, • .NEWAGitiCUIITURAL•SET4EIVIEDI.T. • TO.ALL .WANTING FARMS • A: RARE ,OPPORTUNITY IN. A DELIGHT= • FUL; AND lIKAL'IIIy-cumATE..l5•••••' • . •.• • DE.LPII IA ,ON .T1:0 1 .(' A M DEN': • • • . ANDATLA N'Ffe RA ILIZOAD • NEW W4l. NISEI::, : • • s • An'ohl esfate•consistint; 'of seseral thOutantls bf acres' f . productive sod hes - Tarms'of various sizes to suit purchasers. A, population of some lifte . cit. 'hundred,: fralri .varbius..Parts-of the. middle 'States . and New .'England. hare settlotl'ilterellie . ,past 'yeer; . proved their•pluces,, 'and - raj ei•ops: . The price of, theland is•at the IoW stun of frorii • sls.io .VO. per acre,' the,soil,' iSI of.the . .hest • quality for . ' produe tiOn..of„ , Ifrheati : Clover, ' Corn, , Peaeltes; Gioupes. and; ONSIDERF.I) . THE . 111.:S1.' .FRUIT SO,H, IN, :The pilice•is . Perfectly. secure . . from. frOStst hejlestructi eneiny of ihe 'far-. 'Crops of grain,-gras•and growing 'and can be : seen., examhiing.. floe place itself, a cerrect judginentcan be formed of the . productiveness - of tliebantl. - • The terms ofmade easy to siteure the rapid linprOveinAnt of the land; Which. is' Mity , soltl.,-foi• actual irocitnekt: - The result 'has been that' ,withiit the past, year, _some "ihr . tm hien died houses hav6 Been erected', two . mills, ope'stearri;..four•btores, .sorne - forty Nineyards• and 'Peach :..oteliards planted; and a; large number . of tither improve- mentsymaking it .a ddsirable.awl: ~place of business', • . -• .THE MARKET, as Oe - rea . 4er May-riSrcei . v . o from its JoCa . tibti, i§ THE BEST - IN THE UNION . . . PrOduce 'bringing double. the" price than iii focations'ilwayfrotp the. c.ity,.ar.d 'noiire . :thatt dOuble'the price . at the West. :It is known that the:earliest_ and best fruits .a.nti' veg'etables • in this latitude come froth ,New :l,ersey,. 'and'• . a're annually.ixported.to the extent 0,f.. Millions. , r .... : In locating here, the settler hlsmany'advan- tages.: He few . .hotirs 3 :ritle of the great cities . of.New England' . and Middle States, . he nearhis old friends end associations, he i'istasd."eatintry :where every. r)nprOilement of '• comfort and 'civiliz a tion is at hand. FLe can buyeyer'Y article, .he'wants at.. the Cheapest price, and sell his prodttee,tor theyhighest, (in the West this * is reversed;) he lies schools for. hiSehildren; divine ser4..tre;, and will 'enjOy an Open winter, and delightful climate,. Where . fe- . 'vets are utterly u^' . • The result , of the ; ` change,upon . thcisf he "North; has gene • ally been to -restoi to an, etcellent state of health: In the. way of bl and.irnproving, bercan be'obtai.net ne mills,-at the rate of $lO to per thousand.; I>richs from the brick yard opened in the.plaCe, every article can be procured in. the place,- goad carpenters are-at band; and there is:no. place iii . the:Unioti -.where' buildings . and- improvements can be' made Cheaper.. . 'The reader:will at once be strack.With the . adYantagei here presented;-.and. ask himelf why.the property . has'not been taken up before. The reason is; it Was. .never thrown' the Market; "and.unless theSe'staternents were cor; rect,'-no ona would - -be invited to examine'. the 'Lind before purchasing'. • This all. are expected to . do.' they will see 'land under •ctilti;ation, such . tbe extent . of the. settlement- that they will, no doubt, meet persons frOin - .their 'own neighborhood; . theY.Will Witheis . the iMprove ments.and can judge the character of- the pop. ulation.- . If-they conic with a view to sel,Cle "they -should come prepared to stay 0' 44..0r -two and -be:ready to 'purchase, as locations:can lint 'be held on cefusal. , . 'There are `daily trains to Philadelphia, awl to all settlers iN;ho•iinprove,' run Oir.!tnori * COMPANY gives'A yeer: pc,RE.r' FOR six moyTits; A'No iA unr.F.'-rylOR TICRYT 1 - 64/11RE.F; veAes•' THE TOWN OF H41.11:11.0.117:TON. • • In connection. with the . agricultufal settle -•mentotnew,and...thricing town has., naturally arisen, which :preirtt.s. tizellicements ,fof any kiird pf.busincss, particular/1 / stores and 'Wan the' Shde Lai nem, could carried ..DO in . this place•and.; market:to good' edyentage,•also cotton buSiness, andrinanufactories.of imPleininis or Eitimicile4 for cirstiag small qr. ticli4Y7'fbe improVeMent has been.se. 'rapid as, to•hisuie a'constant and permanent increase of business: Town lots of siie,wn do -- not seiltimall ones as rt would effect the' rnprove meat of.the place, can be had itt• from $lOO and upwards. • . ~ The ../fainmoition Firmer, a monthly literary :and 'agriculturpl•sheet, 'emitainiog rull itiforma tion of Hammonton, can he obtained at 25 cents per annum. • • • . •. , . Title. - indisputable-Hwarrantee"deeds •given, clear•of all ineumbranee . when Money is paid. Route to the land: Teave,Vine .street •Wharl," .14aladelphia; for Hainniontim byjiailioad;.,at or 41. P. M.• Fare 90 cents. When. there inquire.for - Igr...Byrnes... Boarding con veniences' oti liail. , .Parties had 'better stop with Mr; Byrnes, a ,priocipal, until; they have. decided as to purchasing, as lie will. show them over the land in hiS carriage, free."of expense. Letters end nppii • cations eon b'e addressed to 'Landis Sc Byrnes,llammonfon P. o.,•Athntie Co; New Jersey, or S. 13.eimghliti;202 .tiOuth' Fifth Stkeet,'Pllilqulphin. illnps andinforma. lion cheerfully • • •• Invlitofi,. )landaclurer6 Tit]ineri. nil . 31iIIIIriolit's .q. i) e , , 1- 41Cifliititie ' 7Aiiieric.ati.• TO 11E A NEW' VOLUME .- NEW SERIES, To- Conimen!2Q ; on Jily. 2il I*fio • . , . . , Instead Of 410 pagna, tho l'ortrk Itolirnio, Enlarged So• rice, will contain IlltillT it ONDIt Ell AND TII NUN% • TWO , PAD ES of Vifitiatild. Redding :flavor, useful and instructive Yo all classes. . T@ :.SCIENTIFIC AmrnteVN is torblirloollveeltly ijt ferny-, to fort.., itiltable for heeling and the tut whet., for a. xi 0- gle 'year , contatiaL. int'orrnation in rt;gant•to' NEW INV EN-, TIONS; all branches orNIAKEFACTI7IIINiI PROCESSES AGRICULTURAL I lII,EM ENTS.. ENG INF:EWING, ritmcwitill 'lrmo IRON .3 L ANUE,\ ErERE, I, , , Nus'.. .TRY;• fant,,nlinost every i.tillustrial.puriolit received more or ltnnts attention in ik.eoloinns: . . • . . . All:Patent I:3latioq- ollieially poldished ,every - wee k, om reported (ruin the Patent Oilier; ,an.l for :'• • ' .. : Iiwi'VENII . !ORS .1 ND rAI'ENTEEs' .. it, contains information not to he ohtainedek6where,llind' which •no mechanic, .iuy 0 nil, r, 'o r. patentee eau well do without. , . . . . '.As a Fan.ily - Jeutivil it has tuisuperior for ,real practi c -. atittilitv, since in its 'Columns will: be r!,lll.ld;llSettli Prat:: tical Recipes. ' '.• • ..oareful 'attentinn Will be given from lilue to 'reports of thelfletiol. Lumber, And other nuirliets• •,. • Vivery number will emititinsivieen pages and fOrty-eight columns of molter, 'with seVeral illustratinns of patenteil Machines awl other ,engraviligs, 'comprising in' a single; year about ' ntINIkItEI) ORIGINAL, • With the Nalarer a l.B oel e a Is preiointed an olmortlinity willimbseribo not .likely occur fMaimfor many It Mil be like commencing anew work—Vol No t t'i.New Series.• Terms S 2 Venr—Oue Dollnr.for Si* Moutltkl.. Soutbert„Westorii, aml.thinaqiaii money or.Post . thliek , statima takep al par for it'llllSCrif.ii()ll.N. •hera will please to remit twenty-six cents tiztra km each year's subscription to liyo.pnytwang,. • A liberal dliteonot • follnbv. .•A prospeii t tok intr. fail p'artieularii of the tolimements for dubs. wkfli 'specimen Copies of the japer, no a vuniphiut emilainiog informa tion concerning the priatring..of Patents ,may thi had gratis by addressing , • ' ItIUNN & Co., • . PitliliOlors of the Seiontitie Ainerlean . , . • •g 7 Park now, Niles York. ' • • r.EW eases uf Boots awl .b ut s to givo, awny la ' . /;.• V. ‘N/L15;14.1'!:.4 . . • • • . .19:1:RSONS.:IVISHINg , 'CIIANGI;I4heir littsiness to tt - railidli.7hic'eensitiff,Countijr; aNew" Settlement' where 'hundreds;' are gbirtg....-- Mlttete the climate is mild and delight ' See 'advertisement of the Ifarorponto.n Settlement s another column,. • • • • . . CIRCITLA mos.t . d9.MPL,P,TE, CORRECT' nn RELIALII;Elltink.Note, -existenen' ‘.. •, :'. TITOMPSON'S. y ILINtA(1111.-....A.Nli'.C.OtlElICIAL.,1:EPOIRIT 'Circulation, .10q,gion. .1 , .1 L'l'E D . 1 1' J ()LIN yll.o.‘ll'S.ClNc Qii'otat ions cb,recte.(l by 71'liolrrspx-nizoTiunts 2 14n11.,5t rpot P.til)l i'sl.(l I)y,..('lrA - s ;: • 1 i,oxn in.t.;:.l 1 . .. i .F.t s ald'n S . . xinnts !A;I3SCRII,T lON IN 'ADVANCE; •••• .• To inail:Sith.scribe'rs , • •• • . ly.eqkty,. .'. $2-1 y, . „..$l,l . .1 . 1)111111S. . Tp' l'o;finastere.'or olhe'rs„ who firm Clubs on 1 11)r "thrTus t I ." . iiioneY - h , advance. we .Till Ren , lllle Th.por (•o/en. i!hart . ..31 . ,61 tar; and - Deacriptluek;lii,t, rie (1,1 eopien of the,ll. - iteltly, one 'Year s.co!pies of the lneto . i-olontlily.,:.. 10 impies - of ant Monthly . gratuitously to aby , pers9n.. seriding- a vial) of. $2O at 'the". aboya :totes, at any - ope - time,, our. .Aqleric:aq7 Coin. Test Address, • •• •• •• -•. • : • ..THOMTSON , BROTHERS, Tankers, • No. 2,.1Va11' St. PrpOrietora. • • - TIIE 11A IPIONTON'FAIIMER—A news- . patierclevoted :to •Literaturerand AgricaltUre, also setl tOrtlifull aceounts of the neW'set tlement of llarnmonlon,sin New Jersey, can be. subscribed for 'at only 2,7 cents 'per. annum. -.lnclOse.postag.e . stamps for the arnotint. Ad diessto.-Elito theYaitner, 1 - fanntnontop, P. Atlantic Cp.;.NeW.Jersey. Those itishing cltenpland - ,,ofthe,.besi quality,, in .one of :the . healthiest and most . delightful , climates • in the Union, aod'.Whe r te 'crdps.are iiever eut down by frosts;.the terrihle .scourge of,the •ncirth,...see advertisementtdliamiriontcinLands, Patented . Sept. 9, MS.', .RILE SMITH frE ASIII3OAIi b.- A iN;1) :I FEZ FR : are . .. the-two firSt-and.rnost natuial rropleinenis' . :ever used. in Washing clothet. Not wi.thitand lnd it has been ' the .stUdy of invento rs' te do - .them.away, and for that purpose - several hun.: dred:patents have been issued,.yot it has beer] of no effect. They;'hait failed iii their at tempt. Their machines have been condemned' end thrown away, and-the' Wash 'Board and - Ileater.again used in their - stead. • This . machine . combines' theirs together, tabled toa. - progressive leer in such -a manner gies great pc4er to : the Beater, efther. maybe. used as. the Operator allay desire. The - in6tion'of the Beater iy quick and " easy, the pressure gentle ah powerful; which gives .if.the' advantage over all — othei is so , decided by competent' judges. Alaailfactured and sold at .Alechanicsbaig, by A. WOLTERS. Meclianiesbarg, Marbl, IS, ISSS.. • • .F. *I LANDS FOR SALE 25 AIII.1;ES from Philat e is by Railroad' in' Ole State;,of New , Jersek. ..Soil among the.best 'for' Agric,ultnral purposes:being a good loam. soil; with alelay bottom. Thd.land is a large trect,.dfvided to small ffirins, and hundreds from. all parts of the country are now settling and•building, The crops produced are very.large , : and can be seen growing, The clirritrte ii.dclightful, and secure' .froM frosts. TerMs Iron, $l5 to $2O per acre, payable within fopf,yeais . .by instalments. .To l'ine Street 'Wharf at Philadelphia•at . 7 by RailrOad for Hant-mouton, or address P.: .flyines, by letter,, Hammonton Post , Atlantic County', New Jersey.. • See full: advortisernent in another ' Cabinet Shop• in Mechanicsburg. -••• • -WOLTE, T IS-- seSpectfully ,announces to the public .that,:'notwlthstunding- .these haid'tinies:, he is mandfaeturing'Rmt kdeps con stantly on hand all kinds. of 'hrnittiie, such as 8 . 9 Fa :V DIVANS, OTTOMANS, CARD, GEN - TER' . ' DINING AND • . BREAKFAST TABLES, CHAIRS - bf all . and •styles;cita r e and c,0 6- mum,-Reaely-Made Colfini t ,&6:;of the very, best material 'and manufacture Snictlipart, yi3b.2o, 1555 ALL:WAIN:MG FARMS lINI, A DELIGHT= ful climate, rich soil, and'secure'from frosts.— See adrertiseinenf of Hainmontonlnnds in an-, other column. . . . . . Arrival and Dppayturn*,of Mails. rosToritrs.• ....- every...morning .Bo'clock ; ar; riCes ever4i. evening.'• . Cmqc,,tyort— , -I,tiaveS 'Ttiesdn'y' . and Saturday • nturnings; arrives MOnday'luml Friday:ei , ea. • Sh: iipoqi,e!lv es 'ThiesdaY,'Thtirsday-ard ;trilby Mornings , arrives Mtinday; Weilnes- . day and Friday evenings. -'• Monday, WtqliMsday- and Friday Morning•S; arrives 'Tue,sday, Thurs.. day and Sat erday . eYenings. •-• ilytrea---••Leaves*Titesday.mormings and errives' • Thursday evenings. • ••' . • •'S—SARTIVELL:P. Al. PERS' ONS WANTING 'CHANGE OF CLI- InMe for health. See. advertisement 'of ilakm: zmonjon Lands ; another *column. • . .Stone Coal. - • . rvi : LE SUBSCRIBER keeps'onliand for .sale L -'-Stone Coal, of the best quality,; at :the in' Meehanic . Sburv,....:Grainef . kindS taken in : exchamm: • : , ••- CCfIORIIIS CORWIN,. • -••- - ,TO . 4\ tit.::.WASITrNO:TARMS. vertkemcnt otMlaniMenton ands . .; . :' ' • _ . TTII f; are,neT in the • bibit of ..teljing'd&Fish TV .. st4rTeg,lpit.we have grit- OOD.and 147H.f", besides hosts of TEA. It) cents : . • • .13. F. WRIGHT. .11'ISUINO TO ESTAI3LISII Atantifactorivs in. a new and thriving i fl ace where iitNiness IF good, - iti!certiseinelit. or the Ilmninontoit.Sd.tle mien!. 1 1 1 . 19*. 4 1 I IlltriOng.FlklidlO. tho 1. • ASTOR ROU HOUSE: STORr: • GRA pr. GROWERS.O AN CARRY ON their business . most successfully tq'llannnonton, ‘ l - n!C!, from Some forty.Vineyartk .sol, out thit past. SO . il'A.ll; • SOO ailVl " llls,ffillnilt: 91 )Ia inincm .t3m - another . . • G - OODS A,RE'..CHE - A-P .T . A:Y . LO,g'S' . .4I4.C . V . LATOI;. 111:. ,Tivylor Won! '.i/L Store the LargrstSli?ck of. iNW.....51). - AtAtiSIi,..GOODS Evrr brolfght info this Co inty,,Pri,s6ittiitg ' USElitiAitEl). TTRACTIfINS.IN- EXTENT, VAI T 1 TV, E t:GA NQE:, mr - •'. AEA.t.I:2I" of de.kii?l' and - eolv.ring.: tits 11 - No - sv, is. tile, Time ~ . . To Select: frtyt the est - Stork and ':l l .7(i•rhay • Goods - lifhile •." PRICES. AR E ,DOWN! Thre.doofl.6zre . Going byr like HOT. CAKES on a FROSTY MORNING And :tho,icAeho Wish' to mate • ci • , CIIOICE . SELECTIONS KJOLTI:D C:AIi L EARL] vuts . l:QO'ri; Vtin'il' i'ERVEb InitOciNo Sic; c - ti7isist:! of p...R: .Y : ::: .:. .G iO . 0 , D 1 S::.; Lc Midicks. PARASOLS AND:I,rAIL3RELLA, READY-MADE CLOTHING, MLUNERY.GOOikS, LADIES' DRESS PRINTS; LAWNS, LADIES' CHALLI-&,.LAWN. ROBES, Flounced, at $1 Ia fact' a cooij . .A.isortmOnt of DRESS GOOODS. 10,000 yds. BROWN SHEETINGS, 5000 BI,EACIIED SHIIPZINGS G-110CER1ES FLOUR, &c., &c 'IIANS 4t . ,... 1.2Z. as. TEAS ge 31 de. J3OQT$'..: : & . $l-10ES Larn•est'stock:e%;dr, 61114 ed. in. this section of .country.: Men'i . Kipl3ociti, a prime article:-=' WoMen's Calf Boots,. Men's_ Brogan Bhoes, Wonien'i Gaiters,•tipped,. Women's 'enameled. ra-adilitiein to the abo've he has laige.quan- . . •STONES`. . . . . HA nui wAn n; • CROCKERY, Drziras- YANKEE 'NOTIONS; • lIA7S 4 . Ar, D • CAPS, 117 . 0 :V of all ,* •• . Rod and • r* •• • '• • : • lino); Iron, Gorman and Cast Steel, , • N.Ush Tubs . aud...Grain:NeasUres; Patent Pails ; No.sti : :l3oards.,.Viliegar, Camiillepe,•turpekaine, . • *. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, . „ And' a. thousand other things too noincrou to mention; which will ho: sold • WHOLESALE OR RETAIL .117 — Country ;merchants supplied w at as lo' prices as they eon buy'in' New.York . or any of the eastern cities, for cash'roF , approved credit.. Smethport, June r lSs9. . THE SECRET INF I RMITIES OF, YO . UT.HIAND M ATURITY; . ' Just, published:, Gnitls, 25th Thbusandl ' F.O.W . WORDS - ON . THE .RA'T'IONAL , tßE4TmENT;%yittioilt Medicirie,,of Sper- inatorrhea, or Local Weakness,Nocturtial krnis- S1011S; Genital and Nervims Debility, Premature Decay of the system;lmpetency, and InMedi mentslo Marriage generally. BY Dlij.,Al'l4Y, MO), The important .faeCtlait the .many Mai:Ming enmplaints,-oriiinating in the' iminmilenee and soliStide.of youth; May be, easily romoyetlyoim-. our AlsoßMse, is in this small tract clearly de monst rated; : antilbe entirely new and highly, successful treatment, as raloMed by the Author, fully explained, by .means ivhich'.every• one is enabled t(i . cure: Ili:et:ELF perfectly. and, at the: lea'st possible-cost s thereby avoiding.all the ad vertised nostrums of the day. • . Sent. to any addres,gratisand post free in a sealed envelope by remitting '(post paid) two postage. tanips to Pa. B. DE I LAINEY, SS East 'ilst Street, New 'York City. ' •A'lfl IILRI: cL9THS & Irk.STINgS; GINGHAAIS, tiEBAIZES, at 10 cts COTTON YARN; PORK, ITARDIVARE: sit AranutactnrcrO''Pricesj tr i t ,.. t N he ° o l [..d N s T, L A l ß tl G. ED MY PAC! LI111F: N° 2 & 3 EXCELSIOR, BLOCK, OLEAN . For. keeping . constantly - on hand a • winch larger Stipply:and' iis.sortinent* of . I lie.beavy . arti . • c les 'of Hardware :generally Acent 'by the Jobbing "1.10u5e.4, and baring secured the. AGENCY - of • Afanufacturers ' . • ••: inchiding t celebrated - • pAL - k,.:RIVEjt. NAILS,. WHEELER, ,MADDEN & BAICE~VEI L'S S A WS, Also OlOse of WELCH & G . giFF . llllSani 1: • other,mukersi.-:, .1 , 1148AN10 . SULK .111,1BBEII apt; LEATIIII BUM STEINAIITS (tion0110)i POPULAR COOKING STOVES; . . GLASS, of all Sius,. Sorts and•brscript ions I PROPOSE TO SELL ALL THE ABOVE ARTICLES • AT l‘fairlafficturors' Fide es . . • Also P.propose'to sell at a small Commission froin My : LARGE' arid' WELL .SELECTED SHELF a;;a..iiiorTARDWARE In .the selection of, which I h'ave taken -much pains, having • given my petsbnal.. attention •thereto: • ' HOUSE : TRIMMINGS, OILS, , Z-i.V:'...--C). COOKING and PARLQI3. °lever) desirable CARPENTERS', MILLWRIGHTS' BLACKSMITHS' AND MASONS' T 0 0 I S , - Of the Inpit'cipprovo PECK AXES,' .SII.OVELS, MA'TTOOI{S, SPADES, RAKES; PIITEI FOTiKS, BUCK ETS, WHEEL -BARROWS, LEAD LAMPSfOrDIL, CAMPIiENE, FLUID; Emil KEIZOSENF • My mot to The Largest . .of. the Very BEST GOODS at the LOWEST Be .minierative Prices Instires the Largest Profits to-the Seller,. ftn nishep the Buyer with the'Cheapest and Best Articles, and gives the best satisfaction. . • • LIBERAL DISCOV.NTS WILLIBE .AlAbb: TO DEALERS If people will'pay higher prices .for'tio:better articleirat other places, it shall be their. own Sault and not. tnine, ' . ' um nble to ' •In cnnne'c don . . •iv,ith the nbcilie;•t svpply onshbel notite • . • SHEET-11(01V COPPER WORK . , Having in my employ Competent, and, exp?riL encel . workmen,.wliose work ; has .never laded to give. satisfaction. 4,4;•, €I:.IV, - ,13'...C.i.N.i.tSiri], PROPRIETOR,' No. ?..and 3 Exce!siOr BlOck Qkau,My IS3J New Arrangement.' , LOW-, PRICES RULE MIESEB HAS ,AT STORE, ONE . 1i064 EAS •01r.THE ASTOB .IroTiSE., LARGE COMPLETE G; I. O.',V, E :R.4....E.:5..:., P . .,IR:.Q,N. - . 1 . 8:j .. Q . ..NI .;-. : 11'hicli jie.inteatls to sell:at prices'Lich Lei Defy Competitioit. HAVE ADOPTED THE READY-..[AY .'SYSTEM And ean.assere . thepub,lie there' iThie • . place to buy. g,oci,(ls where there. is' yo.A can send . you.orders and your Cas niid get : }' our Goods as o berg) . . • , • :ihough.yOu canathloursOlf. ' SUGARS, from 0 1-2 tp..lki.ts GOOD MOLASSES, 50 Otei. .STUART'S SYRUP, GREEN AND I tLAcK, TEA, .BPiCF.B:6f:II -, kinds, S A Lr,R.TiJS.i3 t t4:.,:i't few more chest's of- that .14.:et TEA, ' : TOBACCO. of all kinds, .And in fnet . ev,e . . rything , usually kept 1114 .• • • , Grocery' Store. % FLOUR, , PORK, & SALT , . NEW.LIVERY..STABLE:IN TOWN, . rtilik SUBSCRIBER announdei.to. the pub . lie that he has establiihed a Livery Stehle in the Borough of Smithport: It is located on' Iltain'Street . ,,e. few rodsbelciw Mechanic,street, and embraCes'a well selected. Stock: - Single and do'uhle horses ,and carriages, furnished at all times, at low rates,,with or without drivers. The proprietor keeps mule but sound and gen,. tle horses, which are lierfectly reliable antl . free from fault or trick. • • •- With an ex tensive experience' 'in the invii ness,.anil a , tlet.Ormivatipii to please ''his'Custo meis, the proprietor. solicits the patrOnage o PAINTS Stnethport, April 28; 2352 TIIESIDI!I lIILLN.ACATEI) B. F. WRIGHT ANNOUII+CE:i TO THE rpiqdc THAT HAS HEMOVI7,II i'0:,:illil ASTOR HOUSE STORE, IViTII IFS' LAIIO, STOC': OF. Scs; )Vhcie he ofrers•a t Wholesale or Retail SUGARS OF 'AIL DESCRIPTIONS AT :LOW. :PRICES, BLACK & IMPERIAL TEAS OF DIEU' MEN''' . GRADES,. OBTE,11,..(1111)UNI), -.JAVA - AND: NO:. _COFFEE, ,S - yR UPS ~/7.110 L.ISB ES; RICE, SOAP, STARCH, - „ CANDLES, 'RAISIN'S, FRUITS, NUTS, PRUNES, TUBING, BAKING POWDERS, copFisit . AND MACKEREL; l'iour, i'ork, haul,, RuUei•, _Lard, Eg,gs, .WOOD AND WILLO.VI Lig° Tti .4 60 411-1,01V,5; To g o hor frith a lar . g e. aisorttneoi of olikiods kept' in a .6roetiry .Stpre, which he fteri.to spit for ',Ready 'Pay at .theLtoiyest:.mar-. • . . B. F. WRIGHT Sinkhport, ,Tune Ist , 1553.. • • • County. D#ectoFy Pies.'t• .Imlo . e-41oti R G. ‘Vbite \Veil shO'ro Tiogtt Co. Pa.' ..