M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, February 02, 1860, Image 3
WOW READY. The . liiiiie:if'::ltiploti§el of Ifavi!l! • . , , ..„., . . The::Prtnce of the ;lime. of • David! • . of ..the House of. Dived! By the Het. J.' H. HkIGRAHAM LL. D,.• ~. A.new and revised: editiOn;with the author's litest correction. ...One voltime, 12mo. cloth, 4 . 72 pages ;, • .Pripe $1,25. Puhlished by •' • • ,GEORGE G. •EVANS; • - • . • '• . No; 430 . . Chestnut.st., Philadelphia. . • thrianstaits 000 9 lijatise A liferal.traUsletion ih Gurmim of the 2 . - • PItINCE .THE HOUSE. OF.,D.AYID. • Otie volume; 1.2m0.,. cloth,. 475 . :pages. price $1;25. •Publithed by.. •—•:.• •' • 's • • • • •• • • .GEORat : G.:E VANS.' . . .439 Chestbut:s!.•;;ThiladelphiU; THE PILDAR OF . FIRE!. . • • : . or, 'ISRAEL IN BONDAGE. By the Rey. J. INGRAR4II.I,'LL..D. • One volume, 12mo. cloth,6oo Panes.. Pilee $1,25. • Pub. by . GEORGE G. EVAN.S, ' • 439 Chestnut-st;; Philadelphia. RECORDS OF THE.REVOLUTIONARY ;1. . . • • ‘.• Containing • 1H MILITARY & FINANCIAL CORRESYONioRIibE OP DISTI2VOUISHED OFFICERS . . . VrENERAL'ORDEFS . OF IVApilvaTori,LE AND GREENE . . Names of the Officersind *Privates, with . the - dateiSof their ConimissiOns and. EnliStnietits; • with. a het of distinguished Prisoners of War; the, tirne . .of.their.Capture, t Exchange, etc.; to yvhich is•added the Half-pay Acts of the Conti-. nential congress; the .Revolution'ary Pension .I.awst. and a list of the,,Officers.' of 'the Conti. petits! Armyovho acipieed the right to Half , pay; Commission, Lan& iVai.rants, etc. ete. • • • : By T.S. APFELL,, ' • Counsellor undAgent for Revolutionary Claims One ialaine,•f2o)o,eloth, 554,.patis. 'Price P) 25 .' . • . • , • T. S. , ARTHUR'S POPULAR, BOOKS. , , True Miles. •. '' ;Angel and the Demon. •. Home Scones. . ,' Three Eras in Woman's I Golden Gratis. ' ' • Life. The Martyr Wife. • • Ten . Nights. in a' Bar- Sparing to'Spend. .'1 Room. ' Tales of Real Life... &nal of the Hou sehold, The Old Man's Bride. • ;Thailand and not the• The Way to Prosper..: I . Heart. , ' • • The yiritheted Heart: Heart. Historiek aiid • Tales of Harried,Life.• Life Pieturini. . •'• Steps towards 'Heaven.Tho Trials of a I House- What can Woman do? • keeper. . • • Tales of Domestic Life. 'Leaves from the .Book Good Time Coming. I of Unman Life. cclnthe union of thrilling dramatic incidents, with Moral lessons of the, highest importance, these works' of 17.. S. Arthur stand forth pre.! , eminent amongst modern authors. i‘They.hnve been introduced • into the Dis-• triet, Sabbath School, and various other libra rieS throughout the country. • '• • Each of the above books contain nearly 500 pages, atuLare.illustrited with finely executed. Mezzotint engravings, and handsomely. bound in one 12m0.. volume. Trice.sl., e'asch. BOOKS BECPIRM PUBLISBZD TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH MEMOIRS OF ROBEkT7HOUDIN • • ..r.itEsTiDIGITEuR,• ' ' Author, ' Magician, ' Artist, ' Borcerer,... • • • Wizard; .• Necroman'eer, • • • '• Conjurer, . Enchanter,' • Ambassador, . :'Escamoteur. . Professor of.Sleialt of Hand etc.' etc Written by himself, Edited by • • . - MLA: SHELTON 'MAcKEHZ . JE.. With a copious index ccrefully arranged. • .Bound in one vol: 12trto: cloth 416 pages: -$1 NATIONAL LIBRARY MEM HEROES;IIIINTETIS .AND PATRIOTS LIFE OF COL.•CEOOKET7 !.rFE, OF GEN'L EAIIIIEL LIFE OF LEWIS WETZEL. LIFE ; OF COLONEL DANIEL LIM 'OF • $011:111tBN Eokt.ANO PATRIOTS: LIVES OP GITEitAI. LEEIPUXILIOANO.PItIyATk LIFE . . -Erteb of the nbOve books are , illustrated with fine 'engravings, and bound in one .;volume, 12nlo cloth.. Price $4OO. . LIVES OF ILLUSTRIOUS WOMEN.: OF. ALL AGES AlsiD,- NATIONS,' Including the EMprees Josephine ? Ltidy. Jane Or6r,.lleairke Cenci • Joan of. Are, Anne Bo leyn, Charlotte Corday, Semiranns, Zenobia, BoadicEc, etc. etc. , Edited, by . :• • • • ' • , MARY E.' HF.WITT. •. • . Embellished with finely engraved Portraits on Steel. • 'One vol. 12nao. cloth; 336 Pages._ 'Price $1,25. • . • • . .• LECTUAIS FOR. THE PEOPLE. By the Rey. HUPH STOWELL. BROWN, of the Myrtle Street ‘.Baptlst Church, Liverpool, England. Eirtt Series. ' *ith•a Bio.raphical Introduai!iin by •Dr: R SHE4,TON MACKENZIE: • . •• Published under a special arrangement with the author. • One: vol. 12md.cloth. 414 pages Price $l. • Upon remittance of the price of tbe Book and 21 cents additional for postage, chides. of either .of the above books accompanied, with .a •hand aome present, worth froin 50 Cents to. 100 .dold lare will be mailed to any person in the United BEND FOR 4:O6kitIFIED CATALOGUE OF. BOOBS,. Containing the.most complete list of books in every .dePartirient. otLitcrature ever published, and which : will be'seht to any person, sending , their address: • . .To ensure 'promptness .and honorable dealing, send all your orders forlbboks to . • .GEORGE G, EVANS, Pun/ minty,. .• And origi7la . for of am G,/2 Book business. 409 Chestnut-et, Philadelphia. And you will be 'satisfied that it' is the best place en the codntryco purchase Books.' • u. SPECIAL NOTICE TO 'AGENTS G. G. EVANS,.having purchased the •stereo ,. type plates, copyrights , etc. o f tuff' r.tPrinee of Ihe,House of - Dayid;'!. "Pillar Of. Fire," etc., would call the .atterition of,agerits to these truly valuable Werke.- • - ••• • . • • The gllauroi OP TUE HOUSE '.or: DA.VID " is one.of the most popular and beet selling books ever: published..-. t Over' 180,600 copies • have, been sold,'and it. bids fair to outrival the Erogress," or any other similar work. , The lerimaa orFIRE, by Abe same author is now meeting with 'a rapid sale, over 900000 .. . --- .I copies have been)iiolh since its" publicatidti; end as a companicin,to,the , iPrince of thellouie of David," .. eVery _reader. of, 'that book , .should purchase a copy,. :' : - - , . "THE RECORDS Hp THE REVHLLITIONAST WARP 'is a.record Of great. intereet ; and gives it , vest amount' of iefortrintion ielative 10 . the • Soldiers - Of'the Revolutiori, and a,s an.inyalueble boiik of .reference for the deecehdants of its heroe's and, ell who are interested, in Pension Claims, War-' rants,•etc., etc: -: ' • ' •-. : •:-• , .. ... ~. . . : The moat LPERAL inducements are offered 'to' Agents, and upon addiessink r the piiblisher every information ` , will' tie given. • ~ • ... SEND" Poll - A bATALOGUC' • • - . .' . 'Address - - . GEORGE 'G. EVANS. • 42-6ve • 1 • 439 : Chestnut-st., Philadelphia. .., FUSES HOU SE • • . ... . 0 . . . . • John. l''...Rnseell, ;..-• -: . - Proprietok: • ... OLEAN . N . • 7Y - . : • • wIIOLEaALE 'AND RETAIL DEALER fry • 'Oysters, Clams, Fresh Irish,.' Foreign :lim o 'DO ,.. • •• . - =esti() Fruits.. - . • • • ELMIRA & MOFFAT'S ALE Kept . constantly on hand and forsale by barrel oc draught. Oysters,-Stelked; Roasted, ' Fried; : of Raw, ,serred.at all. hours.• .. :. ; ' . . • -‘., .• ET' Orders promptly attended, to.' .• - • . Jan. 11; 1860: ... . .. , : . ••• . n3O-tf WAGON': - :. AND ':-SLEIGH *SHOP, ON MECHANIC. 'STREET HNO; - : 4. TE undersigned Would !reepecttußy an nounce-to the'citizEMs.ol M'Kean county, that he is nOw,preparedjo do all kindi of wood work in my line'of. husiness; . at. slihrt.anotice; in a workmanlike manner, at reasonable, prices. I. feel satisfied that my'Work will, fully meet the req'ui'rements of ell who will frivOr'me With lheir•patropage.. .1. • •. 'Repairing promptly attended , to •On short .notice..; All kinds of grain taken in exchange .for work ;. also butter,- pork, beef, pine lumb'e'r and 3ft. "Woad. riot he• refused.; • • • • ; SREPARD. • Sinethport; 10,1860. , • : W . ARREAS the Hon:' Robert -G. White, President Judge, and, the.. Hons...T. Dar. ling and.S—Holmes; Asaociate qudges oLthe ' Courts of Oyer iSe Terminer . and . General jail Delivery, Quarter' Sessfons of the. Peace, Or phans' Court and . Courtof: Common Pleas for the County'of M'Kean have issued their . precept, bearing date Saturday, the Ist day of December in• the year of ....our Lord one thOusand eight hundred and fifty-nine; and to me directed, for holding a Court of. Oyer and Terminer.and Gen eral Jail. Delivery, Quarter Sessions of. the Peace, Orphans'. Court,' and . Court of COmmon Plena; in the Borough of. Sinethport, on Mon, day, the twenty-seventh day'of February next, and to continue one .week. • • . NOtide ie therefore hereby_ given to the Coro ners; Juitices of the Peace- and Constables Within the county;that•they be then and there in their proper persons; at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day; wittrtheir rolbii — recorda, inquisitions; examinations, and other remembrances, to do those things-which their . officesappertain to be done. And' those who are bound by their red= 7 ognizanees to prosecute thenrisO'ners that ire or shall be in'the jail Of. said county' of M'Kean, are to be then and, there to prosecute against them as will I:ie.:inst. • • • pafed at Smethport, "Jnnuary tenth 1860; and the 84th'-year'.of the Independence arthe Unifed States of America. • • • • 000 . D. 1. .N.EWS MIMI Which is . 'filleci !ion": top to:bottoin with the lIEST assortment of • • COOKING, PARLOR. A L BOX STOVES NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA; vvhich will be sold at prices tbakcannot fail to uit. I will also as usual, keep` onatantly on hand a zood assortment of HOUSEKEEPERS :HAR 1~7~ 1 T7~~S, FRYING. PANS, FLAT I CANDL I ESTICKS, Which wil be s old rit. the VERY LOWEST PRICE ,Thankful for.past - favors; I regiectfu cit a continuance of the same,. , Snnettipart. Sept. 220859 BLACKSMITHING. irjrAVING rented. the :shop ,attached , to 11Smethport FIIEN,ACV., : the aubscrihers now prepared to do ail kluds : ofblacksmlthiJ Particular attention paid to horseshoe : incl.. , VAN DYKE-kIVING Nov. 3, 189.: SMETHPORT COURT PROCLAMATION JOSEPH. MORSE, Sliet:HT. JUST RECEIVED AT by calmly, o ccupie , d bq k tteau Ci02.±.1.25! EVER .OFFERED FOR SALE 11.1. mom THE ONE, PRICE REGffilfOß, 4...,HR0A.D5..1:\D.W. FROM THE BATTERY OF . THE.OF THE ONE . .I . PRICE. , : , REGULATOR OLEAN. EVERY GUN DOUBLE SHOTTED I DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES 4.C., 4C RETAILED AT WHOLSAI4E.FftICE'S ONE PRICE TO ALL, AND NO DEVIATION.; FOLLOWING- LIST COMPRISES T. g.,;the of the.hargaies offered at . the. One Pried Regulator—the .111 - anzmctli Score of . 01eail, Which has beeome . so named for thensaptes of it, Styles; •the excellence and 'durability of.. its Fahries; the extreme "dep?ession . of its prices; the uniform civiliij oriis so/Orden; and the unwavering integiity , and untiring energy of its .'The Establishment w.hlehlor five years'has surpassed the, Dry Goods Trade in every point of excellence; and to. this - day.stands led ; unapproached and tinapprodslea 610 ! .Read the, List and judge for yourselves.' ' We. will Sell GOOD FAST. COLORED PRINTS We will 801 GOOD PRINTED MOUSLINE DELAINES We :w el.l FINE VALENCIAS We:will sell GOOD, YARD WIDE; lIR'N COTTON Sve will sell ALL OTHER KINDS . OF. GOODS USTAI., KEPT IN COUNTRY; STORES , Defy Competition:s m H 0 OUR. ENDORSERS. :The 'One Price Aegniiiier. . This immense establishment in our village, Under thOauspices.of Messrs..S. H. Butler and C. H. Thing, which is, rind for some time.has been attracting tn&rked' attention, 'for'the tent Of, their, stock, th e quality, of their goods . and the .teasonableness' of their:prices. Our business 'relatiode with these gentlemen :baVe 'b.pr, pleasant and satisfactory. .We hava;al. ways found: tbem. We have. alWays , ,foUnd them courteous, obliging and,honorable. One great secret of the. large.trade the' Regulator secures from ..the country for. many nines around, and. the Very many firm friends in .this vicinity, is their., strict • integrity- in business. Olean cannot spare the Regulator. We give a third broadside from their battery this week, to which we refer our readdrs.--:Otean Adver- Oct'. • TUE ONE PRICE REGULATOR, Olean, is in•the field . with a new stock of Dry . .Goode, Boots, Groceries, &c.• Everything• they offer is Worth the money asked; and as for their win ning wayi they haVe the- . secret. somehow. of doing double the . busineas of any. other House we know Of. Their •agencies kir the sale of gotton • Goods gives . therri,. great. advantages over others. , Our friends from ;his place who have. traded with them . need no recommends. WA RE, tion of burs to induce them to go :again; , those yThohav,e..not,,we.ask you, tor your oiyin sakes, to give them'a call and their goods an' examin, ation.,-Catiaraugys Democrat. BUTLER RED ,' at the One Price negu!. lator, Olean, are truly . benefactors 'of their race. .Therorty for-cask., sell for cash, practice no deception business;. have but'one price, and that extrerinely, low.. and we think do a much larger .beeiness than any .' other. Dry Goods, Herise in this Corinty.—South Western' N. S.NUTIAR,' N. S. BUTLER &Ca C.. 11. THING. ' _ '.one Price Regulitor , OLEAN N. TY: For eix peace per yard For one. RIO Iling per Yard For,one sh o aling per.Yeird For sixpenCe per.rard At prices To 6. The. convenience of having the Pump in a kitchen, or other'rooms' of, your tlts , elling, out regard to .the location of the Well or Cis tern.' '7. The easy. protection Of the instrument against Frost.'. • '• . - S.': The ease with which it may be .mpunted on wheels,ortn other Ways be made portable. ty. A simplicity which ensures great dura bility, protects irfrom being.thrown out of or der, and makes any 'repairs easy and of little 10. Great Chnaymesi: for the 'first . time T bringing the cost of theorce Pump. into.the neighborhood : of' the conimun Suction and Chain Pumps; while it is Immeasurably supe, Manufactured and for sale by the Subscriber; only, at . his shop in Mechanicsburg. . . GRAPE GROWERS CAN CARRY pN their business Most Specesofully ot , Htinimcinton, free from frosts; • Serne forty Vineyards set - out the past season: 'See advertisenient of Hammon. : ton Londe, another' column: .• . • OST, on or abont the lit of January' 1860, 1.4 cotinty'order, drawn payable to N. L. Dyke, for.sl9,93,dated Dec, 3 15t,..1809. No. 1083.. Aljpersons, are, ; liec,il,l)Y cautioned ' 'against passing or receivi44-ithis order, as I have received no value for It:- . • . •Shippcn, Jan. 10, itlt3o, I OLT OOPFtE . POTS `AT. '.. . • ...• • ;R'S' STRAW-CUTTER, 413i* now offere r to. the . pub- tproved„StraW-eutter in full all who take the ; trouble to wit fions.will be :convinced of, its any other no* , in user • • * ept constantly on : ,hand and man order.. • ' *. J, -1.1. BA Tl 4 H . .S • • lie this' confidence fh. ness its 9peq A . suppip t i titae tu red . mr A no other person has. . the right to v e make M. ses this , C.utter tvjthin WlCean court- . tj,•eil oaresusing it in . violation of the pat ent wil e prosecuted. : A. WOLTEItS.. Me ~ anicsburg, August 27, 1859. . 1, ', • . HAFFEY,offers his services to parties, J r `'! owning fir . wishing 'to purchase mineral leads-in Ig'Kean, Elk, Clearfield or Jefferson a/Unties. . , . [l7" Eiaminations• made and faithfully re . Bradford; July 27, ispo. PRINVING, • OP EVERY • • OPEAPLY AND pIPEDITIO17111:7 UECUTRb AZ TUE `' D.E11400R.20.`-'0jFi.'1,61?... SCOTT ee oc:T.Lolsr, • •• MERCHANT.: , TAILORS , • 01.4EAN, ..•.. HOBAst recoiled their:Wit/tap Stock Of goods, and are prepared to supply .their .numerous customers and those wh6 favor them with their patronage with any things! n their line.'.Theft stock conflate of - Cloths, Cassiineres, Vesting's, Hate, Caps; Shirts ....Collars, Cravats, 11 - eck Ties, &a. dcg. . • They have also a large assortmont of. • .' . : • - READY-MADE CLOT WAG, • "... Of the latest style. Civethem a call before purchasing claewhsre:. • U7' Orders• fro'm a distance' romptly atten, ded to.. Cutting done on short notice. ' ••'..1 418. CONLON.- • • • °jean, .413 . .12; 1860: • SHOE. BUSINESS AND 'FACTORIES can be carried on profitably -at Ilam,montcn.See advertiaemenf of Hainmonton Lands.. • • • • NOTICE. • • . All persons knowink themselves indebted'to. the undersigned by • Bdok account, save cost by settling the ' same by payment or Note immediately.'' . E. S. MASON. Deeimber . MD. .• • • '.• • • • • . . , .2AA BARRELS of Green Apples in store And for le tn. , by... To. Those' Interested - Mining. and •• • •-• Xineral Lands: • • . . W BARNES.BARNES.offers his services teethe exanilna . • VV- • tion ,of Mineral Lands InVlCeen - and Elk mien ties, and. will give hls .optnion as to the TALUS.-OF .1111N,E5,.. tic. 'Those enOging, his servlcei will receive all necessary and reliable information.. Residence at the, Bunker 11111 Mines: • • • • - 'Bergeant,'?d , Rean bi:•:; June -300850, • • ' " • INSURANCE AGENCY. Kensington Inahrance.Canipany, Cash Cap1ta1...»"..., .$160,00 Farmer's 'Union liisurance Co., Atliens,,Pa. • ,Cash Capital, ..... s'oo,ooo Greit Westersi Insuralici Co., Philadelphia • Capital. Stock • • . $1,040,005. Wait Branch, (ttlattio.l) Lacy Haven Pa.: lifidi - rahcel:Tcan be effected iii . poneible Stock :Companies by the .; Subscriber Any communication addressed VI him, a Smetbport; Pa., wilitnectivith•promp attention • . • B. F. DAVIS, Agent: SmethPorf,• Dec. 9, 1858. • . [n'lOtf.] PORK :& FLOUR • WHITE FISH AND SHAD. TALLOW it.SST EARINE CANDLES,.: VVARRA.NTED TO STAND IN HOT WEATHER, Foll,sAr.t . BROWNELL'S.: August:l2;lBp JEFFREY'S DOUBLE-ACTING 010110 N dc: FORCE PUMP India Rubber Ball Valvei THE . StliSCHlliElthaving purchased :the .rightlo make and'sell. this New Pump,* feels .a .confidence that efiOrts 'to briag it no to general usa, in this 'county, will - be .secon. ed by.al!whq see c9nstruFtion'and opera •: Among . the many advthitages.secured by' the use of this Pump', the following :'idly be enu. ineratech • • • , 1. A double action; by i,vhicb twice the NM er can be raised at the same . 2.. Great efiee.in working, thus pdapting e the Forni Principle.to common wells: • .. •'• • 3. •The.transformaAion, in a rnornent i of the Pimp into an hfri6ient" FIRE ENotnn;•thus ren dering the lose of dwellings by fire;•thtally Un necessary. • . • Capability of 'watering gardens,. Lawns, orisprinkling walks, washing windows,- &C., With the utmost ease and thoroughness. 5. P ower.to raise water with slight laborlo anyjeasonable.height, as in supplying - cham berslcc.• ERS Mechanicsbu'rg, MarchlB, 1858. * CALTTION - .. . E.... : - 6i,...i . _::::Si...'. . WILCOX & EATON BEG LEAVE, :ANIsT-01 'that, pitiy have received their first Cock SPRING.St-SUMNER'CIOODS: And.are now preintrad to'Welcotne their rriends and customers and offer them a neW.atid.desir able stock' of • •: • • 1.: . Country. Merchandize DRS' (0d)):$:; BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS -::.:.:.f&i...::c:A. GLASS' ._•And a choice stock Of . Fundl : G r o ceries k •We.will not'Weary your'patienca..by enume rating, brit our stock is.ve'ry F.ull and Couipl'ete and we doubt hot you. will fintLsOmething . to please you bath as to mial4i and price . ... f . •Windy Advertisements will.do for some, IRA the Truth. will. Wear • Better, mitt we only ask examination and aro: confidant We can..doyOu - good; . ' • ', . - CONE AND. SEE. • - • • • WILCOX Olean; April 18, 1859. • ' • • • • .•T SPLENDID. LOT 'TEAS, at'. • • • WILCOX & EA.TONISi .•• . . Olean KEROSENE OIL, • IurADE-from COAL, , with. LAMPS to:40 IV.I the oame,at .WILCOX,& PAPER'HANGINGS. , A CIMICE — ASSORTMENr at • / - 1 ' WILCOX•& EATON,S, .01 ectn , Y • PERSONS _WISHING . TO`.ESTABLISH Manufactories in• a new and thriving place where busitieseis:good. See adveratiement of the HammontenSettle meat: •• •-.. • • THE SIDE HILL VACATED .B. ANNOUNCES TO THE PUBLIC THAT. HE ASTOR HOUSE STORE WITH. HIS LARGE. STOCK OF GROCERIES, Where he offers at :IVbolesale,or Retail SUGARS UF ALL ,DESCRIPTIONS 'GREEN,: BLACK Bt, IMPERIAL TEAS OASTEII,, C 11011.9, JAVII Aii RIO COFFE S IrR ups 0101AISSES., RICE, SOAP, STARCH, CANDLES RAISINS, FRUITS, NUTS, PRUNES, POWDERS, I'lortr; Poa~k, ,llain ; Bailer, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, , BOQTS and SI-XOES, . . . . Together, with a large assortment of all. kinds of Goods kept in 'tt- Grocery Store, ,which he offers to sell for Ready Pay at the lowest ,mar ket rrice. _ • ' . . •• ‘: • S• • . B. T. WRIGHT . Smethporl, June" it; . 1850:- • ~ SMETHPORT:LIVERY: . STABLE. HE SUBSCRlBER.has:opened'a new Liv . .ery'Stable in Smbthport; at the residence et east Wisner on . Kink Street, ' three doors east of the Court' Houje; ,where can be found the best of Horses ainf Carriages at lor prices.. He intends to • make Smetiiport' :permanent residence, and asks 'a shire of pattinage,': . A N. MTN • - Smethpo'rt • Ati*ust V.J. 1850: ".• —•.. • . . TIIE place to ibayjoin Sugae hit ' thii /Liter Bones .store • Good Muneovalin far 8 ohs. Whitipoo:loo 84. gir. 10 cts,, Crushed and I.ulvitYzedll ate: -: ' , . • AND.SHOUL now3;Asl7' pridr ariiele,''minuftietufei4 it the ,- , ;N. L. DYKE rpm, cguaNs.ind .T.apanned Wirti•ifittive tit Holei'at '':111A60$18.: IN ;ALL 'ITS VARIETY, $ LICIT AS FANCY. AND. STAPLE CROCKERY,. WARE HAS 'REMOVED'.TO .THE. AT. LOW OF DIFF'EREN'T' GRADES, WHITE FISH CODFISH AND MACKEREL, Larq, ;*mi EGede‘vil ;JlJcaundi,ieity, .hae puiFbired' - occupied by Ja efyle , suited" to Will elwayi iiipliried r tbe te,ig' 0 4 ,07 ' )cat and the a u rf nun d ialtif!Pafrkla," •,'' " HIS be euitilie4 tile' ebbieesc.:Widie'ettel • 1 - 11$ - S r 4BL S • " *ill be iOsebe`care' 'of ;eitinelie- teritteet,4Viie. ionsible foe tbefr conduct theiKe,f4l4olo.et *ho will giie"tbe entiee"eifitblloSifejit'idiflOt, sonel'eupervistoti: . • •in short every inert will be sePi!li°d • COMFORTSANDS OAYArB r;'; . • • 0. , • tlie weary tr . aveler can •; —,„: In the holie.tilat he wilt se.abje fp rtiate GUST& d'iirikvieirvisit it his botiiel,'.;fiet moiitite a ebare'otpublic patronage, Stiret6liiirtoiif; 19'60. (Renters, l(anufat * Win, farmers id * )3ll . is: /1)e Ottentific.: tilitritatt MU,U ENLARGIED! A NEW VOLUME - , NEW SERZEiii.• , ~ ~ ~ . .. '• • • .• To Commerce on'Juli , .2d, 1800.; • ~:'''',.:::; • , '4: •.. Instiad 0f..416 pagne..thil,Yeaffe Woluin. ,Sfilafki9 Pe:. . . '.,. • rles.will contain-EffitlT•ittlieDlllelk4NollllllTT. , - • : • :: TWO PAO F,13 of 'Valuable IlondlnitAfattec, .asefttkand,..' • Instruotlie twall..cisoies. •• ' • • ' • -.. •' ' y' . . -, .. ' ",', ' ,i. . ...' Tna Scream Rig A11)11410,111 le pibtlilledi!reitly.inVll 4 r-.. • ' to form, suitable fof binding. end the numb.,, terAdril• '•''',•,.: ale rear contain • Inforniatlon In Sestardto-INY,WInTSCN- : ,',- TfONS. all brandies of MANVYAOTVISMO PROD Eris :: 'f.' AAITITOULTURAL• .., IIitPLEXIIE r t.•. • 'clitillltNilei NO4 . r':,, .: ISITLLWRIOIITINO; IRONIEA AOTURI4.9iI. . 1 11 , • •Tltr; in 'fact, %linnet evearlidta rlal•*pisininiik:lpialeeli --, ; •more,nr Imie attention In Its coltirtine. • " , "' , ';::-",••i'...4:4,-• • •.' '. - - - All Patent ' s lalnis ollielalle published . : every Tittles : ~ . • reported from thsol!atent oMoej.and f0r . , ..,y, • ':',. 1 ,.,...Y:' , (••A1e , •-•.' • ii.,, , ' ' ‘. INVENTORS AND vAivrirricaso;,.,::... .... -. It contains Infoisnattoil not lAbe °Method : alio ere..end,'.' .•.. whtsb no macLunlo;..,lbtentori or, patentee VW . 41' , 1111 40 i2 , ! -- At A Pan ify.loisrneilt bin nn'ohilarl thout . 'nr Cr :iiiais;44lo4,4:*::';', el utility 'since In . Rd colitnule efl,ll' be' tonbl ntigs,V l 4ll6 . : - . ;101.114°10p, • , ': L.., i ~:' •,. • " ~ .v,..,-„ , i, 0 ~,..,.. ~ , ,..,;, : i: '...„ Oarefol aitiistrnit atilt bettleith foomtlmei tollirettis' ,;, I' of the Metal: Lutnller - luld alkali , Marketa. ' , .4. ".' , '.1. , !., , ,,,, , : Ei4lo , IrlipnbeV selli cnataln'aixteen Wheels Ittldteddifteilthr 'i• columns of msttor • Sin nave Cal: illustratlnna_opa!opt, -.:- ; mnoldnell . oilid iiihoir • eriiirkkingo, , cioniPtijilng In **l l ratle;,l•: .'.. Sri. killilkiltOileitlalNAt, lESSlWaltlilkilleii , 4. ' Wait the 'lltitareed Series . la piesentettAn OiiiifitilAW -, '. it) ..outlneribe. not 11110 to other *old for ranny'veerii.Lflt-:',:, ;ill be like commencing 'anew yortt - -4 . 'ej;,, PrpiliAirri-,••::', Terms. Rua n iieilr —One Aiiiiti itii , lilkl44 inCt:cei.,,, .. Southern. Weider", and Canadian inonity.ooPost PaellSW etampe taken at paC for Notnorlptlone.. , :„Onnittliamollnits,Cl-%' . • bare ,wlll .plom ma to remit - 4wentpatx tnt4,ooll6 . ,:ftk o t49 . r'' 1..... rmilit mobsoriptlon to proc.nar poonags.' • ...,,,•".'.{, .3'. ~,.,..,;', ~, ~:. . A liberal discount' to alittrE , ' , 4l. 'trositititolooKll9l . ''': • '•' particular* of the Indtteenienta .for.ollibe, withl , , ll l.-'*: .., collie* of tha.paper;and yi :pamphlet sante.* a ~,,.. tion.Onneernlag the piebutlbe 4,1 titelitsf4l4 ' ...; ."-..; gratiabladdressinp ..,' 5. ,, ••i ±4mlnittpi3Ov! , ;',.4i)i*:)„ . l :..... .. :,.. ~... ~. Puttiolifitofitlyi e gt silS i lltll d . .. , ... '. • '.......-.:••'-... , ' F.Y. P.s , VTii,f,,fft4:! s ? .. '34 - i..!ii'. '-:-. • FARM LANDS FOrfilitittWittglilin '' Philadelphia by ,ItailirOifttlii !, tete4(44:11• 4 • Jersey. • Soil aMinetlii i itear , " a r itiliiiiiiliali, If purPoses, being a good:1006141 orifftCii':,ciiiir' bOttom. • The imid`iii i'laittillia*Wkittlitt-' to email farniiLeltd • fittridiid k irgni4ll4llWil:Ofii'_:' , the countryare naiiiaolltilfiail billldililaret,' crops produced ariViry lintel T aba rit ! ..bii!iiitp giowing. , Thecliinife beaeikatatikabd emir, • from frosts.' TutMs froni'sl6 to r2otlei iteitik, . payable withiit lour keinilty liatalitiunly.' ) T4';.t 'visit the place—Leave Vine Street _Whirl ati , i.....n Philadelphia at 0 74 A. M: by . Railroad ' for Him- • '',c. Monti:on, or address It. 1. lyinea,: by - ;letter,' ' • , gammonton Poet 011iceVAtiaritie Cotifity,Atirs , .• Jersey. Sea full •advertisethent inr ;another: PERSUNS,WANTING CIIANOV, OF: MP! mate for heittlth. See atlveriiaemeo mon(on another eoturtM.,!. A . ;YEW ca4d4of BOoti and Siaeti twilve awke ..11.. Y. V 4 1110111T1 ,Cabinet op inebleohanzcsburg.- A - WOLTERS rirsPeclfully unninuiclir the 'public 141, übtilvithstandini:theici . hard tirnes, he is manufacturing and keeps `chri,' stoutly on hand. all 'kinds bf furniturnistich O. ral S OTTOMANS;, • • • ••• CARD; CRIVj 4 RR,.-•,' • • is • • DININD , AND . ;BREAKFAST'TARA; . CRAIRS . 'of ill :kinds and::stylitl.Clini - "Rd nim coorfAermirittadi Coffin"; .8 0;4 of 14. veiklest material'. tind:m.iinofa F :tqe' • Veb 'lBOl3 Stone stipscßtßEß yieps o n , hansl e • ' L Stone Coal; 'Or the beaCquality, rtt• - pe,' Grist Mill, in . Meehanicaburi. Grain ol - kinds trikeri. • , - • GHORDIS CORWIICY: DR. W. Y. •DITOY *.. LTAS BEES`, during the past yeer, eng&ierll, 11_ in preparation, to resume the, .prtitticiri ofy;..• his profession, etiil :will in feruridevele, teittion'• Co its several.departmentti: j ;•,:`9llo . ;v:•• - .` • South..eitst corner of Main . Strer. / 7 Zti - - • SmetlipOrt, November 271,184. • • • DISSOLTPITOR'..% xtoticE" is hereby' wen that..otej.7r,orr,,,, II ship heretofore exisine Shepherd and A S. Bishop, imiler calt,gr"," style of D. V, .SIIErAIiD Co:ti ' +v w mutualc 9 nsent.'„-; AII firm Will be.paiq, 'D. '‘f: . ir:"...5llP4rARDA4l'.:',*%4 • • gg~t Smet - hpoit, r. a TO.. etranti PkeatOri., Presq , ludgf- -1 1Pn; Ti° 2l 6 ?. PA. Associate Jnelps—Ho6. , VDakliogdypeAlgtsito4g- Hon. S., , Nilriten; Bredrot4,' , . Sherit , - , J4isetih",MPT 61 "' Prodionotarly--snmni E46 4 .ofrlrro an4,,lF"°rll4 ;, • Triaorsn; 0,1‘; 4 4.4 coimoaenir $. Ittr, Coiroisiditimeir 01411110,!, , Aseousaw m il. • aotgf;Peritial.6lol; &olio Ategro,!.,+.-4 0 1 C0r0nen. ,4412 0 101 "! -< • ' MEI