens etthis great .rePublic--if
all these recollectiOns: and,. proofs of common
iuterectanre 'not strong enough to ;hind' us to
.gether as' nue.people, what tie, will bold' united
thenew, division of empire,' when theee bonds
been brOben'and the Union dissevered? ".
. .
• : .'lsho'first li'nesof separatiOn would'not . lastfar.
a single generation;. nevii
. fragments - -Would be
horn off, new leadcr . would spring up;. end
great and glorions republic ;would 'soda be'bro-
4:en inlon rhultitode of petty States,,without:
cornmerce,:withOut'credit,iealoli,, tO . JI '9ll
ther, armed' for Mil odgresspitici;lahli 4 •
taxes to pay armies . 'and Amide,* • seeiring..ailt
against each other from hireign poWe re; ineul tit)
and_tramPlCif upon by the nations •of .Ettropc,
until..harressekby tonfliets,..en4 humbled rod
debased in' spirit,. t bey:would be ready to /1 h•
toff to theahSol ote'doniriat ion of any military
ndi , entpierer and to' surrender. their liberty: for
the sap. of repose, ' • • -
It ie impossible to loo,le on the consequences
• Unit would inevitably' How the tleetruction of
this goeiernment, , und not feel indignant when
we hear fold calcelatione about the value of the
Union ancl . haveoo constantly.before us a line
of c.onduct• so :calculated' to weaken its
Interesting Revolutionary Reminiscence
. In the
,speoch of Mr.: Bottler, _ of the, pouse of
RepreientatiYeS, on Wednesday last,..hevnar7:,
rated and applied. in the following. propriate
manner,. aivery.interesting reminiscence of *the:
Revolutionaiy War: •: '. •
• gThe: district Which • I represent, and . the
county froth which I come-that' county Made .
famous by: the . raid of Brown=-was the first,
the very-first . the South; to . send succor
to Massaehusetts.. In one 'of the ; most beai,ti
fnl spots in that beantiful,county,. within rifle
shot. Of, my res;dence,..at
: the Laid of.
where glorious s p ring leaps. out into.suillight
from beneath the gnarled root of thelhunder
riven:oil:lc, there assembled on•the..lothefjelY,'
1175, theyery first hand of, Southern :men who
marched. to „the aid cif, Massachusetts . ... ,They
met there, and.thnit rallying.cry was: 0 , ..a ht4e ,
line for; BOston.n. .
ei . -
That beauticul'and peaceful valley had nev:.
er been podiuted 'by the footsteps of -11 fool • for
even.the Indians themselves_ kept,, free froin, ,
the incursion of the enemy: ;1t was .the'ltunt
ing •ranea, and neutral' ground of the
This band assembled there;'and cm bee
linefor..Boston" was made'from thence. :Be , '
fore they marched they made a pledge that all
who survived would assemble there. fifty2years
after that duy. wa4ltny pride' and pleasure
to be present when' the fifty years rolled around:
Three aged, feeble, tottering men.-4-the.starvi ,
vorsof that .glorious band 'ol one hundred. and,
twentY 'were all who were left to' .keep their
tryst, and be faithful to the. fledge ,inade, fifty
years before to their cornpaniona;: the bunes :of
many of.whoin were bleaching on thelloithern
. .
• have'offen heard froth : the lait •surVi;
yor of that band of patriot!, the incidents (if
their first. Meeting, and their march;:hriw . they
.made sonoe'six hundred 'miles in , twenty days
—thirty miles tt day--and how as they., neared'
their point of • destination' Washington,. Who
happened:lo be making 4 rticonnoissance inAe•
neiglibortiood;saw them. approaching and ree-..
qgnizing the' linsey-woolsey hunting shirrs of
old Virginia, - rode' up
,to..me,efand greet them'
to the camp; hoW, When he saw .the'captiiin4
his old companion in' arms; Stepherson;. Whq
stood , at: his sidd:•at the Greta. Meadovrsi on
Braddock's fetal fish, end in many,,an Indian
eampaigni• and , who • reported te ~ hie,
'cornmander us iffrom the 'right bank of' t!git,'Po
tomixo."—he spiting frem his horse and'clasp4d
his old friend and•coMpanion in armswith.hotit
hand,. -ildspoke no' word of welerime;lit
eloquence of silence told whit hie tonvie.Coutti.
not ejaculate'. • -lie moved 'itiong“the,ratilis'i
sbakitig the hand ttt , .•etich; . (Mtn truly th Matti
nnd ; pll'the while = as my informee told nie-.—tike
big tears were seen conising ., dewn.dtis manly
cheek. ,
Aye; sir, , Washingtoti weptl Abd why d:d
'volved. hi - the:"eiiiitest ` riseiti'lligintlyy. , it t...
te ere hid` : Oo 4 a non t sneouilit_: : , f:They,Weeniiiii.
in leen - ones: to .':„th a" siroCictilAt , ;h4ir:llilliiijr;..itint*:-
Vvere leiiniet,like live:thendealhtpailt*Oilitd%
telling, the tieOpliiifi;!Ydrigtide:ihiit...the,,Osnatsi • :..
tight, and .fiehtlor:Mairiailiiiiiiittso..irrukr , hic .
come to ralli:by..Weibingteiniiaidai-:•Yeilitflrent. •
your fatherV tiresidge,'to - ::prOttiefrheitil:liiittioi 4 '
from hem.' Well 00' ideii - imit'Weoltrieirestl..
hn '
Brown selected , that iriet : Vatritijr,les .I,bie
' -
Tt'llir.'hiii invasion; andiaileries ttientronit:_in
'the Senate , the iocir'where v _Seierineitfaifyrata'ithe • "
vaiy,rock over :which ..'MArglin7,4ol4;".'bb"..itra*.
Marched a leiv .hourie.aftei:lifglC'ettiii,ieliiiiii , a."
c6in m a ed. had crosoitistio iiiir, sphis iiirif#4l ...
'ta,rth'er;all.• .•:' ''. •''' . ..',.." , ..4-1:.
, ; _!Allak, ors;hisiotkit : rWOhitiiiiiisfMt..
inibiirer idli_airhitiim li rage', A
Ilt4l.4ol(Atia 2o r ! ciiiii4k,o leVir"pj.l4ol(
41i ir4rri e a N itie::c ' ". litijif iiititi,
f 6 MIg ritelraoy... . tg.;. ,
_ .. ..
the 'Alictkljitt'''4on. .
question i het nevi -ctividoe gliatitli,thei :
hearts of th 6 - people onlr kedeliteltby,
the bloody' • arbitrament 'or the eyrotd; le ,be
•theintldeet day kir. mankind that' tile
iun 'of Flee VelY hai.evei etioneuPtin. 4 ",:': s:
. In, the United Stites Sonatei . ad; Febraltih
1839, Ilitratv,Ct4v..chncltided'is•;speeckloWitte
slaVery question in the :frilicinring ..nwordti,.o(
.:(11ley have, been. frequently4o)"..
I shed,
.b t' wild:bear iiptibi lc t ion and atten
tive perusal;a thousand' times.).,
crlf one dark sPot existrin our political hot . -
icon, is it not obscured ;he bright.and efol
gent cheering light that biomearound' mil
Wis, ever a ; people: so blessed is we'are;;lfdt
to ouiselies?, •Ditl pot, net lan iscon,,tain
within its, bdsom so many elements of prOeffer
dty, of greatness.and of glciryt dur'enly.teal•
danger HOD - ahead, completions, elevated tend
visible.: It was clearly. discerned ektlte'cont
menciment„ and' distinctly seep through' eittir
whole eareer[.. Shull we waptoblY run tlfait
and destroy all the.glorious anticipation' Of
the • high destiny awaili nitl beetfielt
the', tibolitioniets themselves, Solemnly:toroth:lee
In their mod,and fatal .course; .„,Arniithe
nits variety of Objects of humanity and ,
olence . .which invite employment...of their Oa,
gins, lot.them 'select some
,pne,inore Menden,
that not threaten to deluge:odr coatitrk
" • •
call.- that email 'portion. of the -daft,
which: has lent itself, to. hese, wild acrd ; ruindlie
schemes, not to forget .the fiat* Of the ,
diViiie mission of ...the founder,o(„od...religiow
and to profit by , hie peacefol.exena . pled: ',XI en
treat that p ortion. of mi ionritryWariten , Ober
givumitivir. ,countenance to , , aliolltlotl', to'
!.ve :1 0 f0 11 ifi4
honored:when moving in .
their own apPropri
ate and.,detightful -sphertt; and tiarelleet that .
the'ink which they shedlo, subscribing' . vvith
their fair hands abolition, patitions,,mityptovet
but the prelaitoto the ehodilingl, of the.bood
their brethren,. I übjureall2the.inhabitentie: 01
the, free States.to relnikeiimd discolintenalite,
by.their opinions and.measuree that which ,Chit
inevitably lend to the most calamitous. cense
.. ,•,, l'a
qeeneee. Andlet,us all ) . al'.countryme, as
friends, and as triothers, .cherish' untading
memory the motto , "whirir.:biaio'ciut:;ancestors
triumphantly threugh thetrials of the.. iefold.•
Hon, ea . , if adhered to, it will , co n duct their
posierity'thrOugh all t hat may, in the. ) dispen•
sation.af.Prcividence; be reservedtotthe/b.
Ina. h asked;'. as hive :been' ' Asked,'
when I - would co:Sent to a dissolutiof''of
.' ahairei; Never!'neferl never! 4 ';fe •
It the agitation vegayd 'to the riigitilist Siii've •
TAW shonld continue and inetetisei sad' libetirne
alarmit4; it will teed • to . the 'fortnatiort of' two
new parties: one,far the Unidit dtlur the**Plet
against, the Union.' * -,, And the ilia: ,
fornt that-Union party ' bell* 'Ernitin,
the gonstitution; and' the - enktreemerit of tire .,
it should be 0 0 4 4 4ejirrrOjellin
each iliarty*,' and it .ahonld be'iterotdittity. .
formed;'.l announce thrsilf, , in. thie*plife a
niemtier.Ol that party; whiteeer'imey be It.
&cum - Hine:it 'elements:—Remy
"r•When my 'eyes' Shall be . ttfintid' to-' behold
foe the last tittle 'the'
m ay I•bit
_see it shiningoli titerkett‘ebtl.dii:
honored' fregirlente'of
on a land - rent With' civil feud s
~ ilienehedi
he,"in efnal blood., 'liet their'llet fee
hie &idling glance tatiker .hiliold
riolis ensign of the , ' Rep:Alio; niiiii'kiititerand
'honored:'ihViiiighdat i the *diftl; : : stilt - lull 'high
advanced;' dot a 'aii4le Star 'etiore't'ri 6 t 4 . 4l -1° -
'OM:toil—bearing for itli'Mottti`.no
auell iserahl ii: all.
this Worth?". Nor ilicise..etllfr *ivtintils'df deltt
:lion and folly,'“Liberff ffepf "anlfignltin atter
eirtirkWhere* sririmitt • offU,in
`ehataeters livin'g light;itat Otlitiefentinient,'.
dear to ev,ery. Ameiicari fifait; .4 .. Litiritk :and
Cfnion now anrl fotevet; ortir and' iriseirsrhble."
—/JaVief 117,6, t e:. -
. • ~ •
'. PlA:Astute CorcratOlinrft.' 4 -1 - more :
neighbor :vrhy•is Inky thafhe r belPrio
leisure t, laugh; the”whole businesti :
is to•get money, 'that tio:! - May:etili'lirsVtikeVes .•
.and mire maney..• Stilt
what Solomon
keth A. rid it ••rfrit i n,
considers riot that It •ii ncitqb
es to" ma ke 'a p happy; ..reti• twit WitaitilittAil
ny a man Of greit obseryatiOsi,*tbitt;-fheriellelt i
thany'miseries'liernut - qebial•sit
of them,.". Yet' fietivehl:'4llso!
pinching poverty, l ahtt . '„ •
Let ys not repine,:et so think iktiititti
o (.o'od he eqiNtkli!;Aitilf,:: 4#lt*titt4i ,
care ,thet ere, the IttiVeihet*eiti.
hang often tia -:heEiv,ily a t tliktich'
;that iist!
legs night., i . 0.01:104eli otherkilie#
We see bkt•tb4 rrytekle:et:Oei.rigV* i .
hhit.,i4:o be : lib/gust . .oo'
worm, that
sar.9A.;titnii spirinishiliet4:4o; l 4tiv: 4 o l '4
(I lAN!
vetz •
keep what • theVA.llo?,4l.ooo.ori.ol4:'4_' /
therefore,. be' . thisoliful•;heeltirre.#l4l ol ll o.,.. .s
e end
.• " ''• "' ;.7