”11. is ttik-ilistik th.'‘s rp,e R4Miblie, to fsisteratid,. epee:crme e, entqfp:Lie.". .....6',11'...1.-)Vl,' . ..ll:,:fcetil..j' . .c --7 :E.......';!1.::-.::NTO,,INTEILVi- -..:-....',..:... • . . A y ti} • el..'vation of A snick a n Ottiorel?ip, wholly nniionnl, in . no riiiiiketiOnal.ot.seetarian.; ',l,4vilig far' itsmot . „ tbs* . Wiirdi of the great !tut ..• • • hitt/ . ioriTzt; arse .baelnenotbirm,todo'ciith pri!it i r•;, aiming only . at the , bialinerilt AZT, Lrfr.tr:t TT eenti 4 ltitlet the beet write v, r y b rnne h, spit) t !ntfire :the' Aineric.ir, sock In g their , . •'. This Magni:lnel is now fp . ll,i An , .inq • the. first • •• yeai;iiiiirdriowing•neir n r t h e .SEC_ OND V..ol,lllVlF,,and.lias • met • with Unparral , sqinia:` •.. , s; • . • • .• • 'THE TNI . RD VOL:II7%IE •••• Will comtnenee orith•tlie numhrr rpr ..Tanntiry," will be " ieenrrl. enilv,in Prermbe, , 18594 - Beefy nomber he . - splendidly !rated' lri tbe hlOhest style 'of err. ttie Otnillublrittea contributor' , enanged for the: enming, ..yearattp,jlfe,following'well knoWo distinguish • :PITS GRIIINNITAT,I,IIOB. SPAM. BROW24BONi.J. T."IIBADTY,Y. . • • 0110:P.MORRIS, . 1). Plt Elsrrja wit 4111.t.monit enno,• .AT,TCH 0 ARKV, •• "PARK :NPR: ATRTCT,,VqI). SOHN • '- Atltß olk rg SNITTIL, - • SAMMY 11P: (10171.0, • . 'PRETIN 0 OF Y, ' • 'oAtuntium montane; unp- E:,t'F.T, • ' . • • &e. • In . thelennary number • 1011 be ccim.mrneeti the niost - stiikirigly originiil if the day ! . . entitled , :•`••' • ' • • • ..• • The . Orifie`riN ..S'OF 'BORDER LIFE.. . . FTH , .O Al{ F. S''Sllfl7ll' Tboire will. elan be 9nmmenterl in, nn *inrlY in6titbettiftitecomiii.yiplitrneo MO S T sT TIT LIMO AND.,INTENSELY INTERESTING .ORIGINAL Nt).YEL; entitled • . , . SLAVEJI:OF:,,iTfIr, colsT OR : THE AFRTCAN TRADE ',VP/MI-MTN FZ TJ - THE GREAT REPVI3I.3O. M ON:F.H Y • ie. the Wired country. Over. 1140,000' has bekt already . - expridnii'to biirfF ii,io twelent hieh 'de'eree of merit:—; piblishore ore &termini!d to give it the LARGEST CIRCULATION , in, the World.;-- With.thte 'view they Makicthe tollowink • lyit*oistiolcF_lNT • O . FFET3 S:. And they aubFeribet now on thitirbookgfas to the fidelity which they Mall Wait" :` ' .• . • TERAIE4 . . . . • • ;-• • • $ 0 . 25 subacriptipni per, Year; • 3.00 otthiee•or niorC, each, 2:00 Any oiS4iiCernllng.a . .club:of VlVE•subecrihers *ink : ,' money, shalt . %re Ce ‘'re, . mail, his ilipiesi•of•either. of the,. following • magnificent tittsaiiiies . ; viz v• • . •:• • ;Y41111.'1 , 01 1 SIMPER. Sire nf ,plate,•22- 40 irtiltra'w •I : raluP,o/5..' • • • . • .• THE CITY Of' TAT • GREAT .: Map of the plate. 25 by 39 irlytl ' .i. •Vn $5. • Tag 'PALACE .OF :WE .TIVIINPTER. , also of plate. ,25 by 39 inrhPs; - Valtie $5. . WALTER gOOTT!tiI MONUMENT 23.:b50 34 inches. Vaue4.. Oh lord. l ": S:ze .of the plate - 21 by 25' inchee. yaille $3 • . size of plate 21-hy 3.5 in ' 'abet; , .Value.s3,; • • . • • Any one'sending a club 'of Ten aubscribera, '4ol•lll4 . acedve.his choice of any two of . tho 'nbovo eo Any , ono sendine I) club 'nf Fifteen sabscribers ehaltrecolve his choice of any Pour •Of thi obov.o , ingr . avin es , ny. nne, Sending' a . (lab of_Trienty siibacribers, Shall receive all of • tlia'iboie engravings and, a copy of the Maga: • foi - one'year,'Cratis. I• one, • ', • . • • :T.ltissplendid • offor;will ennble ;ever' o, by • .. . • • kirery tri fl ing exertion, in getting anbacribera Ata'obtain as !Ali A cou.rovioN or nser WORTCR ' AUTO ADORN HIS ramtna,•llß.i;an he phi nia , adiniarbare for Twenty-five Dollars, Cash. Tottaglentleinen and young ladiea.All 'over tbsiStaatry4tre invited' to .get up Clubs upon above COMO: , • . • • ..Pbelmasters, Sad :Other - rerpectablr persona who may desire.to act.-as Agenta. and to re . 'iseiVe a Ceah cominission instead of. the above offer are authorized• to s . enl • ofi-Rtiba'orl • bare •at the prices Above named. deducting tWenty,.pir cent . . for their trouble. The enern. ,-• he sent in rotation; in the -order. in • ...'vshich the clubs'are sent to- •• • - • • • FIRST COME "MST OFAVED. • . • .• ro iddition• to the above 'unparalleleireffer, mellow • announce that , wi:ierii part ins_ do •not. •• ' - ittinti elnbsondwherethSii. names are not sent • ~ In ouba,,•,tliat Single Subscribers sending the • • • amount set opposite to. each of the above en , ;..tratrinks,;shall receive by mail the Engraving' ••• thosenond e ns copy of the Magazine for . one' of these* Eneraiings *are* of throe times Same, __R. ,_ N InN • 'the *aloe of those o ff ered . by ,tke old A s. 17 and all of them are , better and of more int r i ri ck Worth,thon any entraitings ever off.red by any ' ' • trGlift enterprise" or• - ft Art Astor in t ion .". *• : • "This Last Stiprier,"•aml r.The City of the , • GreatKing,"•sliould *adorn the walls.. of Y very .ClergYrnin aid •Scholar, i n the. country. :. • • Pilo . such offers' as these' were ever mn do be 7 forir.-there ie no rrattearcit" in the mat ter, no imiim*liiie, l9 ,rin gift enterprise,..n . n 11.1rnbil!f.— . .. • .: lifi . eall upon.CleigYmen, Postmasters, travel ' :sirri,*ocholars and•oll*who are interested in • tha . • succinct American ; Literature 'and • A rt, to . . • • tvall themselvei of ;heap generously.. liberal - , • • otritst. - • In'atidition to all of•the above, any one • . sending one dollar. and a half extra,' (t. i,50) ': • ihall receive the twelve •back numbers of. the ;Moliiiiriet trom'Sanuarv . ..lB'.9, fOrrninz• e Per :leet...et. of, the t* GREAT REPUBLIC" • :..' ... :otopirravr, from its conimencement. • , . •., :- . ..,A1t antiseOptions invari. bly in advance,. and • ',. •• illkilimiition from the above termS, . No ff;rther . ,•••••,... fr*rpit!ons ia , y to . throe, forming clubs ' , .' . .,ol..torAgertM.• .Givelname and Post Office ad: - i tk im i A r •-• full."', 411 'mils, niter- three. clonal., t , 2;:iilmeld be sent by ~raft, if convenient lifoney .. -. . : .,brisil ifiListasity authentiented.' et 'Our rihk: ~..:„i r titiittimps.ond,:eorient bills' received a ••.'.:„ ':.. - 1 11 11;;Of011atftlflitl• for We Ity, all news- dealers .•:,*BigliekstitidStittifi.atid • Canada. The trade ...,-.'''::if "reillitiiirbliakiire:;priees . by ROSS & TOu . - :-.,.:.' 0 al;:IBF:X1' E,R.: Ai , •Co .., •It.. : M. : •DE WITT ~ n ....,, v „,„„..N.,, BLAKE & LONG. in New - .,.1. •'•Otfit:lfitilt thi:lo4l dealers in the prin. • :,••••;-,,',...-:•;,:_' ..••___T:. ,•'' -.: •:' •. _. '.*,' e!. ..... ' ' . : ' . ..1' ' .4, ' gin gisnl f' ~ ! iiltrp - TM TOUR Otd:inat A , ,tqq . 'r 2 .. 011ittio.ortit ipip:thei.- - ,reepipl 'of 2:S• •; •*;;i' r kt ',.vm~ogsydg,o:f,ifl(osrmero •., _,.....-.:,„..i...•,', ~,..., ._ ..* ._.- „ ; , 4,, , , , f..-f,...,:..y,.._:. , ag-cowribaskers; ' . . . 5,',:ii . 114,..... , .7.., ":41 , 1 1 F1t ';l‘,4.Uiditiril.iir.w:Tork. Mt:'''•':•'..i .....- ::'4• 4 '.•.:,•;;''.•'t , :; ' k':".!'.\ ,,, t'`4:.•,!.'. , ..'T;.•.• `. ' Pizilt.'sLtik,tll....-.•:,,r,i,t...:1,1'::-'',••*':•tVe.? o:;:;:t:, , il''`.L: . . .. • TIARDIYARI.I:: . -Volasifacterrer.s l- Prices, s r. A I . l d G Ep NY •F AC, ILI T ES. N° & 3 EXCELSIOR:BE.;QQIc,. OLEAN, . . . Forkeeping eonitnntly,on,handa much' arger supply and ...aalortineat of 'the heavy. arti- - des of. Fiard ware; •generalli,..k”pt..by the JobbiO, iloaßra,and -•.secured the• EisiCTot roanjr•Mantifacturers: • • • • . Aneladine t...h e• . • • •• celebrated . . • PALL 'RIVETt'N.AILS WHEELER; .MADDEN S _A_ W 8 , .Also those of:WRI:CH & GRIFFITHS and other :makers, YAIDBANK'S SALES, RUBBER and LEATIIER BELTING .9TEIiA.I . IYS', (une;ccelled) POPULAR. COOKING STOVES, GLASS of all Sizes, Sorts and Descriptions. i PROPOSE TO.; LL• ILL THE ABOVE' ARTICLES AT Aft.-tnufa cturers' F'rices. Also I propose - to sell at"il email Commission from my LARGE and •*,ELL SELECTED STOCK of,• • .. SII E iili7 . ...id . othe . i lI.ARDWARE., the nel!ction of which I have tnlsco moe pains, givorl; my persOnitl • ottentio iheietti.. • . . HOUSE TRI;N.IN;INGS; 0.'., , te...t.7: . .m...:;, , COOKING and 'PRI.OR..of every . desirable Pattern CARPENTERS', MILLWRIGHTS BLA.CKSYAN NS ' .AND faik o I TOOLS, Of the . mofst . approve 4 INtanti,facture, PECK AXES, IviryTTOCICS; SPADES, RAKES, "PITCH FORKS,: BUCKETS, I?U NI PS, LEAD PIPES, and LAMPS for.alLi CAN . IPII£,NE, F.LUIDo.a KEROSENE My motto !9: The Largest Sales of the very BEST GOODS at the LOWEST Re m.unerative Prices Insures the Largest Proftts•to the Seller, fmnishes the Buyer with the Cheapest and Best Articles, and gives the best satisfaction. LIBERAL . pISCOUNTS WILL BE. MAD TO DEALERS If people will pay higher prices fo'r no better articles ! it other places, it shall be their own fault and not 'Tine: • - • 2 In connec lien - . with • the - above, I am able to st•PPly on shOrt•notico .•• ALL KINDS . OF SIIEET-lqON • COPPER WORIC, liwing my employ Ciimpetant and expel eheed wnrkm.'n, who'se•work has ncieer fail to . ghee satisfateeion: • ,• c. B BAIR,SE, No. 2 and 3 Excelsior Block Olean, 1 ,\ 4.y 25, 1859, • County Directory. Juidge—Hon. R. G. 'White', Wellshoro Ti9g4 Co. Pa• .4 : tepeiOn Smeaporc, HOn. S: 1.1 - . ol!n. , ,'BrArord . : • ..•:. Mors‘!. Sinrthport.„'.. Prod?onotary—turitlel..d. Sinethrmrt:',' ' Riw-istir gad I?eccirdtr—c - .. K.:Sart well, 7 ' rerfv , rer, te Par..otiF, Brod (fail Co ottnissidher.e.:Lb4iiii ol J: J. - c ii;log'rt)ve,% Nor is ich; ; Nelson 'Po.boity, Ceres .:: • '. : . • . Co tn mi...t Clerk - -ff .R. Clict clwick,•StTl . . „ . • Co'r win, Cnrtrrj ,Core. ..nistrirf.Ait,•,7,:—.wnrreh'Cimles, Snit tt. poi t . Coienter.--Jt!mt , s bond . ; La raym . . IVIILK . PINS; all -pew am!. can see an honest min's-face in diem. is Soon BS you OtiPr -the dro,, t MASON'S. TO-ALL IVANTINO FARMS.;r.Y. •vertisrineht of Ilammonton Lancls; . . PERSONS 'WT.STIING•,TO .e.HANGE their I?usinoFs.to a rapidly incroastnecountryn New Settlement where • hondrollg aro- Itsho.o tho climate I , i mild owl., deli ht lul. Se.t , advortisoment of the .11nrnmontoniSettlemont, Another 'column, • • • •-• • • MAGAZINES,. 'PERIODICALS',, ' — Porsonq ixl,lkirtz.to tti;}° oI rho difroj•enf At ( ign•Aiites,lllas , rated:Jr:ii!triats,:tionlts , & .e.&J".,- put.ii:;bejl in the.l.lnimll States; '.enn so by eallimtunnri th. .suhatiritier at the Dm‘tocnal• Osstdny - tinq leaving, their mutes., • • • • • • GF.0.•11.. ALLEN . . ••• Sm6 . llninr,t, N0y..1, 1850. • ••• . • , . THE OLDEST% WIDEST Cii2C'ULA• TEI), and rnokt 'COMPLETE, CORECEOT . arni 'RE,LIABI , E Bank Note ftepart.or•in existence• BANI , NOTE - .AMY CONIT.CIAL 11;1)011T111' Quotations COrrprted by. TiIf6IPSO ' N, ri,Rovirms 117,FraItt'n St TEP,MS Dr.,SIJIISCILIPTION IN ADVANCE; . . , '••:1 Moulhif• • • - • 75 c To Poslnoviter9 or, °thorn; whip T,lll oh, NO I fir nid Ink the mine cc.. we, se op I I hP r.roin (Vor'et ilreink;i, toil IT I ,iriptfre Li'f;Oo lot or . . .5.,, r ft, of the tVerli'f e, one Year ' C. , Of) 5 eop'ei of the Semi' ieon th1 . i....,' ... , . . ... .... 1 01 'lO coltiei cif trio ',51()1111113 , . ... . ... . ....13 III) .IV,i will forward Ltrattiitoudy 'to any_ p-rF , ,, , n a,rltil) of $2O at the . al.ove nary blip time; :Mir America Ga' . Con T es t Seale. - - Milt 11-I.OMPSON BROTHERS; • ' -No. 2, Wall St. N. Y., Proprietors. VAL al'1 , „0 Pat,ented Sept. 9, 1.659. Blk• BILEI* silLurn DT: • WAbHBOA RD AND DRATF.It are T. the two first and most-nal - m i ta implements ever used . in I,Vashi,nilhaa. Not withstand ing it has; been: the stud) , inVerifors. to do them •II a ndlor • that 'purpose' seve bun-. Otani patents have•tkeen • issued . , yet irhas been ri(nb•Vfle6t. They have , failed in :their at tempt.'- Their, mathincia havelieet. - ethidernm;il and thrown away, arid, tl . e : Wash l3oard 'arid Beiller. again' want in their:stead.; • -ihaiehite combineS them together, at. tricked to-a itrOgressiVe lever hi ,Sueli - a manmif as, ttiVes treat • riower to - the' Beater ? . while tiseita . s . the Operittoir• may'de'si The' r . ibtion•of a e 13,iiater lid • r Ftv. .the pressat'egentle and' powerfid., Oyes it theitlvaitalte, over a ll . other machines.; 'idol is so, devided by competent judges, ,• , •• .Alain:gni:tared 'and sold at Mielianirsbni - ir.4 • - •A .• WOLT ERS • ' Mechanie•slarrir, Me V11.18..-10S'.•:, ' PAINTS R. HUNTER' FORFEIT' $:10 - IF casc,Of socrot ihsc4 ,o . to cure ntly thut Joey, roow under hi., rerw, nOrriet tor ho , long standina.or.afllietioe• F,"tao r e'x ere iu v,ted to • ht. Private.RoUni.,,4l EN 111 Bt.; feur of: inteemp- Tina fronvOlh.r . - pati:nts. S. re necr. not) others who hityc b , eti.uittott ona-t r e .iii: t he. .it.ll-qtion of a Ph,v4iriai! arr to call: ' , un.ros.traineri diligence of the pa'ssiOns I)y..exces . s sell .abuse, the•evils.are nomorouS.. •Prematrire im potency'. ineoloolary.seminal discharges., - wast ins of,t he organs, loss ,of •memo,ry,..a 01staste tor female sn'clOty, getio.ra,l debility,. or ennsti• tutiOnal 'Oeratigement, itr sitt,to' follow. to.cns;.• MILL, CIRCLE, HAND AND CROSS CUT SAWS, ••cekbrhte.l Fietory of Who lor Maddt el NI) .(7A • Arli • 111111.11..T00LS PP,iLLS; VIC PI AT S xud ANVIL*. • FARMING. VITN 4 11,5. RAH' serrnEs, &e . MANUFACTt7III:II. OF • TIN, SHEET : IRON. :AND COPPER. • STOVES OF ALL PATTERNS, - " • C(14.11.c ANA P.1111.0R. • {Pa. roap^rtfe ' • 1v 'nf r wilwrn ' .A DAM§ & CO.; • 'olWo.l3,•nq 1850: • • • . . 0 I)LTSLIELS of brielt Apples•in o.toro n'ul far by J 1!• . LI, 1. 1.1611 T. NEW CARRIAGE-AID WAGON SHOP, JAMES •MeDoN,A th - u pub, lie -that he it's futed tip a Abel; artbe Inspr owl of t o wn, ott th- prorr:ds-4 . reyuriv eN. Mpdfiti,i. - ,•aq . rani r..4.Ne'tort:, ATI if; orrpared to biWo. l .'a:llrii 1s of • e . ,4113.1 - UAGTS ANT) W..,,r.;(17‘; t short proico, in n nuinnsr. If:tvirP2 h exp,tienoe in the husinrse, he foyls •satisfii•ii th.it wotk thent the reiinirstinsinis of nll Min ill InvorAiin . Oth their patronage. . Repairing, promptly attenditA to. • '• ,Sme . thport, • 2 .s.ltt GOODS ARE ,CHEAP . .TILOIt'S ..11EGUL);701?..•: A. ..1.V. ; .2"ay10t: . has npw the, .Largest Stork.. of NEW:'_:S.6AIM.I?,R ~.GOODS intOthi.e . Cowity, Prisenting UNEQUALI I D.ATTRACTIONS IN . . E x t , r , ,,NT...• VARIETY,: ELT::GANCE, and BEAUTY 62f . de-ii n :and . eel., •'' • fsf OfOS 1 01 ISIIIIIII ARE 'HERE Now is the Time . • •• To Sileet from OA. Lotr,fst• Stbd: and Purehfisr. Guods while . PRI6ES'...:ARF:.pOWN! The Gouda ,C,l7:q . 961 ng.. 9ff !ke, HOT CAKES on a FROSTY MORNING, And : who tiish, to mqke. CIIMCE SELECTIONS SHOLab: cALL.EAIILY, : FIRS'i • C t.; . F4.13.5T SERVED. 'lris • se ;Siock.• IR . y ..G.:o.'o,ll)'S ; 1,, E,,d/e:=s Va»fry OLS AND 11.‘1 BRE.I.L.AS, READY-MADE CLOTIIMG? c OTfia & VESTISGS MILLINERY GOODS, LADIES' DRESS PRINTS, hAiilV:s! . ciLALIt - E LAWN RQBES, Flo , trose:: . ,• . . $1 “t 10 cts I;i.fart a Cu m pleta A v.r.r;l f . . 10,000 yil.s.'Bß9.l,VZsi '; • ' .snoo iunocElelES tiLGARS TLO UR, PORK, 1121 VS it 12; ay. TEAS BOOTSSz: • ST-If' • .11„.. t 9, the abuv• helms. cp:E) S7.OV.ES . . . . tIAR 7) 1 ' 1 '4 /7 E. CR Or T.' Y. I; 1.77.5" . 5 . ill ED I(:!I.V.HS .:V.Kr I.M HA AND CA . IRON of: fill • 11,1;);) e) • - • . 'Germ:li 1111.11 C , ijt SPY', • Wash'Tubs and - Grain7iffeasures,.. Patent Pail's, w,..st, Boards, Vinegar; •Fluid, rviit • • AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, And a thousand ohm things too numerouS ° ,to mention, v‘hich will he -sold, • NVIIOLEF,A.LE RETAIL. rt7".Cisaiiiry oi a s 1,4 preen as thPv.entl buy in • Nay... Arnslc ff n"y of tor, eall.or approved credit.. June; 1559. THE SECRET INFIRMITIES OF YOU 1 1:11-.:AND MATURITY Just Publ:shed, Gratis, Walt Thousand: .. A FEW. WORDS, ;THE . . RATIONAL TREAtm of Srior inatorrOoo, or Loeid Ilted;o:, , s,Nnetertial Emis ;mig; a-Mtal and N.rvous Debil(ty, - Purnature Decay. ol the, system; Impotency, dpdArtmeci-, !news Au Ma rri;ige g , -'nertilly.. • . • 131' 1.3: DE LANEY; M. D.• • • The' itfiportnet fart that the mny alaripitt comp! inrA, origin'ittinz.ie the iqpniti , nee a; 4f ;10 4 1'01;6; rna v•he eailyre.mee W IT H• tins smal tract, el.atl. ”;1 f); , ..; and kiell:y :11ei..,41111t rtio.nt, y ndoritod o tl e : hy. clu..mq of whit.h t.r is vn,i to clip , 10'31 , 411 , F perfectly: a nd. at the lert , a po=4it)le f.ast; thereby ;li/oiling an the a d : . verftgetf - ribst 41 ' 1M of the flay.. • • Sant to any addres, itraii . s and poit free in sealed envelope by rennipipg (poat- 'paid) two postage stamps.to Da. B..DELANEY, 88 East '3let'Street, Yevr•lrork • ' • • .. ',....50ta710.0a#, , i,gt . ': 7viv!'esc.• • IN,: :SA,TErIII-IPORT.I, .J. 13. ,TAYLOR'S , FURNACE 1N ... * FELL "BLAST!.: T"E ..UNDO.RSIGNI;;D. YOULIj RES . PECTFULLY: ANOLTI.C.E . . TO, THE. el FIZENS. OF • • . • , • • .• 1\11(.00 , 11 . 03.1111ty . :;• That Ihvyluiv9 loCatedtherpselves at • • • • S T 1 • Fpr`.the.purpose.of Madufacluring . , C.R.A.PERS;• SLEICip. SHOES, AO', in. fdet. evpry inaide at 'a . . .COUNTRY: CUR.NACE. , . . Thor/I'lEli. Px pe Livil cf. : in the, bliSiness, %yarratits us in suying . ItUit we can .fornish "as . .. ~. 1160 lat. aid at as. REASONABLE. PRICES • As earl be found el 'sew he re'.. ieirlar.atten liOn will at till times be. paid, to • • J 0 . . . 8119 . 0 • '.•• .: ••••• B • . . . •rph, • „,.iebrated .• FRANKLI:NYILLEantI, I.W . CUSS. COUNTY liNyll 'aVED, 1 3 .1.:0w5. con,,t , iatly on hand. Farmers and ot . llera, give E. VAN DYKE & S. A. WING Ativist 9, , 15 ' 59. . NEW AGRXCULTITR e AL S'.TT.LE4ER'I'; A RARE •OPPORTUNItY IN. A pELIGHT-:. AND HEALTHY CLIMATE 25, MILES SOUTHEAST , OF KM:AL THE. CAMDFN AND ATLANTR:RAILROAO • • • . . • NEW : JERSEY. . • • . Ati old estate *coinsistina of •seyeral, thousands of acres, of prodnolveioil Iris been divided into Parins'Or 'various - sizes to s4it the.purctiasera.. A population offi-some Fifteen hundred, froM vari)us parts of the- middja Sttites and NeW .England_ have settled there the Past year, ..im prockl .t heir pl., cea,..atid rOsed•excelleiy crop. The. pt ire of the landlant the loWsuiri of 'from $15.49.120' per acre, -the . soil. •iis of the'.: best' qoality . i,for _the prbductiOn of Tl(hecit, Clover, Cann, Gorrri a nd, rig‘tinblis. IT IS CONS.IOERED,THE BEST FfIUIT . OIL IN THE L'NION 'The phic'e iperlec.tl3i • s i ecure urn OSIS , Tt ht. ile;.t I uetive enemy of the -far titer . Crops ot erass and., fruit are now •• By examining. the .p'ace e . orr , .;rl jw4!no•nt • • an' bo, formed. of 11 1. , , o,l9ctivenr.s.s of the . land. 'The tetras easy to 51- C TY fie ry pid Troy, hien'. of it %%l.ic h. is only sold. roe a eiaril p.01. , ,/c , at. •eliteiircstillihtig 'been - . I h4i tieipast 'sorno titre hundred Ita'+aar:s Lave been . erected, two-mills, one .. steam, four,,to . res, Some Jolty vineyaids and Peach; orchards planted, nod a, large numbe i r . ol other. improve; inert m.al.urg it a desirable and ,active place of btisiness • • • . as the reader may' perceive from its .19 . cation; is GINGfiIIIIS, p ro d",, .(1111 , 1e (he price then •in Ifle ions the than. ~. ..01, 1 e the pricy bo . Nyest. ,It is.'ktinv , n ;11,it• b . e.i (Fulls' "arid veiletables . ... in tri , ln New 'oni,l are en' 11v.vxp , rteI tp.th , ; I,.lerat.cff h r., the•--ottler, F a , •niany of the great • a,,,11‘4,J,1',..5t•,t,5;. he af—nei..tions.l, , .. is in it'll rnirah u. wit r ; . e 111)11 - 11V - t (1 ro tn n , rt (7' , hlz i,p; is nib. ts.n . tw- 'JO .tii....(11,714i05t .• lc , Ow 11 ; v1Jef't • ( op \v„!..t •S:•• • •0,1 ,/,• • 'for ar'!,l G ilf •erj..y an 011.111 ii•l 1%. vor- . .ire )1111:,•0..% ”. •pf lii chair upon•l limit 11:s I:.%en tp•ri , stnro theni m an exe,nletit .sfuti! o - r:yo N. S'. ,RN .. , . . . . I , l' l ll o 1. , 11, 1 . CII 1 , 11-IIIII: , 'llll l . ;Irrt v ,, , ,: .! .., ! Inn _ 1,,.t.cat,1,1 . .ti1;;"11 ,. .” * .t t.; t. i i t ,i , .. a .1 h.. ..t a l.. nt SI 1 1 ?t) V 5 p-J thou-...,rt.. : lit tc!i , ..l o otn I -,:- }..i:,,..1 i,• a j. ~p .:. -.i:. 1.0 • I'' pl-1,.;', '. v., • ;y' ...11 0-de ell! . .• 1 ; , ,, ...ii—,l in .1 : .r.k.it. , , a •0 : ! c ' , .tt l l r'l4 . . .; I , 1.0'...(h. , I Il'lll -: L';tiori r..f . i::. r:0. , ..;•.:, r1 . : ! . edh., bc. •TI. .1,• • • Td,. .r..• 11 ltie• •I;• t, d i, •hdri , rtld ••• ‘ , ‘ •••y t.-ft trot, ty I,lls riu.:l.n. !). 101 T. Ti r : 1-,:a , nty'rs. it .13:..t's in a t. 116 or rect, a•• iiivit•••l • o • xatnti••• , hind It p fr I'l . 1:Xp; : ef , ;(i• to do* t 1,1 spit . ;.frio.nt -.h•••y 1' (.011 1 ;6 i * dve ht. • improv nii•i to" c•ii• j•id•z•. t •liiiinct or 0! th•t•it: .1( ronii•• w ..n dry' cor'n'', pr•Ttirr•d to i•;:t jkr pl.ll^ • p'dity - , Et§ rtiCatlOtt= can nntd••••11 , 111:on rutii••••d.• : • ...• • • • '..1 . 1“•re twn ti.‘ily airs •trl Ph dailiqphin, and tn• ••••ittl••ts:witn'impii;v••• 1');!1: :11(1,! , /:T . .//01t six: xa~rtts~ AIYLP roil: IiEE YF:AIiS • •,In connection. with 'the agricoltural settle= menu, anew - rind !bridal to'w'n has' naturally: arisen. which pme,•entxfar any ktqd 'hqsi,lFfiV.' poqin.../orly •stor 'a. and ,loonofa,rin r boc.n.ro could lie earnediM in tht4 pl tire m'irket to gerid, cat c 'Cgs' a:rl rbri , :oraetiU re , agtrir,/tir r,/ implementkor Fon oderirA for rtoti.og or- The irnproveinent has. been so ropid as to ianie a cons4ant and'perinatient increase of• business. Town lo , s of ri"eorel size, we do nit sell, small 'ones as it. Would effect the improve: taint•nf the place, can be. had at from!ltiO and • The Ifammonton.Farnter; a monthly., literary and nt,rictrlftwal sheet, containing lull intorrna t ion - of • Baninonton, cab be . obtajned•at 2.5 cents • pet...i t : re. m rod . ll ispntafile . —warranteecl(eds . . given, :clear. of all incumhrtince: when money is pail!. Ratite to'i•he land: :leave tine street 'wharf, m Philaqelphia,:rfor Ilameitton•by—Railroad,at 74'A; Pare•9o Cents' ~• When there inquire lot Mr. Byrnes... - . Boarding .c,on= . vrnienrev .on" ' hood. Parties had, better: %top with Mr ilyrnes, a pr nritil they 'have. to pure/if:sing, ache will show them . err , the lon r carriage,: free rf OCOPrI.Fe• and.rrpp're'ationcon he•adtlressed r$••• ElYrnes,-flamm(Mton Atlantic er Co. Nw,f , r.ey,nr S. I•3'...Corighlin,:2o2 South Fifth S•reet,Thilail;iphia. Maps arid informa tion cheerfully, . . • • ~ ____ - . . . ALL WANTING .FARMS INA DtLlGHT fal•climate, rich soil, and secure from frosts.-- Sec aclyrrtiscment cif'Hatnrnorliciri Laniiiin*T othar column. • • • •,.• ' • • THE IVIAREET, BEST IN'Tilr, UNION THE TOWN OF HANMONTON