•• •• • COURT:.PROCLAMATION:, Hg.REAS the, Hon. Robert G. VVhite, VV- Prisidentludge, and the 'Hons. J. Dar • ling and H9lm4, • Asiticiate Judged Of. the • Courti of Oyer & 'refrainer, and General Jail Deligery, Quarter Sessions of. the:Peace;. Or.: jahans' Court and; Cotirt of Common Pleas-fdi the Countyof 51" Kean have issued the'liPrecept, • bearing data,Saturday, the second day of July, in the, year of. our: Lord one thousand eight. hundred and 'fifty-nine, and to . me directod,Ser hohling:a.Cogrt of Oyer'and Terminer and Gen :era' ,Jail. Delivery, Quarter Sessions. of the Peace, Orphans' Court 7 aria Court'of •Corianon Pleas, in the SOrough of Smdthport, on :Mon 'day, the twenty-sixtliday,.of September, next, and to continue one week. . „ • . . Notice ie therefore hereby given - to the Co,ro ners, Justices s of the Peace (Mr COnstables. within the county, that they be theti,and there idtheir.preper persons; at..1:0 o'clock: A. M. of said day, with:their . rolls, records,irignisitions, examinations, and other'reniemb'rances, to do* thoset.hings which their:offices appertain to be done. . And those' who, are boond by their me= ognizances to.prosecute the prisoners that are or .0101 be in the jail of, said county of . M'Kean, are to be then and. there to .prosecute against : them as will he just. , ' • ' Dated - . at • Smethporl, July seventh, .1.851, and the 84th year of the Independence of the United Siates of America. ' , . •. • JOSEPH• MORSE, Thal.. LIST 'FPIEV SEPT. : TEE:Iq, 1959. Hind's -Estate ' vs VT; Ben: • • Burdiek,une'of Felt vs F.. 7. Chadwick. • , ••• James M. Miller. , • • • ye • Doyle &. Updike' . ' E. J. Fobee • • • *:ve G."R„lntore • :v0 J. A .Anderson •.• • . vs Ohadivibk •• . vs A.. Wolters . • vs o•Hebden , .• _vs D. Oral:liner .• . TS G. Irons SASIRTEL 0. HYDE. Pi'ethonotary Prothanntary's Office. • • • Bmettipor t, Aug. - 18, 1850. ,5 • " • Z. Morrison W. Cowles : • B. Shermburg • , B. C. Hyde.. D, Kingsbury • • James M. pan . . GRAPE GROWERS CAN CARRY ON 'their businessinast•successfully at Pammorton, free from, &esti. :Same forty' Vineyards set out' the 'past season." See advertisement.of :gunmen, ';toil Lands, another. column; • • ' TTo beet Wound and Ungraind - C(dTees, at( up, at tile, Aster Rinse Store. ' • , • B. . • • OLD . IRON :r ANDPAPER-RAGS • 1 • . AKEN in exchange for...wayq at• my store, T or cin,ac6:ll..int. '.• • E.:S. MASON. . . A - FE.W f . Boot,.andf3hoen to give I sw ltl . o .a llT . 'S. MILX P i kNS.,.ell new and shiny-you can .see an honest .min's *pin them as soon RS . you. pay over' the doe, .at MASON'S. NOTICE TQ.ROAD.BUIL,DERS, • A , :JOB . CIF CHOPPING', CLEARING AND: A Gradini(toi miles oldhe Mo•lc•an and Elk Co. Star Road,. commeot ing Buena• Vita; will be let iri :sections of a Mile each lavora.. Apply to • W. NL:WELL, BradMrd, Pa.. ..• • ' • • . . THE beet.soa.Tea in town at the . ' nomq: STORE -Winethiatg •V'etv SIVIErTI-IPOTIT B.:TAYOR'S'OLD4URNACEI. IN::: FULL' .:BLAST! 9111 P. •UND.ERSIGNED WOULD. RES, EECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO THE CITIZENS . 31K.6 , 14. That they have loCateti.the'mselyes at smEyH PORT or the' purpose of—Mano fact tiring •PT,OWS,• SOIA . PF.RS,.SLEIGH.SIIOEp, 'And in fiii .. c . viry• ,at a COUNTRY• FURNACE.. Thorough experience in.the linSjness, warrants us in'isay.ing:Oat 'we can furnish as '• ! GOOD . WORK .and ;it as REAS,ONABLE. PRICES Canrbe : faund elsewfiere: Particular.Ei(ten liqn will at all firri . es he paid to : '•. - J B-B.IN O : e. The celebra g ted • F . RANKLINYILE tend OUCHESS COUNTY IMPROVED ' ; PLOWS gonstintly on hand.. Farmers and'others . , giv6 • E. VAN DYKE & S. A; WING August 9, 1859.: •• . 1 . • • WANTED ••• ••• SOTONS IRON in excliange'for . work,'at the BMETIIPORTFURNACE.. NEW. Lr.PERY STABLE IN TOWN. THE ; SI.T . BSCRIBER: anneunces to•the pub lic that he has established a Livery . Stable in the Borough of•SmethPort. It•is located on Main Street, a, few - rcdsbelo.w Mechanic street, and embraces a well.. selected Stock. • Single l and double horses and. carriages, furnished at all times; at law rates, with'or without drk , ers.. The proprietor keeps none:but sound and gen tle horses, which are perfectly reliable and free from fault or trick. • • • With an extensive .experienee in the busi ness, atll a deteiniinathin to please his.eusto mere; the proprietor solicits the patronage of the public: Smethport, April 28, Stone Coal. THE SUBSCRIBER-keeps on hand for sale Stone Coil, of the best quality, at the Grist Mill, in. Mechanicsburg. Grain of till kinds taken in exchange: . . GIIORDIS'CORWIN INSURANCE AGENCY. . . Kensington I nsuranc e Company, Philadelphia. -. Cash Capital .. ~-.,..,:. $150,600 •iFarmer's.Unlon Insurance Co., Athens, P. - • Cash Capital • . ' . -. $.00,0(0- great Western InSumac° Co:, Philadelphia, Pd. Capital Stook - • • ' ', • •..- $1,000,009 West Amuck; (Mutual) Lockliat•en•Pit.: . •• .. , • -insurances: can be effected in the above ies• -potiaibic Stock 'po'rtmaniei hy• the subscriber. Any commit - Mention . addressed . tn , him, • at •Snnethport; ra.; will meet with prOmp attention. , . . . a ..13. F. DAVIS, Agent. • Styrthport, Tier_ 0, 1598. ~ • . •.. • [0:1011.] . . • OF EVERY 1 418CRI1'TION 3 . ' NEATLY,' .CPEAPLY EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED AT Tlll3 ... . . ' PERSONS, WISHINO TO . CHANGE ',their hasinesstO a . rapidly.inct;eatiing Cotintrk; alsTew. Settlement :where . : hundreds.• nie - going.— Whole the elimatele mild and delightful.: See adtiertisement : 9( the; patrirtionton Settjement; [Mother column... , * :.. - , ' ... ... :. -.. , THE Of/PEST, WIPES'''. CIRCIIf.A: TED, anti mci§t COMPLETE,,CORTLEOT .11..ELIAPLE Bank NotqjteiNirtdr : ... ... THOMPSON 7 B?.: .1,....'. JIBE N Wit' AD . COgnlntj, ..REPORTER EDITED BT . JOIIN .iTHOMPSON Quotations' corrected by TirvikorißitimiEns Pulilistied..by CHAS. , 13.coNDELL, 117 Vrakl'n..S . , OF.sthisCßlrVoN IN. ADVANCE; • To mail Subscribers • •. Week ~ $2 •Semi-rnonthly,:. I.Monthly 75e 7.0 Postrnaiders oe-nthern,'.wlm, ,fortn 61ubs find ;for wnid,tot the money in advance, we .will fiend the !leper ter Chit' Chtirt Manuel, and'neseriplitte'Listois.fol . : s'eopiee of the Weekly, one .Yetir s.eoples of. the Serel:moothly...c, +, .. copies • of the . . We will, forward.gratuitotisly to any 'person sending a c l ub of ..$2.0 at the Above.. rates; at any one time; our AirAeriean Coil! , Test Seale.' ..• . •-• • . - • THOMPSON .BROTHERS, Bankers, • No'. 2, Wall St. tq. Y., Proprietors.; THE HAMMONTON FARMER--A "news,. paper.devoted to• Literature ant Agriculture, also setting torth full. aceounts.of the view set tlement of Hammonton, in New. jersey, can be subscribed for at "only 25 cents pet annum.. .. • Inclose postage stamps for the amount. Ad dress to'Editbr of the F.arme4 Hammonton, P. 0., Atlantic' Co New Jersey. • Those wishing cheaplandeof the..best quality; in ., one of, the healthiest and moSt.-clelighiful climates. in the Union, and where erops'are never •cut down by' frosts, the terrible scourge of the north,fiee adVertisement.o(Hamrponton •Lapds. • • VILSIOII7,O 2i1.0:42.Y2.3 •• • ` ' S K I. L E I salirrn , .. • . rpRE . :WASHBOARD ..AND, BEATER'are . _L • the two first and most natural. implements . ever• used in Was•bing.Clothes: ,'.Notwithsta•nd ink it ha's, been study'of inventors 'to' do them, away,' and for . that purpose several h'un dred patents have been issued-,.Yet it has-beens of no, effect. . They have: failed itf.their tempt. • Their machines have heeM condemned and thrdivii..aWay, and the Wash Board and Beateiaitain used iri theiritead. • • • This machine combines them'. toge,ther, at 'taefied.to a progr6sSive liver imsUch. a. manner aal giVes, great.;.Power to. -the — Beater, • while, either May be used as the - operatdr.thay•desire. The motion of the- I3eater. iv guicic.Ml easy, the pre=sure gentle. and •powerful, -which gives -it the advantage over all other machines, 'and is solevided by competent. judges. • • _MantifaCtured and sold at Mt;ehanicalirg; by • • A. WOLTERS. MeChaniestnii.r, March IS, • Cabinet..shop in Mechan'icsbu g AWOLTERS .respeetfully..annonnces• 'to the public- that, ,npiwithSfandtnt these befit times, he is manufautuilitg and.keeps con; •stantly on hand al) kinds• of furniture, such: as ' OTTOMANS,' • • • CARD,. CENTER, ~ • DIN(NG AND „ • • .:•• •• BLES, RRFAKFAST•TA , • .cHAIRS ,Of all. kinds • and. styles; Cane end Common, Renibi . -11Inde ot:ibe. "I,•ery,best . .matortal tun] niantifazture, •: •• • • Sniethport, F01).25,1858 • • ALL :WANTING FARMS.IN A DELIGHT . ful olimafo, rich and secure. from frosts,' ScOadvertiiement of.Hammoritan Lands in an other column.- ,• • • . • . • , . Arrival.arid Departure of ' • • . -SSIF:TTIP6RT. POST OFFICE:; , . • atea.nLeaVeS..e.VeryMOTlOg at 8 o'clock; ar .-tives •everY evening. • . t'otarAport —Leaves.. Tuesday arid -Saturday mornings; arrives Monday and'Friday• eves. Shipreu,:--LeaVes Tuesday, Thursday aed Sat urday Mornings , arrives ktlonday,,Wednes . day and 'Friday. evenings. • • • • iii'dgfeqy—Leaves Monday,. Wednesday 'and Friday in.orUings ; arrival . Tuesday, Thurs,' day and Saturday evtMings...::.• Tfrarran,— . LeaVes Tuesday mornings and irrives -Thursday: evenings,' ' - • Itii:mtors; 31iinufatture'rs, l'4rinp's: . an . d.. 3iiihyriglo Tl,lje ..,c.i'..tictitific:.."..Apicricao,_. A . NEW VOLUME :=NEW: SERIES, To Commence on July 1569. ' Instead or.ad pages, thp Yearly.liolume r Etilarged titim.diffil contain EMIT! 411N011EF) •AND THIRTY, TWO PAGES of Valuable Reading Matter, •useful and instructive to all' elithaes. • .Tim*SOICNTIFIC . A3tERICAN is,publisbed 'weekly in guar to form, suitable for binding' and the numbers for a sin gle year contain informatinntin regard if, NEW INVEN- TlONS,mll,lmtnelies of MA NIT - PACTIIIIING . PllOO ESSES AG ItICUCTII P REAIENTS, ENGINEERING, IRON - MANUFACTIA&E, TAY; in fact, almost' every industrial psi it receives more or less'attention in its columns. . .• •• " All - Patent Claims. officially publislied every week,'as reported from the Patent Office; and for - •. • '• , • . •INvENTORS AND PATENTEES: ' HANES. ' -7 it contains information not to be obtained elsewhere; and which no mechanic, inventor, or patentee can well de without. . ' .A 9 n Fan ily'Journal itllne no superior for real praCtic dl utility, Ailleo in Re coluOme vlll•be found urieful"prac dicta Recipes.. • • CasofnP at tention• will ba4iven•from.tirno,- to reports of ilia Metal, Lambert, and otbormiarketer •. Every number trill contain ifixteenpriees and forty-eight columns of m fitter, frith auroral illustrations of patented machines and other ..ein,fraaing.s,.' comprisiag . in single . year about , 111UND.RED ORIGINAL ENGI,IAVIN.C.S. . . . . ' With the Enlarged Seriesla presented an opportunity to aubieribii not. Ilkoly.to Occur again for ifiany years; It will be like commencing a.new work—Vot,l, No: I, New . Terms Yenr —One Dolltii tor 'Six' Illontlia- Southern. Western, and Canadian, money or Post Office stamps taken at par !Pr subscription's.. Canadian itirliscri• hers will please to I.emit •twenty-six conte extra' on each, year's subscription to pro-pay postage, •A liberal discount to clubs: A imospectuCgiring full .particulars of the fnileceintintu for clubs; with specimen copies of the:papei) and a painphiet containing informs- Unit committing the'. procuring of Patents' mity.be. halt gratis by affilreUsing 111IINN & CO., .. • Publishers pf the Scientific American,. .• • • • • . 37 -Park How, New York: PERSONS WANTING CHANGE O 1 C1 . ..1-11-late ll - late for health. . See fulvertisuMent of: HuM . mouton Lano,.snmlier column'. . , VVE' are'nnt .in the habit- of telline "Fish 'et bat 'we have, got MACKFREL, COD and WHITE FlSHybesides.hosts of TEA at 19 cents. :-• • • .73. F. WRIGHT, Cir9ulattoly 100,000 MEE= Patented Sept.,9, 1856 TO BE ENLARGED! G- 0 0 ARE: . .::: . ..C.HEAP TAYLO'R'S REGULATOR: 2 . ityl6r has now in Storq el,e Largest .;Sidck of NEW, SUMMER GOODS . Ever brought into UNEQUALLED ATTRACTIONS.IPi . . . EXTENT. .VARIETY, 'ELEGANCE, and : : .•••••BRAU.TY •of timid. and 'col.,riag. $lll3 Of IJ3IIOIIII ARE HERE Now is the Time To Sele4 frOm the . .ta!gest:Sto4 anpr. Prtrehctse. GOodi whik PRICES ARE DOWN! The Oaods are Going;,ff .148 HOT CAKES on a FROSTY MORNING Adid those 140 tuiA .to ;izala CHOICE, SELECTIONS SHOULD. CALL 'EARLY FIRST fis InimC ise. Stock consists of p . :4,...Y;.:-...: . •.q.p..cp ]). ; Le E.ndless. PARASOL AND •UMBREII.LAS, :READYMADE CLOTHING; CLOTHS & VFSTINGS, .;111LIAAtERY 'GOODS, LADIES' DRESS' PRINTS, LAWNS, LADIES' CHALLI & LAWN ROBES, Flounced, at $1 'DEI3AIZE, at 10.ats -Pt fact a Complete .isscirtment of DRESS 6 - 600DS: 19,000 yds..VROWN SHEETING, 5000 BLEACHEt SHEETING'S. . • •GitOC'ElllES SUGARS, PLOUR, PORk, &c., &c HAINS 12i .. cts.'.TEA.§ at 31 to. 62. cic 1300T.5''..&. .SIJOE.S-;. . . . Lafgest stock' ever o ff ered in this section of country. Men's Kip Boots, a prlmo.article.— Women's Calf Boots; Menls .Brogari Shoes, Wetnenrs.Gaiters, tipped Wonrien's 'enameled Bootees..:'. , , Id addition io the , above.he'bas large quail STOVES. HAEDIVARE,': pnopic.Enr,..int.tros•: MEDICINES, NEER -NOVO NS,' ••HAIS AND ,CAPS;.,IRON of all, . , • , .• . ' • • • . • Hoop ire)), • ." ' Geri/lan and Casa Steel,. ' . . Wash' Tubs and Gr ain Measures; • . - Patent Pails, Wash Boards, Vinegar, Fluid, Camphene, 'fprpeniine, • AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, And a thousand other things too numerous to mention, whigh,will be sold WHOLESALE OR RETAIL CoUn . try merchanti -supplied af . as low priees as they can buy in New York or any o' the eastern cities, for cash or apprdved credit.. Sinethp'orti June,,1859. ; • • • ~.1. .THE SECRET INFIRMITIES OF. YOUTH AND MATURITY, Just Published, Gratis, 2511 Thousand A FEW' WORDS ON THE RATIONAL • TREATMENT, without Medicine, of Sper- Triatorsheri, or Loaal Weakness, Nocturnal Emis sions, Genital and Nervous Erebility, Premature. Dicay of the system, Impotency and Impedi menta to Marriage generally. • BY 13: DE LANEY, M. D. . . The innPortant. fact ihat the' many - .alarming .complaints, originating in the imprudence and solitude of youth; may be erten . ) , removed milt ouf.lVlEniotrts,- is in this - Small tract clearly de monerrited ; and the entirely new and highly' succesSful:treatment;hs adopted by the Author, fully explained, by Means of which, every: one is enabled to cure trintSko perfectly:and at the least' posiible.eost, thereby avoiding all the ad- Oertised riostrtims orate day.• Sent, to any.address, gratis and pest 'free in a sealed envelope by remitting (post paid) two postage stamps to Da. B. DE LANEY, 88 East slot Street ; New York City. • • • HARDWARE: •at : Manufacturers , Price*, ENLARGED.FACILITIES 1 - I . .at the Old' Stand,- ExcgLslOß° .BLO.CK; For yeepinrconsfantly on hand a . nnuch largei supply and assortment ~ of the hee'vy arti "-cies of Hardware.. keneralty..kept -by • • the•JObbing: Monaco, and having-- secured the AGENCY of • • . . . • • ', • many Manufacturers • • • : . including, 4 . . tie ••• • , celebrated `,- . . . FALL RIVER NAILS, WHEELER,. MADDEN. .8c• ',BAKEWELL'* Also, those of WELCH & GRIFEITHS and other rnokets,, • FAIBANK'S:ScAIIS, COOKING ST*WES, GLASS, o( all' Sizes ; Sorts and Descriptions. I PROPOSE TO. SELL'ILL .M . dnufactui-er'. Prices :A1.46 I philiose to.gell'af a' small Commission frOrns. my' LARGE and WELL SELECTED STUCK. • . 1 : •.. GINQHAMS; SHELF ana other HARDWARE In the selection: uf. Which I have, taken much pains, haying \gilien- my _personal att;eetio!) HOUSE TRIMMINGS, 'COTTON zi .- te.z...:%.7`.-2:-.0...9 COOKING:aRti PARt.OR:of e've:ry4iirable • CARPENTERS', MILLWRIGHTS G 1 the .nlost approved• Ma iitrf4cfu re, PECK AXES, SPADES, PITCH, pORICS, LEAD. PIPES; LAMPS fo'r.olL; CANIPIIENE,. FLUID; ant My motto is: The Largest Sales 'of the very BEST GOODS at the LOWEST Re munerative Prices Insures the Largest Profits to the Seller, fmnishes the Buyer with the Cheapest and Best Articles, and gives the best satisfaotion. - IL,IBERAL : DISC6UNTS *Rd, •13. F. . If 'people Will pay higher pricee for no better arficled at other places, it' shall be their own fault and not ': • In connection' with' the I. ant able to supply on short notire. MEET-IRON Having i t n my employ •Conripetent and akperi cnced w'orkinen; .whoso work has never failed to giire satisfaction.. • . C.. V.B. BARS: PROPRIETOR, No. 2 and 3 Excelsior Block Olean, r%rn, N° 2 & 3 oi,Art, , s A ws, RUBBER. awl LEATIIER. iIaTIN • • STEWART'S (nociielleil) . POPULAR THE ABOVE ARTICLES AT BLAckswfmrs , END MASONS' T '0 Q L S, MATTOCKS, RAKES, 110c0;tS; WHTEEL•BARROWS PUMPS, - kEII . O . §E TO 'DEALERS ALL KINDS•OF 4. COPPER WOR.IC, EMPIRE NO. 3 OLEAN; WILCOX & EATON EG g.,A.VE TO ANNOUp.TOE.. that their B have receiVed theiy first; . - SPRINGt.SUMMERICOODS: . . And are now,prepared,to welcome their friends and distomers and.offer.tll6ni ne3i'and dpsif; Country Merehandize IN ALL. ITS. VARIETY, FANCY AND STAPLE DRY -.00on,; BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS & CAPS, - ..CROCKERY; GLASS' - ,WARE And a choic . a•stock Family . Groceri,es, , . We will not weary' your pat . ience by enume rating; tot our stock is. very Full and Complete, and we doubt not yon Will find 'something' to please•you.both as . to quality ' and price.... Windy Advertisements will. do for some; but tbe . Truth • will Wear Better,. and we Only'ask an.'exeminationndare..confident Vve .can do you good.. •• • .• • ..1.". CO:ff.I.E...AIVP'7.SEK WILCOX. & :EATON. Olean,April 18, 1850. T •. •T . A E SI'LENDID LOT OE TEAS, ' q • 'WILCOX & ATOIO . S 1 • • . X.ROSENE• OIL, IV TAD.E. frop COAL, with.. LAIkli , ,S . to burn itiesameoit WIL:CON & EA't(*.!.; . •PAPER HANGINGS. • iv caoleF. ASSORTNENt at '. WILCOX B.4.EATOIVS, 91e . an, N. . PEI2SONS F.STAIITASI-1 Manufactories in new and . thriving , place where business is Sep ac.ivertisernent .of the Ilornmnnton.Settle.tnent.. PAINTS THE SIDE.. HILL 'VACATED B. F. WRIGHT ANNOUNCES I'9 TIIEPIIBLIC'TPAT'HO HA'S .13 . . F 0 VED •.. • WITH IPS LARat STOCK OF CIRO e.ERIE S, ‘1"C:, Where, fie offors !It'lqolesilleiir Retail SUGARS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS SHOVELS GREEN - BLACK & IMPERIAL-T-EAS DIFPERENT GRADES, ROISTEIri (IEOVNI),JAVA COFFEE sFR uz.,s 4 V 010101 S RICE, SOAP, . STAP.CII, ' CANDLES, RAISINS, NUTS, :PRUNES, TUBING BAItIN6 , ,I"OWDER!; CODFISH AND IdAMtIZEL, iou r , Pork, Buller, .~i(l1'(1~ ~~1:sb 3~ WOOD A NO:WILLOW WARTS, BOOTS. iiitd SHOES, • • To g ether with a Jarge assortment of rill kinds of Goods kept in 'a' Grocery Store; Which he nffers,to'sellfor Ready ,Pay at the lowest mar . . B. F. WRIGHT. Smetliport, .rune Ist, 1859. County DirOctory Pres't .G... .WellebOro Tioga . CAP° • 'Associate .7rtlges.n-jion.:J. Ddrlirig, Smethport, •• Hon. 5... Hi:dales,. Bradford... • Sheriff—Joseph'MorCe, Stincthport. ' - Pcothonotar . y = Satnne.) C. Hyde, Srnetliport. •• Register 'dud Recorder—C.. K. Sartnell, Stneih-• Treg.etrrer',(pro.tem.)-L , -Etios,ParSons,•Bradford.: 3. Keyes, Eldred, W. Colegrove,'•Norviieli; Nelson PeabOdy, lent=J. Auditors C: • Cgrwin, Srilethporty O, P Carter, Ceres.,. • •' District '4l6rncy.—Wa rten Cowlps,Smethriart • Caron'er.—Jathei,lon4l, Lnfaygtte: • • . IN CUUtiNS Japanne d Ware,' T Pipe-find Tip CO Holes at MASON'S.. • SUCH AS AT.LOW. PRICES; WHITE .F.:0. 7 .(TV';.;:..?.F.-.E]f)';''.'.' ....‘..:..0..i•:.i*A'i'4:::.'......:...',. . . . . . . . . . 11...MAT/lEli • would .infoith the pjgta 1. .thit .he has .pbrmenentl'y . esfablisheAlif this place , antr will keep etlnstaittlY large quantities ' • . Floui. Feed & Meat, FOr ~ salo by the load . p'r smaller quaptiOcii Also, . 'S . HO)I . TB „k!fri-.M.1DD101;i0pf,•‘:,..,.:4 P' . 0 - z.41 . .......TC .-'.•,:::,: brirrel or pOund, • ~ •.. ,• ..• .•• • f ,„;,,, 'FLOUR, _AND :ALll.':/ Cod Fjah, White rich, I\f . tsckina'ai Trout, Mackerel, alftlasseir, Syrup, rinegS The :Best TEA . in Town,` :: .: ; COFFE4 CANDLES, RICE, STAlllig TUBS,' PAILS, CANDIES AND 'NON'. And.eveiy"diisCtiptipn of `gami ly ixhia Will ho sold. at • :: BETTER.,:BARGAINSI!:; To perch : niers' than. can lie had at aay, othei establishment ju the country: EAVY : B Urk: ARA! And others irlay . restassured that they will bb supplied with *, ' . ".• SUPERIOR 'ARTICLES Za IL~rT .: c.sri lI:QTES,. . . , .Call itt the .(Old Cash Store,'!oae datir*lsii of the dist s Or IPuse building,, and get ; the worth of your taoney, • Srnediport, May 21, 1656 -FARM'L'ANDS FOR SALE 26 mmts froid Philadelphia by. Railroad in the:State . of N,eNt, Jersey: Soil among the; heat for AgriculturiX purposes, being a good ion; soil,, with 4 clay bottom, The land is '.a large tract, diviCja:in.!. to smell farina, and hundreds frorn all parts of tho country are now settling.and 'crops produced•are very large ari'd•can bcsien grOwing.' The climate is delightful, and secure from frosts. -Terme from $l5 to $2O per octe t payable wiibirrfour years' by instalments.. To' visit the'place.---LOave Vine Street. Wharf at , Philadelphia at 7-. 1 2,,,A.•11•1. by.Railroadlor Ham: monton, or. address. R. J. Byrnes,, by letter,. Hammonton Poet. °thee, Atlantic .County, New Jersey .. '-• 50.3 . full adrerthernent -in another' • rbluin, .BtOre'i OBPOSITEKXCEL&IOR BLOCK, OLEAN' subscribers (Ater 'to the eiti;etis or (mew and. vicinity, a large and well ealected stock of Ilatdriarei at prices that cannon fair 'to salt the purchaser.. . •••• , • . , RODS. .fidwrian sail na il Spike' NAILS:. . . . Cuf, Wrought,' Clinch 4SSORTkENT OF C . 511 PENT 141 ri d 5111.011 tea lit ,toOrlif ENDWISE VARIETY. &LSI', Glass, raints, Oils, Varnishes, ealßitlf.lolE,...4: 0 0 0.$ . . NAMELED CLOTH, • 'BROAD CLOTH, • lIAMX,Sg.§ •• ! '• • • • COWS ; . SPOKES,- FELLC9i • • . • 'SPRiXOS, • --AXLES; • • • • :• • . AkiD . A LARUi QUANTITY Of . bI o ;it'd tCu 066; 10'00N BUTINti to., Ltillqii:li-AD'BELTIge(r. •': ' • • IVU lOU W:1!: OFkER.A,T :*. 11I<1NIJ.P'P1 - “ClEsk*' MILL, CIRCLE, HANIYAND CROSS CUT SAWS,, From the celub • r.ated T y actoroi.Wlioel'er PITO AND 041{1.131, BLACKSISITiI , TOOLi .DRII.LS; §ortpw PLAT e t.;9'Arta ANTILIII'," , • • 12A1 , 7,1t:9 . , BCYTDES; MANDFAUTIDItERS - TIN, SII.ET` IRON .:AND':::vonitit... . STOVES :, OF,. LL PATTERNS; ' wren COOT{ .}{ - o respat fully sOlictt a sitar(' of tis a 011 Imforo purclinxing 'clOcwherek',*: • • • T. W. . TO THOSE : WHO °WEAL: - A. LL who nte . iotlebte,l - tO the pObscriliev work ake reotfested to pull!!inlonediatnly end sottlethekaccounts;as'they will thnsOve, themselves troobla and cost: - ' CHARLES CLEyEI:AND'4;` . . Ifechanicaburg; June 2,2, f 001 Con the :.mep ot.fthe. Irei'ed:i4i;,i l .o, .14. thee look into the old etend.'ef F,ople&Smity, 'tted you trill, ii nd We" Td::',lkfaso.yie - !hop #l!f,tott' , the' nio-eio. . ; .. '.' -.:::.*: '5 !. '' !.,:..- - ,.:,.;',..q:,.' . : ,. ,-..: ':., TO ALL AVANTING. FA RiVrS.‘....iTlR — A , voitißomhiti. of Iltoomontrin Lands .1). 13. MATHEW: