VOL, 2. 1! - 1,1i0p . 6.0 - u Mt il3oiptitit.. PUBLVOIED EVL•'RY TILIISDAY MOANING, By J. •B.OVIATT, • SMETHPORT, M'KEAN COUNTY, PA OFFIOEi • E, CORNER ,LTIII,IC SQUAE} • 7 • $1 . 50 in Ailvance Retes of Advertising • . 1 Column one year six menth • s -- • ...... ... orayrquare of 12 lines or less, qinsertions, Eneb subsequent 'insertion, ... Business Cards, - with paper, Mire-Ur fig t ure,lvork will be double the aboye• rates, Twelve lines ltrevier type, or eight. lines nonpareili•is ratect a square. .• • •• ~ These Teiins,wip E d to:4:11 Ptioiiieps - . ElitcetOrt: • • . , ..• , . Surveyor, Prall.Rman CouVeyarmer, and'.ll6lo. .Estate Smetliport, M , Krau euunty, Pa. •-• 'B. F. WRIGHT,. Wholoaale and . Itelail Denier" in Family .0 rocorips, Pork, Flour, Salt, Feed, Soots and Shoes,:Storb In the Astor llouse Smetblinet"Pn: D. B. MATBIR, • . . ITholesule'and Ilela'l, Dealer in Provision , - and .Famly - Groceries. Flour, Meal, Feed, •Pork.., salt, Fish..tro... Store at Eaton's old' stand. Terms, Cash. Smells port, Pa.. . ' • . •. - • .. . A. N. TAYLOR, . . .. . tlealdy iit D-r IC flair, Groceries, Pork, Flour.. Batt, Fish •;' Eciiity-M, do Clottrinit, ]toots} aol Shoes. Snlithriort,: Pa. . . . , . . . • • • WILLIAM WILKIN, ." ' . ProctiCal itteclotnic". , :t1111trt•;114.. . Port 4• l lOgltctiii 111'Ketio P . O. '• • . . BEIMBEIMI Eun v Evoh CONVEYA:CCERittqI Re,' 131t44A0'..k2.,Pi1t; Office, Williamsville. Elt Perin,P .. —r.eennnsyes— Chapin & Boyin. Hon Tboning Struthers, W. SI -Brown? 'Egg, Jinn.' A. I. Wilms • . ' CARVER ROUSE, • , , .Ton'!i II lita.L.P.opriereK comer of Water arel trickery Streen, Warren La.. Gruel...Al Stage.Olllae J: C. BACK JS &'OO .oe.deo.:l , .Dnnlers in pry Gnnkl4. C roeprion'. C - rnrize-y ' 'rMy-Mrdo ' [lnnis and Slinr,, rink ni)lC.ipn ttposi te b'e Court Ilniue 'Sinethbort. Po. rpms HoySE, Ftontiag the Public Square. • Olean. N. .I' . . tites M . Mit.t.sa. Proprietor.. The Fates Heusi, is entirely new nottbuilt Of brick, tunltta furnished lit modern style. The proprietor tlaaora hlmitull that Ada occontiods• tions aro not• surpassed by any. hotel in 'Western Nstv 'York.. Carriages rhn to and from the, New York and Brie Rail ]toad. BYRON:'D. . .. . . . . ATTORNEY AT,. - LAW; 51010.11110 rt,,, 711 7 fikll Counts.: Pa., ' As,ent for •Messrs. Keating: &Co bands ,•' A ftexi - ls es . pe.ciirlir to the Collection of Claims;',Exarili 'ratio's of Land Titres; Poymentof Taxes' nut all business rola % ting to Real Es 01U... Ofticoin Ifaudio Block. .. GREEN'S ROTEL . .. . . . la,. A. Wntour, Troprietee,—it Kinzun, We , cn c e an, v Pe:: Ili; Table will be sup'plied '..witlt the .best• the . country fiffords„ ille4.be spaie no pains in aCcob)od.lir lii g . . • ... .. • - • . •; ' ' E:I3OUGHTON- TLDRED,.• • • • • Al gurney And Coun,alnr. At ,:fsll,V. :Mll.'Nehn. ' County:, PA. , .011. , 111e,59 entrusted to hiS•ca ! e for -t h e .• cod-title.; orM , Kean, Irotta - tirl bt,pßootly attended to Office in the Qourt Muse,' serood Poor. 't.ll. WISNER, . . Phygician :ftn.lCur:_enn; Sipei.bpo.t•t: Pa ; v. ill mileml•l9 • all Iv•o:r..gincial with prwoptress. thlieoin "'art. • 11'011 ECCOMI {IOW:, • ' . N. S. BUTLER & Co,, •W1'olev;llo and Retal. De.olerq, in•Stanle and Fancy •D6' Goods,, Carpeting, Ready Made, 010.1 Om!, and• General dn , ohing•Godthi, Booth and Slioea;Wall- and IV; tplow' &c.- At Ole:”). N. Y:. BENNETT HOUSE; Dl'ffeeh'Co.. Pa. D: It. heasrrr, - Proiirie toi—opposite the Coast. House.' A neic,-laN'ei.com rdocliouß -o well•furoisJied house; '.• • ' JOHN C. BAdKIJS, At;orat. y and Cduu 'Aloe at hnw. Smetliporl% 111, , Kean Cn • Pa. "•'' it naend to all besinesi in his profelsion in the COJOiCR on!' Keno. Pottet and Elk.: Cake over C. K. SarlAvell & Eeniber? Store: HACKNEY HOUSE; Co-uor . pf Second. mill' Lrueri . v fitreot4, Nyns.ren, • Irinonit,Prdprietor. • 'frn.velevq gall feud guail-ac ' ,corimatlatmns and.re!ison.tble 'charges: • $..8. MASON, . . . .. Dealer hi Shires", Tin' We're, Jeep - nett 'Whie, - Ne., welt • 'side of the. Publie Square, Stnethport. Pa., Ukistorn work dpne.tii order on the• gLiortest, notice, atid in I.‘ie • moat substantial manner. .. . . W. S. BROWNELL, . . . . Dealer in' Dry Gooda. oce”;e Crocl:erv, nalalwate, tooth, ShOes,•llata;Cea , ,'GlanyNnill. ()Oa, •&c. East 'ado 01. tb.e Pu Jic'Squaroi , StreAinor;, Pa. A. .1. OTTO, Dealer in Provisions sand Family Groceries generally, at Farmers Valley, ➢l+lt eon On., I'n. Grain,' Lumber, '. SLingles, kc., taken in wiebange for Goods: Pntept es for sale, • ..• ' 1. • LARABEE'S HOTEL, R. LARATIE6, • Proprietor,—Alloghony' 111 , 1Zean. Co , Pa, This houoo is.aituatod about nine miles bolo Stnothport on the road to Olean, and with be rotted a 'eopitenitnit gunning-place • • EMPORIUM HOUSE, . Sitlppon, WKoo.O 00., Ps. lisoit.oro 000 K, PrO * prio Or' ...A cominOaloga,and wall-furnishe , l Louaa 'Scruokers . and taarelerg wlll flud good accommodationi. . • FARMERS' VALLEY HOTEL, T: Goon ' houmo is,situatedAont five mileg • fro In.Smothport on Me road to. Olean. Ple,tsu re par Li es and cab e - ,e can be accommodated on eho o.est wake ELDRED 'HALF-WAY HOUSE, . • ... Npritati Dexmis, 'Proprietor. Tiiistiouse iiisitunted —why. between Eintethrit,rt and Olean, . •If you wint a good dlnuerthie iv the'place to etop. - • , GRORDIS CoRWIN, , . Proprietor of" the' Griot 31111,: a Aleolianicaburg', Me ' Koon flaunty the. Vlour. Meal, and Feed, constantly. on hand and for sated n largo' and smell quaditilkes. - . RAILROAD 1191:11Ei . ,„ 0. OsTnsiiisan, Proicrietor, Norwich ' "..iliftean. Go.. • Pa Good accommodations caa Witt there g.:01 • times. ."- . PORT ALLEGA:NY ROUSE; . . . . . . . E.Sedif 1 . 3' . Dohhoy, Proprietor, .it Piirl .Allegany, 111 c. Kean County Pa,. This Hotel le situated at the June t`on, oh tho.Salethport and Allegapy flyei io I do, iiine . miles east of Smothnort. - . . ~ . , ~ - : ASTOR •... CO• ,' Pa, • . • • • . HASKELL ; Proprietor. • The PrOltrietor having . rcnoutly purchased and. thor oughly reflttoidthe Astor House, natters himself that.ho can furnish as good accotnntotlations as any hotel in Woe era rennsylvania. • , • ... - We.direct.tbe attention to the sUbjgrine&ad mirrible letter of the Rev. Xi% Lovejoy, of Bos ton, to Ode. People of .New England. It is . a most powerful appeal . to.'the tcsobei. 'second thought" of that AbOlftfon-ridden.portion of our . common country,. and is truly refreshing iu times of trouble and peridexity; growing:mit of the mad efforts of Blncic : Reptiblican'orators'and writers, clerical and, lay, ; to. sectionalize the Union, 'and thus :destroy .the,' fairest:"goVein; mental fabric ever offered bY. huMan bands. Would that there Were many More such true heiirted and fearless patriots' in.NeW England.' This Mr. Lovejoy is a brother of 'the rabid Re-. publican member of Congress of, tbe..earne mile ) . of . . • • $.13 00 a 00 12 00 20 00 12 00 1 50 25 .. 5 00 .Fr, , ssos •.axi3. Cous"rii.y37:—Snjourning: a few days in this capital' of the.'nation, I tivitL nessed on 'the 'morning :of .the bit : Sabbath; - a scene which, aught to make.ns all pause for re flection. ' govern - Or Wise .. passed'. through ' this 'city. with fi ve hundred men, alined tor, war; not for wa r as oleid against the .scalping'end . skulking sayagei-•not to repel the Invasion. of . a foreign foci. but for n* civil war: It : . was a state arming to repel on invasion from its • :sis ter States; from whom it ought to'expeet.kind ly salatations.arnlthemest . iriendly .reletions. These 'relations haye nosy renetted a'' crisis where the ,whole, tone sand action'ef the• N'ortli insist be.changed; or:a. separation of the States isineritable..% Ttie.South is indeedeXeited, as welLas it maybe. but it is' elso fixed'and de-: [ermined,. . One Side or the other must recede; or alcoili6ion,.a c ivil ' war, strearas of blood and' ‘,N:ide spread deStdaticin. must follow. Shall the 'work, the tires, the sacrifice' of Our' fathers ill have been in vein? LOok over this gondly city' from one! . Of its'many lefty , toriers. ' SUryey•its bread streets, the.manybornes - Of happy' fami.. lies' , fiom.all parts Of the land; ''look , ' upon the solid.•grandeur of the Capitol*, the majestic public bUildings,.nli imposing and still progres :sive; showing that, a 'Might:7' nation: • are here laying . the •toundations. of . .theit greatness. - Abroad,.-and in every direction, .the ;railroads, .the rivers, the cities, the; fruitful valleys and. teeming.,-prairie, , give .evidence, such as the world never saw, Of .the fruit Of two hundred ( }ears of. Well directed enterprise.• See the Ithriring happYmillions that welcome the' mor-I rang at the'sheres Of the Atlantie, and ki.ep '.pece.witlithe sun,"•till his rayi fade • away' in 1 the western . 'Ocean. Is, this. inheritance no thing? !.ball.itbe lost ine'day? . Let the won derful, harmonious. machideryof the Union, the :work of Our faihers - and - orkirid ,Providcrice Met it once be crushed ; and no 'des;•iee', Aior nrt, ''nor wisdom of man can ever restore' it qo .lif. and . aCtlil• aain. 'let. the. sword 'once b's heard clashing here before ,the statue of Wash=, ington, and our.glory ',has' .dSparted.. • Itheeds .nO - prOphet's", 'yoke to foretell-that pf these: goodly. .buildings• not. one:stene 'shall be . 'left upon.another that shall not be thrown clown.. .., Thefgenitisof this spot will cry from.the air and from the earth; :""Call . me, no more Wash-. 'ington,'but write ichabed upon these deserted, stteets,;and.Ninevalvand Babylon : Upon these colutrins . is riiin.'i•yre • shall hasten'' to. an un-. timely 'end.' Novi,•on NV lio m Will this. terrible guilt rest? , Before Heaven, and frem the deep est•conyjctions of my. soul, I. say on the Ninth . finil first, and chiefly. on the State of Massa- chusettS. . She wilfluive the. double name 'of 'having rocked, the cradle and built the tomb of rt,great,nation. .The Medean . tragedy.Of Eu ripides will he.rnore than-eclipsed by 'the. hand of a State that slaughters a nation.. you'..Will saY - that.Virgiraw.andthe South.nre'unduly .ex 'cifed—that no such crisis ynperids. :I tell. you . 'hottest men and true, there is' peril near—the. abyss is,opening, before-us. .I'.carincit see but Virginia is fully. justiiied .in preparing for, a conflict. look at the, facts; A. body of men iosignilicant'in numbers; invade,,that State-fur nished, armed and' equipped with a thOusand spears to be mit intot.he handy of aservile:race, to cut thefliro4fs of. Men . , women, and children ; for'this they alWays do when they.rise against . their masters; and, what is the, most. appalling fact of 'all; , those blades were manufactured and sharpened 'in New• England; and paid for, at least , ln part; by contributions ia2elt. rep . il!,. tio;•cletir . clerts. .. In:that. very 'Tremont Temple, in Boston; where • so recently the pietSr,,of c tlie Old South. Churches (the junior pastor] embraced on the same platfornithe blUephennY of . Belph Waldo:F.merson--in. : .that church •rt ylir ago . last. May, John Brown received :a, contribution firari the, hands of. Christian :inen for the . pur.: l poseof 'Murder and . bloodshed, tinder. the thin' ieil.Of .'Kansas oPerritions.": , NoW,. they did lint knowthat •he would, go .to Virginia, but they did know that:he was . engaged in murder ,and robbery' in Kansas,. and: it . is 'no ',Worse to murder . inen in.one".place than in another. Then the aiding, abetting, anil approbation pf• ter the' faet,..give fearful significance to. the . contribution which proceeded it.. The. Old . South Church in .Boston, under its . Wise'itnd 'devout senior pastor, has . been the central point . of, conservatism on the eubjeet• of siairiliry in New England; unitn'o;, , vite junior pastor-joins liana with. the 'roost' Litter„ revilers of the Church andthe netion, in Order to glorify,: a ' murderer simply .because he commits' murder: upon the soil .of ,Virginia...and in Jld.ttame of Pn \V trren. Pa Smilirmrt, Pa ....Eue.ina.• Vista. Pa :SiVIETTIP9IIIT,- - . .A . P:0..1r, - AN . COUNTY,'; .P.A4-- j THKRwity;.. - 3 - 4.Nug ARY •,1..g,.:186(y:' MR. LOV.EJOY'S ADDRESS. . . D. C. . Noveinbev 23.11. 1539.- 3 TO tilE:reorLe'op NEW ES': L.I 74D. COU freedom. •This. same John Brown dragged five Men; tileiteads of families; from theirbeds'and mitrilered them; as he would (legs by. the way side; and yet one speaker says there arc a mil lien 'hearts .With .. .John:Brown to..day. Why should net - the South be excited/ why not arm. .and be ready fora 'portion of this million of ready invaders? Then' it is notorious 'that many of the, eading- papers of the North have but a word.or, so of mawkish condemnation. Tor' the. folly_ of John , BroWn, while .they print whole columns of sneers and sarcasms forl7ir glide and the SoUth... This state of things : cau l not last. • Now, we of the North commit, two . great mistakes; we rneddle s ‘vhen we ought not. and s we meddle to the injury. of all parties the slaves,. the.SoUth, and' the''Norih. Some of you will remember, that seven Years•ago I told you some very plain truths'on anothersubject which you.repaid.in ,abase and condemnation; but time, that infallible crucible;' has revealed it; I toldlou thatyou were soliving Seeds.for aplentiful harvest of !Yin; and ,hypocrisy, and floss the State of Massiiehusetts is a laugh ing stock to.the•whole nation for having, per petrated, under. her own' name, add With the. seal of theState.npod them, the meanest 'and Most coldblooded fraudiever pia Upon - record. They have pot poisoned drugs into the cup - of the Weak,•the sick,..the dying,, and ther i divided the'excessive prOtits among .:potential political partisans. The clark . ages mere Stan - mod with the infairlous sale of indulgencies; bUt. deadly drugs, instead of a wholesome beverage,•with a high tariff for the'exchange, of the.purejuice of - grane for nightshade., and hellabore_this 'dose was never administered 'by one human being to another till it Was done by the:Chris• . tian hand 'of".'itassachusetts . , .and in' Order to complete a iireat moral 'reform. . If this is success-' or be/ . If this the baptism with water, .what, will' be the melting heart 'of the fire that is to' comer Is pot the folly and the guilt of these universal reforms open and•manifest, when 'one. of them'has culminated in a• Burnham "and the' other in ;Brown. ' , One can hardly tell which is the most guilty of the two; probably.Burn ham has killed the-most persons—and in n. sly underhanded ,manner—giving 'no chance :for self-defence. Would , it :not he.well to glorify' Burnham as .a. Martyr to an ‘giilea?" -Hi' has first-rate points. 'No inan.'had ever shown more "game" in his disposition; fettered-by' no : .seruples,...bound bynolaw . of honor; things sa cred 'and profiine are alike to him; he would cheat the communion table as . quick as the sick bed; tvhen.cauglit he Manfully and heroically throwe all the blame upon: his: subordinates-= not blend the martyr 'and draw -the por. 7 trait. ofßroWn and Burnham together, and then make Trzmant - temple echo With theshoat, .These 'glorious minds—how bright they ,hire?" .• , . : • .. .• But bholiagdih to; . the point.' We have "no 'business with the subject of slavery. It is oat of our borderL•beyondhui.jurkdiciion:-:-and:the states that have the only prOPer authori ty o•deal with jt. There is where 'the fathers plaCed it, and there .the sons should leave 'it. WheneVer the layes.of the moral or 'physical world are violated a terrible vengeance ensues. The 'prostration of majestic trees in: !he, forest does init.more.surely mark the path ortlie.tor.: :nada than morarprostration marks the footsteps of abolitionism in the North. Twenty-six years ago I heard Ger r it Smith upon the religious plat., .Nevi York. He.appearedthOnioSt complished.christitin'gentlernan in the • whole 'land.. LEI. tindertoex imposii/4 7 —to' alter what G9ii had fixed; and Omiiipitence'was too strong for'hirn. be.too strong for you• The:Mark - of bondage is - written 'upon the•brow of the Afridan by the finger of the Omnipoten et — 7 2ngraven there by the experiehce and Prac- .. tics of lour tliousand years—and it is in ;vain that waves of. excitement, which' Are but fora day, can thirkto wash'out these everlast ing lines.. Slavery is the Paradise of the black Man; 'he rejoices in:clinging to,.the white 'man as the iVy, to the oak, as ordinary man 'would welcome the society oCangels. 1 1 701:)le may. Hii association with white rnen is the only ,cireumsianees known' in' his. historyby which hshas been raised to,a 'condi tion' above the bert4ts that. periih.. On the fer . - tile sohof his own continent; he propagates and rots... Not one' path of civilization, net one temple of Christianity, illeminates the dark.nese of centuiLea—dark in features, more black in the night which ages have vrrapt. around him. The ship that'brought him to. America; was a star of a new day..He.exchanges the bondage of brutality for. the silver cords of . arid • Christian.kindoess.. He 'exults' in . '.the change. His face' is,radient with joy; and from' the lanely,calrin and the. Christian temple songs of thanksgiiiinggo•up to heaven • from the lips ea& hearts of slaves redeemed ;from African iican heathenism,. There is not an intelligent slave in the Soath but finds there the. happiest condition that his.race has.fodiulsineeth.e curse was written upon the brow of Ham by the fin': 'ge'r of God. There .he delivered from ,The heathenism, the cannibalism, the human sacrifi ees ‘ of country,,therehe is free from the reputaivegreetirigthat awaits; him at the North;' written Of,preriChed about:Ai : an equal, con ktrintlyAreated as tin inferior. .At the South. ttle theory and the practice agree... The - African is told that ho belongs terrin inferier, race, which iv true, and. meets his own deepest. con cious- ness, thelaSt court of. appealfaS,pliilosop iers t ell.us, for the evidence of what LS • true;" they are told that service.andallegiance are the du: ty oL the black, triant:.profectiOn and instruction the obligation, bfthe white man. So perfectAs this feeling, so haimottions..th .social system grown•uP under it, that when a trietecir;a.eciin- et Opiear‘ed in their horion .in ' ; :the 'person of, .fohn..l3toivn, he. fell a Conce like ;a_ 'still' :from Heaven, and did not disturb, except by hia.Oom . .marderOn . s.arm,.the4eaceof a single : farnily,.oi .the allagiance andfidelity.of a singlii.-slave. this-one fact °tght toSpeak .. volumes . to those who are . clamoring for the freedom of thislave.' The instincts' of tha bondman .are wiser -than : the schemes oftheoriste. He asks:for:n(s inter. : Vention—imploresno aid.• , . ...r