RAR'''the .4triii; Robert J: :Dar • ling and, R.,pointes, Associate . ..Judges ''Of 'the: • Courta'..iittiierls Tdeminei "and '.General; Jail Deliverjr,:Qoarter, Soisinns.cif the Peace, Or. - phqpiil l soor,t,.and ...taurt . of con'imon. Pleas for touniyiof BiliCen'hai;e issued preeept, IleAdatdote Saturday, the - :second day, of:July A. thele.ar. of, our. Lord one thousand.., eight . htiadrad 'and •firty,riine,,Ond 'nlO . dirented, foy 'holding is. Court of. .oyer.and Terminer anil Can a/4'1416i'. Delivery,;•;Quarter...Sessions of the Peace; Orphans' Court, - and Court' of . C.9mrrion .Plea's, i'n.the Boroiigli 9f .Smettiport, - .ori.*ol). ' day',; ,the tw i enty 7 sikth . day: of Septemlior,ile?st,' qn tO.ContinneOn'es week. • . "• ' ~o„o:iijae, i i4berefor'eliereb'y iiVen 'Jistices ",tbd - I, , eare and Conitablea. the t apudfir; l tbat the be' ,then and' there !n.Prajr:gr'eli s ei . pers'Orbr, at .10 . '6 3 .e10ak, 4. M., of said'dak, . _ , ..sixiinpnelinnsi luau other' r . emern,branaes, ,to Jo -th?o,tbinge.,o4oi:l.bajr: offiee.s appertain to` be ...rioxrei'. l .And.those.l,Fhp, arti . bOund. by.,tbeiy re e k .og,nizaneeis lir.iiroaac)ite ih,priloperalliai are or 1400.tborijaii;qf. said coeal..r.of b.V.ltean; ,t 4/ . : rgaipar ..'l4lll,4lllvvigi4e just:. . 4metbp s cqt,; . ..luty . seyenqi, And , the .84. th: : , Pf th? °f44e 0 . .n4et4 Spites:of. America... •-• , . • tEßDlrijlBs6.:' nieVieia Matta,' Inecor Faly -'•:rals. J. Chadwick .. Titojlertt Updike • . E. :tcdoca,.. t . ya 'CI, R. Moore . • . E: Morr A .Anderatin ' '.- "111r..tkhilda • vs 3 .'Chodwick ' e ieigirhurt Wdltevi ; • a: ,yde • :. .0. Robden „• • , • '• siintriEL C. I.lYDE..ProghoAtoidry Prothonotary's,Oftice.. • , •Z . • .. • • limptlmpor„t; Aug: 18,1859. $ • ..', . .. !'ORAPP, GROVirERg , CAN CARRYON theiT Vuiiinliuk inasfsiiiiesifUlly'itt' Hammonton, free 'from fr ,ste.Some forty Vineyards set out the -tiat'inaions. "See advertiaeinent of-Hamnon torilf.ithdp;.another Colurnn:' .i' ‘"• ." , : L-: -t-, 'ArlaAbest:Ground and llugrriund Cofiees;'clOnri; at.tbe AAtr~Heu'e,Btore.•-• , -i' . I4OTICE T 6 'ROAD.BUILDERS. , AA'' atop OF CHOPPING, 'CLEARING, AND .11 Grading ten miles Of the McKean'and'Elli Co. State Road, commencing near Buena Viata, will bg,let,in iections of a.mile-each 'on favora ble,terma Apply, to A. W. NEWELL.... .., • Bradford, P. . JOY 29, 18 4 1 .. : .. .•::: so* oAlli,g. ' ..Meje . IN::::$/l-F.rET:TPORT .1; ',II.):TAYLCOS OLD FURNACE IN ::FULL::I{LAST! • , THE''' . UNDERSIGNED WOULD RES PECTFULLY ANNOUNCE' TO THE :CITIZENS OF" • , • . . . MKeaTi 'C,oll.llty; Tjial.they have jocate'd themselves at Tm: PORT Fof tl4 pt!rr}osii or Manufacturing, • 1 .: PLOWS;' 'SC §LEIGH • SHO 'And' in fact eery thin;..ijai!ittiy... ma at COUNTRY:. FURNACE. ThlitEdugh. e?tOrience 'in the busitiess, warrants iii in eaying , . thiwWe' chn , fu'rnish .as ‘: "41009 ;WOO - and a'. 'REASONABLE • PRIDES Xe cad be fond Partie:alai at ten Artimes be:paid • • ' 13 4.0 .B 1 •• ~The .celebrate d FRANKLIN Y11.1.E and DUCHESS ,COUNTY' 'IMPROVED PLOWS . cimstAntly on hand. , yawners , end otheri,.give; .us 01 , 011: • & B. A. WING August 9, 1859... • • TONS OLD CAST exclinoge for work,.at 01. F ' • SIEETRFORT FURNACE. • • .NEVULIVERY STABLE IN TOWN. T". §IMSCRIBEIt •anriinin 6c's to the pub tlielhaChe has established a Livery Stable 'in tire BOtOtigh.cir Smethport: It is located on 'Metin . •Striet,•alew rods below Mechanie street; and embraces . a well. selected .Stoik.• Sii gle . and double horses and carriages, furnished' at all times, at low rates, with.or witholit drivers. The proprietdrlieeps none blifsOund and gen tle horses, Which are perfectly - reliable 'and (4e. from fault or trisck. ' • . " .Witt! :an'ext - eniire. eirperienre . in the huai nesisi an!! a qetertnination to please, merOtie : proprietor the patronage of Snieibport, April 28, 28:59 INSURANCE AGENCY Kenai4ton Insurance.ra Company,.. Philadelphia. Calif . $160,000 ritratetos Union iaitiraace Co., Athens, Pa. - -..oseh , . COO,OOO , Great Western Inearanpe. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. • Capital Stock • $ 1,000,000 West Branch, (Mutual), Lociii'llaren Pa. ansurances can be, efrected'in the 'above res ponsib!e. Stock Companies by 'the subscriber. Any.- communication addresSed to : him, - at Smethport, will meet, with•promp attention. _ 2. ' • . . B. F. DAVIS, Agent. StnethOort; Dee. 9, 1858. • En4oif.l . . I'To . :Tholie Interest . °if in Minn and Mineral • U. BARNES offers his services. for the eititnine 1/ V • time of Mineral Lands in ill'Hean and Elk corm- Alai and iFl4give Lin opinion , as to, the :VALUE Of MI! w, serviees will receive An swamp, and reliable . inforniation. Itesidence it the ,Bunkerlllll ' • . ...gageant,ltilteati 00., Jane 30, 1850: . • . • . , . . . DISSOLUTION. OF. PARTNERSHIP. Tom:Partrieiship heretofore existing be tween B. Qviatt . and R. Barber, in the Printing.business, under the . name and style Of Ovtimr 4 . 1 r. Benueniis hereby' dissolv . ed, triti tu.el conset. The business will 'be.continued by J. B. Oyiett, who is authorized ' , to receive thcamounts dile the Company, and will pay its :•• ' • . J. B. OVIATT, It. BARBOII. Smethport, July 2, 'l A CARD: j . 8 Oiridn - Colzil; • uffera his sertrices . to parries . , lands in'. 111'gean, Elk, CliarßEFllase. mineral' co,lintioa..- •.' •. : - • •, . L.lTe ..fl uu • cr;r.' Examinations trade and : faithfully re- Bradford, July 27, 1.852. • '. • •'• ,'• , PERSONS WANTING CHANGE OF CLl mate for health . . 'See ailvertisiment of. Him mon* Lands, mkother column. • • • , s'• • P.ERSONS; WISHINd. TO CLlAliblibeir bukineSeto•Oopldlrinefensing.Country,'ANe* Settletheiii whore hundreds • nre W.hese the climatf. ie , mild and delight fpl. See advertisemetit"of the Vamtriontoil Settlement, enuther eulUmm, ~,• •. . • THE fIAItiMONTOI4 nevvs . . paper devoted to Literature. and-Agricalture,, also setting full accounts of the,new. set-, dement of liamtneaton,ltOgetv Jefsey, can he, subscribed for at only 25 cents per' annum. Inclose postage starops f o i the amount. Ad: .tit'vki,e.kEdifor citthe parMcr,llitirntno!iti*,P, ()„ Atlantic Co,„ Jersey. Those, viAshing cheap 14tl, of the .best ~iivality? , in One•of the hetilthieee . and'filOso delighlful cliirratee'lit'the Union, and where ciops'.iiie never, .cOt"do*n . by 'frosts; . 4 iterrilite stourge Of :the; liorth,,see advertisement:otliumnionton Lands. " • , , Itx:rl„val -Deali , ..partrq•ei•cflitail ‘ 8. • POST OFFICE. ' •, 0/ean• - -- - Leayes every morning at 8 o'clock ; ar rives ' every evening:•!: • ,•• coiniekOciretHLeaves:, evening'., • arid Saturday mornings; arrive! Nonday and Friday eves: -.Leaves.Tuesday, Thursday and Sat ! • .urday'rnorning92c riiiiiies/alonday,-Wednes. dap : and Friday evenings. Ridgiarfy 7 .-Leaves . Monday, Wednesskry • and 'Ftlday day.and Baturdny. evenings. , • '," •Warrea.—LeavesTnesday inotnings rind rwives TimiSday evenings. ••1 Liter6F •sEPTEttlitell Tin* GRAND JURORS. Bradford.—Philo Ackley, .1. F. Clark, Na E/drec - 1.-.—Oscar Carpenieri - Franklin. Wkee • W. Joseph .* ..tV.; A ;dfrepyr, • Keating.--Philetus ; Gallop,: T. R. Sabins, . , .liibetrty.-.-1. D. Otto, H. O. Simps o n, Frank . Siuopson',.Orlando Win4sor., ~.. , .- • 1 . Aroiii.id,.—Orrin W. Galtup", - Wtri; i': Periper: nippeix..—.George Carter, George: Duboisi Merrick Housler, Thompson 'Taggart. . .„ 'Brad . f6rd.—:Wtn,R.: Fisher, Larn . ed S. Fos. ter; Orsoh - Hogle, Truinan•Sherrrian. • Borough.-5. A. •Backus, G. B. :Baekus, Ohordis Corivin;Hornan.,Lutz; S , P. Smith., Cerls.—Ruben,; Cartel,. John .H. Holcomb; Nathari Palirier; Setlitobineon'; Wm. Warden. Corydon.—Cyrus Cross,' • • • Eldted.—A. T. Barden, Asher Hinds,: S. :G. Lamphear, Amos ,Pepper, C. B: Stull ` F. Patterson. . . • .. . . • Thm iiltou. - r -J 7 1:),. 96444, Isaiah Morrison: • A.'eating..--4 .. 'A. Blight,: Glardner• Barrett, John 'T, Beck4it,h,, Jas. A. • 80nd,.-11.. B. King, Alex. Gifford, Daniel 1...en0.i: . • ....Libp,ty,—,H.T..Abby , Andrew Pcirtner, JO; .Elistvimii, S. S. Lillihridge. - • ''' ' • - . .La ra yPt ii.. l, —, I. J.. Marsh. ' • . • ..'", : .. •.- E.. •Dio;ereri, Daniel Rifle . , Andrew. L. Rifle, F.c~ck Smith. •.• :• • B. Hopkiiis,...r. K:311(110.0... . . , . . . . . . &Wen ...lohn Beers; •Rellogg il II bblita, S. S.:ll . ac,kett, R. Laeore, Morris -Lewis, • Henry . Leikis,.C. T.' Moore: • '•. •• ' The shove .., nursed: Jurors :will et at the 0001 House' in Stnethport, On . 'T esdny t4e 27,th.. day.. or ;Scpteinber next, at 10 . o'clock . : • Mattsg.;:sheriff. Sheriff's 'Office . '• , . T HE best pp.: Teel InltelynAt the . 1 • 49TOtf EIOUSE STORE • . A.MBROTYPES.. ; WILLIAM HASKELL ,inforrni . the ' eiti zens'of Smethport,, and 'itieinity; that in eprnpl•iance with Hieirwishes, he has arranged his apparattis for taking pictures, et his house: riliose wishing ,likenesses can be acconhmoda, ted by,_ calling at the AsTon House. :Pall soon, 'ak'he cannot attend to, the business btit a' few weeks. . . • Smethpart,..Tttly 2G.... , e TATE are 'not. in• the . habit. of tellitig- “Fish storie, -but *We have :MACKEREL COD-'ailid WHITE FISH, besichifiosts of TEA at 40 cents. • . • ."E F WRIGHT.` 07" TEIE'OLDEST, WIDEST cIRCDLA TED, and most cOMPLETEi.OO4RECT and RELIABI,EBank Note _Reporter in existence. MPSON'S BANK 'NOETOiIIEROIAL' REPORTER., Cik.ci!lation, 100,000., • J. HANES. • 7 EDITED BY JOHN' THOMPSON Quottqions•correcied'hy . .THoiiirson Bacaltißs Published by CirAs.ikoziELL, 117 FrakPn St' , TERMS OF SUB.SOR.IPTION.II , I. 4.1.DV/010Ej .. .. . .-. . To moil Subicribers . .- . . . Weekly,....s2 1 §etol-niouthl y,...'.51 1 Monthly. :..7.'?c ' To PostmastersVr: others{ whit. form Olubs and for ward us the'money in advance, we' will send the Re Par ter (loin °hart Man Wel, slid ,Dtseriptivs List, se , fol lows: , , . . 5 - copies of the Weekly,, one Year , 5 copies of the Serni-m0nth1.f..... 10 eopies of the • We will forwardiraiuitously to any person sanding a club of $2O at the above. rates, at any one , time, our 4mericesta ,Gold dolts Teat Seale. Address, . ' . • •; • . ..THOMPSON•BROTHERS, Bankers, . .. No. 2, Wall St: N..Y., Proprietors. •,'Cabinet' Shop hi Mocha4ioshurg.• • A WOLTERS respectfully' .announces to A the - public that, notwithstanding ,these hard times,:he is manufacturing find keepr'con stantly on hand' all kinds . of furniture, such as 8 0 F.O S. • DIVANS, OTTOMANS, CARD, CENTER, - . DINING . AND BREAKFAST. TABLES, CHAIRS, .Of.all aed. styles, Cana , lind C o 7l l thorl, ReaOlatte of the very I3eat paterwal and manufay.tpre. • Feb. 23.0.858. . , ALL WANTING FAIIIVIIN•A DnLIGHT lul cliAnate, rich soil, and accure . frani - froats.-- p o: ndvertiactnent of Hammonton Xanda in an; Fintignuruicg Fluid at the •• • : t • • ' ASTOR 1101.ter; S. t SARTWELL,, TRAVERSE JURORS 2 Wall Street .lIAI:ARE 4 , .1.,.. JlTanuftyeturers , ' ViNd 'E LARGER MY FACILITIES ' it'the 011 Stand ' ' Exeg4slQß.,,a4ocg, ::•;:, A,OLEAN_, Vor keeping conatantly.on' hand a!'myth - larger 'supply ancl-aesortinerit air:the:heavy. raiti tiiird,warc :generally. :kept " - :•the4Obbing House', and haying: • •-.; . • • . ••• secuted:tba..lt GENCY •of.! • • • • - rnapy,Manufactuilers • ' ••,• 3.: celebrated . ; • ; FALL RIVE-4 piHEELER, .MAol7liti T B Also those,of WE.LfdH kORIFFITHB,an,4 FAIRBANK'S SCALES, lITBZI,vid !JAVIER RUTIN! STEWART'S (unexceffe6 11111111, COOKING:STOVES GLAss of all Sites, Sorts Ha Descriptions. I PROPOSE TO SELL ALL THE ABOVE . ARTICLES AT Man u faeturerS' Prices Alao,T proposo to Beg at +• vital( Conimisaion froin my LARGE and -WELL SELECTED• SHkIF.C4 opijiAiilOW.A,lt.E: In the selection, of I..have talten..moclv • , . . : pains, having given my : ,pers ona) attention HOUSE TRIMMINGS) ..2.:4i':-0:•.‘:.*: . .4 . 4 1 .:',;).; COOKING and PARLOR of elcery desirable , Pattern CARPENTERS'; ..,..I:MiIL7WHIGHTS!, iLIIOKBNITHIP APD,ILABOI,IB' TOOLS Pf most approved: Manufacture, PECK AXIES, MA' TOcK:S; ,‘.• _ _ SPADES, • RAKES, . , PITCH FORKS, BUCKETS, WHEEL-41MOWS, PUMPS, LEAD PIPES, and.: ; TUBIN LAMPS' for OIL, 'CABIFIIENE, FLUID, KEROSENE. MY motto is: The. Largest Sales of the very -BEST GOODS at the LOWEST munerative Prices Insures the Largest Profits to the Sellerjuinishes the Bay* with the Cheapest and Beet Arfieles, and gives'the best satisfaetittn. • I,IB . ERAL - DISCOUITTE, WILi DE MADE TO 'DEM,ERS'..,:i If people wi ll pay higher prices for no better • articles at•other Places, it shall •he their:o4 fault and mine. , „ , .In,counection with , the, above; I aril able ,to supply on short , notice • . ALL, . KINDS OF TIN • ' S HEET-1 RO . • • •'• 4.,,COPPER .- WORK; Having 'in my employ Competent' and' experi enced. workmen; whose work hae never fail* to give.satiafoction. • • j , • C.. V .B...BARSE.' • PROPRIETOIt; No. '2 and 3 Excelsior"llock °leak; 'May 115 i 1809. 011 BAN, WILCOX4-17AATO,1 t IEGLEAVE TO ANNOUNCE that hearettil,NottbeirArl4ig4ilk SPRINg&ISIJMALER.VOODS And are now prepared to welcome their friendi )110 040114ter145artartiMor them* neyr:Anci vklek 'ittil‘.latoW-61k-4 Y.) 1(1.1 • 1 ‘l. Country rMcrchandize K.AI.IO•}AIk's„YAP‘PXX , f. "ITY:JUT orp FANCY AND STAPLE ' R coo S 9 ito'OrgnANlll l -SHOES, corpKwir l • \ . „if 4), 21 016.40§W,A t ItE ILA =MEE 11.411' til?,en •Is•li e il • 1 'ameff ! Weswill not weary y6ollTtritice by enume4 rating, blit our stock isvery Full and Completti and we doubt not you will fiql something td . .please yod both as to quafity-finsefairti•,ll.t'. • Windy .Advertisementg will do for some but the Truth will Wear Better, and wq onlY'ask amexamination• and;,eire• confident wei can do you.good.- ' • , • ..• AND • WILCOX. kgATON. I oko;ti; Aiiriull% 1859. • 0,1%2," r r i , •T • . i .. -111:4. , , I 1 7 ar :,1, 1 • • ). . • . SPLEN . bib 'LOT' dr TEAS, at. tIL . WILCOX & EATON'S, 1 I - Olean, N. Y. • • • KEROSERE..O.II;,, • iii i rAtE.:(l9ollCOAL,..wiih . LAMPS to burn , 'VI the same, at WILCOX & PAPER - VANOtiti 3 Ort A CHOICE, ASSORTMENT at IV IL L WILCOX s& EATON'S, t PERSONS WISHING7S4:fif!•ST,4t4I4H "Manufactories in a new and ttiriving, plac where bitainesa is good. See advertisement ihelifittlttnatittMiettle ment. • 11 )g,1 1 1.411 VAPATPII!J B. F. Willa/I-IT ANNOUNCES.. TO,THE PUBLIC. THAT HE HAS HgNOYED 3' O. THE Awro4::ffousE 1115 LARGE' STOCK OF. 1 . GROCEARAESi . • 41'6; Offeis Whofbitilet sucquqi i : l q,eix : pEickcAßpo!'s .- :•-•"'-': ' . ' 41' LOW PRICES SHOVELS+ , GREEPI, SLACM IMPERIAL TEAS OF. DIFFERENT GRADES, WASTED; 'AND' COTE!, SiIitELPKIPxgritOZ.;IISSES,: zacs, SOAP, wreum, CANDLE, rune, NUTS, PEVNZS, PAILS ? BAIrll!G I!OWDEE111, CODFISH Arm xACKEB,EL, Flour- . rot* Ham Butter , . . • . . . • • Lai'd, Eggs, 'WOEM Al 6 WltiOiir WARE; • BOOTB d , sHous,. Togerhet.with* largeas.nortAnent of all kinds of Goode lief& 114 • Grotery • SlOre,' which he Offers to sell for Ready Pay at. the loweat mar ket, , St, .11p1:!;,, Pren't Judge-aid. • IL.G.y,WhitegAVeltsb oro Tioga Co: Pa. . - Aasocicas „T„'Dttrltng,,Smthpor!; • Hon. S. 'HotmesiHreitford. • I . _ Sheriff- 7 Joneph Morse . , Smethport. , • protheeirtdetriutdC,Hyde,rSmethport., ,Regiater Revor . der---C..F:.:Snrtwea, Smeth- • • , • • t i 'a`rsOns;lWidfor4." Commissioners `DanielJ. Keyeg,. Eldred, W. Cglegroye,TNOriich; Nelsen Peabody, Contmi.sieryiero' Climis--1. R. Chadwick, Smett lx)rt: . Auditors —B. C. Corwin, Sinittiport; V. P. Cary.r, Cori* . - . ;• Viseerat Attberte..-Atiiiren Smetlipori. Coronrr.'-z:Jam es Bond Lafayette • IN CHURNS and japanned IV;;.re, Stoic ,E!irevaak T . 4:Cat Hole* all MASQN 'S. : =MEM And I.c . loice itock of WHITE FISH, Ceunty . Directory. .. •. . I - .... • • " 7.7 IIINBDALRALES': - .''' •....li'r; f.... 1: 4:f ~, til 1,,,:-',', ,:..1::- .. ..,, . j,: ~, - ..,1% . '',.. ';' ,'-! 4 :1 :. . I to.; ~ .i. ; R :,,,,,' • ' , .t .. ii. 1..) ~....,: . ..,..,T H, . , : ,.1 ~::!-, • .;:t.• . ; , ' . ...... , :, !•.,., s:.- „ K'A 3.,..:.(, , "7, 1 " ::':,:.,, ~. . • Dlt; MATHER would inform .the pablic thik he" 'has itermeniatty 'tatabliihalt fit tili place, -and will . ' ireelfriiinfitantly 'on...band lamtquintitiea at FlOur &Meal Aim q,pr ~'. : ,,L .;.,-':.- ;Hi the birie) 6)- pound? h s" ~, : , ..4 40UR.-ANE:II, , SALT . - . ! .T. ..V i c: l • cad trje!ii *meth's* White nib, *met i!oat,' • 4 . 4 • : rase/far ;; ; 1•.; • •Th . • • e Deg.:TEA . in-Voton • ..• COPFEf:"CANDLESi 4 111CFSTAR CH CAtOIO . :A . ND . :N . Ufrti," 4eirritition of:Tarriity Groceries, 1.4,5a1d ' • • • BARGAINS imrchaseno than ',can be MO •at any °that 'efitablialment in the enuntry. „ • 1 - • • • .- • 11E4 VI • •BU.rERS . - • -.•- . . And ot&is Rloy,iyeivttvsipred that ' . they he'sapittiad with ' • • '. • • •SUPERIOR. ARTICLES AT. THE zotrEsT -Rd TES . ettll'a the “Old Caeh.Store, one oor Vreat orthe'Aetei House building, and get . the .D. A. MATHER:. - ',..tisetbit; lay.-'14,1E94►.!i: ''.;.'.!,.., ARM ,LANDSifllits4l4 ?A WM_ from. -Philadelphia by...Railroad • its tto 1141111 of Pis* Jarsay,,ibitiliemong.thei bast. for purposes, being's good loam. soil,.with. elsi bottom. The-land •ia a large tract, divided.mi litilsdredif 10E61011 . ptists of the ihuistrystrieniiWiettlineatid building. "The crops, produced ant !toy. ji!Fg Afid can be semi growing.. Alasecure . eom frosts. Terms from $l5 to $2O per . siare p a yable within , fouy years. by instalnients. To 'Visit the place-Lleaye Nine Street Whartlit 'Philadelphia at 7i, A by. Railroad forum. Ironton, or address Byrnes,..by letter, Haiimionton• Post Oahe, Atlantic County, New 'Jersey. See :full- advertisement .in Another . . Hm rclwa ire Store; - OPP6SITE . EXCELBIO.OIILOCK, OLEAN rutHignubacriners offer to the citizens of Olean and, iicinity;iiilayge and well ,selected stock' of:Hardware, at pticen that cannon fail ',to snit the pusltirec • • IRON: :- '** 1 04 811 0 6 : - .: . :NaiIBOOSOOTIVONIt' ad Spike, • . ... • • • ..• . NAILS;: 10.gint• A FULL AssoßTmExcr OF CARPENTER sad MILLWRIGHT TOOLS, • -Besides 1-',i,i . ii/ .. ]),• . *''.,'1t,..iE _ IN' INDMVS vARIXTY. 8884, Wald, PaintS,:..Oils, eaRRIJOIE IGOODS, ENAMELED CLOTH, BROAD CLOTH, BOWS, SPOKES, FELLS, SPRINGS, AXLES, AND A. LARGE QUANTITY OP Table tied Pucket Cutlery, AuiaTs Tpa Tait BOOM BILTING C 4, LEATEEAND BELTiNG. WIXOM MX OFTER AT MANUFACTURERS , PRICES. KILL; CIRCLE, NAND AND CROSS CDT SAW, Prom the celebrated notary of Wheehir, Madden & Co. , . ?IVOR AND oAlitlf; - , BLACKSMITH. TOOLS' DRILLS, VICES, SCREW PLATES =A ANVILS.. • • ' : lITYNSILS, ;;r`; • imam;BoYTligl, AA' 111/DIVIAOSIIRENS Olf •." TIM .IaBET.IRON,";: ; COPPER. , STOVES:OF:ALE: PATTERNS, ~ •• ; WITH! 990$ ANA 24111.01. - • • ' We reeiptetielly, optiere' of pint peirifteige,4. Give use tall betties purobaeifS ebewhere. • ADAMS: Sr. CO.{' totein; •.; • • . . • • . : . • • LL ielhe subscriber "for worluireitiemierited fo cell immediately. •ind.settletheiiiieounte,,as they will thus save themselves trouble . and c ost. •• • , 'CHARLES CLEVELAND. • Mechanicsburg> June 22, 18.59. , . • " . - TO ALL WANTING. ,FARMS. SEE AD.' vertisemePt ig.ffaingnontoP L!!!Idi. y • riffrE place to bule3;iiitr ' Store. Good Illtmovivto foie cto —Wht • cp 40130 41. Rai .30 ota . ate.• • •' T9 . 4t4vvveogieitiir „ --- , A.RARim,w4, , gig -4ti iiii..., iii...,,,,it. XNID, H ' tf, yi 2 , 6 . :, ~ 1141tES' V. ' 1 fil(l# - 1 ,', 4 " A P 2 l,;ti ~- ; 4 ...,E ":, Al t Vern An old estate 'i4fiioitliti o lif 4 t4t tiodipdill of aires or ; roditertedWit Hes en d voted ii of Pare! i iit. iii`Ou's sizeslO'Siiii'lherkilidgt• A` 14'14 o'n'of s'oene 19110/I .4 lltort 40', 1 ; „ _, va/,‘ oll l. , yta:44 `the'' diddle Stariihr iiiinNif a X l3 O l L I ll i .toki,it#o ttOvittgefitrti PP e Te ; u'lV'es`;', l z l o ia4 ' 'l l5 OWi The 'ilea!? ,th'e !mit is at theloW '4o . 'ftits $ tS to. s2ll',lrer:iiiV; i s iiiir itriefhirlitdit iitifdicy Ai" the',nrideitiolir ef - iirhio;q 0644'. , Co ", •'P'efigier; dri t er ? and; 'rtieritdri;' * sTlVlTO C , SIDERED f.' HOT' MO 'T43Olll'lll T y.,y4vreftf. ~ P eLOglre f . rpriireo--,lie l deictiveitt, eethf et I - mar.. I prftilbi'OP,giati'q'iie:iis l and'!`"tn\if' einto gray> toes nol'l'6'6 leen., '''lS f' itarritrAtieth plice,;tsel4 a e4ifiiilidgifiFfli'ittiigifi halting ,rit,the proditiVivepeseo( the liiiiii."lliCtig 4 !I* Madi , elik t' 'secure , &el FRiAtriOri4vekat of the, POW, 'iftie '. Is iinkitittritifwiNeaa p,(Wifiwai:t" the 'reialt'hee' l ,tieeethitt4Attifti the past' Peiir r 'sidne rot`rit grid/44 itiletialli4 been ereeted v pko Mills, one iteant, foitritittilte some 10 tr 'vilieyerds' and ''Peithi iff &Pao planted; and'a' Itte ' 'Mintier orotiiiiilifetii4- meats; making t it'A AO esirable ae'tlip VIM of bissinele. . ?. ' '` - ;; ; . 1 ,-;;,rtrotlf ; .' l'lrr. ISfAilltef, '''"" mil9ll l . '-• -, 'I as the reader may pereeiveSroin its toCition rst ~ ,:tIIIEi4F4T 1P1 4111 .P4P-Pk'i 511/ B '., Producei)PPillqingrillouble , the prig thaw lit locationi:owirfrian tile' city, ind 'Tom tfuur doorble•tke'Ptieb it tlittrist.-! - It fa tfibitrifthat .the eiiiiiit ,'WOillornit. Anti I i'''' atilt 'tirie(illtill"'lit title latitude COT& frotti fteit Sariet;' . .aitil l l'hi annually **Ported lo tie eittenf.oi Mittletle• ' In locating here;, the settleril it haiiiitiffii.: taiga& Ile is, in slew' lioniii'4l4iilit tWititidat citiee,of,lgew.,England atid:Middleltifide-, hw Is nittihia old friends aritlaserelatiOnl, 01106' i satital '0)444'044 iiihi*:' 4 6iiiitivOliiiel e ' ion, foil , - iiii4 chigi* - aeoi, id' co-'kinix..4. , • ,Ny,..yery . article he wiiirs_ii 'IOW er WI l it price, and 'sell hie proditeifor,tha Illglithi,' I the West this di levaried;) fie‘tiaa sakedlli`t hi's' children, .. ei'ayst 4'siiiieisi, anti tor v pi& open . winter, • lnd delightful climate; 'lO rife. 1 vers are,utterlY'UntilloWn".. ' The reittilt'f f We' change,Upiai thaw fl Mit' the .NOrtti.;',liinntilfiiiko ally . beeii to restore' thens to' an; ekeelli'ol 4 ilife In.the wiior buiritini oid ftilYalivint;' fidk bar can, be obtained at the mills at the . .,rat&itt $lO to' sls".ties.thiisend.' Ifritki 7 ttlik the brick yard opened 'in 'the 'Piece; every irtiel l e can be proeured`io lli . e plate, geed.' carliidthis . Sr* at bbud, and ther e ; is no piaci in the Viiirdir where 'huik(inge , an d: . . intproverrientenituiliti made Cheaper. ' ' ) • • ‘• , ~ ,141 -,-,:, The reciter W*ll at n -d• e - i!tutli ivtrt` 11e ' advantages bare. presented, ,and "ask liTieff why the phiperty has Wet firce.i iakedlifiYmbre , The reason is, it was ne'Ver titiol,d'ir lir ' market; and unless these itatetinnits Were „... ie reet, no one, would ,shelnOited td iitiltifile: e land before Purehasiog. This all di eftiiiititt to do..:.They Will ice land under! t tillllralliiii, such is the extent af. Vie „seltlettiUtit'llnii 'they will ;no doutit; Meet 'minima trod th'eir' f#hr neighboibrexl;',they Will Witneal"th& WO) Vp l ,. i t, memo anii ran judge the tigiiiktatiO 6t Ott% _lt ulatioo. , If they some With i Vithiqii'ettre they ii:hooki eipw, - ,t4woreet to ofiteVilii ss tir two wot imi 4ea43i, to:'putoWilt - ,llp tbilitlitikiVik.....- oot'ts; 04 1 6.. tqc....t..:,:A, . : .-, , 7,-:. There ate tioirtralfi" frarnolo''rxilifOltiliii, PRO,P! en, Ilit L litil 111, 1 ? ~.ii # Pl °_ ° , ,, t ••,Kii,, A P4 I'MY pol,wrowr otv2s4.,roso,crrgow y i op , o4 mao 116 /4P, A ig44rfAeli# 6 ,4 4 :Fo c tiiii ,, ,,ti. 2 .:iii,*l' TAN:T*Ihi,PF ; iiiMittrixop-u. In connection with the ogricultern), , settle , ment„s,(new,und thriving• town naptrent 'arisen, ' which' pre.ientLindkenso)ifcto'craVild o ~,, part s ieitley ,ativis aria TAat ;Moe baaitze4a could be scarrteitiitOn this place and , Muirliet tOgnOd adrentFge;allio cotton builuies, and ilianufactorielAU(egficitttyr , eel implement's or Foun4eriielor.CP,,iii?ig,i*ltar , ;id. The improveme nt har been tie ;rittild* . to insure a eonetant a nds pertnaneut increek.of business: • Townlots of a goed site, vre . :#64.4 t • sell, small entre a. it would elreat Anent of;the piece, can be bad et "liotti stdit The Harseriudorikaierir; and agricultural: sheet, containing.tulf ‘ utiOtrik4 lion of 011 11 0 01111 ?° , c4O be 0tti,4P.14,..0 par annum. • , ; • Title indinputible—warrantee" clear of, all incumbrince.,,wheo money,is p~ l: 'Route landy leave VAne ,street, wharf,, Philadelphia, ;for ,Heorimootori,l4, ; ffeitreid4, 7i A. M.. or 41 P. M. :Fiire fib Centii ;j ;l! there inquire toy Air/ . ilezirire‘ reniencea on hand.. 'Parties,step with .Mr..l3yrnes, a priniPel, , decided as to purchasing, ai.he . will siri i ptcni , over the land in his . carriage,, free of enriertile.. ;Letters and application's can c biteildreernitlo Landis dg gYrileo; flommoolOo • 1 g ;,t 1, •, 441,0fi0 Co, New Seney, or S. 11. Cou,gblip, a Fifth Street, Philadelphii.., ieddlitria-- tion cheerfully farniehed, ; ~;• bireetes,liseefactiitivfarms d Ferrets Ai .111ffiwngits. • . . ..,. ..7--- , , •,....:.,11;ifi - • Clic gittentific aiiiericon- -.. ',....... '... ii...iiiiwiiii4: : 1 f 79. :!,3'. - A .NEw voLvio -:4-, limy atAllii, Totroinien4thiow.247 lo!' . ' . i;4- „ Instead of 418:pogoo . ,.tbe Yearly Holuine; Wofereed . de‘ • don. will contain IClGHT.litiffDltlar AND THlliTlfr TWO PJLOWIref Valuable Readineld el dlibeii. , ..do ' • tail Ootairtirio Materna*pedlliabeirk4 Muer to form, gettable for blodide add the MAO. 'Ali'. .. lii_yeer 'contain' hthirimaffoo iirrevedrlVlOUlit TIONT, _ _. _Atli beeedied of WdI4IIIIIOTUWISO AORIOULTURIar . ' IWIPLENIONId; -.11 , '. .irimwauntrac IRON WAIIHri '4. -.. TITO, fact, ablitad 'Tory Indeatrial;. - , more or less eft g elflod In Itaeohoode;' ,, ty,Ati , ..- :,..49‘ . ..44,1%1.f All Patent Mahe! - oseillitr pubuit44, ~,;., .JlRidik' air,: Matted from- th ir indent osoiniWillli ;., .4 .7. il - ,-iioiliiia ;,.. 1 grro4oliib l , ?- 1 6-41 ...- it contend inibrmatlon and brillfilliMilliiiera,,edid WhicW tre,eatebtship foyentor,;,.k feels* well do Tielledt ' • ' ' ' ''' * • - -4 . , `A' , .firVO 4i 4:ar#o-4.t.e..N. . Al a Pin fly Joked iifilliWaWolliialititriditliPiebide-- ,al unlit, slope to its isoldtrine irilt bat foroidraiNetildie;: o w R ec ipes. .". ...... • r„c,,, ,-n..9.1., tAhli . 41..4'1 , , , Ti? ' /ka. * !!)o: , . '. * Careful atlerilicini 'irtill•eferirfrolo.eithootwiereete .. Of the Metals Iftateir. edd.o r'rehrketix. ,, tr'*l l- . 1 .V1: Trey 'WNW, iiltethilide iteelePeitideand&W.,,TMAl column ef 'Adler - IriPf several 14testrasmeitt ' 14104•1441rb41,1Pir,'!161 -'. 4"4111.. yeterboitf . f.;— , .-- v ~-.. ... iiite l iitnitOir*l4l44l9: - ****** • ', int*.giV3 6l, o4 1 1 110 4 1:3e4eithririWIPTAT*r is IlidONWllio . .dot li kely teyafelar, seed, Tar iviadY 70111.//, II will IS rake oomiserieN;avepW44-_,94046?-0.i,q00 18 •1, 1 ‘1, 4 %'•.' - ," ,-- ,Jt - ,, t 1 .,.'. 1 ' ,,, ':- , ::,.'-.A. ,01 . , - ,-- 41 , -". 43 . 1 5 ,, ,,;.-- , , , T 01 0 0404 ife l iii; Sii , 'Doniiir. , *410. Ily ,-00'ilstorp. Volitsro; apiCousidirs,lio . Nw.•;:vr- ei , .. itoiplia Merl it'paefoiritoliffilittiOtoo ; fflllos !” beef will' , ohm* td reltieliknifairdiellifiurnf, 1 4 8 0.•'.;;, ' yeetleadikorfption tio'Orii44 - PWAW ? '-'411.... .'` , d litieritdbiereldd FirelleiChitlf , esalide .. • : , ~,, particular* of thithmtueemeale4*,elohlter ....._., , 4 ., ..: copies et OW tokiWk - iiiid oliloopfijoitorlf, ~';'. '. 44:m. Ilea eorkdrillierbe.`firtiaiirnerdir'"'" :or -y, - oo t '. -,' i ds soitisc . .-• , -,,,,.---.. mussooo . 4*. -,1.,..-%,L ; -, tri•i-. 1 7 1 -re '' ' wtheSigoliplivAiiiitiFilisto ' . , • • - f• • ,:. -3Tyark)lo,47o,74*asoF,l•; •,,,-.,