,VOL. 2. : I ,ifft!, iiiiiif .‘ijUioo:',..fliOfocilit PUBLISHED' EVERY THIMDAY BIOp.NING, • " By B. °Pik:CT, SMETimpIIT, WKEAN COUNTY, PA . • , . OFFICE,,`B. E. CORNER OF P.L'UL/0,134,0AF:0. ; 1701$18: - - 'sl 60 in Advance, Rates of Advertising. . . ... . . - 113cdednu one ye5r.,.•.,.. . ... .000 1. •" " Nit months ... '•• 20 00 .X., " ......... .. 12 00 One Square Of 12 lines or less, 3 insertions,..., 150 Bach subsequent insertion, .. 25 Business Cards, with paper, . .. ' • 600 Rule or figure work will.be double the • above -rates.. Twelve lines Brasier . type, or eight lines . nonpareil, is frr Thate Ternis will bo strictly adhered to, o#oi.n.e.s . o , .'. ; Mir . tit.p.p . ... . . • " • A.. lE:ICAMTAN Stiil4s.9or; Draftsman. Conve . 3raneer, ;arid "Real . Estate Agent. pmethport; 3.V.Reatt county., 1 a., . • B. F. WRIGHT, , . . mimetic and Retail Dea'er in Family ,Groceries,: Pork, riour,...Salt,. Foed, Boots and Shoes; he., he. 'Store n.the Astor 116 use Block; Sznethport Pa: . ' . ___ D. B. MATHER, .. . , Wholeeile and Retail Dealer in Provlslono and Panay Groceries. Flour, Ueal,'Feed, kc. -• Store**, .Fatnn , A old, staid. Termo Cti Stoatll it : . N. TLYLOR , Dealer In Dry ()midi; larOceries, Pork,. : Flour; Salt, Fish Ready-Made Clothing, Boots an! Shoes: Smethpurt; • . , , •• ...• jVILLIAtt Practical aleellealc,. - 5111IWright:' Port Allegheny; 31 , 16 an county;Pa:. • ' r. L. BROWN; suaysyoh,..bßAFTssl,ll4 CONVEYANOER,and.R4I Estate Agont• ()Meg , Elk Peuti'a ,—;neeeeseose— Chapin & Boyle, Hoe...names Strutbere; 8.• Brownell: Beg.; Hon. 'A.len; • CABVEB . HOUSE,, . . . • .. Joria Hi Hvt.k. Proprieti3r, corner of -Water and Hickory :. Streets , Warren, Pa. General Stage Office. • • • • J. C. BACKVO & CO , General - Dealers in-Dry 'Coeds; Groceries,. Ornekeay, • u sady-bladeClothink, Dooteand ,flats and Caps,. dc 0., opposite the - Court House - , 8[1)004)91ot Pa., FOBES HOUSE, . . . . Fronting the . Public Square,' Olesja..N. Y. Lurks M., MILLBR. Proprietor. The Febes House is entirely new and built.citbrink, end is furnished modern style. The' proprietor' gaiters himself that- his 'aceornmeda- Voris are not surpitified by any hotel in. Western Nil, York. Varrisgroi run'to and from the New York • and Edo Hail Hoed. ' ' ' 38-tf: BYDOlii. D.:HAMLIN; . . .. Arioaser AT 'LAIri gni' etbport,tlSPlC.Oan County. Pa., Agent , for. Metuirs. Heating. A Co's Lands . , `Attends especially to the Colle ,, tion d'Claims; Examination of Land Titles; Pe7tnent of 'Taxes, •end all business rola ' .ling to; Real Estate....:olline in Llimlia 810 Ck..: .. GREEN'S. HOTEL D. A. WatantyPro . prieior,-,-nt. Kluane.' Warren county. . His Table will be,: supplied with the ,beet the • - .country o'4ra; and_he pare no paine in accoinodating E. BOUGRTOR ELDRED, . . , .. . Attorpsy and:Counsellor' at Law, Sonetbport, 111 , Kerin • 'Oettoty, - Pa.: liusMene • entrusted' to fits care for the entities of ht'Keen, Potter and I.llk will be promptly .16%toocted to Ornoo, IR the court lionSe,' second poor. -. ' , -....__,-- --- - • DR:. V. IL WISNER,. . . . . Phys!chin 'and Surgeon, Stnethport, Pa, Will attend . to all profeislo . op.l calla with protnotness„ Office In Sart, ' Moak, second floor.. - .S. BUTLER & CO., 'Wholesale and Retal- . Dealers .1n Staple and Fancy ,Dry Goode; Carpeting, itea!ly Made Clothing, and 'General Futal;hlng,Goods, Boota and Shoes, Wall and Window Paper, Looking Glasses S.o. :At Olean. N. Y,' BENNFaT HONE, . Smethport'iM , Kenn.oo., Ber,.(arr, Proprle , " tor—oigioalte the Oonnt Howie. A, newilnrge, coni.• niodiOus and wel;.furnished house. 7. .• JOHN, 0. BAcxus, . . . ...... . . . . •Attoinei endllounsellor it Law; Sinn thport, INl'llean 0 o 'PA. Will attend to all bigness kills profession in the counties of al'Kean, Potter and Elk. .offled over 0: E. Bartlrell & Brothers' Store. . .. .• . . •tIACKNEr.HOUSE toriser of Secarid and Liberty streets, ,Warree ' Pa. R. A. Deepen, Pioprieter. Travelers will find good ac tenithodatlons and reasonable charges.. ' •. • E. S. MASON, . . . . . , Disler in 13tovei,.Tin Ware, Jappaned Ware,' &c., west Aide of the Public, SquArd, Smethoort, Pa." Custom work done to order on the shortest ' notlee,.anft in , the • •most substantial Manner. --.- " ': ••' ' • - . . . W, s. BROWNELL, Dealer Dry * Goods, Groceries, Orogkeey, Gerdwate, . Doote, Shoes, Usti, &c, • .East aide of the Public Scitiare, Smathport, Pa. A. 7: OTTO, Dealer' in Provisions ind Pathily Groceries generally, at. Vermin' Valley, I‘l , lCian On., Pa., Greta, Lumber, Shingles, Acc., taken in - exchange for • Gonda. • Patent • Medic:thee for sale. . • . LABABEE'S HOTEL, . . . . R. Linings, .PrnprittorHAllegbeny • ilrblga, 111 , 1Cean Co . ; Pa.. This houeole altnated about nine miles from ' 'Dmethport on,tho road to Olean - nutt'will be found .a : canfepient 'fitopping.plp.ce• -, . • - ' • EMPORIUM ROUSE, Shlppen, M'Kenu 00., Pa..' I,R6IIIAND COOK', Proprio'or. commodious mod •wejl-furnichodi Imumi...Strangeri : and taovelersAyill dud 'gootl accommodations.. ' , FARMERS! VALLEY'ROTEL, • •:. INy T. Go . oinvis e : ThIS home si twited abort five miles ra 'Fo Sinethp'ort-On the road to Olean. .Pleasure parties and other can he accommodated on, thashortest notice ELDRED HALF-WAY HOUSE, . . . . tllWKllVPioprifitOr , . Thin house i n situated hal. dinner Smethpurt and Olean...lf.you want a good dienee thin Is the place to step.' • • OHORDIS• CORWIN, . . , . . ll!rOprletai of .the'Oriat 'AIM; akldephrileaburg, I'de - 14ean Oouoty Pa: 'lieut. Meal r and Feed, 'ebnatintly on band and for spite. ta large and small quantitiOs.. . .. , . • • 1;... ;- • . •,- ' RAILROAD ROUSE, . . '' 'r • • • . . . , IX; OURAWDER.... P,roprietori.. Not : relkir s ''.AiiKeisit do:v .Pii.. .Good:soaourimodatious'can be hi 4 •14,4 re at all - . • ...... - .. • : . ,,POAT.ALLEp4,Icrt 10IISE, . ',noon .. , . . . B. pdlitant, Piiprlciter,, nt Port' Allegany, .Me- Kis t , CouptY.Ta. .This lintel' la alteated ilt the Jpee qfon'of the Sntethport - ntel Allegany Illyei.todde, nine `,snags eaetontlintethpot.t. ,- ' : • . ~.; ASTOR HOUSE, . . „ 6 . KE T . HP OAT, . , P..' KEAN. Po., P, a.' ::• . WK.' HASKELL. .:,: .. 1: Proprieto r .' : The Prohrletor, having'recently, purchased and flier .ougbly re Itttq4 the Mt.,r house, flettorehlinselr that'he - can 'emigres good aceommodapoaa as any hoteltn,Wee, John Taylor:l.4 , o dicerised =whrri 'a youth of twenfi , onc, tO practice at the bar Of —.' "He was poor, but well ednc . ated; :arid possessed Of extraordinary genius. The graces , of his person, combined with the superiority of his intellect, • enabled ' ' him *in the hand of, a . • lashionable beauty. ' : . TWeive months afterwards the .husband., was , employed by wealthy firm of ,that city, to go on a minion as land agent to the Nest.. As, heavy salary . . Was offered, he. bade farewell tp his wife and son. He wrote back every week,: but received'not a- line'in,ansWer. S..x.months. elapsed,' when the hushand re . ceived. a letter' from his employer that explained all. . Shortly aiter his departure. from the' West, the Wife and her fathCr returned to Then she immediately :obtained." divorce by act of the Legislature;•married again 'forthwith. and' to complete the . climax of her cruelty and Wrong, had the. nam.e of Taylor's son changed : to that of Marks—that.of her second Matrimo- Ridgwity; Pa Irirren.. Pa. SMki? ort, Pn ituomi • Vist!‘: nial, partner.: . 1 .• • • This perfily nearly drove Taylor, insane... His.career.trom that moment became eccentric in the 'first ;degree 7 --sonietihies he preached,, sometimes fie . plead, at-the bar, 'di - alit 'at last a fever etirried: him ofr at a compai4ti . vely7 early ---The following is an account_ of one of his -forts at the bar. . '• • ' At, an early hour on the 9th of April,, 1840 . , the Court 1-16 use in Clarksville, Texas, lras crowded - 'to everflowmg; . Sae in the war times, there had never been witnessed so large a gathering irrthe Red River country, while the strong 'feeling apparent in every face•vvill sufft= . ciently explain the matter following: • • . About, the close of 1839,.. George Hopkins, one of-the"-wealthiest planteis and most infi.u entiel men in No: tlpkro eff red a 'gross insult to Mary kl'o•st.a: the ) be..nlifOl wile of -his The buiband threeteded to ,chastise fOr the 'outrage,. whereupon Hopkins, loaded his gun,- went to Flfison'sltouse,•and shot him, in his own door. . The .mutderer was arrested, end hailed' to answer the , cherge: Tlie occurrence -produced intense excitement, :and Hopkins, - in order to t urn the tide of popular opinion,'-or .ht least to mitigate the general wrath whfchwas -first olently against 'him, circulated reports NW mously.prejudicihl . to the character and stand -Mg of the woman whO had suffered shch ruel wrongs at his hands . .. • • • • . • She brought suit , for Slander. thuj two cases—one criminal and. the ether civil , and: . both.out of the Same tragedy, were pending at the April" Circuit Court for 1810.. ii,v •: • • TheinVrestmeturally felt by.thpsomnounity 'as to the issue,- became far deeper . when it was: known.that Ashley and Pike, of Arkansas-, and the celebrated S.'S. Prentiss, Of New -Orleans ; eaeh . bY Miorchous fees,. had been retained by- Hopkins for defense. • .• The trial of indictment fOr murder concluded On . the•Sth of AMA, with the acquittal of Hop kias. Such a. result might have been', well foraseen, comparing the talents of the counsel engaged on either side. , . ' The Texas laWyers were utterly overwhelm ed by, the arguments and oloqUence of their op ponents. It was a fight of dwarfs . against gi ants. - . The slander suit Was set for the '9th, and the - . throng 'of . spectators greW in,nuiriber as well as excitement. And What seemed strange, the' current of public , opinion now run decidedly for . Hopkins. His money. had 'procured 'witnesses who served his powerful advocates.. Indeed so• triumPhant had been:fhe success on. the previ, oui (14 that, when the slander casd was called,' Mary Ellison was left , without / an a t t o rney.— All had. withdrawn. ••, ,/ • ' The,pigmY, pettifoggers .dare"not brave. the sharp wit of Pike, - and.t'he scathing thunder of , • Prentiss, • " - ." • . “HaVe you'•• no sithiusel?l r- , inquired Judge . Mills, looking kindly at thS•plaintiff. • Siri they have 'air deserted End, and I am -••, , . • too Poor - ;to employ any more," replied ,the beautiful Mary, burefing . . such" a' Case, will not , some' chivalrous member of :the profession . . volunteer?" •, asked the judge, glanciug' aieund• the bir.' The, thirty lawyers were siient, -• • "1 will, your honor," said: a ,voice : from the thickest of the crowd and 'situated ,behind the .• Froinßuree Dlcttooarp oCLove Like two.ineanide crumbed in show *. Are the cheeks of Bonnie the'vielota that grow .. . , 'Moog the dalsiea 14 the dell. . •Arahoi.eyea 7 the 'stars of night. .Ne'er a mortal heart did eweli . .tVittiatteh pu re and food delight , , . As the eyes:of Bonnie 8011. , • Music trembles on the hi) Of the fairy Bonnie Bell; Oh! pd give such sweets to afp,' 7 .:. Wealth that Cyiems no!er could toll; would - doinmy brain and soul, . Could the mintage buy a spell'• 'That Would waft me to My . goal Waft and win me Bonnie Bell! : As theeotinanf • • • • Is the voice of BOnnie ;' , • Wit; like buhhies on the wine . • ••• Pure as pearls in ocean shell, BpAikle through her, golden th e me; • . Joyful ae a Inirria„e . bell • • . • • . ' • I could glide.Adown atr eini ' • In one boat with ItOnnie Bell. ' THE' VOLUNTEER COUNSEL CI• • . . . . . .. • . . . S,IVI . f,THP94I. I . ..MIi:EAN. • COVNTY; , .e4. - ; -Ttw:RspAy.;'.DEc.c.gpqß:.4-',-.-:559,. At thetbneOf.that . voice:twiny - Started halt from their •seaits, and. perhaps ihere ; was not' a •beart in the.intSnse throng ; — that did not 'beat Sornewhatlpickey—it was so unearthly aweet, ringing . anrinournful. • . • The first,aensation, however, was changed into laughter; whtni•i*gatint, spectral Ag ure.that 'no person present remembered:to have seen before; elbowed his 'Way Ahrough ; •the exowd, 'and•placed himself within ..His appearance was a problem the sphYnx itself. ° His high,' ..pale„ brow, and his smalli nervously twitching.faCe seemed active with the concentrated essence' and cream genius; but then hisinfantile..blue eyes, hardly Visible beneath their Massive arches, lookipg dim, dreamy, almost unconscious, and his clo thing was so.sbebby that the court almost hes itated balk the case proceed 'under his :man, agement ttHis your'narne been entereff.oe the rolls •ol the State?" demanded•the judge, suspiciously. idt is immaterial about. my name being .on your, rolls;" 'answered the. stranger; his thin lips curling up into..a fiendish sneer. court may. heehawed .by, the ,courtesy 'of the coitrt and bar. tiere it; my license froni oe:highest tri bunerit Americn," and he handed Judge Mills abroad parchtnent.... • The trial immediately went On.: In the ex amination of th;Wituesses the stranger evinced very. little ingenuity ae .commorily ;thought;— He suffered eneYene to tell their awn story, without . interruption,•' . though he generally hrnanged to make each:one tell it over two or three times. He put .a feW'cross 'questions, which with keenwitnesseionly served to , car rec t mistakes,. and he-made no notes,,which, in mighty memories only tend to ernharrass.. • The examination being ended,. as counsel for the plaintiff, he had a Tight to the openinz as well as the closing _speech; but to the aston ishment otTeyery - one, he declined the former, and alloWed the defense Co lead . • ' Then a shadow might have heel) seen to flit , across the features of. Pike, and. to darken the bright eyes of. Prentiss.. They , saw that 'they had.rtcaught a Tartar,"bet who it was OrhoW, it, happened, was impossible to guess: ... Col. Ashley spoke first. He dealt: the jury. a dish of that coarse,ilry.logic•which• year's af terward,rendered him.famous in the Senate of . . The Poet, Albert Pike; followed with' a vein °twit, ind a half torrent of . ridicule; 'in . which neither the plaintilf nor her ragged attorneY were forgotten or spared. The great Prentiss•concluded - for the defend; ant,witif a glow ofgOrgeous words, brilliant as a shoWer of falling stars, and with burste of oratory, that brought the : house down in cheers, in which even the sworn jury' themsel ye's, joined. notwithstanding the stern order of the bench. Thus 'wonderfully susceptible are the Southern people to the charms of impassioned eloquen'ce. It was the stranger's turn. He. hid remain_ ed apparently abstracted during all the pievi- Ous speeehea. Still; and straight, and inotion less in his seat; his pale, smooth forehead shooting- high like a mountain coned snow, and but for that continued twitch that came and went perpetually. in • his face, you Would, hive taken him for a . mere man of marble, 'or hamin form carved In ice. EVen his Aim, dreary eyes were invisible beneath', those grey shaggy eYebrows. • • . ...13ut.now at last he.rises—before•the bar, not behind it.—and so near•the ,w.ondering jury that he might touch , the foreman' with his long bony fingers. ,'With. With. eyes half shut, and standing rigid as a pillar of iron, his.thinlips curled as if in measureless& Sccirn, slightly apart, and: the sound came forth, • . At first•it is low' and. sweets. insinuating it self into the brain, as an artless . .tune . ' . y..iritling "its way into the deepest. reeesse . s . ar,the . heart like the melody of a magic incantation, 'while 'the Speaker 'proceeds without 'a gesture or the least signal of excitement, to tear to pieces the argument of Ashley, which melts away at his touch as frost before the sunbeam. Every'one• looked surprised. His logic was at once brief, and so luminotisly' clear, the rudest • peasant . could comprehend it without an effort. Anon .he came to the drizzling.vrit.oftke poet' lawyer Pike. 'Then, the curl of his: lips grew, sharper, his smooth face began to kindle up, and his' eyee to open—dim and dreary nn long er;" but vivid as jightningi rest as Are globes; as glaring as twin'tneteors. The whole soul wtts in his eye, tha full 'heart streamed out of his. faCe. In five minutel Pike's' wit seemed like ream of folly,. and •finest satire horrible pro_ fanity when compared with the , inimitable sal. lies and . exterminating sarcasm of the stranger, interspersed with.jesti and anecdotes that' tilled the fo s rum with laughter: • witbOut so.much as bestowing an alio sion . . the perjured witnelses.or Hop tore !heir testimony into [items, and ,buried into their face's inveetivesthat made them ell tremble as with ague, end two of them , actuelly fled (ion; the Court House. ' . • , • . The exeitemant:of the crowd was becoming trdmeridoue. Their'united• life and soul seemed to bang. upon the burning . , tUngOe 'of thestran-, •ger. He inepired*,Oetn with :the power of his ow,nliasSiona.• He ; saturated (helm With the poison of his ount . faelings.. He scorned to. have stolen nature's long hidden se ;'re.i Via tt rad 'l4e- We's lhe.siin 'and sea of all thoUght and:ernntion,•which :rose. slail!fell, and••Miled'in the billow as: lie ' Chose. j.• But 'bin greatest triumph was .to Come. ..." .• His eyes began to gtance furitively at the assassin Hapkins,. as his lean tiper'fingers "as: snrued the ' same . 'direction: He , bemmed :the. wretch cireunivallation deuce .ant'impreinable.arguinent,.cntting off . . hope "of escape.. . • .• . • .. He piled up large 4E1 . 86018 . 0f: insurrnauritahle (acts.' He deg•betwean the min del'erand elan. derer's-feet, ditchecof dilemmas, 'such as no . sophistrY caul•OveFleapi: and no 'secrets in• gentiity evade; 'and . thus having, as one ' might say;•impounded'hisiictirri,"qnil•girt him abmit like, a'scorpion a circle of fire, he .stA'ipped ;himself tcrthe work ofmassacia. , • • ." Ohl then it was a vision most glorious and dreadfil to behold the Orator: His ;actions , be fore gifted:al as,t.he . v . raves of a g,Olden willow in the breeze,.grewirripetuous a's the motien of ,an Oak ip whurricane. , • • • His voice became a trumpet with wild whiripools;:deafening the air ivith the crashes' of power, and , y4.intermingling . all 'the with a'stieet tinderiong , of the, softest cadence. Hisfice.was as red as , a"diunkard's—his heatiglowed like a heated furnace, bis c'ounte, nonce' o viai haggard like that; of a inarkiac,,%and 6:Ver and anon he flung his long . bony-,tirrris Otte high, as if grasping, after thander bolts. . •.. Hedr.tw . * picture.ca murder in , such 'appall ing col Ors that irchmpariSon, hell: itself ::tnighi, he considered beatitiful.• He painted the flan= deter so blank that: the; eun Seemed dark at. noon-day, when shining:on such an accursed .-.•- • monster„ and then firing both ,portraits :on .the hrtnking Hopkins, hefastened them there. for ever: The.agitation'of the audienceim'oUnted alino.t to aladnesp'.. . ' .. • All at'once the speaker descended from his krilous . height.. ..His voice• wailed out• for the murdered dead and living—the heautliel ,Mary, more beinitiful. every. moment _. as her., teals flowed fester 7 --Ol all wept and. sobbed lige children. . • . . • , Heplosed by• n'strange exhortation ',to the ury, and through them:to ihe r byitander3. 11•• advised the panel after they. should bring in :a verdict for the plaintiff not tq oiler violence to the defendant;' oweverrichlY he might . deserve other words, nut to lyrieh the villain, but -leave his punishment with , God.• This was the most artful trick of all, and. the best ceulculated - to insure vengeance: • The jury rendered a verdict of twenty thou sand dollars, and thenight after Wards Hopkins was taken out of' his :bed . by lynchers, and beaten`almost to death. ~ As the court-adjourned the 'stranger • made knOwii his .n,ame, and called the attention -of the . .public with the 'announcement—John .'Taylor will 'preach this.evening atearly candle light. • The crew(' all turned out, ...and Taylor's. ser mon eqUalled if it did not surpass the splendor ,of his forensie effort. :this isnot'exaggerated, haVo listened, to Clay, Webster and Calhoun -. Dewey, Tyng. and BaicoM—tint heard _anything. in the form . of sublime words even remotely: approximating to' the.eloquence of.Jghn Taylor=--massive is as -trmountaln--: and Wildly ns a Catioct . are.: -A nil that is the, opinion of all : who .have heard this SE L.FE Itb . s d Jiidge who resides; not very far about here, is ii.nOvn as ope .ivbe,iiever.paya.a . debt.ifit can be avoid- Has plenty' Of : rrieney, howaver, and is jolly; rollicking old chap.. , .Gets 'pretty ~..drunk, occasionally, when, ,of, course,: some friends take care, of him. Net long-ago he, fell into. the hoods of.a'mati who held his neta'fOr a Suin money, and as . it Was a .laM chance, ill& friend diCed into the old Judge's wallet, took .out the amount, and put the' not • e-Whete the money. had been. When.,the J4dge acColte to cenicious, ness, as Was.his wont, he took. out .14' wallet to count hoW much money he Was - Out... Find • fiig his purse .alniest etiopty;. be thundered; i‘flow did rspend.all -money?" .• , "You paid off that' note • 1, held," atiswered he friend. • • 4 , 1Ve.11;". muitored - the Judge,. quietly *-stOw aAVay hia wallet, “.1 must have bees 'drunk:" . . GALMEM—In .1662, Galileo,then a youth ".of eighteen,. was' seated io . church, when the lamps suspntded 'from -the roof were replenished by the sancristans who, ; in doing caused them to pscillater from side .to side, as they had done nundreds of times benne, when simi larly disturbed:. He watched' the ladip,, and : thought he perceived, that while. the ,lions were diminishing, -occupied.the sante time: The idea suggested never depart= 'ed from his mind, and fifty years afterward constructed the tirit• pendulum, and thus gave, to theyrarld.cine orthemost. important instru „,_ • • .oir fintio;'" A I.tw ward, when lividg r at Venice, it . was. 'reported to Anna. .one day ,thet, the children . . apectaCk maker while Playing . With tWo.glass es, had observed .ati, they expresled, k J - that things were brought nearer by. looking . throUgh them in a certairi.,Position. Everybedy said how curious, but Galileo seitied 'the. idea and invented the fitet telesinpe.. , • _.• FActs A.notri• . 1111we.—Cronm eiinnot, rise through a great depth of niilk. - If therefore,, milk is desired. to retain its cream tor the time, it should' be. put., into (kep .tarroW dish; if it be deeireci to free it 'most .completely of drearO,..it should be po , ired :into` a broad flat dish ; uit much exceeding one inebiii.doptb. . ' From tho Suientacr Amorloon IMPOR'IANT.HIFr9 ON VENTILATIO* 11.4 E. 91. 71d11ARDS; C;.E . ,•• . • Hdding'glanoed at:the. prevalence Cif 'bid air' and the evil. consequeneekthat alWays , follow' its habitual inhalation; the means 'whereby. we May: protect ourselves tretn: it are heiy.to be considered.,' The '4i,o'ry of the Whole. thing, is simple enought' the vitiated air'` must , be retrie ved as 'fait ea produced, arutPure eirintroiluced (wiihout •intermi?ttnie)' to supply its place.—L•'• The practice, however, requires some little care. It'inaY 'be here stated that,.winter 'the season in which people setrei.ntostiront defective von tile I ion,. as •ttre. external 'cold • makes them care:- fully 'close all aperatureer in their rooms= vi bile, cer , the contrary,. in theserniner I he'heat obliges them to °pew therri, `all.:,But ; ventilation is mote' easily. efrected during cold wearier. ' , We Muir; be.eareful not to: confound . purer air, With. cuy,'cir tvarip air With's : feu]; this iee very corm mon mistake; and a very . dapgernus citip'totr, for tniy be gitite'Pure . and c'oid air just the reverse. , • . .• • ". . • -• • To obtain prop3r reliable 'ventilation;it w. .not du to,trust to the • doors, yindaws, or fire placr.s (shOuld .these latter exist) Of,.eur apart-. mente; the first are fur ingress and egress, the 's,econd to transmit. light, and tlialest to•pass the products of combustion. from the : fire into the open air. No.doubt, In, tha absence' of any better the rooms may he kept ina. tot- . erably . wholesomeconditiorr by the free. uso of ,tlciors and windOws„but. not. 'wench a perfect, pleasant br economicall Manner es , When proper aparatus is used. to secure: the result...: e#s be fore stated, the breath exhaled from the lungs, being heated, risei rapidly to the highesrpcir tion of the morn,. where, if, means for its, exit are provided, it ti ill , atence (in most dons of 'the ettpoiphere).pass out into the open . air; but if, as is the case In rtloSt buildings, public,, or private, there is nn .1 :160.1."eir escape near thecellingohe.heated Pcirtion of air unz der Consideratioiyrernains . a'.shert time.saspen ded aloft; Alien, as• it.-,bticomes cooler, it ile-• scends loWer and lewor.,:tilllat last'it mingles with the air.aver the level of , tha . ,moutlis ,Of the occupants of the'liPartnient. Shouldabera bean open fireplace, ..tha foul. air,'having:•tia,; scended from the ceilitig,,generally - escapes in 'great part up the chimney; baring firs come be - : , low 'the levet o'f the mouth, even.of a 'seated per son. ..This. fa - ct is especially to be' noted, es shoWing that an 'openfiremlaic very indiffer ently supplies the place of a regular foul air eg cape,. Sonid.of it May also in cortain s states of the external atmosphere, : pees out tit'thecrev; ,, ices iivei•the tips of the swindeWs' and tha. top of . the door, supposing them_ to be, .closed, they generally are 'in winter; 'but if they, are open, of course' the case is • not so : badi New to supply the placael. out-passing vitiated air,'freeh air usually comes . •through any . cracks of apertiogi that it can find at or, pear thelevel al the, floor; and in cold weather t if ihe're.le a fire -burninr„'ln the apartnienf t . the external air , • W ill pour in at any ppeninglt 'can find,'lligh or low., 'lt Is' evident'. that,. tinder these cireumstancesobe •in:,entning.,lresh and the . out.goinglotil air become inoeu'or . less in.. termingledi and that it ia ithpossible for the in- mates to breathe 'any but a partially' iinpure element.. Opening . , the windosys in winter, though. preferable to being 'paisoned•with, no.x- . . ions lases;lSobjectiontible, as it catiaes sudden drafts of VerY .cold air; and thus may Injure invalids; hisides being' unpleasant to those in robtist health; and, moreover,. it only. some-' what remedies the.evil.. .11a cases ivliere'thete ,are no fire-places,'lf. it. were' possible' to con- , struct 'romps 'perfectly • air-tight (and thefbest ineChanici al Ways leave ,their work the' freest ; from (lairs and-crieks), there could .I:M.' nein, I coining or:out-going draft in chamber.ol this kind; in it .Very little time it Would ,be.• imPes= Bible to exist,; so :rapidly . would 'the noxious' gases accumulate,. It thus . appears - that, for the ability - to reMain sueh ,a roorn . Witbout absolute and immediitie danger, .to we have to shank the bail joints, crevices .and holes. left abdiftwindows and doors by:the detective. work of the house•carpenter, Certainly, we of the itineteenilt•.century have not Mach reascrii boast of 'Sour advances In the art of house-build mg,when we thus.cotistruct our:dwellings. . it is not many' centuries, since there . was, no chiin nep, to the abodes of the great and wealthy; '_a huge.ftre was kindled in the Middle el the large room where the baron and his family_ lived, the smoke en Soot from'whieh. tire. Was allowed td make its escape in' the.beet Vrak,it could throngli an operative, contrived' le the roof.— . Thellireontforts:of an apartment •thhs. warrned . can hardly he,oVer-fated. We may' perhaps. lout+ at.the rude habits;, and . the little knoivl , 'edge of i‘hottiehold science" that Could toler ate such;:a state - of things; . quite forgetting. that nis are just us fat behind,.i . n. not 'providing for the„exit of, the •poisonous .rtrodtic.tanf respire= tion; wOtave.improved,on our fore,-fathere in one 'respeei, weitaoe•geine back .another; fOr thi. aforementioned opening 'ln the .ro . of, though.inferior to the modern chimney for passt ing the smoke;' provided a,mdch better outlet ( 9 1 , the other.,exhalations of the' speclous hall. heloW rosTuumous l'usottoe.-01d, Mr. Scru ge tlieii.and after his latifettied :decease a..will . LS, found in liis stroug box, biqueatbing to Eagy. Woodbiilo, the, belle of tho . village, belovtt7 by Harry tionvisttekle., and loying him in, return, ansanntiity of thitty . theusand n year during,tier, life, so lon, as' She shell, remain, single ttrid.. .rtjarried; the, whole legacy, prineilial and inter;' . car , in the.e vent or 'her marriage, to to 'the Asylum of. Idiots. •. : SEseint.m.--Ilitth.topped and thick-SOledthinati nie worn by fisitionable ladies this sensibld and Orie.whose - itniversay adop tion Would' show a gratifying d'eet•ioe:itt.tho: list of deaths from' eonStimption. 4.4 l . i* w.4l' -XAL4,-..0N 0-v 11. eel, a : to be no„ limit to,9te which Republicanisni, •is' dieposeit Brown's Virginia massaire./ Vreil Douglas 7 —feblack • epirits'and spirits and . gray,"_alLaie , in ing to prov e an assassin ; . hntter,AttedAr : Aligr o . well than any Man , died in f iteiglitesk : anturiee." • According to their interpritatiOnOlie.Plitti thin'world has 'basil Wrong foul verylont k t ime] and : recent discov,eries' warrant 00,klitsikont the shortest and surest way` tci fiternol 4 fipplitt; ness, is to commit .'murder, itid-stelrfrom . : ;be gallows, into ' , OM embrace of iingebl."':": l ' Let the argunierit_be - .backed •byr,:gitotsitiompi from the, columns of . the New York, Tribille: • "White;the respcinsiyi r ltaart,ofthi,,kluith hae been 'subs one whomthey adriaire,andveberAte,anif the great soul itself 'has pagaidis'yor hit° nal heavens: During eighteen' contort*. which bave passed, no Suelijharagtet has peared among meth The sgalleries of the' re sounding ages echo : with' no ,fOot-fall Mightiet' than the marfyi of 'to-day.' Ef forts to save bim were , fruftleirt. - I:' , PritYgri' were unavailing; Ile itood'befori his mordetvs• eis defiantly; glikitig sio mercy:_: "Bewildered not, and daunted not, 4he. ing scenes - of life's drama; at the last;;brought' to him.heither regrets" nor foreliodings.“ ing finished the'work which God had given hint to do,,,this apostle. of', a nett' dispensation, in . ' iridttlion Ulthe Divine, riceitied , *ithlottitudA his baptism of hlood. beholding the heaven's - opened . and Jesus standing at the Might hand 'of the thionli Gaid,ihis last of Cbrit! tian Martyrs stappetl proudly and calmlyirpoit 'the scaffold, and' thence'Mpvverd into tho,,,sin-, brace of Angels', and into tho bly and Arch dl the first born,4ihose astute! wrifftill in heaven,4 ••• ,tiour delightful' the visionVO' PrltroitqalitYs when tinged With' the blood cif,rigoire'Uf ttans! • And thiSiallOyeal whit a - litte":ides , 'lll' conveyed—encouraging' to minor:bulliritir—lti. making : that a final stepping ,stiono . 4o (Ojai re;. wards!, ,Charmingl . to hi., hopeC thin competition far. death on 'the make that articleher." the ontrkOt,tiot *ithstanding Its merits arri'sci, - T widely advertslt sod in Republican pitpers.-:J/larry VI, Foa tunfoo .lines.-To one gallon eraMtee, take one andM.lialf paunde of good salt, one', half.pound' of eugai, and 1011 fwd:' ounee'eilC - peter to tie increasedfmthis ratici to.any wpm tity to,cover the halms.. Aa,seen 0, your molt ia,,oold,•ent, the harns'and pack t horn , 'clesely.le. year:Cask. ,Sprinkle.each' layer lightly ' :with' line salt-,-put on. veeiglll Emd,pcnieon the brine, imMediately before the juice cd 'the ham hos escaped. ,1t,.wi1.1 require from four,to. silt weeks for the salt to_ strike threngh l Aecording to the' size of the' ham: be necessary perhaps, to mild a little calf on top of the . hams; sometimes, if they are' very large, tkeyobtitirb so' much sof the Ludt; Ike to leave the brine sm weak it may sour. - 'lt...Would-be well to lake them up after they kayo been.in tor, two and ex-amine 'them, and if, necessary add , a lit 7 tie more salt. Great care shoidd betaken 'Mc to salt too. much, as by doMg eo yoU'lose the Ilavor.of the , ham, and bill Just enough' ehatild be:used to keep them,. * As .the bear abstabe., the malt from the brine It should be fed,by „ati; fling a little salt on the topouid the ham should be • well struck ihroogh. . hams'are.lnige I'take out . the tlnt bone mid 'cut Mt the round socket bone with a chisel. leave ing always the large' bone. Wi.heare4,:never failed to keep hams sweet. ' 'VARIETY 1* TUE FOOD OP . ' Ai1151A2.5,04.ND . tria4 is.cont ented with , the surto dish .for' .dinher err day, neithtir he thrive as'vrell for' cen fining. himsel f _ to.. onis,article orAlietiloweve;..• wholesome it may. he, The ded ,constant variety of Flpuhing'frult_artd .grain ,to . 'eorreskind 'ttith mites .de lre'for change:: Animals . have the eatrie . evatil'andjd same extent.the siime pro Vision. gee over the . field to find out :41ifferenC.1.1041.1. of grriss. Animals in tho•Yard.yint 'pose, tt.ipr... the refuse heap to Tick out from their itcetistomerr , friod.':..Ttiti,ifitertiblie from-his regulai'meo of corn; bulbs, and other tit-bite': I,lnPiC kept . . mind.in the Winter carci of,stoclf:: 7 l., An alternatiOn'of root s; cut feed,"giftrieelfe cr.. 'with nn occasional , treat titan ar;d - ratort; will . please. abeir tmlatesi'lreep appetite, -, promote Aligeation and general,thrift t .? Hogs is well as other animals need such a ahatge...,The' sweepings of the barn, : ` with clover' heads, seeds, bits of hay,`straw, etc.,. should,,,he .thrown into the pen,. where; tbey be'Cager ly divoured, and will contribute' not-a-little to the health as well as:the :Comfort of the:. eni- , • A Goon F4IIMOR I N A l!lataneonitooo.--/rt, • looking over some recent remarks by qop.,„Z„,: Pratt; on takitig the chair at the formation;? or, the'Prattsville-Farmer's Club, the fof- - • loWing•suggestive paragraph:--wk mor in a neigliberhOod is a grearMeqafg6itof., let,bim'go' tp what mill Of meetiag.ha;Jilksp, )4' mode Of farming and his improieenenis adopted."' This is very true,. airttrit irk aging 'to, every one.who io trying a 'better hushandry,on hisSown - fairttatirialolll.. those who ari., and , are his ,find companions'. Whatever may . Ve political hixexample he , " goad, ,, it he show on ; hls oWn" Arm ,ty( . !ttE.r il I a ge; mats, simil:beitaitiptafit i htilixiethadi(.iiiill,,lba looked into imitatid . p*OiitilmigoveinenOtittiolititt: - • • n ,,i,,Q , 444;tgo*iiii,o,*#iii.litiiteltige . i6112.111 . :A#00 - 140 - torjoikrtfirtii:dent... 4. - T"ho'Ai,4l4llo . 4oliolo,ip roldrt tovtilivopitol , 3l* .0 6 0,PulPir took it itpliitgo put notice:(t,thia*loiiliipg' crackedf Andoq it.fpft*OrPrii';oreY,Z,'!: Wail Ara ni, , *(*pti, behind,it thjo.eum,:or,:o;o,,QQAmm., , ,zole, or; 10F3,,i10 - 4,4coia. tor Jurihd l Pr 4ll o4o44 l s*iiif 4 tu ti: '!: : " • `1 r i 5. .0k1c,20 0 " 10 " 4 " 1.- I pitoilethit . ::,llll6ohlititt ,, gonolo ll 44 l4 .o6 , s ) I`l l 9o 0 1411 '40 ii1.4.-YPAP,t4 I O O O/4 , 640.E . fifi4:4: - qorro, tkOP,I4NID , "; 1 v ' • A .,, .. ,, ..:,:,; :',,.:;1;',,,.;,‘,4•V