M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, September 15, 1859, Image 1

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    tountv I,lltrit'ocra
• iti,dvanco
states of Advertising.
I Column, one year, _
• tt . - 441
One Square et 12•Iines or lessi alosertions,
Each intbsequent Insertion, ...... .. ' ....
Btisiness thirds, with• '• • • ••.. 00
~, Rule or ligureotork will be dhutle• the atMve • rateA.
TwOve Braes Brevier type.;'-or eight' lines nolteniell; is
'rated d square.. • • • • . •
Er These Terms will be strictly adhered te...La' •
~ :;:''t.1.4..,-ito-0..:•..pi.044,..
• •
Surveyor; A.
Engin= .90nre*cet - , and .Real Estate.
Agent: Smetbport u Alglean county, , :
. . . .
Wholes'ls and Ratall.Dealor in Pa'rnilf droierfev,. Park,
' Flour, Salt, Feed,..4oots:and Shoes, dc.O.; ' Store
In the Astor Smethport Pa. - , • .
andlletaillmaler ProvislOns and. Finlay
Groceries; Floer, Meal; Feed, . Poik,. &c ;
Store at Eaton's old stand.: Terms, Casti. • Smeth-
..'.•' I. .. .. , A.: N. TAYLDIL . , ' ''. • ..' • ,
Dealer in Dry'Goods,:GroCerieS, Pork, Flour:Sait, Fish
- • Ready-1114tIo.Ctothipg, Boot Sand Shoes . . -Sthethfioyt,
PraetiChl . 51oetreinie, . ?ce
; Port Allegheny.; M'Kean courity;:ra..
d. L. BROWS,
;AttekteAgenti ,OMee, WOlhonsville„Elk Co. , Fonnhk
' • •
& Boytt;; , Esq , ll - .;
lion. Thomas Struthers,.
- Brownell, Esq.,
Hop - .. A. 1..-Wilcox,
, • .. • CAR*ER HOUSE, '
ll.Jottv Mint Proprietor. corner or Water and ITlckeiy
• Streets . , Warren; Pa. General Stage 014002: , .
.... . . .
. .
General Denim . ; in,Gry Goods 4 Groceries . ,' Crockery
'oady-7 , 4de ClothingiliOots and Shoes, Hattfand Cape
arc., 'opposite the Court Ilotise, Snlethport Pa: . „
. •
Fronting - the, Pabll6 /Insure, OleariYisf. Y. 'Testes DL.
MLI.LER. Proprietor. The Pi:Medi - louse is entirely new
• and built of. brick, 'and is furnistiedin modern style
,proprietor fig,terii himself that his Imeemmods.
' tione are not :Surpassed by any' hotel -in Western Nisc
• Toils. Carriages inn'to and from' he New York end
' Erie , • . • • . - • ..I}qrtf. •
. . . . . . •
•ArroaNT.r :AT .LAF;,SmethPort, 111 , 1Cean . County. 'Pa.,
Agent fol. Kellam Keating &. Co's Lands ~ Attends
• espeelalljtd the-Collection .Of Chilng;• Eiamination of
Land.Tltleln , Payment of. Taxes, and all husineserela
' Vag to Real Estate.. Office in Hamlin Monk. -
~ • -
Prtiwietor 7 LAC Minna. Warren county
. Pa: - . IIIs Table will-be supplied • With the'. best the
eountry attords, and he epare . ne palunidacconiodeting
; • • , . : •
. .
• • ' '• " • BOUGHTON 'ELDRED, -. .:
At tortini, and Counsellor at ..ILaw, • Suretbporti -
Contitk, P. Ruttiness entrusted to Add care for the
counties of Bl , Hean, Potter and - Elk will lie .promptly
'attended Office in the,Court house, . second floor.
• • • . .
Phrelelan . and Burge9n, , 13methifort: Pa, will atfeiid
-• pioreoffional..atflle with .promptness. • Office in Sari.
wellillock 'pound Lloor. , . • , •
.Wholesale and Retal De a ler s ' in . Staple., and Finley. Dry
Gonda, Carpeting, Reidy Made' OloGitna,.and General
• Furnishing Goode, Doota'.ind Shoes, Wall' and. Window •
p!ypei, Looking Glasses dc.e. •At Glean.. N.. Y. „ ... •
. ~..
. .
Scoothpbrtilff , Kein Co., TiAtmErr, - Preprle
tor—opposite the Court House. ••A ne'vri lar4e, coin
modious:and. well rttro!shed hou&e •
.• ' ' •
. .
~ .
. • .• .
Attorney and Caul:Mint iii - Late, Smethport. Itf !Kean On
..Pa.• Will attend to 'all bli .1 HOPI twilit prnfroninri in the
-. •enuitties of 111,'Keaa,.Pntter, and glk. °face nret. C K.
Saittitill Be. Brotheea' Store. ' - '• •
. ..,',
tort:ldiot Sadnnd'and I.li3orpe •Pa ie
A. Bilima,..Vroprlettir. Trlv - olpr,.wjlt, thy! con.! odannodationa and reanonablo . • '
1. :9: MASON,
. ,
Dealer In Stovea, Tho. Ware, Jontvinel
•nide Ortha PubliecSiu.re, , Smetlipert, ettet'ort.
Sofia:to OrtieV lie tha stiorte,t notice th:
moist aubstantial: manner:.,„
le 8. It -ROW -NW,
. .
. .
. .
'Dealer In Dry :431ohda,'. Gre wlea:. °rockery. •'II4 r•lwnro
noote,'Shoee,'llate,.ofipm.pfais, Nail , f , Dile,..tr u .'ke
• Elte4,4lde of the Ptibllo - SquareiSthethpeet, Pe .
. ..
. ,
Dealer, 'ln Provisions, and Family Groceries generally., al
Farmers' Valley';•lgllCeaik 00., Pa.:. Grain,, Lumber,
Shingles, dm; taken in" exchange for.. Goode. Patent
Medicines for r''
IABABEws • toTEL , .
I,,enAngc; nOlge, M?Koan
Pa; Thie hones ke nikunted'about nun Inflogfroin
' Anion:wort on the' rOodand:siil! - bei,fonnd a
convenienfatonplopl ooe - • , • •
• ,*, '• iEMPOAIIIII -HOUSE,. .• •
Witean C 0..; Pa.. . LBORLNII COOK. Prc.priutor-
A commodious and well,ftirnislied-bousa, Btrangeril
and tumblers find good aCcommodntions. :
Voonwus. . This house Is titillated about noe'i„li e s
from Smettmoxt on the road to Olean; • Pleasure parties
and be accommodated on the shoetest notice.
• •
. . .
NirnAK Duette ' , Proprjetor• • This house •is eitnated hal •
•way between Smethport'and Olean. Upon want a good
dinner this is the place 19',etnp,' , - '.. •' • .-...-
• '•
P.roniletor of the GOl4lllll, at Mechnolesbuig,
Repo'County'Pa. ' Flour, Weal; and. Peed; eenstiunUy
on hand and tot sale:in. 'Otte and small quantities.'
•• -• • • ' RAILROAD aousg, ,
- bsviAzing.,,•• Proprietor, MtKene' On.,
• Pa . Good eau be had 'thorn at .all
.ALLEOANY •1101713 E %.
. , .
. . .
1::+oca 8..7)01,Ly; .Pfoprletor t ' at'Voei A ilegaeSi Pic
Kean °omits , . Pa, ..This 'lntel. IN situat ed at the June
. thin of the fitnethpoet and Allegany Meet tonde, nine
miles east Hof. Smethport. '
. ..
3 ..
. S3IETIIPORT, lII'KEAN to., liti. r • .• ~
WM. HASILVLL" :.:-..:'•:• :Proprietor.
Tho 'Proprietor having,recently 'pnrchased and ther•
onghly •redittod the Astor Howie, Itattere , hiniself that 110
can furnish an eond accommodations aii any hotel lu Wcat.
yin Pennsylvania:'
$.5 CI '
20 0
1:0 0
_0 ,10
1 ,, 1,0
. .
'llidpra.k . ,..Pa
" W.irren: . Pa,
-- Srrietlisort,. Pa
. !Juana ,Pieta. Pa.
So:farewell to little Foreoce,:.% .
Earth will oot.behold thee more,
Fare yoil well.untilire meet thee,.
.• On that tiriglit- and better 'shore,- ,
LAFAYETTE. Sept, 1359." , .4 4
The constituents of this coal are carbon; hy
drogen, oxygen, 'nitrogen, potash, some silica;
•aruLoccasionally a trice of sulphur. When it
is . subjected. to dry diatillation, the equilibrium
pf these elements, is disturbed, and new. com o
binations, take place.. Hydrogen and, oxygen
readily vaporize, and from,affinity unite, form
ing compounds, partly'with each other,. Partly
with'carbon, either singly Or in'coniunction:—
IfnOt intCrtered-with by , :sOnie otber . agent,.in
combining' they forth water;. While the . excess
of hydrogen :take's up carbon according to the
temperature, forming oleiiant gas, carbureted
and hicarbueted hYdrogen, tihile other com
pounds result from the 'common action'of the
other elements on the remaining 'Carbon.. The
different'gasesevolvecl from the still condense
to : a liquid in the -worm;
s and are'sub:sequently
purified In 'various ways, as they are success
ively produced under different' temperatures:—
The first liquid is.naplaha,•a light, volatile, apd
very inflammable oil, which. is . used as a veh
re for s iesins,..4uch as india:rubber,.&c,..:liii:vnr.
ishes; for extracting perfumes • fccin: flowers;
and which may b e converted into• beniolei an
oil preferahle . to, alkaliesfor- separatinefatty
'ells and . are-ase from wool; snt; &c., since' it
rio'es not injure , the colors, and is . free from re
,t.inottiv mpu.rities. Intcombination • with nitric
iero•Len tote ie'iOitneli,.which . :can replace
~ ;th.sr almMitls. in Perfunery. ;iThe
1• xt,4t. I ..pp , !.trog is a oil; now
.extepsive 7
ly .I.ta'ed lot ii Into mat ion ;4-• heroserie,'? 4 6c0al
t , r4tenrho.i lt is not nxplosivei and 'has
the'ryopHy of preventing deCayin iVOod
Prt:gn.9o wi , h ir. ,r.!•distinatio'n creosote or
geld is .prothiet.d, which prevents
.vomposition.in meat and, other organizaiions:=-;
From cieosote arMtlier fluid is extraCtedi . calria ,
zotir,aeiel, ' ‘,Aich•givela'beautiluf anil
rut Straw-yellow color to silks .and other bib
ace, and tias'been . soccessfuily used as
filge....the . third substance produced is a heavy,
fatty oil, I.'vhich,',ll hen refilled, under the name
of lubricating is. extenii veil . ) , :used'. forma
chine-ryi and Which;by the action of cold.yields,
imianine,.a. beautiful , white
. crystallized 'sub-,
stance,' •übjected to p'ressure,.
forms canilles .superior to sperm: From, this
heavy oil May also he'extracted onytine, which,
in combination. With other ageiits, givei a, Mut%
dye equal to indigO,' or. a 'fine , red. The coke
I v emaining after these procesies, besides its. use
Eta forl;,‘yhep i left tong contact with iron,.
yields afine , plumbago. 'The amonia 'obtained
iri distillation may he .iiied as a tieb.fertiliiing
agent, mixed with plaster, 6r . liiiie.Scieortjfe
American '
Formerly, women Were probibited.fronfmar--
rying ,until they had spun 'a set of bed furniture,
and hence were entitled spinstsrs until . marri;
ed;, A morose old bachelor . at oiir elbctiv:re
ma rkedi ;Nowadays they spin 'street yarn !"
'‘ ,. looked daggers" et him, of course, es ev 7.
cry body knows•we don't like to heirill-natur.
NJ remarks about theladies...
Phe brineiti.which tock . and other meats:
itave been piFkJed is a' deadly poison-to - horses
sihtings: ,
.. S N ETI WOR. ,I7 ;:. II/ PKEAN. , ‘coo7 7l *;'S,. , Tguro4y:spirpnwß : - .. 15 . ; : - 1”9;
•' Frorn .. t.he Puffulo'Expreas
• .
MY FIRST GREY? HA/B. • ' • .
Ah ! here it ret giey
A4d I lave 'eeee.ltshiiim4rs
Oreila!:!rovr. furrowed by care.
. .
White ate the '.tlioughta,that !Ace th,d,,
fuel Uo Very add '.
- Quo' htiirx f for me ye bay.e . rio . dreall;
For, us u long ibe's pan . ' I've sped,.
litud Provldque has gently_ led,
tosank the whinh ia.bnet;•.. .'•
To4lnve bend In _yi.oung Hte
. dreeeed,
Or Andes betokernn;*weet, tapir reatt.,
. .
. .
. .. . . .
Well rkrion , that come they will, • . ,
'When going downward lite'e rough hill,
Iceariueihat river dark and etIll:•-
• .
§lient ninnitdre?' clne by ;One '
Grey hake softly and gently coinn,
Work will boon done:'!
Grey hair ye have.been called a crown
Of glory,—if good SPe4. were sown-7
waling . l,ifo's . Putbe up anditiowri
. .
Thee come..grey heirs, and , be my friends,
Bring wiedeni that eh ill me attend,
-'Till this short life shall bait, an end.
. .
Gracefully them I - 1)4)w Wouldwenri
They fade away In that Forld . wbeie ••
rie•good shall youth and beauty' share
Pon .rge Dtmo6*A7
Little Florence thou haat left us,
• Left Ole world Of Ilil2andeare,'
'But thou: cheived it for the better
Aiol we hope: to meet thee . there.
Swueteet Florence we do MI insthee;
How . we nilie thee none can tell,
Thou haat llown n "and gone to pearen,
And we trust that 'all le : .
Littlanoredce resteinlHeeeen,
Keels where sorrow noverle known,
Blessed Yes'us canto and called thee * 1
To thy upper and better home.
. .
. .
~ . -. • , ..,.., .
.. ~,
... .
. .
. ~• .
. .
. ,
. .
, .
• .
. .
' ... 1 ..
•, ..
, .
. ... „ . . ~
. • ~
, • - . .
. . • •
THE GREAT crit OF 3131 Y 1860
The following remarkable ,tnemorands• bave
bead lately found in an old Manuscrilit book •of
en old gentlemen now dece'ased: It teas's-date
1801; end is a. Curious specimen rif. history,. ex
hibiting gineiy.himdred Years of thellizties to be
the meet *eventful ernichti of the ..world.—coth
tnencing with the'sixtieth year.of the.Chiistish
era, and, showing that .all astronomers:" make
their most itiportant calCulations by.6or thit
we haei qcoseconds - tolmintite, - 60 minutes to
en hour, and 80 times 60 to x.'circle or year,
being 380 degrees or 366 days. And.thafevery
hundred.yeirs the siztio haeebein the (moons
yeare of wail - and destruction. : •'.
“Betti4en the-year. 60 and GO, the British
Queen Boadica,:defeated the Romans;
Was. mint in bonds to Ifortie: . Borne' wee set on
fire; and.littrned . for eix r daye; upon , which hem,
under Nero;, the Arai perseputhin against the
Christiana, and the first Jewish war began.
.the.year 160, .Antordus Phis.deteated
the Moors, the gerrnsos and Dacians; and there
was a , universal pestilence. ' •
In 260, Valurianus, theßoinan Emperor,: was
tUken prisoner by Sapo!, ', King of Persia; ,and
Hayed aliye. ~ A great plague raged throughout
the Rornitn'-Empire. Earthquakes .in Europe,
Asia and 4.frica, attended . with 'three days,
darkness.. . • • • - •
360, the Amnon. ErtMerar Julian, surnamed
the Apostate, ' endeaVored in vain to rebuild ibe
temple of Jerusalem. ,
. .
966; the Saxons repulselths'Scots and Picts;
and eshiblished themselves in Kent under Hen•
tiBo;.a terrible Plegue all over Europe; Aaia
. .
860,,Alexandiii in 'Egypt, is` aken by the
Saracens or followeri,of Mahomat; and the
grand library burnt by,.priler of Omar, the aalif .
- •
76Q, commencement of the Pope's tempora
860, the Danes began their ravages in• Eng
960, Nicepheroe Phoeas,' who was afterwards
Emperor .of;the East, recovered
.C'andia from
the Saracens. The kingdom of Italy 'was coif , :
qUered by Otbo, and united to Germany: The
rae.of Abbee kise Egypt, being seized by the
Fatamites,,Who built grand Cairo. •
1060, the 'Turks take Jerusalem , from •the
Saracens. The• conqnest of :Englend• by Wil 7 .
Liam Duke of Noimandy.
1160, Henry the Second, : King of .Englend
takes pos . session of Ireland. • •
1260, the Greek Emperors recover Constan
tinople from the French.: • • • • •
/no, John Wickliffe, s an Englishman, begins
to call in question the doctrineeof the Church
of Rome about this time, whose . followers are
culled Lollards. • .• • . *: •
1460, Constietinople taken by the Tinke;
1560,'the Slave Tta'de begins 'among the, Br
. ,
, .
1660, the ' plague rages iO:l,ondon t wnd carries
Off.oB,ooo:personi, llie,great fire of Etindost,
Continued thretidays, inwhichs;ere destrOyed
13,200 housea•and 900 streets. • The presecu
tions and executions in Massachusetts for ;witch
c raft,. :producing ,the most horrible icenes of
terror and madness.
.I.79,'“The Seven•years',War," carried on in
GerMany i bY ; Austria and. PFUSOII; signalized
chiefly; by the extraordinary. canipaigns of Fred:-
erick. the Second; the Great King of. Prussia,
while he Was assailed by the forceaof Austria,
France, the Empire. Sweeden arid Russia,: Th 6
English annihilated the French power in Cana.
da;.whilst the fall of Quebec, cthe,Gibralter.of
AMerica,) the Cherokee Wars, and - :the death
of King, George the . . Second ' occurred at the
time th e war flame was kindling the , American
Reaolution.. :The EmPerof of Russia .. was „de..
posed, imprisoned and murdered. , . The Jesuits
were . expelled from Frapee,,BObeinia, Denmark;
Spain, Genoa, ViniCe, Naples, Malta sad Par-
About this time . Voltairei-- Rousseau runt
Paine; were ezeiting, Europe and' America by
their extraordinary - writings against -Christi-
I now drop tbe . •blpod •stitined curtain of the
past, and•raisethe opposite•veil of 060. The ,
mysterieti of the future are seen dimly in my
glass, tbe pale-red light scenes increase •my
• ••, . •
doubts and fears. • •.•
In 1860, education will be common to all, btit
what study Will be reekoried, the Most *genteel
Miucation will be . difficult to explain.' , The
churches Will, be aclorned'vvith all possible Olen
dor and magnificence so as to correspond with
the, costly , dressee and ornaments of those who
pay their devotiona-there., .A feW beside great
and wealthy men will be admitted, 'on account
of : the high-charges eitacted for seats The wo
men will , expand . their hoops, become extrait
, v2l
gent, study phYsic; maintain . women's " rig hts,
and, grow, insalentWhilst The merchants and
Money changers will be full of tremble,. Wars,
wars, warp. and rumors of wars will annoy and
diStress the politicians' atud rplers,ofnations—
all is'confusion and uproar; and I.look .to the'
Anniversary, Of this land, and hope. that the 4th
of July 1860 will be properly. .respected. r per
ceive that which can never be.effaced from irty..l
memory . Or . cl early •descrilned: : - ;.:
.From the dawning of the . deY until midrfight;
the . bells of et)ery . city; ': town and 'hamlet in
America. will ring without • interrnission. The.
roar of cannon and fire-arms will be incessant,
and . woe toiheeorumanderwho will undertake
to prevent it. 'The people whihe passaged with
Divine fury, end if
. by. - Di r vinu inspiration
they will swell teitilotie rage, like per-
sons distracteii, and I seerthem 'sating as if.be
eide themselves;', Their nisi's' and acclaniations
are terrible; their voices' are, heard: in all the
temples; the'streets, roads and lanes ere re
sounding, and the mountains and vales are
echoig the thundering s ,o f .m illi ons
. .• illi o f
Reciple of both iexei and sges. • - •
The Anniversery 0f.1860 will have no hie
torical parallel—the armies of all nations will
be terrified: The hirths on . that day: will be
immortalized and the deaths will be glorified:
The state of equality will be complete, and the
rulers of this Nation; at the break of day, will
dream surprising _dreams,'and be mournfully
troubled with the•knowledge of whit is to hap
pen. The Chief Afagistrate of this Republic
will proclaim the crieis approaching, and
. his
voice of distress will be heard. throughout the
land. The Press will be • filled,with . woes and
lemintationic and the people will discourse at
a great disjance, and no suctrfiiscoursee are re
corded in history: The'haughty politicians will
, found weeping, wailhig and, gnashing their
teeth. Captives will . . be . . set free s ' and slaves
neither nor steal, neither will theibe scourg
ed. Fiery chariots will convey' multitudes of
people from city'to. city*. Philanthropists, will
be employedcarrying baskets, filled with wine
and fruit, from housato house, but their goodlY
offices are interrupted by the wildest tumult . °
the inhabitants.
. . .
• The Waters.of America wilLbe 'in a tea .of
commotion.', The Navy will, be. covered
fire and' sMoke, and'the waterrnen .will .spread
their hoarse huzzis. Eagles' be , seen ho.
vering•about, clapp i ng their wings, and. flying
froni the east to the weit—whilst the hawks;
the vultures and the oWls, will bide themselves
in tfi . e darkest recesses in' the mountains, and
dread to meddle with any living creature. •
The banners , of the Union' will .wave from
eveVy, pinnaCle, bonfires •Will ,Attie at every ,
croseway, and every house be brilliantlyillu
minated. The Declaration of Independence,
and the 'Constitution of the United States Will
be'read on the 4th of July 160 in every. Em .
Aire on earth, and after that “the world wil
known° rest," until the great lessens,9l,Free"
dom, Written with the blob(' of American Pat•
riot's, will be leerned by 'every :nation of:lthe
globe; and this will infuse tt , poWer into the
principlei of liberty; by whleli . kingdoms will
be turned a'qdEmpireiiovertu?ned.—Exchang'e
. ,
• • An English': periodical, estimates that more
than a •million of bushele•Of .hutoSn and •• inhu
man bones .were: 'imported, in the - year.-,1229,
from the continent of Europe, into:one port : of
England. ,
The neighborhood of Leipsic, A usterlitz,'Wa
and all. other -places •where; during the
lately proceeding 'bloody war, the principal,hat-,
ties were fought,' , were Mr apt . alike of the : bones
of'the hero and th'e horse hi rode.`
Thus collected frOm eves' quarter they were
shipped ink the port of AO, and thence for-•
warded to the York - Shire. bone grinders, who're
there are'steam engines and powerful machine
ery foi the purpope or reducing them to a gran:
The prineipal . market for • the; , product thus
prepared is Dorchester; in'the, center of.a rich
agricultorallegimr, whose faime'rs use them to
manure their.lands..The oil) substance ,gra.&
ually.evolying as.the .bone, calcines, makes a
more. substantial; manure, than almoitany other
It has beet. ascertained beyond a doubt by
actual 'experiment on an extensive scale, that a
dead soldier is a most valuable article of TM'
coerce, and it is , more
.than,Probable that:Jim
farmeri ofYorkahire and other Parts of F.ng
land' otVet the rich fertility of their lands, and ,
their. 'daily bread, to the bones of their children,
who, perished on the continent, in the Crimea,
• Alas, the poor soldier! To convert himself
into a target, to be , shot.at for .a - shilling • day,
and if killed' in bitttle; to have hie !Mines made
an article of commerce I It le'moat horrible to
Houss ay FlRE.—Seven Live, Lorr.--;The doun_
ty Poor-house buildings, of Steuben count) were
three in 'number, and were located about three
quarters of a mile .from the village of Bath.—
They comprised one brick and two frame build
ings.. On Sundey morning, about three o'cloek,
flames 'were' discovered in one of the frame
buildings, and on investigation . it proved : that
the fire originated .in the.room of W 4.
dy, of Burns, • who was sent to the County
House-ctn account of insanity. it,is supposed'
that Weldy seffire to the building. Ina short
time 'after the discovery of the fire the ,build-
iniyvas wrapped in • flaroes, ' which soon com
munieated to the adjoining frame building, and
in a few moments they were both burned to
the ground.' ' : . •
Sad to relate," iti; persons :were I)tirned to
•slesth; arid another,was so bully burned:that at
list.aecoulits.he was expected every mordent
to die:—lttica (N. r.) Journal, &fit. 1. •, .
Before you commit suicide. takes cold Lath
list people tertn.dspeiris very often dirt.
' •
: • 'II ~•••••)':'
•• •
. • •
The 'Virginia Index is publishing a.. lades o
interesting sketches', by Mr: 'Titos. Chase, of
Cheitertleld, of the Life, Citsranter, and, times
of Paul Jones: .They throw much light no the ,
character of Pant Jones, add , gien,lwe'Aisitit
not,, a most'filthful account of ; the famous
tlo of hii ship, the Bon Houirae.Richerd,' with
the Seraphs. After stating that the ships were
locked together, which was effected by Jones .
because he saw that 'to keep at at liar gear
shot, with a new:,and strong' frigate like. the
Seraphs, would never, do for such a crazy old
hulk as the Eon Flonnne -Richard; Mn . . Chase
proceeds: d:
"The working of the big guns had been
pended during the time s of lashing the ships to. ,
gether, but now war resumed: Of course net..
ther Chip could use her gens but on one side; and
these were nearly mottle to rpursle— , so near
that those who handled the iimrods sometime.'
hit each.other. “Fair Play, you &—d Yankee!"
in Englisbman would eiclaf "Mind your
.eye; John. Bull,or PIP' ' , " •
“The firing. was net rapid, particular ''on
Jones' part, for, it could do the ships'.nn hurt
encepl to knock the guns about a' little,sand
knock iff the gunwales, and occasionally . raise
a' cloud of splinters from each other's decks:-.?
Jones and his men kept a .very sharp lookout
that rharson'and his' men did: not sever' the'
,Neither of these , ships '.were &image
between wind and, water, nor could they now
be by any, use of the big guns. • Both 'had men
in the rigging doing all the tmechief they cOuld.' •
In this • kind of play, Jones had the best of
for. his men Were more terrible, and his Spars
and yards were longer, still Pearson would not
surrender, insisted that Jones ought to. ,
Capt.•Laindais, with the Alliance, clime. up
to help Jones, ithci fired a. broadside; but of, ne- ,
cesaity it, hurt Jones as mush as itdid Pearion.
Jones immediately• cried out, “Capt. Landzis,'
let us alone; I can handle hini.H Both ships
were often on fire, and as often the fire 'eitin
guished. Had It• not beep for the men In the
rigging, this yips one of the safest seafights so
far as those on dick were concerned, that al
most ever happened—l mean after the shins
were lashed together. The Hash of the..gun°
would go clear across each: ileck,Adod the men
by - treeping
. a good . look-Out, could avoid being
hurt, orgy by stepping a little aside. • • •• •
,Hadthe Ben }femme Richard been a new,
strong ship, as; was the , Serapis both might
have lain : there and burned powder and thrown
shot until they were rotted, ea to sinking either
With the guns of theither.• &rule rn . -
•me Rich ard was old. and rotten, and... Was le4-
.ing befoic.tenes made her •fast the.
Seripis;'. and thue fait the strain , open , her
against the either ship and from the explosion
of the,guns made her leak wars!, ind it was
evident that ehe meet ere lone gc; qown.. ,
I — Some ofSones' men and :one,bf his Oticers
told Min she must' soon go - down, anitaaggested
a aurrender. J.:You - never minilthat,- you 'shall
have . a better ship to go home in,", said . Jories,
pleasantly.. Joties and all bia men, anti Pcar.
son and his crew, very well - knew that tha
Dori Homme Richard, tvas:about 'to sink; she .
wollid . caPiize the Serapia, and both. must - go I
down together.. It waa, therefore, likely to be
a test between Jones and .Pea . rion—which, for
the sake of airVing . himaelf and men from a Wa. ,
tery grave, would strike first. . •
• Vat .ToneL bad . recourse •;t3 'the stralageni
which was. completely successful: - He aecret.
ly, sent his men below, one by. one, with the.
strictest. posible prders to he' fully prepared for
boarding, and at a given signal thrush on deck, '
and• he' would lead thin] On the ikele of tfie Ser-
diminish, though not very fast;until only aboir
.thirty were left on hie deck. Pearson, suppotie
ng they were all killed or badly,Woundeck and
bat Jones must soon strike, was thrown cord-
pletely off his ,guard. This,,was Jones'- time'
Giving the signal, his•rnen were ready,in Asp in
stant, and with Jones ahead, with his ,deadly
shell houndo'upon' the 4eCk
of the Sorapis, killing everything they could
reach, and in very short Iline'woulakhaire
killed everything on board; but Captain Pali-
. .
iron,. seeing his time had co!ne,. tried with
loud voice, "Captain Jories,.l surrende'r7-7-and
at the same tame 'taking his sword by thebtade;
and:presenting the handle to. Jones, 'and with ,
the next breath ordered the Colors to be taken
"This Was in the nignt. 0 N the nextbeetl
ing the Bon Homme Richard we down bead
foremost. Thirs ended the stra'ng f l ight' on
record. Paul Junes took the 8 '
pis;' but
Captain . Pearson stink the' Bon ' die' Rich-
AVE WITHOUT moNtrxrati,
The sea is the, largest or cemeteries, and . all
its slumberera eleeP without a tritiettment.
other graveyards, in all lende r showing some
syrnbole . of distinction between the great 'end
the , email, the rich and;the poor; but lit, that
great ocean, cemetery tbe king and , the clown,
and, the prince ' arid the peasant; 'aro alate_Un.
Iliatingulabed. ' The same wait 'rolls oveftill,
the lame 'requiem by the . , minstrelsy -0,14
ocean, is Sung to their honor.' Om ;their To,
mains .the..same storms beat-and. the, oottst, , stia
shinbs, and there ; unimurked, the, wiek;ao4ol.
powerful, the plumed and:the • aphetaared i orill.
sleep,On until awakened by the sliltte trAtMpiltho
sea wilrgive up its dead. No, marble flens,l4,
point out where their fishes as/ Agothogoli,
that cemetery, bath no ornarnitnte , of ,:whiCh. s. no ,
other can boast:. On no otber,oreithebeovenl,
orbs reflected in such: splendor.."-Over no, other ,
is heard such noble melody.--yriiry Giles.
1 q.. 1, ~ fu- tr. -..i.r44.. - gilt ' , K. , ,:4t43 4 4 14. **th•
, About tbe mostmutchist , e* l l4ll4l4llllllSt
moat in:regard to the .11to7iittleta unbulibilibg
Territories, ies flood the *;N othirtfetil A
unua otthi.tfOiti,jr f 4 1 r: ). v,,,,,,,
is tft toistd, et l 4 Ole; 0 11 414 . /i . ‘.
sea Swat ell.the prateetiattillrikerriiil4.l4l
any other *Podia ifPrOlittrit6llllo
theory # ll4 is 1° ' 9 ; O ti P l fi l o,7 ~air ,„i_L ar f . ll ,_i
discrialigilite blowiiiii .thtiiiiitCWA, - -, ~ 1
property. There io so woilsittfilitilietdllolllo.
two that we eau lei, Jo 'the ,
ellewb ete‘ "We lee no * 4ll ild l iff iralt ; ~
Confess to male a "1 01 . 4 0 11 - 1, 41* i; ./
tale% then tom!** a l i bilik . 0 1 1:1,, '
Congress itere to make rfeetr-tlig l
codes, that, would ' be neither***
in itle Tstiltottee it thee P ft i lii i i * ,4 ) ..
them there, and if thipeildetlidatok ' '
there would be no eiteesion for 11111Zillaliihiallh
grestional code. , 'This iijast NOW 0141 1 0101114,
boils facts that AM impel twist iiilieleeilitra
oisitY of Nike 1101 ,diefset 0,1 . Itl A l Aaith*
and will come to notbly. , , BOON OS venom,
k ll i tih
ton Convention Meete i the pireplil it.
will And this out. 'tot theseilktot#of '
forote Senates rtunPltistor of
lin will he dangerous .to atetml tia-thil OKI*
platform When the cars at. In mothistO ,12.74 '''
Su'h is, the 'Detnocratii eathionOlif*
South. , Let us now ii, whit
r !! le,,t tlite; l 4o - •
A. few day" ago the /often ./emeoekosid s ~ ~,,,)
EsSuppose 'the Charlestira CoMlNlt hr iltli a t i.
not at'all improbable, ebould
'property" In the . Terrltutlei , siMiq tit
tected by Congress, will the Pm, costOoposi.
welki"! intetventiott in thin gosystir,T ieark"
T 9 this the Post promptly tepilig I° 4 ! ; I ° l % l
° i 4 All property iti the Tetritotlei WOO*
protected by law; hence there i5,..,t0 agissiv
for any such declaration, any; ismie-thilltAll*
is that your Mother.* brothetirMittiblif.,s '
Thus it will be seen ihat air'. '1! l ikoo* a
once in the, sentiment of DeMtectetcnlehy*
they are •in Mobile or in Boston., Vitinitkeil
trine le the same everywhere.-21eY'amitik:
„, ,
Af .
Mr. Geoid ot. Rocteatgr , hiuit.t OP 4 , ,
on the , profit. ot Mudiftlelor,blicAlle4ll4
makes yerj teinatindhlistltellt
filo g
too higfity:celeied.' • 4.04 - * . nikihol*
eatabliallMe'ritiliii;ii r. liNietly`ip*All i
circle of Avbieh RitAebtlietk - 1444.'
centre. In fact,'Mr:, G.'s Ststi 'stisitliiipaNsfs •
great exient,"driermantis the fintlibtfilittli#6l,
ence ef t lie! e tei , Miiiiiliii:"t;',";: , ::•!:: 4 ?" 4 o r `rir) , l
For Oitirrrill°': - 46iii ,k,....
tho . L . ncenecivii„,;ntki,4oo spot
in thnii.t , rnii nonitigit e.nbiroiosepg
Theeein '1 yeti ide hiiiiiielhereatilitt -1 '
every 24 1 1 00, 00 .006 440 1 ‘4
They aisertztlint e1i0b.t0991.P.44‘,.,.___
,7111, 1 11‘411,
nel coil pioduees 'limn , theireitottrifilliMit
of a: nisieilaUwi'ich ` onetitlllitilliOhaVplie
enitc"! B' 6 0 1 ' i°liil 44/iiii . ,.i)iltii: ''' ,W tf l E2
known ae crude Oil,and,,thda q a4 ,• ', . '
ity by the seals of.Beaurne.'l.[TMC
atilt further treatedl4 thiiviliiiiiiMaillh4'
eriri, /c l 44o l6 9o l dieilifi,74l** :_
°lies raT , gtiOlPg VOA Lhi t kii4lWitiik, ‘ , 7 ,'' ' .
they expect. from ;sloth inithelealf,''
one gallon. of citide - A....tth mkt* ; A ahigt,inf. -
cenisi:erelde bit 'aeOlnefn,i'',il4o)}:' AU'
We ,heat_ of mucii,iieiter'-ifiliisa jitdiritit4i.,
•" . • , ..,ApLohAt , glis
, .
14. also eves thig.,estilaillial:Paelsilltillf
nished by two practical itiumfaitaiol4 l 4l64lll. o
auk of which 'Aro 4 0 -,arri4a*
The dail y p r o duct Of 'a `
coSli . e st i#ll kl —, ' , '
" 4.
west 4e, art daiyq
,i 1;:,,, 0 , 4 ~...;, Z.' • ' 1 ' .44 ' 1 "
The daily coat' -•••- , ,-,.,;..• i.ie.• , ,xt:ire I
.., dit' ' ,' •
• , • -• ~ I's
• !sib' , profilt,!: ',. 8' , •,.;: e*.fx.;;;,.-004411111011111;
. If;the . ie,itiorfillida prolltariiiiilol4olllol,
stated i those igentleihitiileiiiiiiiVeliiilWir •
.businesk,*4lo4*li t aiii ,
• Seisteffie AiiiiedeieM'' ..'ff.i • -'7.'W-15.1.:1wv1
midat of a-II;
and Webetet
ring With thA
'on, tact r4ill
verge of pluL
Ippe, the Pfeil
being rehtig
quarrel. 21'h1
Lions leadai4
chi 41, 4 6;
he asked, sip
etas, of 111 tl
The; tdd tiloto;
irony in his,
14 . 174 ,94 " 9 tl
IWO," Tlia
la WM*
e47 41 V 111 1#
'`.#lld rba
ai sal coal
aweio - redoifidey, 0ft6!8 4"41°14 : 4
i'stiO lo '
let just se 'mu ch ; is 1:4124Pei* szt 'M)