M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, October 27, 1859, Image 1

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VOL. 26
fit'lliean County Eltmotrat.
prilitsc-1 . ' , :':.,....- , . ai 69113 i. AdVaitOo
. • .
Bates - ..•
I Column one 90
'3l. •st - 20011
- , c !< • ... 00
, 2000
-." .. .
• One square of 12 Ones or lean, 3 Insortions,.... •
Each aubsequeht 25
ihmineas Carda,.*lth paper .. ... .. ... .. 6,00
• •
• Poole' or , gat work de able the above rates.
Twelve lines Brevier type, or , eight lines nonpareil,
'tided aequare. ' • • • • ,
, Err These Terms will bo strictly adheredto..Eg •
.P4 . 0i . 0.-...:lpte:t.lpr,
Surveyor, Draftsmen :Conveyancer, Riad Deal .Estate
'Agent. .Smetbport; 41%e an county, Pa, . :
. . .
Wholestileind Retail Dealer io .Droderlee,. Por k,
?Wei Salt, ,_Feed,, Boots and Shoes, &c., dco. Store
le the Alcor H ouse.Dlock, Smethport Pa,. • .• •
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in.Provhdoni and Family
Groceries, Flour;.Bleal,.Feed,..Pork; Salt, Fish, ice.
. Store at Eaton's old stand. Tomei . Cash:, ' Stneth-
. • . .
Dealeito Dry 'Gaode, Groceries, •Perk Vlour,lialt, Flab
Xeidy-biedo Clothieg, - Beeta.s.thi Shoes:: Smethport,
- • . - • .- .
. .
. . .. .
•. ' • ' - 7WILLIAM.WILNIN; :' • -.-:
Prictleal Blichan!c, Millwright,`. Oridie.bpii:ddr, ..!,:c.;
Port,Allegheny,'WKCin county, Pa.
.lilLAirthlAN, CoIIVEYANOka and Mal-
Estate Agent; OHIO, •Penn'a.
. • nit's,sticmcres—
dhapin & Boy
Lion, Thomas Struthers,
W. 8." Brownell, • Esq.,
Hon'. Wi
Sma • Pa
fluent' Vista.' Pa
• , ' , •.,.. - CARVER HOUSE; '' - ' •:. -.-
. . . .
JOHN II; puct,:Pioprietor, corder of Witer and Ilekory
• Stretta, Warren- Pi!. - • Cletteral Stage . Office.. . • '
General Dealers it Diy Goods; Groceries, OrnotrerY,
Heady-Made Clothing, Boots apaSboei, Hate and Caps,
• ko., oppoeite.the,CoOrt prnelbport 14; .•
..Pr.. . . . . . .
, ..
ontida. ltlie!Publie i quare',..'Olean. N. Y. JAMES M.
• bltt:Lati Proprietor' The robes House-is entirely new
. .and built of brick, and - ta furnished in' modern style.
10' Proprietor' flat term himself ti at bis attennnode . ..
• tlona are•nnt nirpsSited bpany hotel in 51 extern N .'itt
York,Carrieleti .rue US mad' trum the' : NeirYork amt
Eriellail hoed. .•. • . •' - . 39-tf
A2ro4Nent .0 1..4i am t..th port, :t1 1 , •
Agent f,r Meant's. Hestia'," k , Cr ,i o All ,- h.k
• especially tp the 0911eation'at Clsins.; asaTlll..l:fi,PW:e.,f
. Lend Titles; • Payinent'nf nnt nll , a.nnss,ah...
•tleg tol!egil .iterate • Mica in 11 Imllp
. . . .
b. A.. Witionr, Propiletor,—aY Itirizni:. Warren county
Pa. 'His Table *lll lie. atYpplle I with the tact. the
:country affords, apd he spare no palrni
Attorney and . Counsellor „Lair, liroeihoort, , . allgeah
County, 'Pa, - • Ousoinesi entrusted to' his* care for
. counties of 31, , Kean,..1 1 etter and • 01k will promi,ll .
.: ; attendolito Office to the Coda douse, Ascend floor
'L .8. , WIBRZR,
Physician and'Surgeoa; fiffiethliort, Psi., wIII attend to
' all professional•calls with promptiiess. - Office in z act;
. well Block, necond , • ' . , • • •
.43„ BUTLER & CO.,
.. .
. . . .
. . . . ...
Wholefuili'andtdtal Beater., In Staple anti %Fanny 111 : 7
Goods, Carpeting, Beadyldado,Clolhine. and Gene,al.
• 'Fat:Dietling Goods, Boota and Shoes, Wall and Wiodow
• Paper, Looking Glasses ..Icc.,.'At Olean. N. Y, '• . ,
. .
. • ,
4 rnethribrt,lPllean Co., D. R.:,lisdNETT,Tinprid
• tor—oppokite the Court Bente: .A new, largo, coin
modious and-lien furnished howls • • •
SOHA o;.EACitus,
Attorney end Onintaeller at Law, Sinliaaport,N , Kein Co
Pa. Will attend Urea trusitteria in hi, proteselon in the
counties of At'Keati, tinttei• And Kitt..: Office liver 0. K
Sartwell A: Brothers' State.. •
• •
• 0 11111 Y. IiOITSE •
. .
dome! of gedoild and Liberty Atieits,•Sit,arreo,i . Pa. •
BARileit t L i rqpriOtor.. Tiovelers wilt find'good so-.
CinnmodationO and reagotiablecfhargiet: .• . ' ;
. ,
Peeler in. - Stoves, Tin• Ware, 3antetned 'Were,- c.,„west
aide or the - Voblie Sou.re, Smethport Ta. Custom
"woe's done to order on the ahortest notice; and in the
moat substantial. manner. *„ . • • . . ,•
• " W. B. BROWNELL, .
Dealer:fa Vey. Goods, droeerles: Oreekery,•Bardware,
. • Boots, Shoes, sate, Oape,,Olass t Bails, Oils, &0., Ste.
But - shle of the Public% BotOto,Bmothpott, Pa...
- •• • • y. ono, . •
Stier id Proolelcine t and Pamity araciertes gederally,'at
Farman, iralley, TlVlCeate 00., Pa. :Grain, Lumbei;
.•• Shingles, &c., taken In 'exchange for Goode. Patent
14edIcinee for eat° • • ' '
- • LUMBER'S HOTEL, - • •
R. tananall, I ; roprietor,—Allegbeny Bridge, MlCean .
-Co , ra. This bonne laeltuated about nine miles from
• .Imetbp.ort on the road to Olean, and will be found a
etopping-pinee ' • .
•e. ENPORIITAI .110118 E, • .
ehf r ipen, oo.i P., I.molismn Cows, reoprieor.
',A commodious 'and well-furnished 'house: fitraogers
,and thivelers will Rod:good accommodations.
. , .
By T. aoonwiti: . This house infatuated abont five mile'
frintel3methrort on the road to Olean. Piemonte partle"
. and °thole can be 1113601M0Ailtid on the Shortest notice.
NATUAN DINNIS; Proprietor• This honse leettnated hai
•way between Smetbport and leali• you want a good
dinner this is the place to stop':.'• , • '
Pro'peletoiof ,the at Mechantesbncg, 100,
Iteau County - Pa. Flour. Meal r and. Peed, constantly
On hand and foiaale In lacgaand emallvantities.
. , . . .. .
• . .
Cf. ': Ostrtaetack, Pioprlttor, • Norwletr, - SPICOan . 0o.;
-Pet:" Good aceounbodationd can be had there 'at ill
. . . . , ..
• -
• .
. .
i i ttoce 13.10ottat, . P roprietor' , at Part Alleintiy,,jkic•••
Kenn °amity' -Thin !Intel insituateit at the juite.
-tion!cif;the Saintlfport aturAtlegati, Biv r acioadai wine.
11tFian anat. of Saiethport, •• • • - - • '
.• • • • - • , .•
; ABT()R, ', .11011S_;
VW , iHASILELL :: : Proprietor
- The Proprietor beilog,reeoutly. purchased : and thor•i
oughly Tetltted , the Astor Iloese, Patters himself tiled be
eenTuroleh at gOodVaeoommodetioneie anybotel*Weet ,
ern Pennsylvania.. •
• Angrynnirtis are lightly spoken, •• • • . •
In a rashand thouglitleishour i . ••- :
Brightest links °Offs are broken
• ,BY their deen insidious newer:
Heart's 'winked warinestiflielli2l4i .
:No'er before byanger • •••
Oft are rent post Inman-heeling : - . •
•'•By nalsigle tagry ' '
Poison drops of eareend•noirow,',:.•,
Bitter poison titope arethey—
Weaving for theeeeUng ineiroie
Sadent memories oI to-day.
'Angrreerde I +let thenfuever
From the tongue untirldled,elliii
'hfity'the heart's beet hipulse ever
Check them ere they eel; the ilp 4
Leve is much too pure and holy,
, irilendship is , too, 'sacred far, • f'
Per it moment's reckless roll, ; • •
• Thus to desolate arid tkar,' .
Angry words - are. ightly spoken; •
Bitterest thoughts are rashlY stirred
Brightest Hoke of life 'oe:broken'
fly &singleangry *ord.: •
' •
• • . .
•—•••,*. "es wit turned ottr.becill
From our companion, thrown in hie grave,
.00 hie familiars to hie. healed fortune
Shrink. away . .? , •.
‘‘Why do you keep me•for , so„long a time' at
the . doOr?". said EdWaridg.,passiohately to his
wife. The night liadriaSsed; - bat its coldwind
entered the house; ; as F. with a sorrow =
tul heart undid the : • :1
. "It is pita, Edward;•l atild•ntWkeepTrom
slunilierlng. r • • • .••
. .
He. Said nothingin.:return t o this; , but. lung
himself in a chair, and.. gazed intently on the'
fire. • -Ilia ion'climed upon hip knee; and put
'Ong hi; arms .around his •fattier's neck whis
pered, papa, what has inamrna been. trying,
Ititartedshook. off his boy, and
said with violence; fcgat to bed sir;, what busi 7.
ness has your mother to let you op : at' this .
hour?" The.poor-Child's loWer lip pouted; but•
he was at this t ime.titbimich frightened to cry.
His sister silently:took : him.,up, and when he
had reached .his cot his wartri 'heart discharged
itself or its noisygriet?... - Hia'mother i heard hint
crying, ind went tolrirrolUlt she, soon . ' returned
to the. parlor. .She', leaned upon, her hilshand„
and thus adArt;wd him ,<Etlwarill will not
',,,o , a..eeunt' of yoor:harihnei.ta
brit .i,ouri.6l! rot'' not to- act , in. this rnhn•
your r'ell; You 4r,nrit,E.l . w.urit,
v“.yoo lispil:lo.l.4 ,
.:Y : well as <bu t hours. You
your , i , it;.ttor- to let my
hut yhor tvif!--liut, at. ttot..sariie
, incl.:t 'your
.bliartsknotir in
rers.or ,Ail Ai *aro of ihekiittl
riit'y in which'yon hay..!.l.itely • indo;..;d., 'l% l ll.
.1 7 ::!wOrii,.for riestwcarti•
we are reduced:( we are cutout jt'noi
Ridgway, Pa
F. iwanl •bad not a word for ids wifei r bt,
a tears are more iiwiolfil;nii.wOrds/' ..":
be it 'so, Edviard4 dui childien may
suffer:from the:tall; but it• Will redouble my ex
eriiune fdr them. Aci for Myself, you do not
know think that circUmstances lessi
en.mY feelings for you. .A . woman's. love is
.plant which Shows its itrength the .
more it is trodden on. Arouse yourself,.My
husband 7 -it is . true your father has east you o@',
and pie are indebted to hini in a serious sum.
but he is , not all the world! cinly: cOnsider
your wife in that .light"—a slight tap was
heard at . the door; and IFlrs.. F. Went to
tain the cause;. she returned to. her husband
:"Mary is at the door; ahe'saYashe always
ad.her before you % ent'to bed,!! • yle
4 4My child—my child,"—traid her?father,
"God bless, you—l am not—well,. Mary: Nay,
do.not sneak to me to-nighti_go to rest now-‘:
,giie us'one of your pretty
,smiles in 'the Illorrt--
44, and your father Will be happy sigain."
Mr. V.,:soe; was persuaded by his'affeetion.
atepartner tceretirel but bleep and rest were
not' for himt hie wife and children had once
given him hapPy, dreamsbut now, the ruin he
had brought upon, them .was an -awakening re
, . . . .
When the light of the morning appeaied
above the line of the 'opposite .house, Mr:, F.
~ W het e are Ion: going, Edyrardl" said the
wife, 44. have been considering," he replied,
and urn determined to try my .father. Be lei ,
•ed me when•l was a boy—twas proud of me. It
Is true; I have acted dishonorably by 'him.—
Yesterday I spoke harshly of him; but I did not
know m y self Your dear affection, my detiF
wife, has completely, altered. me. 'never can
forget my ill treatment towards you; but I will
make up for it--I veilk—indeeel do
not - grieve in this viler—this is' worse to me
thim all-your yoting ones; my wife—l will be
back soun.." . • • •
. , • •
• -• The children appeared in the breakfast room.
Mary was ready with her 'Mile, and: the boy
was aniticitts far, the notice of his father. After
a short space of time, Mt. returned.
:4‘Why'so pale, My 'husband I will lather not
. . ,
;.‘We must imiee alrk, , my l e v e r.. H e " up
i ra id ef u t re,,,ceu!d nicit'aniwer:, him a woad:—;
, .
He spike kiridli,ot you and .youiliitle crtiee i hut
he has east the off forever." . •..
• The' distressed man bid ereareely • 'said this
When A‘ler!ori 1;41- came in The , puipirt'
of his visit wee i pereeiy.ed. • ;n. the name
ot • talkie he. took possession. of .the prop:
erty, encl.he 'oedthe power tomake P. his prig:
doer: . .. • . •
,s,,AE:rakio . alii; ; .iypiii - ii,.4iN . ,:p0uNy1e;...:e,A:,T4u;.45.4:47.ir:., : N9y . t0.ER : .,. - 0,. , .•t5 - $0
'.You shall not .take' papa : itray,".iaid th e ..
tittle len; : ai the same' time kicking a[ the.affi-
:'"Mamma,"' whispered Mary, 'tg:mhst•
!miler. go to prison--woret thair . let p. go,.
egliere:comes euthority, 4 ' sold Ilut deputy
The elder Mr: F. doggedly placed himself :io
' “Toti shall - tiotirke pope !may," cried Oct
the boy to hie grendrither: •
et . .•.
• ." ' Whatever might have bleu my' eimduct,
sits . " ealtl.the Misetable Edward, isthis is an.
kind for you. Ihave pot a single feeling' for
mysekr,laut my wife—..my children.:—you ' have .
nera . light.thus: to heiress them with. your
Present-o. l '
ii . Najr,.httiband," resPotided,Mtk. "think
not of me...-Yom, father gannot diatrese me.
'have not known' you, Edward. from:your, tfina.
hood aslle . has done, but he shall :'see how
: can cling to , yod—can he' be mud of :you:in
poverty:. He . has forgotten your yonthfoldaya
has lost sight cif . his :own. thoughtless;
The old gentleman directed .his law agent to
'leave the room.'• He. then ;dowdy, yet nervone..,
ly inseveied thus
"Medan, I have not forgotten rny :owyl
thoughtless days., 11iitve not •fotiotten :that
once I. hid a: Wife its : aMiable and noble minded.
. not: Ill‘fotted that your
,httsbind N. 61,3 her favorite chi d. An olet:tisp,
hides his sorrow . ; but let not the world think'
him unfeeling—is that . world taught hlro so to
do. The distress '
.1': haVe this moment caused
was premeditated on my. put. It.hue had its
full 'effect. .ik..Mortal gets into vice' by . single _
eteps; and many think tbe victim must teturn .
by degyees: know EdwatiPs disposal* and
that with blrn a single leap is sui6cient. ,That
leap he has tsken. He lives in my memory "
the favorite of his mother-the laughing'.eyed
young pet of a—pithsw—of. an old fool, for why
am I' crying?" • ". •
Little Mart: bad insensibly drawn hettielf
'Wards the old philosopher,. and without :utt e r=
•ing a word, pressed hill hand and put her hand
tO her eyes . . The : boy also now left
hispdrent; walked tip to ;
.his, grandfather; and .
leaning, his elbow on ths 'old mares kne?, said,
'then youswon't.take.papa away?" '
'nNo,-you little Impudent rascal.—hut I'll take
you EtU.a)i., - ana when yOny'rnOther -comes for
you I Will treat her so well, that Pll.make yuisr
61,1 he'r follOO, after." • •
Thus came" happiness at'the heels of ruin.' If
hushsrutsoffenet Uppreciated.the exquisite and
hi.ithi•n-like affection of their. wives many hap
pier' fireSidi4..Wcald..heseen. One in -Jove 'and
one in- Mind,' ought to be.•the motto of . every
married 'pair. Aturfathers would, many times
check improvidence if they were to make use
of Ofection and kindness, rather pr'ejediceand
The lyestesnCh rinian Arivorale of . tills meek
contains nn obittienl notiti. j 'hy Rev.. 4; Wright,
of M. Hainblin3
Sr:, Who died atresidence near IliciornEtald,
Indq4a few months . sinc,e; aged sp. year.
Ilainblin V 43 a man oldeep piety and unfit:es'
tionable reracity.• He•waa in the..hattleC4 the
Thames, and Oa. w riter girei the . follow i ng
statt;ment.in 'regar d to the manner' in which
Tecumseh iA . titi killed : ,
He 'says he Was .stantling but a (ew feet from
'Johnson when 'he - fell; and in full vie.w i
and saw, the whole of that, pai . i of the battle.=:
He' was well acquainted with Tecumseli;hay..:
ingseen him before the war, and, haiiing. been
a prisoner Seventeen days; and receiv.ed.many a
cursing .frOm him. He thinks that l'ecuinsph
thought • Johnso'n • was •Harrison, is be often
heard the chief that he Would have Har
rison's scalp, and seemed to hatie a special ha:
tied toWard . him*. Johnson's, horsg foil .Under
him; he tiiinseif beitig.also deepli woinided.; in
the:fill he lost his'sword, his large pistols were
einpty; and he was'entangled with/his horse on
the ground. Tecumieh had fited hii rifle
him,and When he saw him tall ; He threwdovin
his gun, and bounded forwaid 'like a tiger, sure.
of , h . ja •prey. Johnson had' only a tilde pistol
ready for use. He aimed at the chief over, the
head'of his'borse, and shot:neat the centre',nl
his forehead. When the ball struck; it seemed,
to. hini that the Indian jumped with his. head
full .fifteen feet .into, the air,. as soon. as he
struck the ground; a little Frenchman, ran his
baronet into hini, and pinned .him fast to the
Joseph was a bad boy. • He had'suceeeded in
blinding his Mother far some time at to
propensities. One night Jaseph carne in
befoie the old.'lady retired: He sat down,,be
gancotversing about the goodness of the crop*
and other matters,' He grit.ilang very well un
til lie spied what he *upposeil to 'be a cigar an
the mantje:piede ;•,.he caught it op, and placing
one• err& in his mooth, ' began: very gravely
toifght: it at the .candle.. He , drew aad pulled
until, Ite•Watt getting red in the foe; The, old
lady'e eyes ,Were Open and she addressed him :
‘c If tbet takes:that fen-Venni nail, fora cigar,
it'iatiime thee , Went to bed. ll • • -
Never purchase fore or friendehiP:bir girt'.
when thilivotitaitted, o they 05.10 pt al soon as you'
stop pilymeOt. '
flon. A.'H: Stevens;f GU,. in s reVent
dress sit a meeting in 'Aieltandria,Tor : the bone = 7
fit of the,Orphan. As'Yluift and Free Sehooli of
thet'ditf, releteit.the folloWing:anecdote •‘, .
"A :Peer boy, in a.told - night ih June; With no .
hodrai hot , rbOf tiheltei' his' head, 'he paternal
or.thateiMil gfiardian be guide to protect'or di- .
rect'hiM•on wity; reached at nightfall the
hottse: of rich:plarater,, - whe took him in, fed;
lodged;'oUht him off on his Way with hie bless
ing.• Theee:klnd attentions cheerid Ids heart
and inspired him. er . ith trash' cobra& fo..bittle
With the °Wadi e of life. years .rolle'd found: :
Providente led him On; he had ;reached thele
gal profession ids boat had died;` the COrmor
aide thatpreY on 'the substance 'of Mara het '
formed a conspiracy to get from the Widow her
estate.' She sent for the iiCaresit counsel Jo
commit her cause - to ',him, and that Counsel
proved tis be the.orphan boy years before wel
comed arid ehtertairraral'by her and her deceased
Irarattland - ; The stitnuliis of:a *ant, and tens.
ciouit, gratitude Wati ntiVt , added, to the' ordinary
Motives connected With thii profession: lie
undertookher cause with a will not midi to be
resisted; he galtjecl iti the isidow's estates were
secured to her ih perpetuity; grad Mr. Stevene
added• with an emphasis of emotion ihat sera'
its'electric thrill throughout the house, "that
orphan soy sicolds ieforet . you P' •
A..correepondent of the Dispatch (this city)
gives the following very, heck! 'information •in
regard: to the above yeryterrible
action af this poison commences with a tingling
sensation in the feet, gradually risingto the
knees; thighs, truhk, arms, Jaw 'and' head, the
muscles becoming rigtd; . and the effects ittcreas-'
ing in ; strength, 'till the organs are perfeetly
'paralyzed, the eye-sight and b(ain being the
last affected: In my, own Case; • although I
bad'a narrow escape, my fetisoning.powers and
eye-sight Wete•under my complete ctintrol.-Be
tween 'the . spasms! 'was.a'aeeing, thinking,
breathing Statue.* In cases of :poisoning with
this drug, care should be taken that the patient
does not•thrOw -kis head backward: • The bee.'
position is to baVe tbe patienfseated ih a chair,
With. his head resting on.a table, the arms dropping `by . hiS. side.
In administering"' any remedy great pains
should be - taken that the article' containing it
should not be•alloared to touch' the teeth, as if
Who a spoon or other sniffler hard sCbstance,
they Will immediately cldse upon it, and teter:
Cs (or. !oak jaw), ensue, or if glass, 'a pihea
will he instantaiwoutity:bitteh - oht of it, to'the
great danger of the patient... •
Neither..aliunid.Sny - otte alloWed.to touch
the patient it it , can be'possibly avoided,he ef
.fcei being.sinilar . to that of u gaivinie battery,
and if:the contact be long continued; . would .
bring on renewed spasms, evert after relief 110
. .
be!irpattiAlly afforddil.
'file most otailablejfnoftite.sure.re, rerne:dieS
are a .strong • .solution of . camphor :disiolved
alcohol, .in liharai . doses; rend tiveet..oil•ad
fibiturn. ifthe patient does .not
.ICose .his "pres-.
once of mind, these can be administered itt a
"(inter, from which he can ,sup withontcoming'•
in contect,with the edge. :Should the contrary
be . the, case other moans inuat lie resorted, to.
The above:remedies' shoidd'be followed by
prompt' and actirkemetics till the:stomach is
entirely emptied of its Contents4.' To illustrt to
the danger: of allowing ttnything.6 fdueh the;
'teeth; state that after: haVing so for •re
coVered from the 'effects of an aerdtlental dose,
ag to be able - to situp and 'chat . and laugh - (f
conld not stand,) I put ,my , ffnger down
throat to assist vomiting, I;ty , tifilation, when,
my teeth instantly cl..sed uptirt iticotting it Be
verely. TWodesert sPoonftils tif rnnatarcLimiit .
ed in. warts itatry, in the absence of a itiore'ef-.
ficiant emetic,•is a harinli.sa one in-all eases
ready'at haled, ,In coaclitsion,ivaststot one se:
cond irisecuring .the, shevicea of '6 . 71: aide' physi
Judgs very .strict iu preserving
decorum io his Courts, and so severe .that it
rendered himsomShat uripopulSr with Some of
thelavvyersi rtmetrig Whom was 'a fiery, 'impet7'
sous little . gentlernan.byohe i name of
During Court at Iran Judge 'had had .
occasion frequently to. correct 'and reprimand
this indididail, o—+ chafed ,under the.rO
proof till . he could bear' it no longer.' The next.
time the Judge corrected 'him he replied sharp.
gc tithe Cptiri is not Mote; respectful fo me,
I shall throw:this book, at the: Court's head,?'
helding.up a volumne•of Blickitone; .:.•
If you should throw that bookat the Court's
head, 4 '. replied the fudge, with dignity„ . ..“ the
Court would eorne down' and put its foot upon
yourlittle.u4fy nerk.".
It is needless
. tor any. that' our• impefues-little
attorney. eaved . in,• and - ever _after observed
the strictest order in a4clressing,the court.
A. carpenter who los alwajfa prognuatiCating .
evil, to himseff, vvas one day oponAhe roof of a
five story' building, upon 'which had fallen a
rain. 'The roof being atipperyi : be losthii foot
ing; arid , as he•waa d'eseending . toiVard tbe eaves
he exclaiMed (47tist as I told you'r!',Catche
'ing, however, in tb,e .spout,..he kicked offhis
shoes,'and regained a plaCe, of safety,. from
which he thus dekivered hiMaelf ; [know'rt
kpair.of sboes good to thunder
Thermo Cuestas Ceste:-=i/Coleriditi.'iiiiijfe
Ue fs,oineY,, Mold me a ludierousdtribertees-,
*met which Lamb's' etatptiiaitidg eauaedhim at
Flaetinge Limb had heat Meditiallt !advised
to tt . eooree eflea , bethingi Ikeorditigly..it:the
door Of. hti bathirti. inechirie s While he stood
shivering with' : hold, ltyo bk: three stela: felhiwe
laid hold of him, one et each shoulder,, lake her 7
eldrie supporters; they wetted for the word of
command frotri,their principal, who bigae the
followieg oration _ to ahema
• “Hearcoo,.trilit.., Take aof ce. jo thts,'l arn
, . .
What mote he wnulti have:attiti is 'Amitriown
to land pr era bathing maehlnee, Jor. hating
leached the word , ifipprd,..he,commeneed such
rolling fi;e of di-di-di-di, that when Att length he
deacCnded a.ptorab upon:: the fell tivnid.ttipped,
_rather tired of the; anstiftee, he
carne.satiiified thet'ther had reathed,rhitiaw
yens, call the,ttoperativeitlapseofthe etintencep ;
and both exclaiming at onhe—
trOh, yea, air, are quite • aware Of that,"
down they . plunged him into the ., seal.
.On rnti
emerging, La sobbed eh mach from the .
cold,that 'he, found no voice suitable to'iiie in
dignation, frtini the necessity he seemed' Aran-
quit, and again'addreasing the,meni.who stood _
reepectfullylietening, he hegail thus:
ttlien,, is' it poitaiblo -to ,obtaik•Your atten-
"Oh, surety, air, by all meens.".,
"Then 113teni Once' morel tell you I am iohe
di.-di-tli"—and. then with a burst of indidnation,
"dipped, I tell you•;—"
"Oh, decidedly; sir. )l ' .And down. the itatri
mercy went the second time:
Petrified 14;ith • bol4 and , imratb i . ones: more
Lamb made o feeble attempt it explanation. • .
figrant mtf, tintiencet- it is inunV , uttl.murder
you me 7 tne-matin7?" . Again and a-gst-gain tell ,
you Pin to ini"tli-di-uiptied";-4Mtv-speaking se .
riously with :the voice ofan injured 'man;
. .,"ob, yea, sir," the men repliedi awe know
that!--,vve fully - tinderrtand its' for:ibe
third time down went Lamb Into the sea:
"!Oh, limbs of • Satan I" hi .said, on
up fOi' the third timei “it is 'now too late.
em—no; but I wai, 'to lie' tikli , tlipped only
• A. Wins Aviaits You frAr
miles fronn e pastoti, resides tt,wealthy. far
theri..his wife and only daughter. The latter is
a dashing rustic belleorthe mankillini sPeales.
Having a bill of a local bank for drie
dollars, and "not being able to.use It on accalint
of the , inability of, his. neighbors to change it,
the farmer resolveil to send it, to, the bank for
that purpose, and selected hie daughter' as' ter
rier.' The young lady mounted a horse end rode
to-Easton,.bur'arriSed these after the peak had
.closed, and afteroffering. the. bill at seve.ral
'stores witliciat isuccesii she tarried the' heia of
hitr steed toivtirds home: .•
• . She bad just Patted the tuburhe'elf • the city'
4c solitary horde:non "overtook her. and
.gave the salute courteoui f. With a winning air.:
As 'he had the appeatanne of ,a.gehtlenian, and
evinced the; greatest respect 'for the:faft: eclat's
triann ei thetetUrned his salutation withoutfear,'
and the two weresoon . riding side by side. 'The
Stranger ei-prossed pleasuro to find they Were
both gaing the lame Way, tend. made such. te=
marka'abrint the
, landscnpe as led MS fair coin.:
pardon tolfelievCthat he Wee not.'ttative
the manor born ;" he expatiated Mt the-superb.
blending of colors to the anti;set sky, obseryed
Ihat. Giod made.the cfientri," and diVelftiptin
the contrast of, the metthatit?!.c'etes . and the
farmets rrev:dbm of son! ;To all this Eioetical .
disquisition the . rnaiden.,did, Most seriously jn
cline, not dreaming that •her companion wa s
anything bUt a gentleman.
• §inoOttly ran the horrierMin'ttcongue,„entii,
they -entrireda.- dark wool through, ,which the
road' wound,. When he ittitlenly
„ielned.o his'.
horse directly acioss the path,.and,otytnlP
Sired the girl to surrUnder that one hundred
Jar•billftlie wit trying .to -changriba . Eatton. , •—•
Thinking' that 'he wat:trYing to .frighteif:her
With fa trick, the faraiet's daugiater - laugha
heartily in reply i.but the ptoduetion of•a Pait
of instals tonvinced lierofthetrue;Ohatacteriif.
et eseofirt r and , she. felt thitt the Money' mutt.
go.. 'The poor girl drew. forth the .bill, from het'
bolonn, and Was placing the ' , Sefinin r clret' s
.hand, 'when a gust Of .wind blew it.inte the
road, acd the, fellow vMs obliged to diairtount to
•• . . . • . • •
recover. its' • • •
.No sooner had e left . .his horso, an • the
quick-witted girt applied Ati the,whip. her Own
horse, and he sprang' forward, but not, alone.,--,
The other horaq started also, eild,dviay went
the span with ore With. an
,oath the
rebber • dashed ,after 'them and fired.his pistol;'
but thet.nOirre only ftighteded the onimals lbw a
still fastergallorr, and the girt;found herself at
home in double•quick Wile: It did not take her
long tet relate her•adventurp, , nor'was her father
at ell delicate abeiit , :edurnining the 'saddle-bags
of tlie-strang'e ber.se: In them hd folrd, hesidee
a large, qu'antity of , counterfeit bills; nearly fir
teti,hendra,d,doilars, in good money!. The Tit"
mat itine was wocth more than jikartiOui)t,
lost, Hid the farmer was well satisfteif ' , Ottr . the
excheege. : 'the robber drdtht44l6l;iiit'e
fellow ccmnetted.Witha itiniltifLe,Ordetiteleive
that infest Central Pettintittriultelifandl degged,
the Ott in her journey, :from tto atm'
the bat: 1:1e , . ; $ ;hie r , jr 4 et , . •eittiineCri!
the ' . horee. and 'ett4sll4,l;eiti .: '' • •
. • , trer" 40 7 , rf!‘n
son to believe tilaCtie.eyer, , •
•~~~ ^^?gyp
AMlll44l'; ' UV .3'ol
! Auvrcl ret
trig 'sit
read and pasted In t k a'
every: day '1! . 1
•IrTo speak :6r itJ..,diito - 5‘,*ii14144:4
or iptfe ti: not.; D aly riPlnaillirtnl4lol4l44eStr
People of good ienseiltikYillespiaSiOuiliiolo)*
woman who of 4 . 4tnit1i411#440 ) .
should inaO all their ditstdlties if. the ,; itiii',
they 4irat tbliNrn
cure hartnoily and plice o
the:doestie sanctuary Should pirlieptifili*l
intteis in fetaid' iriditieteolonitititte i ltp#7
relation to tether , 0 0 t 1 / 0 411040944,4
rotheril, :thin tilf,'ilinuitintitoinL.,l34lilitnititti .
and, conversation of husband dtvrili sib
ha. tintnnuniaiteC by the'
relatiOes.filendk 6414-indict . iliN47l , P'.
riolis krill:nice.' it niter sate , n9!;ottidentAllo
do so. Sciedal titei onlbo to!ngs.,;:litint suitist
husband- trust in a . *IN,' rie wife' id - Wing:4oV
If everything said pii.itinehtttattjad to ialottvosi'
or•so 7 catiatt tuntidOntliti
will Jar, Wriot breakiti- chord'of
._ With-regard to • proper toinpalliottijirt&adi
Oftinteneei,- the wife,Fi6Eild always gnieraz.
sit by the-htishabd::: Wii4;iel::_dieriebstetahla t ';
nay, instilling;, , is
terms with, her husbands'enemy .11Visit ;40.1
wounding to his feelings ' aribtheir herlaindiflit
one' who kts ar„, , Aro'nie4 :)44 , 1 1 T '11 , 1e!
predjudiees, even, Ought
her .
,Althotigitelientaithink hi bits tit antent
resentment odirsintipatliO towable' one arlier`"
friends., yet•she le,hannd'ib thektriefiaoo;
and it requited the.aequelritarice of,etteit st;pira
,son." . 'A ;sense of delleay , will.prompt a,:fottit
fu I and devoted Wife tb couree of firtlo
If she sities obt rib's() edid:'Woo
her hedrt is nbt,'l6 tba his!
. . . , •
not to be truefed.,
• T Opretend, to do, co and yet
not do it, is verrbed indeed: •• But to , theet prl4
viately, and seek eprivirettionpariah/
not in favor with tar hilits4d;:iltboailx. tpaf
be With 'innoceiit ,IntantiO,4;
husband 'she proieemes 'gild. is , stiiticiept
of itaelf,to brand fiery in the eyed of all airtto4
ous and honorable pe!ioris
grace. In in experienbe. of two:',inc(asia . ati+ 4
yearn, iio have. le ilea , 'iti_latia(thtlis„..i# l o#oof
of tn! , la 11 0 1 4 4 d;. :We s !wiii4eti, • •cligatitY,,'
train of. eventti, and the (Sipa ettOrlad isPrisitf
arid infamy. Let young wives beware Ints#'
they infringe tiPtfa' thiCadVifh; -- .. 1 f....:1#t„401f'
Ged's . griteeitia4 reimusilthonil4
Tntm 0 /4 0 . 14 fli'iffit' 144. ittri.7" 114 . t
,mast, pitlient h€l'e*tth.a solailoti
of, tiie brain-tertttring toneerntnit
origin or the dbllat (e) Iparitt" 4 te
that any attemittett explanittoS ot2:4l4tAtion . la
deemed,totally euperQhuai. We, thank' mit
friond,R. for giving the fesilintt etrithissitis re*
pile: ' 0 • t,i
fintrettit: t hake
urging; a protracted,discinititin
origin of ilia dollar mark. Not wls og
truck upon your valuable spa , ce sufficient, td
elabdraie all the i3f itoilifitietei
grad origin or that beautiful end id,f.ii ol44 44 4 Phir
traction, allow files in , b l4l l- te 4Pletik,,i , er nit
follow.'! • • , - •
IVly edit, 'great grandfather' i itrho Wk. e`geif r .
nine eid knickerbocker . Ddtthman,nnif kept
krOcery.arid,lnier 144: saloon; on Ae„ eptaer,cik
'Malden lane and.fearl atreet, duringythe reigtlA
of.his' kajesty . George 41; becarniVet With&
more lifariputi
evening after a day of tn : iek,futehAiliallW while
in 'this hippy, mood undertook to 'fightiktlo l lklit,
amount of his receipts. :nit; ayeteigh Warnot.
over Clear at early. morn, 'end : 46ritfiritti
, bet ter alts:'the full; ihritiotf Ake:4litattAit4
giassiee.o , ?ts4:o;ut4,,
Thus, with. iager-bedirriteed 'eyie,, , On o uniteedy
hand ; and a short piece Ofilitilo*tandielior!lt
luminary; shy deejeriiihegeti
iron's .account for .•yvhiek,iitta.eigh,t-ahtb:
lirito: , (81), he ant the figure;,B
but the shiliint tj) mark (Oa& fieti4triil 3 the!'
right ptriee4ithaking it' diii;4'Piictii4t!!eilfikiii4
B..taieditt . oecOncltiree t , ikith,tolll44
better•saccees, ae iilitso,,tait-Vartlelti„.,thiatigis
the Veil,' i
min'alitan, and skute titt;?,ediPrgs.lllo'tlAO,
dired eLleepy mit mine;eyes."
•_Tray. years,
A Bainc.
and DapOn R kitiel44:4,ll;''4°chfitl44tkot#o
gentlemee We'e
te s iA ". 4 ti t. 4 6 t 41 4'
them on the oppositet,inaiMitfttfoogriaborkeiri
editors of two Oerrctita?:pottotittl.;, flea!:
DAY ton, the iIMF;I4F
bridge. Amid, thd;.tAttrOirldliws rg(ljng,,tif f
the' cars,- a very ii.,,ttaiiiciatta ~e itt;ttiultart: was
heard by those , nelqatiitha and,l4(tfftirgif
ettudpti to. ' •As thet'eirrerged
one'OFtiti elti#l,lo‘l4
fdy'',,tioit4;', 01 - 1 4:11'44#! r.
ol r e!iv - Itink , tlo4 iin , tql4 " 2 1
oidn',craCkiigai iliN4 4 hAids - M 4 6 tiliWet :4'l is
At tate'esiebtiftlac'lair fatip**l ' 4 0 1
twist wiiii4ii, t 6; It a li tor Rt . ,
pit—thsistticeitbomfir# 4 oM llol -
woPlitivdo4-.1140-1114 if4014.41/6t0it44Y114
eonaideraYP .7 111 '; '