BY, VIRSUE,! Of . sUndry'ivrit s Vanifitioet Exports{ and Alids Vend. Exp : issued. out. 'of the Coart of Comrrion.Pleas Nflteali CorM .ty, Pennsylvania, I shall - exposé 'to public Sale of the COurt.House in. the tlorough. of..Sineth :port, oo biondiY, the twenty -s xth day of. Sep.' tember'idiii,,,.at:•.lo'.o'elOck M. of said. daYr t h e , following, descri bed p?operty,tfo ,All the right titid.ind -interest of the deferi • danf in the , fallowing . described Real' 'Estate situate in ;•Ceres . . - triwn-hip, .IVVlCeari 'county;. Pennsylinis, to wit:—.l3eginnlng' at' a' Post !finding .135 perches: writ of • the sotith-west; corner oi•lot 'conveyed hy JOhn Kantingji • Co'. to John P.. Evans, 'Warrant , No. 3.1f4'• and • being part of ,the'sairlyvarrant irkd witrunt , No- 344.1;.thenee.east eighty-six rods and.aiti- . tenths (840 . ) , t0 a stake in the-centre. of the . road 'leading , south —front the Evani school .house; thence. south eight degrees; east eighty-. nitre perches to,the .west line of. James , Evani' lot, ir . being.the raid , line of •said lot, seventy one"perches to -a , , a , , post; thence•wesi one . bun, .dr'ed,petchecto a post; tkence north one bun *died anksiXty-perches to the place af . nine:. Containing Minty-air Screw arid seven. perehei of land, be the' same more or less;. Omit thirtylnine acres improved, one new fritine.honse, one frame'. barn and about twen ty-five fruit trees: , - ..• . , . . Seised and falcon' in execution' as the proper.' ty of Darius Simpson at: the suit Of 'Jacob. At . Ctinkey for the use of Henry Baldwin: '... --A L'SO-7- . . . 'and. interest ;is-the - fol.. lowing described Real Estate, siMatein Ham lin township,: M'Kean .county, Bennsylvonia; bounded and . deseribedie to.11ows::-Boundecr, north, by Coim.k Innds; esit by the road: acid Otrim P. Burlingame;:., south by Abel Aldrich 'and:west Statics. — .Containine..abotit ' twelve acres of lank more . or less. ' KnOivo'sX the Wilkes-Mill Saw: 6,Wellinit.Hoose j 'i,ile , striel -Bain: Seized and taken in execution aethe 'prop; erty JosephLerinius Bell, term . - tenants.. - at the suit of S. B. Sirticell 'ins-for themes of Ward & Lewis. • ' : '.Alt the right, title and;intereit of defendant to.the folloWing desOibed Real,r.tate,,to,witi The felloWiartractri•of2,landrl=-Wgrrent runn hers 4 . 1371, ..4812, 4673,..4874,,•4875, .the north half of 4876, in of . nlithbere 3700,.3719;" 3.717,•3798, 3163, 'and 'earn. half of No: 3716; inCorYdon•townehip; and numbers 4917,3399; 3424, 3423, and north half of• 3422; jit Brad: ford • toWnehik Containirrg abont',4ighteen thousand acres of. land; more or . less- The whole situate . in M'Kein - enunty PeOnsylverria.. , Abriut fifty acres improved,. one:large ;Ittearri Saw, Mill; one Water-Saw Mill; eleven farm Divining Heutiel, - el*: shanty •. }lenses, •inur frame Barne,•one Piacksmith .Shop, and about four miles of .Tram Road. . ••,,. • Seized and taken in'.azecution as the prop ,erty of .Merritt Claik, .at the aitit of Thoataa Stroberi,, : •. --ALso— The following. "described Real -Estate situate ' , Bradford trivrnshili,,litlCeari county Pennsyl vania',.. bounded and;deaaribed.. as follows, .to it.a.beech, being' the. north .west corner of William Mentz; • thence _west ninety and, five tenth 190 5-10) . perches to s . post in the line of the Vaughn lot; thence south nineiy-niee atid seven-tenths (99 7-10), peichee to's . ruist; thence east ninety, and ; •fiye-tenth • . . . thence ,north 5-10) pernhes to a beech crner; tAence .north and seven-tenth 09.7-10 perches to the ydace 'of ,tieeinnirie: :.centain ing•fifiy-three aerea : and t wn - ,:tantn.s.or an acre, be the same nenra:or less,;. of'war.• rant No. *?l§2i• '00.4 ii:crfis , 'improved, :one framelionae;orie . frame" Barn, and tity of fruit trees. .. • . , Seized and taken' 'in ezeentio.n as.the pmp toy of G.F. Al4litz; suit of 40-. D; and H. Humlin: . . LSO- • All the right,' titie,...iate.: est. and• elaien'Ofi •the defendant des'.2r;bed"li.P . al EiTatioituuto in No6; . a . nOii),'Jll+lC-nan,i sylvan 9, boundvd. and dasrriland as followsy -din • ft ,, dl Mill Creel 'nod, : adjoining 1, ode of Horace colegrnva and John east: ore lhe , iosd On: the irresi aide of Potato creek, south- by . west,ny c laods . euntain . in4 .fifty:acres, more or 'vie, a haat' t wr,nty, , adres . .imVrosed; lehoutlwo,ntrApnle treei..and,alr.ime. Seized 'and .taken in 'execution as the erty pf .bevirDairiai at :the suit of B. Dan and, H. Hamlin . . JOSEPH MORSE; Sheriff. Smethport, Sept. 1, 1859. • ' NEW LIVERY. STABLE..IN . THE SU3SeRMER annotince's to the' : pith. ~lic that he, tuts estahlihed a Livery 'Stable 3 THE OLDEST, WIDEST CIRCTILAii id the Borough et Smethp4t. It is located ion TED, and most COMPLETE, colutgeT and Kein,Street, a fevc.rLdsbelow st ra ft ?, RELIABLE Tank 'Note' Reporter in existence. antlembraces a well selected: Stock..: Single. THCMIPS'OM and double horses and carriages. furnished. at ' • • •- • ' - all times, .at low rates, with or withOut•driVers. BANK NOTE AND • COMMERCIAL: REPORTER. 'The proprietor keeps none but sound and, gen-• 7.lrculat!ion, ' • tle.botiea, whiCh are perfeCtly reliable and 'free froth fault or *trick. • " --• :With au evensive experience in the: hull neat, and a dot.ermina , ion'io pie'ase his)cnsto mere, the 'proprietor aolieita• the patio age of §ffiatimcirr, April 28. 2859 INSURANCE AGENCY Kensington Insmeitsse Company, Philadelphia. •• • eash• Ospital $l5O 600 Paresee , s Unien'lnsarance Co., Athens; P. Ca5h...:........:....:'...:......;x.00.0(0 are" W n Ilutivaitee Co., Philadelphia, Pa. • • Capital Stock ............ . .. 0 1 00, 009 West Branch, (Mistaal) Leek Iffaven Pa.,. Insurincet can be'•effecied in;the above,res ponsible Stock . qompanies by. the .subscriber. Any , cnnirinietication addressed to ' him, at SOlethport, Pa., will meet yvith.promliattentlon. . • • B. F. DAVIS, Agent. . ' Dec, 1858. [n4011..) To Tkgli& Interested: in . llgining.and:, ...Mineral Lands:: • .• " . •.. W. H. 'BARNES o ff ers his services for 'the emunlea t • tion'of Mineral Londe and Elk corm. tiss_and wilt give his 'opini o n as to the VALUE. Of M 11914 1, Those engaging his services wilt receive 'allaessessatiV lid 'reliable information. Residence. at the Bunker Hill Mines. • .dtirgitant r aliKean On. Jimeld, 1869. • .DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. M. HE Partnership - heretofore existing be *" s lween J. B. Oviatt and .R. Barbor,.in 'the Printing business,,nrider the name ariditYle of Ovcarr BARBOROII hereby dissolved, by mu-. foal consent. The buginess win by. 1.8. (Matt, who is'authorized to :receive the all'`,""*"*" thi s the Company, and will pay . its liabilities. J..1J. ; ( IrriATT, , R. HARBOR. Smethport, July 2, 1859. •. - • ; - WANTED. • o k,-at, 1 0 TONE 011) OAST IRON In_ • hinge f t war A. 7. pIETRPORT4IIRNAOR.. • .TERSUNB VIAN'T'iNO mate kir health. Be,e, anivartimement ,of Ham monton Lands, ano'thir eifuton.- ..":FENSONS . :-WISHING 111'CI-I;.iNGP ii iq business!), a ifspidirincieiiing Co v nt,i7;')ll Ne 4 Settlemf;iit' Where :hundreds . are goitig.--- Wheie the climate is - mild.ind delightful.. See' advertiseinsni of : tbe. Natninonton Settlement,' another ridumb. • ' : : TH tt 'HAMMONTON FARMER,A news p a Or 'devoted to. Literaltire and Agriculture, also, setting tOrth full . accounts of the_new Net tlemrnt of : Hammonton, in New Jers ey, can be' 'subscribed for at only 25 cents per annum:. .•liteloqe postage stamps for the amount,. ..Ad. tl.e Farmer„Hammenton,P., A thintie TV., New. Jerse3i. Thoie Wishing cheap land, 'cif the beat_ quality, in one'or the healthielt,and most. 'detightfulflimates in the . Union,and where don's are never-cut dowp by frosts, the ,terribli -scOl4ge, of the north, see ririvertileMe'rk.of - thirrrinonton Lands, . . . . ', • .Arrival •aud. Departure • ef , Nails. • • . sairraticiaT POST 'OFFICT. • • • 0/eon•Leii yes - every morningsat 8 o'clock; lir .; !rivra eveirevening. • ' ' Corf deport—Leaves. 'Tuesday •and Saturday. mornings ; :arriveit Manday and Friday eves. Sippen.:- . 4,ees Tuesday; Thursday and Sat. • ordav mornings , - arrives Mondayi.Wednas .. •• daii.snd..Friday (6/linings. , • • • Rifiewoy--Leaves 'Monday, ' , Wednesday. and Friday mornings ; arrives Tuesday, Thurs .. .day and Saturday, evenings.' . Warren—LraYes Tuesday mornings and arrives Thursday evenings: _ • • ”, • . , • • .•• • :S, SARTWELL, LISTRF JURORS FOR SEPTEMBER TERM, GRAND JURORS. . • .13radfori—Philo S. P. Clark, Na- • Borouik r -Miles Iropi,D. V. Shepard: ..E/dre4.-Oscai Carpenier, FrOklin :Meld . - ' Hamlin rW. Burtiligityse, -•Joieph ' 4,4an/i0n . . 7 -.Tarnes 4... Anderson, E..8.,14.: gratiog.-Philetus .Gallup, T. - "R: Robbins; E. F. Richmond. ' ' , • . • Zi6erey -Jas . D. ()iv:l;H. C. Sieniiion, Frank Simplon, Orlando Windsor, • • • Nor*cht—Orrin F„Pepper. Sirippsen. 7 -Georee , Carter,, Dubois, Merrick Housltr, Thompson, Tageart7 Bradford.--W Fishei,j..arned.S. Fos ter, 'Orson Bogle, Truman Sherman•.• • itorondi.-B. A. - Bacitas, G. •B: Backus, Ghordis Corwin,,Boman'Lutz,B...P.:Smith. .• Caner, '.lon• H. Holcomb, Nathan Palmer, Seth Robinson,' Wm..Waraen. Corydon.-jCyius 7 • *Eat ed.—A. T. Barflen,.Ashee Hinds, 8: G. Lamphear;.Amc•F'PeOper,.C. 8.'31.011. * ' • • Hamlin.—D. F. Patterson. .goni/ton.—j.'o. Gunning, Isaiah . Morrison. Keraing. , --.J; A. Bright, Gardner Barrett John L Beckwith, Jas. A. Bond, H. B. King, Alex., Gifford, Daniel Lepox. . Lae , ty..-- 7 171: bb}. AndreceFortner, Jon. Eastwood,' S: S. Lillibridge. . • • • . • Larayette.—J: J. Marsh. Norto:rh.:'- E, H. Dickerson,_ Daniel L. Rifle, Eseck Smith, . . • Judkint: ‘. Beet's, • Kellogg. Hti,hhard, S.' Lorore, Moiris.LeviisiHeO,Y . 10 , 14i5, C. J - 111 oor . • .. . a 1,..• 0 .••,•.. JnrOra w„ill meet at the 'Court flout in . SrtietiMort, on To:faddy:the 27th day of . Sgplember next, at 10 o'clock . . '' • • JOSEPH .MORSE, Sheriff 'Shrr)f!' , , An:;. .1511i,•180; 5 - .•.. . • . . • .. :rip best. GIP; Tesiu t.9orp et the . , . • ' : - ' ~-. ABlOll ROUSE•STORB4 • • - . .. , . . .• . . .... A_Mll3 R.O TILT" — PES . .' TA TILL lAO HASK FILL - informs the cio- -VI I zeo4 of . Smw.hp,,rt,.and ii.iciniry, th at. in d,. ylluer,": ••••.. ~.‘,.,7t,'”,,..-:...... rrarlEPd• I hi‘ ariparattri for taking Rictares, , a t his house. .1 Those Avishing likenesses can be accOrnmoda.. tell by calling at the ,/%a•roa. I:Tonal: Ciliation, - as he'caonot at • a ' few I • SMetti ' rtort, *July ,26. • ; .• , ..: .-.. ,:. : ..,. , . , • . _ . ~ . . - 'VETE are nrii in the habit of tPlline. "Tie& V•V at oleo, bnt we , have ; got Al 4PIcEREL, COD and WHITE FISH,; besides hosts . 01 . TEA 40-centa.- • . ED ED BY. JOHN THOMPSON. Quo ions corrected . 11 by T4ISIPSOiI.BROTREBB, W ... 2 all.Street.' • . • • • • . rum hod by CHAS. Elt.oriontt.,ll.7 Frakl'n,St. , . T 'llB OP SUOSOilll'ilON lie ADVANCE; •• -• • To mail Subscribers • Wieltly,.. • .drilleMOthlY,....s l .l To Postmaaters or-others, who form Chiba and for. watd us the money in'advance. we , will Sind thellenor. ter rein Chail Manuel, and Descriptive List; u 5 conic of the'Weekly, one Year.....'...50 00' • 5 copies of the 'Semi-monthly ' 4 00 10 copies of the Monthly - . 6 00 . We' will 'forward to.' any person sending ,a club Of $2O at the above rates, at any one tirne,.'our Ainnrieezn :Gold Coin Test Scale. '..Address, ' • THOMPSON BROTHERS,'Hankers, No. 2, Wail . Y., Proprietors. J. HANES. Cabinet :Shop in itcnhanlnsbnig. .. 1 . vor,TER -resppetfiallk announces .to lit s . put Arc that, riotwithotaqiiigi'these bird 'times he is:manofictortni Rod keeps Om. still' y on , 'hood' all kindi•, •• , . , „ •, .. . - • ....... ..• 80 ,iriiii‘iS • ' . i .. OTTOMANS, . . ' .• • ‘.. _ . • CARD;' CENTER, -• . ' :. • -' • DINING AND , • : . • ' . ' - . BREAKFAST, TABLES, CHAIRS, of all.:kieds ands-styles, .Cane and 1 ;,11/1 1 lnloll; Rea44llade Coffins; . tic., of the , ~ir r' l iai i i „,3llp..,rtiti and inanafadare. . - ALL WANTING FARMS Of A - Dr......---=_, 1111 Cliniate, rich soil', and occur!) from frOste.4— Sled advertisement -of Hirntnanton Lands in an other column. • • • • , • • , F"`" 2 "ine TRAVERSE JURORS '':;.s - AlmwAtti'g;::..:-. - . ~ .....,... ~,,..[.,.,.....,...,, .. ~,., _..:.:7..'.2;', Gar..,',olrallifirafsirer's? , .. price*, H4,VINCi ENLARGED MY FActialit at the Old Stand, No 2. E'cOE.ISICift,; - i.,,81 7 :9C.K; . OLEAN, Fut' constantly on hind a Fuld! 'target eupol) , and assoritnent, of the heavy. -aril des of Hardware .geneeapy kept:by •• the Jobbink - HOuses, and'• having • . • secured th e . AGENCY of many Minufacturer i • inchtiling t ha , • . . ' . *:'eelebrated' • •: • FALL RIVER NAILS, WHEELER;" MADDEN BAkEIVELO S - W S . . Also those of.WELCH ' & GRIFFITHS and .• ,other roolieri, • • IAI BANK'S ;SCALES, RUBIO LEATIIEB,BELTING, STRAPB (meicelltd)-POPULAR':' COOKING. STOVES, GLASS, of. all Si*,..Scoi p . 1: -Descriptions. I'PROPOSE:TO'SELL ALL THE 'ABOVE ARTICLES .AT Manufacturers' Prices Also I . protiose.tct'sell at a small Commierioti from my .LARGE'ami.ytiELL SELECTED SHELF tutd.pther .HARDWARE ; In the selection of which I'.have taken', stuck having given 'my , personal attention thereto. • ~. • • . . .• HOUSE TRII4M,MGSJ 0:•:...v..•p: : :::7:,./s i . ,, , • : .;:-.4 COOKING and PARLOR of every desirable uitnruti BLACKANITiir ABA KLIKINV TOO'L'S, Of the moat approved Manufietarep PECK AXES,, SPADES, , HOES{, RAKES, PITCH, FORKS, BUCEETS, ' WHEEL-BARROWS PUMPS, LEAD PIPES; End LAMPS ior Olt; CAMPHENE, FLUID, and 'KEROSENE. my 'matte jot The •Largeet Salei orthe very BEST GOODS at the LOWEST Ite muneritiive Prices Instree 'the targest Crofts to the 'Seller, fuinislieelhO Buyei with,. the Cheapeat and ljest Artieledoind glees the beet eatiefectitel. LIBERAL USCOUNtS WILL PE /P/,'PE. TO DEALERS. If people' will pay higher prices for no better other places, it shall be their Own fault and not mine. 7 . In connection with the above;.) and able, to supply oti abort notice ; • " • ALL KINDS. OF SHEET-IRON' .COPPER. . . . . Having in my emplsty,Cmopetent,and• expmi enced workmen; whose work has s niverlailed to give satisfaction:, . • • • ' l . P-,BARSM; No, 2 and Elevier, R ,, /Elre Coteau, May 215, 1193 g. Z ( , 4 ' OLEAN', NITI4cI)X 84 4 TON iOE6 LEAVE. TO . ANNOIINCE that they h r &it Arech r ' re i ceived *it SPRING eitSUWINER GOODS And are now prepared to wOcome their friends "atitTtstorptraind lifer, thanks! near and tesir. 1114k4Pft % i 111 1 ,f/ountry aerchelidize IN. 'ALL VARIETY, teitet.. : *i.sltiOzE'. DRS, •GOODS, BOOTS AND SH4Fai. • PAP S, PRPCKERYr GLASS - WARE And cboiCe stock of ' Family 'Grocenesi We will no weary. Tout entime• rating, but our stork is very hull and Complete and we doubt .not you will find something to please you both as to quality' and price. , Windy Advertisements will do rat 'ltlinit‘• but th , ..Tnith will Wear Better, and. we Only ask ao,examitiation,and conikdent we can do you•goOd. " • ' COME: . I : AN.a .i:SE.O.' _ WILCOX & EAIOI. Ole4ni Aluil , 18 1 1!159. • • • SPLENDI! LOT. 10r.ItAg r at • , WILCOX &.EATON'S, Olean; N.. Y. . . .; • • KEROSENE OIL, • .IVIAPE•.frcn, COAL, with LAMPS 'to burn the same, at . WILPQIC.St EATON'S, .olean, N. Y. • PAPER. HANGING& A' CHOICE ASSORTMENT at • tic.WILCOX Olein; N. Y. • ' PERSONS WISHING TO" ESTABLISH lvfanu(actories in - a new where business is good: See advertisement 4( rnimmontari. Settlement. • . PAINTS, THE SIDE HILL VACATED. in'fili 4 ::' - W:ii.i . O . iii' 4ariolmo - Es T9•THI?:PUbLIc THAT FIE HAS. REMOVED ;TO THE 4 6 1.9T011t HOTTSIF • • * WITH HIS LARGE STOCK OF.' aROCERIES; ; Wh,te bc 4 ger l PM:Wik° l4 !" l. 7 , 9 r Pfell,#'l l .:!: SUGARS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS I LOW PRICESI'' !, GREEN BIAGI & IMPERIAL TEAS SHOVELS; OF DIFFERENT GRADES, ROASTED, DROUND, JAVA" AND' £lOl - COFFIR, s rigw,r : s mozdissfs, RICE, SOAP, STARCH, CANDLES, PAILS, Ltiszirtf,'"ißurre, TUBING BAX;Nft rovngm,, CODFISH AID HAMMEL, Flour, work , Hang, Butler, , Firke; Ogg*, 1VQ9,1) ANA WiLatissT WAItE, BooTs,:p 4 l.a, sovs, Together with a large asiortment of ell kinds of Goods IMO': In *- o.rocell tore , which he offers, to sell for Ready Pay at the lowest mar- Icel , Price', . Smethport; June Ist, 1859. • Pree't Wolloboro Associate Judges—Hon. J. Dolling, Bmettiporti Hon. s. Sheriff—Joseph Morse, Snietbport.... . Prothonofary,-Skaniel ud i psyaeo,mettiport: • Register andlediaitiir4C: Ed Sitiwell,•Soistivl Drdo - .Aker.; Conentisfioners—Daniel I..Keyeg;" Eldred o. W J. Colegrovi peril/tett; Nelson Peabody' Chadviielc; Auditori 'P.' Pi Cartei,'Coreo, • • • Viso d 4Attorniss. 4 .4rairelOowhise**lloificat• Coroner.—James Bond, Lafayette, , , "iindii44 nod Int, 4 "P MASON'S. SUCH AS WITH rxis, County. Dfrectory. . • :• • i"11 . 1150C1141.6 . 4; 4 .... 0 . 7 .") '"ft 4 . Y • ..! :41.; 11. , summit' iiimaa u jitsiiii 4l o 6lll4s tbit 'te' his 'petmiiillY liktibtill", -- I r . h • plea,' inCwili kikkiblitiitit!"' IliallH , ~,,,. l '• I Twgilmtities of ' 'l ' ' i l • ' 1 a tort. V: 01 -' ' ' 01 le 1104 • our ... Ate , ~ ,-, in,efe:tii the keel et unoikriakilit, A,lee,, '''-'IIZOSTIVAND:IIOIMUM, , bil; : ie)"4r FLOUR Aliti-SALt •:I,st thvbstrel et' ascii, • • • Cod Irisit, Maikiiitle•Troil, •• " • 116Aclidiel' - - „ Metassel IWO" .raillellfr. .`l.:.The'Breaf c, 1 OM lANDLEik MCI - STU . . - rtflitteri :- T_VBs. P 4 14, c!!!!i ) .... ! A ' Ind Welty demeriptio S e inualy • Ottuterlin Which will be soli) at „,., ..., .! ..i.,.. ,:.„:1_.... - w- BETTER BARGAiiris ' tie iftir t chniera than tan belted Wilkey' other' tiblielitiaent in the country.. '' ' ' ,' • ' . :itti . 4.ivy .Buigns And othemmay fiat 'Lived tAnt they will be etspplied With' • • SUPfIIIOR . ..A It AT THE . . kJ TEN). . Call eit the "Old Cub titore, Ote:deer *get of the .Astor Houicbuildieg, end get , the mesh ; of your money: • Smethport, Mij , 2i, • FARM LANDC*94#4 ll 4 4l 4ql. ad lirn, PhihislelPll4.ll Ttrt aMont,Atiik;bsit4.l MOO** ParP. at ofee; '40101.4, 11004,1Ofts 'got, ;With's: itioi bot o, ph.,lolk4s or t 'likge ,trstet ! diFit* in .6 milt farina 'GO hood:eat (root in 0/0 et the country im!opfilintimd 1 3 . 1 1 0 0i'VX pop t opP ,prodneoro:vol ,slll4 rowing. T)to•ctirnito as itoliightful; ~k 1 noon !ram frosts. .Torcnocr*S.l. 4 V O. plit;,lo4, ipeyeble within inks montO.' To frier he '4i . lice,- . 4.eave Yin. - fittivot 'Whirf Phi 114c:41 410 r f Ar. 14 .4oy 41604 tor 1141. ~ m o ton, 6r iddiels Bfroes;: by letlS6, ilsaimonton cost 9111R - 14V,1610c,..cfROAY•Now .14r' full- .:161reitisOisitAil'oatiotbar T • !o . itpoirts Bic E r4licle 'moor, OLZIA* sObacraient offer to the citizens of Oleiar,. and Vicinity; - "a end well'ileteetet .ateek of Ifirdiware, et pciceti, tbitV naltne, c ft , tq' .te gait the patlialler- ... •- • . "lOW th!tregilico#. l o Brio . coot dirk apilivet A Frit.L AggeoRIMPIT • :•4411.14*M t aiie'llai..1.* . iiiiINWTOOLIIi • - i'.x . -/:, p..:-...** . : : , 4.)..1:, 1.',: Sash,. Gbiss, ',takes, eila;:; , Valliithilis CALIIRLSGE *Of , ENAMELED BROAD‘CLOTii, • pAiamigs, VOIAPP SPRIINS) Arip-41, LAIREATJANTIrr,T, Table 'And, "K‘eket -cutittry, BOSTON- BELTING COI, Linn": OP Alain. wition ighs. MAN uFAPTuR;rO4 JIMPPEPIC 'Lux, arum SAND AND 0110111:0IITAAIMI, row Mb clibibrataill Itmittiry of InicifibrAlialsia PITCH AND OADDID, DLACKDAIIM , IOOI4 DRILLS, , vion, sORSW 214T7i111616 AMIN. liAßlifNe 1171161141. , - • sonKs ukge, OMllirr, 40 - „ MANUFACTIMIID or , eingT ICRON, WalinP3l. , :89'$:Atti MIX VOPLAND,rO4." 0 1 %1:1C U T. ' ADA • CO. 010111 8 * i t 1 0 VON E ME _. ieu r ; b i l a l ' -. het AO( TO Thast,. gai) Oh " ' ' ham"' • 110 .z.). °rip*, 00 #0 - • t ' w itrootistifost'eti—OestaAr.,' d sett rlaC fitit sepses Ara- ;skim 23i Idecna " TO Atli , WANTIAG.IIIOOMK, !ortiimpeni,q, if,iiirtin 41146 figka . Pm to bar .zoor. otkAz og 4ot eio . JL Now. ' eat Ilmoooodli sar,lo ott..,(.lnithed and . , rree..,,,......., ') mn.trrAsMmilieg •TV 1111% ritelallpfar•lyeA,`,,,. '?“1“ 4 ,3iiir) Klxr'V. r•ilP ^i .f,. 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