SMETHPORT LIVERY. STABLE.' THE SUBSCRIBER has , pened a pew 'ery. Stable m'Smethport, at the residence of.. Dr.. Wisner On' King , Street, three • doctrs east of Atte Court Houle; 'where Can be found the beat of 'Horses and Carrfages at low prices. He intends to make Stnethport a ;permanent residence, and•asks.a share of • patristage. Smethport, 4ugust, 2'40859. • ' n23tf: ti T . um .place to buy YouT Sugar fe at the ,Aitor. House 'Store. Giiod , Musooyado for S cti. White 90froa §u gar TO cte i Oruehect and Pahierized 11 ote.• • . • • ‘: PLOWS • •.• • • • SIDE -HILL AND. SHOVEL PLOWS, ASU petioratiiele,,manutheturetfat the • ." . . • SMETHPORT FURNACE. . rassol...u.aaom -- ; BE. Partnership heretofore••pcisting be wean Pitham Deviling of. Lumber-:toWn shiP, Clinton county, Pa . , and John L. Bear wiih of•WK.ean county, Pa., was this, day disc solved by my mutual - consent. All debts.due the firm are . to ha • paid tb - the Subscriber; in whose hands are the Books. . • • •.• • • • CATHAM DEYLING. . T'p., Clinton Co., Sept. 20,.1859. ..: NOTICE, . TIETHERFAS . niy wife, ,Jennette. A..hai vol- VV' unitirily- left:111y bed and board without 'cause or , provocation, all persons are hereby cautioneti . agdinst.harbiiring, Or, trusting her on my account, rtal . will not pay debts o f her, con tracting. JAMES .PEA SL EY Shippen, Oei. 13, 1859.. .GOOna.NEWS :UST RECEIVED AT POW ix!it. does :MP Cat !neap , Vaeus tie,W,644.tle, lag; --.00--. op, be sou open .1 801.10 1. by e,alling sxt tilebtading, forraeity occupiedby the . letcao. CAA7.......-.-ty .tae,l6, Which is'filled from top to bottom with the BEST assortment of - COOKING, ,PARLOR Bt, BOX STOVES ! EVER OFFEUED4'OR,S4.E.iN NORTHERN. PENNSYLVANIA ' , which will be sold at, prices that cannot' fail, to uit._ I will also as-usual, keep constantly .on hand a good, assortment of 1101TSEIKEEPE4S BARD WA RE, KETTLES; LMMEIIIIIMffEI!I bA,N'DLSTiCKS, Whieli will be sold at the; VERI -, t,QWEST PRICES . Thankful for past' _favors, I respectfulfy soli *it a continuance of the same; iiii!ethpOrt..Sipt. 22, 109 Something AVIV IN SMETEIPORT J. B. TAYLOR'S OLD FURNACE IN FULL BLAST! THE; ~21314DERSTGNED WOULD ,PECTFULLY • ANNOUNCE TO THE CITIZENS OF •• • , .11.Ceaa. - 1 County, • That.thay have located theuiselves at • S ' 11.1" Poit I' For the purpose. of Manuflicturing PLOWS, SCRAPERS, SLEIGH-SHOES,.. And in fact every thing; made at a • COUNTRY FURNACE,. Thorough experience in the business, warrants us in saying.that we can furnish as 'GOOD WORK and afar REASONABLE PRICES ics'citn be found elsewhere. Particular atten tion Will at all times be paid to ' • .‘., OB BING • The celebrated ...FRAIVICLINVILLE . and DUCHESS COUNTY. IMPROVED PLOWS constantly on hand.' Farmers and others; give 'us a call. • . ' 4 E.-VAN DYES &.S. A. WING. • ' • WANTED; . • • • nn TONA OLD OAST IROINVIA exchangranr work, At ' ' • . SMETIIPORT FIIIINAOH. . Cabinet Shop hiMeohoniosburg... WOLTERS respectfully 'announces to 1 - 1. the .public• that, - notwithstanding these hard times, he is'roanutactoring and keeps con stantly on hand , all:kinds of furniture, such "as SEDIP.IS DIVANS, OTTOMANS, ,v CARD, CENTER, " s DINING AND BREA.KFAST , TAIMES, CHAIRS cif-all kinds and Dana and commmi Ready-Made Coffins; &c.; of the very heat material and manufacture Smetlifort,Teb.26, INS THE ONE PRICE REGULATOR, A BROADSIDE FROM: THE BATTERY OF THE. OF THE ONE.. PIKE: *.REGULATOR. EVERY GUN DOUBLE . SHOTTED I BOOTS, SHOES C., RETAILED AT WHOLSALE PRICES ONE PRICE TO ALL, FOLLOWING LIST COMPRISES Some of the the One Pried Regtilator—thail&rmnot/i. Score of Olean . ; which - his become .so, named for the •nerirife f i of its Styles, the excellenoo . and • durability of. its Fabrics;'. tbe extreme .4orpiession of its. .ptict:s; the unifOrm civility of its - saleqnten - ;- and the unwavering irorgrity and untiring energy of its' proprietors.:.'• • . ..• • • The F ! stablishment.whtch for five yearchas surpassed- the. Pry, Gra* Trade in every point of excellence; and to this 'day stands• ititrival, led,!tnapproaehed and ieizaliproachable . Read the List and judge for yourselves: m 0 V 4 We will Sell GOOD FAST COLORED PRINTS GOOD PRINTED MOUSLINE DELAINES We will sell FINE YALENCIAS We*will cell spnirdls GOOD, YARD WIDE,'BR'N COTTON .LAMPS,•tc:ci We will call ALL OTHER KINDS OF GOODS ITSTA L KEPT IN. COUNTRY STORES E. S. MASON Defy Competi,tion. OUR ENDORSERS. This immense establishrnent in nue village, under the anspicerrof. Messrs. S. H. Butler and Thing,:widcli is, • and for some' time has' been '.attracting marked. attention, for the ex tent of their stock„the quality of thelr • goods and the• reasonableness of their .price ' s. Our business relatiOns with these gentlemen have been pleasant and satisfactory., We have al ways • found' them. hi/e . always found them courteous, obliging and honorable. One great'secret of the large trade the RegulatOr secures: from the country .for 'many around, and the very many. firm friends in, this vicinity, is their .strict integrity' in bbsiness. Olean cannot , spare the Regulator. Ve•give a third broadside from their battery this week; to which we refer our readdrs . .---Olean Adver tisei: • THE ONE -Pities REGULATOR, Olean, is in the field with a new stock of DrY•:Goods, Boots, Groceries, &e. Everything they. offer is worth the money asked; and as for: their win ning way, they .have the secret somehow, of .doink double the biusiness 'of any', other Hotise we knoW of. Their agenciei for the sale ;of Cotton' Goods gives.;there great advantage's over others: Our friends.from this .place: who have traded wit.h them need, recorrimenda tion of opts to induce thein to go . again; those who' have not, we ask you, for your own sakes, to give them a call and their goods an exarniti'- ation.—Cottarave,us Tiemociat. ;BuTr.v,a AND Tulsa, at the One Price R'egu• lator, Olean, .are truly benefactorhl of their race.. They buy for cash, sell: for cash, practice no deception in business; h'ave but , one'priee; and thit extremely low, aod . 'we.. think do---a much larger ;business than. anyother, Dry Goods House in this County.---South IVesiern N. N. BUTLENI • N. S. BUTLER &CO. o. 'THING.' . • One price Regulator. 0.1.4 - ..z5..,N. i. :1c:..:y: . .-, 01_,EAN. DRY ,COODS, AND NO DEVIATION ror.aix peace per Yard For one shilling per Yard For'one.shilling per Yard For . six pence. Per . Yard Price 'lleiguleiter: SMETHPORT. WAGON AND SLEIGH SHQP. ,ON MECHANIC STREET N0..1. THE undersigned would respectfully an • nounce to the citizens of Witean .County, that they are_ prepared to do.all 'kinds . of wood work in' their line of business, at short notice, in a workrimlilie'manner; at reasonable prices: We feel satisfied that bur work will fully meet, the requirernents of all who will, with ,their.pattonagb. • • . • . Repairing promptly.attended .to on.' 'short ,notice. All kinds of grain taken in .• exchange for work ; ' also butter , pork, beef, pine lumber and wood. CASH will rioille refused , : •. • - D. V. SHEPARD & CO. • . , , •Sniethport, Pa.; Nov. 1; 1559 • :.• . . BLACKSMITHING.' HAVING rented: the sbpp attached the S trie . thpqrt FURNACE ; the sUbsc - ril?ere are now prepared to do ail kirids agickernithing, Particular attention paid to' horseshoein• •• VAN.. DYKE & WWG. . Airiial and Departure of Mails; • • • . •SMETIIPORT POST OFFICE.. •.. Olean—Leaves every morning at 8 o'clock; ar rives every-evening.::. •. • • • . C eniterspoil—Lesy es Tuesday-and Saturday mornings.; arrives Mondayand Friday eves. S hippen.-.-Leav es Tuesday; ThUrsday and Sa ':urday mornings ~arrives. Monday, Wednes day and Friday evenings..• • .. •• • Ridi , teay—Leaves Monday,. Wednesday•' and 'Friday. mornings ;• arrives Tuesday; ThOrs . day and Saturday. evenings. .• - • .• W.sfirra'n-I..Lves Tuesday mornings and.Erri ves . - Thursday. evenings. . • . • . • ,S. SAP.TWELL, P. M., PERSONS-WANTING CHANGE OF for.h . ealth... See aditertieement of Earn-. inonton.lands; another column. • • PERSONS' WISHING. T.O CHANGE' their .businessto.a rapidly increasing couhtry, a New .Settlement where . hundreds are going: = Whete.the climate is mild and delightful... .See adtiertisementef.the Hammonton Settlenient,. another column. ' • • • . • • STOVES ! ST IVES ! AM NOW RECEIVING THE , LARGEST; selected, and Cheapest lot of Stoves ewer brouilit into.this section. . • E: S. MASON.' WE a. are not• in the habit of telling "Fish V V stories; bet . wehave got MACKEREL, COD and. WHITE FI§H; besides hosts . of TEA at 4O cents. Bs F. WRIGHT.: GRAPE GROWERS CAN CARRYON their: business most successfully at Hammonton, free from frosts..". Boine forty Vineyards set out, the past season,. 'Se . ° advertisement ..of:Hammon ton .Lands,' another"column. . 37" .THE OLDESt,'WthEST CI:RCULA TED, and most COMPLETE, C . OIII3.ECT. and RELIABLE Bank Note existence. . 2. THOMPSON'S: • BS.M( MG .AND, CO MICIAL iIEPHTER. EDITED BY': JOHN TH6MPSON Quotktions cdrrected by THOMPSON BHOTHERS, Published by Cuas. BLODELL, 117 Ftakl'n St • •TEIOIS OF SUBSCRIPTION IN ADVANCE; • To nril : Subrcribera,. • Weekly,— .$2.1 BOrni-inonthly,.:'..:sl 1 •iiropthly::..;Se. . To.Postinasters or:other's, who 'fain Clubs and lot •waid,us 'the money in ailrenee, we will send the Itipor ter Coi 3 O Chart Manutt, and,pescriptiee. List, as, fol,. lows: • • .5 copicie of, the Weekly, One' t 8 _OO • s.cohjes.of the ...... ,' 'lO copieti 'of the Monthly.... - . ' •6 00 'We :will 'forward itratuitously to. . any persOn aendingi,a chat). of s2o . at z : the aboye rates, at any one, time, our Anterican' Cold Coin Test Scale, Addresi,• ' • . • ,• THOMPSON 'BROTHERS, • . • Bnnkets, - No:Well St. N..Y:;:Proilrietora. • TIIE beat pa Tea ia• teem at the •" ' - ASTOR. r nousE STORE A: . FEW czar'su f.1100 . ta , !i9!1 Shoes to gieo , a~iip at Zit price* To, JEFFREY'S. DOUBLE-ACTING ‘, SUCTION & FOROE PUMP India Rub er 'Ball Valves. ' THR 'SUBSCRIBER' having.parehased the . right to make. and sell this New feels a ,confidelice that. his . efforts,'to . bring it into' general tise,.in this eourity, will be', Sec.on, ded by all see its construction' rind opera-. Among thO many udVantagei secured:by the use of :this Pump, the tollowing . {nay be enu merated; 1. A doable action by which .twice the wa . ter can be raised . attlin' same. time. ' 2: Great ease in worlting, thus adapting the Forco*Principl4 to c on) Mon wells. 3.• The transformation, in a moment, of the. Pump into an• efficient FIRE ' mgoryn,thns ren dering the loss of , dwellings by fire; totally un necessary., . • _ , . . . 4,'Canahility . of •Wittering gardens; 'Lawns, or sprinkling `walks; Washing: windows;' &C., with thelitpOst ease and thoroughpes.'. •' 5. Power to raise water with slightlabor to any reasonable.height, , 9s in supplying•cham- ,-6: The convenience of having the' Pump in a kitchen, or other rooms of your dwelling, with out regard : to the locution - of, the Well .or Cis tern. '7._The easy protection of the instrument 'against Frost. • . • • The.enee with which it may be mounted on,wheeti r or in ether,l,63is be made partahle. ';,9; A iimplicity which ensures .grear• dura bility; protects it from being thrown out of'cir , der, and' makes any repair's ,easy acid of, little • 10. Great Cheapseis.: for the. first . time bringing the cost of the Force!. Pomp 'into the neighborhood. of the: common • Sitction And Chain Poems, is imtneasurably supi 'dor to both. "• • • • -,. • - . • Manufactured mitt for snip' ty,tho soliscriber, only, at his shOpin M6shanicsbura.: A. WOLTERS.:: Mechanicsburg',,narch;lBoBs.S. -:.•: Shone Coal: SUSSCRIBER'keepe 1611 hand, for sale I.l ° Stone Coal, of , the best quality,. at: the Griot Mill,• in Mechanicsburg. Grain of all kinds taken in exchange. CrHORDIS CORWIN.• Circulation, 1.00,000. '2. Wall Sfre'et ALL. WANTING FARMS IN A.-DELIGHT . fill climate, rich soil,.and se'cure•from frosts.— See advcrtieethent ot.Harrimonton Lands - in an othercolumn. , , • 1;1. 1. BARKER'S.:STRAW-CUTTER.. T HE SUBSCRIBER now. lie this Improved Straw-cutter in • full confidence that all who take the trouble to Wit ness:its.Operations will to. convinced of its Su perMiity,oVer any other, now in u,Se. - . A supply hept constantly on hand and man: ufaclured to order. CG7 As no other, person' hns‘the..tight to 'Make: or.uses.this Cutter within M'Kean co-on ty;a111 who'are!usingit in•violation of the pat ent will heproSecUted.: -:• , • •• • - • WOLTERS MechtinicsburgyAugUO 27 0 -185'9: • -•-•• T K. HAFFEY offers his services to parties j ownin . or .. .ivishino• to 'purchase:.niinersi lands in Milf.ean, Elk:Clearfield or Jetnirson counties . .. . • Il7` Examinatione .made and faithfully re Bradford, July. 27, 1859. . holtots, Manufacturers; Fanners -aid Zto tiet