. . ... , , . . , . ... . . . . . . . , . , ... .. . " ..... .• . . t. .... . . • .' t .. . . t . t . ."' . . . ..t. , , s .., . . .. . . . . . • . .... tountn Mentotrat, . , . . . Ptrurasap • EVERYTgURSDAY MORNING, By .T...E. : 0V1ATT,.. SMRTHPORT • M'REAN dOUNTY PA: $.'E: con Nat oritrimic SQUARE TERNS: • it 50 in , Asvanoe • . • • Rates of Advertising. I Coltimn one year':... :....... -•,, . .... • 1 • ' ex. utonthni........ •-• • ne aqqare of 12 lirielor leas, 3 iniellioiiso )1"h y u bedquent ntmbreiVlrOs; Rule or. Llgitie.woriiill 'be double the ebeve:. rates: Twelve lines Bresier:type i ;or eight flees. nonpareil, p 7. T hese Terns will.bo etrlctly,edhert4 Eitt4ooo....•,l,ll;iiiittOtv • Surieyofi. trieftemin ..ecie - eyareer: , n 1 Rea: rstr.te' .Agent. Smethport, W.genn.county.P:;, . . . . . .. .. .-:', '.B . F..WILIGHI', .. ':' • • - 'Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fareil. .Grocerie.„ Par' , Floari- Salt, • Feed, Boots and•Shaes,, ke.., &c. ' :Aare • Iwthe Astor now 'Doak,' Einaitliport Pa. • • .-: • . . A. TAYLOR, . Dealer in. Dry G o o de , Groceries, Pork, 81oer. 9 , 1 t, 114 Ready -Made Olotking,.Bootio ani..Bhoes. • Sninthnort. • WILLIAM WILBIN, Practical AP•idge-bullder, 2 1 :c - Port Allegheny—BPKean county' Pa: . : L-BROWN, 1311.10TglIV.N. CIONVEYA . NCER and !ter :Istate.Agent;, 01110,1V1111e!nevIlle Elk Penn' • • Chapin & Hon Thomas fltrutherm, W. - B'. Itroniell,.:En., Eon: A. 1..W8c0.i. Stnetlt , orty Pa Buena Vinta..P,, . . • • • '1 • • CLEVER • HOUSE, ~,. •. . -.- . , • JOHN iI.:AULL Proprietor, dorner.of ,Vireter add Ilio'cor, Streeta, Warrep, OE General Stage Office.. . , J..O.BACKUS & co General Declare te Dr). Geode, ,Groserieei .Crockory • r'sedy-MadsOlothitur; Boots tind Shnen, Rate ane C.•ps .'&e:~ opposite the Court House, Southport PA. FOXIEd HOUSE, . Nennthise the .-Publio Notre; Olean, H. Y. J.tmes .M. Mita.an. Proprietor. The Yobee Howie le - entirely new and built of brick; and talfurniaheli in modern mark. The proprietor (lettere Memel( that hie itecommods., •tiontrare not esurpanned.by any hotel in Western N•yr -York.. Carriages, nto ands.:tom the New,Yerk and . . . . . . . . -. • - • • BYRON .1. HAMLIN, .. : ArrontraY 'Ai LAW; 8M . thport, . *Kean :County. Pa,. Agent foT • Messrs. Keatin r' Or. Mrs. Lands, . Attends especially to the Collection of. Claims; Examination o !Arid Titles.' Payment of Taxes. and all !wiliness rela ting to, rtest'Estate. ' Olfiee in Hamlla Bloc k. . . . . ~. , .. GREEN'S HOTEL . D.. A. Wstamt, P ro prietor,—st litmus, *siren county , . PA: Ills Table Will be supplied with the t the .' country sithmlsi and he spare no pains acOesodetisg E. BOIIO,IITON ..ELDRED, . . . At•orney, and Conniellor • at:l4w.; Elniethpert...M , Ki.n . ' County , - Pa: ilUlel39llll'entrdetetito.'hip!caie for the ' coot:Mete of M'Kean, Potter and Elk .eill be promptly ~ 'attended to Office in the oourt,liotteei e..cond 'floor; DR. L. E. FisNER, . . . . . rhysicisn and Burgeon ,Brniithpnrti Pa, r*.ill •It• -end :to all prormional calls with . promptnew ; 'Waco In :re.- .. r - .ll . lllnek, *econd.rloot..... .-: .'. . . . , N. 8. BUTLER & CO , . . . Wbolexile and'Retal , Dealera In Staple and, Vanri. D:y .. 00:1,6 Caipeting , Ready Made blaDtine: and Recent' . ". Fitrolitilng Goad& Doobt and Roca. W 'lt rini.Window P tpari Looking qlatiaea &c. At 01e..n,.N. Y. mrtnirr HOU E Dl.Meant) D tne—oppoitte the Court H01m... A. n • intrtioun ,ntwell furnislro JOHN q. BACKUS, Attorney and Cotinaelierwt Law; Stnetb port Co Pa,' Will attend to all bnaineas.in profeeelon in the counties of M , lCean;P: tter.and Elk . .. O ffi ce ever 0, S. Sartwell Itrothern , Store.. —' • • . HACKNEY HOURE, . . . . . Corner 9fSeonni and Liberty •itriiiii . F,. IN •ri. . PS.. P. A.. DARBolii Proprietor. TrminsAr• • , q1 find goucrac-. coomodationicand remoottblr; aharkeg r ., : _ . E. B. MASON, . , . . Dealer in &Oven,' Thi'Wnre, Jaop!tned 'W-re, 40., 6'A , t , side or. the Publics- Ben,fre. Smethno.A. Pe . ; . . th , 406% wit* dOnolo Order, on the ehnr!..it .otlee . .lnd In Vie .' - .most enbetantlal manner:. • . .. - . " . . W. O. BROWNELL, Dealer in Dry goods, groceries, Dreckerv; hardware DoOte, Shoes,.liats, Claps. Cilas.. : Naha, Ohs. 'it e l he East' side of the. Public Sqoare. Fhtrfthport, Ph.. A . .1; OTTO, Dealer in Proriaionprand.Pamily Groceriengeneratly. at Farmers . .Valley,.sl , Keen 00... Pa, Grain, Lnmber.- Rilinglee, ko., taken in'exeb.ak;e for. Goad'. .Patent LARABEET HOTEL'; . R. LABIUM. Proprietar,—.l.lleitheny , Drid..n. 111 , 1cean Co , Pa. TM, bootee.% eitto.ted Abort nine luilem from • Smethport •on the , road "toOlean..rnd v.ill'ke ((fund a convenient s t opping-place - .. • - - • . EMPORIUM HOUSE, . , 2hlppen, 1'4 , 1104n:0o.; P.. IC L DYKE.. Propria'oi '.A - commodious and" well-turaished - house.: Stranger,' and taaveleramill (tad %ood necinniodations. • . FARMERS' !ALLEY HOTEL, By T. GoonynN. . This hintse itaitnated about five mil e -'• (rent Smethport On the road to WWI. Meeker, parties • and °the:a can be aocoennodated on the shortest 'otter ELDRED HALFWAT HONE, • - . Nil'Rile .DINNIS, Propetetor• . Mk bowie 10 alb:sited bar: .way between Smathport mid Oleep.. 'Tf . you want a good dinnet ebbs to the place to atop. , ... . . LUl . ll.UaaiA . . Propidetai• of the Grist .at . Mechaniesburg. 76. 'Kean Connti Pa. 'Meal, and Feed, constant!. unliapd and for sale. in large and small quantities; RAILROAD ROM. . 0. Oalaattatut, Proprietor; 2 . Norwich; ' • .Ps Good. accommodattope '.cag -be bad there at 11.1 POET ALLEGANY HOUSE, . . . . /MOOR II: DoLurr;' ProOiletor, 'it Furl :Allegany, Me ' Bono County Pa. This Rotel Insituati.d ot the Jona% tloo of the , B6lethport ' and Allegany Rivet iOnds, nine • • miles east of Smottlpott. •• • • . . ' .' , AST.OR . ::ROuS.E; SMETHPOBT, IiriCEME C 0.,. Pai. HASKEriL • : : PitprietOr. . . 'The Prohrletni-.hieing recently tiorehased end ttior onghli refitted:the. Astor Ilouse, Batters hhnselt that he ian farnlshAs geod . seaonintodations as any betel In Wert ern Eennsylvsola. . " • • • WANTED• 4• . • • SO•TONSQLD CAST-IRON in exchange for work; at the • , BaINTIIPORT FURNAOIO.'• Tallbeet po . rewl,o town St, #ll7 . , ASTOIt . IIO,I3SE STORE UNITED STATES MAILS. . • .POST OPFIOE DF.PAETME . NT,, ' • • WAsuitioins; Dec'. .10;1859. lc • PROPOSALS will .he received .at thp,con. .1 tract ()Mee of thisDepiri merit untit 3 . p.m. of Saturday, March . 31, 1860; for c onveying the 'mails of the.Uoited States for four, years, corn •rnencing - July • 1; 1860; soll'• ending sjiine .50, 1564, in 'the State - of ,PENNr3YLVA NIA; be the routes and by the schedUle of departures and arrivals herein specified. • Decisions announced by April 94;• 1860. 2108 From Ridgway, by Wllliarn(villo ant) . Clemoolville: to Smi . thirkitl,.:.`9 miles and - buck, twice s Iceek. . Leavo'Bid;,,ew,ay.Tuestlay and Satuidarat a. in, • Arrive at bailietiort by 7 p:Zl 4 ..„_, ' ..• ' . • LeaveSmithpoq Monday and Fray psi 6A. . Ar,lve at Elqizapyby 7 0, m. • Proposal, le, three tiIIICAA weeleservice are invited 2709 From Smithport, be.Larayet,e, Eden, and KiIIAAP,. to Warren, 43 miles and nark, once Week, • .• • Leave Smith port TuestleY at 6 a to; ' .• Wrrive,at Warren next day 11 in: , • :Leavl Waged Wednesday a: 2 p al . • Arrive et Sthitlipott next day at 0 um, 2710 From Saiithport, by Partner's •Valley ,Sartweii..',At '•'. • • leglisny Bridge, and Portville, N. to Olean ; 26 . , milea and back, six thus', a Week. • • . . Leave t dal ly,exce iSandey. e 9 a en; " Arrlie at Olean by 6 p ni; . :.. •• : • ...Lewis CPean daily, except Sunday, al 6.a or • • Arrive at Stitithport by 3.p.m. .•, . • • • ' 2711 From Kinzua, by Corydon. Onavilte, Priendte•Fer-. •.. • rY, and Tetic3l , le, Spring. to Easr . 'tandolph 21, • • 101100 and back; once+, week • • • Leave Kinzua hider at 8 a m;.. . ' • • .Arrive at halt IlaM,ol di by 6 p , . • . Leave East Randolph haturdw at.B •'• ' 2 ---Arriye at Klima by 6p m. : • . ' 2712' From Eden to Bradford: 10 Mites and back. once a • Leave Eden Tuesday at 8a mi : -Arrive at . lirrtherd by 11 a II • . Leave' ,ad ro Tuesday et , • . • Arriveyt kdem by 3 - p in. 2713 Ft orallt.triford. by Kendall Creek an , Limeatane. to , Tuna, 1,3 !Mice an.' back. three times a week. . • Leave Bradford Monday, Wednesday . add Friday'at - . 8 Arrive at Tuna by 12 m;• •. : • Lamive Tuna Monday:Wednesday 'and Friday,. on ar. rival or railroad mails. sayat 2 p rui ' • ArriVe at Bradford by 5o m. ; • • • • . Prdposabi ore invited for ilz..tirties4.week 'service. • 2713 From Owvie , sport. by Eulalir..Roulette. Burtville, • 22ort Allegany:and Llbit'Ay•Tll. to Smithport, 28 - miles and back. twice a wee"; • . • ' , Leave Cow .rte uorr Mon ,, av and Friday at 6t m; Arrive at Sm!lhpri bv 3 u in; •-• ' • LeaveSmitli no:, Tuesday arid Sa.urclay al 6.a m;. • • • Arrive at Eowdersport by 3 p m.. • • 2715 From Cowde'renorr by Colesbu g,Eilisbarg.Genesse • ''Fork. ant Eleven' Nib., to Wellsville. N. Y, 30 • :miles' and back. six rimes a week, three of the • • weekly tripe, to be len vie 43.1W1W0. •, . Leave llowilerpovtd eteept Sunday, at 8 a mr Arrive at Wellavillo b • 6.n nit . • • . Leave Well villa exreat Sunday, si12111m; . Arrive Pi Cowdersport , 2717 Frem'Cuwrievepors, by. Ea 't • Hoiner, Ayer'n Hill, • - Homer North Whar,on. Wharton, and First Fork, to Stnesmalloplng.l6 miles and back ann.'s& week. • Leave Cow ierepOrt MondAy a 1.7 am; • ' -'• • Arrive at Sinna...tationing next day 1)3 , 7 p . Leave Sinuamaboninr Wednesday at 7 a tu; t ... • ' • . Arrive at Cowdemport next day by 7p M. 2718 • Frrin CoWdeisonrt by Colesburg And. It..Lynn:lncite to , 'Elyeves.•3Bmileri and back, once a wtek. Leave CowderaPort Saturday at 7 a , 113; Arrive at Ulysses br'l 2 ni; • . ' • . . Lenity Ulysses Saturday at 1 p . • •Arrive at Oowdersport by. 6 ' . ana From Cow levelled. by Nelsonpo• Carter's Cami, Kettle Creek, and Hajimville, to Jersey Shore, 73 miles and Mick; twice a week to Kettle Creek, and . ,once'a week residue. " : • ' ' Leave CowdempOrt. Tuesday and Friday, et 6K.e m; • Arrive at Kettle Creek by 4 p-m; ' ' • Lpave Kettle Creek Wednesday and Saturday at 6.4 . . . . A Onwde , sio , i b.. 7 n . ni; „ • • : . LepysJe'esey Sho Tuesday al 6 re; ' • • Arrive atHetr le Creek by 7 p on; ' ' • Leave Nettie Creek Wednesday u 2 6 a re; • - • . Arr vi at Je—ev Sim e be? p ' • • " 2* . From Shin meliotOng,i,v Second Foils, Pine Street, . .;.iO.tate.-on • Sbicpen. Naktvich Smithport, 61 . sod b,c' veto: ' -Le:(lreSlnti . AirluiniO3 1 , 110 . -y and Thursday ,at 11 - a' Arrive , • vby 12'nu •. La ve SniiihPoi wed v rod Saturday at 7'a m; • Arrive Si , latinatum . :•ig next 'day by 4 p , • Contrtining eoriditiorya to de e . sn the • • .epnt , ize,:e. to the e.Ftent the ileyartmelOdest deem s e v en minpies are allowed • tofeach Inter mediate • Wire. when. not.., of her4tee.speeified. inr.us , o,ri'ng the mails;' hot. on i r ail.ottd, and .eteambnst routes there is to be do.more delay thanis . suflicient for an exChange!'of, the mail . - 2.-On:railroad and stearnboatiinei, and - other rtotes where the mode -of co vevance admits 'of it, the spec i al agents of th'e ost: O ffi ce De . „.. • . Tartar:rent, also• post;,office bliyaks,. mad bags, . locks, and'keya, are to be cattireyed withoirt igfra cha ige.. • . • • . • 3: On Marred and steamb lines the Touts • agente of the depattment.-a ity.tobe•conveyed . without charge; 'and (or thir ,exclusive. use, While traveling with' the mall l s,. , cOrnitindions ear..or; aparrment in the eetiVii of a'ear,.proper7 ly lighte.torermed, rind -fArniSherl; 'and adapted. to the convenient separitton and-due security . . . of the mails, is tote idea the• contract- . or, under the ' direction 4'f - the &pal tment.- Ridgway, PA -IVirren. Pa . .„ Railroad and st e amboat comp .nies. are re quired to take the mail from'ond deliver it into the post offices atAiie'cammencement and Ands Althek routes, IRO to and. from all offices . not more than eighty rods from a station or'land: . ing. Proposals may be submitted for the per formance of all 'ciftier side service—that is, for offices over eighty rods from &station or Jand- Receipts will be , required for.mail bags .ccin voyed in c harge of persons enipioyed by railroad companies., The . re - will also, be'4(vray prepared by' poatmesters,or other axenta of the departments,. to accompany the maili specify.; ing the, number and destination of 'the several 'bags, 06 the principal siege routes, likewise, receipts will be required and way, bills for Ward-. edl the latter to be examined by the several postmasters, to insure regularity in the delive ry of mail begs, : . _-• . , • 4. No psy - will•be made for -trips• nor per 7 formed;_ and for eech such omission' not satis factorily explained three tiires the pay of the trip may'by, deducted. For , arrivals *so far behind . . . , . time as .to break:connection with. depending mails, and not au ffieiently .excused, one-fourth of the compensation for the trip is :siitiject 'to forfeiture. Deduction will also be - Ordered for a grade of performance inferior to . tbat:specified in the.eentract. • For repeated delinquencies of theskitid herein specified, er.ltirged •penalties,. proportionel to themat ure thereof , and .tbe•im •portance of the'rimil, mak_be made. : ' • 5.• For leaving'. behind or , throiring off the Mails, or any portion :of them, , , for the admii sion of passengers .or for being :concerned in settling up or rnnning •an exprese conveying intelligence in•advance of the mail, a. quarter's 'pay may, be deducted., . . •0. Fines Mill be: imposed,' unless . thetlelin-: quencncy . be • prorfißtly . and ~ satisfacterily ex plained. by certificates cif postmautersor'• the' affi f' davit o other - credible - one, for. failing to• arrive in - ccintract - tiMe for neglecting to take the mail from or deliVe it into a post of-. ss.p,lifiponT . , - : :4 7 .K:KAN.:.c9vNTV,:.P44..'1` : ..00 . W . $1 . )AY;irpOguAgy 2a ';:jsqp;:. PENNSYLVANIA , • , . . -111\ . , • . '',; , : • • ~ , , . . . , .. , , . •• , . . . • • • . . . • • . • . . • . fice; for .suffering it to be wetp.injured,destror. ed, rObbett, or' lost; '.and .tor • refusing, afier demand; to' 'convey the mall ••at frequently as. the 'contractor runs, or is concerned it; run .ning a coach; car, or titetiMbontion a route.*. .7. The'Postm:ister General may annul the contract: foryerin.ted'failures .to: run agreeably to:contract; for violating the.t i oitollitee. : inw , i or dispbeying,' toe. instr*ions of the denart.: irient; for tefui,ing-to discharge a carrier when required. by. the'department 'to do so; for run ning a.neitoreseas aforesaid; or for tritt:porting 'matins Dr . pacliages conveying matter out of the mails. • : • • ' . S..The.P4r,;militer General. mayordei an in ceeisr of O berce on' a roote by allowing • . • • for h'pro rata inarea4e On the contract pby.—. in ehttnt,e fbedule, - of daparturei, and arr : vala;i, all eaves, pa,rticul4rlyi to nuke tht4t . roWar . rir to, connexion wi,h 'w , t.t.out :ticrease of pay. - royided the...tea:og he . not ehAdged. • He ' may o , tler ati ;11C , PitSe Or %peed; allovriog, (nit hitt toe es r;c, bons or the.l4 tiVj a ;71'0 rata increose of. pay . 'or .the adilitonal stock. or .carrier.., if ane. Tao con; , actor may, .ieve..; in rue es 4e ceesse . soe-d tel':nquiFo' too fo' Plitt; by ev;',/,; p..ompt noire to the denatinnent :hat 'he dO'ng solo c.t.rying o,der o effect. Tne Po•I master' General' may enrialor . il"cont nue the service; woole or in. p!ri, at p,:o- , 1 Int th.crease of ay, allowing one. motfth'g vstra cOmpeniat'ion* on 'Elie amount d .nengetl w - tb, whanever, in his: op'n:on. the public in, ie.esl a I.6i:iv: , e.tbe change, or in gate bedeal res tosof)e.n.vdo it by a different gu i de of tiangpor ... • 9. - Poyments wlll be !nide by 'collections frordor dra •s on postinastats, or otherwise, he: esniratian of each .qtiartftr,-say.; in February, May, August, end INovembei: .• •T , e distance, are giver) according co' the ue•t informattont but no increased pay will be allowed s'bould they be ,titettter - than - adver- . uised, if the points 16_ be aitoplied be 'correctly staed. 'Biirdsts' imest ipfoon th , midtei or! . and also in. Tefereitre• o• . Ibe weiy.';i:ofthe 3.lie:condit'on of road•, hills, streams, &6 i ..and fer.ies, or obstroction4 of any kind by. wh"ch etcriense ,rhay be incurred. Nonell:l4p for oddii lona' pay',..based 'on. such .ground, ran' be yoitslAerett; ;nor .for.ellettg . :d tre k o , .thitapp;Otiosiori'as to t fie.degne oi serifee;.. boo foi•bridge.S destroyed, (errias dis- con , idued, h! her ! obsrrucOons ihcreasin . . . tistances,•occurring during . the contract 'term: Offieei es im libhed after' this advertisement is issued, and al.o during. the contract term; are to be visited'erittiout extra pay, if the distance . be•not inc.eased. ' • • • . ' .. , li. A bid. received tater the . last day and hour named ;or wit hout 'the guaranty, required. bylaw and a certificate as to the sufficiency of such'guaranty; cannot be, ronsidereo 'compe• thin with. a regular 1) . 01:Inset reasonable -in amount. • -12: Bidders should : first, propose for service strictly according .to . the ;advertisement, aocl thee, ft: they:desire, separat ely fer,different ser- vice; and if the regular hid:be the lowest offer, ed for the advertised service, the other proposi, tions pay be conlidered. . . • :•• . 13. Tnere'shoUlti be butone route bid far. in . a . proposal. Consolidated or cerphination bide, (4 , prOpesing one surn'tor' tuio•or more routes',") are .fo, bidden by law, and cannot be considered. 1.4. 'rue route, the service,. the . yetirfy pay, the name and residence of the bidder, (that. is; hiS:us,:at poit office:address) and those-cot each members of a Min,. whe 'e a company offers, , bould he distinctly stated, • .•15..Biclilert are requested to use, as fares practicable, the printed form .ot proposals fur. niched by the . derirt department,. to 'write out • • in Mil the sum of their bids, , and to retain copies ,of .. • , All ed b'ds should .not •be subrckted; 'nor bids once'sub;nitted.bek .withdrawn. •Sio with dpkwal or a bidder or guarainor.W. II tie-allowed unless dated and .recei'ved. before tbe.:lstet day for receiving ;proposals.. ' Each .bid•must,' be guarantied , by , tvroaespon 'sible persons. • • • • 'General guaranties cannot be ,submitted.--: The bid and guaranty should be ...Pl.ened: plainly` with i he lull name of each person. • The deportment reserved the right to reject any bid - which inv. b•. , deemed extrevegent, and.ako to dkregerd the bids 'of tailing ..eon tracts:Rs and bidders - , . • 16. The bid- ',haul(' be "sCeled., superseribed t‘Mail Proposal; State of aitdressed , cclusond Assis.ant :Postmaster . Generati tract OlEUst," . and sent by m:4.4 , not by or to an .ngent;:ani Tostm stem will not enclose propo sals or letters of any kind)' in their quarterly 17. The contracts are to. be . executerland returnedto the dena rtrrient by or before the let day of A•fpat, 1860; but the service must, be commenced on the Ist 'of July s preceecling or oat tbe.mail-cley next after. that date; Whel her the contracis be executed or hot. ' No .proOsi• tione4o . transfer will be ,cogaidered until the pm(racts are executed and received at the 4- pattme'nt; and then no transfer will be allotied nnless.good and'seflicient reasons therefOr are given; to be determined by .the depirtMent.—. plan cases , the retiring eonauct.or will be re quired to become one of the'sm eties on the new contract., • .• 18. POstmnaters at offices on or near rail roada,,but more than eighty rods from a sta.. : don,. immediately alter . the ..31at of March next, report their enact distance from the near; est station, and how', they are otherwise sup plied.with the Mail, to. enable the Postmaster General to dirpct a mail-messenger supply from Ina lstof July next. • . ' ; -Section eighteen of tin act of Congresi approved March 3, ISO,' provides that on. tracts for:the transportation. of- the mail shall. I be let 4 4 in: evity. ease to the Joweist, bidder ten dering afficient guaranties-for' faithful perform ance, without other reference to the: mode of `such transportation than may" be necessary to provide for, the due . celerity, • certainty,' and security of such •trarisportation." 'Ginter this, kw, bids that *otiose ,to ' transport the 'Mail with ::"celerity; certainty,'and security," having' heen decided (olio the, only legal bi4s; are con creed as providing forthe entire mail.leWevet large, and,whateYer may . he the mode of con veyeance :nebessary: to insure its . 44celcrity, certainty, . and. Security," and will hayethe pteference over all-others, . ." • 20. A modification of ,a liittin any of. its . es sential terms is tintimiount toe new,bid, and cannot be. received,, so as to interclass With 'a regitlat, competition, after; he lot hour set for ; receiving . bids., it:eking • a new, bfd, with; guaranty and •certificate; i, the'oniy . 'wey.tr modify.a previona • . 21, Pii3tma.iroet, are to;becaratel not to tify the eufficWetcy of guarntnre or Pi9itqioi+ win): out knowing ley Ore persons of 114ffici!mt . recnonsibNiiy; and . guarantors, 'and enretfne . nre,dietinetly notified thet . oll failure' ni.enterinto at:* perform the cont rants fo• Ihe service pronolail for in the en . eepted bids, theirlegal , ..an . forced agaieet . . • 22. P csent - cOntractors,•aad persons known at tet , ..dcrorknient, touSci'cquntiv,witi! ottiew e . : and eerll,ficatea of 'their ~uffiCiertcy. substantially • iri. the_ forms • above, preficribeil; ..The'certificates, of sisfficiancy most be.ein.d by a poqttrialtei oe by johe el a - court of record. No, oilier c;,r" iriCate will be atirn;tteLl. • 2 • . J. 1:0ILT. • 640.6 w • . • ' RECURRENCE. OF THE DELUGE . . . . . -Lieutenant Julien,"e scientific:officer of the French'N'avy, hus - Written a Work justptiblisb ed, entitled srCurantes de l'Atmosphete et de la titer;" in which he puts forward 'a new • the .oty on. the inevitable periodical: return of a. cataclysm similarto that knoWn Under 'the name of the..lfniversal Deluge. The author starts with one.: fact,.viz: 'that the' :arithertnal linee of the highest ter , Perature are ,unequaly distributed betwen northern andibuthern 'spheres, the . space they occupy' in the former being about the doubts of-.that which they oe citpy.south of the equator, so that the southern hemisPhere is.Censiderable eolder,esperially to-. ward the pole, than the northern one. VViienthe whole,surface of earth was,.covered with water; (says hietitenant Julien;) its Centre of gravity coincided with its geometrical can tre. From that momentr i s revolution . around'the. tun ' commenced, 'and ' those cat's 8 which have led to the inequality, of' temperature: tweeemthe two liernispberei heron to operate. In the .course of a few cemurics the: ice at the . south pole beeame in chrisquence heavier than that accumulated at the north pole, and the centre of gravity was . .dierilaced southwards; emthematicians,;.in fact, state ghat the'difrerence between the latter and the geometrical centre to be about 1..70 . 0 metres, Under these circumstances ' yvhat could the li quid' surface of the .globe do- but flew. .south- - .ward, leaving all the continent We are familiar with to be uncovered ! Here. Julien ob eerves.that all the regicirmot- !Ile southern hem.' isphere bear.unmistakeable . meirks ;of submer sion:- that America,. Africa, and. India end in points, all 'humid toward the south pole; -that the . lslittiasef the southern. regions have the. op pearance, of the:summits Of • .moitntain.rangea, and that Lieutenant - iktitiry's Soun'dinge 'show' that the co its on that: side, descend'abrubt ly into the sea.' He also states the curious. fact • thatin going from the:north.to the South 'pole; et : every parallel the 'ratio of the extent tif, land : 'to that of the sea dirninisheS 'regularly and ; progressively. Let us now take into consider- . ationlhe phenomenon called the,procession of •the Equinoies, Thie gradually causes's' cook plate.change . in the seasope,:and counting frOm' any given time, th , lre must`elapse at least 2.1,-. 000 berme the seasons can retail) at' precisely •the Same periods of the year. It haS..been as certained. that up,•to .the year '1248 .of • the Christian eta, a year in which the float day of winter precisely coincided 'with, the' earth's paisage• through its perihelion, the tempera ture or the southern hemisphere 'had'been: in constant course of dithinut It is moreover • 'clear that after the elapse of 10,500 . y.earstie- : fore, the year 1218, 'or I),ooo,yeariliefore• . otie .present time, it Was the north pole; and'notits‘ opposite : one, which was in..ifs maximum of. re. frigeratiOn. odr present continents Were 'sub merged, according to the Mosaic tradition :Of the !Deluge, and there. were continents tt ,khowtomns in' the . 'southern:herniapheres.-L., Ahd agaith'by the same astronomical and net. , ural laws; 10,500:Years after 'the list cola dyers]; a new, one will' occur, which wilt.aub merkefrom the , non berm hemisphere', •eml el. low a new world to submerge :from the ocean. , in the southern.one: . • .**- . Naomi Qustatiss.-Alr. Trollops, in his re;. cent book on the "West.lndies," thuigivee his esti . mata ot what is the'naturalchit'racter of tire. • "In many respects the negro's ;Male: of ha inanity differs: much from that which: is•c "tn. mon tolls, and which hes been produced-by our admixture of: bitch! and 'our - present eitent Of civilization. 'They are more• passionate than the white men, butarelyviiidictive,.as we are: The smallest injury excites their eager wrath, but no -injury produces. sustai., • eil hatred... - • In .the, seine Way, they : are seldom grateful, though often- very thankful,' They -arescevet oils 01 notice as a Child or dog; but they' have little idea of earning continual reepect. fhey best love him who is 'most unlike theinselves, and they displee the . . colored• Man who sp: prdliches them-in their bie-d, • Whee they.haVe onc.t•lecogn zed, a man as , their Master they will be faithful to•htm; but the more they ,rear their inaiter, the more they will respect him. They have , no , care for to-morrow,. but they delight in being ' gaudy' for to-day. Their crimes- are those of momentary impulee, as also their virtues. • They fear. death, .but. it they can, only; lie in the sun without pain for' the hour, they•will ha-dly drag themselves to the hoepitali thouv,h . their disease he mortal. They love their•offspringsiliut in their, rage 'will ill- , use them' fearfully. T hey .are greedy of food, butaenerally indifferent as to quality. They rejoice in finery; -and have in som6 eaatta be ano to understand the benefit of comparative cleanliness'; bat therare rarely:tidy. _A:little makes them happy, and•,nothing . makes them permanently wretched." •• • When bent.an matrimony,. look -more than akin deep - for beauty, dive further' than the pocket, fqr worth; and search for temper beyond thehumor of the moment—remembering it is not'al Ways the most agreeable partner at the ball who ,forms 'the most arniable'partrier for life. • Virtue, like some flowers, 'blooms often laireatid the shade, ' - -Arabs cultiiste the feelings, and ire a nation of 'banOits;; they,:are ; exceedingly 'hospitable, and exceedingly unjulto they utter the noblest sentiments, and steal the , saddle from . under you; they ; talk' of magnanimity ot•thp Bedouin, and thy}• ettl.your throat.' . JONES ON TN& • The Koirkerborkni. for liwitatotith:has S' etoty;none tbe leis enjoyable for ,baisitp , most , palpable bitof the-way.in whieb'iliftiesi" . the ,t.elever fellOw," 'of geppblican ,liewspapar ,establiehmeni, "got paLty , (piir Qatt;,, ilirtson 86, occasion` ' otemergetiCy; wharf i.tbis eitl.tor who war a lawyer, was 414410.4'11We,, - frin homir on a lawsuit. •Editor Jones, who was a Democraf, , antl'of coutie-iIW liked the polities of the 'sheer: , • • . PoseyvilNy Oct. -24850. Dean Jormas--Oaree'conte till niornina... - Get out the beet 'paper -you . ean. Write short. ant. cies, Anil stir-up the parry : for not giving i hair °mins more asilstance... • H. E. •P. S'—By- the editor;'' eitiphatisaortea.' Touch 'em on the Tess! . • Paper ;owed its existence to .Iripilioligan . par ty: Polities its very life blood. : :Jones had lull pewit' sind . Ivied Conine oppeated with the following 'editorial from the pen o: Jones: •• .: . • Tux NMona.—We- admire like him... We lov4 him.: We go in for• him. We have but one idea and' that is : ther nigger. • .We have but . one dream anil. that is - dittof, 'We .preach from but one 'text, and that is.ditto. 4 , We sing but one song; and that is 'ditto,. :We play but 'one 'Vine,: and that 'is ditire: We go our full lerath on oiggar . ..We are tilrover We ire ditto In the.mornine . .: We are ditto . .ai. We are (146 at night. Wearetiitto:all the time... 'Wwlive owditto. • We sleep lin dit.. to. : We'll die on ditto. yet ;rat yen 14, Naos readnr, The Geidar dun'e'pny! : Next morning 'enters • infuriated proprietor; "You infernal ..acounfirell" •roar'ed he... Jonas evapOri. ed.- Stopped by, editor.jiist coming iJones," says editor, 'atm paper.at dilowa bare, w : hat•he Wf You. done?", "Reckon I've ionehid 'ea,. en, the rnw,":says 'You've killed the tieper,',' cried the-proprle . . .. ":“You've ruined Ore," exelainied the. editor,: • iinoW•did you come to wri: e' Suitt O sivissii arti , le?" asited.t he twtintieinr...... -• ' ,' ' 4 , To !lir 'ens up eclitilii" ssiil inner. ".- . “The thing's outrageous;". pays the editor. - ''ll . is ti.little eutp/oitfe,"Ssys Jones. . •••• . • • Filatellush of Dimuerats and RePublientis to printing office: Foriner exu Rant,' the latter savage' beyond bounds,' Jones relieved- . frin hirtherussisiting.iii the editorial, depitrtnient of that paper, anirset up by'Demoerats as editor , l, of a : new ..Denuocra tie - psper,,.. t hen ", snOherij Started,. in view of Jones' manifest•pitilittl#l 19itir 4 em up, and touelt.'ent "op the resoPij: Pt.casind Eigavuony.--.0 piny . the printgir," Thiele Toby. phor efeitueSet," rejoined Trim. s;How. sot" :said • My. utiOe. ' , 4l3,ecause, in he .first place," contintied":4e corpora!,dtiticante , he must endeisvir' to 'platifse et/6766'1y, the negligence. , of Moment, Perhaps'A, small -paragraph pops upon ,blin; he hastily" hrowi it to the coMpositilfts'inser;• ted, and he ii.rnined to all kite' ."icrid - purpo ses."' !era° . Much 'the case;'fritn," said: my. kinele with' Aideep sigh; .4 4 tnt; 7 2, Mueb--tite • case." "An', please- ynto honor," continued Tritn, elevating his - vojce,'and striking 'into an impostingsattittilie 7 -6.4e, please your honor, this is not the Whole," !SG . ° on Trim," said my sincle feelingly. ::' , l 6 The printers sometimes," pursued, the, iorpiiral, 4.Wits' upon a piece that pleases him mightily. and he thinks it cannot go dOwn with his subscribers; Maid sir; whia'iiiii,calculafe the human mind? . fie insertsr :it, and it is all over w.ith hini.:. Thoy 'forgive' `others; but they cannot forgive the printer: He hastt, host to print for, intl. every one sets a up (or . critic,".. The pretty miss estelafme, "Why don' . .t he give us morepoetry; . marriages; aid ben.mots? away with. th&so !tale .pieces." The p?lifician clips 'specs on his 'nose, and' runs it:over in search of a violent invectivet he folds none; he takes his spers.off,' folds ';ihem; stick's them in• his ,pocket 'declaring ,the paper . ' 'eond •for nothing but to burn. So it goes.— Every one' thinks• it might to be printed ei presily.fok himself, as - he is a subscriber; yet) after All consolaining. would vou'believe it, sir," sitid the honest corporal .claspinglie betide beseechinelyt‘woultiyoti 'believe it., sir; thvre . are aomo subscribers., not hesitate.lp cheat the printer out of his pay? ' Our army iwore terribly in Flanders, but theY never , rtid anything as . .bad as that." Never;" said toy uncle Toby, emphatically. "Mankind at the east .liaVe reverence for wealth which is here'almost .wholly'tinknown. A - Californian, would hardly vraiste a second look, save in the wkay 'of bt.iness, Weir:B.4m) himself should appear among us. .. He. love!' money for • the s mike of what it will 64, put never thinks of it earl. means of winning respect. Family d , Stinetion are even less heeded than those of fortune.. -A man who has the good lurk •() be born at all; is here just 04 good as one. in whOse• veins . flow tall tip bloo.lof all .the 1-loWa , da.' The . Son of the Great . Mogul, - or a deicendant in a direct line froho Closer, would . enjoy :no higher , consideration than:Pad , d) M'Guire, fresh irom tannangh, He .would find.himself compelled tOpaddle his own canoe.' and pay for his own whisky.. H is' merits, if he had any,. woald be . .acknOwledgedi but as for his ancestors;-. be . hait bo.tter follow tboir ex ample, and