NEW AGRICULTURAL SETTLEMENT, TO ALL WANTING 'FARMS,. 'A RARE . OPPORTUNITY INT A DELIMIT • FUL AND HEAtTHY CLIMATE 25 MILES SOUTHEAST OF MLA DELPHIA, ON THP: CAMDEN • AND. ATLANTIC RAILROAD .NEW JERSEY. .An old ektate.,consisting of se4ral....thritisands :•of . acres of kerlitetiee soli his been divided into Farms ; of. various sizes' to, - ;ruit the,purebasers. . poptila tion- of . S 0,171! Fifteen t 11.nu4reel; from 'variJus parts of:Me states and .New' P..nglund haveS'etiled - Thereithe•past.'Year, im-. broveil their•phices,.. and rais'eel . excellent 'crops: The'prire of the land is at ihe-lovi;•surii of from tb-$2O per acre, the soil is of the best -quality for. the Prod uc t inn .. IVbeirt; Plover, COrn.,.Pearlirs; Grapes anti ir;grtable.r.. IT. IS CONSIDERED ,TEIE *BEST 'FRUIT-K/11, IN piliee is , perfertlyl.aecure -from •frbsts:---The 'destructive' eneiny of-the far_. -mer...• Crops et grain; grass 'arid fritit are - now 'growing, and chit be seen. By. examining the correct judgment -erin be harmed . of- the - pro.ductivenesS of:the - land.' . .Thelernes .are made easy to secure the rapid. improvement of the' land, - which' only sold Ttir'aelual proviment. . The result has been that within : the. past' year,.some"three'. - hundred houses:. hatie beerverected,ro mills, one stearr!,folir - stores;. borne ,fOtty vineyards. and Peach - --orchards I)ltinte.d, - Eindo large.nurnberof other - . itinProye-- meats;bbsin making a d esir able and- of: • , eas. , • • • . • • THE MAI iT, as the render may percrive from .its location, is THE BUSTIN THE UNION . . PrOdnce 'bringing double .theprieelhan . in locationkaway. from the City, and, more . than double the price at . the' . West. •It is known that the earliest'and best. fruits and': vegetables in - lhis•latitude come frorri New Jersey; . and 'are annually .exportedto:t,he • hi locating he'res, the.settler has.many adVitnz „taps.' .He is'in a few' hours' ride•of the great. cities of : New Etigland • and Middle States, :he is near liis old:friends and 'asiOciations, he, is in ei settled .'country_ inhere impro'veittent of camfori and' eiviliz,,tioit is at . .ltand, , ; • fie can. liti . y.eyery he..wants' at.: the cheapest. price, and sell his prnduce'fo'r the . highest, - (in this.,the Wesf is reversed,) he has schools •for his children,- rii;,i/i0 sonw e,. and will enjoy an, open winter,' and delightful_dimate," where f*.• Vera ar . e utterly unknown. .' The result of. the change upon, those, ft am the 'North, has getter-. ally : been to restore 'them to an, excellent State.. , . l'n'the Way of.building and improVing; !tim ber can be obtained at the mills at.the, rate of .$l.O to - $1,5 per . thousand. Bricks from . .the brick yard opened .. in• the place,. every article ran be procured in'. the place, good carpenters are at hand, and tbere is no place, in the Union Where buildings' and ..imProverpents can' be 'Made cheaper.. '•... : • .• The reader will at once be struck. with, the adv,antages here presented,* and ask himself why the' property has not been taken up before. .. The reason is; it' was never throWn in the market; 4,nd unless these statements were'cor . 7 rest, no one would be inVited to examine. the lard before purchasin . g.,'• This all arc.exPected• to do:....TheyWill see land under cultivatio . Such is the extent of the Settlement that'they Will no dmibt, meet 'persons, from 'their oWn neighborhood.; they. will: witness the .improtie- Ments . and.canjudgethe 'character of the Pop- Illation.' I( 'they with ,a , view. to ; settle they - should come piepared . to'siay . a day or, two and be ready. to purchase, as locations.can not he held . on .refusal. ,• • . There:are t‘%o 'daily Philadelphia, and to all settlers, who IrllprOVE, THE RAILRAOD COMPANY GIVES A FREE TICKET.' FOR Stx.monTua, AND HALF-PRICE TICKET FOR TREES YEARS. THE. TOWN OP HAMMONTOI. . . . . .. - ~ .in connection :with•the :agricultu'ra l l settle ment,'.a,new and thriving town has .naturally . arisen, which pierents tneitteements for any kin4' of business, particularly . stores and , manufacto ries.: The Shoe lts , ness.cduld, be carried 'oh in till/ Mace and market to•good..ndvantage; also cotton businesa, and,manufictoriea of ogricunit ra implements . or E:T u na' e ries torcasting sMall ar- . ticle.i. The improvement. Has been se :rapid is • to insure a c . onstatit•and pertrianent increase of business.; Town lots of.a good size, we do not sell,' small , ones asit would effect the •improVe,: - ment . of the place, can he had at fram $lOO and upwarda. ' . • . . ~ • ',l"ht".ll,rinniOntili/Pqrniei . , a monthly literary snit Ogrirtilt'imil•. , l), containing. lull intorina tion of -Hammonton, can he obtainer) at 23 . cents • Title . indi'siiiitable—warrantee - deeds giyert, clear of allincinnbrairce. Whiin•ipoitrie is .paid. Route to the talidi • lealte Nrini • street .eitherl; Philadelphia, rid'.Hitroinonton by' Railroad; at' . 74 A.M....' or ill, e ..M: - Yare 00 . cents• • When :lbere inquire•tor. Mr. Byrnes, Boarding l)con veniences on :hand.. P'arties. ad better .. stop with Mr'. Byrnes, a printipal,' iretil .. they.. bite decided as , to pnrchasinu, as h . , will show them overthe:land in his 'carrtage.,•-••exprinse. Letters...and applications can be addresseVto Lanclia . 4 Byrnes, flanimon . ton . P.9..,'Atleritie Co. NeW J'er'sey, or'S.S. Coughlin; 202 ..Sotit h . Fifth Street, Philadelphia.: Maps:arid infornia tiou. cheerfully furnished. . 2 . ..•'.'• .'. . .... A 130fitind 94c1a to .t aigap at COURT PROCLAMATION HEREAS the Dort. Robert .13. White, V V lire . sident Judge, atuLthe Ilons. J. - . Dar • ling and'S. HOlmes; ,Associate'JudgeS• Of:the Courts of Oyer Sc... Terminer and General' Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions Of the .Peece, Or pheus' Court and Cotirt of Common.'Pleas-for the County.of M'Keen have. issued' their precept,. bearing date Saturday; the. secOnd'day of July, in 'the' year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, and to me directed, for holding a Court of Dyer and Terrniner and Gen eral Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions , of • the Peace, prphans' Court; and Court of Common Pleas, in the Dorough of: Sinethport, on: Mon day; the'twenty-iikth day; of September,, next, continue one week. . , Notice 'is therelore hereby given to the Coro ners, JtYstiees - of, the Peace :and Constables within•the county, that they•be, then and. there in'their proper persons, at 'lO o'clock A., M.. of . said day,'with. their rolls, records, inquiSitions, 'examinatimia, and , other:remembrances, to do those thing's:which their offiees,appertain to-be done.' - And those who -are bourid by ,their rec.. ognizancee to, prosecnte•the prisoners' t hat are or :•inthe - jail.of said county', of M'Kean, are to, be then and- there to, prosecute against thim as will• be jest. . • • • • • Dated .at 'S,rnethport, July seventh, 1850, and the-8 tth ye r: :Of the independenee 'of the Vnited States of America. •• • . . JOSEPH. MORSE, Sheriff. TLIE tent Gretna and liugrouutraellhem, ehrap, at the Astor Houk° Store.. mum. ~. ,f;.:-. .• OLD:IROWu AND, iPAPER-RAGS i,l l A o K r E co n a N , .i coim ti c e . xa t . a 7 gb.fqr ware at my attie E. S.'II.IASON. ' :PERSONS, WISHING TO' CHANGE .their . . . . bosiness rapidly inerensit , Country ) 'n New Settliment where hoard's • are geing:—:. W het e the,elimatelsinild ani.l delightful. See ath , eitiiennent of flre Heunmonton Settlemeist . J ..3V^ . -:TEIE,OLDEST; WIDEST CIREULA TED; and mpst COMPLETE, CORRECT anc RELIABLE Bank.Note:Reporteiln existence VITOIPS6N'S ..:'- BANK :NOT) . : AND, cOtIEROAI REPORTEIL Cliculatfon, 100,000 EDITED . BY JOHN THOMPSON QpptOioni,corrected. - by , Tito:m.s . l3N .thioutEns' Wall Street Published' by Cii.~s. .. BcovneLi.; 117 F'tacl'd St • 'mama U 'ill. ADVANCE; • •'• • • To mail Subscribers I •.• • . Weekly,— ..$2 . 1. I Monthly...-:750; To Poßtinasters or othalf, who form .Olubs on for.. lewd ne. the inciney fu advance, we • will send the Repor ier..Coin gitart Ilfanuel, and Descriptive List, EW .4$ copies of the Weekly, one Year.. .... ... $8 00 • .• •5 copies of rte, Semi-m0nth1y............,.00 copies of the „Monthly 6 08 • We . Will -forward gretuiteusly to any .person. sending.a,club' of-820 at the above rates; at any, one time; our coot 'Teit Scale. Address,. • • THOMPSON BROTHERS; Banker, • • Wall St. 'N.:r..;Proprietore. THE HAMMONTON FARMER—A nevis paperdevoted- to. Literature and 'Agriculture; also'setting tOrth full accounts "of the iriew set-. tlerrient of Haminoriton, its Newlersey,.can be subscribed•for at only 25 cents per annum. . • Inclose postage stamps for the amount. Ad-. dress to Editor Olthe.Farrisec, Haminontoh, 10,dalaritic Co.; . New Jersey. Thoie wishing cheaplando:dthe best 411a14; in one of the healthiest and mo'st delightful climites• in, the .Union, and where crops are neVer cut down:by frosts,-the'•te'rrible, scourge of tkie • north, see advertisement of Hammonton Lands...* - . ar„Lawl.t.v2. Patented Sept, 9, 1866. BIV RILEY' SOIITII THE WASHBOARD, AND BEATER are the two first and most natural implements ever used,in WaShing'Cluthes,• NOtwithstanil mg it has . been ,study.Of inventors- to do thetti - away, and-for that purpose-Several hun dred patents have been issued; yet it has been of, 'no effect. .. They. have failed in'their at tempt'. • Their' machines halie been condemned. and thrown. 'away, and the Wash Beard .and -Beater again used in their' stead , .. • This' . machine . corribines:them together; at tached to a progressive lever in such a- manner as 'gives . ' great power to., the -Beater, .While either may be' used'aS the operator may:desire.- The:motion 'Of:the .Beater l° ouickand easy, the pressure gentle and' powerful, which gives it the advantage oyer.all. Other machines,' and is so•deeided by'corripetent judges. .., Manufactured and sold at Mechaaicsbu'rg, by A. WOLTERS. ' MechinicsburgyMarcir.l.S, 1858. Cabinpt 'Shop in•Mechanicsbure: A. WOLTERS respectfully announces to. 'AL.. the public that, notwithstanding these harcl•times, he is manufacturing and keeps con• stantly'on band all kinds of. turnithre, such -as • . 0 Fat S • - • . OTTOMANS, CARD, CENTER, DINING. AND • ' 13'12tAli.T.A$T 'TABLES, CHAIRS 'of all kinds ,and Cane and .Common, Rea4y-Made Coffins; &c., of the yery,best material and Manufacture. '• Smeliwort, Feb. 2, 5 2 ,1858 • , •-,1.-tf.. • ALL . WANTING FAluis IN A DELIGHT fuI Ornate, rich soil, and secure frbm frosts.— See advertisementoi Hammonton Lands in an other column.:• . . Airivat and•Depattnre,•of Mails. .• • .METIIPORT POST OPFICfi. bitali—Le4s every 'Morhitig at.S'o'Clock ; ar_- riyes • • .". C Pr,s , no rt Yee Tnesday and Saturday mornings;'arrive's. Monday and Friday ,evie. Shipkw--4,eaYWS Tueiday, Thursday, aril' sat- Urda mornings',; . arrive s s Monday, Wednes 7 , day and Friday' evr:n lugs, • ••. • - ./ZidgwayLeavfs MondaY; :Wednesday and Frhiay, mornings; rrives• .Tuesd4y; Thars: '.day and_Satorday,eyenim'r,l; itrareeti— lir;.a,i , e's'l'nesday :mornings and Flrives Ilarsday, eVenings. . . • • S..sAIawELL., P. M. :• PERSONS WANTING CHANGE 'mat6 - for health .' §ee advertisement of Ham monton.,l4tatls, another column.. • StOtte .Coal..': iIE SI.TBSCRIBEII keeps on . .hand for." sale T Stone coal; of the'best. quality; at the Grist in Mechanicsburg. .Grain of, all kit* Wien in exehange: • • . . . ' ; • _.GHORDIS CORWIN. W E are not in the habit of telling "Fish st..ries, but v%;e•havegot •AIACKEIiEL, COD and . WHiTE.FqSH, besides hosts of TEA at 40' cents. D. WRIGHT.. .PEHSONS , WISHING • TO ESTABLIS . H . Manufactories in a new and. thriving Oace vViiere-business is,good..:,See advertisement of the•Hammonton Settle ment, • • ' E. .G. & F. EATON, • , GENERAL DEALER IN . ' • FINE . GOLD AND sirstß, ^ . W A:1 1 -C I-I •E S , cc, • - -,.:, .. , --,_ . r -- --r (01 1 ,(0 - 11CAlk - =f - _,: Li , y : ... .._:. i); •‘ 64 21 4f;-=_ : 9" • -4 . - .2g1L L 4' 1 1 1..E. - __J - t -1 ' l ;+ 7 * . -..... . FANCY. DODDS, CLOCKS AND' MUSICAL . INSTRUMENTS, OLEAN, N. Y. • • • li-I"Repairing of Watches and Clocks done in good atyle and warranted. , MILK PANS, all new and shinyyon can .sce an' honest man's lace hi'them as 'soon as•yen fey over the dory at ' • .' • MASON'S. GOODS ARE CHEAP. TAYLOR'S: REGULATOR. .in Stone the. Largiit Stock of NEW. SUMMER GOODS ittto'difs . :ountY,..Presentbie UNEQUALLED AT,TRACTION4 YN . . EXTENT,. V....44111E7Y, ELEGANCE,. and • BEAUTY Of. design. and ;cawing.— 111J11114111 ARE. }ERE Now is the Tithe To - from the Litigett Stock atii Pitrthitse Goods While PRICES ARE • DOWN! dooels..are'deing 01' lixe Ho3.,Pt,K,E .O,,,FROSTY,„M.O.HNING All 4 .(4osa 'oho visit to tnaKo OHOIcg..,,SaiETI(IIO. .Sl-lOtt]) CALL EARLY. 'FIRSTOOME, l'lßSTshnvtD • His Intmeisi . Stock consists • , " ' , • ' • . • D.ll, S :It i- - Ettatess Variety. , • PARASOLS . AND VMARELL.46, READ4Xii„III6;:O4OTH:iNGi. CLOTHS VESTINOSi' MILLINERY GOODS, LADIES' DRESS PRINTS, LAWNS, LADIES' CHALLI ic LAWN ROBES, Flounced, at 'Si: DtBAIES, et llNets In fact a Cvnpttte Ass r tittfint . ar IJ,BRSS : OropopB. 10,000 3;de. BRO WN SHEETINGS, 5000 BLEACHED SkiEtTILIiGS. G R - 0.1.0 AV 11..1.1 E S. SUGARS, FLOU7t, &c. 2 &c. PORK, HANS at 12 as.TEAS " 31.1 . 0'.6/i: ac. 13.007 1 ,5:::k .. .5H0,F5; . • Largest stock ever offered in this' Section of ColintiT, • Men'a Kip . Boots, a prirne,article.— Women's Calf Boots, Men'a Brogan' Shbes, Women ) a Gaiters, tlyped„ . Women's; . In addition to the above he has ilatge S 1.-: : 0..V.•E _S`' HARDIVARE,.. • CA.locKen.y, DRUGS. 4 , MEDICINES; YANKEE NOTIONS, 2 S AND • CAPSi..IRC.Y . Of all •'. .• kind3 , —Nail Rod and hoop Iron, • Utiiiicig and Crist;;S'ieek .. . • Wash Tubs 04,Graia Measares; •• Pateni Pails, Wash Boards, Vinegar, FJOid, Campliede; Turpentine, ‘. • - AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, And a . thotisand other things tot) 11 . tnterolts tti mention, sihlch • WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, 07" Country Merchants supplied at, as low. prices as they cnn buy in New York or any of - the eastern cities, for cash,or approved ' credit. ' Smethport, June, 1859. THE SECRET INFIRMITIES OF YOUTH"ANT' MA TURITY I . And Publisheti,•Gratls, iiAth Thoystind A • FEW WORDS ON • THE RATIONAL 11 TREATMENT, without Medicine, of Sper matorihea; or Local Wealcneas, Nocturnal Etnia. sions, Genital and Net:sons Debility, Premature Decay of the system, Impetench and inpedt ments to Marriage generalty. • . BY B: DE LANEY, M. D. The, important fact that , the many alarming crimplaints,originating in the imprudetide :and solitiule•of youth; may be, easily removed wipt • OUT MEMOOE, is in this artisan t rdct deafly de monstrated; and the'entirely new aftd highly . successful treatthent, as adopted by the Author, fully-explained, by Means of which' every one is enabled to Cure iristests. perfectly and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding All the ad vertised nostrums of the day. • • • Sent to any address, gratis' and , peat free in a sealed envelope by. remitting (post paid) tWo postage atanips to,Da. B. DE LANEY, 68 East 31st Street, New York City... HARDWARE! vit Mapauracticrere Prices, HA-,v t i t r h iG od rivß d crti MY FA6L ,IiTIES .ExcrLsiok.:BiocK, For-keeping-constantly om hand a: much larger supply and assortineiat, bf the heavy arti . cles of Hardware .generally"kept by . 'Houses, rind having secUred the AGENCY of .•. •• •. . • . many Mantifeaturerir .• . - • , including 'the • celebiated • 2 FALL RIVER NAILS, WHEELER, mAiItTN.& BAKEWELL'S Also thole bf WELCH.Oc Cali"FiTlo3 and FAIRBANK'S' SCALL, COOKING STOVES, GLASS, of all sizes, Sorts and Descriptions. 1 PROPOSE TO SELL ALL ManuPacturers 3 Prices Also I propose to sell ht a 'small Commission :from my , LARGE and WELL 'SELECTED STOCK of G:INGHAAS, SHELF and other HARDWARE . . . thnselectinn of which 1 have taken much' pains, hiving given' permal attention 'thereto; • ' • • •' liottsr. TRIMmINcis) COTTON. YARN' 8::70:'::0: . : - .7:1M- - -01:: COOKING and. PARLOR of every desirable CARPENTERS', MILLWRIGHTS' Of the(ist.a . pproved ManutacttirOi PECE:.AXES, SPADES, PITCH FORKS, BUCKETS, TUBS, WHEEt-BATtROWs LEAD Plpts, • LAMPS fcir OIL S CAMPOEINt,. - FLUID;. and My motto is: The Largest tales of the very . BEST GOODS at the LOWEST Re muneratiVe ?tided Listing the Largest ' Profits to the Seller, fuinishes the Buyer with the Cheapest and Best Articles, and gives the best satisfaction. • LIBERAL DISCOUNTS WILL' BF, MADE . If Petiple will pay higher firiEea fltr nd Getter artiejes at other.placea, it shall be their own fault and hot mine.. • In connection 'with the above, t anti able to supply do short,lotkce I SHEET-IRON COPPER WORK Having in my emrfoy t i tattetent and experi enced viorkmed; who'se' work taus hover failed to give eatisfaition. • .C..y..;.' . ..'11'A.11,5E, • PROPRIETOR, , No.-2 and a Excelsior Block 61ean, 'May 2 . 51 1439. N° 21& 3 OLEAN, S WS, RUBBER and.. LEOINR BELTING, (nneiceN) . POPULAR THE -AI3OVE ARTICLES AT Pattern BLACRIAII*I3! Atifl ketioNs. TO 0.14 MATTOCKS, RAKP.S, r PUMPS, ItEttOsENE': tO DEALEIIS ALL KINDS Off' ::,..!Ne . „*.144":0,400i0.0. - . .LOW- - : ::... : :'f°1 . .Rie*. : .:.401:", ':.:,!.J.....F..-:.B.:WHITit:::'.. HAS At HIS STORE, ONE DOOR EAST OE THE AS'I'OR HOUSE; A. LARGE AND,, COMPLETE :G:-.R.0-....C. , EAR,T.E.g., p.ixt).-iy...T§:to'N. : B 4 Which he intends to sell at pricei which wil Defy ,Competit ion. 111 AVE ADOPTED•tIit... • • READY-PAY , : SYSTEM And can assure the public there is , dile to . buy.goade . where therd is •• • • Wheo yc. v can send you o rders and your Cad ..'''and. get your Goods as, cheap as' • thdligh you cidie yoUraelf: . -§0qA.42; . . From, 0 . 1 : 7 1. to :lA . cts! GOOD BiOLA.sats, ao Oti STUART'S SYRUP, • • . . GREEN AND . 44Ck. TEA, SPICES of alf §ALERATO tt cts., A, more chests of that 44 ct. TEA-, I'OBAO of all kind%RAISINS; ' • , , Aint in fact everything, usuidly kept in O GrOcery Store. • . FLOUR, . PORK & SALT W YS. 0 N HA N D NEW .LIVERY.- . STABLE IN TOWN; • rr SU SCltillElt a.nnouncds tb.the.. lic that he•has established a,Livery.Stable in the Borough of •Smtithport. .It is located on Main Street, a few rids below Machanid. Street, and embracpa a well selected '.Stock: Single .and double horses and. carriages, furnished • at all times, at IoW ratesiwith or-without driver's: The proprietor keeps•none..but'sound and gen tle horses, which are perfectly reliable and free trom'fablt or tricki•• : • • . • . With an e*tensiVe efrO9rienc6 id the bttsi gess; and a determination to please: his tusto' mere, the projitietoi.iiiiipits the . isitrpnage tAtNTS Smethport, APril 28; . 28,19. THE SIDE HILL VACATED B. F. WRIGHT ANNOUNCES TO THE ITBLIC THAT HE HAS REMOVED THE AsToR:DOUSE STOkE, WITH .HIS, LARGE STOCK OF GROCERIES, 10c., • ,Wliere hC offers .at Wlableaala or Retail SUGARS OP itscrnyriopi . LOW . PRICES, ' Bni3VELs GREEN; ; BLACK:&'..IMPEOIAI7:.TEAS OF DIFFERENT GRADES; .11DASTED;;...GROUND; JAVA AND • DIO:',COREk "PAILS, SI•RUPS . IO. .71,10.L.ISSJPS; , - -.II7ANDIES;, getatiis i istrlts, NUTS, pititNa TUBING, BAKING POWDERS, CODFISH AND MACKEREL, l'lonr, Pot liana, Buller, .Laric •Eggs, iiitlOD AND WILLOW WARE, BOOTS and SIIOEB, Tokether with a large assortment of , all kitidi of Goods kept in a Grocery - Store, which he offers to sell for Ready Pay et the lowest mar ket price. • ' F: WRI(HT Smethport,..tune Ist; • ' County "Directory. , Pres't White, Wellsboro Tioga. Co. Pa. Aisociate Judgei T. - Darlin6 Sri - 10140a, . Hon. S. Hohnes,:Bredford.. '• • -- Sherif—Joseph Morse,- Snietbport.. Protholfotary—Saintiel:o: Hyde; Smeaptitt. Register anti - Ricodor—C. K. Stneth.i port. .TreOsureri (pro tem.)--4..lnds Parsons, BradfoO.: Cominissionoro—Daniol J. Keyea; . ; Eidreci;.*: ".* J... Coledrpvi, Norwich; . Peabody, Ceres. Commiaionereec'r:f—J. R. Chaftick Smeth; Autlitors:—El.. C. Corwin, ..,inotiglort,- , V. P . . • Carter, Ceres. . - • District Atigincij.—Warian . CoWles;Salethtort Coroner.—James. Bond; Lifai , e4e. • lIN CHURNS and .Tapinn'ed Ware, Stove Pip an! .Tin Cat Holes at .MASON'S. 'STOCK OF • AND NO JOCKEYING) CAMPHENE, 3.•HANES WHITE FISHi °UR ' VEEP' HINSDALE MILLS,' - , FL , ,+, A2 4, T ri . - ,i - ELLN.J4 ~.•, .„. ir.,,i.;:,,• it. D:. MATHER wOhhi..irifcirrithipublifi thtit he hits. ii,crmapently estabilsheCti this place,'keep csiistaptl4,on large quatitities'of r • , • • •'• *Flour - Pc6d!'"&itile4, . , "ale by the load, or. erpalier '.i ' lT, 4 . 6110141 Ari.:o-,:mipplOOtierf!l:7' By thebarrel or 'pound, • • • ,'•• •• •.;•'...• .•-•;:_:_. : .:,„._,:.-,,:.,, .FLOUR .: . .Nl)....SALT''':'‘ .P ts2.l White Fish, Ittakiniw T!out, Mackerel, , ' ! Tie tOso.' ~s.oikiii;::Oitegapii . 1 . ..:i l lie - :.11e#: TEA : is.. iYouin,.:: . L .. COPPEEi...gANDLEt,fiICEI..:STAiIe.O TUBS,'. PAILS ;' ...,,tiltoB :4:N)i,:,l4Eii:ki. Anil avert': description •• of Yti •prtiaetjqs, which will be sold.. at . . ••••• .• FLUID LETTER, 13A11,GAINg , . To purChasere thnn nab be fizta' at any °did establishment hi the country, IlEitt 7 Y BUYERS, And ethers may rest assured that ,they *ill IA supplied with• • SUPT ntoit '_MtTicLh4 1,0 Wks:2' , :• casli ' k..5ic4;44 • , , , , 'doll ni the 1;0111(1cah'$tore," one 4por,WesA of the Astor ifouse-builtling, aril got, the r i.vortlf of yeur looney.. . • • - • ,', '. D. H. MATHER. met l hport, May 2.1,1839. , , FARM LANDS FOR SALE.S MlLES'fieed Philadelphia:by Railroad the fitate,,Of New „Tdreey. Sell.enteng the'best :for . :Agiictillutiel •ptirpeses,,lieing a god Iciani Sell; bottorit. thie Nod i's a laige trect,Aiildtid•riit to,sniall 'and - hqn(lreds•from all pates of tbe.countiy . are now: settling and bUildieg 'Th.& crops iireduced are .ireri larde and can be seed grdwing,.. The cliinate . is delightful, and,eecurd ; from frosts.. Terme trtim f'l.s td payable Within 'four . Yeare by instiltilentP t , To visit the place.:--LeaVe YineSiree . t Wharf' .at Philadelphia. 0t,14 A. M. by , Tiallroad for Nam; rrioitteri, or addreita Ityrneg, by ,letter, lititronontori Post Office, Atlantic COorityiNew- Jersey; Sei full ativerstiseineht in' . anothef I-larclwa,i..e Store, OPPpSITR E,Tc.?,LSIOR Ezdcir,..otkAif. subscribers otter to ilia . citi4ens of theitft and " vicinity; ,' e large rind well'aelected stdett or Hardware, at prices that eannoirfail to s - eit'the purChaset. • • . . IRON American, English, RODS : . Norwegian, i,I and Spike NAILS. Cult Wrought, Clinch and Timed;; A FULL: ASSORTMENT ;OF CdIII'ENTER 'qnd:3IIII4.WRIGICT . TOOIA; •Besides, • e :I T T :. A'. -R. .D'.::' . 8V - A. ..I.:'_..V• Sash, Glass, Paints, Oils, Varnishe CaRRIMIGE 'GOODS, ENAMEI.,D CL tit, . 111109 D CLOTH) . IMMASKS, 'BOWS; SPORES, FLLLSj SPRINGS, AND A LARGE lILTANTITY Table and -Pocket 'CutlerY; AGENTS Eon ' • ,; OSTON BELTING Co, LEHRER AND BELTINth • • •IyuTcir. WE OFFER AF .'• MANUFACTURERS MILL, cutcpE t . HAND AND bßosi,.mq IA j • From the colebretedFactory of Wherieriret4lerf . , • PTTOII.ANIJ ()ARUM,- BI4OE/SMITH: TOOLG DRILLS; VICES,. SCREW ELATES ea& ANYIDS ? , :: - .- - ;-• FARMING UTENSILS; • -t RAKES; : :SCYTHES ' ." BLINUFACTUREIIS or.. Tiff! SKEET _STOVES oV,Ai4.;- , PATtERN§,. WITH IMOR•AND:PAILLGII, " -•• ! • . We re;ilieetfullt - eollett e;:nhei , i+-;of •-your 'Give ifs a call before. perelicuiiog .eltiewbere. tifay TO . THOSE' WItO OWE:ME— LL . .116.'..4 . re ind"elifed to"the.itibseillier rof work requested immediately And ,se(tle.theiorteounts, as they will thus save theriteselves trouble, and cost. <_ , .; • • CHARLES l(fectitifiiUsburi, • ~` Look on ihe "rpap:of the dnititl,l, 00'34'00 then look into the old stand of kthitittt null you will . 11'nd Ed': Masonierni:'BheitAkiii't, TO ALL WANTING :.FART ..t.A/4s-.4 v...rtisenterit orjlOn;ncrAi.or!..lin MUM ~~,,j'a By tha bari . etor sack; AT TIII