• - 414girr 4101.4- . . , . -....- - • .. ~ , • .., • \ ', , ' . -, ' - .. • ' '.: ' . ;' . . : , . . . . . VOL. 2. ,fiVfican tomtit! glintotrat PUBLisIIIO:rEVERIP: TiIuniDAY . ,BioRNING, By B: OVIATT, • SMETHPORT, WREAN C;II"NTY, OFFICE, CORNER OP PUBLIC. SQUARE . . - TERMS: - • 81 50 in Advance. Rates of Advertising _ . . . • 303Olumn, one year."... . ...... ::.$l5 00 • .1' 60 " months . .... ....... ; . 00 X•u r " " ........ ... ... : 11100 .... One square (412 lines or less,:3 1511 each sense...inept ...... .2i 4uslness Cards, with .. • • • 500 Rule or. lgure work will. lie aoutle the above rates. TwelVelines Orevier typeil, or eight'. lines 'noupareil,,ls rated a square. , • • ' . frr'..Ther:e Terms will ho strictly, adhered to. :Rusi!ieps: )33.itettutt).. . . . . . au cve.lcir, :Driftsmate r Conr eYar•cer.. , ',nil • Reif .Esinte agnnt. 13inettmoil,. li , ftenn county, Pd. - .. - - . • . • B F. WEIGHT, • Wholesale and Bettill.Deale r: F amilfOrocerlea, 'Pork, Plour ; .Salt; Feed, Beets and Shoes, A.c.;-.5r-e,,: Store In 'the Astor House Illock, S.metliport•Pa. • •‘ 'A. R. TAYLOR', . • . . Dealer in Dii•Go . nda, Gioceriepr Pork, ; Flour. Salt,•Pl9ll . "Ready-Mule Olot4lng, Dobta atti Shoes. Smcithport, • . . . . ••• ': • • . 'WILLIAM WILKIN,' . ,• , Prentice' Mechanic,. Millwright,' Bridge-1:A1N...1u; &c. ; Port Allegheny,' WlCean county, Pa... • . '. • J. L.' IgtOWN, SIIRViiOR, PhAFTSMAN; 00iiVEYANORR ariii item . • Eatate'Aim* Oates, Williamsville Elk Co., POun'it. -RR FEB Chapin & Boyle . ; Bscrs : ,•., lion. Thomas Struthers, W.• S. Brownell, Esq., A. " Wilcox, • •• •••••••-•—•'Smethnort, 'Pa: .. Buena Vista, Pa, • . • - CARVER' ROUSE, lowt U. Hop. ProprietOr . . corner. of Wary and •• Streets, Werreo • Po. Qenermi Stage Moe , . BACKUS 'l&` co General Dealers In Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery. aeady-Madeelothina, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps! , k 4., opposite the Court lion‘e; Sreeihrort Pa. ,• . • . • PONES HOUSE, Fronting the Ptiblie Olefin. Y., .7sstati'Bi. Poitt.t.ta Proprietor. The Pobe's H.wae is entirety now . .and Built of briar, and' is furnished in niodsrry, style. The proprietor flatter , ' himself that his accommoda • Coos are not stirpaaaed by any lintel in' Western N•iw, York. Carriage* 'unto and mom the 'Nosy York nod .; Erie Rail Road. • IrraoN . D. HMILIN, • AMORY AT Lll4l Sinatlipgrt,„llVgnan County. Pa:, •••Agent For Keatln ; & Cn's i.andn, • %Atten la 'especially to tho Colle••t ion • f.flaithz; Rsiminatinn of • Land Titles; Payment of :Tnase on I all huainess rela• tiag to Real Re. ate. WriVo in IL,m , in Mock. • OR ,EW3 7.4')TEL D. A. Wetanr, Prnp•lQtOr,--at Kirttul, Warren 'county ,p.. iliA.TabWwiii enpriteA s, - i!lt the' be:t the 'country netyrdc'arbt.be epire on paint to ceen ;nod At!o!k: . B(III6IITON ELDEED; . - - •..... . . . . . At•nrneiand Coun.it. lbw itt-ino..-Ftnitl'wort. Tr Kenn County, Pa.' 'tug mow ,o l •ruste;t to •hio. e•tro.for , to• cr ,nof 1,,,, a !introit, Pott.r and Elli trill,•lto itrooo - Itt . attended to , Offico . in th e ' C o urt Ilon•to, second door. . • _.. DR. L. B. WISNER, • . . Phew fettle , errl Surceon, Smethrlrt. w ill %Vent th wlt proroaßional Willa with prouipteeee. OQico in- - :trt.• Well fleck; feeoeol floor • , " N. S. 110r4R. & CO, , . . .Wholentile.mid.Retal Ara Fen , •%• I),A , • Goods,. elnletiruf. , n non , nl • Purols•0010,1, pooh.. and SL WO' Ind' Win InIC Pi . iper,.4noking'Gliv4eA . Atc A' Olonn.:N. Y. • • . 33KINETT 31017.7 • • . . . . . I,ettilioet. - 3t , Renn . Co.. Pt. n• B .11R.`,KRT•T; Prerrie ter—appeafte - the Court tinuee. A te- tr, lar,e, corn morncone in.l well fettriehell house... . . 7'03171 0; BACKTTS, At fOrneramt 0 ,- 01Paillor et UM. S",Ptilrnrt t‘f ;gene c o Ps • ;VC Ittentl to .‘,ll boeinee. ;n i; preit;•rt.ion ip the eountien SVltenn,Eottor awl hik. •011 ice over C., It Sartveell lirothere'r, Stere, • ." • • • HACKNEY TOUSE, . . . . . . . Co-ner etgeet•nfl and Liberty elreete, Wi'Tel: Pa: p: :A. dake..H..Pe ,, n - letor. Traveler= will find goolec commodatione and reasonable charges. -. . . , E. R. MASON, D , . .. enlerlriSti)veß, , Tin Wtre , ..Invinned .Ware. &C...Nve.gt 'gale of the pni.ll4.'sl,o: , :re', qmetliort...Pa. Oi , E" in ..:71f , alt :1 , 1, - 0, to n'rd.r pn Ihn short est potica„ - Euctd In• 016, mant..lll3,4tantiAl maimes., ''.. " , ~ • • . , • 6:,-73 Et OW tiELL.. Denl.r to Dry Onntig,' Dynro.len Orn , lcar4. flardmirr Nnil4. eer Hier o!. the, Public S4o3re.-Smethport, A. 3: OTTO, . . . . Denier in ProtNona and fqmity,Grnaries zenernil. - nt Farmein 11VICenn On , . Shinrzle.e . , take In eathango (Or Goods. Patent Medic:intik 'Mr- sale: . : LLRABEE'S HOTEL, R. 1..411-1151e111, Proprietor.—Allegheny Brid Co, Pa. -Thit houuela ottuoted About nine Innen from Smisfhpnrt on the road to Olean,, and ail' be found a `.oooventent atoppinK,.place • .. • • EX? ORIUM HOUSE, ebippeo: M'Kenn Co., P. • LECIR tNn Conic, Proprio or A COMIIIO lions nod. well-furniollo.l . iloll9o. and t toivolo'rs dlll flirt ono,l ncc o - FARMERS'. VALLEY' ifOTEL, • • . • .. IV T. Cl•lnoving. hou.so ottuatod oborit Oro rolln . from imethpdrt on tkt rood to °loan. Plea , n , o 3 part IP. mid ottiele ono be 4ecorarnodatel on 00 ohni•tost Optic° • ELDRED HALE-WRY ROM, • . . Nirsiti Distils; Proprietor. • This bonne Ti, Wonted:bal. •way between Sinettiport: and Olean. If you,wantn good dinner this is the,plics to dap... ' ' , OHORDIS CORWI • ibroprietOr of 'the ,Gnat s •atlllqcflanicafinri Mc Kean °minty Pa: ,' Meal, , and Feed:, constant! on hand and for gala. in' arge 'airt gukall nunnt t ties. • RAILROAD: HOIISE, 0, 0 AAAAA Proprietor, .Norwich, lirgean 'Co'. Pa Good accommodations ca., bo. had thero at !ell PORt,ALLEGANY 110U82, . . 11b10011 ,Proprietnr , at Pert ' Allegany, Me Sean . Goenty P. Thhi Rotes le eitunted at the plus ' Von of the Stnethport and Allegany River , io.uts, Woe ttiftes eat of Stnethpoft.- ASTOR_ '..HOUSE; 'IIIi.KA:N CO., Pa. W. HASS:ELL . : : : Proprietor. The,Prohriato - ,, haying recently purcirised and .thor . " oughly yelltt4d the et+tor linoaealatare hiohtelf that h inn fi in igrae good accommodation*aa,any hotel Pi WOO ern . Panneylv " .. . WAN TED, , • . . eivrorte OLD CAST IRON In exohange for work; at SO, the .-.-.,.. SMETIXPORT FURNACE ' T o ',out SOc-Tes teen at the • • . • 'ASTOR MUSE STORE THE SUMMER ANGELS 'Tie the dark Deqember weather; W h . • . • • ile are wailing through `the sky; If you ihiten.you . e Singing wild and Birthing high. NoWthey.toea the willow branches •,. ' 'Leaning o'er the windoirhara, Then their mnan'gnee s o fter; tatiier, Up among the silent stare, ' • 'Tie the dark Detember *Whir, • tinirrier trees are: bare; Bee; the Intent a;efalling. , Torn and ghastir throned' ihe • .Toir n . 117 morel, the fotest over., . . You may treae the brnokletis flow, • . Not an naterie eye will o pen, • Not'a golden • , 'Tin the da,k December weather, Cold the tide creeps doer the bay; Beni their tingi.l4 ' . .l.leating tin the ivindv.way; eallinkfroin the. Northland, Bringing ivititeron their wing's; They will linker, (LIAM); seatiartl. , Till the time the rebid singe; • ?Tin the dark December 'weather; Nvi.a and wood wind w •'!oll'ara ead; 'Tie the dark" Deember. .winither, ;Yet onr.hearta are blithe ant} glad. And within.them it isau!amer, Radiant eummor erermbre,:• Port:l°4'li eweeteet angels• tinier,: • Radiant eyed r beet the door.' • t.eve; as tender as the niontlght, Hope; 1 . 1S - rosy as the There can come to them no winter . Whonfsuchllory ehineth on!. o,,the 'dark Deceinber .Weathe'r Mr,►'o'ersbadew Sea and shore, In our hearts the bleßeed inkejs Make irsummer evermore! . . FACTS ABOUT THE EODY. Rid T. itj r t irrem Pa Thire-are about ;two hundred 'bones fn . -the human:, body,.etcclusive of.. the teeth.- These hones are composed ofanimal:antl earthy, ma terials, the former predominating in.youth,and the latter in old ag - e,lrendering - ...the bongs brit tie.. -..-Themo:t.itimortant of these bones is the spine i which is composed of twenty-five:,annall bones, called the. vertebra; . one on top of the other,ciiriously hooked together -and fastened •by elastic fizements'fdrining a pillar-by wbich• ,the human. body was.supported. • - The hones are,' moved by" the ,muscles; Sof wiliclithere - era- More ;ban 500. • The red 'meat . Orbeef,• the fat -being excluded; - is the nitiscular. labile-of the ox: :There are'tWO:SPS of • mus-, Iles, one to draw the bones one way. and mi. other io draw, them back :.-We cannot . befter'describe the.inuscles than by comparing them to fine -elastic 'thread botind - tiP in their cases br Many muscles terminate in tendons, which are stialitcortis,stich is2mey be seen - traversing: the . 'back- of the• hand, -just within the-skin,.tnil vhich can 6e observed to . move - when the hand is oPened.ond Ev ary motion we malze;.everi . - the invOlunsary,orn , of.Lreathitig . , is performed . through the atieney • ••Triffilfrlts . there arr!. fifteen. I t 'uatts:of bbaa' l •• malt:weifthing-rinour•l yto pe iuls. , This' blood js nf, two kinda,'arteriarnnd tiencius. ;The first is the'pnroltlonfl, as it leaf, , lf; , he:fieort to nonr:: b,h-tif . f . ruriiff,..notl is of a krialft vermillion eol; or. : • The lost •is the blood as it.' runs to'S the .he-•rtbotfl•-fl with ihe'imnat 0 1..tfT 1 'odY• t o b , thar. , retio , ri,...unfl.is.of a purple Every ffel,ftfon . of the heart : ,.sends out wo r t if t icris' of dr-feral' bloOff,'•and aa'there are Trion .79.11 : ! St he..ts in a minute • a ho:Aeftfl of Ifladd pa•Ses tf:roitgh the He'ilrCevery hoer. tenet the MilsutiOns•Ure t. 4 rld consOfinentlyf death ensues" if th- fever is nit ronecked.'• ' Thp tonrrpcli iv a boiler, if We tna):tise such n.ftvire, which A r rives the: huMan:enodno; • T4h set 9' 01 . muscles, rroisitoi. each other; turn the . 6 ) .j over undOvOr. chitruin'it'up in the ' l za!3 : • reduced.to the eon sis tenfiy-ed thin • pate. process require. from miewo. four, Eme fromth • • • . 'enters-,-the , wifore . it. • •is or With the bile. and rind : converted into chyle...Th'ese - smitll intestines are.twenty-foue feat lon; Closely , -of, coarso, and sarloundod throwth their' whole length small tubes•% . ybieb.are like sockets, andllrays;jng ofrthe. chyle,. , mpty.. into a late , tube named. the . ..timar:C..duct.,'whiehruns: 'up the buck 'and 'discharges' ih'e contents into the ftlftular tiedn,Whenaelt 'passei to the beat( to. assit:t in foiminv the atterial • • The lungs are twn huge connected frith the open' air by the windpipe; wliich ...branches into inntimerable 'small - tubes, . all over the in. side* the lungs . ; each terminating in a minute air cell.. The outer surface of these_air is full of small capillaries, infinitely atria veins. a thin membrane only air from the • The impure portion of yenoits blood. is 'car bonic acid, which,. having a stronger affinity for, air.tban fOr blood, passes through this mem, brane . ,toa.guseouti combines-with thy sir in the cells,..nrur is expelled with the next respiration;... MeenWhile . the.oiygin of the . air ,unites with 'the blood, and becomes then passing into the: heart, being mixed,with chyle, it is forced through. the body 'as and arterial b100d... , The skin Serves anlmnortant pUrpose in der.. ryiilg off impUritics of the system. It is also . . perforated with countless presptration tubes, the. united length of which amounts to twenty eight miles, and which drains away ftom three to lour pounditot waste matter every twenty fou'r hours or, fitic•eight. (he ottll the body dis• -•• • . . , •. • . . , . • • •• •... •• . ,•• . • . . VI . ••••• • • • . . . • . • . . . . • . .• . • .. ...• .s4E,rir.Hp.l; - •iwic.KAN :CO,UNTY,-:P.A.;:„ I.IH u.pRAY;,....J.AN,uItA.:4y-20;•.1569,,i.; The nerves are another curious feature aP the animal economy. however,'liut lit , ie . underkciod. ,, ,They'at.as frielera . to fell the k.vante,of the hotly, conductors to ivill the musrleifo act.'" They branch out (ram' the brain and spike over the whole (rattle' in in.• finifelY fine fibres,' like. branches or 6vigs •to Senator Bigler . on^ the' Present Crisis The 'following extraet:from a patriotic. letfer written by Senator Bigler to a Wend' inPiiila dciphia; have found thei . r way into' print . Illy Dear. Sir: •' •-• •• • You have my thanks , fora 'copy of the proCeedinis of the ttreat Voion•meei held. at Jaynes' Hall, - on 'the 7th inst. I have.read them . th'rou'gh with emotions 'of delight.. 'Mow.. gladly' I should I'vve participated in'thern;'but I could ,not.. Nothing could teOre br;en . more befitting than ,the enunciation of such patriotic entiments in defense of the Constitntion and.'Union, so 'tiea . r lhe sacred spot. Where both we're' fOrmed; It was opening, the , fire on fanatics and iraitorti. froni the right.battery.:and I hope this assault .may be,follOwed - up' by. other Northern coma. mitnities, until the 'demon . 'of sectionalism is driven from the lamd.,. • . You can hardly . irnagine ()Ow the Manifesta.. • tions;cif sympathy :with 'that • wretched man 'EN' 97n, Fillye...younded and. embittered thefeel ings of Southern men. They are` heartily dis gusted :With Such eXhibitions •depralied . pcpilar'taste, and 1 thinkinstlY liroviin by the shoWing Of his own pertyOratio.,:in Kansas, the lierald of was'aman of Infamous piaci ices;• one wh!:i sowed dissensions amongst' hisneighborsL , Aho 'coune•elied • disobedience to law;andresislance • toits off i cer s;' who advised the use. of the. rifle,'t he revolver and the bowie knife, rather than OM. ballot.box inthe' settle ment Of political differencns;',.vvh,O, more' than once; participated in the Murder:of .'whi.te men and the' larceny of negroe: and.horses— • i 1857, solerrpli , pledjed 'hir • riself,'•with others, to take life.juStso often as might be necessary to prevent. .any. man holding office 'under.tl; Constitution, in ea.e of its accept ance-hy,Cerigreysi and who'..-'as.we all know, afterwards devoted Months of his, time in leeting, together the, most brutal' iinplements' of warfare with which the slaveS, not familiar With fire=arms; were' to. riurder_their•MasterY and mistresses, irveasehe inceeeded in, raising n' insurrection:ill:Virginia, and that he did ac - ' naliy.commence the work of 'blood and carnage etliarper l s Ferry; and yet, to the disgrace of the.emintry it •must••be confessed" that 'when this 'Man, thus's' eePed in crimes, , is brought to justice, men, are fOunil,tn one, part of the:Union, • ;rutin:my of th rn to• fig . .: up .and beqvitil hiy :fate,.anii:Claiiii him as a.inartyr. 10 'freedom.— Even the pulpit has been tiesecrated . t 0.66, Work and 'all this because Brown W ~ s Making .•• . . - War cin. an instientiori common to fifteen of. the . ..,..nvereiim States Of th i Nirin,-whiCh• it is rt. mitedly theircons.titminnal..right to have and enjoypeaCetibly. Hail Brown's crimes no con-. nection ..with slavery, .who'doesnot know that - P!nilipS•ritn Cheeirer and flenchet •rin.d Wright, .wroil.l have • to riled a With •ioathing:and disgne , . .flirt.it'issaid 8.rnW11111.9 crazy shout slavery . .: :I 'do not intiovo tkat, but i • it were 'so it' is no• reason. Winle ,communites' should. beceine crazy nimtit •firowo. • • , A's-to the Ileip-r book .to - you • refer; I have ..ritia read it through; .•but• if the Crirrpe.n_ ilinro ben fair reflex of is conrents,T lace no. hliOa in. Saying that it,' the most Vicions , political wink .ever isstred.' frOm the American press; ca lisolated,.if:tiot•itittMderi tpito,mischi.f 'to innr institutions. is• bad einingli. that men of ability and' position in' the. : countrY Shrititit •se•k to'.engerole.r strife betweep -she 'States for paiiiian "ends; burthiS man Ifelcier,. as thntigh ic l stigated. by the 'flesh and the .de,vir,•'goes de liberately anoutthe • Work.Of establishing -nt daises of citizens within the same State,, and adiising them 'to war On each other. . advises themni-slirvholding to spend till rercourso, social and c'ommerc'ial, . with his 'neighbors who hold - Sin and to treat him with'disgust 'and iiiilignity s .' thus - begiitting'jaul iinsi and hate 1117)011 . k thoire! Who should' be friend's and poisoning the' very source of social, fraternity.' To what vib.r end could ,any. man' deVote himself,? Nor will 'it do for the 67 •11d publican members of Congress whoendorse • the compendium of this boOk,to say that theY so without being , aware of its contents. , They . Must Come out and discard its doctrines eta lord, it they won't'• make amend for' theMischiel dOne totimiettee of the country. But I fear ' • .they will not do so, TM' Many of . .them owe their political prominence ,to. the frivOr Of .fanatical. '• • • • '• .• • . , As i said befnie, 1 Am : ;(I,ll, , lited with the proceedings . of 'the meeting • in your city, hut, my dear Iriend, all the meetings of the kind, that are likely to assemble' will not give peace to the country; so long as a great p.irty 'in the 'North, like the Republican, seek' to gain con trol'of the gnverrupent 63i a sectional , oraniza tier); and by maintaining doctrinei and issues in derogation 'of the tights of the Southern States and offensive to their pride, 'as co-equal mem bers of, the' confedeiaCy..' Mr. St;War"s pressible confltct," for the misteiy, between the' free and slave Staies, must. be discarded and denounced; and More so, Much I;t * .the last , Republican platform as rates negro 'slavery o W.tsniNgToN, .D, C ! , Dec. 19, '59 barharismosbase'es Mormonism, most alio.be, abitridoned.- What would' be more ' offensive than-this SimilitudeTAn institation,common . to the '§outh .is formally arraigned seeking to gain the gOyernmentas abarharisM, and, of course, as much a crime as Mormonism, , 'and the people ofithe United . §tates are asked to endorse that sentiment at the pollsto ad judge. that the' citizens . of fifteen -.States' .ar e criminals; and yet, the representatives of the party-in Congress say..they.have.no connection with or symatliy for the .Abolition party of the North. Vila is absurd; :ao.long as they main-. tain.such doctrines.they Must syinpathise with the . Abolitionists •antl the .:Abolitionists with thein; 'and how could they hold / any such in'sti t !Mimi to be a. barbaitsm and a' crime .and then . say they.do not intend to assail it everYWhere.i The.truth - ta, we people of the North must mind..our own business. We have .no .connec tion with.slaVery,mo duties to Perform about it, no .rights. at stake,*no reSpontibilities'to hear, except to, do yhO the : (..:onatitution en: 'ohis about the rendition of fugitive slaves. ; All: that is,necessary to takethe.COnstitulion asa.guide. and. recogniie, no issue in .conflict, .wilh'tbat instrumeriti this done, and.t he' free States' are separated florrt — the'sllivery queition entirely, and:peace will be restored .to the whole country, except the croaking of a feeble band-ofdisdnionisii.at the'sOuth, who are not' liltely'to - geinp6wer.enonith to do Very, truly,. . • ' • . Ilicrxrt.. SFICAIL Wert: OF Om ens.-If the dispoSitlon • ,• to' speak well of. , thers was unlvergally preys the world would become' a perfect pare- . dise. The Opposition is the Pandora-box which, When opened,. fill every* huifse andevery neigh; borhond With 'sorrow, How many enmities arnr heart-burnings flow 'from this inurcel flow much happihess is , interrupted - •and deitroyed! Envy, jealousy, and,-the malignant 'spirit Of evil, when they find vent by the lips - , go, forth on 'their : mission like foul 'fiends; to blast the repuiation . and pertc'e of otheri. Every one has nhii;.impfirfeetions, and in the conduct of the best 'there will..be ,occasional .faults which might seen to justify 'animadversion: It is a rule, however, when there Is occasion 'for fault finfling.ta flo, it privately.. It,is a proof of in-, torestin -tlie : individual,. which will generally be.taken 'kindly, if the manner -of 'doing it is not offensive. The common' .arid unchristian rule, ori. the contrary, is to proclaim the (ailing Uf . others to all but, theMselves.. This is un christian, and shows a despietible heart. SELFISIINESS.—What . 41 .it? n'ilispesitinn and'hitbil of. mind; it is a comPotind of pride, ..t,b!; idea of p'erscinal importance, of enyl", meanly jealous:of others;' ..rapacity, covetous of . gaiOat the...expensoof the right's of one's .fellows; of"cruelty ; regardless Of the lerdings of others;' of impiety, defiant of ~God and itlihis. l fightervis!daws... If pin (onto Into heart : of- SelfiShrieSi, you will find it bereft of all warm and generous` sympathies; for its, narrow, its el:ery aspire., turn mean.. : Dissect This regnant rpidlity . of ;qur 'd , priived natare yon choOto, anf it, will be saen hoWseffi-hness nppoSee.all lows of right, all elaiins - of good, .allperSMiiiiie o far, as. it hus pOwer.mtrkei its own ai atifien,- tion thesuprerne nortiverind chief end'Of exist Mee . . Stich is Sidfisfiness, as a • ..A HARD SromAcit.A . Western tattle' dealer who rarety 'hail the twivilece of sitlina.down to meet Willi a' latMly, obil .neVei : been in. 'a miiiisterYs'lloOSe . ,ln his •life,.was not henightcil . 'and lost his ride •acrosss . thte prat- ries, and.'compelled to ask fOr lodgious• in the first house he foi him, it pawed to be pie or , good man, a 'patron, who gavrfhirn n cordial .wel'come',.anii what was,espi.cially• iig told:him sripfe r. would soon he travelet's•.oMellte • was . .tac.enoui, and the tminnent he was oskiid• to sit down,, he. complied, arid without waiting. 'for a second invitation, he kid.fidlil of whitt• It 'coolcl.'reach. , • • . . . , . . . . : , istop, stop.'.' said the good man of alehouse; , •wi , are lir thubabil of saying sorrirthing'-he. fore we eat.' o • ' 'Tiiis.hinr to mait till the blessimr. waiaikeil,, , he rough . custrmer . did' not .Understand, but with his mouth.lull. he muttered: ~ ~ ... . . "•Go anew', ay what you like! 'you nn't turn my stomach nov!"". A yogng Indian failed in his attentions to ,a 'young Squaw. She madeecomplaint .to. art old chief, who appointed a - hearing, or trial: The lady 'laid . the Case before the judge,. and.'ex-' plained the nature of the promise made to her.. It. consisted or. stindry. visits :lb, .her wigwam,, "many.little indefinite .attentions;". and PreS , ents, n bunch' of leathers, and .several yards; of. red flannel. - ,This wes.the chorge.. The:faith . - less . sii•ein denied' the ~ nrlefinable .attest "in info. tie hail, h :fat her's ‘viktf...atti, Cm' the purp , !seof pas' ing array time;, Mien it was not convenient to hunt.,.an l ha 1 , given the (anthers' and 11 Innel from friendly motives, and nothing further. During, the tatte,:tort of the def.enSe the'squaw.fainted.. The plea was eon-. sidered invalid, and the. defender sentenced to. give . the lady ii".yelloW feather; a broach: that was then dangling from- his-nose, and a iloien 'coon skins." • Thee stinieneir was no' sooner concluded . than the -squaw sprang , utinn• feet; and clapping 'her . . ha nds,. exclaimed with. joy, "Now nue featly to be evirie4 irgair!"'. • .There is a beautiful and tnuebing.custorp eb- Seryed by the P7ople of France. when.a funeral• is passing. As the' .bearerit .move s lowly by, the'men raise their hats, and, the Women bow, in token of respect to • the dead: A beautiful custom•which should brfeveryyvhere observed THE 00itNtiiip . . • A . feW years ; since the: apitol 'Of one of the New t ngland §lotee hoasted of.hut ano,publie' heusewhic'h was a Very .. creditable . estab- . lishroerit,.by the . waYand:atwhicli, at the. preient time, you can make sure..of ierytora. fortable end satisfactory accommadations; on reasonable terms. Then;ai now.tbir'house was. tho temporary [mate ; of the Solons and . Lyeurgus of the Sfete.,.When their' legislative duties called them_to the capitol: ~ ' . . Mr; F—,' the proprietor of the 'house 0 the tithe to I ifMule, :found that he had all sorts of men to deal , with; tke State repre. septat hies being compimee. farmer ei builders,, land speculators, lum.ber7alere.hants, Of all mdn, however,' the queq . !rest custoMer was .a representative ; who had not.: certainly been chosen for.any remar kable' oratorical tal . . . mita, or l'Or any' extensive. knowledge'of politi cal,economy. fact, his notions. of priVate economy, altogether predOminated, as the..fol rowini.anecdote will shoWi . • ' 7 - W it h hie, ccinettruents, Mr. - up his quarters at the public helmet.kept by Mr. Was , Jelig,hted with, the beealdast 'of venison steak', the ilinn'ers of turkey ,mooSe meat, and other corresponding:', ticcommoda tions,i but•really the rate of bouid .was more than he Mt able, to Pay.''• Accordingly heap. plied to the landlord to know if he, could _not, board him for less than the usual should,he - vety happy to accotnmodate. you;" said Mr. F., politely; • i!bot I should haste by the. aperation„ . 1 have the : bast. of •every. thing on. my.table, and my expenses • are so large that I could not. live,if I were to reduce the prices.". - .• i. , No way at all, in my case?" enquired• 'the .repii-Sentative, fuettilly. . • ... ..‘ , N0,.1 don't See -hoW I eon. I have to pey uncommonly. high this season, for my turkeys, & r ir-• . see here," ,interrupted Mr. G., ell suppaselhese fixings are worth al . you.chorge for. board. I ,would not comPletit if I felt as -though I could afford toeatstich dinners,' Now . why Lot let thiem•thet want - to eat turkeys pay for them? Ror - seiy.ownpart I : would .as • lief eat corn beef every day as not. , wont eat 'your turkeys, end ' I don't see why I should pay for them." • • • " . .• , . "Very well,',' said . the oldigidg landlord, with an. indulgent smile,' "If you are 'willing to confine.yourself: .tn corned beef, as far , as Tneals are. canceiied, end .6 eat: other things accordingly, I suppose- I can 'make same &due , your ease." • •. . , Tile,representativ,e wa6 bighlygratified.l He ,proinised ".to ear corned lieet, 'and ,to. abstain tiomyarious'costiy dishes wiiiCti were nainedi upon ..which condition •a . satisfactory . bargain . . . Accordingly; e'verybcitly Who observed q.:at the. table from that day'were very much astonished at his singular. choice 'of food. Q 1 course the hargain ,was a secret; .confined to the two parrie§ . by whom it witSiricidei and the ifriconsOblis! waiters represents rice, iters laid before the . tetpiitation alter .teitiptation, which no doubt, found it.hard.tei.resiSt:— aWbtit. shat) I heifir 'they would ask him: clikjieh, venison steak; . . . “Corned beef!" would be the self-denying eirjamation of , the scrupulous. tmaider.. • ''Day alter day, tt was-the same. S6metirnes they Would, ihr.ough mistake, we may supPose i place, before tarn it choke' plate of, the . forbid .den luxriries, which" made, his heart ache to . send them 'away again, " with' hie:modest fur "corned beef." At lenelli the' Waiters grevv.so waggish;' we suspect, that . .'q.,..w00d to send Half a : doter'. appctizing dishes, before-they:could he (Tiede :to understand that . his unalterable choice Wa4.4.ecornerrbeef.''' T his, tiiar e'of Mir ri (forded - a great deal of amusement. to the waiters, boarders, guests: everybody except Mr. G. eieviously annoyed.. At last 'human nature could bear it no longer..Oneday Mr. G. called for hisfavbrite dish, three : titres, arid received successively roasted veal, moose steak, ;and' broiled chicken'.' :glowing and sWeating with perplexity and wrethfut .impatience, . he • sent away the last nameddish • with an emphatic, re- quest ter "pinned beef.". , . • The waiter, stupid 'fool 'returned with roas t turkey. • • . "You thick-skulled rascal cried.the pus represe,ntative„,"caret_you.,,understand? ain't a tur,iyy heartier: I'rik a eri;:tiell-beef boar. `der.' Do you hear?: "m a corned-beef boarder'.' The . .waite'r beard, and the table iinred, 'the rePreserirative petspired •p!rifitsely, but ha•was :never after Wards• troubled With. refusing ,the dishes. he had :foresworni.. The. waiters, en- . joyed 'the joke, and the repiesentatiire .the Crined'beef, in quiet. •; .*- • • • Gov. Blacksnake; ,the' Indlin,"! . ., died • at his residence on, the Allegheny ileser . cation,• eight miles from East itandniph,Eattimatigue county,Dce• iGi at the advanced- age' of 133 years; Ile vvas probably, before hie death, AM oldest Indicin• livirfg.: He was in the kreneh" year.,previous to, the :Asvolutiont 11 , volulienary.war, and sided with t he Amer cam great aid toWashington; ing in ;he capacity ofa tuaner, arid . liieret . ot dispatches, • , • • • THE 2/01t1Innst,,1 NOM S. S. Cort i ; . ofOhio; itybia.latiitiaech in4l • Congress; thni alluded..to the NortbWesti. • . “When • yott iomp. In. the, great . 'Non Wait" . you find,'one million one. hUndredrind thousand voters in her,- seven 100,000 more,lhan thir votes. in : ArSmaiti; one third of, the . Whole .UniOn;:anit as Many iis'ffew Englind,''', I believi;ilfohat'i' more than one half of these will' be cast in. 1860 for the Democratic party; for of the 'States and the: permanence '"or federal • concord. " You' will find these votes Watiti Di '7 favor of the Union and the 'Constitution Which is:the only ligament which holds•that: Union together. , -You . will find this attachment pot':' merely in'our party, but atoning the' Vet,. Men' who' voted fdr mY. friend [Mr. Citirwirtj...and'z''. many of the Republicans upon this ROO. Look' • .tolthe great Ncirthwest,,and to iti• pniret; Wit' . is now, and as . it Will, be.'. She" has a lake" arid' river tonnage of 400,000 tons,- and 3000 mile* of river. and lake coast: She has; =and . 'Mast' .have ever, the htisdissippi river as her • outfit': 'l' Has she' nothing atitaker She will : be able to. protect herself' and tbe Unionhesidel. ' In 1900 she will' have as; tnany'Reprisentailvea•iiPort this.tloor .as the , whole . South will then.have; and three Members to one froth New Drighind. You will find in her tit conierrative alenieht;• l , which . will say to the North , , with=-its ' eiktrpitt:r • hits, and to. the Seuth* with its' extrerniite; . : ath'us far shalt 'thoh go, and no. further; here' •• shill the waves of disunion be Stayedt'' You find-in the Northweit 'a conservative' which, if we have. tha Cincinnati :platform Uo-'. altered, will rise up to the suppPrt of the Dew; °mac party,. as the only safe reporiltoty Of that - constitutional povier by Which thil . gov.', ernment le to be carried on," ' • • `' ErikaGY , -111 Tit& WORT . OR WRONG DIREOTIOti. often' hear 'people swontle"ring whit .hte '• beecithe of. the. energy . of out.*reat-grivhiliathers; and. grand-Mothers, and groaning. over: the",de-: g,eneracy of the present Any..;Noneensei.' Pen+. • ple.nOw.i-dayihaire quite ts.inueb,o(thigo-a.. ' head and.itever;•give•out tendene3i -about therpc, as ever their ancestors had. If" the..gritiblete". • in spirit rhn't helieve it, let them stand en ohs, 'Of the Fulton ferryheits atilt nears the Pier, for,. initance, and• watch, the eager, pniiting t Urdved, swarming over the 'chains .nrid..strfviti . g. shall . monopolise the dangetous;;Oviiegli lumping five Or aix feet . of upon a slippery pier;. so. es to perhips save:tea ' •sProntls of time, Let: them. •see . the:bilsitiesi... men ecarupering up the narrow 'Streets as if a . . Aiwa police officers Were at their heelal: they in a hurry? Not:,part4ularlyi,siOt is o,aly , their nuperabundint energy. - : ,Wit'shculd.like• to heat any .of the Wigged, .and •shoebutthled gentlemen- of the,-Avitit.Antiolutirintir.peried • going .. through ..life "at . a'igiillop,l4 this sort tit '• Arid 'as for our ectimento.'bi" •noi spin:arid weave, anii . eroulattf be: hot►seliold industry • of .their graridmariirrias44oo44 - it., mould ,be better- if.they . didlitit thlif•it health . they•art•lacking in nu energy to dancetllrught end: all di4l eo•physical endUrance to set all the laVrs 'of; nature of defiatce pier after: Year, arid•seision, after gentian. Give• Mrs. htarthaltrishingthii t viiirt op, list bairns long as.nnY New.Yerk IndY's you choose to Mention,. arid she would bite bro. ken down within i•iveekt Not that all;:this eight,' but it is'none the less a • fact. . . • Now, if all this ~energy were turned into t proper chatinel;—that is to sny, a iennatli one:— , • we suspectotir grumbler would very si;iorr be compelled to' abandon hift."poitititm. In the • present state: of things the", larietit hercettfage '- seems to be wasted-we have nothing td ihQQW rot it,. no.accounr. to render; ..but . no one 'h'p • has ever noticed the curious • testiest sPirit. adventure and enterprisi 'that* is: . • working . itself an outlet inten out directions within our, gretat to tropolii; will credit the tiasertion, that we have leas' prirli:t ,than our grandParints hatilite-•flfzritruiett::: t the great Dnion meeting , tt Nest:Ye'rk; Rev. Dr. Bethune Maile•an elogbilq speech; in the course Of. which'hentteted.nittitly sentiments. which, the, 'clergy,ol,,,,thite, , /petit' wonld•dO well to adopt end live: , ding to , "the preachers who.have .eulogiaed ield. murd4rer Brown,she gni I,- , ^'.:• ••, Wlien men. aim firalseil'and tiebaitsa they have. shown the ciu - raile,'ritite.bull-d 6 i with the blail-thir..stirieaur . 9.ks high time . then thet . .nititi who feet' !lieu - Meritea tnipelled by the belief that • the i'lierietie n it3die on earth, 04 will tciWitt.de mend Gild; art up to the spiitt . cif that.tetiching."'"- Toviraio .. !..ii;clio . sfitlo:f' 'lis .. reiiia:o4 . .hfi si*:, ""lint I must Say , there id nO , , mnre.dangstotti men thap he Who uses his snered'offiee of: the ministry to mislead - men,.. and , -to.rtirry ihem aw!ty intri ariniellY and sedition. am content with_the holding no higher position than a min ister or Christ, to help men to Heaven. When they - die, end to keep them irt - ptiace when alive, - But there is'one thing that - I , ,neimi.emit, , ,oed -that is to vote';: and when 1 Prepare - mrhallot, ('prepare it with , as much eare - „ai•it my-titiket were to elett; and if I retain triy!eason,•;Whihh God grant, I will never:rate forttny man;alll4, - Anierican; democratic or teptilklican...4yiin6.if he were my Own. brother—rif • he had laid :with me id my mother'S womb Eittn...withla- I evald trace .the tlightitit*alit iinkin. in, his sentimetits. . We !cart; from te-Arington' Telegraph s Ghat tlering.fhe iate cold weathe,ri thertirwere;:,,frmit fifty to siity persi;ris at lettet.ferty bf wit* vvere undeC,theinfifrence of liquor, when troien. -Th'erp Niere twiny. thonsentl:Cirtigge s . c!ittle,: gild: sheep . itittle4l-.19 death'iii . that State.... Last Month ',Wes :the ,se ,verest ever known 'there: Snow fell'-several inches'in depth,limi iie.formed in,the streams. ,The thew mdrnetor iVae 41o'wh . to' . t ~riegrees. 4 'i)rk • d ...on .i.es i h ouldlik e; lir, 'mon/ : litiiutifut in' the.evotting; - the: season,, a glow, with promise, arid tire sittumrilith'*ftb: g9idelf,itie,a-VlS,*WerPc gOiid.Woidt:,oo-*Os heye'iiptlntid on the . - • ickens lofty n of: n, tnothi9l.wboqlied,wo.lBclier . kiabe s'hor bosono , L:t "dlasPitlitthat *1 1 E 4441 .4hr 116 nie'!ltitted•ontuitOn 4 Tio Elat rani round • • 1' • ' 4 Yit 4 44 041-1 -" A , r NO .4 ~,':..r:, , ,f : .:,.. :,...:...,.,....,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers