• . -• NEW AtiRICtiTURAL SEtTLRII4ENT: : • TO ALL •WANTiNG•FARNIg • : •-•: )1110•ItARE OPPORTUNITY•IN•A•DELIONT -FUL AND HEALTRY .CLIMATE.'2S 'DOLES OUTI-IRA•ST OF•THILA- • . ' •DELI4IIA, - QN Tar: CAMDEN •• • . . • •, • • ' AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD' , An •. • olkestlitecolisisting of.several :thousands. atres..of ifrorptctizie..toll. hi s heen divided into Farms of'Variotts sizes to suit the purchasers. A popelalion of 50011 C .fifteen.hundretl,: from • • various. parts of Middle States ' and New Edgland have settled' there.the past year, proved : their .placeS, ;•istisetttxoci?ettt. cro)to. The'price of the:land is at thelow suni.:or:frorn. $l5 to $2O: pe'r eere, the soil is of .the best quality for theproduCtiOn of lirbeat,' C4.sn',.Pcaches,Vrapes. Anti' Trtgetithles: IT IS CONSIDERED THE ,BEST :YEW T SOIL IN TELE UNION. •. The placejs perfectly . Seeure fthsts--the destructive. eneto. of the far ther. Crops, o 4 grain,. grass arid fruit are now. vowing. and can be, seen. T3y..earnining. -the place-itself, a correct: udgment e . an'be .. forined of .the pioduetiveness of the; hand.: The terms are made easy to secureltie - rapid iniprOVernent of the land, which is.only sold' fcir:actua The yesulLhas:• been that. Within, the past, year,' some thre6 , hundred houses .hare Anerierected;.two steatry, four'stores; 'some forty vineyards . and .Peach .orchards' planted,. and alarge, ntimberbf other 'imProve- . •' meats, making iti.a desirable and active • plaCe of business.. . . • • . ' THE MARKET, as the•reaclei may perceive frimf its•locatio'n, is • • THE BEST IN , H • . . Produce. bringing double the ptice titan in loCations away from tlie city, and inore' than double the price. at- the'West.. It is knoWn'that theearlfest 'and bestftuits and .vegetables , in 'tiffs latitUde come from NeWJersey, and. are annually exported to.the extent of Millions:, Inlocating here, the settler.has.rnany advan tages, He is iii a few::fiours' ride of the great. cities.of New England and 'Middle:States, he 'is near his old friends and associations,-he is in a, settled country loiters every .improveiOent of. comfort and, eivilizmtion is at ;hand. He can buy every :article he wants at the cheapest price,•and sell 'his •produce. for the. highest, (in the I,Veitthis is reversed,) he has 'schools for his children; divini„servrcq, and *ill'enjoy an alien winter; and delightful climate,• where fe vers are . utterly 'unknoivn. The result of the change upon those 1 . / OM . the' North,, has.gener ally been to restore them to an excellent state of health.' ' . Id the why of building and improving, lum ber-can be obtained at the mills at the rate of slo'to $l5 per thousand: Bricks from' the brick yard opened in . the place, every article can be'procitred in 'the place, good.caixenters are At hand, and there is no' place:in the Union where buildings -rind improvetnents can be' made cheaper. • • .• The reader will. at• once be struck with the advantages here rrresented, and ask himself why'the property has not been taken up before. The reason is, it was, never thrown in the 'market; and unless these statements were cor rect, no one would be invited•to examine.. the land before purchasing. - This all are expected to do. They will-see land under cultivation; such is the e.xtent..of the . iettlement . thut-they' will no doubt, meet perions from. their oivn neighborhood; they wily witness the imProve ments hnd.can judge tbe character of the pop ulation. .If r they corpe - with a view to settle they should .come • prepared to_ stay a -day . or two and be : eady to purchase, as locations can .not held'on refusal.- .. • There are. two. daily trains to .Philadelphia, and to all satthmi yvhO improve, 111 E RAILRAOD COMPANY GIVES'A f:REE . TICKET FOR SJX. MONTHS, AND AHALF-PRICE TICRET'FOR THREE YEARS. THE TOWN OF .HAMMONTON . . . . :In 'connection 'with',the' 'agricultural Settle:. menti.a 'new and thriving, town . has: naturally arisen,..u;hich 'presents t,n6Lieements' to?' any kitid. 'of bu4inese ) portieularly storrs.and ina?titfacto-, riee. , The ShOO briefness could be carried on in this place and market , to goOd'advantage,.also 'cotton business; and manufactories of agricultu ral implemehtsor'Fountleries . for east,' n, at: Wel es... The improvement has been's° rapid as to insure a constant and permanent increase , of huSiness. Toyvn l .lots of a gpodsiie, Nye dohot' sell, small ones as'it would - effect the'improve ment of the place,:can be'hasi at trona y SIOO and. The gammonton-Farntery a monthlk literary and.agricidturril sheet, containing full infOrma ,tion of Hammonton, can be'obfainfid'at2,l cents . Title':indisnutable—warrantee . deeds given, clear of all incumbrariee - when money is paid: Rotite . to tlie land: leave_ Vine 'street' wharf, Philadelphia, for Hrimrnontori by-,Railroad; . at n . M.; - or 4-1 P. Fare- 00 cents,... When there inquire for Mr.,Byrne . s: • Bearding Con voniences on 'hand; Paities had hetter.,stop with• Mr. Byrnes, a principal, until they.. have deeideit f ivii to purchasing,,as he will-show them over the. land in his.: carriage, ,free ' of expense. Letters . 'and applieatiOns 'can be addressed to -Landis & Byrnes, Hatwonton P.. 9., Atlantic Co... New Jersey, M.'S. Coughlin; 202 .S9l4th fifth Street; Philadelphia... Mans and'informa jion.cheerlully furnished. . • • VALSVMVO 1 1:46211. 1 L• • Patented Sept, 9, 1856. • B SMITH . THE WASHBOARD' AND BEATER:. are ,he two first and most natural impleinents ever used in Washing Clothes.' Netwithetand -mg it has. been the study of inventors to .do them away,:and ler that . purpose several , hun-. Bred patents have been issued, yet it haS.been' of no effect. They have failed in their tempt. • Their machines . haveheen condemned and tb:cown away, and the Wash ;Board :and. .Beater again used in ,their stead. This.machin . e.•combines them' together; at tached to'a progressive lever in such a manner as. gives.'great .poWer--to -the :Beater, while either may be 'used av the operator may desire. The motion of .the Beat,r . iF quick and "oast', tbe pressure gentle . and powerfal,-which gives it the advantage overall iother machines, • and is.so decided by competent judges. . • ... Manufactured and sold.at IVlecha r niCsburg, by '• • A: WOLTERS. • Mechanicsburg; Mareh 18; 18 S.• „ • Cabinet . Shop' in Idephnnic§hnrg. • . IVOLTIFJIS respectfully announces 'to the.public that, notwithstanding these hard times, he is manufactuCing 'arid keepi con. stantly on hand_ all kindi of furnitthe, such as 0 F. -••• DIVANS, OTTOMANS, •. CARD, CENTER, DINING AND .13REAkFAST 'TA•RtF,S, CHAIRS .pf all Icinds.'antl style's, Cane add Common, Ready-Made Coffins, &c., of the very best ; material and rriannfa.:ntre. • Struithiwt, Fe1i..25; . 15.58 ' • i.e.'', %, • 7 itAII.?&ONTOV. • , • •••NE IV E NG LAND SETTLEMENT:. ) ABE . OPPORTUNITY.—'T O A.t ; AU WANTING FAI MS-n a healthy place haeitijtrue viilfis. from' Philadelphia, on the .Cindett' and' Atlantic:: railroad, .11ftiviJeriey: An'old estate hai veceritly beereopened for sale and the first' 10,099 acres ,divided tin into -farmi•of twenty acres upwarda.! The soil is of •Oe 'best gnilitylortheprOduCtiou of fraits,.grains; The vrice is $l2 to $2O Per acres, . payable in easy imarter learly in stalments, within, a term 'of four years, with, interest.' •Theterips , are Made.easy r iM order AO insure the rapid impiovernent of ,the land, by enablihg tiery ind iistriolfs. na , n. tebity It is no* being - extensively hnproVed by. good roads, and some of 'the best , citizens .from New England and .the %Middle' States are 'erecting large.linproyarnenta: - It . is .a: scene of :the s gree teat; improvement'oat of • Plielidelphia,. Seventr:five . hOuSes . 'rhave beenl..litiilt in.' four' , months - ,.Praccical farmers, 'anti ..btisitMis' men . from the length -and• brea'dth the.Union' are settling It •is -an important .business place, on accouht of:its - being the MidSt.of•a 'great market. I yery article raised upon_ thiS lertd finds ati immediate 'sale: 'The water' is. excellentoind no:such.thing as fev.erls,knawn,. - - The soil'is a sandy or dlay.loarn, with a clay lvitoin and retentlee,of'inanures,:, Itisfrpe • of : stonestand .Worked. •'lt'abotinds - largely in - the pheSphatesi and'Such is its fertility that from the crops' produced' both upon this land and-thelarge area adjoining Under cultivation, le found not.to' be excelled anywhere in .the, production. of crops 'mast,..adaPted to its The reader may be. well aware that the ear Hest 'and tne,best fruits . vegetables come frem New Jersey, which are -annually exported -to the amountof millions of dollar's.. .The land beside being accessible in:every Way for fertil izers, has . an abtindaat Supply . of the hest . qual ity of muck Manure.. . Lunribet and building materials can be had on the spot at .a cheap price;from themills— Other mills are-now- being Opened; and brickyards 'being started on the ground. • IV person ean put up'a frame tenement' for . present convenience for one hundred dollars: On • account of the extensive" , emigration, this is . the best course to pursue in order to get a place to, live in at first. Carpenters . and buildeisare on hand.to put up houses on the'best terms: . . • • In settling here . 1p emigrant hat many ad vantages. He is within a - few hours': ride of the. great :cities in:.the ;Aid* States:and New England; he -is in -a settled eountry; where every improvement. and comfort of „civilization is at hand;; he is in a- healthy place, •atid is not ,subject; to the . certainty of loosing :the greater Tart of his familY and his Own. health •by. thoie ma)ignant fevers which,make'the. graves of so many 'millions- of the young and. hardy -in far off regions away . from'home and frieads... Be side, he . has a . mildclimate and ah open winter. There arethree .trains daily, to Philallelphia, and to all those who improve the railroad com pa ny . gives a free .ticket. • • .. .Thdreacier will at.once, be -struck With the .advantages here . presented, -and :ask himself why the Property has not been taken up befOre. The reason, is; it . was never` 'thrown. in the miirket; . and unless the statements were cor- Jett; no one would be invited to examine:the, land before 'purchasing. This are expected to . tio. They. Will see the land under cultivation; they-Will meet.. persbnl, no doubts from their. .own neighborhood; they will witheis . the provements, and can judge of . the ,character 'of -the poPulatiott. -Persons should come. prepared to-purchase; as' 'many are .locating, and loca tions-are riot held, on refusal. • • . . . . .. ' The Hammonton Farmer, ' It monthly Literary and Agricultural shent, ccintaining_ full 'donna tion of Hammonton, will: be sent to .each in quirer, and 'can. be obtained at' .25 ' cetna per - ' annum.' • ,Tield: Trariantee deeds . ;eiven, clear, of all inennthignir, pnrrhas none!, is paid:: .qiuti to the. lizialLeaae Vine : iqeit wharf, Philadelphia; for i lltantnth7non byrallroad half.'paSt seven, A.. 112., and half paSt 11.1:; when, ac.ii:e inquire for, Mr. Byrnes.--.rictT. Boardilig.cinivenienees will be 'found. ...:Letters. .and. aPPlicartions '.can be addiessed •tb B.' SoOk . FIFTIT Streei below . Brat-. .nnt,. Philadelphia:Maki • andinlormation cheerfully furnished. , • ' ' 'HOWARD.' '.4S).'OCIArI,!M.IV,. • - . . . . . . . • •••. • PH IL A.D ELPHI k . . • . . , .. . • • A Benevolent Institution, established by special enden , • :meld. for the reliefrof the hick rind distrassed, afflicted ... w ith Virulent and Epidemic diseases.. .• •.• TOllll r r ,ersons.iiiiilicted with Sexual. Diseases, Steil as SPERMATOIIIIII(EA. SEMINAL' WEAESESS, POTENCE, CONOREItiEA, GLEIIT ; SYPHILIS,' the 'vice of Ws:AS - ISM, or SELF:AISUSE, Thtilloivard Association, in view of the awful destruc tionnf human life,..causedby'Sesual 'lliSeases, Mid . the deceptions • practised•.upon the , unfortunate "victinis of . such disnases by (In:mks, several yearS , ngoilirected their consulting surgeon, as a CHA ILI:TABLE ACT worthy of their name, to open a. , (llSpottsnry for the treatment of this Blass of iikeilitrit. in 'all their 'forms, and 'to give iitEDICAL - ADVICE , ORATIS to all who apPIY.h.S leileri with a' ilescri idiot( of their condition. age,. occupation, • lutliltk of life. &c.) and incase - of exireme poverty: to fur= nisi, medicines FILER Ol CIIATtOE.'It ii needless io add that thwassociation commands - the highest Medical skill of the itge,:nurl will furnish the most approved. modern . The Directors, on a review of the peat, feel • 11ssured that their tabors in this sphere lienerolent effOrf ~babe been ofgrent benefit, to the afflicteu, ot.pecialy to the young, and:Alley have resolved to devote , thennielves• with rene w ed zeal to this very impotalmtt much .des•• Just published by_ the Association, a Report on Sperm, •atorrlee, nr Seminal IVanimus; the Vice of. Onanism, Masturbation; or SClf •Abuse,•and other Diseases .of • the Sextial•Organs. by the ertsulting Surgeon •which. will be sent by Mail fin a sealed toter envelope; 'Free of charge, on receipt of two AttillfliOi for postage: - .• • •• Address, for Report freatment,.Dr. GEO. CAL.. HOUN,_Consultii3g Su rkehn Howard Association; No 2 South Ninth - Street, pa, By Order of the Directors. . • - • ' EZRA • LTEA RTIVEL . . aEo:n.lltonit.D; see s , • . . • Arrival' and; Departure .f Mails.. • . • - SMETIIVOItT POST' OFFICE. 0/caw—Leaves every moining.at S o'clock; ar rives-everyeyening'.'.. ' Coydermor,t—Leaves :Tuesday and Saturday . mornings; arrives Monday arrd Friday eves,' Shippeit,-Leaves Tuesday, Thiirsday. and Sat. , 'urday Mornings, arrives Monday, Wednes; day.and :Friday evenings. - • flidgway—Leaves Monday, .Wednesday and Friday mornings; arrives Tupsday, Thurs day and Saturday 'everiings .• . • . lirarrenLeavei Tuesday morn higaand Orives Thursday. avenings.. . '• • . S.. SAR'IVELL; P. M. • • . Stone e . •• THE SUBSCRIBERkeeis on hand feir• sale Stone Coal, .of the best,'quality, at the Grist in Mechanicsburg:. 'Grain of all kinds taken in exchange: • . • • .. GIIORDIS CORIVIN. • _ . . wt e I s t tb ut we a h v a e bi s t c oJ , F r ls L h COD an d WRITE FlSll;bes4les hosts Of TEA at 10 cents.• - • WRIGHT. ,BEsdnuruing Fluid the . . •jj • • ASTOR:II9I,J ' SE STORE. V PEW taaea Boots au.l Shoes to give .itray at . , t,.. • • - . _GOODS ARE.:. :.',CHEAP. TAYLOR'S REGULATOR.. - A.. N. Taylor has now Storc:iho La):gpitSOck . 'of - N . M.' :SU.MMER ..GOODS Ever brtrueet ixlo, lJeis. Cowityi .preseviing NEW/Ai:I.IER ATTAACTRINS..IN EXTENT; .VARIETY,ELF,GAvE;: cpqt 'BEAUTY of design. and Isi ILO flif ARE HERE Nov is the Time To :Select .10m .111 q. ,Largest Stock and Purchase Goods. Odle PRICES ARE DOWN! The go - ods, are Going „DJ' like HOT CAKES on a FROSTY MORNING, And those wli wish '.ta ma de CHOICE SELECTIONS SHOULD CALE..EARLY FIR 31 4 COME; FIRST SEINED' His Immense Stock consists DRY GOODS, Ira E IldlCo Variety PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS VESTINGS, MILLINERY GOODS, LADIES' DRESS PRINTS, LAWNS, LADIES' 'CfrA.LLI & LAWN' ROBES, , Flouncedi at DEBAIZES; at 10 cts • In fact ci . Cotilplete-,AtiOrtmettt of G-0003)S. 10,06 y4s.. BROWN jSHE •. • . • ' 5000 BLEACHED• SHEETINGS. GROCERIES. FL6TIR, • PORK,' '. • • ' SALT, • •• ' . FISH q.i &c., &c HANS at:121:- . ci.. TEAS at 31 etc BOOTS & SHOES, Largest stock Ryer 'offered' in . this section. of country. • Afen'i Kip Boots; a-prifne Women's Calf . Boots, Brogan Shoes,. Women's Gaiters tipped, , Worhen's. enameled 13no.tees. • . In addition to'the'at:ove be, has a large' fivan- . S E.S • -.• IJArnI'AT7:; • .cithcKER.Y ; inzu6s ~-* .iiMEDICI'I\rES, YANKEE' NO N .• • CAPS, Otal 1. • Inds-Nail Rod tiial .1 • • • . • . . .hoop Iron, 'l.. . ' • • Gerinan and Cast Steel,, : • Wash. Tubs and Grain Measures, Patent Pails, Wash Boards; Vinegar, Fluid, Camphene, Turpentine,, AGRICULTURAL. IMPLEMENTS, And a thOusand'other things . , too numerous to mention, which will be sold. • WHOLESALE .OR RETAIL Country. inerchants 'supplied' at as low, prices as they,cnn buy irr New York or 1,1 ny of the eastern cities,'for cash or approved credit: Smethport, June, 15:50. THE SECRET INFIRMITIES OF YOUTHAND - MAT UR IT Y, Just Published, Gratis, ' • AFEW WORDS' ON THE RATIONAL TREATMENT, without Medicine, of Sper- Matorrhea, or' Local Weakness, Nocturnal EMis signs; Genital and NervOus Debility, PreinatUre Decay of .the Systerin,Ampoteney, and Irni)ediu merits to Marriage generally: •-• • :.* BY B. DE LANEY, M. D. - Thd Important 'fact that the many alarming complaints, originating in the imprudence' and solitude•Of youth; may, be,easily removed WITH OUT MEDICINg 3 is in this small tract clearly de monstrated and ,the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the, Author, fully explained; by means of which every one is enabled to cure_titmgm.v perfectly and at'the' least possible cost; thereby avoiding all the ad vertised nostrums of the day. • • • . Sent to any address, gratis and post free in . a s,ealed emielape. by remitting (post paid) two postage4tampi Da; B. DE LANEY, 6S Ewer 31st .Street,• Ntisw yurk City. - HARDWARE Atanufacturers l 11Prices, HAvtin, d N s L t AIi d GE . D MY nk.C'ILITIEg EXCELSIOR. BLOCK; , . . For. keciiing• constantlron haidft rpuel'larger euriply,'andassorttnent of the henvy ••cles.of Hardiyaie geneyaily .kept by . the Jobbing .llOnses,, and having • secured the 'A . ElslCirlef • ‘.• many Manufacturers • . ' including h e : . • • celebrated .• FALL RIVER. NAILS, WHEELER; MADDEN: & :BAKE WELL'S Also :those of IVECH Rc G . TITYITHS and 'other makers, . • . FAIRBANKS RUES; COOKING STOVES, GLASS of all Sim . , Sorts :ad Il.escriptions,. I PROPOSE TO SELL ALL anUfacturers' Prices . . Also I *pose to sell at a Small Commission from .my LARGE and WELL, SELECTED STOCK of' • PINGHAMS,. SHELF Etna ether HARDWARE, In the selection of which 1,-have taken much pains,' having . given my personal , attention thereto. . • ..• . " HOUSE TRIMMINGS,' COTTON YARN, 0.:,..T.....0...:...7'..-$ .". C . O,OKING and PARLOR of every desirOle CARPENTERS', MILLWRIGHTS' Of the'rnost approved 'Alanufacture:, P . EdK AXES, SPADES, PITCHFORKS, TUBS, LEAD PIPES, an4 LAMPS f0r . .91L, CAMPIIENE, FLUID, rind My, moth) is: The Largest Sales of the very BEST . GOODS at the. LOWEST Re munerative-Prices Insures the Largest Profits to the Seller, fuinishes the Buyer with the Cheapest and Best Articles, and gives the best satisfaction, LIBERAL 'DISCOUNTS WILL 11E - . MADE If people will pay higher prices for no better articles at Other place's, shall. be their- own fault and not mine. : • In connection with the above, I - am able to supply, on short notice: - .SHEET-IRON -. 4. COPPER' WORK Having'in Iny .employ Competent and .exiieri eneed workmen, whose work has never failed to giVe satisfaction. • . • • O..V.I3ATISE, . • • PROPRIETOR, No. 2 ona-3 Excelsior. Plock • Glean; .Fay 185L',.. • • • • N° & 3 oLr.AN, liUßlll,ll.and LEITIIER-.IIELTINU, STEY . AITS .(uoncelled) '?OPULAII THE Al39V6t ARTICLES AT Pattern BL46KSMITHS! 410 MASONS' TOOLS, MATTOGIP; RAKES, BUCKETS, WHEgL,33ARROW3' PUMPS, KEROSENE TO DEALERS ALL.KIND§ OF New Arrangement. LOW PRICES RULE! , J. E. 13 W , HITE EAS . .ATz..,IIJS S STORE ) . .OPIE .POOR . EAT. Or THE • ASTOR HOUSE; A LARGE . . AND. COMPLETE q. - "ft - 0:.C,: - .,1r4 1 .R...i - V .5...; p 13,.:4 - ,) v.l $l9 - .N.S::; Which Ile . ititeiidp 'to sell_ at ..pr'ice's .which mill Defy. Competition. Y. HAVE ADOPTED! THE • .- • • READY-f AY• SYSTEM • And can assure, thO public tbere.ii one • - place to buy goods yviiii r i, I,bOie is .:.• ' NO JOCKEYING ; ..• • - Where you can scnd•you orders; and yciur Cash and Goodi Cheap:l4' . .".. • Osugh'ypu•Ca - melyournClf.- • • . • SUGARS, from 9.1=2 to •`l5 cO,, GOOD.MOLASSES,: 50 eta, STUART'S SYIWP; GREEN AND BLACK TEA, SPICES cf all kinds . , SALERATUS 8 cts., A fesir;more.chests . :ot that; 41 et; TEA, • TOBACCO of all kinds, • • RAISINS; • , NUTS, And in fact everything usually. kept. in a Grocery . Store. . FLOUR, PORK & SALT S N HAND NEW LIVERY, STABLE IN. TOWN. • THE, SUBSCRIBER annotinceti.to the. pith :die,that he has established a Livery Stable in the Borough of. §metlmort.. It is' located on Main Street, a few ri,dsbelowMichnnie street, and embraces n well selected Stock. Single and double horses end • cerriages; furnished: at all times, at IoW. rates, with or NV;ithollt drivers. .The proilrietor .keeps. none but sound and go . tle horses, which arelterfectly reliable and fee from feult.or trick.. • With an extensive experienee ness, and a determination to please his ci~sto= mars, the proprietor solicits the patronng.e of the puhlic; PAINTS g . nriethpo'rti April 28;'2850 THE SIDE HILL. VACATED. B. F. WRIGHT ANNOUNCES TO THE PUBLIC THAT HE klA§ REMOVED TO TnE . ASTOR - HOUSE STORE, WITH lIIS LARGE STUN: 6R.0 CEN/E. 8 4 , h•c;, W,h re: fie' Offers at Wbolepale or: tait SUGARS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS SHOVELS .GREEN,: BLACK ImppiiA . l. TEAS, op DIFFERENT GRADES, EIJASTED,AMIUNk JAVA AND ElO. PUFFEF, PAILS, SiltUt'S' 4i 6110..G.ISSES, RICE,: • SOAP,' STARCIL ' CANDLES, RAISIN!, FRUITS, NUTS, .12IINES, TUBING BAKING r(rAtEns, CODFISH AND MACKEREL, rfrar,...roi•k; ilam , . plinth" ; .E. 4. WOOD AND WILLoWI3.V., . . . . - Boorrs_illia.snams, •,Together wi!h;a' large assortment of all: kiwis 01:Qoods kept • a Grocery 'Store, which he offera,to sell forßeailir Pay at, the.loweat mar ket price.. , • . • • B. P. WRIGHT .Smethport, June Ist, 1859. ' - Preg't J.udge—jton. 11; .. G: White, •IVellsiioro Tioga . •," . • 4siriciate 7 1-1qn..1:-. Aarline t Smatjktort, Hon. S.: Helnlei . ,Hr,adeord. • Sheriff—Josephi,Morsei Smethi)ort.' Prothenetiiry---samtiel C. Hyde, Smet.hporG IZegister and ree'order,-- 7 C.. K. Sartwell, Stneth- port. Treaseer•er, pro:tins.)-,-Enos Parsoits, Bradford. Co-mnsi.trioner:arLDanfel. .r. Keyeq, Eldred, W. J. Ccilegroye, :Nereon' - • Ceres: . domnii.aiotteri' R..Chadveroli, Sin'eth: Areflitors-'-B.• C. Corwin, SmetlipOrt; V. P Carter,• • , • • , - District AtiOrney,—Warren Cosies, Smelhport Coro,irr.--Jarnes Bond, Lafalietie: • . . TIN, CHURNS- and•lapannetiNfare . , Stove ripe and Tin Cat ifojes at VIASCOS., STOCK OF CAMPHENE, TLUIA :T. HANES AT LOW PRICES, WHITE FISH, County Directory HINSDALE `MILLS' FEED; .AND MEAL D : ',.:*-,...:.i ;: . :.:*: . :5 - : . ,.:.it D':: B• :MATHER would in forin 'the' pitbl4; o that he tuts permanently .establjahed;in this place, and will. keep constantly harid: large quantitios'ot" . - ;,. Fliio*.i . : . Veo*.:4..: - Moii - ; For sale by ~the load or..snialler:qu!*titiesi SHORTS AND . MIDDLINGS, P. 0..:R K. By" tlio . barrel or potind, FLOUR: : AND. SALT '.33y the barrel or eacii;. I &All: . end Fish; White Fish, Mackinaw. Trout, alolasstes,. Syrup; .11•ittegar, The Best TL'A. in Town, COFFEE CANDLES RICE , STARCH ' TUBS, PAILS, CANDIES AND NUTS, And avery7dcacriptiOn - of Family 'CiraCeties s which wiltUe sold at. • • • '.•'• .. . BETTER BARGAINS . ... • .. To "purchasers , than can be had at'atiy •other establishment in the , cotiniry. •-• , ::• , HEAVY. BUYERS And 'others may rest assured that thay will be supplied with • ' . SUPERIOR • ARTICLES AT THE .LOIIWST CdSli JMITES. Call at the “Old Cash Store," one door Vtee ' t +Of •th.e. Astor. House building, and get Abe Woith of-your money. .• ' , , . MATHER. Smethpart, May 2'4, •lISTCIk•IETTERS, FehIVIAININU in the Post: Office, at Snieth port, July' lit, Arnold Sarah,. Lycins S. T. Iltirly William; . Moran Matt ' - Besse Louis E. - Match Henry r ••• Clark& C. • • Muloany Miss Jane , • Evans Charles' • . Maggs John Newton T. M. 'Roche Orren Schmidt Charles 3 Stone Samuel Short Miss L. E.: Shaw William S. - Evans B. E.. Etienne E. AT Jabez Hnll P.T. Loghry. J. S. • Langton J. L. W.. Jones G.; . • . Persons'enquiring for tinfof the Oove let saY gcadvertiiied:" . • • • .S.; SARTWELL , Elaxclivare Stare, OPPO,§i TB EXCELSIOR :BLOCK,' OLEAN MllEsubscribers offer to thecitizens of Olean and vicinity, a Inrge and, well selected stock of: Hardware, at prices that cannon fait to sait the purchaser.. IRON: AI !Repeal!, English, Swedes, RODS: • Yolveniaii;.cail,aud:Siiikc• NAILS: fat,lls A FULL A,SSORTMENT OF - CARPENTER and 111114iLWRIelliT 1CO:OCS, 'Besides A 1 E IN lINDS - Sash, Glass; Pai&ts, Oils, Varnishes, CaIRILLIGIE COODS, ENAMELED CLOTH, 13ROAD CLOTH, : DAMASKS, SPOKES,:. ~•BOV`4 , SPRINGS, ARLES; AND A LARUE QUANTITY OF Table and Pocket Cutlery, AtiENTS FOR TILE BOSTON BELTING CO., . IiEATIIEB ANILBEIJTNG - • . 'IIIIICN WE OFFER AT :,.• • "Nr4iscvtfAurtjrzur. ,, s. MILL, CIRCLE, HAND AND CROSS OUT.SAO9B, thu cerebrated Fnotory of Itilxo,ckor',Dll44en' . , PITO!' 'AND CANT:34 . BLAIMISMITEI TOOLS. DRILLS, PIONS, StIREW , PLATAS and A t Nt.ILS. FARMING' UTFNSILS,' , FORKS, RAKRS,, SOTTIIES;' •.• • .MAN UFA/Dr:MEP QF . .• • . . TIN; . SKEET . : IRON AND.OOPPEIL . .• STO vEs ,OF ALL , PATTERNS,: , • ,• . „ ; WITIL:00K AND, PAUL:OIL.; "• . We respectfully sollolt.a share. of ' Your 'patrenas.' ;— ',* Give us a call before purelutiing elsewhere: , ' . • • • A,AIS-84 , C 0... • TO THOSE WHO 'OWE . ME' Ai.L who ere indehted:th". ihesiihileriher for work are regdested , „td'cia , dritiriethately end *tide their ececinnts; n'wthtywill thda 1111ve. the rnielyis . troufile and 11fichenicisberg,' , Inne WI; 'A takOiri:! , :i T 00K on the map, ofthe rr.nito**o I—l - then look in tathe eldniand of 'end' you Will 'find the niu-vit,, • . FELLCES,