~.1114440Wilii&'44. i iitItkiop4 'tin**, 6)ly, ktEt4ci• every "branch, ,31.11401 t tvilosiliti ; this, Ameroair publid, seeking ',-• . r'4ltl w 'po •,* • mown nem w, following, the-first ,i.';‘letti;Otidifirivring'neer the close of the 'SEC liss':nietk; - with . unparat.' VOLUME irith'thc oumberlfor ,4811'usry, -- - .:-. l 4ll4l6trishieli*Obilsitied'eirly. fit . I)P.cernbet Egglry,number will , be splepdidly art,. Among. the eontiibitorsiengaged for the coming year following well known ' distinguish. fl'i't folirtollit.l2olt. ' , MBA onekDowning • k t nUitir l, V l i gien) z .tradx •• ,•ALWIN CASEY. AIRII • 1 'KIRKLAND, '., I:ll EMITS, PThrA. oetwaterwatißrat'. tIiTET,•. Os. • AL . , commenced ,:tWittelr ogriltiogly originil 'novel of tbe . 4eV, 1 Or IiORDER trrt. , ..11L/WASIITNO4Kvs •,...'.-.-Thent will also be commenced in en ofthß gorninivolnenn i a: MOST ST A RT • ,Awrii‘-INTENSELY • INTERESTING • ORIGINAL NOTEL.,entitied • THE. , • • 'ISLAV,V.itc:.=Orr . III.E . .:,COAST . OR THE' AFRICAN TRADE:: BY rAtrtnUtVltitlith-FZIE: Bin moNtilLir nEPIT . the Wiest Magazine publiabed•in •thii count,ry. $4OlOOO. has .. been already, expended to Unit teAti,present. bleb dearee Air tnerit.--, ThelnAlistinns. are elstermlned to ,: Rive it the LARGEST . CIItertATION -in the world.— vieW they mace .the. following IVIAGNIFICENT. OFFERS: Anitthiy'!,iet s 4 .every subscriber now on ehatilfsioke as to t he fidelity with whi c h they ',.,4labllFtheir - Obligations. •,. ';'"'",.•,''` • TERMS. , • _stilly. comm. rt st4l-e,Orlyrs 'ear% • .2,00 •'' Any' one Sending it club of FIVE subscribers )withc•thit Money, shall receive, his 'Aolise , of 'ltheir• of the foll Owing magnificent ' Steel EngraVinits, Via': • !PlyirE Likflir•SXlll l lPa , Size of plate, 221 'lty 40 inches Vslue4s; . . • .• TEE:CITY _ OF THE 'GREAT- RING. 'SW, the,nlate,'-`23,1tv'30 inehes. Value $5. '_ .; - '4ritt ' 'PA.T;NOß OF TMLNRTER. atze Opiate, 29 byl9 inches. Val . $3. ',WALTER ,SOOTT'S MONUMENT ;Sizi•air ' , lite, 2 5, by 34. inches: Value St. . 4 `;' , lVe Viable Thee Oh Lord," Slie of 2,3;h t es., Value $3. inc Size of plate 21 by 33 in -I!fies.'., Value $3- , 'giltitifittie , aending's..citib, of Ten sobsciibers, any two of the above engr win g s. ;r Any tone *ending a ,club of Fifteenl receive his choice of any Four' one sending a TYfeiity•subiteribera; Shell receive all:of „ ihkiiiike,ertgriVings,and a . copy of the Maga- Iriao ll . - • ~ .; . s,„Thikoplerylid*reit *Monello every one, by Averyitriaing'egertion; in getting subscribers to Obtain, AA VALK coLtatcvzon OF RAMC WORM; • or Attv , vir anonn Rte rentott, aft can be ebt ,44 aufiritere`forXwenty-five Dollars, Cash. • , :Toting gentlemen and-young ladies, all over ' ttekeountry,are, invited to get up. Clubs upcin . ' ittineeiterMs. . . • . , tlPAStritztatere, and 'other respectabie persons t 6 act as' Agents, and to re ' tiliton Nab Cotninisslon instead :of the above Ilibiliiirotre.i;fi'antloriiod to rends sabscri lieritreiit',the'',prices''abotte named, deducting :,',flyeintyyier. emit. tor The,engra-, ;'Vitititivill'bosentiin rotation,' in • the order in whicli..the clubs are.sentp . ' • otomi, SERVED.:, unpa' ralleled *es now•annOnnee Abet :Where peitiei do' not .'l4rtriel4tand . :witere.their.hames are not , sent' . that Single .Subseriberti sending the !iesseMiat get:opposite to each of the above. en receive by mail the Engraving and sire copy the Magetine for one :, • .:• - Akiniii,otoeie -Engravings are of three time. " thole offered by the old ART UIVION ,' , Asottintl o f them , are better and of more intrinsic thenjetiy , engravings ever offered by any #2lfrienterpriseMeir.iiArt Association." ' “The City of the •P. ,Orritil , lFloigibenlit adorn the walls of every