. . ... , , . . , . ... . . . . . . . , . , ... .. . " ..... .• . . t. .... . . • .' t .. . . t . t . ."' . . . ..t. , , s .., . . .. . . . . . • . .... tountn Mentotrat, . , . . . Ptrurasap • EVERYTgURSDAY MORNING, By .T...E. : 0V1ATT,.. SMRTHPORT • M'REAN dOUNTY PA: $.'E: con Nat oritrimic SQUARE TERNS: • it 50 in , Asvanoe • . • • Rates of Advertising. I Coltimn one year':... :....... -•,, . .... • 1 • ' ex. utonthni........ •-• • ne aqqare of 12 lirielor leas, 3 iniellioiiso )1"h y u bedquent ntmbreiVlrOs; Rule or. Llgitie.woriiill 'be double the ebeve:. rates: Twelve lines Bresier:type i ;or eight flees. nonpareil, p 7. T hese Terns will.bo etrlctly,edhert4 Eitt4ooo....•,l,ll;iiiittOtv • Surieyofi. trieftemin ..ecie - eyareer: , n 1 Rea: rstr.te' .Agent. Smethport, W.genn.county.P:;, . . . . . .. .. .-:', '.B . F..WILIGHI', .. ':' • • - 'Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fareil. .Grocerie.„ Par' , Floari- Salt, • Feed, Boots and•Shaes,, ke.., &c. ' :Aare • Iwthe Astor now 'Doak,' Einaitliport Pa. • • .-: • . . A. TAYLOR, . Dealer in. Dry G o o de , Groceries, Pork, 81oer. 9 , 1 t, 114 Ready -Made Olotking,.Bootio ani..Bhoes. • Sninthnort. • WILLIAM WILBIN, Practical AP•idge-bullder, 2 1 :c - Port Allegheny—BPKean county' Pa: . : L-BROWN, 1311.10TglIV.N. CIONVEYA . NCER and !ter :Istate.Agent;, 01110,1V1111e!nevIlle Elk Penn' • • Chapin & Hon Thomas fltrutherm, W. - B'. Itroniell,.:En., Eon: A. 1..W8c0.i. Stnetlt , orty Pa Buena Vinta..P,, . . • • • '1 • • CLEVER • HOUSE, ~,. •. . -.- . , • JOHN iI.:AULL Proprietor, dorner.of ,Vireter add Ilio'cor, Streeta, Warrep, OE General Stage Office.. . , J..O.BACKUS & co General Declare te Dr). Geode, ,Groserieei .Crockory • r'sedy-MadsOlothitur; Boots tind Shnen, Rate ane C.•ps .'&e:~ opposite the Court House, Southport PA. FOXIEd HOUSE, . Nennthise the .-Publio Notre; Olean, H. Y. J.tmes .M. Mita.an. Proprietor. The Yobee Howie le - entirely new and built of brick; and talfurniaheli in modern mark. The proprietor (lettere Memel( that hie itecommods., •tiontrare not esurpanned.by any hotel in Western N•yr -York.. Carriages, nto ands.:tom the New,Yerk and . . . . . . . . -. • - • • BYRON .1. HAMLIN, .. : ArrontraY 'Ai LAW; 8M . thport, . *Kean :County. Pa,. Agent foT • Messrs. Keatin r' Or. Mrs. Lands, . Attends especially to the Collection of. Claims; Examination o !Arid Titles.' Payment of Taxes. and all !wiliness rela ting to, rtest'Estate. ' Olfiee in Hamlla Bloc k. . . . . ~. , .. GREEN'S HOTEL . D.. A. Wstamt, P ro prietor,—st litmus, *siren county , . PA: Ills Table Will be supplied with the t the .' country sithmlsi and he spare no pains acOesodetisg E. BOIIO,IITON ..ELDRED, . . . At•orney, and Conniellor • at:l4w.; Elniethpert...M , Ki.n . ' County , - Pa: ilUlel39llll'entrdetetito.'hip!caie for the ' coot:Mete of M'Kean, Potter and Elk .eill be promptly ~ 'attended to Office in the oourt,liotteei e..cond 'floor; DR. L. E. FisNER, . . . . . rhysicisn and Burgeon ,Brniithpnrti Pa, r*.ill •It• -end :to all prormional calls with . promptnew ; 'Waco In :re.- .. r - .ll . lllnek, *econd.rloot..... .-: .'. . . . , N. 8. BUTLER & CO , . . . Wbolexile and'Retal , Dealera In Staple and, Vanri. D:y .. 00:1,6 Caipeting , Ready Made blaDtine: and Recent' . ". Fitrolitilng Goad& Doobt and Roca. W 'lt rini.Window P tpari Looking qlatiaea &c. At 01e..n,.N. Y. mrtnirr HOU E Dl.Meant) D tne—oppoitte the Court H01m... A. n • intrtioun ,ntwell furnislro JOHN q. BACKUS, Attorney and Cotinaelierwt Law; Stnetb port Co Pa,' Will attend to all bnaineas.in profeeelon in the counties of M , lCean;P: tter.and Elk . .. O ffi ce ever 0, S. Sartwell Itrothern , Store.. —' • • . HACKNEY HOURE, . . . . . Corner 9fSeonni and Liberty •itriiiii . F,. IN •ri. . PS.. P. A.. DARBolii Proprietor. TrminsAr• • , q1 find goucrac-. coomodationicand remoottblr; aharkeg r ., : _ . E. B. MASON, . , . . Dealer in &Oven,' Thi'Wnre, Jaop!tned 'W-re, 40., 6'A , t , side or. the Publics- Ben,fre. Smethno.A. Pe . ; . . th , 406% wit* dOnolo Order, on the ehnr!..it .otlee . .lnd In Vie .' - .most enbetantlal manner:. • . .. - . " . . W. O. BROWNELL, Dealer in Dry goods, groceries, Dreckerv; hardware DoOte, Shoes,.liats, Claps. Cilas.. : Naha, Ohs. 'it e l he East' side of the. Public Sqoare. Fhtrfthport, Ph.. A . .1; OTTO, Dealer in Proriaionprand.Pamily Groceriengeneratly. at Farmers . .Valley,.sl , Keen 00... Pa, Grain, Lnmber.- Rilinglee, ko., taken in'exeb.ak;e for. Goad'. .Patent LARABEET HOTEL'; . R. LABIUM. Proprietar,—.l.lleitheny , Drid..n. 111 , 1cean Co , Pa. TM, bootee.% eitto.ted Abort nine luilem from • Smethport •on the , road "toOlean..rnd v.ill'ke ((fund a convenient s t opping-place - .. • - - • . EMPORIUM HOUSE, . , 2hlppen, 1'4 , 1104n:0o.; P.. IC L DYKE.. Propria'oi '.A - commodious and" well-turaished - house.: Stranger,' and taaveleramill (tad %ood necinniodations. • . FARMERS' !ALLEY HOTEL, By T. GoonynN. . This hintse itaitnated about five mil e -'• (rent Smethport On the road to WWI. Meeker, parties • and °the:a can be aocoennodated on the shortest 'otter ELDRED HALFWAT HONE, • - . Nil'Rile .DINNIS, Propetetor• . Mk bowie 10 alb:sited bar: .way between Smathport mid Oleep.. 'Tf . you want a good dinnet ebbs to the place to atop. , ... . . LUl . ll.UaaiA . . Propidetai• of the Grist .at . Mechaniesburg. 76. 'Kean Connti Pa. 'Meal, and Feed, constant!. unliapd and for sale. in large and small quantities; RAILROAD ROM. . 0. Oalaattatut, Proprietor; 2 . Norwich; ' • .Ps Good. accommodattope '.cag -be bad there at 11.1 POET ALLEGANY HOUSE, . . . . /MOOR II: DoLurr;' ProOiletor, 'it Furl :Allegany, Me ' Bono County Pa. This Rotel Insituati.d ot the Jona% tloo of the , B6lethport ' and Allegany Rivet iOnds, nine • • miles east of Smottlpott. •• • • . . ' .' , AST.OR . ::ROuS.E; SMETHPOBT, IiriCEME C 0.,. Pai. HASKEriL • : : PitprietOr. . . 'The Prohrletni-.hieing recently tiorehased end ttior onghli refitted:the. Astor Ilouse, Batters hhnselt that he ian farnlshAs geod . seaonintodations as any betel In Wert ern Eennsylvsola. . " • • • WANTED• 4• . • • SO•TONSQLD CAST-IRON in exchange for work; at the • , BaINTIIPORT FURNAOIO.'• Tallbeet po . rewl,o town St, #ll7 . , ASTOIt . IIO,I3SE STORE UNITED STATES MAILS. . • .POST OPFIOE DF.PAETME . NT,, ' • • WAsuitioins; Dec'. .10;1859. lc • PROPOSALS will .he received .at thp,con. .1 tract ()Mee of thisDepiri merit untit 3 . p.m. of Saturday, March . 31, 1860; for c onveying the 'mails of the.Uoited States for four, years, corn •rnencing - July • 1; 1860; soll'• ending sjiine .50, 1564, in 'the State - of ,PENNr3YLVA NIA; be the routes and by the schedUle of departures and arrivals herein specified. • Decisions announced by April 94;• 1860. 2108 From Ridgway, by Wllliarn(villo ant) . Clemoolville: to Smi . thirkitl,.:.`9 miles and - buck, twice s Iceek. . Leavo'Bid;,,ew,ay.Tuestlay and Satuidarat a. in, • Arrive at bailietiort by 7 p:Zl 4 ..„_, ' ..• ' . • LeaveSmithpoq Monday and Fray psi 6A. . Ar,lve at Elqizapyby 7 0, m. • Proposal, le, three tiIIICAA weeleservice are invited 2709 From Smithport, be.Larayet,e, Eden, and KiIIAAP,. to Warren, 43 miles and nark, once Week, • .• • Leave Smith port TuestleY at 6 a to; ' .• Wrrive,at Warren next day 11 in: , • :Leavl Waged Wednesday a: 2 p al . • Arrive et Sthitlipott next day at 0 um, 2710 From Saiithport, by Partner's •Valley ,Sartweii..',At '•'. • • leglisny Bridge, and Portville, N. to Olean ; 26 . , milea and back, six thus', a Week. • • . . Leave t dal ly,exce iSandey. e 9 a en; " Arrlie at Olean by 6 p ni; . :.. •• : • ...Lewis CPean daily, except Sunday, al 6.a or • • Arrive at Stitithport by 3.p.m. .•, . • • • ' 2711 From Kinzua, by Corydon. Onavilte, Priendte•Fer-. •.. • rY, and Tetic3l , le, Spring. to Easr . 'tandolph 21, • • 101100 and back; once+, week • • • Leave Kinzua hider at 8 a m;.. . ' • • .Arrive at halt IlaM,ol di by 6 p , . • . Leave East Randolph haturdw at.B •'• ' 2 ---Arriye at Klima by 6p m. : • . ' 2712' From Eden to Bradford: 10 Mites and back. once a • Leave Eden Tuesday at 8a mi : -Arrive at . lirrtherd by 11 a II • . Leave' ,ad ro Tuesday et , • . • Arriveyt kdem by 3 - p in. 2713 Ft orallt.triford. by Kendall Creek an , Limeatane. to , Tuna, 1,3 !Mice an.' back. three times a week. . • Leave Bradford Monday, Wednesday . add Friday'at - . 8 Arrive at Tuna by 12 m;• •. : • Lamive Tuna Monday:Wednesday 'and Friday,. on ar. rival or railroad mails. sayat 2 p rui ' • ArriVe at Bradford by 5o m. ; • • • • . Prdposabi ore invited for ilz..tirties4.week 'service. • 2713 From Owvie , sport. by Eulalir..Roulette. Burtville, • 22ort Allegany:and Llbit'Ay•Tll. to Smithport, 28 - miles and back. twice a wee"; • . • ' , Leave Cow .rte uorr Mon ,, av and Friday at 6t m; Arrive at Sm!lhpri bv 3 u in; •-• ' • LeaveSmitli no:, Tuesday arid Sa.urclay al 6.a m;. • • • Arrive at Eowdersport by 3 p m.. • • 2715 From Cowde'renorr by Colesbu g,Eilisbarg.Genesse • ''Fork. ant Eleven' Nib., to Wellsville. N. Y, 30 • :miles' and back. six rimes a week, three of the • • weekly tripe, to be len vie 43.1W1W0. •, . Leave llowilerpovtd eteept Sunday, at 8 a mr Arrive at Wellavillo b • 6.n nit . • • . Leave Well villa exreat Sunday, si12111m; . Arrive Pi Cowdersport , 2717 Frem'Cuwrievepors, by. Ea 't • Hoiner, Ayer'n Hill, • - Homer North Whar,on. Wharton, and First Fork, to Stnesmalloplng.l6 miles and back ann.'s& week. • Leave Cow ierepOrt MondAy a 1.7 am; • ' -'• • Arrive at Sinna...tationing next day 1)3 , 7 p . Leave Sinuamaboninr Wednesday at 7 a tu; t ... • ' • . Arrive at Cowdemport next day by 7p M. 2718 • Frrin CoWdeisonrt by Colesburg And. It..Lynn:lncite to , 'Elyeves.•3Bmileri and back, once a wtek. Leave CowderaPort Saturday at 7 a , 113; Arrive at Ulysses br'l 2 ni; • . ' • . . Lenity Ulysses Saturday at 1 p . • •Arrive at Oowdersport by. 6 ' . ana From Cow levelled. by Nelsonpo• Carter's Cami, Kettle Creek, and Hajimville, to Jersey Shore, 73 miles and Mick; twice a week to Kettle Creek, and . ,once'a week residue. " : • ' ' Leave CowdempOrt. Tuesday and Friday, et 6K.e m; • Arrive at Kettle Creek by 4 p-m; ' ' • Lpave Kettle Creek Wednesday and Saturday at 6.4 . . . . A Onwde , sio , i b.. 7 n . ni; „ • • : . LepysJe'esey Sho Tuesday al 6 re; ' • • Arrive atHetr le Creek by 7 p on; ' ' • Leave Nettie Creek Wednesday u 2 6 a re; • - • . Arr vi at Je—ev Sim e be? p ' • • " 2* . From Shin meliotOng,i,v Second Foils, Pine Street, . .;.iO.tate.-on • Sbicpen. Naktvich Smithport, 61 . sod b,c' veto: ' -Le:(lreSlnti . AirluiniO3 1 , 110 . -y and Thursday ,at 11 - a' Arrive , • vby 12'nu •. La ve SniiihPoi wed v rod Saturday at 7'a m; • Arrive Si , latinatum . :•ig next 'day by 4 p , • Contrtining eoriditiorya to de e . sn the • • .epnt , ize,:e. to the e.Ftent the ileyartmelOdest deem s e v en minpies are allowed • tofeach Inter mediate • Wire. when. not.., of her4tee.speeified. inr.us , o,ri'ng the mails;' hot. on i r ail.ottd, and .eteambnst routes there is to be do.more delay thanis . suflicient for an exChange!'of, the mail . - 2.-On:railroad and stearnboatiinei, and - other rtotes where the mode -of co vevance admits 'of it, the spec i al agents of th'e ost: O ffi ce De . „.. • . Tartar:rent, also• post;,office bliyaks,. mad bags, . locks, and'keya, are to be cattireyed withoirt igfra cha ige.. • . • • . • 3: On Marred and steamb lines the Touts • agente of the depattment.-a ity.tobe•conveyed . without charge; 'and (or thir ,exclusive. use, While traveling with' the mall l s,. , cOrnitindions ear..or; aparrment in the eetiVii of a'ear,.proper7 ly lighte.torermed, rind -fArniSherl; 'and adapted. to the convenient separitton and-due security . . . of the mails, is tote idea the• contract- . or, under the ' direction 4'f - the &pal tment.- Ridgway, PA -IVirren. Pa . .„ Railroad and st e amboat comp .nies. are re quired to take the mail from'ond deliver it into the post offices atAiie'cammencement and Ands Althek routes, IRO to and. from all offices . not more than eighty rods from a station or'land: . ing. Proposals may be submitted for the per formance of all 'ciftier side service—that is, for offices over eighty rods from &station or Jand- Receipts will be , required for.mail bags .ccin voyed in c harge of persons enipioyed by railroad companies., The . re - will also, be'4(vray prepared by' poatmesters,or other axenta of the departments,. to accompany the maili specify.; ing the, number and destination of 'the several 'bags, 06 the principal siege routes, likewise, receipts will be required and way, bills for Ward-. edl the latter to be examined by the several postmasters, to insure regularity in the delive ry of mail begs, : . _-• . , • 4. No psy - will•be made for -trips• nor per 7 formed;_ and for eech such omission' not satis factorily explained three tiires the pay of the trip may'by, deducted. For , arrivals *so far behind . . . , . time as .to break:connection with. depending mails, and not au ffieiently .excused, one-fourth of the compensation for the trip is :siitiject 'to forfeiture. Deduction will also be - Ordered for a grade of performance inferior to . tbat:specified in the.eentract. • For repeated delinquencies of theskitid herein specified, er.ltirged •penalties,. proportionel to themat ure thereof , and .tbe•im •portance of the'rimil, mak_be made. : ' • 5.• For leaving'. behind or , throiring off the Mails, or any portion :of them, , , for the admii sion of passengers .or for being :concerned in settling up or rnnning •an exprese conveying intelligence in•advance of the mail, a. quarter's 'pay may, be deducted., . . •0. Fines Mill be: imposed,' unless . thetlelin-: quencncy . be • prorfißtly . and ~ satisfacterily ex plained. by certificates cif postmautersor'• the' affi f' davit o other - credible - one, for. failing to• arrive in - ccintract - tiMe for neglecting to take the mail from or deliVe it into a post of-. ss.p,lifiponT . , - : :4 7 .K:KAN.:.c9vNTV,:.P44..'1` : ..00 . W . $1 . )AY;irpOguAgy 2a ';:jsqp;:. PENNSYLVANIA , • , . . -111\ . , • . '',; , : • • ~ , , . . . , .. , , . •• , . . . • • • . . . • • . • . . • . fice; for .suffering it to be wetp.injured,destror. ed, rObbett, or' lost; '.and .tor • refusing, afier demand; to' 'convey the mall ••at frequently as. the 'contractor runs, or is concerned it; run .ning a coach; car, or titetiMbontion a route.*. .7. The'Postm:ister General may annul the contract: foryerin.ted'failures .to: run agreeably to:contract; for violating the.t i oitollitee. : inw , i or dispbeying,' toe. instr*ions of the denart.: irient; for tefui,ing-to discharge a carrier when required. by. the'department 'to do so; for run ning a.neitoreseas aforesaid; or for tritt:porting 'matins Dr . pacliages conveying matter out of the mails. • : • • ' . S..The.P4r,;militer General. mayordei an in ceeisr of O berce on' a roote by allowing • . • • for h'pro rata inarea4e On the contract pby.—. in ehttnt,e fbedule, - of daparturei, and arr : vala;i, all eaves, pa,rticul4rlyi to nuke tht4t . roWar . rir to, connexion wi,h 'w , t.t.out :ticrease of pay. - royided the...tea:og he . not ehAdged. • He ' may o , tler ati ;11C , PitSe Or %peed; allovriog, (nit hitt toe es r;c, bons or the.l4 tiVj a ;71'0 rata increose of. pay . 'or .the adilitonal stock. or .carrier.., if ane. Tao con; , actor may, .ieve..; in rue es 4e ceesse . soe-d tel':nquiFo' too fo' Plitt; by ev;',/,; p..ompt noire to the denatinnent :hat 'he dO'ng solo c.t.rying o,der o effect. Tne Po•I master' General' may enrialor . il"cont nue the service; woole or in. p!ri, at p,:o- , 1 Int th.crease of ay, allowing one. motfth'g vstra cOmpeniat'ion* on 'Elie amount d .nengetl w - tb, whanever, in his: op'n:on. the public in, ie.esl a I.6i:iv: , e.tbe change, or in gate bedeal res tosof)e.n.vdo it by a different gu i de of tiangpor ... • 9. - Poyments wlll be !nide by 'collections frordor dra •s on postinastats, or otherwise, he: esniratian of each .qtiartftr,-say.; in February, May, August, end INovembei: .• •T , e distance, are giver) according co' the ue•t informattont but no increased pay will be allowed s'bould they be ,titettter - than - adver- . uised, if the points 16_ be aitoplied be 'correctly staed. 'Biirdsts' imest ipfoon th , midtei or! . and also in. Tefereitre• o• . Ibe weiy.';i:ofthe 3.lie:condit'on of road•, hills, streams, &6 i ..and fer.ies, or obstroction4 of any kind by. wh"ch etcriense ,rhay be incurred. Nonell:l4p for oddii lona' pay',..based 'on. such .ground, ran' be yoitslAerett; ;nor .for.ellettg . :d tre k o , .thitapp;Otiosiori'as to t fie.degne oi serifee;.. boo foi•bridge.S destroyed, (errias dis- con , idued, h! her ! obsrrucOons ihcreasin . . . tistances,•occurring during . the contract 'term: Offieei es im libhed after' this advertisement is issued, and al.o during. the contract term; are to be visited'erittiout extra pay, if the distance . be•not inc.eased. ' • • • . ' .. , li. A bid. received tater the . last day and hour named ;or wit hout 'the guaranty, required. bylaw and a certificate as to the sufficiency of such'guaranty; cannot be, ronsidereo 'compe• thin with. a regular 1) . 01:Inset reasonable -in amount. • -12: Bidders should : first, propose for service strictly according .to . the ;advertisement, aocl thee, ft: they:desire, separat ely fer,different ser- vice; and if the regular hid:be the lowest offer, ed for the advertised service, the other proposi, tions pay be conlidered. . . • :•• . 13. Tnere'shoUlti be butone route bid far. in . a . proposal. Consolidated or cerphination bide, (4 , prOpesing one surn'tor' tuio•or more routes',") are .fo, bidden by law, and cannot be considered. 1.4. 'rue route, the service,. the . yetirfy pay, the name and residence of the bidder, (that. is; hiS:us,:at poit office:address) and those-cot each members of a Min,. whe 'e a company offers, , bould he distinctly stated, • .•15..Biclilert are requested to use, as fares practicable, the printed form .ot proposals fur. niched by the . derirt department,. to 'write out • • in Mil the sum of their bids, , and to retain copies ,of .. • , All ed b'ds should .not •be subrckted; 'nor bids once'sub;nitted.bek .withdrawn. •Sio with dpkwal or a bidder or guarainor.W. II tie-allowed unless dated and .recei'ved. before tbe.:lstet day for receiving ;proposals.. ' Each .bid•must,' be guarantied , by , tvroaespon 'sible persons. • • • • 'General guaranties cannot be ,submitted.--: The bid and guaranty should be ...Pl.ened: plainly` with i he lull name of each person. • The deportment reserved the right to reject any bid - which inv. b•. , deemed extrevegent, and.ako to dkregerd the bids 'of tailing ..eon tracts:Rs and bidders - , . • 16. The bid- ',haul(' be "sCeled., superseribed t‘Mail Proposal; State of aitdressed , cclusond Assis.ant :Postmaster . Generati tract OlEUst," . and sent by m:4.4 , not by or to an .ngent;:ani Tostm stem will not enclose propo sals or letters of any kind)' in their quarterly 17. The contracts are to. be . executerland returnedto the dena rtrrient by or before the let day of A•fpat, 1860; but the service must, be commenced on the Ist 'of July s preceecling or oat tbe.mail-cley next after. that date; Whel her the contracis be executed or hot. ' No .proOsi• tione4o . transfer will be ,cogaidered until the pm(racts are executed and received at the 4- pattme'nt; and then no transfer will be allotied nnless.good and'seflicient reasons therefOr are given; to be determined by .the depirtMent.—. plan cases , the retiring eonauct.or will be re quired to become one of the'sm eties on the new contract., • .• 18. POstmnaters at offices on or near rail roada,,but more than eighty rods from a sta.. : don,. immediately alter . the ..31at of March next, report their enact distance from the near; est station, and how', they are otherwise sup plied.with the Mail, to. enable the Postmaster General to dirpct a mail-messenger supply from Ina lstof July next. • . ' ; -Section eighteen of tin act of Congresi approved March 3, ISO,' provides that on. tracts for:the transportation. of- the mail shall. I be let 4 4 in: evity. ease to the Joweist, bidder ten dering afficient guaranties-for' faithful perform ance, without other reference to the: mode of `such transportation than may" be necessary to provide for, the due . celerity, • certainty,' and security of such •trarisportation." 'Ginter this, kw, bids that *otiose ,to ' transport the 'Mail with ::"celerity; certainty,'and security," having' heen decided (olio the, only legal bi4s; are con creed as providing forthe entire mail.leWevet large, and,whateYer may . he the mode of con veyeance :nebessary: to insure its . 44celcrity, certainty, . and. Security," and will hayethe pteference over all-others, . ." • 20. A modification of ,a liittin any of. its . es sential terms is tintimiount toe new,bid, and cannot be. received,, so as to interclass With 'a regitlat, competition, after; he lot hour set for ; receiving . bids., it:eking • a new, bfd, with; guaranty and •certificate; i, the'oniy . 'wey.tr modify.a previona • . 21, Pii3tma.iroet, are to;becaratel not to tify the eufficWetcy of guarntnre or Pi9itqioi+ win): out knowing ley Ore persons of 114ffici!mt . recnonsibNiiy; and . guarantors, 'and enretfne . nre,dietinetly notified thet . oll failure' ni.enterinto at:* perform the cont rants fo• Ihe service pronolail for in the en . eepted bids, theirlegal , ..an . forced agaieet . . • 22. P csent - cOntractors,•aad persons known at tet , ..dcrorknient, touSci'cquntiv,witi! ottiew e . : and eerll,ficatea of 'their ~uffiCiertcy. substantially • iri. the_ forms • above, preficribeil; ..The'certificates, of sisfficiancy most be.ein.d by a poqttrialtei oe by johe el a - court of record. No, oilier c;,r" iriCate will be atirn;tteLl. • 2 • . J. 1:0ILT. • 640.6 w • . • ' RECURRENCE. OF THE DELUGE . . . . . -Lieutenant Julien,"e scientific:officer of the French'N'avy, hus - Written a Work justptiblisb ed, entitled srCurantes de l'Atmosphete et de la titer;" in which he puts forward 'a new • the .oty on. the inevitable periodical: return of a. cataclysm similarto that knoWn Under 'the name of the..lfniversal Deluge. The author starts with one.: fact,.viz: 'that the' :arithertnal linee of the highest ter , Perature are ,unequaly distributed betwen northern andibuthern 'spheres, the . space they occupy' in the former being about the doubts of-.that which they oe citpy.south of the equator, so that the southern hemisPhere is.Censiderable eolder,esperially to-. ward the pole, than the northern one. VViienthe whole,surface of earth was,.covered with water; (says hietitenant Julien;) its Centre of gravity coincided with its geometrical can tre. From that momentr i s revolution . around'the. tun ' commenced, 'and ' those cat's 8 which have led to the inequality, of' temperature: tweeemthe two liernispberei heron to operate. In the .course of a few cemurics the: ice at the . south pole beeame in chrisquence heavier than that accumulated at the north pole, and the centre of gravity was . .dierilaced southwards; emthematicians,;.in fact, state ghat the'difrerence between the latter and the geometrical centre to be about 1..70 . 0 metres, Under these circumstances ' yvhat could the li quid' surface of the .globe do- but flew. .south- - .ward, leaving all the continent We are familiar with to be uncovered ! Here. Julien ob eerves.that all the regicirmot- !Ile southern hem.' isphere bear.unmistakeable . meirks ;of submer sion:- that America,. Africa, and. India end in points, all 'humid toward the south pole; -that the . lslittiasef the southern. regions have the. op pearance, of the:summits Of • .moitntain.rangea, and that Lieutenant - iktitiry's Soun'dinge 'show' that the co its on that: side, descend'abrubt ly into the sea.' He also states the curious. fact • thatin going from the:north.to the South 'pole; et : every parallel the 'ratio of the extent tif, land : 'to that of the sea dirninisheS 'regularly and ; progressively. Let us now take into consider- . ationlhe phenomenon called the,procession of •the Equinoies, Thie gradually causes's' cook plate.change . in the seasope,:and counting frOm' any given time, th , lre must`elapse at least 2.1,-. 000 berme the seasons can retail) at' precisely •the Same periods of the year. It haS..been as certained. that up,•to .the year '1248 .of • the Christian eta, a year in which the float day of winter precisely coincided 'with, the' earth's paisage• through its perihelion, the tempera ture or the southern hemisphere 'had'been: in constant course of dithinut It is moreover • 'clear that after the elapse of 10,500 . y.earstie- : fore, the year 1218, 'or I),ooo,yeariliefore• . otie .present time, it Was the north pole; and'notits‘ opposite : one, which was in..ifs maximum of. re. frigeratiOn. odr present continents Were 'sub merged, according to the Mosaic tradition :Of the !Deluge, and there. were continents tt ,khowtomns in' the . 'southern:herniapheres.-L., Ahd agaith'by the same astronomical and net. , ural laws; 10,500:Years after 'the list cola dyers]; a new, one will' occur, which wilt.aub merkefrom the , non berm hemisphere', •eml el. low a new world to submerge :from the ocean. , in the southern.one: . • .**- . Naomi Qustatiss.-Alr. Trollops, in his re;. cent book on the "West.lndies," thuigivee his esti . mata ot what is the'naturalchit'racter of tire. • "In many respects the negro's ;Male: of ha inanity differs: much from that which: is•c "tn. mon tolls, and which hes been produced-by our admixture of: bitch! and 'our - present eitent Of civilization. 'They are more• passionate than the white men, butarelyviiidictive,.as we are: The smallest injury excites their eager wrath, but no -injury produces. sustai., • eil hatred... - • In .the, seine Way, they : are seldom grateful, though often- very thankful,' They -arescevet oils 01 notice as a Child or dog; but they' have little idea of earning continual reepect. fhey best love him who is 'most unlike theinselves, and they displee the . . colored• Man who sp: prdliches them-in their bie-d, • Whee they.haVe onc.t•lecogn zed, a man as , their Master they will be faithful to•htm; but the more they ,rear their inaiter, the more they will respect him. They have , no , care for to-morrow,. but they delight in being ' gaudy' for to-day. Their crimes- are those of momentary impulee, as also their virtues. • They fear. death, .but. it they can, only; lie in the sun without pain for' the hour, they•will ha-dly drag themselves to the hoepitali thouv,h . their disease he mortal. They love their•offspringsiliut in their, rage 'will ill- , use them' fearfully. T hey .are greedy of food, butaenerally indifferent as to quality. They rejoice in finery; -and have in som6 eaatta be ano to understand the benefit of comparative cleanliness'; bat therare rarely:tidy. _A:little makes them happy, and•,nothing . makes them permanently wretched." •• • When bent.an matrimony,. look -more than akin deep - for beauty, dive further' than the pocket, fqr worth; and search for temper beyond thehumor of the moment—remembering it is not'al Ways the most agreeable partner at the ball who ,forms 'the most arniable'partrier for life. • Virtue, like some flowers, 'blooms often laireatid the shade, ' - -Arabs cultiiste the feelings, and ire a nation of 'banOits;; they,:are ; exceedingly 'hospitable, and exceedingly unjulto they utter the noblest sentiments, and steal the , saddle from . under you; they ; talk' of magnanimity ot•thp Bedouin, and thy}• ettl.your throat.' . JONES ON TN& • The Koirkerborkni. for liwitatotith:has S' etoty;none tbe leis enjoyable for ,baisitp , most , palpable bitof the-way.in whieb'iliftiesi" . the ,t.elever fellOw," 'of geppblican ,liewspapar ,establiehmeni, "got paLty , (piir Qatt;,, ilirtson 86, occasion` ' otemergetiCy; wharf i.tbis eitl.tor who war a lawyer, was 414410.4'11We,, - frin homir on a lawsuit. •Editor Jones, who was a Democraf, , antl'of coutie-iIW liked the polities of the 'sheer: , • • . PoseyvilNy Oct. -24850. Dean Jormas--Oaree'conte till niornina... - Get out the beet 'paper -you . ean. Write short. ant. cies, Anil stir-up the parry : for not giving i hair °mins more asilstance... • H. E. •P. S'—By- the editor;'' eitiphatisaortea.' Touch 'em on the Tess! . • Paper ;owed its existence to .Iripilioligan . par ty: Polities its very life blood. : :Jones had lull pewit' sind . Ivied Conine oppeated with the following 'editorial from the pen o: Jones: •• .: . • Tux NMona.—We- admire like him... We lov4 him.: We go in for• him. We have but one idea and' that is : ther nigger. • .We have but . one dream anil. that is - dittof, 'We .preach from but one 'text, and that is.ditto. 4 , We sing but one song; and that is 'ditto,. :We play but 'one 'Vine,: and that 'is ditire: We go our full lerath on oiggar . ..We are tilrover We ire ditto In the.mornine . .: We are ditto . .ai. We are (146 at night. Wearetiitto:all the time... 'Wwlive owditto. • We sleep lin dit.. to. : We'll die on ditto. yet ;rat yen 14, Naos readnr, The Geidar dun'e'pny! : Next morning 'enters • infuriated proprietor; "You infernal ..acounfirell" •roar'ed he... Jonas evapOri. ed.- Stopped by, editor.jiist coming iJones," says editor, 'atm paper.at dilowa bare, w : hat•he Wf You. done?", "Reckon I've ionehid 'ea,. en, the rnw,":says 'You've killed the tieper,',' cried the-proprle . . .. ":“You've ruined Ore," exelainied the. editor,: • iinoW•did you come to wri: e' Suitt O sivissii arti , le?" asited.t he twtintieinr...... -• ' ,' ' 4 , To !lir 'ens up eclitilii" ssiil inner. ".- . “The thing's outrageous;". pays the editor. - ''ll . is ti.little eutp/oitfe,"Ssys Jones. . •••• . • • Filatellush of Dimuerats and RePublientis to printing office: Foriner exu Rant,' the latter savage' beyond bounds,' Jones relieved- . frin hirtherussisiting.iii the editorial, depitrtnient of that paper, anirset up by'Demoerats as editor , l, of a : new ..Denuocra tie - psper,,.. t hen ", snOherij Started,. in view of Jones' manifest•pitilittl#l 19itir 4 em up, and touelt.'ent "op the resoPij: Pt.casind Eigavuony.--.0 piny . the printgir," Thiele Toby. phor efeitueSet," rejoined Trim. s;How. sot" :said • My. utiOe. ' , 4l3,ecause, in he .first place," contintied":4e corpora!,dtiticante , he must endeisvir' to 'platifse et/6766'1y, the negligence. , of Moment, Perhaps'A, small -paragraph pops upon ,blin; he hastily" hrowi it to the coMpositilfts'inser;• ted, and he ii.rnined to all kite' ."icrid - purpo ses."' !era° . Much 'the case;'fritn," said: my. kinele with' Aideep sigh; .4 4 tnt; 7 2, Mueb--tite • case." "An', please- ynto honor," continued Tritn, elevating his - vojce,'and striking 'into an impostingsattittilie 7 -6.4e, please your honor, this is not the Whole," !SG . ° on Trim," said my sincle feelingly. ::' , l 6 The printers sometimes," pursued, the, iorpiiral, 4.Wits' upon a piece that pleases him mightily. and he thinks it cannot go dOwn with his subscribers; Maid sir; whia'iiiii,calculafe the human mind? . fie insertsr :it, and it is all over w.ith hini.:. Thoy 'forgive' `others; but they cannot forgive the printer: He hastt, host to print for, intl. every one sets a up (or . critic,".. The pretty miss estelafme, "Why don' . .t he give us morepoetry; . marriages; aid ben.mots? away with. th&so !tale .pieces." The p?lifician clips 'specs on his 'nose, and' runs it:over in search of a violent invectivet he folds none; he takes his spers.off,' folds ';ihem; stick's them in• his ,pocket 'declaring ,the paper . ' 'eond •for nothing but to burn. So it goes.— Every one' thinks• it might to be printed ei presily.fok himself, as - he is a subscriber; yet) after All consolaining. would vou'believe it, sir," sitid the honest corporal .claspinglie betide beseechinelyt‘woultiyoti 'believe it., sir; thvre . are aomo subscribers., not hesitate.lp cheat the printer out of his pay? ' Our army iwore terribly in Flanders, but theY never , rtid anything as . .bad as that." Never;" said toy uncle Toby, emphatically. "Mankind at the east .liaVe reverence for wealth which is here'almost .wholly'tinknown. A - Californian, would hardly vraiste a second look, save in the wkay 'of bt.iness, Weir:B.4m) himself should appear among us. .. He. love!' money for • the s mike of what it will 64, put never thinks of it earl. means of winning respect. Family d , Stinetion are even less heeded than those of fortune.. -A man who has the good lurk •() be born at all; is here just 04 good as one. in whOse• veins . flow tall tip bloo.lof all .the 1-loWa , da.' The . Son of the Great . Mogul, - or a deicendant in a direct line froho Closer, would . enjoy :no higher , consideration than:Pad , d) M'Guire, fresh irom tannangh, He .would find.himself compelled tOpaddle his own canoe.' and pay for his own whisky.. H is' merits, if he had any,. woald be . .acknOwledgedi but as for his ancestors;-. be . hait bo.tter follow tboir ex ample, and <dry tip,' than to make any claims on their acCount."*. • • , Ptolmey Philopater, who lived same two hundr , d years , liethre' Christ,' had a ship with . forty banki of rowels being five hundred .En . • glish feet , in lengtli-110 feet longer than the Persia, , and 'only 180 feet shorter tban the Greet Eastern: 75 feet from one ,side to the other. ...In height to gunwales., it •rais 9B feet, and from the highest. part of the stern to the .waterline it was abhut 100 feet,. It had four rudders each 68,feet long. When pot Mlle* it. .held morethan .four thottsand"rewera and Super numeratieiti end :ondeok were, three thou s and. marines : And besides . all .these there was a ; Isrge' body of-men under the decks, and - a quantity of provisdonsaind • The question .•" Why printers did not Maim:mi . as well as brevrer,". was answered Ilhosi:;: aliecaure printers work for the bead,Mid ihe bo wer o -for : the atomach,..and'Where.twent3i men.hare stomachs, but' nee has *alas:" jtunning .accotiritis will run away,with psi son's reedit more rapidly than anything k:esfl/1 'Otos,. - 01. -- ••- : - , -'7,:,y Q`;TJE';. - ~ 'geld* 0 Yalte tiotli. 4 #4li . tirikOru , iikuiler,-,,,t • ',Ulf kus Igue.ttliitttibr'stilketol4ll?•'tt 1 '' 4' ." - VAss I%ei A4l;,*.i ,t -f' rhi t: 4 l 44l YA V r.. l lo-,,, • fy,z' of 14 te- isillsiy4WititCfrotkititY s t: A 4.ty: iffou ',Wilt til . 011 - otYor,i *IWO' tke'rillts;,tt.l - , - fo nttru l o l # ( **il:**? I 131 0 10 44iir: '64 l t el *, ,,44bit ifiC: ll *l '',7 ' alwat ytkii:.' ",'• --v, , -. l - . seek'. on to, /46 1 4 {0,1, ,, ,,,g 0 ir00 r: your rOir , Ad Aniktitly,ni#l49loflrlin s i. 111 ' 4 111114. -lniiltir 4,, '‘Titoolls• 4 ' ." - ';t:Ai.),_, - , • 'llOlll uo to ;y 'itiiikt ell'11011,;;0$41,. Is (nor* vslitubloturou , ii sow 4:11i prassoio! - ,.. •or fashionably strirk ?"‘ , :q1- ,•• ' , ( ~q :sttttl:'; old on id I tiii,4 kg ', I:ssill' oetukrom ', well Ind do Ytltt lloOkl tit!, itit ryktorkiry:,, HOW 011 to yont.oti4o.‘itin otikiiiiii 6• to You, in, all than"' ii` Pla - ton: ,` ' ,,1 , ; 41 , 0, , ; , i',,. : Hold on to pont itinCrilorinto,4, it 114 , 0 , aver will be, youribeitwoillAk t :ip ,,,,. ‘....: t-,; , Goon l ADVICIII Flipill , ', 111Livir ! —'A `' \ Green'as built lo ffii. Joreph;lll4a4Clii4 i oil ,- tor 1 iii: merifit ' 'or ; Me- billebrOlr: .1, Wris l3 t'i'lle w 4)4 1 4,110 *•'-'ityleveit* 0 6 . 3 1 notorious DOy'w - rkiionlho'dir . beki. ft&itteetir,,,,, timl he :made ir - Oefireeeroll er - hie 4 iiiimei' - ..M!' , ‘ , , said his mar if treated Wirt ••ItindlY;•••tid,ritit•;' • 'peke a ereeeleoeo . ,l4 him, aid Ow (#O4O .". 1 - c he could iitrOorclioating. bia•iniiitili !ON Ord !., he wis,fold to - v*4V still:110404N ' nr.010,7! said;-,' i!l lidihrt •listinedli the:ldeitto; of 7: bad ,srhiteinetil:binald itet'itioirbsitatti*fill--, thisjill:.;.,iiOilitil 'like to: 40 Y ' Ivwft4lo)o7. black friendarainilr k 664=1 lia l thitCrod bOrriti,;', but Initiate; its . •:rbi only icor_of bad tninfil Oflpric"',' in this jailt-001 iroold lodviiii - afreebrilikeet Good avatar.. arid, neifitreereei eied:•'•*•o l )eele who may : oat ad : bonarh‘nottir; to ilitio• rimy • advice:men'toiP, aive tbmit, advising run eill, or to to ifre:'prOiteily ;of ; , their rower. or m 4044146 - I took tfir adilci,•aif bad., persons,"andi am to initei dal b' far Ififoitiing' to them. . .' ' r.."''' TICAIII A )lAki Mr Poise Irhert Is* is: ciedneseiri 10mve., They are weal(nesi,' but. of p ower,' They are . ..meersgreit or eVetWhefming Kriel, a contrition r 'rt uo iP"kabl° l34 . If i!n,V ,*eitr ink to wore . the t men wee not mortal,'l,woolta ~ • loolefor it in the strong, eetielisliti , .ossisetleta of the breist when thri soul .ha. been„ssitstsk when the.founte ins of feeling* ire. 'flaktgottlitE when tears are soothing forth 'lb crystal Verstrmi r Ohl , speak not harshly:Sol: : the stricken ,tbsoo, i . ;Ins in silence! Br:eh:not .the ,aohloOlif . by• laughter or intruslvelosititeps. sonar no omen's theyems* her• an ens' &off the .Itlefis'iiiatt . l4, nienhood in tities.melteChito , tiliras;tber:, are whit help vaterhint'sboia' brute.. , I love to see tilt affeetimi,•i:llieg painful tokens, het.: at please re lo , teire, an- itOrlt, Jattitigit was notte'on''earth 4141107:14,. be loth Jo live; • end if nein** :',Aitmiliyov. My grave, I; could never ilisroWoo4ol.flYli,'' Hattn.Cass.—The, free setlisettlitSsetterss chided from A thinseit• Publi.h•Oilit to the Ch ristein world•te prcitifet' thesis'c They ger Indhine abuts her deers' :upon tintos..!. 111 nols dehies Maids home.to them. Orris, nqt•reccise them,' and AlinnesOt• is debitiog whether or , not she shall admit them.- They Complain of being ; fb ' rced into a cold Climate suddenly, from n war Men one;snd prevents sad picture of 'the 'distress That they ruffle.lf their , injudicious -:friendo in. the free States had let them alone, it lignite. likely' thst * they have, been still, eppying their triedoni unittoles• ted iii . the South. • , .'; • • • . A young lady'. Plying in Shake Pitlirie, tell desprutely in' love with , ayoung . man, who exhibited no reCiprocity• of. attachment - . as was married last week to another lady, and•the disappointed gill as snort ‘ati ahn heard °fit, started .for .the river to 'drown herself.. She was overtaken and brought brick. In alittli while: after she jumped into a well, bob wail rescued.' little later she got hold of a botch= er- knife and stabbed.heiself in. theaide t ing a dangerous and probably fatal 'wound: . ...„ During the last.,war it Quaker'mr,arcittiMiril: an American ship enstagedin close cetn_hi : t'vilth' 4 11 onoily, He preserved..:.hie•littaCti!'prilebileit calmly Until he Briton nit the yowl by, a rope thativing Overboaitl:: • Oeiiing. o hatchet, the, Qatikei looked over ibit aide, ; of the snip 41111 iemitiked; t•Friend, *sots that rope thee may havelt,', l lvitheaatiftitinhe Action to the :word. ':he eat' 6ir the..rOpe end iliTavent the poor Eirliciselo the long and .irit ! tory grave to rile no More tOrey'er; . Ai old author .I laY sl igPrayer :1* the rope in the . bollry--we pull , it-end it r.tige the bell op in the lielive'nm" anti . so it .is.' ...Keep the bell' moving,:: Pull it well, and; though' the' bell is so.hign that you' cahoot bear: it.: ring, depend upon, it, it can be hdird in the towerof Heaven,, 'end iti ringing before the throne of God,' wto ve , ll_ . mend'unswers of peace according to your On winter's nighi, wheir thft moon Ghana' bright, and snow•was e'rusted:O'eri . with a' maid as.fair .as seraphs. sre, I slid frotn.tillitl down lower. Ere we rearlio thf allow en,* rareo • otir . 010- , eic.; reened; Anil; with tres ses fair, stsea - ming' bar* on the sir, sweet &pie:went itetifi 'aver . . ,„ • • Corruption in . the' bear!, leiliert it - breakafprih is like a breiti . 4l Ole narrow passage', tiflit:eitsibrobgb doSen all, before it: The dbliirsas 6( ;6'004 to* quick and coon andnd;inn tbiit _ may ;undds'man forever. . . . .. . .. . kinr?a t•v imly ii n oiii * qu , * • Ret* 11 . Cy • i n g. to'etibiiet•llet.o?tliivili ,, hi ! iim)ri4ot:of • . teiiirkftiiiirg 00:ir, - 011Eiliiilititel,iikk '54. - Pinil! . ; . , ..t 1 .0.0'. ir,r4ik '..:::.: ', , lf' - ',%','''? : ! ; , - :;;, , If ::'. .:'•:'•i ' .'!' , ) ' .'fi7 , .' s j .' ''j: -,' ''l n :,' -:''' '''' • Buttei say! thit don't 'Res' 11"P'^ 1114 in 11 1° 1°VR • 0 4 0 1 0 1 0)% ,00 104 ' 1 ' W P 'ee k l Y hove a n_ ititi,p4tht , philoiophor who. hip/toAt. , ittfOkble gitl(tiittt b i lti*:olol* berauso he'saltf;fisbe clyasiv*ittAtpll.4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers