• SHERIFF'SSALES. • 101 ,-. VIRTUS":6 7 o T , carlatuw , LI • Exppaa, and . A . 1t . n . .1 Vend, .g.z.p. : issued out ,of the Cotirtof Plpas olAt'Keati Con ty,Penney . lyania, I shrill , e.pOse .tb . publie sale at the Court Ilotige in the Borough of • Srbeth . port, On . Monday, the twenty-sixtb (lay of Sep . tember inst.; at o'clock . A. M. of said dity, • the following described property;, • Thej . olloiving 'described.Reer Estate situate • in 'township !.of';County .of • WKeen .and state' of Penosylvania;bolinded and des cribed as follows, to .Wit: 7 -LBeeinning of the north 7 enst corner of warrant No. 5572, thence ,on the lino of said Warrant; ..south,. one • hon. : dredand seventy-one perches, t he, centre! of '1 . 304. Warrant line; thwee west one,..hundied and. severity-one and two-tenth 'perches to -a..1 corner; - thence north One .handrud Auld severity-' I one percheartO the north.f hie of. said Warrant; .thenpo on , the,,li,ne , of said ',warrant; one hull; dred and eighty-seYe and wo-tenth,,percheS to the place of. beginoing.... Containing two hundred acre's and cleven':•perches.' of, ,land, inore or less., ' ' ' .r. • Seize 4: and: .takeivin excention' a the prof' , arty-0f....T., B. Oviatt, at, the suit of Trurnan'and ~ALSO- All-th.e right title and interest,oUthe defen dant to the ,following Aeseritied Rod Estate . - situate in,: CerevqoWliship; 'M'Kerii' county, Pennsylvania, to'wit:—Beginning at a: post standing 'B5 perches , w.est•of the 'south-West corner of lot'convey . 'ed-by. John Keating 8i Co. to John ,P.'..Evans,-rin warrant ,N 0.344.1,. and 'being Part-ot,the. field warrant - and .warrant No.:E3443o.hence east 'eighiy-six reds:and six • tenths 040 to a stake 'in the centre of-the read. leading .south 'from - the 'Evans '. school House; :thence south eight degrees,:east.eighly nine'perches to the west line of James F.vans! lot ; it being the east ling 0C said lot,Seventy . one.,perdhes tO a post; thehce,weSt one,hirn-, diedperches to a post; ',thence north one . hun-, dred and sixty percbes to the place of: begin Bing. 'Containing ninety-Six acres and 'sever) perches, c4 . .land; be the same more or less;. about thirty-four* . acres improved; one new frame house;, one frame barn and about. twen ty-five fruit trees. •,. , • . Seized'and.taken . in ',execution es .the proper ly Darius Simpson at. the suit of Jacob, 31 . . COnkey fox; the use of . 1-pmry. Saldwin;• ==ALSO- . . All the right, 4We-end inteiesfol the:defen dant to and in the following described real es-. tale. in Smethnort .Borodgh, AVlCesn' county, Pennsylvania,.bounded and described as 'follows: 'Beginning at the south-east corner of JorNo. four[4] in square Na.'.lllty-nine [s9] in said Borough Plat;.thence 'West along the south line 'of- said' lot, NO. 4,, tweettp:eight [2O feet; thence south sisti-six [o6] , feet to the place of beginnirigi 7 -being the,south-east corner of said . . . . . . Seized and taken in etrectttion as the proper; ty Of Henry F. Willihms.at the . ..shit of Hiram Payne nO.w for the use of D. R.'Barton. --ALSO All the right, title and interest of defendant .• to the folldwing 'described Real Estate, to wit: The following tracts of land:-Warrants num • . brired 4871 , 4872; 4873,'4874; • 4875,. the north half of 4876, in wholecif numbers 3700, 3719, 3717,.3708, 3703, and:east•half of No:. 3716, in Corydon .township, and numbers 4911, 3300;. • 3124, 3123; and north half, 'of 3122, 'in Brad ford township; Containing- about eighteen thousand acres of land,' more'or. les.S.. The. --- Whole 'Situate in M'Keen county Pennsylvania.; About fifty acres improved, one'large steam Saw . : Mill, one . water . Bavv . •eleven 'farm Dwelling . Houses, silt shanty liouses, .fotir frame . l3arns, one Blacksmith . .Shop, and about four miles of Train' Road.. . • • . . , "Seized' and' taken . in dxecution as the prop eitr.ot Merritt Clark, at the suit of, Thomas Struthers: . • . • • .• ---ALSO-- • , The, following described Real lilstate,sithate to,wnship, 31'Kedn cOutity .Penosyl yania,..hounde . l.l arid'..described as IblloWs, to wit:—Beginning at a beech,Jieing the north west :corner of. lot oti Williarn'yan . ti; thence Weitoin ety,and . five.t . entiv( 90 5-10):perches . to post in , the..line . of the•Vinelin lot; . thence south riinelY-nine and seyen;tentiS (99 7-10) pet ches to a , .pot; thence - east ninety . and...llVe..tenth perches to •beech corn ,, r; thence nu th. ninety-hive and seven-tenth. (99,7-10)• perches to the rilace of beginning: COniaiit .ing..fifty-three. acres and two tent.lts'ol'an acre-, he the seine more or...less; Wing pArt rant No. 2192; aliont thirty acres improved, one frame House, one frame.' .13.aro,•and a qtraik lity of-fruit trees.. • • • • • Seized and taken jo exoetiCino as tlio.prop. 'Orly of G. , F.l‘l,ithtz, at the.stiit Of B. :-ALSO- . . . All.the defentlanes fight, title..iind interest to. the following described building and lot .of gronnif,. building iS d sforn HouSe of :two. stories high, 'constructed of, wOod hay jug. a it:wit of about thirty-two feet and a depth of .about. sixty feet,'situated . '..on Main street, 'lietween:State 'Un a . Fulton streets, and.. being. oripart of square No. 59. irt•the. Borinigh;of Smßtbport and County aforesaid. •';'Seizeil end taken in execution. as:the prop ertpcif. Henry.F.-W4liams,.. at the suit of S. Hollis Stone, Jetties D...Gentliner. and:. Nathan Edsio, doing business.unde'rdhe firth of . Stone, Genthner-& Co, ' • . -ALSO-- - - . , . . • The folloWing deSeribed'Real Estate, • to•wit: One Village Lot ln..the:village . .-of Littleton, M'Kean count y 'Pennsylvania ;boundedOn the nOrth.by Main Street, east by lot No.• 10, south by lot N0.'25, and west by • Congress street; . being lot No'. 9, in the village .of ,I,lttleton-;-- iik tods,tiont 'op Main street, and twelire ,'rods an Congress. street; ,containing seVenty4wo square . i . ods,. more or . less. Improved, and'one itame.lionse•onthe premises. '-. 1 .. • • . . . . . . Atscii.,-one, other lot in ttie. same' villaie; 'hounded on the north by. Elm street,'east.by 16eN0.'137,..50uth by.land-,Or N. .angnuitle, .and'iliest•bi.,Congreso s!reet; being lot. No. '136; containing eighty:seven square:iods,inore . . . . . . Seized erid:..faken•in •exeeution , as . the .prop erty of Philo' Ackley; at the suit'of..iti'Kean =ALSO _ _ • • 'All the'right, title rthd Mterestof the defen dant to the following described Real Estate, situate in Shippen.toWnship,, WlC.can county, PennsylVaniu; bourided and, .described, as • . --, fol lows, viz: Rounded on the 'West by John P. ', 1 \7 014 4 10 , on the•nOrthdry .. are' road leading 'froni Weith Creek to Emporium oil the ei4i•bir, lot ori which P. J. ChadWiek iesides, on the west by.theDriftWOMl 6ralich of -the • ourng. aining a opt-ttyenty•ilye acres, more or less, on which are two. frame Houses, •onefiame Barn, and :10 or OD fruit trees; be ing part o' f.. warrant No: QlOB. • • , . Seized and' taken - in execution' as the prop erty of Merrick Housler, at the suit of Thomas Burch, jr. =-ALSO- All the rikli,l;.litle;iiiferest and-claiin of , the defendant to 'the . following described Real Es tgei : situate . zin 7 .cEldeed townstilp,-- . AVICeI4 county,' Pennsylvania; bounded on the . north bylabils; Of . Perry Frost; on the 'east. , aiitf south by Ignds of Pope &'Co, on - the' west by •laniis o f „Lew is-, 'Bar ton,'c.ll4: part warrant NO:. the lot 'on which defendant. now 'lives itn&..- resides; containing fifty- ,aeres ot. leso;yabont •thirtY Ucres4iipriAted;ohe' to riz lionSe, one tiouid Shanty, and ; aboitl,tty n' ; tY t ipple , • • , 7 . Seized. and . takr,n -in Cxe.qution da.t he prOp erly ito6ert rton,nt the suit of Henry G, • lAVthe, rigid, title and ,liitset'Atiof .the:Aefen dant•:to the .folloWing:ile'Serilied Real Estate, :situate- townidtip,'M'Kegn . :county, bounded andile,SCritied it's • fol, t;ii:--;.Botnided 'the'tiorth . hy, 133; Ahe' : ttiihpike'road, l , lead 'hit; frerci Sirfrthport . to Olean . i'on the so uth. by . hinds, • ItAiorris and :Tirriothy west ',by lan of, the. deo:tip:west part 0f..10t, No; ‘22.,: about improved, one frytmellouse; , tratnit'Biirn,, ShO'e Shop and small . ' ir Linnet* . itid a Irout.:-.4- Fruit Trees. • 't` . . . ..Semed 'natal:en execution .as the prop,. •erlY of John C. OMs, at:the 'tuft of Calvin 11oward,' OW for-the ti§e'or logart: • • the right, title,.Mterestand elaip'of 'de; fondants of the follo'whig deicrihe'd l eal Estate . situate in'Keating township,,WlCean eountyi 'PennsylVtinia;'. hounded - and:. described . as Tor lows, to wit:—Beginning: at the. nOrth:AVest coiner- of lot N0..190 of:the' , 'Bingham survey; thence. easfelong the Fine of said hun dred:rods to' a- cornerr thence tWO bun tired and eighty.yods to a_ corner). ilience.west sixty rods--,to-a - coraer;;,thence.• south .about eiglity rods, be the same 'more or leis, to the past and West State. Road; thence, in.,a'..•south• erly . ,direCtian,°;alone l inijd road -:'1O the: line of 'lands - surveyed_. by: . the , Bingham'' Trus teesio Fltiltrand.llfoqe; thence north, alting; said line, - to-tle 'place., of beginning;. being a Flea of said lot . No. 190; containing ono.,hun . - dred and eighty-ftve'acres,;,msire,prjese,*itli usual allowance of six... Per About eight acres impro‘;cd,.one- , Trarne - .House, one: . Log 80 - use,' one new Barn_; and--ono new Steam Saw' Mill.:' 1. . •, .% • • . . . Seiked.ana taken in execution as the prop ver•ty-of.Solemcin Sartiyell—anir Sarhuel B, Sat t well, at the'suitof V incent-Clack & Co. . • ..- - -ALSO,—. ' . - :. .. . ..... . . The following'cle'seribed Real Estate,, situate in Keating, loWn,shiP,.RKean County,.:Pdon; Sylvania;-hotinded:and ..deseribed ' as follows; CO win—on the north ' .by : laiide i of- isreel Moore and' Willis Barrett, east • • by, Willis • Barrett, south•by the Turnpike BOad; west hy, ,Oliver Iron's and Israel Moore;, t)elng north part of Tot, No. 27 of Bingham , allotment ati'Keating, township; containing about' eighty:acres more 'or less;, aboutf - forty acres:imf4oVed,orie Frame Helm, One 'Shanty, Elonse; one Frame Barn, and one Saw Mill, and aboat fifty, Fritit Trees.• §eized and taken in • 4ecation•as the prop• ertf of •Ranioin Beckwith and.terie tenants, at the suit of William nsOW for the use of t . harlos • • • ' • the'right, title'and interest otthe defend ai.t to and in the equal, undivided half : of %lar rant.iimber,l9ss in Sliippen M'Kean county, Pennylvaillai . contaiiiing nine hundred and ninety acres :of land and allowance of. six pereen.t.- 7 0nirnproved.... '• . Seized and taken.in execution as the proper tyof John 'Beere at the' suit of Hamilton :Sc -ALSO . . Al the tight, title, :interest 'and elainn of 'de fendants te . thelollowingdesciibed Real 'Estate situate in Keathig,,tovoriship, NPIV.an ,county Pennsylvailia;', bounded and.descritied as , tvit:— , l3egiuning . the , . north'-west. corner of .lot N 0.,. 190 of the . BinghamSurvey; thence,east,iitOng-the lineOf said •lot,'one:hun lire& rods to a corner; thenee south two hnn- Ared slid eighty rods thence - Weit sixty - rods •to a. coiner; .thence south . about , eighty rods, be:tliC same, inire.or leas; ‘to the :East. and West StiCte.Rosii;"• thence iii a -south. erly direction; alontt.the said road,. to , the line of lands surveyed by :the Binghain Triike . es to 1l ain! Moire; nottb, .06nd.the said line, to the:place of beginning;. being -part of said lot•Nol. 190. Containing one Hundred andeighty-five acres , inore, or lesi,....ivith..„the usual lowance. of six per cont....,,Abont eight linprovad; new one log 11,alse; on , ite . w . Inano &un - , and ono-new ste.inrSalx Mi 11,.. • • ' •-. • . • . ..- . .Sefi.fd And ; talipn.itt execution As 'the prop erty of Sanibel B. Sartwell Solomon Sart well; Ife snit of, G Godfrey, Green & Co., now , .for'tlie.use of —ALsO— All. the right, interest and claitn.of the dtifendatirto the following 'described. Real Esmte, sithate iti, Nord ichlowrishiri; M'Kean county, Pam sylvania,' bounded: , and described as :vii:- 7 :llOunded north -by the Red Mill ihadi,:adjOinine,laiuls of Horace Coler,rove and Sobbli,alilier,• : east. on the Joad on-the west'side Of goiato , cieck, south...by lands of William.rreihennan, 'and ,west by lands of folui S.' rtidgway; containing ..fifty . acres 'moro....or.leSs;•.ahout ! tOo'hty ~aCres about twenty Apple Trees and:a Frame:House: Beiied and , thken . in ,execiii.lop as' fliefpi:ap 7 arty of Levi l)ayis,-.at B. D. And 11. I:Ian - din. ; , . . ,All' theright; title and' interest of defendant to the folloWing::described Real gstate;:sitthite 'in Hamlin township, • M'Kean Penn sir.] vania„ bounded and deseribod,..titt.follows:— liontided, north; 'by dooper lands; east' by•the road and ,Hiram P. Barliniatne; ,souo by:Abel Aldrich and west by: J: W. ~ Starl,ta... contriitt 7 about ' . tit , ill.tre- acre's of land, .triore.or less: Known .ad the' Wilke . a , one Saw Mill, on'f:plank DW'ell'irig:HOtige, one small . .... execution , Seizeti.atul-tak;eti ,in as the . Kap. erty Or,loseph - .Wilkes niulleiinius dell; terre tenants;•at.the snit of, p..E. sartweit :now for the'use of Ward-Re Lewis. :.(:"; '.'l. • I .„' • • JOSEPH- l‘fOliSE; Cherif Striethport, Sept. 1, ' •I NEW LIVERY THE. SUBScRIIIER-.announCes to the: nab'. lie that. lie. ha? established a Livery Stable in the Borough of ;Striethedit.rt is located - on Main Street,' reds beta* Mechanic'street; and embraces a well setecied:Steck::'.'Single and datiblo'horses and 'carriiiks',..:iiiinisiierrat all tinios, ut tow ratee;wiiltat.ivifithirt'difveis: The . picrpriefor .keeps' none but sound' and gen tlehersea, I,vllich are perfectly' reliable' free &rim fault . ,• • ' • '• With an' e'.7'etertsira experienbe -riess; and'l 'determination 'to'plan'se his easte rners, the proprietat'solidits the patrcinnie :of the Sm6tlgicotr; April 28 ; 2850; P,ERSO,NS WAMCING CHANGE OF •.CLT irate fo'r heap.h., §e • eitlver . tiqegient of; lam monton Lands, •%. PERSONS CHANGE their business to.a.repidly increasing Cotintry, ei„Now Settiement ' • iroliero - .hundr.eds . are :--: going. Where the . climate- is'inild and delightful. See .dilyertisement of Ilammontom Settleineirt,• another eoluren.. TFIE FIAIHAIONTON F A ItNil?,R--A mew§.. paper. devOtcd; to, Literature s and: Agilanlture; also setting forth" fall licepprits or thii‘ricw'Set tlement. otHainmolitnii, in Xerv'Jers'i* . , cane sulss,cribed (or nt.only.2s . centerp.6 s lnclose poStege stamps for Hie titnotlitt.: Ad ilresS to . Editor of the Farmer, Hammonton, P. Atlont,le NeW:Jersey...those yvishink cheap land, 'of the' beSt. quOrity, ,in .one-of 'OM heiqqiiesl and most delightful climates in the Unfon; and Wherie're;mare never' cut dpivn 'froSts, the tntrible scourgnof..oM.north; , sec eVertiSement of HarntOnnto.Lands. • Aitival.and Departure'it Mails: smrrimoin , rosT'orercmo ,•• • " Olian—LeaVes every mornilig atli o'clock ; 'rives, every evening. ; • ' • Coudersport—Leaves-Taa'sdity aid SaLiUday. ''.mornings arrives . Monday and Frirlay eves." Shippea , --:Leaves Tuesday; "Thiirstlity• and S4t-; . • urday'moiningss, arrives Monday,.Welneif.: day and 'Primly evenings. .. • ." 'f• • ; Ridg,thiiy 7 =Leaves ••Monday(WednesdaY ":mitt . Friday. mornings; • arrives Tuesday, Thurs day and•Siturday,evningS. • - Warren Leaves Tuesday mornings'and skriies 'Thursday evenings. • , • . •' • . •• • ' • , SARTWELL, P: M..: LIST OF JURORS FOR SEPTEMBER TERM, Brgdfo rel Ackley; Claris; N a tbzin D'Gblid• • ..• : D. : • Borough: Miles' Irons; D.-1r §hipard. • "Frankl4l ',Htindin.;-:-.11. • W... Barlingarne l . : iciseprzW. • I.lci.mittuir.—LJames A.. A liderlicn E. 'Gallup,' Robbiwf E. F. Richmoncl, • ' . . . • . . ..La . eily.--„las.):).- Otto,' li. O. Simpson, Frank simpson,•Orlapdo Windsor, ' . .. NeTruirh.—Orrin W.ria Gallup, W. F. Pepper, ,Shi . p . iien..-GeOrae Carter, • George Dubois,: Merrick ildualei'Tlierapson Taggart.. • • • .• TRAYEASE JURORS. .. . ' •.. • -Brad m. Fisher, Limed S. Foe ter,. Orson Hogle,' Truman. Sherman. ,-; •• : • Borough.—S.• A.• Backus, G. J 3.; , Backuay Ghordis Corwin,,Roman Lutz; P. Smith. Ceres.—Ruben Cartei;. John .H. Holotnb, Nathan Palmer, Seth Robinson; Wrn, Warden. 'Corydwr:-=Cyrus "Croke.! • parden, Asher:Hindi, S. Lamplienr,,Athps, yepper, Flanildn.—ll. F. terson. Hanniton.-4 . O. Gunning, finiah *niacin. Zreating.—J.. A. Bright; Gardner ,Barrett, Joh4L. Beckwith, Jaa..A - ,, Bond,.11; B; King; Alex. Gifford, Daniel Lenox. ...• . Libet,•ty.—H. T. Abby, Andrew Fortner, .100. Eastwood, S. S. Lillibt•idge..: • Eafartte..--.1. .T. Marsh. . . . • Norwich.—E. H. Dickeison,. Daniel Mlle, Andrei L. Rine, Eseck Smith. • Otto.--C. B. Hopkini; J, • Shippen.—Join Beers, 'tenni'`Hubbard, 8.- S. Hackett, R.:•:Lneore, Morris Lewis; '...Henry Lewis,,C. J. Moor 9. . The above named Jurers will Meet at ,ttie Court' House. Stnethricirt, on' Tuesday the 27th day of ..efiternber :next, at 1,0 o'clock . - . • • JOSEPH MORSE, Sheriff. Sheriff 'i Office, Smthport, :1 •Aug. 1859. ' . . SCre. Tea in.telin it the •• . • ... .418T011 IJOATBE STORS . . , .13.13,01 -I TYPES.... ..‘ . - W ILLIAM :HASKELl,..infordia zens of. Smethport, and. vicinity; that in complianee•• with their Wishes, he has arranged his•apparatits for taking pictures,-it t•• his house. Those, wishing likenesses can•be accommoda . - ted by calling:at . the - ASTOR:II . 6[MR. • .Call soon, as he cannot attend to the .bnainess bat'a : •few ''•Smethport,.July• ..26. • • • • notTATE..are in Ate-"•habit,of felting ,4 4 Fish. • V.V. stories, but we have got .MACKEREL,. COD•and WHITEFISH, besides hosts - ofgEA at 40 cents. •', •:. B. F. WRWHT.... 3 . .(THE OLDEST, WIDEST CIRCULA- T.FD,, and most C9II,PLEYEi . C.PARgCT RELIABLE pad: Note Reporter in exiistetice, Tllo.l‘lPS r ON Y .g.' : ' '. " JiANK NOTE- AND . COMINRCIAL REPORTER. EDITED BY JOIIN'TI-lOIVIPSON Quotafidris corrected by Tith;trioNTrtoritErts, • . rii i i;jlsti by Cats, BtoNDELi.;.ll7lrialcvn TE,WAS OF SLIBSOILIFf lON IN . ,; .AOVANCE • mail Pobeeribers Weekly,... $2l- gOlXli•lllOnthly,.. :.$1 To Pedometers or pjheis,.whir form acid fur. ,the money in a 4 encii, we-will send the, Roper"- ter Chart ontiai and Destripthe List, ea lot • • • S copies Of •the Weekly, ono Year. , r • • ; .$B.OO 5 conleo of the . Semi•montlili .4 06 • AO coplos ' of 11e. M0nt4iy.....: . 0 . 00 • We will, forward gra!ttitouSly to. any, person sending, a club •of $2 O . of the above , rates, at any one time, , our American .Gold 'Ootts Test . Add ress,• . - . THOMPSON - BROTHERS, Bonito's, • '• NO. ~,',Wall St: -N. , Ir. Proprietors. Cabinet Shop-in 'Mechanicsburg.' '4 ~ WOLlTES',:iespectftilly :announces to public thety notwithstanding, theie hard tides, he is manufacturing and keeps ;mi. stantly-On hand all kinds of furniture f itieh — ae ' • 8 0 F•l5l'S DIVANS;.• • • - • • - ,91.0NANS, .-‘ • bdAptg, of eirt:iinde ' era - ,`etyles ' Opie 'and Crien Moe, Itettiliata de 'Cothiki o 2gcc, of 'the , very best material end manirfectu're; • ' Smethpo - rt, Feb: ;1,10858 ALL WANTING FARMS IN 'A DELMHT.: fut.6limate, ridh evil, and .secure frourfroste:44-, See nilvvrtiieincrit o f frarritriontaCtands Y. HANES. 114111.ESLI Burning Fluid at . . • : ' • ASTOR I.IOZSE STORE , . GRAND JURORS .1 . 0(0 - 00: HARDWARE: .Ma,tinfacteircisi' JPricis TirA MY' , 1 , " A C1.14T,1;E 11. at the• Old Stand ; ' 'l' 1 / ' 4: • 'j:' ~ ~'i ('~ .EXCEL,SI.OR. , ..,B,LOCK, . - • 9LEAN, • . • For Iceeping.constancly on hind a .pduch•larger supply and . , assortment thch:heaTy,,,arti alai 'Of 1-hi'rd Ware' the Jobbing Houses, and having secured the, AG.ENPY: • 'liiany Minn fu4Nrinrs . including . t - • . celebrated s !'!'l t i' FALL RIVER NAILS, iirIIEP,L . ER, :MADDEN & BAKEWELL,'4 .. '..'.7., , ,'5 . ...3 -..Y.li"'. ' , 10. - .:... , : , 1 , , 1 - . 1 1 . i :•!.vl-c:P.) .. • • . .. . S. A W - SI-,,,' Also those of WELCH & GRIFFITHS and g dote*, tnakdrti, A.,;; fAIRBANti:. , MCAtig ., :i,: . ;;,.f -,j LEIREIIIIIITIN STEWART'S.OIicIeeI(d)POPULAR COOKING STOVIN; GLASSY of all Sizes, Sorts and: Descriptions; I PROPOSE TO SELL ALL THE, ABOVE ARTICLES AT . Taiiti,Pi. - A„Ciiircir .s‘' :Prices . Also I propose to sell at a small Commissitin from' myLARD,E apt W,ILL SELECTED STOCK Of • • SUELv. and other In the selection of whichl have taken. much pains, having giyen my persomil . .:attention thereto, • . • HOUSE TRIMMINGS, 8:-;it,e„ . :.; , (0-.:. , ...r , ,m.:...zti,i'). CQUKING and of:ever'y Pattern CARPENTER', MILLWRIGHTS' BLACKSMITHS' AND .MASONS' T'o E_S, *!,iite,irios.t approved Manti(tiOu;.O; PEC'g AXES, MATTOCIC, SPADES, • RAKES; PITCH FORIO,' • • • Bliek.E./"S : ,1 . ; : 'l` . o B 9, RIROWS; EWE LEAD ; find . . .LAMPS for 911., bAMPTIF.NE, FLUID, and KEROSENE. My motto is: The taigest Sales of the very BEST OOPS at the LOWEST;Be mntiAr'gtivA ` Priced' the 'Largest Profits to th,e Seßer, fninisbes the Buyer with the Cheatieit'difinestititioles, and gives the best satisfaction. • • LIBERAL DISCIPUNTS WILL BE MADE TO OF:AI'.I',ItS • . , . . irriees far •nciletter articles . at other places, it shall be their own fault drid..reot..trt4ie#.2.4.. , . - In connection with the rebdiVe, sin'able . to stip . ply 'air shore notice . • ALL 'KINDS or • . • TIN, .• . • - A'OffEET.LMON:.': , ..,... , :.• .: . 4.. co ppo, . WORK, Having in. •mremplOy Competent and experi enced w orkmen , work bad. never failed ,to ,v " -:5 . 11 - 3 . d.,V .10.:,.0-.4:S.gi.; PROPRIETOR,, f), ,f ib, No. .2 ond excelsior Block Wai; .:,_.. ..u.u.p.lll'-,-: .. -,, ......... .; :, .... u... ~. . _.,...„.. ' li . 4.. u. • ; 1, • 1 fi 01 WtE 4. . gATV EAT UT TA Mtl;lll..t„a . .1 , 04.1 r 4 btve /.?.V.t7 .416 ",$ - • , SPIIING&SMMKI644) . - t,a,z aluilion 74111,i - Arid aie now:prepated id we conacth endt ;avid , ciisiaiderstfkiiiftert(tetrf g Atilt it oclebt [Lot'!.Pti t 4 A 4 3) 3 ill di • C: CifiA .1;4 'OU 111 - , ••••1«... 4 , titrit t• '0 1:4 , !1 r k: 'kilt) I TS iyAliikTvf f',3 , ;.• - Y bra' .1 qms ' • t'D tzkfi A .4pi t or , .l . - 1 , 3f , 47va r'- ;'lO Iv +II as ni; f•fi ~.2 s it`; ~? ~~ th 14 M IF .;'; :th',l io • • yi.-:+lllAnciZ ..• A ..1010.4.-:. qb ; ri • ‘ : " .411-jrL. " • ' nwsofiri.. .P. cr WAttg . ANI: e yvill.hot.wea4';yout I•tatience hy ; e4.-• . - Jr. titting,b4t, out' stockls yety 1 1 *i piad.Colnil9Ce mtd. we. doubt ! : not you,,, will kJ rOlptithihg, please you both tus. to , s' Winddiertigoninnto ,w) 1 1 Jt.rer sot4,e) butu the T y A rntlk will Wear. getter, arid Dilly ital.; exarnination and aro' confident can do you good.. . , , CONE AND SEE; WILCOX 4 ZOO /0) 059 ' , T ' T .SPLE,NiiID tot oi;Ty4B, at Wf LCOX "EA:TODP9, 9lean , N. , irgitogENE•Oft, i riNDA,i'idimCOAV, •i,vit AI S. to r , n ,the,sitne; 'II".Ic,CCOS:!St.E./.l.,Ti;),Pl'Sp." A:c,HUIE: , 4SSORIXED,I'd Aw:, • 1 j. - . ! :, ~... , ; _. , ,;i : . .. —:. ~:, ... ,::- . ..-WILC.QX IeCEATOS.I4;3„ 'PERSONS . - vijsirpip,.. ti rm r4cwrip.,. : iri s ' it afia ,Orfce veleee titisinees /a oad. ;. Pea fi4yeeAeefeepl.,of 076:114011:ietelti.SeAtrii,. PAINTS TIC SIOE:111-1400 - 0011:; . • • . • ..• . , • .• ANNOCINCVS,, TO THE ,PUBIJO.TILIAT 1 - IAS AST6II. - girCIA4 WITH lIIS:reARQ, ATQCK , • " 2p - 4 • 6r f R 0 CERIES Where hO Wklolexole or Heflin • SUGARS ;,iiigatrixoNs AT 'LOW' GREEN, .Bl:Aqta i/161RERIAt. TEAS orDppv.pg.NT 64:RADp, SHOVELS, 411ASTED, JAM' 10 CIO fOFFEI, .VOlNitssEs‘ RI9E, 04,11thiei nai ll` a~t~tier Bexiit pchinnias, ' a -1/7:IITE rxrity 'IT AtA"E'lfri , E 1641 * P 4ol *, Main, Mater , .A t frfli wo,q l) ' ANP, WILLO' WAgg, PAILS, oickTsalici SHOE'S, togetiier wit h. a : 1.. rge, assorft estef . all kiMis of Goodstitept in ,a Grocery Store, Which he 0 . 144.1.0 sell for" ge'atry P'ay at the inyieat mar ket. price.., : r • • F.'WRIGHT''.. Smethport, June Ist, 1859,- . • .. • PplAlltAr.Dlre9t,Ory. Pree''t 'R. d. - Vithitny Wellebero s Tioßif- .• .7. • . Aisoetate,ftrdkes 11:9r. Y.. filk irvethpbit, Hon. S.; `Hornie4 Hril(rfo'r,4". • • Set:ifit- 2 .Tolieri - 11 Morse,. Sthethport.. ,• • ptrhonotary-n-A,,adit)!.c..*!fydi,•SnrfetßOott.' Razisier asureri,. pro' • ra Colikr?Ve;,:aftlfiql*M4llo,ii Sabelt., iliovniaiio4ro:oo4l.443G.C,tilifvvioki Smfkig.i . Auditors" .,l l- 'O. ,f?"! 1 9tP 1 9 1 )& t , . V• Cartei; Ceree. • • . pigii,c44oo_4(rilFo l , l 4C9, 9 4 l toliA#Pr,lrt,,•: C,roner.—tames Bond, Lifayette: T - IN CI;O7I2NS' irdSiminneil Ware Sfoltel Pipit Cif MASOWg. , , xi cr v.l-1* CV. 4, , , GLASS Alid a clAoice,otook or ^.tietkcp by , pnu mq, Olean, N. Y itedl . '. itifiesitMPliftlitr 4 P`::.: tat) 4 t.0 vzipt7F4 0. ,t , ff Oa .. S. „ Sate Ati'Mpriin , ...... if . ' , —41,44,' • ' . AI - , -.-:-.,.. ~ ., ,, ,.., . •••••,-;H-:,...:,,, , =',":!. 2 , , j . ' -, ',. ; "zift - zsESir 7 tl, E ; • . d. • ' :, 1-g, . '.; ' I .104.0., . • 4 t . ‘ ..rst . .. x . thr xlty, 10 ..stri: . ai ;id ...e,-Iciry , ~ ,,a'r,c.l i 604 • .It , l t clidt -..:Tv 04 ' jiii,, ,, ..m it ',..i4 n; .4- n-n• 1V n IP' bf ? ? _ f,;,*:04,7 . ' " .. .Ikt Alt lt a . itittiZirktf:V ' 4 i'ilLtifit ,'l :o,ldi Ill' 111 113/Affiltpillikoutdrlinfirombrikilkii . : 1r , 91611010.siteiciiiiialiaSisl,e u t s , 1 111 00 18 4 .s . is place, and. will keep constantly off . beimita fide tobtiOshos 40 ovkii'.,tbili;i• liv Iti e i , ;.,s , p ~.. •!: . ' -- . , . .. , . ', • . :. ': ::ATkiw, . ' . liiiiie " rk s ti f ir P aellgit ; • 41. 1 , ' 14'.'_. 1R,' , .11 '' ' . - .a.Bl ta; :.bo ila , ,,iiim t le, . .... , .. trtoe-galtby—the . _knitt4r—inhalfer.qmtftitth lisci,• oxiT,D,A4,:taucia kl'lr.,llJ/11,'f . ft. z , . ..;10.0.01E z 1 :*...40/LIS V .96teiAsiWtriekidtv,i',C . " . ,It ar,M l, l h rilk eFt ft° • , .itC.Vr a . 144411'06d/ j.11,4!;:ti1, ;riAmFlig Rtf . s :fl,;Sinalfry , t - r!vgt • , . • l'rs!tfrrtiontfifiAtAsiliciiii! `ow 0:110 v. %;,;' V. l -• • ''fer"io4o ~i lii! iv M rt„ l T4 ..• {t]' RS: Tlie Best :TEA • COFFEE;IAMILESi 0CE;.... 1 1011P.5; vBS, • • t,'; CASP! O I 6 . 4 A .0PTk,54,:•!:.1 . , , 1:4 . :V;;;r9 • 1 - ,ETTER BARGAI f • CpC4briAlipiept'llf t(oe 00unerlif -ziciivrr.:Bettego ... . . . .•„ . . • , is Ii Anti'otbere way rest assured that , 'thy Vlrilt, iripplOt , • ; 4. ). ti 's 01Kr:tilt- -411 14 10 14 1 0 4 . • • • „, . iLliogoks2Y! ,c4stel Call at the 4401i1Oash.8tofei".ohe dOtWagf sOlft, 2 ,,ti,kftr# of y o P r 4 l , o' *ietvpoit,; FAAM,L4OI . D9:I:W§Aty 4 , ~-' • Phtlidelphiabyllailroatl itk thii r lillll' .., . : *A . 3ariayi 4Soillattiotit thei, *4l P1141; 4 -Witilike Piiipaiii, tHiiiifilisiosi4E late 6611`0414 :if Opir; hiiitain Thel litftpOjevoilefejletilittOf•MeillW 6 'Ott qiniiii OW tibAhMaimilitilirrepot tp):,co4l)Yrie ireng - Oetithit:4ollolinntolitlf . crops Prelitieerd, ite ' eeerfittil *IV taii btiriq' 097 .41)4 Flipilte is deqeltrOa44 leedri fr,olit' ,47i, - . l'ey*frgs,ti ti?,lo , ta pki*r, 14i'. 'fi l l y i,liiiill , ft i i bti*caniejltp:.'li t visit the p e'el 7 = eoe:,7o , lllo`,S . ,tfiet' WEBill it li lt P'hiladel ph i a At,l A•Wiiik Paliff!" l. 4 4 " moiliono or addreachßiol;434?mblitit 4 Hanimooton Post 9 1 11 It Yerakiy.:_ Sea :.ftelhd sliver •kacelOaat , ,iii ontagkes • Erat%3*ra•ie ,t$ rts o ,* 011 PosIWE -e-W# l 4rOftidigenOtel'itr Hksoipscribeiiokt toil, 440444044 vicidifrhot )1111•4tia—M, 4111 . stock of Hardware at griceif , Mai elenalik to Bait t hori tt rokii i ;tip t IRON: A11iM 48144 Mitt „ „ Roos : Ninon ; sm i irk NAIL At.,1004411/4111110 , 7 f' A FULL ASSIIHTRF .ME OF tiaelila*ititl l / 4 1kat '1 IN ENDLEiS • , NR,III . p ttf.l s ridAti; ' 040144000* CifitiMititß/ 4 0404,t, rmthrELED -1;94$ riAMASKEP I BtArg, IiPOKIEfir? itztoptz t i 4* 16 7 , f diND 141101 QUANIIITV 011' Table iiiiellVeleuetatiolui Aariora..wrok'`. La":'ki . A. WOlt " IVIAHNDITIVAIFYLAYR/RtEtuPiltWlNlLt: ISlttr i ctAl 4l l l .l. ll oo I,lrom the Ifilart(p*Opill ' ' zr+,"•, .I*si t iV : 141 1 , 44. 4 4kalgi lAg Kv ii-mf BlANyt4frf, SHEET IRAI , ;A1K116 , 4 SToVES-b;,lr my* 64* lll4 ,reii,eCtrAfi 4 erl ua catteeroceperehasjam 4 1‘ 444 . 1114 m. QUM), /MO. I tztt7 44,1 . t , txrtaxe,il doprtAtuto '" . 10: I r.tr i e r g i ge r. T ar , t .„ 8 ~ tlsti. .: . •• i ~ . .111,-,•..) ; • cy. tri 4 (1,1i,j„ .64(LQ4 4,44;..w.ho*ifinok ,ibik , . Ner wir ..ni.!*9lkAidkitliigddiceirdidriblf*; tnd iettVilktimiecimillsOuLtllier IfraditlOtatiimildletimis . .4t1.0 btd%isli Esatkr). •Wrlioleill' ' il tke4flikileitkftc /11 . 11, •t' 4 '5*5111°145. ' -rrr , rr r + i P, ,, ,-‘•,.. , .. 0. I r rriNflr. 41414 . 144.4314,e lif 0 I . 0 5 1 10 1 0 514311. i tr ' . . t ePti,. ' :?• 44 , . :i.;;P:l!.44t* `,A.i.V.i!i.fiAito,4 price fik•ra. • _good pelt) oti:,4l7r6Whist 1111.ft-' 4 rs, : -• *6433,10