'f'.. r;: jieirritiOndeitt..tellteiss _ - Who Liras,. One),,ijoi 1110 06 it1b0‘ 4 001 12 . 1- 6 .!- 11 114hotatiinti -a• bytitendeedlsputekit, )''..`igierial , J%: 'bid* trielelahich CoOlCbeat,:qhim. , 17' V.lo4lo:oie,letkilatet-'l4'll bet you ''• • .; • ' ' ; . • • DOtia'a ial4;ilte.baister. ' 'laid., the owner of the otilitAiiiiidowi a handfed dollais. • • Woo !to. bo,frightened: at this. be something more lalisetWitilali,tbanl•titirmas" aerate 'ot,"other planlrilibridied bores: •He 'began to :bitch *boat. uneasily: He Out 618 , 111nd in his ' loskikkiitpallid, it oot again; and at last said:' :,.eariliiiit r ineistabbit'thattaitalniulei he May : and ante run for what I know." , :..iteActro•sima back,out, thenf"::, andouttreat.", So'saying, elil~tihi%on the liquojf but:declared 'that 'hie Aiiiesreettld• Veit 'anything ivhieh went upon tteleviioircititltbcomle.' • 43111,1 . said , the other, cil've,got a jackass thetiiill beat hid" , • „ - ..14 1 , 1 11 bat a bruidred dollars of that," said the -'606 - 1110a0M" - !iesporidej the other, and "done" • • , said the man, again putting Aiwa_ Oa Isti tithed O'Hara.' ' • ''. l,, i'-'4'i'Cirrarthistr'exclaimed the tioaster—“so I 'iluickm-toking out his pocket 4 , 0.•1" • - • • '• cover:it you dare—and put %,:anotherigiridied,ato of it. • Why 'do you est- DOWO With. year dust, ' .I say. • knoW, I never, saw' that jackass of *oueo ; runfi, laid ,the boaster,. 'beginning to l'heteartica great fellow one race for Mat Op' You one then?" ' '•'''.'i,fes;l:Jfussistrix . this' , time: but 'by l ingo , ther" ttothing4ille you l Can hang except • the r jeckiiii'end;mule, , but whit my horse canticat. 'efekte you certain of that, my , rood 'Anew?" "I' think: ati:" . -,- • • "*WhYi.ii4intre-I,lot 'quite certain, 'I% bet 11,02,10041thietfhat rorgot a nigger that will eat run'him. ,A, , AI nigger?" , - ""yes my nagger torn will:beat him." "I?ll ! bet a hundred dellara of that. :There 'ain't a eiggerthat. ever breathed that can: beat MY.horie;" the manonce inore'put down the hundred 'doht said he, gtif you • •back oil( this you hhall forfeit.ten dollars; and if.l back (ant; the c a me;". , • • ;' , . l !4greititl,." said. the boaster-"l'm sure my ,borne will beet, your nigger, if he etuet Your • , s BO rivilP.-don't You fear that." 1 - 15 8,./htirthhls•he attire took out his pocket.' ,book, and, began to fumble,for the money. 4, Coiniipaan, down with your dust, said the "other; taking out more Money—for• I'm ready , to bieli my bet with another ,bundred dollars! :1, , ,.. 1 -ortivo'hundied if you like: Come, ,why do loultesitatel, Here's three hundred dollars PM ready to uptake. " • • reThree' hundred deflate)" . eXclaimed the kering wildly about him—"three bun dred dollitratipott a, •ruggerl I don't know, I '1 1111011 '.!! _ . iiisr4isiar • . ' Oh, ne—oh, no—it's no easy rt titter to frigh en-me—but really—" • ~,t4crou mean to back Mt." 'I don't. know ',What to o'riskj business." forfeit thitoif &lifers Shen?" ' • .15!.!fWity,'Yes;t'igiose:1 must," said the hose. handing. over the money with an air of l igrenk;mortillictitien = tibettet.. lose this, , than %tencirst r -for. there:itiio knoWing how east thee° liiiterliiiiit - rtun.But' anything else you , can .P.bring; , except , ,the Male,, the. juke's, and the mailer; pm ready to run against." ' . . . . , •.w_ • . ;'' ., 'l , ' -' Mess/nevilie inewirectien. • ''' . It ia.ftow a month or more;sinCe news reach '-ist hi of an alarming state of thing' at Brawn!- ':eillsr,ip : Tercu, on the north' bank of the -Rio .'„Grends.': ;Olathe' 28th Septets:they, that town 'iientatittailsed by 'a band of fillibuiters,• headed • , 'bitiiii-Ciartints, `ft Perion• of Mexican blood, .., '',,lnefwlitimAlie annexation - of Texait had made te'sitiisa,of the United States, and whose fel ' ..*:, - linieferilWein•„prancipally persons of the lame : gliiis: 2 •Eritep,f &narrow strip oh the Rio Grande, :• ;I ,the Whole pc„ fiat southern district of Toias' is • ' b ie*irs‘tlaiseit.Witliatut inhabitants,. and the pee -4114801vnav410,. Fort Frown' being 'Without ,•,, anTgarrison;Proired:ini match for their , assail • .::.anta....,,;,,Thelinvaders•took military possession of • ' : ,00.;town, - , killed five of. the citizen), broke open c tliet„jitil One. released the prisoners: In this 4Mergenty the good people of. BrovineVille op '. . ,raled,,fat, aid to the Mexicana of Matamoras; .., ~.,op,„thee l oppoaite 'side of the river, who lent . - .,'._ - thlyrilts body of Mexican :troops as a temporary !.garrilini for-Fort :Brown. ' A ;Mexican officer, 001 r a..prliy with, the,` assailants,: persuaded ~,4hput,to quit the town., :They eacamped,, how 7 • ... - )3r,ilrallii 4 t,bie.ivrenty milei of it, - two " hundred 40ns Ind though upon'; being visited by the -i:•4ll*.,,teattafficere, they agreed to molest Browns irille itirtnore, no raliance,wes placed UPqn this '-' - iertlinise. Indeed within •a few days their num -1 W 1 ' :'' 11 - r • • hundred,'a • , • , ij ~ts. o. , Fmalp 0 , .. our, an was daily . ',•,• - "stteking,,acciiiiaii2bs. , Their object-appear ., :A14..i0i2 4 :1) . # - , lettere! ; Plunder. rears were i n irw 4 ir , Oleop-that they, would ' burn the town, ,„ :4 .. s (mid jrihanitants; in a. great state d.... ,-; if teillyf a g . to . Matamor os ." - The i-,',1 , , ,*,_,.,,5 , If 4 foto , a military' organization , •-•qr,'lll. !Il:. ; „.61011;',Inneriw.hile had despatch-' dl4•Alllfteps Stp,'General .- Twiggs, temmand .•'iltg,•lo4...illgAffil 012000' r ill Tex9 o 2. the n at ~ ~,t n atl,4.lltorite;•*stang`-,Toi aSsistanee. ,The Gen- CZrskal;i l ,4itPligirthat - the Otter at his ' dispose! ivcre .. tinitii'lrilisilkieriti" fiii ilre;..FOrlitin hostilities 'in ';.,whiehhoWaiengaged;.airdibt could therefore' do , I ..ottiltigi , Thisindeedwriiiiiirsepn which it' was ~ .11hal•trasirilitat- t he state , er Veilkale.glefendilto " % • : •igii,Sliktitiiiiiiiratgainst, the•attacki,-of .outlawe and :••••, ,-, riOloliii*..l',. : But if , a4.iPpliesitioM.- Was ,n3tide,to ;•f. 4:44 '.ki4*ithokioe, of Teias; it'Asei •' 'lot Hp . . 4 ; : , tIFIttiY6IO4I 'Attended withanY success. - , 254,10510;ateainta Which cords down to lbw , lrow' Ovine Ott., they' inon- and outlaws; ,i had been. 1 artillery, A:general ' ie "teenier 1 1 1 4 an: aP for a hun. ;the' place. ipitched, to ''.desperate lAtV.con-, degreptiii , tif,`Matan thirkation :•!!, :Add.' *,-;',,';. -'i' • #l'ficeo:doutito Monocrat. Tiurcdayt December 1,1889 . . . . . - :.. . . • . 18 :.': •S .; IC RETTERGILIi - dc `oo'B' '. .. ... , . . . . . . . ADVERTISINCI. AGENC.Y.', ' . . ' •• • , _1.10:•.it( .ttisi Streets nto York,' oriel 10 StateSt.' .13 osioa . S. ISt....PiTT tinli lA. & CO;, are'. the ' Agents - foe the M'Ki. Deimee.t . r awl the moat • fialleential end largest eireut.,ting Nelimti. ore Irj the United Stateiand the Can . - 'adas.. They Are authorized to , contract •for iii' at our • • .:61.1:631titY RAITIOAD . .—•-We understand 'the track is now, fr'orn' Erie,' saSt knir miles of . Warr*, with daily -headway.— If is eiPecteg the cars will, be running to the lattir place within the codling week: We ex_ peat the Warren paPers to post us in ,regard to, the celebration, as some of gtour folks' 'wish to N. F..Wlt.cox, of the firm of Wilcox &Ea:- ton, we uinderstand, has gone to Drowl(Ork for janother stock of Fall and Winter Goodi..Tho Oleitn'Atlyirtiser sari of them:— . 44Th;' duteeis of this : firm is a Matter . of ' cOngratulatiOn 'among their trOorw.of• friends. " Prompt). ,enelr getiej and . pmsessini . nnkneitionahle iptsgiity; the'firrn & Eaton is worthy the pat nonage the'.publie bestow upon it;nnd we rijoice at'their growing populirity.'! • ':The pleasant vveathetduring - greater pait of Novemher,'. has given place Tor,-raln and storm. Last evening we had a heavy fall of rain, which continues to. the.present . The road's are ,beeomingalmoSt impassable, and if it dOes i not close up soon, we fearWe shall have to resori to the pidmitive style of limornotion, of paddling in .nanoes over oar, streams. . • , . . Since We commen c ed 'fitting up the building now occupied by till DE3tOCRATi !here:has been A decided rage for improyement in this part of the Borough.. H.. 1 7. Williams. ha st erected barn—commencing tills , week—on the lot., ad joining, - and has, it nearly enclosed; Messrs. David & Dow also aro building a ',Work Shop, uo! week the hammer and•saw have been constant ly ringing in our ears., • , . . OiL'Wonas AT Corrnon.—Me understand thai dcommenceßiant has been made at Cory don, some five miles bbyond. Marsh's corners, for the erection of Dit Works, ,under'. the Man agernent of Mr, JOSEPII Misneorr,- of England it . gentleman of - lerge and lonteiperiencs, both hi England and :France, in. the purification of oile. .The.liermit prope'rty and adjoining lofin" Corydon, we are fold; were recently purchased by'.Dr.'GutzEar,.and associates of New York. SuoVese to the undertiking. "• , .Sonoor..---The • Berough' .School . compienced •at the Academy on Wednesday usavt..a alau 01.111/V1 V %civet ,t-W. W. Matrrtel) of Alfred University.' Mr .Baowri is well qual ified, in theory, and if we mistake not, has the aptitude to teach a good school. 'The school is large, alreadynumberini fifty,and increasing. Ma large portion of them are small children, requiring more attention than those mote ad 'vanced,,.an assistant will probably be neves.sa- STEAMBOAT ON THE ALLEOANY.-WO under stand Sonu. Fouxs succeeded 'in running 'his Steamb s ciat as far up the Allegany as Larabees. With btit little eXpense the Allegany could.be made navigable aila s r as gtull's, which would extend the canal, really to that place, as boats could be towed by steam Ahrotigh the pond to the head of the canal; We understand that 'Mr.'l7onks will undertake to clear the pond fit for navigation, if Ihe,people interested will Con tribute $lO, for the purpose, and will also . re pay the sum advanced, ,in carrying The people of this vicinity can.well very afford the'outlay, and we trust they will ilottlisreg,ard *their interest so much as to neglect the improve- . . _EANATIOISM. AND THE SWORD.-ThO • present ravings of ' fanatics now being exhibited by men in thisßepublicaneanks, in regard to Old -- . l3rowa, seem. to practically' illustrate that. the peaceful - doctrines•of the Messiah and his dis ciples ure to be superseded, and that mitriler, bloodshed and - the sword are the means So be psed'in propagating. christianity in our land. 1 1 How•strange it is that , tiny . eing - bearing the image . of our Saviour; should be • guiltY of die- senninating through thecau try that old Brown was'. 'the emblem' of lOnesty,' Christianity ,and bravery; whose - hands are fad with : the blood.,of :those he has nitnedered, and his acts of .treascin are known' in the ' veriest corner. of our land. We •hope that. When our cotetnporary again speaks 'of 'old l;lroyvn, he. will 'leave ' out the WOrde,'"ilonesty, Christianity, and &livery," and use instead, •tbase of murder, treason and bdrbarity. - . - , , - - - - SILVER MINE IN THE ALLERANit learn.that silver has been found in and nearthe Allegany liver, at what is known as the se:lndian God," about nine miles below. • yraaklin. ~ The' gentleman operating- is • a Frenehtilan, whose ancestors resided• in. that region•ddring the occupancy of the country by the .'rench. Among .the family' papers he found a description of thislock together with tbe - atatement,that silver was:•to be 'found near it; :he accordingly .botight the land in the ,vi; einittand commenced tisearth,:which resul ted in finding silver tore,: , of considerable .richness, in the bed of the river. 'Ore was also found in a 'Mall stream which 'ilia in,near the : point, as weltati in,the'surrettnding, ~Traces of gold have also been found...There:is' atradition #loo.4*thli! mines were known' to . the French location never revealed to the English `WhketrF,F,tled•them In occupying the country. It is weir 'no the , French successfully, work oilad the spr ing.,, - ings; at Oil creek, • .Oritscuras.--114achArtinst otir were cOmpelled...tO fait in issuing;' piper last'. week,.. and we feel it , irienipinatto.giye reasons therefor.. First, our foreman wished, Jo. be'ithient, dud itwas impossible to obtain :other help. , 'Another reason was, that we'Avere repairing . and moying our Otte:4'lo , lr; and itierfOre.had abOut busitiess'on . hrind that.we could . itttCnd to. .hOpe• we shall not hayeocOs . ilor . t o eppolottizti. for .the.nOn apilear•ance..of the DamocasT,ip the • Our. friends' will now: find us ,on the' Soatbl. east. corner. ofthe:public'sgeriee;in:ilie:hoilding„ - owned by 'Esq..'.Payiss.:; aad whieh.he prfrited the: Forptei; the first 'paper iiiibl!shed in • the 'courtly.- the- mantle „Of tile' 'editor - - oltliat paperebutd tall ori:os, we should beim to' wake ap,tbesleepreit'jzensof the. county;. arid set them activelyfor , the gen eral interes t. .A.t . :alfevents ar'sat.q. a ...ATTEII.T_AT . ..S6ICIDE.—Wc understand that . a iparrieil . lady Buena .' Elk county, attempleil ta..Cornrnit,...suicido • by' .teking an otnice of the s oil of Tanzy. • The 4 . 0 . 5 . e being so large it 'proVed a failure; end she is fast recovering. ; The cause-is unknown. FATAL A ccipE: , 7..,A most heitrt-rt;ni!,itg 'affair happened at 13enton'S tewnship; on Friday, the.l.Ffthult... Twii " little girls, one 'a daughter - of Mr.. GUA.y,. the . otlypr ,of G. P..•MocinE, aged .Q:years respectively.; were playiug'near a . shaft 'propelling-,tile Shingle . rrla chore, — when one.of them got her clothes caught vffl whirled rOund . .With the shaft, her head striking a.beam as ; well as the flofir, at every revolutiOrt. The other .attsiripting to assist the first' one, was caught alSo;and.shock-., irigly bruised. The daughter of Mr; GRAY, had . both lower limb's broken,`. one in.two . pliices; her fiead and - face- Weie badly brui:ledi', -she. lived till 3'o'clock of dhe ,folleiving., day": Mr.. McionE's daiighter, although lici.scullWas bro ken, and otherwiseinjuredwas still tilive,:atour - last information, end . hopes - were entertained of her recovery: The shaft in. .whieh . they .- yrtre. about trs : inches frOM the floor, nod about the same distance...froth a la4l 'beam, being !ifni7. : lo'i! with The.little,giif first entangled, 'clungto.lhe•Shak, and avoided hit: ting,the heath or :aloof, until she :became, so dizzy, na 'to lose all Coziecintiness. We "learn the aboiie. facts :from who' 'was. called, to "attend.... 1111PliOVEAIENTSI:siAZ6 AnnoTToWN.—Our Me chaniceburg. friends certainly fake the palm in building in and . irnprov fit *. their village,'.and . hatie set ah example Worthy te: he followed by the citizenS of the - bornue;lt * proper.. cing en Mechanic's street,' we ,haiie the enter- . r - .4.;.:i.iirrn of. VAA who,. have, re=fitted the, o 2 a io en _ tire . satisfaction in the mantifacture of casLt„,;„ understand they.arel.patronised. Gnoarns CORWIN . has additions, and otherwise improved his trhOrnestead."" • • •-• Cr..y.V4,008c Btiirrwho hay.: recenily•• pu r- chased the..COrWin have'toi•n dpivn ,- the Old Saw `till end built a; tier` one on. thO situ. ft in nearly?inrrinning order, • . Several dWelling-houses have becriptit up.the past•stimmer,:in - Mechanicsbnig, Ira S..Gr.cA- As fras.attrioheAt wings to his house and -re modelled the upright part, nd has now a' ottage which far convenience and, tasteful appearance, is unequalled, hereabouts.. .*: • LyarAx, H. T : Joy's, ABRAM . Ki,p;s- TON, and .BEsysit Conwrx haVe'er;th new honsCs in a partial 'state of completion. . • • . Coining back to Smethpnrt, findlnit- very charnO. '...Ronr.tur KING erected . a dwelling' house on , -Main street; and has it nearly . completed.', C. ClIAI!IN 'he s the c6n.; . •tract, and the work, doei credit to lii's skill 'us an architect. Several neat. Verandahs have been , built' and a trifleoffence; but flio•heavy'wor lc of.the season has been in :the immediate vicin ity of the Marcel:AT office, mentiOned.ClSC.- SALOO'N.---0E0: •R. 'Arse has rented ,the ementof the'Sartyvell Block, , and io fitting it up for an Oyster Saloon- week he. ex- Rectal:3 be prepared to acCorin'odate the public whO . may:favor himwith their patronage; " • The first nwtber of the-Naeicmai;Dolliec , ‘.itie . 'B s vieiu ha3.been issued. It is*.highly spoken . of •by the preis.• One of the principal. arOcle9, that on. the Ilarpees FerrY . aff,iir, Avas - written by Hon. B. M'Oafrnont. The Reviezo is pub'z Hon.:Thorhas B. Florence, at • Wash- .Political Items. NEW YORIC:-At length we have..the official returns" of • the 'election • in . the State of New York for Stateofficeri. Three Of the Democrat . - ic candidates (WhO were supported', by' the .AmericiMs) are elected. Jonea.(Detn.) for Sec retary of State has a„majority of I;l6B';Ricii mand•(Deth.) bas'a majnrity of 1,120;' Skinner (Dem.) has a majorio. of 314. •. . .• The otheraix candidates on the State ticket' •were elected' by ,the 'RepubliCans.:Five, whO were.on the ..katericanlicke(alse,,have Major. , ities ranging from.ls,ooto 40,219. .The other,' Forrest, hash majority over both' Democrats and•Aineriemis 0f072.. •••• : :New .Tenscy.—The official . returns are aS.fol lov;•1::-Olden '(Opp.) 63,367 ; Wright (Delp.) '51,735. Oldens majority 1,629. • New Yonk CiTy . .;;—There,ar . four n'andidat es in the field for Ma yor.: 7 -Hdvemeyer (Ptitrirtiety Dem:,)'rernande Wood•'(Moiart, Hall. Deino Cipdyie Ogdeh, (old line Whig. ) The BoSton Past-considers it a . .significant and cheering fact that there are.riqW some fifty-four. DemocratiC .members of the. 31,faisachusett's. House of rtepresentatiYes, who're a • few years 'since there' waa but.a solitary' onei'..lt'thinkS the Demociats in that State have cause for en couragement._ -• . • • A Washington correspondent writes that the hehds of nearly all the , pepaitments, and Ph romp 'of the•tfovernment mill be 'alp° to, report to Congress'tliglinis4eci .oxpentlitnres last year, and'a•less .a,rnottnt needetilor the future, = 1 2_ . • When the 'Tiernan .Republic 'was rthtealened with inititient.thin'ger frOm.Seditimi ond, trea son; through the conspiracy of. Catalinei 'the Senate 'Passed . tt Aectedsyyllich '.invested. the Consuls with' absolute .power, end •suspeOded all the:ordinary forms of kiwi that. decree was flip Consuls robe czro Mat rho . ,saffersr . 1,9 ; harm.." his j'extraOt dinarY precautionary measure' had not the effect of deterring the conSpiratots.. • After' they, had nearly...completed. their arrangements, :Cicero surrimoned the'Senate Meet in . the temple of •the Capitalj An this ,itseembly..Cat ulitie—had the" audacity- to . 'preSitit -whereupon • Cicero at once. addres . sed; hitn in 'language which te'l is' drih, does not fail,to, 'cite.• the deepest loathinglor tile traitor 'and the highest - admiration, 'for .the Cicero;. 'although invested with the., power; refrained from hanis . hing pataline.dr. 'putting him death; and giving his reason's; said, .“We. haye now for a long time, o:Conscript - Fathers, Hired . among - flies - a dAngere'aPd machinations of .conspiracy;. but • SomphOw or other,• the. ripe-: ne't's Of . all WickedneSs . . and'Of- this long , stand ing'madness and andaciti has come to' a head .at thriefoi'tny - 'Consulship.. .Bet .if this, 'Mau 'alone it' removed fecirif this piratical Crew,' We.iney ap'pea'r, perhaps, for' a .short . time re , - -hayed fromearo .'and:anXiety, but the . danger 'will settle llown and - lie hid in the veins ;and hoWels of the Renablic.. As if often happens' that men aillieted.with a' severe disease; when theyere tortnted • with: heat- onafever, if they 'drink colthweter,.Seein. at fi ra. to. he: relidved, but afterwards 'suffer more arid more severely;', So , this disease,Which is in the Republic, !Wiled by the Mthisliment kif • this man;will only' get worse',.as the re.st• will still be-alive." i , Where . fore; D.dons,cript •Fathers, •let. , the worthlcsi•begorielet them' • separate *thein selves horn the good ' -let them collectin .one. plaCelet, them,. as I have 'ofteMraid before, he. arparated:from uS..by a 'Wall--let . them Cease to plot, against the Conspl• in his. own • honSe,- to.surround the tribtinul of 'the city '.prcetor t --t6. besiegelhe Senate hoe'se with sivordSL-tecpre pare brands find torches to burn the city/ef. it in il l ort,:tio wilitin 'on thi brow ,of.'ive y citizen, iolutt are' seniiinfint3 abo.9l,'the.lbTpublie." It teas the. fortune • d' an of:the Chief' Cenitil,'Cicero, to have in that day bit:tone Cat: aline, however nurnerdus his followers may.have. been, 'but the Republid.of Ame'ric'a has-many' Catalittes, only one who has led . .the, vanguard of treason and sedition • ,.att who now lies under the sentence of death. • Tbe•other.Catalities are free; and many of them to-ilay would •have, the atidaity to present themsekres in our Temple of Jupiter, in the capital, and - others, •lifie himself, seelc hy'.conapiracy, -treason: and Murder, to . gain . the Chief consulship . of this Republic.. .13 it not time that our representa tives, or the people sheuld decree; in.' the'...lan, gunge, of the Roman 'Senate, , r Let . the Consuls Carte care fhat:thelielythlia_Yer.no bur?a," 'and also, in •the:words of'Cicero;'t Let it ioritten on' ale brow 01 every of tzon lolutt are /ifs sen/imeuts , .. Cicero invoked Cataline to banish Himself, to. F' betake himself, to . Manlius; to rouse up the ithan , "tinned citizens, seperate himself froth the gobd -ones,. wage war against his country, exult in • his impious baturliti, saying' also to him,'' you ivill go at I.lst where your:Unbridled 3ml mud r desire. t --- °rig been hurrying you. :And this trill - se you no grief, but an, incredible pleasure'. attire has -formed .yon,Olnsire hiss trained - yoti„, (F t0r,...... - s-i, igoserve,..l you, for 'thin , insanity.- Not' only did-you nev.,:roestru q uiet, but you never even ksired any, War_but, a criminal One; you have collected-a band 'of profligate and and' vrit thless Men; abainiOned.not only- by :all fortune, hut.: even. :by hope.''. Remembering well that .rnany excellent - nethi aria illustroua . ci-- ties riot only polluted themselves, but-even-gill - - Hiked themselves,.breause of -the execution of the - ,traitora Saturnins,- the:Gritcchi;.Flacetts, mid rnany others; - he kneW that the. slaying :01 this parricidal murderer of the .citizens would also make othiria - k martyr, among 'those 'who, did not see what was . threatened,' or disierubled what they did see, and among those. Who had , also fetithe holie of Cataline by mild sentiments, and thereby- strefighened the,. rising-, cospiracy hy not believing it ; all of such would unite • in saying that he had acted cruelly and - . .tYrannical ly. " - But,"..said be. , - - if he banishes -himself, lantl : takea 'with hinu'Tall hisfiiends, and collects at'ene p6int:all the rutned . men from ,'every quar ter. then net only Will. this full grown plague of the Republic he, extinguished and eradicated, but also the' root and sped' oti all future - evil's:',' 1 There is much -iii all this l'applicabie to the 1 preSent . aspecColthe .treason and seilit foil now in course of deVelopirient in this - Republic.... The, arrest, trial and crintlemtiationof Brown and his . assoeititpa; has ateuire beCome the theme. of an ticipated'glorification,' and their death i 5 to., be 'hailed :is a martyrdom . which. will make • the ,:. ()at/Nes more gloriures:.thriA the 'Ordse.". , The .hi,aiti of SatUnifius; of the C.racchi,: and-.the. Fiaccna, though traitors:as they,Avere . eaused. those • who ordered them to execution,to become unpopular; and thus made forconspiracy, trea. son and traitors greater . iticeeSs and larger .im- : •ptibity.: the same results are Calculated to flow Argus, the . n,rechtion M . -Brown and his fellow con, 'sPitatora.-: 'The disease - Will.tiof be .eradicated, 'the parrichlal„arm ivildnot be.: stnyeil • (on • the contrary a' new impetus is expected to be deri.: l ved lilerPfriam, to more effectually tra'nsp'ort I conspirators fully armed "and equipped :to . lay- Waste - with - lire and sword, to deliver to carnage andjime a portion • of Our - common country and a:portion of our own. Crum - Mtn brotherhood.. - TO this end the cinissari'es. of treason are . abroad ; Irons the pulpit, the lecture boerdithe rostrum, and iii public assemblages,. the .innst•.darnning sentiments of hostility to religion- and the laws, and anathemas against the established order of society' ant.htite.peace of Ile: people are' . uttered unspairinglY and withont check or hindrance from any quarter: • Throateninga - of invasion, tod, by bodies of armed mert.are freely indulged, and even their departure.fronn the,sc'ene.ef out rage, is coolly announced by letter and diapateh throngitout•the 'land. Every....neatis..atu em=. ployod to arouse, inflame' and exasperate the South 'to a beadle resistance; fe create •aets . of distinion,,in order that. a servile insurrection may be brought; about - in the confusion and-the: . 'count ry.plunged into a disastrous ,tivil ,war.-r -l And yet, while - all this .it 'being:done openly. and With an audacity unparalleled even by' Cat.: - aline.and 10.4 associates, tll4 - .. consel:vativ • North 'is silent, unaroused, composed, ,unconcerned, '. , Notwithstanding thesethings,deplorable, uti: patriotic and alarmingly aignific . ant of animosi ty ns , tney. maybe, tee say to the men orthe , Setith , STArmtv kon. run Urttox l 'Be '-true to yourselves, to the Conatitution,to the laws, take no steps of retriaceSsion,.Contemplate no act of ' disunion, remain on the defensive,.and neither will your, rightirbe sacrificed, nor can this Un ion be dissolved. ' Cement b.y..n . united action the commercial interesta,olthe cotton, fields of the South and theinarinfactures of the North, . throw aside petty dis Contents, and the pursuit 'tit abstract - theories of impracticable .rights' or .! wrongs, support with united hands and strong' hearts the chief authorities of the nation;and strengthen-the Union.pornociatic 'party. of :the 'North.' by grantini,..i:hatmost nearly' concerns Slilnd np for the U ni on . . locriVdpinestiCprosperity, and .which requires no sacrifice of yours', and rast tisured. there- . is' nO:Pciwer in treason.,mo:combinntion,..Of conapi-, raters; end mraggregation. bf . :their '4r.ritiathi zers; even With theshiglelfope cOn7 stittitionaNuecesS; that can touch a right or hi fringea. single principle material,to your Treace, happiness or preSperitY, 1)o these, things,: and, let the. woht,corne, arid should . that' be . in the.' tritimPli of your . 'enemieSlfere by . association with.their political.sympathizers, the first.-act of wrong, the first blow airriedat: the.Constitti lion and yourrightS guaranteed it, I. at the'sarne time .strike•the tocsin pf ':ciyilsaar' in tonservatisinis not damonotrative; 'it is patient,lendurieg,.hoinfilli : it is the ,deep flowing river, quiet"ut powerful ; you ertn - Wan , - tom upon Its stiface, skirt . _wa,ve . s, and; even•diiide and..emPloy its'povver for , artificial purposes.; . but you 'cannot destroy. itiimpair its . strength, and if you attempt to oppose its- cur:. rent; it .will overwhelm, . engulph and - destroyi. Such 'the conservatism of the .Nortli.' Lt is a .deeliStrearn of Patriotism 'made up al - tens . of thouSandS of rivUleta.frornieVoliitienary memo= ries;chnfined;to a Channeltriarle sacred,. by 'the' ties' of common .brotherhood; and .ceaselessly gathering volume and power: by the hope .'and contemplation of orakloyious conitn'en'. and . in vincible destiny:. Little do the, radical' and .traitorous, spirits' Of. the North reckeo . upon its power when once they attempt .to stern its•cur rent.. 'Let, this,titterript be made.by.a Single act of riggressiOnorider the : pretense of law and be canse Alley - have the might; tending to deitroy the:rights,- impair the . institutions or render life arid preperty inthOSouthinsecure, and no:storm that ever swept over the bosom or : a . recently cal in.ocean. would hold a parallel tp the ‘c bosom of destruction which would" sweep over",.the I ; face . of the 'North. .-.A. 'volcano Irani *hese Chimried.depths.nci thus ders had been heard nor . lightnings.belched for ages .would .then becorne' shaken 'With:their reverberating crash, ,anti 'he madelurid with their terrific:flaines. The war 'would he in the North.: E?iterreination :wonkl• begin in the North': 'Northern fire. Sides • would. Call to.the.South for her arride:s - and even rouse 'her 'slavesto-armsto'cOnquer treason and put traitorsto death.- Let the issue be made to-day, to-morrow he.reafter; 'and the, conservative: spirit of Penitsylvanie,,N.ew Jersey and .Netv. York. will match man with Man; and give" dollar for dollar, 'with - the SOuth in commorf.tle tencp of the'Union'-and for the 'total destruction' of 'trai'tors, whether they' cluster. around the now desecrated. shaft which commemorates the haute oflrtinker 1-till, or ae.ek r.eftige arnongthe altara of. the infidel-polluted churches. 'of New England. - But this, so terrible in contemplation and so disristrons if realized, can:be'averted;hy standing up for the Vallee now;" arid invoking every .eri.et 'to write upon' his btow 'are his s'ent'iments about the Republie."--: The Penn- • - Allalrs itiAfeiico ha ve .talten another t i tre.--H 13Y - ati arrival at .Mohile,'lrqtri 'Vete' Cruz, re ports reach de.that president Mammon had joined Marrtilez,.and that Path • had fled the country on board - British .steamer, taking tivo Millions - of • specie seized -by Marquez, ivhere-' upon Mirarnan.'i army had;pronnitacei for,§anta .The'New York and Erie..R4ilror.l =old at the : suit of t he tirst tnortgageboutlholtl. , . ors, because of the nou'iwinent of inte'rest'. , . A man wOs.arrested. at Ali.xandria, Va:, on, 1 ° 6 ;..a•-•- 6,, has . been rqng,nized as one ' Brown's tnen at Harpera t erry. •. • toirle MAGAZINES, j'ERIGDICAI.S, Persons wishing, to get any of thn difrei'ent Magazines t .ithiAtnite(k„Toornalsi.P,ook's; Fie. &c; publi s hed in. ike . United States,', can do - •so by calling' upon . the subscrier at.the Drnfoce.ast . Orrice, zilid.leving-their - . . . . , . • . • .• GEO: ri....kLLEY. smqt.hpori, -• • *. • . . . . Atl persons'knowing themselves indebted 'to the - undersigned' by Book' aecount, wilt save 'cogt.by settling the same by payment or Note inimediately.• - • MASON. , Dacembe'r,l, 1850. LOST! . . . .T 3 pi'WEEN . d' Olean an .R. .Larabee . 's, • on. AVediies . t,lity inst. ; a black:Pocketbook containing a 'note:given *by, Tames O'Neil, to Silas Reisdorpl,, for $95, dated Nov: 1; 1858, on• which was . einbirged $19,.25; 1559. A $5 note on tbelivingsion . Count.Y *ink, and about slin change.' .AlsO; containing racejpts and other papers, &c.• said . .. . Any person finding i% pocket'book, will be liberally' rewarded. by returning. it :to 'the subs:criber,Tor leaving .it .at T;' Goodwins, in Firiners Valley. ' '.:•• . ... ._ ,' • : ~ :..: . All persons are hereby warned against pur. chasing 'the above Aescribed note; also, the maker is forbidden paying hi:. nny other person.. H. B. BARRETT. ' Farmers Valley, Pal Nov._ 19, 1559._ LIST OF JURORS FOR DECEMBER TERM GRAND JURORS -Madjortl.:=B. C. 'Havens, ;J. K: Halley, Maynard Ingals4,Goorge . Aloord. ...• Ceres=Newton . Arnold, Theron cooper, Na than B. Fgote. CorydoitE.Sunderlin. • •' '•.. • • /Ceatiit..4..--:,Bonj. C. Corwin; ThOnriaGood win, Zera R; Tiabbs. • • .• • • Likriy.--li. Dolly, C. MOses. LlAzyeetc—Jatnes Bond,. jaspefMarsh.. .Aroilvich.--G. H. Smith. Oito—Nahuno Baldwin, T. J. Bryant, • F. R.. ./eippen. : ---- 7 A. A. Eddy, C. C. Freeman,' E. .Q. Goodwin,•.L.*LOcore, jr. •, . • • . • • Sergeant-- I D. C. Howard.. • • • • . TRAVERSE JURORS. :• . . .Braillbrel.-1-lenry: W. Barr, .David D'Gdlia;" Zerry . W. Fishe . r; S.43:4lawkins,' John legato-. by; S. L. Seward, H. D. Turner,Sabines . ..../3 . o\orr . er.—Naitl. W. Ahby;•Gporge . C.•Chti-' ,Roswell Sartwell. • . • • • ;.? ,Ceres.—Simmons Foote, Barn!. June, - 4: : D. Knapp, Ahial North, Clark Wello.• • • , Cooper,. Rice . Fowleb • Ran- Larabee,'B. Lamphear.' • J. 'Rifle. ' • • • • .IC'egting,::-Danial Brown, Joh n Boytan, H.. 8.. ,Barrett,.Wirr.,Fratt, Andrew Riley. .f.,ibarty.A. M. Benton;•M. M. :Boylan, W. - H.•Taylor. • • . ••. ••• • R.• Burdick; J. F t Gallup. • !Shippen . .—R: Chadwick, 2d, H. L. Gifford ; Joieph Hoosier, 2d, NI, B. Freemao,ThilliP, Lewis. The above nomed.Jurors will meet at the Court- House: in• Smethport,.on Tuesday, the '27th • day of 'December' next,' at. 10 o'clock A.M. • ••• • : JOSEPii MORSE,. Sheriff. Sherifrs'OM6l, Sthethport, t Oct. 20th, 18 . 59.- • IraDENATIon WANTED, . . . . In • regard Co the whereabouts of PaTram . . emigrated 'to this country trona the Pari44 of Kilbacottnty,:dalloWay, county,' Ire land, about -14' years,since; aged 'Shoot 60 yes - ;Post - oificS: address, (Callenshurg, ClarienCeitenty; obtain= ed from' Patrick Higgins. If living he is rp-* quested. to address. John , Gleyn, care of Thomas . 01c.i.fere,,Noi Gree nrrichstrest,, Y, y: Clarion, paper:s by' c'alling 'attention ..to the above;Confer' a' on- his friend's. . .• • , • - - JOHN ,GLEYN. PATENT. POCKET COIN. DETECTOR. ..eimitrksTleio:3lu VARIOUS .46F WILD AND SILVER COINS. It is admitted by all to be the most perfect thing of the kind ever offered to the public. • 1S" ISO' THAT I.T. CAN. BE,CAR. RIED IN THE POCKET .WITIIOUT ANY INCONyENIENCE. Every Merchant should have it! Every Storekeeper should have itl Every, Meehanio should have it! Every Man in Business should have it! It detects. at the barna moment, both size, thickneas . and *eight; froma half dirrie:to a' Dollar.in• silver, and from SI in Gold up to $2.0 besides fortri Gold and silver, .and 'sells 'as cinickly: as seen, .ivithout the assistance of a word,' lt IS:sitople„•e r minently oseful, durable, economical and . • Wnrrantee.goe's,, ith;every one sold! PRICE. ONE. DOLLAR. Post-paid ,to any: part of. the ynited Stateq . SEE THE , rtiyi'SPAPEAS smr: , . • pie poispssiori,of • it: is . n..pe:rfeet guarantee against being' imposed Opon with spurious coin. MEE Detection is sure, certain, inevitable.--Bire , .A:blind man with one•in his. possession 'May bid defiance 'to (be mOst:skillful counterfeiter of the day.—Evening • -- • WV pronounce , it without hesitation to be the most. perfect thing.of .the kind ever offered to the :public.-=Penn:public.ean. ,Enquirer. , . 'and' cordially rebornmend it..to the public. . --National us. It. is worth its. price ten times told•--City .WAN EP. An agenr . wahted in every County in-the.TJ. States; to whom a, heavy - discount will be made. Samples.sent,•v4tb terms of agency, on the teeeipt of one dollar. . • Address all orders - td • • . •• JAILAY.Bi.BICKNEL;L'S. Bank Nate Reporter, 'Tie Reporter has been for .Thirty years'the -constant.and necessary companion of the Cash ier, 'Merchant, Clerk, Trader, Mechanic and the ,People, being the eldest on' th'e Continent, and the ablest in the' worltVand more subscriberi than all others combined, is pub- . lished on the'ist and 15th of each Month, at the foll'owing rates: , • 'Monthly, one copy one year, Semi-Monthly; :1 copy one year, . 2,00 including without 'extra charge. 4' copy the Coins of the World, Containing a'largcr number of, mi"thificently illustrated Fac-Simile imptes - - sions than•can be found in any . citherwOrkomd• t.vhich can be obtained from. no other' source - by any pliSsibilfty of means: • Address, . • .•. ralLkit s.:}ner...lszvLlL'S • Tank 1 !pop' ter :CC tho : , • • ": ' • • .L. ASTOR lIOVSE ISTORR . rf LS of Dri ed - A nide if in store and foi'sale.i?:y 'LF Administrator's sge. . . . •VOTIOE is hereby ..given that the under siened','Adminiatratora of the Estate of 0.. Bennett,.deceased; late of Smethriert Bore!, in pursnance .of an ..order from, *the Orphan's Court of APICSan county , to.them directed, will expose ,to sale or piddle vendee; at the Court House,, in Stnethport; Ni'Kean.countY, Pa. ; on., Thursday, the fifteenth day of December, next, at' 1 o'clock of Said day; the following real estate, to wit; • ' • •. All.that . piece or parcel,of lan4 known as the “Bennettll r lot," situate in the township 'of Keating; ..county .. Of M'Kenn,. and .State Peiinsyßraiiia,. bounded :anirdescribed as fol lows, to.witi—Beginning , at a: post corner•on. the bank of I'otatoe creek,' thence west on the south line of land4' of Thonias lgoore.;:thirty-' one and • five.tentha (31.4 perches; thence' sonth_ thirty-two degrees west, fifty-nine '.and' li . ve4enths(s6.s) percheS, to the line. of lands of George . . W.' Peltor4 :I hence: east. thirty-seven (37) perchesto the..bank of Petatok creek.; thenco 'forth thirty..si.k• degrees 'east, thirty 7 seven ,(37) • perches ;. thence north . fifty-three degrees, west eleven (11) perches . . to the place' of beginning; . centaining eight and'ihree-tenths, acres of lanilmore or "less_; ..orfAhe said piece or. Parcel of land there ie, one Saw and one, frame house. . ' . Also, all that ' iece or parcel of land, situate . in the tOwnship of Keating, county *Of M'Kean, and State of Pennsylvania, .bOunded.. and , de scribed- as follows,'. to wit 't • beginning at 'the north east corner Of fands - 9f-Henry.cheipin, •de= ceased; lot No. 0, of the tillotment - of.lands of .Keating Sc . . Co:, in said toivnship; thence west one hundreal and four (104) perches to a,corner on the eastbank Of Potatoe creek; thence down the'creck to the southwest corner of lends of 13enjamin Miller, (now.F; Curtis,) lot No.. 20S; . thence east one hundred nMeteed•and five tenths (110.5) perches to a post corner thence' south Sixty-three and five-tenths (03.5) perches' to the place of beginning ; • Containing forty four and one-tenth (04:1) acres of land, strict, measure; be 'the same More or' less;; being lot NO: 87: of the allOtment of land. of ' Keating '•& KeatinglownShip; and part of . Warrant. , Also,. all' that piece or parcel of land ' situate in the Borough' of Saiethport, M'lCean county, State.of Pennsylvania, bounded and . ..described as follows, tg ;. that part of square num •hered seventy-nine . (79), in the general plan of said town,, within the folloiving b,oundaries,.yia: beginning at A thS: north: west corner of 'said square;. thence ea - St pne'handred and ninty-two (142) feet ta 'the, building now occuPied by .Levi Wells, (now. occupied by.J.t. Backus & Ca.,) —being seventy:two feet from the north' east corner of 'said* square;-; 7 lfience south sixteen (16) perches, to the, south .line of said square; thence west,one hundred and ninety-tWo: (192) teet tollie,south west corner. of said square; thence north sixteen (16) perches to tho place of begi• ; .containing one acie:and twenty six peaches, more or less; on. said premises there is one frame• building, known as the “Ben nett House," two bates, .ice•-house, and; other out hoUses. 'lO . • . .... Ar,so,—Will be sold, at the same .time, a quantity,. of LuMber, , at the Saw Mill, above motitiorted. • 7 DAVID,R. BENNETT, WM. B. WARNER, Ailministiatorg. sJtri . .etiiport; . Pa: 3 lhloy . .: . 3j . lBo9: