M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, December 15, 1859, Image 1

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    7 -
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VOL. 2.
JU'ficalt ifounty Mentotrat.
punLisnkto EVERY tmirparuy.tioniazioi
S. )3. OVIATT,
TERMS: $l5O O. Advance
Rates Of . Advertising.
1 Column one yeat...
K •
• ... 2000
1 • ‘f. .. . 2000 .
cc 1 , ............
One square of 12 lines or lese, 3 Jusertioni,..: .100
Bach 'subsequent ' 23
Business Cards,,withnaper,...: - .... .1 00
'Buie nrAqure e , ork.vrill be double the , above .ratem.
p.- •ht iiimi_Armmaral
rated aatinare._ • " •, •
Th'esiTerma willhc;'etrlatli adhered to.
Business Mirectori,L
• .
Surveyor, Draftetne9 COl:mei/incur; end :Real '.Eftete
• .Agent. SmethpOrt, I.l. , Keun couuty, Pa:.;
; . B; WRIGHT,
Wholeede ara•Retall Dealer in Family' Grneerlee, Pnrk,
Plonr; Salt, Feed; - lloote an 4 shoes, Sce . . Store
• Ln.lhe Astor lipase Block, SynetlAport. Pa; • • • •,
. . . .
, . .
IThaleasle and Retail Dealer in Prtirisiona and Family.
Oincerlea;Flou'r,,Meal, Peed, Pork, trait: FM, , ko..
store eit.Eaton , a -old: atatid. T.erma,..CaalL.' &Meth,.
port;'Pai'-'• .. .. ' , • ', . . - • • ' - •
' • ' '
, .
Dealer in Dc, .Goodi,- Groceries, Pork, .Flour. Salt, - Ffeb
Ready-Nadi Clothing, Boots ani Shoes.. Smethport,
.. .
. .- .-• , • wrrxv(m. TirILIEpT c . - •:• • • '
. .
. • . .
Practical. Mechanic,' Millwright;. titidge-liailder, . &c.,
Port .Allegheny, 51 , Seeta . coup ty,, Pa. ,:' • .. - •
'Estate Agent; 0111ce. Els 110.; Yenn's
. • . —serkessmSs—
' ChNiln & Boyle,,
. Edo TtlOll.lOA . struthera, .• 1
' W. S. Prownell, Ee4.,
. Non: A. 1, :Wilcox
. , - • .
;oat U. aut..L . Proprioter,.coraer of Water and Rinker:
titrieta, Warren' Pa . General Stage 011ie° •.. •.
„ .
GenSial , Derderg bry (Yo;lds. Grbcarins; Crockery
PeadY-Mad!.Clothingi Bbotsand Shoes, nate ano Caps'
opposite the Court 110d4,43; Sniatliport Pa. -
Prorating..tha . ..Publie Square', Olean. - 1.1.
bitttaa Pnotirietor.• The F(11)1A tio 096 Is; entirely. new
and Malt ad brick, and la furnialied in:modern. style.
• The , - prop!' emr : natter,' hitpPolf•li at :Ma aeconitnada;
•• tinns-are not•-aurpai , nd by any hotel it,. Western N••ir
. Carriage,' run to and corn the :New:Yerk and
Erie ItsjUtoltd. ' .• .'• ; • 38-tr. '
• •,... • .
. . .
. . .
ArtoaSET AT LAW;. Sm4l..hport, .31 , 1Cesin cnttntr..Pa..,
A.4ent rot Mensrs .KeAtin, & Co's lands. • Attftvis
Impact:My - 10 the'Colleet'on ~f c - I:Vm4; "Ix.yminatlimi ~,f
Land l'ltloN Panniul nt TRAP.. .m4.'411 ttu.igeßs rill
' !lag , tp . Iles! t:FrALA nflic!. in Hamlin .i..l.•bk. - i. , •
D..A.'Wnfoar, Pebo,inthr,-:•at Kinenn. Warren.connty
P. 114' hint, Mill bn nubjilio t' with the'be.t the
oitotry'alLrda, tu4'hn spire 00p-111251w accomodnti g
.. • . •
E. 8017011T.014 . ELDRED;
. . . . .
Atinrney and, Mangoltor at .Law, Smethport,iliAlrelin
Ceitaty, Pa. 'ittim.nese eirrnited.to 'hie care for the'
Gott n n tieq or H , Kean, Potter and. :Elk., will 'be 'promptly.
. attonded,to. Office in the Pimrt . Rouse, '.'secorid 'Door:.
Physician and Burgeon,' Smetlipnrt, Pa, will attend , to
' all:protessionaVnills Trith,nromptiless. • 9111ce in!6art
• well Block, second floor. • ' , •
B. BUTLER :dc CO.;
, ~
Wholesale and Rata) - Denlora ' in •St aide and Fancy Dry
'ooods, Clarpotitig, Raidy nada, 'Clothing% and' general
• Furnishing Goode, Rooth' ..tri .Slinfia. Wall and Wicloii , '
' Paper, Looking ()Wane 8... n. At ()loan. N. Y..' ~:. •.,
. .
Sniethport,M , Kenn C 0.,; . . p.•R_ BErtNIITT, Prriprie
toi.—opposite 7the Court House. knew, lar4e,.coul
. • modinue sud well . furnished house:. •. •'. •
JOHN . C. .BACKtrp,
Attorney li
ennunelloynt I;n4, methport. .
Pa, .9111.0tmid to nil bnninensln profPcion in ~hro
ichintlen orMilSoan.Pntinr and E'k. Offico'ovel• 0 I.
Sartwell ..tr. Brothers! Store.
,•'" •
. .
'Cornet' of Seennd.end Liberty .streeta, Warreo Pa, IZ
A. Waqtwt,,P.rntirletor..' TrAyeleri will •findlidod ac
commodationa and reasonable . ebargea. • ..
Dealer In Moves, Tin Ware, Jaopaned . Ware, &b.; west
aide of the Public, Squ.4e, Smothport,• Pa. , Custom
stork dOne to,oider on the shortest notice, and fu the'
most,substantlnt Manner: . . • .
Dealer :Dry Onede, G roceries , Crockry,' hardware
Beate, ffiboes, Date, cabs,•Glasa;Nails. Ol1n;•8 e., Sce
. East . side of the Public Square Sroothport, Pa. •.
. ,
. .
DOnlor.' In Provisions and Family Groceries generally,' at
. Farmers , Valley, 11T , Kesn oo.', Pa. Grain, Lumber,
Ohingles, Sco.,.taken in' i3xehango for Goods. • Patent
•Modicines for sale,.
.. . • . . ' . • - •
R. Lausitz, ProprlatorAlleOtony. Bridge; EVltean
Oo , Pa. Thlr, bonne Is situated about nine miles from
Stnatbport on the road to Olean; and Rill be found
convenient atopping-pladb •
Appsn, 111!Kenn Co;; Lsonon •Oooit.Trnprio' Or.
. A commodlous•and well4urnished hoax's, Strangers
and Liavolers will find gond acconuodat.lons.. ••
. •
. . .
By T. Goonwtti. ~This bowie lcaltnated about nye nille 4
. from Srnethnort.on the roadie Olean. Pie:wire pert le 4
• and °Wein aim be accommodated on the aborted node°
. .. . .
. . . .
Natniii I: I 2NNIS,' Pioprietor• ' This hoURO le situated lint
-vfay'lietweee Smothport nra.Olean. If you wont a good
dinner this is the place to stop:: . .
. . .
14opiletor of the Grlgt Mill r .at Mechanltzbuig, Me
'Coin:County Pa:. Tloiir. Meal, sad Peed „constantly
on band and foroalo. In large and mall guantltlea. '
• •
• • • ; • RAILROAD. ROUSE, • • .• • • • •••
~ . ,
0: 01ITR 411DM, ' P.ichrit tnr, - Nnt‘ifah, lq , Kean OD•!
, Pa.. Good account niationa can be had time at nl , '
. .
"• , PORT.•ALLEGANY-1101113E • "
- Rroprietni, rit . Pnrl
• . Kean Oounty Pa:. This Tintel toeltaatkrat the June.
' Moe of the Smethport rtpd , Allegeny Illvor !olds, pine
miles east of Smethport. , . • : •.
,AsToig.' HOUSE;..I
WM. IfASICEttlf. : :•: • Prciprietdr.
The'Prohrletor . .havlog receetty tiurchased and thor
oughly refitted the Astor Rouse. Oa tars hhoself that.ho
1411 D. furalith as goodecompuriatlone ail any hotel le yes.
ro Tenesylesets. , : • • . • ' •
Pima year/ aito,whenl was yogng,
And Mrs, Jonas wasMhts Delaney; •
Tilton *anionic's canopy wee ' hung •
Wlth.ourtatne trim ,the loom of fancy;
treed to Paint, my fatal:elfin
With..moat poetical Pre cislon•— '
Apeclal wobder of tt wife .:r 1 • ••
: happy daYsi . my nights,.Elyslan...:.
. .
, saw a lady, rather •
•• (A 7ovo was my strict abliorrence,) -
eontrived to fall: . •
. •
In careless ringlets, a /a Lawrence; -
• •
, ~.. • .
• A:blond complexioni_eyeathat drew •
• From .uttinitz' clouds their azure brightnem; •
The, foot or Vectiti; arms whose •Mie . ' •
.• . Was perfect vrhiteness • .
. • . _ - •••
' 7- I'apAralartyti/zazer - srienyr.."- - 7 , --.""
• Thpie nitghthavebeen . i.bater , i dolma;
paninn of the ruling se ct; • ••. •
• •
A bridesmaid mil a city .cousin;
'l4 formal speech to me and mien,• . ' . .
(lts meaning L i coald scarce disenveri),. • „
taste of cake; a sip. oftvine;• :
SOMekisslngand the scene walever.:
I emir' baby.'—one:--iio More;
'A eheruhpletured; retheifaintly,..
,a Vallid dame who wore
Achuntentrine extremely. saintly. •
I sew—Mit nothing, gonld . 1
' Except the sOrtest prattle, may br
The merest breath upon the e'er— .
. Bo quiekwas thit tifesied.Baby:
I see a . 'woulan, rathir tall, • ', . •
Apd yet. Town 4 comely
Complexion—such is I moot call '.j.
(To be exact,) a MU 'shady; '
A hand not bandsome . , • yet confessed : .
Aleuerous ono fhr lave or pity; •
Animble'foot:and—neatly dressed ,
• In'llo:5,-extremely pretly,
I.see a group of boys • .
Assembied ronnd:tho knee pateinai;
With ruddy 'tangle! curl,, ".' •
And inanners fint all: snpernal..
And one has reached a manly slae;' ' • •
• Ard One isdlrcs to woman's stature; :•
And onelsuliltaa Tenant prise, 1 ,
alfabound iq tiuman.r.Sture
The boy., are'hard, t u keep in.trlm; •
The girls are often very trying; • •. •
The Why—like tne charubitn.— .
• Seems very food, , Jf steady crying! • 4
And yet inn precioti4 I;ttle one . ,
11141aUther's dont., despotic' master, •. -
Is worth alliOnsus I bahlesi done •
. In Parlan or.alabattit. .
, . Ridgway,
Smotiotirt, Pa.
'cavils !Vhit.a...
. .
A 64 nrc th?,t stately dame' ind I ,
When onr early dfeiiimlng,
'And mtrkin4is ttio yenre.go 1 . 4; •
• gore s wo,o our yonthrtil leheening t
Cionrese tile,whir power that ko . ew
' .11nw . carn each earthly jt3y enh?ices.
And gdreu! blesitinza rich and Imo;
„ Anl bettor f..kr than Al
oar readers have ell heard the story of soap
*lee the clereyman!s tin horn at , hamP meeting
that when he went,. to call the: congregi
.tion together he blew the "soft soap'.' over hii
brother clergymen, and bow .fie exclaimeds.
"Brethren, I lave. served. the Lord thirty
ieers,.and.ihthat ti have never uttered' a
profane word,..but I'll :be:di r .---d
whip the man . ..that soaped that horn!"
Oui• Waders; we say, have all heard this, but
perhaps, never. the sequel, iss:given•ns by a,gen
. .
tl.eman present: •
Some tw•o days after, swarthy villain
nun loc4cine desperado
.stiolled on the grounds
andlean'ed againit a tree; Ikleriing.to* the ele
gant 'eihn rta t ion I . o...repent;
.Whieh' was being
M..de by . the' . preaeher. r 1 fter awhile he
came_ int rested, and finally. afrected, and then;
oot'a. positron cyi kv;it . ..; and .With.
giu.~r~he.reiy 1)41,0.1140i of his
The clei•gy'man , walked down and endeaeored
to 'console him.. No cOnaoletion 7 -he was too,
great ahiner,- . he said.' theke'was
ptiidon for the . v No,h . a. was. too wicked
-.there t.vas.nomiercy.for him.•
4Thy; 'what . eriMefiave:yoocomMittectl i '.
attid the'beae . yolent preacher, "have you a.!o.
'Oh, worse than thntl". . - 2. •
“Whati have. you by violence robbed female
innocence of its virtue?" '•
ceWorse-4!i, worse thhn : thet!".
t:tcAtorder, is • it?" gresped the , horrified
. '4 4 -Worse . than that!" • greateo the. smitten
• The . eicitE4 .reacher commenced '!'peeling
of:F . "114 outer ga'rmeat. • , •
Olerei Brother tole!'!. shouted he ggheld my
coatHl've feuhdlhe • fellow, that soaped that
Boots' are said. to.hisve. been invented by 'the
cariiMs. They-.were at first made of leather;.
afterwaids of brasii and . .iron,:find:lsiPere 'proof
'iigainst•both rust It was. from this that
Homer 'called. the Greeks.
•merly; in Prance, a great foot : es
teetned,'and the. length of the shoe in the four
teenth centOrY • was a mark of
Shoes of a prinee were two:feet. and a half
long; thosd of a. baron
,:two . feeti...thole of a
. eighteen • inches :•long. The trouble'
now-alclay . sis„toget them Short enongh.,
.• There is net - a• iipider hanging on the king's
. . ,•
wall but 'what . hathits .errand; there is not.a
Singles: . insoct.fluttering in the:breeze bat ac
complisheth, some divine 'decree; and.l'. will
never have it that God created any:min, eSpe
cially any Christian man, to boa blank, to its
nothing.-'--Spusgcon, • . •
: Inde".Fendenen forever;. l .:,.;4 , l'ernis, • ..
.§4.paTHPoRTI.:m%.,P,AN'.cOuNTY., - ,: . ,p4 . Tm,_Tgs.DA:y.7.l)...PE'lgtiEgi : HP; . , 4 5.4,0.
Cr 61.13.
.. • ,
• •. ~
• . .• , From the,Sely•nts4c Aniuripet9,
. .
. .
. Air is more necessary . for out. existence than
.any other substance-Provided for _:our use by
bounteous nature: : Man can jive longer When
deprived . : of :any other requisite than thiS;7 • if
put into a . vaduum,.he:'dies; almost
ae,if shot through the heart,: .and if compelled
to breathe poisonous gas in a-concentrated form,
thesame , reault ensiles.. - Most. people knOw
this, : but Very , few are aware (if we are to
judge by their acts) that the partial_ derriva.:
tion or vitiation of. the breathed air• Will cause.
injury to the health Of theliplividtial.. no less
duce 'death as.above stated. •
The , atmosphere is essentially composed of.
two gasses Called oxygin, and nitrogen in the
proportion:of qne :part of thS ,former to.' four
'parts:of .tbe'..latter. .The the' o. lrt
that supports animal life and combustion . ; the
presence cif the nitrogen' is,required to dilute,
tEd.oxygen; aml prevent its • too active prOp
.e.rties.from affecting us injuriously. . At each
'inspiration a certain quantity of air taken
into the lungs; one fifth of which is oxygin;
thia . gas, by its contest With the blood, restores
its vitality„which
w'as.(mpaired by its.circti=
fation thropgh the bay, and - sencli it on again in
'its never .. endiug journey; giving life 'end pow- .
er to all parts of the frame. When the air.is
breathed out: again, the nitrogenis appayently
unchanged,.but the oxygin is no . longer pos
sesied of the life-giving properties it bad be.
fore its entrance into the l'ungs; . by combining .
in. part, with a "certain matter in the body
called carhon;•Which comes from the fbed,.,it
converted verY noxions:substatice—dilii
tad . calbonic acid gas. • The altenipt to bt eathe
this uir,Whep pure . , would cause dettlg: taken
largely vritfirttmosph:erre air, how.
ever, it may he inhaled; but the eff-cts pro-.
duced, by itreierrible these of apoplexy..
Thotigh we rirethus , constantly mannfactu-
ring a &icily poison, AA's are, s'riost beau•
iful and benign, provision of our Maker, shiel
ded :from its.bed conakquencei.. The Clt-going .
breath is conliderably, •heatedv this
mikes it lighter, and causes it to' ascend•bvet.
nni heads: when We are '
out of doors it is Tep
idly culled aWtty;,and•is m time purified , by
another process ' no leSs beaut WI. - If our bon:
leg were.properly. construc:ted, this constant
carrying' away of the foul products of reinire
tion would always go on, and we should never
stifrei any snore inconvenience from them than
'when out in the'open air. But seems that. it
is hard , for:Us to.fearn nature's laws;• for; with
an intenae . stupidity that in: future' times Will
appear incretiible;, We have, altimst with Out ex
ception, copstructedour.edifiCei so as to retaln
that very ..poisonous gee' under .considertition,
and thus•frusteate all its endeavors•to rise and
flyaway froin . us. 'lt true that its bad er
let not
. so readily-Visible when largel y .
cliluted.(as is • g.mera Ily 'the cate), especially
when wehave'beenrruch in the habit of inha.:
ling it, but,it is none the less stirely.undermi
fling our health, and laying the • founidition for
future disease and Memattire denth,mos . t readers
of the SpiaTiric Amcnic.t:v . ,have read or heard
of men. Their lives from going, driwn into
Wells where foul gas Was present-4n •large
quantities; bUtthey may not be so well ewate
that the' same gas is .likewise doing its 'deadly
work, though MoresloWly; ninety-nine .cut
pr'eVery hundred buildings in the land. The
following are a few* examples of the effects of
living stifr.iunded by thia'poisont r - , •
'ln the . Dublin Dying-in-Hospital, in 1781,
every•sixth child died within•eninedayS atter
b!i:th, of coVuliive,disensi but .aftermeans of
thorough ventilation had been adopted, the mot.-
stality in'the succeeding,yeara. was, reduced
• • •
to nearly one hi twenty. , •
. •
In the Island Of St. Kilda, in 1838, eight out
of every twelve died between the 'eighth and
twelfth day afterbirth; the great, if not • the
only, cause being the filth in ..which they had
lived and the noxious effinvia • which' pervaded
the houses of their parents*. •
Dr.. Bell says that an action-(brouglit by the ,
the Cominonwaalth) ought to lie agninst •those
persons who--either * for' sale. 'or 'runt—build
houses containing rooms constructed so as not
to, allow of free ventilation; and that a writ of
lunacrahould be taken out against .those' per':
sunsivho are willing to. 'Occupy them:
Dr. Andrew Counbe4. the' great 'and popular
. physiological writer,' says that:one cause of
convulsions is the breathing of impure air; and
he giveSlt as his, opinion that•bad food and da.
ficient clothing are ; not to . be chinpared . With
the 'Constant :inWalation vitiated' atmcis- .
phere; for injuriouseffectsonehildren.::.
Mr. Carmichael, Writing in 1810, stated that
the,extierde prevalence of scroff.tlain the Dub
lin•Hotise oflndustry,: . was torbe accounted for
by tile fact that 'the children alWays slept:in a
frightfully impure bed.room,end the airiarthe .
rooms they occupied in day time was very lit-.
in commenting on .the disease's
prosilime:dbj vitiated air . on • shipboard, ,states.
that climate it blamed for every disease that
'appears, fiars4gn stations; but he, ileclares
hitn!telf conVinced.that the vi.ant Of 'a thorcitigh
method of ventilatlon.on shiphoat : d has, in very
many 6ases,• laid the system open to disease,
'which, in mere'iavoratili Ciriumstanees - could
have bear, '•,
Bandelacqua.iaiiats that impure 'air is . ..the
true'cause—ieihapi the'prily eause,t:of scr'olu•
'.. . , •
Sir Jainea Clark gives . I,t'as hi 4, opiiiien.:thai
the. Public generally are most Ignorant of the
bad effects of foul' and thet,it . ie tnote
juriuus to the, growing:body than Aefeetive
faad. . • . .
In an English parliathentary report it is stri
ted that when thalensity of population Ond tho
siffitenco., are the . same'' the rate'of''mortelily,
depends on.the efficiency. of :the 'ventilation.
It is the ooiiiion of wellinforrned physiciaUs
that the greatest . cause'of that',..scOurgol.of Mit
race; conSumption; as tha habitual breathing gi
• • .„.. • ". • ••• ; c . .., -
]lary tor the inferior . animalaaa. for Man..„
stated that.the glandOs'in,horses, 'the .Pip
fowlit; anda disease in alteenitire.prerineed by
want of pure -air; end ',also that £lo,ooo' a+
year. l'as:biOn saved to.',the,Englittb. nation by
thlyttrtny veterinary suri4one adopting. a aim,
ple'plan ter the ventilation `of the cavalry sta
hies. 'l'he . writer once knew a groom piald to.
be an intelligent ono, too). who 'stopped:tip
, the
fouilair . E;Scaf.s. of , Stable :Oder hie. charge,
because itthe Frlculation of air t.voilitl injure the .
horsesi Coats!!!_ `.this min''wee ..constantly
obliged to doctor his horses for one dige . ase or
arither. It is very likely'-his air-tight ,stable
had tiomething to do „with the .
qickrigs3 of the
anlniala i nhabit ing• it.. . , '
• Dr. .Arncot states that many aniinhls . were
killed at the,Zoological gardens in London,.by
Putting them into houses that. hail only ith open
ing a caw inches Irordthe ' floor; 'it. was: like
,putting them.underan extinguisher. 'Can'ary.
birds have been found dead In their cages.in
the morning after liaving passed theJ.l'o - a bone
lip at-the top.of, a. large Curtained bedstead; in
.vvhich.the foul' i.thnlations,frorn the, sleepers.
'helovv;were retained : Bie,'taks goad care to
have their hives supplied .with. pure airi. not.
withatandini'that the eonetruclion' of, hives is
not favorable to yentilation,.- by pe•ruiiiF
method of prrducipg currents or air with their.
witiOs—one 'current to . Carry out the fonl air.
and ene to.bring in the . -freak.-',Their plan of
operatingill-se - id to be highly interestine(ihey
adapt the 'power of their ventiiatrog upiratus
to the existing circurnStances ofd the 'cLse; ae
reeards the nuirtber or active bees in tlie.hivi;'
the heat of the Weather 80. 134s,thu; show'
theniselVes to be' better physioTogists than are
many of. Our large manufacturers, nu:o4ot
whose workahops are hardly.? better 'titan hot
h.-t.s acipultot..:the
atmosphere within them. • • .
::Most.persons haie. no . doubt remarked. the
langour and sleepinesi that are, apt to
over them after sitting for an hour or so . in a
crowded .church: — "Many persons „refer !his
to' other' .than the r eal cause—to dullnea!,
of the , dscobrse, •bodtly dera , gement, &c,,
while really; in • mast eases, it' is solely to h . , !
'atifilinted . to . deficieneY of vital air.. 00 fii•-t
-commencing the religioua vrvice, Ott. supply,
is, generally eutlicirnt; but before the close it:
becomes totally inatiquute: 11lanv sick storn,,
Itch and'billinus:heallacheiere thus inflicted on
dey.'out hut •physiologically igtioratit wor4hip:
Our schools are . little•bettec,tham.nmerinitie
the.poOr..children ere nlmnsi
poisoned, and 'their 'brains stUrOfiejl'..bY the
pnrifirs theTarenblieeo tcortAte Into 'thoir- syS.
It.tn.tfiroliel)..tlieli Under.theiecityrurm
•ta - ncAAit linpassihle for, the Pupils to
aund as well to their studiesi end tor the mss
tern to 'exhibit ae mit . f.h feet or patiener irn
narting khoWledei as they 'would if, th, y were
placed under-More. favorable circninstince,—
So keen is- the 'writer's,.. , reMeMbrance of. tho
'miseries he endured from thiscause, duriMi his
SChool-bordays, end:io deep his conviction oi
.the las`trig _thefeby; that,
compelled to-choose between iihe two
,evils, be.
.would prefer buying:his ehibiren.te remain iiic
tatiY,ht. all' their Jives than .subjee:tHthem ft;-th
.smne blood-corruptinit. Process Which:be urid, r
. . .
The rOilioad car, , the.ship,the stoambnaf;.all
give.:e . vicienee Of, the presence of tlie.s.int4 de
inon,fool. air.. A...ril,ghtts ride. in : some of of
trainais enough to 'delveloO .co!rsiimptii.n' in
those.predispnsed.to'tli.if.diacni - Se....Tfie•cltmax
of horrors, however,.isreacfie.cl Crow,
lied steamship' :where, alnindanue of Car
are,oo.l44'stinkingbilge,..s:aterr sea
sick PaSsengers; fuine's of 'cookery, oil and roil
frono the -inAchinery,_ and all :.othe'r.
bomipationa only.to be found 'on ship-boa rt.
There is no•use in multiplying exainpleq; ,they
are to be found•on.all sides, if. weonly.laulcfor
The following is a good deSt. of- the salubrity
of ; any .apartrnent:---.f.,et a ,healthy
.whole sensc:pi: smell.- is unimpaired. 'take a
brisk ivalk in the.open .air,,then cam at ones
into the room, anaif, tbare'is any close nr other
unpleasant:Amen; thc..atrhosplforerof •ihat room
is more or lese.hurtfu). how many of our bed
chambers could pass that ordeal the early
morning, after being slept in daring the night?
Wit may be x, thing of pure imagination, Inv
humor involves'aentiment and character.
mot , is of a.genial quality. and -is closely allied
A 'c rr. epondence ri( a Troy paper Boys:;;
ittn,Fra'nktort on -the,Maie nnd. in. Niorlieh
are-dead honses, to ‘yhjeli..bodiei.ate sent pre:
yions to burial, yrhete . they are: kept for'sonie
two or: three Clays, for the 'purpose of .
taininiwhether lie has beCoinO extinct, or tint.
On the ngers' of the . entpses 'ere placed Aliine,
hfeS - which are attached. to a corif:eniumunica-
Ming with .a
. 6°ll, The slightest , movement of a
ritr,er rings the bell, and Aug; in eases Of sos
pended animaiion, efforts are merle to. resfoie
the body, instead of burying alive; as, no-dottilt
often happens in this conntry„,,
Let the law of kindness dVvelf upon your
lips; write f . t upon.. the tables of)iour ,heart.
;Itoilesty and .deliency nre, genis.. of , prieelees
value; keep.thenn'pplisiied like burnished gold.
. ..
... Sortiedy it .will be ,found tiit; to, bring up n
man with. a it.nii‘l , n‘eturo,:a good-temper., end
n,happy 'frame, of mind, it'll greeter effort than
to perfect. him in'meinF nr. , !ornplishmintt. ..: -
The Pda4.sach6etts pliiiaathro ts who ;pee '
elate in insu'rr '
ection, and* cotton,. who cover or
the . Most infamous sehemey of leeislative• cor
ruption by a - pretence of:geel for the, ricor and .
oppressedi•have been called upon,to an'siireir for
their conduct nt hinny, to the poor, the deseiCed
and helpless in their. own. 'society. general .
F. Butlir . , of.„ that Suite ; .in .a speech. at
CharlestoaM, after reviewing the general :midi,
administration of the Repuhlietinsi-er . ini on tie
!., ,, Let ue looks at tinothir thing by which..l
propose Ie. : 11116w . that while' our . Republican'
. fzicrls:.hayehcen:r ; hary looking After the in
te.tne a moment. The,stihject..whielf 'iiocauld.,
now. Coil Your ,attention burin already.ial
hided •to by the' leliciiirrrart—thi. .
vOlere . ahosin:ina clearer light ,the!ri . irirriuOiyea, ,
tern'of pauPer 'charity inek id ante a
. .
fe•Wfacte....AeeUriling theatat f11111131a,..
e'd the.preseet Mate .Legislature, irMort
of;theirls more tlSogpioiti'ta
,spend, a ye'ar: ity;;A - !"l4tsaaehusette Biota hoase,
'than it INaald'hav*...bieFtt:to have lett the. chare.e
of Znuiv4a.t,,lytetettia.„l see that this state:
mcnt solpe of yOp. almost .trltlf
Letllie-AVeat.• Theto '4l a larder, proportiOn .
of. the regiment 'led tho at tlielt . ...at the
hattle of Sol fut • from the battle tin
scathed,-than t here•yverct of the pat parsof:lBsB'
.who cisme OA 'dirt. cretin 1 hi. Statw almshouse.
of Itasetteithsetti.' (Sonsation.3 .
41Icitv me. to givo . the figures.
many.tuns averxitte: nUmber of ' pnupers pr
the state nhoehant•e -chirin'g . ' the,,yeai
tw'enti.sc.i , en us idred and some odd.' :Hovv
Many died'in the year ending the ist of cicte.
her, 19581 Six (fund red and sixty : eix-,nrre
every four.: Every h WO . {lloll .
child ' that vie.nt into the State airoshouse
•Ntieptthugetisdred and was buried in the:Pott.
geld of .a• - paupers burial ground; Three,
hundred s and fortY-ona.chitilren UndUr the age of
5 yearsolied to those eharnul bowmen: 'rind 'the
physician of. pile of thesc(houses ; says 'he does
not expect . to rear but three per cent. ,.
t;hus l ei, brought . there under one yOar , ol(ll,—.
Three apt of htindreil...all 'the' other ninety
s , ?•cen to p.O to rtnamele'ss grave.
Why this v..boleCorndennwealth felt outr"aked
b. , cause . there came a renort from tenses that
'or eight men had been 'killed!' and in.all the
wars. of Kansle, there were but nineteen-well
attested cases of men tieing killedi and yet our
mothers and wives and dattahters._scriurd' the
country for old alblhei 'and Other ..c . ornfortalto
vend the maple of that....Teriltory...[Latieliterj
In the same year three bundied and .odd chit;
dren of.alastarhusetts adirdied da k , , s in a'
kennel in our alniOhouses,.while we -Wore .
Weeping . .otar the Imaginary wrong's tansas,
t q l.P.,k tinder the responsibilities of my place.
...the'bosy pens. of, my friends-tthe'rePerters)
r t i:e' l liready.send;on..abroad the statements .I
am ineliine; and I relrr you ,my frien6;to the
doeinneniapublishirdby:the..present stato Zee
isluture=Sonate.documents, No. 2, ,the 'report
of the Investlgating COMlnittee, with „its. ep 7
pencl.ii of"statistic;, on 'the subject of State',
Avtin;l . ask..rny. frieods; if net that
,lpok ' at horre?. 3Vhre is Mre.:Stowe . ?l—
is Greet y in the Tribune? Wli"erPlq' the
extra ni t ilanthropy of the litirriniterians?—:
Where is that nouncoi- of the great anti'gooif
men, W t mddl ' Where is :all' these
men whe reztilatethe.effiiia of the.people e'ar'
off.? 1 . 4 th.re not' ample room for their'ebarities
here •at he - me? .:One'' hundred „and sixtY•Ave,
rt•opl.e•slyinz in:Brideweteri one hanndred end
titteen in Tewksbn , y,and on. hundred and one,
'at ATunsi;n? . ..Forty infaeti dead,in. two months!
Oh; hat , they were . tr!'bits children? [Laughter]
Why look alitr' rb; , in.- :
i'do not wish to he row your feelings farther
by, going into statistics. I.orly ask you!if it is
not time we ceav , .to look ..after the Wrongs ot,
the negro at the South, and loolc'a — littleitffer:
the'peOple horr;? But if any Knew Nothitie
friend-of mine will ray' this is of nd cense..
4110 . 1 - ice, that these gv.mle or the'largest portion
of them, Wele.rnorefy : lrish paupers,
,to hiin I'
answer that the gieat majority of native born,
citizens of Mas•ack!usetts. entitled .to . every,
protectien that: NLissacittisetta. givesf ; to • any . of
her citizens, (applause) tandt the very .
. largest
proportion .61 them was born rontinent.
If I arn told that, these.,Were the old f 'the
infirm and the sick," I , have to say that Out ad
these 881,11 . 1-*-- , More than hatf—were under
fts;e years of immortal sduls brought into
this . World, and p'need'in the . care of.:4Wassachu
setts.charitv, Massachusetts philenthropmend.
they .have gone. to God who gave them,- and : r ft - ,
is for us to render an account, net for them.?l
A Jtorinon is n
trace before':acetilliee t 'sweers in his' serMenii
selects his texts indifferently,, from the
the honks Of. Mermen, tui
almanac, ort.he'Presi
dent's messav and is piepoually.quitrr,ellittiTor
I he, sake ofiienee. •His.felielon.is a jelte t 'aOd,
hn inaken the hest story teller ti ,Ohief of. the
citiOram. He
,asstiroes,..dlgnitie's, but has not
the Slightest reepeet forthern; and theeffeetof
hii piety is;.l6 put: him ; an .a th'e
greatest •reprobste of the Irt:*lick he is
the Latter Day Saint, or in otheiorilji, the
latit . 4 . l4 . YOn . we'uld think of tailini;S
1.. , ..1-.i1.',1` - o , :;'; , ilV.ti'' ,-, : , .
....... : .
-,Ttr i r t 2DAN geameTvottaerriA!ieet***Or
celled'tinen a c•friend";aiolied4.*tiir,iiiplrfigs
"ri!tend" re e t°i t i ttete4,,titel*tikee;:iteeektiii
Own he •ereitor'e aate''lhefore'thertPtsfeeerreat
to chastise tberwil
nerl 4 wee dfottel;,3:o4l,;**ig
consented, washitti,''do.,4r ,
tioaa of strong ale* - Pr tole , `Pitiilatit'ffelli
his original
"wilt thou hot first take 'some' 0'6116, id 11 , `,00
supplied aho'odatlea'af
staggering; attemited,to thraskkifiirWl44ll(llllre,
hat quoth Cittekett "Pthieda--Wilteb:*4l44"'
•take a pipet Thi° heaPltikt;ltt'sda'#ll:l4firiii; •
red, Pod the' , ho!!,YS. utterly
lero°' thet,nsitl4 l lW lo l4,
•114 Fr t r3clg~_ ifs ' ?tt
' th ouiantpf l ir?notti,liii!4ietki ) tlii s i,otio
ialnestoningt:blitthaellhil°t sip
1 (ili!" % *
drink Offehrittiltitrteeer
went beside thieeirs , -tgave th'egs ••ittsrn!',Zorar.
I. nel I hnr did tbataUtneel and eow , ka,e l lLtei
theewith a heive ! oireting,! And„sstik,tipst
he,tossed-hitsout themittanW. • :;iiik
him, • , ,
I%lE' ; Eno?
stilt in:a stitie of eruption, , ,the bitelet'neie
The prevent rnnuth eMetiek.'4tigi;kattit
months. ago, hy...a siolenteerthqueho ) , 4kklelit.,.
,f eto f re in , which . were : •carried
e t iriople'--tinatbor proof or the !reit:1000
eurrent. l .the va how Nitres. from the VitieSS i r
the . ones .Pl 3 65 e dOwn the.` Silky • beloef',*lllo.
• •
,del Ginestre, and 'Nig Into
,the .
'h•novyn es the Sasse-Grande, 260: feet , 40194":..,by
Noll feet broad, whiehlicnow ` compl etely; .141*
ed.. Belci,w this .' it cute. aeteoil , tbsy,..spriegsk
road in ~three. rilaces;:deetroye, abOttt'l.Wentk.
houses and
some olive graves and
and . ie nevi hear the Cemetery - of Tisitleir' f , Witiiiii . •
In b ta et,. i full' of:
timpted that: 29,000000 Pilbie.yerde,?4;Jeti
have issued" from 'the :erateiv.rdutin#A4Ortiii•
tion. ',The temperainre of ate, lee& 'ist , fi 3 O(lo
degrees Feb . The glittiti
' bonne! veliwitl molds'Jti:whielt t era's
dotion 4d,s :or: ti*goig and Queep'4 *OOP, ..
Louir NiOleon,Aueelateloriailie*Vitien.,
110, etas. Atezeinder;iiiieiett"
• ,
• A '.l:isatrtroi.'Pt.n.tottais t -.The . triSh
stands upon hit own boil; who realsttiat by tbi
ItiwsOt the, land•:in which . . he
laws of. civilzeti natieni4t: is, the'iiihtfal
owner of the soli he till., is by thircOniqlqiiqpi
our nature, tinder a wholesome
Pa ily irnhieeti.by'SSY..other sottiee:Okleellit
other,vthfoge being , equil o ,tpore .
another, the character - ofs of ,
the:banimate wotld. - this'e:rtat
derful sphere which' fashioned tits fiiiit,l;ir,
God; a'iii apheld' by . His , power f ,2, la :foiling •
through the heavens, a • part , of.bia,.-hit froth ,
the centre tothe qty..- ft la the apaci cuitirti!ebi•
. .
the generation before moved in Ili' rtitindif
ties, and he feels hi nis'el
with those who fallow him, and to.,whom
is to : transmit a • home, Perhaps, farm boa
come' down , to him . from his Igthersi,:..T46Y:
have gone to, their, last hornef : brit esit(tiletv.
their looteups over the'scene s of
bore. The roof whieh abetters dim ts'Aii ?Oa*.
by, these . to' whom .he' owes
intei esiing- domestic tradition,;" . is. ccmniptati..:
with every enclosure.: The.fallirite
was planted hy his f.iibet?i- ,
n boyhood beside the. bio4k which .latiW,lstfrilds ,
th rough m
he 'eadow.
: ThrOugh'•thiliOdAiii;.;
,th*. path to the village schoOV
Ha sti ft ~hi;arg from.thia.-Cipinlikintbi* ,, jbli;valtas;
of the Sabbath. : Which' . called hie latbie 4 , ,to,,.
the house. of ,Goilt and near . -et:lia,nit is the
where his parents ldid down,tai retti, ing;wbere,
when his timo shKo , *i; , UCShall• be4;ild' by
his children. ; .Ttlt'!ste..ore the . ..teilinittwOr the.
'owners (Willa soil. ;.Words : cannot:paint
hey"flo'W out
: of the - dpeiaeat. ;fountains or the
heart; they ere ‘the
hepifhy . and general 'TitiPniti'. ll, wietei;Eti*
ward Everett., •
A N;TMLY. /1.90601), an awful
Mali, relating. ,hts travels in Nisseeri, said that
he : arrived at Chieltenvitle" in lhe forenottn,
just a feydays:atter.there..had ;,been;11 7 i;j:011110e:
busted, and a helper people scalded' nd .killed;4:
Ono Vial and So I : .Went into 4; , 11 0 7 ,.-I`s
eery, a crowd Of.; people '
bowed and said, -• : '
t!ritti One el the naortunata,
.bi)grite up of the Franklin:Or
,t ha t ed
me to drink w(tb-Info '
and 'us I put the tip h istrto ‘ ':my: , arlauttait4siKt
ped rne of a sudden.
o ! l'beg your pardon, ,ilitrjiiv!gitri , ,l?itt-, , r,
"Just fix your mouth` that wit, isplabritlyn„t;
I done it j et * tut Ty's' fe4ine
PO be, hanged Iri , didoot•think the , ,itxll go into, .
sits. They yelle4 4 llo4=hoopedjlike gang; 'of
%vat ves. Finally ale olf , the geoX.ea.9s•'.. '
,make fun Of thoollfortueetekv.hth
hardly got over bein'.blovved.-np
make , iip•a , 'Pose for ElJlrt•! ° ,' ,
They,then ult,,,thrtivred , in and
tiol !a. As' t Spkosinau hiodintzlni;oiktb• , ,s...6
,rheOeet he_axed loon-;
Whet did you. find, yottraelf after
si ° ° l " ' •
_ „
"In st-b
a a°ll4
oho/ far t!'0,111,,t iev'en
wkly" , P eg.l °`• t t ook.
i g k lean a
se „nty-Aye l'olles`mir--14itvitAttlr
ititou'd 000. r.
tOfki , .
044 '
Ivh , reve'r moo* it. , IttguitY., Ablit,'o, ' ''. 1 1
orni itelina. o ° o° lo ' 4n!.011A.00,0,90,015'.'4
/t V O,?
vf itkobt firrpoptmi. .';VA1mmx1 41 1 1 • 1 : ,. ...;, $
with all •their A1ici11401114 , 14 , -,'.-W ,k ''
''.: ' :)'',: ?'• `' . l'4,'V,.
, , • ,•, ..., , -,`,:,:i •,',.'5,1,0`,1Z.5r.5t54,,'•
,p5 .. kx:741, :; ,. ,
t!': . -;: g t, ',' ( '',! :- :;.j
•i'iq ., , 4,7* .11 1 , If
'' ,: i',rc 'lO4 ,:1iN ,4 1 , --:'
=.* ',.."*11-?: , • : ,„
- -, 1 t:: , •',/,• -
':',l, .7-t- ivg.774.4,.::
"';',; i'4 loi:li,..•: