• ,Shefras Y VlriTl.4:. of 'tti:idiy .witti of Yen 4 renditions :issuOd out of•tlie;'Cotirt of dorntn'on'Pleall of the countkOf MlCeati,:ant3t'ate 'uf:r liu ennsylvanie,. fome i flirecterk.l. shall expose toblic sale or oitt. ..f3r,;!4 the.(todrt'llotisei lu o'Clocli'itvthelfoi . en9ott of,.lltonday, the 7(.1)* . ihiS, of property r ebitutry'rfext;:the folloWing .desclibe • tell: • MI the right; interest anti:clsiin 9f the .lefendantS to the follewing:desprihed situate.'in , Keating township,ltnimen Peunsylvahie; . boun4tl. - and descilbed •as lows, to' wit:, lieginning,ai the North West col , tier ,of No.: "10 . 0' of the .•Binkham . surve, thence cast along,the line ot j said lot One 'him , Bred.lnds tria corner; 'thence eolith .two hundred and eighty Toils 'to a coiner thence west sixty rod.; to a corner; ; thence Saoutlrabout,,eighty. mOda, be the same Mine or.less,.to,the east and. ~.wesyStatn Itoad;.. direetioM . ....along. the said .road'ln,tho lands .surveyed by the: Siiighani TruSibea to I-Tulr . & Morse; • thence north - along the said line - td the rdace' of beginning . ,. being prat Ofj.said 10t,1'10`.., 1 1.90; con tainingrone hundred andeighty-five (185) acre's,. more or less , with t6e nsual allowance of am' per (cent.; about Ave acres imprOved;' one frame new house; one log house, orie.newframe Vern,. and:one Mew steam saw mill! . • • Seizedand taken in '.txecution and. will be. Sold as 'the .proOerty of R. Sartwell, and Sol. omen Sartwell. at the suit (of White & Wright. . %.Alythri, g tit; title; interest and claim: of de fendant to thefollOWitietesc'ribed 'real-estate, situate in the Bradforr.ivillage, county. or Kean, PenniylVinia; etimniencing at a Poit •on %the oast line of Conde r se :street at: the south west corner of lot N0.r..101; Lthence north •88 . degrees, east twenty4wo rode and twelve links more or . less: to a „post' on 7 the west Line - of Chestnut streetat south east corner, of .lot No. .104; lberte,nerii . th. lf . ilqgres east by'said west line of siticithrStnut streerliVe.rods and twelve links, more ,or less to 'a, post at the northeast cornerotlot.No.l2.9itbence south.eighty.-eight degrees west:,..twelity-two rods , and thirteen 'links,. more oriessito a post. on tile. east line. of Congress strept; . „thenee . by 'said -east lire of Congress street, north .one and ,a half degres' weit . fiVe rods and seien: Unks, More or less to' the Plice.ofbeginningE, containingeight-tenths of an acre, Moresor lees, being lots' No, 130: end, 131 Bradford village county. and State aforesaid; . . all: improved; one. , tWo story. frame honse, . with. kitchen and` ivoodhouse at tached; and one spialilfr:ame burn., Seized and taken in , ..F,xecution and , will be sold as lbe 'property Or 1Y: G. Raymond at, the suit of Robert 'Reed. .:„.1'..,• • • • • --ALs9— • The following describeki:rial estate, to - ,Wit: One lot of . land: bounded '=and described- •as lowar - bounded on themoitit.by. lands 'of L. T. Moose and'Clark or King; .east by L. T. Moore; south by L. T. Mciore; and : west by Aden HOusler;- containing .41 hundred (100) acresi twenty-five . (25) aerfis innseetred;• and . one frame house, frame barn arid abrnit-five-Tive (25), fruit trees; situate in Shippektownship, M'Kean county; 'Pennsylv'ania,' it - .being the farm on which. the, defendant :resides....' Seized and taken in Execution. ankwilf be sold as' the property, of . .JOhn .F. 'Lewis:at the suit of Truman Swift. • .• , The .following described real &State, situate in Lafayelte,..M'Keen .confity,. Pennsylvania, bounded and deecribed. as fcdlows to wit : -• h&. 'ginning at a post corner of thelot on leading tO . OleOn and on ,the- south No: 29 at Lafavettet. thense west . by 14Pr * No; 21, '29- and .19 two hundred-and .thirty three pereaes to a post; thence south, by iot'NO. one.hundred sixty-nixie and six-tenths , perches to a corner . of lot No: 23; . thence east One hue- Bred, and' sixty perches'. (160: perches) :to, the aforementioned road; . . thence tyyjaid road north twenty-two degrees "Aast.,one . ..hundred• -. . rind, eighty perches to the Tlace - of, beginning; con taining one hundred : end .ninety-six,:acrei add one.half acre, be.the, Sonia more or lessi, claim ed by peed 'fromlosephbrnsh, and Sarah: . his Wife,.dated the lgth . day,,c4,M4roh,,lB , l6;"abo t it eighty •acres improvedy:On!i*rne• house, .1 wo Matins barns, and about sixtY,tayiple trees, and two wells of water:, .• . Seized.ind . ..takert..io:Eirecution. and, , will be. sold as the property 0f,./Ilpha Morse at,the suit of Timothy Tainter. •• • . , • , ALSO- . . 'All the right, title, interest and . .claim ro f fendant to the.followingleal estate, situats,.in • Sergeant townshipi'M'Kean county, I.Penrisyl 'idniat bounded and .described follows,. to • 'wit: beginning ata post On the south bank .of. 'the Mill race at" the forkS of, the :west •rbad leading to. the Barnes setilement, forty-one and .eight-tenths (41:8) . perches' to a' 'post , in the .tenter of said read; thence • north thirty-three rods to a post; thence eaSt'thirty-four and tivd tenths (34.5)• Perches .to, the center of ..the Smethpott and turnpike; 'thence_ soutiPhy the ,centpt ofeaid toed ; south: ten de..: vies east .tolhfitilace of heginning;' containing `eight and tvto-Oritheaeres, more or less; about 5 acres improgid, one, t'ranie tavern house two=, storfes'.high, tis fraine,baros, arid two or three fruit trees. o . • • Seized and tken.in.Execution, and :will. be sold as the preporty Preston Hart a; the suit .of William I. C)nklin.' • '; . '• • ~r~LS(?.=- The following descrihed real eetate,..eituate in the township of Corydon, county, of M'Kean and State of Pennsylvania, 'bounded .ttiur des cribed as follows, to Wit: beginning ,at the northeast corner of Warrant• No. 5572; "thence On the line of said warrant, - sobtfi Cafe and seventy-one:perches to the center .01 . said warrant line; thence•wei One - hundred' seven.: ty-one and. two-tenths perches to a 'eorner; thence' north one -hundred 'and•:severity-one perches to the north line . or said '. warr ant; thence in. line of, said warrant . orici•lu r ridred eighty-seven- and • two , :tenthe perches to, the place of beginning, containing tWO-IfUndred' acres and eleven per - chessolland..:; . ' • Seized and taken in 'Execution .and will be , sold as the property of J. pviatt at the Suit of Truman and J. C. Bagley: ~• - • . . JGSEPH,M.OII.,SE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office; Smethpiiri,.Feb. 0,4880; County DireetorT ~. . . .... • • Pres7.t Judge-11,• : . H. :Q. • White, .Wel!sboro Assdcipte fridge.t. :7 -11oni J. Darliai,§niethport,. Hem S. Holines , . • SlierifJcis6pfi. , P4Tse 'prot h o t t ot.zr y - Satriueetn . :Hyde,smetltport.., *Resi'sterqad T r eastirer,. (p ro . tem .) .- Enos'Palio:rip,.B . radfotd: .C9mmiasioners—Daniel . -I ceyiti) . Eldred,,W. to!egipite, Norwich %. 4, 103art Peabody, Cein:ipi . .sioner.e.Cll4—J. R. Chadwiek l Smeth. Auditor's—B.: C. Corviin, Snaethpert, P.; ..Carter, Cores. Distiiet Altoriiey.—Warrgn Cowles, Saiethport; COrimer.-41tine,4 Borid, Lafayette. ..[...•NoW , .RE:Aoy. - . . :The' l'rioie,• of.. the. lease '.of • DAT!! • • • : .•••• • The :Prifice . of the of David! . • . The Drinee of the • Iloase *of • Paved! . . • • • • -13 y the 11. INGRAIJAM,; D. A n e w and revieci eaition,- with the tititlior's Infest corrections Oite;volitine, 472 paget!.-,,AiriFe.sl,2s.• Publighed by •. • GEORGE F.V . A. NS; No. X 139 Qhestnut-st:, Phila'delph4.• • . ... . . , . . ltrihustatoMiluio'.6fithist . A literal translation in German, of th, • H PRINCE OE,TE.HOUSKOF . DA.ViII: One voltune :12mp.; c10th; , 475. pages. Price: $1,25: Piithisheil)y -- ' . • -• .' , - • .' • . :GEORGE G. EV4N$.'. THE. PILLAR OF. FIRE! ••• . '•• ••-•. •• • • . •or, ISRAEL IN . BONDAGE. By the Rev. 11. INGRAHAM, LL: D.'. One volume, 1.2.1ii0. cloth:; GOD. paftee. Price $1,25; PUh. GEORGE: G. EVANS, : .139 Ohestnut-si., Philadelphia: RECORDS'OF THE REVOLUTIONARY ANT AR - - • . . •,. Containing THE . MILITARY. & FINANCIAL I CORRESPONDENCE .• OF. DIStIN,GUIS.TIED OITICERS: Gmunnt . .6iii)Ens OF WASIIINGTON, 'LEE Atill Names oftheOflieertiand Privates, With the datei,of their Commissions and: Enlistments; with a list of distirignished prisoners of ,War; dhe time of their Capture„Exchange, etc.; • to 'which is.added the Ilalf.pay. Acts of *the nential Congress;:. the' Revolutionary Pensirin LaWs; and a list of the Officers ' of the Coriti bental Arniiy, Who acquired the right to Half pay, Commission, Land Warrants, etc. etc. . By W. T:R.SAFFEJ.L,- Counsellor und 'Agent for Rev.olutionary Claims : One volurne, 12mo,.clotii, 55 , 1, pages. Price . • T. S . . ARTHUR'S . POPULAR BOORS.. True Riches. • " 'Angel and.the•Demon. Home Scenes. ..• Three Eras in Wothan's Golden Grains. ' • . Life. The Martyr Wife. : • Tin Nights In. a .Bar- Sparing-to Spend: ' • ' Room. . • , Tales.of Real Life. •• • Engel of the Hevoehold. The o,lcildan's Bride:' The Rand and. not the • The-Waq to Prosper'. ••• . Heart. ' . • The. Withered Heart., ' Heart 'HiOtorie 'sand Tales of hlarried Life; ' • Life Pietnros.' . • Steps towards Heaveii. 'The Trials of a' "'House- What can Woman do? leeper. •. Tales of Dcimestio Life. Leaves from the .Thieic. Goof' Time Coming. • • of_ Human, Life. ccln the uniori Of thrilling dramatic incidents, with morel lessons otthe..highest iminirtance, these .worles 'S. At.thur' stand forth pre erninent amongst modern auth ors.. • ' cgThey havd been, intrOdueed into: the Dis trict, Sabbath School, and various' other Libra ries' • throughout the country. .: • . • Each of the above bOoks contain' nearly..poo pages; and are. illustrated' with finely executed . Mezzotint engravings, and handsomely bourid in one 12mo. Prige $l, each. . BOOKS RECENTLY PUBLISHED TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH MEMOIRS oF ritOBEOHQ.UDIN: , • PRESTIDWITEOR,. • Author, • Magician, • • ' • • • Artbit, • 'Boiherer,, • • Wizard,: ••• • ..Necromaneir, • • ' • . 'Enabanter; Arribashhdor, • Eseamofeur. • • . Profesaor of 'Sleight of Hand etc: etc. ; • Written-by bimself,,,Edithd by • DR". Ii. t . SHELTOpI - MACKENZI. With a copioua index achofiAßy arranged. ;• • Bound ih one vol. , ,lqrnh. efoih 446 pages: $1 NATIONAL LIBRARY. HEROES, MINTERS AND'PATRIOTS,.. LIFE OF COL. CEOCKET. LrFE OF. OE:el. LIFE OF LE*IE WETZEL.% OF COLONEL DANIEL LIVES 0F 'SOI.7TIIEDN • !O LIVES ,OP -GENERAL; LEEIPLIELICANDyrttyntE ••.- AND.:st.;*#n; '• • OF xi.A.N..lL•wr.s,'un . ,• . „ Each of the above books are illustratedidth fine engravinks, and bound in one .volditi . e, 12mo cicitli. ' l PriCe $1,00.. • • 1:- . . . . LIVES OE ILLUSTRIOUS WOVIE , OF ALI., AGES AND NATipivs' . . . . .. Including the Empres.s Josephine, LadY:Jane Grey, Beatrice Cenci, - Joan ot".Arc . ,.'Antie'. Bo leYn, Charlotte" Cdrdny, :Serbiramis;:Zonobiay llbadical . r etc.'etc. Edited by . ~,,...: - .... , -- ' . . MARY.E...11EW1TT....):',.'.. .....••• Embellished with finely engraved.llat:tcaits •on' Steel. One vol. 12mo. cloth; 33.6 :pages:— LECTURES EbE TIM PEOPLE, By tkie Bev. HUGH.); ST6WELL - :BRQWIst, of the Myrtle Street'Baptist Churchl , -Liverpool, ,England:, • .Eira,•S'eries. : . • With a Biographical Introduction by :Dr.. SHELTON : .M4:CKENZIE., '..; Publishektinder a 'Special ;.fiiinilgement with the author. One vol. 12mo. ,cloth. 414 'pages, Price' Sl. Upon remittance el - the : price of the BoOlCand 21 cents additional , fOr,postage, copies _ of either of the aboVe.iiiioks accompanied with a• hand some present,, worth from 50. cent 4 t0..100' dol lars will be•mailed.to:anY : liertion in the United States. . • • , . .SEND FOR A OLASSIFIED QATALoOtTE•OF BOOKS. Containing the most' complete list .of hooks in every . departraent , of Literature' ever •publishady and which *hrlie':64o. - Oittiik to any, person, sending Weil.. .address. 'To insure ,teritl..' honorable deali4, send all wow orders for booki to • GEO4GE :04.1E - VANS, Pow:monk, .• .4utl'orlginettor'ef the i:10,73d0k business.' ....439 Chestnut-st.i;_Thltadelphia. • .yon :will b e iatisfied that it is the best placie in, the eountrVen,..piirellaiti•Books. •,' pg , , , ,ißtma... - NoTigt- TO AGENTS. 0.-EVAIIS; baying purchased tlie stereo type-01E108i ;Copyrights, etc. of the ceprine.e of the House of David,'', “Pillar -of Fire,"' etc., would cali'the attention of agents to these truly valuable - works. ' - . . Thg . (ThINCE OP Tire.: HOUSE op '" D'Avng is one 'of the most popular beet :selling :books ever publiihed. . Over 190,000 copies, have. been sold, ,and . it bids ipit to ontrival the i4.l'il grirn's ProgreSs,' or,anygthee . ,sirl?ilueTwOrk.,', The s?P mbatt,Coy. Finc,"lsj:the same author is now meeting'with a rapid Sale, over 90,000. , . copies hive been, ,sold since its.: puldication, and as a companionfte the't, , Prlnce:ofthe House, of Dayid',"leverY- readac of. that: book should purchasecopy:,. • ' • ••••• - • TRE REVor,t;:rIONARY .. .WAIL'? is a record of great ,intereat and gives. avast amount of informatiOn relative to the Soldierw of the RevolutiOn,-and'as an invaluable book of referenceforthe . descaridanis:of its heroes and all who are interested roofs. etc., etc.'. , .. . • • , . • Thefmes!MßEgAliind.ogernerits are offered •to Agents', and upon' iidarees'ing ~the jaiblisher 'everrinfprinetion.vitill be given. <-.; •.' • SE IVD • lcOlt: A • CATALOG"? E. • • • Addiess •GEORGE‘G. EVANS. 42-6 w • 439 Ciiestnutt;,„Philufelpbia .. •• .FOBESITOUSI Joli P. Ru.seell,' Proprietor: • OLE AT • . • WIIIDLESALE AND. RETAIL' DEALER. 'pi • Oistersi . Clams, Fresh Fish, . Foroigi, anV Do . • ' Mesa° 'Fraits., . ELMIRA Si MOFFAT'S ALE Kept constantly. on hand .atid for setle by . barrel Oysters—Stewed, Roasted,- Fried,. oritaw., 'served at all tiours. •': • .13.." — ,Orderi:prompti)i attended 'to. . Sam ". • n3O-ti. SMET H PORT WAGON AND 'SLEIGH. SHOP ON MECHANIC ; STREET NO. 1 Undersigned 'would ..respectfUlly an nounce to . .tlle!eitkien.4'of.•M'Kean:. 'county, that he is now prepare.] f0..d0 . a1l kinds of:wood' work in. my line ' of business,. at short notice; in a workmanlike Manner; at reasonable prices.: 1 . feel . gatistied that MY 'Work fully, meet the requirements Of all' who. Will'favor .me. with their. patronage. . • . Repairing .protriptlY . attended to-on short 'All kinds of grain'taken in -exchange. for wOrk ; . also .but.ter;.poik, beef, Pine 'lumber and 3ft. Wciod. CASH will not be . refused. • .. • ' ' '• . V. , SHP.PARE).- Smethport,'Pa., Jan. '10;1560. • . .'.'• COURT •P.tOCLAMATIOit. TXTRIPIEAS 'the lion. 'Robert White • Vl' President Judge, and the' lions. J. Dar. ling and S Holmes,; AssoCiate Judges •of the Courts of Oyer & Terminer and genet:hi Jail Delivery . , Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Or phans! Court and Court of Cornrtion Pleas for the County of .M.'Keanfinve issued their precept, bearing date Satarday, the Ist day of December in the • y.ear of our Lord. one thousand . eight - hundred and fifty-nine; and to me:directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terniiner and Gerf-:. 'eral .Delivery, Quarter:Sessions :of the Peace;' Orphans' Court, and Cbert of Coinmon* Pleas, in.the' Dotough of Smethport, on Mon day; the twenty-seventh day - of February next, and to continue one s Week. ' • . `Notice is therefore hereby given to , the Coro ners; Justices of the Peace and 'Constablei within the, counts', that they be then•and there intheir proper perious,'at 1.0•O'cloCk A. M. of said dayovith their rolls, records;•inquisitions, examinations,, and: other rememratics, - to . do those, things which their offices appeitain to be 'done. And these. who are bound b.Y, their rec ognizances tOprosecute the:prisoners that ate of shall be in the jail of Said county;of Ig'Kean, are to be then:tind• there to ,prosecute .against then? as will be just.. . • . •. • • „ Dated . at Smethport, January tenth 1860, end the'S.lth year of the Independenee elthe United States of.Arnerica.. . • : • JOSEPH `MORSE, Sheriff. ..0-0,0,1).-: - N.Ews JUST RECEIVED AT r . w CD' WhiCh is filled from top to bottom with .the BEST assortment of . • by cab-- ce euvievyy k 0-00041 COOKING; PARLOR.& BOX STOVES I 'EVER OFFERED' FOR SALE IN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA, which.ivilt be sold at prices thai cannot fail to 1a , i31 also as usual,_ keep constantly ;on . hand - a goOd assortment of, • lIOUSEKEEPERS 1-IA•RDWA R KET T L E S, PRYING PANS:, FLAT IRONS, CANDLESTICNS; be.eoltrAt the VtRY'LoWEST•PRIPES Thant:fill for peat'. faiMrs, X respeetfulfy soli cita continuance of the same. Smethport. Sept 2?, 18G0: BLACKSMITHINC: irt AVlNdfrenteii.,the' tiliP.Atiiclted to, the JUL &net htiiii Tl F OtNACE, ,the, subscribers are now prepared to kinds of blackertlithing.. Particular attention paid ;to horOshoeing.. VAN. DYKE. & Nov. 3; 185,9 4.:,#, ..R OP $./ DL' FROM . .THE"I3Ark.EIt : * () . F . 44, 'OP ;rifv. .ONE - I ) ,IiICK:II.U'LATOII. BOOTS, .S.IIOES 4-C 1 1 11 TE. FOLLOWING COMP)2Ig L'S If'Sorrni:olthe.bargainO , offered.at the One- PriedßegulatOr . —theiltrinntetA Score of • Olean . , :which his become so named for the itentries.6l its Styles;, the e*ellorice, and dieratility. ot: its Fahriedr tbeetifemp': flop / . essreft• of its, priresi . the eriifoitn civility of its' se:lemon; ,und..the unwavering intrigrity and untiring energiof:its proprietors: • •. - • .• . • . ThO Evtablislitnent.. wh)eli,..for. five - years hes . sorlia seed the Div Goods TradS in every point of excellence; aed to .this clay'siands:unritiat led,:unapp'roached'and iiiz)vrocultOle . kead.the List and judge for yditisefves. GOOD FAST COLORED PRINTS GOOD PRINT . E,4MOULINE DEL./.IIN,ES FINE VALENCIAS KIDD; YARD WIDE, BR'N COTTON p g _ _ ALL OTHER . KINDS , :OF GOODS USTAL KEPT. IN COUNTRY ;OF: cc G. Defy Competition. ch H 0 OUR ENDORSERS. . . This immense . .establishment in our Village, under the t auspices of :Resets. S. R. Butler and C?li. Thing, Which is; and for,soupe tithe hai been attracting marked - attention, for the 'ex 'tent of their stock, the finality of their. goods arid the reasonableness of their' pricer'. Our husinese.relationi . with these 'gentlemen have' '.been pleasant and satisfactory. We have al: ways. found 'them. We have always found them courteous; obliging .and honorable.. One great secret of the large trade 'the . Regulator secures from . - tile"country . for ..m ily miles around, and, the very many-firm frie n ds in this Vicinity, is., 'their strict integrity i lusiness. Olean,cannot' spare the Regulator. IVegivii a third broadside from their battery this.week, to which we refer our: readdrs.—Oleau . Ativer- TnE ON4 PRYOR RIMULATOR, 01 6 / 1 11, is 111 the field with a new stock of Dry. G'oods; Doets, Groceries, &e: . Everything they offer is worth, the money.:asked; and as-for their win- Wing way,-they . have the seeret somehow, of doing 'double the business ef any other House !,viknow of. Their agericies:for the sale of Cotton Goods' gives.them great advantages' over Otherio. Our friends 'from this place - WhO haVe traded- with them need 'pa recoMmenda. SPIDERS, LAMPS,. .Co . . ticin. of ours to induce them to go . again; tifose . who tittienot,:we ask'ou, for'your own sakes, to give them a eall and their goods an exatnin atjon.-i—Cattaiatrgus Deniorrai. '- •- .• ' :.' BUTLER AND - THING, at, the . One Prite Regu latorOlean, are truly , benefectoo of their race. : They, buy for cashi.eell -for dash, practice no deception, in business; : and that.. eattretnely: IoW., and we think did a much larger business than any '''other Dry Goods ,HOuse in this CoUnty;--Stotak Wattens. E. S..MASON. - • • ' BUTLIM, . IC S. BUTLER , & CO. . c..n.TNING. • • - -0116 Price Regulator. 'OLEAN N. THE ONE PRICE REOOLATOR; O E 'l\l7' EVERY GUN DOUBLE IHOTTED ! ! DRY ::;.. GOOD; RETAILED Al'. WIIOLSALE PRICES ON EPRIca TOALL, .A.IsID N9' DEVIATION. Sell For:'Etix rience We willvelll For one shilling per Yard We. will sell For one istilling Yard We will sell For 'si.- pence pOr.'Yfirct We will sell ,TheOnePrWe Regulator.. '0 . D 4OMINION tO FF E ETOT B .4. - '''N .- ; • .',. ". .: ~. ~ .•'''."; ' • -`'. '-: .'l'lts. 140'01,' 1 ~ ' , ----,4' . . ... 7. ;,...,:..7:!:A Ji )1 . L:BARKER I SITHAW!CUtttti rrin SUBSCRIBER. n ?a. a St ", .6 , , ~.11.0„ ..v 1;: lie ' tliis .Improved gtr,oW-:eutle.r.'•iii - AOII, .confidence that'all who'take the, lsoia,ol.4 , 'llt, neeli its operations wilt Ihe,'Ciniilnfistya(, - ,it,4s,,tr: periotity 'oimr any dthei now in yes. ~ ~.- : ..,.:,1.. • A supply- kept constantly, on .han4ind'inin..' , , ufbernred to.'order. ' . • . 's, ~, : ..'-!..'''':s lErr' As .no other! persan has' , the -right4o' . make or uses this. Gutter within It'Keen:•ooll.'; ty, all whO are using it , in iiolatioa of.the,pst-7, ent.wiil be prosecuted.' - - ` 1 : ; . T K: HAFFEY Offere serviCes tofiartiee o‘imi'.ie or. Wishing 'to purchase mineral rands .clearfielo sot_ Jefferann Exa - Oiliuitio - na triage find iiiiil49llY Bradford, July - 27, 18*, • JOB. r.)11I NEATL:Y, CPEAPIX . AND FIP,MXTIDUBLY DEMOCRAT OFFICE • .L . --.• Soo T'.l.' & 0 . 1q1.0,1•4 • . • " • • MERCHANT 'TAILORS' . • • At'l ad their Wipter,etoek•orgeode,,' and nee'• prepared to supply their nueneraulticuntontera' - awl tipple whu favor them with 'their hatronagelnrit4 any tided hi, thair line. • Their stook cOnfhlte of ' Clothe . oiteeimpree, Ye/tinge, Hate, .Cope,.Ebirti • " Cravats, Nookllee,Aii.iko. • They hitie thane. large ennortment.nf 1- ' • _ • .READY-MADE Of the latent style: • Glee thenfia eon before 'hurchnnini einewhere, 'ELY. (Mere frdm idintance promptly Mien— ded to. :Outtingdone on short notion, i • tie. pottpwr. . • 1800.• SHOIs BUSINESS . AND FNCTORIES •eari be eirrredrn•:proAtably: iitil - latrintoritcn:- See . advert setnetit or Hammonton tande.' , ~ • - .• NOTICE' ..Al! personiktiowitig.thetneelvesAndebtedio the tinderiigned by. 13oolcSAtecount, save eciat'by eettlint theentrie by paytiterit ;et. Note irnniediately: • • . •E. S....MASON: • • Decetbliel• 1, - . , chfln BARRELS , of Green Apples la Stnte stet fm isle GIVLI, by, , Interesteit' — ni Mineral Lands:.. . • • . . . . WII. BARNES Were tlioSozoinios, Holt:of tirliieralliiindo ind.llk.Otitio. Ilea; And will' the lii..opioloh AO to the:YAM:7R OF c. Titone onicaglOg .rorriceo will reOeiVo. All noceoary 'And rollaple information; 'lleoldence et the Bunker. trill linnet!, : , ; • dergoaoti June 3 0, , 7 INSURANCE. AGENCY. . . Kensltgton' insurance Catipassy, .Thiladedph(a. Cosh Ostttal“.: ' Farmer', UnioninsurnaceCO4 Athens,' Oath Oroit al •• -- •••• L'oo.ooo Great Western Insurance Co., Philadelphia - , - PsW ..osOltal.. . Atopirmo*. *egg Brunx6, , onsit4f4l).Laelt fneurancee.cen be . -e@ected,in the abnye.ree-: . poneible Sieele'Compeniee.brihe . Any conuntini'eatien;.,eddrOsied .Smetbport,.Pa., will meet with;pronipittenian • . . _ • .. - 13.1.'DAVIS Smethpoit, Dec. 9,15 ....•:, • _ FLOUR WHITE. 681-1 .AND TALLOW STE.4I. O.4.NPLES, WARRANTED TO STAND IN ROT WEATHER, FUR SALE:AT BRO%VIsTELL's. August 12, 1859. • • , .JEFFRE.M . DOUBLE-440'ING SUCTION & FORCE PUMP India Rubber . Ba Vithk T . . HE .SUBSCRIBER haying purchased . tlie • feels .a confidence - that 'his (Inks to tiring 'it into general use, in this eatintk, Win c h() seemi. ded by.all•wito see its. Constrdction . and Opera- At pripes To • 4meing• ,the. many advantales.sieureit by the nee of. this -Purip, the following may be :emu: . 1.. A double action , by which twice the:wi er can be raised at.the.same time. • 2.. Greet. ease in working; th'us .adopting the Force Principle to common . - •••• . transformation, in a moirrimiti'of .the ; Piimp into an elficient.PlßE mmtrir, , thus Wren diring. the loss of dwelling's, by fire, totally un- . . . • 4.. Capability of watering gardens, Lawns; oristirinkling walks, washing windows„ &c., with the . .attnost ease and. thoroughness:: 5. PoWer to raise Water With slight . laber to any reasonable' . height, nail) supplying,nhatn: . 13.• The convenience of haiqnethe Plum) fruit kitchen,lor other foome . oryourthye!linq, with out regartl to the locatioO of the Well or •Cig; . . . • . • 7. The easy TroteCtion of the instrument against Frost, - •" • ' ' 5. The ease with,whieh it merbit. mounted on wheels, or M other waYs.be . made .portable. 9. A Jim/diary which. ensitteti . ,great, durn. bility, protects it front being thrown out of.or der and makes any repairs easy and, d little, 10.. Great Cheapdems:* tot'' the,. first time bringing the cost of ..thelciraSsi.l'ump into the neighborhood of 'the..common Suction • and Chain is inaniesinittibiy -supe- Manufactured and for sale by,the subscriber, °illy, at- hitishopin Mecilinicsburg: .11fechilnicsbutg, March 18,1858. , . GRAPOWEILSCAN . CARRY ON th . eir,, business mo suCeesifullrat lipmrion!dPi OlT!frosts. Soino forty Vineyards set outithe past season. Seo . adveitieetoent' of liaironon ton Lands, ascithar .colunan.,.. • - , CA_UrrIQN; - r OST, an orebbut the Ist of 4'oooaty. 180, 1.4 a Ai'lf.eon . county order, - drityb . Payable' to N. L. Dyke, for . slf2,93,dated.pec:',3lo4-IsB. No. 1083.. All• Persona• are • •bissisti . y.. ciuttania against passing, or receiving. . . this order;is, I have received no for it.., • - DiqtE. . shirilen, Jan. 10, 1860 i MEM ECM fl? EVERY DERCRI PTIONi Eng UTED Al TOD • . I,'":' B B6 :tig•,.- - , e ,,,... I' ' Wit ~!;t. ~:4',D. e 'fjiiirtfclitt Atkeik, . t;M ~, , ,Alpk( 0 .. m - : - my . • , ~,,..t :,. ~., , stv,")- - 15491.11 11 .(0.-'44,,ii:', •:. - ,;•: , ',A!.. - , , y5::. , A.k-ii . ~.:;,: ' 4l , , .ft• "„ 7 - 4‘l) it m 4 ,, note d l)z lii''''''''rfikft fir I • 4 ' aid auttomekl!pa9 . ,o, .1% • Or" , a 1r....4 -, atileitscitW_ • ',.,:, ~-._.:,, ,- -,,?,1,:-...;''iry L COUtit ' ; DRY BOOT ; HATS. .0.11 ' isir-rr ' • , ,V.:- .=k" , ' , lt' l o . oP 4, ' • -., i And i AO* liffkkOrN 4 , tr *° . :':. ire ' ;:, ,-",;':.', '• ; ~ .,1-,`,'• ;...;.;, 4 kA , ,' ;Faun ' '? : . -, ' 671 4 . Oe , 00;1 . ,` ' L ',,Cli:,7r ,: We willnot weery , ;yetkpatienei br, ~ , ',,v toting, bUt oli liaik.Hl',"Oly Fuirelid.V6 *lie, and we doubt not.you;,:Will flail, !nionitbtliiie:i. • .4 w idease you both e . le,to tinility and ; titveuroke, Winfly Adfertiieniltdool glit*ltt#4 , hut the Trutit.will Wepr, k'aniai,irei• only `ask on eiafrAFlXtibil'h4t ',Oil, !IO*).10 . can do you gOoit.., ••::;. ".', ",' '.:‘ 7'7l'; 'T,' , '*, , 4 COME . AIIT-D . Snit. .-; ." -• • ' - •_:, = I 2, iVILOOX , ,dc 14011 TON: ,Oleo, Aptil,*lBsl4 , :' .. 1 , '''t'• 9 - .). ;.._:/..SPI E; LOT 07.TRAS, it •• wiLrox..ktArow4., ,FEROSENE au,„ EAT ;fpottittra .'"Nit , ,WiLesPZAs VP41.1 'A, he sail; t(idisl•Ta PERSONS "‘ ,where" the Hammon top Set Ile; rk*: B. F. AxicomlcEs Ppß,Lig,Tl474#ll. - fIAS REMOVE]) Ttictjii':"` A It .. '''fr, 'S ... 5T0.... 0.1fJ0L..: .. • teitr jE'L- '-..'• 'WITH 4TPOOS:O:' . , . . . . • . • . , G 1 OtEEIA SAO* ..,..,. . . • .- , . Where he effete SUCIAAtS < ,OP .eLL',..1)180,2112270Ars ..A2':.i.* . ,'04.100,. 2 :; GREENBLACK:IL , IMPERIAL TEAS OF biFfEIIEtIT GRADES ; -, ROASIIO,' Gale, iATA AND ilt:(4,111' , s ri tu i P s•Poloislfft% RICE, SOAP,- SiAZOIL, •.1 4 ,41Pijksi, itAIS/NL: 1 tl6 . 0 riVir* BILICIAG Obrisit .tatt BtACKE24, riour Pork Oratit' Butter, Lard, Eggs, WOOD AND IVILLOW WARE, BOOTS:daid..:SETOES. +Together with large' assortment of fil+kindc+ of,thiOde 'a- .9rocery , .Stere,: Which (*rola eell.for•fieedy 'Pay at , the loirederniii.eK ket+price. , - .• A, c,A.A. ' -• ' R WILIOWit;:' ':Srnethliort, June let, 1859. A I SIWETOPOII'T LAVE ` THE gtIBSCHInt.H 014 .! 1 5 1 t 1 P1," * .!.7.", ery Stable in S'meibp4rt; tit"Qtet'tesidetile,, of Dr. Wisner' , on , King .11friketVIthrifitiftd. , east of the Court Hiiitsel . ;wh'iri . the beet of Horses add, Carriages at leerlo:4ol',' He Intends ' tn.`mak : o *,r3l l P t if i ; 2 :CP l l,6. in i: residence, in& saki a, share of ,pilf?nerte. metnport, august 7.d4r, Aa 01. • 11 . Tr 111 . ..04T =ME WHITE, mitir;