M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, February 23, 1860, Image 2

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x 7,1.714,..r,.8 5 ,4,14`, 1 6Y.1 t Att.1 • Boston,
P frAwievio,„,44 l T c, F 4, New
evr.i I:,:ti „Arr , 4,-1, ,,, ri 4.04 . , . • ,
th°l9lPr4et 4 :the ,Atailt 'ma, interior
ini l ,
if 190,1nPrik04,Y)Y.41113,!tWis f rom Ga
l` or ISVAllq*oi(f4P.st,‘,4' o Qqtils , al s° '° 4
lkt 4 %. 1 , 9lNgetn.,oktt")ol,itsit , o ,,, siaita-,
Tr,VM-treC4.I.4Of4.ITPTP all.l9. 2 l,P,r o POilta le
c ay. ' 4. ter a contrast'of these two Commit
lees ..any'Fritcndeti 'common: woiqd he absortl;
' kw w' hil#, in Afir..trilirezirrilnittek ive see the
icittqftifill"Wiiiitillieciiiietip/, in '' Mr.
OW reittiNitrilifeiii'vie 'see the 'c'orrimon
• • aiWtf ' 4:411 ort , the right' than Id tie' right
OW' 1414 - 401611 y ighore . d.' 4 ' -,.'." ~ ,
'•Pit ' Ecilefirop'ef tifilit'we should 2elly,.tkat lir
aiiillY.hfgitie'rhivi,' - Crinithittee; walla vi; rptiket!'
ottellitlifilitiffillifitrhOt of the 'men,' as • we' eft-;
' tiptifildiriiiiiyietliii gentlemen in gifestion al
Iraq elhiiiitsWipiet; and billy regret that' thd.
made ", Span c'h.,; • i
litiOgiaijiated ,rtilitnielf Mazeppa4 . re.;
to ale f : alpitiliesiffisioh4( vengeance against.his
Alootanliar: 4 ;Y' T 10 4 .0014 is an `appropriate ,ones
thatinkri abate (cii:tbn'mair-who tntrodiced
lei ickanthis'aoeillion:' , lltateppa, w hen . a lad ,- was
; takitiftia'hylt nobleman power and - influ en c'es
Oilkplaeodposition; of ',ease and d en d-,
Of the opportunities '
Of CI the: I bl hid red aI i ty",:" - or his.
.`,. ,
tO t'upbri ra di s gra cern! and
irtoilarablednjorf. l:Driv,enr. forth - on ..,thO..'d
cover) , of bits infarity, , Mazetiim joined - his own
and his master's ene tales', and rallying . a band
of, gadflies 'and thieves, animated ,by the .horie
of plunder, 'P: 1 1E401:94: the ; home of. hie :old
!mid bii!ific to r :and, burned-it to the
• ". aroart i ,: would.; naturally present
c . oeoPid eY) 'th*ugh.
: darn flee; in rage.. to" appreciate
0001;4 #iid *rte - -itolroad..
. - 101i'llitivatfOiiii'0,'!ef;thli?ideiihold4 ; a : of
13th I rritant. — itibinittedrby . the Di
• ~, e!stete;efatekth,tittlii , 'ltietfre:lldngtb of the : road
.0 1 0; of .0 13 11. 08 .
mile o f track .iiage; been iaid, 149 T iles
to 4:1'4 , grading: is :compl.Otadi.
100' of latter.
lip.' re.snrei'e account for the'year 18591
• sjltiyeKtigtt',We:,tntal,:reeeinte'ot the Company
hiieb e en 1 61 0, 1 88,864, 80, `end the; expenses
18';808;9889 * teayin:g a baia l ee in the trenadry
or 51,560,802'.512:, The.cOmpony.bave assets
ford the aindrinting • to
11;94#M8 Directors . reoort that
, t,e,okeppt i mit',,ed robd in order. foi
4446fsilt4;etitire.,01stanee . i;$2,305,000. 'The
old' were ..*
tak fit ookikocAokaffahs of the Company is
CA4ivinif Vir .fpf'prabie; end it cannot be long
hio t r e 7o l lo4 t yljn,i),:..finioe4. The riditibta
• gtl,loiiik , OrAffOlk , fif. ‘PelingYlVaPhi through:
which :It.:,peseee . will from it must , be
. great; sell me..,teßeet,:aer,,,ogieion. that, a eon
::' neetiii,lB#l,ilbje'line•;•Aoni„ , , s the: Rending Road
• • *veld Olive:Alt the hjibesi , beriefit to. that. im
' PF.04 1 8.41.0 ';!4.ldf piloWe„Pf
' - Cintlm.; ; ; 4: .We,,ipotCY9o4 i er,e,,Ods 'to see some
nr7foonc.madO:terwoid commencing; the ; goo
we. treat.
firimsket:nvot4i7rit:,aPP4ro , t4t , ttio
41:XiitnAn, , ,ban not Attogothor nx•
,;0019tngt,Otii110ble*tling,pt . , tke
ertiified it for slime In, ooy
MT 'oft
-.0t4 41 ,:•`'
(n 40,17;
1 01 :1P4 14 . 4 ;.T . ?:, , " • '
most caace, eicti
the colre'et"
hang t
it,Vl5- A -7 abt;it
...Oita" `the -artjele,
,ore noto'rina4lY,
atitl3rirtow-tioulgtimen: in
I -their sympat hies a ri s ! , -e?c.
chviity.at dist Mite, arid,-
'Of human:lir:ls increased .
Cf : herribjects•on it.:.is
, ed, freim the reach of' their
' a :thOusand milea: Oft is 'an.
irity: thein;hoWeverWell
lid by l'rie Master, while
„even: Orte..ota More (leaky,.
or riday,periati with, cold or,
titeriing 7 the slightest - tench
'4ooSornsi:,or, drawing the
.charity-from: their . pockets,
~by.a.ehapter from Massa,
.philanthropy;si. the facts of wbicti we.
gather from the
Igaes,ae Imsett s, as . r, rfin ders know, is gat;
by;the philitathrOpic party—;tall it•what„
you like+froni''Governor:te %path • mas'ter.:-,-
'Thercis. not; tvecitinty, end hardly,e towit;.: that
the hands of tliese : .pinch-back phijan
lhrop.isits:..:,,There is dots school. house, elmieb,
toverni grocery, or totkii _hall. that daily and
. hourly Aloes not. resctinid with . sighs . -and , groans
fortheivardahipsendured by the .ct.poor slaves"
4i'vveY, down in ')Loulaiana,•: Alahania and Aliss
taiipp4 - :-..Erein this, farei rine Would think, who
twa's not posted . ..up thele . 4?Wth, bieedth and
. .of . cthe:; . sighs iacil , groans_ of this. kind 'of.
-philanthropy, that. itech a.thing as hardship and,
- suffering, never found a home , in, happy,'
thionic. Masoaehusetts. But let. us
„see 'how
this io: says - . it has . .been proved,
, by positive,.:unimpettehrible testimony, that the'
meat seryell:trithe prisoners 'tit the jail:incast
Cambridge, in that State; true for months rot.
• ten. and .1111,0; wi th 4'{'Oirifli; . -" - ,that whencooking
it ',gave. forth an' Odor so sofftpisive that those
Avlio pistoil-difough the kitchen were. forced: to
quicken their pace,•one 01 the:matrons testify-.
Mg: that . the moat . weia: full ...t• Worms, and .
smelt: that. she.. could not Carry:-It to
the prisoners; -It. has been proved that freinient
'l,,y.the.priaoners .would:go withriiit. food,. finding
it impossible to.eat the stuff .se't. before them;
that on ode oaeasion twenty-five of them left
the; tabiti,Withoutoatingt that one .of the men
expressed his:,willingneseo'ivork, but said that
too faint from hunger, find, that he could
not :eat the food given him; that it was a coot-.
inon'oieurrenae. • (or .the 'famished. prisoners, to
go :t6'.l/to tay . e from.' t.the
.refuse bones; rice and bread; .nreferring; to.. eat
.the offal intended for the.tiwina rather than' to
.attempt making a.megl fiord the food furnished
by the aommoniyeath,: through - ; the jailor. It
'.was also,made known by the,evidence that the
.Jirisonere in the jailguilared oeverely by reaeon
of the' ,Cold,--the 'bitilding - being insufficiently
t ed,• sp eCi ally . a t ; night.. ) ven..in, the . -hos;
nital ;the; cold ; •mi4s intense;'.: and-'-the:patients
:Nere,pbligedto ,wrap bedclothes Monett
about . to:keep from freezing.
414ktik jailer: know of these things? • Hear.
the, witnesses :says; "One' day I
atiotitsdilhe jailor.a berrel . ol bad beef; it 'was
goridietangh,itird i tolthae.fo,cook it; that day
tWetity:Av.ti Min i :Went 'Without
stated that tho' jailor or::
deiethhirii to - al - tut - op prisoners. Who cortinlained
of.theirltiod':- . ...• It '.'was • hinted to ,some' , of the
'ailliorliiiititee-ot.the.prismi that Wthey wiatied
.Iteele,th'elf, :places .1 hey mutt • t speak
:these' anilliintlatCornnlaittst ..Some discharges
Were made bee:idea' these hints were disregard,
ed. Olie . trimi,t(ttifitii,that. ke:vims ilichatged .
'fOr-tellincc"of the trettineot reeeived by a „pris-:
Mier; -aro - wee.. cell,, and then.
'thawed heir : it:tithe .fire. :Eyck, .there net
'direct testimony showing ihat . ,the..jailor must
have knowd 'of the Initriil.4ritiat 'and freeiing
cold, it is' clear that such causes. o comp sin
could not have::exisled Witheut
: 'knowledge'of .any. officer 'whit exercised even
AIM.' smallest :degree of • vigilance.: tntinthe,
evidence already given, the jailor 'of the, test
Cemhridge prison is guilty of the .grossesf,-neg
lectof duty, or of downright' and almostincreili , .. -
ble barbarity. . Nor is this marl rn
alone to:blae,'
says the Charier. • There:are men- whose 'duty
it isle:), visit regylarly:end examine thoroughly
the'contlition of nriiims'ead.Hoeses' of. Carrec-
Han. - Where. have they been? What- have
they, been doing?: Give os the iletailO of their
visits.. • How :often,-with what method Were
these made?, ,:-Who reeeitied the visitors? • Wei
it the' jailor? Dirt he 'accompany them through
:his 'domain? •:dr did :the'board :Only spend a
chatty half hourin hiS t Private rocint, .well
.troved from th'e; smell' of the cooking 'carrien;
a.ri Itiment.the:ftharil fate", of tbe , ;poor black's
Louisiana:". Veiny philanthropy . is cheap
ip tltiasachusetts,
-" , .P4iii llis
,".41ealici '';"i!.h .
Nliii 4 t; c.k.' ..i, ':An
t j is
) ,I,i ) ob l octcor(
tjfi.their I 61. , e . •
..inepbjett:ol .
oxittelf (orlie
,ti!i4:gliVthe , A4it„cl46
, ,•
ilufig - AtOkithqutav4k
Let qii)ltis trate, fltis
Loeis Napoleon: c ontinu es`osto •be a riddle to
to moat if not tos•all Of his dote . mpoyartes.
inmost certainly a man of immense -energy' of
.Character—a man of the age—of the nineteenth
ceniury rind the last half of it at' that. • •
While Europe : was resounding with the : tread
of hi's:armed legions, and . EnVand was trein s
bling'ffir her oWn•safety, fearingthat'she might
be the•.next object of his hoStility, he "was ppr
fecting.a new movement calculated to bind, the.
two nations more strongly together•than at . any
former period.. He has announced the virtual
. of the restrictive policy
: as. re.:.
garde the interchange of 'commodities' between
'England and Franfei'.• fact, as near an ay
proach 'will be. made to the principle of free
,trade as the 'financial requirements orthe two
Governments will • permit. - The French tariff
- on English "goods ivill range between El. per
cent. as a,•.iniiiimum,- and •25 Per. cent, ,as. ti .
,maximum.. oThe English duties on
: winds;
'brandies, etc.,'et,c.; are Ith ..be' Very . mech
duced: '_The change in France will: be effected
i •by treaty, and will • only , operate on. English
goods., In England it will be.by tariff, and
will thus. be general jn,its. operation. •
It is a little amusing to' find 'many •of our
Northern 'coteMporaries hailing this action. at
,Louis Napoleon as Avisse liberal,-in'Alecordance
'with oi,spidrof 00'4e, etc., Whllo at the
`fiarne,„time, and in the same issuei perhapi;
•'they iiii:stientiouslt urging a retrograde Policy
;iiii:the.tiroPer come for this country to'parsue.
Yirtnal free.trade with England, or at least,
•,a..grent relniation of the stringent bonds of the
,:iirehikititresytitem, teal' be
. followed by an
abandonment Orthe most restrictive features of
Fieneh,Oneetnereist .policy , towards Other 'cotinl:
tries, tind ,1 . 114 ,
„ look tor en' anielioratiOn in
respect in'tbe Jnatter;of tobaOco, and other
:artigleis of Ainerican.pioduction.„
, • , OaLEANs .Feb. 12. •
,•Adifigas ; (rom< Brownsville to, the„ qui wet.
been 'Tee - Mind; Co!.Ford'sent courier
M IteinizadMare• ;Armirniville r stating
!.0 1 4. - , , the..-lilexitsstaf, had fired • seviiral 'shots
through thrr, , ,4oiirypn steamer Refnc4e?i,thiqy
Et*ii:*BrOinAirille; and '..antisequently
';bred',forces. 'Col: Ford re
. tariiett_thn*re'lind CrosSed the 'river
_in pursuit:
WO ; is comidered 'nay . .•
4411.0. - .
, 1:4114
gni= county Elonocrat.
4sday, February' 23,. 1860
.. . . .
york; and 10 : Stale .51.• Bost nii'
s: M. PITTIINOIbL & CO.. are . the 'ACcents' for the
'lll?Kelut bitsidnitAT and `.the tenet inlinential :and laziest
of rculut ing NQc*etiapnre iit the United Stu te e and the' Calk
-4"3. Whey, !lke. itu.thutizetl to' enntruet fur us it,.our
The .peniocraoe State Convention,. meets. In
ReAdi Wednestky, the 29th of Fehrtiary.
,Exeureienitickets . will.be issueif oft all then it
roadsleadini to that. ,
. .
..:I)r:Vitt:EmAN, Who; withrhisfamily was in- .
jtireti ;by falling off
cteek; hiti'conorne'ticed setiit.ogain - Od TpWnship
of Keating,: to reeoei. ,Oaniages. : IVe
stand die llr. claime:ss;ooo. • .• •
Senator Brodeii'c'lt's'death`was annminceil . : in
the:Serate s tintl•Housa, (strt , Illonday_ . lait, in fit
ting.terMs of , eulogy.. A number of speechei
miere.ilelivered on the. occasion by men or all
parties, and the usual resolutions were culopte!..l.
The. Maryland • Legislature, by . nearly
. a
unanimous vote has . withdrawn the annual apL
proprintion of .V.:i00.0 . heretolbre paid bythat
State to the Colonization Boaie.ty. Abolition
ism has caused this reaction:against the poor
Hon. A. H. ateeder. haS written a lettr in
which . hr! einresseS.the'yeish tha t ,the• Republi
can party Win 'not nominate .hirn for Governor.
Ile.lriyes that party—he 'admires all its rfanati
eisra.anli. hut he, snot willing to. become
a martyr for-it at piesni.' ... • •
, IVOO • instantly ' killed at that place, on
IGth inst., by a log rolling .over.
tie was caught between a. stump , and. the
descending 10,, and: his', - bay nearly severed:
Anether man,,who was af•work. with him, es
caped injury bY falling in, a hollOW, allowing
the log pass . . harmlessly • over him. De
ceased was was:about 23.yedrs of age, wiper
ried,Sandlormerly resided-atJer.scy.ShoreTa..
Mrs.Smrrn,..rnot her of Aaron Smith; of Lib
erty Township, had one of Iter feet frozen
badly, a-short'tlme since, that mortification en
sued and amputation of the foot' became 'heees
'sary;. The Operation we's performed on . Wed
nesday, of:last week, by Dr. Wis,sr.n,.assisted
by Pr.. i),..nrarioi Of this Borough, Mrs. §rnith
is eighty=three•years of age and,has beeri for
many'years a resident 'of that Township. At'
laStaecounts she was doing well. . •
The Elk*Adndeuie ) it seems . frinwits preient
issusc.ii : "all right''. with one of the . .SaloOn
le - e - pers,:having undoubtedly'' followed our sug
.We '.had no intention of Wounding : the
feelings - of our seitsative - friend. with ; the ,good
humored remarks - rnade last week - ; nor do we
intend to 'meddle with his busineis.. From - the
- fact that .the editer in his attach on the Salooni
based the 'cause of 'complaint on`own per
sonal grievances; .thus, bringing his private af
fairs, befoie the, public, sse thOught •it a fair
*shhject of gaysa.' •
:.‘,.P.ursu,ant :to
.Odjotinm:ent, .the • Democratic
:Club 'met at the Court House,•on Thin-Way
e'vening".the" 9th'. when. Vic-President
Colisvix~ called the,meeting,to ' •
On iriotiorOlie.Con.stitutfon was read to the
meeting, by. the Seeratayy..; E. IL giamEn, ad
dressed•the Club on•the righteOl-the , iieople. of
a Territory. • -..1.
On motion; tbe s Club. adjourned to meat on
Tuesday .eyening, March. Ist, .at the Conk
house.'. • . • G. CORWIN, .?rest.'
.A: B. AnstsTitia,m, Sec'y.
. . .
• Hicinsa . LAW ~15 i toctaiirriss.L—Yesterday.
morning, as we Were, wending our way to the
office, we found the side,walk,..opposite, •Da vis
anclDow's Shop, obstructed by•alerowd of our.
citizens.' On reaching the silk' we learned that
a fight-had . just 'taken place: the `combatants :
were still there, their faces cevered,with blood
flowing from ngly looking ...contusions .upon
.their • interestincauutenanees. One of, the
cOmbdtants seemed, to have:suffered severe in-.
juries which will .prohably cause him to keep
:quiet for a, short . •
On Monday night last another fight came
which Young America figured. During
a sleigh -ride a difficulty . arose between two of
the payfy . which could , onlyibe settled by the
shedding of blood; consequently they alighted
from tbe sleigh and'ispitehed in." . How long
they, fought, or hoW well, we, are unable. to
says but we understand one of.-the parties lies
'retired to the country. . • • •
IS TILE RESULT.-Abolitionism has
been agitating the`country for mo r e than
thirty years, :and it has not made' one
• negro .
free, •unless it has stolen him and run him into
Canada; it has ; not 'made one foot of soil free
that would:not have been free . otherwise; and
slave'proPerty. to day is more valuable. than it
has ever been before. • But for abolitionism;
many negrties would have beeii • made free who
are-still .in servitudec , 'several of the slave
States: would hive 'adopted 'plans of gradual
manumission; and slave
,property would' have
been less valuable than it now is.'
ism, has accOnolished no 'good, but a • worlcl of
mischief. • It his made it necessary that great
er discipline should beexercised in the:govern.
anent of the slaves; it has 'caused the,frea ne:
groes to tie e?tpelfed • from some of the - south
ern States, and it 'Will cause them to beexPel
lidfrOm all the others, and it has. produced a
state of feeling between the South end the
Nottlt 'which, if it shall not be abated, • will
cause the dismembirment of the Union.
D; W. C. L 1 .5163, of theyarren Lolger, has
received '!ha urpOintriterit..of
Mr.: Porney, , asea rewitriifor for, tt'eachery.fo
the. Democratic pa Hy tAliffs been:6a id? ilia
•M r .j ar n e i:intas an. nnsucliessf4i. Or .
Office. tinder the . Administrati6o; harice his
Otir'reader&will 'learn; by an article copied'
from Ilpdges? journ4l, that.;old John 'Mortis
'has been, arrested aird4s..now in Jailai Provi
deuce; ewaiting.liis trial for
.. ,variousSneisde .
neanora... • 4' he.:sitiien" or. lw . 4eloi• cptinty
haveigeed cause tir,rertiernlier old MorriS, from
his connection the.MiF.eatreonnty,flank;
earnestly, suggest that the othior:of the'
hiiyaluable het.i;lifes Can be spared
from•rfhe State Canitol-re•pair to ProvideOce
anit assist end console his old,' friend; in his ex-'
The.kcit ineeting.otthe.Oemoctatic Club
will li; held at, the Court jlouse:On'.Thuisdy.
evening of next :week: ••' 'SpeakersKill be' In'
s WAsurici; : ii*G . Fo'. 1.1, 1860
Mn. EDITOR: The contest between: the Binelt'
blepurlican leacieri,'.about the canaidateofthe
'Chicago Convention, is rasidming eincle•iinpoi
tance, It is really growing into.a.flerce afros .
gle:between the *advocates of the : - purely irre.
presithle. conflict,
.aseharripionied . by: Mr.
.Seward, and the More.rno.derate spOilstnen, who
•not:diivote•theaselves . to Principle,. at . the ,
expense success 'The hoPes cif •these latter,
seem 'to be pentred:on:Mr. Bates, of Missouri.
His immediate, friends .are .nhiv:inalting:What
they .consider.aii iiresi:4table effort to
cast areund,lim the: united influence of , E Ol
Oppositien.elem ems . opposed to . .I‘fr..§6wr.tl,'
and those' extreme principles NV iiich he, .more
than any other'nian,'has nursed Into
.and 'prevalent .pOlitic . al life, The.-Ne's:v Yorh
and'probably Mr. geward',s
ablest and , most trusted - cirgan, has . :;throWn
'savage •indignatiOn' at the movement into
leader,. Which 'must have started the' : busy or-
Miesof its champidn. As a 'reflection upon-the
SeWard, this editorial is not Of .
sirialleonsequence.: This . powerful. journal
clareS, that . itoitut all whom it controls; "hal
iti .. .plorptq," if the . intention be to trample un".
ders.foot the broafl .irr.epressilde 'Principles of
Seward,. at -Chicago, order. that. anunrepre-,
sentativo .cexpediency"•,.eantli date may be
raised -up; upon ii'iOrnpromise-platform,cif mere
.words; which will not represent. the 'Abolition
views or. the "nine-tenths",. ofthe
:11 ;
.. friends and enemiesof the Neiii; York
Senator are at svrordsipoints on the election of
Printer'to the . Housei nor is eithet side•anina.:
ted .with,benevolent desire to make disabling
•thruiti. •
GlO.stirenner, the GemoCratic nominee,
on both ballots !yesterday ran 'within. one vote
of the inimber: cait.'fOr M •Defrees. Mr.
Stalworth, the sick Member; who has riot yet
.beer in his seat, is CxPected to-day, as also is
Mr% Kunkle of Maryland.: By-.their. aid Mr.
Glosbrenuer .night. be elected to-dai: Borne
enthusiasts' are very • Confident* that he wiII
Mr. PenninitOn announced thalCOmmitteee
on Tuesday. You willsee-how tha•sanse and
honesty of the country haa b'sen . outraged, in:
the 'constitution of soirie.Of Tor instance'
Chairman Of : the
Judiciary Committee; and even Baskin .has, mit
been unnoticed in assigning this Most important
chairmanship.:.lt is.i . yer'y'slirevyrnY susPected.
that the Speaker. has not 'as effectually,
care of the “proteciiye,itaptps,Liut,Me"..E. Joy
kinris pratuntled ttr-believe he mold. •
more fully of the late Demo
cratic candus whenmorkis knOwn of It. The
debate was not stormy and violent, as, hae been.
represented,. but quiet and conciliatory: • The
reeolutions of Mr. BroWn,favoridg “protection
in •
,the territories ," found . ! ono advocates."—
Those of Mr. Davis Seemed•to tally mere •geri,.
erally .with,the'opitions of 'seoators.i Howr
ever, they were all agreed that wheneyer a
case should arise,- under the practical operation
. any,. setfof principleF, theSupreine Court
'wduld become the final arbiter. Judge . Deug
les.and his:opponents close in cordial agreement
on that point. . 'All the'resolutian.s Orithe .sub
sect were referred to a Committee of•five to be
harmonized, if po'ssible, • 0f,.. Which Mr.. Green
was the mover and will be. the Chair Men: •
Yours. &c.,
POST;CIFFICE AP . PROPIthtTON.---AillleXed are
the provisions of the post-office
billaiit finally passed. Congress and was. ap
prOVed.by the President:
. •
• It appropriates $11200,000' for . suliplying the
deficiency in the revenues and defraying the ek
penses of -the department for the year'ending
with", June last, and toward the support of the
,department for the fiscal year ending Juneiext,
s.l,ooo,oooCand the further sum of $2,400,000
in' payment of.the salariei Of officers and clerks,
and' for ihe transportatiOn of the •inaile, -wrap
ping "Paper, bags, Stamps, &c t • . • .
.• •
Interest, at the rate of six per cent. per an
num—to commence sixty days after , the expi
ration of the quarte.r.in,wkiich the service was
rendered, • but in ho case prior to, the first of
May, .180, 4. the present-date—shall be paid
on all sums' found' due • to ithe contractors, for
carrying the mail,, the latereit to be paid only
to the contractors thoinselves, in: full -for all
damages by reason of the failure or delay in the
payment.. No interest is allowed on the pay
ments for'the last quartet ending with Decem
bey: A:surri foF that purpose is aPpropriated.•
1:156.--Trof. Loverirlg, of 13osion,111 one ()Nils
"late •aitrohornicar lectures before • the DoWell
Institute r said the great comet of 15150,• Which
,caused theithdietion of Charles V. of Spain, is
confidently eipectod to re-appear during the
present re'tir, and French astronomers are even
now on' the loon out 'for it. If no • error has
been inadeln the revised 'calculations, it:will
probably be seen from this
.planet durin g the
fall of 1860.
„ .
A mast ettrocines entrap:ft was committed at
the'Alleii House; in this •.v.illage, .On • the night
Of :Wednesday last. The recta,. as Afeaily
We have learned ACM . ? are these. who
•remes at-Olean ' in: is ta e arrive ere on
'AVedneatlaY . evening . last,- the:Little.
stage, on her.-WaY to Franklin Pa., Whero.her.
'friends reside,, and stopped.at the . . Allen-Rouse
over.night.: ..Aliont two o'clock in the morning,
ono Henry %Keen's; went.. to her' room 'and at
templet • elven ranee but
. in t e dOor• hack
:6(li he;etieeted an entrance' . throtigh
tor.overthe door, seized her;:and• violated her
perSOn by force:..;
. .She
. ade ~an outcry,- bet
from the situationof - the 'room, was ainable . to
a non's° . .the 'occupants of.the'bouse.-L-:
.IMtriediately upon the perpetration 'of - the; but
,rage ,liy.kcene, and the enening:ot :the'doOr by
tAve other e ieoundrels;..44kerP: Biitlrr
Brisjol, 'eritere!.l4.he room; rem-
Sented:t heinS , lves as. police officers,'. told her to
'stop her noise, and that they .4ourtl protect
'her, - anal if she would accerripeny...therri to.the
housOol-one of: them,- . she Could sleep with his
sister and be perfectly .safe; that the house” io
Which She then Was,..vras'notsafe. • . Upon.this .
and like-representatiOn.s,. they preVailed upon
her to accompany them'out.into' the streets.—
On.a pretence of wanting , kome'article : in dims.
Mitler's store - , got, her. Into the store,. bolted
the door, by force,' and with-the assistance of
one ,li'idierq:Law;.again virdated.her persoM.•
There '. - are further :details, WhicW vrent.'.of
space prevents to.ahow.the perpetration of the'
most hellish outrage which . has:everfbeen -en 7
acted in our peaceful and - law .abiding . 'village.
The offenders are all Under arrest; n'nc~.will be
brought. np for ,examination. before •Writ:',-
'Fenton, Esq.,.to-rporrow, te.be.dealt . with as
law and • justice require. The•, : examination ,
-alone can' disclose hoW the.v . illaini . .ellected nn
entrance into-the house, as it. was ail securely
fastened - when the - proprietors 'retired. for the
'night, and none of them belong in or about the
piemiSes,. Intense. excite prevails our Vil
lage, and -many 'talk "of Lynch Lpsv. --.The la
dy's father arrived
.this morning from Frank-.
lint- 7 Cha . trtatOpia: pemoc'rat.
. .
'SITAKEIS. struggle-, is over:.,
The vii•forehave rejoiced, and the variquished
arise fp‘on the - (hist - :of 'the conflict. 'Thought='
less. people, .congratplate ..eaCh. 'other....that :the
road to the treasury is at last clear, and:publie
appropriations - , Will resiirne.their wonted ctn.-
rent. trtie this , fi.t 1, legislative
is over, but it ha's left the'system weaker, - and .
Subject Ye a recurrenee.of theeisease.' Wheel) . -
'er radical Cure can bre effected will depend as
mach . . upon
. the patient . as upon the political
p h ysician entrusted with its case.
There, is c'ettainly this philos9phy to ,be de
duced from the-late conflict: the Helper dim
trine,, though . ..douhtless endorsed .by the Ste
•venS'.and Colfrixe. of the. House, has :been
virtually., repudiated in' the - withdrawal r o f
Sher Man and - the election , .of one who has,ne-
Ino . Wledged the donsi it utional it y of the fugitive
.ilaire law. pip people.areMot yet•preparedito
hear their , representative's •avow a .willingness
to•dernive one-half Of the Union of its property
upon the pretense of improving its morals—still
less to'. the productions loci . commerce upon
which both sections subSist; and leait,of all- to
degrade four millions of .ncgio slaves Into as
many free, negroes, and 'set' them Wandering,
like black gipsies, over the. free. States of.
the UniOn. - sherman.the-patren.of this:
policy,.has been withdrewn,.- and : a: 'gentleman
:trot obrimao.us to...this 'abominable dee:
trine; has - received:the honor, intended for him.
We' may. hope to educe..another moral, frpm .
the' contest. The doctrioe of conservative
position, have .been compelled, upon seveial
casions to come together, to resist the common
.enetny.: Politicians have• been taught by the
present temper of the people tharb,ut one party
threatens thellnion with danger, and. that, all:
minor differenceslmust be adjourned: until .that
shall have been overthrown.' We are conviticed
that in the harmonipus'and . tolerant.uniOn'of all
conservative elemepts,•North. and Spill, upon
the basis of berimeratie principlep;Consists the
sole hope. of preserving the o beit , government
vouchsafed - to_ imtp,,,H,4,,the two -months'
flictin,the A-Lata*.idiairVcive.demoastfated this
• fact an'tiVspose . d" statesman to acknowledge
end Opep)ln it; the-quarrel will have.beari more
fil#4sed. that 'years of tialmony.—Washingron
States 'Union. • .
Arrest, The Bauk Shyster
. .
. . A:notorious-eharecter universally known . . as
Long Taut Morris, was '-arres,ted at the .We's
tern Hate], irilhe city'of New York, and ta
ken to: Provide ce, R. 1., and: is.there locked
pp in prison,
q aiting trial On' varipus charges;
one,:a"..Chargegi'.D. W. 'Vaughn, broker, for
forfeiture.of•bai bond, obtained of the , avari
•Colis'and, penny vis e Vaughn; by . the old -Stale
confidence game when it was notorious 'to ev...
ery decently inte igent broker or banker;.who
'reads our Journ al:' nd works, or even any res. :
pectable -newspap o er in Rhode- Island, or, ,any
pther part of the 13,nited States_or Canada, that
the name of Lo7ii Yolqz..111oi):4 has beep . pub
lished" ten thOuseitil ,, tinnes.' . Where is there
one reading oibelieyin "man who d6esnot re
Member.lohn.,Metrill i connection.' with the
very fatal trio ofl:orik_•failures in Rhode. Island,
in which he was inter e s ted in,1857-8, resulting
in total loss to the bill'hOlgs, and all concern
ed, save the professional tai,,Ored and fortunate .
few :whose . names are rnentiOned, 7 and• some
Whose names and'connections with these failed
RhOde Island Banks, we Dye not.'yet prepared
to. publish in the . 'right ehapp:,,arid forrn.as it
might interrupt •the'coiribinaticirisikn . d arrange;.
mews of. More . of Abair, other:, scherries in em
bryp, that some parties. are up,, which
will 'be eiposed 'as soon as they become in din : .
ger of .cheating Mir subscribers and 'the public'
.out Of-their : Bard earned property or gains ; fronv
honest industry or honorable traffie. . • .
'lt will be remembered' by our subscribers•
that the Farangr'S Bank Of Wiekford,Tiverton
'Batik, Tiverton; Rhode Island teatral Bank; .
Warwick disastrously,
anti that, not a Cent has ever been realizad •by
the holders : UT the bills. - This long John:Mor
ris vva . s the principal'Owner of the above con,'
corns . , and it is now to be hoped that th e
thorities and courts of Rhode Island will rnete
out jmnislinnent in. Toll measure to.thls prince'bf
Shysters, which will serve as a' Warning' tO,:all
future, illegitimate' Batikers..—Hrufg'is'
of Finance..
. .
. Cabinet Shop in' Mechanicsburg..
A.WOLTERS 'respeetfallk announces to
. the public that,' notwithstintling thesi
hard times', he is rtianufacturing anti keeps con 4
r stantly on haul, all kinds. of furnitureotuct(as
'- - DINING. , AND . , • .
CHAIRS . of "kinds and styles, Caps and
Comon,.-Rea4y-Maite 'Coffins, &c., of flys
very best material and manufacture. • •
Snieffiport, Feb. 25,1814 ' 1-tf,
8 0 F.l S
, , • • •
AS..r o.lt- HOUSE' t .
A.: • : •- • • roprie. r .
Eggle'aie tp;:ettincione''e to.:thel traveling
_peanut- molly miff the pOlic . geiiiitily;that be
-has' purchaeed thtrahoVknamed hotel, fOrMerly ,
cldcupied'hy, James Milfeq'arntrelitted it in
style suited-to the'tirneitalitl'iventsof, the-pub: .
be,supplieit with thcrbest the mar"
ketjand the surrounding country can afford.
‘vill be supplied with the . *cheicest..,vvines,and
rims ST:.-113L1:1$.' . • • •
Will lie in the `
.care of
,aftenti've hoetlers,•te
sponsiblelortheir conduct :to their employer'
who will' give the entire establishmeht hitiper
sohal 'supervision.. • •
In short every. departnient- of establish : .
merit-Witl be supplied with all the • 11.
the.weary traveler:can desire. • • • • , -
In the hope.tharhe will beable to make his
during their visit at his house;' he respectfully
solicits a share of puhlic ru s itro4r,ige . ..
Smethport, Jan.
ago 10. Courtland St a '„Neiw 'York.
Directly opposiie, thd iremern 14tel.
(Organized in -1846, tinder the.Gentril
fdctdring Ldw of ttioStßte of Ne*Yorle.)
VlTers at.whOlesale, inquantitieslio suit pur
chaseis,:at Manufacturer's loweat.prices;
Cash or approved credit:. • °
Paper Hangings; of overy ypriety of styleaod
llorifers to "match;: Fire-Board Prints. •
. . .
.„ , .
'.Transparent Window Shades.: . *
... ... ; .
Oil .Painted Window Shades.„ ~,
.-.....- -.
Wide. Window Curtain Papers,, and; WindoW
Shade; ixtures,.• .• . •••• •' ' .:-,.........• . .
Sore Shades Tidal) order and lettered,..
Of, the latest', style's and snperioi,finishi of
theii oWn manufacture. and •in`portatjun. As
their stock is large and'entirely naw,. they in
vite. Merchants, 'BOokaelleri,
,ank - Dealers. in
these articles, to call anderiatrijne.'.l.heir styles
and prices, whenever they visit, the city.
ALIIPERSONS'are'herebY cantioned against
harboring of trusting. my sbin SAMUEL G.,
on my account;. as
. I pay ,no debts of his
crintractinn, and will '
not be ; respopsible for.
his acts, atter this date. ': • '
Keating January 23,•1860..
• Enos Parson — • ' .In the. COmmon
vs . • Pleati •M'Aean
Calvin,T: Channberlain, • County,' No: 57,
and Collins 4 . . ,•• Fehy.. Term 1859.
Brevc dt pizrationt facietula: •
.is herebygiven to the above partlea,
that . by virtue of,llie above mentioned writ of
rirtition an'inqlest.will be held and taken.upon
the prethisesPieieiddescribed on.the . 23i1 'day
of February,...A..o,; 1860, at ten o'clock in the
forenoOn; for-the PUrpose Of making' partition.
at valusitipdandtappriiement' of the said real
estate,tiaXn writ..reAtiired;;at which
'time arid place the said Parties can, attend, if
Sheriff.Of M'Kean county.
NOTICE is 'hereby, givem that E,. Gal*,
• guardian Of the Minor heirs of James E.
Wiiisor;qeccased; has filed,in•my office his last
ancllinalaccount as said Guardian, .and .that
will present tha.sanie for confirmation at the
next' stated. OrPhans' be . . )lell.l. at'
Smethport, D.,4860.
• , • Clerk of. the'Orphaine Cotirt. Jan..2G; 18G0;. •
• ".. '
IVOTICE"is hereby given that S. A. Backus,.
ill Administrator .in the Estate of Michael
.Broder, deceased; ha's filed in My, office his last,
and final accodrit as Administrator in said • Es 7
tatel , and present
,the.; same for'confittpa
tion t meitt.stated Orphana' Court, to be
held at SmethPort; Feby. 27,'A. D., 1860.
• • : • . • • C.Ic.,,SARTWELL: •.•
'Clerk of the Orphan's'. Court..
Jad. 26,1,860. ; . • . . • -
Acliriinistratipn • N,ot,i<;e
LEITER§9( Aminiatratioa on the estate of
. Joica Fonaa, late of M'Kein. county, di
leaied, having been granted to the itubscribers;
rotice is, hereby given to all persons indebted
tc . Said estate in
to Make imediate payment, and.
those.havidg claims:against' it' present
ihetn, duly authenticated. for settlement.
I • • . • 'ildininiiitittori? .
.f..l.lred,.Depember 26, 1859. ; . 138.61,v1
. . .
THE Subscriber having purchased: this well,
known stlind;tind're-furnished and re-fit
ted the prepared - to entertain Beard
. era and the-Traveling-Puhlic.. •
•. 'Will beNVell supplied, and` everything done
to merit a ;liberal share of Patronage. Raft
men 'will always•find thir..cclatcti-string" out.
Kendal Creak, January 2, jB6O. 38-1 y
Applicants for License. February Term
. • 1860.
•:•• 1.14
v 3 named PersiiiesA .ive ed my : office,
their 11)00T670•Ppt.itionli for a-TayenaLicense: Sc..
cording to law:' 'r.'
Thomas Goed
• P: M. Fancy
...:3184ford, Tavern.
- Jefferson Hicks.• • 41PPen,
Horace Stiles:: . ..... ..Shippen, 'Tavern.
• ,Chistian -Sparigler:'::.'ll,.. Shier GrdcerY,
E• r 11 white. • pp , '
• ilenry Ifenea.,« 4_•••' , •••;•.; .. flihippen . ,,Tavern:„ ••
• Le Grand .
'S ICTibbite . • ......»......Bradford," Tavern.
philander Stevens •. ..Norwich, Tavern. • '
lifteitirnony Whereorl 'have hetenntOaet'tey •
hand and the seal - of eald Court• this second Say
WIRII.P . of 13, 0. 111T0,. Prerlor.
•' ;";; O.' , .SCuLt; Lep: .Proth'y.
LL PERSONS knovv,in , r themselves indebt
ed to tbC : undersigned, on book aCcoant;
will'eave cost by settling the same, by psi
ment or'note',lmmediately. . •
Smelhport, January 30, 1860.,
50 DVOIIELS of Dried Applia dome and "tam ! , Y:f
D. witiont' . •