FoBs:::ilj9V - SY, John - P. Ruseell, - Proprietor C)L . EA.N,, N. Y 6 =1 . 0N01.44E AND RETAIL. DkApfift IN byitere, Ohms, trash Fish o 'N'oreign iinv Do- mestio Fruits. ELMIItAt OFFAT'S -ALE 'Kept costatantly.o'n hand and fot sbe . by . barrel "Or draught. • • OystersHStewed, Roasted,' Fried, or Raw, @erred at all hours. • Of" Orders 'Promptly attended to. Jan. 11 . ,',1860.'' -• . • • , • n39-tf SCOTT d& cOML,O7; ..'llOl - ERCHANT • TAIL O R S, 2.. OLEAN - ;:: N. •Y. LT AVE jaet reeelied their Winte'r !Reek goods,• and :JAL are prepared to supply their 'numerous customers and those who favor there with their patronage, with any thing in their line: Their stocicconsista of .. • cloths; Cassiineres, Vesting'', .I:Uo4:Caps, Shirts -.;,Collate, _Cravats; Nesk-Tiesi :SWAN •. .They have also a hirge assortmont or. . • • , • • READINiEILDE 'CLOTHING, " •• b r the latest atyle. - Clive tbeni a call bofore purchasing elseiel2ere. fp' Orders from a.distange promptly Wen. ded to.. Outtiog done on short noticd ' J. L. scorr„ JAL' CONLON. . 5 CAUTION LOST, on or about the Ist of January 1660, a M'Kean' iounty order, drawn payable to N. L. Dyke, for 12,93;dated Dec.'3lst, 1860. No. 1083:. AU persona are ,herebY cautioned againstpasiiing .or :'receiving this , order, as I have received n 0 value for it .Shippeh, 'Jan, 10,-1860 AdMini44tratipn Notice LETTE RS of Aministration. on the estate of Joust FOnes; 'late of M'Ke . an courify, de teased; having been granted to the subscribers; hstice is hereby•giveri•to all persons., indebted tr. said estatelo make immediate psynient, and those having: claims aglintit' it •. will. present them, duly.authenticated for settlement:: -• . - • • • • .' • " G. N: FOBES, • . • • • • AihisinistraPirs. Eldred,Deeember 26, 1859. .: [3B-6wl KENDAL-CREEK HOUSE, - )rEFMAL-CREEK, MICEAN CO., PA HE:Suhecrib haying purchased:: ibis vve) , 'known stand, and re-furnished end re-fit ted the Houqe, is prepared to 'entertain Board era ■nd the Tiaveling.pntaie., • • . HIS. BAR AND TABLE',' .Will be yve.ll atinpiied, and everything done to merit a liberal share of:patronage. • Raft l . alvVayslina the , 41atch-string" out. •. T. M. FULLF.R. ' • Kendal Creek, January 2, 1860. 38.1y. List id Letters, REMAINING in the Postorri, iti Smethpnr, - at the r the•quarterendlng D. cacti ber 31st, 18/59 • . • .S. 'Atwell; Rev'. Edger Brett; Mr.. N .Card; Daiid A'. FulJrr. „Anon Harlon; L. Had ley; 11 1 W. Hanley; Chas. G •enter; Mks k. L. Johnson; .o::J:Johnson, , 2; Mhe Polly •A' LyOni ,Levi Miller;' Seneci F. Millard; Midi ael Welsh; Bfeyrit P. Tilden., • - • • • • •Tbome calling for the above metitiOnod letters will pleaie• say advertised. • .• * •"--• . .• • S. SARTWELL, P.M. • _ Stnetbport Jan ; 2d . 1860... • • SMETHP.ORT „ WAGON AND SLEIGH SHOP, ON MECHANIC STREET NO. I, T . undersigned would respectfully • an-, Pounce to the 'citizens of WlCeari :county, that he now prepare Ito do all kinds . of wood work in my line of business, at short notice, in a workmanlike Manner, at reasonable prices . . feel _satisfied that .my:woork will . fully meet the requirements of all who will favorlme With their patronage. , , . = Repairing. Promptly, attended' to on short notice.: All kinds 01 grain taken in exchange for:,work-; also butter, pork; beef; pine , lumber and aft.'wood. 'CASH will not be refused. . • - , D. V. SHEPARD. StnethPort, Pa . .; Jen. 10; 1860. • • .BLACKSPAITHINa..., ,TTAVING. rented . the - shopattached to the 11.SrnethPort FURNACE, the subscribere age .flow prepared to do' il kinds of blacksmithing. Particular attention paid to horseshoeiuk. . ' VAN .DYKE tc WING. ' Nov. 3, 1859. • • • AOSTI - • 1 BTWEEN . Olean and R... Larabee's, ,on Wednesday the inst., a black Pocketbook containing.a 'note given 'by. Jaines O'Neil, to Silo§ Reisdorph, for $95, dated Nov. 1, 1858, On which was endorsed $4O, April 25, 1859; note on the Livingston, County Bank, and about $1 in [change.. Also; containing receipts and other papers, &c. • : . • Any person finding said pocket book, will 'be rewarded by returning it, to the subscriber, or leaving it at T.. Good wins, in Farmers Valley. . • • . :Alt persons are hereby warned spinet pur• chasing .the above described note; . also, the maker is forbidden paying to any other person. • .. It B. BARRETT. : Farmers Valley, ra:'Nov.,•l9, 1859.. • • , , • • • Stone Coal.. • • rr HE SUBSCRIBER keeps on kantl for 'Bale' . 1-. Stone .Coal. 'of the best quality, at' the Grist Mill, in. lifechiniesburg. Grain of all kirids•taken in exchange. fIEICHOIS CORWIN._ DR, IV . : Y. 211.001", HAS BEEN, during the past year,.engaged . in preparation to resurne'the praCtite of his prOfession, ante will in "future devote his, at tention t 0... its . severe( (lerNi!lrpente!, ()Mee South ; east corner of Main Street. • - Senethtiort; PloVember 27; ISO: 'beat AUc Tea in town.p.t The • •-• • ASTOPZ nouRE iTORT4 • - • - • . • • .DISSOLUTION. OTICE is hereby given that •the paytoer. •111 ehip heretofore exising bet Ween D. V.' Shepherd and A. S. RiShon, tinder tits name and ptyle'of D. V. • Sitio/ils*• this .day'•dis solved' by mutnareonsent. All - debts' datt'the firm willbe . paid to D. V. Shepard , ..! •• • • • , • D. V. SHEPARD, BISHOP.. • stiiithporf i Jap:..3, .1860; ' . • ASTOR :HOUSE.' sIetTHPWIT,- 'lrsidur coirmy, Wm: ixAgicut,L, • Puc..twietor. rjEdS 'leave to announce to the traveling paommunity and the•publ ic generally that he has purchased the abate named. hotel; fotnierly occupied by jetties Miller, and refitted it in a style Suited to the times and wants' of the pub ,TAI3LE • Will,alwitys be .supplied with the beet the mar. het and•the sutrounding Country can afford. ..• . ' HIS 13AR • Will be supplid with choicest wines. and .HIS STABLES. Will be in the care.of attentive !Metiers, re eponsibla for their canduct . to, their employer who will give the entire establishment his per sonal supervision:_ • . . abort every department of his establish. ment . will be supplied with all the • costrorrs‘AND CONVENIENCES the weary' iravelet can desire. • ' - • In 'the hope that he will be able to make 'his GIIISTS - COMFORTABLE, during their visit at his house, he respectfully solicits 's . Aare' of public patronage. Srnethport, Jan. 1;=1860. n3B 6m Olean, Jan.l2. 1860 REMAINING id the Post Office, at Farmers V.alley, Pc; at the close of die ,quarter ending Decerhber 31st; 1859. • . • • 'Horace dlevelank .tohn Traverse; Oliver Peter:Teardern Manvill.Tnttle; G. Gray; . Mies Clarissa like. •' . Persons calling , for the above letters will please sayladVertieed."... • OTTO, P..M. Farmers Valley, Jan. 2, 1860.. - .. . N. L. DYKE rtiHE STDCICHOLDEHS of the eiM'E.eiln Railread'and Nayi; ,, atiori CoMpany,i!. are equested to meet, at the office of the Compa y,. in, the..BorOugh Smethport, on , the Second. Monday in lanuary-it being the nifith—at 3 o'clodic P. M., of said day,: for the 'purpose' of electing a President and twelve : Directors, for the ensuing year. • . SAMUEL C. HYDE, ,Secretary. - Smethport,. December 12, 1859. , vir HFAEAS the Hon.. Hebert o—White, NV president Judge,'and the Hons. J.. Dar:. lint and'S. 'Holmes, Associate • Jodges of the. Courts.Of Oyer fit' Terminer • and' General Jail Delivery,'Quarter Sesslons of the Peace, -Or phans' Court and Court of Comm . on Pleas for the County of M'Kean have issued their precept, bearing datoSaturday; the Ist day Of :December in the year of our Lord one. thousand ,eight_ hundred and fiity-nine; and to me 'directed, for holding a COurt of Oyer and Terminer and Gen.: pral Jail ,Delivery, olinirter Sessions: of , the Peace, Orphans' Court, and . Court of Common Pleas, - in the DOrough.of Sreetbport, on' Mon day, the t went li. , seventh.ddj , -of February n'ext, and to-continue one , week. . Notice is theretore hereby given to the Coro nerii, 'Justices of the Peace and . Constables within the'County,,,that they be then and there in.their proper persons,et 10 o'clock.A. M. of • said day, with their rolls,recOrds, inquisitions, examinations, and other remembrances, :'.to - do thosethings.whicb their offices appertain to be And those Who -are bound by' their rec, "ognizanCes to prosecute the prisoners thatarc or shall be in the jail of said cdunty. of M'Kean, er are tobe then and the .t 4 prosecute against • . . • them as . Just., • . • • 'Dated :at Smetliport,'.lanuary tenth ..1860,'. and the 84th 'year ,of the Independence of.the United States of America. . . . . . o:oop , :N.E.w.s. Which is filled from , top to bottoin with the BEST assortment of • COOKING, PARLOR & BOX STOVES NORTHERN PENNSYLVANLi, which will he sold at prices that cannot fail to uit. I will also as Usual; keep constantly on hand a good.assolitnent.of HOUSEKEEPERS HARDWARE, Kl~ T.,LES; FRYING PANS, FLAT IRONS CANDLESTICKS, • - Which will: be fOld ;at the VERY. I,OWEST.PRIC.L'S. I Thankful for past favors, respeetfUlfy soli cit a continuance of the same. , • , Smethport. Sept. 22;1859 STOVES ! ST avEs f AM NOW RECEIVING THE LARGEST, 1 best selected; and cheagoit lot Of Stoves ever brought into this seitioni E. S. MASON. LIST OF LETTERS, NOTICE COURT PROCLAMATION. JOSEPH MORSE, Sheriff. JUST RECErirED AT 3..- • 101s,t do ee ^ it4Cnt ) VIC idittd3a.V,l6o i11t.14 pan 1)1. seen.. 3 ,ll. otien • . . i n t sttlieb uilding: fornietly ocentiedbY.the Aysr.enl) • WiisiJosslytki "....0111111 EVER OFFERED • FOB SALE' IN SPIDtRS, LAMPS, tto E. S. MASON THE ONE PRICE REGULATOR, 4'lM' .O:AiAIDE FROM TitE BATTERY OF .I'FIE ONE PRICE REGULATOR O : L L L N EVERY GUN DOUBLE SHOTTED 1 p!:t:.y: : :qi : o..obs ? BOOTS, SHOES 4C., *C., RETAILED AT WHOLSALE PRICES ONE PRICK; TO' AND 'NO DEVIATIOtt. HE 'FOLLovviNG?Llwr,.compitists T Some of the bargains offered at , the , One Pricd Regotater—Abe Afammoili Score of Olean; Which has:become so. darned for fhe neatnes of its Styles; • the . exeqlence aitd &liability' of its Fabrics; The extreme - d,opfessiors•o f its prices; the uniform. civility of its .saleation; . and the unwavering integrity . and. untiring energy of. its proprietors: : •—, • • . T . he'Establishment which for five year's hal, surpassed the Dry. Ooorle Trodo in every point of excellence; stands unriPal led,unapproathed and unapproachable ! •*. Read. - the List and judge for yourselvei. . . We will Sell GOOD FAST C,OLORED 'PRINTS %Vl, will selll GOOD PRINTED MOUSLINE DELAINES We will sell FINE VAL ENCIAS' We will pall GOOD, YARD WIDE, BR'N COTTON We will sell LL 9THER KINDS OF GOODS USTAL KEPT IN COUNTRY: STORES Defy CoMpetiti,on. OUR ENDORSERS. 1-3 0 The One .Price aegifintei. This immense establishment in . our, village, under thi atispices of is, S. Butler and C. H. Thing,,which :and.for, some time has 'm been attracting mark ed. attention, for the ex tent of their . stock, the q uality of their . goods' and the reasonableness 'of theirpricea. busineis . relations with these gentlemen have been pleasantand satisfactory... .We have al. mays found them. We have 'always found them courteous, obliging and.h9norable. One great secret of the large trade , the Regulator dectires . from the country for many smiles around, and the very many. firm friends in:this vicinity, is their stil:,...iiategrity Olean cannot spare the' Regulator. We giVe a third broadside from their battery this.week, to Whieli the refer our readdrs.-01eOU Adver . , . THE ONE . PRICE REGULATOR; Olean , is !in the . a -field with new stOck' of Dry. Goods, Boots; Groceries,- &c. Everything 'they offer is worth the money , asked; and ds fot'their win ning way;.they have the secret' omehow, of doing, double the bitsiness of, any Other House we know 0f..•• Their agencies for the , sale 'of . CottOn .Goods gives thein great"advantages. over oters. 'Pin frtends froin this place who have traded with them need no, recomniqnda_ tion . of ours to induce . them logo again; thoSe who have not, We, ask you, for your oWnsalrei ; to giite them a'call .and their goods an examin-• ation.Catearougus. Democrat. . Dtrrt.ix 4 trin TnING, at the One PriCe Rept . - lator; them, are truly benefactors of their . race. They buy for sash, sell for cash, practice no.deceptinn business; have but one price, and. that extremely low. and we think do a much larger bUsinesi thatt any ether Dry . Goods House: in this County.—South. Western New Yo4er. : . • . . N. 15 ...tt1 . a.."/• N. S. BUTLER Vic C 0. ., c, Ir. Trix 9. ••• tine ?doe Regulator • OT -a - F 4 IsTN. For six peace per Yard For one ebilling per Yard For one sniffing per Yard. Fou . six pence per :Yard At'prides To Among the many'advantagee secured bythe 131se of this. Pump, the following, may be enu merated: • 2. Great ease in working, thus adapting the Por . cePriiAtiple to common ' • 3. The transformation, in a moment, of 'the Pump into an eiticient FIRE 'EtvaiNt:,,thus ran dering the loss of. dwellings by fire; totally un .nneessary. '.. • . 4„ Capability of watering gardens, LaVVIII4; oitkinkling Walks, washing windows; &e., with the utmost elle° acid thoroughness. Tower to raise . water with-alight labor to any.reasonable height, as in,supplying .cham- . . The convenience of having the.Pumpin kitc'he'n, or other rooms.of your dwelling, with mit.regard to the locution of the Well or Cis . - tern. • 7. The easy', protection of the instrument agaitytt , • . 8. - The . easewith which it may be mounted on , wheels, ill other, ways be Made portable. • 9. A simplicity which, ensures great 'lure_ proteetriit from. being thrown out af.or iler,:arid:roakes ant 'repairs easy rind of little . 10.. Grea t Cheapnel:, ...... first . time bringing the cost or. the Puree hump into the neighborhood of the common ,Suction! end Chain Pumps,,whiieit is immeasurably' supe r rior to both . .. . • . . MsoOfactirred and for sills by he subscriber, only, at, his shop in bischanicsburfr. . GRAPE,'dIiC#VIIEfiS C.Atsl CARRY ON their st ! sinftse rnost 'successfully at Heinmontop, fre.E; froin traits.' Scime forty Vineyards sei, out the past season. • See adyertisemeni-lif iiammon ton Lin . cll,•iinother . colt/run... • ' OLD pOIVIIMON . COE:FEE F?sTASstfri. 1.•.1. J. BARKER'S'.STRAW-CUTTER. T" .SUBSCRIBER , now , offers ta'filp pelf. lid this Improved Striw=eutter t • in full 'confidence that all . who,take thetrauble'to *it hems its operatic:ins will be donyineed of:its su periority oier any other now in kept penitently. on hand and'ren. ,Urackoied fo'inder. .". . frr• As. no other person ; has the -right to nitike.oftiees'thiii Cutter withiniK'Kean cowl ty, all Who are nsineit in vielatiOn of the pai ent be.proseguted. A. WOLTEIO Mechanicsbtirg, August 97, 4E60. tiApeßt otters hie s ervi c es to patties J4l Owning or wishing` to. purchase 'mineral lands in - Arleen - , Elk, Clearfield or lefterson D 7" Exttnlituttiotul',marle•and fOthfultk •Biadford, July 27, 1859; . OP EVERY DEBOREPTION, • - NEATLY, CITAPLI MID ttpntriousrir DEMOCRAT OFFICE. Arrival and Depart Ore of Maila.. 8111ETIIPORT POST OPplOt. : 01e4n—LeaVes every:morning at 8 o'clock;ar. 7 rives every evening. . • Csoudepsport—L ‘ edires Triesilay .arid, Saturday mornings t• arrives'Monday arid Friday eves. Shipjmn--Leaves.Tuesday,.'ffinriday, and §at , urday. Mornings . , arrives Monday,litednis dity. and Friday evenings: - . • .tiirigtudy- , —Ledtres • Monday, Wednesday •and ''Friday mornings; arrives' yuesday, Thurs. - . day and Saturday eVenings. • . Warren—f..eavesTuesday mornings and FTrivea Tharsday evenings. . • • •••. S. SART WELL, P. .M SHOE BUSINESS .AND FACTORIES' con' be carried on profitably at Hornmonton, ,See advertisenoen! of Hammonton, Lands, • :NOTICE. • • • • • All persona knowing themselVes indelded to the undersigned' by. Book account, will save cost by settling , the same by payment' or Note immediately. E. S. MASON .DeceMber•l . , 1859. . BARRUS of (treeo'APples 'store - and for mkt!! by, B. F.-WRIGHT. . ose Interestedin 'Mining aid Mineral Lands: • . . . .. . . tv ..Ii: .BARNES offers hie Reryie6s forthe examine. e.e • tine of Mineral Lands in IWlCean. and•Eik • c•on- Ales, .and_ will alie his nninlon an to the. VALUE.OF MINES,.. /k• Phone enßakina , hie eeeViCPS will .recelie all neeee.nry and reliable information., Reellence at the Dunker 11111 !dines. . . . .. • ..• . . „ . rlergeenti AVlcean co., '39ne 30,1659.. '.. '• .*:_ '.. : • `INSURANCE AGENCY; ••; Kensington linstirassee Contronni, • Cash Ottiltal...,4— a•,.::..... ..... Farmer+ s Unionilnsuranee CO:, ',l.thens,.Pn. Cash • • • s' Great lictotein litiniatieti Co., •Pliiindelphin, Ptr. • Capital Stock. ..... ... 81,000,009 West Branch, (Mutual) Leek Haven Pa. • • insurances can be effected in, the above'.res 7 ponsible Stock Companies by the. subscriber. Any cOmmunicatinn . ' addressed to him, at Smethport, Pa., will meet with promp attention. • , • B. P. , DAVIS, Agent: • SrriethPort, Dec. 9, 1 t 158: . ' [n4otl.] PO 4D.PLOTTE -WHITE FISH .AND SHAD. .• TALLOW 4 STEARINE CANDLES, • WARRANTED TO STAND IN HOT • ;WEATHER FUR• SALE •AT •• -" .• . • - • • . . • 'I3ROWN,ELL'S. August 12, 1859 . . • NOTIQE; TO: ROAD BUILDERS.- • JOB . 01 7 CHOPINGSCLEA RING AND .111. Grading ten miles of the McKean Co. State Road; eorriinencins , neat Baena, Vista, will be let iri.sections of a mile each 011' favor:a.. ble terms.: 'Apply to W. NEWELL...,'. BradfOrd, July 20, 1859 JEFFREY'S DOUBLE-ACTING EMOTION & FORCE PUMP India' Rubber .Ball Valves _ . . • • . THE SUHSCHLBEH having Or . chased .the right . tO , rnake: and sell this'New Pimp, feels a confidence that his efforts to 'bring it into, general use, in this county, Will be secon. ded by all who see its constructionand.opera; 1. A. doubleiction, by :which twice the wa er can' be raised at the same tithe. Mechanicsburg, March 18,. 1858. EMPIRE NO. 3 o.E . ti - A__;.,...:.:.::.: .. .: . y - WILCOX & EATON . , . 13 EG:IAEA4Vt TO ..ANNOUNCE thai 'they have received their trat stock of • SPRING &SUMMER.GOODS . . . . And.artinow ptepared to welcornwtheir , frienoa and easterners and offer ttiqm a now and deg,- Country Merchandize IN AIL ITS . VARIETY, wen As FANCY AND STAPLE DRY:; . '.GOODS; ..:130QT'S.....A:Np.:stick,,E$11,.. T - TATS:.: : - ..; .& .:..: .C,AP.S; CROCKERY, GLASS - , WARE And a choke shick.of. Family. Groceries . We, will not weary yortrliatienCe by enurrie 'rating, Hut' our stack is vetyletilland Complete 'and we•doel?t: not you.•*illfind aomOthing to Meese you both to'9uality•and Windy Advertisements will do for aome, bat, t!la' Truth will Wear. Better, and .we only ask an examination and•are ;confident •we can do:you good. •.• • , COltlL' AND SEE. WILCOX & EATON Olean, April 18,1859, • • ', • • :. T •.. A SPLENDID LOT OP TEASYat • rl ' • . • ' WILCOX & EATON'S, . . _ • . • • KEROSENE 'OIL, • MbE from'COAL, with LAMPS to hurn the same, at WILCOX. & EATON'S, • PAPER . . IfAgGINGS, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT at 11,,, • , .WILCOX & EA.tONI6, Olean, N. PERSONS WISBING TO , ESTABLISH Manufactories ina new and thriving place where•businesS is good; See advertisement Of the Haminonton Settle intent. .• • TR. SIDE HILL .VACATEIIi 13;:n,'WRIGHT ANNOUNCES 'l'o THE'PUBLIO THADVE HAS CEMOVED. TO. THE ASTOR HOUSE STORE 'MTH. TITS LARGE STOCK OF G-ROCERIE ditc. Where he or Itetiol SUGARS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS AT LOW PRICES, WEN, BLACK & IMPERIAL`TEAS OF . DIFTEROT GRADES; ASTER, GROUND, ~AND RIO COFFEE Sll7l UPS .4/711.01,./S,NES, RICE / SOAP,' • STARCH,• •• • CABIiLTS RAISINS, FRUITS, NUTS, PRUNES, BAKINd rowbEits, CODFISH ANDMACICEREL, IPlour - .ll7ork , Althifis,. Lard, Lggg, WOOD. AND WILLOW WARP., BOOTS and SHOES, . . Together with a large asgorttitent of all kinds of Goods kept in a Grocery Stoie;' which '6e nffers tb sell for Ready Pay' at the lobveit mar= ket price. • • F. B. F. - WRIGHT. • smthricrrt, Jug Ist, 18419. •. . ••.SMETHPORT LIVERY . 'STABLE HE. .SUBSCRIBER has opened a new T er3iStab)einSrnethport, at the tesidence of Dr. :Wisner on King Sireel, three 'doors east ,of the Court ffouse; where" con be . found the. besf.or Anises and Carriages at low prices. He intends te • make Smethport a •perrnanent residence, and asks n share of 'patronage. . Smet hport, .August 24, 1559.. "ti23tf.' - . . . . . irrtim 'lducO io 'buy your Sugar fiat -the ..A.!dor 'Rouse Store . dod,3lUscoyAtlo 8 ate. White Corriie Su gar 10.cts., Crushed did Pulverised 11 eta; ,•''' ' • • • • • Sf DE-HILL AND ' §HQVF:I; PLOWS, ; §U perior,ariielei mantifeeturetrat the " . SMETHPORT PURNACE. • IN CHURNS rind Japanhid aici, 'Stove Pipe and Tin Cat lictlea at MASON'S.' :o, l lPoete STVIETiniOOI I I ,13. i'AiLOR4 0640111 4 at&I • • it.;:.E.U.l:t; : ,;'.'ikLASTit HE UNDERSIGN womb- ES.: CITI P E F E C N T ja"-: -4,4-4.77.q...F...j0 THE . • • - ,/* Oley:14i:vo Iskaieci.thems4vi • ' ' . 3 Ttl•g' ; rit P4.YR'lr!.:i. , .„- F r og tfie'rintriose of Ratiutiotoring PLOWS.; SeliAtltS;. l :P(G:sliok,.4 . : A d t inntte if' a n ea orst ng $4l , COUNTRY':Furtium, . • • Therniigh`exil ‘ us in saying that' cakii'farnisk , • 0001)W011 at.a4 BEASONABLUMIES As can be found eisevabarst,..kni.liciiki Ithas 4- . at: a, ll ,tignakbP:P 2 l l 4 ;t:•:' .;•‘! . . . The celebrated -. -FRANICIANVILLIr - withit DUCHESS. COUNTY - IMPROVED, TLOWS* constantly . on hand. ' Farmers and ottiarsr,tiVa us a call.' - ' ~. ' '" -''' 'f' l - ' '''' . . . .E. Veit initig auginat.cP, 1859.-. • • ::... ... Pieilltlfl,'llanalitturers, ,Farnitlß ', Mill If • . . litierigan TO BE ENLARGED)* • •.. VOLIIMV-711EW . ,IfEBIE0, • ..• 24; - 1869. • Instead 'of 411 Oval; the , Y/intTr rievi, will contain Kiawr nurNDHEB.. TWO PAOES o f m aable T04016100' terotaettal and instinctive to all. choir:l: • . r• • ••T - ' Tim Ihismormto Mania ett Obbliatiedweekkir to form, gni tablb for 'binding; and CT uninbera fore sin gle year adrituld, Information in regar4 'NEW.INVEN TIONP,.aII•branohes Of MANTMACTURING . PROOPBIIS .A 0 RICULTURAI: • ImAtLEbtENTs. MILLWRIOBTING, IRON MANUFACTURE, olliamis. TRY! In :fiat; almnat •,ettery; intlitegried , puragit, reeetToo more or lasi attbation In Ito Oolunina. •• • - All Patent Marina officially poblialied tie Mil . !•oports.l fpm the Pat e nt °Mae; matron'? • • • . .. •IpIVENTORS•ANDTATENTEtS, It avintidniouroonmionYnot, to biS;obtigh.' l l4 l 4lll•olll4* lind which co mecbanto, Inyentor, patiptei?o!to, • A~a3~'aeflyJonrn tlthui,odopiricir fiElgrot orgetio, el utility, dinactu Es outdoing 1,111 fonnduktilut,prnc :Eat Recipe : a: . •• , • • attention - s wil be Oven 01 1 004 bl orthe Metal, lumber etbifirtidAktgc • ..T•• ; • Every comber. will Undtgluillgteynpfgerioodiferty.eigitit coltuntig 'of m Arley, with serreral'illugtwitlhno of pordrited nigehineg end'Other - . single • . . .• year - obout ' . ittrlintiKED ojklatri*E.EisioljAllso34. thgErilgrarvi Ee rigs le knife bind -oil oilporturiEY to enbicrihy not likely tu'ooeur. agaidnintly will he like cuidinenoing nom work—Vol No. I,•Neyr , . . Terms $2 a Year = O n e. Dollar , for' slx 'EtottUtarn. NVolitern, and Canadian money' be tOlie Calico damps taken at par for rubeorlptioppse, 01111Wilan bent ail I please torernit, twenty-afit nealarrafo,.oitaoh yoarta anbacription to, pita .* pdotago. :• • ': C ' , .1 _ • • •.• :A' liberal Afacount -to A TroapitelnaNgirlaii fall parlleultirs of tin, I nduormenta .for pyrpalpra roplap of thO•pitpar, h, cantatalfiginformi. tion conerrning the. prOttitting %of Patent* me be had gratis by addreaaliar MUNN*, •004*- , • •Pnbtla4era atilaalloituit,lllo AGO** trl, Park Ilorr,, VIA. , • . .• A NtiS. SALE. ILF:S erorn '." Philadelphia by 'Railroad in Ab'et Stite . of Noir Jersey. Soil among the bast' for -'4Vgrictiltural monies, being good loan . ' troll, ,With a, clay :bottom. The land is ; a lergelreet, dirided in. -to small ferms,and hundreds.frorn pll rptarts , of the country ere now settling and bOliding.' crop.; produced:are very . largi and can be teen groWing. Thetlimate le delightful; end Secure from frosts. Terms from $4.1 to *2O per,icrl4, payable within (Mir years" by instilmenti;- To ,visit the place---I,eaVe . Vine Street When 'et Philadelphia at 1- A: M. by Hiiirond for Hern• mouton ; dr address • rt.' S. flirnis, by letter, Hammonton Post OM eit;- A tian tic .Cdupty, New Jersey. Soo full 'advertisetrient In anothdi. PERSONS WADiTING•dHANOE OV-.C4;. mate. for !icalth... , See adAtertioeFneht of . Han inwiton Lando; another . col Omni . • • A 800 g , l;.e Aiw ' 11,2,' • tabinet Siiop in MeehaniObarg. A WOLTERS . respectfully announces to A the pUbliC thin, riotufithi.tUridier; :these hard times, he hi manOtOctoiind 15Peils strintl) en liana all,kinds hirititurti,ittich e '.el . • . DIVANS, OTTOMANg,_, , ' CARD, :CENTgIi, . ,DINING•AND "PREAKFARt T,Ai3LPS.I CHAIRS . of all . kinds and ,atylesi : ,Cana and Comminip Rea4rldade• Golfing, ara., of-,the very. best mat.slial and tnahufautiire SanStliport, Feb.2s, iS6S . . :c - •outity biriotorp : Prea s t G.. White; Welishoro Tioga Co. Pa.. •.• .• , „ WIIIT)11 0 1511 , A's,roc . . iate , ingi ,Srriethimri, Holrnes, Pridford.' . • SAerifl*--JQsoh Mofsei . Sineqfporii .; • .• .• Recoirter4e( IC, part Szrketh- , po.• (pio t . eirs;.)•--Lt rt,ia; Parsons, :Bradford, •• J. 'Colegrove t • isi9rwich;, ..Nelscon: Peabody, Chadwick; *lett/. AUditors —B. C: Coryria, Sraetiiptirti Carter; Ceres. : re-; .DiStrict Attorney.r—Worren COwlee, Wedging. Coroner.—Tornes Bond', Lafayette( . ILK"PANS, all netiv and thtny 7 -yod,ettn _WA see an honest man;S:fitee.,in'them soon as knit rayoket ihe d,af,RA ,;MASt4N?P -TO ALL. WANTINTa vertisement . otlinmlidonton. Lands, ;;', FiElisoiqs:WISHING .ro,,;( 4 #A#oz thef bo,inesstoo rap)tlo iricreasiog'Cduntr,yi - n,lsieyi: Settlotneof where Inindretts Wheie the ;tit: mite aslyertisenient of the HaappootomPlitfOßlci anott:ir eglunia' ' PEACILUNEB; , Persons vyishing to• get. 3,141:441 the: differforri Mtlgazinest, IllostratettJonritalikatinint.imiletr publi4Fied'in Otit.Vlntt ed . Slat eif,4::.llo.ll6(fillilit Paping.upnyt ;the ~ stntinFriber" atLtb? OFFICE; and team in& t heir nit mer. ' ; •:1 GEmN:IiALT.Ett:I4. .• NVANWEiY4. 50 71? . MD CA, linlitl'ZittitiVrjrt :o' B.B't.;N; c•: =MEI 801Pdf