M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, December 22, 1859, Image 2

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‘iiiiiiikl36o'att - iit : .; ,.
~3.A-, i ,, , :;., , ,, . :-. ,,,, , , x,- ..,
:0*A4,...! ' ittLl.‘ &q° ,
- v.iiiNgit: : ,. ' '
' ' ' s.*'•;.g,, 's a 4 lo`siate Sr. Best"'
30‘;ii ' milkfielo:XT -.430.: ikr: ill eAltg ata [L r Tat
waw a *
,7.v161,4"7 " ritlil4,o4.4.4ttti'l th"rair;
,litigilial, 11141,14110ireoutticg for Us it °
1 7"..t:' , t 1 : ‘ 1 , •
... I
~ a gods—
.l6l,tN nalehadree°—
. 6.4 ' , "''6 r
Q ---aTlfigiii" To y. ,
~,,,,-o?p,-;',.-, d
to t-
*,lll7...s.:krirc*„ll,7l;lici'Ziekwor New
10;r64,%ii;'-!! l%,,ili i # S
'',7:;ibnO:jlCi i'l4%
, g*f* ' , ll M l ,
J,, •',
'‘ 's liii(iiiraii4altiitactingattraatags of- On
{j'l iio ; In gettin up any quantity
nilittaitatttittitTeliasnan' b. seen at all
h. and salsading at his store.
-...`._ ~.--....
..-- -,.`.--,.',lrii4orri ',.
.... bi g addedan
1191141.,'. ~, i \ iiiiiii;:. ''.vie i,„ which
-T4221.-!, 0.01:11filY!..-yof;Boots And Shoe . price.
wow r
~,, ,).,it, ~- .; ' ,at 10wq!,
.---'.1...„vi0s ~L.,-,,,-,,ii.--iiiticif-1!0" 'ill •• .
tigill44ll 7 lliiiiiiii4i'igio vicinity.
. .
Vmatscitiso.rit.'4l,tutic. has sold out the
I/6411i uPdir:SsitYrslil!e-fiithre,to.Faa'ne-lizca,
isani; whio,Will'datkOti•his, Whale tittle arid 'at
tooth* to: th e waits 'of his'iristomers. 'FItANIC
and Satisfaction
, ~Riarraga BaaarAzi)-iiPirreevao -, IL R.—For
the leati=liiree`•areelre a carpe eagineers have
Wianentiveying . the'-reativp the East 'Brattvh
iia''!!tn, ITingu,l44;#4lig , 'ie _LiktaYette; and
liiji :Niftier. . 7 ), ,' •
mout . ~--„.f:t4. ► Ta ls7tif. °i rk s, hay, ,
sa - ma r i t , ~, • , got up a
_ , , ,
~ ,
.e4r eastamers i ore
1117 '; I tY 11 4 , the tie et. ate; Wl ,' ' "7
4,.. rattaliUssi4,ll;:-.1, .4'2,,r•Sabi to , eliveri ,
iplioafiM r.n - Fele;', t**bost r' 7
at tkste;44l6 -?••„‘Pla—worth $4O
Coi HAtrlllic “tieital see
the all•alikiti44,l4Ple, iii, Speake r '' fa' to
ii4tai Aici;u*Wititii . C uad been
D , Marraikeitltitii&;i 4 t l t 4""4l°'
ragalai saltlatioii"l444 :be e n ' , " I !” AO' no
no Immediate iiiababilii m a de.
by gait ilioly . I eleletiPg a limker ,
Chriltikl at . 700- o).!'s . `c° . ..!:,
t.M;77_7•1 friends,
or e our
A "40.Tecl ' am o u nts due us op
slott,..!v the , •
, X 6 _l l 1 6 ' 0116 ftPPOrtq
lan ,
t)ldi ink of those
i;to ea and settle; their acecitinte. *We
• ' 'the, south - east corner
in"; d
o Court House _quare, ready to eaten d, the
4'(fellointlip (open) to all who may
• " .
Iftot6si.4fienry'..Statitoa,". living with his
1144,14 I,!OnlitcturnshiP. about A miles from"
found : 'dead,.in, an old house,
w ash wa.tuiiirt for storing hay, After break-
Asist*jisitordiy-ritnirning •he took a rope was.
flifOie4lolte4jorne hay; not coming back as.
,1 00 1 !!I #M lB O l d, . eenrob being Made; he
„ru'fouid Sos Pended by 'the inie (roma rafter,
lire,i , already extinct .. The deceased is
_ .• t.. •
„ years of age; and was thought to h.e
• •
-4i9kinirtirder partial insanity. He had, , alter
thi rope. tied his hands bebind him. -
f the'Philadelphia ledger says'
• • .11iiitiit from DeMocratic Senators that Ken
, • ii State at this see
' 40iiiTilid*thii-:,iria4lldiriiiii proposed , In her-State
s } titatila %?: They object to cutting off s the,
consequent erection
•••late ano bic territory _end State:'' •
numtrer,,*of . electoral votes 'ici-;i l .risid!fit'W*l'.ramiti? at 203, of
k ?
•4 ; :ifitlilaimajority. It is claimed; for, the : ,
candidate that ,he will start with
So Pennsylvania,' with her
atratisiigiair . .sectire this. electron.. • Panneyi
'grolind for the nett. Prosi'
* •
, WASREN.--The good
a high old timerinThurs
:t4iiiiiiiitit„,l44inig from the, iccoript we have of
of that plaCe: The
. "baby . wa-
Tilt 'corirszOr4r,vF ,
•ReCentiievenie •ehow t
that $
pottlef of our t sans: ett ft:ltonhave • e,.
cOnse . , , lesmie, and . hav*arti!#''at !leirlY. - theD
samt:stat4_'ofjoirennV.Whichin . nvailedin•Prtinee
'during the . itiveltition and Reign
. of Terror, and
siern'tO have lost the:':Power. to ; : diseriminite
sbetween:w4at is right :and wroits between
'What is noble` ineivtiat hase..: , The meet ,
crimins I and blood.thiisty 'acts are extolled as
righteous inthe'sight . . et heaven, and the -per
iitratOra exaltid 'as:' heroes and.. cherished
agents of'lslod.: ''Rernei of , Ourf'inost; popular
preachers rival the • Jecepins 'Of Paris in utter
ing blaimbemies; Until lovers of their country
.and kintyhad good..grgund te •believe. .thatthii
fanatiiipm and popular left tuition. Would"con"-
thine to , gain strength until it could 'only •be
;quenched in rivers of blood. •
•,. The. , entreat! . folly and' madness of • Aboli
tionists, lidedloy the Repuhlican party, which .
is but 'a step hehind,! . hai had the 'effect to
arouse the - conservative portion.otour citizens
to takerective measures to check, if possible,•
the .spread.of this lawless and blood.thirity
, spirit; and cultivate in its stead a love of jus-
r=11 1 169.%:
ticei of lave and .:rder, 'and of country.
• To : this etid _Union Meetings are being held
in the principal cities; which 'are largely atten
ded. by the solid men of the country, and ad.'
dressed by some of the, best'. Pat riots ~of the
land." All reflecting,-
. minds seen to. be awa- kilning ter w-sense of .the danger and peril the
cotintry is•in frum•the efforts of unscrupulous
demajoguesoitut to feel that longer supineness
'.would be criminal. • • .
':Boston led off with alarge and enthusiastic
Meeting. Philad6lphia f'ollOWed next; and on .
Monday iastaati immense Maaa. Meeting , was .
held In Na*.york, atithe Academy of Morin.
The attbnilaitie Was o- large that the 'building
could not 'contain over half of the "immense .
crowd`' 'ttesembled. The'. call to the- meeting
was' signed; by - over
_twenty thousand name!,
mid% Was in' these avordst— -
,figs.rtie NORTH, AND THE SOUTll—Jusi•jon AND
F.,asl_Faurrir.—The.,uodersigned regarding with
jusfrsbhorrcince the crimes of. J ohn Brown and
his confederates, desire to;unit e With 'our fel
low citizens of New York
,anti...vicinity; in St
public and•formal
.denunciation of that, and all
,and to declare our'unaltera
ble purpose tit- stand by the constitu tion in all.
ifs , parts, as interpreted: by;tfieSupreme Court
of the United Statesr and yro hereby denotince
unpatriotii,,and•-"mritrue, revolutionary: ' and
dangerciwily44ol . an trrepreSsible :conflict
-eiritlng_lietvioefflbe:tvio.sreat. sections of .oer
:beloited•trOlon. the,Ontrary we maintain
tli#Abe North and,,,ibe Sentli were created for
- eathcititerr:that plitteis - ithattirel.and necessary '
"atininty'VetWee.iy*fibAy Parentage, history,
teiisettrn,.language; anti geOgraphical" pOsition;.
and that' even theiedifferent forms of industry,
add Otrengthlii this - bond of union, by enabling
them to supply.etielf,other's wants. ' And we.
bitreby - . solemnly Afiedge ouriebres this.
trout •by our influence, our example, - our votes,
and iry.every other proper meana, •to- discoun
tenance' and oppose, sectionalism in all its
forms." , • • •
'Back of the stage - occupied by the officers,
Was inscribed in large - letters:— • • '‘
. 'Consplulouslydiftplayed in different • parts of
the building were the following quotations:—.'
i , lndignantly frowning upon the first dawn•
ingot every attempt to alienate any _portion of
oar cduntry .froui • the Test, or to enfeeble;. the
sacred ties which, now. link ' together Abe Va-,
rioun parts,--Iroshitigton." •
ciThe Union must , and shall be pteserved.=--
. .
• 4 4 shall stand upen,the•Constinition. .I need
no other platfoirn.--Mr4630r."
The names of . the following .distinguished
statesinerfand patriots were displayed in large
littera, - • . • •
.71[714R . 50N,.. WEIISTitit
! ‘ . 1011:11$1611,
• Letters. were recived from distinguished" men;
not present ,; which strongly cominti, the wri.
Wain . the cattee;• the. one frorri Gen. Scott
was read to the Meeting, and, was gieeted with
warm applause. • • .
• •
Resolutions were idopted strongly censuring
the•revolutionary spirit preyailing; and pledg
leg the participants to use their influc.nce and
beet tiertions toWard preserving - la w.and order
and,to stand by •the Constitution and the Union.
'After whieh eloquent eipeeches , were rnede by .
Charles O'Conner, Washington , Hunt, John A,.
Dix, Dr. Bethune, Prof. Mitchill and James S.
Thayer. "Tbe speakers' were frequently inter
.ropted by the cheering and applause of the lis
teners. The utmost. enthusiasm . prevailed
throughout the meeting, and. the participants
evinced a ditterminaticrn 'to act
,as "well as re.
w well known that the: old Whig , re
:a will not be eilt for an. ttirrepreasi
lett' candidate for President, without
e Republican. cennot have the
lope of electing .ft President. The bet
ion .of the people:.seem to' realize
country hae.been pushed .to. the Nrrge
letion, and it needs all their Power to
impending ruin. . •
WASRINGTON, Thursday, Dec. 1,5..
Whaley, . '.member front 'Charlesttin,. in=
the folloaving in the gduth Carolina
Repreientatiees, On the 12th, inst.
oggi: Filiternal relations are dissolved
the North and South, the Slavehold.
" ^. '
In be criitspittieetk, and'tbis 'state 'of
11Urirobabli; lender . a'.resort , to arms'
.„. •
• • •
met Thit the , s u m 'of $ 200,000 0,000
t the: disposal of'the GOvernor
to be
tia . diseretion, aie - ording to- the -
Dor.Leitoe.E: bolley firs ;e
-late:Or a bell, at the Port.Alleiany
'oorne,,Otr',on Friday the 30th intitent..
iiel,a;:enitigad,' , .and no pains will be
I , linakine4',an , agrieable tirne.Acio those
••• ' •
',• •
,The Bradford .11111.2er again,makes its,a;ppear
inC`e,afrerAa short•auspension.' Irmakes some
iititiseein'sregat•d to their matter being stale,
•Which we suppose Must. account ,for the ster
eotyped•notice; standing at the head ofits local
coluriani.fille . largeit circulation' of , any paper
p,dblished o the County." .• • , ,
Mri D. S. Luvaci, of die 4 .Fonntain House,"
Ridgway, met with a severe accident, on Fri
day !asq, while driying a leaded team, near
§tull'e,on the Allegheny
"Mrsetiined, aAd .6 barrel'othirandyl'ell'on
-the Cbiine crushing hitrarrn.in.a'sfinckinithan—
mer. The broken , bone.protiuled" in several
-. Taxi.ou has again gorie to the city, for
the purpose of , replepishing hip stock of . ;oods:
bfr. Taylor has . succeeded in. iMpressing . the
publiC with. the'-'fiet that he , can supply .them
with' any article: they , may need, it...rates
Make it -their interest to; purchase at his :esiab...
,hence he itl selling immense giailti
.ties of , goOds, and is doing jilieavy',.isosiuess.
OUT - CO#L TRADE.--,Altkiimh. the coat frotri
the MKetin mines has to, be transported; on
Waggons and sleighs, a distance.f : thirty Mile*,
before reaching,.market, or cheap , transporta
ticini..still its auPerirm.ipialitY. makes. it•sOnght
.after, and our coal is almost 'exclusively used .
within a'redins of 60 miles, north and east': of.
.We; have no. data for.giVing the, number
of tuns annually taken 'from • this` county, but
woad. think 500 tuna a,low.ebtirnate. •• This
coal, is sold 'at - the mines foiabout . $1,50 per
fun.• Its transport thence tO,Millgiove, 'the
nearest public improvement,. Would - cost at
least', $3,00' per, tun more, With U'railroad
from the mines tothe canal at Millgrove, coal
.c'ould be 'delivered at. the formett place at a cost .
of sl,so,per tun, Which' would place it in the
ini — eth::vvestern,ciial . Market. below competition
from' any.quarte.t. But.it was ruit•for the par-
Prise of iMeclating,:, on results' yet to'he Aictaim.
pliibed thative set .outi but to•• auggest some
thing that might increase the, amount 'of. our
'coal trade,. with the presen t means of transport.
'AS 'coal can lie moved froth the mines by,
sleighing 'at lesiexpense than by : wagoning, we
would suggest: . that a quantity ; of 'coal'be de-
liverd on the
... bank of :the Allegheny, near .
Stoll% where edit beats can be loaded, :towed
down the pont! to the I canal,. and thus .reach
.market at it 'price that would command buyers.
It 'would also have the effect tobring our Mines
into notice, which ie all that' to in".
sure :the '.completion of our public improve , -
tuenti;'. one boat-'?":,0 of coal cieliv.eiell in Roch
ester. woulff do'nitichioward eiwkening.an
• • •
terest in our mini 5.2 • • • ••
• I' . •
There should by a constant supply of: coal,
kept for .egp.at Smenthport,,and other points
belonr: This would create .a steady; certain)
and increased •
:Dewey. on . .TOhn'.l3ronn
, . . .
'On . Stintlay- lest, in the Summer . street
Ohureh j Bosten,.the pastor, Rev. 'Dr. Dewey,
delivered a discourse .on the text, itile shall
not strive or cry,
.a bruised reed he shall not
hieek, end sinoltin tlaxhe shall not, quench;"
and in the course.of his sermon, remarked dpain
John 'l3rovt;rt,aini his 'sympathisers as follows:;_
•- - .
"A . grave 'question has beenpresented-46 . us
during. the past week, which must he brought
to the.sarhe test and tribunal of •dtaistian IoW
the highest law-we' know. A band of men
went.down from the North,lfy farce arms
to caritolf a body of. slaves frPin the State of .
Virginia'. • Tifey,were apprehended and 'tried,
and theirleadeehas,been executed: . A public
expression of Our aympathY•for'him is *demand. :
nd by . our ,fellow-citizen,.and same even of our
clergy at-the Noith. "jay public expression;
,such. .Ixpression .of sympathy means.
sympathy With his enterprise. Whatever, pri-
Vate.'reserve's any may 'make 'ln_ their own
rifinda,-it cannot, in the- eircuiristanCes,'meafi
anything . else.. Certainly . it can mean nottiriig
else to, the people of the South,.. .-• .•
. .
. .
' There is ninny a' man; . every year, who suP.
fore the.leath penalty; there.are families whom
every' pnblieexeontion involve's:in great die
it is not John Brown ni a victi'm . of thc,
law that our pity is inyoked;. and. our help' for
his family . ; but for him-as a marr ivtio attempt
ed to.prodtMe a slave insurrection in Virginia—
for the attempt to'carry'off, hundreds of slaves;
and the , eolleeting of arms to-.put into their
hands, can bear no , other coristraction. It was
not .the secretearrying.off of a few 'slaves that
was'prpposel, but it was a bloody
. fight—;.;:nd
armed' slatrei to , take part id it: • .. .
' Now give:me amornentls candid bea'rink,. i
_ .
I . speak to any that, differ from me in'regerd to
.what this case demands or us. I agree with
you in much, and lettbe system - of slavery be
ever so wrong— , ever so much at variance with
all natural justice. I agree with you that.it is
wrong. - agree with you that it is a most
fearful and thrktaning'calarnity, to its country,
and I trust and belieVe with you, that in some
Way there is to be deliverance from it Btittis.
this the way—by stirring up and.arming the
slaves,againet their masters? Do you consider
what a slave Insurrection is?—to carry. fire and .
slatighter,.rapine and murderhorrors.worse, it
possible, : then thoie Of the Sepoy
over the South country.? ; Ifyou do consider.ii;
and if you deliberately say that. you desire to
see a slave insurrection; then yoti may' consist
ently gather . meetings in the North to express
sympathy .with .John Brovirn.. •you do not,
then surely, eve 6 ,, public, pattiotiO, brotherly,
hemane,and Christian canaideration forbids it to
• But may not e one sympathise' with'John
Brown,4onor him : in that he periled his life
forhie . conviOtltins--eall him 'St. ,hertt'and.tittint
—express sorrow for his fate, and feel anditay
that the galloWa should never Jato,,tieloh.
%ha ovrAnrartricm — p ..f•co..& — Tfp pe ary, , Mr'
action? lanswer, nos ? in the 'present circum
stances, by pubqc meetings. mint confess,
indeed, that I do,not very well Understand this
separating of the aCtor from' the act; but What
private. thoughts of the matter a man may have
do not now. consider: This is what : j -say-.•-•
that to public meetings to eipi ess sympa
thy fur him, under the present circunnstancei,
is. to hold up a plac ard to the South; and , to all
the world;that says, "We approve of his un
dertaking.',,- And every public meeting* so
held takes the responsibility of producing ano
ther John Brown. • • •. • •
•Are we prepared for.thial This' very enter
prise with the , wide agitation , it has asltaed—i
will I:c.t say is likely—bid is . liable -to' bring
down other
,assailants 'of , the , same, character
14106 the sollth.. Do :we with,to,see other John
Browns going:dal:ft' to .64 - South for such a
purpose?' I knOir 'not ii6'atenuld
' affordd,
greater;eneoiragement to 'them, these
public meetings;
• igo;.we.aiust distinguis . h, heie,,and must say
+--that, howevetiauch ive• may dislike. thesys
tern ,of slavery, we should look wi.th-inexpreir
Bible hofror upon a slave" insurrection, and upon'
any man who. would, open the door to'such in
effable,Miseries. This must be , the . :prevailirig;
sentiment of the .14orth, and it' should b e . uttet ,
e'd• in unmistakable tones; by the fwesi, in 'the
pulpit, and, it nacesSaty, in. public . .trieetings.
convened for , the, purpose.". - '
Rstmin's PLATFORM:-:-i . Aceor ding ' to the
SVsebingtanConstientio.n; foll o wing ' is the,
platform or . Mr. Helper, of Non* Carolina;
Mid was convened - 10 flee' - frorn the. State on
account of his titiolition sentiments: .
m . .
ah can 'be . time .patriot without fi rst
becoming an abolitionist.
• ail enceforth , r •sirs, ..we : are demandants, not
suppliants,; We dimand 'our rights— nothing
moie, 'nothing less. .fOi you to decide
whether we are to baits justice peaceably Or
by violence; tar, whatever consequences may
folloW,,we are dotermined.to have it ' one way
or 'the 'other. ' , •„. .
"The diabolical institution. (slavery)•subsists
on its. Om At.•one'.tithe children . are
sold to procure:: oOd for the parents; at another
parents, are sold to Procure food for the chil-.
tleen:. Within Its peStilential atmosphere no
thing.succeedo; progress and. presp,.riry are
unknown; , inanition and' slothfulness ; ensue;
everything, beefinnes.duli. end 'unprofitable;
wretchedness and deselation stand.or lie in bold .
relief through the land; an'aspect of most.mel .
nncholy inactivity hnd dilapidatiOn broods over
&leg city and town; ignorance and prejudice
lit •erithronea over .the. minds of the people;.
usurping ilespdti wield. - the sceptre of .nower;
everywhere and every thing, betiveen Deleware
•Bay and the Gulf of Tilexico,, are the naultitu-;
•ainlui evils of slaveryopparant....
ttin'sCribed oh the banner which we herewith
unfini to'the with the. full and•ftxed de
termination to stand by it or die
. by
one Of,more virtuous efficacy shall he present. , .
mottoes which, :in substance; em•
y the principirsoss We.ooneeive;.that'should
govern us. in our patriotic warfare against the
.most subtle and iiisiduous, foe thet ever men:
aced The inalienable rights. and . liberties And
dearest interest of America.P , • - •
• "t. 'thorough oeganization. and independent
polittcal action on the part of the non-slave=
holding. whites. of the South. -
of.slaye"-holders' for office;
.never,ancither vote to any 'one . who advocates
the retention and.perpetuatiori of human stave
9. No co.oneration• with pro-Slaverypol;!;-
clans"; .rio fellowship with them in religion; no
affiliation with them.invociety._ • •
A. 4.. No paiionavi to, prollivery merchants;
no guestship in slave-waiting:hotels; no feet; to
pro-slavery lawyers;; no. employment to pro:
slave, y•physicions;' no Audience to pro : 4lavery
parsons: • • . • . .
. • "5. No more hiring of Slaves by • non-slave
• •
• • •
"6: Abrupt discontinuances'of subscriptions
to pro slavery newspaPers.
The' editor of the Constitution. adds:— r 4
book containining the .above-extracte, recom
mending ,treaSon, and instirrecLion, "the aboli•
tion by violence.of an institution •which: fifteen
sovereign States.,- of thellnion tiPprove - .aoil,
maintain, antler' the express sanction-and-guar
antees of the Constitution; and the eicornmd
nictition,of.all.who uphold that institution' and
tbeir exelusien from social,, religious„ and lisi
nesiitellowship,—has'been cipehty'.and empliat.-
icallr endorsed, and a hundred' thelsand• Opies
'of it -by 'the lehders of the. : ,black, re
•publican party, including sizt'S , -eight members
of. Congress.", • • •
In Keating , ' ' township, Decimbeil4, by ' Rev
ta, to Mies IWATITZA H. Rirtanr,.'of Keating.
TRE best 50C Tea in . Own at the '
• • ASTOR 11.011 . 5 E STORE
THE. STOCKHOLDERS of the crWliean
flakiroad 'and Navigation :Coinpany;'. arie .
requested to 'meet, at the office of. the Compa
ny. in the Borough of Sinethport, on the Second
Monday in January---it being the. 'ninth—at
. 3
o'clock I?. M., of saidsday, for the purpose of
electine: n President.and twelve Directors, for
the.entitting.yeai. •• . .•
• . -
SAMUEL C HYDE, secretary;
,Stilethport; December 12, 1859. • .
Sheriff's Sales
B . . .
VIRTII of sundry writs of ' VLP7llleiNti
Eooilas, Pieri .pnyariFatias,'
issued-out of the• Court, of CoMmon Pleas of the.
County.of M'Kean,. and State'ef • Pennsylvania,
and..to me directed, I shall.expose to publie sale'
or, outcry; at the Court House, in Smethport,
at 10 o'clock in the. forennort of Monday, the
20th day of:December next, the following de
scribed property, -to wit: • ' •
All the right,, title, interest. and . .clairO of 'the
defendant to the following described -Reel F.
tate., situate' in Lafayette township, M'Kean
'county, Pennsylvania. bounded. and described
as, follows, to wit: On
. the north by lands
merly of Hull & Morse; 'en the east by. Hull
Morse lands; • on. the south by Hull &.Morse
lands; On the we'st by lot No. 113, "centracted.
to Pliny 13:.Fuller, containing one hundred and
one tenth acres, more or less; it being lot No.
114 of the 'alotment of the . Bingham. Tends in
Lafayette township, , and pert . of 'wet rant No.
2248 and 2251; 'about. twenty five acres jot
'proved;'-one frame.house,•one shanty 'barn :and
a number of 'fruit trees. • .
'. Seized andiaken in Execution , and 'will be
sold as the, proplrty of Charles H. Davis•at the
suit 'Of Solomon Ciimmines:."' • • :.
All thirrieht,•title and iderest of the.defen
danuto the follnwino deseribertßeal
. ormroirrett - Ircray — m — arr—rna[ par; of
-warrant Nn.'BloB lying on the sduth ".sidi, of
the road leading from North Creek to Eli Felt's
Hotel, in Shipper' . township, • M9rean • countli,
.Fennsylvania;, supposed to contain three hun
dred acres, be the same more oriels; about
two acres improved, with two Frame ,Houses
ereetert thereon: . . ,
Seized, and taken in execution, and will be
sold is the property. of Merricleblouiler'at the
suit of . John C, Backus. •
All the title and interest .to the following'alr.
icribed, Building and Lot of Gtnund, to
A., certain' two-story, Wood, • Store-. Ilouse...cir.
\Building, sitnate . on >fain street, between .st4if
and Fulton' Streets, :being,•ori square No. 59
the:Borough of Smethrort, in said , county, now',
. .
ppgress of ° completion; • containing in front
on said Main street of twentpsix feet,• Ind in
depth .orty : siie• 'feet; and •the;lot. et' piec'e of
gfatifid and cortiledge appurtenant to.said'boil
Sehteti.,.takeri in execution, anti'to'be s . eold as
the, property,of r, Williamtrat the , suit of
Bri g ht row for the use of Ghordli Cori
All, the right title, interest,and claim the
Oefendant to the following described. Real Es
tate, Situate in Lafayette township,' .M'Kean
cOniity- Pennsylvania; bounded and described•ai
follOwa - ,viz:—On the north by, lands' - formerly .
of & Morse; 'on the east-,by., lot N0..114,°
contracted, to. H. Sinithi- on'the south•by
& Morse'S lands; on the West by lot-No. 84 of
the. Bingham 'lltinds;'• Containing one hundred
and three,tenth..acresf it bPing' lot No. 115: of
the • Bingham • 'ointment of. landis in Lafayette .
township, inditak 'Ot warrants No. 2246 and
-2254; . about twelve acres improved, one Log
House, On:e.Log Barn, and a few. Fruit Trees...
Seized, taken in 'execution;,,and
as the property. Toiler tat the. -suit of
-Harmon Smitlii,fOr:the use of'Ohordis Corwin
and Wm. . • . •
*The folloWing described Real: gstate, situate
in the township of . Porydoncounty.ofAP.Kean',
and State ot P ennsylv a nia, . bounded • and des*'
cribed as . folloWs, to wit: Beginning 'at, the
North-east corner, of warrant No. , 5572; thence
on, the lire of
.tirtid, vvarrent-, south,nne hundred
and Seventy-ona perches to the centre of said
Warant line; thence west, nine hundred seven-.
IY-one and tivo tenths perehes to . a corner;
thence, north, one hundred aid — seventy-one
Perches to the, north line of said warrant;
thence; in the line of, said Warrant, cine,-,hun
dred eighty-seven and . . two-tenth perches tet
the, Place -of besinhing;' contitiing • two hun
dred acres and eleven perches of lapd; more or
ass !
Seized, taken in execution and tJill,be sold
as the iktppeity of -J. B. Oviatt, at,the o
Truman and J. C. Bagley.
All. the right, title and interest of the' de
fendant in and to the following deScribed Real
•Es'ate, to witt—One Village Lot in th'e village
of Bradford, county of M'l(ean, State-of Penn
olvania; 'bounded on the north by ;Wain .street;
ruist by int No. lb; Smith. by let No. 25; anti.
,I , ;est. by Congress street; being,lot No. 9 in .the:
said Village of Bradford;, six rods front on. Main
street, and twelve: rods •on Congress street;'
.Containing, seventy-two square rods, more or
.Frarne dwelling House, and
one •tottery Frameßlaclismith Shop on' the'
Also,-One other:Lot to the .same Villsge,
l bounded on the north by Elm street, east by
Int Nu. 137;south by , land of N. N. Langtriade
.and west by Congress street;. being 10tN0.136„
eontainiog: eighty-seven square rods, more or
lese:.. • . • .. •• • ,
. ,
. . . .
: :Seiied, takpti in etecutiOri, an4l . will he. sold,
?s. the property' of :Philp , ApkleY'at the suit.of
' _ .. r ••
All the right,-title'and intere.t.of defendant
to the followMg described flea! F:, , tate,to wit: I
One village lot in [he village of I . ,ittleton,
'Al'l enn cotinty Pa.; bounded on the north by
Main street, es by, lot No. •10, south by -,lot
No, 2,5,.,Antl west by Congress 'street; tieing-lot
No. 9k in. the -village: Of ,Littleton,' six' rods'
Iront on 'Mein street ;. end . tweve rods.On Con
gress street; ,containing aeventy-two snhare
rods :more of leas—improved,; and one. Frame
House . on‘the premises. •
..ALso, 7 --One' other lot in: the same Village,
•bOUntied,on the ; north by Elm street, 'east by
lot n 0 .1,7, south by lands, of
.N. N. Lanamade,
and west by .Congress Street;. beinglot no
. 130,
rOntatning eighty-seven square rods, more, or
. . . .
Seized, taken in 'execution,. and will be'sold
ns th'e,proporty; of Philo Ackley,_at the suit of
M'Kean •countY• . - .
. .
All the , right, fitle,.interest and claith of de
fendant to thelollowing described Real Estate
situate in Ceres - townshin, M'Ke ‘ an county,
Pennsylvania,..bounded and described.es follows
to Witin • the 'north and east by., lands of.
Joseph - Hodges; on . thksouth and west by lands
of Daniel Buckley; Containing nine and three ,
fourth's actes, including the mill race;•all
proved; on which is One-'Grist • Mill, propelled'
by. either steam or .
.water; or both; one steam
Saw Mill; one Blacksmith Shop; one :Frame
House,- two Shanty Flo - uses, and one Frame
Barn in course of erection; - it heing the.lot for
'rnerly. purchased by Charles Graham for' Hy
•drattlic purposes... •.• . • "
ALso,—One,other. lot, bounded -on the,north
by Neating lands,.on the east' by lanchiol JO
seph.Hodges; on the scinth by lands of Daniel
Buckley, and . on the. west by lands of :Theron.
Conper and M. J.. Hadley; containing twenty- .
three acres more or less; it,being lot No. 188,
Keating stivey; unimprove.. • .
At;so,—'i - ihe-other lot, bounded on the north
and east by. Feating lands,'en the south'by.
Eyans J. Howard. and. S. A. Cooper; and .on
the west bY Evans J. Howard, and James C.
Coon, being lot No. 178, Keating• survey; con-'
twining - thirty-three acres' and fourtenth's, more'
or' less—unimproved;
Avo,---Dne other ilot, bounded north by
Keating lands and lands of J.:Knapptsouth by
Keating lands; and west by'landsof Niles Kin
ney.; being lot No. 176, Keating survey, con
taining'nineteen and nine-tenths acres, more.or,
Seized, taken in execution, and will be. . sold
as•the property of Joseph Wilcok, James Wil
cox and . Rosisrell.MKer, at'the suit of. Adams
All the'right, titles; interest and claim of the
defendant to . the following described .Real Es
tate, in Smethptirt Boiough,•M'Kean county,
Penns)lvania, bounded and described as fol
lows, to wit: Beginning at the south east cor
nei. of lot. No. tour, (4) in .square No. fifty-nine,
(59) in said Borough plot; . thence West along
the south. line of said lot N0.10ur,.(4) twerity
eight (28) . . feet; thence north. sixty-six• osy
feet;.. thenc . e. east twenty-eight (28) feet;
therice . sotttli;,sixtv,six (66) feet to . the place of
. 14..innine, being the eouth enet corner el said.
leLt_Nol.four—.(4.l on Which. is one frame :Stor e house about twenty*ight leet in .width end .
about sixty-feet long, two. Stories high, the'
lower story "finished for. a Dry Goods . Stofes.
the upper part finished for a dwelling'house...
• 'Seized and..tokenj n , '
n ,ExeCutioancl will be
sold as the property of, Henry.ir.:.Williami,_!!•t
the Suit of .Hirane - 6yne, now for „the use of
-- A LSO
All the rfght4.title; irltereet.and , elaire of de
fentlant"tet deserihed -Real Est ate,
to wit; All . that' one' . itqcl-e;lialf.:etory *erne
h,opseAltyptetliit, the taw.nehlp . Of Ceres,lVPlCetin
,Ceiinfy,Pn ~ on lot:No. 53; on .warrapt . Net. 2141,
,occupied by Adoeirarit Sutherlehd;* said houie
being 22 feet.by 32. feet err the groinidi and the
lot orrpieee of groehfi . and earttledge,apritziii..,
rianCto Li building ;as , 00'4 :raft itillarly
, .
, .
scribed and set forth in si,surivey ;Ode . by
rritio Bell ail WilliatiCglilibar,:thifide in PO* •
epee of in.'order of Coiirt; Febrnirf.:26, ,1141 . 5 s
and apprciipd june...the . 2lo, 1859;,tip: wit:,;:fino- •
ginning in:the centiir of the road'' on thestiiitt
ine of a. lot sold to . P.B.Dedrick, ont of warrant
214I;*8:71rods north . and
,42;41 .frOns
the south 'west" corner .of a. - lot 'deeded' by 1 .1.'..
Keating & Co., lo.fllishit Miir,.opt 'of said war
rant, &C.; &c.; Containing ' one sere and- 84
rods of land, strict :measure, leaving' the liriuip
on the lot 'deeded ,to Mix as shown. in the plot.: :
on the other aide:
Seized rind: taken in" Execution and , will. bi
sold sis the property. of A.l. §iitherlind,.:at this
suit'of Ebed Pattisciii; now Icir the use of John
-All the right, title, interest stutilaim.of the
tlefendara to the following described . Real •Ei.
tate situate -hi the: township of :•Hamilton,
Hamlin; . Sirgeant and Sbipperii in tbe county of
Milceati, State of Pennsylvanio, known and
described usjollows, viz; Subdivision No. six
ty-five (65) ot. warrant No. 2820, in the town
ship of' HaMilton. aforesaid, 'containing two.
hundred and twenty-five (225) acres;. subdiiiis
ion No.: three; hundred and thirti-six; '(336) of
Warrant No. 2310,Inthe townshin. of . Sergeant
ataresaidi containing one hundred:and seventY-
Eve (175) "acre s ; hundred
and eighty-five (155), '. warrant No: 2575,. in the
township of Hamlin 'aforesaid, containing two
hundred and twenty- fi ye (225) acres; triCatibi
divlsiOn No. Eight (8), .warrant No:: 4969, - in•
,the • township of - Siihmen,.eonttinine iievetity
(79) . a c res; and the. whol 011 C-warrant No. 2952,.
in the, toWnship of •Shippen aforesaid,—Cobtain
ing six hundred and,sixty-five (665) acres, the
whole afthe
. warrants containing thirteen We
dred and iiiity(l36o) acres; more ot. lee*, with
the:appurtenancei esiate.
Seized and rtakeji . ,in Execution and •yr • tie
sold - as the property of : William S. Gibson, at
thesuit 'of E. J. Rinehart. , . •• •• • • • •
By virtue of two Weiti .of.lfenditioni Expo -•
mis,issued out.of_ the Court of Common Pleas:
of 'M'Kenn county, - Pa., and .to . me,'duetted
and delivered, I ,shall expose to public sale or.
outcry, at the Court, House, in Smethpriet, at
.ten o'clock in the forenoon of MondaYthe 26th:
day, pf •December next, the following deatritied.
Real Estate to wit: . - ' ••• •
'All .the ,right; title, interest and• claim of
the defendant to the folloWing described Real
-Estaie„ situate in the village of: Brailfeed, - .
M'Kean county,: Pennsylvania; bounded.: end
described as follows, to, wit:—Village lot No.
.25, bounded on the ninth bylande Of P. - Ackley,
6 rods; on the east by A. T% :New - ell; 8 - rode
and 24 links, on the • south . by 'C'Orydon ..street,
6 rods; on the . west by Congress street, 8-rods
and 24. links; containing - fifty-three-and
teen-twenty-fifth sqnare' rods, mcireeriese.
ALso,—Two other village lots, No. 101 and
102, bounded on the .North by.-Corydon. street,
• 11 rods and 6 links, on;the . east by D. • King
sbury's lands, ten roils; on theiouth by lands of
W. G. Raymond, 11.•• rods and 61inks, On'Alte.
west by 'Congress street; ten rods;:, containing.
112 and
,two -fifth square rods of land:. - ' •
• Azso,—T WO other 'village lots, No. 136. and
137; bounded on the north by. Elm.- street,, 11.
rods; on the east by T. W. %Cole, 12 rodsi on
the south by ' Kingsbury, 13-and tyre-fiftli
rods; on the 'west by' Congress street, 12 and
tevotenth rods; • containing 146' and , , tyro fifth
.more.orless—all. improved: Dna Cot
tage House and Store on lot No. 25.
.. One Wag
on-Shop and Barn on lots No.lol- and 102..
Seized, taken in execution,. Ind to bifeeld as
the property of E. Norton, at ; the
Bellows & Casey and Spencer & Porter.'
. .
. , . .
. .
.By.virtue oftwo writs of Venditioni Expo
nes, issued'out of the Court of ComineoPtess of
the county of.-M'Kean• and
,State of Pennsylva.: • •
pia, and , to ma' directed; I shall exposeto
sale or outcry, at the Couit noose,'in Routh
port, at 10 o'Flock the forenoon, Of Monday,..
the 2Gth day of Decetriber• next, the' following
described property, to wit: • . • ie •
All the 'right, title andinterest of the defend
ant to the foilowing. described; bounded , and'
described as follows, viz: One lot ottand,boun
ded . on the• north', 'east, isoetti and west' by
unseated linds .of Bennett, Winans, Jameson
and Smith, containing fifty,pso) acres.moie, or
less, it . being lot .N0. 4 147'‘0f 'the alotnnent of .
Bingham lands, in Keating township,: and part ,
'of warrants No. 2270. and 3902 . .. • .
A I.so,—A.nother lot-bo . unded on the,north.by
Bingham lands and lot No; 202; On the eset...by •
warrant'2o67 and Ringliamlinderen the south •
by Bingham- lands;_. 'and . West :by, lot Ne.'o2
and Bingham !ands; . Containing fifty..two and
three-tenths (52.3); acres Noo3o
of the alotment Of Hingham lands: in: Xeating.
township; and part of warrant. No.
At-A:147.A not her lot*bnu tided. oa the north . by :
lands, of J. S' Ridgway; ' on . .the Cast •by J. J.'
.andothers;• On the.sonth
Easterbrooirs and otheri; • Welt by Itidg
'way and G. A. Bradbrook;. - COritainhig twaloi
hundred (1200) . aeies, more orless; being , parts
of warrants' No: 24,11. and 2411,..in .Norwich..
and Sergeant town.ships.... .* • .
ALsb,—Another bounded op flie'nerthAty• j 4
. 3:Bldg:Ways east by warrant line' NO.
2435; south and west by J. J. Ridgeray lands;
Containing four hundred and . fifty (450) sires
of land, more or lees, being the north part , of
warrant NO. 2174: • , •
ALso.L--Another lot of land hounded on the
north bylande of J. 9. Ridgway;' 'east by Coo-.
per lands; south and west; by
,RidgWay lands;
Containing • two thousand and •.
(2080) acres , of land, .more 'or less it 'being
warrants No. 2443.. and 2862 and the east part
ol_wairants 'NO. 2704 and 270.5•.'in • Rittiv. o o l
township. ,
Ai.ao,--,Defendants interest in the following
described tracts cif land conveyed by John M.
`Hamilton and Wife, to . Theodore E. Winensoly
deed bearing date June 30; 1856; end duly retr.
corded in WKean• County - records, In 2 Deed
Book H:',' page . 1393;. beginning , , at. , the :south•
westcorner of warrant No. 2174 f thence east
'five hundred twenty-foueend'seven;tentlis per
ches, to the , south-east..cornerof the 'same, and
the.north-east 'corner of warrant ...N0.'2914; ;
thence•nnith on.the east line of 'warrant 247.4.
one hundred fifty-two' and five tenths herehes
to a post; timice west five hundretitwenty r four ,
and seven-tenths ffetches to 'a host in,the west
line snit! =warrant N 0..: 2474; thence ' month,.
'hne hundred andfiftY 7 iwo,and tive•ten,tbs
ches. io ihe'place of tlxinhing:
Ar ' . 7 .'w,,,,:i an ove: 2381,y sin& three :bun ? .
dred , erul nine. 4 404 ), and frPm. the s nOrth.parti or .
w arr a n t No.. 2455.: • .' • •
„,, -411. - so;-•-4-One , thl id- part of Warrant Pre. 494,•
and one htiiid red and torty-itix . • (145)..aciess 2 of
the.north warrant -No'; 44. 51 W' COritigio
'i th r ee . thousatid one, hundred' 'lnd tipihiee
.ieree,,he A/re:same more Or lases all : ' situate - 11 .
•M'Kein'eeuat 7 . „ Reran sil.vanie. • •-•
- .Seized:end rake!) Int:'ExiieisiiMi%end will . he
'meld as the pr,operty:of •7')iiredcire
the suite 61"J s ohri M.,liamiltOn,.howlei . the use •
of the Trusties, ; ofthe Eitate.'olstlie.Wit-
Hein B , de
inghamcided.' ' ':••• • • •
• . „ •