4 ._. ...,_......,. ...- ~ ,_.0:0.. ...„.,..,..,...:.....,,, ~„:„.....:.:,...;„, ..:„:„.1„,. -,.....,...• ''s'.i 4 I.' '.... ,! 7' .•1 j, .:. 4 i..s, 4 ",',- 0 ' , 4 1. .. , . ,•. ,• :. 2: :, , ' 4 4 '...::•;" ', !:. • ' -',„: t 4, I:4''' '4' , .....: ' '',,'• . " '... -... ~, .. ':' 2.. o',' -'''.. '.. .'• '''''',".....", e-r•ci ,i••• .1••;•i. •,,,,•• P. ,•,.. :,„:•.,,•„ , ...., , ~ ~ .., ~ , ....,: ~,,,: ; „ • . . • • . .• „• . _. ~. . ittitcan OLounig, P. , . . . . . . ÜBLIBRED: l'ir.glilt...THllll.lDAlir. BIORNINCii ,'. ty . ;': - 8..•0:t r 1ATT , .. 1.: S.illol-lIIORT,:..‘.M*E:AItI.,:dC3N;TY, .P A:. ~ .. , . ; • • , , . otrroE, B. E. CORNER or PUBLIC' SQUAItE Tilll4B i ; ‘,., !!' := ....-J:: . .sl 60 in Advaripe.. ' ' • • -•• .-‘•• Rates, of Advertising.. I.oli lumn oneo.oo 00 36 . t . .. 1200 ' 20 Q 0 12 . 00 bon'squato of 12 linen or leoi; 3 Insertious, .. .. ; 3. 51) Each' ni.thhequeut insertion; ; 11101109F9 Cl.ro62'.withytiper 00 • Rule or ,f 1 gare woict will, be double the .above. rates. Twelve lines „Brevier type, , or eight: lites nonpareil, ie These Terms Will bo ettletly adhered to.;;Ill i3itgiitess Directory. . lithan • •Conveyancor , • and 'Real' Eltale Stn'eiliport; AP.KoancountY, Pa. . . • B. F. *MIGHT, • • . . •. , . • 'FiloJeanie andltetnil ficaley in Fantily . Oroceidea,..Pnti, Flonr;• Sa4, Feed, Boots and Shona; ;&c.,. A:c, ' tors -• :In the 'Astor finnan Block, Emethi)ort Pa. .. ' , •• .. •.. . . ... . • Dialer i n Dry 'Goods; Orockries, Voris; Flour.', Salt, Fish Ready 7 3l.94o'9Dithiii,g, Docits'ani .Sods, • Sulethport, • ' • . • WLt . TAM. •-• . • • • , • . • ttridge-bliilder,• Port Allegheny, M'Keriri c o u n ty, ••• • • ,•• • . • 11.1.1RVEYO,R,. DRAFT.,9II.N;.CONVEYAIiefIR'and hefil Estrap agent; Office; 170111amsville; Fak Uo., Pei • . • • • s' • • • • RSFAABSCAS Citnpiti lion. Thcitnaa :Strutheri,, IV.. S.* Brownell, Emj., . . .. • ... .; ..'•.. • . CAIMiI. 110IISE; .. ..' • :- • • . . Joss H: Hum. Proprietor. corner nt . Water and Ilicgory • Streets, Warren, Pa. general, Stage Office.'. . . . . J. C. BAcKtrs & co . . . . , . . . . General...llealke in Dry 'Goode, Groceries,, Crockry, • ~eady-Alede Clothinc i Duets and Shoee,.Dete and Cape, ' . &c.;orprisite the Court House, B.methport P . a.., . • . .. . . • _.....___,..- FOES HOUSE, • . . . .• . . Fronting' the Public. Square,..oleltn,•N. Y.. ississ M. lifit.t.sit. Proprietor. The Fobe,s Moose is entirely new: and built of brick, • awl, is furnished in modern style., • .The &optic tot ,tlattors himself that his arcomm;ula. lions are not• siirpassed by nny hotel In. Western New Yotk. Carriages ruryto and from-tlio New York..and krio Mail Road.. i-, . • : •• , . - :. '• a;,.-.'.-tr: BYRON D. HAMLIN, ...... . . . . . . . Aires Nay AT: - Lew" , Smetlaport,..3l. 'Kean Cathay.' Pa., . -Agent far. lifessta. -Keratin; & Co's, Lands Attends ,!: .' especially to tlia ColleCtion of Clainis; •Exainialition a f Land T Wei. ,Payrnant ilf 'l.:Lies; and all business rein ' tins Oiled .Estato. Office in .llamliii tilocic.,• .. .. ~ ..• , , -, . . . . . , '-. I.L'A..,iii'strniir',l.,roprieteei,-at itinstiliq'Tirtirfvn ennrsty Pa. •II k-Tahle ,will be s.upplie4:w.ith the best Abe eonntry atioras, and ho spare no pains in 'itenniodati - Ag .—...:-......- 'E . :'.101101TON eELDW, .. 4tlOrneyandCounsrlior at..tair, - Sinethport..l4'Sean Cauhtx . , • Pa. • Ilusiness.-entrusted to .his• carufor the eountiei 4 M'Kedn„ Potter and slk• will be prorof,tly attended to Qtfice in the, Courthouse, second .floor: •: • "•• DR(;•li..lt.' 7 W;liiiElli • • • • ' rilyalcian and tiurbitini 'li3tiietrutairt; Pa, will ittend to all Professional calla,w,itivpOroptnens. • 0111eain Sart well 13locli,*aeaotidilOpr..' • 'N.'SAIUTLFAA.CO„ • • ••• 'Wboleaale and Rettil Dealers'lii:Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, 'Carpeting; Ready Made' Clothing. and Genera Furnishing Goods', Dente AwlStns, Wall and Witidne Paper, Looking Clinpaos At Moan. N. N.Y. • BENNETT HOUSE,: •1 . eth Miltean.Co... Pa.: D.. R. Rens Err, Preprie • • tor—OppOsites ,the Court linuse..,A new, large, corn modiousnoeweD•furnislied house.,: • 'JOAN C. IIACKV • ... • . . Attorney and Couusellor at Law, Stnetlifinrt, ttikoko Co • PS. Will attenCto all business in his profession inthe . counties of 111 , Kean, Pottee'and Elk., Omen over 0.1;;. • , Sartwell & Brothers' Store. •:: •: , . . • . .11,19KNEY -ROUSE, - . ' • ()omen of Second and:lithe:ly stinbti,: WarrOn, .Pa. . R A. 114anonnPrOjwiOtor.' Travelers will and good, an commodallowl and teaso.nable,clutrgem.. ~' - • . ~ E. -' S. MASON, ~ '-. ' • ... • . • . S. . . . Dealer in Stoves, Tin -Ware, JaPPened Ware , kc., w e pt aide of the r üblio SquAro., . SmethOqrt, Pa., Custom worrdOne.to nyder on the. shorteet•notiee, and in the : ' moat substantial manner. .. • ... . - '•. •.•• - ~• '' W . BROINEL.L, •- . • . . . . . Dialer. in Dry Goods, Groceries, C rockery;e Dardware ~ : Boots, Shoes, Data, Caps;Glass, Nails. Oils; &c., Se }last aide of the Pulcdid Square; Suiethport, Pa. ' . , . . . • ~. . . . . . . • . .. . . .Dealer In Provialons find Family Groceries generally, at Farmer', Valley, MiXean 00„ Pa. ,Grain ' Lumber, Shingles, &c;,, taken In -eictiange for Goods. , Patent .:' Medicines' for naln. •.. .. : ..• • '.' • ' : ' iiiiABEE'S HOTEL, Itantnos: , Penprietni,--Allegheiif Bridge, 111 , Kenn (30 . , Pa. Vila bonen is situated about nine nillekfrom Skpothport • an the' road. to °lean t and . Wllt be found cOnvenlent stopping.plaen • . '. • • • . • . EMPORIUM . HOOSE • ' •• • ; Bhippen,: liVlCean Proprietor A .comincoliOus. and well-tarnished .Itonaii. strangers '• And:taaveiers will, find goOd,accommodations. ' FARMERS'. VALLEY- ROTEL, .... . . . Ity T. Goonwttl, This Renee is attneted about five mil e fronitimettipert onlike road to Olean. Pleasure parties • and othela can be.aecorumedated en the shortest notice' ELDRED HALF-WAY HOUSE, . . •.. . . . I.Tarn,tti OEMs, Proprietor . This houso is situated had, -way hetwoonSmethport and Olean. If you want a good . dinner this fit the place' to' stop, .. ' , • . agoutis, CORtVIN, . . Proprietor of the Oast Mill, at Mochanieshurg, Mo . .Itonn County Pi. Flour." llteali •aud Feed,•constanti . on. hand arld,for ante. itk large. and mall nuantitios. ' . . - BAILTIOAWHOIISE , •• • Oaritinnen,.,Proprietor,.Norwich,..Mtlionn CO, Pa.. Good aceommodations:cap be bad there at a . . . . .. . PORT.:ALIAOMITHOUSP , ;. :. • -.. . . . Erman B. Tiel:Lay Prepriataf, - at Pcrt. Allegany,. 111 - Kean County • Pa. :This Hotel , hi situated at the Juno ' 'lien of•thaßinetliport and Allegany River ioada, nine . •'tnilae eint'of Brnethpert.' • '-' • •.,' - : 'ASTOR;:: . HOU:SE; SitIETigrORZ A :II7.'KEiN co:; P 4: :" .Prop;letOr.; The ,P ndirietcir stoe:ontly tpuroluisod ond 'thor' ,rellttod WO, Ardor .11.onse;olotters Mumlf Unit' ho. ionn.furnlih as gnodncoonnnodatiocul a!iany.hotol InlYopt• ern Penneylitanio. ' • . • • • ~,WANT.ED; . • • • . . I n 7 TONS OLD CAST- TRON.'In . exclutbgeifor"Work,"At', eP Ur the SMETUTORT • trlktebesteUe Ten in town at the • '•-•• '• • ••• -ASTOR UOUSE BTORE POST.OFTME . pEPARTMENT, •• 10;1 TVIOPpSALS will be -received at 'the Cen-, •1 7 tract Ofliee.of tiiis-beffartieent - until .3 p.„03. of Saturday, Mira 31;1860, for conveying the mailS'of the -United.States.forlotir years, corti- . tneneing' July:1; 1860 ) : and ending 'june"3o, 1864; : in .the "State of PENNSYLVANIA; oh . the . 'routes , and 'by the .scheilule . of departures. and' artiVals herein specified., „... • .• • DecisiOns nnnounced by. April 24,:180.o.: 2705 Fiem Rid g way, by WilliarnaVllle and Clerrpontvillo, to'Sruithport,'39 miles and back.-twice n woelt. • Leave Ridgeway Tuesday and Saturdayat 6 a. in, Arrivo'at Smithport.bY 7p. m; • . Leave.Smitbport bf o nday'and.Friday.at 6 4. ; , "Arrive at Ridgeway by 7.p. m; " • • • Proposals for three.times a week service' are Invited. 2700 From,Smithpert, by Lafayette, Eden, and . K.luzua, 'to Warren, 43 voiles and back, _once a week. • LeaVe Snirthport Tueaitay at 0s m; . • ••• •. Arrive at Warren ueiit day by 12 ni;• ' • • Leave IVarren Wednesday - at 2 p nr,i., •' • • Arrive at Binitlipert next dayat.6 p ao.From Smltbriert, by Farnieria Valley,•Sartriell, ' legbanyjirldge; and Poitville t N,17.,,t0 Olean, .213 nit lee and back,•six titriea'a.weelF. •• . Leave Sinitliport'ditily, except Sunday, at o.a in; .• Arrlye at,Olean by . o p in; • • . • leave Olean daily, ciccept Sunday, 4 - 0 a rn; . . • . . . . Arrive at Smitbport b y 3 p,m. .• . ..- . • . . 2711 From Rinzua, by Oprydop,,:Onriville.; Friend's Fur .. .• ..ry, and •Ven. 'Mlle Spring:, to youit - Randolph, 20 • • miles and back, once' a week • • . i Leaveßinzua Friday. at S API; ,',:. : • •, ' ' ' Arrive at East,Randidph by 0 On; ..• ~ .• , ~. • • 'Leive East Randolph Saturday at 8 a nr; • , , -, ' • , Arriim at Marna by 8p m. •*. . . 2712 From Eden to Bradfcirdi 10 Mile.] and back, pace a . • - •• ' wpek. . ... Leave Eden T.neaday'at'S a Pr; : ' ''. ,: . •. • Arrive at BradfoLl hyll a in; ', *, .• : . 7: 7l' Leave Bradford Tuesdaiht.l2 in; :,' - , , .• ''• Arrive at Eden by 3-p ni. ' • . . 2713'From BF Ofoli•flp bylkendall Creek and Limestone, to Tuna; 13 miles and back, thrSe timeea week. • 'Leave Bradfordlitandayi Wednesday and Friday at 9' R 111; . • .• •• Arrive at Tuna by 12 .m; • '• . • • . "Leave Tuna Monday,' iTedneadav and 'Friday ,' on ar • ".. rival of railrinotinaibtotarat - 2 p in; . • •". Arrive at flradford by s"p in. •: ' ' Proposals are invited for six-tinier.a.week Service, . 271; From.bawdersport, by EulallS,Roulette,Turtville, •' Port. Allegany, and liberty Hill, to StnitlmOrt, 29 • .; miles and back, twice a week. .' • . . • - . Leave Cowdersport AlMiday an,b Friday at 6 SP; • • Arrive at Smitbport by 7 p.m; • " • • 'Leave Stnitliport Tuesday nod Saturday at 6a m; . • -Arrive at Cowderspor6 by 3 p . ~ • ' • . 2715 Frain Pnwdersport by ()Westin Ellisburg. clenesse • Fork, and Eleven Mile, to Wellsville, N.." Y3O • mileaand •back, six times• a week, three of the " weekly trips to be run cis Pswayo.:, • • •• Leave Cowderapert daily, exeevt Sunday, at am; ' at Wellsville by 6 p m; -.Leave"Wellsville daily, exeept•Suriday, at S a'rn; .-• Ridgway, Pa i l Warren.. Piv. .. Buena Vista. Pa. - _ Arrive at. Epw4rsliort by 6, p.m: • • : - 17.,.From'Coirdersperi, by East: Elonier, Ayor , s Bill •,' Homer; North Wharton.-Wharton, and First Fork to Sinoaroationing,3l3.mileg and back, uone a week heave oowdersport Monday.ael.a in; Arrive at Sionamalioning riet'day.by 7 p.m; • ..LeaVe2innaMaboning Wedbesday at 7 a in; • ; Arrive at Clowderspert next day by 7 p.m. • : • 2718 From Colvdersport by Colesbur and 'Raymond's to ' 'Ulysses, 18 mileS and back, imce.a week.: • " Leave Cowdersport Saturday; at 7 at - • •Arrite at lllysses,by 12 cri; • ' Laitlye'LlViNes'Saturday at I,p m;; , Arrive at'Cowderiperl by 6 p, . . 2719 From Cowlersport, byKelsonpork Carter's • , Kettle Creek, ardllayneville, to Jyrsey' Shore. 73 : ..• milesandll.l4k,tWiCe.tt Week, to Kettle Creek, end • •• , onbea week re-sldue'.'-' • • • •• • • • . Leave Cowderspoit Tuesday and Fridayat o)•. r t a in; • Arrive at Kettle Creek by 7 p ui;, •••• ;Leave Kettle Creek Wednesday and Saturday at 6,14 . , , ~Arrive/st CowdereportLV 7 p ni, • .Le • aveJerseiShere Tuesday ale atnt. • •. • , • •• Arrive atilettle Creek by. 7 . . • Leave Kettle-Creek Wednesday stl:,J3#l l l 4 .• • .Arrive at, Jersey lkore by 7. • ' • • 2723. - Frorn-Sinnamilloning, by SecOnd,FOvkiTine Atreet, • Cameron, Shippen,' and NorWic2oo,.l3mitliport, 61 . 1 miles andbank, twice a week.:. , , 1 . •• Leave inniniabonlmt Monday and4buraday at 11 • Arritnat Stnithport next day:by I.2'in; • . ' Leave.SinittipciF Wednesday and Safurday.at 7 a.in • Arriire at Sinnanialthning'neit day by:l p m. , . Containing eoirditions to Le encorpoi-Otty! rontracts,to the, extent the: fleitattnient'moy deent: I.` Seven mirmtes.are allowed to each inter-, mediate office, when not' etherviise: specified, for. asserting the mails; but on:jailroad . and Steamboat routeS there is . - to,be Mimorel'deley . than' is suffieient for' an 'exchange •'of the Mail. bgs. 2. On railroad and . steamboat lines;'anciother. routes where the: . mode of conveyance admits of it; the special agents of . the'..Post Office pe; partinent, also ,post. office blanks; .mail locks, - tind keys' ore to be 'conveyed Without . . On.railrnad and steamboat lines the route agents of • the `depiirtment. : are• to he conveyed w . ithout• charge, and. for' their . exclusive use; :While traveling with the Mails,. a :comniediciiis Car, or, apart ment in the centre of a car, proper-, • ly , lighted; warmed; and furnished, and adapted to the convenient separation . and doe security of the mails, is to be provided by the contract= or, tinder the'direction'of the.departneent , it.; Railroad, and, steamboat companies (mired tb take the, mail from, and - deliver:44*d the post offices at. the •commencement• ritiOnide their.routes, and to and from all . rolfieeti . •:4hat more than eighty rods froth a: station •or , lititl-i tug. Proposals may be submitted•Ter,lWperl:; formance orol other side service—that is 4rof offices over eighty:rods from a station-Or 'land.; Receipts•will,be.required for mail hags con veyed in charge of persons•employed by. railroad companies. There will also be !tway prepared by postmasters, or other agents of.the departments, to accompany the mails specify ing the number and destination_ of the 'several bags. • On the principal 'stage routes, receipts will he required and way bills forward ed; the latter to . he examined by the several postmasters, to inSure•regularity in . the delive ry Of mail bags. . . t. Nb pay will be Made 'for. trips %not per- formed; andloi each' such omission not satis.: factorilYexplained three times the pay of the trip naay by deducted. * •Per arrivals so far behind time as .to.; break -connection with depending Mails, and not safficientfy ;excused, poe.4ourth ' of .the - ,cempineation. for the trip is subject .to forfeiture. . Deduction mill .be ordered •for a grade or perfoirrianee inferior to that specified in the:contract. For repeated delinguencies of the kind herein specified; erdarged penalties, , proportioned to the nature thereof ; and the im portance of the mail; may be.made. • 5. nit'. leaving: behind' or throwing, off the .mails;nt any portion , of • them, for' the adrnis 7 sion of.paiiengers or for being concerned in' settling ,up or: rnntiinvan express conveying intelligence advanceof the mail,'a . • quarter's, pay may be deducted: . . , , • • •••• , 6. Fines•will be imposed, unless the dam- . luencncy - be ,prornptly , and Satisfactthrily, ex plained by.. certificates Of' postmasters or the affidavit-of, other:credible, persons, for ,failing, to arrive. in contract tithe; for neglecting t o . take'the..mail froneor deliver,it into :a post' of. --- ' SMETHPoRT- , WicEANCOUNTV-1 ,-, ThOlspAy., FEBREJARy.I6,:rrig6O..:.-.• lINITED, s§'±ATES NAILS. PENNSYLVANIA, lISTIIUCT[OIS; • , • • • • •,, . ..• , • , • • • fice; for suffering•it-te•be wet; injured,-destroy ed, rebbed; loSt;, and. for lefiiiiing,,.after demand;, to convey the as fieqUently ae the 'contractor • runs; ,or is concerned "in. run ning .a coaCh; par;or steamboat on a route. • 1.. The 'Postmaster, Genera! May, annul.: - the contract for repealed•failures.to agreeably to contraett• fOr Violating the • Post Office laWs, or disobeying trie instructions of . -the depart- Meht; for refusing, todischargedi.carrier when required by-the . d.epartment to ipso; for-run ning' an express as aforesaidr 'or for , transporting persons or packages conveying mailable matter out'of the 'mails.' . .•. • . 8. The:PostmasterGeneral mayorder.an in- crease of service on, a mite by alloWing.there for a pro rata increase' on the contract pay He may 'Change ,schedules:of departures and, arrivals in all Caies,,and particularly, to Maio them • contorin to' connexion with . .rejlroids, without increase of, payi . provided the running time-he not abridged.....He may:Also order. an, increase Of.speed, allowing; within *the rest ric.. dons of thelaw., apro mte . increase of pay. for the additonal stoek r , or carriers, if any: •The contractor ,may, however, in •the vase 'of- in crease:of speed 'relinquish .the contract,' by . giving prompt notice to. the:department thrit•he prefers doing so.to carrying the ordei into e ff e!cf, The Postmaster. GeneraL.may ,. also 'Curtail or' discontinue the service . , in Whole or in part, at pro r atadicryaolof pay, alloWing.one month'ii extra 'compensation on the...amount dispensed With, whenever;in his 'opinion; the public in terests reqiiire the change;or in case he desires to supersede. itlby a different grade of transpor7 . , , O. Payments ,, .will be , made by collec t ions from or: drafts •on fioOma'sters, -or 00eriyise, after the •eipiration or each : q4artei—say in Febrazery, May, August, and.Novernber.. • • . . 'lO. The distances are given according to the best Information; but nolnereased.pay Will be.altowed should they. be greater than. adVer tised, irthe points to be supplied be correctly lliddeis:must inform tlantsalres: on this alsoiq reference to r the weiglit of the 'mail; the condition of roads, hills, 'streams, Ste, and all toll-bridges, ferries, or obitrtidtions..of any kind by.. which: expenie 'may be incurred. No' claim . . fo'r additional , pay,. hased:•on such ground, ..can - be .considered; - nor for alledged mistakes or misaliprehinsion ak to the degree dl service; - ncir..for bridges. destroyed, ferries dis: continued : or .other obstructions increasing distances, OceUrring during the contract germ. Offices establithed,after.this 'advertisement is i'ssued,'and . also during tlie contract term, are to' be, visited without extra.piy, if the distance be not increased. " ' ~ • ' A. bid.. received later' the' last day and hoUr named, or without the guaranty. required .bylaw and a ceititicate alto 'sufficieticy such,guarinty, 'cannot be eerisidered. in cimme.: tion''vvithfa regular ploprisat,'rettionable 12. pidders.shouldfirst propose Jot service strictly - according to the ncirertisement, and: thin, if. they desire; separcitely for different ser vie4 'and if the regular bid be the lowest offer ed for the advertised service;the other proposi .tions.may be considered:. .:• -33...Theie . should be butone - reutebid. for in . . a proposal. ..Coits.olidated pr combiaatiOn bids, (“proposing one . surn.lOr two or mere'rentes,") are forbidden by law, and'cannot be:eonsidered: The . route, the service, the .yearly. pay, the name and residence the'bithler,..(that hi.s 'Jetta!, post office address) and those. of..eath members of a firm. ' where a company, offers, should be distinctly stated. . ~ • •' • 15. Bidders nre requested to' use, as ' far as practicable; the pr,intad..fOrm of poposals fur niched by the departnient, to write oot . in fill the Barn of their,bids, and retain copies o • 'Altered bids 'shoidd. not be submitted;, • nor :bids once submitted iiii.-.withdrawn.. IST4 :with 'drawal.of a liiddr or guarantor Wdl be allowed unles.S dated and . received for receiving. Proposals: • • • , - Itach.bid must be guarantied by two respori• General 'guaranties should he Subthilted,- 7 - The' bid and guaranty .sbould . .be si ned plainly • with the fulrnarrie . of each person., • . ' The'department reserves the right . to, reject, any bid .whicli :may be deeined: extraVagant,• and also to disregard the 'bids,•of tailing con tractors rind bidders. •••• • • .• .16: The. and, should be seiled;supein - niibed Proposal; state or addresied “Se:cond''Aisistant Postmaster. General,' Con tract Office;": . and sent by mail,. not•bY onto cc . agent; and•pOstmaSters , will not.enclose prepo: sals.ordeiters of any kind] in their`, quarterly 7 • • • • • contract's . are to" be executed and 'rettiirted.il!4he departrinent.by.or.before.the lsi - daijOt:iiniiSfi . 1860; , but the servicermust be. P9o4l4t.ied4in the 'lst Of 'July, preceeding or oriittie 4 mitil,'Oay next after that.date, whether be executed or 'not. N 9 proposi will be considered until the COntiaitti are executed and rcceived at, the ' , partment; and then no transfer, will lie. allowed 'Unless good and:spillOmit reasons therefor are given; to detertnined.by the department.— In all cases the retiring contractor will 'be re. quired to; becomeone of the sureties on the new' contract. • . . : . • 18. - Postmasters . at . ,officeS on or. .ifear rail roads; but more, than eighty rods 'from. tioti; will, immediately atter.the..3 tat . .of March next,..report their exact distance from the.near est stationi - and how . they _are ,otherwiite 'Wip: plied with:the Mltit, to 'enable the Postmaster - - General tn. direcfa mail-meSsengersupPly from . the lit of July. next... " ' , I.9...Seetion, 'eighteen - ',of an act of Congress approved. March' 3; 1815, provides that con tracts for the - transpertatien •of the mail "hall ' be let "ire every case te',..the loWest bidder. ten -tiering slfichmt guaranties. for •taithful perform ance, without othnr_referetica.to• the inotle,of such tranaportatien thart may be neceSsary ta provide :for the7'due -celerity,,..certaintyr:and securitti ef such: transiirtation.” ~I Tittler.thts :law, bids that ;propose to transport . the_ mail with !'celerity, certainty, and soettrity having been-decided to be the-only legat bidei'are con.; :strtied as Providing Tor theentire , mairActwever large, and whatever may be the Modb of cen r. .veyetince. neeesSary , to. inspro' , .its. certainty; and. security," • and : will -have the 'preferenee.ever all.others. : • -.. A modification' of a bid in . arty of: its .es- . sentird'tirtne .. is itintainount tea new.. bid,-and cannotbe received, so De to, interetere with a regulat 'competition; afier.the last hour set lilt r eceiiing. bids. ' l‘talcing a new. bid, :With ,- '::.''' , -:j:j;.:;.'::'''.:, - .'.',..-'. '"'.:,':.`'.-:!:,,,i,:'-..'k,1 . gdaranty ona:eerti fi cate,. is', the;oldy iliay, to modifyq.previous titti.. •-• • • - o..i..Paatmaaters_oro . td bo•carrtol nottO car tify the sufficency ofguarntors or sdietiei with eat kilowing that they are persotis . of . suflicient re.sponsibilityt , ..and hiddera, geartintors, and sureties' are ,'distinctly notified.'distinctlthat' on a , failure to enter into or, perform • the ' contracts 'for the service . proposdd for, in the 'accepted bids, their legal liabilities will be. enforced aaernet-thetn: . . ' 22. , Present contractors, and . persons . knewn at the.department,: must, equally with . others, primate guarantors and certificates :Cif their sufficiency' substantially - in Ole forms • aboVe prescribeil...:.: The. Certificates :of_ saffldiency• iniisthe'signed by a postinaster or by ,a judge of a...court•Of record: .No other certiliCute .will • ;. T.•Hd4T: PO',;ima,vter General be, adthiqed " IIaRE 15 4..WitioW." .. .., . . , - Hid.jr.on , notica . .that sneer, 'he :tone of . con= tempt with which.. those , words were : 'Oteretil The Hindoos hem i,./dizws On the funeral, .rdie of'their .hushands;;:and we.pall.thcril cine U.-- Atherican Christians, With'the • Bihtein their hands often .beat WitiONY'S with amore refined, but ,not less real • Dear. reader, did you ever ispea . k rightly •of widoWs; and did . you '. - realize .the word !signifies . ? A wid . owl: one who has hived' and been belolied-L once the mistress of a pleasant home, yvhere clustered the richestlblossorns of affection, where: was music end. gladness;, one Who Once had 103trong nyrn . tolearrupen,.a no.. ble Manly lieartto sYinpathiSe : rows;. and .to shield her fentnevery rough blast. You knevv.her then; ..pethaPs you often, partook of 'the ' or tli . at • home. which. she' 'adorned:: respectful yen . , WerehoW lovely, hoW. lady . •likeshe .Was a wife-then, 'she had Proteetor.. .Brit days of darkness and. sorrow, came 7 -her husband—her. earthly , ail Wttalaid tow, and she, the tenderly' nUrtured, the c, sett ,.: there,. toot . ,',,:Every;; sPot: Mbetetels 011 .1 1.1,..'Aei • debut on , ,the'•-iett-:-Ohi . 'hote., : colsti;,r, , ,ltliAlolir ' esti/. , skin , ~d r a wers . ;wera,•fio., proteationAt ~ all! -, We tried.a ga i n, , fo r . the. paprs, alt, say : Oryati, • and' down •come our Itomen-Greeino,'nolo,on„ttie• cord • .j , dap- m ste fiat, ,sintl;••itteklittler Aropi, 4pf , e'rimson ran down:cturshirt,-',Prouitp; istnk,..ou..jo . the cold..icie .1.. Ortee..tnc4siwei 0.0044 1 0 1 1 g, • maiie -, for the' •shore,": sat - ,dow4 . ieri4.erlt94 dainages; .:•••••: •, • •••••';• ,... ',1. r:'•• -, 4:.1,;,.:. , A:i;5f0r;',.••: . . - • .4Two shillings in ta5h.....-thrissenZavol±7 4 -PutV4•4 , en lateral and . one 4 fron toeol',,bitippiffin l ONO" -.' . C. ' One 1 titrn en se 'II ss ure'iti an • liontlecorne , rit,„p4tr - f - ten-dollur eassimeres asltionhtt alfir i lnl, f, 4 1 1 . 11 4Pg 9 in. One rupt uru :in thmkneo, egt,entlitsaJZ4o, .: bone:,!. Four.bottons .frolit our,ve4 f ,st-4,(ragMen- toil! Watch . crystal, atitl.,lthe r;haeOtehttlitht . : etiongll tobeide among the, ehildrelllet 4 11 ,4, 1 7i4. - , If pin catch us o n the. ornoothitglettlY;''-OhillYs' • freeiiiig, treachoroui,:tleceltlul;'l4ifirtlXi , ;:tili4 'llllp.mppety ice -egaint'-:YPY'II. 1 ( .0 *-10 1 ",4,./C149% , .: onevier hears of our shttieg.;.zegei,e, - F;Ah.e.t. VII' plianse'draw on ui at altlst- for, filiJAY l ok lll ,',..l" 6ll: :: negonspanyini Apciltilenti. -, K,:'....1&4;,'"• - ,ttairg:isot , ' , "- thrnuith skatinit/.4 It's,„*.hism4 l, lll.4,4,Wes , it;• . t ion' or spirit, of Int si rias,7'9r , k leilfii , Aknitc:litOri Of iroivsersli 'lt's ' hesd•immpitte,,bisalt;ftt;Vegt, danverous ,institutiOn;t•emh WP: ; ;*.elit lenple against smiting..... - -We: triediiti• 014 abea?,t;'be We to walk:l6r aymotitiC4.ok4tint,o9,poo, li hinishug, and alli, tiktrogeg)l3r--I!yonnitoel. ; *,jelif. , to get the ladies at it;itthar;thip tnaVage,llt: they, too,": dun't.. ally r.94,'.6'41, ii;;Sfeffiilf ,,, , , , , 4. l l. It's' fitthinktb. us, but the:13,04!;Nllilt, 4 40 c00 011 0 ' Ist shateioulone;- tinleisOthey..are yotinleillul More elistiC thin werOsirts.:.,-,,Ohi r ticiwx9l4%pe ice fs-•-rnee.sir fee!:l4 gist e,' -4 . , ~4';' 4 . •: , i,',,.. ,:?!.• ~,, , ,t , % r : f . 1] iN T '- S Ti .Y0"7un770;t,4.7.. a :T e ;l4 rt " . 4 F ll ac .'' n,,- -u pn 7 7, t , p,ys,.u , . p your seat in the caer.ebetsYPu'l'tiTtidmt,;•44 l your tyorky4o elPert YeOlC/osi.,V , in has, been amusing herself •Wlth A tt little:.,'lthopitMg -- ', she won't even then:lt 10u19i4if1d. n .i.f , , , .7 1 M 1 ‘ - is going tO. sac Off ce,bis eProlor,t, ,he,,bee. , ,e,.. 4 . A .cets - sonable right' to-,emitle - t. ati . ,ltleetp.„,e...l l ,t4tWqfh..A3 l , - : tide. "'No use , bon. pcilites, to ;some!, .tigs--, there's an..old proverb about; nestling' Pc14,1 1 0)( 1- lore--what their -,nomesi, • Don't submit•to beooycleil.ofrtbapayenctint Into it' muddy getter 6-..qy tw0*0v4.ec)eg..1),911,,,,P,,e of •silk and whalehone..:_ils.oe,O!tlOtlr , blacked bonta .good ; " a -,e1aint,1,9,, 'their skirts? :look iitraight•sliOfotth'i•Y,oO;,Ond.-. 'stand, tin, for your:o46,B)4(l,X.titsri r ,the•larties . eari contract -thetristilve(ia, a!'!‘e t bere'Sr no help, for . Don't k .literiture and:the, fiftS pris 10', the • . . .pretty girls, of,you asotialOttinglti,goll you,, are sure they:;know, • the ~.„I. , ifitr6 9 o° sY-fen n"s Seasons' ,n d ,Tbionn'Aot4,4 rith (no-, tie. Arid . if.thOy• look, Osr.tigolitrlY•OP9o.9 l , lll: ' cal, then, you may know ,they, uns what you arei.tulking•Abont',,,, • Don't usk:,4 unleaa„your oat," and beep .etigagedAn ,t.sso.,or,ithreQ.lltrta•- • • (ions already .••••.; • . say' ecimolinentaryYoung lady 4it, jui,rty, without illrst 'that>: her tiintended 7 is nut standing, ' whole 'timei., ; • ~ 'Don't •,accept a lady la "ltivitiffon ,to, go a, 'hon. pipg 'with hermiless y0u,.b0v,6 proSiously ;Mea 'oared the lengtli,nr:your. Don't stay. la ter, , ,than. eleven; •9'e:t00k..,-.',Y,v4i 4 i,f:, you spend' the evenink. l .,Witil!" pretty the wisest and 'wittiest ma n i),92. l ..C! 3 rjotitittortl'•.% hecom ea .a bore -a (ter, th t „tit? •Don't believ,o•a ny sou feel any,syriip.ttuils;nl dose, of sage tea and go, to„,bed—,,,it.,iitlit,,timi'olt a malady as the. 'fleas ,to, get over it .fi lt aiii,el indeed? .1i ycit'dork?t-.ooeptputty,peeif,. thilt nhe oOnaliterable;:morOi i ..wings,-;lps'are i rrilitakent . •• , . Pon't:nnakemp:yOur„rnindt altant-. a creature in a twit ribtion,antl;yetvet:rottatta.r.thottt,tirt.' asking'your.:eiitoPs ., ; ntlyine.. r - ,lYetnmtkynsta one" woman. ;eon ,reatl:::imoi4grt•!if4P; minutes than it. ou,pan in fivesetiill . , ..2•• ~ • . Atl, ;Maim .tmattine.:that.yon, rrni•it keep yam': liidi t tglk,Wint gentleman, talk. in ,aep.. a rat ..titylgetii..latial4tar.al: yan wAnt-the girl i itt.ia'ugh.th their. aker l :!4. :wisti.washirisentimantaltsm. a frank,' manly, style. you•Weald•tcr, littent . gent lemon.' .P o nt : taippoke.„.bettittr,,,they are Women; they Remenolier all , this. stivieri or,AridY9Rlngy - make rather.leatfol.a fond ,ot.yttutttalf tkot . t;•you: would othaivise;• ; *ittt.9...,;Ki.Atittfrta.,•,.. • f. • Sonno‘ir.-'=-Sorrai,vs Kaiher 411141 iule n g storms do:around , uniuntainfilk4k:Jiko4tkonn, they break.tho iforrna an4StifyiltattAirit he. pl a n • bennatli tiiairoo39 . 4 0900\v gee,qiililFE;; a etaaaliiamo Aitori n itijla'A,9le4„,.y et they. a re!often :.foalytlikafAllatfAanfaAnat pearl.diverai'laihickeaAteititiac4-tiiii o,h aacot:r prize in . dp'riaii;aar . Wi'taBarnalltitatrravriOa , tracta; a:gr:eal.r:tiiia'nrakicao EintOiicaltected;:a 4 : hell'l66oo , its , toai , ton:eakeit'r.siigtitly4i,aoeili . and! . teeitifeia it ytlei(ii*Astiaiett,lo'.!al.lllo7z j.eticittPal4z ,Theiroluosisinaw, loin* 11.90111 s orir, none wishing 4kr-Ate. Ahe ftiits4rtf: l airilyA fill t k-h l "l,:e tt 7 ii < e tt 11: 1 1T lett rnii: " I, ,'` 'ooiiiv,et,, l l o' .. r ' . Aort 401, 1, 5, ~.e"-, tG, Zig rt i Airl ll4 ,,rOf'il f i la ,g i ft t A °- ' llsl t l4.ll - -i f j,: ' "t 4 V 6 pio"‘ ( '... 4: '11.", ' , ,h u iiv* tilva , ilitilllgit Yl 4o. l4 i4 t okill ,o n' 110, - init'es trii.l ef;rdeVittbrifi . e t o, 4 T'i i;p;et itiv:illfili N e d t..1,* hktft , Yet - imr , Ivo' k f' ,l ; 1 1 4 .. 41.3 - 'oi..r , , ''!) v ,, Y 4, „ 4. : • , ,1i • ~ -. 1, , 41. , ,t-',4 t , -,4,-whj4l4,r -,1ih.m1,.0. , r, A,:. ; ~-.: , 42, ` • 1 , ik --.li otwext.k,i,„ ',;tki ~,,w,.;k ... ~ ' ~;