N. :: 7,9 .: ........-,:,:.. ~.,:; . F K . ..,.. VOL. 2.. #l'iticnit: - 'Co'itilt!) •PCitop.rat. 1' 17 13 I; iS II iD:E 'l;'it,l7 . , tiltiliSDA,li' .10.1N11,,,q;. By J. B. OV.IATT, SIIETIIPpRT; MICEAN. COUNTY; PA , • • TERMS: - $1 50 iri A(Diance .. . ' • • - . • .- •• • • Rates of :Advertising: '., • ' ... 1 Colunin one.yoar .. • ' .. . _.,T,35 0 0 -s , e- -f , . < 4 : . . ... .. ... . t i .... ....., .. ..:,;.-.. -1•.!.0 0 1 • ~‘ - six months . . - •,: ..: ;MAO . One Square n[s2 Ones or less, 3 lnsortionsi :' • 150 'claell aubsequefit insertion, ." . • ' ' • 25 llosiness Cards, wino-paper, 6 00 . 117! These TormS will 'bo sifict.l.i'atilmiedlo.,;cll- 3'1i.611ic0•6.- . :.oiltEtp,il);,. • - . . -,. ' • A.' D. It.AMLIN t • ' , - .. . .. . . . , Surveyor, .• Draftsman Conreyancer,. , nnd Real' Estate .. AgVnt. - Dmdtliimmt, ADKettnvountyi Pa. .• . • .•. • WILLIAM WlLit:6l, .'• , • Prakical Mechanic;, TlPlwright, • Ilridge: , builder, • Pak . Allegheny, hl'/Sean county, - t. '• ' SCRTEYOR, 'DRAFTSMAN, CO,NVEYANORR and Rekl• Estate Agent; orrice, Williainsvillni Elk Op., .Penn!a ; -,II6FERKNOISi-- ' ' C4(111.11'1 F. Ildylo; Drips.; ....... Now: Themes - Struthers, W. 5.... Brownell, IlOn:. A. I. CARVEit HOIIBE,_ , . JON llll,LL : .Preprietor.'coreer, of Wtit6r and:fliekory Street4 . Warren; : fa. General Stage 9fflee., B. F. WRIGBT 'eic CO., , . . Wholesale told lietail 1) ealers iO Family aroci3'riess, Pork, FeOl, Under E S. ktoron'a Store Store., Eaot aide Of the Square, SoletNiort,. . . .T: c,. BACKVS R. CO . . .„ • .General Dealers in Pry Cootll, Or Oc'erieit, Crockery r lio(otsandAliries; Hata and Caps . Court House, Smelliport.Pii. ' • 5..0; HoLmr,s; - . . . . • .. Iy .. hele , :ale tied Dealer in Provisions nnl Faintly Orneeriem. Dry Goods, Deets, Shoes Ihtta,•Caps, Nails, • Yankee Notions, 64e.:; &c.. Store one•door west of the Aator.llo'use, :Terms, Cash.. - •. • .• , . , FO33ES HOIJ E, .•. . . . Fronting the Publie'..Squere, Glean..N.•Y. •.lAnss -M. Ntr.nsa. Proprietor. Tho Pobeslleuse is entirely new . • and built of brick. .and is -furnished in- modern style. • ' The proprietor Ibuters himself that his accommoda . thins are mit surinsxed:by any hotel in-Western N . -.w York. Carriages' ruin to-and, front. the New York and Erie Rail Iload, ' , . . EYRON 3. HAMLIN, • . . .. . . ATTMOMY AS L.itri S. 111011 1 ,00. , :. M'Kean •Clrainiy. Pa., Aaent fdr lilessis, Keatin; S; C 9 71: *Lands:'Atten lo ' Mvecially iu the,thilleetion of Claims; Examination of Land Titles; Pwiment of Taxes, •an,l'ull business rota ting to Heal tetral. .oilice in Ifamlin Meek. •., ' GREEN'S HOTEL . D, Proprietdr,—st.. Kinzua..., Warren county - Iti4 Table kill br, supplb.d with. the be 4 .. the, country affords, noddle:spa ro no isins.in-accoutud,ling E: 130IIGHT0E . ELDRED, . • • •, • ••.• • • , Altorilry and Couniwi ,at t.nk, Sinethuort,•ll ) Kean • e mt ,,t, r , ' euti7ustqdto. his care for the •Nlit'ean; Potter awl Elk. will Le Uromptly ittieuited to' Ollh o iu,the Court llotute,••see01111 DR. L. R. WISNEIt, .- . - .. . . .. • . . Physician' aml - Surgeon, • Smetliport . , Pti, 'will attend .to all profeisional eallearitla' promptness. Mee in Sart, well Block, second iloor.. . • ..... N, S. BUTLER . & CO., . . . Illioinsale and Retal Gealeric in Staple and Fancy. Dry ..• Goods; Carpeting Ready Niacin .Cln thing., and General ru.rni.sning , Gobde,- Ihibi'and Shoes, Wall and. W 11)110W .Paper, Looking Olros - es An. At Glenn, N. Y. ' : BENNETT HOUSE, . , . . . Smothport,•llliite'nn,Co.•,•P,a. .D.T..IIeNsETT,, P;•oritlia tor—opposite the Court Iltiitse, ,Aliew,' large, corn •._ mo,lious a n d m•ell furnished House.' , •, • • • • . ,: JOHN O. BACKUS, . • Attorney and Counsel'neat Law, Smethport;l4l , lCßan - Pa: Will attend to all busineei in his profession in the ..rnunties..(rh'ean,l l (..tter and Ink. 'Office over O.IS. • Sart:well Sr. Bra:Hors' Store. • • • • , • . • • GIDEQN. IRONS, eajor IM Dry Goads . , Grocories.. Pork, Flour. Solt, Fish • Ready-\lnde-.Clothink,•Dootshnd ,Shoes.: Store in' En tools old stul,•Sinethptirt..Pa... General Patebt ZACITEY 110 USE, Corner or Seentvi and Liberty. streets, ;Warren,' Pa. •n: A. IlAnnnit e rro . prietor. Travelers will tir] good ac- commoilatiopa and reasonable eletrges. ' • E, B,..]!,tfAS'ON, . . , . Dealer in,Storec, Tin .3rdie., :lit tquthe,l Were. &se:, heal •.si , ie.ol :fig, Public SO...re, Smetliport. Po. 'Gaston .. ..Ak ,l'orie'to•order•en the.oiliorte'st rietlee, and-in the ..most substantial:in:mice. ..- . • ••• . . • -,, • W. S. BROWNELT,; • • . . . . Dealor,ii) DTI Ooods„ O r , pci3ries,.ei•ockery, Minim:aro, • Milts, Shoed, Rota; "Gape, Olas,, Nutls. Oils, &e,;,,4c,c. ' Ewa Ade.ol • the Public square,,Stilatliporti Pp.• A, I. OTTO, • . Dealer' in Provisionaand Groeortee cenerally,nt ',Farmers 'Valley, 10 , 1 t can 00., Pa: Orkin, Lumber, kb., taken in excliange far ';Goode. Patent Modicums for sale. . LARABEE'S 11. , LA11 - 111Eli,' .Proprie,tor,Allegheny 'ltridge,.lll.'Kenn C 0 .., l'a. Iliiii'Mince is sitnited'about nine 'tibia from Stoolboort , on. tbo'.rortil to Olean, and will be found ii conienient stoppink-pinee ' • •.. ' ' ':- ' ~ . EMPORIUM' HOUSE, Shippen, WKiianTo.,.traiisso COOK, PrUpriefor. A commodious and wielf-furntslaul house'. -Strangers and t4aveleri will find . gocid accomModotious. • FARMERS' VALLEY .HOTEL, ,•,,. . . . . py T„ Oripnwiii. This house is situated about five Mile from Sinetlipart on the role! to OIAIM. . P le,nsii re partic i ' 'rind 'One', a can be new ninioda . ted on the shortest notice, ELDRED HALT-W&Y. musg, . . „ ICATuAN.DeNtits, Privrietor• This house is situnted s hal .Way betwoon'Stnethport and Oiong. .1f you want a'gooti dinner this is the pluco to slop., • OHORDIS CORWIN, Prniirintur nf the Orbit Mill; Meelinniegburg, . Hems) County Pri: - Flour. - Iltoalyiud Feed', caustantly nil baud :Ind for halo, In largo and small quitntitiuii. RAILROAD HOUSE, 0, .o:oe.tNnint, Prolirielor;. Nor*•tel, 111. , K00n l'a.. good necommodatious oou 1u LA. nom at all PORT ALLEGANY .110uni . . . . . . . , .}:xia . ,iii 11. Doi.t.ny, Pyonrietnr, at Nil Allegany. 'Mc- Kean illiiiinty; Pa i „This Ilotel:issihiated at the miine• . tion'of the Sinetliport and Allegany.,lliier i oads,'nine miles east of ,i9nietlinort. .... ~ , .... • AS'TOR« MOUSE ; 111PIikAN HASKELL • • Proprietor. 'The Proprietor lowing recently 'tellclue , e4l 'and relittell.the Ast r or,pnositOlattere hhoprolf that lit% ca„ furnish ns gaol( nenompluiletiotie a 9 any liotol in West, urir Pcnosylreolx: • : • • ..Do. not mock four ..:IWpep 'his 'random . Whim's Sou see, • Ti or iromiithitlF like •-• • ' Eriery . day . liolieldri in tho,d. I:: • • r • . our '• • 14quiplest scorper . . •IA no ,riser: for hill • . Ridgway,' Pa; Wdr ren, Brnetli port, Pa' Buena Viptri,. Thin' Fs.tor.—lt is a' peculiar. Part of the'prOg,cartims common to:high preSstire times, wheMspeculatiOn runs riot and.driyes:' reason antl,nrittletice into . cibiCurity; : that mere forsake the Plow and ,work 7 beneli and resort tone silks :and laces, toys 'and . :tat-traps; ,tobaOceo etc.', for a living. is .useless. 'for a man of . Prtidettemand . .experience. to urge ihal' bank ruptcY is the fate of all sucit as."forsake, , the farm drl"resort to the. counter for a Inexperienced in the - btisiness; Omit failtire . is a moreproblem:in course of—solution; the : reaction imeonitheree: and currency sweep them.overboard and thOrwil tgo . doWn. „ A sue cesSful. farmer pdsiessing,a fam!ly has tio more right to'forsrke his. ii II secured farm -boat lor a leaky, shabby, cob-web, lace-linedboat r thn. helms to resortto infemperanceandi,anthl!ng,' Stick to your 'farrns;'. yoid lands .Vvill.never de- sort yo'n'nor, ceno to' Supply .your :wants, tin less.You firit desert them., 'Themercantile siness is a'humbug t,o'svelioey'er:is ineiperienced iambling,':it:Mtrst mrderstOoil to Make it pay, 'and wo whp.bets'on card Who cannot . tell , as : Well what it is by seeing: its back ns..seciht, An old' lady, on being withessed beTore .a magistrate, as IP. ; her legal settlement,'. ..was asked what reaion•she had fors'upposini, her husband had a, legal settlement 'in that town. The lady said: He was'born .and married, and they baled hith.there p :and if that aln!t settling hirn`ther:e I don't know what settling is, • Some .mptiaie ,entertaining for it. firstt • .•.• •. • view, but ever Afterthey are 'exhausted and run outi:and on a second meeting we..shall•find then . ) very : flat and monotonous; likehand 'organs we have heard all their tunes. • • She stood beside the altar, with a wreath of orange buds upon her head—tipon, her back the richest kind d. cluds..--ber lover shiod 'beSide her with W bite' kids'anil dickey-clean--the . lasCwas twenty oiie years old die lust 7as.sov,enCeen.;.: .Theparsonrs 'tot) was over.-every one had .kissed the brute, and wished the i".Oung..fol,ks happiness, and, daheed;and laughed and.cried.' The last.kis'a had.been givenand.the last word . 11 . 0 be h.Said,',and,tbe happy pair haciii . nnmefed down, and sought the bridal bed; She stood besides the 'wash tub, ' with, her red hands'in the Suds; .and at her : slip-Shod feet there !aid .pile of dirty dinle;... her husband stood be.side her,- . 7 -thecrossest nian alive—the. last Was. twenty:nfne years .old, the fast was tivetity.-five. ' • . The' . heavy wash.wasover, and • the clothes hUng 'out to . dry— and Tom had stuck his finger . in the .dirty bady's eye.. Tom had been spank ed and, supper made upon a crust of bread, and thenthe,bride end bridegiaom werit:grUtn!Ain,g ,• i.Providenee - haS ordained it. that only, two women have a. true-interest in thebappiness of a naa . n . —Ais own mother. and,tho mother of his children. Besides These.two legitimate' kinds of lOile f there is nothing , between the two crew= th resieiCept imin.exeitemnt,:painfOl . and idle delusiOn. 'Octave Periillit. • • Lifinito toil would not phobia' you to Sweep away a mist; but by ascending a little you.may 'oftrin look over it altogether. • Soit is with our moral improvement,. we wrestle fie'rcely' With a: vicious habit, which' would haire no hold 'noon us if.ive ascended into a hifiher • moral at.; mosphere. • ' . . , .. GrnAgrin has got •up .a remedy' fOr hard times:. It consists, of tear houri' labor well woiked 'in, . ' . - - ' • . . MILHLY•jIIDOE YE OF . EACH OTHER .111i1,11y judge each'ether,.: , Ile t&Condeaination • 'Tba, very test can baye•their Sianathf Ng gnod,:thelvoiitt can t•fkoa', Tkie. brillitint gun has apota . .:of •. On his radiant frant - they . aayi . • And the clock that never goetli kireake corl'actly . twee a Oay:' ' .• Erery mortal bath las hol..l)yr • may foolish sewn to you, - Bat rorremlior,! • Briglit or simple, toirluvre gut.your Milky t 00... Let it feeling warn you,:: When you criticise Your friend; „Honor virtue in Ilitragtions, ' In yourself vices Mona Think notthoso,,whom thertalalionor Aropii beat the earth aifords,' Foi tie-tongue of toraii(a.dethlaz9n . • Forth the 'deeds' that acid rewards. !ilacre are BIM behind iu ocean,' • :GOod.as ever from it oanio;• Tliere . aro tnen,,unkn . own, as, noble tile,lturelled'heirs of fame. . . . . Mildly kidgO, then, of each 'other, Ile tocondernnation.elow; • • For the trietiatittio their •Sonlethink good the tvorAt can ahi.w; -TUC 41r.hi lilac If has 'bpetc 'of dark nea* Ou his radiant liro,w, they say; • And the cloCk . tliat never goeih 6e:ll:..l,cOrrectly twice,a. day. A Thrilling Roma,nce. ' ' CHAPTER 'CHAPTER 11 COUNTY 5i.110.1-.IPORT i : 31WFd . V.INI: - cOVNTY;...TA.,.I. I . III,TRS.DAY, 4ULII: 21., .180.. ;.,':\' A ,LIST'. OF WONDERS. Among theflioutatids..of marvelous tions whioh American.:genius - has produced, within the. last few years; are the' following corrisPiled in•an - ailstratt from tha .I.atent• office Report. Read the Mover arid ,then say, if, you: can, that there is nothing neW'under:the sun: The •repOrt . expinins , ,the principle of the ; cel cbiated ilobb lock: :.Its conpickbility . ,": do gends upon' a-secondarY or false set of tumblers,, which 'prevent :instruments used `in picking from reaching, the real ones.. Moreoverthe lock. is powder proof; , and may be loaded 'through the key-h'ole' and, fired off till the r- Oar is tired of his fruitless Work; or fears:•that the explosions will bring to view his e?cperi- Ments'mere‘vitoesseS than he'desires: • • Doors acid shutters have been patented that cannot be broken through with either pick or, sledge-ham Mer. The.burglar's , c6c,cuPatioti'a A' harpoon is described ...Which:, makeS the. whale kill:himself. The. more •he pulls tt4 deeper.goesibe harpoon.. An ice-making.machine :has been patented • which Las been worked' by a steam-engine. --7 Id .experirnental trial it. froze several b6ttles of sherry, and. produced blocks of ice the size of a cubic Foot When the' thermometer was op to eighty.degrees.• It is calculated, that every .tun of coal put 'intolhe furnace it will make a' Fiom. Dr. Dales Examin'er's we gather some. idea of the. alue of patents.:'A man. who made a slight improvement initiaW cutters, toofc.a'.modCl of his Machine through. :the westernStates,' — an.l, after a :tour of eight 'inontlis.rethrned.witn:foitk thohsand *flint's. Another. man had a machine to thresh and cleari graih, which; in fifteen - inohtlis; : besold for si . xty:thOtisand.dollars.:.. These are ordinal). - cases—while . sach ini , ehtions as' the. telegriiph„ the"planinemachinn,"and"india.rubber patents, are -worth each." " • Examinet: Lane's ieport.describes new elec trical invent•ions.... A mung.these • is an electri 7 Whaling..aparatus by which tkLa whale is liter ally “shocked to Another is an 'ele;c- • tro-magnatic alartn; which rings • bells aid dis plays Signalsin case of. fire and burglars. 'An other 4.lectrical clock .whichiwaltea'yo . u. Up . , tells you what time it is . , and lights a lamp for you at : any hour you please., .. There ig a "sound gatherer," a sort of huge ear trumpet; to be placed in .front of a locoino-. aye, bringing 'to the 'engineer'S ears all the noise ahead; 'perfectly distinct„..notwithston& ing theimise of the .train. . . There •i's an that picks up pins from a confused heap, turns them around witi their heads up,. a nd.sticks, them: paper's in .•. • , Another goes through the whole process"of cigarmakln,g, taking fit leaves and 'turning:out finished cigars. • • • .. One Machine cuts cheese; another scours kniees; . .another rocks the cradle; mid seven 'or eight take in 'washing and, ironing. ,; - . . • , There is a parlor•charipatentecl:ffiat cannot, be'tiPped back on . Iwo legs;tind . a railway chair that can .66 tipped back in any. position,,with- OUt any; legs at all. : . ..knother - patent is for 'a . rnacbine' that counts passengers in an omnibus and takes their fates. When a very fat- gehticnian gets counts . two and. - chat.es 'double. :There are i'variety of guns patented that load themselves; a fishing line, that adjusts its oWyr, bait, and a .rat trap.,that throws away the eat; and then baits itself and stands . Tinthe‘corder . . for anotlier.• • - There is a Machine., 'also; by . which. a man , prints insted,of writes. his thoUghts. It id played like 'a' piano-forte. 'And, speaking of pianos, it is'estimhted that 'nine ..theu.and .are inade every year in .the'Vnited • States, giving Constant employment to, one thouaand 'nine hundred persons, and eosfiod oviq tWO'rnillions HOWTFRISIIED TIIE DARKEY.—Thai portion of the commimity,'and -Unfortunately they. em brscea::iarge number of all ages slid hothsexeS, :wile are' aCcustorned to indulge, should read the following..effusion Wriltlen . hs Hiawatha, on thedeath.ot an unfortunate colored man who yielded- up the •ghiast in .Philadelphia a day: or two since,•ti victim • to intoxicating beverages. His sad (ate should he a. warning to aII. the .• I. , erisbed thus the'lockleini Darkoy, Peritthed too from drinking whisky, ~ . 'Strychnine whisity„ ilta'rp as, lightning, .. I Ruin•blte andAlinnie'Ridn7- . • • 1 Ktmek-'em-atilt and liaMing'red:nyci,-., . • Such an kill',Mtn at the counttic; Forty rods or any distance, •• Perished thus the wretched Darkey,• • • • • -By imbibing strychnine whisky • . • Sold by , some confounded bumtuer • . At ng), glims,'or:pheni,iT—, • : • • • StryChuine.ivhliky•L-,ehisky stryelitno.,,, men can, tell Whether he • is ,rich, or poor by. turning to hie lt,is . the heart' that 'makes a- nian , He is rich Or 'poor'aCCorci ing to what he.is, not according ,to., what be Destruction is, thb great work and death, the, reat wotkinan . of war.. Only . ,think of,that,.4t s , the, battle of Magenta there . lay dead or gain : in; for breath bn the gory plaintwicebs many. men as some' of Our tionrishing iniaMl toyns• count of inhabitants; 'OnlY. tllin of this, a'n(l ,speali, lightly of the liattle•Aeld if you can.. Vroln .garpo Alont.bly . *#g.,zitio:, ; • STQRY.Ikr Jiist four/o'clock one dazzling afternoon, lirsr Fehrtiary,'..tWo .young. - persons, opposite 'genders, 'took sndtten;posseesion of a neat sleigh : itniflled therrisalvcs : together:in manner intend d to secure as fac.ae pOsSible the, double ad .vantage or coin forting, protection and engaging iippearance; and after , judicious settlement of skirts' and robes on •the one hand, and hat'and lure on the; other, darted bi off, along the smooth and shining roads.of . .Winaton. Clear -and still, and notat ChillingoVasiiheat . phere.- The sun stied all . its splendor : from a, cloudless sky; an d 'the -spotlOss earth radiantly reflected its glittering beams. The two.Sleigh ere .with whom we have to do.agreed'without dehete.thal.no other day so faVorable for their .excursion could have been selected, and in turn 'went into'spaSnis of rhetorical excitement over • the•glories of Winter- 7 4h its:present cheering Not. having . aectistarnetl' themselites to the . aisidtiou s . study. of Nature, they failed-to exact ly interpret tertain: - omens 'which might other: • wise- have interfered with their . .innocent ens thusiasm. Of coarse neither had noticed, the night before, the broad circle of luminhui haze that surrounded •the moon; giving 'warning . of . approaching disorder above. .01 course neither consideredy as they dashed along' heeding only, their own; pleasant fancies, the light clouds which rapidly' rising soniceverspreadthe south 'ern heaveti„ and gradually threatened to. off scurethe decliniiidstim What need had they I t 9 anticipate the, possible interruption of -their apart? . None, certainly. , Thei. was•pleasure: LtieY Brat ihM, - ninetei 4 n, daintily beautiful, and coquettish-by unconquerable feminine in stinct, 1111N1 the hearts of theyouth of ,Wins "ton, and above all, those'lleartsgagiered with 'in the inatilution for the wholesale manufac ; - lure of cleigymen,jorwhich Winston is cele, brated,. with frenzies:.' :The secular ynuth. swore she was an' angel. Thestudentsi : whOso destiny' . 1V11.5 theniogical; did not swear, but, after investigating the- Sub je.ct, and.'finding that angels were' sometimes imperfect and:fallible,.Proclaimed• her divine, end intheir orisons remembered her: . . . In this wiy they satisfied all the-conditions of their - college life. Inside the Vralls'they were divinity students; outside; they were students dFiiivinitp.• • • ' In confidence it may be revealed that Miss • tuey's,highest attribitte's.w.ere in feet:ore mar ls' order. She . was not a bit of:ap angel; ,but sbeWaS what mach better for the purposes, of this world*a charming girl, With . .beauty enough . to . wind golden chains around susceptl hie young hearts, 'and, wit enough to fasten their' • vrth . glistening clasps, Whenever she. chase. • At the sarne time, she was as amiable . as . eould-fairlyibe expected of a spirited'yo,ung womarvvvhb ruledraSubservient seminary with a rode more rigid than any . : the prolessors could . wieldr:she'l;1"118; with all her fiolick.some rOquet rp, as discreet ass. w'ager,.,and she was not' destitute Of good serise, a powerful proof of .which was that she never. wrote her : Time Lucie: Neverthelesi, it is a Melancholy truth that many'of the, maidens OflViniton persist- . • ently yetused.to recognize . those infatuating qualities which by the ruder: creatures. were unanimously accorded her. ~• . .After.considerable period of "supreme sway; Miss Brandon at lehgth sighed, Al'exanderti:ise, for 'something new to conquer.. • • • She fell 'in with IHr. Henry (so christened, but popularly denominated Harry) Langford, fine young :fellow, with no theological -aspire: linnet who bad come 'tip — to Winston:to hiokaf- . ter some long neglected . relation.• Clever and Well dressed; and with a heavenly curl to his hair, he in tereatedAtiss Brandon who forth With rmiled,unon him and baited.her IlirfatiorOlooka with most delicate faieinations, With a shade of surprise, ale Observed that her intended vie... .tim succeeded in reaping the foil .beim ht of the baits, and yet refused to be caught. • Upon this, she becarne shy, and he commenced a promiscuous assault upon the affections of every available young woman he encountered: As soon as it Was • evident that they under- . stood. each other, they began to laugh. • Con-. saltation followed. From laughing at one an other they turned to laughing at Miss Brandon's troop of suppliant admirers. lean and} , to say that the young lady betrayed einificlenee. She • told ,birohow one CspeciatlY devout adorer was continually., quoting Scriptorkpuffs tci her;•and how another, of entomological' turn of. mind; would insist •corriparing her to new arid •ex- - quisitespecimens of ugs. • Then he told her, quite malicicusly, • how precarious, -her rule wts, and cruelly likened her'position to thet Of a keeper in.a. • lunatic asylum, Whose strength lies •in' his cOnitdence that his subordinates , .having, lost their -wits, possess AO power of corn bination among themselyes.to defeat his . plans. OcCasiOnally. Miss Brandon was alittle-tarti sornetimes W. : Langford:was 'a little- rudep but they' estially kept Within amicable bounds , 'and were understood, to be excellent frionds,--notb ing more,! ...;, . . • Not one of Miss Euay's ilevOfaSS:ever thought it worth .while ; tit' lOok .upon . Harri'.iangford with eyes of green indignation, He.was,in no 'Ogroe rapturous about her; shp often snubbed him. An infinitesimal quarrel bet Ween them . . bad once' bedm:cietech.d. Besidei; he was not a.vasident, only :a visitor, :whose oppOrtunities blikreolier 'thot no • two person!, Were :mO're . profoundly convinCed•of theirnbio- Inte indifference to one enother then Mies Bran• :den and Mr.. Langford tkiemeelves. • They had given Much.private.thotight to the,. subject (there . sgi a's no danger!) and Lnd 'Baia& ad theneselves . that . they were, ,as everybody; understood, 'excellent friends --nothing moiel Nevertheless it happened thatMr; Langford Was suddenly 'overconie by, a senSe'orahame hie want Of family feeling in so long neglecting his Winston relations., So he endeavored - to re Pair old errors by . fiequent visits, and eitab lished en extensive acquaintance :hi thejr , neigh . - bothood. He, grew fond of, social gayeties. He . cultivated all Winston At every , impnrtant gatheritigle was, made welcome. , . . At last the. winter , 'eame, and everybody' knows hoW'delightful the , winter ,ii in' a New. ~England country! town, wheie the thermometer. never by any exeestr of , exaltation gets' more that an occasional degree or so aboveo.;when frozednOses are to be Mat at eve ry corner s : 'and' are deenned neither uncommon .nor utOnarrien 7 tal,:while frozen , toes are, actepted . t he light of a luxury( Where ice-cream indis -solublY.associated with breakfast, and where for many.months life is but a pirptual altivem 'Str. Langford,..anxious tO . experienCe• all these joys, came up to Winston in the naiddle.ol Feh- r - tint) to remain ti,vo days, 'bringing,with baggage sullicient".for three• weeks; to . Which term, , after much interchange . or entredity and expomulation, .he .was induced to extend, his • visit. The first' tiro ;he rnet Alias prttedon, he tempted. her:with the suggestion of 'a sleigh . rulei."Said he "A: sleigh.ide 'winter is.Sel dotp atnisa,l'•and w t ts thereupon sharply 'criti cised for -a(kpitting. ilie'.possibi4y . of such a , •,. • . •. . thing at any other . season; However; , Miss Idrandon consented, She would tide with him the itext,ther noon.- • • : : : In the tie.irnino'Dfr•. Ilenry.Lungford gravely inspected the .family. stable, but:found nothing therein. equal to, his own idea of, the trutgnit tide olthe oCeasion, At .the public stable he was more etiete . ssful,'At first be cootemplatett the luxurious magnificence; of a span,: but 'an ibte•. eistible impulse subsequently, induceii .hirn•.to . settle upon a single courser. (One Porse may be'dilven with one hand !) isdilEcuitto agine What - impelled him to !seek. with; such pertimieity as lie did for.lberarrowest sleigh in the collection. • twit hearted.yoting Pair dashed. away, as full oesgood natured glee as, the sleigh.was full of them--antrthey fitted very corripactly.....Miss Brandon, knoWingthe country more intimately thin her, ..ceMPanion . , underiook to point their way,,a manner Of.pro ceetling quite agreeable, in view ol,the.,male :creature's total'igiierance ofl9 . calitieb. They glide on, turning 'hither and' thither; until *ere long they left the clustering: cottages Of Wins top quite a distance behind. Fora while both chattered. and laughed with a vigor that. put, thein in a 'precious glows but by-Und:byllir. Ilenry stopped short, in an. unaccountable mans , - ner, and left 'Miss Lucy, to do ' the!declamatiou; contenting hitilielf • with watAing. the sparkle of her eye, or the. pretty curve 'of her lip; alshe threW. out incessant little 'smart sprin)cles: of femine wit. Presently he observed with wom der a faint..suspicion of a plater .trembling 'through .himi and'iittributed it to their. rapid motion; recollecting similar .sensationg•in.ear lier youth, caused by swimming. must have axiitesied soinething odd in hie countenance, tor, 'of a . tnitlen,',,kiiss Lucy cu.t short her fun,, and subsided into oblivious trennitility.,...-Jtist ode mi Mite aft4i. it flashed upOh ~ 14.1- L ary Langford, 'that 'he : had for the past six months been steadily. atudjminterrupt-, e - dly : occuPied on' making; a. of. himself; ,that the „notion of (texcellent..l.-frieadshin;" 'so far as he and Lucy Brandon were'coneerned 'was utterly absurd 'and 'degrading to.thinlc upon; that the truth was he loved herdearly; and that ha ought to have ltnoWn it liangago., and shOuld, if he had ever before been alone wiih.her,..aS he now Mond himself. :I-laying, settled all this' to his own satisfaction, 4e look Courage - in& a bold step: ' I .l4Liss Lucy" (rathac shakily) . ,, are you com fortable?" • ' r "Oh,. perfe ctly;" ): "Not cold 1" “No, -Now what be wanted was, that- she shOUld say she . Was eold,.and . he considered hiniself . a little ill , used becaase she 11M he ;Would not be bereft , of' his idea; so 'gathering reins in one hand be cautiously disembarrassed the other,, and , sweeplng his arm around the hack ot the,sleigh, caused ,that vagrant her to encircle the big , bundle of buffalo bands gee which confined-the ientle form besiqs . Not a word of remonstrance,, but a silence,dan germisly ominous; ithe had known herently mumbling a repetition of. theipsuiry concerning comfort, etc.; ha permitted 016 urn! to, venture upon a faint stiggestidh of. a squeeze: This, time the face eow sadly ffushedy 'Crime , ratio(' square upon. and disconcerted'him., horribly.:But with desperate impudence remarked quite caieledsli, and looking/earnest ly at a point: in the: n read at the 'distetteeOf half a mile.abelitl , !---tPlease shut , yotir • eYes. minute." • ' • Down went the NA. The calla' wireskt. .First tsiare a bitty/T(4r, •• riprOsielies . , ‘4ry: . limit a d is to diusiloth inti,,of crusbieesisight; then so. laltaitlal:litlle teat,— which . hittbetter have atom! . swan then a dead silenCe. • lilr. Iferity•Langfcied Cris iiorely afflicted. clf she did;riotvitint me to kissher," thought he, "then Why did,shishtst het ,eyesl:"' As tie tophi meke nothing of It; he. endiavored to effect a quiet patification; but all . eticoutag- ' ing response . was . withheld. I Hardly 'a worct • villa vbuelisnfed Jam,. and the fivv. lie' ga were by no tficans of a .charactei to fill .hin . withi.. ruptur ..In the midst of his anxious argument," there - c me a cry !roan . the sidaot the toad. ' Harr . pulled up, and saw a Meraneboi . y. Tad, ing woman.; Itot Vretl.c/att, not strongly framed' atanding; vritlt a child in het arms, by the sleigh.. Sheaslied,how far it. Was to Linville. • . • off ow f or to Linville; Mini Brandant" uiqui .rerillarty i in blissful Ignoisencip. i‘Fpur nnileti"—(rather pettletit) ... • s The woman of melanchaty mein finitiermorei desired to• know 14 direction,. ~rae_it•ltraighd straight on, Miii Bilinclk!ti?" uyi..3 ,l — . otifrond short) Thistugubrious wornanmuirintied a thank and? • the • slelgh :Moved off. . In . about a. minute l..aegford clutched the reins savagely, andlitter-, eil en vcclomatio ' n which havi satisfieit any listener, of his.innoterice of theological' ten'- . Miss ipal.erniited 1!), bead starento, «I think I , am a. btut," . 4uietry rennarliett Mr. tang,ret ! l.-.. ' Miss Brandon.now 'assumed 'an. Ili :of resig nation, as•if expecting tin.apologetic explana. lion of the recent rudenesi. 'She was insep-. pointed, nnil•when.the sleigh begin to ...thin • aboUt., - beearne perplexed. . . • , “That.worpamis going to Linville, , where • ever that continued flurry.' ‘ , Of coins() • .she ma • gliiiniusn't walk,,l'oUr miles through , the snow this Weather. And loaded, down with a Big haby, . • Miss Brandon` exhibited:ii);Wiptoms of unett 7: , siness.• iiirou• are not . "going all, the way lc)! she.. , ..•, • "certainly ,Tam,. Miss Ilrandon'r—and . ..fle. drew up besiAle. the gedestitiar!., oldolorous c‘r diy.not: tree ttertilere. Miss , Brandon, ungraciously;. and the' peer wontan, skrunit back et the words; : ' , . . • .'Harry'e eyes flashed •in a,. very uncivil ner: afraid he said ratherS•roUghiy—"We' will. mike roomy" • springing mit at the Ment, and hurriedly' - lifting .the lachrymose• traveller and her child ' into. his pthee.' .Thrn Without a .word tpiartered himself upon . ,a. section, of flitA y sleiglt'a floor, nod 'drove ahead.. In a' little while Miss . , flrandan. saidsoftly—id think there is remit •up haro,:ltir.:tarigford •.,:«l am very well.ilown•.heie, hoansweredr. and then;in a lovi vnice, leaning ores, toward/ . hertst courttnot haire,thotigke, Affse Flismden, . • Oat. you - would transfer any ptrtor the•resenV. mint' you felt toward me to this unoirending• •and . unfortunaa person." Lucy beg. . • • . . . en to - crt,.,but this new Ithettome; nori.cscaped hie notice; !km'. woman _of leint:. fhl.conntenaree, who .haefil notlifne r Natt Piny itverythingo,Arat on thorns. ' Now here was a .meet , - , nnhappy ,nsinindep- • standing, for Lucy really :deserpedi of.' this good natured, hut too hasty . . Youn g, • Tittiettf 'errant', The fact was that just at the mOment:: whed the. pedestrian epieoda': .to fere,..she.tiad...diricOveirid that.s)tofwas.ruit.irrei- Oncilublyotrendeld, after . all, titirlwas loiigingC loran opportunity' to give a. frackion,. of a hint ,to that effect. • Raving; , after miih.&•Waveri .h eroicly &solved , to, db. Ithia , unfer' thing, she was nature* . iiii cl . tnibo lty,the'iniairup-; : tion.' .Sotke caitee,of her pique' Was not pi all. tintlattering • . • Presently. statibent forwarC erid+ea ' id timidly,. but with ine,tcpressiple - sweetness:: • Woit'e you forgive roe,. Mr. Langfoi4l" H'a'rry loelled,quiekly,ns and saw' one tear glit ening On . the east of his ,nose, and another threatening to freeze Upon her eheiar• Pushed' Deck something that 'cime , nainOitii . into his - , • throa . t; and 'sung out • Lustily:: “Conie now; . cold here, rianitt must haye; a• Aare 4-I,lte.'llefo o- . taloest'.'—andJM:elambiored• Ito, without muck'. • diaturhirig the solemn visaged passenger... • Lucy.dot dfiasrnalitlauglik Before they reached,. Linviße.ft• was clock, and g aowiag ,Jade. 'fetvAutour r flia!ten,„. scarcely noticed; rested 'op° n . the . horeetf • Five initiates more,: and ,they, he'd. deposited' • their passenger at her destinat o t.. Sire fining. oat a profusion,.of a h ye:red liy* ". • The reconciled t yttaino soturtetilioaniewird,T'esc h donhtfoit, :o:• en; etiact Condition. bet' , the usher's . ."the'jr- oona • .versed upon, Very Linville was.elght -ortilo‘s .fromo.WinAteni. they., had'-norar;ainiiii oaterconatiooo' thci( as.it was'-alreakly jam ~ it' would p robably: be iai . er. borne. , Veie' ~&easing, anci* , frivaifitheti)l, this "very soon 'atisiitited'of poiiti s linterest; 'it iteadiligainedt':stringifiqSnf 'gnits or wind came diirgingsioog , been find icy,. and iiiirpfwilv . ..%oliiiineth! . 4bi;t l . l3 ° . ,°:-!0 ° :: . th'faCes•of tine;iiitinewttril . beim): other companion, idr.• Henry- Linegkofil Atooatuittv • MENEM N 0 . ,, IS.