:~-~x~~= '''VAiriktglAtil-A*OklgfinilAii indite 41'1741'41r'i'ci,.Jihtitt,''':•-'l6` °edit', then value .if • big , ,00. 11ilig t r geedilwrklA Virllkna A, ' ...,g4ai.isig , 4Al'esh, ..jitisteiperiknio ip,oli,lA .• ... , 4. 1 0t; o f: .tractive': it; this respect; foiTretio :lipeetiin • iftlitpf thttitk,i*tra4iiq,breeds of d o •••ntittte • VgletiOte - frad itieirder,'ind given tin; te•tbn:MOte protlieble, in. the . .toc4iorp, es tire ig hippies ' . it some; :,ytt ptii,u,t 1 la.-bet ke4Wpfortir litablitooseltkhlin7to Will a Ise: 4,the'li f t AfklibY.ot biiiiisilias • beisn the. Shanghais and tiiirsr cageners, the Co chili Chinks. , But like:their compeers 'iti•big- . • niats,'theiiiiilitiiiiiiiiletloinci biddies of 01. . din NIPAN' i4,41 ; ?;..,: i .:r. ;:•:., .., 'c''' f ''"' '• r • h' • • . - .f i litgoritined • %title t r iet":nf ‘ , wheat oi . .itirs Of ' /%41.1PC,S*PAiiiii "44St,peisens. ; • Wctuffi • l:t , c tiolen . to_ son,6r, plant, yet; if 'We are to - rely on Oa - Cie) repo rts ori the • subject ,of prodtibtiveness; ' : "Ty ,end ; ikAtie 'inetances of_the.greatest re,- t • • ay,loeetkinhe trinallestlicieties • b ;'grean.,,. ,Vtailitnotti'bee6, poittries;turnips, etc..pire•destatile .to 'weigh, to , show, ex cite ; '•tifilltlitifihiligifellio i eaitle, but it is the imitll . . or ones, that 'are.eaten by the . genus boleti.' ••:' • In,nothingis this fallacy more apparent t han• •:ji :tholnittatiitigtittifitn;lo.l:,•big-Applet,.; pears, .. • Pitches; etc.: it is not surprising that ..those '. . wh9 nitre fruittind trine in 'it' - Should _ dispar • age.the seithalte - yarteties, is regitirind more time to gather etc.•,• yet it -is . surprising. that , --*•-• Melt weans' at the:frOlt 'Stall 'Wilt '' pu rc has b . the large.appl.o or pear, or peach to eat, at ` .an advatti/dietie in (pritrefence'.. tO tbbi r erpttyalent . in quantity in the Clieit'Per titetigii'better ones. .We Appr,iceini 4iTe, Charged.. with • not taking ' thatedikCand to . :this, ,probably may , be at • .• tirbuted. our pfelerenc l e tor the `ooportunity to take t: big bite:::.. ~. - ••,:". • ' ...' The English aristoracy have time and take • tinatinlitignitineecaattly, and their faYoritO,ap ' ple is , the smaltgOlden!pilpinLand so with our . . Ameridan gentry, or,' would be aristocracy, YobillanOtatiijimirfo.`,eat;:the pnaii4ady . 401 e is afavorite. " • •''. ' • • . ,• • •431:49111,1Vakralei'aubject terare exceptions, it iriky.pe atfirMed: ' . • ' .„,ati..Xhat iskfrtkits," grains and vegetables, 41142,11111shelis i drfliOndo.bny;lie prodOced• to the acre, in vatietiesnboVe mediuni. •44:-: , : fa r eti.i•ptiuhda :cif• pork , butter, cheese, etc-, , 0r work can be produced, or done . , toltheistiren !amOutit of food, in mediuM sized breeds than in those - above mi3diuth: • • 3d. There .are more rich flavored. fruitA c tif, l nkediarni aiaer fnd:below,than'zibov e t. r 'Ocir'delicacilss. of Meat)coisist not of beef ,or pork, or big hogs, but'of turkey, chick 'eii (juail',"Oitater, - etc. Finally: big: men are not the most profitalile.: ; ' •,* ' " • Liceiti col , 'Rernkrtira Hi/many SIAN •nalt.V.-LTIn the lap' volume of Gray's Alassn- Ahusette•Supreme Court Reports there' brit no . : ticeable,dectsion. It seems drake Woman tit "tered ii•elander, of another, • and when sued for olefettee i vktas that •• she only, repeated it cnirtittly.reportedi' thafehe Ind no • malice, and therefore was not liable , to an , cc . tion.. "Judge Thormte gave the decision. The , story, he sayi, tittered or repeated ., by the de • ~ (endipt‘cantaine a charge, against theplain tiff, • 'Ol rfaiiiiir dentrof her rePtitation. 'lt was a Alpe charge. *. It is no answerin. any forum, • to • say, that ahe only ; ,reported the story, es alte Ifeardif.• 'lf itory. was frilse and slander omit spe,rtipat repeat it , it her peril.' Tnere , is• safety in no tither, rule. • Often the origin of the slander cannOt be traced. • He who gives •• it circ,ulationlives it its power of 'mischief.-- It is the etfektisaii,Webetitionli tliat do'the mis .oirif.Aliliatioed7ofterv,4epeatell kits' to,be believed. •• Cannot say' that , A. •poisoned his wife, 'or IC picked C's. pocket tint! 'relate the otory,land when',•called upon to'' enswar, • 'eay t diThere was such a report_ in circulation:" • : 'Toakccio: , -Dr; Harlow :tbe Sapetintendent of Abe •MaiWe:linaanet: Aisylam, in hie Minus! 're-. pork' of, that for 18A, says:- r tiThe use iiitztishis'ednow'-iin general, is one of •the, most pusiatftil:-'4gente that can be uadd , to pair tlieliiiieioni , of•the stomach , and digestive - orgy*, and prevent , the healthy eiterotai of the mental vivvers.• he pernicious effect,upon the -brainsiMd7nerit'ous systain.laptividus'to are called-hi treat the "- A large'class otVouipailiati have beri addicted to its invet 'crate :nee, and _in. many cases it Ina • been a prominent'cause in devatoping the disease.?' . . .. PITITY,9I , PrIATCACTER.....-9Ver .the beauty' of ibis palni.avid aprleof,•theregrowt a bloom and bettpty mote • esquislh fruit iteelf—,-tt . . _ itp . _ ati the . _ . that ovorst•reiiiis its bitisi;r ipa Abte_ic , ;* . Now Y. ; you.s,tri4e your' hdrid over that and it, is once gone, it is goneforever; for it-never' growa .but . „once„' The flower that hangs in the morning lmpearled with tiew--ar- Myna queenly woman .was , ever arrayed "+with7j4iWels—Once . pthitke.;it, BO that the beads • roil off, and, yoti may sprinkle water over : it aa you pleatie.. reliit can never he made. what it was: vhch the dew,fell aileut ly'n pen It from heavei: ol,itfrosty,pMrningyoimuysee file . moan.: • . taine;lakesi:i : rees=-bleniled in n:beaut . iful pbeii -tastic-,picture. • Now lay your. hand • upon the 'i'llase,"end.bY•theaScrritch of your fing,er, or by • the,werrntiffe•of , yOur all the - delicate kecebliter,ritetl. So '.there - is •in beauty of character, which; whentiieWea:aid defiled can never be restored, ,'F"Ntingelnerei,delicatethan.• fto?t-werh,.• and .which,. when tern einibrolien, will never be embroiitered. ' A tinte.,Who has spotted and soiled tie garments in" yenth, though he may tieek lo,inalie:them white again, . can never wholly. do'it,'eveti Were he to wash them with 110,41:Phi! ,; • CpIA i r : , , O4)PLABIATION: ) ‘ - G. I.l7bit • vs '!"1- President Juggeoind the „Hons. J. Dar Pt% ILMI:S..iII9IMes* Associate Judges , of the ,:Copria.of'Opi,tir'..Terininer,- - and General, Jail Dither - 4 - of the Peace, Or ' Aim' , - Court' and Conk' CoMmon • Pleas for r,the County of.MlCiati have4ssued their precept, 1)404 . 414e Saturday, the second, day of July, „ia tbe year::;ourono ; thousand.eight • hundred and, fifty-nine, and to' me directed, for holding a Court'of Oyer and Terminer.and Gen-, 'lregat . 4ol., Tielkrery; :Quarter , Sessions -;the tr*eshßtpll*nie:Point, - t i n d of.CoMmon AC!i9igh'Q(sTnetbport; on Mon': dayer.Septernbe6 Alexi; .41140.44#14 1 0 ani•Nieek, , C. 501 4 -01 therefore hereby - given -to the Coro- Abe ,Peace and - Constables • they , be theil and . there tii -. lo,p!cleck . A. M. of Is, records, ticreinembiances, to do it :offices appertain io be ire bound theiu roc- thiprisonerathat are or of NPICia)I; against , it E ., .t; ' ~...1 , 1 .. :,... ~.. 1 1 . '', ''IC, . I WILCOX & EATON CG LEA! TO ANNOT.:INCE Hutt they u hav e receivedtheir first stock of SPRINGSL:SUMMER.GOODS Aird.are-no - w prerinied to welcome their.frienda and 'enstornert.an&Offor.iharet nnw and . desir.- able stock of • . ' ."„ -.:.... ; - !' . /;,. - . 1 : .. ?" F 1:: : , : 1 -.t -.',[. ';'.'. 4 '.., Ctidottr.:Mirchaildre r* )(,7,00 . 0 ' 5, i:..pooT*:-Aisp.:,wols;-.. HATS & CAPS, . , We will not weary ycini . p4tience by enurne rating,.but our 13,t0c . k is very and Complete and we doubl not 'you 'Will find eo:mething to please you both es to tjtiality and.priee. ' Windy *, Advertisements will dp,for spine, but tbe,Trittli- will Went. Batter, and we only ask,an examination and are 'confident we can do.you good. '• • • •• . • *.. COME AND SEE. T . .'.T . , OF .TEAS„ati . - 1 7 1 - : WILCOX 4s.ill'Al CPI'S, Otenti,• • ' KEROSENE OIL' 541.Dt. from COAL, with LAMP to burnj.Vl the'sanje, at WILCOX 84 ETON'S,. Olean, PT. y. . . . • • . . • .. PAP E R HANGINGS.. • . A CHOICI 7 . .A.SORTINEIsrr at . .IA. .. ~ • , • WILCOX & EATON'S, p„r4 r*** ' 1,1,201 t, m . rpm: salxie 'Cam r"respe , (fully anaou newt to the.o it ions of thin County that /otwitbstandlOg the bard ttmea ho la on haimi.agala MA?. apria ;with a gOod asaorlonent o . . , Whia he is boundi , ory clump for . • Having Bono businese ln,this County rot.' nearly two years, I . have come to the conclusion that I can no lon ger.du business on , the .'. • . • . , , • CREDIT • 'And shiill nolongo do this kind of business. Persons wishing anything in my' lino con buy good work, and ,as cheap as atDny other eetablishmont of tho , kind. • .ONE PRICE-AND R1?.4 - Dr PAT ahall be my toOlto,•and: there.. yMt Then practice no, more this'worst of moo i' • • Called gettingahaved, but sava"your .0,,1. a... By buying cheap (Or toady paY, , • And then you will come out all r•ohChi.tho • IS •8 :51.150N I i.tr: 3rlng: • • . ..,Smethport, Feb. 25;1859 E. G. & P. EATON, OWIRAL DEALER IN -,- - FINE GOLD AND SILVER' '. WATCIIES 9 e - .. 1 - . '-' 1 " °''''.. ' ••••••• •" .. fetror-OCIODS, CLOCKS AND , ' - • ', , MU§ICAL ' INSTRUMENTS, _ 07-Repairin g ' a Watlies and_ Melte dpne in Aped, etyleand wariented: - .•• • • , . mac beit'llegmetirtlyteeithil Ooffeeiii chesh at the LL Aitiri lie ti 1613 , - 4 ••••,' •••• • .8 . , : I ..: SiritninT• t OT the • • Pif-AORk; liff.Arl'ADTP;ill new and stAni - riou can ayi;io .man's lass in - themAs soon aY you p - ay 'over' the,lo , , at MASON'S. MEE ''.l3si : ALL ITS VAIq,E,T,X; . ..•`ki,:!:', , ..t . i WV:' , ,,s, .',' . ‘1,.., ~ 's' ~,:i. :•-•::.i., SUCH AS VANCY - ANDSTAPLE CFOiC.KE.RY,. GLASS_ And a choice stock of Family Groceries, • WILCOX & EATON, 181859. • Olean, N.Y ;NEW GOODS ,JUST RECEIVED AT 'Ail Tar, KlLlktil I t t rt?Xt.l NTO II:1101T AlaS 01! att' 1610 • NorthernYenriglaaui:it TIN:WAItF, READY - 'PY....:-.ONLYQ I: IT KNOWN THAT N.' S. BUTLER Bt, CO.; OLEAN, ARE 'RECEIVING 0101.9 . F, THE SPRIN . O.&, 8141)1 - k:it. UPODS, A .OAPTED rro THE WANTS I.s `' ' ' " t: • , , " f CONSISTING .OF THE LATEST DRESS G001)S • •• IN ENDLESS WARE peitiier : tirne nor Oac-q.can'discribe SIM WLS, MILLINERY .GQOPS, CLOTHS; JOUST K.F.E,PERS' GOODS, KENTUCKY J.EANS, AND • 11061.E.RY, Farmers'. Mechtinic CASSIMERES, summtß.sturTs, 41 great varieties, cf 0 Z LACES, W.A.f.1.; AND WINDOW PAPER GROCERIES, Leather,. SLe.; And a.thousand fithr things which they eMi. and, will sell at - such prices as to defy as everybody has seen for the last year. Is the . only way to sell goods, with prompt attention, Without dot - optic:4l'ot hum- bug to any , nue.. ,Knoiving 'that CLOSE CASH BUYERS TO LOOK Immense Stook itercore puiche'sing::elseWhere,epd we will GIVE ' THEM THEIR MONEk'S WORTH . . N. S. BUTLER, .BUTLER. & CO, • C.lll. . • One POcy"Regelator: - :TA,:woitt)l:,l :', -': - .7riig•:•..'-ifFitii'Lic, LARGEST Mtn OF . , Evor, offered for eald. in'ynsterp Ntiw York, vhich is just Of this , section Of country; STYLE•AND FASHION OF O(every description, VL'B24 4 NG4S, cAssim.F,Rpls, ISONESTIC GOODS, GENT'S & •LADLE'S GLOVES FARMERS'. DRILLS, HATS', CAPS, F,MBftOIDERIES, YANKEE NOTIONS, CROCKERY, BOOTS snoT:s, PAINTS; * OILS. any small stock to compete. with us, Believing still that the ONE PRICE SYSTEM .1 Pepple are 'fist Judges, we cordially invite ell. AT 'OUR DR~'HUNfiER'S 1f7.1 1).1 CA I; 111 I,FA :BO*,,an Rtigina:l,.o4 popular.T.ietip•ori ; ZILL:/ . . .Their.'Physiology,..Fuactions and Sexual Dis, orders - of every. kind,. with never-failing rem , 'edies for the speetly . eure Of, diseases of rt . rri 7 'vatte and'delyate'..charaeter, incident to the vialatiOp of the.ta'ws,of,Nature and; of .Na- PRICE TWENTY-FIVE' 9ENTS . . . . . • • The-anthor or the above ~.\ . ,••,0, Of/ ;i t , volume a graduatc, • \i)e'ol:olo 7 l4,' , 4, 'trnil 'having • devnted a t zs. ;• „ fluarter of.a century to /,Y o u lai vr(4l 7',.: : the study and treatment ..:„,!.;444 474 ,,,,, ; :/,'zz, of. Syphilis' and' kindred ',.>7!. • disorders as a,speciality, ..heNtts-becinne:poSseaseil .of most invaluabld'inforMationin•regard' to same; and is able to compress int 6 Vail° mecum .compasirthe very quiritescenceof once on thiS important subject ; and as the're suit of the eirperience . :.of • the' 6iost eminent Ohysicians ip Europe,and Ariietiea . is thorough ly deinonstrated in'hia own' h ighly. sucefOrt ,l practice iti•the:treatment of secret diseases in many thofiPands pf cases in the city of Phila delphia ' ••.. • • the Prof.- of ;:Obderiries in Pcruta . •. •1 • : • 14 D o fi.• 'FlustETes atithor ofthls work, unlike', the majority •of those who ' : advertise tO :core . the diseases of: Which it treats, is - a graduate of:one of the best: .the - United States. affords, me pleasure to,rec.otritrierid him to the et ort ta! ate; or, a thprvietiyii of vialppicii i i!o, as a °:Citcressjal - (.2:ppn:ClICC fl practitioner, in l'Chese . honor. and integritY.they maY,ptage,the.greatest con, fidenee.• .S.-LONGSHORE; 4; Woodward; DC. ..It..,giyes me plea Sure to add my testimony to the, , professional • abilitrof Atte . Atithor of the Medicol IsTumerons cases of dis-. Oases ofthe Genital: Organs;.sorne'of ...them 'of :long standipg, have come .under:tnr no.iice, in Wlfichhis skill_ hasheeti.'Manifeit in.res.torine: to perfect health,' insoma instances where_ the patient hasbeeneonsiilererlheYond medicaoid... Iri.the treatment of Seminal weakness, or arrangement of. th... (uietiona'prodUced Srlf .ol,oss; or ' zress of venery, do. not 'know -.his superior ..in.the profeasion. I'. have been' ac r 'quainted with the Author some..thirty. years; and .deem.ir no more:. than just ice to ttim as well, as a kindness 'to' the.unfortanate'liiietims . of tarty indiscretion, to.recommeritr..l4m as.one in whose..profeasional "skill and integrity they may safely confule - themselv.ea...' - • ALFRED, WOODWARD, IV: D.. . One. copy securely enveloped, will he forward ed free of postage ..to.ani part 'of• the United States for 25 Cents, or .6 copies' for $l. Ad. dreif; post' COSDEN . & CO.; Publishers, b0x..1.91; .. • • . frr'.l3oolcsellerS, CanviSsers and Bodk Agents Supplied on ':thelnost 11bPraFterms. • ; . • JEFF . REI",S . DOLIBLE-ACTING FORCE„ PIIMP India Rubber Ball. Valves T- - SUBSCRlBER'llivitig•plirehased the right to: make Andsril .this New :Puny; reel 3 a confidence that, .his. eiTo!ts, to bring ..it into general use ; in-this county, 'will be' *e.can- derdby all who' seeits ccinstrOctiott and opera lion.. • , .• • •• • 'AMong the many advantalzei'seenred.hy the use of -this Pump, the tollckving, maybe .enu- 1. A: double . action, by which twice the pia *ter can bel'aised at the same time. . ... , . . . . , . ...2..preat ease in working, 'thus adapting.the Faro; Piintipl6 to common. We 11 5 .. ., ...• . : , ; • ' ..3. The transformation, in ac moment, of the Pump. into an efficient Firie•,E:tathii, thus . ren dering,tho loss of dwellings by.ftre; totally nn •4..Capability. of watering gardens; Lawns, or sprinkling walks, washing winiloWsi /1t.c,, , with the utmo s t ease and thoronghness. • . .5 ! PoWar•te raise . ' wafer, with. slight labor.la any reasonable height;* as in . stiPpi ying chem .... • , .• 6. The.ponvenience . or having the .Pump in a . kitehen,.or other roome of y.our dwelling, With out. regard to.theiocation of. the Well. or t Cis.: • . , . . . . • . . . . . 7—The easy protection - . .0f the instrument against Frost.- • B—The ease with which it,may be ',mounted on.whiels,er in otherwaye be made . portable. . A sitaptier:tv which ensures 'gr'eat' dura, bility,.proteets it from ,being thrown out of. or der, and makes' any repairs".easy and of little 10. Great • Cjii:apness: for - the, Vfst time brinaing.the cost.of . the Force'. Pump into the neighborhood the common . Suction and Chaid.Pumps, while it is imuteasitribty supe rior to both. ' . . • . Manufactuted , and for stifle by the subso.ibor., cinly, at his shopin Mechanicsburi: • .. • . A.. WOLTERS. • Me'chani s csburg, Mafch 18;1858. . . • •' NEW CARRIAGE:AND WAGON SHOP.. JPLIVIES:IIIeDdNA . f.D 1:vould inform the pub: lie that he has,fitted up a shop at the lower end -of town, on !ha prernisas recently occupied by N. Medtiury, as a carding factory, and is prepared to build allkindsof CARRIAGES AND WAGONS • • At skirt notice, in a . workman.like manner, and at reasonable prices.. Having had a large experienee in the Inisiness, he feels satisfied that his work will folly meet the fequ irerrients of all.who will favor him with theirpatronage. • Repairing promptly attended to. Smethport, April, 10, 1859. 2-s•tf; WAGON AND SLEIGH. SHOE • Donnpuce to the cit . izens'of Sthethport end vicinity, that he has ,:stAhlished -a wagon 'shop. in the , .buililinp . formerly occupied byMr...Harris, as'a' Cooper Shop, an :Mechanic Street, where :lie:is pre pared to (1,9 all .Work, in his line; with prompt: nose' and'in a workmar?like .. tramier. • . . , P4rticular attention:will be paid to Repairing, and to the Manafeettire of. Sleigh amllu mbar Grain,. kinds, taken inlearchande. fo'r . For reference, cell and'examino. D. V. SHEPHERD. Smethport Oct. 26 ISM!: • . . , • n3sly . TAILOCESg. yrRS.. FLORIT.LA JitIMSEY is prepared to do, Sewipg of all kinds at her residence On Main street, 'on° door beime Williams' lawsof flee: " She will Cut and .Mako men b s t and poys Coats and Pants, Wits, Sze., in good-Ml.la and warranted to giye eatisfaction. drain and produco taken in exalting° for work.. . • • - Nov. IS, ISSS. HEAD-QUARTERS. ...- ..J-7.0'.1..4,2,..;,.180,.,.......,., LATEAND:IMPORTANt:FROM.TK BLOODY FIELDs'OP KANSAS!. , . . Once more on the lightning..track of the. car reaching.vires, comes the glad,: tidings of . peace and contentment, instead of the, ... shrill scream of ti e'death marauder, Or the chilling tale , • ' •' of the midnight assassin, • :Nebo has been', in the.blood youn'g,, the beautiful, and •' • • :.the innocent New, . . lnstea.d.of the wild; cries .• . .• of..despair which. but„lately, : • echoed frinp.everyhill 'find valley • . of our -wide-spread land,. our' earri'are • filled:With. the glad shouts of old men and.: maidensi young men and‘rnatrint'S thaC are con-. . . tinually - • • . pr..;oc.Enza TO T HE . :, IIEADO,ORTERS OF • . . . • II LO • • JLTST OPENED BY G. IRONS, Under the' 'supervisiou and care of -the in-- fatigable NOT ONLY TO SEE BUT TO BUY a port i on' of the [caiJ and uw2prec'edentedlS, CHEAP GOODS Which 1 . ;e1 6s . just krom.'SC . w York '-!. .and Philadelphia.' " MILES " WISHES Distinctly Under ood , eof That he doeg not'intend to:ape after o) his neighbors by boasting:of.thd .Y.lD'a . Wlo.o:o,' FIRMNESS, DURABILITY, s')' 11:.E A — P -7N E —. lS. S OF HIS Goods, • All he asks is for purchasers to . CALL AND 1 -. 4 0 9 1. AT THE. 4 Well knoing that no one will Teave the Store emply handed after once 19oking,at and Learning '_the Priee AT WfIICHHE SELO. GOODS ° R'E. M EM-13i:Y4-it THE PLACE TO BUY Ready-lflade Clothing - Of every description, from common Overal-: to the finest. cloth. Coat, WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED. COME AND EXAMINE For yourelves, as wecan:fit anything from a boy of, four years to a . man of 400 pounds :1 - L}RY. - ,......G,0UP5 ; GIIOCERIES vßockv,Ry; And in fact everything kept ; or sold ih Oil sect ion, is nV ° AT IRONS' F.TORE, ,torair'ot Nato . .and StOr'S..ti.'ee.l9l.o.; DarTWo doors. west 'of . tile Baptist CllUrch,..4 .iziI.NIETI-IpOit,T PA DR. COGGSWELL'S NEW XERICAL SALT FOR 114 1 1/AI[kATORY-Dl5iiBES, ONLY...; Medical I IT :IS , NOT A C'ETIZE ALL! • Elt7-Foi Inflaiamatory:DisertiOs 011.1 Y., nit..coectswEtvi3VEVMEDlCAL. •SALT, instead of being a remedy for all has'control Ovbr - but s one ill . , has • but ona aitwand - aecouplislrei. but .Mielhing. to wit:. SUBDUES INBLABIJIATOICY insEAsE, , whatever bees fortWor . locality, wbether' in:the'headi. throit, abilbmen, extremities'or skin:., . . . STEW MEDICAL SALT: :Its peculiar e:kcellence is, t h at without the.uselessloss of blobd and strength; it effectually ,cures DlSthscs. (nO 01:04):. .by, pr o ducing , an, equilibrium of all, the fluids in: . the'boly,; the want of which is the. Fide c,iirsr. Of:lriflarnati-ohl N.OTICD TO INVALIDS U . The. folt w- ing form :.whieh the unbalanced sumo, and many not here mentioned, that have' More oriess fevei-oi.pain; are as 'easily elue4 the'N6s4 MedicaStilt as ire is ex tinguished by .wetter,.lo P t raiii Fever, Headache, .Rush Blood'.to the 'Head, and heart, Pits; Inflamed 'oyes, ears,. , nose,. lunge' and filter,'Neuralgiai.Spinal affeHous, Erysip etas; • Brciichitis, Pleurisy, Asthma; .Coughs, Dyspepsid ' V enereal. Diseased, Rheumatism, Gout, Serolliqa, , and'all itching.iind Other.eUta=. neous eruptiOns, Colds,.and Ftitinale.Diseases'.• . . . Coggswell's New Medical Salt ex ] j.erts, Tike the viteii4matter; nary inflnence• over.the veins and arteries, re sulting in a gradual decline of; inflammation as indicated .by the pulse, which soon resumes its nartiral-state, as the 'heat, pain and • feverdis- D A: C9ggswoll's .New - - Medkal Salt does just, what it claims to do=no trt-ire;Uur less—equal , zes . tbofluid's. by removipg ff , tnn the system arteiial and . yenous:,nbstrUctioiii.. Ve.vi.r . iptive.Ciiculars:may he obtaincirtiOrli'aily Druggist who has this valuable . roedieine . tor. . .. R. ,Cc ggswell'a . . New , Medical Salt. .Get a tir . cfiliii:. -.AF' . k any Druggist .affront. the NEW MEDICAL SALT.. Ask y,nurneigh:.. bors abOut Alia' NEW MEDICAL SA Lt. • •If sick,:ti.ij; if not siakirenieni4r the.NEW.MED- . - . Dr. Coggswell'n Antiphlogistic Salt_ ACUTE PACKAGESi Si; ,Cli . ltpNlC „do, s2* AO. by mail, tree of expe nse, oil, recelpf of price Invalids with chronic or Jong Etanfling. 40- eases, shonld . ar..W.iivs.order a _chronic package. •. • . D. C. TAYLOR.* dineral: Aleuts, 202, pyr./!St..Phficr.' 1 - 11 t; . COGGSWELL I S NEW MEDICAL• SALT • Lp. islor sale in SrnethnOrt by J.C. HA . MLIN . & CO., • and' by all . enterprising •Druggia.ta wherever the Deinocrat is not a patent medicine,' but the pre.criptibn of an - em.. irrent. Physician, .no one 'should faidlo try':the N'ew.Medieal Salt. '..' • For testimonials and directions.see FIFTY DOLLARS FORFEIT R. HUNTER' WILL FORFEIT $5O 1E D t ailin g .to cure any case of secret disease that may come under his care; no matter how long standing or aillicting.. Either .sex are in vited to. his Private , Rooms,, :14 North SEV-. EN, TH St., Philad'a, without fear, of interrup tiOli from other patients.. Strangers • and.otheys who have beet) unfortunate in the selectiOn 'of . a Physician are: invited • .• . IMPOTElsiDY:—Throtigh'.unrestrafned in dulgence of the 'passionai by.'. excess Or . self .abuieohe evils are•nurnerous, .Primature im pOtency„ ilvoluatary, seminal discharges, west ineof the organs,loss•of memory, ' a distaste for female SoCiet3r," general debility, or.consti- Autional derangement, are sure to f0110W... If, ,necessary', eonault . thc Doctor .with cOnfidnce; he offers .n perfect cure - .READ : AND REFLECT.—The , . afflicted would do well to reflect before trusting 'their ~h ealth awl happiness,; and in Many, cases theii lilies, in the:haring of physicians ,ignorant of this.class of 'maladies. It is CertainlY'imPossi blefor one mart to understand,all theills. the human family are subject to. Every respecta 'ble physician has' his peculiar branch, in Which he is more'successfUl than his brother "trefesa ars,..and „to, that lie :devotes most Of his time and.sfudy. - • FEARS OF PRACTICE, exclusively devo ted .tO the study. and treatment of ,diseases of the. sexual tOgether with 'ulcers upon the body; throat, nose, or legs, palnS •in the head, or bones, mercurial rheumatism, strict ures, gravel, irregUlaritie . s, 'diseases., arising from youthful' excesses, .or of the blood, whereby the constifutiort become enfeebled; enables the Doctor to.ofler sPeedy relief to.all who.may . place, themselves • uader his -care. • . . 0:7 - Afedieine forAyarded to ariy•part of ,tha United bin tes,P rice Ten Dollars par. Package. .For sale, ',DR. DICKINSON'S CELEBRA TED MAGNETO-ELECTRIC. No acid!.or other ingredient required; Its power bejng obtained from.a permanentmagnet. familyehould be without one. price only $lO. STONE GENTHNER . .'& . .OO OLEA7f;. 077A401441P8' COUNTY, (*L. x• • DIAMIFAOTOUERS OF , BLINDS, DOO.IIS S • WINDOWS; FLOORING,'OE#ING • AND SIDING, AND D s N LUMBERS Factory Yard 01 .011cp -near the Allegany • Olean;J'uly; 1858'. 2211 f: INSURANCE-AGENCY. Kensington Iniuritnee ConipauT, 11"1, ' .......... . .... .... $14,0 btlo ratnieesVnlon Insurance Co; - 4tlIgtne, Pa; Cash ... • . .... .... ~ . ..•. $ 00,000 Client Westeim Insurance Co.;,.Plilllidelphla,Pa. ' Capital Stock; .... ..„ .• „ ..... • „ .$1 . ;o0 k,OOl West Branch; (Mutual) loyck' Haven•ra:. , Insurances can bt;'_Pirette in the .above res pilnsibie Stock companies liy,tto subscriber: Any ..,commupieritiod . addressed Smethport, Pa:, will meet with'prompatte . ntion. - - ; B. F . :. DAVIS, Agent. Smethport, Dec. 90858. In4Otf,) .. • 10 IRONHAND PAPER-RAGS • TAKEN in exchange . for ware at my, store, or account.' , •11. S. MASON: • JOB PRINTING-, OF EV.Elti: DESORIPTION, NEATLY, ~ CPEAPLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY .EXEOUTED AT THE r,'r•,NrQCILVT' QFE.tCI7,