0::() - 01)i - N , ..EWS nIEIT‘ RECEIVED .At be P . -i&, k -., : ~'• , e , , wt • at ' ' Top. 10:." ,_..M.1 dtean ..bllool titit t " t)r 1 4 . 1 - 1 3 3 0 ,•' en 7 seeil I I/ !) or k ll.l ' • ari g • , ~ . Itil • ' • -•• I,t l d.e, It, 13,j31, 11 Aidirg the : II C a , 1 4;6 13 VP.• forrae r 1 N', 1 4,1 1 1 , •-• • ilr.. v p.. . -. 2...r• aitran ___..'''' ..Which is filled horntop bottoni with the COOKING, PARLOR & BOUTOVES! .21rEli.gETEp,CD , FOII..SALE CN NORTHERN PENNL . . „ . _ ,which will tie sold at,prinea that cannot fail to .Mt..Will,' also as tisnal, keep ' constantly on hand,* good assortment of ' • , HOUPgKkEPERS tIARDWA ICILTTLES, SPIDERS, FRYING PANS, .PLA'T'. IRON; CANDLESTICKS, Whiqh:wilt . be tico,at yhrtY..IONVET PRICES. Thankful for past favors, I respectfully soli eit•n cont,inuarice nf the same. Smethrlort. Sept. 22, 1859 'Something olieeta IN sNI - E,TI-11DOIV I I'AYLC: . cI..p rtatN4CE : • - : IN' *FULL ..'BLASTI. THE UNDEB . SIGNED• WOULD. PECTFUI,UY• ANNOUNCE 'TO THE CITIZENS .• . . That their l'Cica . r;(l.th#;til . sel'i . e's at S M ET H P O:RT Iklanulactttrinv: PLOWS, .F;CRAPERS, SLEIGI-1-1-IQES, And: n 60: every . thititt .. uti:4ly- made t r. COUNTRY:. PURN.ACE: Thorough experiPnce in, the btisiilpsc;,,irtirr,infs us in. soying.that ran iurnish .as "- . GOOD:WORK: and at as REASONABLE PRICES' As, can' be found r elseWhe!e.. Pan arta/ . lion will at pain ••• *J.O , . . • . . The .cOebra,ted '. , FRANKLINVILLE , and DIICRESS,, COUNTY..IMPROVEp PLOWS cohstiutlyi ph:hand. .Farthers hod othei.s..,give R VAN DYKE & S. A. WING August 9, 1859. • WANrrEID, - ' • '.• AONS OLD' OAST in eaelutege Ihrtrot-it, a the • ; SDIETIIPORT FURNACE . . -.• . . . PL , . . • ..'..- -,... . 0 V.t S. . ... .• • • , . . , . SIDE,HTL L, AND SHOVEL PLOWS,, A. SU •fietioi..ariicre, mdritifdetiired a't the •• .'" .' • ' . -. • ..- SMETEIPORT FURNACE. STRAW'COTTER. SCI3SCRIBF.:Ti, .offars . to . tt T •• • lie. this ImproVed.. Straw7c:,uiter, in full . - • • ,-, confidence that all who take-the trouble to s it ne6n ite uperatkons : wi -cony need of ta su perioryy ovar any:other.'now . in. use:. Aupply:lipp . t.constantli.on hand and man m ufaured to.order::- • • . .. . ... , :...137". Ao, nO oth e r . Per§on ,has 'the, right • .to make or no . ni• this dutte.r. within , WKe'an cotin ty,•oll,who,nre niing it in violOtion : of ,the pot slit Nyilljae prosecoted. ..... - . . ... .. ...; • A..WOLTERS . . Mechanic - sbu r g Augiist. 27, ESTRA.y.:• t9AfF.:TO THE TRENT 9,F THESP:B. scriber, in R Eldre'd to'wifship; . Mce l an .CO., Pa4a Steer three'er:four'Yeirkolii,, of average size, red.-Nolo!, few. , whito:hoirS•On the end of trrips 'jinobs, on ••the_-• Ondi. of, hif• IsOmps.. • "rho .owner is requested to•prove own- Asship .pay charges, end . teke,hip ,avi:ay;.Or he. will be . soltl , .itccprding to, law: : •• , • •. ~ • •.. • JOHN CANFItLD. • .:::' , SMETHPORT:LIVERtSTABLE' . ' trifkiE - .9llBCRlBEft'has 'opened .a.ne w eryStitble inSmethport,.at the residence .ICfod. Streeti. three doors eitstaf. VithCOarrHansepwhete "dart .be found the best of H - OrSea and Carriages at law prices. He intends:to ;,make Smethpo.rt a. ,parinanent reiidencey ind.ashs a - share . Olplttonage: Snaethtiort,.4.ugust 114, 1850. . :n23tf. /10 mci'l.ct•ie hereby. &anti hat/ Jt •AMC4YI 11', !Administrator.' of the °Este te . .6(l . loParr C..mocrON-4 tate of 13re'd(ord 'Xownstiiri, deceased ) Ilia filed . in m:y:bfcnthip last , and finai, account aa,Administrator:of saiil„Estate; And ; Alio : he 'will present Atte sarhatfor conftrmatioe ,1 ha neat ,Orphin!*,Court- re 1;e. held , ut Arne tYporti the;.4ill,.lfoutlay, of September : neirt i , ensuing,. • ' - Plerk grpliaies.t'ourtF Sajethpaiti Aug..23i 1839, THE ONE, PRICEREGULATOR, . 4 4:H . R.9.4.-OSI.D . E ' K 0 Z FROM' THE BAITER'!" OF THE . OF .THE ONE : PRICK,...UGIJ.LATO. .:.':EVERYGIODOitE..HOTTEDT. M H 0 BOOTS;' Roo,Es.-..4.c,..,..4.q,; RETAILED. AT WHOLSALE. PRICES ONE PRICE TO ALL, . . .LIST ' COMPRISES . tr . &ins - 'reit arthe One Pried Regulator-th e rammatk Score.47-o.leati, which has baCo s me so named for.the noatiles of .5414, :the excellence and .durraility• of - jts .pabrkcs; .tbee'xtreme d6Pre.s*oti. of the pnifdrm- of.its satest?tely and. the unwavering in tegrity and untiking'enarg* of - its proprietors.. .• • • LAMPS, &c, The Establishment Whichfor five years has Surpassed the Dry' : Goods Trade in. eveg-pnint of excellence;*.and to this d . ay,stands vita pprodehed' iirid• tenapprOarhOle Read the List and. judge fqr youraeive We will Sell E. S. MASON GOOD FAST COLORED PRINTS We will 301 GOOD PRINTED IVIOCISLINE DELAINES We.will eel! FINE :ti.ALIWCIAS - 'Ne.ll r), Y A RD E; .1312'N. CO tTON. We µill IA ALT, OFH ER KINDS OF GOODS USTAL KEPT IN COUNTRY STORES Defy Competition. oUR ENDORSERS. . . . This immense establishmen.t . in - our:,village, under. the anspices• of ...Meseta. S.H. Itnt ler and C• . H. Thine, which is r and.for some time has been- attracting 'marked attention ; for the ex= tent of their:stock, the quality of their . „grinds and the reasonanleness of their:prices.. Our business relatiOns with ihese . gentlemen have been pleasant and.. satisfactory: Yke have al way.s: found them.. We httve always (Mind th'enicatirteouS, obliging and:honorable. .One great secret of the large trarte—the - Regulator secures • I.r.nnt the•FonnlrY • for rnariy miles around; and,thrr vaiSrimany r •fty'm (Fiends . in'this vicinity, is their strict •integrity in business. Olean. cannot . spars, the Regulitor.: .We give a third broadside from their battery this week, to. Which. e refer. our. readdrs.,-,0/n.an :Myer- ,Trs,ONE Nunn Itsataxion; Olean, is in the fielii`:with a'newstockDry:4•Goods . ,, 'Boots, Grp'eeries, • fce... Everything .. theY offer• is. worth the money . , asked; and, tts,for, their w in ning,Avori (bey 'have the ;Secret' 'soMehovi, of fining double the-buSine# or.titty other House we know , of,i for'..the. ottiti of Cetton.. Goods gives : theM, peat . advantages o v or . gthpis:' , 'Oor:frieilds from this pime:,..who, hay's:traded. - with theta dcomme"a Coo of ours to iniineatilem..to;go'; again; those WitotieVe not, 'we Ask iAr pout own ankes,. to give them a call and 0* goods, an. eiamin,Ll a'ticirt.—Cayaraugici. Dimorrat.. , - :Iltirr,eiciriii.Tiirricr,''rertliertioc 'Price Reign= lator, Olean, .are . .'benifiooria OP.their race:',. TileipeyfoCeash; eell.for ash; fo•iictice Coliieeeptiorfle • birsioces; :have bor'ohe.ririce;, 'exlretaiely . and we' thirik do a' fetich 'larger' tofsin'eaa''''.thritc. 'ariy'''.'Cilher Dry . Dobde 'Hauler iii thit'clatinty:SoOle;lll)."esterti • N: • • BUTLER & .00; or it. ' Oite'Pritti'Rogulator. DRY COOD'S, •-f- AND NO.,DEVIATION. Fo'r six: pence per .Yard For one Atiilling per Yard For one shining per Yaid For. Yird At , pricee, To The One . Price . Reiutntot: PERS(/NS WA NtIN6 CHA NG E mati. •af Hata ri-ibat-airLdatti!;-,atiatbefcaltiontiin'' PERSONS .IViSHINO :TO -CHANGE their , husinees to, a rapidly increaaing:CoaOry, a New . setileltlent ;•wl?ere,''.hundredi. are. ..going.4. Where the, climate ;Mild and delight fttl, . See advertisement of the • Hammenton Satire Meet, inether',coluMM• • " THE HAIVINiONTONT.ARMP,R—A news, popvtie.vote[l, to. Literitoie an d Agriculture, also'setfing-toith full accounts of . the:new set- tretoent:Of Harnmcinlont Previ.Jersey, can' be subscribed for nt 'onlY.2sgents ':per annum. Inclose pogaie,OumpCfor,..tbeflimount. A 4-. dress. to Eclitor: of the Farrrek,,lie`mtnonton, P. O.; Atlantic CO.; New Jeisey: ThOse . .wiehing . cheitp,land; of the: best. 'quality; in, one'ol.oe heaJthiest:nilil diligl,itful :clinaatev . .in UninO 4 .and wbeieeraps.pre rieYer,cni'down by, frosts, thor:erribl.e.:epourgn '!forth; see tidyeitisement of fianninontOn Lands.: , . &rival And.. Afipaxture 'MM . ,- - • sNiiiptro T POST OFrIC6. • 0/aim—Leaves every rnorninvat 8 o'clock.; arT rives every evening. Cointet.Tort---Leaves., Tuesday and Saturday mornings; arrives'Menday and'F'riday eves, ShipienLeaveS TueSday, Thursday, and Sat. : urday, mornings, arrives Mondayi Wednes day and Friday evenings'. Ridgivay—:LiAv es . ',Monday, Wednesday and • Friday mornings.; .arrives Tuesday, Thurs day and Sarurday.eyenings. • . - Warren—LeaverTuesday mornings and's rrivei . . -Thursday ,evenings. • . . •. •S, SASTWELL;.P;:br JEFFREY'S. DqUI3L:ACTIiIG SUCTION. & FORCE PtrllP ~,.; India Rubber. - Ball THE SUBSCRiBER hairing.purchased• the light to make' and sell :this. New Pump, feels- a:Confidence that his' efiorts to-bring it into general use,,in-.thii comity, will, be. secon ded by AI who see its construction and opera tion. Among" the many.ailiantages secured by, the_ use of , Pump,ow this' the folling. may be -NM . ~ . . . • I:.A double action, ~by twice the lA% ter ca r be' rai s ed at the siune . tirre. ' . . .. . . . "2. Great ease in working;'thus'.. adapting,.the Force Prin'dp/elci.cOrninon . wella. 3. The transfOrmation,ln a ent, 'of .the `Pump into an .efficient mak I:? , totNE . , - thus - ren daring tho.losa of:thvellings by fire, totally uti. . . ....4..Capability.of Watering gardens, Lawns, or sprinicling walks; 'washing. windows, 'with the utmost easo'rind-thoroughnesi..• • 5. Powir,to raise _water with slight lsborto any reasonable height,. as in supplying•chain- 6. The convenienceof having the• Pump in a kiteheti, or ptherroomi of 'yOurdwelling, with. .out regard ta . the.lOcaiion.of, the Well or Cis- .2 7. The easy,. protection of the' :instruinen against Frost. ' . 8; the ease with which . it may be mounted on wheeli,or in Other Ways be made portable. . '9. A si m plicity ishicb ensures great .dura bility, protects it.froth. being thrown:out of or der, aod [naked any:repaiis . easy.and' of little ..Great..Cliecipnesc . : for the !.'first time .hrimiing. the cost of t the Force Pump into the, neikhborheo . tl the 'common Suetitni ..and Chain, Pumps, while it is immeasurably supe, . . . anufacturcd and'for suit, b):•.lbe subicliber, onli; at hie. : Nhop in MeehaniCsbur.q... • ••• • • • A, Wgi..TERS. Mechanicsburg, SlarchlB, 1858.. . . DRAPE GROWER S CAN CAR their business most t successfully at Hartimantad 7 free fromfyosts. Sortie:foity.Vkneyards set 'gut - are past .season :- e'e advertisement: orHamiTion; ton taitili;, another .• • . ' T llE.best 51.1 a Tua in town at. thci.. .• • • • . • ' ASTOR .lIOUSE STORE . . . . A MBROTAT'PES... WIIt.,LIA .HASKELc, Informs • the' ail 7.hZ of Sinethport, and yieinity ;: tbat in compl'ianc'e wit,h, their vt , debes,.ite has arranged h 4 apparatus fr taking, picturea,.a Those wishing . likenesaes Can 'he adcrkiiimoda to by calling at , the Asratt dionen. Call soon; as. he cannot attend to the basinesa but a few. Sm'ethport, July 20.. ‘ - .. • • • WE;ave not in th e "Fish' 'st .riPp r tkot iffe have got MACKEREL, CO.Brant! WHITE FISH, besidei . hn.ts or TEA. aC4o.eenti.t:. WRIGHT, • -.32r tEItOLDI" . : : ST; :NV InEST (7.IRettA TEP, and most COSiPI:.ETE, CORRECT and RELLO:LE-13ank Note Ret?nrter in THOMPS()N'S BANK NOTE AND COMMERCIAL EEPOETEE. CfreulatlOn, 'lOOlOOO I EPITED,BY -JOHN THOMPSON Q,uotatibns.correcV;(l by Tireimrs6,BßoTHEßs, 2 Wtil.l.,Streetp Published by Ciias. Br:tiNntt.r.,,ll7 Frakl'a St ..T.F1231.4 - 9P SUBSCRIPTION IN ADVANCE;•' to biail . tibsciitirrs;.., „ . Weekly, - ,.,:52 . genil.tnentlity,., :$1 I'Montbly.:;.7.lo. To Postmantera en , 01.110 es, , Idem OltAbs and for d ye, the money 1n advance. we will send the 'Raper 'ter rein Chdrt - Manurt, and 'fle.teriptiee - List, as' fel- 5 copies of, the one Year 5 copies of the . Send:monthly: lO.coplem orthe Monthly.. .. . . . • ..'Weyrilrfcirward 4rioOitottsly to. any Perstin sending a club of $2O at . - the . aboim . rates, 'at anyone time, our Amerie.z, -Galt Oopz., • Terte -• •. THOMPSON BROTWERS Bankers • No. 2 Wall.bt,Proprietors. Cabinet. Shop - in Blechaniesbutg, ..,- .. : . . . , . . WOLTERS respectfully.:en.nounees 'to i the'' public thati• fietivlthitandilii .thSse hard times 'i• be is.rnanutheturing and kjpe con-. atatitlyon band-all kintla of tu6itSreisuCh as '';'': ' •••-- : ,S• O'.F.I:S: 2.. 1. * .': -BRE,AKFAST,TAi3LES, CHAIRS :Of all liras' and: styles,, Cans and Oommpn, Ready- -Mide;qofiiiB,. &c.., oi•the very beat _rrlitepal.anil rtisiiplaulute:•, : • ' • ... Stnethliort, Feb. 25,1855 ,• ....• • l.'-ii*„ . . . . , VRESll..Ttirning Fluid qt the , • .' • ,Oron. stititiE ALIT' WANTING.F ARMS (N.ADEL!GHT far climate; rich sail, and 'aeciire fritin•fr9sts, See adVeriisernent of ilamnionfon Lando other • , WAGON AND stpoil SHOP. . . Dv..SITEPARD yie.ol4 annouie tothe.eit'L 6. izens of Smethoort and viejnity; that he hits'esteblishetla- wagon. ehOp.io the hnilding formerly oectipied by Mr. liarris, : as:e. Cooper Shop, - on Itfechattic • Screet; , whera !he is oared to tie all work. in his' line; with' prionot; , nessg 'and in a worknianlike manner. Patticalar.attention'tiill.bepnid to Repairtng, end to the - mannitteture of Sieighe'and Lu ether. ••• .Grain,. of 'ail , kinds, taken.itt 'exahange. for For reforenee, aod,examine. n3,71Y Smcf thporttict. 2618,58 J iIAFFEY offers his.services, to parties el ..owniug or % : wishing .to purchase mineral 111'Kenn, Elk, Clearfield or. Jefferson o:77Exarninlitjons „rnaslollT. ri ported'. ' , • Bradford, ..1"91y 27, 1859. , , Inventors, Manufacturers, hriners and. Millwright el)e scientific -Imerican‘ . . . I A•. NEW VOLUME ~4.1.713 w,. EitniEs; . ••• • •.• To Volinnohoio 'on . • • Insteal r 410:jutgon, tlio Yontly contoiri•ETGlTT ttIiNDItER: AND' TIIIRTY:: _ . of.Vainable Beading Iltatteri unefor, • Instil"Ctirelo all elaaece... ' • ' TiprecigNTlßlCl Aicnn c 9ls publtshodgeokly I.n 10, form, suitable for binding and the:namberelbr rd al n &leer-contain: Inforniation in regard Jo NEW'ISVEN% TIONS; all branchee of btatitlFAcTuniso rItOOESSES .AGRIOULTUItAI; ImeIJZIENTK; YNGIN.EItRINO, 01165118: TAY, In fact,,almnst eyory indaptrlal .purault• received more or leas' attention irritecolumna.:: • ..• • . . . . . . .. •.A 11 patent Claims ollidlelly,Publh4hed. ore* , ,Ndek, u reportedfroni . the.Patent Office; end or . . . - '.... -.. .... INVENTOIOI.AND •PAtip*TEES., . .. . . it Contains informatio n o t to bo 'obtained eimeiiheri, and which' no • lueehaolc, inventor, - . or . patentee can well do, Asa Faa fly Journal It has no annerler fur real praelle.; utility: since in its colanam will'be found useful rrae; - tical.ltrolpen. ' '• • • ' • . ()areat atteution , will be gloen from time, tn•reporta of:lbe Metal,'Lumber and - other marketiv, • ~. ' . • and . .-- . -Every onmber rilleontain sixteen pftgP(4 forty-el& t columns of. in Itt er, with several Illustratinne of patented machines 'and other engravings icnnpristngin a alright' year.abnut .. _ , . - '.. —..— . ~ „ , .SIX ORIGINAL ENGRAVINGS. . . the Relented Series. le prompted en cippoPtunttj , . to subsetibe notlikely.to occur. airnin for many_ years. It Rill be like commeneleg'a De I, 'NCO, New Tennis S 2 tie Dolla r s. 'toy . Six Southern. Western, ind. Canadian inoneY_Or P . est Office' Stamps taken at Par for subscriptions .' Canadian aubseri , bars will plessa to remit twenty-six petits extra on each' yemos inibseription to.pro•pay postage.; r. A .• • • A liberal discount •toolilbs. • A prosneCtite particulars ottheinducements for cliths, with specimen copies of the paper, and:a, pamphlet containing informa; ilon concerning the . procuring of Patentii may be' had gratis by addressing • . ' MUNN dc, CO, • Publishers of the Scientific American, • '. • *. Park How, New- York. . . , . , . . .. Ta Those :Inter'etted 'in Mining and .. • • .. • - • .Mineral Lands: .....,..- / -.. 'W. ....K off .. . rf. , IIARNEers his 'siiivieeit for, the. examlnii .. tion of Mineral Lands in M'Kean and Elk noun. tlei; end' Alit Kive ' his opinion. ad to , the 'VALUE OF . MINES,' Sce... Those engaging. his .servieea wilt retake all necessary , and ieliahle infotination, „ReSideneekt the. Bunker Kill-Mines. • ..... ' ' . . : . ~ : • Se igeant, M'Kean Oo„.' June 30,' MO: ' , • . . . . . INSURANCE AGENCY. . . . Keintingtop Insurance . , Cotripani; Phlladelphla.• c essh. Capital .. ..... $460,000 Farmer's .llntion Insuranee. , Ca., Athens; Pa. ' Uanh Capital' $ 00,060' Great Western Insurance Co., Philadelphia, Pa. ' °spits 1.'.. ; : . 01 . ,009 4 00? 'West Branch,' (Mutual) Leek Haien Pa. ' • . • . Insurances can bn ' effecteti in 'On . res. ptins,ible Stock Companies•by the subscritnr,. Any communination :attdressed• . t.n.• him, at Smnthpbrt, Pa., will meet with prornp.attenStion. 'Smethport; Dec:!2, • • in4otf.j. Pokut & .FISHVHITE AND , TALLOW. 4. STEARINE ' CANDIES, WARRANTRD TO STAND IN HOT WEATHER, run, SALE AT. • 1312.OWNELL'S Augtist 12;;1859. NOTICE' TO.. ROAD - BUILD.ERg. A - JOB OFCI - IQPPING, CLEARING AND lA. Grading ten miles of the i(VlCean and Elk Co:.St t!'Rond, cornmencing near Buenairiata, 'will be let in sections of a mile each on favors bie terms. , Apply ,A W. •' Bradford,•Ba. July 20, 1859 OLD DOMINION,COFFEE POTS 'AT. -SUBSCRII3Eit:HAS. ON RAND' A • Kiln of newly burned Brbtlr, of excellent quality, that .will be sold chetip for cash. • SMRTTIPoitT Sept. 15 1850.--3 m. ,‘ NEW 'LIVERY STABLE IN :TOWN:' THE SUBSCRlBER'..alinonnces.tc; the pubs lic tliat hohas established - a.Livefy Stable in'the Borough .af .§inetbPort,- It is located on Main §treei, a rfewthds 'below. Mechanic street. and ernbraees a _well.' selected Stock; nngle. and double horSes and earriages, furnished at all tunes, at low rates, with'or Withoutdrisers, The'prOprietorkeeps none • but.soand • a ntigen; tlelhorses; which are perfectly reliable tind.free from fault or.trick.. '• • . With, an extensive experience: ip,the bitsi hess, and a determination to plense,his custti mers;;the proprietor.solieits the: patronage of the public: . : . . • ' Szna!i'po . rt,- April 28, .2830.; QQ TETr. -SUBSCTRERS% WISH . T 0 e .plpy an active reliable roan 'in elch'soct ion of the ; 54031604;,e1.4r4 or ders for SEG;ARS'ANtOi3,EiiOCO by samples; pttyyttuntlarypfsooo to $BOO. per 'yea!, payable rciontl4,:;4;ctetirtrople. part irnlars apply toi . or*Oreas t InCloSinfr o stamp for return ptisitign; 014, .Y Et SMITH;` 312 ?gay! street; New York: 4 9ST hittidlo'of:clAthiog was loWrom.ti 1 - A.. ' agora i ; n'passlug froth sredford to ra niters Valley., The, bupdl9' eoptsitieslcOat,• pants, !test, and stlirtObod up'in 7 4e.toyploth. NVilbeyeifirids'said ''eon ter: a faSMr . on .the subsciiber;by it at the Demo-. mat Offiee,..Smethport, ,anal will be liberally' paid. for his trouble. MICHAEL OLE IN, N.:..-Y. WILCOX:& .EON 13EG LEAVE Tii t i.Nl4.o):l*.th ,:that: they .have received their first otock of 54 . 114106 And' fire' now prepared and cuetomere and offet thei . n•fa neW,:ani-deait 'able kook or. . , Countt* Merchandize I):.ity-..-.:0(),01J$,.; Boars AND SHOES, .1-IA.TS GLASS And a choice stock of Family ' 'Groceries, • We will nnti'Weary , your.p atienee,by.enutbe . .rating; , ut our stock -le irnry . .htll and Complete' and we doubt not you will.find sonrething to ',please yoti ppth ap tO cluality. and pried., 'ihrititty;AAvertisenientis.*iltdo for enrnoi. but Ow Truthwill Wear Betdr; end we only ask'an examineiion.and are' 'confident: we con do yougood. . .• • , ." . • COME AND SEE. NVILOOX & EATON. (Mead, April 18, 1830. T. T... T. SPLENDID•LPT OF TEAS, at' . • • -, • .W.I4COX St' EATON: 'S; Olean, N. Y. . • '• • „ . ". :KEROSENE:OIL, vi-ADE from COAL,. with ,LAIVIP.S,to bunt „In the same, at WILCOX & F;ATOMS, PAPER HANGI E GS., ACHOICE ASSOIVI'MEIsIt at'.' ;WILCOX & Olean, PERSONS..• WISHING 'TO 'ESTAIdt.ISHI *nnufactoriet in ft new' and thriting . place where',business is good,. , ..of .oe,liamtriOnt.oti,Settre toent... ' .TH,g:SIin'‘H.KLVACATED ANNOLNCt S ,TO Ti s iE P 17131,10 ASTOR HOUSE; 5T0.102 . • . WITH. HlC4Anar.sTotK , • . . fircicacE,ilirws,..-bc.7 Where he otters at.Vbcdesaldor 13VGAI . IS GREEN, BLACK :& IMPERIAL TEAS . ...: .:.. Of • pIFFEREI%I7'GAAI?Ei-,:.:.;..... : : ; .: ROASTtIi,..GROUND,....,IAVk'.AND'..IIIO';'.TOFFEE S uirs •11014.6f*S.gt RICE, SOAP, STARCH, CANDLES, 4AISINS, -}7iTTIT9; NUTS, PEUNES, BAKING POWDERS, CODFIE0:1 BEACXE4I3L, Floiti• • -Pork: Haat Butter: Lard ..f•ggs WOOD. AND WILLOW *ARE,- • - 13 . 00TS. , •4rict'S - 1.1.0; !. • Together with iLinrgeapsorimnt of oil kinder of Goods kept in a Grocery 'Store,: which. he ofieui ., to spit for Ready , P . ay...at• tha 10,vreet..naari- B WRIGHT• - Smethport, Julie Ist, 1860. ' J. HANES, • , • „1:, 01 'Y• • i4es't JudgO—Hon.', Co, .t Associate Yudem —will, J., phyling,,safeol39Tt, Hon. S. Holmes Ilradrnid..... ShenT - Juiteepti;Nforeo, - SmfitbSOrt., ProikonVfa-- rySarnuel C. Hyde, Smethport . Register and Recorder'- - -C. K. Stirtiii?ell,- . Srooth4 treasUrer, Catanaissipher. , --Taniel J Keyem r • reabpdy i .Cares.:.,. 'Onkhtii,ik; peea!• Crier,f44:o,;:Chadivic ; • Atediars -Z B. C. Co rwjny Stnethtioirtplri CFter, Cqpilo D itre ei Earl 'Corimei.-4arpecpcmil Lifayeife, . . • an4'.Tlippniled Warr, Stove: :l -P . ips and Tin tat at" ,MASON'S. SUCH AS FANdlt4.lo STAPLE CAPS, CROCKE.RY, • : WARE B. F. WRIGHT HAS: HENO.VED TO THE AT . I..f)W PRICES, WHITE 17811, , q. , cl ~,-4 ' '.. rt. 4 ., ,Fl 4 O ~,,,,,,)? . , v ,: : : , ,, . .„:- ) .... , .b. , „, .:... ..,;-,,,,.:.,!-:„-,?,,,,;•• ~.1,i5 „ .„..A,,_ --- .,:e A;.....,,,.,,,....,,,,t„,,,,,,.4,..„,..i ‘,...t, '4-IDI-u"-,,,raxx.14,,,Ti,4-- .4.• ..q..4. , , •,,,4 , ,,,0,44', , ,, 44,,,,, , •,,i.. , „•,:‘ , ....- ,- . • i rip p , ' ,-.. 46 ;,, , : e; , , ,,, , ...,,,;,,,:,,, i44.,,,,,10::....,:::,, --.4:.i.....;,;,1, ;,,.,4., ~..,... „„ :• ... ~, _ , 7... •-..,.:-. , ‘- ; :.:: y.f, -!- , .1...n - '9 D, p.,...bf.AT,HEB-‘oa.hifteritio.. ..., It' Oat thot." iiistriVii - - , .. .. •-,. .: 0 1 ,9PP*.glitt, se in place, Ind will, kaili ittilitltt• II Ilima"' '' farge ituantitielf* , ..:, 4,/-A,,,,. .: • - -I - - r - - 1: , , ~ - •k: ,‘ ', ;.,, k . :; . ' S '''; q . 4. our, , -rft 4 W**. n '.l 1 . , ' • , ;0,;,, , ,,e i !., .: ‘.?".;:',..? 4..0: , . pif ~,= , , .)'''?=f : P eed 'S'in ?,.i.-,,'l''',f , . . , ,• ' , '',' ~,,,,,,•\,,,,,;, ~,, ~,,,, 7 -4 , ,,,,, . ; 1.- , ~ 1,,,i , • Pr FOlrvale by ='~ the lOa •• i i• , Attir lltint r ' 0 lA.,y, • d- r ' 111 Ma lliw . ~.„.....-; , ,0,......,..., , By_ the.);tiryel or pound' • rtitioUVANII - SALT.; , I . -4 , . 11 5 ' : th * • tie' 4 4 l *.licirt • - • '' t Teottiv , ":`. •-• 4 / 00" :9 :t i c '- ': + r.OO. gar, Tli ~.f t ;Bkift. TES lisj '•:". COFFEEi'icANotesili.fficEittAscs.: PAILS, ••• • Anil ve'ry - deieriptyiti of riiiapj;oiikeitliqr WtOCS:WM,;:, ...: I BETTER BARGAIN&!.':' TO inochssers ',than establishment In , the. onntry: ; t . .111E4VY.BUYERS-''- beobere may rest rnl~'ri be supplied•viith . • • 'aripkatOß .• MEM 140117 :Sr .R.4110-** 4 OicAofqi.o4(o ft 1,11.040 4. 'of your • Smothporklity 24 1'1350. •. 7 , ••• 'FAltist tAlit•s o • sAI.Ir. $ MILECtial4 Philadelphia by,'itiqraiii taltiesiiii. l it N' ° Jersey. Salt among ,tVe tarar Ira' iegflikliiiria purposes, barai3O SOO4 14iiii (LOT *ith's etre bottom._ The lend is a - , large ; trigidiiitiiitia tiostraill Tatra", end Ilatl4tedelraalisit 'Patti or t he edelelq:.ete s 'iraw,letfliittiraibtlibilliVillii crops PrOduCeir Ito. - Vitt tatil'llhAlliiliNi!itien growing. The - eliiiete Is Ailightfei;4idiktifit from frosts. Terms frtmt 4 g5,t0,t0 per *in; psyable within ttnirintio , lti,iiilpstt.i• visitthe plietrtisfn; Vint titier'Woif . 'Philadelphia a / A;.IC?Y/Cett ra id' fbi • nnAnt•n, or addr,eis R.:I.:By:A/pi bi:;l#iiiiti, fli mrnenton Pe . st lilted, Atlapti r eCpi(littptita* Jersey. 4rse Intl adverillem'e t irr i ip: enl,iiak cotumn. :', . ---', 2.' - . ;-- ,'; - kfaiaw . "it;r4 'Btort) - • , ' ak:L4`..o ap.pogit:E . #o44sx4ley,4o,94";at i #4.l! •*, , , „ • rill l P , P l 4 l .C:r . 4 lo "; 6 . 61 '1 ti t l!e and • stork *of; HardWarei . at priced . that 'ainaa'a tail to gait , tha • - • IRON , Ametica,:lollwBwriel. RODS:i'lewegoc 4 [4 ' lBll k NAILS; Cuf;triiiok CARPENTER. ttipl,111ILL1471.1011r : 100. , • ',I ' ET sash; `Glace CAIN ENAMELED LOTI I / 4 }TOAD BROAD' ea teriabfiteickvigr ,l Bow's; .r: 80 4 9 4g5; *IR Qugit, Table and' rodkr- ASTON-ALT gt .--,..4 ;AX-A ...,7,, VF-Ar ~Twy . N 11!EIU., ;,eUx.LI, • a,rocl #uk.cflobi ITPOIKM4DAWEk Diutts, v4f *,s, joho .11 sTo vva, , WPC! , - Ako4 , re•roquotti,ll44. Give us a call beforippa T-rasilvelku. jet:',-'314::-1101E74 00 t . ~ r ,l 4 4 a. , i *44 li fc :,."' ihottkaliVibi.•. , iiiihiii ' or . . 4 ' - sviiivoit - roaiiiwo4 l o,,, !Iki , . v , vietotila,Oititi, L ..1wtqr4i.,.... w , 4 ,,, bettikif#lolotritbUrluitutorill„ft•l 1iti0.....: 0 - 10ttaliplifikitikii*.ionn A ,t,!1,17,NP.: 4 t..., .. '. Att k lktii %VG,* /Pr: plalatOttir. . Bb r 44. , Good Mooctivido sue cis: WV Pe 10.0"10,8114biod and Pair/liked!' 777,, r 113 clz . : i.',4l' : -..'_ • 1 {,;,1.: 1,