M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, September 15, 1859, Image 2
Wifteiiiliern terudibv Ike qieslit.Yoik - sina .. fiii,likilloecatAinbiwit Vallay.Applit;.— ,- ~. • .., stikuk reauly,fot. o recOving, the `,'.117-: t , ."• )?„ 0,5! orible 100. le.,„i? make ' II "lenhaiistiblitledscif s bituiitinoie __." "+ ' ' ~ ' liskiheiaiNfitileilittiriglilll;" This tegiNficlllidelintne:).Trisf reptimiaated , by d i pr44.Rogiroi. ootflssolif4,)oprirrark*.l ~,, ~,ppt, 4 1 1fetlle tbp o..orti , kiln limits ,of ` . 4 etoil elds 'of it'd Sthte. ' i*lroicfml , - ' ' ' Illiirtel4ReilreaB;4lfel."9."Ardilee r Valley oillsobniuspd Erie,V4intif.other prop i k. , ~. lasillt.411i1M11•14 1 .well Airlhe , .....' , 'l/4!,,t 1 44# puTivalled facilities for ':o`. 1 1:4 COO. ifir c r . roithiviiiiirn• New York " ,„. • 'b. ilidii i lNYAits Wili aerfo the , E,astern itul 1 .. . , • ..__ . tsillWolariT*ll, as!kthajipecaljar us” aristmellim . of., the coal,_ have sties, Wi lled'" Vitritiglig,,:c;#olfiqiete-.:fo pur falMMisi I ' Wllhill)4ii , ttiokatieirtity—and sae . prkinif i the'T yalieys. ring with ,the Ksirt*i kful iiiitiiiikirr,Pfekixes; crow.. * 7aiitli-iettalitinii4 lolisting•of in , . 4 1 0100004 „., ~ i 940010:114001111 , fol l rbeiltle, t i t J. re - SI °zl 412 I MO I .- , 14 1 P •Tbling ill istange jr) ettare ol%ille ~.,,,,j ' ' ''''' ' 6 • liAri'iiritile' Siatif,` , yet° '' ' ' - -- 7- ` itailkitsktlfsilintigt !tor the 'utilities' ' - - ' 4 lliasfOlifii, .2.-::i '"lttlyniWiltflelll s l l l l44, 9*, P i fetation wltk, the' r iniiad,tiiiing 'titphl rieliltifiiiltucue ' and linigaitipistherbicat: 114,til 0.0.0i. , i1114 , tart 1 ,d.. ~ ~ 1 1o liF, 00! al. Ife,'lrrorr,i tlie yalleys JeNte - qui3Utly aciittf . itii 2 . Motto dOO feet, 'warded ~ l ry Weedy- CFO , JiloPlo.A..ibl re of, obtalpiug 80 to 'ie toe se coal, aid` it‘Ovettillottepet , tlay. Atolls* ise ~ but lbelf 1 804 14 IAI! IM,SLY.ltillnk ,_halP w ;lever comPere with ra'4PiirinOlVanii: - 'T' l'aclitliit really more' ica . .Pity, DIOR;.t IIO t 4 . I- 4154,. )oFiCaling, , Pl!r .k. 'weal and ' aresaini. ' T iny' Otter rilear,idi -.„ `_llllWlrtilisthiti-ifongli can- Oilllloolll6llllllllllll‘thillsintriniromusli intif Ir. " 1114'11 " 411) 04 geed eililltig-Pri.s.4li4 00 0 . FOrAiff), !AM iwNe , lrittirsint thi • An Ilugiehanna and tionAileglietiy:' ~Mr—the waters Bowing north into 11,1tIsinarit . thrt Atleriticyingolr t h ' )ak' itillivisietit'Vhs4iiii and:pfrAttetivei The only , incideni ftiA i',dr!xtrtihqine yy of/Pre crifiiiire li ; yy : co1"° Oi • 'had iii , ‘Etigibih, terrier, that ratirii eve - ho Po - 4 411,1 t try te, :••;'e s its; frightening Ai• Oi ha ticair!e• d. "freed With ..s4M j e , suciiededtinlettii`i strink, around his neck, and took him jriiri v our ehicle onhiirt. :, He 'Soon yielded to circumi stances, and becamef - gaitii arid very tf-; tectionate. '„ ' ' '".. ARtiv at Coyydo:p, a ,sprighily . ' village at th; mouth Willow : peek, '.we concluded to, ;call a halt, as tisigli` - `fridiVated - that entertain=' cnont,yvai to , be had 'far maßand is; point '„eviteee l'arge iiistititletrcifiamiree loarii the '4% l leg keny:sinit 'ri Yuri tif.ti Tire're, gmviw-mites; iii"the vicinity, kith tipasjty,4c, fiftecit mikliois of., Icet of i'uttiper.per par am: r. Obeid 'Odeitslii hi toiiilo^eitt s•• , e I I eY• FIAT ill iiVe. Criseiti 4 Veilistiittelt for •aarnestoien; thew county . '!" 4 k0 1 . !it!.P,tAtAqut' , C. oll r•YirPi e , w. Y o F/ :, • t YP ilt r milts qiktarito yr vhere e ar,rivel t ci!e,looc.P, M,Ol - fter slitfy , miles during:dia l '-ifrO'fliri he • , th'i;>lLltoilin . thej..way;3's ii`.traadel -hotel . ; kep,,t. by.:' 444 h s 4 ,4 At 7 o'slOck the., next morning Iva were aroused by oarindefatigable, jehu (Stiles), ,b) , • ilialtarttinrini6lligince'that stsuicide'had been catnatitisthdtirintethb • , niglit; the barn ' ''. by Ming !RC! F.ns l wilh3 a.iwoeful :; c ognlenmiee,. be telate t ik t,l - iat the ;.ccron','.'vehich . ,,h4, bud, tied is"tiuggy, iii his eiVirie'tii 'Obtain his freoOrn, liiiifaieuteriiitily'fitintehltriSelff- ' descriptionWl , Hlotitlftiis;rape;,•eicl lor, a notti.l ~ • ' . trefkitiowite...gitt 41 1 41!frill ?tat ave r lares yord oat traithigerl ll l 4 `: Aka 142 0 1.0.1 i kil!kryaMiti ) 0 4 , . rassoni4a, Voial am feed, y lalro,,ur !VT - , aired %a at pm". lii,lindit.fra y«c, Marlin ithr tali; idgts j rel, 4' 4 t498g. 1 Yll l l I ¥v c' ;6117 are bailor In= wfr ga..rftfgqiirfi ,) Si,a ail',c the Mit Wipttrditabir Nnril,oloo4T theflrta llato9B.t.wliMn . . lwas 'boa rd ad' by the iie•Ors Yatch.St( A!ltto`ohAild:.Prees•,;by which meant', hetillows, was. ob-: tamed •. • , , '`Tate wholb O'f.the 'Tinsels ti snbaircbei; 'end the ox-. eisintgeS ou,,,S.t.,,l l ctersburg , h'ud inconsequence , k • ' •'' loa,n :for the -purßose of d,efraying th'e ?. .rititithijy.e3intiliei of thu country had 'been Wine at 984sliefki4t;e •., • : . .Nothing:,of perl artc bad transpired in re- Wion. to . the iiijniactiona of tbe,Zurich Confer- Advicej from Athens report the disscOutio 011 lie Greek Chambefi. '; . :The choice - of M.. Joseph Poniatowsk:i by the ,French „government for, it is said, a special mission to Florenee; has excited fiCitile surprise in' T .P.'ards;rfnd no , doubt in Tuscany'..'ACcording to:thebtist eredited..repcirts, he is 'etny'eyed -to. do wha6l4l:.Reiset; it is ;feared, ha's' done lin perfpctly, if 'not' altogether . failed .in—the storatiomof ilie,grand:Dtike of Tuscau., He is a `near conncetion.cif t he. Prenen, 'Minister 'for Foreign. AMirs, ' and hus. the thilonal•adVantagd - of being a' . first rate singer, , Indeed .tis. an amatear. vocalist, ',he is said, tin WC:few:rivals, if any, among.. the' exalted: body (the French Senate) .of which .he is a, . . . Sardinia liefintes to itecepti elier..provißon.al ly, the 'annptiftion 'Of . the 'Ducies i h ,' without . . consulting,' .the,,other , Powers, particularly, France." The Italianif still Inaintain ti,..Quo attitude in ielatiOitio'tlieir.ttational l'inlepentl- The .pirtitfo blight hi sa:(1 . to' b'e' making conairlitrairle rivigqs in certain parts of Ire. 400; • • • • • . . • yhePArif havin.g.W.tecedAtrongcanti jAmittiEiri Oe t ritifeento:'l4ii, tp..pursuarlee - ;01, ` . elil'itides,‘lfilerrtieiV.itii''reidefr. that: it" does retelyfi, its Itispiration Trorn 'the ~ oovern, , . !nperit E MA hos e,cpressed• its 'own. Views only.. - :. The,gii,yko cerresporident tho London Ad • ie.e rarer" that engineers 'have b,ecM 'sent to' eiiritey the'Whote , the . ' coast Boulogne and Colitis:. to, fix ~upon,a spot' for, 'a, ;oeapprt sulllcient to eontain,a fleet of fifty.tre:nt ;,sperti!,,andrthelliriblter of, A , larilieliao hls pulfalternorthat fifty transPorti, each - bp mg: dap.ibte of eontalnlnittWe.thou'srind'reed,"must: i;tia-roodY.;olf Dover by.the - eoiern'enceirient l itinsulng , ,yeor: The writer Also . says'thitt a.•fAll . cortfirt . nOtion of.thisnew.orderhas. boen.,t,ele grophetrti.i' the Engli s h Goverument. .11e I, ,jeetittiis'that the' . BelgiuM IwilrisuPply - titeretext for a' rupture with iEtWanti. , :,This. whole story: , is regarded Os he camp 'at St. Maur has been bro. 'The question of 'Free Trade will:receive due icelsoidiretiotilitthe approachitig Coimsels of the fl?Pll,aibtinctUta. , .; ept. , st ea met - A lite:SOX:Oh passed "point 'yeiiterday:- after- Fsaicei•et,The"...Emperor''reniains .in retire , i mstathuthor,:PYretilleO. -It ii .romore_d that he twillottortl z y proceed.to• Cherboar. - and *pay it secend,y t istt,tOiltie camp el. Chalons... , . Charlie hati talterfillacelti Italian . • -. • Natiobal AsseMbly 'of 1 1 111.4,Sa..a24a_AtP.Pa• ' o a a :tl)q,i'al mission to. the ;Eorm'apolebit.... • , . • ~ . T tyteAr 'People of Naples are iptieli excited in :ccfnieliiti4nee'cif illeitighiiriite ' . ...,'l/lobl'ieie'n "Ai Sorelo r hai,:been' , visited . sfirthquoko; ,large. deiltruction Ml?r,..ope,r4y; titVO:ituntlred; persOns_Werelille.di grktninumber , :. , ~...i t tco44, o The I PireetOrs of the : steamer, preatN.aotrirt hose :declined JVlr',..l. f eyer's. last, otlss.ltrul...ittiy.erigipal.prpgrittemv he,ch.r-. • t eteascl ;has beeti.closeil to the tclOtts ° l9a;°Tetit,',,C , lPtllil la) lair: w15 , ,t. 0 leave. tl they t_ or l ,two, ono ready'. to save for 'l - 11111'1nd, Maine ,on the 15th of Sep: !a. • azy Rim.: iph. lin,i, 'erne ~Tl4filievy,Kciric,ccorpt,i,iporOctit.i:ift.lie dharies tiA4itopAriv.„,ylß, que,, , tci devote . ir.itt . cli at ten 'iii),,,n4 to thiviißprikching nuptials , of §inot: cf v,,ieclo ind Stiii.Bartlett;;;ayi: • ' ': . '' , '.:„ i"At 9enin!siwheie._:the. wedding i rou 3 stun CArisialia . diitkhas - been , . ritiiinllaCt dia. I 'was , : basso a large ehest. of -I( Jul cri , which. cost $2,- 61 R , Lcikialkithqhliect ibti lof litvin C 4 rtibriC; . go's ofirsiii liStlf ViiliniefeineitAsee situ tvaniipar'ent ' 411/Milti:leirlPh4eits46' Was 'of lie w hite.cash- , `MP ! iiiitirgitittily:'4ltibiohidre4.l With t' hits alliti iciANititll4ol . 6tokihe , :clpeiii-'cli4 was the trios.. siiiiiittitattittliiii liir i Altilirican --manuiiicint.e i. ref , alsig/40iiiipiltnifii Kor,. white .: t ail h nick. cy 'And loi(gt.Wilitilitidatitth!thit.ithoa biatitifol.cle . -i igdi, ibeitti'otiMPitipirkillOb.iiing li kir.-tj ny: ate elf Oetilleetlirtli ialssOithlAtenti9o.34iiid leek fi vb girls. -,ictit , eseeireAttiiintiroiden; l ‘4leventy‘fivel.diesSior iolAvYatswriiiidy foil We , faiVibtidevnlet erribtking! 44'(lkeet11)the prittc'elioihoyatitkidr ~• thi weal i tloYi 061144 1 W gokii fiiiiiiiirV , eu trimind iiig tiu at ' , this` , tali Dinite;•'ait;:lithoikshrine•be tiotiriva renliits tit , alirokiiiii 41411 4 thitt ..ignlit Cari.' ,. rush ish t: • A . g 'ran i 1 tiotiyesiilV , be , dldappotntocHhitt . the ' wedding 'iti ' ,to take tilled it home knatead of the Church; as 0, riilefftst intended," •,. 7 ' % . .. • i . sirtatt, •:-._ omit ow ,r. /7 ll' Lgi, , i yon . ttbri` =ME 6169 - Thvaday. Selitemtkei,As,) . . . . din • • • .PETTERIGILL &I , • - • c 44 . • •• Abv E RTISEva ACING?; :• • - • isol.,Vosaisji,Street, New , York, and 10 Staila St, Bo4toafi l igONNOIII4, - tha',`:.kgetita for Itt'ittatt'patincoar and the.ninat largest cireulating Newapapsilin.tbe United States and4e Can .Thay—sal agthoilsed:"..4r,:contract_ tonal at our. . „ . Demooratieltaie , Ninnimikking , ; :tottlifrwitott EXCIIARIAON L. ,W14,1011T, OF 4111LADELFIIIA Y 0 4'45#YEY9 1 t: , ,qt1# 14 !.. , ... ,- " 4,9) 1 N ROWg,;"._;!:-.,•.:.: ;Or! F 4 . Attl !MIN. Die4c.t:49 1 ,1/ 4 / a tio4 l3 . ..•• , . , • SETH A . IIiA6 [ UYI bt..bilfrOah * COoOt.. - • [5.t114 . 99t to ttio.OoilOrkof . , . ASSEMBLY ! ' - " I'll. iloirE,ii,-pienai.ao Oquitty Ncnnilyttioxis.. FOR 'OnllsllBslor en . IV AT TEILAAW •a. 1110'W: • 1 • :PP • • ' /1. 1 4A4 ;V; 30 CON,. . ji.A.P I/607,1nm threeylart.] • ..IVe 'Ai under otil ?gut ion" to' Hob. J. t. dr 'the rtceipt,-oi , anotller cCrluiria will be found a letter. from vc hi e we copy, from the Express. The writer, except', ails deVcrlption' of the vil lage of Lafayette,' and' tlie . rbad from §rneth port ihitkeer,''iiireb a truthful ddetriptibil of the countrY .paase'cl N.. S. IRUTLRIt &.Co., have again get 'the .One Price Reguitifor".in line, Ns-Rh her cargo 'Complete, and;have opened the campaigt.i . 4iih .Fbr p . aqictlarconult their column in the Democvat,•at:d 'then yWe'uncleratand that a Boot & Shoe Store has been established in .this. place, .Wheie it is in= l'endLid to keeivasoinpfete assortment of ready 'made work, and also to trianidadture to order. . . . . . .A Sunday .Sihool*.Celebration. came olf, in .Eldred township, . oirThuredey of. )aet:we.ek. We did not attend .bnt:iintleietand. that every. 'tiling connected With the affair , passed off in good styli( ' and a delightful tiny was passed.. .... . . • Theacholari at' fheaev,eral 'Sunday—Schools., of. the vicinity, with their. parents and . friends, .wisetnbled iit•the - ElUretl Hotet,. in.tlie morning, were fdrined in .procession by • ,NathaMDennis, 'and 'proceeded to ',meet. the 'Smetliport .grass. Inand,.whicli had been:secured for the'occaiion. 'The whole attendance- was therrptit ,under, the :direction of.C. C.•lllosesi Estir:; who had been •;• aelected• as Ntovshat. or the - day) and . proceeded • . . ;to a grove,, near the mouth of.KnapP's Creek, : Whereheif lieeh arranged: ample cohienlencee for.the The schools, were`enter mtaihed'hy' addresses from 'hiders `'Chain ieis~ and• s Strickland, 'and eriliVeneii by Vocal 'and instrumental music . . • After partaking of :an excellent repast, ••a pronession' was ag4in . formed and • marched to the cildied ciind,disnliesed.• Nothing niar the :good" feeling of- those. In attendonce - , nor, was onythiit Omittedthat,oOOlo'ociatribute to their enjoyment acquitted themselVes•with • 'credit, and 'did justice to the hospitaiitAs . " • . . ' : hybrid, •Oppot it kin,' sari:Jan; tihattge; delight to enlarge upon•the re-opening the' Ae; tie:tui slave Trade, and for . party'perposes Make it a thing - devoutly' to be ',wished. • •Bleedi Ken zee has been taken • °e'er the 'way Of. •the'• Itepublicana, •Who are now compelled'' leek niound •anoth'el? . ebject ottfof whiai to make :political capital:'• now want the African ,Slave trade re-opened .and expect to make a perfect Mr of :excitement'. (limn ,it,• and there, by be•able.to fill their oWnlmcketii the•eir: 'pante of the 'people. • - ' • . • • : • About two months'. ago, there was,. we Am.: derstand, a secret Meeting.in :Beaton. ot , rem!. rent Republiterni from all parts of. the .NOrth• in:take ineastireito , keep.dOwn : the D'emecraey. The meeting' reiolved2to enlist' the 'Monied R. :publicans of Neiy. England and New York in a: huge movement to Ti:t out vessels to engage : in the Slave .ariiinducenient , to. the ' l mMtied tnenlO.ia vest was:prged'thafthiee !mini leent.litit a rinuttolotitd! be , made at the Inisiness. The Republicans think td-carry Slaves from A Itica:to , ourßiuthern -States.;.and mike money of . the biiiinesii and poi itie eq). ital, ekiitriing the'Slive dealingini the' Dem- -rho : . Ndministratilin at Washington:iti,, - we are glad 4.0 . perceive, - determined totpintot—the. Walt ttiosS. wlin are in anyway Connected' With. the StatieTratle'. •• 'We gee that a 'Oro*. force Of 'veseels been sent coast . of Africa' to- take. all Sievers, anijboaitl' all: auspicious , vessels: SeVeral ships a're - tie's , stationed en Southern coast, on a vigilant, look=out- rfat Slave ' t end those' caught will , be 'punished -TO the full:eitent .61 the Thitoscheme :of , the 'OpPositionla capital is no ivorsothsn - their.old „hobby, Kati , gas." jt:*as' the 2fte that made ::Kenn 'eat bleed,- but asliu the iestanCe Of:.the '; Slav (t Trade, they blamed . it on the Democrats,',,Cant ;4 1 telligent!Atm wholtre net inflyeneett ittlertedettiens# tbe!itgain gulled- by t6e/Repubti-• - iltin.' l partyr-,. The -evente of the ,next twelve I +months WilLanswer this. - Deception .antl.clis .hOnesty will rule less. in , politics in the future than the paSt few years..., • •kliixscs".7:- , lii:cidatrilliing the county ' ' .COintniissioriersirepi4a of tbcreceipts and ex c -,,;. 14 as f b 141 - J ffBs s* penltua ;:yve tiad receiPo' . to!.tite• trail : 44 from thiteelownlncreesedOr to pfeer,• O( expe!pliturne4irk,grare;-*p. 'kept pain/ Thu's, for the jq. epiting 1855, W)len there'wan Derinocrailibouid Commissionere;•the expensMEl Isere but $3,328r. thereeeipts,b , eings7;lEB;leaViag.s3,BA2 - to ap= cply'tOWUrd . .debt; which:redueed• the t.otel iadebtedness'• of tha,SUM.Of . $8;47 1 1. Without, taking " ifp sac year ib since: Isaa, during;whien .time, the dorunnisaionM.'; otren , hert.heeninalte hands' of thellepublicani; 'We "faltiAba:..tast:;report,--for the:Year Jativary:lol.lB39...r ! " , .-Wp And the ordiharT.:eit;" peasei.pf.the .County had'reached.. the . startling surir - ofsBi93B. 'liistreportiricludestlie . .eale year, Whi ch't walled the. arimont o r f receipts to thir.auna $12.',809:: the liabilities'' of 'the" county ".are put doWn at • $7,03.0:. It anen e ut a glahceilhat. the .rneepts • do• ant :Pay 11le..carrenreipeasis.ofl the,'Conrity,:aa•s4,7l.3 of Abe:receipts report mar,: age,PC , :glipotpo , f taxes,;, leaving"rthe":.reCaipts: properly belongingtothat year.aty7,Blllpotene . ss,•.theri Penditiites.for;tbrk",sainelear. • The: rdekless",". ages and .extravegance.(calling. it by no harsher t!arUp) of.RiPublieun,..olfrce-holders •Will.make it:absohrtety, necessary toiinereade the taxeir— already:rtirmous"-.4-im &der to meet the "ordinary. expense's or the. Cfiunti , : • ' l ‘ In":1852'. the' piiblit'buildingsr. were-coiripl ted," which cost, in icindrairriliers;'s2o;ooo;••in 18515--threnr:Years•if ter; -the debt :Created -in their erection - .. Was "'reduced, by Democratic hoard , : of J''Corimniasioner.; to .$8,474;•.,whi1e. there - has-been paid iiilic4:that time only $515,' and.the' ni c itt ''rephit intrat ' shoW:the 'debt it!. ; creased!' leaving no , hope . oi paying our" iridebt-' edness, or of bringing -CcluatY;orderry 'nominal'-'value.; While' the dominant party havei the 'control' of the public. funds. . "AV-0141e Il'eorite of 111 1 1tean 'county' rest `.qui etly and see , their'Thaterearned 'Money spaan-' dered bytheir public 'officers' on political and ,personal farvorites, or: will.theY" leek to their own interest arid "eleet.' men ,capable, and hoo est enough :to manage the ..business' of the county' with same;. regard; to• tneir interest. With. proper, management; :"beiatofore, lie debt would have all been paid,nt this time, and County Orders •worth their. Nee in gold. While. we have been abroad;-wool gatheii4, affairs at home have-been:sadly neglccted; un worthy men, have controlled our offides; say ; noel n g against". the,horm , aty -add good' ir tentibnir of, the :incumbents, themselves; but th.fy.hav? lacked ilypision of "character:tie.- e.essery, , to .resist thP putaide,: Pressure af - de-• Signing men, to whom: •therPveed their, 0 1 0 4. ti.on to office,..aud,been :entirely regardless 'of the p0611,c interest..'Nor will ..a change to All our Offatee Avail,' unless their 'is a change of • • : '• frir•COtirrnisiloner, we hitt° 'a man well .qualitied , for: 'the station—a. shrewd ,busihesi inah or:stern ) decisive integrity; and who apply the sarrie ene . rgy:and economy to' the ptiblic affair's' as , hp itOW: does' to ihier *Wel buSiriess .I.le is well ktioitti throughout the,ClouritY; pronottUeed.hy all, the !pan fof the'place; at this ;tincture. • - • We'utidetitlid,' the rec'eiii.t:rois haire exten ded extent of o . otitry;. : ' . doini:con eideraide dami.e corn; buckliheat tipd pa tatopti, . TEA Sixth.:Anntia SeSaiOn•ciithe'All'Keh'ri CO: Teachers' Institute: Waif be held in :SmetliPert,.% commencing Thesday,•Det. 11'th,1859, 'at 9 9 , Clock; A: M. and will.continue threugh•theWeek.,.•Arringel mehts haVe.'heen made 'lO niaki.lbe" coining session the most instinctive. arid entertaining one :ever h eld in , the county:; Scientific and eipeiiiriced.tesehere.ftirin•abrqi!d''will be'pres rit end assist.'iii'°conduc'ting the eke'reiees.= T h e"d Sys 'Will , b'e; deitote'd o` , I hit tnc tieh.. in the • „ • are oetieckinghrict..the eVeninge le—Lecturps 'finery able then . Onl nductitionell: subjette.': We d o.a.b . . revery -aspirant -aspirant trl . :t he' position of teriCher 'present.,. It is `expected . that: every true teacher 'WKeiri Co, will be:present and show their•love for the cause by Onbracing , nli. the,mplinin tor irinprevement-within.theiy..giasp.• confident:that•a' large share hf our.teachi ere' will be:absent.unlese4vmPelled..th be.by circumstances not under .;their control:'.'Yet there . are.a:few. whohvoid Teachers' 'lnstitutes othei!.means 'for improvement.' • Such will' soon find that the, profession has no' longer any nepdopt-heir services. „ : The r ,list of „tench: ers in attendance will .he published . , fer the ben 01t Directers i in , nlalciog . clecti . 94lu for their winter„schuols., pains will . ..be -spared In Make the- coming. .session both. pleasant,4and .uspful. • • . • • • Board can belObtaioed on .reasonable'terins. Thecost of. instruction 'be divided 'artiong the attendants v<hich ; "wiTl be but a few lings•f~r each ; yeaebera:•are eack,,requeted, to bring a•Bander'lycmph Reader; 'new series: •'September 1.0th;"11§50., . The Englieh...had a shani . ' fiiht . at'.AhleishOt Camm . .recently, , in the enlivening` preiehee :of her : most paaioue r b.fajegt,y i Vieter,ia 1., whom heaven, long preearie. ..They •sticcerifujjyop poied ;ion. in yielble" enemy, earning hinm.•ao : whei.e; and wifcia - a - neferious, designs iveipitre.' eented.lroimfulfillmene..:He. , ..wis•.supposed . ;to 'coo Fence-,-.We, ligPAve,ro, l ieve) Apo; thet kind',of.enemyr..that.mir veherahlti mother, 'e,Ver, eikahn't'ef from the lead or vine clad . • . • . . , . ~ `ll:fre.sHa'rinier:Potteti'ie welMtliovve .iipiiitual medium, died on Siiniiiiir,Ait ; her ;residenee..in New,,Yorlt;'of Consum ption; w?as brought on, by 'her frequently -going into the trance stato. She wawa native of Co:lnce:. ticut. • ' ....,GR.MitlOl/PERS OBSTRIMTINGTIIF.CARS.Pon dtiaIin'Story,,.Of the - Rinfand; i : iitid Washkiygton Ra t yoad, eays that while ot i :trein waawoing et O h`e:ra thirty, mi lei' i s 3 khtir,'theioeine ‘lfaiito - a flock of grasshApitera ; which...tapped theltain. Nobody watt tired wountied,.4t 80140, Ave million grasshOHorslay`deaeon the trOk: 'After half an hoer's shovellint.of the .dead and 'dYing hoppers'bff the track,.the.fraiii proceeded on to Rutland vOthOnt .any ftirther . 'ditrtcull (Vi.) Courier.' The New JetaeiOpposition State Convention nominated Charles S. Olden for goimrnor;:•The AmoricariStato Convention united in the' aim inatibn....„ Mr. ()Milt is-an 'old Milk, and voted The Stale eleetiorvia Vermont bas been car , ried by. the'llepublicanu, by' about the same majorities as laat'year As. far as heard . from,. 79 Republicans arid.'lo.' Democrats .are elected to the:Leiishittire.:, •'. • .; • Georgia' - is: - probably' the. lightest. taxed State in.the Union. Its State tax is only two thirds of - on4 lie :dollar.. A r man . owning 'slo,- 000 of Orot6ri . jr pays oply $6 66 taxes.. 'Geor gia is one of.tli6 most nourishing Siates :also rapidly rising' in manufactures .as. well. as 'agri- . . ~ tethe're'is no, great share :i..74- probity," says the Baron de Ilefontesqujeo, ‘, , riecessary . to.sup-. pbrt a moilarchibal orldespotie..gosernment.— The force of laws . ih one and the 'prince's arm in the,other are sufficient to'.direct .and main tain the whole.. But sn. a popular: State one spring' -more is . necessary; natty*); liiittio."' ' . . . . '•• A' Snuthern paper, :thinks it .would be hard to find anywherey " mo re lawyers, doctors, colon els, captains, majors and 'squires; more legis lation and.laws less underatoad, mare migatory population, more halreooked buiscnit,' harder .corn dodgers : , lesS cnre . for expenses; more Bi hies' and more ,novels; more religion and more devils; more . 'cle'verneSs. and liberalitY, .more real- in.dependence, wilder oxen, more politeness 'and' gawkiness, ;more dangerous steamboats, unsafer.hanks, ,more 114cl:dug horses and awk warddanaers, than in Our.belcived and honored United States, • •• ' • G . 11 . /11:1 STAcKs;n4;;Wisoprisitf,-Hilreshirig ma chines have work Co do. in the Rock River re gio.n of Illinois and. Wisconsin. :Between Be-' !oil and Janesville,lweilie miles, a ,few days' ago, there ' were. 735 stacks 'of' grain , within sight 'of the prairie road, and ri.considerahle portion althe . grin along the -route had been threshed when the eettnt \Vas taken. ••• li:oareeen . htindteir r and ninety:four he seen from top.Of : Brockvi•ay . College, at' Ripon, Wis., 'With a teleieope: The St.2r states that 'there-are threelhouSand stacks in a square of, ten n - eiltis . with Ripon for its Centre: . .Viirm, ,ers estimate Stack at from one hundred •to 'ihree hundred buiheli, making lull one million buihets of grain in the ten mile's square. • . Capt. W. tells of an amusing, ucciirrence' nested by hiritlast . 'w,eek' on board : the. Ocean, 'on her' passage .down,. An oldish and. sorrie .Whni putblindgeptlem'an; pacing up and down' the upper saloon,: stopped in -front of , a large t 1 3 .11 length' - rnirrari'and, alter' gazing at tbe•fifr,-. ure . presented.fOr.4..moment.. or-two . , inquired in a .very deliberate toner answer: • Question 'repeated louder:, .9nes tion. again, repeated, : still louden' .. .SlS—your— iianie=-Banwn?". Still no . answer. • "Well," said the questioner; nee eithe'r tleman; or very..deaf!" ..The saloon ;was' in a • • . Itcrunt,ics.g SraTenctivr.,z-T.lie.Republican , State Convention, for' the. State:of New. York, met at Syracuse, on Wednesday ,lasts put in . nomination the folloWing ticket:: For Judge of Appeals, Henry E. Davies, of lieW York; for .Searetery of stAte, Elias W.. 'Leavenworth, of OnOndagai for 'ComPtroller,,Robert Denniston, of Orange; for:Treasurer, Ppilip Dersheimei;of Frie r ; forli etorney General, Charles G. Myers, of'St for State'•Fngineer and Sur; veycir, Orville Story, of Allegany; fOr Canal C.orrimissianer, Ogden. , N— Chapin, of . Albany; for Inpliectoe of State Prison s, David B. Forest, orSehenectaily; for Clerk Ofthe Court of' penis; Charles H6ges, of Washington: - PROGRESS . .1N jttiSSlA.—The Busse. .hae for a - long time been publishing artieleS which are remarkable : for the ;boldness of their. 'principles and language. ' In the last number is one . which Says: , . . . - • . The time at which sovereigns alone could make peace,and decide the fete Of nations has passed Away. .Bumanity progresses,' and na tion's are determined to be consulted on their . fate. There wae a time when.Nanoleon I. an •notinced ni the Moniteor that such or such .a' dyntisfy had ,ceased ito reigii,. , whon he. made, one of his brothers, his cOtisins.ofluis marshals ascend the, throne, .and, when..the people..vvit nessed these dynastic changes with philosophic indifference, caring. little tit being 'treated like a fkick et. sheirby .tt :clever speculator. . The increase of.gsneral enlightenment has, howev er, since shown to each nationthat Vy the side of-the sacred:rights of dynasties there are the rights 'orpeoPles,. and that nations, ought not logie.Sacrificed to the Interests of hn ual. u , . BRICKS FOR. SALE.• fiE• SUBSCRIBER. , HAS ON HAND A ,Kito.of newly introetl Brick, of excellent quality, that will be Sold cheap for cash. , N. .F .'JONES. ' • . . . SMETIIPOIti, Sept. 15;1859.-3M. ADMINISTRATOR'S. NOTICE. xioTtcE ttereby given that J. C. AcxLeY, 11 Administrator of •the Estate, of HEN BY Copip.,,:q. l late of Bradiord Tpwnsliip; deceased, filedhas in last and final account as AdrOidistrator of said EStatev.•and. that he wllitilfesenrthe same. for: edrifitmatfon at'the• nelt Orphan'i Couril,to be held' at Smothport, the 4th Alquday,of. September ; next, ensuing, 185? '.C. K. si:ilTik,rE,(Li.` . • ' Clerk' Oqilicinos• C o Smethpoiti Aug 23, SMET - H"'PORT : LIVERY. . STABLE. rrIHF,.;' SUI3SCRIBER has ,operied a new Liv ery Stable MSrnethport? at , the residence of Dr- - Wisner . .Ori," King Street ? three - doois , etist-Of the Court House; ivhe're ertn - b'e .fotind the best of Horses and -Carriages at low prices: He intends to' •make ,SipethPort a .permanent residence,. and asks, a share of patronage,' • ° . 'A,' N;;- - SIMIltH: Stne`thpoit; Noglihf'f2,li' 180," • STOVES.fSI".II t ESI' .. . T NOWAFdtly!Na( THE.;LAR9Ii:ST, Xiinnt.selnetetl; and cheep'e , : liottcf SfqVen ever tiOt . brot, hit° • 13. S. MASON. : TtA ' TlioSo Intaiestid . in .ldining. and, ' . el- , •,.., ' {: zi : .. 31 fierat.',//414 8: „ 7 .:04 101/7 1141iNES (gars kiliiieriteas futtlie exiiiiiliii;' • la' tilluarkLatulein bl‘K9ik - itid Elk' 4 ~..• ~.... 1 Rita L 1 op a all tottheltAl4v; uk! I . I INEB, ' 44: That . ° a agl .• lila aoraiies illl'altealTa F ell nea Auld reHO trintoiinatloit. ~-I tesi.lanili it tho Bunkir II 'Vines. • •',.:.,',.' '• •'. : P•l.'.. ' - ..-1. . SergeafitOrKean ttip; J . ttlattoBs9l , -' ' , . . • Strit*N* AGE . t: j,. 01411 Capital sibuiwe Farineroi- Union . Inintritne . ii . Aihen.; Pa. • • • : -Cash Capital.. : . • • 0...0q;9t0. Great Western Insurance,co, Plittdidelphit, At. • Capital sl,OOlOOO We'd nravieh;(llintitil)Veitlinien "Pa: bei ;efreFged:in the k pbppe *es , rioeigible s. Stgek - toriiiiaiiei the stjlitielibei : A n y . •enrruppnicition adAresscd to him , at SmettifOrt,l s a.,,wilrri4k wifhp:ro.nipaitintion: Smethpirt, Dec. 9, laps. •:- ,Antiotr, PQI3:K.::&•.F'.I.(.37t;T:)Ft; WHITE ,FISH AND' SHAD. TALLOW STEARINE 4 t CANDLES, WARRANTED TO STAND IN HOT _ WEATHER,' FOR 'SALE AT' , August 12, 1859. "TRIAL' LIST, FOR SEPT. TERM, 186 g, Hinds Estate • • Vs W, ftelt.",:' Yl.„! • Burdick, Ise of Pelt . ts P. J;Ebadider.; Janies DI. hillier • vs Doyle /c Updike E. J. Pubes ' .vs, G. D. More 8. C. Hyde •• ' :.'• , t Hebden • D. Kingsbury .. • is D. Crammer. James 51.•DIxon . • , • vs, G. Irons • James Xmlne ;nil. 1116'wnei an a, M, MO"" , ainieheo SAISIVEL O , HYDE : Pr ' o4Onc" . . . Prothoziotaien.oB3ce.•tt s urpipor Au5..1,8,385,0. . , NOTICE TO. ROAD BUILDERS. A JOB OF CHOPPING, CLEARING AND Gradlngten miles of the . Mcltettn and Elk Co: State Road, commencing near Buena - Vista, will be let In sections of a mile each on favora• ble terms; Apply to A - . W: NEWELL. • " Bradford,''ka, July „20, 1859. • Som,ething, Mew SMETIIPORTI J. B.• TAYLOR'S OLD FURNACE IN.FULL. BLAST! . . . . , . TfiE •• UNDERSIGNED• .WOULD - RES: . PECTFULLY• • ANNOTTNCE TO THE CITIZENS 0F., • • .: • . -IVll<eap. That they have iocated,themselver at S E T H.P.ORT . . For the purpose of.Menufacturipg PLOWS, • SCRA . P.ER.S, SLEIGH-340E8, Aial in fact e . ye . ri thing naatfe at a COUNTRY FURNACE. Thorough ixperienc . e.in the . businais; warrants us in saying , that *e can furnish: as „ , 'II . OOA. WORK 'and. ate REASONABLE ithS . .. . , ._ As can .be-fotind elsewhere. - Parlicahir.litten• iion will at all times. be paid.* -- :.- '.... ;. ... J . • , .0. . The celebrated-. FRANKLiNV.KLI*,'. 'and DUCHESS. COUNTY IMPROVED. PLOWS constantly on hand. Farmers and others, give usacall•. , • E. tilt DYKE :& WING. August 9',.1859. •:. •'• WANT.E.P., d r • • •• : • • • r:n TONS OLD CAST 11t0'k in eichitnite for work, at the'. • ' SWITUPORT.FURNAOIt.. 1, It BARKIA'S,.STRAW-COTTER . SU3SCAIRE.R. - novvi offeii; to? t he, pub. A. lie this . Improved ..Straw-cutler,' in..full confidence theta!' whoinke.the'troutile to.i,rit nessits operations will be .eonvineed . orite periority over any- iittigr• L nnsy.tinstnie. , A supply hept. constantly. on. band' ;and man ufactured to ordei. - Ca" "As no:other .person' hiejhe .right' to make.oruses tilia'Cuttet within M'iCean cotfn= ty, all'Who are tieing violation of the,pat-, ent will be.proseented, , • 1'• -• . , • „ •• ' • : 'A.. wiziprxsi.... Meelannicaburg, August 27,.1850. oLD:DOINIINION'COtTg'E' Plirt7a:s Inventors, Manufacturers, Farmers lnd MilkvrigMß, -Oficntifit T 0 BX ENLARGED! • A NEW VOLUSEE- , NEW - SERIES, . . •'. • ' •To Oommeitoe on July 2d, .1860: , • , 1 .. insteadoi 416 Pages, tile *.Yesitlflijoldme; , E n la r ged Bo ttom, will contain.V.IOIII` . I.IINDRUCANW THIRTY • TWO TATES of Variable: Reading - Matter, useful and Instructive to all clause. r.:.. : :,..,71 . , • . , • . . .. ; . . . ,dimwit' Ora Amgaidorldpilbligh.edweeklY 1r) quai , toßefird ~Puttribl fer Mal he, and the numberi fors Me: gle yeat contain IM6rmatiocars regard; id NEW. INvErr- TIONS, branches. of MANUFACTURINO.PROOMIS AGRIOULTIIRAI: IMPLEMENTS, ENGINEERING, MILLWRIGHTINGMIQN MANIMOTGRE, CHEMIS TRY,. In-fact, almost every indu,M3d.d.44g#4,l'ecplves more, or teorattentioli In its • :.. I , ' •' • •,.ratwd , Clalmß• teported from lhe"Psitegt Office; and • INVENTORS AND TATENTEES • • •.•- „ • . • • it contains inforinatlon not trihjitibtalived - ilsowliere, and Which . no: Mechanic ; 'inventor, or' vatentee - ezdif wend° As a Family Journal it has no euporiok for:real practir 'al utility; since iu its columns will be found useful-prac7 tient IteCipee;! '-•' ' • • , ' ' of attention. given from time, to tvil'oPtl Of tho ?dotal; Luinbor, and ether nuirkets - • ' „ • Every number ivillContainslxtOn pages and forti:Olght machines of mitter," with several illustrations of pittedted machines and Other w ith year about ' . ..NIX • 1111NDRED'ORI9INAL EritiVIPILVINGS. With the Enlarged' gerlos ispresentod opportnnity tosubsoribe not likely to oceur-agahtfor many-yearn: It will be liko conimencing.Kleow Wtitir..4. -, l'Ok • /i No. I, Now *criss elitt :ti for . liforirhs, Southern'..Western ;lied-Canadian nionefor- Print Office stamps taken at 'par for nubseriptions. Oanadiso subsCri• bees will: pleaseto reniltqweity.pdx . cents extra ou each year's subscription 10, pre•pay, postage, ''• • . • • • liberal discount to clubs. • Alrospectus. &Ong' full particelare of the inducements for clubs, 'with 'fineci,men . copiesof the paper, and pamplilet.orinialning infOrnfa tion concorniog the . . ,procttring,.of .-Paterits , way be • had gratis.by addressio.! • . •.; MANNfic•CO':, - • • • • • ' ihiblishers ofthe Scientiffe , AMerican, • • , • 37,1'ark Row.. New 7nrli.l • A CAMi, K. HAFFEY offers his services to parties J . whihirio . ' to ~ pttretiaiiii lands in 'll , l'Ketin . ,.Ellc,clearflold or SeffirSon .counties.- • .• . • • ' a 7 Examinations : made and,.ffithi)l.PY "re"! ported. . Bradford, ,fi11y . 27 18,10.