M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, December 08, 1859, Image 1

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    , ' ,
VOL. 2.
' east toiuttp o:lemtittat
•PUBLIBIIED Nnurrlnctitsnir stonma,
By, I. B mien,
TERMS:. 'SA Win Advance
. .
Rites of.. Advertising.. • ••..
1 COlunin one Year._ r.; !AIM Oh
rr ... ..2000
12 00
1 • 4 six months: , .• ..... 2000
ler. • sr • 4 • . ... . ....... 1200
One Orme' ofl2llneo or loot; 3 lourartions,..:.,;;.. - . 1 MI
Boob inbierineriVinaertion,
Busloome Cowie, with paper, • 000
itule.or ficire work will. by doublo the stares rota:
Tielre linen Broiler type, or eight lines itooporelly
;avid. ignorer.. • • .
--inrrThese Te 1 .4111 bo odheres
BurvSyor, 'Draftsman Censeyancer,. ,
andiDesil Dittite.
Agent. ftmetliport c ll'Kean county, Pa. • • •
8. r:,Myrr;
, D ea ler
.11.1tolssals and IlAtoil ar In Family Grimness, Port,
' Flour, Batt, liod, Boots lusd are. , Store
• In the Astor Bowe Block; Itsswthrori •
Wholesale hadLtal yak hi Provision'. Oa family
armee', row, Pied, Pork,' Bah, lielsh.A.a.
Stara at iMall,a old stand. • Tessa ,_ .
Dialer In Dry Goods, Grocerlos, Pork, Maur, Salt, Pith
Ready4llndo Clothing Boota - and Shoos.. dmethport,
Pa.- . , . .•
. .
Printlest !Niche:tie, Billlwright,Bridge;builder, &C.,
Port Allegheny, BlllAean county', Pe. . •
• /Utak Agent' Office, Williamsville, sllltS., refs%
. .
Mr Pa.
ilialY u S
Thomtruthers, d• , 1 Pa.
W. 1. Brovrtioll,. Pop., re ,
Uoo., A. I. Wilms. mum, PL.
. - oesysz. 800,
Joint itt..llcmt. Proprietor' Corner of Water and Hickory
Simko, Warren, Pa. tkineral.fltags • .
.. ,
, .
°anent Dtialirs , liallry . .ooods, Groteriu, °ignitig,
oicady-Made Clothing, &mislaid Shim, Hata and Cape,
Ito., opposite the Court House, Southport Pa.
renting the Public Square, Olesn,lN. Y.
"'"MILLER. Proprietor: The robes Rouse is entirely Ow
and builtpt brick; end is tarnished in modern style.
The .proprietor fluters himselt that his accommods.
tions are not surpassed by any hotel in *extern New
' York.• Oirriagen run to and- from the New York and
Erie Rail Road. . ' . . "38.t.P.
Atroitasx 'Sr :Lsist,Smithport,"•:llll*esit' Ceiba
• Agent' for Meseta. Hearin/ & Cies Saadi. Aititedi
especlally to the Collection of Claims; Messed .tiro of
Land Till* Payment of Taxes, avian liallsisainela.
tin; to Best Masts., Cake In Hinnlin Bloat.
D. A. Waiour, Proprietor,—at nuns. Warren county
Pa.' lie Table Will be. enpplied' with the beet . the .
'country affords, led he spare no painalA accomodatlag
. .
Attorney and Counsellor .at Law, ti.niethpOrt,,M , Kean
' - County, Pa. , Business entrusted to his, care for the
- counties of littKean, Potter and Elk will be promptly
• attended to pffibe in the Court Xlouse, :second floor.
. . ..
PhysiCian and Surgeon , Smethpoit , Ply will attend •fo
all professional calls lyitit promptness:: Office in Sart
.' will. Block, second !icor.. . -
~ `• .-. .. • . :
.8. BUTLER . 4' CO.,
Wholesale and Retal Dealers' in
Staple rind Fancy . _ Dry
• Goody, Carpeting, Ready Made Clothing,. and General
Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes; Wall and Window
Paper, Looking Glassed &c.: At Glean, N.Y.
Szoothport, )(glean Co., Ps.' D. H. Mararir, Proprip
,. tor—oppoalte the Court Eletime. . fit. Mir; large, tom
. modlowr one well•farolahed Douse.• , • • •
. .
. . ,
. ,
Attorney Ind Conniellor at Law, AmethpOrt, 31 , Bean Oe
Pa. Will attend to'all terabits' in his profession in the
counties ofill'Hean, Potter and Elk., . Office over O.K.
Bidwell, & .Brothers' Store. : . . • .' • . ... . • ..
!atm HOUSE,
•... . . . ,
Corneiot Second and Liberty alreets, Warren; pa. B.
A. Halmos; Pm:triable. Traeelero will mid good ac=
arinmodatlons 'and reasonable charges. • •
E, e. MUON,
. .
. , ,
Dealer in.litoel, Tin Ware, Tappaned•Were, &a., west
.side*Of Abe l'Ablio . .'Squaritt, Elmetheort; Pa:: Custom
• • Work done to order on the shortest notice, satin - Cm
. most substantial manner., • : •.. . .• • .. • •• -.
. .. -
/Miler in Dry Glaitts", , Grooeries;troelnirr, Hardware,
.Boots, Shoes, Hate, Sapi„OlareiNalle, OW, kr., ke.
,Eart, side of .lbe Public Square, Smetbport, Pa,
A. 7. OTTO,
, .
Dealer in Previsions' ind.fatallY Groeeriee generally, at
. Parmers'.l7alley; PrlMian Cho.,•, Pa. • Oran Lumber,
Shingles', &c . .*, taken in ezehangelor Go od e . Paten
Medici n es for sale." : • • ' •
, ~ ..
•R• tAßAllig• Poprietor,—Allegheny- Bridge, .11PHean
Co., Pa. This house is Minted abontrrine Ratak from
antethport on the road to Olean, and will be round a'
. convenient stopping-place. . ' . - ' '
ENPostai( HOII6II,
Witean Co., PA.' LNGIiANI). dom. llotoprilsioi.
' A commodious and :well•tnruished hone.; Strangers
and baseless will and good simommodatious. ; ;
MIMS' VALLE? 801111,,
By T; GoOO*ltr. This house is situate; &boat Ills mile s
from Bmettiport on tYe road to Oleo: Ploimaro partte e
sad °thin o can bo aocommodatodwo the duiriont sotto,
KO Jl= noun,
Nirwx Dlinrts, PrOpriitoi- !kip kOUS Is aliiiatild hal.
• way between Sailtiport and 0111411; Irian wait &good
i ihmer this ts thl . pliiss to atop. • • ~ •
. •
ProPr rof . the' Grist Mill; it • Merhenhabars,
Ifeee_Countyl'a.. Floor. Keil, sod Peed, °outsell.?
oa hut sad large end soullauentittee.
0, CIIITWANDIia, Propifeter, - *Notate MlKean
• ' Goad emeoinmedatioes can be bed them it all
•' • • .
• •
roc. B. Dozisr, P roprietor, at Pope A MVO, I 16 ,
Tide Rotel lueitaeted 01 _the 0 10° _,_:.
- tios.of.the BmetbTiott and'Atlepay tfaima.”7"
xelliiikm64 of emethport..' • ...
oimirenor, mizertte.. re.
.... . . . .
• wit — . : HASICILLL.; : .. • :
- : .. Proprietor.
TbeTrobrieter basing', recently Ipurobaissi ,amid • *bor.
~ , - i ingtmly reatted,tbe Astor BOWS*, flatters himself tbat be
ran furnith as good mccomntolationm amany hotel in Wil
e 164111101,N5P1,,. : ' .
• rroia the oloyelaile Plabide,ier
701 r AT. WARD'S.
DaAa Stahl ;-I.take iny,..pen 'in , hand to in
form yu Ime in a.state o .grate, bliss „&
these lines will find . yu in yin the aame, bless !
sins. :line regovehatid: ve fouhd tlie lonia:it
kal wafersof youth,. so.to . speek, & inlhe tutor
them boys Which six egg° up old bawld hed"..
.toWie, will do so at their .Perril ot their hoz : .
s zard individually. Ime powerful .hajmy.—
Heips of joy hes descendid p . pon me to onct 8i
I feel like a bran new. man. Seme. times 1
arsk myself “is it :not a dreamt" & suthin
within inyielf sez ...it air;" but when I look at
theta sweet little critters I know it is a real
lerity2 reallerty's I may sa•L4c. I feel, gay.
There's c o nsiderable human natur in a man
•.. -
aster all: .. , .. . ', , •
;.returned from my Summer Campmate with .
my unparaleled show of wax worki
wild Beasts 'of Pray in the erly part of this
month. The peple of Baldinsville met me cor- .
dully and Limatejitly cornmenst restin -myself
with my fatnerlY.
.Tbe other nite while I Was
down to the Medal Weir' my :ahins agin the
barroom fire & amuzin the krowd with:some
of my adventures, who ,hood tom bare hailed
izterribte.excited but Bill Stekei, who sec, sei
he, "rOl4 *ard, tbere's'grate'doins up to 'your
. • .
• Sea s ', isWilliam, how so?" . •
Sez he, 'fißuit . my'gazzurd, but Ws irate do
ins," & then he !acted as if heed kill
Sez,loisin and putting on' austeer look,,
"William; sOcaodnut.be a fool if '1 had common
But he kept on lariat till he was hlick in the
face, when he fell
,rover on the bunk• whare the
tioatler sleeps and in a•-still small voice sed,
"Twins!!'. I ashore yu gents that the grass
didn't .grow under my - feet on'. my way home,
& I was followed by an enthoosiastic throng of
my feller sitterzuns,! who loarrard for OM
Ward at the top of their Voisin.' I found the
house chick full of 04e, -There was Miss
Square Bizter_and her three grown up darters,
lawyer Perkinses wife, Tabothy. Ripley, 3 wig
Eben Parton& Deakun • Simmons - folks, 'the
Skooltimster, Doctor JOrdin, etsetMry,etsette
ry. Mis..Watd was in the west room which
poet!' the kitchin. Mis:" Square Baxter was'
miqin euthin in adipper before the, kitchen fire,
antiri small,army of female WiTrlini , were 'lshii)
wildly round the honie with bottles of camfire,
peses of flannel, &c. I never seed slab a hub
bobin my natral born dile. .I 'could 'stay in
the west, room only a ininit, so 110°4 was ,my
feeling, so I ritshed out and seized my double
birrild gun
tlVbat.upon airth ales the mane' sez . Tabo
thy Ripley..
• “Sakes alive, whit are you doin?”
& she grabd Me by the coat tales. "What's
the matter' witltytd" she continued
"Twine, marm," sex
"know it," sci she coverin her rase with
her spun.
“Well,".sez I, "that's' what's the matter
• "Wall, fun down that .air gun, yu pesky old
sed she. * • '
"No fez I, ”this hs a National'.day.
The gio4 of this here' day lent confined'fo
Baldinifyilli by iidarn . site.. On yonder wood:
sheil,"•sed driwin myself up to my full hite
and speakin inla showactin'voise, I fire
a INTSshurial saloot!" sayin which, I tared my;
self from her grasp and .rushed to the tep.of the
nqiere 1 blazed: away until Square Bax
ter's hired man sand My - son Arternns Juneyer
cum and took me down by mane force:
On returiiin to the kitchinl found quite ri Int
of.Pe9p l o:seated be 4 the fire, a talkin the event
over. They made room tor, me & I sot down.,
rrQuitit'a eppisode," sed Doctor 'Jordon, litin
his a'red hot coal. • 2 . •
'‘'lres," red I ' ( 4 2 eppisodes, wain -about 18
pounds jintly." - . •
"A pertiet s coop de tal," sed the 'alcoolmss
plurib' us . unum, in proprietor persony,"
eed 1, thinkin Ide 'let hjrn: know I understood
furrin langweliges as well as lie did if ` I wasn't
• "It is a Inomeinious event„" sad yuneEben
Parsons, who has been 2 quarters at the Akad
al never heerd twins called by .that name
afore." sed 1, abut spoie its all rite.',
aWe shall soon. have Wards enutf," thii
editor .of the. Baldinsyille Bugle of - Libei:ly,
Who was lookin over a bundle of exchange pa
pers in the cirrner,'ate apply to the' legislator
,for • City Charter." • . .
. • "G oo d for' yu old mant" eed I,•agive that air
a conspickuous plaie in the next Bugle."
aflow redilkultm,", aid, Pretty Soren Fletch
er, coverin ter face with her knitten work &
larfin like all prosiest. ' . - • 2
ti Well : for my parti" ied Jane Maria Peas.
ley; who is the crossest old made in 'the world,
al think ye all act like , a pack ot fools"
Sex 1, aMis Peasley aro yu a parent?"' . •
Sez she, alto; 1 Mat." . • r '
Sez 1, V'etisley, yotr.tiever will be."
• We lot there tallOn & larfEn . uotil ..4‘the
awitchltour of nits when . grave yards yawng
& Jogs troop 4th,"as old Bill *Slialcespire apt
* obiarvei- in - his , dranay 'of John Sheppard,
Esq., or the Moral House Break-sr, wlfeo we
btoki up &tliTui.setl; ' •
• , • ' • • •-• • • - • ' , • 1,•.,•••• • : C , ,f,,-;• : ,;.:‘ , ••.1S.
• • : :
. .
gy p`
• ~.. .
t .
ct ' $ U
if • ft . . 10; ,: ?1 ':
• ti 4
• 3 - V.l litlrtgg';
• . , . .
. ,
, , , • ,^‘ , ):4_.
r .
SIVIETHPOR*,, APKEAN . :COUNTY, fHt.TuSDAY, i*coi.6o.li, 8,
Mothef& children are dohi well;, :Reso
. •
lushun is .the order of the day I will feel obliged
if yule impart' the'icilleriii— • :I' . •
Whereas, two Eppbrodes has' hAppined up fo
the undersined's house, Which is Twins; &
whereas I like this. stile,. aide, Twins bean of
the male ,perswashun & e 4
both'boy; ilier. Be
••, . ,
. . .
• .Resolved;:that tO . therri'nalbers who did the
tare 'think . .by sade - ..Eppisodes my. hart felt-
.. . •
Resolved, thit I do most hartily thank
gins Ko:'No: 17.Wh0 under. the impresshun of
the (*at eny house on that heuspiehee nite,
that there was , a konflagarashun 'iota on, kutif
galyiantly to . the spot but kindly:refrained from
squirtin: I , •• ' '
.. Resolved; that from the Bottum of . My Sole
do I thank the Baldiniville brass band fur givin
up the ideer of Sarahnedin.me, . both. on that
grate nite & sinse. - • .
Resolved, that my thanks is doo several
members of the meetin bruise Who
fur 3 :whole dase hain't
me - a sinful
akoffer or entreated die to* mend my wicked,
wase and jine sade mmetin house to (met.
Resolved, that .my Buzzum teams with .meny
kind emoshans tords thefollerin individuals, to
SqUare.Raxter, who Jener
Ously refoozed to take a sent for a bottle of
camfire; lawyeePerkinses Wife who Writ mum
versis on the Eppisodez; the Dditor of the Ba.
dinsvllle Thigle of Liberty who nobly_ assisted .
mein walluppin my Kangaroo whirls sagashtis
little cuss seriously disturbed the.Epitisodas 'by
his outrajus licreetc4ins .and kicklas up; :Mis
Hiram Doolittle'who kindly - furnisht turn, kold
vittlecat a triin titne when it vrasunt konvan
yent to cook vittlea at myobouse; • & the Peas:-
leys, Parrunses & Watsunsia far their meny ax
of kindness. Trooly`ynres,l
, Many yearsego, there lived in_a near State )
a young gentleman Who. took it into hit head
that, : like John Rundolph, he was of Ind ia•ri . deL• .
seent, : thongh.unlike John, he did not know_ex-•
actly to what tribe his forefather's belonged.;--
The idea was a perfect Monomiinfa with hiin;
notwithstanding the, efforts cif his friend, to
convince him of the folly of ills pretensiOns,-to
say' nothing. of the absurdity of .them,even if
they could be established. _The favorite notion,
could not,
.howver, be eradicated •frOm hie
mind, and he promised his friends that be would
One day convince them that he. was right in' his
• •Having heard, that a deputation of Indians
were at Wa'shington, on a visit to their great
father, the President; he, promptly rePaied to
that city, and. arranging with • the: gentleman
who had•them in charge,•his friends in the city
were surprised to receive-an - invitation' to ac=
company him . on a visit to; the red.. Men, before
whom he promised to verify his faverite preten . 7
The party met 'es requested,:and, found
the Indians Sitting on the floor, smoking •• their
pipes end manifesting but !title appreciation of
the honor:of the %lift..
• ,Having arranged his friends atarespectful
tance horn the'aged chief, who still regarded
the visitors with stolid indillerence, the.young
man stepped :boldly to the centre, and presuming
that 'it would requira.some••show .of .energy to'
.arouse the. chiefs from the apparent apathy; he
placed.his hand, on his breakt.' and said, with,
. .
great .learlessriess :-•. • , , • '
gCian,% 7 -lorig time ago." • - • • .
The chief; who Was not skilled' in talking
English, took his pipe from his Month, but'evin
ced no 'emotion whatever, the speakar,then
thinking that a more violent motion aid.a loud
er tone. would be necessary, struck.his hand up . -
on ,his bienst . .with much force; and, said in a
lOuder tone . • :
«Yea=me=indian=long tine ago.'?
• Without moving ti:muscleof his face, the old
chief slowly arose from his sitting posts re, and
turned, his eagle eye on'the speaker. His
friends saw*that , the chief evidently understand
the meaning of the'speech addressed to him, and
'they gazed intently on the solemn prciceeding.•:--'
The young man'hore the leaching glance of the
Indian without emotion. - All felt that the
te time had come." , - • •
Moving Eiu ffi cieqly , cl ose, to the speaker, the
chief raised his hapd,iancl carefully ;.taking a
lock of the yourig Mans hiir between his finger
and thumb, gently rubbed it between them for
a moment. All stood breathless. Quietly
withdrawing' his hand, the chief uttered the
alight peculiar Indian grunt, and saiil 44 Nig. te
ThiC altogether unexpected denounCeMeni
ended the interview, and the discomfited:. de,
seendant of Tommylawki .retired ..with 'his
friends,thelatter roaring :with laughter, and the
forrnec,fillerl with the , most sovereign contempt
tot- his degerierite Inrlian relations....
. Senator Stimner , returne d home from Europet
during. Hie present week, He intends to resume
kii seat in: Washington at the opening of the
next vession, and attend to his official duties.—
For three years he has been recruiting his health
at'a cost to the General Government 0,1,3000 a
A report from Oregon states that Gen. Scott
had arrived 'at Pintland, on the 2 1st
, of October,
and Wis'receiVad withanuebbonor.. Gen. Har
ney left Portfand'soon after Gen. Scott arrived,
and it was, suppose& that he had taken offence
t being fupereeded in , his .edipuidnd..
INDIAN mntiosrms.
A. Course cif deeply instructive and interest.;
ing lectures' on 'lndia was , concluded at the
Cooper Institute, tbis City ? last week, by the
Rev..DrAcudder,,Whci"was for many . years a
missionary in the .East , " Indies, rind intends to
return ugain to that:; wonderful country ;
etatedthat many cittherivere in Southern In
die' run under the Surface... A subterranean .
streamflowed under•the apparently dry Mindy
tied of the Milk , river,. neat Which : 10'4d lived,.
and'which was so.fierce in its torrent as to - en.:
gulf the.tinsuipeeting, animal. who' chanced to .
Venture on its seemingly 'safe . cut face. .Me .
took a long stride to the subject 'of jugglers to .
settle an Important question: ..dean snakes le.
Charmed?" He answered in the' affirmative , ;
and proceedeed to describe the mitaical.oPera"
flow; of the snalce:charmers,•their transparent
pretencei to . power over the venomous reptiles,
his own experience in testing their capabilities,.
and the wonderful little animal (a sPecies 'of
weasel) which
. dos no t hesitate,. to grapple
with the' most vicious snake., The Hinder: he=
ly -books . he, dated as fir back as 1,400: years
before Christ..': The immensity of their ver
nacular and .Sariscrit compilations on almost
every imaginable.subject he considered Marv -
Mous. As an illustrotion of the exttiordinary
rapidity with. which thry Wrote•'—even with
their rude materials, he mentioned that he 'bad
known schoohbosis to report a. fiermon,as fast
as the missionary could deliver it. As au evi
dence of the highly elevating• tendendy
portion ,of•their literature, be recited a number
of maxims, 'imot* - which were , the ; following:
"Sweet is the pipe; sweet is the lute, say
they, who'have never listened to theprattle of
their own children."
4 , T he fruit,,when green, rears, its bead like a
base man; but when it is ripe , in the harvest, it
is inclindd like the bead of the wise.".
Lovp your - enemies 7 -those of kind disposition
return hive for hatred, es - the More:you squeeze
sugar-cant.the more juice it gives."
Says one Hindoo: clWash charcoal *as much
as you like, it always remains black; so a ,bad
man cannot become good." (IBM," soya ono.
they, filet 6ie enteriti the charcoal, and it "be..
comeiluminousf end so truth, entering into a
bad man, will make bin; luminously good." -
e4Do good to others—it will come back , to
you.: The Water Whieh.you pour oa t the roots
of the cocoa -nut, tree comes back to you'sweet
ened ficim,the top."' . - ' . . •
• Yet Hindoo literattire abounds injolly and
filth, andrnueh r p
of it is unfit foerusal. it is;
however, Springing up afresh, with the beiuti
ful truths of the Bible infused into it. Thei r
language is very melodious; seine of the . poetry
rhymes at both endi of the lities.--Scientffir
DROGEN, NITROGEN, AND Ceanos.--Nitrogen has
fewer i nteresting properties than oxygen and
carbon . ; indeed, it is remarkable for 16 absence .
of active propertiee; and is called the negative
element. But this very negative character'fite
'it admirably for one great porpose—thedilution
of the oxygen in . .the atmospheric air,: The of
finity of oxygen foi many substances is so pow.
erful that . if the atmosphere was wholly formed
of it; the first fire that was kindled would prob
ably rige with uncontrollable. Airy till all the
oxygen :hail disappeared in.. combination with
other substances. gut by diluting the oxygen
with about four times its_bulk of nitrogen, fires
'are reduced to c,ontrol end, yet remain sufficient.;
ly, active for-use. This dilution also exaetly .
adapts ihe air to the
: respiration or
The atmosphere is composed mkinly.ofseventy
seven pounds of nitrogen to twenty-three pound*
of oxygen: .Nitric acid is composed , of fOuiteen
pounds of niiragen to forty poundi :Of oxygen.
In the air the two substances are mechanical.
ly mixed; ,. in the: acid, they are chemically
Nitrogen enters extensively into the forma
'tion:of animals and iegitabies. Ammonia. is
composed of nitrogen and hydrogen in' the.. pro.
portion of fourteen'pounds of nitrogen. to three
pounds of hydrogen. .The compounds of nitro-
gen are remarliable for their tendency to decamp.
pose, if we were going' to attack 'Abe l problem
• of produeing a new power tO drive alight engine
without a . boilir, is among ilia ,ctimPOunde of
nitrogen that we should ..firat look. Nitrogen
is a component pertlif saltpeter or nitre, and
consequently 'of gunpowder and fireworks. It
also enters into the composition offulmiantiting
mercury or percussion pliwder, of Which percus 7
sion caps are made. The exploSive force of
gunpowder results from it's decomposition' into
its elements, which assume the 'gaseoris :form
.and are at the same time inteniely heated;
and thus their bulks is enormously increased,
and they 'swell outiforcing away whatever may
endeavor to iestrain them.'
The DeMociatie Governor and. State officers
are elected ,in Louisiana by from 7000 to .10;000
majority . .. Their , majority, in the State Senate
will be eight; and in.the Nauss iwenty-fore,in
goring the electiOn of, a United States . Senator:
It is supposed ths,t Senator Slidell Will bsi, ro-
A. down east editor says babas seen the :con
trivance our lawyers use when they,!! warn. up
with the subject." •Be says it , is,a glask
cern and holds about a pint. •
• The woir.an who kipt up' With tho - . 1 4 01 6 1 1 05
to have a trotting match With .Flora Temple.. .
the Riohmond . •Desprr'reh..publishei entire,
;Shit it terms ihe the iiromaikable' l ;speech'ol,
Xi. Voorhies, Attorney General Of. Indiariis;
defence of Cook. Says the IJispatO: :
'etlt - is one of the most eloquent' speeches
ever delivered.before a triklinal - 4)ljustiai; and
the roanneris Said to: hive' been equal to thh,
matter. Mr. Voorhies is described ay A tall,
splendid, looking man, with _ .a' migniticent voice;
over which' he, has great cOmmand, It icsaid ,
that, at some of the most` affectin% pictures,
Judge; % jerk, lawyers. dad' 'spectators, were. all
We give below that POtion of thejaddress,.
in which the eloquent . advocate. boldly traces
the' respOnsibility 'of the insurrectionary
tempt. The picture is forcible *ad trues
Bit • gentle Men in 'estimating the 'Magni
tode of this young man's guilt, there is one
feet Which is proven inhis behalf by. the cur-'
rent history of the day 'which you cannot fad
to considor.: Shall John E. Cook perish, and:
the real criminals Who for twenty yeari - past:
have taughnthe principles 'on which he 'acted .
hatpin voice from this . spot? Shall .no, mark:
be priced on them? 'Shall this. occasion , ,, pass'
away and 'the , prime felons. who attaked - your''
chinos at. Harper'a Ferry, escape?. The in
dictment before us.says the prisoner was sedu-, •
ced by. the; false and' malignant counsels of tith
er traitorous persons. Never. was a, sentence,
written more jest .and true . . aPalse and mak: .
gent counsels .have.been dropping for years,.,
as. deadly and blighting as the poison'of the
• Upas tree,•froM the torigues'of evil'and
'towls persons in that section of the Union to
which the prieenter belongs: They hid seduced .
not only his mind, bat many others, honest and
miguided like hias, to regard the crime at 'Har
pers Ferny , as no crime, your rights as: unmitr
gated wimp s aid the Constitution of the coun
try is Si leagoo„with bell and a covenant, with
death. On the "kilts of.the leaders of•abolition
faniticiem North is every drop of blo'od shed in
the conflict at Harper's Ferry; on their souls.
rests the crime of murder for every life there
loft;: and all the. waters of the oce an 'could not
wash the stains of slaughter front their tretch-,
erous and guilty handy. A 'noted Boliton obeli.
Nonfat. (Wendell Phililtps,) a few days
at Brooklyn, New York, .in the presence of
thousands, speaking of tine tragic occurrence
'says ; i,‘ It is the natural result of anti=slavery
teaching. - For one I accept it. I eapeeted It.
I, too, accept it in the same light, and so' will,
the country. Those who taught, and those who
believed and icted, are the 'men of crime in the,
sight of God., And, to guard other young men,.
So far as in•nty power, from the.. fatal' snare
which his Wm tightened around the hdpes and
destiny of John IL Conk,. and' to" Show who are
Poly respottaible for Min conduct; I intend . to
link.with this trial the names of wwer and older
men than he; and if he, is te• he spa:l4lmA and
consigned to Wrectied dooin, they , shall atarid
beside him' in the'public stocks;. they shall be
pillored forever in public shame as-the 'evil and
traitorous persons who'seduced , him to his ruin
by theirfalse and , mafignant,counsels.
'The chief of.these naen, the leader of a great
party, n Senator of long standing, has announ
ced to the country that' there is' a higher laW
than ihe tonatitut ion, which guaranties totach
man the full exercise of his own. inclination.
The prisoner before' you has simply.• aited on.
the law of Wm. H..Sevirard, and not the law of
hie fathers.. Re has foliovVed the MahOmeit of
a'n isfeendiary.faith. Come forth,•the savages
of abolitionism, who now 'comr and skulk un
der hasty. denials of your complicity' with the
bloody result of your wicked and unholy, 00C
trines,:and take your places on the witness.
stand. Tell the world why'this thing , has , hap.
pened. Tell the jury why they are trying John
E. Cook.for his life..- You advised, his conduct
and taughtlird that he was doing right.. You
taught him a higher law: end then . pointed out
to him s field of action. Let facts be submit
ted. Mr. Seward in speaking of 'slavery says::
“It can and must , be abolished, and you and:l
must do . it.”,. Whit vvorse did the prisoner At.
tempt? Again he 'said open the, same aubject,
isCircumstances determine possibilities;” and
doubtless this circumstances with which John
Brown had connected, his plans made them pos=
Bible in his estimation; for, it is 'in evidence.
before the country, unimpeached and at:capon.'
dicted; . that the great Senatorlfrom.lNew York
had the . whole affair submitted to Win, and only
whispered back in , response, that belied., better
net:been tout: HO has boldly announced
irrepressible conflict between the free and the
slave 'States 'of the' Union.' ' These Seditious
pbrasesicihigherlaW," and ceirrepressiblneohj
:their' warrant , and'' invite the • construction
which the prisoner and, his young deluded' com
panionikplaced upon thetn. Yet they are either
in chains,`yritholhe frightfulgibbet in full 'view
or sleitpin dishonored graves, while`the apostle
of master-spirit of insurrection is loaded :With
honori and fares sumptuously.every day.; Such
is poor short-banded justice in, this world..,
An old min; and for'many years a member
of the National Congress from. Ohio .nesie shall
testify here before you, that he taught.the'pris
oner the terrible error which now involves his
life. Servile insurrection have forever;been on
thntongue and lips of Joshing R. Giddings,. Rd
says "that when the contest shall' come, when
the thunder shall roll and the, .lightninge flash,
and when the !laves shall rise in the .Seuth in
imitation of the horridacenes of the Wok In
' dies, When the Sontharn: .men hall thin 'pale
and tremble, when your dwellings' shall : Snit:lie
with the torch of 'the incendiary, and dismay
sit:on each countenance, he will baillt, as the
approaching dawn 'of, that political pntl moral
millennium Which he. is well assured will come
upon the'world:" The attrocity of these self
timente chill 'the blood of honest patriots,' and
no part of the prisoner's. equals their bloody.
import. Shall the. Sold leader escape and the
young follower die? 'Shall the teacher whose
dcietrint told the prisoner that what hedid.was'
right, go unscathed of the lightning which le'
has unchained.. if so, Justice has fled fromber.
templea on earth, and awaits us only , high
to measure oat What is right between trjkind:
Ma :Tha men 'Who ' heave' :misled thii Voy 'to
his ruin, shall here receive. nay. nrialedietiorni.
They shrink back from hirdnoW the f houri.af
his cslainity., They, lift up ,their, bandsAftl4
say, Amen! to the bloody Spectitele.'which
internal' ,orgies' have aimon ed ~'OP. You hear
than. all - over !the land. +et:luting - through
false, pale, co.Uurcl : 1 ipv; hots can t. net . say
I did when . their hands aia reeking with,
, '0•1 7:e ..C:-.111;:
4f - f ,
.# •
, ,
alkhe blood which'bae , lielea f ii&eitYttiatitellilleb
yoivaetwits!theixtreinel . ponalty;olitkapAterei k ' . .
lalte; , fleetillgglieritifeo4,4 l tetekroye,itihtlipt•
who e have . ected.npon your pOnciplesi , falser a_ •
4 ev
friends eli as poen! y, Ind pa area Se
.. .
44 4 inseteeele 'LW!et , GelhWhatobt...thielaol4": .
carrtisi 3 hartee:riiieftw:AceeetleS;iillOSSl t hille
Mother!. *hle. 7 oliallthieijory.i..this inaili Gail'
this„conery foiget their "gUirt,inialiteli'llefliMt
. . „ , , , . , ..
because 'a 'Victitit.'to' theirtpreeePteting
Up his lifelmfore Imit;;'May.Gtelforgittipagffill
-1 here, in the PreffnetPi..glifP* l l4citil i gilik:
to denounce With the Withering, ltitgling ,
blasting power 'oeinejeittie truth', 'the UW4
stately criminals'of the NortheilyStatinelitallik '
Union:''" - 7 ''. ilt,t -.1,.;
..E . hcizi , ; , 46111.04 1 ' .
The.:visi ,
visionary, ; mind ctr :i thek pitirtitt.ch ~. 4-
2 .
(roma:, menthe!, of. Congress;from Attest ii
setts that Sine*. ecinstittitlovi,',.a l iiiti'llibl . ..'
a new' God Were; =lobe. '''lriatigiiiititlfin
liiii eountiy.': Thef Were: , to be,newOlistosi4WO • .
they,were to•be- antiAdeveryl, ', for lbw Oltl,a, cosh
etitution end the old „Ilibleiendl6 Oitinl'ttlit -
fathere; the ancient 'Lira God pe,liiiiire7talif
Caine yeeterdaYito•day,'endireriir t 'irillf.lint .
On the side of abelitionim,' Is tlitivitsis obi*: .
gation for his doom in'-the-feet that Iteteeilt - hio '
life in his hind, and, dirtied 70i ['hit Or'«
enenr tenghl. 11 4 1 :Ilttf.4are4; l l94 l , ll 4ei 'at•
tempt(' Beep, • porilimintotis •dimegtigtree 'Artie •
led the prisinier:tii the' bin lie while liiikiinif=
fers,:if suffer he' mitsttlejt , t66 'atimild &ay.
their recreant limbs 'broken on .the!itrbiatel , •s4
will 'net,leeen the , eeiiPl.lritiinii,, i' wi ll; ar ilt..
let this allele! pecasiOn pass late dieted, •
'out giving a Voice and an' titieraneeto its Willi
purport and Milani, without heiplefrtitopligo
: author" the load of ..exicration•whisktilerAff
to. bear beneefortk trid forever. ; .,.Day„ltteully, .
end year after year has the baleful sliton'nfl
revolution,' anarchy ,:' discord, 'hottillti t iiitlii
South ' and her : institutions, . ;Inept Itrie•l'tlint
section of the. country in which the, lot 4-4*
prisoner bes.been cast, , That he bell, been Pei.
mined hy it! breath, should net ctithirrinftileinif
human sympithY; rather sho'uldit'iiisliii
heart clement toward him. ~' He ilervoqinimilet
place or station,..biat sought merely to. ; develop
those doctrines which evil and traitownle,, , Ret: -
ions had caused hitn'to.belleve weretrue...,, •,,
Ministerti,editeri; ind'politiiianslilleiellit,
Parker, Sewird,.Giddhigi; Weiner, Wiltio !and
• a hoist of laver lights of :each elael , -,whoi In
' . the wide world who .ibell,res4l, ; thictt)el t ,ltt;
I ieves them., not Only, aa charged, 34.1 1 1 e.
dictment le all the Counts, in , `St deePerend 'far.
more fearfuleXteuit thin! TOhn g.'Coefkl 6 'llthi
night .glooin .is not' more:tecombre.iir csintraii -
with the 'blazing light eithenteriaisn ettoll'is
is the guilt of .auch Men in corpmartson.Litihts
that which overwhelms the ,'Orisonii. Thai
put in, Motion the intelstrciem'irbieli'hearitil.
. gulphed WM. t They ; started thiftettenta.ar.
the. precipice. .LT hey call ed. fottb fiettlbstlYearr.
erns the tempest, which wrecked , him one sup-
ken reef. Bafore.God,.and in the'light o(letie
nal A r'utit, 'the'dleaster at :Ilirperit Vertiftiti
•their actianur noi'his." May the &idiot ,iiieh.
victim to 'their doctrines of :disunionandaillum,
L _intim- slt heavy on their:guilty sottletd ; 1 11.9'
the fate of the prisoner, whatever it m ay pf,,,
distinittheir slumbers and paralyae iheir`ainte•
when they are again'iiiiedjigainst the peace
kof 'tbe . ,Country No the lives of tie vitigotteci
I know by the gleam ot . ' , !each , eye into , whielt
tiook in this . Jtiry.hok,ltilitletheleimii 2 estoltt
.exchange plecee:wiiif young Cook,' yen PWeilld
gladly say 'to hini r il tio,.etring+` and lePeitent
youth,' our vengen eishillfellon Omit ertnsfild
their money, urged on the "attack, tiolf-' , lfoidoil
the - blow. , . Let Me:appear tolOgigOtimllinsiso
.tir the fury, fn the nime of Eternal ! trine t and
everlasting ; right,' is' nothing: tO.he 'forgiven'to
youth luexpertenci;•to a gentle, kind , ' , heartilo .
a way Ward : and peculiar , - thotigh' not : *lama
Character, Strangely - Opt-to be'led. by *mat
influences 1.. l' have shown you that Malign' id
ilvences, generally' and'- specially', hive , tiltth
over the inind,or the prltioner:': j• 'hate-4114ra
you the malign influenee'of his dirolvleigo,t4.
I have Shown"ou . , also, the c 1 iiklii:,andennitlit
pant tounveli, in behalf of this liiitYenterpriee,
emanating from thinieln'Place.
o dwell, tend', pi&
sition. It' might babe' been Yotif prodigal' "sun
borne and seduced by etteh "cenneefe;:iie will WO.
my young client.. DO With liinfie' yoti'Voula .
have your own;child` dealt' bY'''undergilittyle-
Comma nee,. He 'bee r been ',felon ,Trioni ,,, ,tli‘
principles' . iir 'hiii ' ancestors" and ':: wood
from the teachings-of shis kindred. • If' , he' .was.
yOur own handsome child, repentant and .con
ceasing, his wrongs 1 6 t0,,, bic..9putryig what
could you wish, a jarrocitynngerktA i d#l.intAt
Jo yoUrselvei. By',. 001.14 guide yourxeraiet;
and the poor beonef retell will'nfLiAnt cut •
from hint., ~. ..', - ^i .. ~ ..1.,(10.i.5.,..i.,, -IM 5, 7 1 .
I ' ad' .t h o ug ht thet.f.c,dkitEX,,irt.l.Al!?4o4o!
soollulsed; . „Oki . tt 41441,40 :eveeputingfor Cu i OR-
Pert•ne4Y , to t., 1 1,.e eeleett 0 1 .- trlkefit.*:4l4,t?et.e. -
thirds oft. the tauntMg population of the Wintry.
North end tittlth;' wouloflockiiithe italitaitrd,of ,
•' '—' eb ' ' fifty
revolt; shat. a, Angle day l wcitil , rmtg ten,
-yea', a, hundred Ai°ifF6l4,oPl4.'aliall:-
, 4akt;4,the , nsurreettosot,the sitsyes,,;„snll o .
,in evidence . Whnere!resixneil f for s uch. tef
tibly, false vie Wet on4.*liit.jsindof.a:ehliPenf
and'dieorning inta wicti'liis s o o f .
tained them? That the , prisoner's;riiintfis , pl l .! . •
ant to the . impreeileine; 'Whether . for gisid or
'evil ,',bi' eviiieh it lieutteunded, - , let : hii'llrif in-:•
lervieW in 'Prison with'Gov. Willard in
en Ce of your Senator, Col:Mason, beir'effiblitil..
ilia error was placed before him. ''. Hie' Wien*
to hi" family and his counftY2wes' dralWpilit'cit
patriotic And; it the sathelime; Sipt, saVictis age
hand:;'' Ilia neteraf being' itt ?Once 446644%
sway: -The induenie of griOekiitiliktt: l riffirvii;*
once more . controlled hint 0 in' he "Ist 1,1114
Cliiirlhoodf . and 'OW hereibefeie,YoW:lir.bas
the merit; of atleast ori iqitiiitioctivimesti -
Ate atonsrrent:•* . liii,Ardibiß.feit;: i 6 -0 irrO4k
which he' hei.oomOtittesitirireitertiir iirit
stristipthe tritth'in h
~iiiitlitelliemtliif l "l 4 6 l4
every word of evidenc e ;1e ,'"0"-.'"
. r a
The editor rif one of 'our , down' _east p4rwre
giver atf.ts . 'eitinnt of hie.effieetiatifife+i , nrifor
Inan):!yea re 'hit aitted• *1011644 ratirike . 4 fot
'there ko.lobe 4 hat . , irhert -, ,he.di6iir. l ol,4l#ifete
was found 6iced upon 'the *ail....
. .. • .
V:•:` iis i ~. •, .3 . .• ,1' 1 / ~, , ,i 1i3j.".. ,, i,5x1 tvi0.4.4 •
• Pf . Al, re .t . 11, lticß . 11ift.1re'779, 1 . , :'. 040,, ?i; , .. , If
' .l l Ai ii 'l 4 'rll . 4'l ,o lC. ; it- IE :, ' 4, 0 4 ) ( #4 t i tY,-*;# .;:
IVFlt. 94 ,)Ci lo t h P t ‘. e A,1, 1 r P.1ic0 1 „.,4 Pt . 1 -..
. , . ... , r,.., . •,;F:' , .. .... ,' F!1'...d1 ,,, r. t A • 4 .02 - 0'.0 1 0 31 ; :
. - i' ,,,
.^ Rant 4ef, , itift.i,ni.ty•of..MiThl.L
' , P 6 034. 11 44,'
And ( coll.l water:, bath, ;.,.will . ' Makit 4101.4)at 'arty
man 4 , healthy,weaitty. a r.}4'. wiailf' 4", .1•;44:t.:4cL,V..
f :
ar igi f
' 4.